There's never a good reason to be in the Fire Chief's office all day unless you're in TROUBLE.

Received via Email 04.25.11  Our quick thinking mayor has come up with a new idea. If you folks would only contribute $2,500.00 to my general fund, I will give you all a $1,000.00 raise. If you dont fall for this, you get a Damn bye your name and then he sic's J.O. on ya. But dont be alarmed because JO really cares about you and will not miss a chance to make sure you think twice about sidestepping the Mayor.

Received via Email 04.25.11  Well well well, I see that the close call with rescue 11 has now been upgraded to recommended reading on the Near Miss website. Hey wait a minute, Near Miss, aint this the same program the asshole Bill Frain thinks is a waste of Union dollars to send out to keep its members informed? I'm sure it must be something different since what the union sent out was supplied at no cost by the system, but then again, this would not be the first time that Know Nothing Bill Frain was wrong. If Frain supported his Union with just a small amount of sweat instead of lip he as well as the rest of us would be better off.

Received via Email 04.29.11  All rightie, get ready to hold on to your asses folks cause the city is coming for them. The Mayor has made it clear that there will be no special favors when it comes to cutting personnel and now Ass Chief Wimberly has followed that up with SPFD's own version of we don't care either and we are going to start early memo. In a nutshell, no more overtime, no more minimum staffing, no more fire protection, and of course the best one, no more supervision. Now this is the place I always looked forward to working for. I cant understand why the new girl chose to leave so soon. Doesn't our Admin people tell our new hires that it wont get any better? I feel sorry that they were duped into thinking they were special, especially the 4 that were hired 2 months earlier than the others for fear of losing them to another department. Just goes to show how little SPFD and our Mayor care about anyones future. I can't even begin to think what the citizens will be saying when they somehow discover that their neighborhood fire stations are closed, in order to keep the dog park open instead. I myself will be spending more time at the city pools because that is where its at.

Received via Email 04.29.11  Please dont forget that these same individuals get to use these same cars on weekends and holidays to bring their families back to town to visit with the grand parents and friends. Oh yeah, do these vehicles have toll cards or stickers (sun pass) for them as well? This is truely the way to show your workers that dont know if they have a job come October 1st that you really really care. FTM's, FTM's, FTM's, FTM's, FTM's. FINO's too...

Received via Email 04.30.11  Firefighters are considered a necessary EVIL until our help is needed. Then they all cry a different tune when they are in trouble and we are the greatest on earth. Well, now it is time for some of the ones that like us to stand up to these idiot politicians who have no common sense when it comes to public safety. Heck, most of them were or are lying attorneys anyway. Go Figure.

Received via Email 04.30.11  http://www.postonpolitics.com/2011/04/big-changes-planned-for-pensions-not-so-big-after-all/

Received via Email 05.09.11  So tell me... how is it that Feinberg gets to keep his new helmet but the rest of us get bupkis?  Let's just call this place DSFD (Double Standard Fire Department)

Received via Email 05.09.11  Like you figured it would be differant for you? ya wanna keep it? It must have gotten lost in the service truck enroute backto the shop after that last shift!

Received via Email 05.09.11  I guess that if you dont care what the punisher sez you just do what you want. It sure would be funny if they reduced his last pay check by the amount necessary to pay for it. Hey maybe they will write him up again and he will grieve it like everything else.

Received via Email 05.09.11   Wah,wah,wah.  Feinberg gets to keep his new helmet.  I want to keep MY new helmet too.  I'm telling Jimmy and he'll get my helmet for me.  I'll tell you what.  I have a helmet from when the men in the fire service in St. Petersburg used to not have it nearly as good as you do.  We had the same problems and the same scabs and the "out of the same mold" asshole mayors, city managers and such.  So you nor anyone else who mans those trucks today has broken one ounce of new ground when it comes to working conditions.  My first shift they handed me a borrowed fatigue jacket and a helmet and pointed to the tailboard and said "If the bell rings, you ride there and catch the hydrant".  Today the city povides the most state of the art safety gear and you have the balls to bitch about it.  You need to get a grip on yourself, youngster.  But back to the point.  Feinberg got to keep his new helmet.  Damn !  Now that's something to get upset about.  Who gives a flying rat's ass.  It's his helmet.  Let him keep it if he wants.  How does that damage you?  I didn't get one of those beautiful framed fire axes like you will when you retire.  And you know what?  Not everyone on the job will think you deserve that axe.  But you'll get it anyway.  You don't think Feinberg deserves to get his new helmet.  How petty is that and you should be ashamed of yourself for even making that stupid damn statement.  But so that you don't feel left out and to help mop up your alligator tears I will make you a deal.  I'll give you a helmet from three decades ago.  Your dumb ass won't like it because it has no liner.  And you'll be REALLY upset when you see the name on the back.  Now shut your ever screeching pie hole and do your job and find some work that will benefit the Local and not stir the pot all the time.

Received via Email 05.10.11  05-09-11 #4: Is it one of the plastic helmets that we used to have?

Received via Email 05.10.11
Someone sent me this Largo email and I thought to myself,,, SELF, I KNOW WHO CAN HELP HERE.  But I don't have Mike Blank's phone number or email address. Mike, they're having union troubles in Largo. If you could advise them on how to get along better or where they can pull a 1/2 million bucks out of their ass it would sure help cuz the union's obviously at fault for not playing ball with the chief

Chief Chat

On Tuesday May 3, the City Manager presented to the Commission his proposed budget for 2012 (Starting October 2011). The budget recommends no increase in the amount of money the City takes in from property taxes. Even with the same income there are expenses that are rising such as insurance, electricity and fuel costs. Bunker gear costs have gone up and the price of engines has gone up due to the new emission standards (almost $14,000 in the last two years).

The City has to cut two million dollars in spending just to cover the rising costs.

To achieve a two million dollar reduction city-wide, the Fire Department is closing Rescue 39. This rescue is a stand-alone ALS unit used almost exclusively for EMS calls. Pinellas County EMS has never funded this unit and has consistently maintained that there is no need for a second ALS unit at this fire station. The County pays for the one paramedic on Engine 39, the citizens of Largo pay for the rescue. The cost of the rescue is over $565,000 every year. The Commission agreed that the City is subsidizing Pinellas County and that the service provided to the County residents is fully paid for by the tax payers of Largo. Although I would like to continue to provide this higher level of service, the City can no longer continue to support the County's EMS system with Largo tax dollars.

As fire chief I have a responsibility to the entire community we serve and to the City of Largo. In order to avoid layoffs, I have not replaced anyone who has left the organization in recent months. We now have 7 vacancies and two employees who will be leaving us in early 2012 at the end of their DROP period. This totals nine vacant or soon to be vacant positions. Six of these vacancies will cover the closing of Rescue 39. Three additional positions were eliminated from Squad 41 last year. The positions remained filled since we were successful in obtaining a grant which delayed the reduction for one year. That year is up October 1, 2011. It is hoped that a mutually acceptable collective bargaining agreement can be reached which will allow the City to retain these three positions. The Commission has agreed to this if the savings can be arrived at in a mutually agreed upon way.

Effective immediately the department will no longer pay overtime wages to keep Rescue 39 in service. There was clear direction at the meeting that the closure of the rescue is an acceptable reduction. We will retain an engine at 39 and an engine at station 43.

As fire chief I take full responsibility for this budget reduction. I am ultimately the one who decides how to manage this department and I take full ownership of the reductions and the impact of those reductions. It is not the easy thing to be responsible but it is the right thing.

Michael Wallace

Fire Chief

Received via Email 05.10.11   I love it, I take full responisibility for leaving my fireifhgters short handed because I cant continue to fight for the money to keep the citizens fully protected. But then again this is what they voted for and continue to tell the legislators that they want more tax breaks so this is what I am left with. I wonder will this maddness ever end? It wont be to much longer before we start looking for Ask Gary to put his advertising on the sides of our vehicles.

Received via Email 05.10.11  Life is always easier when you just learn to give in. When you do, they offer a choice in lubricants.

Received via Email 05.10.11  What everyone's talking about is the fact that we were all told that when we retire we CANNOT HAVE THE NEW HELMET. Apparently the rules are different for the chief's closest buddies. MTB, you getting one too? I mean, you're a special case. You work your 52 hour week and then you get a guaranteed 30 hours of OT to work the fire inspector gig. Jimmy Large, if that's not showing favoritism I don't know what is. I'm calling the mayor's action line to let him know that you aren't saving for a rainy day like you should. And you wonder why you have so few followers. Sheesh.

Received via Email 05.10.11   Yep, it's one of those.  It's beat up and scratched, the liners missing and the chin strap is worn down but it did it's job while I did my job at extinguishment and overhaul.  I'm sure that this helmet would do the same for you.  It just wouldn't look as cool when you wore it on the truck.  But it's been in and out of the doors many times and it means a lot to me.  So don't think I offer it lightly.  Besides, you will be having a really beautiful axe bestowed upon you for being a fire fighter for all those years and it'll come from the men.  The helmet, and damn little else, would come from the Chief and the ungrateful public.  Which one would you rather have?  A helmet that was given out of necessity with very little emotion or a framed, under glass true fire axe that came from the Union made up of the brothers and sisters you worked with.  Um . . . uh, wait a minute . . . sorry.  I guess I made a mistake.  The members no longer want to give the retirees a fire axe upon their retirement.  That's kinda sad.  Well, I guess you better get down to the Chief's office and assume the position or you won't get ANYthing to comemorate your being here.  Maybe, just maybe, Winnie can negotiate for helmets for everyone.  I gotta better idea.  Call up that brother who's running for President and tell him that's the first thing you want him to negotiate for once he's elected.  After all, those helmets can't be handed down.  Head lice and stuff you know.  So what are they going to do with them when the owner retires?  Shitcan them?  Maybe.  But it is a large probability that if you're nice they'll give you yours.

Received via Email 05.24.11  Well, has anyone hacked the chiefs and mayors computers at work and home?  I mean if they are going to play dirty so will we.  Maybe someone can contact wikileaks and have them help us.
TEAM:  No.  But we've got our eye on a glory hole or two.

Received via Email 05.29.11  BS? I guess a certain Captain out west isnt going to pay too much. 2 group 2's 1 group 3. Lieing. Yet he still ends up the acting DC? WTF? Wonder if he fobbed in then?

Received via Email 05.29.11  Has anyone noticed what's going on here? If you don't check your email you get dimed out. If you check it but don't open every one of those damn things, you get dimed out. Don't access your Teleshafting and you get dimed out. Get behind on your Target Slavery and throw a wrong date in for hydrant testing and you get dimed out. Take a physical with a company that by law can only issue a piece of paper saying GO or NO GO and they break the law and dime you out without your permission. If you don't take a physical but do get a mask fit check, if your personal Dr. sends you to Lab Corp. for your physical, the results of your blood test is sitting at Fire HQ waiting to dime you out. How about the union officials who took a physical in Tampa just to try it all out before the city even contracted with Life Scam? You guessed it. They have the results of those free physicals that were taken privately and  supposedly non of the city's business. And now we wear air packs whose greatest feature isn't the fresh air that you breath from them but the software onboard to dime you out.

People. A good sci-fi writer couldn't make this shit up. FTM FJL FJW FSK

Received via Email 05.31.11  With all those dimes you'd think we could have enough to get a raise.

Received via Email 05.31.11  boy you dept. sucks (late entry)

Received via Email 06.01.11  Who would want to work for a dept like that. FORGET IT. Many good ones still out there. To bad St Pete aint one of em.

Received via Email 06.01.11   "FTM FJL FJW FSK"  I like that more than most everything on this page. EFF Them All.

Received via Email 06.02.11  "FTM FJL FJW FSK" Hilarious.

Received via Email 06.04.11  Firefighters union says Dunedin denying promised retirement benefit

Received via Email 06.15.11  Bullshit, Lg.,Nite,Blank, prince, the list goes on, and on...


Received via Email 06.16.11  An interesting new Hats off award came through todays interoffice mail run, honoring Lt. Terry Barber for using his knowledge and hands on 1 man CPR compressions and mouth to mouth to save the life of a man that suffered a heart attack and went into full cardic arrest. A big round of applause to Terry. Now for the reason that I choose to place this in the BullShit area. Terry had to do all of this because according to the story there are no AEDs located in the part of the building where this happened. Just continues to show that there aint nothing deemed good enough thats worthwhile having, to be on hand for our city employees.

TEAM: That's not nice!

Received via Email 07.01.11  Must be nice that you can be off when ever you like in hq. Everyone off today, and we have units oos and people being mandatoried. 

Received via Email 07.01.11  You just follow the rules. HQ doesn't have to follow the rules and don't you forget it.

Received via Email 07.01.11  15 out of 43 hq personnel were off today (Fri). How come there are no claims of a sick out being brought forth here? Hey JD did you know you could operate with this many less people? Looks like the Mayor needs to take a look see before your next budget gets approved.

Received via Email 07.04.11  I do believe I've just been censored.
TEAM:  It's only because we've been told that the one you were picking on tends takes things to heart that he reads here.

Received via Email 07.04.11  None of the HQ chiefs working today, but many mandatory overtime medics who had plans already made with their families are working. What a friggin piece of crap department. Care nothing about families, including income or time off. Used to be mandatory for hurricanes only. But now it is every day including weekends and holidays. Work slaves work. And you know it will only get worse. Oh, happy 4th of July. Hope you chiefs are comfortable at home stuffing your fat faces while your hardest workers are working yet another mandatory day.

Received via Email 07.04.11  ST Pete do you want to have a great fire dept. Then hire more people to cover the vacancies with some extras for the time off people like all the other great fire departments across our nation do. But no, at st pete, they like screwing their employees and not allowing some of them to spend their holiday time off with their wife and children, so they just mandatory them to work. Why, because they they just do not care, for you or your family. If they did, they would do something about it, instead of sitting their fat asses at home and stuffing their faces. VCF

Received via Email 07.06.11  WOW...I'm getting credit for some good shit on here.


Received via Email 07.19.11  How come in the mayors plan for the budget of Tampa there are NO layoffs in there?  But our Great Frisches Big Boy says he is going to have to lay people off.  Maybe he can study under the Tampa mayor.  Also. is there anyway to have Greco run for Mayor here in st pete.

Received via Email 07.20.11  Sounds like Big Boy wants to be the first in the area to be able to say, "We've been overcharging our taxpayers for years, and I am now sitting on a half billion dollars!!!! That's right folks $500,000,000.00 MILLION DOLLARS squirrled away at your expense.

Received via Email 07.20.11  No there is no way that we could ever get someone like Greco to run for office over here, as not enough of OUR Union members would get out to support him. Kathleen Ford is proof positive.

Received via Email 07.21.11  that true.  We will always have a corrupt mayor and administration at the helm.

Received via Email 07.22.11  Here's an idea.  Why doesn't someone ask a Tampa fire fighter what they do to assist their candidate in winning an election.  Ask them how many of their union members get off their ass and work for the candidate.  As members of the SPF&R it seems we think that actually getting involved in politics is below us and we'd rather not get our hands dirty.  Making signs?  ewww !!!  I don't have time for that menial shit.  Take a hint from the people who know how to get it done.  And try it on this side of the bay.  Otherwise, if you don't have the stones, shut the hell up.  You're just preaching to the choir.  Talk is cheap.  But no one can talk a candidate into winning elections.  And a shameful loss like the one Kathleen Ford took is a perfect example.  With just a little more effort by us she may have won that election.  However it's a given that next time there should be less talk on both sides.  The cops are grinnin' their asses off at how easy it was to get Big Boy elected.  Meanwhile we're eating shit and not a Big Boy hamburger in sight. 

And then this;  It's a given that brother Blank has no prayer of winning an election for president of Local 747.  Another poster was right when he said he wanted to hear what Blank was going to do not how poorly the current president was doing.  It's pretty clear from the past accomplishments of Winnie that we would lose a vast amount of knowledge, skill, and willingness should we be so stupid as to change horses now when times are the worst.  Keep in the back of your mind that most Locals of any stripe have a president who doesn't "work".  And every year it gets more demanding that he or she spend more time away from the job site.  Pool time and donations are commendable by anyone's standard but that method is actually horse and buggy.  Today's president needs to put 100% of his time into representing his members.  Unfortunately that will not happen here since not only the city but the members won't allow it.  Consequently the president of OUR local works with a severe handicap.  Instead of being supported by the members he's damned by the members for not being on duty at a station rather than tending to union business.  It's time some of us wake up and realize that this is a profession and not just a job.  We've almost all had a second job at one time or another and if making money by working for someone else on your days off is your primary reason for living. . . then have at it.  But this profession requires that you dedicate the majority of your time and effort in helping improve it.  Undermining the president and always badmouthing the union is not how you show support.

Dick Tully

Received via Email 07.22.11  "Today's president needs to put 100% of his time into representing his members.  Unfortunately that will not happen here since not only the city but the members won't allow it.  Consequently the president of OUR local works with a severe handicap.  Instead of being supported by the members he's damned by the members for not being on duty at a station rather than tending to union business"
To Brother Tully, I wish you were still with us on the job. Your wisdom is beyond mosts comprehension.

Received via Email 07.22.11  I disagree with a lot of things you say dick, but you are right on in your last comments.

Received via Email 08.05.11  Seems to me that a lot of folks want to bitch and complain but we never seem to get enoungh  time for a meeting and if you want too run against the president why haven't you attended any meetings to even have a clue what the hell is going on? Seems like the same people attend the meetings and have some core of what needs to be done.  Now lets get new sheets on the bed and get comfy!

Received via Email 08.05.11  It is appearant that The Mayor has once again ORDERED that the Chief regain control of the Union leadership. It is appearant that the Mayor is quite embarrassed that the Union leadership can get the results it does simply because the Union leadership knows when the city is wrong and proves it. The Mayor does not like having his staff of 25+ hired guns stifled by that bunch of low life Union leaders. 

Received via Email 08.17.11  Seems that Michael "I do anything to be loved again" Blank, has changed his stories a little since the beginning of his campaign. While he still has no idea what he is talking about, he has changed from, I will have a lot of Chiefs and such providing me with all the shovels I need to bury the Union forever, to now telling folks that he hopes that he will be able to turn to Winnie for his guidance and leadership. WTF? Why would anyone say they are going to seek guidance from the very person they are currently smearing? If the guidance is there and can be trusted then why do we need a change? Hey Michael, is it getting hot yet? MTB is also telling everyone that he is not interested in more than 2 terms. Wow lets attach our wagon to a collapsing star, so we can be suckered into the black hole that is imminent. Michael, do what you do best, DROP OUT NOW!!!!, while you still have someone in office that will fight for your and everyone else 24/7/365.

Received via Email 08.17.11  Are you folks kidding me? Mike Blank couldn't secure the backing of President Feinberg back in 2001 when Rick decided to step down. This was the period that Mike was then the Secretary Treasurer during Ricks tenure, Instead he supported another. Rick knew that Mike Blank wasn't ready then while being involved. Now we are to believe that after an 8 year break he is ready to come back great guns and full tilt into the wind to turn things around in a 2 year term. Oh Boy this is better than any Mystery Novel written to date.

Received via Email 08.19.11  Blank isn't mature enough, or has any personal beliefs to lead anyone. His is morally corrupt, incompetent, and a FINO by word, action, and his deeds past and present. To those that take his side? WTF are you thinking? I bet you like Sarah Palin too.. FTM

Received via Email 08.19.11  Mike the Blank for nothing. His last name says it all, just ask him a question and look and the stare you will get before an answer appears. Its like turning over the old majic 8 ball and waiting for the answer to float to the top. You folks that felt sorry for ole Mike, did not do him a favor. The job of a labor leader is no longer that of the annual popular Volunteer Fire Chief position.

Received via Email 08.19.11  I agree with you until the comment about Sarah Palin, got a question for you how is this obama thing working for you?

Received via Email 08.19.11  Mayor Froser is trying to make a killin here. He pushes out the $100K punisher and is now going all in on the simpleton Blankster. Wow what a concept screw everybody and pocket over $40K in the process.
TEAM:  Not to mention the savings realized if we throw EMS out the door because of the recent vote by the County's EMS Advisory Committee to gut our program.  Now we don't need to push an EMS chief out the door that we don't need.  Funny how some things just seem to work out.

Received via Email 08.22.11  Hey 8/19 #3. It doesn't matter how I feel about OBAMA, it's the fact that MB spins shit just like Palin! You honestly think Palin was a viable anything?? FTM-Tea-Baggers too! I support whoever works for the Union brothers,sisters, and our families. Be it a D or G, or an I.. What's best for us...Try and visualize that..

Received via Email 08.22.11  The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.  -  Ronald Reagan

Received via Email 08.23.11  And Ronald Reagan suffered 7 of his 8 years in an alzheimer filled fog..* Oh yeah Reagan was a serial tax raiser. As governor of California, Reagan “signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state up till then.” Meanwhile, state spending nearly doubled. As president, Reagan “raised taxes in seven of his eight years in office,” including four times in just two years. **During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.” *** one more for you sheep,Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping, and funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. Reagan funneled billions of dollars, along with top-secret intelligence and sophisticated weaponry to these fighters through the Pakistani intelligence service. The Talbian and Osama Bin Laden — a prominent mujahidin commander!

Received via Email 08.24.11  If you ever wondered what the people in this town really think about their police officers, read the comments at the bottom of this article  http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/st-petersburg-police-chief-city-needs-armored-vehicle-like-other-law/1187370
TEAM:  We quit about half way through.  Thanks.

Received via Email 08.24.11  In the mean time, Obama has added FOUR trillion to the national debt and TRIPLED the deficit.  It's time to hope for more change.

Received via Email 08.24.11  And that is ONLY in 2 1/2 years!

Received via Email 08.25.11  4 more years! 4 more years! Hey clueless, lets tax the rich, that never pay anything. And don't say it kills jobs if you make the super rich pay their fair share. Damn, even Warren Buffet the richest guy in the US says, taxe ME MORE. The more you try and discredit Pres. Obama, the worse your old Dubya, and reagan are.. FTM-and the tea baggers

Received via Email 08.25.11  hey 8/24 #2 if you look at cost then vs now R.R's dept increase dwarf's Obama'a. (Read some facts)

Received via Email 08.25.11  The national debt number has now reached 14 trillion, 639 billion dollars. Under President Obama, it's gone up by over $4 trillion. It went up about the same amount under George W. Bush, but that took 8 years, not 2.5 years. In fact, Washington is now adding to the debt at the rate of 4 billion, 247 million dollars a day, or about $3 million a minute, around the clock. Something needs to be done. We can’t keep spending money we don’t have…

Received via Email 08.28.11  politics, yada yada yada. Yawwwwwn, BORING.

Received via Email 08.28.11  Politics, a vital, important part of Union Business. Boring? not really..

Received via Email 08.28.11  No, but all your talk wont change a thing, it only causes more division. You are not going to change the minds of the ignorant. So why not talk about something more interesting, say, like saving our jobs.

Received via Email 08.28.11  It's important to at least try to change the minds of the ignorant, or as learned people call them: liberals.  They keep screwing up our country, and it's our job to unscrew it as best as possible. 

Received via Email 08.30.11  Hey all you Kool Aid drinkers out there. Why don't you ask the chief why yo haven't seen a memo about safety boots yet this year? Want to know what the fire chief (not the city) the fire cheif is asking for? It's got everything to do with safety boots. By not sending out a memo to remind you about safety boots he's hoping to pull a fast one on you. He wants you to give up benefits you fought for without actually holding a gun to your head. It's the same with impasse language. Ask the chief how many vacation time slots he wants to control, I dare you. Ask the chief if you've been out a little late before a shift day and you've been drinking just how much is too much. Is it .08? Is it .04? How bout .02 after your ran that last bit of mouthwash down your throat. Ask him if its required by law that Lifescan calls him with your medical problems. He's big on the law. He ought to know. He's so big on the law that he's telling all the captains and DC's that they're only getting 2 years backpay that they're owed because ITS THE LAW. He's like a mockingbird in a tree. he parrots whatever HR tells him and never askes if he's actually going to look like a dumbass by bullshitting the people who work under him. Now this brings me to Mark Sweat. Hey LT. ASSHOLE.......when you going to send your annual (Jimmy Large approved) email telling all the rest of the dues paying members that you're the total douche bag they always thought you were? You truley are one of those guys that everyones going to remember after retirement.

Rant off.

Received via Email 08.30.11  How many loads did sweat have to endure and how many people did he throw under the bus to get promoted?  And then there is his boyfriend Zamp who he takes orders from.

Received via Email 08.31.11  Why does someone feel the need to put all this, "****** -night, MPA, CFO, EFO" after each lil memo?
Isn't Chief enough? Compensating? Ya think?

Received via Email 08.31.11  Thats why there is a gap in his teeth so he can strain all the loads he takes like  the whales that strain brine.

Received via Email 09.01.11  Politics to help protect our benefits, Establishing a charitible organization under the guise of helping others in order to project a better image of ourselves, participating in the annual SPFR block party to sell ourselves to the public, MDA and Sickle Cell drives to show the public we care about others. Fod drives at Thanksgiving and toy drives at christmas all to show the public how good we are. Standing at school crossings to show the people we care about their children. Can you imagine were we would be if we just sat around doing nothing? Then we could really bitch about how we are getting screwed. Believe it or not boys and girls, this does work.

Received via Email 09.02.11  Its not the politics that the problem, it is all the arguing and fighting amongst each other. As a union regardless of political views we must be united with the unions mission, regardless of what you feel or think. Or else we are like a ship drifting around with no port of call.

Received via Email 09.03.11   Great post 9.2-#1. Could not be any closer to the truth. If only the people wearing blinders would look away from fox network, and work together..

Received via Email 09.03.11  The ones that have the blinders on are the ones who are only out for themselves and not for the good of society.

Received via Email 09.09.11  Nana Nana Poo-Poo, the ones wearing the blinders got their Mike Blank campaign letters while the others didnt. Some of which live only a few blocks away from others. Strange how the mail runs now a days.

Received via Email 09.09.11  What shot? Yaybe a B-B? There was no Blank-isum's in my mailbox. Its probably in one of those junk mailer's next to the Big Lot's Ad.. FTM - Thats U MTB!

Received via Email 09.14.11  The Chief is doing a great job with diversity.  Headquarters is now managed by white people with lots of different color cars.

Received via Email 09.14.11  So I got MTB's campaign letter the other day and just now got WN's.  They were almost identical in makeup in that they were both printed on paper using black ink. 

Received via Email 09.15.11  9/14 # 2 who do you want up there Green? Crumity and Williams to smart to take those positions. Who else?

Received via Email 09.20.11  To the 9-15 poster, unfortunatley when a department continues to run its incestous good ole boy club the way it has for the past 100 years, these are the choices you end up with. SPFR does not wish to ensure that everyone in its rank and file is trained on the things that are important to the stability of the organization. They have no problem in allowing anyone with more than a day on to sit in the right hand seat "for a while" but have no problem telling the rest of the world that the individual just aint the quality we are looking for. We claim to be modeled after the military but in reality other than the titles, we dont even come close. What makes your selection above even worse is that 2 of the 3 are well into the DROP so if they were to except the promotion it would entirely be for the good of the department with no additional ompensation to their pensions.So there you have it, we are stuck with the hand chosen few hat were encouraged and handed every opportunity to advance compared to those with those that are good enough for the everyday but still wont get a holiday invitation to the chiefs house for anything other than to clean up.

Received via Email 09.20.11  What's wrong with Captain Green?  Too much color for you?  You must be on board with the new Headquarters Klan program to get the minorities out and find the whitest MEN possible to replace them.  This was made possible after they set up educational requirements that favor the like minded and discriminate against men and women that would rather dedicate their time to the job than academia.   I'm not the only minority that sees this.

Received via Email 09.20.11  Nothing with color. You always bring color into it. I don't trust my life with him, lecry or the other suck asses. No experience but they are running the city.

Received via Email 09.20.11  Received via Email 09.20.11 #2: You must not have been on the dept. when we had the one for one rule. One black promoted for every white, didn't matter whether they could do the job or not as long as they were black they got the promotion. Ask how many blacks have been passed over for a promotion for a white and compare that to how many whites have been passed over for a black?

Received via Email 09.20.11  We now have a very prejudice no black mentality running our department. From ousting Wimberly to trying to run Newton away. Just wait and see how many are promoted to the chief position coming up. Yep, zero.  The good ole boys are strongly in control for many years to come. What we have gained in the past 35 years has all been lost in the past year or so. Watch and see. Knight and his loyal round table friends have no room for equality.

Received via Email 09.20.11  Jimmy and his Ghost Riders keeping the playing field level AS HE SEES IT.

Received via Email 09.20.11  Not enough men and women of color are trying to get promoted. Thats the problem

Received via Email 09.20.11  Think they would consider Captain P. or Captain BW as a candidate for the OPS chief job. I doubt it, Why. They are both minorities and King Knight is on the Large throne.

Received via Email 09.20.11  WOW!!!!!! sounds like you guys have dropped your panties in your poopoo!!!we cant get promoted we cant get this or that. WELL GUESS what you guys have more hand outs in life than any WHITE person.Heres one FREE COLLEGE!!!! im still "PAYING" off mine.get in line like the rest of us....f*ckers!!!

Public Hearing to Resolve Impasse




September 29, 2011

2:00 p.m.

St. Petersburg City Hall 175 Fifth Street North - St. Petersburg, FL

Brothers and Sisters there is much more involved than meets the eye.

Two entire shifts are NOT ON DUTY and available to attend.  So much is at stake.

Council & the Mayor need to know that you are willing to stand up for your benefits!

If you don't have a RED union shirt, make that call now to ensure that your size is available.

Received via Email 09.20.11  9th 9/20. "have more hand outs in life than any WHITE person" Sounds like you are whining because you want a hand out. Well we don't want a hand out, just want to be treated fairly. You mean to tell me, you really believe that SK is that good and has been promoted to OPS chief that fast. Seems like there are some that have more hand outs than any BLACK person. You sound like one of the typical good ole boy club members. YEEE HAWWWW  with your college degree debt, maybe you can get promoted by a good ole boy handout. There is plenty to go around.

Received via Email 09.22.11  you guys are treated fairly... take off the blinders and stop being so defensive!!!!! Its in your head that your not!!!!

Received via Email 09.22.11  http://www.largo.com/egov/docs/1316575019923.htm  Click on the last link and watch starting at 14:25.  This is what happens when your fire chief cuts a deal that robs from St. Pete and gives to all of the smaller communities.  The big difference between that council and ours: ours kept asking questions and Lasala kept spinning.  Apparently Largo's council already knows all that they need to know and don't need to know anything more.

Received via Email 09.23.11  Wallace is a tool bag. He was promised something now he is screwing over his troops.

Received via Email 09.27.11  Not only are no blacks or women being promoted to upper positions of authority, nothing is being done to groom females and minorities to move upward.  The department just keeps raising the bar by finding out what the average black level of education is, then the move they requirements just a little out of their reach.  Hard to believe it's even legal. 

Received via Email 09.27.11  You have the NFL, NBA. We have blue collar jobs. Tough tradeoff. At least your GED gets you a couple of million a year. Stop your bitching, go back to school and take the test. It is not that hard. Put the wet stuff on the red stuff and no grab assing in the cave at #9.

Received via Email 09.27.11  The last 2 comments are, to say the least very uncalled for, and not appropriate. Why should anyone have to have a test groomed for them? I was one of six children, in a poor home on the Southside of St Pete in the 60's... My parents never accepted handouts. We all worked for what we had. I knew school was my only way out of living poor. I am sorry if some people of all races feel that the system is down on them. Hey some decent women, men both black and white had the job pulled from them many times. It was almost 2 1/2 years for me to get hired here. No matter what the obstacles, if you really want something, you work for it, and present yourself as the best possible candidate. Good luck, we are all brothers, and sisters. You cut us down by saying otherwise.

Received via Email 09.27.11  You have the NFL, NBA" What is that supposed to mean. Never knew skin color was an issue. You sound a bit racist. I guess we have the presidency too. YOU ARE A MORON. Still hard to believe we have Bigots on the job in this era. Grow up sissy boy.

Received via Email 09.28.11  You are the moron. It was a jab at 9/27 #1. He seems to believe we only promote white males and I was stating that only the NFL and NBA hire blacks.

Received via Email 09.28.11  1st 9/28. Your last statement says it all. Case and point. Your an idiot

Received via Email 09.28.11  Oh please.  Not being "groomed"?  Changing the standards?  No women in charge at HQ?  This is so lame it's pathetic.  I thought we were past this level of BS.  I agree that all these things have been done in the past.  Yes, it's true.  Especially the standards part.  Not so much the women with power at HQ.  Do you think you've discovered a hidden secret or something?  At one time there was a process for making Lt. that was mostly fair and balanced.  The reason I say "mostly" is because there also was, at one time, some suspicious activity that provided an advantage to getting promoted.  However the issues surrounding the promotions were never challenged and in fact there may have been some accusations of "grooming" going on even then but the rumor mill finally ran out of steam. 

But I digress.  See, the point I'm getting at here is that when you use the term "grooming" it tends to indicate that you think it's the departments job to provide classes or instructions on how to become an officer that are only held out to minorities.  Why would they do that?  No, really, why would they do that?  It's no longer a quota system.  And when it was, and the Chief would have to pass over 15 or 18 caucasion candidates to get to a person  who was qualified in skin color only to become a lieutenant.  Many times the standards got lost in the translation in order to provide the politically correct environment with the assurances that the guidelines were being adhered to.  Let me say that I admit that this was the case in *every* situation but it does describe some things that didn't pass the smell test.  And if you don't believe me, I challenge some of you skilled historians on the job today to prove me wrong.

I guess I'm old school and would prefer my officers to be fire ground tested and educated because this job isn't for the pencil pusher type.  Granted there are those who can take a test at the speed of light but can't find their ass with both hands at a fire scene.  It can take a few tries to find an officer who can lead *and* take tests.  I call this the lead and read method of officer.  Grooming is only a factor in test taking.  How to beat the test.  But see, the purpose of promoting someone to Lieutenant or Captian is to provide leadership on the fire ground.  I don't care how many little framed pieces of paper you have on your wall stating that you have completed such and such.  I want a leader who has been there and done that.  Not some professional test taker. 

This nation has been dumbed down so far that a college degree is all but worthless.  You want fries with that?  And yes, the standards now require accomplishments off the job and in the classroom in order to qualify for a position higher in rank.  And yes, you could make the argument that the world is changing and that things change on a daily basis and in this job, especially, you have to be prepared.  But when it's balls to the wall time you can wipe your ass with those diplomas. 

Sorry but it's not the employer's job to "groom" anyone.  And if you think the promotional system is flawed file a lawsuit and prove it.  And if it upsets you that no women of color have jobs at HQ then maybe you should file another lawsuit over that.  But if you don't, then don't come whining about you bad luck.  Here's a thought. . . read this post again . . .

Received via Email 09.28.11  amen brother

Received via Email 09.28.11  Yeah, we got a great system with great leaders in charge. Give me a break.

Received via Email 09.28.11  Seen the new OT policy it belongs on this page its B S !!!! Medics get BONED again!!! Use us then throw us out.

Received via Email 09.28.11   Blah blah blah....   How much did headquarters pay you for your longwinded cracker rant ? 

Diversity is still expected here in America, but minorities are avoided like the plague (the black plague) at headquarters under the current administration.

When this chief was crowned by the last mayor he forgot that he still had legal and ethical obligations to maintain fairness at all levels... not just at those pesky fire stations.  Not only does he refuse to embrace bringing non-lilly white males to upper administrative positions, he has actually purged every minority he's found blocking his egress down headquarter's hallways.

Minorities and women are fine for running those nasty emergency calls, but if they show up at headquarters it better not be to sit behind a desk unless they are there to clean it.  If the playing field has been rigged in such a way that we have no minorities that are worthy of touching the hem of the chief's fire resistant garments, perhaps they should look outside the department to fill the current vacancies when the time comes to do so.  Otherwise they may as well re-route the Skyway Bridge to stop directly at headquarters.

Received via Email 09.28.11  Here is an idea. Lets put the best qualified person in the position.Then the problem is "Who makes that decision" Guess what,at some point you have to trust someone.

Received via Email 09.29.11  Here's the million dollar question....just who exactly are these people being passed over? Really, we want to know.

Received via Email 09.29.11  Two things: 

1.     I stand by my statement; "I challenge some of you skilled historians on the job today to prove me wrong."

2.     Please take note that you calling me a "cracker" will not elicit the same reaction as it would if it was me calling you a "n*****". (fair enough but...)

Chew on that. 

You sir, are the slickest kind of racist.  You submit as fact your imagined persecution and then when someone calls you on it you call them names.  But not just "names".  Names that are used to denigrate white people.  As if that will make a difference.  The days of making the grade on skin color alone are gone, sport.  Today if you can't cut it . . . uh, well, you can't cut it.  Sounds like you.

I don't see any indication that you are accomplishing anything but instead are just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring up problems.  You have no proof that anything you say is fact.  I, for one, am quite sure you'd be the first to run to an attorney if these things you describe happened to you.  No son, you're just a shit stirrer with no credibility.  What you say is so 1970 I'm not sure if you're even a minority.

The biggest problem that won't seem to go away is the ability of those with no documentation of their accusations and inuendos continually spring up to challenge windmills that have been gone for decades.  We're all sick to death of your rant.  It just doesn't hold water.  And guess what sport.  I think we would all agree that we have more important things to worry about right now than your allegedly bruised ego. 

(Note). . . Before anyone gets all whipped into a frenzy . . . please be reminded that my use of the word "n*****" in this post is not intended to be aimed at anyone but merely to be used as an example.  If you have valid proof that what you post here is the truth then have at it.  But calling names is . . . well, just not appropriate.  
TEAM:  We starred out the N word because we choose to.  With that said, the C word has never held the same weight amongst the vast majority.

Received via Email 09.29.11  sounds like a black paramedic on the "A" shift.....right WM!!!!!

Received via Email 09.29.11  9-29-11, #2, thanks for that, maybe they will c how foolish they are...or....is.It depends on the person reading  this.

Received via Email 09.29.11  Blah blah blah.  That Cracker Barrel you call headquarters has still pushed out the few minorities they had and replaced them with men so white I don't know how they got across the parking lot without any exposure to the sun whatsoever.  It's almost albino white in that building.  Don't any of you all go to the beach anymore?

Received via Email 09.29.11  Its called the good ole boy club. And it is strong at HQ. The good ole club have control and believe me, they ain't letting it go.

Received via Email 09.30.11  Again if you don't take the test stop your bitching. Has a minority put in for those HQ jobs? If not, how do you promote to them? Unless you want some reparations for the past.

Received via Email 09.30.11  Just a couple teensy things to . . .

Ironically, but probably safest, is the fact that the webmaster censored my post but didn't think your use of the word "cracker" in your first post was reason to censor you even though both words mean the same thing in today's society.  And I assume he did it to prevent some incredulously easily offended person such as yourself from stirring the pot even more over it.  But my point is that the word N***** gets censored by everyone in this politically correct nation of dumbed downed slackers but the word "cracker", meaning the same thing, is perfectly acceptable.  I'm not saying that this act was implemeted due to the webmaster's personal feelings one way or the other.  But he obviously has to cover his ass.  Not from white members who also fell into the category of "cracker" in your post but so as to not put himself or this site in jeopardy by printing the word n*****.  See, while you howl about inequality and lack of opportunity you have no trouble walking all over my rights
to free speech.  I can't say the same things that you do without a negative reaction.  The term was not used in a personal way and was only used as an example.  And I think I quite successfully made the point that while you cry about circumstances in your life you have a power and right that I no longer have. . . free speech.  I can't say the same things you do . . . and not get censored.  That's partially what I meant when I said you were the "slickest kind of racist".  YOU didn't make the webmaster censor my post but someone with the help of many others just like you did.

So, moving on to other things.  I noticed that you added Barrel to you most recent post.  That would be a clear attempt to cover your ass also since your first post didn't mention an eating establishment.  Read both sentences from your individual posts that contain the word "cracker".  See the difference?  This is almost too easy.

Next item . . . "Minorities are avoided like the plague".  Your statement.  When and where?  No bullshit, where and when?  Do you have any proof?  How about some examples.  Don't have any?  What a surprise.  Minorities have been encouraged on this job since the seventies.  That was long before you got here.  They've been promoted over caucasions who were more qualified based on the test results and the quotas mandated by the government more than once.  And in this case I can prove it.  Just get the records.  I believe they're public.

Next. . . Your claim . . . "he (the Chief) still had legal and ethical obligations to maintain fairness at all levels."  Legal and ethical, eh?  Sounds like you understand what I'm talking about in the paragraph above.  It's your intention to make the case that the Chief has a "legal" and "moral" OBLIGATION to the minorities on this job.  Son, let's get one thing straight.  You can't have it both ways.  That's just a fact.  And your keep proving me right.

Next . . . "Minorities and women are fine for running those nasty emergency calls, but if they show up at headquarters it better not be to sit behind a desk unless they are there to clean it."  This one is really funny since at one time it was true.  On Saturdays different crews in the downtown area were sent to Headquarters to "clean".  And if you didn't get it clean enough the first time you came back after lunch and cleaned it again.  Hey kid, do you know the difference between old dust, new dust and fuzzy dust?  Well there was a District Chief that did and you better get all of them.  And you know what?  There wasn't a minority or a woman to be found.  I am throwing the bullshit flag on this one.  There's not a woman or a minority person on this job that has EVER cleaned ANYTHING at Headquarters.  You're so full of shit.

Next . . . "If the playing field has been rigged. . .".  Yes sir, you bet your ass it has.  It's been rigged so that those who meet the qualifications, other than just being a minority, and have the skills and experience unaided by "grooming" or preferential treatment will become the leaders.  Now if that puts a burr under your saddle then you need to do one of two things;  start studying your ass off and working hard OR show up for work on a regular basis and do as little as possible to collect your paycheck.  You know, like you're doing now.  Those of any stripe who desire strongly enough and have the skills to back it up will ALWAYS be the one's promoted.  It's just that there's a lot of work involved in getting there.  Willing to put in the time?

I just wanted to clear up a few things before the week end.  Congratulations to the bargaining team on a great win.

That little ol' Cracker,

Received via Email 09.30.11  Good ole boy is club? Is there a poster with all the white firefighters on it? I think not that would be racist. Reverse discrimination at its best.

Received via Email 09.30.11  Yak yak yak yak... Hey Cracker, for someone that writes so much you don't really say a lot.  To answer the question in your third longwinded and boring paragraph: Yes, there is proof that the Cracker Barrel (headquarters) avoids minorities and women.

They have  six administrative chiefs, all busily doing the work of about three men or women.  They had one of hispanic descent... they ran him off.  They had a black assistant chief.... they ran him off, too. The other four underworked chiefs are all lilly white.  It's been made obvious that the next promotions will be more white guys.  We even know their names.  Looks like they will be driving those city cars across the Skyway bridge for years to come. I guess even the mayor is okay with it since it's the worst kept secret in the city. They have no interest in promoting minorities or women to administrative positions on this Fire Department.

Excuse me now, Cracker.  I'm going to take a little nap so I can stay awake through the rest of that snore-fest you call a post. Wish me luck.

Received via Email 09.30.11  Wow Tully, you amaze us with your wisdom

Received via Email 09.30.11  Where did the name cracker come from anyway.

Received via Email 09.30.11  Again, who are these people that aren't being promoted? I asked once and no one answered. What are their names?

Received via Email 10.01.11  You want the names of every minority or woman that was never promoted to an administrative position?  Go look at Telestaff. 

Received via Email 10.01.11  There area no names, just a shit stirrer. The ones that would do a great job such as Crumity and Williams don't want the shit job on a sinking ship.

Received via Email 10.01.11   "Yes, there is proof that the Cracker Barrel (headquarters) avoids minorities and women."

And at this point you, with a flourish, hold up these two men as proof of what you say.
Problem is you have no proof nor do you know what you're talking about.  In fact you're more of a liar and an individual with nothing to offer but usual blather and the unfounded rantings of those who still think they can force the employer to do things because of their skin color.  Do they call you "Charlie the Tuna" at the station?  Sorry Charlie, we only want leaders that can cut it.

"They had one of hispanic descent... they ran him off."
"They had a black assistant chief.... they ran him off, too." 

I know who both of these men and you . . . well you are so full of shit it's not funny.  You either don't KNOW why they retired or you're just speculating.  Either way by making that statement you again qualify for the throwing of the bullshit flag.  You can't prove either of these people who you say were "run off" were . . . well,. . . run off.  Give us all some facts.  Facts, son.  Not inuendos.  Not maybes.  Not your opinion.  Facts.  I'm calling you on this kid because I know you're a liar.

"They have no interest in promoting minorities or women to administrative positions on this Fire Department."

Well, I think you may have finally made a correct statement even though it was probably by complete accident.  They, being those who make promotions, are not "promoting minorities or women" because there are no minorities or women qualified to fill the positions.  That, of course, would be if there were any positiions to be filled which there are not at this time.  I would surmise from your post that either new positions should be created for these women and minorities or that those who hold these positions now be removed and replaced with a minority person or a woman.  You are such a dreamer.  I don't think they'll do that even for someone as mentally advanced as you are.

And if you think my posts are long winded and say nothing it would be a cold day in hell when I can fill sentences with the amount of bullshit you throw in print.  The reason these seem long to you is for two reasons.  One . . . I know you have a short attention span and Two . . . You have trouble sounding out the big words.  Get one of the "lily white", as you call them, chiefs to read this to you and quit trying to belittle and denigrate those who do more for the fire service than just show up and bitch.  Here's a thought . . .

Have a Cracker day,

Received via Email 10.01.11  ME. YOU think you have a clue. YOU DON'T. You been gone far to long pal.

Received via Email 10.02.11  What I'm telling you would apply to any job or position a person would have in his working life.  Does anyone think the SPF&D has a lock on how to treat minorities?  Hardly.  Actually the poster is quite lucky that he has THIS job where he can coast.  All that "attitude" would put you on the fast track to getting fired in most places.  This isn't the only place that has a lock on people who still think it's 1974.  Who still think that because they have a different skin color they can force their will on others.  Who still think that the whole world is against them because they've been told that since they were children.  Go back and read the post on 9-27-11, #3.  Here's a man who has more character than most on this job.  He understands that life isn't perfect and continually complaining about it won't change it.  He's the one who has the opportunity to change things because he goes about it with not necessarily the historical assumption by people of c
olor but instead with the right mental processing.  You can say what you want about me because you can't change me.  I'm old school and believe in a work ethic, a conscience, a loyalty, and pride.  Things that the majority of today's whiners don't have.  I'll let you have your day in the sun because there is a large (no pun intended) realization coming to you in the near future.  I can't tell you what it is because it's always at a different time for different people but be assured that you will be the recipient of it.  I truly hope you recognize it when it happens.

P.S.  "Crackers" in the old days, don't ask me the dates, were cattle drivers in Florida and other southern states.  They used whips to herd the cattle and the cracking of the whips was what was referred to then as "crackers".  Other states had crackers too.  But mostly in the southern states.  There was a time that "cracker" also meant born and raised.  If you were born and raised in Florida then you were a Florida cracker.  There was no conotation of anything bad about the term.  It didn't carry the stigma that the minority community has given it.  

I hope that clears it up for the poster who asked about it twice.

Thanks for the fun young man and have a great day.

Received via Email 10.02.11  Get off the f'in cracker this nig--- that. You show your lack of intellect rationalizing your view of socially unacceptable language. I don't care if a cracker was a florida cattle rancher's nickname.I do not want to be called one. Take a moment, and imagine how stupid you'd feel and look, if you had the guts to sign your name? Speak these words in public? I am so sorry for anyone that has to listen to your hate speech. Let’s all try to get along..

Received via Email 10.02.11  Hey. . . he started it.  I finished it.  I'll bet you voted for Blank, didn't you.  It would appear you're just as deluded as the original poster.  But I'm not going to put forth any more effort on this.  I think you'll find more truth than fiction in my posts but I hardly think it's hate speech.  Left winger liberals like you brand anything you don't agree with as hate speech.  Just one more way to stir the pot and make it look like you're victims of some sort.  I agree that we should all try to get along and I'm quite sure in your mind that means that I do things your way.  You only get along with those who agree with you.  Everyone else is a bigot or a racist.  By the way, big shot.  I notice you didn't sign your name either.  Not too willing to account for your statements are you?   

Received via Email 10.02.11  For the teabaggers that truely believe that things are going to get so much better without Winnie at the helm, hold on to your ass. This is from Sundays St. Pete Times and shows the love of Mayor Foster for the employees of this city.

St. Petersburg hasn't raised its tax rate since 2007 falling property values, but Mayor Bill Foster isn't ruling out a tax rate increase for the 2013 budget.

The city is expecting another double-digit drop in property values, though, and Foster said in a Political Connections interview airing today on Bay News 9 that "I'd still like to see a reduction in actual taxes paid."

In the interview airing at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., Foster said he planned to actively work with the Rays in the postseason to boost attendance, and he was unaware of any development group working on an alternative stadium site in St. Petersburg.

"My interest is representing the 250,000 people that are continuing to foot the bill on the stadium," Foster said. "Their interest will be represented by the city. My angst is keeping them in St. Petersburg."

As you can see the Mayor is almost willing to raise the tax base enough to help the Rays but nothing else. Maybe Michael can change his mind.

Received via Email 10.02.11  In Shooting Blank's campaign letter he said We need to be very proactive with the current EMS issue involving Pinellas County. We need to educate the communities. We need to rejuvinate communications between Local 747 and City Administrations and Fire Districts.
Here's your chance to shine Shooter. You and Mark Sweat can go to all the neighborhood meetings and get them all in your camp. YOUR union will be expecting a report pronto. While you're at it you can sing Kumbayah with The Invisible man. You'll soon find out that there's more to being a union president than saying YES to Jimmy.

Received via Email 10.03.11  Like I have said before, Mike may be the LOCAL's President, but he will never be a UNION LEADER

Received via Email 10.03.11  Yo Cracker.  Just when I thought I was done mopping up this place with your cracker ass, I get called back in.  Your lilly white face reflected back in the mirror has blinded you to the truth.  It doesn't matter WHY the minorities have left headquarters... they will NOT be replaced by minorities, as they should be.

If you don't think they should be replaced with minorities, is it safe to assume that if every minority left the job, you would then be okay with an entire white cracker fire department?  Sorry, but that's not how we do things in the 21st century.  You feel like you did your job hiring lots of blackies back in the 80's, and now you're done?  Not by a long shot.

Maybe in your fantasy cracker world that would fly, but not here in the real world.  The reality is that this department has somehow allowed a situation to occur where there are no "qualified" and willing minority candidates.  What you racist haters are forgetting is that we can still hire from outside.  I would like to see that, but as long as Jim Crow is running this place I don't think I'll hold my breath.  You people don't mind if I breathe, do you, or is that a noose I see you tying?

Received via Email 10.03.11  I hope everyone that voted for ANYBODY BUT WINNIE starts supporting Blank from day 1. I predict you're going to leave him high and dry because that's what you guys are best at. Talk is cheap.

Received via Email 10.03.11  10/2/#3. You wrote:  Left winger liberals like you brand anything you. You just exposed yourself. Yes you are the bigot in the crowd. You believe everything you hear on fox. I bet you even have a tattoo of the funny uncle O'reilly on your anal cleft. Usually,(in a perfect world) union brotherhood should be non party. WE should work together for what is best for us. Not what your party comedian tells you to. Unless your finacially stable, to even through out the liberal slam on the poster, its plain amd simple you are the problem. Good luck little guy.

Received via Email 10.04.11  Telestaff revealed nothing of interest. Obviously you don't have any promotional candidates. If you do, NAME THEM.

Received via Email 10.06.11  I recommend a national search for a female candidate to become our new assistant chief.  Do the same for EMS, but get a black guy that likes the ladies.  Maybe he will put some moves on the chick chief in the corner office and get them both fired.  Then Chief Jim Crow can hire two more crackers.  Everybody wins.

Received via Email 10.06.11  How did Knight all but get the Ops chief job without any others putting in for it. Hmmmm seems pretty suspicious. We have went right back to before the seventies with our new promotional practices. 40 years of hard work and affirmative action fairness, right down the toilet. HR needs to look deep into some of the goings on down here at HQ. They may find some LARGE infractions, no pun intended. A good search could shine some light into the Knight down here. Again, no pun intended.

Received via Email 10.06.11  "How did Knight all but get the Ops chief job without any others putting in for it."

I guess that would be because no one else wanted it.

"Hmmmm seems pretty suspicious."

Only if you see a boogie man behind every tree.

"We have went right back to before the seventies with our new promotional practices."

We have went?  Looks like 40 years of schooling was wasted.

"40 years of hard work and affirmative action fairness, right down the toilet."

40 years of hard work and affirmative action unfairness and the toilet is where it belongs.

"HR needs to look deep into some of the goings on down here at HQ."

Last we heard it was HR that made the rules.  HQ is only following them.

"They may find some LARGE infractions, no pun intended. A good search could shine some light into the Knight down here. Again, no pun intended."

No pun taken.  Cute but stupid

Received via Email 10.08.11  3rd 10/6. Your funny. What a MORON you really are.

Received via Email 10.09.11  To the little darling that posted on 10.8.11, Number Zero

OK, OK.  I get it.
You're having a hard time with the stuff that isn't to your liking.
I'll elaborate and then maybe you'll find it easier.
After all, you had to have a high school education to get hired, didn't you?
Or have they done away with that requirement too.
You're a perfect example of the dumbing down of America.

"How did Knight all but get the Ops chief job without any others putting in for it."

I guess that would be because no one else wanted it.
Name me one minority or woman who is qualified and wants the job.

"Hmmmm seems pretty suspicious."

Only if you see a boogie man behind every tree.
Everything is suspicious to those who have been indoctrinated with hatred since childhood.

"We have went right back to before the seventies with our new promotional practices."

We have went?  Looks like 40 years of schooling was wasted.
I know English is hard but you really should try not to show your stupidity.

"40 years of hard work and affirmative action fairness, right down the toilet."

40 years of hard work and affirmative action unfairness and the toilet is where it belongs.
Affirmative action is on it's way out.  No child left behind is leading the current changes.

"HR needs to look deep into some of the goings on down here at HQ."

Last we heard it was HR that made the rules.  HQ is only following them.
Are you stupid?  What goings on are you refering to?  There's that boogie man again.

"They may find some LARGE infractions, no pun intended. A good search could shine some light into the Knight down here. Again, no pun intended."

No pun taken.  Cute but stupid.
Promoting the most qualified candidate is not an infraction.
Are you saying Knight isn't qualified?  How about you.  Are you qualified?
What makes you the head of the Justice League?  What a maroon.

Received via Email 10.09.11  wow nice post Steve!

Received via Email 10.09.11  This is stupid. I don't care what color you are, what sex you are or even what sex you prefer. Get off your dead asses and get the education that it takes to run a multi million dollar business (the Dept.) then you can bitch if you dont get picked. You sat on the tailboard just showing up and taking that check, all the while bitching about how the City never gave you anything.When you could have been taking a few classes at a time, on the city's bill, and EARN a degree. How about we let the inmates run the asylum. I'm sure you are all sure that you all are sure that you could do a better job. I'm just glad that I don't have to work for a bunch of uneducated low lifes that never earned a thing in their lives. This departmant has been the welfare tit to too many loosers over the years. Its time for the drop plan to do its job and clear the way.

Received via Email 10.10.11  To: 10-9-11, #2

Heh, heh, heh.  Damn, you caught me.

Received via Email 10.10.11  I don't want to be "picked" for the Ass Chief job.  I'm happy working in the stations.  Just because I don't consider myself a candidate for a headquarters position doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion on the type of people that run this organization. 

Personally, I would prefer that headquarters observed the same diversity for their building as they do for the firehouses. Meetings at headquarters are starting to look like a Klan rallies.  The Cracker Barrel really needs to stop their current racist practices, even if that means hiring outside of our department. 

Received via Email 10.11.11  Don't worry.  The only thing being "picked" around here is your nose.  Actually being "picked" is the only way your knuckle draggin' ass could get ahead.  You sure aren't smart enough to earn it.

Received via Email 10.11.11  You can hold my lantern anytime.

Received via Email 10.11.11  Feel free to insult me.  It's funny how when your argument ran out of gas you switched to racist remarks--- even though you have no clue what I look like. 

When your reading skills improve perhaps you will be able to comprehend where I said I have no interest in getting promoted further, but I do believe we should have a diverse department.  Your racism is proof that affirmative action is probably still necessary. 

Received via Email 10.12.11  To much back stabbing and hatred throughout our department. What happened to the brotherhood of days gone by. The new regime is going to screw their selves right out of a good pension. Better turn things around newbies or else you will be working for Publix when you retire. The future is in your hands. 

Received via Email 10.12.11  You moron.  Show me what's racist about my post.

Received via Email 10.12.11  The best race is the Human race.

Received via Email 10.14.11  I thought we were headed for a change with our new president coming on board. I was just asked by my shift steward if I was going to be able to help the union with the food table during the big block party this weekend. Of course i was not able, ya see we adopted a new guppy last weekend for the kids and I am still trying to potty train it, but you should have heard all of the lame excuses the others were using. i heard only 1 person from the entire A shift had nothing better to do and was nabbed. How can we have change when they still want to help us to help ourselves every time we turn around. I hear that there are a total of 4 requests for the union to provide food and such for over the next 3 weekends. WTF is going on here? I was hoping for a laid back approach with this new guy in charge. Of course all of this BS was probably already scheduled through Winnie so as soon as they are gone I am sure we can look forward to smooth sailing after that. God Bless Texas, and all the assinine idiots that make up our ranks. Yee Haw, Thank you sir may I have another?

Received via Email 10.14.11  does this men blank is going to get promoted to grand fire chief now that is has taken every load admin and city hall can give to him

Received via Email 10.16.11  10.14 #1  I was on duty and at the block party otherwise I would have been slinging hotdogs with my union. Question: How come so many of you fair weather patriots were face painting little kids faces when you could have and should have been by our new trailer promoting our union? Where was Mike Blank? Does this guy every show up to anything? Winnie Newton, Bill Mott, Jon Pearl, & Mark Kragle and anyone else who showed up to help, thanks for always sweating in the sun

Received via Email 10.24.11  So, I hear that the beings at armpit 11 are spouting off that they are working on getting a grant to buld themselves a prive pool that will only be used for personnal dive team members only. I can see it now bikini clad bimbos and banana hamock idiots will be sneaking out around the clock thinking the neighbors wont see or tell Mike Deason. In case you folks aint been keeping up, but the mayor is trying his hardest to shut down the pools the city already has, what ever makes you think you can pull off your own secret love nest? I have seen what used to go on at the public pools back when you used to go take over under the guise of physical fitness. Tits and bush were being flashed regularly. I hope MTB isnt planning on sitting back resting during his tenure, cause you Aholes will be keeping him busy and the unions back account empty.

Received via Email 10.29.11  I heard one of the chiefs best doboys got caught in the shower with trouble. Im glad some of you who didn't appreciate Winnie  and said you'd never need him to defend you are now going to be needing him.

Received via Email 10.29.11  Some people make the FF of the Year award look pretty cheap right about now.

Received via Email 10.30.11  Who are we talking about?

Received via Email 10.30.11  Is that little shit still at it? I thought the two girls that set him up a couple of years ago straightened him out. I guess he just found a new hiding place. Didn't we have an old DC using the same place? I guess FF of the year really does take into account ones extra curiccular activities. The chief wont fire him, he will be given the clean way out and allowed to retire with a clean slate a glowing praises. Hell he wont miss a single chance at new explorers or recuits at the PETC drills. Nothing will change, just the found out will make way for the unfound out.

Received via Email 10.30.11  Just look at the past few years FF of the year.. One was an old guy that made a wooden box for the old squad truck. Another was a fella that is a great fisher man, and great firefighter. The most recent you know them. The bottom line, the nomination form should be changed. Remove all the facts that say what the firefighter does, "outside the job" is as important as their skills on duty. That is not even considered anymore. Forget if you mentor a child, volunteer as a tutor, or even help keep parks and your neighborhood safe, and clean. That title of FF of the year is 99% how much the chief likes you, and if you happen to be good between legs, your in! Maybe you built cool lil firetrucks for hands on, got promoted, and now your officer of the year! Wow I knew there was a secret way to be sucessful here!

Received via Email 10.30.11  Is the person in trouble worth saving or are they one of those me me me guys.

Received via Email 10.31.11  i know exactlly who you are talking about, if its true i cant believe it. all things said, he is a good guy. wow... he might be terminated????

Received via Email 10.31.11  was anyone at the big halloween party?was there something fishy going on with a certain "married" blonde bimbo?

Received via Email 10.31.11  Who is the one in trouble?

Received via Email 10.31.11  WHO IS IT THIS TIME??? We are such a band of idiots sometimes. You get a job this good and work your hardest to screw it up!

Received via Email 11.01.11  Always remember:  No one can f**k a firefighter as well as a firefighter can fuck himself. No one can f**k firefighters as well as firefighters can f**k themselves. Firefighters will f**k themselves first and leave sloppy seconds to the city. It's a historical fact and needs no rebuttal.  Always remember: No one can f**k a firefighter as well as a firefighter can f**k himself. No one can f**k firefighters as well as firefighters can f**k themselves. Firefighters will f**k themselves first and leave sloppy seconds to the city. It's a historical fact and needs no rebuttal.
TEAM: Gotcha!

Received via Email 11.01.11  His initials are RK and he's way overrated.

Received via Email 11.01.11  Okay now. Listen up all of you geniusessss who have finally decided to come to the table now that Winnie's out. There's a story going around that Steve Hay has joined forces with the dumb but very impressionable Mike Blank to get us a 48 hour work week.. I've heard this in 2 different places in the past 2 days so it must be true. Thes two knuckleheads are not even talking about doing it the same way the Captains and the DC's got theirs but rather by giving leave accrual. Between the 2 of you you don't have 1 brain. One of the chiefs or captains told you that their accrual rate changed and that's how they got the 2nd R day. WRONG AGAIN ASSHOLES. When their workweek was reduced from 52 to 48 hours their accrual rate changed alright but they didn't trade hours for the Kelly day, they got the Kelly day and their rate changed just like anyone who moves to a 40 hours week. You work less you accru less. Hay you should have stayed a plumber and Blank you're just way over your head and we're all going to pay for the bet you won and all the rest of us lost. I hope the E board is watching these two hackholes because they're going to give away benefits by mistake trying to proe that MB is the man. Clue no. 1: MB you will never be the man. There's about 10 of them in front of you already.
PS  MB If you had already shut this website down, you could have shut me up and nobody would ever had a clue as to how stupid you really are. RIGHT! FTM

Received via Email 11.01.11  I meant to say Jackholes above. FTM

Received via Email 11.01.11  Ok, everyone is asking, but no one telling who the one in trouble is. Are you guys scared to say who it is or you just really don't know.

Received via Email 11.03.11  11-1 #3 Neither one of them has been connected to the union since Christ was a carpenter. Maybe Blank can visit Amazon.com and find a book on doing this job better than he's done the firefighting one. We are so f++ked

Received via Email 11.03.11  I'm not usually at #10, but I was there a while back. While there, I personally answered the phone 6 times where the person on the other end was looking for the DC. Each time, he wasn't there. Do yourselves and your fellow firefighters a favor and call the DC on his cell phone. He will be the only one to answer it and you will get a hold of the exact person you want to talk to.
Kind of like how they have the Internet on computers now, they have cellular service on cell phones now as well. The future is now! Both are great tools; use them. Cheers.

Received via Email 11.03.11  That sounds funny to me, call them from a city phone and tell them they have mandatory overtime.

Received via Email 11.03.11  Just answer the phone you puss.

Received via Email 11.04.11  When I want to speak to your wife I don't call you, I call her directly. See what I'm saying?

Received via Email 11.04.11  For real? Somebody is whining about the phone call volume at #10?  Way to step up, faggot. 

Received via Email 11.04.11  I'm not usually on duty at any station since I work at headquarters.  But the other day I had to answer the phone at least about 20 times and every time it was some jerkwad at a fire station wanting to know something.  I have better things to do with my time than answer the phone and field stupid questions from the station ass pirates.  After all, I'm in charge of making sure the schedules are up to date and the R days are allocated in the proper fashion.  Fortunately we don't have the sniping and back biting at the master station that occurs in the outlying nether regions of the system.  Please, as a favor to a brother union member, stop calling between the hours of 0800 and 1030 since that's the time we take for preparing reports and scheduling manning for the next shift.  After the lunch hour please don't call between the hours of 1400 and 1600 since we have other serious business to attend to that the grunts in the station wouldn't understand.  Also be reminded that the Lieutenant at each station, no matter his skills, has been selected through testing and other forms of submission to handle nearly all questions or concerns raised by the lower eschelon.  We at Headquarters are constantly and efficiently working to make the members in the stations more comfortable and up to date.  However it's somewhat disrespectful for those who would disturb us during our most productive hours.  This is just a reminder.  Please accept it accordingly.
TEAM:  We've got tears in our eyes.  That was good.  Say, in a former life you wouldn't happen to have been the architect of those little instruction labels on pillows?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Received via Email 11.05.11  For 10/24-11/01:  You people really need to GROW UP!!!  Last time I checked we were ADULTS.  If you want to go back to high school and start spreading rumors do it somewhere else!!!  We are suppose to be a UNION not bashing whom ever THIS DEPARTMENT VOTED ON!!!  As for all the comments about HQ, spend some time up there in light duty, or attend a few city/county meetings and start bashing the county and the city for playing walk around with the MEN THAT ARE TRYING TO SAVE YOUR JOB!!!! Let 11 put in to have a pool you are just JEALOUS you didn't think about it!!!!  GET OVER IT!!! Be happy that your fire department is trying to get a pool for the DIVE STATION!!!!  As for the firefighter of the tear comments, REALLY!!!  talk about a FU*KI*G IGNORANT A**HOLE!!!!!  Congratulate them!!!  SUCK IT UP!!!  Some of your fellow BROTHERS AND SISTERS think they deserved it!!!!  For the shower comment, spread rumors that are true dumbass!!!   What a MAN does or DOES
NOT do on his OWN time is NO ONE business!!!!!  Let it go.  No one is getting in trouble because nothing happened.  So there WAS NO SHOWER SCENE.  LET'S CRUSH THAT BS NOW!!!!  Before, not like you guys care, but someone that is innocent gets hurt!!!!  Last but not least, the wonderful DUMBASS that needs to call #4 and speak to THIS BLONDE "MARRIED" BIMBO:)  GROW SOME BALLS!!!  I was out with my husband, whom is you brother firefighter!!  So ask him yourself, in case you did not know, he is located at the MFS on C shift.  Or you can CALL ME at #4.  Nothing "fishy" was going on.  I wanted to look HOT for my husband, sorry you don't have that luxury:)  Truly yours-the Blonde "married" Bimbo- AKA SS

Received via Email 11.05.11  Before you threw your initials on this page you never entered my mind, Sarah. Give me a minute and you'll be back out of it again.

Received via Email 11.05.11   You're right at home posting on the BULLSHIT page Sarah.

Received via Email 11.05.11  Define HOT.

Received via Email 11.06.11  1st 11/5  Waa Waa Waa. Are you kidding me. Talk about a broom on PMS.

Received via Email 11.06.11  Wow, idiots that suppose to be on the same team...

Received via Email 11.06.11  I don't know but when I was next to SS I definitely smelled f**h.  Just sayin'.
TEAM: Be 'somewhat' nice.

Received via Email 11.07.11  Come on you all. I have worked with SS on more than one shift. She is fun to work with, more capable to physically do her job than a lot of you shit throwers.. You would not have ever had a chance with her before she got married to Mr. Sul., so why act like an A H? Grow up fool. She is a member in good standing to this department,and our Union. I would rather work with her any shift than work with you nay sayers, and have to watch you behind my back. Keep doing what you’re doing S S, and remember the babies will always cry when they can't be, or have what you do.. FTM

Received via Email 11.07.11  Everyone that's not a scab is a member in good standing but some need to stay in the rear with the gear.

Received via Email 11.07.11  http://www.firerescue1.com/firefighter-safety/articles/1178005-Miami-firefighter-robbed-at-gunpoint/

Received via Email 11.07.11  11/07 exactly what are you saying? Do you hate SS? Have you ever worked with her?

Received via Email 11.08.11  SS is a freat woman.  I enjoyed working with her.  But becareful SS a certain LT at 4 likes to hit on marrried women and tell lies about their husband.

Received via Email 11.08.11  Has anyone been to the new Union Brotherhood of Apathetic Fools facebook page? I guess since Mikey failed at getting this site shut down he deceided to make his own abortion and try to woo away readers. I do like going on there tho and looking at peoples personnal profiles. Hey Lindsey is it just my imagination or are you really standing in next to Engine 12 trying your best to look innocent but at the same time still show off the newly adopted puppies and tatoo? Facebook took down 1 of our members already so you folks just keep on trying to walk the fine line. 

Received via Email 11.08.11  Facebook is the new union. What do we need to show up at meeting for when you can just piss away your time there? Mike Blank is running that facebook page which is just about his speed. We're so f***ed.

Received via Email 11.17.11  How can I find that page on Facebook?  I've tried everything.

Received via Email 11.18.11  Apparently you aren't cool enough for "I'm drawing a Blank" to invite you.   I'm on it with JL for obvious reasons.              http://bigdouchebag.com/

Received via Email 11.18.11  Its private. You have to be added to view it.

Received via Email 11.22.11  How do you get added to the blank page.  The requirements I would think are.  lie about your fellow ff.  Sleep with their spouse or whomever there are dating.  Cheat on your significant other.  drink alot.   smoke.   anymore?

Received via Email 12.02.11  Now that we've hired all these new studs, what about another R day? What? You think I'm kidding? The mayor and the fire chief haven't offered to do shit but take benefits away and they keep coming up with shit numbers on ratification. Where's my frickin second R day? Are you working on the M. Blank? Don't worry about discipline. Pauley's got that handled. You work on a new contract that a firefighter can vote on or get the hell out of the way and let someone else do it. Capiche?

Received via Email 12.07.11  Well, it looks like we have possibly lost one of the new so called "studs" due to idiototic training. Someone in LaLa land has deceided that self defense ninja training must be administered before we can release or brothers and sisters into the dangerous jungles of St. Petersburg. Maybe they are trying to perpare them for a new job in the WWE incase the EMS bebacle doesnt pan out. Well best wishes to the newest 8 week light duty person and for those of us that are hoping for some relief from the overtime burden, keep wishing. How is it that SPPD can ask for help with their $2.5 million dollar overtime burden but SPFR chooses to continually take units out of service? Somebody needs to go see the wizard and see if he has another spare brain he can implant before something serious happens around here.

Received via Email 12.08.11  New orders about ordering supplies have come out. Here is some real BS. Per policy you are required to wear a black belt with your pants, yet the city wont pay for it. You are ordered but must provide your own. I say don't wear a belt, get written up and see how fast it gets overturned. Oh wait, that would happen if Winnie was still president. Nevermind, there is no hope for that one, Blank is in charge. So keep paying for your own belts, cause no one is going to help you. Of course unless your a cop. Then you can have an extra 2.5 million toward their budget shortfall. Only in St Pete.

Received via Email 12.08.11  hey, lookie here. The new uniform pants come with a belt. Wear it. There is one with every pair, we should never run out now.

Received via Email 12.09.11  Dumbass, belts come with new uniform

Received via Email 12.09.11  Hmmmmm... must be one of those part time captains or chiefs who hasn't received their new uniforms yet.

Received via Email 12.09.11  After hearing about how our new hires are being given training in self defense tactics and have been for a while now, I guess it wont be long before the rest of us old fucks start getting our legs broken too. They are looking for evey way possible to get rid of those of us with old pictures or qualified knowledge about any of the shit birds that deem themselves as the high n mighty. Now that I know that we are being trained in these self defense tatics I understand more clearly that all of those extra deep pockets on the new uniform shirts and pants must have been put there for a purpose. Lets all give Chief Large a big congratulatory slap on the back next time we see him for allowing us to keep oursleves safe from the monsters that lurk in the shadows.

Received via Email 12.09.11   I guess the word is out that we're not going to have a union Christmas party this year.  I really look forward to seeing all the retirees that show up but because we've spent so much money protecting us from the lying cheats that we sit across from at the bargaining table we don't have the money for the non business end of things.  I can't recall when we've had so many attacking us from all sides and our membership or our membership so deaf, dumb and blind.

Received via Email 12.09.11  No christmas party and no f'n calendars, but we got our axes. How profound.

Received via Email 12.10.11  Where's my MDA pin or did we cut that?

Received via Email 12.10.11  Hey Jake. You're starting to look like a manipulative prick. Give it a rest while you've still got a few friends that don't have bugles.

Received via Email 12.11.11  F it all.. Buy your own belt, get a huge outragious buckle. Do NOT WEAR the new issued SPFR hat.. The last memo stated that its a part of your uniform so don't you dare wear it when your off duty! I'll keep my 747 hat on, in honor to the great days of Newton's leadership..FTM & all of you  Fino's!!!!

Received via Email 12.11.11  I guess the chiefs new uniform memo includes the capt. and DC's too? Unless he forgot they used to get a uniform allowance and I guess it was rolled into their salary but for some reason they still get belts and shoes. HELLO, Chief double standard, how is it that you talk the talk but dont walk the walk?

Received via Email 12.12.11  Well it was a captain who decided to give the crew a gerber courtesy of the city. Cheap ass

Received via Email 12.14.11  What an embaressment...I just learned that those empty containers that have been sitting in the fire stations were there for donations to help the families of two brothers, one that was killed in a motorcycle crash and one that lost his wife. While I understand that neither one of them were one of ours as they say, they were still one of the brotherhood that many of us talk so proudly about. Now what am I embaressed about? The collection jars were picked up today. Some were empty and the folks on duty in the stations today could have cared less about what or whom it was for. I did hear of one individual that felt so sorry for his fellew cheap ass coworkers that he put a C note just to keep SPFR from looking like a bunch of dead beats. Amen to that Brother and God Bless you and yours. I hear that one big fire HQ building downtown contributed a dollar to the cause. Yee Haw they broke the bank on that one. It is so apparant that fire admin treats us like we treat ourselves. We should all look hard in the mirrors tonight folks and wonder what we have become.

Received via Email 12.14.11  I have not seen any donation jar at my station #7. Where were these jars being kept and why the secret. Hard to donate when it is a giant secret.

Received via Email 12.15.11  It's a management tip jar.  If you think management's doing a good job, you put money in it.  I guess the ass clown posse isn't being so well received.

Received via Email 12.15.11  Just when ya thought you've seen it all..http://firehousechristiancenter.org/

Received via Email 12.16.11  Yes, you are correct, there were not donation jars in every station, the rant was against those that die have one. I apologize to anyone that did not have an opportunity to make a contribution. If you would still like to..go by the union office and drop it off there.

Received via Email 12.16.11  Hey JP, are you really that retarded that you need a whole month to pick your RDay?  Or are you just an a**hole trying to screw with everyone?  This is exactly the kind of bullshit everyone is tired of. 

Received via Email 12.16.11  Hey JP, thank you for standing up and trying to protect the collective bargaining agreement. It is obvious that with President No Clue Blanks "My bad" attitude that someone must make an effort to reel in the free running Fire Admenstruation that pushes every chance they get. Some people say that HQ is just testing him out. I wish we would have had a way to test HIM out before we bet the entire payday on MTB. So for those that dont realize what is happening, our contract gives us the month of December to pick our R-days. It is not up to Pumpkin Head or I know nothing about contracts Blank to make any type of change.  Again thanks JP.

Received via Email 12.16.11  If you're busting Jon Pearl's balls then I know what Kool Aid you're drinking. If you're questioning whether or not he's starting shit just to mess with any of US, then you're the one talking BULLSHIT because you don't work with him. He's 100% union 100% of the time. When he calls your station it's not to start BULLSHIT or talk about BULLSHIT it's always to ask for help for union business and he talks to every single person before he gets off the phone so I know you're not on the C shift or you wouldn't be talking YOUR BULLSHIT. If you want to talk about the BULLSHIT people are getting tired of it's your kind of BULLSHIT that people are getting tired of FINO. FTM

Received via Email 12.17.11  2nd 12/16.  No my little dweeb.  We are all tired of idiots like YOU. NO clue about what you are talking about, but spouting off your pie hole just to make noise. Well, we are sick of your kind, and for all we care, you can go back to working for Sunstar. What a loser.

Received via Email 12.17.11  One would guess that this shit stirrer would have no problem with the holder of his mortgage or vehicle loan, calling to inform them the hell with what your payment book and contract say, we have deceided that the payment is due on the 2nd of next month not the 31st. You dont really need a whole month to figure out how to pay it, do you?

Received via Email 12.17.11  Response to 12-17 ... #2 (Correct?)

In comparing your logic to other postings on this site it would seem you fall in the category of "perpetual whiny baby".  I would guess, because I can't be sure without your name, that you have never talked to JP or, for that matter, listened to JP.  You only know him by reputation and scuttlebut you've heard from other malcontents like you with whom you tend to hang around.  (After all, they're the only ones who clap when you have anything to say)  I would offer a suggestion.  Contact JP in person.  (If your nuts haven't shriveled and gone up to keep your uterus company)  He isn't hard to find.  Question him to his face about your concerns as to his actions, thinking, and reasoning.  Then, after hearing what he has to say, see if you agree.  You might learn something.  We will expect a heartfelt apology posted here for your previous uneducated postings and you'll feel better about yourself.  FTM, especially the pinhead poster of 12-17-11-#2

Received via Email 12.17.11  I think some members are confused about what's going on here. This is a labor organization that protects your rights not the Elks club.

Received via Email 12.17.11  WOW, after not viewing site for a while, OMG! What the heck are some of you thinking? JP is, like others have posted before, a true Red, White & Blue union member. He knows more than most of the past leaders of 747. While JP has views that are his own, he puts those behind his local's. I for one am proud to work along side JP for many years and I have as yet to find anyone that equals his devotion.. You go JP!  (Not scared to sign my name,) John Barfield 8/A

Received via Email 12.22.11  Biggest.newest Bullshit on "brotherhood".. Ole MTB has worked so hard at being Santa, hanging with the chiefs, forgetting about the local's issues.. Now he is begging for swap time so he can get out of town! That's a great idea buddy, go and find a new job out of town,your sure as hell not helping 747 at all.

Received via Email 12.22.11  I'm not a big fan of MTB but why not ask him, and then tell us what he's using the swap time for?  Is he using it for personal stuff or is it to keep from using pool time?  Is he doing Union business or personal business?  Just because the man wants to swap time with another member, which by the way is perfectly . . . none of your bidness . . . doesn't mean he's up to something sinister.  Pot stirring, you betcha.  But pretty lame.

Received via Email 12.22.11  Good job on TV the other night MB.  You did as good as any man on the street.

Received via Email 12.22.11  That is lame.  You mean the man can't do swaps without you thinking something's up? You're reaching.

Received via Email 12.22.11  Since Mike is the current president of OUR union, it seems to me that slamming him is the same as slamming the membership.  If you want to cry about the election not going your way, fine.  But go cry to your mother and not in here where real men and women have to look at it. 

Received via Email 12.22.11  WOW 3 post by the same FINO.. So your most likely one of those cry babies that wanted anyone else but Winnie. So now that some member pulls some Blank shinanagins out into the light for all to see, suddenly he/she is a reaching pot stirrer, membership slammer? Your one funny Ass munch. But keep trying. Your post are amusing at best.( real men and women!? hahaha) FTM

Received via Email 12.23.11  "You mean the man can't do swaps without you thinking something's up?" Funny how when President Newton had swap time the Winnie haters pitched a cry baby fit. But now, oh, all is fine with Blank doing it. Come on so called real men and women, get your head out of your ass.

Received via Email 12.25.11  When was the last time newton actually rode a fire apparatus on duty? 

Received via Email 12.26.11  Wow I love a challenge, a short check on telestaff reveals it all. This may be a surprise to you but he has actually been the officer on apparatus more times than you know. Which dont surprise me since you obviously dont know a bunch. Also, dispite the fact he has been at HQ for the last 3 months on light duty, he has been able to maintain his CME's and his target safety. Got anything else?

Received via Email 12.26.11  When was the last time you ever did anything for anybody other than yourself? While you were worrying about him he was worrying about you but for different reasons. FTM

Received via Email 12.26.11  Received via Email 12.25.11  When was the last time newton actually rode a fire apparatus on duty?
Do we have people riding on fire apparatus off duty? I mean besides "Im missing my Union Duties Santa Claus Mike Blank.

Received via Email 12.26.11  lets see, when was the last time I saw Terri Barber, Mark Henrickson, Joel Granata riding a fire apparatus?How about any of the $95K DC's? LR's? Now that Newton is also on a 40 hour work week he is no where close to holding the record of the slackers in HQ. Oh yeah if you really want to ask a question, why not ask why they are getting the exact same HIGH RISK pension that those of us that actually see a fire or are exposed to illness do? We have DC's that lose their city vehicles, anybody want to comment on that? As far as MTB looking for swap time, so what? Would you rather he lie about it and claim hes doing union duties? Talk about half baked bitchin, this all sounds like another shit stirrer aka key board assasion has gotten a new computer for christmas.

Received via Email 12.27.11  When was the last time Winnie rode a fire truck? Better question should be when was the last time Mike Blank took off any time to work on union business that was fruitful. The entire world got to see him in action on TV last week. This is what you voted for. ANYBODY BUT WINNIE. You got the class clown.

Received via Email 12.28.11  Lets see, the city wont give us a contract because they are afraid of what might happen with the EMS. The Chief wont hire additional bodies because hes afraid of what might happen with the EMS. The Mayors afraid that the city will have to pay back the SAFER grant because of what might happen with the EMS. How is it then that the idea of changing one of the Lt positions to a new Captain position in Training has reared its ugly head again?

Received via Email 12.28.11  What? the city wont give us a contract? how is that possible, we ousted Newton and put in the puppet from no where. I was under the impression that we were going to get the world handed to us on a silver platter. What happened?

Received via Email 01.04.12  Hell, the city wont even print the copies of the contract that we ratified 3 months ago. The contract clealy specifies that they are to be provided within 21 days after signing. Where are they? We have people getting written up regularly and we have no contracts to see if we are being screwed over. What the hell is Mikey (no clue) Blank doing about this? I am afraid it will be the same lame ass answer we have been hearing for the past 2 months, "I will look the other way"

Received via Email 01.04.12  RECALL HIS BLANK ASS!
or do us a favor Mike, resign

Received via Email 01.05.12  funny how some of the same idiots in trouble voted for Blank. whos your buddy now fellas

Received via Email 01.16.12  Somebody clue me this. How is it that this guy Zanotta is getting shit on by Knight and Girk and not getting promoted to Medic when he's been out of school 3 years? Funny they can continue to use him on trucks and pay him shit and use everybody that can barely make it out of medic school but they can't classify him and pay him? And who did they promote back to medic over him this month......? Sean Brennan. I suspected this guy was dirty because the moment they were pressuring him and Standish and Frazier to drop their medic patch he folded like a house of cards and never testified for for Frazier at his hearing. They flipped him so he wouldn't testify. He got all kind of quiet and was secretly getting paid over his brothers all along. HE WAS BEING PAID TOP PAID PARAMEDIC OUT OF A SPECIAL FUND. He's as dirty as the dirtyest at HQ. This shit needs to go to counsel and the news papers and Mike Deeson. The only way to cut this cancer out is to put it in the sunshine. How many others onthe job have negotiated their own contract? I want one too. I want a 48 hour work week and a 7 year drop. Can you do that for me Knight? How can we continue to work for a bunch of liers that manipulate the system and treat the people that work here like they'r just so much shit on their shoes?

Received via Email 01.16.12  That explains a lot.

Received via Email 01.16.12  Have Mike Deeson look into sick leave records for HQ personnel. Amazing how you can be off with no time coming off the books. Telestaff is wonderful, now you can see everyone's secret. I wish I could get my sick leave maxed out.

Received via Email 01.18.12  What is with all of the L/T that is showing up in the telestaff page lately? I see folks that just completed their first year getting L/T and now I see others going off in the middle of the shift and then still showing off for the whole 24 hours on the next shift. Wow, there must have been a whole new batch of knee pads received this christmas.There is even L/T on the same day that EVP Pauley was told his request for pool time for a Union negotiation session was denied. Once again where the fu*k is President clueless? Hey Santa Blank, quit giving away my benefits.

Received via Email 01.18.12  F-IT !!!!! let the city H.R guy know about this...if they keep getting away with it they will keep doing it!!!!

Received via Email 01.18.12  The Presidents new thing now, (after he tells everyone else about how he got in their ass) is to go in and tell them what they did wrong, but he nevers tells them to stop or to make things right as called for in the contract. He thinks he has the power to give away our benefits. Can anyone tell me who and why was this clown elected? Santa only comes once a year but this Santa has proven once again that the season of giving away our rights lasts forever.

Received via Email 01.18.12
There was a knock on the door this past Saturday morning.

I opened it to find a young, well-dressed man standing there who said: "Hello sir, I'm a Jehovah's Witness."

So I said "Come in and sit down.

I offered him a fresh cup of coffee and asked "What do you want to talk about?"

He said, "Beats the shit out of me! Nobody ever let me in before."

Received via Email 01.18.12  Here we go again. According to the memo, tomorrow 1/19 the C shift starts their annual vaction picks. No one knows how much time this is going to take or what kinds of problems will arise. Soooo, Helloooo, who in the hell was the knuckle dragger that deceided to schedule BCE's through out the day? I guess PTEC instructors making cash is more important than someone getting to pick their vacations. I can only guess that if someone misses out and wants to file a complaint, what will our President Clueless not do about it? Lets hope this shit buries this ignoramous before we get shafted even more.

Received via Email 01.19.12  Yes, those Ptec instructors are getting rich with a wopping 6 hours a month

Received via Email 01.20.12  How is someone going to miss their picks? Stop bitching and man up.  Its a five minute drill. Do it come back and make your pick if its your turn or just go sit in recliner and wait if it is not. How come no one is burying Mull for taking a Saturday rday and screwing is brothers?

Received via Email 01.20.12  Ok, then it must be all the extra side bene's and satisfaction of screwing over anyone that is not in their click. How do you explain the overabundance of ass suckers that are scratching their way to get in? Why would you rather not insist that SPFR use the training division to provide training like the name implies? Maybe then the training division would be able to justify more people and then maybe those Captain positions wouldnt be such a far fetch.

Received via Email 01.20.12  What's going on with the vacation picks that people in the last year of their 5 year drop can't pick all the way to December?  Why are the capt.'s and DC's who have the 7 year drop allowed to pick to the end of the year and the city is supposedly going to reduce them back to 5 years but I can't make my picks?!?!  I just looked through an old contract and it says ACTIVE AND EMPLOYED.  How come the capt's. and the DC's get treated differently when it's supposed to be illegal and I get the crap end of the stick by some DC who's getting a better benefit than me?  Watch how fast the book is going to get screwed up now.
TEAM:  Bro/Sis.  Please get ahold of us on the Contact page and leave us a throw away Gmail or Yahoo mail address to contact  you with.

Received via Email 01.20.12  #3 1-20 you sound surprised.  The Captains and DC's have been dogging us for months telling us how great a contract offer we've got and that we should vote on it.  I want to know what kind of shit they've been smoking.  Some of them didn't vote to rejoin the union a few years ago and most of them don't give pool time now.  Once a dick always a dick.  F**k em.

Received via Email 01.20.12  Na Na Poo Poo, you C shifters got screwed again. There was no such memo or directive given to the A shift. We have just completed our 2nd rounds for the F/F's and Paramedics, and the Lt's got through all 3. Just another typical day where the left hand dont know what the right hand is doing in the land of SPFR. I wonder what the emperors will tell their slaves on the B shift?

Received via Email 01.23.12  The stupidity continues to ooze out of the pores of our fire admin leadership. A certain A shifter who has just recently returned to full duty after being off and running out of time and working numerous days in HQ on light duty has now returned to shift work. HooRay, now for the stupidity, because of mistakes on his part he managed to amass 3 write ups in a short amount of time, qualifying him for 24 hours off with no pay. So ow that he is back on duty its time to teach him a lesson and give him his time off. Why did they wait for him to return to full duty to give him the time off which takes him out of staffing, instead of giving him the time off while he was sitting around HQ doing nothing for nobody and effecting no staffing? I mean 24 hours off is what it is so what was wrong with awarding the time off when it effected no one? Just another example of the constant Head Trippin that goes on in the Scooby Do Mystery Machine. If there was ever a need for Random drug testing I think that would be the place to visit daily. I am sure the results would be off the charts.

Received via Email 01.24.12   Sounds like apples and oranges.  He's on light duty for a condition.  That time off from staffing is because of that condition.  You can't impose punishment in the name of light duty time off and vice versa.  It is two totally different situations that can't be combined.  Consequently he had to get better to be punished.  He had to be off the contition that caused the light duty and working at HQ, etc. before they could impose the punishment.  It would probably not have affected anyone as stated but it sets a very delicate precedent.  The next step would be to have punishment time off deducted from one's sick leave.  Be careful what you ask for.  And be careful of what you bitch about before you think it through.  Just sayin'.

Received via Email 01.27.12  To the Chiefs wannbe Do Boy that wrote that last post of pure BullSh*t. When a person is given a discipline of 24 hours off without pay it is exactly that. TIME OFF WITHOUT PAY. WITHOUT PAY means exactly that TIME OFF WITHOUT PAY. It makes no matter if you are off using sick leave or on vacation time. On the day of the discipline you are using NOTHING out of ANY leave account you might have. What I am pointing out is that if he was capable of working he is also capable staying home WITHOUT pay. When you are in HQ on Light duty status you are not clogging up a slot that could be used by your fellow workers and therefore it would be the most logical time to go ahead and punish the one person that received the discipline. Don't wait until the person goes back to full duty and then reduce the staffing, and punish the entire crew by being short handed or possible cause a mandatory overtime scenario. He was not being punished for being on light duty and just because he was not on full duty means nothing to anyone other than kooks you repeated this for.

Received via Email 01.27.12  Here are some facts.... blank is in with HQ. He's not on your side.The other two will talk to you and let you know that they are there for you but not too much after that. so what do you do....CONTACT THE IAFF (NOT 747) AND TALK TO THAT PRESIDENT.

Received via Email 01.27.12  Hey, whats holding up my vacation picks and opening the book? We picked over a week ago. Is the Blank one not going to do anything about this either? WTF?
Received via Email 01.27.12  "The other two will talk to you and let you know that they are there for you but not too much after that. so what do you do..." So, just exactly is it you are looking for? Have you ever asked a specific question, or are you hoping to hear them spill the dirt on everyone? Honestly I would rather know that they are not giving up the secrect to the beans just because you think your entitled. Step up and become a part of the team, MDA, Fund Raising, Neighborhood meetings, Council meetings (City, County, or State) many more to list. Give of yourself and become a true part of something. Paying a certain amount to be part of the organization is not "paying your dues", most of the membership is along for the ride and to bitch when a pothole is encountered, and then they want to know who is responsible for not checking the springs. I am glad they are there for me in case I screw up and to be honest, that is the job of the Union Officers. Wages, Hours, Terms, and Conditions of employement. Anything else is a super perk.

Received via Email 01.27.12   I recently saw a photo that showed Billy Mott and Jon Pearl at an IAFF event in Orlando. Where was the Blank one? It looks like they saved a seat for him, maybe he was out to the bathroom.

Received via Email 01.27.12  For the #2 poster on 1/27. Call Mark Sweet and ask him how much satisfaction he has gotten by calling the International. The secretarys wont talk to him, The 12th District VP wont talk to him, and the FSR's wont talk to him. What all of these people will do is immedialty contact the president of the local as well as forward the emails and let them know that someone is complaining about nothing and how it is an internal issue to be dealt with on the Locals level. Aint that right Mark? Oops I think I hear someone that gives a shit about me calling me to dinner.

Received via Email 01.28.12  Mark Sweet, you just said it all. You folks aren't doing him any favors by letting him think that you like him. I dont miss an opportunity to let him know especially when he is in his PETC (I am God) uniform. How is it that folks like him continue to sign up for extras that are of no help to you as a SPFR employee while at the same time their functions prevent our Department from growing? The work they do for themselves hampers this dept from becoming an even bigger and better place. FTM, and the FINO's

Received via Email 01.28.12  Come on sweet and his 3 sum buddues zamp and bruni.  I wonder if they have made a movie together yet.  How to lie and backstab to get ahead.   Bruni?  ow did you get sucked to the dark side?  we all know zamp and sweet are pathetic.  But you?

Received via Email 01.30.12  How did Bruni get sucked to the dark side you ask? What makes you think he ever cared? If it like how some other broken down Northern department does it then it isnt the right way. Get yourself off the street so you arent effected and then surround yourself with do boys to do your job and let someone else foot the bill and take the responisbility. Drive a city supplied and maintained car, work when you want to, and go off to seminars when you want. Hey sign me up to.

Received via Email 02.03.12  Bruni is the dark side. Hey how about those great new helmets, Ask crowell. He has always hidden behind that stupid stash and fire tatoo. Look for his latest cool video on utube. Makes us look like total bufoons. Please sonebody get him a mens size shirt?!?

Received via Email 02.03.12  as we all know zamp and bruni are bff.  be carefel.  what ever zamp tells bruni to to he will do it.  Do not divulge to him anything that you do not want zamp to know.  It is a fact that the 2 collabarate together against people.  Be careful.  Zamp has even been told about people to go after.

Received via Email 02.05.12  I saw a list of names from the trip to Tallahasse and I asked who all the union paid to go. I wanted to know if we were paying for Mike Moore to go and was told we weren't. I asked why he goes since he's not an active member and was told it's because he's a past FPF vice president. So then I asked what his job is since the city always tells us that we can't negotiate for retirees and was told that he was trying to sell the lost 157 story. I wasn't shocked at all and now more than ever it makes perfect sense what's going on around here. We keep blaming Blank for spending more time at HQ than he does the union hall but that's probably only half of it. When I heard that Chris Davis made it into Blanks office shortly after he got elected I wonded what that was all about. Now I don't wonder. Blank is being guided by old buddies and I have a problem with that. Chris Davis always manages to grab up a few lost FF's to help work against whatever politician we take the time and effort to screen and he's a Bill Foster man.  Personlly I'll back Foster for reelection if he'll promise us that he'll do a Go Davis move around here with Large and Knight hitting the bricks. Moore is sucking around trying to get Blank to find a way to conviced the rest of us that we should feel bad for those that retired without a COLA. Personally don't want to GIVE away a pot of money that  the state keeps trying to TAKE from us all. These are dangerous times and we should all be asking questions. I'd rather leave here with a COLA than gain a new buddy like Mike Moore or Chris Davis.

Received via Email 02.05.12  Walks like a duck then it's a duck!

Received via Email 02.05.12  How does Mike Blank find the time to keep entertaining all of these past members? Chris Davis doesn't even pay retiree dues. Thats how much he really thinks about the Union he was supposed to care so much about. Anyways now MTB is sitting around a campfire in the mountains somewhere with his other non dues paying sick leave abusing buddies while he and Lt Hay seem to not care about whats going on around Local 747 land. I guess us not having a contract matters very little to our President. I wish I where able to be at our next negotiations meeting but if what has happened during the last 3 meetings is any indication I am certain that nothing will be missed. Lets get a message to the Union Leaders, that we are all ready for this big change we were all sold on and that we want to see it soon. If we arent going to get the reduced work week, the 7 day work cycle, the 7 year drop, any extra pay for extra hours worked, or a pay raise. And the Blank one is sti
ll ever willing to allow Chief Chicklet teeth to make changes to our bargaining agreement at his will And we are still looking at mandatory drug testing, mandatory sharing of our personal medical history, and no promises of anything good for the next 2 years, then I have to wonder. MTF did anyone ever see in the anyone but Winnie Campaign? Oh yeah, Mike Moore, Chris Davis, Chief Chicklet teeth and Jim Large are now the true decision makers of Local 747. Maybe Jeff Wayne, Randy Tokotch, Keith Brahm, Steve Watkins, and Danny Thomas all knew something we didn't see. Why pay dues to the IAFF when we arent going to be guided by a contract to start with.

Received via Email 02.07.12  I heard a story yesterday that in no uncertain terms were we ever going to get another R day and that maybe, just maybe we could get a 7 day work cycle out of HQ. They're not the same nor even close to being the same benefit my friends. I'm not much of one for watching the shining object in the hand I can see. With Jimmy Large and The Great Pumpkin there's always a back story and nothing is ever what it seems. Be wary of Greeks bearing gifts.

Received via Email 02.07.12  Why is Young getting pool time? Does she even know where the hall is? If this shit continues I am done donating. Call me a scab I do not care and shove my dues up your ass while I am thinking about it. Thanks for nothing Blank.

Received via Email 02.07.12  #2 02-07 Before you get all upset and do something stupid take a moment and listen.  The Eboard was trying to finish up that business right before the last union meeting started but had to carrying it into a break in the regular meeting.  Several of the women on the job have an opportunity to go to some seminars that are being held in Tampa.  They got the dept. to pay for the seminars and we paid in pool time for them to take off.  It's your pool time and my pool time and if the truth be told anyone can use pool time if it benefits the membership.  Just think about the club you'll be in if you stop giving pool time.  We have DC's that have never given the first hour and we're fighting to get these pricks back FLSA money.  Do they apprecciate it?  Watch and see if they have their hand out when FIRE CHIEF JAMES D. LARGE tries to take their 7 year DROP from them.  The city doesn't care if all of use have a 7 year DROP and they've told us so.  It's FIRE CHIEF JAMES D. LARGE being a giant penis.  The DC's will want to be represented and union officers will have to use your pool time and mine to defend these greedy f**ks like Domante (voted not to be unionized) and Adimedes (voted not to be unionized).  Don't be mad at Blank for giving your pool time away.  Be mad at Blank for being one of the least educated union leaders that this organization has ever offered up at a most dangerous time.

Received via Email 02.08.12  I don't mind giving pool time to people that know where the hall is. Did she collect for MDA or hold signs? Only time some people come to the hall is for a donation, drink or need something. Yes, I did both before you ask.

Received via Email 02.08.12  Follow the math and we will all see why this dept supposedly doesn't have enough money to give to its employees on a fair an equitible basis. Lets for example take a top paid paramedic ($70K) and use her to replace a civilian in HQ that makes about ($40K) while she is out on maternity leave. Now lets also factor in the loss of this medic into the shift strength and figure that it will cause a staffing shortage for a few days over the next possible 6 months that will be necessary to fill with overtime and sometimes mandatory positions to boot. Add this all together and you will probably see that our Fire Administration leadership is ok with filling a $40K civilian position with a sworn firefighter paramedic at a cost of $100K. When did we start filling civilain positions with sworn people? I dont remember Julie Newby, Venita, Lynn Powell, or any of the secretary positions ever being filled with anyone from the stations. I dont remember any of the civilian inspectors going on vacation and getting their slots filled, nor do I remember Driskel, Deitz, or Bracey needing to have their jobs filled by bringing in someone off shift work. Yes it is common to see someone on light duty sitting in one of their chairs but not as a special reassignment, earning a high risk pension. What ya say Mayor, is this just another way of you showing the citizens of our town that you dont know where your money is going?
TEAM: Bingo!  We have a winner!

Received via Email 02.09.12  Not to seem too awkwardly stupid but isn't that a violation of the job description of the fire fighter paramedic?  You do still have job descriptions, don't you?  And just out of curiosity are there any individuals who have been in this position temporarily, willing to challenge this activity ?  Granted it's a time of rigorous scurrying around to maintain things on a daily basis but blatantly violating the conditions of employment isn’t the best or legal means.

It would seem it’s time to see if the union leadership can produce an opinion and, if necessary, a challenge to the activity.  If nothing else it would possibly produce enough of a dust up to reach the local press.  I often see members who are curious about having the likes of Mike Deeson get involved in the problems of the fire service in an attempt to make the evils perpetrated by the administration come to the light of day.

Naturally, just the aroma of this sort of financial inappropriateness on the part of the administration will only encourage the howlers and whiners in the public overall who already think the fire service is a burden on their wallet.  It will also point out ineptness in the mental capabilities of those in charge.  It will be a double edged sword but one that will need sharpening in order to prevent the recurrence of a time when the members mowed grass and cleaned windows.

And just in case it’s not a violation of the job description, per se, it would seem it would be a blatant mishandling of manpower by those in charge.  Either way it will take the intervention of the union leadership to sort this out and determine what authorization allows the change in status of certain members to occur at the will of the administration.  Can a certified paramedic be temporarily classified as a clerk typist?  It  should be very out of the ordinary.

Dick Tully

Received via Email 02.09.12  Oh well, if we need to leave it up to the leadership of the local, we may as well forget it. Chicklet tooth will have an answer for the Blank one and it will be kool.

Received via Email 02.10.12  What's the cost of a Kelly Girl?

Received via Email 02.10.12  Here's what everyone's not getting.  We can brown out fire stations but there's never an empty seat at HQ.  Ask Jimmy if he wants to make more promotions.  Ask Jimmy if he still wants a captain's position in our enemic training division.  Jimmy loves a good promotion because it creates another do-boy for him to surround himself with.

Received via Email 02.18.12  Just in case you haven't been keeping up. The cities contract proposals are all BULLSHIT!!!!! While on the other hand, President Blanks are....well we are still witing to see his...

Received via Email 02.20.12  I have begun hearing about how great the cities best and final offer is. Did I miss something? I know today is a Holiday, did the city come forth with something new? Remember this, when your choices are between a shit sandwich and a giant douche, you can always say that the one wont taste as bad as the other.

Received via Email 02.21.12   Oh yeah. I always look for a sign. You know. A sign. Like when Mark Sweet or the MFS crew that eats tasty pies with the chief or Mr. Go Getter himself Art Meyer who spent his entire life at station 2 get behind something like this POS contract offer tell everyone to jump on it. Here's another one to go to for the answer that good for everyone not just what's good for him and that's Mitch Paul. When Mitchy says it's good then I know it's got to be good for me too because Mitch doesn't just talk a story to death, he really digs in and gets educated on what's going to be good for everyone. I can respect that. Three more years without a pay raise when other cities are just now starting to lighten up a bit is okay if Mitchy says so. And leaving the pension article open endlessly ought to inspire every new guy on the job. Watch out, they may just call us back to the table at the end of next year's political cycle and tell us that they've got something wonderful for you guys in the way of a pension improvement. I trust all of you guys and if anyone ever tells me that any one of you is a double agent or is only working for yourselves I'll kill them.

Received via Email 02.21.12  It gets even better, has anyone caught a glimpse of the hazing that goes on at some of the stations? I know you will be surprised that something like that would be permitted to go on under the direction of he great ones we have as leaders . The probies get in early and start cleaning the stations by 7:30, are expected to do physical duties if they dont get something done before a "Senior" guy. What a joke. Hey here' a new one. How do I sign up to take over a 40 hour civilians job in HQ when they go out on medical leave? How do I direct deal with City Hall to do my Car seat/ pool safety gig? How do I get to go around to different stations and shoot the shit and do nothing everyday?

Received via Email 02.21.12  I understand Blank had his first big win.  Under his leadership at the table he properly set the stage for our labor attorney by taking the lead in getting the captains and DC's FLSA overtime back for them. Oops. Sorry. Check that. The captains and DC's lost. Blank was poorly prepared. Didn't have shit to say. When he did have shit to say he was as convincing as a high schooler that was given an asignment at the last minute and his dog ate his prepared remarks on the way to school. He didn't do the prep work he should have for the attorneys and didn't help our case. They lost.

Received via Email 02.22.12   Oh come now, its only expected that you wouldn't want to ask the person that had filed and done all of the pre filing work to come out and take the case just on common sense. I mean whats 4,5,or $6,000.00 amongst friends? I mean its not all my money.

Received via Email 02.22.12  that sounds like 6-b to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i would put money on it, if i had any!!!!!

Received via Email 02.22.12  What would any of you say if you had just been charged with a Group 3 and upon calling the union president for advice you are told "Have you thought about calling the fire chief?"  Is this why we pay dues?

Received via Email 02.22.12  #3 2-21 I've said it before and I'll say it again. This presidential election was less about accomplishments and more about schmoozing for a vote. Winnie has been busy defending us from a dozen different directions from day one to personally stroke each and every one of your bruised egos while Blank made himself available to all of us with what message? He didn't have one and he still doesn't. You wouldn't want this guy for a teacher to teach your kids. You wouldn't want this guy for a state representative to represent you in the statehouse. He's a joker and a talker but he's not a worker. He doesn't like people around to see him at work because he's not cut out for fighting and he's more interested in bringing in a contract quickly than bring in a contract where he fought till the bitter end. Why are we fighting over how many hours we get to bank for taking a drug test when we should be fighting for more money, another R Day, a 7 day work cycle and more control of our vacation time slots. How is it that the DC's and the Captains are so much better than you and me that they deserve everything that we're fighting for and somehow we're worth shit? I'll be damned if I'm just going to watch our benefits get pissed away for one guy who wants to retire and be guaranteed a job as a civilian inspector.  Blank, you're an imposter and an embarrassment to our union.

Received via Email 02.22.12  Well said 02-22-12  #4  Now what will you do to get this imposter away from the bargaining table and into the union office answering the phone?  Why does everyone bitch about Blank but not one swingin' dick will do anything to change the situation.  This problem will not go away from talking it to death.  Someone grow a pair and ... oh, wait a minute . . . forgot . . . just for a second there I forgot that there are plenty of whiners and crybaby's on this job but damn few who can find a spine.  Never mind.  I'm sorry I said anything. 

Received via Email 02.28.12  Received via Email 02.22.12  Well said 02-22-12  #4  "Now what will you do to get this imposter away from the bargaining table"? Thats easy, just tell him there is ANYTHING else happening and he will make sure he is there. I am certainly surprised that he hasn't been seen traveling with his group of remora providing ideas and back slappin each other. Now that Mike has closed the deal on our contract they wont have a use for him anymore.

Received via Email 02.28.12  Want bullshit? Here's bullshit. The city wants to offer us 0% 0% and 0% for the next 3 years but they want to keep the pension article open for that time. Why don't we offer them the same deal? The city can have the pension article open for the next three years but they can make 0% 0% and 0% changes to our pension. People.........is this really the shit we're voting on? How can this even be a conract offer that's worthy of a vote? Why are we going to allow this supposed union president to bring this back to us to even discuss? Someone said on here that we should call the union president and complain. It's too late brothers and sisters. They already got to him. This guy is working for the other side and he doesn't care what he looks like to you and me. Why do you think he shows up at HQ every day? He's not getting educated in how to get a winning contract. He's weak and doesn't do well under stress so he visits his buddies at HQ every day to get a fresh pep talk. He should be banished from this union. He's dirty.

Received via Email 03.01.12  Here's the biggest load of Bullshit ever to be spewed from Chris Guella,the Mayors mouth piece. He said matter of factly that if we dont play the game they want with the 2 year drop extension then they will just pull it back from the Supervisors unit. I guess a legaly bargained for agreement on a piece of paper with his very own signiture on it now means nothing to the Mayor and his braingaing team.

Received via Email 03.01.12  I used to take Guella's lunch money when we were kids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHxIssSROjk

Received via Email 03.12.12  Since this is the Bullshit page, I would like to say this. Mike Blank, Mike Blank President of Local 747, Mike Blank Bargaining Agent, Mike Blank a leader of men. Where am I going with this? I dont know I just drew a Blank.....

Received via Email 03.16.12  since this is the bs page can we list the name of officers that are sellouts to thir own men and have knee pads issued to them by hq?

Received via Email 03.16.12  well we can beak it down into groups.  alcoholics, womanizers, just lain backstabbers who will sell you out.  hmm lets see.   SZ,  DK,  SL, DOUGHBOY MZ.   i WILL LEAVE THE REST TO FILL IN.  New guys pay attention.  do not be fooled.  If you have wives or gf.  Do not let them around these people.  Period.  Do not talk about your personal life or go out and drink or hang out with them.  They will use this to hold against you.

Received via Email 03.17.12  And some of these good ol boys are the same ones we're talking about voting YES so save their 7 year Drop for? Are we stupid? FTM

Received via Email 03.17.12  dont forget that is all allegedly.   and your forgot to mention none other than "im going to sue or call the police MS

Received via Email 03.17.12  Vote this contract to nowhere down. Why kiss any captain or DC's ass by even listening to them. Large is out making the rounds talking drivel. Jimmy your a mess or you wouldn't be fighting to shit on your firefighters by telling them this is all about drug testing. Your only telling half the story. We already have drug testing. Winnie kicked your ass at impasse. That's right, YOUR ass because council could give a shit less about this stuff. Now your out blowing the troops like a schoolgirl looking to get promoted to class whore. Your going to go down as one of the greats Jimmy. One of the great assholes and I'm not along in my thinking. ---- --- and the horse you rode in on. Your good at tilling in the blanks. Get it?

Received via Email 03.17.12  The best reason to vote this contract down is because the chief wants us to vote it up.

Received via Email 03.17.12  When we stop fighting each other then maybe we can make some progress.

Received via Email 03.17.12  I will agree that there's fighting going on. As a group we have our differences but for the most part we know right from wrong. I remember a certain FF from station 7 telling me that we needed a change because we weren't getting enough information out of Winnie. He even said that if Blank got into office that he'd make sure that everyone was kept up to date with memos and a newsletter. From what I've seen he and Winnie have only one thing in common and that's that neither one of them has produced a newsletter and only one of them promised one. Blank is going to rush us to 4 yrs. of 0% and drug testing because he's afraind that the DC's and captains might lose their 7 yeard DROP. They've already got so much more than us that this FREE benefit should be the last thing on Blanks mind.  Another huge problem will be that we'll be out of sync with the cops and that's really bad for our future. At the end of a 3 year contract we'll be like a nutered dog. Question: when do we catch a break? The city attorney says they won't move on pay because they don't know what the budget looks like and Mike Blank knows this and is still telling people to vote YES to this offer. That's wrong. We don't have any facts beyond what I've seen on this site and youtube and I want to thank the people that do provide information. When I hear that Blank is spending the majority of his days at HQ and the other two principal officers only find out at the very last minute what he's thinking do the majority of you think that this is right? I want to know if the E board is looking into taking action agains him because I don't thing he's working for anyone other than the captains and DC's. Pitting one group against the other would help to stop the fighting that you mentioned. This is of course what the chief wants. And to those of you who dream about getting 8 hours of vacation time to piss in a cup, it's been proven that you've got better chance of not getting picked because only five members a month will be tapped. We need to start thinking together because that's what the city fears. Tell the chief to stop putting his nose in our union business when he comes around. When he mentions union business he's not only planting seeds, he's also taking information back to use against us. Please think.

Received via Email 03.18.12   to 3-12,#1. There may be a few HQ A-H's eligable for the 7 year drop, BUT there are many hard working firefighters with school age children that need that drop. So be careful what ya say, it isn't always 100%..

Received via Email 03.18.12  In day gone by in a galaxy far, far away, there were DC's and Captains who were not at the top of the list of favorite people by the majority of the men.  We had a way to show our disrespect of their intentions and sometimes their ability to lead.  When the DC walked in we'd all stand up.  As if the President had arrived or something.  Actually it was in respect of the office but most of the DC's took it as our admission of rank and power. 

Then, when the mandatory protocols had been observed we would each quietly leave the room.  What ever room the DC was in produced the same effect.  The only person left to talk to the DC was the Lieutenant and after all, isn't that why they make the big bucks?  It was a lawful and quiet way to demonstrate our lack of interest in what he had to say and shortened the visit.  I know it sounds lame now when there are those who would not be willing to do such a dastardly thing but remember that there is no rule or memo that says you have to sit there and listen to him, or her, spew that blather.  And that goes for the main man himself too.  Now that there are cubicles for privacy (thank you ladies) all you have to do is use it. 

That works on the Union president too, you know.  If you sit there and let him try to indoctrinate you into his way of thinking then don't come here and bitch and whine about it.  You had a choice and you made it.  That's on you.  When you sit there and nod while the DC tells you about how great his new 7 year DROP is, that's on you.  When you chit chat with the DC next to the engine and nod when he tells you about the fantastic tradeoff you get for voting on the 4 year contract to nowhere, that's on you.  Ironically enough you won't see the DC nodding when you tell him YOUR side of things. 

Hell no.  He's been indoctrinated to believe that just the sight of him is enough to have you groveling in awe and when he speaks you are required to listen.  Maybe the old guys had more balls that the current crop of members but at least we made an effort to show solidarity.  We were fighting just to ESTABLISH the union.  You are fighting to KEEP it.

Learn that actions have consequences.  Blank is a perfect example of making the wrong action and now reaping the consequesnces.  It is what it is.  There's no changing it now.  So we need to quit beating a dead horse and get on with it.  We've been crippled at the table and in the leadership of the Local.  But the good news is that so far we haven't thrown the baby out with the bathwater.  The situation is being held in check by cooler heads and experienced second in command's that keep us protected.  

One last thing.  It's a little more than difficult to expect any more than what has been gotten when we stepped off the end of that dock into the deep water.  We made a choice to take a chance on losing a lot or gaining a little.  It's pretty obvious that the "losing a lot" side is staring us in the face.  At this point in time it's doubtful that even a "little" is asking too much to gain.  There has to be an end to this so that we can find some breathing room.  It's time to call it and declare impasse and have this settled.  We want it and the Council, who will have the final word on it, wants it too.  Let's take advantage of that.  We need to live to fight another day and not lose ground. 

Dick "Old School" Tully

Received via Email 03.18.12  To 3-18 #1  I don't think anyone's talking about removing the 5 year DROP, bro.  The city's talking about the extension that they're holding out as a bargaining chip. I understand what you're saying and I'm looking forward to going in the DROP in a few years but I'm not getting step raises anymore, last year is shot and there's no retro for this year. We've got to get something or we're out of luck for a long time to come and it will be us that put our own necks in the noose. The captains and the DC's got so much for the same things we're being asked to give up and we're being offered so little. Once we've given up the things the city wants bady, we'll have nothing left to give away.  I'm not voting for the captains and the DC's, I'm voting for me and I'm voting NO.

Received via Email 03.19.12   To both 3-18 posters. Thank you both for summing this situation up in such a manner that even a kool-aid drinker should be able to understand it. When someone from the Supervisory unit starts telling you what to do with this contract, just remember this the Invisible man and his crew are trying to run this train wreck while riding in the Caboose.

Received via Email 03.19.12   true anyone working in HQ is a sell out not only to the men and women but also th theor family.  because i doubt they wouldnt treat their family like they treat us if they were in the rank and file

Received via Email 03.19.12   Yes they would. Cheating on your wife is the same as putting the screws to each of us. They do it because they have no honor and they know that they are in the company of their Master. Then they go to Bible study on Wednesdays and again to Church on Sunday, and put their kids in private school, to show us screws that they are so superior. They dont know that a true Christian will never have to tell someone that they are good. It will be evident to everyone through their actions.
TEAM:  These words have featured prominently on the pages of this site for yearly seven years, now...

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. 
We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” —C.S. Lewis

Received via Email 04.10.12  I see that there is an awful lot of talk about F/F'rs cheating on their spouse's. Is that because it is true or is it just a few that make it seem that way? I know there are a few that I have worked with over the years that make me wonder how thier honey's put up with them in the first place. and yes vice versa.

Received via Email 04.11.12  it happens all the time.  The last good one was where a certain ff who was at 13a was where his supervisor was having an affair with his then wife.  And the admin covered it up.  just goes to show you how things work at HQ.  Dont want to name names because the word out there is tht the certain person and now wife like to sue anyone for money.

Received via Email 04.12.12  Retired (firefighter excluded by author since he never met the title) Bill Moore keeps up his senseless fight. How refreshing. Bill, nobody cared about you before and nobody cares for you now. Move on.

Received via Email 04.12.12  Bill and Scott would do good together, one likes being an Asshole and the other likes kissing an Asshole!

Received via Email 04.14.12  dudes really no one really cares about either of them we have bigger issues to worry about with our contract and keeping employment...so if you have issues with either of them take it to them directly and lets focus on the problems
TEAM:  Thanks.  Yes, we have big fish to fry and everyone can help themselves by attending the Labor Law Boot Camp.  See the Straight Dope page for details.  You may have seen one of the flyers on your union board depicting a $15.00 entry fee.  Local 747 is picking up the tab for our members.  There will be many others there from other Locals so please RSVP to the email address on that page as soon as possible.

Received via Email 04.26.12 http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/state/judge-florida-worker-drug-testing-unconstitutional Jimmy wants for us just what Gov. Tilthead wants for them.

Received via Email 04.29.12  OK there is a co king of BS out there, and his name is Kid Ronwell.. This so called supervisor has been seen, and heard bashing anyone that will not admit to his rich ass we are for the lame, ball-less contract. He's been heard saying the pensions open anyway, how long have we been without one? The clueless new guys are looking into the grey headed wonder with awe, saying he has got to be right, he's my leader?! WTF? If there was ever a member that morphed from a useful member to its time for me to retire to my waterfront home, and big boat, and yeah where's my 7 year drop? Its oh so fitting he is MTB's #1 ball supporter.. MTB would do whatever KR tells him.. It’s not usually a good thing to insult fellow union members, but KR has so distanced himself from our union it turns my guts.. So KR, stop spreading BS, you are on the way out Old man.. Look in the mirror; you gave up Hazmat, E-5, what else is left but you? good luck in life if you think it will be better doing as you have done, buddy you’re in for a rude awake up call..FTM

Received via Email 04.29.12  So, HQ loses a non union civilian $35K pub ed girl due to pregency and they have no problem pulling a $68K top paid paramedic off the line to fill in for her. HQ pulls a $68K top paid paramedic off line to fill a $35K non union civilian position and thus creates a staffing shortage for the 52 hour rank and file union members. HQ fills a non union civilian position with a Rank and File member which creates a shortage of staffing and therefore causes other members to work over time. So HQ has no problem covering a $35 non union civilian employee with a $68K employee and also filling in the slots left vacant by paying overtime. WTF???? Wait it gets better, HQ knows that there are many retirements coming up and that the staffing levels are already down so they plan to hire replacements. Good for them. BUTT...They rush out and hire a onesie that they wont do anything with until they hire more. So the new hire has been playing the part of observer and gopher for the Training boys. Well guess what? We might as well still be short handed. Since the hiring of this onesie did nothing to relieve the staffing shortage caused by the pulling of a top paid $68K paramedic to fill a $35K non union civilian 40 hour HQ pub ed position and causing overtime positions to fill that, we now learn that in addition to all that, they did hire and are paying the onesie $40K a year to be a gopher in the fully staffed training division. So lets do the math. a $35K position is costing the difference between that and $68K ($33K) plus overtime positions (god only knows) plus there is a new hire ($40K)that does nothing to relieve any staffing shortages in the rank and file 52 hour work world. OMG!!!!if this aint full out MALFEASANCE I dont know what is. And the bean counters still say we have cash shortages. I can see why. I am most certain this is not a one of a kind occurance.

Received via Email 04.30.12  I hear that the B shift District FINO's are up to another MUTT move of personnel. I guess these frequent r days are giving them too much time to sit in their comfy chairs at home and think up ways to win favor from thier Kings and Master.

Received via Email 05.01.12  That stuff about Ron Kidwell is very disappointing.  His dad was a stand-up guy and good man.  I guess the apple rolled a little after it fell from the tree.  I would have thought that Ron senior would have instilled the basics of the fire service in junior.  Maybe he did and like others of juniors mind set who think they know everything he was ignored and pushed to the side.  I know a lot has changed but inevitably the stuff that happens today has already happened before.  It's just being re-invented and served to gullible appetites.   

Received via Email 05.01.12  well you know  I am sure zamp has his fingers in it all.  I remember overhearing him t\saying that he doesnt like educated firefighters or a crew that gets along because he cant control them

Received via Email 05.02.12  Its not just the frequent r days that give them time to think up this shit, its the r day, sick day, scheduled day off periods that r doing it. Just ask the DC's or anyone in HQ if they watch the r day sandwichs going on in the Supervisory unit as much as they like to get the Rank and File ass munchers to look at the records of their Brothers and sisters. Maybe Chief Crumity can answer that.

Received via Email 05.06.12  I see that the top paid paramedic that has chosen to work a 40 hour week has now decided to go ahead and work a little of the sweet overtime. Overtime that as a 40 hours person is certian to get time and one half and better yet since she is on a 40 hour week she will receive a much higher rate of pay then the other 52 hour workers that might or might not get overtime pay for. What a system. Hey Lt Bickley this means that yes she was making about $10 and hour more than you for doing the same job.

Received via Email 05.11.12  I see that DC Thornton is at it again. Just putting himself as an acting Lt wherever he wants.  When was the last time his backside saw the seat of a rescue?

Received via Email 05.11.12  Walked into HQ this afternoon. No one is there so curious me, I look on Telestaff and no one on vac. Must be nice to get free time off

Received via Email 05.11.12  Large worries that druggies are hiding in every bathroom stall in every station when right out in the open thieves at HQ are stealing from the city's payroll. If I gotta take a random drug test they maybe they should take a random polygraph. I don't like liars or thieves.

Received via Email 05.11.12  Heck, have you ever been sitting in the waiting area in front of the prevention office between 7:45 and 8:00? its a good thing there isn't a real time clock in there cause it would tell a whole different story then oracle. Have you ever wondered why HQ folks show up in your stations before 8 a.m.? Its because they know they are running late so they stop at the closet station and say they were visiting instead of being in thier assigned area where they belong.

Received via Email 05.19.12  Another shift person taken off the streets to fill an Hq position for a couple of weeks.

Received via Email 05.20.12  yep to cover a brother who is having life saving cancer treatments ya douche if you have issues other departments are hiring

Received via Email 05.20.12  The Anus has spoken, The "douche" is bringing up a valid point. There is never a spot left unfilled when it comes to ever importance of those in HQ. On the other hand there is never a thought or care about creating a further shortage of personnel on the shifts.

Received via Email 05.21.12  Was the person losing their job in hq if it was not covered? No he would not, but we will still mandatory people for 2 hour bullshit assignments and place units oos almost regularly. That is the point we are trying to make so you my friend are the douche and the bag. Go drink some more kool aid

Received via Email 05.21.12  Ok, so now we have a rumor going around that a brother firefighter got a red light ticket while driving an Engine non emergency. The truth is...never happened. Apparently there are some who are constantly threatened by those who just go about helping others, doing their jobs with integrity and honor and live up to the word "brother" firefighter. While we are not all perfect, we try to do what is right. These individuals continue to attack people for no reason other than reflecting how truly miserable their own lives truly are. Is this what it takes to be noticed?! Are they really that threatened by those who have a real life, family and friends, and are doing well for themselves? Or is that all that defines these bottom dwellers from the septic tank?! So while they wallow in their own muck and mire of a truly inept life and attempt to slander other peoples character, we must look at these people and say REALLY!!?? Go to the source. Lets bring back the Honor, integrity, moral character and professionalism that this "honorable" job is to be portrayed. These people who forsake their own morals and ethical well being, to cheat, lie, and bear false witness for their own personal gains. We know who you are. Brush your teeth, spit it out, clean yourself up cuz your stinking this joint up.

Received via Email 05.21.12  So it appears that the B shift District Chiefs are having problems with those in their command yet again. Here comes another new batch of "screw you" moves in order to shake up the troops. What a bunch of crap ola. There will be a hats off photo op Wednesday followed by a bend over and grab your ankles drill immediatley afterward. I have often wondered why the B shift was so chock full of mal contents. I can see now that it is in direct relation to their so called leaders. Go Cubs.

Received via Email 05.23.12  I heard that at the Fire Ops 101 not a single chief officer from St. Pete was there. You'd think with half the staff on the chopping block that at least one of them would show up and get noticed for something other than copying and pasting hurricaine information into a couple of emails a year.

Received via Email 05.23.12  Zamps a broken down old f**k and Rosetti is worried about keeping himself and his $75K a year wifes city job safe and secure. As long as they are miserable they will make sure everyone else is too. I dont know why someone had to put the Cubs in the same frame work as these folks. At least they have an excuse for why they stink.

Received via Email 05.25.12  Me, me, me, I got mine. While the kool aid drinking "I don't have a mind or backbone", pick me take my wife, what do you need I can get it for you pathetic suckups, work from 9-10 til what 3 or 4? Where can I take you for lunch Chief?!.... drive their city cars wherever and whenever they want all on the city's dime, we can't even get the minimal items to even clean the stations. DC's with the obvious R-day buffet (not sandwich). Equipment out of service all over the city. Staffing as low as 63. Don't dare say anything or you will get a visit from the man at your station (ok his reperesntative) Hey Mr. Mayor all is well on the western front. The guys on the line nit picking and attacking each other. Yeah....mission accomplished. Divide and conquer. There is no unity. People wake up. We are losing all of our experience and veterans at an alarming pace. To be replaced with the cloned incestuous pool of zombies. Our quality peeps can't wait to jump off this sinking ship. Mr. Mayor all is just fine and dandy. I gotta go... I just threw up in my mouth.
TEAM:  Please... shoot us an email.  We've got a place for you on the UVT staff.

Received via Email 05.25.12 hey downtown sound like you guys have a "SENIOR MEDIC" headed your way. better make room for one more in the front seat of those engines.... FEMALES RULE!!!!

Received via Email 05.25.12  zamp any pumpkinhead and large are walking cluster fucks as chief offiercers.  gap tooth is there because daddy pulled favors  not because he desearved it.  and zamp took the place of a good dc lane  who shouldnt have resigned because what he did was nothing to what our officers do now.

Received via Email 05.27.12  Funny thing, Gap tooths daddy put the dept on rationing back in his day too, just like the BOY is doing it today.

Received via Email 05.28.12  Hey 5/25 #3, ease of the booze so you can spell and not for nothin' but DC Lane wasn't a good DC. Ask anyone who actually works here!

Received via Email 05.29.12  well zamp is worse then he was.  I mean he follows what his boyfriend tells him to do

Received via Email 06.01.12  way back Zamp was an up an comin youngster that worked in a high tec job. they found out he wasnt what he thought he was and next thing ya know hes a firefighter. Unfortunatly our leadership aint as bright as those at his old employment so they thought wow we gotts us a rocket sign-tist. So just ask him and he will be happy to tell you how much better he is than the rest of us losers. He wasnt nothing special then or now.

Received via Email 06.01.12  Yea those cash registers are hard to work.  Its a good thing his BFF bruni is there to bail him out.  He is sort of like steveie lawrence.  hated at publix  hated in the army and well whats left to be said?

Received via Email 06.06.12  you know Bruni.  I really like the month of Autumn.  Hot and sweaty.  Just like I like my women

Received via Email 06.09.12  I guess that our President must have partied a little to much while out of town at the Convention. I only say this since I see he needed to report out on sick leave today. I dont remember our past president, or his administrative team doing this during his 9 years at the healm. I guess this confirms that the good ole boy club has returned.

Received via Email 06.09.12  6/9 #1. You hit it right on the head. Ask him why? He doesn't know. Say you would like to grive a write up, he says we grive too many,and it makes HQ mad at him! When will he realize he is out of his league? Do any of you think he will tackle the insurance overpay issue? Hell no, thats why many, and I mean over 20 members after they heard about it called WN on his cell phone!!( WN stated he was never told of the overpay fromcity when he was our leader, and was going to get on it when he returned back to St. Pete. I guess we'll have to depend on our state VP. Lord knows our local pres can't handle it) Where is the trust in our Pres? It aint there. FTM!

Received via Email 06.17.12  Ask Mitch Paul about too many write ups. He's telling Blank that we will never get decent contract as long we're as long as we're fighting all the 10 shift write ups. He talks a good story but he's another no show do nothing like Blank.

Received via Email 06.17.12  Well I see that gap tooth is starting with the beginning to craft his version of the Master Race. He has chosen 12 paramedics some of whom cant come to work on a regular bases and is sending them to the only rarely heard of "SPFR Engine Drivers training school". I say this because there are a few employees from this same department that have recently paid over $250.00 each to take the class offered by the college because this department felt they had enough drivers. Well we now see that when gap tooth changes his mind he gets what he wants. Meanwhile the invisible man turns his head at the fact that there are now 4 fewer personnel per shift and that more overtime will be required to fill the positions some mandatory. Gap tooth was never good at firefighting, engine driving, or as a paramedic, unless you count troublemaking, then he was top dog. Now he wants to show the world that HE is the decision maker of this dept and no one is going to come between him and making the invisible man look so bad that his job will soon belong to gap tooth. Chief Little Jerry, if you ask me, no it does not sound like the best that this once great department can do.
Now for the clueless president of local 747, i see we are going to go before his master in HR and he has let it be known that he WILL be signing an agreement and bringing it to the membership. I surely hope that the rest of us arent as full of ourselves like MTB is. I cant wait for the day that this membership shows him his shortcomings while booting his ass out the front door. Hey Artey Meyer, when you nominated Blank for President because you thought it would be interesting, worked out for anyone but you? I can see that the folks at your own station have been taking it straight up the ass lately.

Received via Email 06.17.12  The solution is in our Constitution and By-Laws.

"A business agent may be hired by the Local to conduct such business as the general membership deems appropriate. A contract between the business agent and this Local will be negotiated to include, but not limited to:

A. Duties

B. Responsibility

C. Scope of Authority

D. Salary

E. Length and terms of this contract

Any contract entered into with a business agent will be subject to the final approval of the general membership."

If Blank won't man-up to save us from him then the membership needs to go around him or over him. This is not a one man Local.

Received via Email 06.17.12  Has anyone taken note of the fact that we're at session #13? We just want to be left alone. Last time they met we saw just how much council supports the chief and his bullshit physicals. Apparently while Blank wasn't looking they've changed the language for physicals and they want us to buy into the 50% of their shit that council didn't comment on for 0% return on investment. I say we give them nothing. If they really want it they will come and show us how much they support this failing fire chief James D. Large. The day we sign off on something that we don't want in the hopes that they'll treat us better AFTER THE FACT is the day we all need to turn in our union cards and pull down our shorts.

Received via Email 06.17.12  Has anyone else stopped to think that it has been over 2 years since the incident happened at station 8? Lets see if I can figure this out. In 2 years there have been no related problems that the invisible man is so certain of. He has called us all drug abusers, shown no respect for our civil rights and has no concern for the overall morale. Even Rodney King, God bless him, finally got his day in court, We arent even being offered that. While we use the terms of FTM and EGH, our admin uses MTF (mutts to f**k) and HGE (heres getting everything). Here's a new one for MTB (My Thinking is Blank) ha ha thats a hoot, unfortunately its true.

Received via Email 06.18.12  If my memory serves me right I think I remember a certain past President who, even before Blank got us all screwed, suggested that we hire Winnie as the "Business Agent", also known as the "Bargaining Agent".  But the union members, in their zeal to eliminate anything "Winnie", collectively shot themselves in the foot and demanded that Blank take the reins since he was so skilled and knowledgeable.  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Received via Email 06.18.12  Maybe we can get the invisible man to change gears and see what he can do about the fuck up called the Blank one. Now there is straight out substance abuse.

Received via Email 06.18.12  So I was in the basement of city hall one day just trolling errrrr... hanging out reading memos at the city's OFFICIAL POSTING LOCATION when I came across one that read the following:

If the Gallagher Settlement is finally approved by the Court, a settlement
fund with $28 million (plus applicable interest) will be created by Gallagher
and will be distributed to those who fit within the description of the Settlement
Class that is summarized above (“Settlement Class” or “Settlement Class
Members”). http://www.gallaghersettlement.com/gallagher/default.htm

So I thought to myself, hmmm... if I grab this off the board, who's gonna know and I won't have to share with any of the rest of you firedicks? So I shitcanned the memo but I got there a little too late and now I have to share the $28 Mil with 135 cops and city management types. True story! It must be cuz none of you got shit.

Received via Email 06.21.12 Check out this link to baynews9.com, to see how dressed up the Mayor and Chief Jimmy Large got to present a $2.00 award and a fake key to a broke city to two heroes today at station 11. What an embarassment. http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2012/6/21/two_men_honored_for_.html.

Received via Email 06.22.12  A huge load of Bullshit was served thursday night by Chef Mike..FTM

Received via Email 06.24.12  06-17 #2 you obviously have a copy of the consitution and bylaws in your hand. Is this being worked on?

Received via Email 06.26.12  tell me who are the idiots that voted for blank beside that idiot sweet.  Hey new guys.  stay away from him.  DO NOT divulge any personal info to him or anything.  I wouldnt even talk to him. dont hang out with him.  He is a smooth talker.

Received via Email 06.26.12  For all of you who think you know everything about everything, answer me this.  With the drop being extended to 7 years allowing all that many more members to take advantage of it, and when the member drops and is no longer considered an "on duty" member of the fire service, and when the member who drops discontinues his or her contribution to the pension plan, and when the city isn't hiring any new fire fighters thanks to the Mayor, and when the member in the drop plan is considered a "retired" member, then who . . . who is funding the pension?

There are some uneducated members of the public who think the pension plan is entirely funded by the city and that their taxes are being used to provide public employees with, what they consider, lavish and over the top pensions.  We all know that isn't true.  Each and every employee of SPF&R contributes a percentage of their salary each and every pay day to the pension.  Look it up.

Now, as more and more members decide to drop at the seven year level and they cease to contribute to the pension plan at that time, and there's no new hires coming up to take their place as a contributing member of the department, my question is, who's funding the pension?

Is it considered totally funded by the Insurance Companies?  How about the state of Florida?  Who outside the rank and file of the fire department and other than the city, contributes funds that go directly to the pension fund?  I don't know.  What I do know is that the unfunded liability is not going to get paid off if the contributions keep going down.  And when the contributions get to the point of not offsetting the required amounts then what will happen?  The city is waiting for that to happen.  They would like nothing better than for the employee contributions to dwindle away to a point of no consequence.  Then the city could legitimately say that since there is no ability to fund a fire pension plan they will remove it completely.

First it was a three.  Then it was a five.  Now you want it to be a seven.  Meanwhile the contributions to the pension plan are going away at breakneck speed.  The highest contributors are leaving the ranks of the "on duty" member and becoming "retired".  And once they drop it's damn difficult to change horses.  So if I were you I'd start getting my IRA's and 401's together and putting as much as possible into them because that pension you thought you were working for is not long for this world.  So tell me, . . . who's funding the pension when the seven year drop gets implemented in the fire service?

Received via Email 06.26.12  So I see that another member is beginning their 10 shift suspension. How F'in long is our Union President going to allow this constant fear and intimidation continue? Come on Blank one grow a set and remind this God of yours that since you rolled over and agreed to do nothing as President things were supposed to get better. Maybe you need to watch the Burt Reynolds movie Longest yard. In this movie he makes a deal with the prison warden to throw the game to save his ass and after he gives up his soul the warden shoves it straight up his pooper. Of course that movie has a good ending where the team is able to recover and pull out a victory in the last ticks of the clock. I dont believe we stand that type of a chance with dumb ass in the office. How does someone overcome a loss of over $5,000 in earnings? How many people, besides the city of St. Petersburg,in these hard economic times has an extra five thousand dollars in a rainy day fund to handle this loss? Can your spouse work enough hours to overcome your loss? How do you maintain your insurances, mortgage, credit card payments? How do you eat and put food on your table? How do you tell your children they cant have a simple popsicle? It is obvious that our President and God Large dont give a damn. Oh by the way somebody in the palace has launched a new idea that they care so much about their Chiefs image that they are asking you to pay $50.00 a person to be a part of the idea that everything in SPFR is great. I WILL NOT BE A PART OF THAT FARCE. Idea, instead of sending in a form that says you will be a part, send one in that says you wont.

Received via Email 06.26.12  It would break Chief Jimmys heart if you choose not to be there to honor him and his admenustration. Maybe they should hold it at a more appropriate venue like Chucky Cheese instead. At least we could win something there.

Received via Email 07.01.12  Like I give 2 rats asses what the f**k the Liar Chief thinks or feels.

Received via Email 07.02.12  Today I witnessed wat has to be the lamest presidental attempt to bamboozle his followers. Hey Mikey, I hate to let the cat out of the bag, but I think you may have to use a whole bunch more fairy dust tomorrow. Me thinks your spell has worn off. Maybe tomorrow, if you took good notes from Mott and Pauley today, you will have some of your own answers to tell the masses. Its really quite simple start right out and tell them that this offer sucks and then it will progressively get easier from there. Otherwise you look more and more foolish each time you have to turn to your team that you believe doesnt support you for the correct answers. I now know why they did not support this crappy offer.
For those of you who believe that members of the FRS should contribute to their pension, here's a valuable look inside their pension plan.