Received via Email 4-24-11 Blank is one step away from being a scab. He hangs with JW...Go figure
Received via Email 4-27-11 JW is hanging around and hoping for another two years in the drop. Why, he is broke. That is why he really got out of the Union. Heard he has most of his little toys up for sale. Poor lil fella. Give the little guy a break.
Senators reject Rick Scott’s pitch to fight unions
Posted on Wednesday, 04.27.11
The governor makes last-ditch appeal to rescue bill to target union dues but measure appears dead for session.
By Mary Ellen Klas
Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau
TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Rick Scott paid a rare, personal visit to the offices of four Republican senators Wednesday in a last-minute attempt to rescue an anti-union bill that appeared destined for defeat.
The governor asked the same question to Miami Sen’s. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, Rene Garcia, Anitere Flores and Inverness Sen. Charlie Dean. And he got the same answer: No.
Scott’s intervention was the “Hail Mary” pass of Sen. John Thrasher, the Jacksonville lawyer and former Republican Party of Florida chairman whose top priority was passage of the bill to ban public employee unions from using automatic payroll deduction to collect dues. But by the end of the day, Thrasher had all but conceded defeat.
“If it isn’t right and we can’t get the votes to get where we need to get to, we’ll come back and fight another day,’’ he said.
Scott’s failure to change the minds of fellow Republicans underscored the lack of popularity of the bill and of the freshman governor — who adopted the talking points of the nationally-watched issue but lacked the political juice to get it.
The governor is getting used to the rejection. In recent weeks, Scott has threatened to veto the budget if it didn’t include some of his $2.4 billion in cuts to corporate income taxes and fees, urged legislators to pass an Arizona-style immigration bill and has lobbied lawmakers to end the state’s traditional defined contribution pension plan and replace it with a 401(k)-style retirement plan. Each has been scuttled by lawmakers, raising doubts about the success of the governor’s session agenda.
Senate President Mike Haridopolos on Wednesday painted a more positive portrait.
“We’ll have a balanced budget without raising taxes, without raising fees and we’ll have some tax decreases and some fee decreases,’’ Haridopolos said. “One thing the governor’s really added to this discussion is everyone knew he would not support a tax increase…I consider that to be a success for the governor and the entire state of Florida.”
Although Scott never campaigned on the union dues issue, and never mentioned it as a session priority, he started to push the issue as it became a talking point of Republicans in other states.
On Wednesday, Scott told about two dozen members of the Center-Right Coalition, a conservative activist group, that banning payroll deductions was an important piece of his jobs agenda along with making it more difficult to sue companies, reducing regulations and cutting taxes. He said he was mystified the bill was jeopardy.
But opponents said that the bill, which singled out unions from payroll deduction, was not the legacy Republicans wanted to leave in a year when unemployment was at record levels.
“It creates division and turmoil, and doesn’t create jobs,’’ said Diaz de la Portilla, R-Miami, after the governor met with him.
Dean, an Inverness Republican and former sheriff, told Scott: “I’m not union…I just really think it’s not my money, leave it alone,’’ he said.
He held firm to his opposition to the bill as a matter of principle, he said. “I’m a conservative Republican. I support the governor and I support the president and speaker,’’ Dean said. “But I also reserve the right somehow to make up my own mind.”
Sen. Paula Dockery, R-Lakeland, an opponent of the bill said that “if the bill was perceived as being more fair, members might be more willing to support it. But they have been really pressuring members and it’s not working.”
As Senate Rules Chairman, Thrasher had scheduled the bill for a vote early Wednesday. But when it ran into trouble with 11 to 12 Republicans privately telling him they would vote against it, he enlisted the governor to corral some of them as the Senate took a lunch break.
Thrasher acknowledged that he employed every tool he could muster to get the votes as the bill got entangled in other top priority issues, such as the fight over court reform.
“You use things you think will work until realize they’re not going to work and you’re not going to get there – without being disruptive,’’ Thrasher said.
Thrasher’s Republican colleagues acknowledged the high-level disagreement between Republicans was awkward. As Scott left Diaz de la Portilla’s office Wednesday afternoon, the senator told him: "I’m sorry this had to be our first face-to-face meeting — but I think you’re doing a great job.’’
Staff writers Marc Caputo and Michael C. Bender contributed to this report.
TEAM: Brothers and Sisters - This is why we never say never!
(posted Thursday, April 28, 2011 @ 9:22 AM)
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:02 AM
Subject: Paycheck protection update; Dear President Schaitberger,
I am so pleased and proud of the effort that you are leading with our affiliate leaders and members. Your work appears to be on the cusp of a huge victory. I am also pleased to see that all of Labor in Florida has been working so well together on these battles. Keep up the great work and keep me informed on additional developments.
Harold A. Schaitberger
General President
International Association of Fire Fighters
Dear President Schaitberger,
First, let me thank-you for the continuing support of our efforts here in Florida. We are holding our own in the final days of the session on the payroll protection bill. Our coalition of Democrats and Republicans have withstood tremendous pressure from the Senate leadership, governor and Republican Party of Florida. As of today we still have the votes to kill the bill. It was placed on Special Order calendar as the first item to be considered today but has not been called yet. We have a great team from all public sector unions monitoring every one of the 22 Senators, who they are talking to on the floor, who visits their offices etc. Governor Scott in a last ditch effort today during the lunch break visited the Republican Senators on this issue to try and change their vote, thus far he has failed. We are talking to each of them following the Governors visits and shoring up the support. It appears that the heavy handed threats are backfiring and our coalition is even more entrenched. We have the galleries in the Senate well manned with firefighters watching the proceedings as a constant reminder to our Senate supporters (they also report their movements and meetings on the floor)
We have had some great publicity on our efforts to withdraw our union, members and pension funds from the 5 banks we have identified as Board members of the Florida Chamber. It has had statewide media coverage and we are continuing press events on this. The Orlando Local spearheaded this and other IAFF affiliates and other Unions are joining in.
The pension bills are still moving forward, we have amended them many times and they are much less draconian than their original versions. The statewide retirement system participants will most likely begin paying a 3% contribution, however none of the money is going to the pension fund as the employers contribution is being reduced in a like amount for a net zero to the fund, which is approximately 90% funded. The billion dollars or so in employee contributions will be used to make up a shortage in the state revenues and other budget needs.
The FPF, FL AFLCIO and Florida FOP have been working in complete harmony and the unified front appears to have had the desired affects. I'll keep you posted on our efforts through next Friday. Please extend our deepest gratitude to all of your staff who have helped us in this fight thus far.
PS: Great job on the ED show last night!
Gary Rainey, President
Florida Professional Firefighters
Received via Email 4-28-11 I'm drinking the union Koolaide bucause Jimmy's tastes like it's got some wang to it!
Received via Email 4-28-11 Did you say your are drinking the koolaide because Jimmys had some wayne to it? Thats what I thought you said.
PS: No SCABS or MUTTS were harmed in the making of this survey!
Received via Email 5-02-11 I'm glad to see that we're still No. 1. Remember to bring that survey with you Winnie when we go up against the good mayor at impasse time.
Received via Email 5-08-11 I was asking why Winnie wasn't around for MDA. Turns out he's still pissing our money away in Talahassee. He was supposedly watching the last minute passage of bills at 3 am on the final day. Geesh, some guys don't get it. Hey Mike Blank. Ever been up at 3 am?
Received via Email 5-08-11 5-8-11. Which scab are you? Haven’t you figured Union Politics yet? Are you that clueless to believe anything good happens if ya stay home and sit on your hands? Well Winnie Newton is representing us excellently in Tallahassee. His presence alone makes a statement to the so called law makers up there. Staying up late to try and sneak something in again. I would rather he never pick up a boot if it means he'll be protecting my rites, and my families future. Go home now ya FINO-scab. Maybe Blank can tell you another Fairy story..FTM
“Firefighters will not forget that this Legislature passed a draconian budget that taxed our incomes. We will continue to do our job of protecting our communities but it is unconscionable that as we put our lives at risk that politicians see fit to balance the budget on our backs. We need a strong economy, not political games to silence our voices and curtail our representation in Tallahassee. We will work to change this as we move towards the elections in 2012.” said Gary Rainey, President, Florida Professional Firefighters.
Contract Negotiation
Date: Thursday May 12, 2011 from
Time: 10:00 am
Room: 900
Location: MSC building 4st North and Central ave (downtown)
If you have any questions please call;
Thank you
Will Newton Pres 727 432 6522
Received via Email 5-19-11 IAFF wants 15000 Facebook fans by Memorial Day
From Firefighter Close Calls
Among the Philadelphia (PA) FD's 116 injuries so far this year are a FF that had hot aluminum drop down his neck, a gas explosion tossing a FF into the air, a FF put his hand thru glass and a medic was bitten by a dog. Those are included in numbers that are up 26 percent over the 92 injuries reported at the same time last year. Bill Gault, President of IAFF Local 22 blames "brownouts" and other cost-saving measures, claiming the members are overworked and understaffed.
City officials counter that the spike is a historical anomaly. Injuries did dip to just 45 during the first quarter of 2010. But look at the years before, Deputy Mayor Everett Gillison said, and they average 84 for the same time period, which is in line with the 85 injuries reported in the first quarter of 2011.
No surprise, Gillison blasted Gault, saying he's preying on public fears of inadequate emergency protection in a poorly disguised grab for more overtime money. City officials began the brownouts - in which three stations a week close temporarily on a rotational basis - last August in an effort to save $3.8 million in firefighter overtime.
The argument might be decided by an independent research group recently hired, at a $219,000 price tag, to independently review the PFD. Results are expected in four to six months, according to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority, which commissioned the study at the PFD's request.
NOTE: No doubt, the measuring of injuries (civilian & Firefighters) along with fire loss will show whether or not brownouts, cuts, layoff's, shut downs etc are leading to "perfect storm" conditions. Any bets?
With FD's and staffing being cut, homebuilders slamming us (and the public) by kissing politicians on fire sprinklers, volunteer recruitment and turnout very tough in many areas: do the math.
Maybe we will even have someone suggest a study and call it "America Burning III".
OK, sorry.
Received via Email 6-15-11 Hillsborough sheriff plans benefit to counter mandate that public employees pay into pensions. That won't happen in good ole St. Pete will it now?
Received via Email 6-26-11 Aint it sad that we never see posts like the one above that show how the City of St.Cheapsburg try to do the right thing for its employees?
Union Meeting July 21st @ 7:30 PM
Local 747 Sponsored D.R.O.P. Class at HQ Classroom -
Friday, July 22 @ 0900-1000 & 1200 to 1300
Saturday, July 23 @ 0930
*For more info, see the flyer on your union board.*
Date: July 14th, 2011
TO: All St. Petersburg FireFighters, Paramedics, and Lieutenants
Ref: Impasse Explanation
There will be two (2) days of Impasse explanation, held at the UNION Office 5240 1st Avenue North, on Monday August 1st and Tuesday August 2nd, 2011.
It's very important to attend one (1) of these meetings; you have four (4) chances to attend.
Ø Monday August 1st, 2011, 09:00 am - 11:00 & 13:00 - 15:00
Ø Tuesday August 2nd, 2011, 09:00 am - 11:00 & 13:00 - 15:00
Your attendance is beneficial for you to remain educated on issues that concern You, Your future and Your family’s future.
William Mott
Secretary Treasurer, Local 747
Received via Email 7-20-11 I attended this same info meeting in Largo awhile back and it answers some very basic questions that have never been brought up. I fully recommend that anyone within 10 years of leaving this hell hole find out what this man has to offer.
Received via Email 7-20-11 I'm willing to bet more non union 40 hour people show up than union shift workers.
Received via Email 7-22-11 I attended one of today's info meetings on preparing to retire. So far its about neck and neck with shift peeps and 40 hr HQ folks attending. The saddest part is that there have been almost as many from outside departments as from SPFR. I guess our folks really are that smart.
Received via Email 7-22-11 I heard Brother Bruce was handing out some discipline (sp) last night at the union meeting. Glad I wasn't at the receiving end of that one. You go Brother Bruce.
Received via Email 7-22-11 Yes, I attended one of the very informational meetings at HQ and found out some very important things. What I gave me the biggest chuckle tho, was seeing the self professed high rollers sitting there with me and hearing from them that they werent as prepared as they would have us to believe. The most important thing was that thanks to the co operation between Winnie Newton, Local 747, and Chief Large agreeing to provide the use of the HQ class room, there are now a few more of our members and co workers that are just a little bit more aware. Hey Blank is this another example of how the Union never co-operates with fire admin? While your looking hard for a way to debunk this fact here is another one for you. Go look at those red bricks by the flag pole at HQ, you know the ones with peoples names on them? Because of the Oracle system, that project would have never made it had the President of the Union - yes Winnie Newton, not been the one that agreed to be the purchaser. BTW did you notice all of the bricks with names of Past Union Presidents? That was not out of kindness of some mystery partner.
Received via Email 7-24-11 Bruce has always been his brothers keeper. Thank you Bruce.
Received via Email 7-26-11 Maybe Brother Bruce can further correct Mark Sweet on his new mis-information that he is spilling out to the ones that he thinks are behind him and MTB. He is now telling folks that Winnie is all about consolidating the entire fire service under 1 roof so he can be the leader as the 2nd District Vice President of the FPF, and also that Winnie has no care about helping with the county EMS debacle. Hey Mark, you finally come to a meeting and this is the best you can come up with? What a joke. It was also about as much of a joke as your boi Blank showing up late for the meeting. Hey Mike have you been gone so long that you forget when the meetings start? FYI, in case your not aware, there is a meeting agenda in every station and it shows the date, the time, and where the meeting is going to be held.
Received via Email 7-28-11 Has MTB given anyone a certain example of how the Union does not work with the Fire Admenustrators? All I have have heard is the broad statement but no examples. He has no platform, he has nothing but a bunch of pantywaste FINO's telling him to go out there and make an ass of himself. Hey Mike after the election is over, turn around and look to see how many of your butt buddies are still there.
Received via Email 7-28-11 Saddle up to Jimmy Large and company for what good reason? Ever watch what happens when you play ball with these guys? They use you and then they thrwo you away. Everyone think back for a minute and come up with the names of the people who came to Jimmy Large's aid by trying to sink this union and ask yourself where they are now. Folks like to complain about Budtallion 1. He wasn't half as treacherous as Large is. And all of you bright boys out there that think your so smart, there's only room for 1 smart guy and he cost the EMS chief his job and he cost the ASS chief his job. Wanna bet with this county EMS shit that's going on that we won't have an EMS chief on this job after they run that asshole Wimberly off? There's going to be 1 ASS chief and it's going to be the great Jack -O-Lantern who will continue to be the EMS chief. He's just that good.
Received via Email 7-29-11 Yeah, then pumpkin head is coming after you big Jimmy L. He wants your job and will take it from you soon enough. Then we will go from St Greedysburg to St Shittysburg.
Received via Email 7-31-11 Well well well, FINO Blank has finally stepped up and become the most loved poster boi for the cry babies. He has also taken his first step and announced a couple of his first priorities when he becomes the Puppet. First off he and Large are going to take down this public access web page. So much for freedom of speech, but then again I get the impression that the new regime wont be caring much about freedom of anything. Second thing is term limits. What a joke, term limits gets a bunch of slackers that really have no reason to be there except for a title. I guess it wont be necessary to send anyone to any more educational classes to keep up on current events. What am I thinking, with the fire administration in charge we will just be expected to take their word for it. I can see it now, no more greivences, no fighting for your rights, no hope. I really dont know why MTB is interested in term limits anyways since he has alot of troubles staying interested in staying anywhere for any length of time. Lets see he has been at stations 1,3,9,11,13,HQ, and back to 1 again. Some might call this a well rounded person. I just see it as someone that just cant cope anymore once he starts repeating his jokes. So lets see, Mike os sounding like he is all about no rubs with administration, no knowledge, no longevity, and no worries for the president. Now that sounds like a cake job, maybe I will throw my name into the hat for this gig too.. Naw I cant stomach that load of bull shit. Just as a reminder, this was posted on another page a couple weeks ago and it was never more true.
07.22.11 "Today's president needs to put 100% of his time into representing his members. Unfortunately that will not happen here since not only the city but the members won't allow it. Consequently the president of OUR local works with a severe handicap. Instead of being supported by the members he's damned by the members for not being on duty at a station rather than tending to union business"
TEAM: "First off he and Large are going to take down this public access web page."
Five years, eleven months & three weeks uptime (August 6th 2005).
125 unique pages spidered.
551,947 total visitors
151 visitors per day
But who's counting?
Received via Email 8-01-11 You know what is really humorous? That anyone at all wants to shut this web site down because words mean something. When Ray Landis was running for president he said the reason that he lost, was because of this web site. I beg to differ. The reason that he lost, is that few firefighters trusted him, and voiced their opinions on it here. If all the people who are behind any of these fine folks would only come forward and tell us all why they're backing this guy or that guy, then will there still be a need to shut this web site down? Politics are what they are. If you've got something really great to contribute about Mike Blank, then now is the time for us to all read about it. I doubt the webmaster is going to suppress it, and it will shut some of you in the stations up. I'm talking about those of you who would run the devil himself against Winnie because you've got a burr in your saddle for Winnie or a short memory about the backroom deals this fire chief has struck with the mayor. FTM
Received via Email 8-01-11 Do you really think Large is scared of gap tooth? He is already buds with Baker and Foster. I mean you have to have contacts when your parents are convicted felons and you skate and become mayor. Don't forget he is best buds with Goliath Davis. He will get some plush job made up out of the air and write some dumb book like Baker or 2 books. I mean come on, this is a great dept. Where else can you be charged with attempted murder and get promoted to DC?
Received via Email 8-01-11 Blanks stations in last 8 years. 1, 9, 2, 3, HQ, 7, 1. Wow that is almost a different station every year. No wonder the dude wants term limits. I think if we have any term limits, it should be for the Fire Chief. Unfortunately, that is not an elected position so it won't be happening anytime soon. But it sure would be nice to get some progressive leadership downtown. Maybe someday! We can only hope.
Received via Email 8-11-11 Announcement Announcement Announcement Announcement Announcement Announcement Announcement
We're already into the month of August. Everyone who needs to buy safety shoes should consider doing it now before the memo arrives telling you that you're too late. Why leave money on the table? Some of the captains and chiefs who work less hours than you and me and are stressed far less are going to get as much as $14,000 back in FSLA money. You might as well get your shoes cuz that's all there is for you and me under JAMES D. LARGE FIRE CHIEF.
Received via Email 8-12-11 Large is purposely trying to divide the two labor groups. Giving 7 day work cycle and R days every 3 weeks to the capt. and chiefs. Now they daily laugh at us (literally) and brag how great they have it. Thanks Large. Your a piece of crap.
Received via Email 8-17-11 They laugh at us on their r-days and their constant use of sick leave too. Is it just me or does anyone else seem to notice they use as many if not more SL days as anyone?
TEAM: Staring at Telesaff can make you go blind!
Received via Email 8-17-11 From the 8-12 post "Large is purposely trying to divide the two labor groups". Large and Company are once again trying their best to destroy the Union's Leadership. He knows how important it is to remain as a local with the IAFF because without it there would get no more free IAFF provided Haz Mat classes or any of the other assistance they have provided to this free loading city over the years. Large and Company are just like a bad recurring info-mercial. Once everyone finds out what a bucket of crap they have bought then the infomercial goes away. But then after the short term memory kicks in some how it always seems to come back. So now 2 years since the last failed attempt, the SPFR administrative produced info-mercials begin again. We really need to wake up and listen to what MTB is saying because it is really scary. Scray because there are way too many that have less of a clue about what actually happens on the inside of a union but are more than willing to follow along like a gaggle of geese looking for worms believing that things are better over there...somewhere. MTB is openly telling us that he is headed into the DROP and hasnt made up his mind on 1 term or maybe 2. I am so afraid that if he pulls it off he wont last the 1st term. He has no platform other than the same we need to change. Hey all you Obama Haters havent you heard enough of that before? If your going to tell me that Michael Blank has a better support group than any member of the US Presidency does then I guess we will soon be crying in our cereal. Changes made at the wishes of SPFR Fire Administration are not what I signed up for folks. We cant cuddle in our beds with the blanket over our heads hoping this scary thing is going to go away.
Received via Email 8-27-11 Very nice Titan award for Andy.
Received via Email 8-28-11 Yeah, thanks Andy. I'd also like to thank Jack Fletcher. He also a great guy who does a lot of good things for a lot of good people.
Received via Email 8-28-11 Here we are again at another impasse hearing. Seems to me I remember the last time we showed up at one of these things we got a pay raise and council didn't even want to hear about language issues. This time nobody's offering a pay raise and nobody's asking for one and it's ALL about the language. How many of you really believe that council watches whats going on in the FD so closely that they actually know what's going on here without Large spilling his guts on a daily basis telling them what HE wants? He and that wacko wannabe super Christian mayor are thick as theives. In fact they're both wackos. Ever listen to Large? When he's talking to his buddies he's all about the propaganda he wants them to spread. When he's not talking to his buddies he spreading the manure on thick. He wants everyone to think that everything is under control when it couldn't be further from the truth. If coucil wants to take away som benefits then they need look no further than that corrupt group at HQ. All of them have wasted an entire career getting to the point where the only people who talk to them are trying to kiss their ass. Man that's a pretty pathetic story to tell your grandkids.
Received via Email 8-30-11 Received via Email 8-27-11 Very nice Titan award for Andy. Uhhh. Did I miss something? Whos giving out awards to Mike and for what? Also what did I miss about Jack Fletcher? Would someone Bring me up to date please???
Received via Email 8-31-11 Why don't you ask Jack. He knows everything.
Received via Email 9-06-11 Remember to get your shoe receipts in by September 14th or go without. In an attempt to save money off our backs Jimmy Large is not going to remind you to get your receipts in. What a dick.
Received via Email 9-08-11 Yeah but Jimmy Large will remind you to OPT out. Vote for Blank if you want Jimmy and Stevie running our union.
Received via Email 9-08-11 I heard that Mike Blank sent out his campaign letter that everyone is saying is like the shot heard round the world! A new direction, new thinking and more importantly cock for everyboby (they were all out of cake cuz Jimmy ate it). You go Mike!
Received via Email 9-08-11 All this hand wringing and talk of possible doom and gloom reminds me of when Eddy Haskel was running against Winnie. Well and then there was Mike whatshisname that retired and came back to run against Winnie and retire again without a wimper. Everyone was in a twitter in the stations because all of these heroes friends were running around claiming that they were voting against Winnie when in the end it was the furthest thing from the truth. I give firefighters a lot of credit. They'll tell every Jonnycomelately that they're the best thing since sliced bread and HELL YES, I'M VOTING FOR YOU and then turn right around and do the selfish thing, they vote for what's best for them and their family. You guys all talk shit but you're not stupid.
On the other hand, Large YOU ARE STUPID. You're stupid enough to believe that all the rest of us are stupid enough to vote our rights and benefits away by voting on the 3 lap dogs that you really really really want us all to vote for. Now that's STUPID.
Received via Email 9-08-11 How come Ray Landis ran for president but he sat at a fire station that needed a station steward and he never thought enough of his brothers and sisters to fill that position?
I've got another one. How come Mike Wimmers ran for president but he sat at a fire station that needed a station steward and he never thought enough of his brothers and sisters to fill that position?
I've got another one. How come Mike Blank is running for president but he never noticed these other 2 douche bags sitting in the same fire station that needed AND STILL NEEDS A FRICKING STATION STEWARD and thought enough of his brothers and sisters to fill that position?
Ask me some more. I've got a million of them.
Received via Email 9-08-11 I read it. I think he forgot one important tell us that he has any kind of platform that he's running on.
Received via Email 9-08-11 Large already has the new agenda set, when Blank takes charge. Hopefully, Blank will lose. He Blank does not lose, then we most certainly will lose.
Received via Email 9-10-11 Hey, MTB. Where's you plan to get us another R Day? Are you figuring to ease into to asking for one in a few years after you've finally acomplished your goal of a super duper deluxe working relationship with HQ and the city? If that's the case, we'll be several years behind in pay and other benefits and half of us will have already retired. Go do what you do best and contunue doing nothing for anyone. The job of union president isn't a great second paycheck.
Received via Email 9-10-11 MTB hasn't looked that far ahead because he is still telling folks he does'nt know if he will stay for the 2 year term or not. From what I saw in his letter he has plans for a one day push, then he will sit down like he is told when the city tells him to. Did anyone else notice that not only did mike not mention a platform, but also no memntion as to how he might go about it, (I realize he doenst want to show his hand but I think thats hard to do when you dont have one to begin with). But most importantly, MTB, what are your qualifications? Are you going to rely on your past experiances from when you walked away in 2004? I know you were bragging that you had a lot of qualified folks behind you, but you might want to re-evaulate your options. In case you havent noticed, in the past few months, past presidents, Mike Wimmers, Mike Moore, and Rick Feinberg have all retired, and with the exception of Moore have unexpectedly up and left you on your own. You also might want to consider that as of Friday Sept 9th, Chief Wimberly has also deserted your ship. Lets see if I can help, During the past 8 years have you, attended or stayed current with Union events? No. Attended Union training classes? No. Attended City Council or County Commission meetings to stay current with events? No. Been a part of any of the 4 studies presented to the County in reference to the EMS issues? No. Encouraged the Mayor and the city to apply for the SAFER grant funding in 2009 to bolster fire department staffing? No. During the past eight years attended or sat in on any of the political candidate screenings held for our city or county positions? No. I would be neither penny wise or pound foolish if I were to mark my ballot for Mike Blank and I can not see how anyone else could come to a different conclusion. Mike Blank wants to be the conductor of a train on a real short spur of track, and he will certainly abandon his post just before the big crash at the end.
Received via Email 9-12-11 I had a Mike Blank in my executive board when I was president in the seventies. His name was Harry Weihman. He had made it known even before Al Wilson left and I took over that he wanted to be president. When Al left the job was up for grabs. I got it because I said I wanted it when no one else would. Harry fumed for years after that and always regretted not taking the office when he had the chance. Finally, in his zeal to become president, he undermined me by garnering another man who was on the executive board, Bob Bowyer, and together they found a way to cause me to lose the election. They were meeting covertly with a member of the council, reverend J.W. Cate who was a know backstabber to firefighters, and thought they would sail to great heights with his blessing. Unfortunately, after being successful in negotiating the largest pay increase we had ever enjoyed up to that time, I was defeated by inuendos and lies but nevertheless defeated at the polls. During Harry's one year term he lost or gave back more at the bargaining table than any other president before him. His goal was to make Lieutenant's happy and he screwed the firefighters doing it. He didn't last long. And I only post this scenario to shed a little light on what can happen when you believe the lies and accusations of someone who is only out to benefit himself. I would hope that today the members are smarter than to elect anyone who hasn't put in the time to be the president that we deserve. You have to find out for yourself in order to make a decision that you can live with. Because the future is in that person's hands and going backwards is not an option.
Thank you for your patience,
Dick Tully
Received via Email 9-12-11 Hey if Blank wins, the union can go back to the ole way of going to conventions just to have a good time and getting hammered drunk on the members money. Currently, they (The current executive staff) actually go to conventions to work and better our membership. But not if The Pub meister himself wins the election. Yeah Blank will bring all kinds of drinking buddies to the conventions on our tab like the days of ole. And instead of having some actual funds accumulated in our Union, we can be broke again as it was in the days of Dick Feinberg. oh I meant Rick. No pun intended. Yeah baby, the whiskey will be flowing when Blanks makes it in. And when we don't get any extra benefits and pumpkin head has complete control of the Union, we can all just drink ourselves into oblivion. Wow, things will be looking up but a bit blurry if Blanky makes it in. WAKE UP 747.
Received via Email 9-13-11 Thank you again Mr.Tully for your past leadership and experience. I too have no wish to wake up in October to find De Ja Vue in realize that even if Mike lasts only 1 term, I fear to, much will have been lost or given away and will never be regained before I retire. At least they cant stop that day from getting here, but they can make my future very bleak. I ask for all members to check out all of their facts before making any decision about the future for themselves and others.
Received via Email 9-14-11 I love election time. Everyone with a grudge or a whine or an axe to grind is out there putting their best foot forward (or in their mouth) for their candidate. Frankly, I don't see how Chief Large could be Mike Blank's campaign manager (like he was for two others) because if he was he wouldn't have let him out of the office with so few words on a campaign letter. What I did notice about Mike's letter is what does exist is almost word for word talking points that Jimmy Large has been infecting people with. It's up to the union to tell the people about EMS because the city won't unleash the chief to talk, yada yada. We gotta go to neighborhood meetings and tell our side of the story. Yeah bullshit. Have any of you bright boys read today's article on Hollywood's pay and pension? They don't want to hear from us because we're always asking for more. This city has a TV station. a kiosk in the mall, a print shop and water bills mailed out in envelopes that contain all kinds of shit to read so why can't the shit be a monthly barage on the citizens explaining what's good for their FD? Most importantly they've got a mayor and council who all appear on TV every week and I KNOW they've all got a tongue in their head's. After reading Winnie's letter I thought f@@k, is there anything this guy does in his spare time except union bullshit? I only vote for people who appear to be paying at least a little attention.
Received via Email 9-14-11 Webmaster. Could you put a poll for president on here so that we can vote and have an idea of who might be winning.
TEAM: Okay. Go to the Polls page. If it's anything like past polling, the numbers move s-l-o-w-l-y.
Received via Email 9-16-11 The City once again screwing its firefighters. Impasse is set for 7 days after the council already sets the budget for next year. What a crock. They purposely delay so as their advantage. Thats what happens when attorneys and crooks are in lead positions. You got it. We get screwed again. But hey, lets just keep jumping up at 3am to risk our lives so our Mayor and council can keep screwing us and our families. This city sucks.
Received via Email 9-17-11 Does no one have a positive statement for a candidate? Just the same old BS.
Received via Email 9-17-11 9/17 #1 There was a good comment on one of the other pages about Winnie's resume. It's a hell of a resume that you can't get sleeping in a fire station! No Newton!
Received via Email 9-18-11 Ooops. Meant to say GO NEWTON.
Received via Email 9-18-11 Received via Email 9-17-11 9/17 #1 There was a good comment on one of the other pages about Winnie's resume. It's a hell of a resume that you can't get sleeping in a fire station! No Newton!
In case you would like to refresh yourselves go to the Straight Dope page and read the posts from
8-1 and 8-2, 2011.
Received via Email 9-19-11 Blah Blah Blah a lot of people keep talking and yapping their gums. But Winnie and his staff, just keep working hard to protect your rights. While many of you new guys were still in diapers, winnie was running his ass off downtown like you are now. He is now working hard to protect your future and all you can say is, Gee, winnie misses a lot of work. Apparently you have no idea how much he works everyday for your ungrateful asses. Grow up little boys and start acting like real firefighters in a real Men and Womens world. When you have almost 20 years of running your ass off, then you get blab your mouth. But as you have probably noticed, most with that much time don't because they have matured over their career. Not all new boys are this way, but the ones that are, the rest of us are sick of hearing your mouth move without any experience to back it up. So for the good of the Dept and Union. SHUT THE HELL UP.
Received via Email 9-20-11 Well, after the new guys get done drinking their fill of the Kool Aide I am sure they will be promoted in less than a year. But to get promoted you have to take lessons from sweat SZwe DKad the worst of what we have. Goes to show you that ass kissing back stabbing and lieing will get you everywhere.
Received via Email 9-20-11 It is really sad that Large has allowed our department to go right down hill in the past few years. But hey, we can all get new black uniforms like some northern department so we will look really good and sharp. And that my friends will fix all of our problems. UNBELIEVABLE. If admin would work on character and values more instead of ridiculous petty issues like a nicer looking uniform, we would all be better off. But like the first 9/20 said, we have made ass kissing, back stabbing, and lying the foundation and ground work for the new upper management positions. Thought we would never say this, but SUNSTAR may be better off than us in some ways. Heck in a year they may have our EMS because we we're to STUPID to keep it. Think hard about where we are and how we got here. You will see the 9/20 first post seems harsh but has a lot of truth to it.
Public Hearing to Resolve Impasse
September 29, 2011
2:00 p.m.
St. Petersburg City Hall 175 Fifth Street North - St. Petersburg, FL
Brothers and Sisters there is much more involved than meets the eye.
Two entire shifts are NOT ON DUTY and available to attend. So much is at stake.
Council & the Mayor need to know that you are willing to stand up for your benefits!
If you don't have a RED union shirt, make that call now to ensure that your size is available.
Received via Email 9-21-11 Heres one for you Winnie haters. Guess who will be holding the outcome of the upcoming impasse hearing in his and only his hands? Do you think he will bring his A, B, C,D, E, or F game? I sure hope he is willing to stay true to the same love for doing the right thing for this union and its members as he has done for the last 8 years. Boy am I hoping for alot? I sure hope not.
Received via Email 9-22-11 it is so amazing that we even think about throwing away someone that has dedicated the last 8 years of his life to the organization, and go with someone that even as of today has not yet sweat a thimble full foranyone of us. I cant believe we have brought the tea baggers mentaility to this profession.
Received via Email 9-22-11 which northern dept are you talking about? Maybe they will be made out of polyester so they can melt to our skin
Received via Email 9-23-11 Received via Email 9-22-11 #2: can you explain your tea bagger comment? It is obama that has NO experience in governing and taking this country down the tubes not a "tea bagger". It sounds like you have some extreme hatred for anyone that you don't agree with.
Received via Email 9-29-11 Wow? Bush had experience in governing. Guess what happened? Nuff said!
Received via Email 9-29-11 Where do we begin? I would like to thankanyone and everyone on our bargaining team for the obvious untold hours that they spent putting together the defense for the Impasse Hearing. Those elected folks in our Union Office filled the bill on this one and it wasn't by a fluke. Now I know why it is not uncommon to drive by the office at odd hours of the day, night, weekends, and holidays. These guys do it right and they do it for us. If you of you readers still think that Michael Blank is going to do it better than what we just saw, you must not have been watching what I just sat through. 4 and 1/2 hours of relentless pressing by our President and the unions attornies was well worth the addmission for this show. I hope the city loops it over and over on the city channel so the rest of the citizens of this town can get a good look at what the Ass Clown was trying to pull off. Also, if Michael Blank has any stones, after watching what just happened to his team, he should walk into the union office tomorrow just before the ballot count and withdraw his name from the process. I have absolutley no confidence that MTB could come close to duplicating the victory that was won tonight. Remember this, if MTB is elected tomorrow, it will be he that gets to go to the next bargaining table, and it will be he that under the direction of fire administation that will give away the chickens, the eggs, the pigs, the bacon, the cows, milk, and the rest of the farm. Micheal, quit now before you sink us all.
St. Petersburg City Council members, having listened to both sides without benefit
of the Mayor privately intervening on behalf of the fire chief, came to the conclusion that
a fair amount of smoke has been blown up their collective asses and not by our bargaining team.
Received via Email 9-29-11 Large = FAIL
Received via Email 9-29-11 I think council got the message about how much lying we put up with when Winnies voice started to break up.
Received via Email 9-29-11 9-29-#2 you hit the nail on the head. We filled the room showed that we were men who weren't going to take Large's shit laying down. Winnie and our lawyers were great. The amount of work that goes into protecting us is always underestimated by our membership. I just wish all the the members that poo poo Winnie all the time could have seen what it takes to stand up for us.
Received via Email 9-30-11 So what was result? I am out of town could not attend.
TEAM: Winnie convinced Council to take no action. Status Quo.
Received via Email 9-30-11 Sorry Winnie for all you worked for. Large has his puppet now. Hope A shift stocks up on their coffee. Between kidwell and blank large will never leave.
Received via Email 9-30-11 All you folks that want the Fire Chief running your union. Guess what. YOU got it. Hope all goes well for ya.
Received via Email 9-30-11 All you folks that want the Fire Chief running your union. Guess what. YOU got it. Hope all goes well for ya.
Received via Email 10-01-11 Recall Blank...FTM
Received via Email 10-01-11 I always thought this website was the only place to get the real dope. Now we just elected one.
Received via Email 10-01-11 Wow, can you imagine how many jokes michael could have told during those same 4 and a half hours?
Received via Email 10-01-11 On behalf of the one third of the members of this department that are still in the step plan, I wish to Thank Winnie for standing up toe to toe with the Mayor and his minions and fighting to keep something that is very important to me and my family. I also want to thank him for standing fimly on his feelings of how important it is to protect my rights as an individual.
This just came in the union mail:
Capt; DC's OT Back pay;
Arbitration hearing scheduled on Thursday, November 10, 2011, starting at 9 a.m.
The City of St. Petersburg Municipal Service Center is located at One 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.
The hearing will be held in conference room 900.
Received via Email 10-01-11 I hope all you captains and DC's who were talking shit about needing your own bargaining unit because you were so different get to see your boy Mike Blank in action defending you and your back OT pay. You are so fu**ed and you deserve to be.
Received via Email: 10-02-11 a few years ago a couple of folks downtown including some officers began to really bad mouth Winnie and all he was doing. Well, you all finally got what you want. Someone who is as much a cry baby whiner as you have been. Winnie never stabbed anyone in the back, if he had an issue with you, he would stand up like a man and tell you. But no, not you sissy boys. You tell the person how great they are to their face then destroy them behind their back. Well guess what. You now got someone just like you leading your kind. Have a great time with that.
Received via Email: 10-02-11 What is it that we always say? Oh yeah. Firefighters are they're own worst enemies.
Received via Email: 10-02-11 No, it wont be the Capt's and DC's that get fucked because of Mike ineptness, it will be all of us because since we are one group financially we will all take the high dollar hit when we get handed the loss. I heard earlier that mike was going to look towards his high ranking friends to provide guidance. I hope he doesnt turn to the same one that told the others that he had already looked into the pay situation and everything was being done correctly. Next time you see Dean the human Abacus, ask him how much of his $5000.00+ plus back pay check he gave back? Maybe we can convince them that they should pay for their arbitration themselves
Received via Email: 10-02-11 This whole thing reminds me of a Planet of the Apes scenario. You know how the Chimps are pretty smart and the orangutans are really smart and then there's the gorillas. They're the dumbasses that want to run everything but they're just too stupid to make it happen. Guess who's running the show now?
Received via Email: 10-02-11 Winnie pulled our fat out of the fire one more time the other night and this is how you treat him? To hear some you you tell it (Mike Blank) Winnie is the reason that we're in the situation we're in. Helloooooooooooo. See what happened the other day over on the other coast? They shitcanned 40% of their dept. I didn't read anywhere in the paper that they were blaming their situation on their union president. I wouldn't have half of you pricks as a friend because nobody deserves a friend like that. Just another reason not to hang with firefighters. Everyone of you that voted for Blank just voted to have the class clown with absolutely no clue represent you.
Received via Email: 10-03-11 I think somebody just got called a gorilla. I'm not sure who.
Received via Email: 10-03-11 The jerkoff on the other page I think was being called a gorilla.
Received via Email: 10-06-11 Thought Blank was the Mayor. How can he be Union Pres too.
St. Petersburg Association of Fire Fighters, I.A.F.F. Local 747
Endorsement of Candidates
St. Petersburg City Council Races
* Tuesday November 8th Election Day *
District 1 Charlie Gerdes
District 3 Bill Dudley
District 5 Steve Kornell
District 7 Wengay Newton
Received via Email: 10-10-11 Remember this too. Mike Blank plays a good Santa Clause. He loves giving shit away that aint his. So long contract.
Received via Email: 10-11-11 Here's a big hoe, hoe, hoe to the new prostitute of Local 747
Received via Email: 10-14-11 I thought we were headed for a change with our new president coming on board. I was just asked by my shift steward if I was going to be able to help the union with the food table during the big block party this weekend. Of course i was not able, ya see we adopted a new guppy last weekend for the kids and I am still trying to potty train it, but you should have heard all of the lame excuses the others were using. i heard only 1 person from the entire A shift had nothing better to do and was nabbed. How can we have change when they still want to help us to help ourselves every time we turn around. I hear that there are a total of 4 requests for the union to provide food and such for over the next 3 weekends. WTF is going on here? I was hoping for a laid back approach with this new guy in charge. Of course all of this BS was probably already scheduled through Winnie so as soon as they are gone I am sure we can look forward to smooth sailing after that. God Bless Texas, and all the assinine idiots that make up our ranks. Yee Haw, Thank you sir may I have another?
Received via Email: 10-23-11 I saw the first change with the new presidents rein, we ran out of beer for the first ime in many months. Thanks to those that drank up the old beer, I think it was left over from Febuary of 2009. Its a great day in St. Pete.
Contract Negotiation
City St.Petersburg
Date: Thurs. October 27th
Time: 09:00 a.m.
Room: 800
Location: MSC building
Received via Email: 10-26-11 I saw another new change tonight at the sign waving party, no, on second reflection those were the same few souls that show up for everything. Oh yeah, they had new signs.
Received via Email: 10-28-11 OK, I see how this is going to work. Nobody's at the union hall. Billy's out of town. Rick is babysitting and Blank's drinking cofee with the chief at the MFS. I liked the old system where everyone bitched everyday about someone using pooltime but shit was getting done. There's obviously no reason to collect it now. Just because we're about to go to elections there's no reason for Blank to think he should be in the office.
Received via Email: 10-29-11 Elections? Look here my good man. With 1 or 2 standing on a corner there is no hope. Half of these fools on council are termed out which makes them lame ducks. They wont need to do anything for us AFTER the election so why bother talking about it. The mayor wants a 3 year deal. Great. We'll be negotiating for the next whatever after the cops have already been to the table and cleaned it. This is the same contact offer that we voted down the last 2 times so what makes him think we're going to vote for it now? 7 year drop? Whoopeeee! And all you captains and chiefs don't come around telling us it's no biggie pissing in a cup or signing waivers. YOU GOT A REDUCTION IN WORK WEEK!
Received via Email: 10-29-11 I thought that with a new sheriff came a new posse. I guess it was the other P word.
Received via Email: 10-28-11 Wow Blank is doing a great job. That new contract the city is offering just makes us want to go throw a party. I knew when Blank got in there we would get that big raise. OH wait. 3 years with a big fat zero. Hmmmm, who is the zero now. You are some dumb bastards thinking Blank would be your hero. Want a dose of reality. Winnie was the Hero, and Blank is the zero. Lets see Blank take on city hall like Winnie did. Ain't going to happen ! And you people who are still going to be around for a while are going to lose your ass in pension, pay, and benefits, by listening to the idiots who wanted Winnie removed from office. Blank will be having his coffee with Large at the MFS while the rest of you just keep getting more and more taken away. ENJOY
Received via Email: 10-29-11 What kind of games is HR playing? Take a look on the union website and look at the latest offer vs. the last one waaaay down the page from last spring. I don't give a shit about the 7 year DROP but to come out with a CORRECTED article an hour after we post what they offered is bullshit. That language was never there to begin with so it wasn't something they left in by mistake. and in fact they have taken some of the language that Winnue put in their to protect us, out. I only say this because I can read. MB you should have been doing your homework not bullshitting with JL at the MFS. The union website needs a chatroom just like this one. All the facts are there you just have to go looking and I hope Winnie's still watching because we're F##ed otherwise. FTM EGH PTB&S
Received via Email: 10-29-11 Remember the motion to have a hired gun to keep us moving forward in the nego's?! Winnie has been moving forward, but a select mutt, that sold his soul to SKJr, MS, MBA, CEO, CFO, MF'er, thanks to the crying and BS'ing of a certain Hay-maker amounst us. You were a pretty good plumber at one time weren't ya? You and shit go together well. At least you have a profession to go back to when the big back up sends the crap floating your way... FTM...
Received via Email: 10-30-11 10-28-11 "OK, I see how this is going to work. Nobody's at the union hall." Get used to it, congratulations, in only 1 week you are already beginning to see a difference.
Received via Email: 10-30-11 Cmon, we all know Hay has always been a little weasel with this little smirks and attitudes. Once a back door man, always a back door man.
Received via Email: 10-30-11 Ok, a certain person came up to a few of us the other day and admitted he voted for MTB thinking things would be better. Now he said he very much regrets voting for him. He said he was sold a bag of lies about Winnie that he now knows is not true and he is very upset about it. Guess where he was sold the bag of lies? You guessed it, a certain chief having coffee at the master station with a few other chumps talking crap about Winnie. What great leadership we have. Too bad many of you were suckered into the lie. Sorry to say it is to late now. Just hope your future benefits don't suffer too much over the coming years. Maybe a certain chief should get the opposite award of Titan of the Year on this web site. Like Wimp or Putz of the Year. just a thought.
Received via Email: 10-30-11 "Received via Email: 10-29-11 Elections? Look here my good man. With 1 or 2 standing on a corner there is no hope." After the Blank supporters were called out during the last union meeting for not showing up to wave signs, they all ran outside the office and grabbed a sign, went in and got another free t shirt and dissapeared into the darkness. Now there are no signs left at the office for the real supporters to wave. Way to go MUTTS, we are all doomed and you just dont care. Please bring your signs back so others can use them for real.
Received via Email: 10-30-11 i can hear it now, I nominate so and so for PUSS bucket of the day. Some will have a pretty lengthly streak I'm afraid.
Received via Email: 11-03-11 I am still waiting to hear about the 10-10-10 offer the mayor gave us during last weeks nego session. You now 10 knobjobs + 10 @$$ reaming = 10 years of yes masta.
Received via Email: 11-05-11 i was certainly happy to see the regulars back out on the streets today showing their support of the 4 council candidates that are going to save our asses real soon. I guess everyone still believes that Miracal worker MTB is going to deliver as promised so there is no need for political action. Where would we be if they also deceided to stay out of the picture and rely on the few to protect their asses? I have no answer for that it is to cruel to make me think of that senario. Also, that great any body but Winnie supporters really showed what they really aren't today. Those that chose to return a ballot for the 1 year contract was less that 50% of the members. Thats about 30-35% less than any return when Winnie was in office. I have seen a wooden stick give more support to a tomato plant than what Michael is getting.
Received via Email: 11-05-11 So what was the vote count?
Volunteers Needed to Wave Signs
Monday, November 7th
4pm to 6pm
38th Ave. No. & 4th St.
22nd Ave. No. & 34th St.
Call 323-1786 Ext. 1 ASAP
Poll Workers/Volunteers Needed
Tuesday, November 8th from 7am to 7pm - any time you can spare.
Call 323-1786 Ext. 2 ASAP
(The pension you save may be your own!)
Received via Email: 11-08-11 The contract for 2010 to 2011 passed, which means we got nothing. And the new contract is for the next 3 years. So in reality, the passing of the contract meant nothing.
Received via Email: 11-09-11 A little bird just shared something with me. All you tough guy Captains and DC's talking shit about us not signing a contract need to know your about to lose your 7 yeard drop. Supposedly the city can't see hiring and maybe firing a bunch of new people because people are hanging around longer so your going to lose your drop and we're not going to be offered it at all. Funny how everyone talks about how the 7 yr.drop doesn't cost anything but now they're going to take it away because they suppodely don't want to fire anyone. You want to know what? They said that the 48 hour workweek for the Captains and the DC's didn't cost anything either so how long's it going to be before they take that from you to? I think it's about time for Winnie to go on a cruise somewhere and see how this all pans out when he comes back. You can't trust any of these fuckers at HQ and I'm talking to you Mike Blank. Wake up boy. Hoooha we're back to leather fire boots for the 3 yr. contract grand prize offer. Assholes.
Received via Email: 11-09-11 Thanks Blank for screwing my family and I. How did the mayor get Winnie voted out? HQ and city hall knew that Winnie wasnt a pushover and that they were scared of him. As for you. They know that they have a do boy and a person who will just repeat whatever is told to you
Received via Email: 11-09-11 So what you're saying is from this point forward we shouldn't trust Large. Shit, I had my from this point forward moment 20 years ago. Hey Jimbo, does your family know how big a low down skunk you are?
Received via Email: 11-09-11 how about the captains and Dcs. Cant trust them either. look at zamp. He had everyone believeing he was the FF buddy and friend but soon his true colors came out. Too bad it was too late.
Received via Email: 11-09-11 As promised MTB has begun his working with the enemy approach. He has been meeting with the new top 3 at HQ, the Invisible Man, Chiklet teeth, and the newest recruit Baby Bassett. Together they have begun the systematic trimming of the dead wood and old knowledge. Seems they dont like people with memories runnin loose unless they have turned them into their yes bois. Oh yeah, also if you get an assignment with a deadline and you dont do it in the first breath after it posts to the email account and then for whatever reason you dont get it done, like you ran a few calls or you where off the rest of the 2 week period because of a brain attack or a death in the family or something worse. Too bad so sad, you will be looking at disipline because you had an oportunity to get it done and chose not to. Yup Mikey boy is really looking out for us. I wonder how long it will take him to realize that the new memo out that tells us we wont receive our premium pays while the Oralce is being updated is a MANDATORY subject of bargaining and it needs to be addressed? Oh I forgot, you would have to know what your Job and its responsibilities in order to address that. Ok Mikey your probably missing a softball game or following the orders of a Lieutenant in EMS, so I would hate for you to have to look into this one too. I wonder how it is that Winnie and the other past Leaders found the time to protect the contract? I see that you have discovered how easy it is to use those union pool hours but you still aint no Leader, Please for the sake of us and yourself, step down now and crawl you sorry ass to Newton and do whatever it takes to get him to come back. You know this is really putting a crimp on your dart throwing and being a nice guy. Stop the maddness, save your self, save this Union.
Received via Email: 11-14-11 "Chiklet teeth" now that's funny.
Received via Email: 11-18-11 Received via Email: 11-14-11 "Chiklet teeth" now that's funny. Yes, its just too bad that the things he is trying to do to the department isn't
Received via Email: 11-19-11 Quick quick. If you needed him right now, where's MTB?
Received via Email: 11-19-11 I guess it will just be a matter of time that the captains and dc's give back their 2nd R day that supposedly cost's the city nothing. After all the cheif's kicking around the idea of their 7 year DROP which costs nothing either. I sense a pattern here and it spells PRICK. FTM
Received via Email: 11-20-11 I sense a feeling that the 7 year drop may go only because Knight and his new regime want to get rid of the current droppers and fill the positions with their do boys. Think about it. The 7 year drop saves the city money. I sense, the new ass chief would rather sell all these good folks down the river and make them lose the 7 year drop so he can have his supreme dictatorship faster. Yeah. Like you said 11/19 PRICK
Received via Email: 11-22-11 Yup, seems like Pumpkin Head is behind the halting of the 7 year drop for DCs and Captains. Such a short time in a position and already screwing the ones that make him look good. What a bunch of BS. You DCs and Captains better get some balls against this wack job.
Received via Email: 11-23-11 I have a question. If we gave the dcs a polygraph test and ask them if they ever lied about the ffs under them or made up charges what would the outcome be?
Received via Email: 11-23-11 Hellooooooooooooo Mike. Are you still with us? I'm hearing that we're being challenged on a few items and maybe your sitting on your hands. Not good. If you need help you need to ask and the person you need to ask ain't in HQ.
Received via Email: 11-23-11 Blank is picking and choosing who he is defending, unlike President Newton did. All who felt unfairly treated were defended. But now, it only matters what Mike wants to defend. And often, it is no one. WERE YOU GUYS CRAZY VOTING HIM IN OR WHAT. Cant say we didn't warn you. Firefighters are there own worst enemy. You traded a warrior for a puppet. ENJOY
Received via Email: 11-29-11 Time to slide Martin, and Pepe to the right, and add the Titan of the century, Past 747 President Winnie Newton. At least we can remember the good ole days this way. The Blank days are just that, blank....FTM
TEAM: Maybe a new TITAN page eh?
Received via Email: 11-29-11 Mike is also picking the parts of the contract he wants to enforce as well. So far he has let Chief Pumpkin Head tell him when he thinks the R-days are do instead of being picked through the Month of December like the contract says, and he is also folding on the amount of contracts to be printed as is clearly stated in the contract. Thats two challenges and 2 failures. Whats next? All of you "anybody but Winnie" bashers had better start asking Mikey whats up real soon, as it is rumored that many notices of discipline are being handed out almost daily.
Received via Email: 11-30-11 You can add this to the didnt do list. While Blank was going around spewing the Chiefs campaign promises ad what we should be doing garbage, one of the most important was how the UNION needed to be doing more about the current EMS issue. Well so far that issue was important enough to get out of standing at a polling place during election day and now again today at 2 pm. The county is most likey set to make their decisions known on how the system is going to change and Mike T. Blank the new President of Local 747 IS NOT Scheduled to be there. I just checked the telestaff and he is not off. I cant even remember the last time Newton would not have been in attendance for something of this importance. I am willing to bet that if this gets posted early enough for the suck butts in HQ to read this then somehow this will change. Oh by the way, if he were to go, it would not be out of our pool time account, but that of community service since it is a county meeting concerning the city. I guess Chappel and Cunningham can quit their bitchin about how the pool time hours are being used. Hold on to your asses boys and girls, it wont be long before the phrase FTM's will become the TMFU. Oh the pain.
Received via Email: 11-30-11 What if you asked for union representation and nobody came? e(M.)p(T.)y Blank says it all.
Received via Email: 11-30-11 OK, so I'm starting to sense a patter here. Blank won the popularity contest and we won the booby prize. Sure glad we're all prepared for the future-------------------------------------------------------------------------by making sure we all get an axe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What fools.
Received via Email: 11-30-11 Many are now saying they are very sorry they voted for Blank. Well, guess what boys and girls, Its too late now !! You wanted him, well you got him. ENJOY
Received via Email: 12-01-11 11/30 #1 Maybe Large didn't tell him to be there. Did you ever think of that Mr. Know It All? And hey, Chappel and Cunningham are my to GO TO guys for anything positive, informative, truthful, factual or spiritual.
Received via Email: 12-01-11 Calm down, calm down. It's all going to be okay. Tell us another joke Mike. You've got some good ones.
Received via Email: 12-01-11 Fools Fools, ENJOY. you put him in office.
Received via Email: 12-01-11 I am most curious. I have not been subjected to a single attempt by Mark Sweet, Burt Slice, Jim Cunningham, Dan Chappel, Jeffery Wayne or any of the others, nor have I seen the numerous stacks of opt out forms that usually get faxed to the stations by the haters at station 11 (FYI, your fax pages are time stamped with your phone number and Station) that urge the strong Union Brothers and Sisters to not support the Union's capability to work for you by your small annual contribution of 5 hours of vacation time. Whats up with that? Oh I know, the new President doesn't plan on doing anything worth a hoot so he wont be using pool time. I'm sorry I forgot about his promises to run the union into the hands of Admenstruation.
Received via Email: 12-02-11 Scum bags can only stick their heads above water for so long, without being seen. I doubt if they will be able to stay down for long though.
Received via Email: 12-03-11 Why was Jeff Wayne thrown in that mix. Those are some pretty shady characters he was thrown in with. They also all have egos bigger than their brain. Jeff doesn't quite seem to be in that class of idiots. He may be a little bit of a pot stirrer but not total ass. Unless their is more we don't know about.
Received via Email: 12-03-11 He's a SCAB and he convinced another weak minded useless individual to SCAB on us. FTS
Received via Email: 12-03-11 Yes, he was among the first to drop his union affiliation and withdraw his pool time donation. He felt that the union could no longer provide for him so he got out. You are talking about the darkest of the shady
Received via Email: 12-04-11 Ok, you convinced me. we will add him in the group of Worthless. Has he rejoined yet or is he still a scab.
Received via Email: 12-07-11 TEAM: Maybe a new TITAN page eh?
Grand Idea Oh Webmaster.. How about another fino page where funny unique versions of the scabs can be "written"?
TEAM: We're laughing as we're typing this. That's another possibility but we have priorities too. Our sock drawer is in a state of disarray and needs to be sorted, first.
Received via Email: 12-07-11 I always thought you had a lil anal retention boss! HA! FTM
Received via Email: 12-07-11 I'm hearing by word or mouth that there's some kind of meeting tommorrow at the union hall. Why didn't I hear about this Mike?
Received via Email: 12-07-11 Don't ask Mike. Ask his secretary, Spafford. And if you're asking then you must not be in the know. We've taken ove the union and conducting all of our business on Facebook. Now bugger off dweeb.
Received via Email: 12-07-11 Thats strange, why does the union membership pay a monthly fee to have a proven webpage with texting and email capabilities and our new president by passes it and posts secret meetings on face book? What time is this meeting, and whats it about?
Received via Email: 12-08-11 FACEBOOK, what do we have, a bunch of ladies now running our Union. Oh brother, give me a break.
Received via Email: 12-09-11 All Hail to Mikey the follower.
Brothers and Sisters;
You may have heard that the League is soliciting resolutions from municipalities to support their legislative initiative to reduce or eliminate Chapter 175 pension plans. You should be vigilant of any resolutions or agenda items adopting their proposed resolutions. Encourage your councils and commissions to reject these proposals. This link will takes you to their web site and copies of their draft resolutions.
We are asking you to solicit your councils to oppose this legislation and leave pension reform and negotiations as a local issue. The League cries" no state mandates" on any legislation that infringes on their autonomy and then hypocritically seeks the state legislature to come bail them out for their lack of adequately funding their contracts.
They are also running misleading radio commercials touting their position to "save" police and fire pensions, which could be no further from the truth. The vast majority of local pension plans are adequately funded and their shut out last year in pension reform has left them bruised and battered. Watch your council agenda's, ask them to oppose the League's proposed legislation, and leave local issues at the local level for their resolution.
Here's the link, just click on the, and then click on the "more" word which will take you to the pension reform page.
Remember this is an election year for our state legislators and since the League has never elected a single legislator, they are unlikely to carry their dirty water this year. Make sure you speak to our friends in the legislature and ask them to oppose local pension reform, its a local issue and there is no single solution for the hundreds of different local pension plans.
Gary Rainey, President
Florida Professional Firefighters
SPAFF Bargaining Session #2
Date: 12/15/11 (A-Shift)
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Place: MSC
Room: 900
Bring: NoDoze Pills
Board of County Commissioners Meeting
Dec. 20th 2011 @ 1500
315 court Street, Clearwater 5th floor.
This is a very important meeting and we need all available personnel to be in attendance.
More information to follow.
Received via Email: 12-11-11 Anybody not near drop age, you are screwed if Blank stays the union pres.
Attention All Firefighters, Police, Corrections And Probation Officers
Received via Email: 12-14-11 Come watch your new leader attempt to give away the keys to the contract tomorrow. It will be a WTF??? moment for sure.
Received via Email: 12-14-11 News FLASH, MTB has been seen walking the halls of HQ lately. He is looking for direction from Chiefs and HR on how to write the union's negotiation proposals. This sounds to good to make up.
Received via Email: 12-15-11 It's shit like this that reminds us why fire departments, Wall St. and Fortune 500 companies require professional qualifications. If you can't do the job they filter you out before they give you the job. Why on earth would a union president anywhere ask anyone at HQ or in HR for nego proposals? I understand that Mike probably doesn't want to go to Winnie and ask for shit but come on, there's got to be meeting notes. I don't really think we were asking for too much except to be left alone in this shitty economy and we just beat their ass at impasse. Here's an idea. Don't ask for shit and tell them to shove their proposals back up their ass a second time. I guarantee you they won't be going back to council with that same bag of shit a second time.
Received via Email: 12-15-11 RECALL RECALL RECALL!
Received via Email: 12-16-11 For all of you who don't know it yet, it was brought up at the union meeting last night that the EMS Santa Train isn't scheduled to be stopping in St. Petersburg any time soon. When HR was asked by Rick Pauley during negotiations if they would be willing to open the contract back up in the event that we started transporting, they asked Knight and he answered NO! All of you guys who are low on the seniority list need to row faster because this slave's done rowing this ship. And you thought you were on the Love Boat.
Received via Email: 12-16-11 Somehow I'm not surprised. Just goes to show you that all the bright boys don't know how much money FD transport is really going to bring in. Wait, what am I talking about? Even if they make a Billion bucks they ain't going to share the wealth with me and you. It's going into the general fund.
Received via Email: 12-16-11 And they said the mayor is onboard and council's onboard and the fire chief's onboard. Ooopsy did they forget to ask us? They want a shit pot full of people up there at the courthouse and the c shift is on duty. Let's see how that works out without them.
Received via Email: 12-16-11
RECALL . . . NOPE, RECALL . . . NOPE, RECALL . . . NOPE. Why? Because you need some of the members who voted this person into office to now vote him out. Plus the fact that no one has the balls to instigate the process. So that's pretty much a moot subject. In this case, for you who are scratching your heads, means no way, not a prayer, hell no, and only if hell freezes over. Those of you who voted for this person made a choice. That's what an election is all about. You have a choice to determine who will lead. You were fooled by a fool who thought it would be fun to run for an office in the union. He proceeded to tell everyone how wonderful he was going to be as a president who would take this union into the rest of the 21st century. And some of you believed him. Others voted for him because they had some imaginary axe to grind with Winnie Newton. Some just voted for him for the hell of it. Admit it, you know that's true. So ... now your actions have paid off. Had those of you who voted for Mr. Blank done your homework you would have realized that this was not the best choice. His lack of skill at the bargaining table, his lack of knowledge about union matters and the implementation of the articles in the contract, his arrogance and "me, me, me" persona that tells volumes about him, and lastly his lies should have been a signal that this person was not capable in any shape or form to represent the 250 plus members of this Local. Now it is admitted by this writer that no one can take over an office and do everything successfully right from the start. That's a given. And there were those who said "Give the man a chance to prove himself". Okay. That's fair. Based on what the members have seen so far could it be said that he's progressing? Maybe. But if you believe what you read on this site he's making some very bad choices and mistakes. This is not a time to be sending in a 16 year old to do a man's job. Things are dicey and headed toward getting worse. Reality is that the members of this Local have done themselves a very great disservice in their choice of leadership. Whether knowingly or not it's too late now. So here's your choices. There are only two. Continue to allow this member to keep the office of president and follow him down a path of unskilled attempts at everything or provide the member with help from those who know the ropes and have been where he has never been. Recall is not an option in an organization with little or no spine. So if you want to ever get back to the point where Winnie left off you better start educating your choice of representation. It will take many months of time and effort but it can be done. Now one other scenario is that Mr. Blank will have such an exemplary opinion of himself that he will reject the help. Having seen here the examples of his past willingness to accept help I doubt that it will work. But it's worth a try. If failure is the victor in this matter then those who saw this member as a way to change the Local for the better were sadly mistaken and your future is in extreme jeaopardy.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 12-16-11 12-16 #1 Are we all that hungry to run to our own death? When can any of you remember that you've ever heard the chief say that tranport was going to benefit us? We always asume that the chiefs are going to take care of us because they're one of us. Bullshit. Look at the group of whoredogs that are running this place. If we get transport one and only one fact will remain a fact. We won't be laying anybody off because we'll be up to our ass in pt.'s and manditory overtime. And some of that will be at straight pay during a 14 day work cycle. At least the captains and the DC's will get a break away from here more often with their 7 day work cycle and r day every 3 weeks. How f**ked are we believing in this group?
Received via Email: 12-16-11 "If failure is the victor in this matter then those who saw this member as a way to change the Local for the better were sadly mistaken and your future is in extreme jeaopardy."
Point well taken.
Received via Email: 12-16-11 I stopped by the Union Office today to ask President Blank how he was doing with yesterdays offers. I was also curious to see where he was with the abreaviated cutoff date for our R day picks. During last nights meeting he was questioned about giving away things in our contract and all he had to say was, "My bad, I'll take the hit on that", then he proceded to tell us how he has been devoting all of his time to the EMS issue. Well guess what? YOUR number one job is to protect the Contract, which is Hours, Wages, Terms and Conditions of the Collective Bargaining agreement, Period. If you then have time you can spread yourself a little thinner and try to cover up for the lack of work ethic that Fire Admin doesnt seem to be showing on this issue. No I do not believe that we everyone in HQ has a gag order and it is all up to the Union or Michael Blank to carry the load. So, where was MTB today? Playing Santa Claus in Tampa...Or was it playing softball, no that was last weekend. Boy what a difference 3 months makes. Oh yeah BTW, Billy Mott was there like he usually is. So far that is the only constant I have seen since the new downward sprial began.
Received via Email: 12-17-11 Dont expect to find Mikey doing work for your future today either, as he is playing Santa again for a very rich individual that does nothing to help the union. Maybe we should all go sit on Santas knee and tell him we want a Pres(id)ent for Christmas.
Received via Email: 12-17-11 Well this is new. Someone stands up for you and you attack him? Whats your fire chief done for you lately? From what I'm reading here he's ready to transport or lay off a shitpot full of people and either event there's nothing in the budget for your wallet. Clear a path, here comes the chief. I'm so impressed. NOT!
Received via Email: 12-17-11 Hey Mickey, how come no Christmas Party?
Received via Email: 12-17-11 To 12/17 #2 Are you a bit surprised? There's always been a group milling around the fire chief positioning for what they can get out of a given situation. They'll work all day long to look good in the chief's eyes and to pile onto anyone working against the MUTTS. The way they figure it even if they don't win at promoting themselves, at the end of the day they win becase the union that they've just shit on is always there to catch them when they fall. Who was it that said NEVER LET A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE?
Received via Email: 12-17-11 12-17 #4 That's about as good as I've every heard anybody explain it.
Received via Email: 12-17-11 Because it will interfere with Hqs party. We can't have that.
Received via Email: 12-18-11 Dick you are right on point with those comments. Couldn't have been said better.
Received via Email: 12-18-11 Many of us used to be proud of this department and all that it was doing. Of course that was over 10 years ago. Now, we are the laughing stock of the county and state. We are an embarrassment for all to laugh over. And most of the really great firefighters and officers of past days, really just dont give a shit anymore. And you know why.\? Because our leaders havent given a shit about anyone but themselves and an extra bugle for many years. Worthless pieces of crap. We need a totally new FD HQ staff of division chiefs who really care about the citizens and their firefighters. That my friends is our only hope. And the current 6 need to find jobs elsewhere. Like maybe a used car lot.
Background and Explanation of Benefits – “Heart Lung Bill”
Received via Email: 12-19-11 Maybe some of the chiefs can sell pumpkins in the pumpkin patch.
Received via Email: 12-21-11 Okay chief. I showed up in my new yellow shirt and a missed a game. What do I get for my troubles?
Received via Email: 12-22-11 What did he promise you. He didn't promis me shit and he delivered. FTM
Just a few weeks ago, Henry Roverano's 21-year career as a paramedic came to end at EVAC. He was told he couldn't come back after results from random blood test showed he violated the county's no-smoking policy.
Received via Email: 01-04-12 we all heard it throughout the promising phase of Michael's campaign about how there would be so many changes once he became President. Well I have waited since October to see what has happened and I see nothing. Still no contract or follow up dates. We are still at the table trying to get back to where we where after the Impasse hearing, we have seen a member fired without the knowledge of the union, we had our r day selection process reduced at the whim of the ass chief with no reprisal from the union. When are all of these good things going to start happening? We start vacation picks someday(?) and I am hearing all kinds of rumors as to how this will all be new as well. When does this president grow a back bone and start assuming his responisibilities to us as members of this Local? I am growing ever weary of these shinanigans and I feel that a vote of no confidence will be forthcoming either before or right after the membership starts bringing charges against the executive board for in action on our behalf. Its not that far off I'm afraid.
Received via Email: 01-05-12 Well heck, at least blank smiles at us more than winnie did. What a bunch of girly girls that voted for blank. Yeah. every last one of you
Received via Email: 01-05-12 Blank's known for a good joke. Get it? Now I told one.
Received via Email: 01-05-12 You were warned over and over and over again. You were told far in advance that electing an unproven, unskilled member to the office of President at this time would be a clear and open means for the city to make vast inroads in removing the spine from this Local. You were warned that this was the worst possible time to throw away the one person, whether you liked him or not, that could provide leadership in these times. You were warned that listening to the lies and moronic promises of the current President was going to come back and bite you in the ass. You were warned about all these things. And not just from one or two people but from many and especially from those who had experienced this type of challenge in the past. But the majority . . . let me say that again . . . the MAJORITY of the members of this Local chose to thumb their nose at history and good counsel and elect the member who is now President. The democratic method of voting has proven again that the MAJORITY rules. And the MAJORITY has made it clear that they want a man with no skill, no knowlege, no experience, no background and no clue to lead this Local. What I want an answer to is why so many are pissing and moaning. Maybe it's just the fact that your candidate didn't win or possibly that you were blindsided by the masses but the outcome is still the same. And I'm gonna say it whether you like it or not. You should be careful what you ask for because you just may get it. And if that has ever been proven to be true . . . this is the perfect example. You asked for it and you got it. Only problem is you're not happy with your decision. Well guess what. That decision will last for at least two years. And you're gonna be unhappy with it the whole damn time. It won't matter if you personally voted for Blank or not. You're gonna reap the benefits of his lies and bullshit just the same. And you know in your heart of hearts that you had the opportunity to prevent all of the things that will happen if you had only used some intelligence when you voted. All those things that you thought were wrong about President Newton don't look so bad now, do they? Ask the member who just got fired. You made your beds and now you have to lie in them.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 01-05-12 Hey DICK,
Why dont you just speak of things that you have a clue about. Well, I guess it would be pretty quiet then wouldnt it.
You speak of the presidents "lies and bullshit" as if you have personal knoledge. You have never even met the man.?. So why do you hate him so much and why are you so sure that he is out to get us.
You should be thankful that a site like this was not around when you were in office (or the internet, or computers, for that matter ) because I feel confident that you would have been quite a target.
Please reserve your backwoods rants for those who give a s**t.
You are the king of the idiots and prove it every time that you post one of your stupid comments on this site with no idea of what you are saying.
WE elected a president. You were once elected too, I assume. We as a union should now be standing as one behind OUR president.
Having Morons, such as your self commenting on the character of people that you have never been in the same room with makes us all look like the idiot that you are. "Having seen the examples of his past willingness to accept help" (?) the only thing that you have seen lately is the crack of your own ass while trying to get your head out of it.
Please, shut up and reserve your comments for those who care. Now more than ever your brand of divideness is the last thing that the actual members of this union need. With the challenges that lie before all of us in the near future, we need to be united and stand together. We also need to police ourselves and be a model to the community that we serve.
Our job may have its issues, but it is a calling that we all came into for our own personal reasons. Don't try to demean my career for your personal gratification. There are many other ways that you can get personal gratification (of course I'm sure that you know that), you stupid backwards hillbilly.
All my love, JAN
Received via Email: 01-05-12 You can pick on Dick all you want but he's right. In fact Dick has produced more on this page in 1 day than Blank's produced in 2 months in office. We're all renters and he's an absent landlord. When he gets back from wherever he is I'm gonna tell him the mortgage is due cuz the bank can't find him and they been telling me I gotta find a new place to live.
Received via Email: 01-05-12 To 1- 5 #4 We can rally around our president all we want but he's apparently clonic. Where were you when the city and the fire chief were trying to rob us of benefits? Were you rallying about Winnie or were you waiting to see him hit the road? At this point its far less about us and more about the preseident.
Received via Email: 01-05-12 Facts are that Dick is right on. JAN your the idiot.
Received via Email: 01-05-12 Jan so loves the new Pres.. Where were you when the city violated our current union contract? From Picking R days for new employees to not providing a copy of the one year contract? The simple things add tothe bigger things. You are a suit, plain and simple. I would not be surprised if your address was onthe west side of the block. Forget it even if we all held hands and sang the praises of MB, we'd still be like lambs for the slaughter.. FTM ( fill in man or M---- )
My respects to Dick Tully a true voice of the union member.
Received via Email: 01-05-12 Hi Jan. I really don't want to get into a adversarial conversation with you. But in relation to your statement that I "have never even met the man", refering to Mike Blank, please let me point out that YOU have never met me. Consequently your assessment of my intelligence, skill, experience, opinions are quite irrelevant. I would not attempt to duel here with you over things of no importance but you opened the conversation so I will attempt to defend myself.
I do not hate the President. Why would I hate him? I don't even know him. I never said he was out to get you. In fact I can readily assume from all the things he's done so far and of course the things he hasn't done that he doesn't have the ability to get anything.
For your information there WAS a means for the members to vent when I was president. In fact I created said vehicle. It was called SIZE UP. It was an informational monthly publication that went to all the stations and was posted on the union bulletin board. It was available to every member of the union to post anything they wanted, good or bad, for all to see. Of course we were a little more genteel in those days and some of the descriptive terms of today were not found on those pages.
Yes, you're absolutely correct. I live in the backwoods now. But when it comes to the fire service I've been there and done that. And since you think I just shoot from the hip about things I know nothing about let me say that when those who are on the department that come here for a visit are welcomed we often hear enlightening tales of what's going on in the "big city". And virtually all of my assessments of people and circumstances surrounding the fire service in St. Petersburg are based on what I hear from those who are still there. So even though I don't personally know brother Blank I know first hand of his exploits. Or lack thereof.
Yes, I am the king of idiots . . . and it's great to be the king. And apparently it doesn't stop there. I'm also a moron. Also it's duly noted that I'm a stupid backwards hillbilly. That being said I accept those accolades with the graciousness of one who is deeply appreciative of your ability to inject some humor into an otherwise meaningless statement.
I must give you credit Jan. Your last two statement include some very sound reasoning. You don't want me to encourage dividedness. There are monumental challenges before you. You need to be united, police yourselves, and be a model to the community. In addition you proclaim your presence here is because you had a calling. You'd appreciate it if I didn't demean your career. Just one question Jan. Did president Blank write that for you? Because based on the rest of your posting it stands out as being intelligent. I have actually advocated all of these things over and over in past postings on this site, long before you were called to greatness. And Jan, just let me say that I respect your opinion and value the few positive things in it. However you, those who agree with you, and all those who don't are going to get a real lesson in hindsight. But it's too late Jan.
With Much Appreciation For Your Concern,
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 01-06-12 I called and talked with Bill Mott today to find out how the budget vote went. I asked what was going on with the DROP and he told me what Capt. LeCroy found out from the city. They are doing NOTHING AT ALL! They aren't moving forward with plans to give the captains and chiefs a 7 year DROP and they aren't moving forward with giving us a 7 year DROP. I can't remember who Lecroy talked to in the city but he mentioned impact bargaining with the captains and chiefs. What's this worth? How many captains and chiefs are there that are in the DROP or will DROP who are currently in the rank? It just came to me. I think it was Corwell they were talking to, (I think). This is all based on bullshit brothers and sisters. The FIRE CHIEF is behind this whole thing and it's supposedly so that he won't have to lay off new guys in the event that the transport thing takes a shit. They say they can't let the SAFER guys go. Sure they can. Last hired, first fired and just pay the government back their money and cut your losses. They've shitcanned the new guys in the past and that asshole on council Leslie Curran wanted us to pay to keep them with our holiday time. Sorry. Not our problem. I have an idea as to what's going on but I may be wrong. The city and the fire chief know they're not offereing shit for a contract. We're all getting worked up about a 7 year DROP. FU**it. Why worry? The last time the union polled us they found that only a few more people were really interested in the DROP being extended to 7 years. So they've got us all in a twitter and I think they want to make this such a hot button item that they'll drag this thing out till the 11th hour in the hopes that we'll finally grab at this like it's something we're really going to miss and end up voting on a stupid contract offer. I'm not buying it. We tried to get the captains and the chiefs something in the hopes that we'd get it to. It's not working so now the ball's in the city's court. They have to do something and Lecroy isn't going to take this lying down and he's so close to leaving that he'd easily take chief asshole and asst chief asshole to court along with the city. He's got nothing to lose and by the fact that the city is doing nothing shows that they ahave painted themselves into a corner and are now waiting for us to do something. This is where I have the most fear. If winnie were in office I would have no fears that we'd be prepairing for battle right now. I don't think that's the case with Mike Blank because he's playing checkers while Winnie was always playing chess which is just what the city is used to playing. While they don't play it well all the time if you aren't at least playing the same game you can't possiblly win..
TEAM: Someone's paying attention.
Question: Why hasn't the city pulled the rug out from under the Captains and Chiefs on the seven year DROP proposal yet?
Fire administration and Chris Guella from HR met with Mike Blank shortly after he was elected to office to officially 'notice' us that the city was preparing to reverse its decision to extend the seven year DROP offer to the rank and file regardless of the outcome in any future Collective Bargaining Agreement vote. The ripple effect of this act will cause a conflict for the city in that the supervisory unit is currently in possession of a seven year DROP MOU and the State pension office claims that they cannot be treated differently from the rank and file unit insofar as this issue is concerned. The city has admitted that they will have to impact bargain with us in an attempt to get the supervisory unit to agree to walk away from this benefit. From what we can ascertain, a recent straw poll amongst the supervisory unit members produced 100% support for the continuation of the seven year DROP program as it is currently described. From the June 16, 2011 MOU: "Both parties agree that the DROP period for members of the unit shall increase from five (5) years to seven (7) years no later than May 15, 2012. It is understood that the maximum years of service combined with DROP participation shall remain at thirty-five (35) years. The remaining provisions of Article 26 shall be status quo. The parties further agree to reopen Article 26 no later than June 1, 2012 to bargain pension changes for Fiscal year 2013."
Question: What is the potential cost to the city to finally put the seven year DROP to bed for the supervisory unit? Potentially millions because the losses would add up to millions right out of the pockets of all DROP participants who have an expectation of an additional two years earnings from continued active duty pay status along with DROP earnings and interest. It doesn't stop there. Again, from the June 16, 2011 MOU: "Both parties agree that unit members shall not receive a general wage increase for Fiscal year 2012..." It would appear that the members of the supervisory bargaining unit waived a shot at a potential pay raise in trade for the DROP extension. The city is over a barrel.
Question: What is the impact to the city to provide a seven year DROP to every single member of both bargaining units? From the January 21, 2011 memo from ‘buckconsultants’ via Ms. Vicki Grant: "...there is no actuarial impact for extending the DROP participation period because retirement behavior is not expected to change as members are required to reach normal retirement in order to participate in the DROP." In other words, for the city to offer the seven year DROP to the rank and file costs nothing and is far cheaper and less embarrassing than being sued by your captains and chiefs. The city lost the seven year DROP as a bargaining chip the moment the State informed them that the two bargaining units must be treated the same. The city did not do their research. We can still remember the day when Chris Guella said, "Don't think that this is the camel's nose under the tent." Right!
Question: Just how important to the passage of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement is the seven year DROP to the 'majority' of the rank and file?
The rank and file bargaining unit voted decisively against the city's first contract offer to us in 2011. Their second attempt at an offer contained a seven year DROP proviso. A second vote was held and it resulted in numbers barely different from the first vote. While it is true that there is great interest in obtaining a seven year DROP for all members of the rank and file bargaining unit, let us not forget how the supervisory unit got theirs. It was part of a contract offer that also included a 48 hour work week. To date, those of us in the rank and file bargaining unit have been offered nothing that even remotely approaches the richness of the supervisory unit’s last CBA offer.
We believe the city is stuck with the seven year DROP because of potential class action against it. They will eventually have to offer it to all of us before the summer, even if we never vote on another CBA again in our lives.
Received via Email: 01-08-12 I love the straw poll part of your comments Mr. Webmaster. Funny how everybody appears to be on the chiefs team until he sticks a gun to their ribs. If they actually condcted a poll, it must have been pretty damned important to them. Fire chiefs should be trained as fire officers and nothing more. They should stay out of politics because thats all this is about. Large is sticking up for his buddy the Mayor. He's trying to break the rank and file who use the secret ballot to vote against crap contract offers. Large is his own worst enemy. He's willing to piss off every one of his chiefs as well as everyone who's put in any time here all for the sake of people he's just hired. I hope their all worth it cuz he's going to go down in history as the greatest loser.
Received via Email: 01-08-12 Someone once said that devotion comes at a price. Just look at how everyone sees Knight. In Large's case he is about to find out that devotion comes WITH a price. Too bad Jimmy, you could have been great for us but you chose to please the mayor and not the people you're supposed to work with everyday.
Received via Email: 01-08-12 Are we negotiating on Friday or am I not supposed to know?
Received via Email: 01-08-12 That's need to know shit that HQ has't released yet. Better question is why are we still debating this. Let's go to impasse. They're offering nothing again in the hopes that if we polish this turd long enough they'll get a contract. Me thinks not!
Received via Email: 01-08-12 To TEAM: this all sound easy until you look up and see who's driving the bus. I saw this one in a nightmare and the bus driver jumped out. The driver lived and we all died.
Received via Email: 01-09-12 Not only do we have an idiot driving the bus, but I am hearing some scarey things lately. It is appearant that the term "stupid is as stupid does" will soon become a common phrase if the Blank one has his wishes. He is amassing quite a list of his do bois to full fill his promisary notes for the elections for Secretary Treasurer, Executive Vice President, and the B shift Steward. While I have no problem with new people running for these positions I will add this. If you are thinking of running or being placed into one of these top positions, I hope that you are not married or currently in a close relationship, I hope you have no children or that they are over 18 yeaars old. I hope your loved ones can take care of themselves and dont need help every 15 minutes because they cant get the lid off of a mayonaise jar. I hope you are able to be away from your house and loved ones for stretches of 30 to 96 hours at a time to attend to functions that no one but a person dedicated to labor can figure out as to why you care. I hope you dont like to work a part time job or put in to work alot of overtime. I hope your not one that likes to work lots of swaps so you can go out of town for 4 to 6 weeks on a regular basis. I hope your not heavily into sports or organized events. I hope that you dont like to do spare of the minute things because the 300+ members can come up with more spare of the minute problems that you will ever imagine. I hope that you dont expect to see your friends as much as you used to, and that you can handle the words 'I forgot" and "was that today?" when you were really really depending on our friends to show up to help with a project of impotantance to Labor. I hope that 5 such people show an interest in the upcoming October elections and I wish them all well. If you know in your hearts that an individual cant fullfill these requirements than do us a favor and dont vote for them just because they are a nice guy
Received via Email: 01-12-12 Come all ye merry followers. Come see what Commander of the Chicklet teeth brigade pushes across the table tomorrow with the blessings of Union Orderly Blank. It should be a real Hoot. Is it just my imagination or does our President really live under the desk of the Great Pumpkin?
Received via Email: 01-12-12 Him and the Keebler elves, Tony the tiger, and Count Chocula. All the fairies in a Zelda game and a couple Oompa Loompa's. And he feels right at home hanging with these imaginary people. After all, he's an imaginary president and has every right to be part of these other imaginary people.
Received via Email: 01-15-12 A big THANK YOU to Big Country for saving our Union's face last negotiation. The city tried to take away the rank and file's 7 year drop. B C informed them of the legal ruling not allowing that. Very soon all of those intersted in the 7 drop will have that item for them! A little birdie mentioned to a few that Night night tried to cancel B C's pool time! Go figure, and were was MTB while this was happening? Sittin near BC smiling like forrest gump. NEWS FLASH the HQ boy's spies are grooming a certain facebook group administrator to try and take Big C's spot! If you all vote in another loser we'll pay even more dearly. ** One last thing. To the 80 members that did not vote and got us in the shit mess we are in now, you had better make up for it this next election.. FTM! R.P. for next TiTan of the Year!
Received via Email: 01-16-12 So the city feels they will be generous by offering to buy our approval for the random mandatory drug test for a whopping 4 hours of personal leave, in the case that we get selected and that we can't use until a later date. Whoopee they gave the members of the supervisory unit a shorter work week that took an additional 216 hours out of their work schedule for every year no matter if they get selected or not. Is it just me? Hey Mike Blank, what's taking so long? I thought you were promised a new contract in exchange for daily services. I hope we all see through your empty promises soon cause I can't take anymore of these daily pops to my kisser. 2011, 2012, with 2013 on the way, when will enough be considered enough?
Received via Email: 01-18-12 The city has been watching the supervisory unit closely. The reason they wont give the 48 hour work week to the rest of us is because of them. The city has become aware of all of the extra sick days and r day sandwiches our Supervisors have become fond of. Thats the real reason we will never see the reduced work week. As they have always said and we continue to prove, Firemen F**k Firemen.
Brothers and Sisters; PLEASE HELP
The Safety Harbor Professional Fire Fighters are supporting two candidates running for city commission. If you know anyone who can vote in this election we are supporting:
Cliff Merz & Nancy Besore
Any votes we can get will help. We believe this will be a close race.
Mail in ballets are already out. And our election is January 31st.
Thank you
Chris Palmieri
President L-2267
Received via Email: 01-20-12 I'm glad to see that the union threw Large right under the bus yesterday. What's the DROP cost? Nothing? What's it cost to increase the timeline from 5 to 7 years? Nothing. What's it going to cost the city to keep listening to FIRE CHIEF JAMES D. LARGE? More money than he's got in the bank to cover his union busting ideas. You go boy!!! Nobody's on to you yet Jimmy. You're still in the drivers seat.
Received via Email: 01-20-12 Funny how Winnie goes through all the motions for months to get the DROP extended from 5 to 7 years and in all those months all the king's horses and all the kings men never thought to check and see if what they were doing would pass the state's smell test. It would be so much easier than being sued to just give us the 7 year DROP and move on but that would look like another win for the UNION and another loss for the King's men. On a scale of one to ten, their current contract offer is a big fat one. It's all take aways and barely a single give away. If they're forced to give everyone the 7 year DROP then their current contract offer (which already has soooo much going for it that we were all ready to piss ourselves in anticipation of signing it) falls to a ZERO and they can't allow that to happen. They don't want to lose their great momentum. Let's go back to council!
Received via Email: 01-20-12 F**k the front office and their pretty boys who don't get their hands dirty. If you want a fight lets get it on.
Received via Email: 01-20-12 Did I miss something?
Received via Email: 01-20-12 I'm glad to see that the union threw Large right under the bus yesterday.
TEAM: Yes. Blank handed Chris Guella a nearly identical copy of the Captains and DC's MOU for him to sign but written for Fire Fighters and Lieutenants. When Guella asked Blank if he was willing to take random drug testing and physicals, he said "No. We're not signing anything. We're done negotiating against ourselves on this issue." He told Blank, "We'll look it over and get back to you."
Received via Email: 01-20-12 I would like to know how many member would be interested in our pension changing from 20 yrs of service and age 50 to collect, to 25 yrs of service or age 50 to collect. It seams to me that this would benefit more of us then the current pension does now. If you are for this please call all of our elected officals and let them know. As for me, I'm not interested in a 7 years D.R.O.P... The few who are either couldn't save two red cents or are just money greedy. 5 years is plenty enough for me. Remember we aren't getting any younger and the longer you stay on the job the more you are exposed to. I plan on being a drain to the pension system for as long as possible. Firefighters all across this county die every day from something they contracted from this job. I love being a firefighter but, I will love being a retired firefighter collecting my pension even more. Their is more to life my Brothers and Sisters, go and enjoy your life before its gone. Also thanks for the Titan Award. It's just one of the ways I like to help our union. I live far from St.Pete as many of you know so I am unable to help on other things.
>From Andy Pepe 7c
Received via Email: 01-20-12 Republicans who want to take away our pensions and other benefits can eat shit and die for all I give a damn. What's the bottom line when it comes to this profession? Why is it that every one of us work or have worked at the riskiest and almost always the most dangerous job in the world? Dedication? Recognition? Yeah, those are nice and part of it. But the thing that keeps every member other than those who are brain dead working at this profession is . . . the pension.
Old timers have preached about this for eons. "Stick it out because the pension is the best". "Protect the pension at all cost". And the city, when each of us were hired said what? "If you stay employed for x number of years you will get the pension". The city that wants to mess with the pension you hired on for is constantly working to take it away. They used it as a gimme to get you to work here and then they alter it or try to remove it completely. But that's another side to the pension.
The side I was getting at is the side that Andy Pepe describes. When you were hired the city said "Here's the deal. Twenty years from now on your anniversary date you will be able to retire and for the rest of your life after you're 55 years old we'll pay you not to show up." The perfect scenario would be that you were hired when you were 35 years old. And hopefully in good enough shape to work until you were 55. That's not the case with most of us.
Most who want to collect the pension will stay at least the twenty years it takes to earn it. After all a large amount of your own money went to fund it. There are others who will stay longer but only because they don't have anything else to go to. When I was on the job the perfect scenario was to work twenty or twenty five, retire, and then get a different job. At the new job it was intended that the highest amount of Social Security would be taken out so that when it was time to collect you would have 40 quarters at the very highest amount for which you would qualify. The forty quarters were during the ten years that you worked after you retired from the fire service. It wasn't a perfect plan but if you could accomplish it it paid off well later in life. And the thing that made it possible was the fact that under that pension you collected immediately after twenty or twenty five or however long. But the minimum was twenty years.
In the current system this same thing can be accomplished with an obvious caveat. You can't collect the pension until you're 55. (I think, not sure) But you can still retire after twenty and since you're going to work at the department or somewhere else you may as well make it somewhere else. You have twenty years to acquire a skill or experience at some line of work other than fire fighting or being a medic. Use that time wisely and don't throw it away. It's a potential opportunity for your future.
Andy is right. And in this time of the right wingers and tea partiers blaming the fire service for every malady since the beginning of time it's not a good idea to go without a backup. And it could be seen that this time of unemployment and no jobs would be a good time to make yourself skilled and available for when they return. Meanwhile you have a minimum of twenty years of income to support your family while you do it.
Pensions are a thing of the past. We've known it for 8 to 10 years that there were factions working very hard to eliminate pensions in the private sector and, naturally, eventually in the public sector. The fire service has gone from admired and embraced to hated and despised. Your own mayor would throw your pension under the bus to get re-elected and you with it. So unlike in years past you can't depend on it to be there forever in it's current state, if at all. It's time to think about what Andy's saying and don't see it as selfish or self-serving. Think of it as survival. Think of it as "that's what they promised and I'm going to hold them to it". And work on your day off with a purpose.
Andy's also right when he says this job has the potential to kill you slowly over time. Hypertension, Cancer, Diabetes, and God know what else all come with this job. Sure, eventually we all get something that will kill us but why ask for it early? That's not to mention the other obvious dangers that go with fire fighting. That's why a lot of us took the city up on their claim of "twenty and out". Others worked 40, 45 years and retired and passed within only a few years after doing so. If you're working for a pension for your retirement it would be wise to make sure you're there to do so. Think about the future and do what you determine would be the very best thing for you and your family and work like hell to accomplish it. And at the same time make sure you'll be around to enjoy it.
Dick Tully
Retired (but then you knew that)
Received via Email: 01-24-12 Thanks Dick for hammering it home. I needed the support from a good retired firefighter.
Andy Pepe
Received via Email: 01-24-12 Thank you Andy for pointing out the 2 biggest reasons that we have people stick around here for so long. "The few who are either couldn't save two red cents or are just money greedy." Thats it in a nut shell. However your assumption that we could all just change the pension to make it easier to collect is not as easy as you think. Let me rephrase somehow easy and cheaply are not the same word but that is what it is all about, the cost to pull it off. The sooner folks start drawing out of a set fund the sooner that fund runs out. This is the same story about how the self proclaimed forgotten 157 think that 157 new claims into the piggy bank wont hurt it. Each and every time there is a change to the pension plan there is a cost to make it happen, sometimes it is small but usually it has substancial dollars involved. In todays public tea party mantra all public employees deserve nothing and that includes the pension that you have paid into during your entire career nor were you ever behind or miss a payment into that plan. No matter, you no longer deserve something that they as union haters or free will employees dont have or lost long ago, and they know nothing other than how unions have ruined this country so therefore should be forced to live on the streets in cardboard boxes when they retire. So while I am fully behind leaving and collecting my deserved pension as early as possible I know that it is a task that this city will not entertain during this time period of lunacey. Remember this, within the past 5 years the union leadership offered to increase our pension contribution from the current 7% to 8% to pay for the COLA that we now have. The City balked by saying that a contribution level that high would make it difficult to recruit new employees and flat out said no. That is why you COLA relies on the dollars that come in through the state 175 plan. You also need to know that 8 years ago your union leaders vetted out the cost vs use for every employee for three things. Removal of the Social Security offset, COLA, and 25 and out. Because of the ages, length of time on the job, and age at time of hire, everything was counted and verified many times. It was determined that the removal of the offset was by far the most important item and would effect everyone. The COLA was deemed second, and the 25 and out as the least likely and also per person the most costly to secure. Today your plan now has no offset and it does have a COLA which means alot more than most think, just ask the forgotten 157. Andy please do not take this as a scolding but as a history lesson, Also know that the 2 items that were removed had been on the books since 1972 and took 30+ years to remove. You just may be the one that can someday sit back and say, I got that, and I wish you the best in your attempts. P.S., you may want to talk with Chris White and Mike Reilly about the work it takes to get a square boulder rolling. Good Luck, and never quit.
Received via Email: 01-27-12 Hey Mike Blank. I wouldn't trust any of those bastards you work with at the union hall. I don't recall ever seeing any of them spending time at HQ or spending time getting to know the fire chief over a cup of cofee.
Keep up the good work you're doing for us all by keeping your ear to the ground by sneaking around the enemy camp.
Received via Email: 01-27-12 Hey Mike Blank, when are we going to see some profit from you being a double agent? I am hearing that you have really pulled it off by getting in tight with the boys at HQ and you are getting ready to publish the photos real soon. I cant wait to get my added R-days and 8% pay raise. Lets hope the photos are of exceptional quality.
Received via Email: 01-27-12 Mike Blank, Union President. I've always said, you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Response to 1/24/2012 #2
Received via Email: 01-30-12 Not as an attempt to be argumentative. Just want to point out some slight, again slight eye openers that don't ring quite right. Not a scolding either. But some things just don't seem kosher that the author claims.
"However your assumption that we could all just change the pension to make it easier to collect is not as easy as you think."
Neither Andy nor I were making the point that the pension should be “changed to make it easier to collect”. Our point was that you take what you’re entitled to at your earliest convenience. There was no intent to “change” the pension.
"Each and every time there is a change to the pension plan there is a cost to make it happen, sometimes it is small but usually it has substantial dollars involved."
That’s true. Every “change” does take a financial re-assessment to the plan. Again, the intent was not to “change” the plan but to take the benefit promised at the earliest time possible. This was not to damage or reflect on others. This was only a heads up as to when and why the benefit would be best used to avoid possible physical or mental problems down the line.
"Remember this, within the past 5 years the union leadership offered to increase our pension contribution from the current 7% to 8% to pay for the COLA that we now have."
This is how it works. You leave and someone else is hired to take your place. And that person takes over making the pension contributions. And it’s a given that any actuarial worth a damn has taken into consideration the level of necessary contributions it would take to offset each retirement. If the contributions don’t offset the retirement that would mean the city would have to make up any deficit. Additionally the added 1% was admittedly recognized as an attempt to make a COLA more appealing to the city. It was a bold move on the part of the Local to offer this since it would no doubt only affect those hired after a date certain. Then you would have the new hires howling that the union didn’t protect them from the 8% pension contribution when the rest of the members were only paying 7%. You can’t please everybody. And the attempt to get this agreed to was ballsy since there were no people being hired. Consequently the COLA would take effect with no harm to thos
e in the ranks.
"The City balked by saying that a contribution level that high would make it difficult to recruit new employees and flat out said no."
What a load. Too difficult to recruit new employees. And yet they sit at the table and will tell the union that there are gobs of people waiting to get hired as fire fighters. And really, what does the city give a shit? They’re not hiring anyone anyway. That’s the weakest foundation for refusing to negotiate that ever got spoken in a meeting. If it’s so difficult then they need to pony up some money in the pay plan to pay to entice new hires. You’ll retire before that happens.
"So while I am fully behind leaving and collecting my deserved pension as early as possible I know that it is a task that this city will not entertain during this time period of lunacy."
Once you have met the condition of employment that determines the date you can retire you are no longer living in fear of the city. On that date and any time thereafter you can walk or run to city hall and turn in your request for retirement. Period. The city has no say in when you can do this as long as you have met the time requirements. It’s not important what the city will entertain. In fact it not even up for discussion.
“you may want to talk with Chris White and Mike Reilly about the work it takes to get a square boulder rolling.”
Here’s the only way I know of to accomplish this. You chip away at the corners until the square becomes round and then roll it where ever you want to.
"You just may be the one that can someday sit back and say, I got that, and I wish you the best in your attempts."
I don’t wish you well in your attempts Andy. I wish you well while you enjoy what you earned and the city said they would give you if you met the requirements. Don’t worry. You won’t have to make more than one attempt when the time comes.
Dick Tully
TEAM: "What a load. Too difficult to recruit new employees. And yet they sit at the table and will tell the union that there are gobs of people waiting to get hired as fire fighters."
They plug in the appropriate response for a given set of circumstances. We've heard them all and we point them out, too!
Received via Email: 01-30-12 To Brother, I would probably be better off letting this die but I must try to clarify what I wrote and you have tried to clear up.
First, "Neither Andy nor I were making the point that the pension should be "changed to make it easier to collect". Our point was that you take what you're entitled to at your earliest convenience. There was no intent to "change" the pension."
That would in fact be a change to the current pension. Yes we can leave whenever we have satisfied the requirements but we cannot collect our pensions until we are 50 years of age. Brother Andy is looking for the plan that allows collecting the day one leaves the job.
Second, "This is how it works. You leave and someone else is hired to take your place. And that person takes over making the pension contributions. And it's a given that any actuarial worth a damn has taken into consideration the level of necessary contributions it would take to offset each retirement. If the contributions don't offset the retirement that would mean the city would have to make up any deficit. Additionally the added 1% was admittedly recognized as an attempt to make a COLA more appealing to the city. It was a bold move on the part of the Local to offer this since it would no doubt only affect those hired after a date certain. Then you would have the new hires howling that the union didn't protect them from the 8% pension contribution when the rest of the members were only paying 7%. You can't please everybody. And the attempt to get this agreed to was ballsy since there were no people being hired. Consequently the COLA would take effect with no harm to those in the ranks."
Answer, This increase in the pension contribution was to take effect immediatley for everyone on the job. Also with the DROP we now have, people can stay for as long as 5 years and pay nothing into the plan. The acturary say this does not harm the plan but the new hires are not there to immediatly pay into the plan.
Third," Once you have met the condition of employment that determines the date you can retire you are no longer living in fear of the city. On that date and any time thereafter you can walk or run to city hall and turn in your request for retirement. Period. The city has no say in when you can do this as long as you have met the time requirements. It's not important what the city will entertain. In fact it not even up for discussion.
Answer, You are absolutly correct, and I never intended to say anything differently, However as Andy pointed out, we have too many folks that never saved correctly and they cannot leave a couple of years early without the ability to collect immediatly. That is the beginning and the end of this whole thing. We dont have the collect when you have satisifed, but rather not until you reach a certain age. That would require a change to the plan, and that would effect the cost to the plan and the city would have to find a way to make up the cost. We all know their willingness to do something like that.
Please accept this as a corrective and not arguementive reply.
Received via Email: 01-31-12 Re: 1.30.2012 #2
I accept it as exactly such . . .
"That would in fact be a change to the current pension. Yes we can leave whenever we have satisfied the requirements but we cannot collect our pensions until we are 50 years of age. Brother Andy is looking for the plan that allows collecting the day one leaves the job."
This is what Andy said:
" I would like to know how many members would be interested in our pension changing from 20 yrs of service and age 50 to collect, to 25 yrs of service or age 50 to collect.
I apologize. I interpreted that to mean both collecting at age 50. I missed the “or”. It wouldn’t make sense to add five years and still not be able to collect until 50. I think Andy’s point was not meant to start a drive for a pension change as much as it was to remind the members of the importance of leaving the potential hazards of the job ASAP. It’s still possible to retire at 20 and out. You just have to be financially prepared. Perhaps the DROP could assist in that condition.
“ Second, "This is how it works. You leave and someone else is hired to take your place. And that person takes over making the pension contributions. . . .
That’s what I get for applying common sense to the situation. Again I apologize for not having all the information. To the normal person it would seem, and I think you’ll agree, that forcing the current members under contract to accept a raise in the pension contribution was a tight fit. However it could be possible if the end result was lucrative enough. In this case the COLA. I’m assuming the COLA was granted without the benefit of an additional 1% being taken from the members.
Just a slight question on this next one. . .
“Also with the DROP we now have, people can stay for as long as 5 years and pay nothing into the plan. The actuary say this does not harm the plan . . . “
I can see that the DROP has had a detrimental effect on the pension even though it creates a giant benefit for the person getting ready to retire. The loss of the funds that the soon to be retired member is contributing to the pension is causing “no harm to the plan”. I’m throwing the bullshit flag on this one. Of course it causes harm to the plan. The loss of 5 years of contributions at the highest level of pay from the member is a loss. Plain and simple. That’s not to say that there are other probable ramifications to the whole system. But in the end does this mean that a member with even the most weak of intent to save or prepare couldn’t leave after 20 and having five years in the drop retire with a pretty nice bank account in spite of him/herself? This would support Andy’s admonition of getting out ASAP.
I understand that the current pension does not allow collecting to begin until age 50 and I would hope that the Local bargaining team would work tirelessly to reduce that. I don’t think there will ever again be a 20 and out, pay immediately plan put into effect. In fact a pension from the employer will soon go the way of sweat shops. I also think the DROP, with the proper manipulation of the funds, could definitely assist the retiree by being used in addition to the money made at the new job. I know there will be those who will find a way to deplete the DROP benefit almost overnight. But those who start early to make sure they can retire and still have a good life are the smart ones. I appreciate the opportunity to have a discussion without being called names and insulted. I thank you for that. Somehow I feel like I’m talking to a member of the pension board. Hmmmmm. I apologize for mistakes I make in some posts. There are those who would say “all posts”. But I’ve
been gone for 28 years and it’s not even the same department. It’s difficult to just turn one’s back on the job. Involvement by old timers is ignored for the most part. Probably the best way in the long run.
An Apologetic,
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 01-31-12 Thank you Mr. Tully for your comments and points of view.
"I appreciate the opportunity to have a discussion without being called names and insulted. I thank you for that. Somehow I feel like I’m talking to a member of the pension board. Hmmmmm. I apologize for mistakes I make in some posts. There are those who would say “all posts”. But I’ve
been gone for 28 years and it’s not even the same department. It’s difficult to just turn one’s back on the job. Involvement by old timers is ignored for the most part. Probably the best way in the long run."
I am glad that we were able to dispel the rumors that all that gets done on this site is hatered and back biting. I am glad I was able to bring a few things into view for you and others that have been gone for a period of time. Yes it is true, what you once knew as a department has undergone some fantastic and also taxing changes, just as someone that worked 25 years before you would have said while you were still on the job. You did mention one thing, that you were willing to throw the BS flag on the claim that the DROP does no harm to the pension plan. I agree but I have no schooling initials behind my name so who am I to disagree. However I am in the process of building one of the biggest bullshit flags ever seen and I will be looking for helpers when I am ready to deploy it. I will keep you in mind to see if you would like to help someday. Thanks again for the civil conversation, and no I am not a member of the pension board, but I am damned sure concerned about protecting what the local has secured for us and those from the past and into the future.
Received via Email: 02-01-12 If I'm still alive and not spitting and drooling, I'm your guy. I agree with your statement of
"I am damned sure concerned about protecting what the local has secured for us and those from the past and into the future." For some reason I have felt that way for a very long time and have always had the members at heart. Even the one's who disagree with me. In essence I've been a firefighter for 48 years at heart and I'm not stopping until I'm outa here. I look forward to your posting of the flag.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 02-01-12 It sounds real brotherly all this talk about "protecting what the local has secured." Especially from a guy that was around when the union was only able to protect the current employees of that time as they watched the city set up the supplemental pension program for the new guys. They went from a 20 and out program to a COLA free plan with no payments before the age of 55 and a cap of 60%.
I suspect history is about to repeat itself. As a matter of fact I'm certain of it. It's not so much "if" at this point--- it's "when". And it's probably the right thing to do. With a huge chunk of employees in the DROP not paying anything into the pension, and a continually shitty economy, the city has better leverage than ever to set a cut off date on our current pension and offer new hires 401K type programs.
Think of our pension as a lifeboat overflowing with survivors. As new people try to climb in we are going to have to figure out when the time is right to forget about letting more people in the boat and just throw them life preservers and hope they don't die from sharks or exposure. If we don't then we all end up drowning. It ain't over yet, but it's coming. And when the union allows the inevitable to happen try to remember that they aren't trying to drown the new people, they are trying to save the folks that got to the lifeboat first.
The Guy That Told The Unsinkable Molly Brown To Sit The Fuck Down And Shut Up.
Received via Email: 02-02-12 Ok Pepe got his, isn't it time for a Will Newton Titan award!?
TEAM: The year's still young.
Received via Email: 02-02-12 Oh no, not the "you bastards let the city screw me with a crappy pension" person. No more my friend. You have a pension that puts mine to shame and I'm sure YOU had nothing to do with making it that way. Go back to sleep in your lame stupor. I will give you credit in that you are right on the fact that the city will sooner or later remove the pension from the benefits package. But when they do it won't affect you since it's a condition of your employment. And to address your statement about "the union allows the inevitable to happen" it would seem that if it's "inevitable" then the union would have no say in it's demise. Therefore not "allowing" anything one way or the other. Um, just as a small request . . . would you sign your posts with your real name? I mean only if you have the stones. If you feel you can't then continue to hide behind the anonymity provided by cowardice and trepidation. Just so you know . . . Jimmy sees every post that goes to this site so I can kinda see why you're scared shitless.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 02-02-12 Why is Dick so touchy about the supplemental pension? If he had known what it was going to turn in to he'd probably be in here taking credit for it.
Received via Email: 02-03-12 Hey! Where's your name! What are you a coward or something? Why you, I oughta---
Received via Email: 02-03-12 Are you kidding, Tully was /is a god in his own mind. Those guys were out for one person, themselves. Just look at the history. He looks at it a little differently, probably the dimensia.
Received via Email: 02-03-12 To the 2nd poster on 2/01. It appears that you are quick at telling people to "shut up and sit the fuck down", your words. This is an extremely common remark when one has no clue to what they are saying. You love to remark that the Union is going to let it happen, As we like to point out, Unless your a FINO, you are a prat of theis Union and there for I guess you are condoning and encouraging this fistiong to take place. I see though that you are only interested in protecting what you have by slaming the door shut on any new employees and the sooner the better. If we could get 50 of you arogant mindless no everythings envolved, (which is what Pepe encouraged last week and Mr. Tully was fully in favor of, You could then be a significant factor in what the future holds for your pension and for that of future hires. I will disagree with Mr Tully on on e point, he mentions that what we have is protected. Well say goodby to those days Dick. Mr Scott is seeking everyway he can think of to rollback what you think you earned after 20 or more years into what he feels the whole working class deserves which is 1.6% for all years worked. Yes that is a correct statement. Fortunatly there are REAL Firefighters that are interested in what the UNION is doing for them and their families and continue to go toe to toe eveyday and everynight to protect what we love. Some of you others had better get into your lifeboats real soon and start bailing if you expect any chance of surviving. So continue to watch you disaster movies and convienetly forget that there was a happy ending for 700+ passengers. Oh yeah tell Jimmy to start worrying too, they could change his $80,000.00+ pension and his $120,000.00+ salary, and his $13,000.00+ non contributory city 457 plan and put him back into the dark ages. Hey Jimmy is your hair still falling out?
Received via Email: 02-04-12 I didn't tell people to "shut up and sit the fuck down," I told the Unsinkable Molly Brown To Sit The Fuck Down And Shut Up. To tell you the truth she was not only unsinkable, she was unshutuppable. Perhaps, as you say, it is a very common remark but at the time I was concerned about her sinking the lifeboat, just as surely as your blathering will do nothing to prevent the same for the current membership.
Sorry that my very clear use of the English language left you feeling confused and presumably insecure about yourself.
The Guy That Told The Unsinkable Molly Brown To Sit The Fuck Down And Shut Up.
Received via Email: 02-05-12 Hows this for plain english, Yeah right. whatever you want to believe.
Received via Email: 02-06-12 Hey Mayor, if you will honestly seek to help get SPFR back on its once proud self by bringing in a new Fire Chief, and or an Assistant Fire Chief from a Nation wide search, slap some of the incestuous inbreeding out of HQ and bring back a sense of right and wrong, then I believe that you would have many supporters from within the ranks of your firefighters. Your Chief has not made promotions for over a year, he is sluggish to keep up the authorized strenghts in the fire and EMS divisions, he has outsourced his training division, refuses to make any consessions for the rank and file that would lead to them reaching a collective bargaining agreement, and is down to his last 3 people that will claim he is their friend. What ya say Mayor, we got a deal?
Received via Email: 02-06-12 In case you folks haven't been told, our next Negotiations session is this Wednesday the 8th in the MSC building room 800 at 2pm.
Received via Email: 02-07-12 Re: 2-06-12 #1
The Truth Shall Set You Free,
The Truth
Received via Email: 02-07-12 To 2-6 #2 Is there going to be a guest negotiator? From what I'm reading on this site we haven't proposed a single thing yet. I'm all for stalling when we've got a plan but I don't think we've got a plan anymore.
Received via Email: 02-07-12 Kriseman may be looking to run for mayor. We've always had a great relationship with him and always backed him. Jimmy Large and Mr. Chicklet Teeth could both do a Go Davis with the right man on the job.
Received via Email: 02-07-12 Speaking of the current hiring practices at headquarters, I can't say that a lot of attention has been shown to diversity. I guess minorities are fine for doing the dangerous work, but not so great at handling administrative responsibilities. What is Jim Large's middle name; Crow?
Received via Email: 02-08-12 Oh shit. Not you again.
Received via Email: 02-08-12 So what was offered up at negotiations?
Received via Email: 02-08-12 Yes. It's true. I'm back. You thought diversity requirements were met once you had a DC or two "of color?" No, my racist friends, not by a white mile.
Received via Email: 02-08-12 Offered up? Man that's a funny way of putting it You know we're not making proposals don't you.
Received via Email: 02-08-12 Somebody please tell me I heard wrong. Did President Blank really make an Ass Clown of himself today by signing off on the Article (Duration) that states how long we are going to get F**ked and also allows for an unknown amount of reopeners, before we even have the work week, DROP extension, or anything that is in our favor? At first I was shocked until I realized that by the time this week is over, we will have 7 of our females that will have attended more seminars on Union Pool time than the President himself!!! Is this an amazing thing? It is so appearant when you see his record at the bargaining table.
Received via Email: 02-08-12 How is it that when our Past President Winnie Newton, held his ground and successfully defeated mayor Froster, and Chief Large in the Arbitration hearing in front of City Council, everyone got upitty and threw him and all of the knowledge that we paid for sent him places all over the United States and into Canada to learn. Now after being bilked by the anybody but Winnie Club we are now facing the same Drug testing and mandatory physicals that we spent money defending and now President Blank seems to be in a hurry to sign off on something just to say he did it. WTF have we gotten into? Is this really real or am I going to wake up tomorrow to find out its still October 2011 and has all been a dream?
Received via Email: 02-08-12 I'm sure I've seen it but what's duration about?
Received via Email: 02-08-12 Dont let any of thiese posts bother you michael, if you shoot us all in the back first and then open your eyes to look where the bullet went, you can always fall back and say "oops my bad, I'll take the hit" we have pretty much come to expect nothing more, and we sure can't expect you to do anything less.
Received via Email: 02-09-12 I think its time to call newton or the lawyer, Mike.
Received via Email: 02-09-12 Im out if we get nothing for mandatory drug testing until we get a new president. 7 year drop does not count. They have to give that to us. Can spend my union dues on something else that will help me.
Received via Email: 02-09-12 lets stop fighting with each other and start with the group that needs to be fought with.
Received via Email: 02-09-12 You were warned over and over and over again. You were told far in advance that electing an unproven, unskilled member to the office of President at this time would be a clear and open means for the city to make vast inroads in removing the spine from this Local. You were warned that this was the worst possible time to throw away the one person, whether you liked him or not, that could provide leadership in these times. You were warned that listening to the lies and moronic promises of the current President was going to come back and bite you in the ass. You were warned about all these things. And not just from one or two people but from many and especially from those who had experienced this type of challenge in the past. But the majority . . . let me say that again . . . the MAJORITY of the members of this Local chose to thumb their nose at history and good counsel and elect the member who is now President. The democratic method of voting has proven again that the MAJORITY rules. And the MAJORITY has made it clear that they want a man with no skill, no knowlege, no experience, no background and no clue to lead this Local. What I want an answer to is why so many are pissing and moaning. Maybe it's just the fact that your candidate didn't win or possibly that you were blindsided by the masses but the outcome is still the same. And I'm gonna say it whether you like it or not. You should be careful what you ask for because you just may get it. And if that has ever been proven to be true . . . this is the perfect example. You asked for it and you got it. Only problem is you're not happy with your decision. Well guess what. That decision will last for at least two years. And you're gonna be unhappy with it the whole damn time. It won't matter if you personally voted for Blank or not. You're gonna reap the benefits of his lies and bullshit just the same. And you know in your heart of hearts that you had the opportunity to prevent all of the things that will happen if you had only used some intelligence when you voted. All those things that you thought were wrong about President Newton don't look so bad now, do they? Ask the member who just got fired. You made your beds and now you have to lie in them.
Received via Email: 02-09-12 RECALL . . . NOPE, RECALL . . . NOPE, RECALL . . . NOPE. Why? Because you need some of the members who voted this person into office to now vote him out. Plus the fact that no one has the balls to instigate the process. So that's pretty much a moot subject. In this case, for you who are scratching your heads, means no way, not a prayer, hell no, and only if hell freezes over. Those of you who voted for this person made a choice. That's what an election is all about. You have a choice to determine who will lead. You were fooled by a fool who thought it would be fun to run for an office in the union. He proceeded to tell everyone how wonderful he was going to be as a president who would take this union into the rest of the 21st century. And some of you believed him. Others voted for him because they had some imaginary axe to grind with Winnie Newton. Some just voted for him for the hell of it. Admit it, you know that's true. So ... now your actions have paid off. Had those of you who voted for Mr. Blank done your homework you would have realized that this was not the best choice. His lack of skill at the bargaining table, his lack of knowledge about union matters and the implementation of the articles in the contract, his arrogance and "me, me, me" persona that tells volumes about him, and lastly his lies should have been a signal that this person was not capable in any shape or form to represent the 250 plus members of this Local. Now it is admitted by this writer that no one can take over an office and do everything successfully right from the start. That's a given. And there were those who said "Give the man a chance to prove himself". Okay. That's fair. Based on what the members have seen so far could it be said that he's progressing? Maybe. But if you believe what you read on this site he's making some very bad choices and mistakes. This is not a time to be sending in a 16 year old to do a man's job. Things are dicey and headed toward getting worse. Reality is that the members of this Local have done themselves a very great disservice in their choice of leadership. Whether knowingly or not it's too late now. So here's your choices. There are only two. Continue to allow this member to keep the office of president and follow him down a path of unskilled attempts at everything or provide the member with help from those who know the ropes and have been where he has never been. Recall is not an option in an organization with little or no spine. So if you want to ever get back to the point where Winnie left off you better start educating your choice of representation. It will take many months of time and effort but it can be done. Now one other scenario is that Mr. Blank will have such an exemplary opinion of himself that he will reject the help. Having seen here the examples of his past willingness to accept help I doubt that it will work. But it's worth a try. If failure is the victor in this matter then those who saw this member as a way to change the Local for the better were sadly mistaken and your future is in extreme jeaopardy.
Received via Email: 02-09-12 Have I made my point yet? You made the same mistake the American public made in 2008. You believed and swallowed the mantra of "change". Now you got it. Getting rid of it will be a lot harder.
Received via Email: 02-09-12 I'm sure I've seen it but what's duration about? Lets see if I can explain it in a way we can all understand. You meet a beautiful women and strike up a conversation. Later she talks you into a contract that says you will have sex everyday for the next 3 years. You jump all over that, then you find out that the agreement is for you to have sex with her brother whos name is Bubba, and your new name for the next 3 years is Bi*ch... You never sign the bottom line until you know whats at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end. Get it now, your president just signed the last page of the novel.