Received via Email: 12-17-08 You will soon see once again, that the leaders of SPFR have absolutely no respect in any form for anyone that refuses to live the life of a lying, backstabbing, bottom feeder. They all feel safe when they dont have to worry about evalutionary growth.
Received via Email: 12-20-08 During Thursday's arbitration hearing we once again where able to view the disrespect and disregard hat this city and our administrators have for the workers of this dept. Chief Wimberly looked so proud to be able to sit in that "WITNESS" chair to speak against the Union. The Union's work will never be done and the City will never give up, but without the help of our friends in HQ we can see the next steps that must be taken.
Received via Email: 12-20-08 It's inconceivable to me that one of the Jimmies would turn on the union the way that you say he did. I remember all the times he talked about the brotherhood and taking care of labor at all costs during many a union meeting. For more years than I can recall he was the first one to arrive at a union meeting (not wanting to be late to stand and Pledge Allegiance to our flag) and the last one to leave at the end of the night (emptying the trash). I just don't understand how he has come to turn on us the way you say he has.
I often hear people saying how they want to be just like him because he's just a regular guy and that he's not at all different. I remember once when we were getting our physicals, I heard him pitching a fit about giving up so much personal information to Baycare just to watch them hand it over to Workers Comp. He's a real patriot.
Personally, I'm thinking about stopping by his house on Christmas Eve and doing a little celebrating. The rest of you guys will see that I'm right.
Received via Email: 12-20-08 You know all of this would be amusing if these assholes weren't so serious about the tactics they pull on this union. We've got some of the most educated union leadership in the state of Florida and the mutts don't like it. They go to school to promote themselves while our leadership goes to school to promote the brothers and sisters. How many of you know that when the E board recently went out west to training that OUR UNION PRESIDENT was 1 of a few teaching classes at a national level to over 1000 of our brothers and sisters and that Bill Mott was 1 of 50 members throughout the country to be invited personally by Harold Shaitberger to go to Washington DC to go to political school? I know what team I'm rooting for and it's not the one pretending to be my buddy by shaking my hand and then walking around the corner to talk about me behind my back, F=== you assholes!
Received via Email: 12-20-08 Yes I heard that Chief Wimberly started out looking proud to be in the "WITNESS" chair, but in a matter of seconds the Arbitrator made the city look like a bunch of first graders and therefore disregarded their line of questioning. JO was then complimented for being such a slice of heaven. Wait a minute, has JO been moved up in the # rankings? Is he now 1 of the few?
Received via Email: 12-20-08 Yes! I too remember the good old days when JW used to attend union meetings.
Always truthful,
Received via Email: 12-21-08 Congratulations to Winnie and Bill. We should all be very proud of them. It's nice to know that the leadership is truly the leadership in our Local.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 12-21-08 Never before have I seen such a self righteous, self absorbed group of pricks.
And I'm not talking about the union e-board! FTM!
Received via Email: 12-29-08 Hey, when is the union going to print a list of all the chief's ass suckers who don't pay into the pool time account? I want to be able to print a million copies and leave them all over hell. It must be great for some of you to feel for the first time in you life like your in control. Wow........ you get to shove it up the union's ass or better yet, you can promise us all like Mike Moore did that he didn't want to have it automatically removed from his vacation time account but rather he'd give from his holiday time account. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Speaking of the drop, has anyone in the union thought about calling Mike Deason at Channel 10 about Jimmy's $17,000 a month? He's the epitome of double-dippers and he has every male body in human relations crank in his ass. What a gutless turncoat he turned out to be. I hope you fail your next physical when they find out you don't have a spine.
Yet again more proof that the big city of St. Petersburg sucks to work for. We're good at holding negotiations with foot dragging third tier city diplomats who have given fire chiefs a voice at the table -- not to mention growing a deceitful group of HQ spies. FTM!
Received via Email: 01-12-09 Remember Impasse. One candidate for mayor sided with us and the other didn't. I know who my vote is going to be for.
Received via Email: 01-22-09 Lets Hope Kathleen Ford answer the call, and Runs for Mayor! Baker can't slander her this time! Go Ford!
Received via Email: 01-28-09 She has and she is running. I bet the HQ may be scared. But, do not worry, the times will "Sarah Palin " her and choose the black guy. You know. The obama effect. Lets see. Black police chief, firechief, mayor. Its a tri fect. Maybe al sharpton and jesse will visit.
Received via Email: 02-17-09 How about Wengay for mayor. I wonder who he would appoint as fire chief?
Received via Email: 02-19-09 Winnie as Fire Chief? Now that would be interesting. Black enough for city hall, and pro-labor. I like it.
Received via Email: 02-21-09 With the recent "DOOM & GLOOM" memo coming to light from Admin, PLEASE DO NOT fall for the give me some ideas to cut from our Fire Leadership. DO NOT give up the rights afforded to you in the Bargaining agreement.
Received via Email: 02-21-09 DC's, 3 LR's, downgrade all the captains, cut training to two LT's, lose one Deputy Fire marshall. Or consolidate to one county fire department. Or both.
Received via Email: 02-22-09 Another little cost saver: Get rid of the LT positions on the ladder trucks. The slowest rescue truck does more than the busiest ladder and does so without an LT. Why would those big red sleeping giants need supervisors?
12 LT's X 14K(pay diff. + benefits)= $168,000.00 per year savings.
Received via Email: 02-23-09 How about a wage freeze on exempt positions for two years? Those jobs have been moving farther and farther away from reality for years. Better yet, all management positions, captain and up. Don't worry, there will be plenty of Lts still willing to test for those positions. This is fun. I will be back soon when I think of some more cost savers.
Received via Email: 02-25-09 If our chief volunteered a two year wage freeze on the exempt positions he would secure his own job security for life.
Received via Email: 03-04-09 I know my numbers are not the most accurate, but if the city paid off the the 175 money they stole from the firefighters pension fund for years at a cost of $15,000 a year per FF X's 350 FF. That would cut $5,250,000 per year from the budget. We could cut the 1.7 mil to 3.3 mil and still hire extra FF's. Please run this over to city hall asap CHIEF, thanks for nothing.
Received via Email: 03-11-09 Word on the street has it that the Union was once again sucessful in defending a member under the belief of what the Contract provides. Yup they stood together and prevailed. Did I mention that this was to help a fellow dues paying member? A member that is in the DROP and only has 7 months to go in his career at that. How can this be? It is ASSUMED by the unknowing that the Union CANT DO ANYTHING for a DROP particapant.
Received via Email: 03-12-09 After the recent win by the union, Fire Department administration has requested that your physicals be signed with crayons on toilet paper while underwater. Or don't sign it. Whatever you want. Just please don't grieve again, okay? They are starting to learn that it's the paper trail that kills.
Received via Email: 03-13-09 Not only did Bobby win but we all win. When Mr. Holy (JW) tells you that if you don't fill out all the forms he'll give you 10 shifts off he's employing fear and intimidation. Nothing about ANYTHING these chiefs hae got to tell me says "follow me because it's lawful moral and ethical" or follow me because you trust me as a leader. They are all about intimidating you into doing what the mayor and HR wants THEM to get from you. Neither one of these guys has ever been a firefighter. They've always been on the move up and have done whatever it takes (including using you and me as doormats) to get there. Now that they're there, they continue to slaughter the lambs (you and I) whenever the mayor tells them to. I hope these guys don't own any mirrors. It must be a bitch to have to look at what you've become.
Received via Email: 03-13-09 Word on the street sez that Fire Admin is shaking in their boots with the arbitrators decision with Bobby. I hear that there was a huge smack down to the city, received by the arbitraor. I guess they are now worried about all of the other bullshit things they have tried in the recent past and that has everyone second guessing the other.
Received via Email: 03-13-09 During the arbitration, it was asked of Fire Admenustration if the loss of over $6000.00 in salary was ever considered in the scope of punishment. They answered that they never take that into consideration. I bet they are now. His 6K plus the payment of 5K or more I'm sure, not including the accumalated costs of the city employees that had to gather up all of the information and of course the city atty's. I wonder what they are thinking now? Just another bit of proof, they dont care what it takes to try to keep you on their leash. Woof Woof......
Received via Email: 03-14-09 Fire admenstruation.... lol
TEAM: Tee hee... we missed it! Good catch.
Received via Email: 03-14-09 Thank you Lt. Martin for proving to us that the fire administration was really made up of a bunch of paper tigers that through mediation could be forced to become our bitches. Thank you, LT.
Received via Email: 03-14-09 Okay, so let me get this right. I'm now going to get a free physical and I don't have to sign my name to a damned thing? From talking with some of the other guys around the area that are getting the Life Scan physicals, they say that they're expensive and very definitive. Uh, Winnie....... let's not be so quick to ask about getting out of physicals. Now that I know that I don't have to share shit with these pricks from the crystal palace, I want the best FREE physical that the budget will bear!
Oh yeah, since wimperly hung Bobby Martin out to dry and then testified against him (all of us) and he botched it, these are my terms for continued employment.......... I'd like to see a salad bar set up at MMD for those times when I have to wait on truck repairs. Nothing big, mind you, just make sure the lettuce if fresh. Yeillow letuce just pisses me off. Oh and I want wimperly serving it. I figure if it weren't for the city GIVING him a job and an education he'd be working at the Picadilly smorgasbord anyways. Bwaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! What a total douche' bag.
Received via Email: 03-15-09 Coom ba ya Martin and congrats. Now bring your ass back to work so a slot opens and I can take vacation instead of having to call in sick. I am feeling a bit Irish on Tuesday.
Board of County Commissioners Special Public Hearing,
EMS resolutions and citizens' comments
Date: Friday March 20, 2009 "C" Shift On Duty
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Park in the west parking lot, towards the water. Enter through the north entrance to the building. Take the elevator to the fifth floor.
There are potentially 17 Union jobs at stake at SPF&R. You should make plans to attend this meeting, especially if you're a Paramedic. In the past several days all of the IAFF Affiliates in Pinellas County have been working diligently to thwart the efforts of Pinellas County EMS to gut the fire service of it's transport capabilities in those communites where it still exists.
Let's load the chamber early and wear a Union shirt if you have one.
Received via Email: 03-17-09 I saw the ad that the union placed in the paper today. Could they have made it any bigger?
Received via Email: 03-17-09 I'm sure the ad could have been bigger had the city kicked some money in to save jobs. No skin off Tish Eleston's nose I'm sure. After all, who got the call from the county about the proposed cuts. Not the chief! They worked around him.
Received via Email: 03-17-09 What saection was the ad in? I didn't see it.
County EMS Coverage...
Received via Email: 03-22-09 Chief Large is the man. He is the ultimate stud. He's handsome, educated, brilliant and we are lucky to have him. We would gladly do anything for him. Anything at all. All he has to do is tell us when and where. We would break any rule against society just to make him happy. We would become his boy toys, if he would only ask. We mean it. He means that much. Ever watch Oz on HBO? We would do all that stuff. And more, so much more.
Your Next 5 Captains and DC's
Editor: Gawd... I hope you're all chicks. Otherwise -- that was kinda gay.
TEAM: Nah... we're not gonna bite on that one!
Received via Email: 03-30-09 Is it true that the union was notified of the city's intent to layoff 24 firefighters ??
Received via Email: 03-31-09 What 24? I heard it could be as high as 32...including 3 LR's, 2 Capt's, Station 2 complete, and a few office secretaries, and thanks to all those that have chosen to be PETC instructors the city has seen that we really have no use for the training division either. And of course dont forget all of the firefighters and fire officers assigned to HQ are also coming back to the stations to help man the 2 man truck companies. I hope they have been keeping up with their BCE's and CME's otherwise they will be having to pay for all of the classes they have missed. The good part of this is that we will no longer have to put up smoke alarms, install car seats or do pub eds. Yee Haw...
Get out from behind your computer and go to a union meeting once in a while. This has been discussed. Are you in on a secrect that has been given to you by an insider? Are you trying to pass this along or just supplying enough info to stir the pot? Have you seen the memo from Chief Large that also addressed this possibility? I guess you would rather be a troublesome rumor spreader.
Received via Email: 04-02-09 if I was 1 of the 24 or 32 or whatever the number is, I would be calling the union president everyday asking if there was any help needed.
TEAM: You might be glad to note that every one of the new kids that just got hired were present at the most recent union meeting to be accepted into the Brotherhood.
Received via Email: 04-02-09 Someone please tell me that after today's city council meeting that we DON'T still have people working for Sunstar?
Received via Email: 04-02-09 Why is it that the people that are most at risk of being laid off, should it come to that, can not be bothered to make a showing at the City Council meeting. If I were one of those individuals I would be doing anything possible to help the Union so as to prevent this. You are the same ones who will be boo hooing when you get the boot and then it will be too late. You have to get INVOLVED NOW. Tomorrow is to late.
Just for the record, not one of the few individuals who took the time to show up are affected by the County's proposal.
TEAM: In case you missed it:
Received via Email: 04-03-09 I think Chief Large said it best. The MAJORITY of the Firefighters at the council meeting are not the ones who stand to loose their jobs, they were there because they care!!!! If I had less than a few years on the job I would have been there!!!! INSTEAD of doing WHATEVER and B-T%$IN!!!!!!!
Received via Email: 04-03-09 We all need to share the fact that union officials may not babysit us by calling us for every thing that comes down the road. There's way too much going on right now and I'm sure they'd rather have you call the message line, visit the website or sign up for email alerts and text messages (of which there are very few). For those of you who bitch that they get too many emails, you're probably right. There are too many emails for some who have never darkened the doorway of the union hall to begin with. Paying dues has never been enough unless your whole life is about relying on someone else to carry you.
Received via Email: 04-03-09 Just in case you don't understand what Chief Large meant in his Tierra Verde memo when he says that "this issue has significant implications for this organization", try this on for size. It means that the county and the TV residents Station 2 is fully funded with no dollars coming from the residents of St. Petersburg...So what you say? It means that unless the Mayor of our city is willing to ante up the full price for 6 senior firefighters, 3 senior Paramedics, 2 senior Lieutenants and 1 senior Captain and all of their benefits, uniforms, PPE, costs for training and numerous other incidentals we are in the beginning stages of losing these 12 employees, a possible 24 paramedics with the county's EMS proposals, and those threatened by the Mayor's 5 to 10% budget reductions for FY10. Can any of you see now why supporting yourselves through UNION ACTIVITIES always have been and always will be important? While it is never to late to get involved, it may be way past to late too continue enjoying things as they are in the present. Get involved, Stay involved, if you don't care about yourself think about your family.
TEAM: Great synopsis of the looming dilemma that we're in, Bro/Sis. P.S. Here's the TierraV.Doc.
Received via Email: 04-05-09 Here's a thought. If we do lose #2 why not take those individuals and put them at 13 and put a fifth ladder truck in service.
TEAM: If that's an 'original though' it's already been rendered moot. No. 2 doesn't cost the city a dime. We don't buy fire stations or fire trucks anymore. The mayor's not going to buy your original thought, either.
Received via Email: 04-06-09 Do we know how many people we have on the job that are working for Sunstar on their days off? We've got to be way below the county average.
Received via Email: 04-17-09 How come King Jimmie is not taking a pay cut? I am sure Dick Baker will still pay his green fees. Or how about the 6 chiefs that are not union. I mean if you have not saved up money by now you either have a bad drug/drinking/gambling or divorce problem.
Received via Email: 04-16-09
Shift in firefighting is due at SRQ
By Tom Bayles
Published: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7:38 p.m.
Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport will return to an in-house aircraft rescue and firefighting entity as a controversial contract signed three years ago with a private firefighting company expires in September.
IAFF Local 747 had boots on the ground when this fiasco came about. We tried to warn the airport authority that hiring Rural/Metro was not 'better' but merely cheaper in the short term. We guess the chickens have come home to roost. Pinellas County should be paying close attention to this story because it's eerily close to what's going on here in Pinellas right now. "We kept trying to get some of the payroll information and we weren't getting any answers from the contractor so we decided to go somewhere else," Gee, sounds familiar.
To all members;
There will be a special two (2) days of meetings to bring all members up to date on the current issues that are occurring.
We will be discussing:
- The New Annual Physical Exam by Life Scan. We will have the Director of Life Scan available to speak and answer questions.
- The Mayor's Financial Urgency clause and how it affects our Collective Bargaining Agreement
If you wish to be kept informed, then this is where you need to be; The Union office.
Monday May 4th, 2009 9:00am- 11:00
Tuesday May 5th, 2009 9:00am- 11:00
William Mott
Secretary Treasurer, Local 747
Received via Email: 04-29-09 The dates above do not match up with union website. Is it Monday the 4th or Thursday the 7th. Also many are golfing in the olympics both of those days well the 4 and 5th not thurs or fri. Can someone take notes?
TEAM: Yeah -- it's 'cuz they don't pay me enough.
Received via Email: 05-11-09 I can remember when someone asked that Bennett's name be removed from the top of this page because it was time to kiss and make up. Bullshit! He was a dick then and he's been proven to be an even bigger dick now. Bennett's a liar and a cheat and it's time for him to snocker off like a good little boy. The weather's warm and I'm sure there's a lawn business somewhere in south St. Pete that will employ him again.
TEAM: Which is exactly why we didn't remove his name from the list of betrayors at the top of the page. This Fire Dept., and the people in it have not been a priority for the Mayor or many on City Council for the past many years. As for Bennett - once a douche' always a douche'.
Received via Email: 05-11-09 I knew he was a crook all along. Even his brother and father were indicted as crooks. DOH! Sorry. I was thinking of the current mayor.
Received via Email: 05-11-09 This whole Bennett thing has been a lot of fun to watch. Finally we are getting some local politicians to screw up as much as Obama.
Received via Email: 05-12-09 Bennett should have hired Acorn. Somehow when they cheat they don't get caught until AFTER the election.
Bada bing. Zinger!
TEAM: It's not right to kick a lying piece of shit when he's down.
Read the following file and then act quickly.
If you're injured in the line of duty, you may be left out in the cold without a proper legal defense.
Received via Email: 05-20-09 Crist doesn't care about Florida Firefighters, or for that matter, he really doesn't care about Florida. Somebody filled his wrinkly white capped head with thoughts of the senate and then the White House. It might be his social climbing wife, or maybe he just is out of step with reality. Either way, he has been disloyal to us, disloyal to his party, and as the pictures of him embracing our socialist commander in chief prove: Disloyal to America. Any republican embracing Obama is embracing runaway spending, runaway debt, and runaway inflation. It's time to run away.
Sorry Charlie. It's time to part ways.
Received via Email: 05-27-09 Anyone else getting ready to spill their blood for this city? Thought so. I've looked all over the K drive for the Life Scan physicals forms and it seems that just a couple exist. Are we about to reapeat the same mistakes we've repeated in the past? Why do we enter into shit like this without knowing all that's involved? From what I can see of them, we sign up for the physical NOW and then get it and all the rest of the forms some weeks later (right on top of the actual physical) when we've not had a chance to examine them. I better call Bobby Martin and my attorney to find out what kind of shit the punisher is getting us into.
Same shit - different day - same prick chiefs. FTM PTB&S EGH
(Pennsylvania is for steers and queers)
Received via Email: 05-27-09 The Union supposedly has the forms and are looking at them, when I asked where they were.
Received via Email: 05-30-09
Remember this guy when he runs for the Senate
Received via Email: 06-02-09 The St. Petersburg Times has given up (for now) on attacking the DROP plan, so they have instead decided to go after county consolidation. Normally, I would tell them to pack sand. This time I agree with them.
Death to multiple administrations! Pinellas County Fire Department!
Hopefully I will be able to secure myself a nice management position if I lobby early. Wish me well.
Received via Email: 06-02-09 why dont we push the admin in front of oncoming traffic along with some of the backstabbing DCs
TEAM: Now tell Dr. Laura what you really think, sweetie.
Received via Email: 06-02-09 Who are we supporting for Mayor? I hope Winnie listens to the rank and file not the two Jimmies. We already know who the 2 Jimmies are backing. What ever bigbird wants because Jimmie is Bigbirds but buddy and wants to move with him to the next postion because he knows when a real mayor gets elected he is gone and so is Jr. Jimmie. And no you being black will not help you. Maybe there is a janitor job somewhere in the city for you JW. Or your Witness buddies can hire you.
Wednesday June 10, 2009
The End of an Era
(of fear and intimidation related to SPF&R's intrusive, oppressive dept. physicals)
Received via Email: 06-12-09 So your telling me I don't have to take a physical if it involves me signing my life away? What an f-ing concept. I was getting worried. I'm up for promotion to district chief and I didn't want anybody to find out that I had my spine removed! Oh and my knees are calloused.
Received via Email: 06-12-09 No more ball cupping for YOU KNOW WHO!
Received via Email: 06-12-09 Okay this is what I want you to do chief. Call Rob Dobbins back and tell him you're sorry and that if he hadn't had a physical, he'd still be on the friggin job. Then pay him for all his trouble.
Received via Email: 06-12-09 Would it be asking too much of the FIRE CHIEF to maybe send out a memo on this matter once he gets through pissing himself? You two jimmies have lost a fire station, a civilian to inadequate manning and the physicals all in one week. Go wash your face (and your shorts) and straighten up your tie and put on a big boy grin and pretend it was all a bad dream. We've been living with the bad dream since you two Baker do-boys have been in charge so it's time to swallow a little of your own medicine. Looks like the winners just keep winning (the union) and you loser just keep......... well you know.
Received via Email: 06-18-09 Way to go Chief we made "Firehouse".
Received via Email: 06-22-09 Ball cuppers unite!
Received via Email: 06-22-09 I heard that Bill Ward was taken down by the new physical. Too bad. I wanted to hear some more storys about the house he built.
Received via Email: 06-22-09 Yakov take feesical was good feesical. Is probe little Yakov left and little Yakov right. Yakov make squirt by mistake on scan woman. In old country nurse father make Yakov marry woman who catch Yakov squirt. Not in America. America is good country yes?
Received via Email: 06-25-09 Dear Anne
I didn't get a department paid for physical this week and now I don't feel so good about it. I'm afraid I might have made a big mistake. You see, I'm on the Lt's promotional list. I fully understand that my only salvation and my only reason for living comes through the department. I've never known the chief or the asst. chief to lie to me (unless it was determined to be for my own good). I mean, what else would I have to live for except to please magagement? Now what do I do?
45th on the list.
Anne Landers: Spend $25 copay and see your own Doctor.
Received via Email: 06-25-09 45th on list, you better hurry and get that physical. I could mean your life:
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Pop star Michael Jackson has been rushed to a Los Angeles-area hospital by fire department paramedics who found him not breathing when they arrived at the singer's home, the Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday.
The newspaper said paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the scene before taking him to the UCLA Medical Center hospital.
No further details were immediately available, and spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment.
Jackson, 50, is due to start a series of comeback concerts in London on July 13 running until March 2010. The singer, whose hits include "Thriller" and "Billy Jean," has been rehearsing in the Los Angeles area for the past two months.
The shows for the 50 London concerts sold out within hours of going on sale in March.
Jackson, who started out as a child star in the band "The Jackson 5" more than 40 years ago, has lived as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on charges of child molestation.
There have been concerns about Jackson's health in recent years but the promoters of the London shows, AEG Live, said in March that Jackson had passed a 4-1/2 hour physical examination with independent doctors.
Received via Email: 06-25-09 Huh, I noticed that the FD transported him. To hear Pinellas County tell the story, EVERYONE EVERYWHERE gets transported by Sunstar. Fuque Dat!
Received via Email: 06-25-09 My life has closely paralleled Michael Jackson's and after having read what happened to him I'm now sorry that I didn't get a physical and more importantly that I jerked chief Zamp around by not sending him an email in a timely fashion. Ahhhhh if I could only take back the boys and the liquor and the boys and the drugs and the boys....... I'd do it in a heartbeat. The physical, though...... that's what really troubles me. I've let myself down and chief Zamp and that I can't live with. Goodbye cruel world.
Received via Email: 06-27-09 My life has more closely resembled one of the kids that slept at Michael's house. Jackson, that is.
Received via Email: 06-29-09 Brothers and Sisters, now is the time. The Courts have reaffirmed that you the right to stand up for your rights. Sign the form that states you will not be signing away your civil rights and be forced to undergo the latest in this cities underground attempts to get rid of you. As firefighters we are the only group in the city of st. petersburg that are required to undergo an annual physical. Doesnt that make you want to go Hmmm...? You have every right to sign the form, dont believe the hype being placed upon you by the Chiefs or anyone on a current promotional list. Just say no, say it now and let your civil rights be heard
TEAM: Nice. We haven't given out many ribbons lately.
Received via Email: 06-29-09 There was a time when we had to fight like hell to get the physicals as a benefit. Since fire fighting is usually described as a hazardous profession and the term "hazardous" most often describes the conditions under which fire fighting takes place it was determined that the people who needed a physical the most were fire fighters. This wasn't determined by the city. This was determined by the fire fighters themselves. We negotiated for the physicals for our own protection. There were those who wanted to give up the physicals in order to gain ground in other areas, usually pay or time off. Those of us who were the leadership at the time explained more than once how important the physicals were to us. The physicals have been in the contract since the earliest days of negotiations. It is unthinkable that the city would use the physicals to leverage their desires when they can't get what they want any other way. But it doesn't surprise me. Take any item in the contract and think of the most agonizing and despicable way you could implement it to bring the most harm to the group and you have their intent. The physicals were never intended to be a punishment or a covert means with which to screw over the employee. That's not the intent nor the spirit of the clause describing the physicals. Somehow the city has now taken the tack that you MUST get a physical. I can't tell you how hard the bastards fought to NOT give you physicals in the past. We fought to win that benefit and fought hard. And there's no reason why the members shouldn't continue to want that benefit. The city has forced a bastardized implementation of the Article and it's intent and turned it into a lever to cheat and screw you out of a benefit that is possibly the most important benefit you can enjoy. Your good health !!! Don't let those bottom feeders at city hall determine your future. Fight back. Do what you know is best for all of the members. Show a solid and common front on this and don't give up until the physical Article of the contract is being implemented the way it was intended.
Dick Tully
TEAM: It's obvious that you're not going to be on someone's Christmas card list this year!
Received via Email: 06-29-09 Is this whole thing just a move by the city to get the union to negotiate away our physicals? First we beg to get them, and then they get us to beg to get rid of them?
If it is I gotta admit that this hand is being well played.
It seems to me that we should push to keep the physicals, but on a confidential basis. If you are considered unfit for duty it should be "requested" that you report that information to the FD. Life Scan should NOT be the people delivering that news.
This is how your own physician would handle this information in the first place... why should Life Scan be any different just because the city is footing the bill? Isn't the city also paying for most of the coverage for your regular physician?
You should then be given 90 days to have your "unfit" opinion overturned by your own physician before you have to admit it to the department. If you refuse to get it overturned and still don't report to the city that you are unfit, you could (or perhaps should) put your right to your pension, heart/lung clause, or disability at risk.
This way the city gets what they claim that they want, and we get the right to keep our information confidential. It's a win-win.
Thank you. Next problem please.
Your friend,
Mr. Reasonable
P.S. Soon I will fix the manning issue.
Received via Email: 06-29-09 How F'd up is this place? I've read all the newspaper articles and Large is just like Bill Clinton. When is, is? All the same bullshit that the city and this laughable administration plays on us, Large gets bent out of shape for when the county tries the same tactics on us. Do you assclowns at HQ really think that you invented people screwing? The chickes haven't all come home to roost yet. The best is yet to come.
Received via Email: 07-03-09 How can pepople be soooo stupid? Are there really folks out there that believe that if they call the chief and tell them they made a mistake, based on bad information and they would really like to take their physical, that they will get a new gold star? T.K. your are so far down on the list that this will have no way of helping you. You would think that someone on a promotional list would understand the importance of ones Civil Rights. Maybe this is way you scored so low in the first place. How ever I can understand your thinking, anyone willing to give up theirs and trample on those of their crews would surely win a place in the hearts of the Fire Admin and the Mayor.
Received via Email: 07-11-09 This is for everyone from SPFR less the 50 that attended or those that were on duty. So where the F*** were you Thursday night? Your Council members and Mayor sat on their Dia"ass" and lied thru thier teeth to the workers in this city. It was a real hoot. I hope you can live with the outcome.
TEAM: This just went out to the email list. Here's another opportunity to show that you can pack the house:
Call To Action
Forum for Mayoral and City Council Candidates July 14th
We have Gold and Black T's at the Union Office, 5240 1st Ave No. St. Petersburg (727) 3231786
St. Petersburg Mayoral & City Council Seats
Tuesday, July 14 2009
6:00 to 10:00 PM
Mirror Lake Lyceum (737 3rd Ave, North, St.Petersburg)
Sponsored by the West Central Florida Federation of Labor's COPE CCE To educate its members on candidates positions on issues important to working families.
Received via Email: 07-11-09 Not sure where the Palin thing fits in here.
Received via Email: 07-12-09 So, I am being lead to belive that the 50 that did show, were all of the less senior members? I'm sure each of them are concerned for their job.
Received via Email: 07-12-09 only a small percentage that showed up were the less senior members. It was mostly the senior guys.
Received via Email: 07-12-09 F.Y.I. the new guys are lazy pricks. Can't be bothered to get out and try to save their job or their raises. What the f**k?
Received via Email: 07-12-09 I was there thursday night. Which mayoral candidate stood up for us there? Hmm Ford. But I am sure winnie will pick who the mayor and the 2 jimmies want them to pick. Hey winnie. Why dont you let the rank and file vote on who we support. Look what happen last time. Lets see. You endorsed Baker. And we got screwed for 2 terms. Hmm theres a policy. Let us pick. Not you and the admin.
TEAM: We've been worrying about Winnie lately too. He's just getting too close to administration for our purposes! Word is, they cheer when they see him come through the door at HQ.
Received via Email: 07-12-09 The rank and file as a group has zero savvy to pick a candidate. Let Winnie and the local leadership choose,hold them responsible for the choice.
Received via Email: 07-12-09 As I recall, WE endorsed Baker because it looked like he was going to win by default. I don't think we have to worry about that this time. For any of you who are soooooo concerned about what we may or may not do, why worry now? You haven't been around the other 99% of the time to lead or follow, you just got out of the way.
Received via Email: 07-12-09 Didn't we just do a candidate screening involving more than the 3 principal officers? My suggestion would be to ask anyone who was on the comittee what they think. I don't see us repeating any of the mistakes of the past. My greatest concern is for the police chief, the fire chief and all the deputy mayors.
Received via Email: 07-13-09 Ha! That's some funny shit. 4th 7/12 you've got to be smoking some good weed. If you haven't been following Winnie because you're a hater, you're missing a great transformation. We don't get kicked or stepped on anymore and you don't get told "Take your punishment. The union and the chief's office have already figured what your punishment is going to be". That shit went on when Fatburger was in charge of everything and spent all of our money. Winnie's taken every kind of education that the IAFF offers and he does it with pool time just like in all the other locals. Some wouldn't know about that because their pool time scabs. When you speak about Baker don't forget to mention Fisher before him. Fatburger must have been to blame for that one huh? While I'd nothing better than to blame him for Fisher, WE voted to back that asshole too because we had to back a winner. Like one other said, talk to anyone on the screening committee or call the union hall. I don't think their going to keep the information from us but they may not let the cat out of the bag until the time is right. They've been right about everything else so far and if you aren't involved then maybe you get what you deserve.
Forum for Mayoral and City Council Candidates July 14th
We have Gold and Black T's at the Union Office, 5240 1st Ave No. St. Petersburg (727) 3231786
St. Petersburg Mayoral & City Council Seats
Tuesday, July 14 2009
6:00 to 10:00 PM
Mirror Lake Lyceum (737 3rd Ave, North, St.Petersburg)
Sponsored by the West Central Florida Federation of Labor's COPE CCE To educate its members on candidates positions on issues important to working families.
Received via Email: 07-14-09 Nothing against these guys that just got promoted but is there a pattern emerging here? This dept. operates just like the rest of this city. We're in the middle of a money crisis but that coffers are full. We can't staff ladder trucks, we don't take SAFER money. We're getting ready to throw 6 new guys under the bus and we're promoting People.
Received via Email: 07-14-09 While I do not have a crystal ball, I do know one thing. The Unions Screening Committe will not be recommending Baker or Fisher for Mayor. But I hear the Obering might be interested. I sure hope these concerned members are watching what the candidates are saying they will and wont do if elected. I sure hope we get a new tree hugger that is interested in trees and speed humps. I would hate to see the ones we have throughout the city getting lonely.
Received via Email: 07-16-09 first 7/14: You probably failed the test or just like bashing the ones who did take it. SHUT your pie hole. If there was a promotion that means someone left the department and there is another vacancy so we do not have to lay off the 6.
Received via Email: 07-19-09 I see that the chief has come out with a new memo doing away with the disciplinary board or review citing a change in the makeup of the board. Pardon me but my understanding is that the board is picked by management. If you don't like the decisions that your people are making, then it's YOU that's changed, chief, not us. It'll all be okay. Nobody in city hall is keeping tabs on your wins vs. losses or the bad advice you keep taking. The job is yours for a lifetime. Yeah....... that's the ticket!
Received via Email: 07-20-09 Surprise! Yesterday Jimmy abolishes the disciplinary board of review and today he gigs Richie Johnson for being one of the leftover Hitler youth sent from the grave to undermine his credibility. Wise old addage------ when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Received via Email: 07-20-09 What happened to Johnson?
Received via Email: 07-20-09 Uh well.........he stood up for us! He did something that no other chief has ever done for for us. The closest anyone else has ever come is Bob Martin. But a chief. Holy shit. How could that have ever happened? A chief strayed off the reservation. You're probably never going to see it again because the group of hacks that's sucking the oxygen out of the room to make DC from this next bunch can't stop thinking about how cool their going to look hanging their bicep out the window for passing girls. I've never been a huge Richie fan but he's shown more guts than any ten of these pretenders. And to you dweebs that think he planned this with the help of the union, yeah sure.......during one of the hundreds of union meetings that he didn't attend. If he decided to start going to union meetings again it would only be because no one there has made a life out of trying to dick firefighters out of their jobs.
Received via Email: 07-22-09 7-20 #2 Dick firfighters out of their jobs? Isn't that what the physicals are designed to do? Everyone at HQ is so concerned for our health that they want you to have a physical but they only want to put 2 guys on a truck. If we manage to get our candidate elected to office the first thing we need to do is kick Large, Wimberly and Tish Eleston and the whole host of liars to the curb. You and a I were always told never to lie, cheat or steal. HQ and city hall are chock full of folks that lie to us, cheat us and steal from us on a daily basis. I don't value or respect anyone that pulls this shit in my private life, what makes any one of these deadbeats think that it's okay to walk all over me in my union life? Could it be that they think that they've been ordained by the great chief in the sky? The two hacks that are in charge now were PLACED in office by the mayor. I'll respect that act when it's respectful. FTM
Received via Email: 07-30-09 The chief wants us all to have a physical because he's concerned about us. I want to see 4 on our engines and trucks because I'M concerned about US! Looks like neither one of us is going to get our way. Too bad because we had an opportunity to be great.
Received via Email: 07-31-09 We were GREAT at one time until Callahan and Large became chiefs. All they have cared about has been serving their own self centered interests NOT the departments. Back years ago everyone wanted to be on SPFD but not now. No one wanted to go to Tampa, Hillsboro, Orlando, Long Boat Key, etc. We HAD the BEST. Too bad it doesn't look like it will get any better anytime soon, especially if Wimberly replaces Large it will only get worse. Hopefully WE will help get a Mayor elected that will see through the sham of Large and Wimberly and fire them both and go outside to get a new administration.
Hot off the press:
St. Petersburg must honor contract with firefighters
In Print: Sunday, August 2, 2009
Honor contract with firefighters
In order to fund St. Petersburg's obligations under its contract with its firefighters, the city must appropriate $448,090 (without county funding), or $782,150 (including county funding), of its $200 million operating budget.
This amount hardly presents a financial hardship. In fact, according to the St. Petersburg Times, honoring the city's obligations under all union contracts amounts to a mere 1 percent of next year's general fund.
Your firefighters staff some 30 fire-rescue units at 13 fire stations throughout this great city.
In addition to providing fire suppression and emergency medical services to the visitors and 260,000 residents of the city, your firefighters also provide specialized rescue services through their Dive and Marine Rescue Team, Technical Rescue Team and Hazardous Materials Team. In all, your firefighters respond to over 40,000 emergency incidents annually.
The collective-bargaining agreement between the city and Local 747 establishes the wages, hours and terms of employment for your firefighters. That document is a contract for services.
The contract outlines the terms and conditions under which more than 300 firefighters and paramedics put their lives on the line for this city day after day. Whether it be a burning house, a victim of a heart attack, a chemical spill or a building collapse, those 300 men and women are there to serve.
We urge the city of St. Petersburg to satisfy its end of the contract by ensuring that the annual budget includes appropriations sufficient to allow the city to meet its obligations under the collective-bargaining agreement.
St. Petersburg's firefighters honor their end of the bargain every day they report for duty. The city should do the same now.
Winthrop M. Newton, bargaining agent, president, IAFF Local 747, St. Petersburg
Received via Email: 08-06-09 Newsflash: Today, city council unanimously decided that a contract is a contract. Oh...... and that the mayor is still a putz.
TEAM: A putz by any other name!
Received via Email: 08-06-09 Well now that the City Council has come around and done what is expected of them, when is our union going to do something for us.
Funny how some things just seem to work out. Little Palm Harbor doesn't lose a dime in EMS funding, in fact they gain some and all without a fight. St. Pete comes up with a crime of the century defense, with graphs and charts and beenie's with propellers and guess what? We lose money. Have anyone of you thought about what the words "actual cost reimbursement" in the original lawsuit means?
Please........another round of backslaps for the HQ staff.
Received via Email: 08-15-09 08/06 #2 You're a less than useless fool.
Dial 323-1786 - 9 For the Latest Updates!
Received via Email: 08-19-09 Several of us were out at the debates last night for Kathleen Ford and we didn't see YOU. Time is running out. We need to get Kathleen the win.
Received via Email: 08-19-09 You say you didnt see me at the Debates. All of the Candidates were there, but how can I come out and show my support for my guy when all you Union believers are there? How can I stand up for myself if someone is going to see me? I just sit back and blow smoke. Did you see me waving signs Friday night? Nope your right I wasnt there either. I sat in the car around the corner and just told them I was there.
TEAM: Huh?
Received via Email: 08-24-09 If you haven't heard the latest brouhaha about next month's training there's going to be a meeting about it. The Local has scheduled a consultation with the city this for this Friday, 8-28 at 10am in room 900 of the MSC building. Be a witness to the last vestiges of a failing regime as it tries to hold on to the little bit of power it has before a new labor friendly Mayor takes office.
Campaign Meeting - Monday, August 31st
0930 Meeting Time at the Union Hall
For the many of you who have committed to working the polls,
this would be a great opportunity to pick-up your polling materials.
Please pass this along to your Brothers and Sisters
Received via Email: 09-01-09 Lt Martin Arbitration Decision makes a National Publication; a good read on why the case was won by the Union and Lt. Martin. You can also download the case from the web page under the downloads area.
TEAM: Fire Chief says, "The Bobby Martin case was not a win."
The Unions: the PBA, the Service Employees and the St. Petersburg Firefighters: The PBA bet early and heavy on Bill Foster and that gambles paid off, the Service Employees counterintuitively backed Kathleen Ford, despite grumblings from some city workers afraid of a Ford administration, while the Firefighters were, as usual, a visible presence for Ford (and helped save Angela Rouson's campaign in District 5).
Received via Email: 09-04-09 Well Feinberg is up to his old shit again. First he impregnates Leslie Curran with the idea of how the union could just give up hours of the holiday pay to keep the new hires, then he is spewing forth that this could be done with an MOU and not even having to ask the membership. Is this the same guy that filed a grievance over the initial 5 hours for the pool time account? Oh, I forgot, this is the same guy that told Chief Callahan that that would be the best way to handle the shift swap, even though HR was telling him differently. I guess you just cant fix STUPID.
Received via Email: 09-04-09 I'd be willing to give up some holiday pay if it meant saving the jobs of five brothers. I would prefer it came out of the city's funds, but if that fails why shouldn't we dig into our own pockets a little? We haven't seen layoffs in 35 years. This is a drastic measure and it calls for a drastic counter measure. Who wouldn't give up a few holidays?
Received via Email: 09-04-09 Ask any of the new guys what their going to do before you start giving your money away.
Received via Email: 09-04-09 Feinberg is a bitter man who will die young from being so bitter.
Received via Email: 09-04-09 Anytime Feinberg is behind something like this (wait.......he's never been behind anything like this) we all need to run away. His bag of dirty tricks is limited because most everyone on the job is onto him and that leaves him totally powerless. God it must suck to be you, Rick. I'll bet you'd retire if you had a dime.
Received via Email: 09-05-09 Not sure that our holiday pay would fund all the positions but if it will I would be for it.
Received via Email: 09-05-09 As someone else already said, you should ask them what they're all about to do. It doesn't appear that they want they aren't too interested in our holiday time because they've got other things going on. Just ask.
Received via Email: 09-05-09 Asking the new guys if they want your money beforehand is ludicrous. If they have any honor at all, which I am sure they do, they will refuse our help. The stand up thing to do here is to put together a plan that will assure them a future on this job. We should put it into play in spite of their honorable objections, should they actually object.
Treat them like you would treat them if they were really your brother, cousin, son, etc. This brotherhood thing we talk about is more than just talk, at least it should be. Now is your opportunity to prove it.
Received via Email: 09-05-09 Mike Wimmers deserves the opportunity to serve us as president, and Winnie deserves the break. Two consecutive terms is plenty. Give Winnie a rest. If he wants to stay involved he is more than welcome to. I appreciate what he has done but after two terms that job takes it's toll on a man.
Let's thank Winnie for a job well done by letting him sit out a term or two. Mike Wimmers has an excellent background and is capable of bringing different visions and tactics to our future as an organization. I wish both of them well, and appreciate their desire to serve the membership.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Let's give Winnie a rest and Wimmers deserves the opportunity to serve. What a condesending dick. How would YOU know if Winnie needs a break? And Wimmers deserves an opportunity to serve............. is it about Wimmers or is it about what's best for this union. Ask around to any of the unions and they'll say Wimmers who? No thanks, don't want to be sucking hind tit again.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Truth be told, when Wimmers was president years ago, St. Pete was the department everyone looked to. People quit other departments to come fight fire in St. Petersburg. Wimmers delivered the first improvements in the supplemental pension plan, and was involved with many of the benefits that we all now take for granted during his decade and a half of service to local 747.
I'm not anti-Winnie at all. Not a bit. But two terms in a row is plenty. That's how it works in America, I don't see why it can't work for us.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 So if I use your line of reasoning, people would be attracted to this dept. again if we had a different union leader? Everybody read that again. That dog don't hunt. We've had 16 years of anti-labor mayors. I know, Mike claims he's going to fix that by "schmoozing." Don't worry's taught at the IAFF Political Academy ( I think ).
This department and city [not the union] are so fu**ed up from a chief with no balls for his men to his 2nd in command who'd be better suited for a post at Publix to 2 man ladder trucks to losing an entire fire station to Lealman. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that all of this county's Locals rally around Winnie as a president and every new treasurer calls Billy Mott for advice on keeping the books clean.
Wimmers supposedly did a LOT of things and then walked away. And don't tell us again that Mike HAD to leave to take care of his wife. There were a lot of years in between his holding office and his leaving where he was not active in ANYTHING. He's only thought about running for president for what.....a week now? YEAH.........let's give Winnie the break you seem to think he needs and totally flush all the momentum that we've gained so that a few of you who are thinking about your buddy Mike and not giving the first thought to this union, can claim an ego victory. I guess if some of you can't be relied on [ever] to work for your union you can rise to the occassion and work against yourselves.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 I love all of these posts that are showing such compassion for a president that has served two terms and how tired he must be? What a F'in crock. Mike Wimmers served 2 terms as Secretary treasurer and then 1 term as President, where was the concern for him? Are these the same people that last week were and still are, accusing him of taking so much time off. Did you just now wake up and realize that he has been working for you? If that's the case then why the recent new bitch about how no one is ever at the office or that you don't know of anything the union has accomplished in the past years? Now there is concern over his serving 2 terms!!! OMG...does anyone remember that Feinberg did 4 terms? That right 8 years...Where was the concern for him? There was none then and there is certainly no concern for anyone right now. The reason everyone wants to give Winnie a break is that a break is all it will turn out to be. Mike is in the drop (ask Him). Mike has stated that he might stay for 2 years (ask him). Mike is going to try to make it look to the new Mayor that certain fire chiefs have the backing of the union by backing down on the constant battles that take place when they try to over run your contract or your firefighters bill of rights. After that Mike can retire with his new and improved pension benefits and leave the union the way it was back when. My guess is that Winnie and only Winnie would be the one we could possibly turn to, to try to right our ship again. I reach this synopsis by using the same mentality as is being used today, that Winnie would be the choice because "he used to hold the office". Oh yeah, I will leave you with this last tidbit. There are many untruths being told during station visits, most all of them have been debunked with a simple phone call to the union office. I will now solve this latest one for all you concerned idiots. Winnie Newton has WILLINGLY and PROUDLY served as OUR President for 3 and 1/2 terms not 2, and he is willing to serve all of us again. Yes that's right. He finished Pete Grasso's term in 2002, completed a full term from 2003-2005, another from 2005-2007, and this current one from 2007-2009. So once again the lies and dishonesty is dispelled for you the unknowing, lead by the unwilling. If you have an individual that is willing to take on his job again and you are so concerned over his work load, then you can help out simply by going by the office once in a while and instead of drinking a beer and talking the talk, actually come by and offer your time to your union and see if you can relieve a little of the burdens and stress from Mr. Newton.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Hey once we give up holiday hours to save the cities new hires, can I entice you all to give up a few more so we can get this A/C problem taken care of at #12? Or maybe we can give up some of the hours for next year and get the new ladder truck at #9 fixed correctly. Shit why stop there lets tell the city to quit putting money into our pension, they've done it before, and get station 8 built right now. Man the possibilities are endless. The more of our benefits we give up, lightens the load on the city to maintain their responsibilities. What a concept. When we have no more benefits then we wont need a union anymore (ask Beiber) and then we wont even have to pay union dues. Holy bat shit, that's even more money we could then use to buy paint and cleaning supplies to keep the stations looking good. Damn, its like kicking over an ant mound, someone has uncovered a nest of fools.
"City Council members and mayoral candidates running for election and angling for endorsements from the city's unions had denounced the wage freezes in recent months, putting an unusual amount of pressure on an administration whose budget decisions often go unquestioned.
Union officials played a significant role in the political drama, meeting individually with council members and candidates in recent weeks to get their voices heard.
"We really worked the political side of it," said Will Newton, president of the city's firefighters union."
I'm waiting for Newton to take a break.....a rest, if you will. If Wimmers were in charge we'd all have MORE MORE MORE!
Wimmers................................................ just say THANK YOU to Winnie for fighting for your last pay raise and quit showing your ass.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Some of you need to go back and do a Google search for when the Tierra Verde annexation shit started. It was before we hired the last bunch. I guess what I'm hearing from them must be the truth. They were told that they might be laid off. Good for Lealman, they're getting some good guys and it's this fu**ed up city's fault. Or like some, you can blame the union if you want.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 I think they should shut this website down! Ray says it's the reason that he lost the last election against Winnie.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Anybody who complains about our website is either a socialist, communist or a friend of the terrorist mayor Baker and his golf buddy large
Received via Email: 09-06-09 I've talked to my attorney about the situation here at station 8. He's good with the city having all the money it needs and is currently waiting for some stimulous money to allow them to go cheap on the deal. I have constant headaches when I'm at work and look forward to suing everyone at HQ at the first opportunity.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Here is an interesting bit of trivia. The last time SPFR layed off firefighters was back when they closed down......Station 2. I say we really look into giving Newton a break. He can just follow in Mike's steps. His last break from Union Leadership lasted 22 years. No wonder he feels well rested. Hey Winnie, would you be willing to return as president in 2031?
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Damn I am beginning to really love the information that is shared with the world on this site.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 "Police Chief Lester Aradi also weighed in on the proposal. Last month, two days after Tampa police Cpl. Mike Roberts was shot and killed, Aradi fired off an e-mail to City Manager Mac Craig.
"I can not, in good conscience, agree to further staffing reductions or furloughs that remove more officers from the streets of our community," he wrote."
Holy shit! When was the last time you saw something like that come out of Jimmy Large's pie hole. Oh ya...... "If I had all the money in the world and all the gold and platinum in the world and all the oil in the world this bedroom community known as St. Petersburg would still have a minimum of two on it's ladder trucks. What a pu**y. FTM PTB&S EGH
Received via Email: 09-06-09 City Council members and mayoral candidates running for election and angling for endorsements from the city's unions had denounced the wage freezes in recent months, putting an unusual amount of pressure on an administration whose budget decisions often go unquestioned.
Union officials played a significant role in the political drama, meeting individually with council members and candidates in recent weeks to get their voices heard.
"We really worked the political side of it," said Will Newton, president of the city's firefighters union.
**Weekly Campaign Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10th @ 0930 this week, due to the holiday.**
Kathleen Ford's Campaign office reopens on Tuesday of this week. She's looking forward to seeing more Fire Fighters continuing in their efforts to help her get elected. Her office is located at 120 6 St. So.
Received via Email: 09-06-09 Grand Slam!
Campaign Meeting - Thursday, September 10th (C-Day)
0930 Meeting Time at the Union Hall
Lots to talk about - lots to do.
C'mon by for some breakfast treats!
Received via Email: 09-09-09 I got my ballot today and checked the appropriate box and threw it in the neighobors outgoing mail before the mailman made it back down the block.
Received via Email: 09-10-09 Here's the list of peeps that Kathleen Ford says will see a pay reduction.
1. Mayor Rick Baker, $158,355
2. Goliath J. Davis III, deputy mayor, $152,736
3. Patricia A. Elston, deputy mayor, $152,736
4. John C. Wolfe, city attorney, $152,736
5. Police Chief Chuck E. Harmon Jr., $152,315
6. Richard E. Mussett, senior administrator, $143,919
7. Micheal J. Connors, internal services administrator, $137,659
8. Muslim A. Gadiwalla, chief information officer, $137,659
9. Mark Wynn, chief assistant city attorney, $137,659
10. David Metz, deputy mayor, $136,032
11. William N. Drake Jr., assistant city attorney, $134, 889
12. Fire Chief James D. Large, $126,000
13. Clarence Scott III, city services administrator, $125,902
14. Thomas B. Gibson, engineering director, $123,912
15. Jeffrey B. Spies, financial director, $123,912
16. David H. Dekay, assistant police chief manager, $123,841
17. Cedric F. Gordon, assistant police chief manager, $123,841
18. Luke C. Williams Jr., assistant police chief manager, $123,837
19. Kim Streeter, assistant city attorney, $122,900
20. Joseph P. Patner, assistant city attorney, $121,019
21. Milton Albert Galbraith Jr., assistant city attorney, $118,531
22. Gary Cornwell, human resources director, $118,013
23. Timothy M. Finch, budget director, $118,013
24. Joseph J. Kubicki III, transportation planning director, $118,013
25. Sherry K. McBee, recreation director, $113,013
26. George B. Cassady, water resources director, $117,115
27. Julie D. Weston, development service director, $116,345
28. Jose R. Quintana, city architect manager, $116,000
29. Pamela D. Cichon, assistant city attorney, $114,800
30. Richard B. Bagley, assistant city attorney, $112,830
31. Deborah Glover-Pearcey, assistant city attorney, $112,550
32. William E. Jolley, fire marshal, assistant chief, $111,265
33. James O. Wimberly Jr., assistant fire chief, $111,265
34. Jane E. Wallace, assistant city attorney, $111,093
35. Jacqueline M. Kovilaritch, assistant city attorney, $109,440
36. Carl J. Blahut, stormwater/traffic operations director, $109,146
37. Ralph R. Bulger, billing & collections director, $109,146
38. Kevin M. Dunn, development coordinator director, $109,146
39. Steven K. Leavitt, engineering assistant director, $109,146
40. Louis S. Moore, purchasing & materials management director, $109,146
41. Robert H. Turner, fleet management director, $109,146
42. Dwight D. Wilson, water resources assistant director, $109,146
43. Joseph F. Zeoli, CDA administration &finance director, $109,146
44. David S. Goodwin, economic development director, $108,128
45. Bruce E. Grimes, real estate & property management director, $107,775
46. Bradley H. Scott, city auditor director, $107,000
47. Benjamin F. Shirley, sanitation director, $106,842
48. John R. Gardner, police major manager, $105,375
49. David W. Hawkins, police major manager, $105,375
50. Jeffrey A. Rink, executive assistant to chief manager, $105,375
51. John R. Thompson, police major manager, $105,375
52. Eric L. Wells, police major manager, $105,375
53. Elizabeth D. Herendeen, marketing director, $105,000
54. John J. Armbruster, assistant information & community service director, $102,899
55. Melanie J. Bevan, police major manager, $101,847
56. Mary S. Gaines, library director, $100,813
57. Joshua Johnson, housing & community development director, $100,457
58. Susan P. Ajoc, neighborhood partnership director, $100,311
59. Robert A. Danielson, marketing assistant director, $100,311
60. Jeffery G. Hollis, golf course director, $100,311
61. Shrimatee H. Ojah-Maharaj, Midtown economic development assistant director, $100,311
62. John F. Parks, technical support manager, $100,311
63. Sharon D. Welch, systems development manager, $100,311
Received via Email: 09-10-09 i'm glad Fienberg hasnt hired any of the new guys yet, and I hope that if he does he leaves a couple for us. It sure would be nice to have a $1,000>00 worth of leverage against them when it comes to being on watch, station moves, ride rescue, dishes, trash, washing my laundry, making my rack, swaps on holidays. Whew all this for a measley $1K. I'm glad Fienberg gave me some time to think about this.
Received via Email: 09-10-09 Muslim A. Gadiwalla? I never heard of it, and it's the 8th best paid thing in the city!
Received via Email: 09-13-09 Funny that you dont know who Muslim Gadiwalla is. He is after all the Cities Chief Information Officer. Yet another unknown, unneeded "Chief" of Mayor Bakers Administration. Go Rick!!!!
Received via Email: 09-16-09 The pay would be ok if these folks actually earned it. Only those on the streets risking their lives daily should earn that kind of money. But wait we are the bottom paid. Go figure !!
The Kathleen Ford Campaign Committee is planning a major sign waving push-
scheduled for this Friday evening from 4-6 pm.
Call 323-1786 ext. 2, for locations.
Received via Email: 09-16-09 Hey Mike Wimmer, Rick Fienberg, still working on that holiday time thing for the new guys? The whole world is waiting for your much needed guidance.
Received via Email: 09-17-09 I thought Mark Sweat was working on that.
Received via Email: 09-18-09 Get a clue and start coming to Union meetings. Nunya yacking are worth squat. If you had been coming to just some of the meetings in the past you would have a clue and not be so disgruntled toward Pres Newton. Now that you want to forget about your rights, go kiss the chiefs a55, maybe he will throw you some of his crumbs.
Received via Email: 09-18-09 Mark Sweet can kiss our ass. He is useless to any of us unless he is ratting us out to the chiefs.
Received via Email: 09-18-09 Go to cafe ren o one that is where the chiefs hang out at or the chipolte grille on 4th st n. Bother then there.
Received via Email: 09-20-09 Are you just now realizing that this city just don't care about their employees or citizens? It has been this way for decades. They are more concerned about their pet projects and how much money they can make after they leave office.
Received via Email: 09-20-09 If Ford doesn't make it, expect 8 more years of the same.
Received via Email: 09-20-09 Update on Layoffs
There is much discussion going on about ways to make it possible for the Probationary employees set to be furloughed October 1st, 2009 to remain on the payroll. As we all know this is the result of the loss of the contract with Tierra Verde. As it now stands there are three different return dates for these five employees. In order for the City to keep each one on Active duty it would require approx. $320,000.00 above and beyond the current FY 2010 budget and also 3 months into FY2011 (15 months total).
Some have been discussing the possibility of the members giving up earned Holiday hours in an attempt to preserve the jobs of the probationary Fire Fighters. This theory has been rampant and you all need to know that not one of the Probationary employees want this to happen. Each and every one of them has expressed their thoughts with the union leaders and will attest to this if they are but asked.
The authorized shift strength is currently 311 personnel with an additional 10 assigned to 40 hour week in HQ for a total of 321. These figures will actually decrease by 14 personnel Oct 1st. with the loss of Station 2’s contract. This will actually raise the per person requirement.
$320,000.00 divided by the current 321 members equals $996.88. Divided by 307 personnel equals $1,042.35. for this instance I have chosen $1,000.00 as the base line, since these are all estimates I feel comfortable with these figures. It should also be pointed out that this idea DOES NOT include participation by any SPFR personnel above the rank of District Chief or the civilian employees assigned to HQ.
I went ahead and based this on the upcoming 2.5% raises Oct. 09 (The Union worked Very hard for these raises; even as the city wanted to take them away.)
Firefighter hourly Rates based on a 52 hours week or 2,704 hours
$37,504= $14.02 per hour This would require 71.33 hours to = $1,000.00
Step 5
$47,050= $17.40 per hour This would require 57.47 hours to = $1,000.00
$58,641= $21.69 per hour This would require 46.10 hours to = $1,000.00
Paramedic hourly Rates based on a 52 hours week or 2,704 hours
$48,321= $17.87 per hour This would require 55.96 hours to = $1,000.00
Step 4
$58,180= $21.52 per hour This would require 46.47 hours to = $1,000.00
$69,197= $25.59 per hour This would require 39.10 hours to = $1,000.00
Lieutenant hourly Rates based on a 52 hours week or 2,704 hours
$59,763= $22.10 per hour This would require 45.25 hours to = $1,000.00
$71,506= $26.44 per hour This would require 37.82 hours to = $1,000.00
Baker, however, did stick to one budget promise: He refused to dip into the city's $286 million reserve, built up over the past decade as property tax revenue climbed.
Received via Email: 09-21-09 I don't think giving up (an average of) four holidays to preserve the jobs of five brothers is asking that much. I'm also not impressed that all of the new guys don't want us to do this for them. It just shows that they all have some class. Was the question posed to them like this: "Hey do you guys want us all to cough up a grand each so you can continue to work for this stupid fu**ed up city?"
Show some brotherhood, people. Support reimbursement to save these guy's jobs. You know you would do it for anyone that you've worked with for several years. Why won't you show the same courtesy, brotherhood, and professionalism for the new guys?
I know it's the city's fault that they are being let go, but city hall doesn't claim to be their brothers and sisters--- we do.
It's time to start putting our money (or holiday time) where our mouths are.
Received via Email: 09-21-09 These numbers can be looked at another way: If we all give 36 hours of holiday pay, the blue shirts are getting a bargain, particularly the newer guys.
Received via Email: 09-22-09 Before anyone gives up anything, we need to get the city to agree that this is a ONE TIME ONLY incident. It also needs to be in WRITING, so the city can't weasle out. The city has a bad habit of taking things out of the contract and NOT giving it back later on! Remember usally when we give something up out of the contract we DO NOT get it back.
Received via Email: 09-22-09 I watched the meeting where council approved the millage rate for 2010. Council member Curran stated that if the union was willing to work with staff and and meet halfway that we could possibly reach a deal to keep the probies. I know you all saw the Mayor grinning and stated that this could be a option to save these FF's. Why is it that I only see and hear how the membership needs to give holiday hours to save the se FF's. Anyone seen staff's beloved half. This City just doesn't care about us and has shown it time and time agian. Haven't they proven that to you yet. You bleeding hearts need to wake up.
Received via Email: 09-22-09 Why are we still talking about giving money to people who are about to move over to another dept. that will take better care of them?
Received via Email: 09-23-09 Again, I still don't see why we are letting our mistrust in the city blur our loyalty to our brothers. If they have us by the short hairs (they do) and we can save five guys by ponying up a few holidays (we can) then let's just do it. It's jobs against a few holidays. I can't believe anyone is even opposed to it.
Received via Email: 09-23-09 Let's take it to a vote and if you get your way I'll still be the first to opt out. It shouldn't be much of a problem since EVERYONE seems to want to give their hours to them, right?
Received via Email: 09-23-09 9-23 #1 I'm all for anything that Leslie and Rick Curran are in favor of. She's the dreamiest.
Received via Email: 09-23-09 OK, so next year when the city says they will layoff another 5 or 6 firefighters are we going to give up vacation time so they can keep their job? The year after next we give up the little bit of sick time we have left? Then it will be giving up pay raises and step increases. If we allow the city to TAKE holiday time to pay for the hiring and maintaining firefighters where will it stop? Last time that I looked it was the responsibilty of the city to pay for their employees, not the existing ones. Pasco county firefighters just voted down a contract with same concept (let the existing employees pay for the newer employees)
Received via Email: 09-23-09 9-23 #1 let me get this right. You want me to give up 1000 dollars of my pay when the City of
St. Petersburg has 289 million dollars that they are not willing to touch. Not to mention they are the reason these young men are about to loose their position because they wanted to help some rich f@#ker recoup what he lost in a land deal. Either take off the tin foil hat or shut the F@#k up.
Received via Email: 09-23-09 9-23 #3, I'm all for anything that keeps our brothers from being laid off. I'm sure city hall will be proud of you.
Received via Email: 09-23-09 09-23 #4: You are talking hypothetical. The five guys about to lose their jobs aren't theory--- they are fact. You can "what if" all day long, but all you are proving is that you don't care enough to help your brothers. That's okay, lot's of people would rather talk about brotherhood than actually walk the walk. If you don't want to help, I am sure the rest of us can pony up a little more to make up for your sorry, hypocritical, f**k your brother ass.
Don't sweat it. And since we don't know who you are, if you ever get hurt or sick and run out of sick leave, the rest of us will pitch in and help you out. It's what real brothers do. You just be true to yourself, okay?
Received via Email: 09-23-09 9-23 #5/ Yes, I would like you to cough up some holiday pay for YOUR brothers. Not for city hall employees, but for your BROTHERS. Not city hall's brothers. YOUR brothers. They are YOUR BROTHERS. City hall doesn't care about them, but you should because they are your BROTHERS. Do you see what I am getting at here?
It doesn't matter how many millions of dollars the city is sitting on. They have control of the money and they don't want to use it for YOUR brothers. But WE have control of OUR holiday time, so it's up to US. Let's do something together for OUR BROTHERS.
Can you hear me now, brother?
Received via Email: 09-23-09 Bong bong bong. Bong bong bong. If someone bangs a drum in the forest does it make a noise? Bong bong bong. Bong bong bong. Hey, how bout this, they don't want our help. 1 of them's staying with the city while another 1 is going to work as a plumber with his dad. The others have jobs with Lealman and are never going to look back. Quit trying to keep them here to make Large look good. Their gone and the ain't never gonna come back. Bye bye. Bong bong bong. Bong bong bong.
Received via Email: 09-24-09 Let's not pretend the new guys are leaving because they want to go. If they leave it will be because the city cut them, and then we FAILED them as brothers. We could have saved their jobs, but we chose to screw them. If that's the kind of brotherhood you believe in, then you can stop referring to me as your brother firefighter right now. To me, you are now just another FINO.
Received via Email: 09-24-09 Bong bong bong? Is that a noise you are making or the drug paraphernalia you use to get this "f**k the brothers" attitude?
You could help keep five new guys on our job by sacrificing a few holidays, but you choose to screw them over because you think it will spite your chief. Sounds like doper mentality to me.
At this point, you are no better than the mayor. Neither of you gives a shit about these new guys because you have no sense of brotherhood for them. Enjoy your bong, doper.
Received via Email: 09-24-09 Let me get this straight: We actually have people on this job that are willing to see five brothers get laid off because they think "someone else should pay for it?" What kind of welfare mentality bullshit is that? We are supposed to be brothers and sisters here. If the city fu**s over one of us, they fu**k over all of us.
It used to be that if a firefighter had a leaky roof, 30 firefighters would show up with hammers and shingles. If a guy needed a place to stay, he moved in with another firefighter. Low on cash, your brothers helped you out. And now SPFR has been infiltrated by pussies that won't save five jobs because of their precious holiday pay? Five men will lose their income, pensions, healthcare and security because of some cheap bastards that probably have no business being on a fire department. Where do they find these mutts?
I don't know who these self centered faggots are, but if I did I would probably get fired for hurting their feelings and making them cry. Next time you pansies are shaving your legs or getting your eyebrows tweezed, try not to think about those five guys you fu**ed over. It might raise a pimple on your expensively exfoliated face.
God help the brotherhood of St. Petersburg Fire Rescue. It's in dire need of resuscitation.
Received via Email: 09-24-09 When those five guys get laid off and their FINO "brothers and sisters" did nothing to save their jobs, I wonder if they will have nice things to say about the turncoat cheap ass sons of bitches that allowed them to leave?
Received via Email: 09-24-09 Regarding the five probies that are losing their jobs, stop blaming the city--- the city is just doing what cities do. If the members of SPFR allow it to happen because they don't want to reach into their pockets; as far as I am concerned we are failing to act as a brotherhood. That's not what firefighters are supposed to do. Allegedly there was once a year on our job where firefighters voted down their own raise to get a new ladder truck. Now we have devolved into a bunch of self-centered hypocrites that won't surrender a little pay to save five guys, not to mention their families.
The day these guys get laid off will be the day that brotherhood dies on the SPFR. And it won't be the city's fault, it will be ours.
Received via Email: 09-24-09 We are doing exactly what they want us to do, blaming ourselves for their mistakes. You earned your money and its nobody's business on how you use it.
Received via Email: 09-24-09 Instead of wasting your breath on this website, you should have been making your case to your union. Oops. Another union meeting tonite and no one popped the question to save them. We just congradulated them for the smart move their making.
Received via Email: 09-25-09 FORD FOR MAYOR !! Your Union is behind you.
Received via Email: 09-27-09 Too bad our Fire Administration isn't. It figures that anything for the firefighters and or union they (fire admin.) are always against. Self serving at its best ! They never put their-selves in harms way like those on the street, but they sure love that 6 figure income. WOW !!
What caused Mayor Rick Baker to storm out of Atwater’s Cafeteria early this afternoon? What caused Go Davis to show up shortly thereafter?
The answer is not something the Times is going to like so the chances are high that they won’t report on it.
Hint: It had to do with Kathleen Ford signs displayed in the windows. It had to do with leaders in the African American community standing up to the good ol’ boys and their thugs.
Keep calling out the Times! Maybe they will get the message before it is too late.
Keep calling out the good ol’ boys! Maybe we can expose them for the self-serving puppets they are.
There's lots more to this story as you read down the page, too!
Received via Email: 09-28-09 GOOD OLE BOY SYSTEM!!!! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Me thinks I have heard that before.
Maybe Hq?????????????????????
Received via Email: 09-28-09 To the brothers at Gator 8. Your Union has some of the best language in the nation when it involves substance abuse and what you can and cannot be made to do. Do not fall for anything stupid or be intimidated by the Punisher or any of his jesters. You union contract has and will continue to protect you. Trust the system that has worked for many others during the past 20 or so years that it has been in force. I suggest you find that old copy of the contract that you were given a few years ago and read the article. Knowledge will keep you free. Admin is hoping that you wont know your rights, just as they dont know about your protection. Do it now, dont be fooled or found to be one.
Received via Email: 09-29-09 Could there have been a greater difference in interviews than between the punisher and Winnie? The punisher was all about how guilty we feel and Winnie was all about what we know and that to speculate further would prove futile. Everyone needs to go to Kathleen Fords website and make a contribution to end this madness. I hope all you chief are shitting your pants. Your about to lose another round.
Received via Email: 09-30-09 The interviews are a direct reflection of the men themselves. The Punisher totally believes in lies there for he must do everything in his power to make something appear that is other wise not there. Your Union President on the other hand sees things as they are and simply asks for proof that something illegal has happened or a wrong doing has occured. You will not find the term Benefit of the Doubt in the Punishers Saturday morning readings.
Received via Email: 09-30-09 To ALL and especially #8 brothers and sisters: Don't let Wimberly and Large intimidate or threaten YOU. They do not know all. If they want to talk to you insist that you have UNION representation. Don't let them fool you. Ask them if they still think they have the right to make you sign documents. CALL THE UNION BEFORE TALKING TO ADMINISTRATION!
TEAM: We'd like to give a shout-out to our frequent visitors from the Race Trac fillin' station in Tampa.
Received via Email: 09-30-09 You should also have a good attorney with you when you are questioned by any of the idiot admin people. That scares them.
Received via Email: 09-30-09 Kathleen Ford scares them!
Received via Email: 09-30-09 I saw Joel Granata on channel 13 tonight. God, Joel you're looking captainly. So now that the new guys are all working somewhere else or soon will be, let's take bets as to when The Invisible Man and The Punisher upgrade all the Lt. pos. at HQ to captain. I'm betting sooner than later, how bout you?
Received via Email: 10-01-09 The punisher's motto. Guilty until proven innocent. And don't forget it.
The unions position along with our constitution specifically the 5th 6th and 14th amendments.
Innocent until proven guilty. Punisher - Don't you forget it !!
Received via Email: 10-05-09 "In the late '70s and throughout the '80s, the firefighter and police unions lobbied for pension reform, particularly in the area of funding. St. Petersburg had for many years the worst- funded plans in the state. Now taxpayers are having to make up the difference.
That unfunded liability is used against the firefighters every time we attempt to negotiate benefits. Keep in mind that firefighters and police officers contribute to the plans. Each time new benefits are negotiated, firefighters have increased their contribution to the plan. The firefighters' contribution rate is now at 7.5 percent of salary.
Your article was biased because it makes all fire and police plans sound costly. But there are many plans in the state that are well-funded or even fully funded because of proper management of the funds. Had the leaders of the city of St. Petersburg funded the plans properly, there would be little to no obligation on the part of the taxpayers.
Finally, firefighters and police officers deserve the pensions they have. We put our lives on the line to protect citizens' lives and property, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year."
Michael Wimmers, past president, St. Petersburg Association of Firefighters, Local 747, Kenneth City. Published June 19, 2007.
Not much has changed in over 2 years. We need an administration to correct this problem. Quickly.
Received via Email: 10-06-09 7.5 percent of salary? Is that right?
Received via Email: 10-07-09 The 7.5% figure came from a past leader that was not up on his facts (you can read the authors name at the end of the story, he is so proud of the past). He would have done us real well if hed been re-elected.
Received via Email: 10-07-09 We don't pay 7.5% into our pension. When Wimmers let that one fly he took some shit for making us all look stupid to city council. This is what happens when you let amateurs involve themselves with your work and your retirements earnings. Congrats to 2/3 of us for paying attention to the bottom line and not voting for those who are looking for a part time job. Go Ford!
Received via Email: 10-08-09 Oops. I'm guessing that Mike didn't publish that one to the website. I was wondering why that thing was hung on this page.
Received via Email: 10-08-09 Is that a cheap shot or is the web page skewed? Is there a reason why Angela Rousen's campaign poster is pasted over the Mike Wimmers' post? Hmmmmm ? If the webmaster believes that all of us think this is just an oversight he's mistaken. No fair with the censoring, webmaster. Mike's entitled to his opinion and his statements whether you think they're right or wrong. God knows you print garbage from many others on this site that are equally or exceedingly misinformed in their points of view. Put Angela's campaign doc where it belongs and give us a balanced site. Covering Mike's post with an ad is just childish and plays right into the hands of the loud mouths on here who think they know everything about everything. Winnie won the election just like we all thought he would but that doesn't mean you get to breed contempt for Mike and try to encourage the weak minded on here to believe he's anything but a stand up guy and one helluva firefighter.
Mike had every right to run for the office of president of the Local. Just because you're in Winnie's camp doesn't mean you have to try to belittle Mike with cheap shots. And that Rousen ad is a cheap shot.
Give a little credit to Mike for having the stones to run against Winnie. Nobody else did. I, like many others, think that Winnie is doing a damn good job as president. And truth be told I, if eligible, would have voted for him and not Mike. But how does that translate to me having to dislike or disrepect Mike? Mike is an example that a lot of us could learn from. On and off the job. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Dick Tully
Your letters are welcomed.
TEAM: What are you viewing this site with? Using IE7, Slimbrowser and Mozilla Firefox the Rouson ad is situated two posts above the post you're referencing (between 9-30 & 10-1). Overall, when viewing in Firefox, everything is pretty proportionate but the Enter bar is usually jogged up and to the left a bit when it is actually centered. Ultimately, things get a little iffy when mixing text and pictures on a long, long page. You're the first to mention this.
Received via Email: 10-08-09 Shizz looks fine to me with Internet Expoloder. Guess your not going to catch a break today TEAM. 1 line about the page may be skewed and all the rest about what a dick your being. FTM
Received via Email: 10-08-09 The babyshit blue background has always been a problem for me. I think there's some kind of conspiracy going on but I don't know just what it is yet. Give me some time to think about it and I'll blame someone.
Received via Email: 10-08-09 The web page looks fine. Let's quit looking for boogie men that aren't there. The winners won and the losers lost for good reason.
Received via Email: 10-11-09 Where's Dick Tully? Is the sky still falling?
Received via Email: 10-12-09 Looks like the comments from M Wimmers was just a reminder how screwed up our pension is. And that it still needs to be improved. This looks like nothing to do with Winnie or Mike W. but just a fact about our pension. Somebody is reading to much BS into all of this and should go back and take a lesson on Paranoia. Dick are you really that screwed up in the head or just so out of touch you think you still live in Florida. Enjoy your retirement and leave the rest to the current active members. You already had your day so go take a nap or something.
Received via Email: 10-13-09 Ah yes, I can see the bait flailing away on the page. So, just to make your day I'll give you a response that may or may not be what you're wanting. First of all I fail to see what my computer problems have to do with your pension. Since I can't seem to fix the problem I have with the way the page loads on my computer I guess I should call the city and tell them to cancel any further payments to your pension fund. You're a real mental case that shouldn't be anywhere near a keyboard. What's your point, genius? And what has it got to do with me? My page doesn't show graphics properly. It happens that the photo was over Mike's post. The post I made was half tongue in cheek and was responed to by the webmaster. How does this involve you? And as for enjoying my pension...I do so every day. And by the way I've been doing it for 25 years. Let's see. That's about 25 more years than you'll enjoy that plan you're funding. And yes, I sit on the deck here every day and think how lucky I am that I can. And how lucky I am that I don't have to work with assholes like you. Say what you want but you'll never measure up to me. Ha ha ha. Live with it jerkoff. It's never gonna change.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 10-17-09 I see Obama has put more people out of work again. Unemployment keeps rising and he keeps spending. I can't believe the left wing morons in this country couldn't see how dangerous this guy is.
Received via Email: 10-21-09 Oooooh! That's gonna leave a mark.
The best part of the article wasn't even in the article. I wonder where the following came from?
Perhaps, the state legislation will provide an alternative model for the City which, in the long run, will be less expensive to ad valorem taxpayers. I hope the proposed legislation allows for the creation of "fire districts" with their separate assessing power for fire/ems protective services. I hope the new legislation allows for other municipalities nearby to opt in to joining St. Petersburg's fire district. Pinellas' older cities have the equipment, experience and infrastructure to provide fire/ems to these new fire districts (say, for example, for a St. Petersburg Fire District, Clearwater Fire District and Largo Fire District?). It seems logical for these cities that actually provide the services, to create the most effective model that works to save taxpayers money since these cities have historically provided the service. "Going through the county" has proven to be just too contentious and expensive. The cities built and equipped most of the fire stations in the county-not the county government. The existing ems consolidation has primarily benefitted the for profit ambulance company at the expense of the taxpayers. Obviously, Pinellas County officials failed to address that key component, so, in the interest of the taxpayers and residents, the City is looking for alternatives. The mayor's decision to direct the City attorney to work on this state legislation is, however, a policy decision which should have been initiated by a city council resolution. Where is that resolution? Can the City's mayor just direct the City attorney to work on a mayor's pet project-a new city policy on his own where the City Charter states that the council sets policy? Where does the City Charter give the mayor that power? If the mayor does not have that power and the city attorneys acted outside of the scope of their authority under the Charter, what will the council do? Will the council ask an outside attorney for a legal opinion since obviously the city attorney cannot give an unbiased legal opinion due to the obvious "conflict of interest"? Or, should we ask council siblings to come on down and duke it out with the Mayor's siblings? Wait, are the mayor's siblings out of prison, yet?
Received via Email: 10-26-09 Everyone needs to read their latest copy of the International Firefighter. On pg 16 there is a story about how our good friends ICMA have now decided they know whats best for the staffing of Police and Fire departments. They even think they have stumbled on new ideas like cross training to do both jobs and going to 12 hour shifts and leaving many stations with only a night light on during the evening hours. I mention this because this is one of the companys that is looking into the operations of the county wide EMS system. Maybe Jimbo is trying to get a one up on these assholes. Not that I really give him that much insight for forward thinking. Read the story and be prepared.
Friday Oct. 30th - 4-6pm (B-Shift)
Sign Waving - Tyrone Corners
We'll have signs and gold shirts available for you. This is the last corner we'll be operating from before the elections. Everyone needs to be on this corner to help our candidates and this Fire Fighters Union succeed.
Monday Nov. 2nd - late night (B-Shift)
Polling place sign blitz. Grab an address list and some signs and poke 'em in the ground at polling locations. Call Rick Pauley at 323-1786 ext. 2 and tell him you want to partner with someone to get'r done.
Tuesday, Nov. 3rd - Election Day (C-Shift)
2/3rds of the membership will be off-duty. Simply said, 2/3rds of the membership needs to be at a polling place meeting and greeting the public with a candidate sign and a smile.
Received via Email: 10-29-09 Police union officials rip Tampa mayor's spending priorities -
Received via Email: 10-31-09 Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT. Here's why, FY 2010 top F/F pay - $58,641. With just a 2% raise it goes to $59,813 for 2011. Another 2% raise would bring it up to $61,010 for 2012. With a 2% raise for 2013 top pay would go to $62,230. In just 3 years top pay would increase by $3,589. If we take bonuses for 3 years our top pay would still be $58,641. Now remember these figures are based on only a 2% raise for each of the 3 years. We generally see anywhere from a 2.5% to 5% raise. If you think that we will EVER make up the $3,589 to our base pay that we will lose, you are sadly mistaken. Also if you are close to retiring the BONUSES ARE NOT applied to your 3 year average for your pension.
Received via Email: 10-31-09 I'm willing to bet that that was someone's idea of a rhetorical question. Bonuses are bullshit. There's no foundation to build on and we've been pretty good in this local about turning down no rollup crap.
Received via Email: 11-02-09 Someone said the recent newhires who were laid off may not come back because Lealman's Pension kicks ours Ass and they pay all of their health insurance now and after they retire. Isn't St Pete great. Oh yeah and we work more and have many more assholes to work for then Lealman. Also word is out that R Smith went to St Pete beach. We lost another good kid. Funny how over the years we got most of our personnel from these small departments and now, our people are happily going to the smaller departments. MMMMMMMmmmmm should give you a clue Chief. Do you need us to spell it out any better? Our pension and health insurance sucks and many of those you promoted are assholes. If you don't make some serious changes, we will be a government Wackin Hut. Maybe the new Chief Knight can fix these things since Large obviously hasn't. And wimberly doesn't even figure in these equations.
Received via Email: 11-03-09 Knight to fix things? Wow - are we grasping for straws or what!! Me thinks Winnie is our only hope.
Received via Email: 11-05-09 I guess we must leave everything up to Chief Knight to get fixed now. What a pitiful existence the lions share of our members must have. They hid and cowared while a handful of believers tried their damn best to try to fulfill our promises to the endorsed candidates. To the supportors, I say THANK YOU. To the Cowards, remember this, you can all kiss Mayor Bakers ass each time he turns his back on you and your family, and then ask yourself why. FTM's and you non believers. A past president once said, maybe it will take getting it snapped off in our ass a couple of times to give us a wake up call. Well, I think we are about to hear the "SNAP" that will be heard around the world.
Received via Email: 11-05-09 The Jack-O-Lantern fix something. Haaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Hold onto your asses boys. The number quoted in the paper isn't nearly what the city really squirreled away in the past year. We just shit 5 guys out while the city's chief liar (mayor doosh bag) declared financial urgency and his accomplice (the invisible man) told us that he'd done everything possible to keep them. A secret squirrel told me that the new number is over 8 million dollars. 8 fricking million dollars! That's more money than many city budgets in Pinellas County.
I don't know about you but I'm not feeling so bad about looking like a fool for life by giving up $1000 in holiday time before Xmas. Stay at Lealman, guys. You don't have to worry about militant assholes running the medic program or your departmen. We've got all of them here at the great St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue.
Received via Email: 11-09-09 What Jimmy Large hasn't figured out yet is the fact that he was and is being played by an outgoing mayor. The mayor doesn't give a shit about the fire dept. that Jimmy loves and on top of that he's been told that 2 man ladder trucks are safe for everyone and to just shut up and take it. It looks like the same kind of blind loyalty that Jimmy demands of his recent promotions is biting him in the ass with this mayor. I hope that Jimmy and the next mayor get off ot a better start because if Jimmy doesn't assert himself and demand that the new mayor start protecting us the union's going to and guess who the fall guy's going to be again?
The arbitration for District Chief Richard Johnson will be held on Monday,
January 11, 2010 - conference room 800 - MSC beginning at 09:30.
Received via Email: 11-11-09 Write a memo for a safety concern and all hell comes down on you. MMMMMmmmm, wonder why people dont want to come back to st pete. We have assholes running this place. Kick the sh-- out of them Richie, they deserve it for not caring about us. You are our hero. And the admin. chiefs are our ZERO !!
Received via Email: 11-11-09 Let's pack the house for Chief Johnson and show once again to the 2 jimmies that they no longer can rule by threats and intimidation!
Received via Email: 11-12-09 I think SPF&R is great because we're so top heavy. A couple more captains and chiefs here and there and we'll be the shit or as some say, a JUGGERNAUT (dictionary: A massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way).
Received via Email: 11-12-09 No matter what the decision of the arbitrator, Richey Johnson's already won. Like everyone else in the Tampabay area, I saw what Large is all about when I read his words in the newspaper. What a tool.
Received via Email: 11-14-09 Hey it wont be long till we take over Lealman and get our 3 guys back. Take Terra Verde from us uhhhh. We are coming after all the little cities around us. St Pete is the new JUGGERNAUT. Heck we might even take over the whole dad gum county. We are so proud of our Jimmies.
L-747 OPEN HOUSE 2009
Thursday December 10th; A-shift
11:00AM to 4:00 PM
Friday December 11th; B-shift
11:00AM to 4:00 PM
St. Petersburg Association of Fire Fighters
5240 1st Avenue North
Attention: All members and friends of The St. Petersburg Association of Fire Fighters
Come and enjoy the company of your brothers and sisters at the Annual Union Office get-together. We will be having a two-day event at the office to allow everyone a chance to reminisce over the events that have taken place during 2009, and to meet the new employees that have been hired during the past year. There will be food and drinks provided for all, so come and enjoy yourself and finish out the year with pleasant memories.
Received via Email: 11-14-09 Back in the day, we used to call it a CHRISTmas party.
Received via Email: 11-16-09 Back in the day we told the PC people to kiss our ass and all those liberals to kiss our ass. We have become a nation of pussies afraid to offend any one. And look what our country has become. A country where Washington would jail someone if they do not have insurance or take it. According to Pelosi. Hitler wasnt even that bad. And these are the people that some look up to to save the world. How pathetic.
Received via Email: 11-16-09 If you want the Christ back in Christmas, try getting the liberal God haters out of Washington.
Received via Email: 11-17-09 Yea, and Obama bowing down to all except AMERICANS!!!!!
Received via Email: 11-18-09 Yeah and get the JWs out from complaining everywhere. I don't ever remember hearing Grossman complain about Christmas. I believe he is not Christian.
Received via Email: 11-18-09 At least on this site we can still say MERRY CHRISTMAS. But I am sure there are many who would like more control - and cut our freedom of speech.
Received via Email: 11-18-09 Hitler wasnt even that bad
Are you f'in kiddin me?! You a hole, go and read real history, and stop getting your facts from fox network. You are one sorry so called human. I pity you.
Received via Email: 11-19-09 Actully I do have the facts. Hitler only killed 7 million. stalin was about 20 million jews and pols and Mao of china is in the high 20 millions. And they have never really counted africa. So Hitler ranks dead last. Read your facts.
Received via Email: 11-19-09 You want that I should agree? Oy, I agree! Hitler was pretty bad!
Abe Rothsteinberg
Received via Email: 11-23-09 Since this is the contract page, cant wait for our next negotiations to begin. I am sure this time our administration will side with us and our own chiefs will work for our best interest. Exciting isn't it ?
Received via Email: 11-27-09 That's all bullshit and couldn't be further from the truth. Large is getting ready to start messing with your union president's abiltiy to protect you by interfering with our business. Everyone's going to blame wimberly but Large calls the shots so Large must be the first to fall. I hope the union calls for a vote of no confidence like they did in Clwtr.
Received via Email: 11-27-09 Dave Fraser will never stand for that. He is so far up Larges anal cavity its pathetic.
Received via Email: 11-27-09 I've never known Fraser to be a kiss ass. Buddies with Large, ok, probably since high school. One thing is true though, Fraser would be a better Fire Chief than Large. I'll say no more.
Received via Email: 11-30-09 RE: 11-27-09 ......."Fraser would be a better Fire Chief than Large".
That's funny. I remember someone saying that same thing to me when Large took over. "We have to give him a chance." This was in response to Large allowing some kind of decals to be put on the helmets. My take was "Just give him time". I'm not gonna say who the person was. He'll know. And I'm not being mean here or vindictive. I'm just making light of how minds can change. It's a great day for the fire department.
P.S. Dave Fraser is a good man. So is Jim Large when he's not the fire chief.
My opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Received via Email: 12-03-09 For those of you that still believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and Large and Wimberly, I would like to set the record straight. It seems that they keep saying that my case was not a "victory" for me. I wonder what Large's and Wimberly's definition of a victory is? Websters dictionary definition:
1 : the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist.
2 : achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.
Lets see, if I was not victorious then why did I receive:
1. All back pay, all benefits that I lost during my 10 shifts off including FLSA time for the month and all vacation and sick leave that I would have accrued worth a total of approximately $7,000.
2. The city had to pay for the federal arbitrator (from Detroit) and all of their legal staff (unknown what that cost, but there were MANY hours of legal work that was put into this).
3. No city employee can be forced, intimidated, or threatened into signing medical waivers. This ruling has been in the "Public Safety Labor News" a national publication to all police and fire unions.
4. You don't have to give up your HIPAA privacy rights by signing waivers.
5. If I was not victorious, then why did the city have to change the way they do physicals? You no longer HAVE to sign medical waivers or be punished. True, you will not receive a physical, but that is YOUR decision, not the city's or Large's.
6. If any of you still think that I LOST, then you need to go to the union's web site and download the arbitrator's 38 page decision against the city and the national labor article.
Large's victory consisted of?...that's what I thought.
Bob Martin
TEAM: Lt. Bob Martin. Every man's man. Living proof that doing the right thing, actually counts.
Received via Email: 12-04-09 how do we get rid of Large. I mean he is as worthless as Lanning. How in the world does the college let Lanning teach there when no one respects him. I was at a tampa station and they had heard of him and laughed at his name. And said. How come you dont have real chiefs.
Received via Email: 12-04-09 What is really sad is that his own people laugh at him. Even those that kiss his ass one day and bad mouth him the next. Many on the promotional list do this. Many of them say they no more respect the Chief than they do any wimpy liar, but they know what they have to do to get a bugle. A sad state of affairs. And people wonder why good employees go to Tampa, Hillsborough, Palm Harbor, St Pete Beach, and yes even Lealman. Go figure !!
Received via Email: 12-05-09 I guess it wasnt a true victory in that the union did not get back ANY of the countless hours that were used. This would include many of the pool hours that were "stolen" from the members last year. Now its time for these hours to be "stolen" from us again, to protect the next member.
Received via Email: 12-05-09 Hi Bob Martin. All that you say is true. Sadly, we've got a lot of people on this job who work against the common good. I inquired about the numbers of people who 'opted out' of giving pool time this year and sadly many are from your old station. I guess they missed the memo about your being bent over for a month's pay! As some have already found out, when they get themselves in trouble (They say, no not me, I'm never going to get in trouble.) the first thing that Rick Pauley checks is to see if you gave. If you haven't, you will.
I hope your retirement is going well. Mine is coming shortly and while I really don't want to leave, I find that it's time. Being a firefighter is now valued less than being a cut throat, a boot licker and a business manager.
Received via Email: 12-7-09 I agree with all that you've said Bobby. They purposely came at you with a shock and awe campaign and it backfired on them. I wonder where the money to pay you back came from? They could have waited but that's not their style. They figger by going after you immediately everyone would be affraid of crossing them. Nothing further from the truth could have happened. They're scared in the front office because the bullshit they're spinning isn't sticking. Years ago they used to be in the companies and now in charge they think everyone still loves them like when they were still out here with the people who make it all happen. NEWSFLASH: Large was never well like and nobody cared for Wimberly because he was a religeous loner. The only reason the these people come around is because some of YOU stay in the room to listen to their spin. You wouldn't do it anywhere else, don't do it here.
Received via Email: 12-7-09 Word on the street has it that 3 of the 5 that Large wouldn't spend the money to retain are staying at Lealman and they're all medics. What a shock! I guess what Large had to say in the newspaper was wrong. Chances are actually real good that if you mistreat people others will come to their aid and you'll quickly be forgotten about. Jimmy Large.... forgotten man.
Received via Email: 12-7-09
Large said he did everything he could to avoid the layoffs, and the union mostly agrees. Yet union president Winthrop Newton still gently chided the city for not finding some way to keep them. He said St. Petersburg was just wasting the money it had already spent to train those firefighters.
"To let them go for a month or two and slowly bring them back just isn't good business sense," Newton said. "You risk losing them to other agencies."
Large said that's not likely. Budget cuts are slamming fire departments across the state, he said.
Well looky there. The thought of actually doing something to keep them never entered Large's head. Through fear and intimidation he thought he would be able to please his master and win in the end but the new guys got over there and were told to make themselves comfortable (something they never felt here) and refused to come back. Why do you think we don't send our guys through paramedic school in Hillsborough County? Because they'd have to ride their trucks and we don't want that. We're affraid our people might not come back and they'd be right. Hey chief. Now that you've prostituted Bruni and ruined his street cred, who else are you going to send out to pick up the pieces?
Received via Email: 12-7-09 And this reminds me of something. ISN'T THE INTERNET GREAT? YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM YOUR STATEMENTS ANYMORE!
Received via Email: 12-7-09 Large never kept the new hires that he could have kept. Do you know why? Its easy. He just DOESN'T CARE about anyone but himself and his pile of gold. You made the right move new kids. Stay the hell away from this non caring city.
Received via Email: 12-7-09 If you want to meeet large I was told that he will be at the Nova cafe on 9th st north and about 7th ave from 530 till 7 pm Let him know what you think there.
Received via Email: 12-7-09 Thats on tuesday evening he will be at nova
TEAM: Can't we get any friggin' privacy? If you must know, he meets with the TEAM on Tuesdays at Nova. It's where the pretty people meet.
Everyone should read the following and become familiar with the potential opportunites that SAFER staffing can afford you...
DHS Releases Program Guidance for SAFER Grants
The IAFF urges affiliates to work with their fire chiefs and local lawmakers to file for the grants. City management must submit the application, but the IAFF is available to assist your community in applying for the grants.
November 6, 2009 – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has posted the program guidance for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants. The application period begins November 16, 2009, at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time and closes December 18, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
The program guidance includes information on the new rules governing the use of SAFER funds to rehire fire fighters who have been laid off and bring back positions that are not being filled as a result of the current financial crisis. In addition, SAFER grants apply to municipalities that issued layoff notices before October 31, 2009, and have not yet taken effect. Grants will be expedited in order to deliver funds as soon as possible.
Program guidance and applications for $210 million in SAFER funding are available through the Assistance to Firefighters (FIRE Act) web site, as well as on the U.S. Fire Administration web site. In addition, a second application period will open in early 2010 for the $420 million appropriated for Fiscal Year 2010.
The IAFF urges affiliates to work with their fire chiefs and local lawmakers to file for the grants. City management must submit the application, but the IAFF is available to assist your community in applying for the grants.
The IAFF is continuing to work with DHS to ensure the application process benefits the greatest number of fire departments facing staffing reductions and will update the information as it becomes available.
The SAFER grant program is administered by the DHS Federal Emergency Management Agency.
For additional information or assistance, contact Jennifer Stewart at (202) 824-8631 or
Bargaining Session #3
This is to confirm that a formal bargaining session between SPAFF and the City has been scheduled for
Day: Tuesday
Date: December 29, 2009
Time: 2:00 to 5:00 pm
Location: MSC Conference Room 800
At the conclusion of the bargaining session, we will hold a consultation to discuss:
1. Staffing
2. SCBA Fit Testing
3. Scanning of Annual Physical records
4. EMT, county vs. state