Fall Elections are coming. Looking for a few Standup Brothers and Sisters
WANTED: A Shift Vice President
Primary Job Requirements:
Must not lie or cheat (examples of liars and cheats supplied upon request). Must be more interested in the promotion of all Fire Fighters than the promotion of one Fire Fighter.
Psychological Requirements:
Must be able to work for long periods without any help or guidance from the President or EVP (they have a tendency to totally ignore you if they can't control you).
General Requirements:
Must promise to always Do The Right Thing by your Brothers and Sisters even when nobody takes notice of your work or ever says "Thank You." Be ethical. Character counts, even when you're the only one keeping score.
Your pockets will bulge with the coins of self-satisfaction in the knowledge that you've Done The Right Thing. You'll sleep well at night and never have to look over your shoulder. While not always obvious to you or those who will constantly work to trip you up - you'll sometimes be amazed to find that friends will appear in the oddest places and at the oddest times to bear witness to the fact that when we work together to accomplish common goals, we are unbeatable!
Received via Email: 06-19-13 In Response to 06-19-13 #1. Your full of shit. Your facts are more fucked up than you know. It was a Captain in that room and 2 other firefighters which all happen to be black who all stated that nothing happened. Even the white female firefighter was perplexed as to why Chippasshole was putting all his energy into a straight lie. There were no shitzz going on in that room. Chipello saw his opportunity to get rid of a African American firefighter who didn't cow toe to his bullshit. If that situation was such a fucking problem why was it OK for a certain African American Female firefighter to sleep in the same room as another Caucasian firefighter when station 9's crew was in the trailers? Why didn't anyone stand up then and say anything? It's not OK when a white female firefighter is in a room with other 3 African American men 1 including the the fucking Captain of the station. If she looked like Mickey Keith nobody would say a word but because she is a pretty white girl a racist officer (in my opinion) has a shit fit. Nobody got written up for it because it was all straight bullshit coming from a man that has teetered on the fuck up line his entire career but all of a sudden he is willing to do anything including sucking the Chiefs dick and throwing his own brothers and sisters under the bus. I heard the whole willing to suck the Chiefs dick to get promoted comment from him with my own fucking ears before he got promoted. I bet he didn't tell you how the entire 9A shift got in his ass about that situation. How there was a meeting about that situation and the entire crew handed him his ass. Maybe if you suck his Dick like your doing at this moment, maybe he will let you be his driver or help you become a LT. You see how well it worked out for him.
Received via Email: 06-20-13 That's your side. Now, let's hear from Capt. Chipello. I'll bet the Capt. has a somewhat different version of it. Also would like to hear from the "pretty" white female. And what does Mickey Keith have to say about that slam you gave her? Hmmmmmmm?
Received via Email: 06-21-13 I have heard through the grapevine that the Thursday night liars club meeting at the union hall was a sight to behold. All ran smoothly until C shift VP Jon Pearl and John Barfield decided they couldn't take anymore of the dry jerkin that was going on and proceeded to ask point blank questions about a memo sent out by the EVP to selected followers. Some of the concerns are over the question of the so called screening that the 2 dolts had with Rick Kriseman. EVP Hay insists adamantly, short of calling Jon and John Liars that Kriseman was indeed screened. He is so certain of this that he proves it in his memo item #5. He wrote "We met with Mr. Kriseman and explained the reason for our decision to back Mayor Foster." Wait a minute, did he say they met and EXPLAINED THE REASON for their decision? That's what I read. I cant figure how explaining a decision is anywhere near the same as sitting down and hearing what the man has to offer or to have the opportunity to share our points that are of major concern to us. This sounds like someone is mistaken. In Hay's memo point #6, he proceeds to tell the world about a closed door confidential meeting with a State Representative. Will Local 747 EVER be taken into another politicians confidence again? Point #1 Hay mentions that Foster is the incumbent. So we just gave up? I seen plenty of fully involved structure fires but we still do what we can to prevent it from causing more collateral damage. It is then pointed out in point #8 as to how Mayor Foster will still be in office in 3 more years when we have to go back before the Great OZ for another contract. So once again, are we running scared? If we get rid of this Farce now, we wont have to worry about being screwed over every day. In the past 3 weeks while Blank and Hay have been making promises to have firefighters participate in the walk of shame, fire units have been browned out for the entire shift. Is this really all he has to show us? They say a tiger cant change his stripes and Mayor Foster is showing us regularly that he isn't going to change his "I don't care about you guys" attitude. The authors of this memo have stated before that the positions taken by JP and others is embarrassing to the Local. Well I can agree to this. This Memo signed by EVP Hay has got to be the biggest embarrASSment that I have ever been exposed to. I hope that State Representative Rouson and everyone else that has lost their trust in this Local will somehow find a way to not allow harm to come to the rest of us that the idiots claim to be so concerned about. The actions we have witnessed in the past, paled in comparison to what we now have on display. At the end of the memo, it was decided that it would be a great point to show the lack of support during the walks with the Liars and guess what? We so far have not fallen for the ruse. But even better, I see no mention of support from any of the other Unions that were pointed out in point #4. I guess they have smarter LEADERS than we do.
Received via Email: 06-21-13 Watching Hay try to explain to Pearl how what he did was right was like watching a monkey try to fuck a football. When he was all done the only one that was satisfied with what the monkey did was the monkey.
Received via Email: 06-21-13 During Thursday's union meeting it was mentioned how something that was said by a council member is a cause of concern as to the upcoming election. However this person only said it, while the Mayor that has the endorsement of the same idiots and He DOES what the council member only said.
Tomorrow, Saturday June 22nd, another fire unit will sit out of service while your President is walking with his beloved Mayor. I've got a head ache.
Received via Email: 06-22-13 Where did Blank get a football costume? It appears there are only two members of this Local that have the balls to stand up to the two jerk offs and their first cousin Mike Moore. If Dumb and Dumber are so wonderful and are doing such a great job why isn't there anyone on this site that's willing to tell us about it. Surely there's someone who is in the camp of the lonely who is anxious and can get on their hind legs and tell the rest of us how wonderful and productive it is being a Blank supporter who will work for the Mayor. But we never hear anything positive about the physical and mental successes of the Dynamic Duo. Could it be that it's because there's nothing to tell? Or is there some secret stuff going on that they can lie about? It's been said that there's only a handful of members who even read this site and the same one's bitch and moan over and over and over. Is that true? No, really, is it? Because it would mean that there's a silent majority who are the victims of their own blind obedience who follow Dumb and Dumber in lock step without ever knowing the truth. Actually, they probably don't want to know the truth and are just glad they have "anybody but Winnie".
I know it's Saturday and most members are strolling the sidewalks of St. Petersburg with an inappropriate passion to tell the world about Mr. Foster. And I appreciate each and every one of them for taking the time out of their busy schedules to make a showing to help support our nemesis get reelected. I'm pretty sure that after hours of shuffling in the shadow of the incumbent that some of his wisdom and knowledge trickled off in the blobs of sweat that were allowed to fall on the faithful. Um, speaking of the faithful, how many other unions like, for instance, the IBF&O and the PBA or the PMS or whatever they call themselves now were out and about professing the values of the common man who would be king? Apparently only the members of Local 747 believed the bullshit about a pay raise. And honestly, after that much exposure to the Supreme Wazoo that is the Mayor, I would think they'd be filled with excitement to tell us all about his outlook for the future of the SPF&R.
Please, those of you who prostrated yourselves in the hot sun to show adoration for the Mayor surely must have gleaned a few morsels of interest to tell the rest of us. Don't be shy. Give us your best slam-dunk version of how good it's going to be when the current doofus Mayor gets reelected. You're not ashamed are you? C'mon, get off your ass and support that clown. Make us all wish we'd tossed aside our feelings and misgivings about the Mayor and been out there pounding the pavement in an attempt to make people vote for him. Now that Leslie Curran has said she's not running it should be a happy day in camp. His most vigorous opposition on the Council has gone dark so I'm sure he's ecstatic.
I guess it's only fair that people make up their own mind as to who they think WON'T stick it up their ass after they win the election. That's the way it's done in this country. And trying to convince those that insist upon following fools and liars is a BAD thing and is somehow non-productive, even though we have four to six years of past history to fall back on. I would suspect that the only way to find out who's closest to being right is to let things play out. The faux-leadership of the Local has taken the members down a path of "more of the same" and the majority seem to think it's the right direction. More working for the same money you made in 2009, more vehicular brownouts, more working under JL's thumb, more piss poor representation at the bargaining table, more members receiving time off, and any number of other things that have happened. You voted it in and now you want to do it again. The members keep walking into the same wall over and over and never seem to want to change. It's YOUR future. You will deserve exactly what you make of it.
Carpe Diem Tempus Fugit
Received via Email: 06-22-13 Mr. webmaster, if you came up with the job requirements for A shift VP, you're a genius. The BOY Blank a Hay are looking to run is hand picked trouble. We need a good brother or sister on the A shift to jump into the ring.
TEAM: Your link didn't work 100% of the time so we found a more reliable link on Youtube.
Received via Email: 06-23-13 I made a copy of Hay's memo. The 2nd page tells the whole story and then some. Weekend 1 turnout: PD 22, FD 2, Civilians 4. Weekend 2 turnout: PD 18, FD 0, Civilians 5. Weekend 3 turnout: PD 21, FD 6, Civilians 5. Looks like the cops are the only ones who believe in Bill Fister. What happened in week 2 guys? Looks like your leading by example again. No worries though, it's what we expected from you anyways. What happened to Blank's army? It looks like it's back to an ARMY OF ONE, again.
TEAM: "...Bill Fister." You guys are the best.
Received via Email: 06-23-13 Well Blank & hay's choice, he was off duty last Thursday night, and he Was NOT THERE. They were out of BUD LIGHT in the fridge, or he had to watch espn 22 beach volleyball, or he was just being a Moore, or less...
Received via Email: 06-23-13 Another shout of smarts from EVPH, I don't like Foster, I don't go and have coffee with him! what a guy.
Received via Email: 06-23-13 There is nothing to like about Bill Foster. Hay knows he is a sell out and can't admit to it. Blank's mind is still blank as always, he has no idea about what he does, did, or continues to do. Did anyone get a head count on the sheep that followed Froster on Saturdays walk of Shame? I cant wait for Hay to try to embarrass us with those statistics again. I just about pissed myself. Has anyone seen the pictures of the Firefighters that put on a Gold and Black union shirt and stood with Foster and the Cops in the marriage photo op? Or the one on Frosters Facebook page? For some reason, MTB has deceided not to be wearing the same shirt as the rest of his believers. I guess he like Hay doesnt really like Foster either and doesnt want to be labeled as being one of them.
Received via Email: 06-25-13 I see that EVP Hay and President Blank have both taken time off to go lick their wounds. Its said that MTB needs to destress. I think they have gone to Liars camp for a refresher, since they have not been too convincing lately. Its possible that C Moore may have gone with them as well. Its a good thing there isn't anything thing else of importance going on around here that needs to be taken care off.
Received via Email: 06-25-13 If you need union help while they are refilling their evil glands, call Pauly, Newton, Pearl..You'll be safe then.
Received via Email: 06-28-13 Last evening I was introduced to the world of "streaming video" on my computer when I was able to watch and hear the first Mayoral Debate between Kathleen Ford, Rick Kreisman, and the arrogant Bill Foster. I couldn't help wondering how many of the members were watching this too. Probably not any. Being of an age that doesn't have a blue tooth pasted to his ear or a Facebook page the size of Montana I'm somewhat of a novice. But sometimes you *can* teach an old dog new tricks.
This was an opportunity to see and hear what the concerns of the community were and especially those from the southside. There's an article in the paper that describes what was discussed and is pretty accurate in it's pesentation.
This was an open forum and questions to the candidates were the subject of the day. But there was one thing missing from this event. The presence of anyone from the fire service. One of the topics discussed was the EMT program and it's progress. The mayor was proud to say that there's a dual response system in place and that the average response time to an emergency is 4.5 minutes. In addition he mentioned that the fire service does not transport. Kathleen Ford stated that she thinks there's money to be made by tansporting, I assume, by the fire service although she didn't say so directly. Perhaps there's a whole new division of the fire department coming soon if she's elected. Rick Kreisman said that he thought that public safety was the #1 responsibility of the city.
To me, and I'm just guessing here, this and any future forums would be a great place to recite some statistics and ask questions about OOS vehicles and understaffing. It would be a great opportunity to "screen" the response to some pointed questions about the cop's new building and the million bucks they recieved. In fact the new police building was one of the mayors talking points last nite.
Isn't there anyone who is savvy enough to see an opportunity to help us. And what about those who support the mayor? Why aren't they there to show involvement and support? Not too proud, eh? There must be someone with the skill and restraint who could attend these meetings and ask questions.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 06-30-13 So the times has unearthed the TRUTH. Mayor Fosters campaign workers do as they were taught. They Lie and when found out, the Mayor says "Our Bad". Seems I have heard that same phrase fall from the pie hole of Michael T. Blank. First his campaign tries to show him participating in the Pride Parade when he has told everyone that he was out of town. Then it is tried to be downplayed by showing a photo from 4 weeks ago. See all of the firefighters that MTB has behind him. I dont even see the Hayseed. I am so glad that they are still trying to save us from ourselves.Click here to see the members of the Mayors walkers.http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/absent-from-pride-parade-st-petersburg-mayor-tamps-down-errant-twitter/2129242
Go Bill Foster! You scratch our back and we'll scratch yours. Howz shit looking now blank and hay? This assholes still cutting our budget and browning out trucks and your still sucking on his magic wand.
Received via Email: 07-02-13 what happened at the negotiations today. Anyone know?
TEAM: See the Contract page.
Received via Email: 07-04-13 LOVE THE SONG!!!!....LMAO!!!
TEAM: Especially because it fits!
Received via Email: 07-04-13 In case you have been under a rock for a very long time the reason the song is so appropriate is because it describes the Mayor, the Fire Chief, the Union President and all his supporters to a "T". And if you're still in the dark the name of the song is Backstabber, a 1972 song by the OJAY'S. It's OK if you don't recognize it. Most of you weren't born yet.
Received via Email: 07-05-13 The shlub that has been screwing us for over four years is now claiming that "...public safety will continue to be a top priority." Don't believe me? Read it for yourself.
"Mayor Foster has a vision for the future of St. Petersburg. He plans to continue supporting business expansion and job growth to enlarge the city’s commercial tax base. Public safety will continue to be a top priority."
This is a direct quote from an email sent to the Foster supporters who were invited to a shindig in a few days to support him by throwing money at his campaign fund. They're only asking for $250 to $500 donations by individuals. And they're on the run. Big Daddy has his back against the wall and has summoned the money throwers. Expect a new barrage of ads from his camp.
But here's the thing. We all know that the last minute, last gasp vomitus of his campaign is going to be the inundation of placards and ads of his face and name everywhere possible. It's going to take a definite concerted effort to offset that barrage of crap. Now's the time the members need to get out and support every event at which the other candidates are involved.
By now you should know the drill. Signs, sign waving, debates, anything that will support and give exposure to the challengers. Take down the signs for ol' Bloat on the union property and put up signs for Kriseman or Ford. Get busy. Show the same support for ol' Bloat that he's given you for the last four years. Stop acting like you're happy with being the overall whipping boy for Bloat and Large. (no pun intended) Is the status quo good enough for you? I'm sure some will say yes, that you have a job and you couldn't be happier and feel lucky to be alive. The smart one's are saying hell no and are willing to work for improvement.
It's probably true that the supporters of Bloat who never get their hands dirty while amassing large sums of money will *believe* what Bloat tells them. But he's a liar when it comes to public safety. Public safety doesn't mean a cop on every corner. It doesn't mean cops get to take their cruiser home at night outside the city. It means EVERY FACTOR of protection the citizens are paying their taxes to receive is the MINIMUM to be expected. It includes fire protection and emergency medical services too. And those are the ones at which Bloat is a dismal failure. A "top priority", my ass. If there HAD been any money for improvements it was taken from the fire department and handed to the cops on a silver platter. And it would seem the "top priority" of the (urp) mayor would be to continue the practice. The overwhelming majority of supporters in the photos on his campaign site are yellow shirted cops. What a surprise. Is it getting through to you yet? We need to help get him out of city hall.
And someone with a camera needs to go to this "rally" and take a photo of Dumb and Dumber handing over their personal contributions. I'm sure it'll be $500 from each of them LMAO
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 07-05-13 If you're feeling a little stupid about voting for Blank, two years in and he's had nothing to say.
The first search doesn't find anything on Michael Blank but there's a really good article on George Michael and Wham!
Received via Email: 07-05-13 Well what did you expect? Remember............MTB is the guy who stood up before the County Commission and said "I'm not Winnie Newton". What a total dumbass.
Received via Email: 07-05-13 While you idiiots are sucking off the Mayor Saturday how about growing a set of balls and ask him about the constant vehicles that he puts out of service. While your at it let him know that the citizens are told that by paying their taxes they are assured services. You can also explain to him how you endure greater risks during these staffing shortages. I just know he will get right on your concerns and make us whole again.
Received via Email: 07-08-13 What is the connection between Sembler and baseball?
Received via Email: 07-11-13 Property to sell and get $$ RICH off of tax payers backs!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email: 07-11-13 "According to our partners at the Tampa Bay Times, fundraising has been a key predictor in who wins. Since 1993, the candidate who raised the most money won the job."
Kriseman raises more than $100,000 for St. Pete mayoral race
Things are heating up financial in the race for mayor in St. Petersburg.
According to our partners at the Tampa Bay Times, fundraising has been a key predictor in who wins. Since 1993, the candidate who raised the most money won the job.
So far, Rick Kriseman has raised more than $100,000 for his campaign over the last two quarters.
Kathleen Ford has only raised about $19,000. Incumbent Mayor Bill Foster has raised $25,000 in the first quarter, and he has not yet released his new numbers, but he said fundraising was much better than during the first quarter.
Received via Email: 07-13-13 Thank God it's Blank's R day. If he hadn't been available today I don't think there would be anyone available to lead all the sickies in another weekend outing with Bill Foster. Give em hell boys.
Received via Email: 07-14-13 We supposedly had a screening so where is the list or is that a secret, too? For Blank to run for office and complain that Winnie didn't offer a newsletter and never kept us informed, I've never seen him produce one either and he seldom puts out a memo for anything. Go back to cooking for Jimmy Large's holiday party and wearing your Santa suit. You and Hay are way in over your heads.
Received via Email: 07-15-13 perfect song for the big house!!!
Received via Email: 07-15-13 Well with the Chiefs latest current events, all I asked is he start with his staff officers first. They are the leaders and we follow in their footsteps with the R day sandwich.
Received via Email: 07-15-13 I'm glad Chief Large has developed such a sudden concern over our Health. Not only did he get his union to giving him access to our health records but now he says that HE has run everyones leave records. Really Chief? You expect me to believe that YOU would take the time away from your coffee clutch at the MFS to do something? Maybe we should look into how many hours you are away from your desk on snatch patrol. I know we will never know your sick leave usage or how many trips you make to your own doctor since your never really on the clock anyway. Are we to believe that your concerns about who can and can not do the job will include your Harem at HQ as well? You sure seem to be able to hide your favorites in perviously unheard of positions when you want. How many times will we continue to give hours to your buddies? If you really want us to believe in what your saying, then start cleaning house RIGHT NOW!!!! I know you have no problem slitting someones throat from behind to make a point so lets get to it.
You say "the cat is out of the bag" like its a surprise. I guess like most of us in the stations you dont listen to what comes out of your lie hole either. Then your DC's and other Chiefs come around to brag about how we stole something away from another department for so little money that we cant afford to hire any additional positions, so just suck it up and run the extra calls and dont worry you have your pussy boys in the union working to buy our freedom with the money from a long earned raise. I am so glad you are concerned with my well being. I lost respect for you long ago and you continue to prove that I made the correct decision. You've been around for 40 years and you lost reality 35 years ago. Do us a fave, take yourself and your staff out on an overnight fishing trip without a compass, no gas, and no food. It wont be long before you all turn on each other and start using each other for chum.
Received via Email: 07-15-13 Hey, Invisible Man, I am quite surprised to hear that you were capable of running everyones sick leave records and determining that we use 30% more hours than any other Department in the city. Wow!!! if it werent for the FACT that we work 40% more hours on average than any other department this might be a worthwhile revelation. While we are at it, when is the last time someone in the Mayors office was told that they had to work an additional half of their shift before they could go home? When did they last work a holiday? Christmas? Thanksgiving? Labor Day? July 4th? No I dont think you will find to many. So, while we work our 628 more hours than you do, plus weekends, holidays, and your mandatory overtime, you can continue to see us use our sick leave as is provided in the cities rules and regs, which allows for up to 3 uses in 90 days.
Received via Email: 07-16-13 It IS amazing how Large can say he cares when most of his time is spent at the MFS instead of demanding that all our trucks stay in service. No balls. No conscience. And ultimately no respect from us. Pssst chief, looks like T1 is out of service today, 7/16. Take your concern, wad it into a tight little ball, and shove it up your ass.
Received via Email: 07-16-13 Let me clear up some of the issues pertaining to sick time usage. We haven't had a pay raise in years. Jimmy, you're a puppet for the mayor. Blank, you're a puppet for the mayor. Hay, you're a puppet for the mayor. A few years back, Winnie Newton asked the city to restore the Sick Leave award to help with staffing issues and the city's answer was simple. They claimed that it's your job to be here and they shouldn't have to reward you to show up. This city shows no loyalty to it's employees so the employees show no loyalty to the city.
TEAM: No doubt, some of you are wondering what everyone is speaking to. Here is the paragraph excerpted from the July 15 memo:
The use of sick leave is another issue the TBT reporter asked us about as tied to brownouts. Our research showed that we are averaging almost 5 people off sick every day. A review of the staffing for the first six months shows that we were below minimum one-third of the time. A closer look at the days that happened revealed that Saturdays were hit the hardest at 17 times out of 26 possible. Sunday was next with 12, Friday with 10, Monday with 9, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with 5 each. Clearly people are sick more often on the weekend. A run of all sick leave used city-wide found that our department has the most use of any department and is 30% higher than the next closest department. With regard to the brownouts, we were down 1 person 12 times with no units out of service, 2 people 19 times with Squad only unit out of service. These account for half of the time. The other half breakdown as follows: 3 people 8 times, 4 people 11 times, 5 people 4 times, 6 people 3 times, 7 people 1 time, 8 and 9 people 2 times each and 10 people 1 time during the six-month period. We did chart the out-of-service time for the first quarter report to Council. That slide is included for your information. With a full complement of vacation slots and R-Days off, there are still 7 positions to absorb sick leave, light duty, and/or vacancies. In conclusion, I have run each person’s sick leave usage for the last 12 months. I will be following up with some of you as I am concerned for your well being. To be sick at least once a month seems excessive and begs the question as to fitness for this duty. To be repeatedly sick a shift next to an R-Day will get closer scrutiny as well. Stay tuned.
Received via Email: 07-16-13 Yup, Truck 1 and Squad 1 are both OUT OF SERVICE, OMG!!!! who will he lie to today? Meanwhile as front line fire units sit we are happy to hear that Chief Large has pulled another person off our Shift to keep Bassetts chair warm while he is on Vacation.
Received via Email: 07-16-13 Stay tuned to this asswipe....oh hell, no paintbrush. You can't see the double birds I'm flipping ya!
Received via Email: 07-16-13 When Large can pass the fitness test for firefighter then he can bitch about sickness. Obesity is a sickness Chief. And you're a really good example of what almost all firefighters aren't these days. So go back to sitting at your desk and doing nothing jaba and stop trying to blame your failure on the members of your department.
Received via Email: 07-16-13 I wonder if The Invisible Man has had this discussion with his captains and DC's yet? They keep creaming their pants how they got the extra R day because they're so much better educated, blah, blah, blah, but even though they get the extra bennies, the closer they get to retirement the more they don't give a fuck just like the rest of us slaves.
Received via Email: 07-16-13 Maybe we deal with sick people also so we tend to get sick along with the occasional R day sandwich.
Received via Email: 07-16-13 I'm looking to get promoted some day soon so I'll be the one driving this bus! Nuff said!
Received via Email: 07-16-13 They will be taking another member off streets for Gancis spot. Apparently Hq can not run short a bit. There would be no one there to listen to Larges bullshit and hear how great he is.
Received via Email: 07-17-13 This site should switch to a facebook page instead of this antiquated website. In that way, people could "like" posts to show support and/or reply directly to posts. Anonymity would no longer be available, though. I suppose that is the strength (if you could call it that) of this forum: people can be pussies and hide behind the veil obscurity. – Anonymous Pussy.
TEAM: Don't think we haven't been tempted! You pretty much figured out where the pitfalls lie, though. This site is going on eight years old. It's not in real time (which sucks) because all the posts are reviewed before being posted but it provides a fair amount of safety for you and the TEAM. Seldom if ever is a post withheld, even if you're attacking one of the TEAM members. We ain't skeert. Yeah, it would be easy setting up a FB page but few would contribute the first word utilizing their current FB screen name and would die a quick death.
Received via Email: 07-17-13 Hey Large, you did not really say the troops use more sick time than other departments. Are you really that much of a DUMB ASS. They are in the most injury prone career possible, They work wee hours of the morning after running they're asses off all day and they go to many homes with sicknesses and other contagious diseases, while most of the other departments work stress free in a sterile environment without danger or infectious disease or contamination. Not to mention fire and EMS work is ranked one of the most dangerous careers in the US. Really, they use more sick time than other departments, you are truly a DUMB ASS. oh yeah, another note, you cant figure out why folks use more weekends than other days. Probably because they're families rarely see them because both spouses have to work since you have given no raise in years, not to mention ever being able to get time off. They also dont show up to work sometimes probably because some are really hurt and or sick while others are so wore out because of minimum staffing and increase calls that some are just physically to wore out to come in, not to mention they miss their families. But again, you DUMB ASS don't give the troops a break like you give the DCs and Captains the extra time off. You just send asinine memos proving your ignorance. Are you for real. Of course you don't remember what it was like years ago for yourself because now, you make plenty of money, never are in harms way and see your family often. So here is the answer to your concern, why don't you take that memo you wrote and shove it deep up your pitiful ass because that where it belongs. Oh yeah, Your new name is chief dumb ass.
Received via Email: 07-17-13 Brothers and Sisters,
The leadership of the IAFF Locals in Pinellas County have had a few meetings to discuss the benefits of consolidating locals. It was requested that we have a couple informational meetings open to all IAFF members in Pinellas to attend.
The meeting dates will be...
Paul Donnelly and Jim Brantley from the law offices of Donnelly & Gross will be our guest speakers discussing the benefits and necessity of consolidation. They represent several Pinellas Locals as well as many others across the State of Florida.
Please make plans to attend and help spread the word!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.
Macho Liberti
Secretary - Treasurer
Largo Professional Firefighters Assoc.
Received via Email: 07-17-13 Give 7/17 #2 a star or two. Chief Dumb Ass. You're killing me. That's good shit
Received via Email: 07-17-13 Well with a cap on sick time who can resist not using some. I'm not giving any back..Maybe the city should look at how much of a stupid move capping it was.
Received via Email: 07-17-13 Guess Large is wrong, he says 5 usually take off on Wednesdays. Well, 7 took off today, Wednesday July 17. Your good, chief dumb ass. Funny shit
Received via Email: 07-17-13 I just want the people of PP and the county around 36's area to know that no matter how bad an ass pounding I take from my union pres. and vp and chief and mayor, I will do my best to serve them (when I'm not on S/L). FTM
Received via Email: 07-17-13 Is their a study showing how often other departments are responding into St. Pete to handle calls due to the lack of resources . Everyday i see this and also Truck 11 and 9 going to West Port Colony for a fire ? E6 first in at Eckerd college its getting out of hand.
Received via Email: 07-22-13 While I like Rick ok, I'm going to wait till after the primary vote on Aug 27th to pick him or Kathleen Ford, something the liars Blank and Hay should have done.
Received via Email: 07-26-13 MIDDLEBORO – Extreme stress, heat and equipment weighing up to 85 pounds are part of the daily routine for firefighters.
So is the risk of dying of a heart attack, the rate of which while fighting a fire is 100 times greater than normal, according to a Harvard study published in 2007 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Received via Email: 07-26-13 Heres a good one. Tampa's mayor is dipping into reserves to give much deserved pay raises. Imagine that.....pknuck
TEAM: So with the city of St. Petersburg sitting on more than $500,000,000.00 in investments and reserve fund balances, you're thinking there's a better than average chance that Bill Foster's finally going to show us how to arrive at a 48 hour work week without paying for it out of our own pockets or working massive amounts of O/T in the middle of the week just to get the R Day weekend?
Received via Email: 07-26-13 Oh wait, I'm not done. Here's a thought as to how Nurse can save money...GIVE UP YOUR UNDESERVED PENSION! Its unimaginable that city council receives a pension for a part time job.
Received via Email: 07-27-13 OT. Fabulous. I don't want it. HIRE MORE PEOPLE FOSTER! PKNUCK
Received via Email: 07-27-13 From Rick Kriseman's FB page:
Rick Kriseman for Mayor
Our campaign is honored to have the support of the hardworking men and women of the West Central Florida Federation of Labor and the AFL-CIO.
What's wrong with Blank and Hay? The union sticker on my rear window says AFL CIO on it.
Don't vote for a winner. Vote for the person who is genuinely concerned for the welfare of fire fighters.
Received via Email: 07-28-13 Funny..........Moore always used to say that. Vote for a winner. How about lets for vote the right person for a change.
Received via Email: 07-28-13 Remember you as a member had NOTHING TO SAY about who The local, aka blank & hay supported for mayor. Vote for the candidate that supports our issues as firefighters. Watch as we are stretched beyond our staffing levels to serve an outside St Pete area. Remember 2 person truck? Soon at a station near you. Remember mandatory Overtime? Its coming. Do u think our dim witted Mayor will take advantage of the SAFE grants coming up? Hell no he would not last time and his GOP self will turn them down again.
Vote for either Kriseman or Ford. Both of them will do better than Loster.
Received via Email: 07-28-13 I don't know how many of you have taken the time to even read the answers to questions on the TBT campaign pages but if you do so you should find *this* one extremely interesting. This was one of the opinion questions asked the current mayor:
Three things the city is doing wrong that I’d change:
If I believed that the city was doing something wrong, I would have addressed it already.
How arrogant is that? How self serving and arrogant is that? This elected official who runs this city thinks there's absolutely *nothing* wrong with the job he's doing. This means that he thinks the browning out of trucks, low to no minimum manning on vehicles, and gobs of mandatory overtime is perfectly acceptable and there's nothing wrong. Clearly he ignores the biggest "wrong" perpetrated over the last four years of his being the mayor. SPF&R !!!
And the amazing part is that you have endorsed this man to continue to use the current practices on you for another four years if re-elected. The problem the members of Local 747 have is one of being led by the "just glad to have a job" crowd. In one month you have a chance to change from being the ignored step child on the ladder of importance to being a viable group to be once again a force of change. You will never get anything sitting on your ass and whining.
If you take the time to seek out and read the pages dedicated to the campaign for Mayor you'll see two other candidates who are also trying to get elected. Mrs. Ford, who says the Sanitation Department is excellent, the Water Department is outstanding and blah,blah,blah. Not one word about the problems facing SPF&R. None. Equally every bit as important as the Police Department in the name of public service yet no mention that the department is lacking in leadership and staffing. Still think you're number one on her list of importance? If you are it's hard to see.
Then we have Mr. Kriseman. This is a direct quote as to what Mr. Kriseman would see as needed "fixing";
"Instead of waiting until their lease ends in 2027, I will engage the Tampa Bay Rays about the future of baseball in this city and region. I will change the Police Department’s chase policy and return us to the traditional community policing model. I will bring civility to City Hall."
See your name in there anywhere? This is what I mean. Here's the thing. Both of these candidates who are opposing the current mayor refuse to use this opportunity to say *anything* about the condition of the fire service. Supposedly they both know the problems and the failings of the department but don't want to touch it with ten foot pole. I'm just telling it like it is and I have their own words to back it up.
Mr. Kriseman doesn't seem to want to make any waves or tackle the problems of anyone. Mrs. Ford apparently thinks trash pickup is tantamount over fire protection. If they didn't think the fire service in the city of St. Petersburg was adequate then why don't they want to say anything? The current mayor thinks and says there are no problems he hasn't attended to. Do any of you think *that's* true?
Since Dumb and Dumber put your wishes (if you even had any) in the same sack as that slimeball mayor, your vote, for all intents and purposes, has become worthless. You may as well stay home on election day because your vote will go for nothing. Instead of creating a voting bloc of 250+ members, friends, and acquaintances you've diminished the value of your vote by scattering it across three candidates. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you won't live with the incumbent for another four years. And you have no one to blame but yourself. You can vote for anyone you want and you should but you've missed the one and only opportunity to become a viable voice for at least the next four years. Maybe by that time you'll wake up.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 07-29-13 Well, I see that some of our members have been straightened out again. Thanks to the efforts of Steve Hay and comp. Weaver, McNeil of had 10.4 hours to sit home and reflect on the evil doings and starting today Mojado gets 31.7 hours to do the same. You guys rock.
TEAM: Vote in a new Mayor and all of this bullshit gets put to rest.
Received via Email: 07-29-13 Your Right as usual Dick. We need you back as Union Pres. Maybe you can become Pres and still live where you are and skype the meetings. Living far away, you'll still do a hell of a lot better job than frick and frack.
TEAM: Quote: "The City will treat us all better when Winnie's gone. He fights them on everything."
Received via Email: 07-29-13 This is working out great for Hay. He's the guy who said that this would be a great part time job if people would quit getting in trouble. Write em and forget em.
Received via Email: 07-29-13 STRAIGHT DOPE! Just ask Bro Weaver what a lack of help & miss information hey is/was! Thank god the ole red phone still has speed dial to Rick & Winnie..
In case we forget, August 6th marks the Us vs. Them website's 8th anniversary. Yay!
We're quickly closing in on the 750,000 visits mark with about 2100 visitors per week.
Just remember... No one visits that web site!
Brothers and Sisters,
The leadership of the IAFF Locals in Pinellas County have had a few meetings to discuss the benefits of consolidating locals. It was requested that we have a couple informational meetings open to all IAFF members in Pinellas to attend.
The meeting dates will be...
Paul Donnelly and Jim Brantley from the law offices of Donnelly & Gross will be our guest speakers discussing the benefits and necessity of consolidation. They represent several Pinellas Locals as well as many others across the State of Florida.
Please make plans to attend and help spread the word!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.
Macho Liberti
Secretary - Treasurer
Largo Professional Firefighters Assoc.
Received via Email: 07-29-13 Someone make sure Dumb and Dumber get a copy of this post from Macho Liberti. After all, it's your future. If the Locals dan't consolidate and the cities do it's going to be a lot harder later. Once the head of a county wide fire and rescue department is made and there's a slew of Locals stumbling around pissing down their legs there won't be time to do it then. It's important that we get the jump on the politicians and do something now. There's a large lack of knowledge among all the Locals now and getting the facts at this meeting is extremely important. If the cities in Pinellas *do* go for consolidation and we don't have a voice, you can bet the results will not be favorable to us. If they get the jump on the membership there will no doubt be some things done that will have no opportunity for a response. Don't wait to find out that Dumb and Dumber are giving you another blow job. Go to the meeting and find out for yourself what could be the next great thing in Pinellas County. Or, stay home and just take whatever you think the city wants you to have. After all, they've taken care of you so far haven't they?
Carpe Diem Tempus Fugit
Received via Email: 07-30-13 From Rick Kriseman's page:
Rick Kriseman for Mayor
The latest fundraising reports have come out and we have some exciting news - we have still raised more money in this race than incumbent Mayor Bill Foster.
In addition to the thousands of phone calls and mail pieces that we've used to communicate my message to voters, we have aired over 1,000 TV commercials since we went up on the air.
Can you chip in $25, $50, $100, or $250 today to help me sustain this level of communication to voters?
Thank you for all you do. - Rick
Received via Email: 07-31-13 Does anyone know how the "chief's vacation" to the Key's went... I ment the " chief's "meeting"" went?? I heard it was so intense they had no choice but to go through a couple bottle's of liquor.. that suck's!!! since, where on the subject why does a certain division chief feel the need to bunk out at a structure fire? I know it's all about perception... you see there was NO "REAL" intent to go into the fire BUT, if we see a chief in gear maybe we will feel some entitlement that they give a SHIT about us. Nice try Bruni!! you are experienced and educated but please don't insult us anymore with that CRAP!!....... ( BIG BREATH....EXHALE!!!) o.k. Buddy feinburg.. STOP showing up on calls that your not supposed to be on.... F*ck Off.. you were a waste as a blue shirt and now that your Daddy got you promoted before he left your even worse. You need direct supervision and you dont have that....( headache starting......) And last, Mr. large.. next time you feel the need to come over to the big house feel free to put some $$ on the table for all the coffee you drink since you make well into$130k range plus your $90k pension. I think you could help us out since were all Fucking starving to make it!!! Better yet why dont you dig deep and throw a $100 on the table... big man!
Received via Email: 08-01-13 Hey large why don't you trim some of the fat like you are doing at Station 13. Cut the crew in half and double the load. If you could cut your fat ass in half and double your work load, you may be able to do more than just drink all of the Master Stations coffee. Oh yeah, and just cause we are stationed downtown doesn't mean we agree with all your shit your peddling. Don't go away mad. JUST GO AWAY big man !!
Received via Email: 08-01-13 When did we start hiring 16 year olds?
Received via Email: 08-01-13 I just saw a friend of mine who works for Mad Bch out at that the mall. He told me that they weren't happy with the president at SPB so they are filing the paperwork to join Suncoast. I asked him why they wouldn't consider jumping back in with St. Pete and he said it would be more of the same. He said that Mike Blank chums around with SPB's president and they want no part of us.
WISH we had forward thinkers like these politicians..
Received via Email: 08-01-13 2nd 8/1 "When did we start hiring 16 year olds?" The better question is when did we let 16 year olds become chief officers.
Received via Email: 08-01-13 ABB
TEAM: Sorry about the bad link. Fixed!
Received via Email: 08-07-13 Well, last nights Mayoral debate was held and can now be read about in all of the media and seen on Bay news 9. I was lucky enough to be one of the few members from Local 747 that deemed this exchange as a matter of importance and necessity for my long career choice. I was equally surprised at what I did not see. I saw nothing of President Blank or of our EVP Steve Hay either. BTW, I saw no one there from the Local that showed any interest in Mayor Foster. The PBA was there in mass trying to look like firefighters by wearing their cheap knock off Chicken Yellow T shirts. Not at all anything like the Gold and Black shirts that we once proudly wore to show our support of a candidate. My other most pronounced observation was that our Past President Winnie Newton, Past EVP Rick Pauley, and our current Secretary Treasurer Billy Mott and Current C shift VP John Pearl WERE there. WOW!!!! The same group of people that have cared about the well being of our Local back then are still there now, and I will tell you all right now, THEY will still be the ONLY ones showing concern for us in the future. I cant even begin to guess what was more important tonight for our Elected officers or any of their followers to not be in attendence at tonights event. I guess once you get married to a bunch of PBA losers you follow the direction of the dominant spouse and stay home and believe what they choose to tell you. Chief Large, just so you know, MTB has sold out on you too. The PBA leaders own his ass now.
Received via Email: 08-07-13 Chief Large you have allowed our department to continue with brown outs. You are cutting our trucks E1 and T13 to go away forever. You have allowed them to cut Station 13 crew in half and cover now a total of 3 territories. UNTHINKABLE. You are thinning out our staffing, increasing workload at the same time and continuing your brownouts that you think are justified. Sir, You are a DISGRACE to the citizens and firefighters in the City of St. Petersburg.
TEAM: While we wouldn't disagree with you for a moment as to where the buck stops with SPF&R, please consider the fact that Bill Foster is the Mayor who is currently persecuting us while his two 'useful idiots' Blank and Hay continue to carry his piss bucket. While attending BN9's 'A Conversation with the Candidates', several of us noticed in reading Bill Foster's bio, the following line from it, "...growing private-sector investment and continuing budget reductions." Folks, this year's budget is set. There's no more money for us in this budget than for any other. And to read from his bio that he is going to continue to cut the budget... that doesn't bode well for us. Remember, there's more than one election coming up. DTRT!
Received via Email: 08-07-13 Rumor going around the Union aka M Blank is getting some ca hones and getting ready to file a vote of no confidence to oust Large as Chief. If this is true, Blank you will or already have become an instant hero within this Local.
TEAM: At the last union meeting Blank and Hay confided in us that they had met individually with each of the Council members and wanted to report back to us that "We're all good with Council." You decide what that means!
Some of us have come by information from a couple of different sources that don't paint such a cheery portrait. So at the end of the day what message will Blank and Hay deliver? Will it be a damning condemnation from all of the members or will it be from Blank and Hay on our behalf? Will it be to Council where "we're all good" or will it be to Bill Foster who already thinks we're a toothless tiger with a paper asshole (look it up)?
The truth of the matter is, Blank and Hay have no credibility with the people who matter. They can't call in any markers because they never earned any. That went out the door with Winnie and Rick being dismissed by an uneducated electorate! Right now we're being led around by the leaders of the PBA who have an entirely different set of needs and an entirely different relationship with a Mayor who they backed last election cycle. Blank and Hay seem to think they have something special going with the Mayor and those who he has doing his bidding for him at the negotiations table. Hay likens it to a chest thump-gentleman's agreement where a firm hand-shake, a square jaw and a steely eye will allow him to take command of the situation. We're living a lie and it's just not right.
Received via Email: 08-08-13 Are any of you embarrassed that they're all laughing at us?
I know I am. And I've said so for a very long time. I think these previous posts pretty well sum up and paint an accurate picture of what I said would happen. I'm no prophet and I don't have a crystal ball but you don't need either to see what is coming for the members of this Local. For those of you who think your living in a world of never before events you are sadly mistaken. Those of us who earned and fought for the benefits you now enjoy ( at least for the time being ) have seen it before. A Council that promises support out of one side of their mouth and pledges allegiance to the mayor with the other side. Individual members of Council who tell you they'll stand for you when the chips are down and disappear like a fart in a windstorm when the time comes. Political candidates who pay lip service to the now defunct screening committee to get support and then have amnesia when it counts. It's all been done before. None of it is new except
to those who have never worked where they needed to learn from their predecessors. To you it's a brave new world out there and you have all the answers because you're faster, smarter, and better than those who went before you. Thankfully there is a handful of those who are deeply concerned about not only *their* future on this job but also yours. The elected leadership is being led around by the nose with false information, egos, and lies. It's nothing new.
I have to think someone is lying about meeting with *every* Council member. It doesn't ring right. Here's the thing. I don't believe every member of Council was or is willing to just chit chat with the two twits that are part of the bargaining team. There's something about collusion that smells wrong. Common sense should tell you that some aren't on your side. Some others say they're willing to support you but in their heart they don't intend to involve themselves with the day to day problems of the firefighters. These things alone throw the BS flag on Hay's statement that . . . "they had met individually with each of the Council members and wanted to report back to us that "We're all good with Council."" A telephone conversation is not the same as sitting down with the Council member and having a discussion. I'm calling this a blatant lie. Prove me wrong.
As far as forcing a letter of no confidence to the Chief . . . forget it. First of all, Jim Large is so entrenched that when the letter is delivered he'll light a cigar with it. Jimmy is a puppet and you need to accept that on it's face. He dances to the mayor's whims. Mostly. Occasionally he has a cognizant thought of his own but not often. Telling the mayor you have no confidence is exactly what he want's to hear. It assures him that his tactics are working. Here's an idea. Why not buy some space in the TBT? I'm sure the public will support a vote of no confidence in a Chief who's keeping their property safe without making their taxes go up. What a concept. A vote of no confidence. More bullshit from the kings of propaganda. Think before you swallow. Does it make sense? Could it happen? Do you believe it? In the case of what comes from Blank and Hay it makes all the difference between fact and bullshit.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 08-09-13
Dear Mike Blank and Steve Hay.
Please read it and weep.
Times recommends: Kriseman for mayor.
Received via Email: 08-10-13 If Kriseman gets in Large will be the first to go !!
Received via Email: 08-10-13 Looks like Large is sending his little sick leave notices out to people. A lot of people were really sick and injured last year, not all are abusers. I personally take offense to your degrading head up your ass memo. You are an uncaring wortless piece of crap. You of all people were hurt and injured more than anyone not to mention your hypochondria type personality who was also always sick. Remember where you came from asshole. Why don't you do better things with your time than being such a Moron. Grow up and become a chief instead of a bitchy little girl.
Received via Email: 08-11-13 HEY great news, Seminole needs a new Chief... That sounds like a great job for STEVIE K. who's up to send a great letter please hire him to Seminole city manager?
Received via Email: 08-12-13 Someone with Union knowledge fill me in., When u hold an executive position, should you still be working at the say Fire Academy? multiple days a week?
Received via Email: 08-12-13 What? With the constant suckin off of the Mayor, Destroying your union, walking with liars, being responsible for the members receiving the most hours off in history, and a general distrust by the membership, how could anyone have time to work anywhere else? BTW, the Constitution and By-laws prohibit the President and the Executive Vice President from holding outside employment, during what would be consider normal working hours and thats being a it generous and stretching it a bit. It is however ok for the Secretary Treasurer to do so. I guess thats why it was so much easier to find someone at the union office under the previous Presidents administration than it is now.
Received via Email: 08-13-13 I guess in this case, its always good to have another career to fall back on. No loyality required.
Received via Email: 08-13-13 OK, let me get this straight because in my old age I'm not as quick as I used to be. Dumb and dumber are attempting to trade the pay increase for all on duty members and by proxy all retired members under the old pension for a 3% COLA for the 157, most of whom, if not all are retired? Two things come to mind. One, is that it's a futile thing to do to speak up for the 157 people who have no COLA and are locked into a pension plan that will never change. Two, it flies in the face of the continual moaning of some members that "we don't negotiate for retirees".
Here's the thing. Dumb and dumber won't get to first base with an attempt to put money in the pocket of the 157. As unfortunate as it is the 157 are getting everything they accepted when each of them retired. There's no argument that it was a raw deal but that's the way it is. And for Dumb and dumber to attempt to get a COLA after this amount of time is just another of their smoke and mirror negotiating blunders. What *might* fly is a one time 3% increase for the 157 if the bargaining team is clever enough to put together an Article that applies only to the 157. Here's the thing. That's never going to happen. The city negotiator will stand on the fact that "you don't negotiate for retirees". See, ironically enough the city will defeat you with your own argument.
Why, for some reason, is Dumb and his buddy dumber trying to garner attaboys from 157 retirees? They can't vote unless they pay dues and the outcome is without success on any level. An even better question would be what is the thinking behind throwing the current membership under the bus in order to look like a savior for the 157? What's the up side of this whole thing? And is Dumb really stupid enough to think he can pull it off? He should not be holding his breath.
Once you retire you have no representation from the Local. The negotiating team does not *directly* negotiate for retirees. They definitely do, however, negotiate *indirectly* for those under what is called the "prior" pension. The reason they do this is because the "prior" pension is a state law that determines the parameters of the prior pension plan. The members who fall under the pension plan that they retired under, that would be the "157", has no language which would allow any changes to the plan now or in the future. The lack of a COLA in the plan is a permanent flaw and cannot be changed. It would have been advantageous to have had a clause including a COLA but none was negotiated. This is why it's so damned important to have a bargaining agent who has the skills and knowledge to keep this kind of thing from happening again. Currently, because the city provides the pension plan you work under, the current plan can be changed at any time by the city negotiator
and the mayor.
With the DROP plan and a pension I can see why no one is worried about their future. But that could all change in a heartbeat. If nothing else the membership should be very cautious about how hard they tilt at windmills and worry more about securing a solid determination of what is now in place. Make sure you don't come up like the 157 in the future because you allowed your emotions to overwhelm your common sense in the past.
Carpe Diem Tempus Fugit
Pinellas Park budget absorbs blow from loss of EMS money
PINELLAS PARK — This city's budget took a heavy, unexpected hit a few weeks ago when its Fire Department lost about $1.5 million in county funding for fire and emergency medical service protection in the unincorporated High Point area.
But now it looks as if city officials have dodged a bullet: Under the proposed budget for the coming year, property owners would see no increase in the tax rate and no firefighters will be laid off.
I wonder what would have happened in PP if Bill Foster was their mayor? Come to think of it...........I know exactly what he'd do. He'd lay firerfighters off. FTM and remember, the checkbook is still open.
Received via Email: 08-15-13 I hope Blank and Hay have something to say for themselves aftery lying to us all. The guy they cheated most is WINNING everywhere you look.
Received via Email: 08-15-13 Message from a SPPD Cop: Foster didn't do much for us after all we did for him by endorsing him, holding signs, and getting him votes and money. Big disappointment. We told him early on that this place needed an enema from the top down, but no relief. We need someone who will keep their campaign promises to clean house here.
Pretty soon I'm going to say "I told you so."
Received via Email: 08-15-13 Too little, too late. The cops are just as freaking stupid as the firefighters. If the majority of the cops believed that baloney they never would have endorsed the clown prince a second time. The mayor thinks he has it wrapped up but hopefully he's in for a very large surprise. The sooner you come out and tell everyone who the members of Local 747 are *really* for the better. It's getting really close to election day and the incumbent won't have a chance to recover. Unfortunately unless you get out and vote and vote often it won't do much good since there's no time to actually provide any support for anyone else other than the perceived endorsement of the current (urp) mayor. So the political action arm of the Local is again a dismal failure. But wasn't that the intent of the leadership to begin with? You bet your ass it was. And neither of the two boobs that lead the Local are smart enough to enable that plot. It came from somewhere else.
Ask Mike Moore the next time you see him.
So sit back and wait and see what happens on August 27th. The other shoe is about to fall and when it does it's very possible that the brother who is smart enough to believe he'll never see another substantial pay raise before he retires in three years is the smartest member of all and has tipped the rest of the you off to the future. Ironically, the things you *will* see are starting to show up at the bargaining table. But Mike and Steve are trying and that's the most important thing. You shouldn't fault them for that. No one else could have done any better with the comparable limited, and mostly lacking knowledge and skill. Trying for Mikey is like winning at the Special Olympics. You get a trophy for just showing up. You keep on trying Mikey.
Received via Email: 08-19-13 A vote for Blank is a vote for Moore and the Lost 157. Why else do you think Moore is still sucking around helping Blank? He's trying to get Blank to convince all of us that it's a good time to gain access to our account. Fuck that and Fuck you Mike Moore. You were a self serving prick when you were here and nothing has changed except that you're no longer leeching off the citizens of St. Pete anymore.
Received via Email: 08-20-13 Mike Moore, always was and always will be a little boy. The only reason and I mean the ONLY reason he was ever promoted was because it was a like kind DRUNK buddy of James Callahan. He had no management skills whatsoever, no people skills at all, and he was a terrible example of what the brotherhood was all about. He was for one and one only HIMSELF. Come on Mike Blank, you know it to be true. He would always talk trash about Mike and now he wants to be his buddy, COME ON. Totally agree with you 8/19 #1, its good to see the truth come out.
Received via Email: 08-20-13 Sounds like Tiddy messed up for the last time last night along with Vail. Rumor is Tiddy was fired today.
Received via Email: 08-20-13 Well Knight got his wish, cut another one off the department. He loves giving people the ax. Along with Large. Way to go, you guys really suck the big one. Sorry Tiddy but once they have it out for you. your done. They have a few others they are going after now.
Received via Email: 08-21-13 Night was just like Moore. A protected drunk. how many times he was "taken" home by moore. sleeping it off at the down town drunk tank.. Remember, what goes around comes around. Good thing if Ford gets elected she has said will go over ever department head,like say night & fire them if they do not represent the employees and citizens! Fingers crossed!
Received via Email: 08-21-13 How can Moore and the lost 157 get anything without going through the membership? They went to the brilliant Bill Foster who told them to bugger off and go talk to the union. Well they talked to the union and were told to bugger off. Now we've got Blank and Hay in office and Moore is taking advantage of the situation. What situation you ask? The fact that Blank and Hay are willing to cut a deal with the devil to buy a win anywhere at all. Back to the dark and dreary Fienberg days where shit's always going on and nobody hears about it until months later and dollars down the drain.
Received via Email: 08-21-13 Boy, you hit the nail on the head there. Everyone loves the fact that Hay and Blank will take their show on the road at a moments notice to explain the situation. I feel all warm and bubbly to know that they think enough of me, Me, ME to come out and personally connect with me, Me, ME. The trouble is they say one thing and go off and do shit that's totally last minute and off the top of their head. That's not leadership, that fighting your way out of a paper bag at our expense.
Received via Email: 08-21-13 Hey Chief Large, step back for a moment a take a hard long look at what you are doing to this Department. In case you need help, Knight, Girk, R.Johnson, G.Vickers, Vail, Tidwell, you are driving us to drink and it aint turning out so pretty. Then take another look, the annual pot smoking, alcohol drinking, sex swingin party bus that departs from and returns to HQ, your beloved Firemans Charity I'm gonna Ball someone party, all fine examples full of drunks including yourself. Of course when the rest of your staff is blowing 2.0's how can you help yourself then to try to outdo them? Afterall,you are their glorious leader. Inglorious Bastards is more like it. Swirling the drian and all your worried about is folks that are overweight. What a joke you are and an embarassment to the taxpayers of this city. You are the perfect example of inbreeding.
Received via Email: 08-21-13 anyone want waterfront property!?!?!?!? vail should be next!!
Received via Email: 08-21-13 Hey...Inglorious Bastards was an awesome movie!
Received via Email: 08-22-13 Hey large saw the pics the other day of you with those 2 scantly clothed women and you look hammered drunk. Those pictures show you a lot younger looking than you are today but WOW, you and Ret. Chief Chris D. were some kind of party animals. You go dude. Maybe we'll post em here so all can see your pitiful drunk ass. Boy how a couple of bugles make you untouchable. Sorry Tiddy, but the rules are different now than they used to be. Don't worry pumpkin head we didn't leave you out, we got some pics of your drunken ass too. Boy, Pumpk you and big dog are some ugly dudes when your hammered.
Received via Email: 08-22-13 1st 8/22, hey I remember those pics, but I think those girls with Large were showing a little more than scanty clothes. They did have some nice double D s. Back then Large called himself Magnum P.I. Come on, give me a break. The invisible man was arrogant back in the day and he still is to this day. Will you ever grow up? They called you Captain Kid for a reason. And it wasnt because you were young, it was because you had the intelligence of a little kid. Guess not much has changed over the years. Sure glad I retired a few years ago, dont think I could put up with all the shenanigans going on today
Received via Email: 08-22-13 I keep hearing, boy I hope this election dont come down to Kriseman and Ford. WHAT???? That would be the best thing that could happen. Why would anyone worry about anything as long as we were to know that the Lying Fat Ass Foster wouldnt be in the running at all? There should be as much push as possible behind Ford and Kriseman. Foster showed us at the table today what he is willing to do for us. Now lets get some true friends on the ballot and get the tub of fib off. Think of it like this, a No vote for Foster is the same as a No vote for Large, Pumpkin Head, Blank, and Hay. I cant see anything wrong with Ford and Kriseman going head to head in the November General Election.
Received via Email: 08-22-13 If anyone still needs further proof that Foster, Large, Blank, and Hay are Giant bags of Liars, Friday August 23rd, 4 days until the primary election, the No Brains Trust chooses to put us at risk by putting Truck 9 OUT OF SERVICE for 24 hours. Then on Saturday August 24th, 3 days until the primary election they again show us what we mean to them by placing Squad 1 and Engine 1 OUT OF SERVICE. I guess some of you are still wondering if you will be holding signs for this POS over the weekend and then again on Monday and Tuesday. I will tell this in no uncertainty I WILL NOT BE SEEN ON ANY CORNER supporting FOSTER. Yes, I WILL BE ON ANY OPPOSITE CORNER with a sign of ANY other candidate.
Received via Email: 08-23-13 1st 8/23. Yeah the right thing is to NOT vote for Foster. Foster makes promises than never keeps them. He is a liar and does not have the firefighters best interest. The proof is in your paycheck, how often you run calls, and literally several fire units out of service almost daily. ABB
Received via Email: 08-23-13 Here is what is really sad. The latest negotiations are proving we are getting nowhere and no worthwhile benefits for all your hard work. Back when President Newton was president the tide was finally changing and the political backing we had in city hall was larger than ever, which meant change was finally going to happen and big benefits and full support was very very close if not already there. THEN BOOM, many uninformed members voted in Blank and then later Hay and what has it got US. No raises, No benefits, more unfair discipline by management ever in our history, Trucks out of service constantly and now cutting crews and increasing their territories as in the Station 13/36 debacle. So what is the answer? Well, not much you can do now, Your pensions are the next to be slashed and you better be sure its coming. The only hope to redeem our members from sure and certain DOOM is to vote for RICK PAULEY as Union President. Unfortunately Brother Newton has retired and RICK is the only one that can actually now successfully move this local forward. A vote for Rick is a vote for your future. Help restore us back to better pay and benefits, increase staffing with no trucks out of service, Fair discipline by management instead of dictatorship tyranny type practices, favor again in the political arena with City Hall where our leaders will have our backs. But most of all, do it to redeem yourself from the real doom and gloom that will come over the next 2 years if Blank remains in office. VOTE RICK PAULEY UNION PRESIDENT
I am not Chief Large or Michael Blank and I approve this message.
Received via Email: 08-25-13 I keep reading all the newspaper articles where Rick Kriseman is tied or in the lead over Foster. Why hasn't a single one of those articles mentioned the fact that Kathleen Ford and Rick Kriseman don't matter because those two running against one another will split the vote? What fools we have for union leaders. When you see Blank or Hay, ask them just how long they think they can pose as a union leaders who won't keep campaign promises they will never be equipped to keep. Ask them how much respect THEY have for liars like themselves.
Received via Email: 08-25-13 8-23 #4 I'll bet you one thing for sure. With Rick Pauley in office you won't see Mike Moore sitting in the president's office trying to work a deal to get his hands on OUR COLA money. Blank and Hay made a lot of promises they can't keep because the city don't believe in them and we don't believe in them and the city knows it. Toothless tigers (GROWL cough, cough).
Received via Email: 08-25-13 Someone mentioned on here that this site should move over to Facebook, but the loss of anonymity would dissuade most visitors from posting opinions. Those wishing to stay anonymous could still do so by making a "fake" Facebook profile. It's easy and then we have all of the wonderful aspects of the Facebook format: clicking "like", responding directly to posts, pictures, etc..
Set it up, see if it garners support, and move into the 21st century.
TEAM: We've been considering it. While the task of setting up a UVT FB account is simple, the task of keeping it alive to serve a small number of people who are willing to set up a bogus FB account to access it will probably be its undoing. We'll work on it and see how it plays.
Received via Email: 08-25-13 Ok you want the straight dope. Think about this. A few years back. downtown we had engine 1 going out of service a lot for 12hour stints then on occasion 24 hour stints. What has progressed ? As of Oct 1 that engine will be gone never to come back.
In more recent time we have had T13, E1, T9, T11,T1, Squad 1 and soon to be T4 constantly going out of service staffing. What will this do? It has already done it. It has set a precedent that these units are soon to go away and never return like Engine 1 as of October this year. You say. Never will we lose all those pieces of equipment. MARK THESE WORDS. the plan is to do away with all of them. HOW. Truck 13 gone and only one apparatus will remain at station 13 as of Oct.
Eng 9 and Truck 9 will become a quint and the current truck will be gone. Same with Eng and Truck 11, Same down the road with Engine 4 and Truck 4. Then the most unheard of. Eng 5 and Truck 1 will become a quint. Think this is a joke, this is the EMS divisions plan to increase your load while not giving you benefits for it. Every one laughed years ago when we said Engine 1 will someday go away. They laughed even harder when T13 was purchased for a million dollars. They said no way will that truck go away. What is the solution to this ? Get the word out to the citizens about this dastardly long range plan. And fill in council and the mayor - whoever it may be. And vote in Rick Pauley to assist in stopping some of this tom foolery. And this is not just a plug for Rick. You will see this happen in the coming years as you already seeing all the writing on the wall. Stay safe my brothers and sisters. Still care about each other because sadly, no one downtown cares about your work environment, benefits, and most of all your safety and protection.
TEAM: Great post. "Total Quint Concept." Look it up!
Received via Email: 08-25-13 Yep I over heard some of the Div chiefs talking about how there plan to take over more area is by that quint concept. If we take back 2 it will be by taking eng 11 and placing it at 2 then leaving just a quint at 11. This is no joke and although many medics may not have a problem with it, it will greatly diminish our firefighting capability and it will increase your workload. These new breed fire chiefs including Large need to check themselves and see the damage and harm they are creating.
TEAM: With Blank and Hay leading the charge on behalf of every union member on the job, there's no telling how well this could work out for the members. A rising tide lifts all boats, right?
Received via Email: 08-25-13 FACT; Starting tomorrow, Monday August 26th, SPFR begins yet another new 40 hour truck operators class. Yup 15 new folks will become certified truck guys and girls. Why, just as pointed out above, total quint concept is coming sooner than you know. There will soon be 5 quints in service in SPFR. Count your days. The real reason the city wont give up the extra r days is that they already have it planned to decrease us down to about 60 per shift. The days of stand alone rescues has come to an end.
TEAM: Driver/Engineer classification must be right around the corner, then. We'll be just like all the other big league departments who pay their people equitably. Good to hear. Blank and Hay -- give 'em hell at the bargaining table.
Received via Email: 08-26-13 You heard it here. The current ladder trucks will remain unstaffed in the stations just like the HazMat, TRT, Heavy Rescue, and Dive trucks. When a need for one is determined by someone then the big call will go out for someone to go to the nearest station and they will bring it out. Until then, there will ONLY be ALS fire engines or quints in the stations. Very few if any stand alone rescue trucks. Even the new squad truck is a 4 person cab, ever wonder why (remember the flying Squad)? Less trucks equals fewer personnel. We are a thing of the past brothers and sisters. It will soon take 6 stations responding to every working house fire to get enough worker bees. SPFR will do like the rest of the county and rely on the neighborhood watch program to protect the rest of the city. Who knows maybe vollies are on the way back.
Received via Email: 08-26-13 word to the wise. If you have less than 5 years on the job you may want to consider going elsewhere where trucks actually stay in service, raises are the norm, and the chiefs support their firefighters with safety and anything else they need. Not gonna happen here. Dont wait till its too late. Even smaller departments are light years ahead of us now. plus all new people have a Large chance, no pun intended, of getting laid off in the near future. BEWARE when the quints take over.
Received via Email: 08-26-13 2nd 5/26. I am thinking about going to Gulfport Fire, they have more respect now than us.
Most of the St. Petersburg City Council prefers a new person in the mayor's chair
Harmony does not come easily or often to members of the St. Petersburg City Council. While others have lunch breaks, they have cease fires.
Yet for all the bickering and bellyaching of the past year, a majority of council members have discovered common ground on one interesting issue:
They would rather have a new mayor.
That became official on Monday when chairman Karl Nurse endorsed mayoral candidate Rick Kriseman, meaning five of the eight council members have publicly thrown their support behind someone other than Mayor Bill Foster.
For the record, Kriseman has picked up four endorsements, Kathleen Ford has one and Foster has yet to have a current council member step forward on his behalf... (more)
When Blank and Hay reported to the membership during a union meeting two months ago, "We're all good with Council." a majority of which we predicted would be pissed that we illegitimately endorsed Foster while not screening Kriseman or Ford, have now officially come out to back Rick Kriseman.
Question: Do you believe those members of Council are deaf, dumb and blind or do you believe that Blank and Hay are really, really poor bullshitters?
Blank and Hay reported to the membership during last month's union meeting, "We've been to visit Foster twice in the last two weeks and we're all good with him, but we believe that Large is the reason that we're making no progress in negotiations."
Question: Given the fact that we screened all candidates for Mayor in 2009, ultimately endorsing Kathleen Ford, do any of you believe for a NY minute that Bill Foster is in our camp at all? And do you believe that he is allowing chief Large to interfere with us, consequently interfering with our members desire to help in his reelection bid?
Rick Pauley was always at Winnie Newton's side during the productive years when we were cultivating relationship's with them, not causing them to question our every move. Please vote for Rick Pauley and we'll stop the lies.
Received via Email: 08-27-13 Tarpon Springs employees to get across-the-board pay raises
Received via Email: 08-27-13 "Wages for police and firefighters, who are unionized, are negotiated separately." Why is it that in Big Bill Foster's city we are only being offered 2%? If everyone throughout the rest of the city is already getting 2% then why do we have to negotiate to get it at all? Why don't we negotiate to get another 2% on top of that? How many of you believe that Tarpon PD and FD are taking less than everyone elses 4%. Pauley you need to work on this with mayor Kriseman.
TEAM: Ahhhhhh... the power of positive thinking.
Received via Email: 08-27-13 How many others received an unexpected text message last night from Mark Sweet seeking help for staffing polling places? Can you also tell me where he got my cell number from? I know that there is no way in hell that I would have ever given that POS my cell number. Is it possible he is using the cities telestaff to use for political use? Didn't one of the Cities own Attorneys Pam Cichon just resign or get fired for using city equipment to seek help for her husband who is running for a council seat? How does Mark Sweet keep getting away with his shenanigans, and how is it that Chief Large keeps looking the other way?
Received via Email: 08-27-13 So, can someone explain to me just what it was the Nit and Twit were trying to tell us about how Ford and Kriseman were going to split the vote? Well, lets see what they come up with now. Kriseman for Mayor, bye-bye to our $200K Fire Chief, Blank and Hay seed too. Whats getting ready to happen is not just a Kodak moment but it will be priceless. It will also require alot of folks getting off of our wallets and investing in their future. KRISEMAN FOR MAYOR.
Received via Email: 08-28-13 If you gave the local your number thats where dumb dumb got it. Hit ignore... And GO KRISEMAN!!
Received via Email: 08-29-13 Special thanks to Pearl Mott Newton Neuberger and Pauley for not supporting the local and working against the membership by helping Kriseman. Real stand up guys.
Received via Email: 08-29-13 More sarcasm...I hope. You can't be that stupid to think most of the membership supports Foster.
Received via Email: 08-29-13 that's not sarcasm, that's Mark Sweet. Who else works so hard to be the sole cheerleader for fucktard Blank?
Received via Email: 08-29-13 i heard mc donalds employees are demanding $15/hr... thats right pretty much in our pay range, for the new hires at least.....aint that a bitch!!!!!
Received via Email: 08-29-13 Special thanks to Pearl Mott Newton Neuberger and Pauley for supporting the right candidate. They are the stand up guys,not the so called leaders that gave the locals blessings to the wrong guy, didn't follow Union SOP's by giving each candidate a true screening. Worst not telling the truth by saying they did, even after a member at a meeting called them out on that lie after talking to Kriseman. So stop your bullshit. Grow up, start doing whats right. BUT I am sure its way too late for that. You two need to go far away. Blank your days are numbered as Pres, hay, well what can I say, flush yourself. Pauley will resurrect our local. He already has the respect of our new mayor, and council. Its OK, if you don't want to pay your dues anymore go ahead and drop out. You can be the new Jeff Wayne. FTM, & FU!
Received via Email: 08-29-13 Kriseman will win the Election. Bye Bye Bill. Bye Bye Jimmy. Bye Bye Pumpkin Head
Received via Email: 08-29-13 Received via Email: 08-29-13 Special thanks to Pearl Mott Newton Neuberger and Pauley for not supporting the local and working against the membership by helping Kriseman. Real stand up guys.
I guess the 5 of them got together and held their own screening. In this case 5 is definetly better than the other 2. Anyways if these guys were always right then they would still hold office, Right? Whats the matter? Are you running scared? Stay tuned for the other shoe to drop tomorrow.
Received via Email: 08-29-13 Ok, well that last one sounds like sweetie. Where ever the shoe drops,and re assigns your discriminating crew,we'll we see what new BS will come from that. No pay, no play....A.H.
Received via Email: 08-29-13 How can they work against the membership,when the number 1 & 2 are against us every day?? From not representing everyone that needs help. God forbid you have an opposing viewpoint they will try to undercut and slam you, shout ya down at meetings. They are pathetic. Misleading the men & women of our local with statements like, we're all good with the council. That sounds like chat in a high school hallway.
I'll stand with the fantastic 5 any day. At least they speak the truth.
Received via Email: 08-29-13 When Sweet talks you only have to ask yourself 1 thing.......WHAT'S IN IT FOR HIM? The only credibility he has is the credibility the chief gives him.
Received via Email: 08-29-13 Those five are four more friends than sweets got.
Received via Email: 08-30-13 How does backing the right candidate equal,"running scared"? Your lack of understanding the English language and its proper use, well it is sad..(Comp 101 @ SPC might help)
Oh yeah, its Friday almost 11:00, where and when is that mystery shoe gonna touch down?
Received via Email: 08-30-13 Could someone fill me in on how much money this Local raised this year for Muscular Dystrophy? You know, the Fill The Boot drive that we always perform sometime during the year to receive donations to be presented on Labor Day. The city will, as usual, try hard to discourage anything that doesn't fill the coffers at city hall but didn't we, as a Local, do anything this year for Muscular Dystrophy? There's a whole new format for this year showing the hard work and dedication of fire fighters all over the nation who work for children and adults with MD. I'm sure we did our part and we just haven't heard about it since we don't want to brag. Somebody tell me the dollar figure that we'll be presenting this year. I'll bet it's big. And yes, I am posting this under all the categories.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 08-30-13 3rd 8-25 from the bottom, exactly what I was wondering. I don't think Mott, Newton, Pearl, Neuberber or Pauley are running scared of anyone. If anything they don't seem to worry about how many people they can impress with their bullshit like a certain few do. I don't car how they get it done but we've got some serious issues and when the chief is pulling for Blank and Hay that tells me that the Fantastic Five is doing the right thing even if some don't understand why their doing it.
Received via Email: 08-31-13 I guess calling out the names of 5 was easier than typing the names of that l o n g list of those that did what you think was the right thing to do. If your telling us that those 5 were able to put enough support behind Kriseman that he only trails the Incumbant Mayor by 1,000 votes then I think I know the true answer. The Idiots that you have been listening too and the remainder of the other 300 St. Petersburg firefighters have little in the way of enough gumption to get much done. I think that the team of 5 might know the things that Dip and Shit aren't telling.
Received via Email: 09-01-13 Well looks like 9 called in sick today on the C shift. I just cant understand why the letters sent out to all you sick abusers is not having an effect to stop the abuse. Quit calling out sick so much, we cant afford the overtime. We are though concerned about your health !! Your friendly HQ (careless) staff.
Received via Email: 09-01-13 Add my name to the 5. I want whats right for all of our members..
TEAM: Now you're talking. As always... there's two kinds of Fire Fighters on this job. Those who who promote Fire Fighters and those who promote themselves.
Received via Email: 09-02-13 Wow!!!! what a statement. As they say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. This one definitely hit the nail directly on the head. The problem with nit and wit is that the grass is always greener somewhere else.
Received via Email: 09-03-13 You know if Mike Moore really wants to do something right for the retirees he could try to get rid of the social security offset that 30 or so of the earlier retirees still have. Some of them are losing $1,000 a month because of it. Oh yeah, it doesn't benefit Mike Moore. I guess his brother in law Barker means nothing to him either. I mean what could be more important than Mike Moore fixing it so HE can get $140.00 a month?
Received via Email: 09-04-13 So whats going on in the latest round of Officers Meetings. More BS I presume.
Received via Email: 09-04-13 I am sure that they knew what they were getting when they retired. Oh, I guess that would apply to me as well. Oops, I guess I had a humanitarian moment.
Received via Email: 09-05-13 BOSS HOG OUTLWAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.NRRRRRR, SHE SAY SHE WANT A.........THUG FROM AROUND THE WAY!!!
Received via Email: 09-05-13 I no longer see Coleman Vails name in the telestaff roster. Can anyone tell me the outcome? Also, did Micheal Blank sign that MOU to let Mike Moore and the rest of the Lost ones into the COLA plan yet? I hear its only a matter of time.
Received via Email: 09-05-13 I must apologise for my mistake that I made when the other shoe was going to drop. Chief Large wanted to draw this out as long as possible. He is so miserable that he has to have constant company. Large actually pulled off a double header Wednesday, 1st he made the worst contract offer ever heard, then he pulled the plug on Vails career.
Received via Email: 09-05-13 Coleman resigned this morning, no go for cola. Actuarial studies does not support it.
Received via Email: 09-05-13 Ok Kimler and Moore, give it up, you retired long ago, and you agreed to what you were getting back then. When we leave we know what we will be getting and if the next group fairs better O well, Thats Life. Now take your thumb out of your mouth and quit whining and bitching like a bunch of little girls. What Wimps !!!
Received via Email: 09-05-13 Moore has always been a big cry baby. He acted like he was so tough but all new he was a spoiled little boy. If it werent for his buddy Callahan, he would have never made it past Lieutenant. Consider yourself lucky you got what you got Mike and now SHUT THE HELL UP !!
Received via Email: 09-06-13 9/5 #1 Are you a moron or what? Is any of that supposed to mean anything to anyone?
Received via Email: 09-06-13 GO BILL FOSTER!!! Sooner than later.
Received via Email: 09-06-13 Did everyone notice that the retiring police chief didn't call Foster first?!?! He called the media first. Foster just can't get no respect.
Received via Email: 09-06-13 Why would anyone in this city tell the Mayor anything. Hes shown many times over that he cares nothing about you, your family, or your safety. FT(M)ayor. Chief Large, I'm sure that your Minions are still feeding you what we want you to hear, but have you ever wondered about what isnt being said? There have always been secrect societies and i hope you dont think there aint one hidden deep within the walls of what you think is your little fifedom. I see you have already taken security steps in the palace, so maybe you do believe. Have you ever stood dominos on the ends attempting to make one long line? Dont you just hate it when something causes it to tumble? Get ready sport, your turn is coming a whole lot faster than you know. When a Liar surrounds himself with nothing but other Liars, what else can the end result be? I hope your $8K monthly pension is barely enough to keep you miserable.
Received via Email: 09-06-13 Maybe we could let Chief Jimmy ride out of town on a fire truck. There are so many of them Out of Service we wouldnt miss him or the truck. Good Bye
Received via Email: 09-07-13 It looks like 3 of our senior DROP participants have figured out how to get that additional Sunday R-day. Way to go.
Received via Email: 09-08-13 SSDD, Sunay September 8th, Squad 1 and Truck 9 sit OUT OF SERVICE while the Mayor sleeps and Jimmie Large comtemplates his resignation. Meanwhile the citizens and firefighters of SPFR and still in dangerous peril by working with staffing shortages.
Received via Email: 09-08-13 Im practicing my happy dance already. Remember Chuck Barris and Gene Gene the Dancin machine from the Gong Show? They were my mentors. This is gonna be an all out hoe down.
Received via Email: 09-12-13 The chief with the least common sense on the job. Thinks he is intelligent but he is an Anomaly, Yes it is you Steven (Pumpkin Head) Knight. Tearing our department apart with his Stupid EMS response theories and this whole new - handle it all with a quint idea. Knight you are even more STUPID when it comes to Fire Tactics and Emergency Response then any of us imagined. PLEASE GO TO ANOTHER FIRE DEPARTMENT and quit destroying St Pete which was once a great department. Just look in the mirror and you will see for yourself the big GOOF we all see.
Received via Email: 09-12-13 Well mateys, it's just a few more days till the ballot go out and we all start voting. Has anyone got a sniff of Blanks letter yet? I've only got one bit of advice for anyone who reads it. If you see a single accomplishment list in it then you can brand him a liar. He hasn't done anything he said he was going to do when he toured the stations 730 days ago and 730 more with him in office will only help him and not us. Nuff said.
TEAM: You, sir, are a genius.
Received via Email: 09-12-13 And that's why Blank is holding negotiations again on Monday. He wants to be able to pull out a winner before you vote. He's more likely to pull out a weiner before you vote. I HAVE SAID THIS BEFORE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN. IF I CAN'T GET ANOTHER R DAY THE SAME WAY THE CAPTAINS AND DC'S GOT THEIRS, JUST GET ME A GOOD PAY RAISE TO UP MY PENSION. Blank is a cluless child in a grown man's job.
Received via Email: 09-13-13 Hey, there is that Nuff said guy again. Good to see you back matey
Received via Email: 09-13-13 yep... we need a new leader.......period....right "little RED" promoting your closet lover.. your so transparent its fucking sick!!!!
Received via Email: 09-13-13 I say take one year deal also. Giving too much stuff up for something another group received for free. Then we will see what the new mayor is going to do or if Froster remains in there we can see if backing him made a world of difference. I would think not.
Received via Email: 09-13-13 Let's face it, it's going to take Kriseman (if he gets elected) his first year to get his feet on the ground. If Foster gets reelected then it's a wash. You'll get zip, nada, nothing anyway. One year contract or three year. If Kriseman gets in he will need at least a year to get familiar with the contract and the preceding negotiations. If you agree to a one year contract with no indication of who the next mayor may be you are killing any potential increases and benefits in the next contract. That and the fact that the excuse will be that you just got this and that one year ago and the city can't give you more. A one year looks good but you give up any effort made to possibly get more. It's a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Taking an R day or a piddly pay raise now will be the kiss of death on future negotiations. Two things to look forward to are Pauley and Kriseman. And I'm kinda worried about Kriseman since you have nothing to go by. However it's a start and with Pauley at the helm the negotiations will have an opportunity to produce something positive. Now is not the time to agree to anything. Give Pauley a chance with a new bargaining team and let the new Mayor learn the ropes a little. It can't hurt since the Local does little or nothing to help itself now. Like they say . . . if you don't expect much you're never disappointed.
Tempus Fugit Carpe Diem
Received via Email: 09-13-13 Hey WEB MaSTER! How about a poll for the upcoming election???
TEAM: We could do that but we've been wrong every time, it seems. Low information voters kill us.
Received via Email: 09-13-13 At the 9/11 Patriot's Day breakfast, not only were no Fire Rescue representatives there for the presentation of the colors, no helmet on the table for those lost in the towers..( even an air line pilot was there!) To make things even shallower was when bill bill tried to lead the whole place in prayER... It was pathetic. If he has any faith I am sure its in his evil ideas to screw the city!
Received via Email: 09-14-13 So Mike Wimmers feels he needs to tell everyone how bad things will be if Rick Pauley gets elected. It seems that everyone believes that Rick will bring back Winnie just like that. Well dumb and dumber dont know the By-Laws, and evidently Mike Wimmers doesn't know them either. While it is a FACT that our Constitution and By-Laws allow for the hiring of a Bargaining agent. Any such decision would require a vote of the membership. Obviously the big concern is that it could possibly happen. And if it does, would that be such a terrible thing? Ask Mike Wimmers who was the President of the Local when the MOU was signed that allowed him to come back on the job, allowed him to regain his pay step, seniority, vacation pick, r-day pick, and bring his pension up almost 3 times better than what it was when he left, and gave him the DROP. If thats what Newton is capable of doing then I think we need to give him another chance. Pauley learned well from Newton, while Blank and Hay are learning from a bunch of Dummies. If we are set on giving someone 2 years to prove themselves, I say it might as well be Pauley. Oh yeah, ask Chuck Moore, Alan Jones and Corey Wagner, if Newton was also the same person that signed the MOU's for their rehire as well. The last raise we received was under Newton, the social security offset was because of Newton, the COLA was Newton. If these were terrible things then I dont know. Pauley will get things done but only if you mark Pauley's name, get off your asses and put a stamp on the ballot and mail it. Then while your at it, ask Mike Wimmers and Jim Large if they have a vote in union matters. I can tell you the answer right now. No retired member has vote in this local. And NO member that pays no dues to the Local has any kind of a vote.
Received via Email: 09-14-13 I find it normal that Steve Hay would take a defensive position about such a proposal. When there are 12 people in a room, 3 voice recorders, and a video recording, its hard to refute. But Lairs cant remember what they said last so they just keep on rolling down the path of Lies, back stabbing, and dishonesty. What will 2 more years of that BS do for us?
Received via Email: 09-16-13 I heard something that has gotten me concerned about fire station safety. Most of us know that we have had some shady people working amongst us in the past. I heard that a guy thats been on the job for around 1 1/2 yrs or so has been pulling knives on people at a certain MFS(B) on fellow employees when he gets angry and he gets angry very easily on more than one occasion. That is a RED flag in my book and I think this should be looked into further. I also, heard that it was sweeped under the rug so no one at hq would find out. If we cannot be safe or feel safe in our station while we are living here than those people need to be asked/force to leave. What do you say jimbo...
Received via Email: 09-16-13 9/16 #1...who is this little asshole? And who is sweeping it under the carpet?
Received via Email: 09-16-13 That's what XXXXXX do, bring knives to gunfights
TEAM: Folks. An allegation has been made. MFS & B Shift is as far as that allegation is going to go, here. You guys are smart enough. Ask around.
Received via Email: 09-16-13 No need to even talk about this. The story is not what you think. Let it go.
Received via Email: 09-17-13 9/16/13 #4 how do you know that its not what has been posted? are you stationed there??
Received via Email: 09-17-13 Yes and if the party involved had an issue they would have sent it up the chain.
Received via Email: 09-17-13 Brothers and Sisters of Local 747.
I am sitting in disbelief as I have again reviewed the video of our last negotiations session. I have watched it 3 times now and each time I have hoped that somehow I misunderstood what I saw and heard. Add to this the point by point breakdown provided and it is apparent we have no common sense bargaining taking place on our behalf. On top of this we have our Executive Vice President visiting stations telling us that what I have just watched and listened to carefully, did not take place. HELLO.... Steve I see you left the room a 3 occasions but you came back each time and sat next to the person that spewed the offer. I also find it alarming that our Secretary Treasurer has to constantly ask for copies of each proposal that you deliberately refuse to pass down. I do however find it refreshing that within seconds of receiving his copy he is able to fully comprehend the meaning and ask the only important questions of the whole session.
Now lets get on with what is taking place out in the stations. We have our Fire Chief out telling us all how the union should be running, who we should be backing for Mayor and a general disgust for Rick Pauley, Jon Pearl, and Billy Mott. Hey Chief, what was the last position that you held in this Department or Union that was voted on by the membership? Or were you just appointed because you were better than nothing? Another question for Chief Large, why do you care about an organization that you don't pay dues or have a vote in?
I was recently given the unfortunate opportunity to spend time at station 11. OMG!!! what a snake pit. There is enough hate and poison there to paralyze the world. It wasn't just my shift either as it started anew from where it ended before bedtime with the incoming crew. What a way to run a station and I can see why Chief Large visits there so often. So my next question is to the officers and crew of station 11. In the last 18 years what ELECTED positions have any and all of you held in the Union? What personal experiences and knowledge do you base your accusations on? I hope someone in your group can prove your true understanding of what a Union is tasked to do, and what Political decisions having consequences really means.
I might as well go here too, while I'm at it. Ask our current Captains, District Chiefs, Division Chiefs, Assistant Chiefs and our Chief the same question. What elected position have you ever held in the Union, how long did you hold it and what did you accomplish? Why should I listen to someone that has no knowledge of which you profess to be an expert? I know the answer, The Department Administration is running scared. They have become accustomed to having our ass in the barrel for too long and they don't want to go back to the way its supposed to.
Oh, one other thing for Chief Large. Does Mayor Foster condone your political visits to the stations? I only ask this since a city attorney just resigned her job for only sending emails. How about the meddling in Internal Union Business? Will a new Mayor allow the same thing? Now for the best I saved for last. Chief Large, in the past 5 years who has spent the most time in Full Bunker gear and air packs breathing air? I know that Mayor Foster, Council Members Newton and Poulson and HR guy Chris Guella have attended Fire Ops and have been in gear and experienced a real understanding of fire service for 6 hours, can you prove the same thing? I know you hold the record for the most hours spent at fire stations telling stories about your parties and never paying for coffee, but what about the important things?
Received via Email: 09-17-13 D.H on J.Z, heard D.H is a nutty person!!! seriously nutty!!
Received via Email: 09-18-13 Who is DH
Received via Email: 09-18-13 Can anyone tell me if candidate Carolyn Fries is related to retired Firefighter Dan Fries?
Received via Email: 09-18-13 I got a hold of Mike Blank's campaign letter and thought I'd give you my take on his words...
“When Local 747 membership voted in 2011, you were ready for a new President. Unfortunately, the majority of Local 747’s Executive Board was not. The first year as a whole was somewhat difficult because of this.”
You cloistered yourself away at Fire HQ for the first year, spending more time there than at the union hall. On numerous occasions you actively dodged your (then) VP, Rick Pauley and repeatedly had to be coached during and after negotiations to slow the process of constantly calling for the membership to vote on contract proposals that were 100% City driven offers. You even thanked me in the parking garage for helping, one day but said that you relied mostly on your speed dial list for support on how to more effectively negotiate.
“Since 2012, Local 747 was able to extend the DROP plan to 7 years for the St. Petersburg members, along with reducing the work cycle to 7 days during some tough economic times.”
Had you been a stronger union leader, these two outcomes might have come to fruition without lifting a finger or spending thousands of dollars. Winnie Newton already had a signed M.O.U. in place. We already had the DROP extension. Because the Mayor didn't respect you or your ability to lead, he not only threatened to trash the City’s contractual obligations to us (M.O.U.) but to the Supervisory unit as well, who was already enjoying the benefit. We spent $10,000 on attorney’s fees and now you’re going to take credit for bringing home the bacon? That was all Mayor Foster. As to the 7 Day Work Cycle, that was work that Winnie Newton had laid out and had ready to go but we'll give you credit for signing for it. But...if you were going to tell the whole story about how we came to get the 7 Day Work Cycle, you would have to include the fact that you gave away another $10,000 that we spent fighting the landmark, Bobby Martin decision. We fought long and hard to win that arbitration suit and in your zeal to put anything at all on the table for the membership to vote-on, you traded-away a $10,000 arbitration case for a benefit of dubious value.
“The “Random Drug Testing” proposal from the City, which many members considered a bargaining chip, became a non-issue during the most recent negotiations sessions.”
Mike, is there nothing at all that you won’t take credit for? The Random Drug Testing issue was put to bed when Winnie Newton and our labor attorney argued at our most recent impasse hearing that our members couldn’t be randomly drug tested because we maintain our Fourth Amendment right, not to be. Even the Mayor’s own hired-gun attorney later commented to Winnie Newton that, "we were caught flat-footed with that” and “we never expected to see that coming.” And Mike, if you’re going to try and get away with taking credit for the fact that we don’t have Random Drug Testing, why not tell the whole story? If Council wasn’t willing to impose it on us at impasse, how else could we ever find ourselves in a position to be randomly tested? Only by your hand, Michael Blank. You now take credit for something you didn’t fight for but in fact worked feverishly to give away during the bargaining process. Why stop at one lie? Why not lie about never, ever having stooped so low at the bargaining table as to offer up drug testing after what was such an obvious victory during an impasse proceeding?
“We are currently in negotiations with South Pasadena, as well as St. Petersburg Rank and File, and the Supervisors unit. These three bargaining units are close to a tentative agreement for future contracts.”
Do tell. Not only did I witness in-person, but I repeatedly watched the video of our last negotiations session where it looked like there was a run on the bank. Bargaining from a position of weakness the way you are, you were being dictated-to from across the table and now find yourself offering up benefits that no one else in the City of St. Petersburg has ever even thought about giving away. Does it bother you in the least to know that the Supervisory unit gave up a one year pay raise to get a reduction in work week yet in the current contract offer you are willing to give up pay raises for top paid people in years two and three of a three year contact and furthering the divide in our Local by taking no pay raises back to the table for our members in the Steps for an addition three years? For a new guy coming on the job, a good pension seems so far away. “Take what we can get now and worry about the pension later.” The big problem with that lies in the fact that firefighting is an inherently dangerous job. One never knows when their last day is going to be. Why on earth would we want to stunt future benefits for additional time off when the future might be just around the corner for a firefighter injured in the line of duty? 60% of a lesser offer is still less. Never turn down a pay raise and always fight to take one home to EVERY DUES PAYING MEMBER!
“The distraction of several of our own Executive Board members openly supporting St. Petersburg Mayor’s opponent has hindered the potential progress of St. Pete’s contract negotiations.”
Wait a minute. Just a month ago you were blaming our lack of movement at the negotiations table on none other than Fire Chief James Large. Now it’s Executive Board members who are openly supporting Rick Kriseman? The cracks in your foundation of lies are finally showing. Several of the Executive Board members warned you and Steve Hay, very early-on that there would be repercussions if you chose to follow PBA and support Bill Foster without first screening all candidates. The PBA is not a union; it isn’t AFL-CIO affiliated and doesn’t necessarily subscribe to best practices as it pertains to the selection process that comes with choosing a candidate to endorse. In other words, they don’t subscribe to the IAFF and FPF’s tried and proven principles that keep us strong. You and Hay got lazy and instead of screening all candidates for Mayor, you cheated not only the other candidates that were running for the job of Mayor but you cheated our membership and left a stain on our name. Lastly, the person that you're most worried about - Bill Foster; you two cheated him, too, because you wanted to deliver-up this Local's money and manpower without doing your due diligence and you got caught. Now that your house of cards is falling down around your heads, you and Hay want the membership to know that you proclaim in the name of all that is right and virtuous that negotiations are going awry because other members of Local 747 don’t choose to buy into your lie? There’s an old saying, “You dance with the one that brought you.” You can’t imagine the number of times that I’ve had to stick up for this Local at political events, recently, when questioned by long-term supporters. Labor leaders, State Representatives, neighborhood association leaders and now City Council members who have talked with me are confused but pleasantly surprised to find that not all of Local 747’s membership is following you and Hay with blind obedience. The word is out that we cheated two of our closest friends and allies for this current Mayor who has done nothing for us and everything he could think of – against us? Is this all too hard to figure out? You two are weak, disconnected liars and are making the rest of us look like liars by association.
“This issue is being addressed accordingly and our hope is to overcome this distraction and move forward with the negotiations for the best possible contracts.”
As you and Blank have so aptly asserted on more than one occasion, “We were legally voted into office!” Correct. When operating a Labor organization utilizing democratic principles, the members can not only vote you in - but they can also vote you out as well. I was voted into office by the C-Shift and if for any reason that they choose, they can vote me out, but there’s nothing ‘you’re’ going to do about it, Mike. With all the lying and cheating that you’ve done, I ought to be surprised that you’d point the accusatory finger at some of your Executive Board members, but I’m not. It’s part and parcel of your never ending ‘living the lie’ mantra where you and Hay present an optimistic outlook to the membership at every opportunity - where you round-up the numbers just enough so that a 7 Day Work Cycle is described as a 1% pay raise and finally in your most recent letter to the masses you say, “These three bargaining units are close to a tentative agreement for future contracts.” Still churching it-up, I see.
There has been talk of creating a county wide union with several other Locals in our area. A few of our own Executive Board members have met with other Locals to discuss this old idea. I do not feel this is in the best interest of Local 747 as a whole, and have expressed my feelings about this to other Locals involved. This would potentially dissolve Local 747 as an organization, as well as hinder future negotiations with municipalities we currently work with.
I wasn’t going to weigh in on this because you are entitled to your opinion. I thought about it for a moment and said to myself, “You’re not just giving your opinion on a matter, you’re giving your opinion to others (in our name) and you are known throughout the FPF 2nd District to be a bullshitter who is fast with the facts and holding little education in these matters.” The members should educate themselves on the power and prowess of large Locals before allowing one drowning man to speak on their behalf.
And finally, as far as my support goes - when it comes to matters concerning this Local, you’ll always have my support. I will do everything in my power to ensure that success is the end result. But if you’re looking for my personal support of you and your flawed, lying misrepresentations – if you’re looking for me to blindly follow in lockstep with you when you work from emotion and not from logic - when you’re totally reactive and never proactive, that’s never going to happen, Mike.
Here’s something to tell yourself each day, Mike:
If I tell you a lie and you believe me, it’s still a lie.
If I tell you the truth and you don’t believe me, it’s still the truth.
Jon Pearl – C-Shift VP
St.Petersburg Association of Fire Fighters
(I'm not running 'for' anything or 'from' anyone.)
Received via Email: 09-18-13 Since reading the "hey its not my fault for that but I will claim this" letter from Mike Blank this morning, I have decided that the other side of the story needs to be mentioned. I love it when Blank doesn't even acknowledge that the membership voted for him back in 2011 because as it has been pointed out many times, it was a vote for anybody but Newton and not a vote for Michael T. Blank. He then tries to blame the 8 remaining E board members on his inability to get things done. Wow, has any E board ever fully embraced a new unproven leader? The E Board of this Local should never be (and you don't want it any other way) in a lock step movement with the President. He then goes further by saying that things got so much better in 2012 when he was able to remove more of the dissenters on the E board. Is it me or does anyone else ever wonder my these same evil persons are still as involved as they ever were and still represent this Local at more IAFF and FPF functions than his new highly praised replacements? How is it that during the last 2 months of Union Meetings, Blank and Hay have both spouted off and put the MotherF**k on Chief Large as being the POS that is keeping everything from getting done, but now all of a sudden its the fault of a few others? What's the matter Mikey, is it to hard to stand up in front of everyone to tell your viewpoints?
He then takes credit for the DROP extension that was negotiated into the Supervisory Units contract by Newton but forgets to mention how much he spent arguing the case through legal channels without ever going in front of the City Council to ask for their support in getting a contractual issue resolved. He also claims victory for the removal of the Random Drug testing. This issue was also resolved by Newton at the last impasse hearing when the City Council all spoke on the legal issues of trying to implement such a requirement.
Mike continues to lambaste the members for not being in agreement with his decision to support a candidate for office. The full membership of this local has never been in full support of any candidate that was backed and many have never spent time walking the streets, waving signs, or standing at a polling locations. Many of our members don't even contribute to our own political fund to support anyone. The Local has never forced anyone to do so and has never shunned someone for having a different opinion. The Union has also never had the Fire Chief go out into your stations trying to influence your vote for a Union or Mayoral election. It appears however that Mike has forgotten that he himself chose to go out on his own to support a candidate for Sheriff, this Mayors race, and he somehow also snubbed a State Representative from attending an actual real true to life candidate screening process.
Now we talk about the creation of a county wide Local. Since the very Constitution and By-laws that this Local uses to govern itself address is in its Objective Statement (page 3), I can't but wonder why Mike thinks of it as such an evil thing.
"The objective of this association shall be to encourage and promote mutual assistance between all paid professional Fire Fighters and EMS personnel affiliated with the International Association of Fire Fighters, to place its members on a higher plane of skills, efficiency and the cultivation and fellowship among its members".
" This association shall sponsor, promote and protect legislation advancing the interests and welfare of professional Fire Fighters, establishment of effective civil service laws, collective bargaining and further adequate fire protection within its jurisdiction".
So I ask, what is it that causes Michael Blank such heartburn that members from his Local are providing guiding points to anyone that asks for assistance? Why is he so dead set against something that this Local currently does and at what time had the most Locals come under its umbrella in this county? Why does he think that bigger is not better? Why does he not show concerns that Members of Locals in this county and elsewhere are constantly losing benefits because they have no bargaining power or knowledge to pass on that could prevent things from happening? And why does he allow the dismembering or other Departments such as South Pasadena and Pinellas Park? It appears that Mike Blanks Fiefdom is worth more to him than protection of the rest of the smaller men.
Lastly I must ask, are we ok with the fact that we did nothing for MDA this year and next to nothing last year? Are we ok with having no open house celebrations at the union office for the past 2 years? These were great for bringing together our members, their families, City Council members and many of the folks who provide professional service to this union on a daily basis. Are we happy without having a shift calendar that proudly displayed the names of our Local and Officers names and phone numbers on it?
Its amazing how there are two sides to every story and its amazing how often things are forgotten. What I have written here is a cause of great concern to the Mayor and to Chief Jim Large, That's the only reason and Michael Blank is not what is leading this Local down the shitter but it is his responsibility for letting it happen.
Received via Email: 09-18-13 When I first saw these two letter I thought that the same person wrote them. Wow! Thank you guys for presenting the other side of the coin. You are both right, Blank and Hay never tell you that there's a down side to anything that they do. People used to get mad because Winnie didn't like to share nego info but Blank and Hay will tell you anything you want to hear and keep talking as long as you are willing to ask questions. The only trouble is you never know when they're telling the truth. Thank you guys
Received via Email: 09-18-13 I hope Pearl gets the video tomorrow. Blank telling me about it isn't half as good (or truthful) as watching the ship go down in HD.
Received via Email: 09-18-13 Holy shit. Remind me never to piss you MF'ers off.!.!.!
Received via Email: 09-18-13 I'd like to send this site a picture of my ballot with a check mark besides Pauley's name. It didn't take 5 minutes to drive it to the corner blue mailbox for 5pm pickup.
TEAM: We'd post a picture of ours but it was gone in sixty seconds, too. Cheers!
Received via Email: 09-18-13 I heard that Blank was telling some of the younger guys that we'd better jump on this now because it may never come around again. Really? The city's offer is 2%. Anything after that we get after that is no different than buying something off the shelf. You just got to ask yourself it you can afford to buy it or not.
TEAM: Brilliant comparison! We have been thinking along the very same lines. There's nothing that's being offered up by this Mayor that one could cite as even being remotely QUID PRO QUO. Granted, if we were to totally trust the City's numbers and were to offer up $1.6M in benefits in exchange for another $1.6M in benefits - that could be considered QUID PRO QUO between us and the City. We'd rather the arrangement were between us and Rick Kriseman, where he thanks us for doing $1.6M worth of legwork for him and he ends up offering us $1.6M in benefits in exchange. Now that's a real QUID PRO QUO relationship. Go Rick Kriseman, Go!
Received via Email: 09-18-13 Two awesome takes on Blanks letter. It was truly pathetic and promptly deposited in the trash.
Received via Email: 09-18-13 How is it that I can come here and read what some of you say I and feel like I'm a member of the most powerful union on earth and then sit in my underwar eating Cheetos Cheese Puffs while watching our leadership stumble through life on video and just want to put a shotgun in my mouth?
TEAM: Same for us except for the fact that we want to put the gun in someone else' mouth!
Received via Email: 09-19-13 Couldn't put a stamp and mail that ballot in fast enough. On to bigger and better times!
Received via Email: 09-19-13 I'm naturally very proud of Jon and whoever wrote the second letter. I think I know who it was but won't make any presumptions. There's only one thing I'd like to add to both letters and that is something I've said before and will say again. . .you're paying $2000.00 A MONTH for this drastically weak leadership. Two grand a month to be told lies and innuendo. Two grand a month for one failure after another.
Now I'm not stupid enough to not know that the remuneration isn't the result of results. It's a static offering without parameters. And the amount isn't relative (apparently) to the skills. I just guess that now, when the economy is so bad that getting less for your money is expected.
I'm not worried that Dumb and Dumber are taking this Local back farther than any of their predecessors. I'm not angry that we're not getting the benefits we once did. I'm not even angry that even though they've been told for two years they're doing it wrong that they still continued to forge ahead with their heads up their own asses. I know that there are still those who actually understand and care about the membership and the reputation of what was once one of the strongest and best led Locals in the state of Florida. And I feel that will happen again in spite of this temporary setback.
I wish Brother Pauley only the best when he takes over the reins. And a very large thank you to several of the members, especially Brother Jon Pearl, for continuously maintaining the tenets and objectives of Local 747, I.A.F.F. when it was reduced to laughing stock by the current leadership. And Brother Bill Mott, you still stand tall when people speak of Local 747.
Local 747 has a history of proud and valued leadership. Local 747 has many times been the leader over the years and it will be again. I really hope that this has been a lesson to the members of this Local both old and young that without the Local you can see what is only the tip of the iceberg as to what the city would do to you without it. These are hard times and unfortunately the membership stepped on their collective dicks when they could least afford it. And you have lived the results. Pay attention and never forget this lesson.
It's time to get our own house in order and then take it to the city. Make Chris go home at night with a migraine he won't forget and hope that Mr. Kriseman wins the election in November and will see the foolishness on both sides of the table. It's time to take back Local 747.
Received via Email: 09-19-13 Voted and in the mail. Pauley gets my vote.
Received via Email: 09-19-13 Can you believe I did not get a Mike Blank letter in the mail? Could it be he knows I am not voting for him? Talk about lame politics, ya think if he really wanted another term he would have at least tried!? Go Rick P.!
Received via Email: 09-19-13I would like to point out something here so that one of our moles can run it back to Mayor Foster. Mr. Foster, do you realize that on any given day 275 members of Local 747 are off duty? (more when you let fire units sit out of service). How do those numbers stack up to those of firefighters that have no problem going out on your walk of lies and dishoner? Ya know, I havent even heard anyone at my station even once talk about doing anything for you so far during this entire election cycle. No sign wavers, no bull shit lair walks, and definitly no election contributions. This of course does not include President Blank or EVP Hay. But then again I dont believe most of what they say anyhow.
Received via Email: 09-19-13 Hey, remember when Ron Kidwell used to talk so badly about SCABS? I guess he has lightened up since he had two of them Jeff Wayne and Keith Brahm working under him in his own station, one even his own shift. But I guess all is well now, since I see that tomorrow he is doing swap time with yet another SCAB Steve Watkins. Wow, if he could somehow get SCAB Tokotch in his crew he would have the Daily double double. Just another fine example of a Bull Shitter first class. FTM, and Fuck Kidwell the SCAB lover. Ronald, dont forget to get their sizes and favorite colors as Christmas is getting near.
Received via Email: 09-21-13 Does anyone know the last day that we can turn in shoe reimbursement forms for new work shoes or did I miss the deadline?
Received via Email: 09-21-13 Too late. Wednesday the 18th
Received via Email: 09-25-13 Does anyone know the difference between to piles of ox shit and the President and EVP of Local 747?
Received via Email: 09-25-13 Flies don't mind being seen around SHIT!
Received via Email: 09-26-13 Ox shit comes from an animal that has a purpose.
Received via Email: 09-27-13 Shit is the by product of something that was once useful. It provided nourisement to the body enabling it to get stronger, live longer, and become wiser. About the only thing that is ever recognisible in a turd pile is an occasional piece of corn, nut, or bean. Mike Blank and Steve Hay are the discarded waste of something that was deemed useless.
Received via Email: 09-27-13 Since we are speaking about ox dung, what did you think about the latest Current Events letter from Chief Large? Is he full of himself or what? Its a good thing Rick Pauley sent out his letter that he was interested in the President position or Jimbo wouldn't have had much to rant about. As far as how happy he is with the representation of his Department at the 9/11 breakfast, I wonder why he choose to forget that the Fire Service was not represented in the Color Guard or during the remeberance table where a uniform cap or helmet was placed for those no longer able to attend? Also out of the 100 or so tables Jimmy chose to point out the Hero's that stood for SPFR and totally ingored the 3 medal of Honor Recipients, the blind Marine that gave a very emotional testimony or the many others that were in attendance that represented combat veterans from World War II to present day. Keep shining your belt buckle Chiefy. Maybe someday you will try to take that flying leap like the REAL Character did that you are so infatuated with. BTW, you know that Superman, like yourself is all fake?
Received via Email: 09-27-13 That same current events mentioned something else. It mentioned our SPFR members in attendance. The names were listed, until he got to 5 certain Brothers & Sisters there also, that just happened to be guest of Kriseman. That fact he made sure to include that, Humm of course he wasn't trying to make them look like Benedict Arnold's ,now was he? Hats off to the Fab 5 for having the guts to show where they believe the FD and City should go.
Received via Email: 09-28-13 St Pete Fire has been around since 1907 along with its first Engine, Engine 1. Now, as of Oct 1, 2013 Engine 1 is erased from the St Pete Fire Department. 106 years of tradition and valuable service is now over for Engine 1. Chief Large could have easily prevented this from happening but NO, he chooses to care about himself more than the operations of this once great fire department. We who honor this job and profession will sadly miss the Citizens of St Pete's, Engine 1.
Received via Email: 09-28-13 Large tells everyone not to listen to rumors because they might not be factual. Better to listen to King Jimmy because he's all about the truth as he knows it.
Received via Email: 09-29-13 READ Todays Tampa Bay Times, In it you will see in written words, what this "Chief" has said to the public,and showing what little respect he has for tragedies in our city, I find his comment offensive. Apologize to the citizens and your members, or just leave.
Received via Email: 09-29-13 Does anyone know where that link is?
Received via Email: 09-29-13 Leadership at its finest. The reason we have not evolved as a leader in the fire service is only partly because we do not want to and partly because we do not know how. It is much easier to just drink everyone's free coffee and tell stories of how things were 30+ years ago. The problem for all of you that will be around a while it that is will take your entire career to fix the damage. Things are about to get real interesting. How embarrassing.
see JL's words
Received via Email: 09-30-13 Was that the first thing he could think of? I mean, that shit don't even make sense.
Received via Email: 09-30-13 His fat ass has been eating doughnuts along with free coffee.
Received via Email: 09-30-13 Large is stupid, he just got rid of Eng 1 and Truck 13 for good and he is hammering the cops. What a Loser. Hes says we are training the cops how to use our axes. WHAT IS THAT. The bad guy had the ax, and yes it was one of our axes. One that we left on a scene somewhere. What a Stupid statement totally uncaring toward any one or any group of people.
Received via Email: 09-30-13 Supposedly since Pknuck has fire admin in an uproar with her post here on Us and Them and signing her name, along with sitting at Krisemans table that Large had to mention in the current event memo he sent, they are now getting even with patty who has been a loyal employee for more than 25 years. So what do they do, they send her Bag and baggage to the Big House while she is on vacation and dont even tell her about it. News for you A-- hole chiefs. Patty is tougher than any of you wimps and you cant get a good person down. So why dont you try supporting some folks instead of picking on good people. What a bunch of HQ babies.
Received via Email: 09-30-13 It's official. Governor Rick Scott has endorsed Bill Foster.
That's not all, rumors are flying that the Republican Party of Florida is going to dump even more money into Mr. Foster's campaign.
I'll leave the partisan, Tallahassee politics to Rick Scott and Bill Foster. In the meantime, I'm focused on communicating my message of a St. Petersburg with more jobs, better schools, and stronger neighborhoods.
St. Petersburg is a great city, but with decisive leadership and a clear vision, we can be even better.
Thank you for all your help.
-Rick Kriseman
Received via Email: 09-30-13 Sure Rick we would be happy to help. Thanks again for running for Mayor. Most members of local 747 St. Petersburg Firefighters are pulling for you, even though our Fire Chief is not and has continued his smear campaign against you.
Received via Email: 10-01-13 I'll always sign my name when I post here. No, not any of the 5 members at the Patriot Day's Breakfast had any hidden agenda. We were invited as guest of former St. Petersburg Council member, and Florida State Representative Rick Kriseman. Not a single one of us went there with any thing in mind except honoring our Brother & Sister Firefighters, Police & EMS that gave the ultimate sacrifice on September 11. As we stood side by side with Military, active and retired, Fire & Police, the very last thing on my mind was Politics. Anyone that suggest otherwise is not a Patriot at all. I was humbled as I shared our table with a 95 y/o WW II Veteran. The event made me cherish life just that much more as a father and Civil Servant. I ask this of each of you. Do not draw conclusions from a statement that points to the false fact that we were there for political reasons. We were there as Americans.
John F. Barfield
Received via Email: 10-01-13 Well said JB. You were there to honor those that put their lives on the line for each one of us. Not a single one was there as politician, but to honor and thank those that have given so much. BTW, does anyone know what table Chief Large sat at?
Received via Email: 10-01-13 We are being duped on a grand scale unlike anything we have ever seen before. If this pack of lies passes, it wont be until Jan. 2016 that we will all finally learn the truth about what has happened. Here is the real kicker, Michael Blank is in the DROP and has already been telling folks that he wont be around for all of it. Chief Jimmy and Mayor Froster with any luck will be run out of town well before that. In other words, they will be gone and we will be stuck holding the bag of goo.
Received via Email: 10-01-13 I truely feel bad that Patty will again have to endure the bullshit of yet another move. I hope that she makes life for those that despise her a living hell. It will be nice not to have to put up with Chief Bag o Shit's visits on a daily basis anymore tho. I am sure he will check the staffing board everyday to find out when he can safely visit. Bite them in the ass Patty. You cant kick them in the balls though because they dont have any.
Received via Email: 10-01-13
TAMPA — After some lean and hungry years, workers at City Hall like the idea of looking forward to a raise again.
So this week two unions for city employees embraced proposed labor contracts that would provide across-the-board pay increases of 2 percent in the coming year, 2.5 percent in 2015 and 3.5 percent in 2016.
Blank and Hay should be the Us Vs Them Snake Oil Salesmen Of The Year.
Received via Email: 10-01-13 I just heard this and thought that it had to be shared. During the 9/11 memorial breakfast the Chief Large is so happily patting himself on the back about and at the same time bashing 5 of our brothers and sister over, I hear the Billy Mott presented a Union Challange Coin to the 95 year old World War II combat veteran to show him how much the Firefighters appreciated his service to our country and our way of life. Meanwhile Jimmy was sitting at who's table? Besides his superman belt buckle I wonder what else he was polishing? Yes Jimmy, some of SPFR's finest represented the profession they love, and paid their respects to those that deserved it most, but it was in no way thanks to you.
Received via Email: 10-01-13 Haaaaaaaaaa. Watching a Tom Hanks movie on AMC and who so I see in a Rick Kriseman commercial at 11:30pm??? This shit is great. You couldn't write a script like this. Go Rick Go Rick Go Rick.
Received via Email: 10-01-13 Patty should file a harassment suit but she is to good for that, She will just make your life miserable Mr.Coffee. Better start hanging out at Station 10 cause the big house is no longer a place you can just railroad your dumb ideas into. Go Patty.
Received via Email: 10-02-13 With Don Barker leaving, I just realized something. He was the last person that Jimbo had any connection to with his good old days. Yes Jimmy, you are that f'in old. I guess this will mean he can start telling all of his old storie again, but now he can tell them HIS way since there is no one left to refute them. Dont you think 40 years of your misery is long enough to subject us to? Leave while you still have a little hair left.
Received via Email: 10-02-13 The MFS would like to welcome senior ff.knuckey to our station, we are honored to have you here.... maybe you can share your wisdom with some of these newbies about this fire department and how full of shit hq staff truly are.
Received via Email: 10-02-13 Ok 10/1 who'd ya see in the commercial!???
Received via Email: 10-02-13 Jimmy Large is seriously worried about Pauley and this contract. He has Fosters wang so far down his throat that he looks like his personal fool. Jimmy................you can write a memo a day and it won't change a thing. We don't negotiate with you. Never have never will.
Received via Email: 10-02-13 Jimmy's secretary must be on vacation. Now you no wut a edukation from ekerd collage is worth in the real world.
Received via Email: 10-02-13 In my 20+ years on this department I have never witnessed a chief officer issue a dept wide memo regarding union negotiations. I am continually baffled by this chief. This is a subject he should never interject his comments on or try to persuade voting. Regardless of him telling us multiple times to vote out conscience, you get the impression he wants you to vote for this contract. Stop for a minute and ask yourself, why would the chief of this department be so hell bent on us voting in this contract? Makes you wonder.
Received via Email: 10-02-13 You can bet with the ballots going out tomorrow, Large wanted to stick his nose right where it doesn't belong at the very last minute. He's scared that Blank and Foster might not get back in so he tells us about the scare tactics that are all around while using a few of his own. Stick to what you do well, Jimmy and that's giving interviews about fire axes and donuts.
Received via Email: 10-02-13 Jimbo's Memo:
As I mentioned last week there is a tremendous amount of speculation and rumor circulating. I wanted to share some insight into some of the latest.
This involves the current contract up for vote. I was told that since the contract does not say the city will hire the eighteen then there are no guarantees, that in fact the City will declare financial hardship and force overtime to cover R Days. First, vote you’re conscious, it’s your contract. My concern is that you do it with real information and not speculation and propaganda. Every discussion to date regarding the shorter work week involves the hiring of eighteen new firefighters before January of 2016. There are unknown factors that certainly exist. One is a mayoral election. The flood insurance issue is another. Should the bottom fall out of the economy, the City use up its reserves, and ultimately declares and proves financial hardship then any contract would likely be voided whether it involves raises or shorter work week. There certainly would not be overtime to back fill. The reality is we just went through the worst economic times of my 39 plus years and did not declare financial hardship, why would we think it will happen because of or during this contract. If that is a legitimate fear then it should have been there for every multiyear contract ever signed or any proposed in the future. Bottom line, it is an illogical scare tactic.
As stated previously it is your contract. I have no vested interest either way. The reality is do you want a three year contract with a shorter work week in 2016 and a 2% GWI in year one or you do not and want to go back to the negotiating table. At this time anything else is speculation. Thank you and be safe!
Why don't I believe him? First he says that his concern is that you do it with real information and not speculation and propaganda. You mean like the kind of propaganda Blank and Hay have been spewing? The only thing missing from their act is the snake oil bottle. He just can't swallow the fact that we're putting the stink eye on this contract because it's all right in front of our face. "Every discussion to date regarding the shorter work week involves the hiring of eighteen new firefighters before January of 2016". Judge Judy would say "if it's not in the contract, it doesn't exist. Have a nice day". Remember when the city signed the MOU for the drop extension and then said they'd take it back from the captains and DC's and keep it from us all togeither? We had a signed contract and the city still fucked us. We had to spend $10K in court to beat the lying bastards. The only reason Large is popping off about this subject is because he's scared that he's about to be in the shit again and won't get his bonus.