"STRAIGHT DOPE" is just that!  It's factual information that you need to know, by sources whose aim, is to hold back the ever increasing tide of BULLSHIT that's inundating us, that's threatening to takeover as the sole source of (mis)information in each of our career's!

Documentation that depicts the start of your Union's winning trend is located HERE...

Received via email 5-14-06  Yeah, they sure treated LT Jackson good his last year. Instead of letting him enjoy his senority and years of service as a FF and LT and choose where he wants to go, they ship him to the GOD forsaken hell hole that no one puts in to go to, just to shit on him one last time.  Hey SPFD staff you should be proud of yourselves.  At least you're consistant, treat the a--holes with dignity and the good character like sh--.  frekin moorons. KTF FTM

Received via email 5-14-06  To 5/12: Learn how to spell or use spell check. Are you hearing a rumor? J.Oliver has a job and he is not leaving because St. Pete sucks. Get your head out your ass and stop stirring the pot.

Received via email 5-16-06  Well you can thank MR.  I am your buddy and pal Z**p until SK tells me what to do.  Can you imagine SK out at that hell hole.  Heck no.  He wouldnt be able to have his head up the admins a**.  And would'nt be able to dictate policy to his DC.

Received via email 5-16-06   To 5/16.   Wow, have to admit that statement makes a lot of sense. But how does SK have so much power?

Received via email 5-16-06  Strange, I can speel it wrong but you can still read it?  Who is the worst off?  J. Oliver IS Leaving because he has decided this City is no longer where he wants to be.  However, many of the reasons that contributed to his decision came from the failures of this City and those that refuse to back its employees.  Yes, some of these were in fact the lack of support from the past administration.  Ask R. Dobbins he will tell you a similar story.  Is it fair that the new admin has to bear this loss?  No, unfortunately his decision was already made before the bud king finally deprived himself of us and J.O. was already too far into his decision to financially, to change his mind.  So, call my info a rumor or whatever.  I know what I know and you know what you tell everyone.  I have no trouble sleeping at night, not with my info, nor with my spelling. FTM, SKIAAH, ASAU.

Received via email 5-16-06  While it is true that J. Oliver has a great chance at getting hired by the dept in VA., it is a fact that he WILL NOT know 100% about this job until sometime in July.  He is leaving here NOW, because of the conditions that he has decided were no longer acceptable.  He will tell anyone there is no problem with the Fire Dept. - only the City fathers.  The FACT IS...The city believes we have no problem keeping employees.  I count two in the last week that have announced they are LEAVING.  Leaving to go work someplace else is not the same as leaving because of Retirement.

Received via email 5-18-06  Good luck J Oliver.  Hope you have a great time up there it was wonderful working with you even thought the boys at 4 talked crap about you.  They just probably dont like themselves and need to seek therapy.

Received via email 5-18-06  I am in VA. now and its very odd not being in Florida. I really love the area here. I just want to set some things straight. I do not have a job yet, I am in the process with 3 FD's up here. I needed to leave the Greater Tampa Bay Area. I am extremely disappointed in the treatment we receive by the City of St. Petersburg. I am not foolish enough to think that by me leaving one city and going to another that ALL labor issues will disappear. Its the same BS different surroundings. My family is foremost in my life. Anyone who has ever worked with me knows this. Its all for them, the money issues always work out somehow. I love this job, I just was not satisfied with my surroundings. I have NO hard feelings towards anyone at 4 or anywhere else. I wish the best to everyone and hope that you can support the union in there efforts for benefits that are equal to FD's of similar size and calls. I believe you will get there, just don't give up.


Jeffrey Oliver, formerly from "Motel 6.  We'll leave the light on for ya!"

               Received via email 5-18-06  Good luck to you, Jeff.  You're one of the good guys, to be sure!  The buzz is going around on Jeff's exit interview with Chief Lanning.  Jeff apparently told him just what you've read in his post above.  He didn't have a problem with the department but was very frustrated with the city's lack of support for it's firefighters!  Lanning apparently thought that 'people' had got to Jeff and swayed his opionion.  Lanning didn't want to accept his exit interview as written.  GREG LANNING - GET A CLUE!  NOT EVERYONE HAS THEIR NOSE UP THIS CITY'S ASS, LIKE YOU!    YES - IT IS POSSIBLE THAT JEFF DID HIS OWN THINKING.  IT'S YOU WHO CAN'T THINK WITHOUT A COMITTEE!  GET A LIFE, DUDE!

TEAM:  Wow, news travels fast.  Yeah... that seems to be the 'buzz' as you say.  If this were a town with a mayor named Greco or Iorio, you might find a modicum of respect being shown to it's Firefighters and Police Officers.  Not in this town.  They make you fight for every last dime - every last pension improvement.  This mayor sets aside $50,000,000.00 for Pier renovations and still has the gall to make the rounds of all city services and strip them of more money.   

It's great to be a part of a progressive Fire Dept., but if you wish in one hand and shit in the other...  well you know the story.

Received via email 5-19-06  J. Oliver I hope that was in fact you in the above post.  If so good luck and like you said everything will work out.

Received via email 5-20-06  Anybody hear the rumor about our Safety and Training Chief GL going into a structure with smoke when there was a crew inside with an operating handline. Oh yeah he also didnt have an air pack.  Tell me its not so.  

Received via email 5-22-06  If that is so, did the officer in charge write him up or just kiss his a_s!!  He should be fried just like he or his sidekicks would do to us blue shirts!

Received via email 5-23-06   Yeah, how come if us blue shirts do something wrong we get hammered yet if any one in the training div. either current or past regime do something out of line, they get off scott free. Just don't seem fair to me.  I think at least practice what you put in SOP or policy.

Received via email 5-23-06  Yeah right.  You mean Mr. GL who burns down a house in west St.Pete?  Good thing that person didn't have money or GL would be pumping gas.  Did he buy his degree also and pretend to know what he is doing?  He is pathetic.  Would he be able to fight fire if he had to?  Probably not.

Received via email 5-24-06  Hmm, are there no GL suck asses to defend that idiot.  I mean come on.  Do you really think that a person with a heart condition should be allowed in the FD?   What if that were a blue shirt?  What would happen?  Well, now that the drunk is gone I don't know,  Well, GL, I challenge you to go to a real college and earn a real degree from either USF or UT.  Then we will see if you are worthy to be where you are.  I doubt it.  Why don't you do a ride along with E3 or E1 or E5 to catch a fire to see if you really have it or are you hiding behind that badge.

Received via email 5-24-06  Word has it GL was promoted to Div. chief because if he made DC or as a Capt continued acting as DC, he would have got someone hurt at a fire.  Any truth to that?  Sounds like it from the last west side fire.  Question is why does our Admin. continue to support him.  Its pretty obvious to everyone else he is a liability to all.  Is their head that much in the sand in the paper palace that they can't see it or are all of us FFs just imagining his recklessness?

Received via email 5-25-06  I may be fairly new but it sounds like maybe its time for GL to go and begin another career. Or is the cash he is receiving, 'king' with the DROP money he gets every month.  It appears the FFs safety is no longer 'king'. Hopefully we'll get some real leadership soon in the Training Division.

Received via email 5-26-06  Are we doing another firefighter 'stand down' this year?  I wonder if Lanning is going to send his spies out to the stations again this year.  Here's how it works - take all of the officers and round them up and have them sit through a meeting at HQ, while YOU read and then go through the stand down procedures.  Your officers get no benefit from the activity and when they return ask "what did you guys do today?  I was in a bullshit officers meeting all day!"  Towards the end of the day the goon squad arrives in your station (guys that haven't been in a station in years) and start to ask all sorts of questions about the stand down, like they're even remotely interested in firefighters or what they do for a living.  Each of them reports back to Lanning!

We're ready for you this year, goon squad!  GL - you pretend to be interested in FF's and we'll pretend to believe you're chief material!

Received via email 5-26-06  Yeah, I think pretty much all agree that we FFs just pretend GL is chief material because we have to. Come on, there has to be someone out there that has a postive word about GL.  OR is there !!!  It's sad but true.  Whenever he arrives on a scene he always makes the scene more unsafe and causes others to fail because of his micro - dictator attitude while working out of the command structure that everyone else is working within.  All of our other chiefs seem to be at least trying to support the FFs in some way or another and make the scene safer.  But GL is a true MICRO DICTATOR CRAZY LOON seeking his own agenda and supported only by his own power trip. The day he retires will be the day our department is a safer place to work!  The retired bud king must have had one to many brews the day he made GL safety chief.  

Received via email 5-26-06  Well, Isnt it funny that during this te GL is out of town on vacation.  Probably going to another dept to see how he can screw them up.  I hope that Large and Wimberly see through him and put someone real in Charge there.  Maybe GL and SK are holding each other to see who can jerk them off first.  We got rid of one and reaasigned another.  2 more to go.  And why not put the DC's back in the compamnies so they can remember what it is like to fight fire instead of writing red tickets.  You know that would never happen.  I dont know any DC who would get his white shirt dirty..

Received via email 5-26-06  GL needs help. Help out the door and into retirement. Sounds like most of the above posts are painting a pretty accurate description of lil cubby. Some of the ole timers will remember that name given to GL a long time ago.

Received via email 5-27-06   How about the day that GL was stopped by a St.Pete Cop for speeding and GL cried his eyes out (aligator tears) to the cop to not to give him a ticket. This story came from the cop that gave him the ticket. The cop came into the station and wanted to know who that idiot was.

Received via email 5-27-06  WoW, seems like chief GL is taking a lot of heat. But say, why now? He has been this out of line on fire scenes since he was a Capt.! Nothing new here. The question is why hasn't any body faced and corrected him over the years. Are our Div and D/Cs that weak to get him in line or just afraid of the little monster. Maybe someone will step up to the plate one of these days and fix this problem.

Received via email 5-28-06  Stop it... When are we going to realize that we have a Training Division in name only.  Our training division only has enough $$ to think up some off the wall shit so that they can then turn it over to the clique club at PTEC or SK's buy a Cert. club, so they can make Overtime $$$.  What a scam!  SPFR pays you to go to classes to get your certs and then you go elsewhere and charge taxpayers to teach your own people.

Received via email 5-29-06   What has happened to character and integrity being a part of our training division?   Is FF/DA the only thread of honesty left within that division?  Maybe the new LT RE will put GL on the right course and put a stop to some of the scams.  At least he has the guts to stand up to GL whereas no one else seems to!

Received via email 5-29-06  Hey dipshit, we do not get $$ OT to teach.If you have a problem come ask one of us at the clique club. Before you think you hit a sore spot think again, I am just correcting you. It is a part time job just like  anyone else. Get your instructor and you can part of the clique if not keep your comments to yourself dip shit.Post your name and I will call you.

Received via email 5-30-06  Ooooooh post your name!  Is that a threat?  (WHERE IS your name pal?)  You better go write your sorry ass up dipshit loser.... Kiss off! FTM FTM Get a real part time job.  I hear McDonalds is hiring!

Received via email 5-30-06  Hey 5/29, you are so sure about justifying your OT that you do not receive.  Justify the actions of your boss GL at some of the past fire scenes where he runs around half crazed!

Received via email 5-31-06  Hey 5/30 or should I say hey paranoid. Nobody is getting written up for speaking their mind. If they do, that is some sorry shit. GL is not my boss. Instructors have their input and we teach according to our SOP and Policies. As for GL crazy ass behavior at scenes, well I have never been on a scene with him so I can not defend or bash him.

Received via email 5-31-06   Hey 5/31 you must be a very new if you have never been on a scene with GL. He responds to most 2 alarm and a lot of working fires. Maybe instead of thinking you know it all, maybe you should get some freakin experience first.

Received via email 5-31-06  "Hey 5/30 or should I say hey paranoid." Good one new boy. If there was a snippet of paranoia in that post, heck your'e smarter than all of us. I still see the omission of your name.  As for you unbiased judgment of GL, your lack of intestinal fortitude in taking a stand makes you a prime candidate for officer.. Good luck sphincter boy!

Received via email 6-1-06  GL does have some serious competency issues, will he ever change? Probably not,
he's been that way for many years!

Received via email 6-1-06   Use your melon-an instructor needs min. 6 years of fire service experience among other criteria. Its obviously not someone "new".

               Received via email 6-1-06  Looks like GL is at it again, drills planned for June and July, right in the middle of the hottest part of the summer. Yeah let's just dehydrate everyone and stress 'em to the max to see if they can handle it, since we don't run real calls anyway during the summer! Bet his little A-- wont be out there in full gear with SCBA (but hey, why would he, he doesn't even wear his protective equip at a real scene, why would he start now?)  Winter, spring or fall might be a better time to run all these drills but that makes too much common sense.  Let's reward our crews for a job well done by frying there a-- in the heat and humidity. Only the strong survive right (HOOH-RAH).

Received via email 6-3-06  Amen to that post! 6/1. Someone who has never been on a scene with the training chief is a friggen new guy.  Or they have never been to a fire. Get a clue dip sh--.

Received via email 6-3-06   Hey 6/1 if it isn't someone new, its probably a liar. Unless they work for another dept and instruct for PTEC.  

Received via email 6-3-06  Good post, I think Chief GL feels a little taller when he orders the crews to do whatever he feels like. Maybe someday he'll grow up and be a man and practice what he preaches. Till then we'll all have to put up with his sh--!

Received via email 6-7-06  If you all spent this much time and effort fighting for better pay and benefits you might actually get it. Dont let one Chief get this much press, WHO REALLY CARES! Go to the union meetings and stand behind your leaders, stop complaining about training, UNITE!
With Love from somewhere other than St. Pete.

Received via email 6-7-06  Well... your message may have been sent with love but as one from somewhere else, you might want to know that pissing and moaning and the ability to make the City of St. Petersburg come to the table are mutually exclusive acts.  While I would like for everyone to get along better, it really has little to do with time spent working on pay and benefits.
No less than the day to day chores of the union - where 99% of the work is done by 1% - it's the 99% that fills these pages.  The 1% is quiety working behind the scenes to make it happen!
With Love from somewhere 'in' St. Pete.

Received via email 6-7-06  If you don't like us bitching - take your sorry ass to some other than this St Pete site.

Received via email 6-7-06  Did you hear that the first night of training ff/pm was sent to the hospital. It happened in the first 40 mins. of the drill.
TEAM:  Word has it that the C-shift fared better.  Lanning made a comment that if the drill hadn't gone better, they were considering 'revising' it!  How?  I say, move it to January?

Received via email 6-7-06  Does anybody know the story about a DC that had a few drinks to many in downtown St.Pete and called for a rescue to help him and his friends out. Is that abuse of the system, abuse of his authority,and conduct unbecoming. Is it going to be washed under the table like the GL incident. What do you think?

Received via email 6-9-06  Hey 6/7, that is old news.. scroll back in the BS file, and straight dope and you see the info ya seek.. Bottom line, you wanna stay straight, avoid the suits and their kiss ass boys...FTM

Received via email 6-10-06  Check out this link off the leo affairs page:  http://www.veteranspostnews.com/StPetePD04.htm

Received via email 6-11-06  It seems that four more of our members are seeking employment elsewhere. I seem to remember hearing that this city doesn't have a retention problem.  If this is true that will be 6 in the past 3 months.  Mayor Baker, ARE YOU even remotely aware of what is going on around here?  I know padding your resume is important for your next job but give us what we deserve.  Tax reaks are good, but fully staffed emergency vehicles are much better.

Received via email 6-11-06  6/7 You got my point!  If more people helped out the 1% then people like myself wouldnt have to leave St. Pete. I did appreciate all you did while I was there. Still with love, but not in St. Pete.

Received via email 6-13-06  Congratulations to Lt. Hollenback and to Chief Large who continues his streak of heads up decissions. 

Received via email 6-14-06  Was just curious if GL ever did the flashover trailer?  Was just curious.

Received via email 6-14-06  Everyone must be on vacation, because its been real quiet on here.  There has to be a DC or someone doing something stupid.  We haven't heard about drunk 1 and 2 lately.  Have they become tea drinkers or did they realize that people don't like back stabbing drunks?

Received via email 6-15-06  Hey 6/14.  Drunk #2 came out of the closet.  He is at 7B now.  As for #1, he is still a 110% backstabbing AH. He is currently trying his old, "I had to write him up" routine on a senior firefighter.  Drinking tea?  Only if it was brewed with a little weed in it..

Received via email 6-16-06  6/7 The DC in that reference only got a slap on the hand. We need to file this one away for the next time a blue shirt does something to get written up for.

Received via email 6-16-06  Once again, a more prepared, level headed officer canidate has been passed over.  While I believe EH will do alright, JM has more open mindedness, and is a clickless person.  When you're involved in the UNION you can bet they pass you over...

Received via email 6-16-06  Those DC's must be on vacation up north - so they cant back stab or lie to anyone.

Received via email 6-17-06  What Prevention Lt. recently filed a grievance against his boss?  I hear it has to do with the big guy (Chief) stepping on the toes of the "nobody's bigger than me Lt."  Say it ain't so....

Received via email 6-17-06  Hey, I hope he did file a grievance against GL!  Its long past due, and we all know that Lt, being a non-drinkin-buddy, will stand up for what he Believes! FTM FTP!!!
TEAM: Huh?

Received via email 6-18-06  Hey dumbass prevention is different from training.

Received via email 6-18-06  When is someone going to file a grievance against both A shift DCs?   Is backstabbing and telling lies the norm for them?  I would like to know what their IQ's are.  Well, we know why one of them got promoted to DC.  HMMM  avoid something?

Received via email 6-18-06  Yes M.S. from #3   Go run and tell the DC's what people think of them so your head can be further up their A*s.  You are a backstabing suck A*s!

Received via email 6-19-06   "The nobody bigger than me" Lt. from Prev.  Mmm lets see - could it be... no say it so... not Lt RF?  He has a modest opinion of himself and is always a fair and level headed leader.  Isnt he ??????

Received via email 6-19-06  6/18.  Your the dumbass here.  Please excuse, (to the level header ones out there) my mistake.  The word was a training LT had done that.  Although I can understand writing up the unhappy chief in prev. So 6/18...since you're faultless go f----

Received via email 6-23-06  6/19, I see your sarcasim, is that a suprise?  We all know MM, RF and a few others are made from the same a--hole mold.

Received via email 6-23-06  I hear that there are some great pictures of MM that were taken at the convention recently.  We need to have a dumb a-- of the month section on the web site.  The same few people would be on it all the time.  I know of at least 4 people that would be regulars.

Received via email 6-24-06  The only reason we are stuck in the 70's is because of GL and all the good ole boy promotions.  It seems no one wants to be proactive to help the dept and if they do its because they want to do it for themselves and don't care about the men.  Just look at the good Lt.s and FF's we have lost and yes I am afraid to say it...  but, to better Depts.  The Chief needs to wake up and 'can' half of HQ and start over.

               Received via email 6-24-06  We're stuck in the 70's because there's no 'born' leadership in this town.  We've got folks running around wearing hat's of of all sorts, but no true leaders.  The hats could all read "Good Humor Man" and we'd all say, "yeah, I know him" and think nothing more about it.  We were failed by our city's leadership many years ago when it would have been both 'cheaper' and more prudent to follow Tampa's lead in becoming "America's Next Great City."  But that was at a time when the Bill Bond's of the world were siphoning money out our pension fund so that guys like himself could grow the downtown from his council seat, ultimately benefiting from properties that he owned.  What a guy!  Later, we were failed again when we floated a bond issue to build the tractor dome, and had yet to secure a team from Major League Baseball to recoup some of our money.  We were being told to 'hold-off' by 'that' group of council members too!  "Please don't picket the dome!  MLB won't be pleased to find that we don't take care of our hometown heroes."  I love living and working here, but I hate working for a city administration full of pricks!

To know the City of St. Petersburg's dirty little secret, is to know that through every election of new council persons, that there will always be a few of the old guard remaining to coach the new guard in the ways of the CHEAPEST CITY ON EARTH WITH MONEY IN THE BANK!
TEAM:  Everyone bust a cheer: GO TITAN, TO TITAN, GO TITAN!

Received via email 6-24-06  Well its official.  Jeff Oliver, Kevin McConn, Angela Ferguson, Insp. Schultz have decided it is better somewhere else.  Also two of our newest Mike Johnson and Nicole Revette should be leaving us for new jobs over there in the land of better benefits before the end of July.  Lets recap... in the past three months, (1)Veteran Paramedic, (2)Mid-career Firefighters,  (1)Fire Inspector, and (2)probies for a total of 6.  All leaving for greener grasses. I hope someone of importance is paying attention to this.
TEAM:  Brother Kevin McConn's leaving ought to tell you all something... he had to buy back a couple of years because he's not yet 50 years of age.  He's left St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue under less than ideal circumstances.  But... he can do the next ten years of his career standing on his head - working less feverishly for St. Pete Beach Fire Department.  He'll work for a city that appreciates it's hometown heroes and will reward him with a better pension multiplier (3.40%) as opposed to our 3.00% and here's the BIGGIE ---------------------------->  HE'LL ENJOY A YEARLY COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) EVERY YEAR OF HIS RETIREMENT WHEN HE LEAVES THEM!

Received via email 6-25-06  I am surprised no one has brought up the fact that the city has a secret slush fund.

Received via email 6-25-06  The reason for the exodus is not only because of the city and the corrupt mayor but, also because of the fire dept leadership.  When are the firefighters rise up against the admin and put them in their place?  I mean look at that idiot GL in training and WJ in prevention with the "Stay Puft Marshmallow Man" RF.    Until there is real leadership we will always be second class citizens to the Govt.  It is too bad we cant overthrow the admin..  As the old saying goes... "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of tyrants and patriots."  Meaning US getting rid of them.  You know.  Sometimes you just have to start over.  Oh and don't forget the suck A*s in the companies.  You know who you are and we will be watching you and be on you like white on rice.  So be careful.

Received via email 6-25-06  To 6-24 let's not forget Lt. Mike Jackson who retired to work as in inspector for Pinellas Park. BETTER PAY BETTER PENSION DIFFERENT MINDSET YOU DO THE MATH!!!!!

Received via email 6-25-06  We need to add Lt Jackson to that list 6/24 since he left only a few weeks ago.  I hear there are many more getting ready to leave that are not drop participants, but just rather folks that are sick and tired of working for a city that don't give a sh-- any more !

Received via email 6-26-06  Amen to that comment! (6/25)

Received via email 6-26-06  I wouldnt say they are tired of working for the city but working for the idiots at HQ.  I mean how can one work for those type of people.  Only the Suck Ass's will benifit from the leadersip at HQ.  But, thus no one will respect them.

Received via email 6-27-06   When is the union going to get off there ass and start earning there money. In stead of waiting for the city we need to picket and put ads in the newspaper. Get in touch with the international have them put some pressure on the city. If the union president doesn't want to get off his ass we need to get someone in there that will do something.

Received via email 6-28-06  6/27, the union president has proven he works off his a--. Sounds like you should quit your bitchin, get to work and get off your own a--!

Received via email 6-28-06  To the 6-27 know it all...  I think you've tripped across the wrong web site.  The International Association of Douche Bags site is just around the corner.  The mayor of St. Petersburg is their president.  I suggest you go to 'that' web site and report for duty, douche bag buddy!

Received via email 6-28-06  Hey 6/27, our union pres gets paid pennies compared to the Mayor. And who do you think has really done the best for us? Lets see, our pres has demolished the SS offset, got us a one year contract to at least catch up on some bills, is trying to get the benefits we deserve, not mentioning staying up late everynight working while you probably are out hitting the bottle or sleeping all night. If you really feel that way, aren't you just becoming one of the mutts if you aren't one already?  'Cause you sure are acting like one!!!!

Received via email 6-28-06  6/28, I think you are right on !  Sad but true !! KTF

               Received via email 6-29-06  Check out these facts from the municipal websites:

--Hillsborough County Fire runs 72,000 calls per year with 751 personnel
--Tampa Fire Dept. runs 65,533 calls per year with 575 personnel
--SPFR runs 40,000 calls per year with 300 personnel

That equals 95 runs per personnel annually at HCFR, 113 at TFD, and 133 at SPFR!

TEAM:  Great work, Bro'/Sis'... To further your line of reasoning, let's do some more extrapolation...
Cut Hillsborough's numbers in half to more closely represent our own:
Run Totals - 72,000/2 = 36,000 [That's within striking distance of our 40,000.]
Personnel - 751/2 = 375.5 [I see a problem already!]

Hillsborough - 36,000/375 = 96 runs per personnel
St. Pete - 40,000/300 = 133 runs per personnel
- 96
  37 personnel short of Hillsborough's total strength!

Received via email 6-29-06  Great Job 6/29, just proves once again how we suck in pay and pension.  I'd like to see the numbers on how much our Mayor receives in compensation compared to others.  I'm sure he is way above the average, while we are way below.

Received via email 6-29-06  If those numbers are correct, thats about a call every two and a half to 3 days -- per person (including days off).  That means I am doing more than my share.  I don't know who you lazy sons of bitches out there who are not doing you part are, but you better start pitching in.
Dave Fraser

Received via email 6-30-06  You da man big Dave !!!

Received via email 6-30-06  I am sure the LR's are doing their share.

Received via email 6-30-06  Dave Fraser THE VOICE OF REASON!!

               Received via email 7-05-06  Brother and Sister Firefighters,
I am taking the opportunity to state my position for leaving SPF&R.  I worked for the city and the FD for just over 26 years, never in all those years did I feel like I have recently.  Although our run numbers have steadily increased over the years, our staffing has not kept up.  Our trucks are in need of competent repairs and/or replacement.  It is a crying shame that we should need to borrow a truck from another department, just to maintain service!  Our department has suffered for many reasons.  We can point our fingers at HQ personnel both past and present, but I feel we are missing the point.  Our city does not care about us, the employees any more.  I can remember when our Mayor would visit each and every fire station during the holidays and spend a minute to just say "thanks" and actually have a 2 sided conversation with us.  It wasn't as good as a raise, but at least we knew we were appreciated.  The city now seems to be concerned only with new construction/high rises (and their tax $) and how to squeeze more from their workers without paying for it.  Anyone seen the mayor lately?  Hasn't been to ‘Big 6’ that I know of.  It is an insult to us all that the city refuses to negotiate in good faith.  The job of the city negotiator is to negotiate our contract.  Refusing to set a date for a meeting is unacceptable and wreaks of someone not doing their job.  If it was one of us not doing their job, there would be heck to pay.  Instead, negotiations keep being dragged out.  I for one am sick and tired of hearing Oracle being the blamed for all the payroll, leave accruals and pension errors.  Computer programs do what they are told to.  Yet another example of a job not being done.  All those items used to be kept up to date with a #2 pencil and a pad of paper (with no errors!).

Our pension started out needing many fixes.  Through the years, we have been told by our union officials that many of the issues were "illegal" and would fix themselves.  I thank God for our current union officials for standing firm and getting enough things fixed so that I have been able to secure my financial future and the future of my family.  Yes, the pension at SP Beach has a better multiplier and a COLA, but there are other reasons for the move.  Work load is greatly reduced, pay isn't bad and other benefits are equal or better to that of the City of St. Petersburg.  Instead of working at SPFR for 5 more years, I will be working those same 5 years plus only 5 more for a second pension with a COLA. I have set my own private DROP type savings plan, so I haven't lost out on the "big bucks" at the end of my career.  SP Beach’s city administration has less levels of BS, so dealings with city hall are a good experience and people genuinely care and are happy to be of service.  What a concept!

I have spoken with some of the chiefs and have voiced my concerns with them. Today I was asked if I had an exit interview.  I pointed out that a questionnaire had been sent, but no "in person" interview was scheduled. The chief I spoke to asked if I could find the time for one and that the training chief was responsible for the interview.  I am waiting, but will not be holding my breath...

I will miss working with all of you in the department and thank those of you
that were able to attend my send off.  I encourage those of you with the opportunity, to go for better work conditions, pay, pension and other benefits, be it in St Pete, or wherever the opportunity happens.

Kevin L. McConn, a proud Union member since 1980.

TEAM:  Thank you very much, Kevin.  It's a powerful and informative letter.  I also believe that it is so well written and genuine that it belongs in a permanent position on the Editorials page.  It would seem to speak volumes without showing any of the classic signs of an axe to grind. ..
Thanks for sharing, Bro'.

Received via email 7-05-06  HALLELUJAH and AMEN, Brother. While it saddens me greatly to hear such a disparaging cry,  I can only hope that our Fire Administration will someday offer more than an infants size bandaid to fix this escalating problem.

Received via email 7-06-06  Good Luck Kevin. You were one of the few medics who actually liked their job.

Received via email 7-06-06  Good God, I hope that letter makes it to city council or anyone who may read it and give a crap. You are right on point!  It's a shame that a city of our size has to borrow a truck or tell our employees that there is no money to repair/replace equipment - (ask #12 Shore Acres, most recently). I wonder what those folks in that neighborhood would say if they knew there was "no money" for "their" fire engine's needed equipment (frozen storz intake).  In any case, best wishes in your new endeavors! 
TEAM  I think that Council's getting an earful, right about now!

Received via email 7-06-06  Kevin BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!! Thanks for the words MAYBE SOMEONE will hear them. Be safe keep the sunscreen on!!! KTF

Received via email 7-06-06  To 7-05-06, I am cautiously optimistic after talking with some of the current chiefs at HQ, they have some good ideas.  They need support from council and the Mayor (our main stumbling blocks) in the form of money and reform of city policy, ie; hiring process, increases in manning, contract negotiation process and pension/payroll issues to name a few.  Hang in there, it took 20+ years to get the changes to our original pension, hopefully more change won't be as long in coming.  In spite of everything I mentioned in my
original post, I am still very proud of my association with our department and especially our Union for the past 20 some years.
Kevin McConn

Received via email 7-06-06  Hear that st pete beach is now asking for a 3.6% multiplier that they will most likely get. Think we are a little behind ??????
Editor:  Keep us updated, would you?

Received via email 7-09-06   Love the article from the Times about Oldsmar.  Great job finding and posting it. Obviously Oldsmar city leaders didn't go to the same school that St. Pete's did.

"It's crazy to have it sitting in the fire station not being used because we don't have enough manpower," said council member Suzanne Vale. The City Council will discuss firefighters and other budget matters at a workshop at the fire station July 24 at 4 p.m.

What a novel idea!  Could you imagine our city leaders coming to a firehouse for a workshop?  Way to go Oldsmar!  Yet another city raising the bar with a little progression.  ST. PETERSBURG CITY LEADERS: ARE YOU GETTING THE PICTURE YET?
Editor:  Thanks.  Had to do a little digging in the No. County Edition for that one. "It's crazy to have it sitting in the fire station not being used because we don't have enough manpower,"  You've got to love it.  One would think that that line was written by a St. Pete City Council person - RE: Station 4's new Heavy Rescue (HR-4) just sits there for lack of manpower!  I guess wax for it will be cheap, as it will never see the sun!

Received via email 7-09-06  Yeah, also our truck companies with 2 people riding on them at times.  What a waste. Might as well park it about a block from the scene and then go in, not enough people to use it for what it is designed for. Pretty expensive moveable warehouses arent they, all 4 of them?

Received via email 7-16-06   Here we go again, Rumors are a flyin as to all the glorious things that are going to happen at the nego meeting on the 27th, yeah I believe them all too.... Let's wait until the day to see if the bean counters even show their faces at the table before we go out buying anything.

Received via email 7-21-06   I am reminiscing a quote our old pal Ross Perot used to say,  "You hear that sucking sound.  That's our jobs going to Hillsborough County." We can't continue to let this happen. Two more have left our Dept. this week. But what the heck, we can replace them with more overtime opportunities.

               Received via email 7-22-06  Update from the beach...

Since I started back on shift work (C-Shift) on July 4th, I have had; one shift of zero calls, a one on one meeting with the City Manager to "get acquainted and be welcomed to the city family", my mug shot in the city newsletter announcing my new employment status and a lunch picnic provided by the city for ALL employees (we were encouraged to attend on duty).  The Union has had negotiations with the city (honest to God, face to face meetings!!) and have been voted into the Local.  Stress levels are the lowest in years.  I'm not trying to gloat, I just want you all to keep in mind that these things are still possible and do exist.  Hopefully, the city administration in St Pete will wake up soon and realize that you all deserve better, because if they don't, there are quite a few other cities that are looking for good, highly qualified and experienced people such as yourselves.  If I had only known that there were such cities out there, I would have left sooner.  I don't know how long they expect you to wait, but if they don't stop screwing around with your lives and futures pretty soon, I would encourage those of you that can, to seek out the cities that will treat you as you deserve to be treated and go for it!  For those of you that are not in the position to leave, keep the faith and keep wearing those red shirts.  Keep the pressure on council and the mayor to do the right thing.  Maybe get some help from other locals in the state and have a mega picket (keep it professional like last time).  Labor Day is right around the corner, imagine a couple of hundred red shirts all over the city, getting out the message of how the city doesn't support their firefighters. You get the picture.

Sorry for the long post, I still get worked up when I think about that group of idiots that our union has to negotiate with and how they seem to be too busy to sit down and talk with your negotiating team. 900 days of begging for a better pension, they should be ashamed!!!

Paying retiree dues to 747 and regular dues to 2266...

Kevin "The Beach Guy" McConn
TEAM:  Thanks for thinking enough of us to post your thoughts here, Kevin.  You can ramble on for as long as you wish.  The truth is always welcome!

Received via email 7-24-06   We agree Kevin.  Our city cares nothing about us, compared to other smaller cities in the county.  I am sure many more will be doing what you have done.... going to a city that cares !!!

Received via email 7-25-06  I show up for work and I then I go home.  I am quickly losing my enthusiasm for working here.  I am quickly losing my inspiration for interacting with anyone here.  I am really beginning to hate working for this cheap ass city and this cheap ass city administration.  What used to be an inspiring career is quickly turning into a JOB!
TEAM:  Wow!  We'd call for a suicide watch for you Bro'/Sis' - but there aren't enough resources to watch ALL of us!

Received via email 7-25-06  Ever hear the new recruits from the fire academy or paramedic school?  Most are saying St. Pete is no longer the great place to apply for a job.  Hillsborough, Pasco, and almost any other dept in Pinellas County is the place to apply.  Sad we have gone from the best to one of the worst in so short of time.  Heck, at least we have some new high rises to look up at as we drive into work.  That should count for something!!

Received via email 7-27-06  Great idea, Maybe St, Pete Beach could annex the city of St. Petersburg? They have my vote...

Received via email 7-28-06  This just in. The City enjoys Screwing over its Public Safety Employees. Just ask Karen Richardson who giggled her ass off yesterday everytime she presentd a new proposal.

Received via email 7-28-06  Yeah, I think the city finds pleasure in screwing the firefighters.  They have never been on the cutting edge of a life or death situation and they're jealous as hell because of what we do and their sorry asses live useless miserable lives!!  Hey at least the nationwide reports puts Firefighters at the most respected job in the country. To bad our sorry ass city administrators can't see it !!!

Received via email 7-30-06  Karen Richardson is one of the city's nicest people!
Editor:  Naw... I'm not printing it like you typed it!

Received via email 8-01-06  Here's some straight dope. A little birdie in Hillsborough County has advised that there are 5 SPFR members in their process. Hope that doesn't get out.

Received via email 8-08-06  Truth is, this site for the past year has had more correct information and kept us all updated on current events more than any memo, letter, or other form of communication including direct words from any chief officers.  Great Job editors.  At least now we have a way of really hearing the truth about our department whether good or bad. Thats the Straight Dope !!!! 
TEAM:  Time proven method... There's no magic on this site that the 'horses mouth' doesn't make happen!

Received via email 8-08-06  Here's a job posting site I just stumbled upon:
TEAM:  Thanks.  Will post permanently on the Resources page

Received via email 8-09-06  There's an ad on that page for a Paramedic position in St. Pete and as you might expect, like our city adminstration, it doesn't work either!
TEAM:  DOH!  You're right.  It should link to an ad near the bottom of the page and it's not there.  Maybe the web publisher heard about our plight and is putting together a 1970's ad for a 1970's department!

Received via email 8-11-06  First 8/9.  Sounds like our Oralcle system.  Cost a lot of money and doesn't work worth a hoot. Typical City Administration - A lot of education without the common sense. 

               Received via email 8-22-06  Here's some more documents for you to digest, Mr/Ms Webmaster. Looks like many more potential candidates will be headed across the bay in the next decade unless we become competitive.  http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/firerescue/resources/publications/
Webmaster:  Great find.  Looks like they've got a plan for expansion!  PS - I've just learned that we've got one more who may be adding 'his' name to the growing list of exports to Hillsborough County.

Received via email 8-22-06  Has anyone heard how Haverty is doing?

Received via email 8-23-06  I spoke with John Haverty tonight and he is doing much better. He is expected to make a complete recovery and has already started speech therapy. He expects to be released from the hospital within the next day or two.
TEAM:  We're all glad to hear that.  The "Handsome One" is a good boy!

Received via email 8-23-06  You mean Mr.Suit - I leave my house and change at the station Haverty because he was embarrased to be a Fireman.  Interesting.

Received via email 8-24-06  Nothing like hitting a brother FF when he's down. Nice work. Did you think of that all by yourself? Nice to see that you are so concerned about a fellow firefighter who's career may be over as a result of this.

Received via email 8-24-06  Second 8/23 can you stop being an asshole for a minute. So what if he is embarrased. He is still a persons dad and son. For you not to give a shit, you should be embarrased.

Received via email 8-24-06  To the jackass of the second 8-23 post: how bout when you or your family member has a major medical emergency why don't we all pick out your shortcomings/mistakes/faults and point them out while you are down? Thanks for the kind words.

Received via email 8-24-06  Mr. Suit?  Well regardless of how he does or doesn't dress, he is a decent medic and a non judgemental firefighter/person.  I fear he may have pissed 8/23 off in some meaningless way.  But PLEASE, why wouldn't you wish him a quick recovery? Hell as much as I dislike the actions on and off duty of the big red drunk twin, I wouldn't want him to CVA, or vapor lock, etc..(Those types usually dig their own holes) FTP FTM!

Received via email 8-24-06  Maybe he's not embarrased to be a firefighter.  Maybe he's EMBARRASSED TO BE A FIREFIGHTER PARAMEDIC WORKING FOR THE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG!  AS OF LATE, I KNOW I AM AND IT'S GOT LITTLE TO DO WITH THE JOB!

Received via email 8-24-06  8-23 You know something... maybe it's not just the pay, pension issues being the reasons for people leaving this dept. maybe its becaue of a-holes like you.  Why don't you kick a man when he's down.  Some brotherhood. You're an embarrassment!!!!

Received via email 8-24-06  The man is in the hospital, and he is a Brother Firefighter/Paramedic.  If your going to rag on the man, at least leave your name ass hole.  Westphal 10=B

Received via email 8-25-06  Unbelievable.  A harmless and ancient rumor about someone, a rumor that I have not heard in the last 10 or 15 years, a rumor  that, even if true, never injured a brother or sister firefighter in any way shape or form, is brought up to embarrass John while he was still in the hospital recovering from a possible stroke.  I have seen some pussy bullshit in here, as well as in firehouses  before... but this is a new low. 

With that, I have to call you out.  Whoever the low life son of a bitch is that posted that comment on 8/23 (the 2nd posting that
day) I challenge you to man up and tell us who you are.  If you are too faggoty to admit it in here, you can discreetly email me at  dfraser1@tampabay.rr.com.  You have my word that I won't tell anyone who you are, but I will spread the word that you at least admitted your mistake to someone.  You can trust me on that.  Most of us firefighters still know what honor means. 

We are supposed to be a family, but you kicking a brother when he's down makes me wonder what you would say if I ended up in the hospital unable to watch my back.  Or someone else on this job.  This is some seriously low shit, and I am embarrassed to know that the job I have loved for 28 years is shared with someone who would spew venomous bullshit like that at a time like this.

John Haverty is a friend of mine, and he is also a friend to everyone on this job.  He will probably laugh about this when he finds out about it, but I'm not laughing.  Our department's members deserve better treatment from each other.  For that matter, our  department deserves members with more character than someone who would write such shit.  I will look forward to hearing from you when or if you find your balls.

David Fraser 9/C

Received via email 8-25-06  Although I posted a rebuttal already, the subject continues to piss me off and I feel compelled to respond further.  I'm wondering what you would do if presented with an on the job emergency.  Would you think of old rumors, a person's past mistakes before you acted with full effort?  Where do your tactless mixed priorities end?  Kinda scary but glad to know that you are the exception rather than the rule.
Jason Francis

Received via email 8-26-06  Haverty do not mind that one assholes post. There is no way he speaks for anyone but his own dumbass self. He is probably one of those who has sucked the system dry. Let me know if you need time I will be more than gladly to give it to you. Your friend,  Rizzo

Received via email 8-27-06  If anyone should happen to talk to Rod Smith and be willing to do me a favor, please tell him I have three things to say to him... "It's your turn to buy, You're still the godfather to all four of my children, and you're still the executor of my will.  You may want to dig it out since I'm not getting any younger."  I'd really appreciate it. 

Thanks a million
Dick Tully
TEAM:  A glowing first hand endorsement.  Dick, would you please opine on matters concerning Rod Smith and Union matters?

Received via email 8-27-06  To 8-23 Have you lost your mind!!! Who cares about the past. TRUTH RUMORS OR WHATEVER John is a good Guy.  Hell I rode O/T with him last month and I know he had my back.  YOU NEED TO CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR ROCK AND STAY THERE!!!  I am sure you have NO shortcomings.  John get well we are pulling for you.
A.Jones #13A

Received via email 8-27-06  Actually this whole John thing should be on the BULLSHIT PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It hurts my heart to have read the 8-23 post about John Haverty.  I know how it feels to be kicked while you're down.  Last year sucked for me as most of you know and there were a few people who had their opinions that were no help to me.  I can't say that without thanking all of those who helped me through it all (too many to mention).  But to say anything other than "get well quick," "is there anything I can do for you and your family," or even a simple "we are all thinking about you and that your in our prayers...."  Well I can only think and hope that it was written in a drunken stupor and that when the shit hits your fan, you don't come crawling for help.  I'm with Dave Fraser on this one.  Come out and talk to him.  He will help you with your problem and teach you about what the brotherhood and sisterhood of being a firefighter is all about.  I am living the good life up here and don't want to read a bunch of crap like that ever again.  It really ruined my day to see it. Remember there is a life after you leave the FD (and maybe you should) but you will miss it like I do. 

John be strong and know that I am up here thinking about you everyday. Get well fast.

Rob Dobbins/North Georgia

Received via email 9-01-06  When did Dick Tully become such a name dropper?  At least now Dick and I have something in common.  None of my kids godfathers are going to be the next governor either. 

Received via email 9-01-06  Who is Dick Tully?

Received via email 9-01-06  2nd 9/1, must be a new guy. 

Received via email 9-01-06  2nd 9/1 You don't know Dick?  Well then... you 'don't' know dick!  His picture's on the wall at the Union Hall.

Received via email 9-01-06  Who is Dick Tully, and why is he bragging about knowing a guy who has to hire people to pretend to be reporters in his commercials?  Can't Rod Smith find any real reporters that want to talk to him?
TEAM:  Admittedly, we all asked the same question at the fire station.  Kinda korny!

Received via email 9-03-06  I guess it is extremely difficult to find a bona-fide reporter that will ask and report the truth.  Can you imagine a reporter asking a candidate his view point on being a UNION MEMBER, the importance of protecting your defined benefit pension, or how about the protection of Union jobs?  Yes he will answer the same positive way he has always answered during the past 35 years.  That is something NONE of the other candidate's for Florida's next Governor can even get close to.  Dick Tully evidently knows of this man's honesty from his time as Local 747 President from back before a large portion of our current active members were born.  So, I guess Rod Smith has kept his ideas about what is important to EVERY UNION MEMBER longer than most of us have kept a job, hair style, house, or in some cases wives.  Who else can step up and say that?

Received via email 9-03-06  Good point about Rod Smith.  He is so intent on giving the right answers that he pays fake reporters to ask the right questions. You are right. You can't expect THAT sort of integrity from the other candidates.
TEAM:  Again... Korny type of commercial that begs several questions.  To the TEAM'S way of thinking, the commercial that we're all 'working over' probably finds it's greatest problems with us because of it's 'style' and not necessarily because of it's content. 

We've received an email from Dick Tully, excoriating us for not posting his emails.  We haven't seen them and hope that Dick with reconstitute them and again send them.  We're of the belief that Dick probably has something to say on this very subject.  Please try again, Dick.

Received via email 9-03-06  So what.  Rod Smith uses media to get his ideas across?  Questions he, like the other's running for Gov. Do you actually believe Sweet Charlie, or crazy Tom don't use the same tactics?  At least Smith has some idea about us.  Yes, "us" the union.

Received via email 9-04-06  Why don't DICK run for VP since we are on his jock. We can set him up with a laptop and webcams. Hell he will probably have a better record than JS in the office.

Received via email 9-04-06  To the uninformed member of the 1st 9-04 post.  Why is it always so easy to say "why don't so-n-so do it?" Lets try this new question - "why don't I do it?"  "I know, I've got kids, a wife, a dog, a house, a lawn to cut, sock drawer needs straightened, fish bowl needs cleaning, school/ church meetings, beer to drink, porn to watch, TV to watch, blah, blah, blah."  Its the same ole answers each time. "Why don't I do it?"  Try it for a week.  Maybe you could last a month, but you will find that it WILL cut into your life drastically. Give up on the "let someone else do it idea," and find time for you to put any kind of effort into your own future.  Now how about coming to a meeting once in a while and you will know that JS has not held his position at the union office since the middle of June.  Lets see June, July, August....Boy you're really up to date... I know in the past 75 days you just haven't had the time to come out to socialize with your co-workers.  So I know that means you're way past "too busy" to take the very few minutes to read the minutes from a past meeting.  It will probably take you longer to find out where your stations union board is, then it will to read the info.  If you can't find the time now, you will surely find yourself sitting in the council chambers shittin' in your diaper crying to them.  If you don't care, Who does?

Received via email 9-04-06  Yea I want to work for the Gastopo. Sit down and shut up while winnie speaks and you guys bash whatever you do not like. Why don't you run and stop hiding. If DICK is so pro active then let him run. It helps him out I am sure when we get I mean if we get a raise. It not now then never. Keep holding on for the petty one year deal we will sign around Christmas. Let me drop out of the union, get the same benefits and save on dues. You can have the sticker.

Received via email 9-05-06  Rob Neuberger for E.V.P.

Received via email 9-06-06 (comments removed)
TEAM: Much like the last round of promotions that were discussed here (ad infinitum), the TEAM chooses no to replay that scenario with EVP elections.  If you wish to promote someone in a positive light, we welcome your words.  Promote away!

Received via email 9-06-06  Dang 9/4 you sound so like a fino, or f'ed up new guy.why don't you try and run the local for just a day! Stop your bitchin, and actually take a look at what he/we face each and every day! And why your at it, clean up your spelling, or don't post when your s-faced drunk...
Bottom line....fellow union member, grow up!
PS (comments removed)

Received via email 9-06-06  Tell me again why we backed Rod Smith?  How does picking a guy that doesn't have  a prayer of winning help the union?  I hope Charlie knows that it's nothing personal, we just prefer the lefties.
TEAM:  We can answer that question.

There was once a FD in a city at the bottom of a peninsula that jutted out into Tampa Bay & the Gulf of Mexico.  It's members had a tough decision to make at election time.  The incumbent Mayor sucked, but it was obvious that he was going to win the majority of the electorate. 
In an attempt to curry his favor, the Union representing the Paid Professional Fire Fighters and Fire Fighter Paramedics of that FD decided to back a 'winner'.  Rather than throw their vote away on the individual who was more aligned with their cause, they jumped into bed with a sure thing. 

Right now their ass' hurt from backing a "WINNER!"


Received via email 9-06-06  Yea, but if Charlie 'does' win, maybe he will take Mayor DICK with him to Tally!!!  I'm sure that Charlie would put him in charge of the median planters throughout the state.  Or maybe then he could just be in charge of f***ing us at the state level as opposed to just the city level.  Either way it turns out WE'RE F***ED! 

I am going to take my medication now.  Thanks for listening.  I feel much better.  


Received via email 9-06-06  Hey everybody.  I met a real success story tonight!  I met a RETIRED PALM HARBOR FIREFIGHTER.  He's in his 40's and he left with the job with 100% of his pay, minus the cost of health insurance.

May the low life pr**k of a mayor of St. Petersburg - EAT A BAG OF SHIT!!!

Received via email 9-07-06  We do not have a morale problem.  We do not have a medic problem.  We are the best in the county.  Our mayor is the best.  We are way past the current NFPA standards when it comes to technology and staffing.  Our members love working for the city and the excellent city administration.

Received via email 9-07-06  Sorry for the last rant anout everything being perfect.  I just woke up and realized what I had done.  Yes I agree the Mayor should eat a bag of shit along with Charlie Crist who unfortunately will be our next Gov.

Received via email 9-12-06  Did anyone go to the Winghouse yesterday for the NY FF's that were here?

Received via email 9-13-06  I'm sure the drunkards from the bullshit page went. Not for the brotherhood but it was yet another excuse to drink.

Received via email 9-13-06  The party at the Winghouse was great. The drunkards weren't there. St.Pete made their showing with 12 people. 300 man department and we could only get 12 to show up. You would think when there are free wings and beer served that alot more would show up. Thanks to Safety Harbor FD for setting it up and thanks to the Winghouse for all they did. All there chiefs were there and they let unit on duty come by. Hell would have to freeze over before St.Pete would let us do that.

Received via email 9-14-06  We can not even go on duty to a retirement party anymore, there is no way we can go see some NY firefighters. We are definately on self destruct mode. My religious beliefs say that I do not have to do a damn thing anymore like stand out on the ramps and pay respect.My belief daoes say that I can cash holiday time though.
TEAM:  You say the word and we'll go to CONDITION ORANGE on the St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue Viability Advisory System.

Received via email 9-14-06  Lets go orange with that last religious belief memo that came out.


Received via email 9-16-06  RE: Rural Metro in our own backyard.

These firefighters need our help.  The Airport Authority has bid out the fire department to Rural/Metro.  There is a Sarasota/Manatee Airport Authority meeting scheduled for 0900 on Tuesday September 19, 2006 at the airport.  The building is located around the back to the left as you enter the main gate.  The informational picket will begin @1200.  Not sure how that is organized but they need bodies and moral support.  I hope to see you there.

Please pass this along so we can show them what happens when they destroy the careers of firefighters.

They may be only 16 firefighters but they are all union brothers and sisters.  There are many small departments in this state that could one day be a target.


Suncoast Professional Firefighters and Paramedics

Received via email 9-16-06  Hey if you don't like paying respect to our country or its fallen citizens, then get the hell out and go live in IRAQ.

Editor:  Email reply to the above - held in the sin-bin.  While I found it to be a gut-buster, (I'm still laughing) I'm going to hold on to any email that takes an 'overt' shot at one's religion not connected with this series of emails!

Editor:  "Yes!"

Received via email 9-20-06  How many FF's and LT's do we have that are not EMT's?

Received via email 9-20-06  Only a few that were hired before 1985. That is when the rule came into play that made it mandatory to be at least an EMT. There are only a few lucky ones. 

Received via email 9-23-06  "Breaking news about BM,"  He pensioned out with full benefits including 60% pay.

Received via email 9-24-06  You should have posted the news about "BM" on the 'B.S.' page.  If that is true, it's straight up BULLSHIT!

Received via email 9-24-06   Pensioned out on what? I find it hard to believe.

Received via email 9-24-06  Why would anyone say that you are lucky if you can drop your patch?  What did you think you were going to do when you joined a job that has the words "Fire Rescue" right in the title?  It should probably be "Rescue Fire" since better than 80% of your job is  EMS related.  So, I guess your point is that you only want to do about 20% of a job that already includes cable television and a mattress. What kind of a lazy mutt are you?  Wake up and smell the reality.  This is not a Fire Department.  If we relied strictly on fire we would either be volunteering our time of making 15K a year or perhaps starving.  If you want to be paid and treated like a professional you have to do more than act like one, you have to work like one too.  You don't have to be a paramedic, even though many "fire" departments require that now.  All you have to do is wear an EMT patch and ride a rescue truck every now and then.  It helps if you try to look interested, but that's up to you.  No reports, no responsibility, no accountability....... just ride the damned truck.   The paramedics are carrying the weight of this job already, why should they have to carry you, too?  I bet you will be one of the guys crying "it's unfair" when paramedics start getting paid more than lieutenants.  That's probably inevitable, and has already started elsewhere.   Maybe then you, you mutt, will realize what this job is all about.
Signed "me": A retired EMT who enjoyed his ENTIRE job.

Received via email 9-24-06  Is that Buzz light years new slut?   BMs ex spreading crap again.

Received via email 9-25-06  Reply to 9/24 #3 - You're full of crap!  Medics go on a few calls and that is it.  The FF are the ones picking up the slack for the medics.  Every shift, the Medics come in at roll call and say "we have to pick-up supplies", while the rest for us have to clean the station.  And they are the first ones to bitch when they have to do a little work around the station or if lunch isn't on time.  The medics need to come back to reality before there "mangina" starts hurting. SS

Received via email 9-25-06  Hey /24, #3. carry us? Us EMT'S - the ones that save your behind?  The,"pack mules" of the rescue division? News flash sunshine.... since all we do is ride once in a while, I guess the recent CME that has us doing everything except the IV's, (soon to come, just ask Dr. Lori) lolol.  EMT, airway coordinator, perfusion specialist!  Drop that combitube, set up the 12 lead.. Pull up X amount of Epi, hand me the IV line you set up..  Can you get another set of vitals?  If I could find a place to put this clip board down, I'd help ya..

For those of you that didn't recognize, that was a helping of sarcasm.  Not all medics are like that and not all emt's are as aggressive as some.  Well some it was.  BUT seriously - now that us EMT's are accountable for our version of ACLS, BTLS, and now the new AHA standards - who's gonna carry who? 

So speak kindly of us hard working EMT'S, a major player of the Rescue part of the Fire Department.

Received via email 9-26-06  Sarcasm my ass. You make it sound like one medic runs all of the calls by himself. On almost any given day of minimum medic staffing, you medics require the assistance of 17 EMT'S and Firefighters, just to keep your vehicles in service. That's 17 of us to keep 15 of you in business. If the medics do it all, then I guess they won't mind working the codes, lifting the heavy patients, or extricating the accident victims by themselves. Lets see... when someone needs an ambulance- they send a Paramedic truck. When someone needs to be "RESCUED" they send, Fire Engines, Ladder Trucks, Dive Boats, TRT Units, and even Haz Mat teams. Afterwards, the patients are brought to the feet of the Paramedic so they can then turn the patient over to a Sunstar Paramedic for a ride to the hospital in the back of the Sunstar unit. Oh Yeah, then you get into your truck a decide to go for a pleasure cruise to the hospital so you can spin the big yarn about the big rescue... Did I leave anything out? No need to go into how many calls that rescues 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and 11 run. The only reason for the heavy call volume is this: The city cheap's out everywhere they can and EMS is no different. There is no reason this department requires such a heavy burden on our medics other than the "because they can" attitude. Stations 1,3,4,and 5 need to have more units to run the call volumes in their districts, simple as that. Sunstar just did this very thing. They went to the county, said they needed more units, and wal-la an additional 1.3 million bucks, plus more money for the increased fuel costs. What could we do with just 2 more units?
TEAM:  "Sunstar just did this very thing. They went to the county..."  How ingenious of the latest SCAB operator to occupy the palace on Walsingham Rd., to find a method to break their contract open with Pinellas county in an effort to stay afloat.  Our guess is, if the city of St. Pete didn't have 12 million dollars in a contingency fund, we too might be taken more seriously by Pinellas County EMS when asking for some relief with our own city's EMS problems.  Our guess is that the Mayor will just have to man-up and listen to the professionals in the fire service that the city pays the big bucks to, (fire chief for instance) to get the job done. 

But... sadly - the TEAM's not going to hold it's breath!

Received via email 9-26-06  Third 9/24. Wow. Sounds like you didn't enjoy being a FF very much. You probably would have been better off working for Sunstar, then you would have never done any firefighting.

Received via email 9-27-06  To the 9-23 post about BM. This individual has not even petioned the Pension Board yet, much less received a pension. I'm not saying it might not happen, but as of right now it has NOT...Go to the source, a Pension Board Trustee and you will get the straight skinny every time.

Received via email 9-28-06  It's nice to see that some things never change.  Firefighters still complaining about mopping more floors than paramedics.  At least they know what their level of training qualifies them for. I wonder if that's what firefighters dream about while the paramedics are out justifying the existence of the modern fire service. I am sure it's frustrating.  Here you spent nine whole weeks of your life training for your career, and those damned overeducated paramedics keep making so much noise when they finally get back to bed.  Sleep tight, little firefighter.  And dream about your next raise.

Received via email 9-28-06  Hey 9-25, mangina?   Paramedics don't have manginas.  While paramedics out working their asses off, the manginas stay on the little women back at the station doing all the housework.  Now put your apron back on little lady and go clean a toilet, okay?  Oh,  and make sure those meals are hot when the medics get back, okay honey?

Received via email 9-28-06  Yeah lets see, out of the 80 percent or so EMS calls, about only 5% are legit. Wake another drunk or give out a Band-Aid 9/28. That's ok, we will drag your ass out of a fire if you get lost.  Oh I forgot, you're afraid to go in aren't you !!

Received via email 9-28-06  I don't want to get into this argument about paramedics and station work since I have not seen it really change much since I first heard it back in the 70's. I would however like to say that I think "mangina" is a very funny word.

Dave Fraser 9/C

P.S.  Also, that idea about paramedic pay going over lieutenant pay:  Put me down for a "yes" if that comes to a vote.  Great idea. I can't think of a logical argument against it.  Thanks for listening.    Mangina.  Hee hee hee. Good one.

P.S.S.  Are we really cleaning toilets now?  When did we start doing that?

Received via email 9-28-06  Everyone just relax.   I am so tired of everyone bitching to each other stating that their job is more important that the other.  They are all important.  It is no wonder why we seem to never be able to get anything accomplished.  I am glad that at my station on my shift we have mutual respect for each other.   Yes, we throw jabs at each other, but just for fun.  I am almost embarrassed reading some of this pissing and moaning.  You all that have posted these sorry words should look back and read your post, and you to should be embarrassed.  No one is more important than the other and no one is better than the other.  We need each other to exist our working environment.  If it is an enemy that you are looking for and a fight you want, I suggest that you strap on your red union shirt and fight with the assholes downtown who negotiate (sometimes) our contract.   But for God's sake...GET OFF EACH OTHERS ASSES and let's find the real enemy!  KTF. 

Received via email 9-28-06  Well said, the only way we will win is if we stick together. Remember, the city wants to divide and conquer.  Lets stick together and conquer for better pay and benefits.  KTF

Received via email 10-01-06  It looks like I must of hit close to home with some medics with "mangina". You know who you are. Firefighters/EMT's are the backbone of the FD.

Received via email 10-01-06  Okey dokey, EMT's can be the backbone.  Paramedics can be the brains and the heart.  This leaves the anus and urethra for whoever else wants them.
TEAM:  Mayor's office should fit the bill!  None of the attributes of either the EMT or Medic.

Received via email 10-02-06  Partial brains maybe Oh medic friends!  We all have heart<><>

Received via email 10-03-06  Are you talking about BM working for the mayor?

Received via email 10-04-06  Haven't heard about BM working for the Mayor. I have heard the Mayor needs a good BM to clear his thoughts !

Received via email 10-09-06  Anyone want to guess who has the hairiest mangina on the FD?  If you guess it right, you win.

Received via email 10-10-06  I would guess me.  But I am smooth as a baby's bottom down there near my mangina.

TEAM:  Oh that one.  We thought it was a cardiac condition...  We were wondering how one could come to grow hair anywhere near their "pericardial" sack!"

Received via email 10-13-06  Theres no money for firefighters.  Read this...

           St. Petersburg, Fla. (October 13, 2006) -- For the first time, the city of St. Petersburg offered cash bonuses to school principals through Mayor Baker’s Top Apple award program in August 2006. Now, the mayor announces a new, expanded bonus program for principals and assistant principals of top-performing high schools, called the High School Prinicipal Incentive Program.

       Before an audience of county high school principals today at the Stavros Institute, Mayor Baker, alongside Pinellas County School Superintendent Dr. Clayton Wilcox, explained details of the program.  Unlike any of its kind in the state of Florida, and perhaps the United States, the incentive program will provide high school principals a $10,000 bonus for each letter grade their school has improved over the prior year. Assistant principals will be eligible to receive up to $2,500, at the discretion of their principal and the school superintendent.

Received via email 10-13-06  The mayor's story really should have been on the Bullshit page.  It's just another angle that he's working to place himself in a more affable position.  It hurts all the same though.  The cops get take home cars and $12,000.00 each to buy or build in the city, while you and I are toyed with for years at a time. 

I can sleep well at night knowing that what I do, I do for me and you.  There are also some among who can't say the same.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! 

Received via email 10-15-06  It is always easier to sleep, with a clean work ethic, and conscience.

Received via email 10-17-06  In the midst of BS and rumors, allow me to post these positive FACTS: KUDOS to CC (his apparatus placement) and the E13A crew - as well as TC (sharp scene observation) and the 9C crew for their recent efforts in preserving the safety of citizens as well as SPFR members. Job well done!

Received via email 10-19-06  To the positive post on 10-17: Well done to you on recognizing our brothers. This is what this site should be focusing on. And to the crew @ 13A, never pay attention to those who are looking to find fault you in your actions. When you perform to or exceed expectations, common sense will prevail. Keep it up and I'm proud to work with and call you "brothers."

Received via email 10-19-06  10/15. Its nice to know even though we are at a fire station hoping to maybe get a good nights sleep and often thinking about what the next emergency we might respond to is, we can rest assured, our sleep (when it happens) will be more peaceful because we do the right thing day after day.  Whereas the Mayor must toss and turn all night knowing he is out for himself only.  Of course he would probably say his new raise gives him enough money to buy a new mattress.

Received via email 10-24-06  I'm happy to see that drivers are doing their truck checks in the morning.  Helpful hint,  make sure the ladders are there before you start running calls in the morning.

Received via email 10-24-06  I was by the Union Office today.  They have a large supply of T-shirts supporting Chain Gang Charlie for goveneror. This is the chance we have been waiting for.  Let's get a firefighter friendly man in State office and maybe get an asshole out of our City.  Can't do to much better than a chance at a 2 for 1 deal.  Get your shirt and show your support for Charlie Crist for Gov.

Received via email 10-24-06  A firefighter friendly Gov? This dishonest politico can't see past his families' money, and special interest groups. He is a carbon copy of Dick Baker Politics, and his pal. .. Vote for the Jim Davis...He will lower the insurance cost, make the companies be fair.He supports police and fire rescue. He is endoursed by other Fire Companies in the State. (check the endoursement pages)  He will bring down property taxes, end the miss used FCAT. Protect our State's natural resources. Inform yourself's. Go to his website:  http://www.jimdavis2006.com/main.cfm?actionId=globalShowStaticContent&screenKey=cmpIssues Know the issues, don't get sucked into a cute name, "chain gang". A free Red Tee shirt isn't worth 4 years of blight for Florida. Think for yourself, and families. The Union's endoursement is just a guideline. Vote Your conscience! Save our children's future, and our check books!

Received via email 10-26-06  Well, the gauntlet was thrown and like an idiot I decided to go check out the facts for myself. I used the web link as provided and spent about 15 minutes reading through the l o n g ... list of supporters or Mr Davis. The closest I came to seeing other Fire Company endorsements was a single City Commissioner from Daytona that sez he is also a labor leader for Daytona Fire. That was all... Under the labor endorsements I did not even see a group that would call themselves a county or state wide group, yes a few individual locals but no state organizations. I did not even see ANY familiar local firefighters names in any of the lists. I know I don't know everyone but I would have certainly noticed the Fire Dept affiliation listed. Hmmm, oh yeah, the list only looks impressive because the names of the individuals are listed over and over in each appropriate list, some names I saw in more than three lists.  Lastly, you make the claim that Mr. Crist is a Carbon Copy of Baker, you might want to read the list again and see how many of Mayor Bakers bean counters are supporters. Its real easy, the lists are alphabetical, so its easy to find people. Just remember you supplied the link.
TEAM:  Here's a link of a different kind.  If you can believe it, you can live it! Orlando FF Job Opening

Received via email 10-26-06  Hey, I was at the Union Office again today and there are the same amount of Crist shirts there today as on Monday. Whats up? If the Union backs a Democrat everyone bitch's that the union never backs Republicans, well now the union IS backing a REPUBLICAN. Are we now going to say you only back Independant's? Or have we suddenly become straight party ticket supporters? JB, whats the answer?

Received via email 10-27-06  Who is asking? There is always more than one view. DId you wave a sign for Baker? Did you hold a banner for Kerry? The big picture often holds reasons for whoever we support as firefighter's, union members, taxpayers, or Families with children. By the way, I have never voted straight down the party ticket..Now what's your name? Your view?  To the other post, there are more than one list to get answers from. And reasons not to vote for..

Received via email 10-27-06   About the Orlando test link...lets set up a carpool for the test day. We could park at HQ and get a good luck sendoff!

Received via email 10-28-06  Orlando is not killing us with pay. Benefits yes. Thats what happens when you have Mickey in your back yard. Nobody comes to St Pete unless you need some crack. Everyone loves Mickey and Minnie.

Received via email 10-29-06  To the 10/24 post..What would be even better would be being a conscientious driver and making sure you're equipment is back on the vehicle before leaving a scene. 

Received via email 10-29-06  Not killing us with pay? I would consider an O-Town starting pay between $39 - 41K VS. our low 30's pretty significant. Factor in their 48 hr. workweek and they make even more on a per hour basis. Factor in the incentives for certs and longevity and the gap widens. I would say they are killing us. Just ask an Orlando firefighter. How many applicants did we have last go round? How many will 'they' have taking the test this Tuesday? I bet it will be exponentially higher.

Received via email 11-02-06  Is the rumor true that a certain DC just put his house up for sale and has applied for a chiefs job at another dept. south of St.Pete that pays more. This is the same DC that wrote up his own brother. If this is true 3 cheers for us and our regrets to the dept that gets him.

Received via email 11-03-06  Have a "Gone Party" and don't forget to send the other department a sympathy card.

Received via email 11-03-06  "Not killing us with pay?"  FYI, over 800 people stood in a very long line Thursday to take an employment test in O town. I hear that someone here with 7 years on can start over from scratch there and not lose any money. And that the pay improves yearly.

Received via email 11-04-06  TO 11/2  He is selling his house but is buying one in station 7's territory.  Don't believe all of the rumors.

Received via email 11-04-06   I talked to RJ today 11-04  and he is in the top three.  We should all wish him good luck.

Received via email 11-04-06  Don't forget to go to the OFFICIAL Union web site at www.iaff747.org and register so you can stay informed.

Received via email 11-05-06  If the plan is so good then quit and go to O town.
TEAM:  Shouldn't that be, "If the plan is so good, why don't we fight to get it here?"

Received via email 11-05-06  Sadman was supposedly in the running for a department on the east coast of Fl. as well.  I guess he didn't make the cut.  Anybody know for sure?  BTW, why is it that even our administration is trying to get out?  Maybe because they can't take the heat from the line guys or the prior administration has bullshitted the mayor/council for so long, about how great things are that these chiefs know they can't fix it and are bailing out.

Received via email 11-05-06  I would love to get it here.  I am just tired of everyone bitching about it and that they should leave.  Then leave, while we fight to get it here and then come crawling back after we prevail.  I have been waiting anxiously for the picket or the full page ads we approved to run.

Received via email 11-11-06  How about D10'B' in the mix for Key West. Anyone here that one?

Received via email 11-12-06  11-11, I can hear it now.  "Budtallion One, Budtallion One responding from Sloppy Joes, hicccuuuppp." "Ok Budtallion, I am Chief now and I am turning you in.  I just hope I don't get a DUI while I snitch on you."  "Ohh I know, I'll just put a rescue out of service to pick you up Budtallion one, then I'll snitch on you."    Wow... the Keys will be lucky to have that duo !!!

Received via email 11-15-06   Are wife beater DC's allowed to join?

Received via email 11-18-06  Only if you take the Adulterous members as well. But let's not stop there.  Maybe we can come up with a whole list of MUTT's and we can get them all together on a bus by telling them they are going to a football game or something silly like that.

Received via email 11-20-06  So much for not bashing anyone or anything. It lasted for what - 10 minutes? No one is perfect. The last person that was perfect was hung on a cross.

Received via email 11-20-06  If that makes me a mutt for going to see a football game, well go f*** yourself and I guess I will be a mutt.

Received via email 11-20-06  Alleluia all sing, to 11-20 # 1 and to all. WWJD - four letters that mean alot....if you dont know what they mean and how to live by them then start going to church (any church) and they will teach you.  As for 11-20 # 2 you most likely need to take the bus to church instead of the football game.

Received via email 11-20-06   Hey Benny Hinn, how do you know that both 11/20 are not the same guy?
Editor - Benny Hinn - heh, had to look that one up - http://www.bennyhinn.org/

Received via email 11-21-06  11-20 # 4 if you can't figure that out on your own then you might think about becoming a ticket taker at any movie theater of your choice.  Think of all of the people you can meet.


Received via email 12-06-06  WOW, we were just informed by our officer that there will be 2 hours mandatory training for each person every day starting in 2007.  Merry Christmas to all - and oh, did we mention they aren't paying us any more.  In fact weve been negotiating for over 1000 days.  Isn't it great to work in St Pete. 
Editor-  Gee... you're right.  It has been a thousand days!  Now let's all 'buck-up' and do our best.  Let's give this every bit as much effort and attention as 'we're' currently being given.

Received via email 12-06-06  Our contract situation is 100% s**t I agree, but you are bitching about two hours of training? Give me a break.

Received via email 12-06-06  Its not the training you moroon, its the mandatory. We were doing fine before.  I haven't seen anyone at a fire scene standing around like they didn't know what they were doing,  Come on... we're not friggin explorers, or are we??

Received via email 12-06-06  I wonder if the Training division is going to do their 2 hours of training everyday?  Ahhhhh   I bet not !!!!!

Received via email 12-09-06  Training division? You're right...NOT!  How about all the other HQ uniform members...LR's, Lt. Inspectors, Capt.'s, and CHIEFS? You really think that any of them will be doing 2 hrs of any kind of MANDITORY training every shift? What's good for the goose should good for the gander!

Received via email 12-09-06  This mandatory training is just the "One last shot" from the long list of bullshit ideas to come out of the ass of the "Sprayed Roach" at the end of the hall. He still thinks people think a lot of him. We do, but not in the ways he thinks. He too will go the way of a certain DC that retired with 6 names on his helmet and 2 quarters and 3 soda cans in his collection bin for his retirement party. I say goodbye and good riddance to the both of them. Just as the cockroach is a common household pest, so are the assholes that come up with these ideas and actually think we love them for their ideas.

Editor:  Whoa... I don't want you pissed at me!

Received via email 12-09-06  BRING TRUILLO BACK !!!!!!!!!!!

Received via email 12-09-06  Maybe if the training div trained more, we wouldnt have chief officers from that division running into house fires without an airpak.
Just a thought

Received via email 12-10-06  DAMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Received via email 12-10-06  I personally was happy to see that the Mayor has planned to build bathrooms in every park in his fine city. It will give me a place to cleanup after I too become homeless. I hope we will all treat our new Privy as our own and help to keep it sparkling.

Received via email 12-11-06  More mens rooms = more places for teachers and lawyers to j*** each other off.  Why should Largo get all the action?

Received via email 12-12-06  Would anyone trust a lawyer to be in charge of the city's money. What are we all idiots!!!!!

Received via email 12-12-06  Hi. I was just hired by St. Pete and will be going through the next orientation.  Can you recommend the best shift for me to be on?  I  hear that the A shift is full of assholes- is that true? 

Thank you for your help.  I am not going to sign my name because I don't need to get a bunch of shit from those assholes.
Editor-  You heard wrong.  There's just one asshole on the A-Shift, so any of the three shifts will do!
PS - I'm the only one who's going to bite on this hook so don't expect that anyone else's follow-up emails are going to continue this thread!

Received via email 12-13-06   Whats wrong with mandatory training? It just may well save your life someday. We are required one hour every tour and one hour PT every tour of duty, and this is madatory. Now,dont ever expect the brass to do this, it just wont happen and your only fooling yourself if you think it will be enforced.

Received via email 12-14-06  Mandatory training is fine, but my gosh - the same BCEs year after year.  Of course they will continue during this new phase of GLs master plan.  What a joke !!!!

Received via email 12-14-06  Editor; Who is the guy on the A shift that you think is an asshole?  The people want to know, man.
Editor:  If you know me - then you know my opinion on the matter.

Received via email 12-14-06  I would do mandatory training all day M-F 8a-5p if this friggin city would give us a pay and benefits package worthy of our service!

Received via email 12-15-06  3rd 12/14. You hit the nail on the head.  Give us pay and benefits worthy of our service. I bet no city administrator had to watch someone blow their brains out in front of them like our crew at #13 did.  Now those poor guys have to see that in their mind for a long time to come.  Put a price on that !  Ohh, we don't have it as bad as the cops, says Asshole Conners !!!!

Received via email 12-16-06  The mayor came close to seeing a guy blow his brains out.  It was me when I heard him play stairway to heaven on his guitar.

Received via email 12-16-06  Ya know I just can't get passed the idea of how much the city administration must love us.  Has anyone given thought as to how easy we make things for the city?  Every day we come to work and agree with with idea that we will work for whatever they are willing to pay us.  They don't have to increase our pay and benefits the machine is woking just fine.  Heck were willing to work for less that time and a half.  Ya know just maybe we shouldn't be voluntering to work.  Has that crossed anyones mind?  I know if I owned a business that ran itself I wouldn't put more money into it either.  In nother words "get a different part time job ".

Received via email 12-16-06  You will never see anyone not volunteer to work. Half the guys are volunteering for free with the tech classes and hazmat crap. The CPR INSTRUCTORS go for recert on their own time and they now want the so called training instructors to go to classes on their own time so they can teach our people.  The city is cheap and we keep volunteering to do this crap for free.  Why would the city ever want to reach an agreement?

Received via email 12-18-06  How 'bout this from D/Cs down. Run calls and keep the station livable for us - and that's it !!!!  Of course, until they give us a raise and increase some of the benefits.  Then we'll volunteer for stuff and go the extra mile after that!!!  Heck administration now doesn't even do the minimum.  They don't run calls and they don't even keep headquarters livable.  They have a private business cleanup crew do it.  If they drop some of their donut crumbs on the ground, they let the cleaning crew pick it up.  Real go getters working down there.

Received via email 12-18-06  Well in between the wife beating, backstabbing, turning your family in, do you think they have time to clean up after themselves?  I mean look at the city.  They are going to put Luke Williams in as Police Chief who likes the Uhurus and is a member of the Coalition and probably will promote Donnie Williams to Asst. Chief.  Whom can you trust around here?
TEAM:  Ahhhh a fellow follower of the SPPD board at LEOAffairs.com.  Yes!  We can see the good Mayor promoting him.  The Mayor has plenty of friends in low places.

Received via email 12-18-06  Every one of us needs to go the the company Christmas party at the master fire station.  There will not be a better opportunity during the year to ask members of city council WHY IT IS THAT THEY TAKE THE MAYOR'S WORD AS FACT when it's presented to them that we don't deserve any more that he/they are currently offering.  They aren't stupid.  They aren't ignorant.  They aren't blind.  They've made an about face when it came to the issue of further investigating the incredible slide of our city's Police Dept.  Why not listen to us? 

We work for the 4th largest city in the state and they continue to ignore us as though we don't exist.  We are now on the same path as the Police Dept.  I don't care who you've got in the office of fire chief.  If we're not supported by this city's administration, it's going to get a lot nastier around here.  For the longest time I couldn't put my finger on it, but through a succession of city council's, we've never been able to catch a break.  Q. What's been the common thread?  A. This city's Human Relations Department.  They've drunk the League of City's Kool Aide and their mission is to run the city on the cheap!  Add to the equation a successive pair of weak knee' d mayors who side with the HR dept. 100% and you've got a recipe for disaster.  These are the same people who we must 'process'  our request for early retirement, should we be injured in the line of duty.  Have any of you ever had the occasion to call down there for any reason?  They aren't friendly to fellow employees who work for the very same city.  They're downright hostile!  It makes absolutely no sense that we should have to negotiate with people who are already hostile towards us!  When council calls the question - they back the Mayor and the Mayor backs them.

We all need to be more politically active.  It starts at the grassroots level in the neighborhood associations where the majority of them aren't too happy with this city's public safety slide.  And in the end when it comes to taking care of me and you, we need to take every opportunity to shine some light in the shadows.  While we've always taken the high road, until recently we've never 'so much as' appeared on the neighborhood association's radar screen.  We've been a bit too polite and with that, we've not been taken too seriously.  We've not been heard!

Be respectful, but make your point.  They might not want to hear it, but they can't fire you.  This Mayor and HR will spoon feed them lies all day long.  The opposite view might sound like some strange religion.

Hey - did you hear the one about the six St. Pete cops sitting in the donut shop?  You couldn't have.  It's a physical impossibility!  There aren't that many in any one zone!

Received via email 12-19-06  (He also suggested that St. Petersburg is a desirable place to work for firefighters, saying that nine vacancies during a recent recruiting period drew 77 applicants.)

I copied and pasted this comment from the article on page one of your site, It amased me they think this is a great response. Inform them in Washington DC, we get over 2000 applicants every time we have a job posting, with no one knowing how many vacancies are available, so there happiness that they get 77 applicants is a joke. Good luck brothers, you guys are in a battle Im not sure your gonna win with this kangaroo court.

Received via email 12-20-06  Don't forget closer to home.  Orlando recently had over 800 apply for their job posting. I guess we just get ALL of the cream of the crop, top layer folks applying here.

Received via email 12-21-06  Hey does anyone know what the figures are, pertaining to the number of certified FF's in the state of FL ? I ask this because some years back there was talk of down sizing the number of actual academies and the number of people that they were turning out due to the lack of openings for jobs in the state. If I remember right there was 1000's upon 1000's of cert FF's and very few jobs. Most all of us from youngest to oldest have most likely taken an entrance exam in a room full of 100's of people. I remember taking one in Clearwater in 1983 with about 200 guys and gals looking to fill 6 positions only to find out through the grapevine that the next night they had another session with around 250 turning out. Point here is 77 people wow ! Mr. Mayor I hope you realize the real numbers here.....when you have such a low turnout like this that says alot for your beautiful city, you and your HR department are running it into the ground at full speed. 77 isn't good at all when you consider the fact that SPFR has officially become a stepping stone for greener pastures. Before you showed up we were the place that everyone wanted to be. Look at the figures TRUTH doesn't lie.

Here's a quote from an old chief that I once new: " It's a sad thing when
someone doesn't know- what they don't know "......Get help, admit your wrong, and
do the right thing !

Received via email 12-21-06  For many years in San Francisco every time there was ONE job opening advertised for the FD, there would be over 30,000 people that would apply.  After awhile, they noticed that it was almost the same 30,000 applicants every time.  So they did a survey and they found out that the guys applying didn't really want the job, they just really, really enjoyed the physicals.
Merry Christmas,
Editor:  Hooda thunk you'd put anything about S.F. on the "straight" page?
Merry CHRISTmas.

Received via email 12-22-06  Do they charge to take the test in St Pete like they do up here in DC? They charge $50 non refundable to the 2000 taking the test, thats a nice litle chunk of change every three years they test. This normally weeds out the skells, they dont wish to part with $50 for a non guaranteed spot. If any of you are looking to re-locate, they aretetsing in 07, applications are avilable. Better schedule (24-72), proper manning, fire every day, but many more medicals as well, (bad comes with every good I guess)and most likely better pay. The weather is slightly different, but you get used to it after a few winters. Yes, the city is crime ridden, but hey who cares, you only have to work there, you live elsewhere.

Received via email 12-22-06  To back up the front page...Heard of one FF/EMT leaving as well as another FF/PM not previously spoken of.

Received via email 12-22-06  Does DC have any positions in public education?  I am a queer and I thought that might be good for me.

Received via email 12-23-06  12-22-06....#1 The first thing that scares me about you is your general attitude; but let's leave that behind for now and move on to other areas that need addressing.
#1. What is a skell? 
#2. It's nice to hear that DC is "aretetsing in 07", but what does that mean? 
#3 It really scares me that one of your selling points is a "fire everyday" but you have to take the bad with the good and run some med calls too.  You strike me as one of those guys that will start a fire on his way to the station, call it in, and be the first on scene too and most likely save all life and property.  Later on, you won't be afraid at all to tell everyone just how great a job you did once the dust settles.  I don't mind putting out fires, but you seem to enjoy it to much.  And as far as medical calls - nobody likes them but they do happen.  If you do something like hold up an IV bag, you're still helping....most medics know who is helping and who is not and the really good medics are more than willing to help you learn if you show that you want to.  You strike me as the guy who stands out front of the location to show the ambulance where to park.
#4 Every city has crime.  You're lying if you say they don't.  And we all work in it and live close to it like it or not.  At this point I am thinking that you are the guy that is in charge of collecting the $50.00 at the door x 2000 to support your living in the burbs.  I wish you good luck in you career - whatever part of it you're in.  You can have your cold winters, but make sure you come to St.Pete to spend your retirement....I got a real good feeling that you will make a great lawn bowler.

Received via email 12-24-06  To everyone that helped out with the t-bone auto extrication of a young woman during the Christmas shopping madness in the Tyrone area during the last C-Shift evening; my hat's off to you!  I watched from the sidelines while you started pt. care and then quickly cut and removed the roof, to extricate her.  It was nice to see Heavy Rescue 4 come to the aid of the crews of Stations 9 & 6, too.  I just wish that this piss poor excuse for a mayor would give us the additional manpower to keep HR4 on the street without having to put Truck 4 out of service to accomplish it.  It's another fine example of a Fire Dept. polishing a turd.  When you're all done polishing it, you're still stuck with a turd!

Let's continue to fight the good fight in 2007.  I can't help but think that the doofus that our good mayor promoted to police chief some years ago, didn't just hand us a victory.  After his dropping the Community Policing Officers and his poor showing before CONA the other night, the public finally go to see what he's and this mayor have been up to.  They'll save every damned dollar they can to put another park on the map but allow public safety to languish!

I love showing up to work, here.  It beats the hell out of beating the wife and kicking the dog!

Here's to seeing you all on the picket line again!

Received via email 12-24-06  Wow, a brother fireman offers up some kind words to his southern brothers and sisters and he gets nothing back but insults, now there is some comradiery. I will start off saying, I may not be the best typist in the world, or more importantly proof reader. I didnt come here to offer up insults, just some city to city information to show some differences, I come peaceful. I am well into my career years, only about six to go, I am a officer with Rescue Company 1,a heavy rescue unit, we cover the down town area, basically the government and tourist sections of the city. My opinion on medical calls is, I am a fireman, a Sergeant to be exact, I personally hate medical locals, but I accept its part of the job. But lets face it, my statement was based on, why we all desired to be firemen, to extinguish fires. How many thought growing up, boy, I want to be a fireman so I can run 25 medical locals in a tour? NONE, but it is what it is. I can honestly say, I have never been in a firehouse where guys sit around saying, boy, we caught a good medical last tour, but every firehouse in the world you will hear, that job we had last tour was really a good job, no one talks up the medicals, every one discusses the fires.The answer to the question, "what is a skell", its just a term used here for people who really dont want to do the job, just reap the benifits from it, every city has them. AS for giving the impression a I am a arsonist, I laugh at your ignorance, I carried a dead brother at the hands of a arsonist back in 99, and attended the other fallen brothers funeral from the same job, so if you thin for one minute I tolerate such activity, well, its not even worth finishing that thought. I have a few friends who are firemen on the St Petersburg Fire Dept, known them for 21 years, I was invited to this site by them, in support of the problems you guys are experiencing with your city brass, noting more  and nothing less. There is no hidden agenda guys. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

Received via email 12-24-06  I am feeling Christmasy today and feel like I owe an apology to my brother in DC, I will be honest right off the bat my comments were ETOH induced and after reading them once posted I see where there was a good bit of lashing out twards a man that I have never met. Please accept my apology, I am sure that you are a good officer that loves what he does for all of the right reasons. We are all in the same boat north to south and east to west. I will kick myself in the ass for you. It was uncalled for and is not the way we should treat family. I want to say this too....in 24 years I have never had to carry a fellow ff from the rubble but it hurt just the same hearing about everyone of them that I saw in the news and in print. My heart truly goes out to you and the memories of your fallen brothers. Have a safe year in 2007.

Received via email 12-25-06  Thank you, and God Bless everyone working the tours today, as I am as well. Let the bells be silent, the house be noisy will laughter and a warm feeling knowing we all made it through another tour without sadness, loss and the rookie getting showered in a bucket of cold soapy water.
Sgt./ DCFD

Received via email 12-26-06  Hey 12/22 nice way to discribe others. Being a straight moderate-liberal myself, married man, (to a women), multiple  kids, I am happy, are you? In other words, bad joke pal..Hopefully the new year will brighten your alcohol induced days..Peace..KTF!

Received via email 12-27-06  Which one of our guys is blowing the DC Sergeant?

Received via email 12-28-06  To the first post 12/27, Why don't you get a life. Yeah I know the DC sergeant and he's more of a ff than you could ever hope or dream to be. He is the kinda man that you know you can count on when the shit hits the fan, unlike you. So don't judge somebody that you know nothing about.

Received via email 12-28-06  YOU ARE 12/27........you almost got away with it until you were stupid enough to bring it up!

Received via email 12-28-06  If he's such a hotshot FF, why is he whining about medical calls?  Like it or not, that's most of our job now.  Maybe you didn't notice, but we are not even a fire department anymore; we are Fire Rescue.   If you prefer to just play with your d**k between fire calls, you are not going to have much d**k left by the time you retire. If you don't like 85% of your job, you are probably on the wrong job.

Received via email 01-01-07  Yeah, nothing catches on fire anymore !  Haven't seen one in years !  Why do we even have firefighters then. hey 3rd 12/28, there are some departments and units within that run primarily fire calls only, with another agency running the EMS portion. Your not the only dept in the US, In fact many believe ems is the last 3 letter in problems.  Well gotta go to a structure fire now, go change your bed pan, nurse boy.

Received via email 01-01-07  I know it's fun to pretend, but if you think the third 12/28 was wrong, you are in a fantasy land.  Yes, there are a few citys that have  kept EMS seperate from fire but with the exception of a few very large departments, they will tell you it was a mistake.  Most city's just don't burn the way they used to.  Blame prevention, not the paramedics.  I know there are fire departments (not  many) where  you can go and work nothing but fire calls, but they are few and far between.  Besides, we all know that 1/1 was lying about being  on his way to a structure fire.  Its much more likely that he had a toilet to clean or a trash can to empty.  Face it. You aren't stuck  with EMS. You are lucky to have it.

Received via email 01-01-07  There will always be a need for firefighters, but don't forget for every paid firefighter there are three vollies out there doing the same job for free.   That's not true in EMS where the percentage of volunteer paramedics is much smaller.  Some fire departments  are beginning to pay their paramedics more money than their officers (which is a smart move) and other departments, Tampa for  example, won't even look at you if you are not already paramedic trained.  You can pretend that your nine weeks in the fire  academy made you something special, but it was the time you spent in EMT or paramedic school that makes you at all  marketable.  Go ahead and joke about how much trouble you think EMS is, but you can't deny that we are grabbing those jump  boxes a lot more often than the nozzles. Ever notice what paramedics do when they need a break?  They ride fire engines.  Who  needs vacation time when you can ride backwards?  Sure beats working.

Received via email 01-01-07  Tell you what. While this nurse boy is out earning your salary, how about cleaning the station and making me a hot lunch, okay  sweetie?  Heres a few bucks, go buy yourself something frilly.

Received via email 01-01-07  Ok, can anyone tell me what happened during the BIG First Night festivities? I hear there was a F/F's chili booth setup with a grand idea to sell some special 100th anniv cups to the public for $10. Then I hear that a whopping 12 cups were sold duing the entire event. When was this advertised to the troops? Is our PIO sleeping again? It would have made a big diff if someone knew about these things. Yeah I know the St. Pete Times hates us anyways. But guess who spent 8 years of his existince pissing them off in the first place?

Received via email 01-01-07  What a bunch of p***y assholes. Bottom line here, we all work together, fire rescue..rescue fire..One always needs the other. Most medics usually ride 3 out if 5 shifts with an emt..one of those firefighters, that get a break off the engine to ride rescue? I can't believe in this day, there is still fighting between the two required parts of the fire rescue profession. While your doing your paper work, the emt is doing that primary, and secondary survey. At the fire scene, that emt is usually bunkered out while you play rehab. God get over the BS egos here. a little more community college, does not make a professor out of thee!

Received via email 01-01-07  I better ride in with this trauma alert.  Dispatch, can you please send an engine out here to clean up my mess?

Received via email 01-02-07  This fire vs. ems sh*t is so freakin tired...yawn!!!!!!!!!!!! Get over it and spend your energy on something worth
arguing about.

Received via email 01-02-07  I am pretty sure Washington DC requires you to be a paramedic to get hired.  So a DC member bad talking EMS is probably just a  dinsosaur who can't accept change.   Not that we don't have our share.

Received via email 01-02-07  second 1/7, "I know it's fun to pretend" It sounds like you are one of those that hate the firefighting side.  You probably avoid ever going into a structure fire when you arrive at one. Oh yeah they never exist(what a moron) you sound like the type who has to stay outside and guard your "box" during an active fire fight even when there is an abundance of medics on scene.  Grow up and quit trying to divide the medics and firefighters. If you look at riding on an engine as a break maybe you should get a job wiping asses somewhere other than a FIRE dept.  Work for a nursing home or hospital, you will feel right at home.  You will truly be a place that never fights fire !!

Received via email 01-02-07  WOW, now I am a dinosaur. Guys, I never meant for this to be  pissing match. I made comments about something I do not like in my department, thats the whole point of this, to discuss, debate and act like men. Just for the record, you do not have to be a paramedic to get hired, you dont have to be anything to get hired except a legal citizen, and the way our country is headed, we will soon accept foreigners as well. In Dc, you are not trained at some college, then hired, you are sent to the academy for months while on the payroll where you are trained to be a firefighter and EMT, if you choose to go on for certification for medic, it is your choice,(at this time). What the future holds is anyones guess, we just got a new mayor who has ideas not worth the space he takes up, but this happens every so often. We also just named a interim chief, who is a great guy, but once one is made chief, they seem to lose the ability to use good judgement and become one of "them". Hopefully this man gets the job full time, but who knows. I concur the business is becoming more and more of these medical locals, no one can deny that. In a old city such as ours, we still see a large volume of fire,fortunately for those of us who rather run fire than bandaide runs. It all pays the same. Thanks to the first post on 12/28, your support and kinds words are appreciated, even it has been close to twenty years since I saw you last. 12/28, my last tour on Saturday, we went out 31 times, two 2nd alarms, great day in Rescue 1, no sleep though, but its cool, I dont like to whine about my job, as I am fortunate to have off the next three days to rest. Be safe !

Received via email 01-02-07  Is DC a man or woman?

Received via email 01-03-07  Is DC hiring, and what is the pay? We have a mayor that we will give you. Just send us Barry he will get along with some of our peeps.


Received via email 01-03-07  DC is always hiring, but if your not already on the list, it will be along time until you will be able to test. They only give the written every five years, and they create a list from the 2000+ applicants they have, meaning it can take up to five years to get hired if you are not in the top 200 on the list. A 100% is almost required on the written and excellent times on the agilty to even get in the top 400, the test is very competitive, people come from all over the country to take it.They normally put in the academy about twenty at a time and they will run classes back to back, say maybe four classes a year. The next class starts January 28th.
  Regarding the pay scale, I think I heard the academy rate is $28,000, bumps to $34,000 upon graduation. We have a five grade system, meaning once a firefighter, there is five grades before top pay, once made Sergeant, five more, and so on up through Captain. Notsure how the pay scale is for chiefs, I never cared. I am currently a 3rd grade Sergeant, and my pay is just about $65,000. We work 24/72 shifts. The medics work a 2-2-4 schedule, (2) 8 hour day, (2)16 hour nights, 4 days off, with tons of overtime available. Their pay is different, as they are their own union, yet they operate under the FD. Its messed up, the ambulance people are crying all the time about pay, and benifits. I didnt mean to hi-jack your site,maybe a new section could be created for inner department conversations, or check out www.thewatchdesk.com, its a site for firefighters from all over the country, a busy site, each state has their own section.

Received via email 01-03-07  Oh by the way, Marion Barry is no longer the mayor of the district. Believe it or not, when he was mayor, public safety agencies got raises religiously, without much of a fight. He was in favor of the police and fire, right up until the cops set him up with the cocaine and the prostitute.(LOL)Then came the woman (Kelly)who hated us, and everything got cut, manning was decreased from five on the engine to four, six to five on trucks, Rescue went to five from six, and she eliminated the chiefs chauffers....until the chiefs kept crashing and getting lost, didnt take long to get them back, it seems you cant drive the buggy,monitor two channels of operations and keep track of companies all at the same time....she was only mayor for one term, then things got better, now they are so-so, but the new guy was just sworn in last week.

Received via email 01-03-07  Was anyone else been privledged enough to be in the great company of one of OCFD's "greatest" during the past few BCE's?  I was quite impressed with how proud he was to wear the colors of his great Department.  Hey Dick, was this a little hint of a coming move?  If so, let me be the first to shout with joy.  It isn't to often a prayer is answered on this job.  Do yo think you can take some of your other pals with you?  You know the one's.  They are the one's that would rather openly wear the colors of a Department other than their own.

Received via email 01-05-07  You're right, I have oft wondered why the 40 hour workers are allowed to wear clothing that would possibly misrepresent themselves to the public. I understand the casual Friday thingie, but why would you allow your employees the chance to show so much pride in another Company? I have NEVER seen a Coca Cola employee wearing a Pepsi shirt while on duty.

Received via email 01-06-07  Who the heck drinks Pepsi anyways?

Received via email 01-07-07  Just for the record. Yes wearing the hat is tacky but he was a PTEC employee for the BCE. The Ptec guys have no required uniform since ptec is paying and not the city.

Received via email 01-09-07  To our Chiefs: I am hearing that at least one of you is beginning to take it personally now that several current and some well tenured employees are potentially leaving, and I am wondering why. How can you blame someone that can get a $5-10k raise, a better pension, matched deferred comp., shorter work week...I could go on. I am willing to bet they like it here and don't want to start their careers over, but why would they want to stay in a place where their city brass regards them as second class? Maybe they could wait it out a little while longer, but for what? The city to change its entire philosophy? Here it is once again from the horse's mouth: Karen Richardson, St. Petersburg's labor relations manager, said the city conducts an annual salary study. "We usually come out behind," she said. But St. Petersburg tries to keep salaries for similar work within 5 percent of other agencies, she said. "It's a matter of fiscal management," she said. "We've kind of accepted the position that we aren't necessarily trying to keep up with the Joneses."

Maybe we should put that quote on our job postings. That should eliminate the problem of people having to leave once they get here. So if I may speak for them, us, we..."Its not you, its me."
TEAM:  And people ask us why we continue to leave those old news stories on the pages of this site...

Received via email 01-09-07  Bravo first 1/09: I guess they think people will not care about $5-10k if we let them switch their stations - i.e. 13C medic to 4C. This medic will leave as soon as "O" town calls. Good for that medic. Chiefs do not care.  They are all in the drop.  It will not be there problem in 2 1/2 years. Hopefully the 5B medic will go to Longboat and get what he deserves. A city that gives a sh**.

"Hey we get to watch TV though, if the officer lets us." That has to be worth at least a $10,000.

Received via email 01-09-07  And to debate the sorely mistaken Mike Connors..."Recruitment and retention is not an issue with the fire department, Connors said. "We had 12 vacancies last year and 93 qualified applicants. There seems to be a fair amount of interest in becoming a St. Petersburg firefighter."

Here's a quote from another Florida department site: "Miami-Dade Fire Rescue is not accepting applications for the position of firefighter at this time. Our intake, held from May 21 - June 6, 2006, brought in nearly 6,000 applicants."

Orlando's recent test brought in 800+. So Mr. Connors, the facts don't lie, do they? Your "fair" amount of applicants will soon produce a "fair" fire department. Won't that sound great in the mayor's future political aspirations?

Received via email 01-09-07  In football and every other sport, the player or workers that produce, get paid much more than the coach. How come on our team, the workers that make the organization - get paid squat compared to our so called coaches (fire admin.) who rarely if every get out their and get dirty, yet sit around in their dream world without a clue of reality and get paid 6 figures.     What a joke !!

Received via email 01-09-07  So the OCFD wanna-be was working for PTEC. Just another example of how this city has Lottosized this and every other department. Why can't a fully accredited Department, with an ISO rating of 2, in the 4th largest city in the state afford its own training guys?

Received via email 01-09-07  Word going around (quickly) that P.V. from Sta. 9 was in the chief's office today reviewing his personnel file.  When the chief asked him what was new, he made it known that he was one of the one's who was looking to get hired on at Longboat Key Fire Department.  Number 2 boy sticks his head in and makes some comment about the 'fact' that it was really too bad that the union allowed 4,5 and 6 to slip away at the bargaining table.  Pat (Oops!  Did I say Pat?) being a tad sharper than the number 2 boy (former medic who's never seen the inside of an engine or a truck) made it clear that even 'if' we'd actually been offered those numbers (by the way we weren't - it was a bullshit city word trick) Longboat Key's pay is still ahead of St. Pete's!  Longboat must be the 3rd largest city in the state!

Say - are you guys deaf, dumb and blind?  You've obviously been drinking the city cool-aide because you're just not getting it!  Besides that, since when have one of you upper crust pain's in the ass ever had so much as a second thought about OUR (meaning not yours) UNION?  You've managed to make some pretty good coin from your chief's pay scale being elevated every time OUR UNION managed to squeak out a pay raise.  The only reason either of you ever paid dues was to keep from being called SCABS!

I've got a suggestion for at least one of you.  If you want to do something really good for the UNION, why don't you take all the holiday time you've amassed over the years from holidays that you don't support or celebrate and donate those funds to the UNION.  Make a real statement or don't bother making any statement on OUR UNION!  It's not the business of any of you spin meisters - just what we do or how se do it. Make that payment and I'll show you the secret handshake.  "Secret handshake?"  Yup - because you don't know about it says it all!
TEAM: Ouch!

Received via email 01-09-07  The same reason they do not pay OT to attend CPR Instructor class, car seat installer, or medic school. They want everything for free and we continue to volunteer to do it for free. We need to stop teaching CPR, doing car seats and it looks like instructors will be going to the waste side with the big new training plan Chief Dingleberry put out. The Company Officers not LR's will be responsible for training. Thank God I am not assigned to 2B.

Received via email 01-10-07  I sure hope we don't lose PV. He is and always has been a great medic.  Much better than any of our so called chiefs who used to work on the street.  Cant say I blame him though- taking care of our family is what it is all about, which obviousily our city don't give a rats a-- about. Just their greed !!

Received via email 01-11-07  Hang on. If council's decision doesn't go well, they will need to have some major recruiting going on for our dept. because a large group of medics and FF's alike will be bringing all their talent and experience to other fire and rescue departments!  There are already quite a few just waiting for council's decision to be made.  Hope for all of us we start being paid what we are worth!

Received via email 01-11-07  Do I get OT if I hang out with the drunken twins and talk about who next to screw over?

Received via email 01-12-07  I dont think that these people are hanging on for a decision.  I spoke to several people in the last two days who are currently in the process with other departments.  Better pay, pension, benefits, shorter work week and less calls equals easy decision.  (and I am not even that good at math)

Received via email 01-12-07  It's funny how the Fire Dept. that is so against Sunstar and Pinellas EMS Auth. Just might in the very near future have a white ambulance backed into some of the stations.  What's the City going to do about all the FF/FFPM's who will be leaving this crazy city, go to a smaller one and make $~10,000 more just to start. This just shows the County that we really cant do it with out them.  Just a thought, don't think that being so called mandatory every shift is going to fly. Remember the city said we don't have that problem.  Also there is nothing stating that you have to take a mandatory. Good luck DCs. Good Luck goes out to PV, CW, CH, AK, DB, KF, TW, HC, AF is already hired in Hernando County.

Received via email 01-13-07  To repeat something that was posted some time ago by a recent retiree, "Run like the wind, there are better cities out there that appreciate you and what you do"

Received via email 01-13-07  And people have been beating on the city of Clearwater for the longest time.  St. Petersburg is the next Clearwater. 

City hall with no ears.
Fire administration with no mouth.

Received via email 01-13-07  Come on now, I keep hearing about people leaving here and going to places like Hernando County, Venice, Orlando, and now Long Boat Key. Do you really expect me to believe that people are willing to drive a WHOLE hour just to get an extra $175+ dollars a week??? Damn what am I thinking....? Where do I sign up for one of these gigs?

Received via email 01-14-07  PV isn't the only Medic that we've got in the process down at Long Boat Key.  There are "3" total!  We're becoming the next SPPD.  The city of St. Pete will spend buckets of money to train everyone, only to see them wander off to somewhere where the pay and pension is better.  Wake up citizens of St. Pete.  Another dog park or potty in the park isn't going to do shit for you when we're trying to fill the vacant positions with some of the third stringers that we're hiring now!  My hat's off to all of you chief's in the DROP.  You're getting the hell out of here just in time.  But not enough time for your union to fix the matter for you, I'm affraid!

Received via email 01-14-07  Come on are you kidding me. Leave it up to the DCs?  Ones a wife beater almost in jail for attempted murder. And the other lets SK tell him what to do.   Our dept is going down hill and we have Callahan to thank for that for the idiots he promoted.  Also the ones who were given a copy of the test.  And yes you know whom you are.  That is why you do not get any respect.

Received via email 01-14-07  Greetings....See if this post flies....
1st one
Just thought I would unload for a minute.... First...it is the destiny for the City to loose people...What would you expect from such an environment? Remember...the city only has about 5 Billion bucks sitting around. I can't believe "some" people here still can't see they are getting hammered...tells me they are resume' building. Amazing is the fact that the City abuses the very blanket of protection that they will someday most certainly need. Funny that some of the Admin @ HQ continues to comply with the City regarding these matters, and is increasingly apparent that they are on their way out (drop/ etirement)...and could care less. What they have not predicteed is the near and impending loss of people to other agencies and careers out there...once again... what would you expect from someone who is in the drop and leaving...they are on "coast"...and that attitude has cost the growth of the department. Regarding those in the processes elswhere... Kudos...and regarding the drive...it's called moving from this over inflated department of BS. Piss poor management and tactics, 70 million "supplemental" pension debt, pay, staffing, chronic moving of your personel,....too easy to point out all the "downs'.

But ya know..  "it's like this every where else". What a bunch of crap. The department has lost in the ability to provide effective service to the community, and lost the perspective that it should be our priority...as well as providing for the people out there delivering that service. Hell we still document when we're late to calls...manning with magnets, still look up addresses in mapbooks, Oracle, have years of log books that would expose our staffing to the BS accreditation.  FYI the 2 hours of training every shift is another requirement that we decided to pick to follow regarding the accreditation process...staffing...not so much. Of course I'm sure we have been doing it since we go the stickers on the
apparatus.  Mind you...I don't mind the training....but knock off the pick and choose BS...either do it right ...or don't do any of it.

Time is nearing for the thinning of BS...and there will be plenty of finger pointing... going to be interesting to see who the "fall people are"... I'm sure the Mutts will pass the buck, retire, or seek employment elswhere. Should be interesting....

Have a laugh.

A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to  the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the  energy."

"Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull.

"They're packed with nutrients."

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day,  aftereating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Moral of the story:

Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

Received via email 01-15-07  Quote"Do you really expect me to believe that people are willing to drive a WHOLE hour just to get an extra $175+ dollars a week??? Damn what am I thinking....? Where do I sign up for one of these gigs?"

People drive over an hour to get to this place...what the heck are they thinking???

Received via email 01-16-07  25 years ago I could'nt wait to become a member of the S.P.F.D., now I am embaressed to say that I am associated with one of the most regressive city's in our nation, maybe the world. One would think "with the events going on around the world in the past 10 years that all firefighters and paramedics everywhere would get to enjoy at the very least what they deserve." My hat is off to those who are sticking to the guns and fighting for what is deserved..... And to those that are so quick to throw a fellow FF under the bus, remember that there is always another bus just around the corner and at some time and sooner or later you will slip off the curb, all on your own. I wish you all luck and a great future whatever City you end up working for.

Received via email 01-16-07  It's really too bad... the biggest department in the county should be leading by example...as they did in prior years. This however is not the case...and is apparent from the word on the streets, applicant #'s, the general attitude of those in the companies, and the obvious search from employees for jobs elsewhere. I certainly hope council see's the writing on the wall. Many employees (that have already opened the door out) are waiting for an offer from council... but I fear it's too late...  :(

Received via email 01-16-07  What's really sad is the fact that this city wants to annex places like Joe's Creek Industrial Park and Feather Sound.  They'll not invest a dime to upgrade the hydrant system in Lealman (which they own) but they want the citizens in that part of the county to buy into annexing into St. Pete.  As for Feather Sound, properties continue to be built along both sides of Ulmerton Rd. with little notice from this city or it's Fire Dept.  More business - more people.  More hotel rooms - more people.  We're so used to sucking on the Penny for Pinellas crack pipe, that we won't ever make another move to build a station or add people unless it's through the Pinellas County crack pipe.  Look at your own city budget.  The Mayor's proud to say that he's added people to both the FD and PD in this city.  Yeah... we got one more FF in a County owned station and the position is paid for by ----------- who else ---------------  Pinellas County!

Maybe we should have backed the countywide FD proposal.  We'd get all of this current crop of city of St. Petersburg and SPF&R assholes hands off of things in a clean break!

Received via email 01-16-07   Well I give you a look at the "more people" aspect of what's going on in our country...bear with it...it's rather lengthy...but very interesting... yet again...Government...on a much bigger perspevctive is failing!

Received via email 01-16-07  Just a quick note to let you know that another shit bomb (memo) from your "wanna-be" training division is about to fall on our heads.  I hope some of you driver engineer types have hung onto your "I still wish to remain a driver" (and you'll send me the details of the changes later because I trust you won't F**K me) paperwork.  Lanning's latest "we pick and choose what NFPA standards we like" and you'll jump through additional hoops if we so choose to modify them - is right around the corner.  I wonder if all the fat ass'd division chiefs are going to take a swig of the same shit we're all being asked to swallow?

You want more from me?  Pay me like I work for the 4th largest city in the state and we'll discuss it.  Otherwise I'm only going to move fast enough to keep from getting injured!

Asshole!  Moron!  Asshole-moron!

Received via email 01-16-07  The name is not Lanning, it is chief dingleberry. Staff inspection cleaning, bce practice, 2 hrs of training, 3 1/2 hour cme online, hydrants, pub ed.  But hey, "you can watch TV since we do not pay you shit."  Hopefully CW, DB, and PV get the job and move on to a city that gives a shit. Are the 40 hr firefighters, LR's and Capts and DC doing all this training?  I think not.  Every driver should drop out of the program let's see what happens.

Received via email 01-16-07  How many people have signed the "I want to remain a driver" memo?  What if enough prople dropped that cert?  Would the City have a Drivers Classification?  I am all for training to stay sharp, but who in the hell wants to do extra work for free?  Yea, yea, yea... we get paid to drive less than $1.00 an hour.  You can't even fill up your gas tank at the end of a shift with the money made from driving. 

Here's  another idea for mayor big bird...let's go back to Volunteer FF's in the City of St. Pete.  With the money we save on that we could have another sorry ass building put up in the city.  F**K YOU BAKER!  I have to go take my meds now!

Received via email 01-16-07  Oh my gosh it takes a hour to drive anywhere in Pinellas county. Condos Condos oh beautiful Condos and the tax dollars they bring in. There's plenty of money in this two horse town. If you don't believe me just wait till some chief screws up and they pay him boko bucks to leave. It happens every time and low and behold they come up with the bucks. Ka sa ra sa ra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Received via email 01-16-07  My question is why did you decide to become a Paramedic or EMT if your just gonna Bitch about what you have to do didn't you read your job requirements prior to taking the job.

Received via email 01-16-07  I just logged onto McDonalds us versa them and there was no bitching. They love there jobs . Do you want fries with that order or a hot apple pie ?

Received via email 01-16-07  Any update on how Chief Bennentt is doing ? I hear he came home from the hospital .

Received via email 01-16-07  Straight skinny; A very short time ago, three SPFR medics go out on a day trip, 1 hour south of here. All three deceide to fill out a job application for a department where pay, benefits, and a sense of caring are normal daily facts of life. The three medics have already received word that they scored 1st, 2nd, & 3rd on the tests and basically "when do they want to start?"  Problem? I see no problem. Other Departments want the employees we have and they are willing to pay. Maybe it will start a trend.

Received via email 01-16-07  Who's bitchen about training?  Heck, it makes sense to learn the tough, analytical, and brain busting way of pulling a freakin hose load off an engine.  Let's see... we have done it about 5 zillion times, so heck lets just spend another two hours during the day and do it again.  Heck we aint got nothing else to do.  Everyone else in the county runs real emergency calls, but not us, we just sit on our ass and watch TV all day.  The 45,000 plus calls we run are not real, just a figment of our imagination.  All hands on deck, the Love Boat is now in Port, and Chief Dingleberry will be your host!!!!!

Received via email 01-16-07  Sad to say, but for the first time in my career I've sat here looking at the four walls, rationalizing WHY it is that I would want to stay somewhere where I'm not appreciated.  If you ask the people who ultimately pay our pay checks, they all love us.  Why is it so hard for this city to come to grips with this pending crisis?  There's going to come a judgement day, but I suspect as this contract battle drags on, I'll not be here to witness it.

And hey - you guys at HQ., don't even bring the subject of the contract up to us.  You guys sold out a long time ago.

Received via email 01-16-07  I heard that Chris White's been talking it up that we need a professional negotiator to stand for us if we ever get to impasse.  Hell, we can't even get the city to come up with that date on the calendar.  "Only in New Clearwater!"

Chief White, I'd like to discuss your proposal at Thursday's Union meeting.  Oh, yeah - the Union Hall's located in the 5100 block of 1 Ave. No.  You can't miss it, there's a big G**damned sign out front!

Received via email 01-16-07  How many of you would be shocked to learn that at least one city in Pinellas County gives their employees a $500.00 Visa Card *annually* to offset the cost of healthcare & healthcare deductibles?  And another surprise, all remaining funds accrue from year to year!  Hillsborough County gives their employees a cafe' sum every other pay check to be used as one pleases.  They also contribute a small amount to you defferred comp., each month!

Everyone has to understand that coming to work for the city of St. Pete, holds no surprises (good one's anyway's).  This is a mediocre city to work for and we work for a fire department that also is quickly becoming mediocre with every passing day.  Orlando see's 800 show up at the door for vacancies.  Metro Miami - thousands.  "It's another great day in St. Petersburg where every day is training day" - less than 100.  Talk to any medic on a Sunstar rig who just got out of school.  They're passing this carnival show - up fast!

Folks, none of this came about without bargaining. 

I was asked by a cop the other night, why it was that we were turning down pay offers?  What?  Was this guy for real?  What's really messed up ---- is some of us are asking the same thing.  Stop asking and start listening.  Go to your Thursday night Union meeting!

Received via email 01-17-07  The union office is located at 5240 1 ave no.

Received via email 01-17-07  FYI for 2006 SPF&R surpassed the 46,000 run mark. Official total from County records is 46,342. Next closest is Clearwater with 24,797.

TEAM:  FYI - the hit counter on the website if spinning off the hook.  People are checking in from Lutz to Santa Barbara California.  Keep up the good work.  Information is POWER!

Received via email 01-17-07  Down 1 Medic....just put in his 2 weeks today... lets see then.... 4 looking with interviews....1 pending (they have no idea)...how many in the drop...and a few "NO ONE" knows about...??? No problems here.... how many units are down and out of service for training...for the training.... isn't our job/duty to be IN service? You know for something crazy like saving lives and property?
Point Break

Received via email 01-17-07  46,000 runs per year and your complaining you have to train...we run over 200,000 runs a year and we train every tour as well, only one hour, but we do do it, and no one complains. I want guys who have done a mundane drill such as pulling a hose lay, or starting the tool thousands of times, or I want to go over the city streets daily because I dont want my chauffer getting lost on the one that may kill someone.. I can understand your complaints about pay, and benefits, but not the training issue. 

Received via email 01-18-07  I can't wait for the 4 guys that the department is putting through paramedic school to jump ship!!!!

Received via email 01-18-07  Its not the training thats a problem...its WHO oversees it, and what he shoves in our faces. That bs combined with lack of compensation is the issue. I said I would train every shift 8a-5p if it was efficient, progressive, and compensated us like a top notch FD in 2007, which we in no way resemble.

Received via email 01-18-07  What you folks don't understand about the training is this. The city found yet another way to operate on the cheap. We tell the State Department of Education that we have a program called JATC... The state then sez, "send us documentation that you are training these apprentice's hoping to be Journeymen Firefighters and we will send you back $$$."  So as long as we can get papers signed, then we get money. Other than that, our Training budget aint got enough money in it to be toilet paper.

Received via email 01-18-07  4th 1/17, training is great and we are not against training. We are against a dictator training chief who does not have a clue and is forcing us to train on what he thinks is best.  No one knows their crew better than the company officer of that crew and he or she should decide every shift what to train on.  The training issue goes much deeper than you are reading on these post's. Training is key and should be done every shift, but our training division has turned into a testing center rather than a training center.  In fact it has turned into a division that seeks out the older experience firefighters and tries to physically push to the limit even in the heat of a Florida summer.  Training is great but not when it goes over the line of safety.  There is an NFPA report that mentions some of these issues. 

"The second largest number of training deaths during the decade-long study occurred during physical fitness training. Thirty firefighters died when they were simply trying to promote health. Twenty-three of those 30 deaths were caused by sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac death (usually heart attacks) is the number one cause of firefighter fatalities overall and the same is true for those during training. Just over half of the firefighters who died while training during the 10-year period died due to cardiac events. According to the study, sudden cardiac death was responsible for 53 of the 100 deaths.  'Training is an essential part of fire department operations and it is worrisome that the training proportion of firefighter deaths has increased,' said Rita F. Fahy, Ph.D., manager of fire databases and systems for NFPA. Firefighting is a dangerous profession and to see deaths occurring due to activities that are meant to prevent death and injury is distressing. 'It is our hope that this 10-year study will help prevent future deaths by identifying areas where training safety can be improved,' said Fahy. "

Hopefully, good training and common sense from those that impose reckless training will be the trend.  Unfortunately, our department does not always use common sense when training is delivered.  To put ultimate speed as an emphasis along with pushing to the limit in adverse weather conditions goes beyond stupid.

Received via email 01-18-07  To 1/16 #15:  Maybe Chief White has a valid point.  The only contract our current negotiator has secured for us is a sorry ass 4% bonus.  Keep in mind that was a bonus, not a pay raise.  He gave into this during mayor dickhead's re-election campaign so that he didn't look bad during such a time.  Any we havn't gotten shit since then.  Maybe we need a professional negotiator who does this for a living.  Apparently someone at City Hall does not like the current negotiating team.  Don't dismiss someone's ideas just because of their position. 

To 1/17 #4:  WELL SAID:  I don't think that this training is killing anyone.  If some of you had taken more pride during the previous years BCE's, we may not be in this situation.  If you are wondering why they are scheduling practice, it's because certain companies did not have enough self motivation to go over these things before you went down for evaluation.  Keep in mind, you messed up on BASIC evolutions.  Have some pride, suck it up and do the job that you are getting paid to do! 
TEAM:  Sorry to correct, but we've never accepted a "bonus."  If you'll recall, we were offered the following:
3% no roll-up (bonus)
3% roll-up (a raise)
4% no roll-up (bonus)
4% roll-up (final offer)  which incedently is exactly what the cops took in their first of three, which was 4,5 and 6%.

We "WE" ratified a contract offer that contained a 4% GWI.  And "yes" it was a shitty raise that didn't even come close to catching us up to our contemporaries around the state. 

Received via email 01-18-07   No complaints about the training... just the eliminating of service to the community to train...these units are not replaced with appropriate service (engine for engine, rescue for rescue, truck/truck) when removed from district... they remove and ban-daid fire and ems service to get it done... when there are adequate methods to accomplish both. So your saying that regardless of the ammount of runs 200K..46K...10K...ect...it's a service to the community to remove protection in their district...and not replace it (let's say with their first due ALS unit)...and be good with it? If that's the case...how about we just go out of service from 9 to noon for training...then go in service when were done...after all it's what's most convienient for us.....not like were really that concerned about the community.

That's my point.

Received via email 01-18-07  Break the numbers down, do the math. I bet we run more calls per employee.

Received via email 01-18-07  Keep the training, shitcan all the other BS, Really, pub ed programs to kids so young that they still piss their pants? WTF? Car seat installations?, to quote a certain Lt,  "If they're too stupid to install car seats, then they're too stupid to have kids".

Received via email 01-18-07  Wagner and Friddy are gone to better pastures. Bucholtz is on deck. We do not have a problem though.  Just ask the chiefs in the palace.

Received via email 01-19-07  some valid points, and i stand corrected, it reads like everyone is upset they have to train. Whywould your company be out of service if your training in house? or do you report to your academy ony for training? We do in house every day, but are still in service, seldom do we complete a session without run interuption, but when we report to the academy, we are placed OOS. We dont replace the area with another piece when at training, unless its no other trucks in the area, but there are 33 engines, so they dont relocate them as quickly. The medic units are never replaced, no need to, they are never in house long enough. I could agree on the average runs per person theory, if we take our 2000 FFS divided by 200K runs, its 10-0 each person, but we all know that never happens, some companies dont run a 100 runs a month, and some run twice that in a week.

Received via email 01-19-07  I guess its time to pay paramedics enough to keep them here.  Here is a plan that makes sense:  53K for top FF, 62K for top LT, 71K  for top PM, and maybe 72K or so for top CAPT.  Call me when its time to vote. 

Received via email 01-19-07  How about the worthless DC's?  Where should they be at?

Received via email 01-19-07   Some valid points on training in some of the above posts. Training should be in house, unique to each territory's needs. CO's should be held accountable for their crew's compliance/non-compliance. Captains for CO's, DCs for Captains and so on. A unit should NEVER be out of service for car seat installs, training, or pub eds. Dire personnel emergencies and broken down apparatus are the only reasons apparatus should be OOS.

Received via email 01-19-07  A medic over a LT?  Put down the crack pipe.  The subordinate should never make more than the supervisor.

Received via email 01-19-07  I don't see why subordinates can't be paid more than supervisors.  It works that way in the private sector.  The people that  manage the hospital make less than the surgeons that work there.  The guy who manages KMart makes less than the pharmacist  working back in that little room in the corner.  Appointed judges can make more than the governor that put them there. And of  course, we all know about how athletes are paid, but what about their managers?  Whenever your subordinates have a higher level of education, training, or skills superior to yours, expect them to be better paid than you are.  I don't even see an argument to support the contrary position other than "that's how we have always done it".  I've never expected to paramedics out earn Lt.s in St. Pete, but it is already happening elsewhere.  Don't expect our department to get more progressive until we are all willing to think progressive.

Dave "I didn't come here to get rich" Fraser

Received via email 01-20-07  PAramedics are responsible for two people only, themselves and their patient, the fire officers are responsible for the entire company. You have got to be kidding wanting medics to make more money than the officer. What reason, because they carry a drug box? I make at least 25K more than our medics, and it better stay that way, or Im asking for a demotion.

Received via email 01-20-07  As a former Kmart manager I must agree with brother Frasier. I would also like to address the term of subordinate.  On an emergency scene, regardless of what rank officer shows up the ultimate responsibility (for the patient, you know the reason we have jobs) is that of the paramedic.The reason we can provide the services we do is because we work under the license of a medical director.  She does not care or recognize what your rank is other than paramedic or emt. How many DC's, Capt's or Lt's have been QAR'd at accident scenes? Our state certification for being a firefighter carries virtualy no weight at all. It is our ability to provide ems that gets us our money from the county. Regardless of anyones opinion of EMS (including mine) I think everyone now realizes that if we dont provide these services we dont survive as a department. People need to realize when they use a term like subordinate they refer to our departments command structure only and in the grand scheme of things (like when paramedics are in court or giving depositions) that doesn't mean a whole lot. That being said, a fire scene is an entirely different thing, but think about this, an engine shows up on scene and takes command,  the DC arrives later and and takes safety.  The Lt or Capt in command is in charge of the fire and  not the DC.  Who is the subordinate on this call? Who is making more money? Look, im not trying to put down the responsibilities of officers but ask yourself why I can be an acting Lt but a Chief cant be an acting paramedic. Remember also, this isn't a fire vs ems issue' because WE ARE ALL FIRE  CERTIFIED, but is about all of us being compensated fairly. With medics leaving like they are something needs to be done.   Ps..Scott Mcgevna sucks!!! Pss.. Frasier that's because you're already rich!!!

Dave, no problem for medics making more than LTs. Just have the LR's supervise all medics and take care of their issues, training, accident reports, and evaluations. LR's are the highest paid LT's with the headquarters pay they receive. They also do not have the workload of the ops Lt's.

Received via email 01-20-07  Okay then it looks like we have a consensus: Paramedics should make more than lieutenants.  Our next topic:  Why does paramedic  shit not stink?  I am a paramedic and mine smells like ice cream, yet firefighter shit stinks horribly.  If you don't believe me, check  out the shitter at 10/B sometime.  Excuse me, but I have to go call the people at Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

Received via email 01-20-07  I asked McGevna to suck once but he told me no.  I still like him, though.
TEAM:  We're gonna wish we hadn't printed that!

Received via email 01-20-07  Paramedics are responsible for the lives at a car wreck.  The fire officer is responsible for making sure the wrecked car does not leak gas into the sewer.  I can see why lieutenants feel they deserve more money.

Received via email 01-20-07  Please don't turn this into the fire vs ems thing again.  People are missing the point.  Regardless of who makes more money and who has more responsibility people shouldn't find it so absurd that a paramedic makes more or as much as an officer.  The problem is that Paramedics are leaving to go other places Lt's (unless retiring) are not. This problem for some reason doesn't seem to be of any concern to the people that matter and if you think your medics are a--holes now, wait until their working 36 on and 36 off.  I must also let the person smelling toilets at station 10 know that it is neither healthy nor sanitary to be sticking your head in a toilet. Perhaps you could spend your time filling out applications somewhere else.  You're a medic, somewhere (not here) a department wants you.

Received via email 01-20-07  Remember at least 60 - 95% of your day, no matter how busy you are - you are at the firehouse.  Who is responsible for every wrong thing that happens or may happen. YOU GOT IT - THE CO.  If you medics want more than a supervisor go to school and take a freakin LT test. Other wise quit your bitchin and moaning !!!!

Received via email 01-20-07  Officers go into a fire and pull victims out while the medic sits out front waiting. This could go on forever.

Received via email 01-20-07  Who's the backward thinker that believes he makes 25K more than a paramedic?  He is either a division chief or an imbecile.  Or  both.

Received via email 01-20-07  What a bunch of boo hoo's. God help us. Forget the feelings between FF's, Lt's & PM's. There's a certain Inspector Lt/PM that has set us up.  The FF's and PM's to be as hated as the Po Po's out there!  Yeah you heard it right. Let a certain larger than life PIO make up code violations, (SP TIMES 1/20) and give the "FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT" police authority!? Lets cut those nasty tents apart, send those already out of luck people into a even worse situation!  Now when we approach a scene, we get that look, should they trust us?!  "Hell no we're with them and the uppity ups at city hall!"  We are civil servants. We should NOT have been on that scene Friday night...  What's next, a 2 1/2" with a smooth bore nozzle, washing the homeless down the street? What year is this?  Now they blame "no progress on our contract" due to the situation with the citizens down on their luck... Damn it all. How many openings at Longboat??

Received via email 01-20-07  Read about the 'other' chickenshit fire department/city administration in Pinellas County.  If you ever wondered how low a fire chief and city manager could go, read the article. http://www.sptimes.com/2007/01/19/Northpinellas/Rehired__but_to_do_wh.shtml

FTM-PTB&S EGH DTRT OBK RFB  Leather forever. Stay low and let it blow!