Received via Email 01-28-10 Johnson has done one thing that most of us agree on, and that's address the manpower issue. Aside from that he is, was and always will be an assh*le that would step on your throat or mine to get his way. To here him called a hero is embarrassing. He's a fat f*ck with an ego problem, and I could care less about him. He's the same as the rest, just plays on his own team instead of Large's. You think he's a hero, you have more problems than just the administration! Wake up ass*hole.
Received via Email 01-30-10 OOOOOOhhhh. Sounds like somebody has a woody for a Johnson. You need to get your priorities straight sir. Just because you probably screwed up and Johnson got up your ass about it is no reason to go around belittling the man. Johnson did you and all the other members a very large favor when he called attention to a manning problem that will eventually cause great harm to this department and you want to call him out because your little feelings are hurt. There are much larger things for you to worry about right now than your little vendetta against an officer that spoke up FOR you when you didn't have the balls. It's time to put the small and insignificant whining in your locker and help with the REAL problems facing the department and the welfare of the members. Put a zipper on that lip of yours and try to man up when the situation calls for it.
Received via Email 02-07-10 Just so you realize, our staffing will never get better while you have a Chief that is proud of the fact that SPFR has operated with 2 man ladder (taxi) companies since he was first hired back in the old days. What he seems to forget is that the 2 man taxis were backed up by 5 or 6 man engine companies and 2 man tank trucks. Even 5 man squad companies were used at times. What I am saying is that JL's intentions of getting 15 personnel on scene happened much quicker and except fo rthe apparatus drivers they were all bunkered out and ready to perform their duties when they got off their rigs. 15 people driving 15 vehicles does not accomplish this. JL are you reading this? Chief Large, I challenge you, during your next snack and coffee visit at your favorite station to go to the chalk board and show us all how you can back up your beliefs with facts. Stand by folks we all know that fire admin reads these posts so in effect we should be hearing something real soon. Or will we get the all of a sudden silent treatment or will it be the as usual I dont understand mock surprise?
Received via Email 02-07-10 I cant believe someone has finally thrown down the gauntlet. I can see a you tube video coming out of this. Maybe it can be titled the invisible man vs commom sense. Co-Starring the Punisher and the 3 ass sucking side kicks
Received via Email 02-12-10 O my gosh the you tube video about spfr has finally come out
Received via Email 02-13-10 Thats funny, I dont care who you are....I cant wait for parts 2,3, and 4. Oh my god this is going to be a fun weekend. I wonder if there will be a pre-quel to this? We owe it to Bud-talion one. I wonder if somehow this could get sent out over the cities Spy Cams for the whole world to see? Now that would be a hoot.
Received via Email 02-15-10 Why do you guys go to the trouble to make this s**t up. Go to this baynews9 link and see what an on duty out of uniform District Chief looks like. I know he's new at it, I know it was cold, and I know you can barely pull a door open at HQ when he is there, but my goodness, where is this nonsense going to end. The Uniform police must have been sleeping, or they just dont care about THIS guy.
Received via Email 02-15-10 The union needs to keep a copy of this video, so the next time anyone is written up for being out of uniform they can show this to the arbitrator at your hearing.
Received via Email 02-16-10 Was having trouble finding the new funny videos of spfr it appears the correct place to look in youtube is "anothercleawater" without the R. And look the second one is out already
Received via Email 02-17-10 I cant believe how funny those videos are, sad how true they are too!
Received via Email 02-17-10 This chief is going to get one of us murdered. I think it's time for a vote of no confidence if this is as good as its going to get over the next few years. We're too inbred here and we need a change. When the fire chief won't recommend hiring new firefighters but continues to want more upgraded positions at HQ, that's a real problem. It shows a pattern of little concern and he and Bill Foster are doing it all to themselves.
Received via Email 02-18-10 The current you tube videos of chief 100 have been a great success. Almost 500 hits in a week. Look for something big to come out on Tuesday February 23, 2010. A launch of new channel on youtube. The channel "AnotherCleawater" where all the funny videos have been coming from are going to be coming from "SPFD Funny". Same folks but different channel. These new ones are really funny. Stay tuned and look for it next Tuesday.
Received via Email 02-18-10 Cant wait to see the new channel. those videos are right on, about chief 100.
Received via Email 02-18-10 Has anyone emailed the links to the Mayor?
Received via Email 02-18-10 The new funny channel is up and running. We should see some funny stuff coming soon. this is going to awesome.
Received via Email 02-18-10 Wow. our own channel on YouTube. This is what a lot of us have been waiting for. Can't wait to see the first one next week.
TEAM: First the website and now there's a Youtube channel and the pay homage' to us. Brings a tear to the eye...
We can't wait for the book.
Received via Email 02-20-10 you idiots do realize that people can search for this site and find it. So, I wonder how much this would help us in the eyes of the community. Everyone on this site is an embarrassment to professionalism
TEAM: First of all, we've been here for five years. Secondly, if you're going to search for something it's because you've got some prior knowlege of it. Thirdly, we're at nearly a half-million hits on the hit counter. We're like the newspaper. We're no secret and the chief's made plenty of stupid comments over there. Want to see a daily meltdown where the public does participate? Head on over to the SPPD message board at LEO Affairs dot com and tell us how that works for you.
Received via Email 02-21-10 I cant figure how people get their noses out of joint about the you tube videos, (Point of clarity, I am talking about the SPFD Funny and the 2man ladder and the question of the day only.) that up to this point has never mentioned a person or department by name. I guess the phrase "the truth will set you free" works a little to well here in this circle. Truth, what a concept.
Received via Email 02-21-10 This web site's like dating a hooker. Lot's of good times but you don't want your mother knowing about.
Received via Email 02-21-10 For some of you who worry so much about what goes on on this website you need to listen up. The bullshit aint here its at the hands of your great great fire chief Jim Large. His buddy just got elected mayor. He feels empowered. He's going to be pulling all kinds of bullshit that he never would have had the balls to do a year ago. All of you puss bags out there that don't think this affects you you better wake up. All of you who who have never stood for anything in your life except the chief entering the room and the rest of you who always had your lunch taken from you when you were in middle school it's going to start getting rough for you. Because the two jimmies know who you are and they're going to be asking you for your help. They're going to be asking you to compromise your brothers and sisters and you will at the promise of a promotion or at the very least his promising to be your very best friend. He don't need any more friends. Mark my words the weak ones like MS are out there. Behind closed doors they'll sell you down the river every time. The fire chief is a mutt who hides behind the mayor and he'll be looking for more mutts to throw you all under the bus. FTM
Received via Email 02-22-10 You are right, about the u tube videos. There are tens of thousands of departments across the US. These dont even mention a city or state. Or country. No names. WOW the truth must really hurt if they take it personally.
Received via Email 02-23-10 Looks like another great one from funny
Received via Email 02-23-10 The only SPFD in the county is South Pasadena Fire Department. There chiefs act like ours.
Received via Email 02-24-10 that figures. That is where carrot top came from
TEAM: When you apply to come here to work for this juggernaut, management likes to know you've got a prior history of dancing where the devil fears to tread.
Received via Email 02-24-10 Wow......... the SPFD Funny and Anothercleawater vids are gone. They must have put our $135K a year internet spook detective on the case and the abusers are now behind bars.
Received via Email 02-24-10 Hey the videos didn't even name a department or person. Why did they take them off? They were actually pretty funny.
Received via Email 02-24-10 Chicken shits got scared and took the videos off.
TEAM: Maybe... but why? He didn't even go for the jugular. The TEAM thought they were a little too timid.
Received via Email 02-24-10 Man.... Those videos were awesome. We need more of those. Whoever did those, come on and put em back and do some more. We all got your back. They tell the truth. Don't wimp out on us.
Received via Email 02-24-10 I'm sure that since the videos are now gone HQ can sleep easy. There couldn't be two people on the job that believes the way that the guy with the videos believes. Everyone at HQ from the Invisible Man, to the Punisher to the Jack-O-Lantern are only here to help and always put the needs of the firefighter first, right after their own needs.
Received via Email 02-24-10 I hear the tribe of Big Men On Campus are all upset about the videos. If there never were anything as Youtube there'd still be Youdicks.
Received via Email 02-25-10 Why are the videos gone. just curious?
Received via Email 02-26-10 Hear that some of the chiefs made a threat to make the persons life miserable. Moving them all around and watching every move they make. Kind of like a certain DC they are doing that to.
Received via Email 02-27-10 Funny, the years that I have worked for SPFD iI havenoticed that people are only offended by the truth.
Received via Email 02-27-10 Awesome. The videos are back and more are added. Go to spfdfunny or anothercleawater without the r.
or these links. These are funny but so true.
Received via Email 02-27-10 All righty, I see that truth and justice have won out. I now owe an apology to the producers of these videos, for the remark I made about them being pussies. Lets get together and amass a volume of these things. I saw a post the other day about Mayor F(r)oster, that sounds like another good one.
TEAM: You were the impetus for change. What was your name, again? The chief would like to thank you.
Received via Email 02-27-10 Thanks for the videos and keep them coming. Whoever you are PLEASE keep the videos coming. If you are being intimidated to take them down DON"T we are all behind you and we will help with attorney fees if necessary.
Received via Email 02-27-10 I know a certain newly retired Firefighter that is working as an intel analyst that can provide great info on all the background of the HQ staff.
Received via Email 02-27-10 We finally have some truth about the shannanigans going on downtown. It is funny how no names are mentioned but everyone knows who they are. Great chief officers wouldn't fit in these videos. It just would not be funny because there would be no truth to them. But these are very funny because everyone can relate. Who ever is doing these. Firefighter, new guy, senior guy, medic, officer, chief officer, or retiree. You are doing an awesome job and they are hillarious. Keep em coming. We all love them and can't wait for more. Finally, morale just may improve. Hopefully, we will soon be off the plantation and free to be great firefighters and paramedics once again.
Received via Email 02-28-10 To correct the writer that states, " It is funny how no names are mentioned but everyone knows who they are." In reality it is more truthful to say that no names are mentioned yet everyone seems to agree they all know who they are. Since these videos are strictly Fiction, any similarities are just coincidental.
Received via Email 02-28-10 LEAD STORY – Firefighter canned over YouTube video: It isn’t just the video you shoot at a fire or in the firehouse that can get you in trouble. Animation can also cost you your job. Most likely you have seen those text-to-movie videos from (see above) that seem to be very popular with firefighters and others. One created by a South Carolina firefighter and posted on his Facebook page has resulted in his firing. WCSC-TV in Charleston has the dismissal letter issued to Firefighter Jason Brown by Colleton County Fire-Rescue Director Barry McRoy. It says in part, ”You [Brown] displayed poor judgment in producing a derogatory video depicting a member of this department with a physician which is implied to be at Colleton Medical Center.” Brown told a reporter, “There was no malicious attack to anybody involved personally or countywide or any certain department ever.” Read the letter. Watch the story. Read the story.
Received via Email 03-01-10 did a search on youtube for spfdfunny and four videos came up. Awesome. Keep em coming.
Received via Email 03-04-10 there needs to be more videos on youtube. Those so far, have only touched the surface of the screw ups going on in St. Greedysburg.
Received via Email 03-08-10
Received via Email 03-08-10 can you make a video about officers having affairs with ffs wives. that would be a good one. or the chiefs sexetary
Received via Email 03-10-10 3/8 thats a great idea. Our staff will begin to work on one. Look for it soon.
spfdfunny productions.
Received via Email 03-10-10 Does anyone else see the similarity between these you tube vids and the comic strip Dilbert? How coincidential is that?
Received via Email 03-10-10 Are these videos being produced by HQ staff to pacify us? I've yet to see anything on there that's really cutting edge. They're all softball videos. You can tell me that the videos really piss Large and company off but I don't believe it. Yes they tell the story and yes they are factual and yes Large and his 941 troop probably don't view themselves as being all that bad but the truth is they desperately want us to like them no matter how badly they treat us. What are you guys who are making these videos afraid of? Unless you already work for the chiefs office and he's told you not to work them over to badly. I aint buying it.
Received via Email 03-11-10 The videos are very soft. Lets see some hardball. I agree, I think they are HQ produced. Rumor has it one of the kid chiefs are doing it just to stir up trouble in the troops. Maybe??
Received via Email 03-12-10 Why does the idea that the you tube videos are being made by HQ staff not surprise me. I mean who has more time than them? I was in HQ the other day and everytime I saw more of them in the hallways than in their offices. And no they weren't doing anything. I guess they dont realize that the phones in hq can be used to talk between them.
Received via Email 03-12-10 Specialty team pay....Right on!!!
Received via Email 03-13-10 What makes this video even more profound, is that we still have members jumping up and down screaming take me take me. Another thing that makes one wonder is why they would do this $1.00 gig for even less. If they are getting stack pay they just earned themselves $.50 cents. Oh yeah, thats what I'm talking about.
Received via Email 03-13-10 This video points out what is just the tip of the iceberg. These assholes downtown are going to steal from us until we've all had enough. They're attempting to balance the budget on our backs while purchasing video conferencing cameras and big screen TV's and loading HQ up with people who should be out in the stations working for the same high risk pension as you and me. Some of you who are on specialty teams remember a time when you thought that the specialty pay was a bit light for the education that you've got. Now it's even lighter and you continue to be beat down like a slave with no mouth in your head. How is it that in a department that blows smoke up your ass all the time about education immediately discounts the specialized education that you've got that saves peoples lives? In what other part of your life would you allow others to totaly discount you and disrespect you like this? They keep shoveling shit to see how much we'll swallow and it's working. We're still eating it and giving few indications that it tastes bad. You've seen it documented on this web site that Knight is off the reservation again f**king firefighters. Why wouldn't he? He's never been a firefighter and never wanted to be. He's always wanted to be a chief and whooooopeeee, he's got his. Big f**king deal for him. These are all union busting tactics in retaliation for strong union leadership. Large keeps letting his dog off the porch and when we all get bit we want to blame the dog. We're coming into another round of contract negotiations and I'm just wondering what kind of really inviting pay raise they could offer to us in return for more control over us? These guys are dicks who got what they want now they're coming for our. Let's stop kissing these guys asses.
Received via Email 03-13-10 I totally disagree with the idea that someone in HQ is producing the you tube videos. I dont believe any one or all of them together could ever put together anything as good as this. Does anyone remember how last year Captain Knight did such a great job of whooing our city council with all of his power points while trying to save our EMS funding? Now does anyone remember that after all those great jobs, you saved our asses, and back slapping, SPFR STILL cut their budget slashed by something like $4,000,000.00 (Million dollars)? Yeah I would say that took great talent. I stick with my belief that a lowly Journeyman firefighter with a High school dipolma has a better chance of making a truthful video then someone who has more titles after his name than anyone cares to hear. He still forgets to put the most important letters behind his title, that being MUTT.
Received via Email 03-13-10 I'm a big cheerleader for anyone and everybody at HQ. What I'm about to tell you all is not well known but it has to do with the things they've done to help me over the years in spite of all you've read here and heard in the stations year after year after year after year. Hang on just a minute...
Received via Email 03-13-10 Like I said awhile ago. Bill Foster's brother lives behind Large. A cozy place to talk about things after hours.
Received via Email 03-14-10 Looks like two more were added today.
Received via Email 03-15-10 I love it. War between the HQ Taliban and 300 good guy firefighters doing the right thing. As a kid I always wanted to be a firefighter. Taliban..................Never!
Received via Email 03-15-10 Hey chief. Your plans to make Mr. Pumpkinhead the most hated boy on the job is working out. But howz your plan to keep us all thinking that you're THE MAN working out? Not so good, eh?
Received via Email 03-15-10 I was having trouble finding the new videos. I discovered if you go to youtube and then do a search for spfdfunny they will all come up.
Received via Email 03-20-10 Sung to the theme of The Candy Man.
Who can make your head ache - filling it with shit?
The Tali-ban can cuz he bullshits us with lies - The Tali-ban can...
Received via Email 03-20-10 I'm sitting here watching a TV program, Inside American Airlines: A Week in the Life. I noticed something remarkable about half way through the show. The flight attendants union leader wasn't serving drinks on an airplane, she was operating out of her large office. Funny how it is that airline attendants can see their way to having their union leader working full time on their behalf but firefighters want to know that their union leader is waiting on a bell somewhere. We're about to get our clocks cleaned by this city, the League of Cities and the state legislature and some of you don't even know we have a clock. Always listen to the fire chief. He's a straight shooter.
Received via Email 03-21-10 Pumpkin head never needed any help from BigChief, he was a pain in the ass since day one. He only refined his f the line workers as he buys each new bugle. FTM-all of them
Received via Email 03-21-10 what happened to the spfdfunny videos? Haven't seen any new ones in a while.
Received via Email 03-21-10 Oh my, how will this president stay current on her basic five? What happens when the company switches the peanuts for pretzels? How will she know? Will she remember how to jump out into the slide when in danger? I was on a flight recently and they had Coke Zero, I'll bet she didn't know that. OMG I must remember to stay away from AA for fear of ??? I don't know what just yet but if I need to I will ask the Punisher what to say. FTM's the only thing they want is for your job to go away so there is more money to split amongst themselves.
Received via Email 05-01-10 3/21/10 I like it. He buys each new bugle. No less than some other chiefs having their secretary's doing their homework. What a system.
Received via Email 05-02-10 How is the backstabber...[redacted]
TEAM: A little help here. Yeah, one's a backstabber and the other you'd kill before letting your sister marry, but... Try and focus your vitriol on Medusa's head and all the other problems will soon die with it.
Received via Email 05-02-10 What manager who has a vested interest in long term stability in his company allows for the promotion and then brainwashing of those promoted (right out in front of everybody)? They may win in the short term but overall they corrupt all that they touch. HQ is turning into a Rogue's Gallery.
Received via Email 05-02-10 To 3-21. Don't rush the videos. Since they're obviously not making this shit up and they're all the talk of the officers meetings, you know with the chiefs we're stuck with there will be more. Just Another Clearwater
Received via Email 05-04-10 HQ will do what they want to any of us that are not one of them, even those company white shirts are starting to sh!t on us. What happen to the brotherhood they taught us in the academy???? Insecure bugels with an attitude that only have pull in the companies.....but not in the real world. SAD!!!!!!!
Received via Email 05-05-10 Well, look who is teaching the academy. My incompetent lanning. The king of liers and backstabbers. How many times has the city been sued because of him?
Received via Email 05-06-10 I got a call today from one of the guys at the MFS who told me going off duty this morning Rick Feinberg was bashing the union and bashing our attempts to collect for MDA. In fact he made such a great speech that most of the crowd threw their MDA memo in the trash. What a standup guy. Fienberg doesn't have anything to do with the union or with MDA but if you're willing to listen, he's willing to talk. For him to tell some of you that the union doesn't know how to run a boot drive or collect money is like the devil asking you in for iced tea and your beleiving it will be great. That dog just don't hunt. When he was union president we barely had a dime in the bank and he used to wrestle the cash away from MDA chariman Brad Dykens. Ask Brad, I dare you. You can claim that the numbers are down because of the economy if you want but the economy sucked last year and we were very successful without Rick's help on the corner. I've heard everything from: IN THE OFFICERS MEETING WE WERE TOLD THAT MDA IS CANCELLED THIS YEAR to I'M NOT GOING TO GET ARRESTED FOR WALKING IN THE STREET FOR KIDS THAT AREN'T MINE! That's your great FD management throwing mixed signals to you all. One of our own now has a child with MD. They are going to need meds and supplies and a wheelchair and a ramp and HELP in the future that some of us don't even want to discuss. Everyone of us that gets out on the street and collects helps a crippled child live a better life. I've got to get off of here now because I'm so mad that I could spit. How some of you with children can listen to that tired old angry fat man council you on crippled children is really fucked up.
TEAM: No stars needed in that last sentence...
Received via Email 05-06-10 And I had such great hopes for him. He's such a team player.
Received via Email 05-07-10 The trouble with King Rick is that he has not been able to regain his kingdom after dumping his responsibilites twice before. He always thought he was the best and after he regained the title for the second time he was feeling like he was the tops. And then along came the new team in 2002. They were supposed to be a flash in the pan and so out of touch with the world that the union would be on the brink of collapse within days and the members would be standing in line, heaping alocades on King Rick begging for him to retake the helm for his third reign. Well it didnt happen the way he was assured, things have moved along, progress has been made and to many new hires are saying Rick who? The only way the old self professed King will ever be happy is for everyone that wont kiss his ring dies off or gets fired, he becomes the only rescue Lieutenant in charge of everyone, and the Mayor brings him his meals on a silver platter daily. Ricky so hates what the union is able to do, his own kid wont ask for help when he is trying to raise funds for the problem his child has. He never embraced the minority members, and in his own words "F**K the retirees". If you aint under Rickies mind meld then you are of no use to him. Thats the Readers Digest version of what is wrong with Rick Feinberg, however if you want the condensed version he's a full blown gapeing asshole that no ass creme can heal.
Received via Email 05-07-10 I dont know if I agree with you that Rick Feinberg EVER had that much power. He lead then as he does now, strictly by intimidation. He has no clue and hopes that you dont either. It is really sickening when you think about it.
Received via Email 05-12-10 #1 05-07-12(?): Are you talking about Rick Feinberg or Large and Wimberly because that is how they lead by threats and intimidation.
Received via Email 05-12-10 To 5/7 #1, what exactly do you deem as progress being made? Just Curious.
Received via Email 05-12-10 Training Fire Injures Six Canadian FFs
Received via Email 05-12-10 05-12-10 To 5/7 #1, what exactly do you deem as progress being made? Just Curious. Answer, unless your different, I see progress as the following, A.) Lets start with regaining control of our UNION...B.)total elimination of the Social Security offset, C.)bringing the Captians and DC's into the union, D.) purchase of additional property for future expansion of the office, E.)Money in the bank in all accounts, F.)food is now served during meetings, G.)Creation of the COLA? H.) Compression of the Paramedic pay scale to encourage new hires to stay. I.)fully vesting into the pension earlier in your career with reimbursement of your contributions if you leave before that. J.)Creation of pool time deduction account to ensure time off for attendance at important learning and community events, K.) leading local 747 back into the forefront with the respect of the surrounding locals, FPF, and the IAFF, L.) successful preservations of the contract on numerous occasions. I will stop at an even dozen of things that I will deem as progess, how about you?
TEAM: M.) Two members of our E Board invited by IAFF President Shaightberger to attend exclusive IAFF Political Academy - N.) President of Local 747 now also FPF 2nd District VP. - O.) For the first time ever the FPF 2nd District holds regularly sceduled meetings under our Local's President. - P.) Recent trip to Tallahassee to save pension benefits was attended by the largest contingent ever from the 2nd District and we were the largest group in attendance at the FPF Political Conference. - Q) First ever IAFF Fire Ops. 101 in Pinellas County headed by Local 747 Union President who also teaches Fire Ops. 101 Train the Trainer nationally. - R) Local 747 has been and still is the no. 1 resource for information and guidance pertaining to the possibility of countywide consolidation by organized labor and even (shhhhhh!) some local fire chiefs.
Received via Email 05-17-10 I guess that "Just Curious" must be satisfied with the answers provided.
Received via Email 05-17-10 Just Curios's glass must always be half empty while the rest of us are enjoying a cool iced tea.
Received via Email 06-16-10 In the spfdfunny videos who is the Lt that is supposed to making a move on the FFs wife. Funny stuff.
Received via Email 06-16-10 threr are a few. The last one was SZ and then there is DC NC
Received via Email 06-19-10 BM, you should stop contributing here. We all know what a piece of shit you are and that no woman in her right mind would want you.
Received via Email 06-19-10 You are still concerned about him? Pathetic. Your attention should be on the people still here. It is clear that you supposrt ff cheating with other ffs wives.
Received via Email 07-15-10 Gotta post something here. It has almost been a month. Come on folks, share some thoughts here.
Received via Email 07-22-10 Lord Wimberking, the Great Pumpkin, Capt. EMS Chick, and the Double DD mystery boi. That shold be enough to write volumes about.
Received via Email 07-23-10 Ok, now I'm really pissed off. Channel 8 news is getting ready to air a special on those poor old broken down football players. It is all about how they are suffering with aches and pains from all those broken bones, bumps and bruise's they suffered while getting paid their ridiculous salaries. The only reason I bring this up is that Police and Firefighters everywhere are on the verge of losing their pensions and post employment health care because of some of the ideas that are being reported on by the media, that we have it to easy. We all need to watch this report and maybe then we will realize where we really stand in the eyes of the public.
Received via Email 07-23-10 Write volumes about? Who cares about any of them. They are all losers in our book.
Va. Chief Wanted Preemption Devices
Rocky Mount's fire chief and a firefighter died after hitting an SUV that had a green light.
Received via Email 08-18-10 Do you know what is really awesome. Calling in sick on the day of an officers meeting. Nothing better than missing the clowns do their circus act. Yeah baby, you know what I am talking about.
Received via Email 08-19-10 You guys got some balls.
Received via Email 08-19-10 Or taking vacation time from 0800 to 1700 thats funny
Received via Email 08-20-10 I wish I would have missed. It is obvious what is going on. The kids are in the sand box and they don't care about you or what you think.
Received via Email 08-27-10 With a city that has so much money, I would have never believed Foster would be as greedy as he has become. No raises for the ones who keep this city running. But plenty of money for the pier and Dali. Unreal.
Received via Email 09-09-10 Seems that with more and more frequency I am seeing fire units from Lealman and Pinellas Park providing first on scene fire protection to our taxpaying citizens. I am so glad that putting bandaids on bo-bo's has been deemed more important that preventing total devistation to ones home and personal memories. Dont get me wrong the loss of a loved one is devastating but the loss of everything is a little more substantial. We are doing more and more with less and less. I say we as firefighters start looking out for ourselves and get this county wide consolidation effort rolling on our own. It is apparent that our Fire Chiefs and City Administrators care more about themselves then us, so lets bring it to their attention that we have had enough og them and their BS. The phrase FTM's has never been more deserving than it is right now.
Received via Email 09-14-10 We are now the laughing stock of Lealman and Pinellas Park. And soon to be the laughing stock of Sunstar, especially if we don't improve our stupidity.
Received via Email 09-14-10 We are not laughing at you, just wondering how thing's have gone so wrong. But always remember that we support the guys on line.
Received via Email 09-16-10 Large and in charge. That's how things have gone so wrong.
Received via Email 09-17-10 Large is too busy fretting over his looks and medical conditions to be worried about anyone else. Can you spell skitzoid with an H?
Received via Email 09-24-10 How can that be? Doesn't Chief Large partake in the annual Physical process? I wonder if you compared his sick leave hours to those of one that doesn't how would they compare?
Received via Email 09-28-10 What if they gave a test to see if you were a certified idiot. I wonder how many or our City Leaders would be juming at the chance to take that? The only problem with that test is no one would be able to figure out what to do about the results.
Received via Email 10-04-10 If we were to give a test as suggested above, I can assure you that before we suggested it, we would already have a clue as to who would be elegible to take it, what we would be looking for, when it would be given, and why we were giving the test. This is unlike anything SPFR could come up with.
TEAM: You can't fool us. You're talking about a drug test!
Received via Email 10-14-10 Could you imagine this? What if none of the senior drivers pass the "lets see if your good enough" test, and then they remove their Non required EMT patches. That would make them become tail board junkies. How would Chief Pumpkin Head turn all of the engines into ALS units then? Maybe I need to think this over a little more. FTM's and the Great Pumpkin.
Received via Email 10-17-10 If all of the senior drivers became slick sleeve tail board junkies, wow I like that idea. Give that poster one of them battle ribbons for that one.
Received via Email 10-20-10 OK I am mad as hell, and I'm... You all know the rest of the words. How can any of these so-called leaders sleep at (K)night? Do they feel they are doing the job, representing our time-honored profession by cutting, and hacking away at the pride we want to keep? I became a civil servant for just that, to give back to my community. Isn't that what our job is about? The fact that these bobble heads at FHQ have slept with ever enemy we as line firefighters have, and still try and smile in our faces, and say things like, great job, and how's the family? The last thing I would ever do is to expose my kids to these monsters. Our Chief, gives away positions to the Mayor? Wants our holiday time to save jobs, and then cuts them anyway?? WTF? I love my job, not who I work for. To my brothers, and sisters, don't let the FINO's stop you from keeping us positive in the public's eyes. If you chose to drop your patch, or quite driving, be the best first responder, or hose jockey out there. They can't pile the sh-- high enough to make me compromise my values. God Bless us that do the job.
Received via Email 10-31-10 Did anyone see the Mayor, any City Council members, the Fire Chief or any other Fire Admin person last night at #7's haunted house? I guess the Mayor is really showing us how big a man he is. I hear he has called in all those that stood with him on the steps of city hall during his election campaign to seek their advice and to find out how they were able to keep us in slavery. So now we have no one from fire admin showing up at retirement parties and now they along with our city leadership are also showing their good sportsmanship. FTM.
TEAM: The union brokered a deal with them all. They got the party night off but have to come out and campaign with us on Tuesday. Watch for them on the news. No, really. We're not shitting you.
Received via Email 11-01-10 After reading what the Invisible Man wrote about the pensions, in last weeks current events, I hope we see not only the Jerk wads from Fire Admin, but we had also be out in full force ourselves. In case you missed the current events letter here is the part I am talking about.
This is from Chief Large, "I attended a Florida Fire Chiefs meeting two days last week. We spoke and the consensus is that state pensions will be a legislative issue again this year. Keep an eye and ear open to the lobbyist to see what emerges."
I know you have heard it over and over from the Labor side, but here it is in print from Administration. This had better wake us up.
Received via Email 11-02-10 I'm not worried, Cheif J.D. Large would never let anything happen to his Firefigters pension plan with this city. I know he is soo grateful for the pension that he has shed blood, sweat and tears for over his amazing courageous career. I know he will help us lead the charge, to keep the very pension that he risked his life for over his 35 + years to have. How could a superior leader like himself sit at HQ and MFS collecting a high risk pension, drinking coffee all day while FF's risk their and families livelihood without remembering the days when you earned the very pension that you enjoy today, that we may lose. I'll stand behind you the whole way CHIEF, once a FIREFIGHTER always a FIREFIGHTER!
Received via Email 11-02-10 Well, we could have had worse. Like Lanning. How did that idiot ever make it to chief?
Received via Email 11-02-10 And once a KNIGHT is enough ! ! !
Received via Email 11-02-10 I work with Lanning now and he still has a lot of mental issues. Maybe Prozac would be the drug of choice for him.
Received via Email 11-03-10 How did Darrin A. and Greg Lanning get to be such good buddies. You pat me on the back and I pat you on the back. What a nice little couple.
Received via Email 11-04-10 Heard a rumor that one of the division chiefs is looking elsewhere to become a chief of another department. Anyone else heard. Supposedly he is one of the 3 finalist.
Received via Email 11-05-10 Its a common thing for our Division Chiefs to routinely be looking for employment elsewhere. They seem to think they have what it takes. Unfortunately for us, the rest of the world does'nt buy into their false accolades. The back slapping stops here. I guess once Chiefs Lewis, Polk, Pirozzi, and Burton escaped they got the word out pretty good.But if it turns out that maybe the hurricane chief, Pumpkin Head, or the Punisher are trying to get out, I will be sure to call the interested department and lie my ass off if thats what it takes. I have'nt had a real good christmas present in a long long time.
Received via Email 11-06-10 Hey webmaster, lets start a christmas wish list and vote for the Fire Administrator whom we would most like to see leave the employment of SPFR. This is really going to be tough with only one choice. I vote for the Pumpkin seed, Knight.
TEAM: We'll put something together in our spare time, for you.
Received via Email 12-08-10 I guess its a good thing we never started that poll for those we would love to see go. What with the recent developments the list would have been edited manys times since.
Received via Email 12-09-10 There are small stories, then there are Large F.D. stories. One knight long ago the department was built. Then one knight not so long ago the same department was torn down. Ironic isn't it.
Received via Email 12-09-10 Has anyone sat down with knights dad and told them how his son is ruining the dept and is a disgrace and nobody likes him and wish he was gone.
Received via Email 12-09-10 Steven Knight. Nothing like his Father. That is for sure !!!
Received via Email 12-10-10 out of sight out of mind
Received via Email 12-14-10 Clearwater would be a purfect fit for carrot top.
Received via Email 12-15-10 Anywhere but St.Pete would be a perfect spot for Carrot Top. Instead of wasting taxpayers money, he should get a job in Manatee County where he lives rather than driving back and forth everyday in a city vehicle. UNBELIEVABLE what these guys get away with.
Received via Email 12-16-10 Carrot Top isnt the only 941 Officer riding across the bridge in a city car.
Received via Email 12-16-10 Maybe Carrot top can take carrot top jr with him and get him out of 4
Received via Email 12-16-10 whats wrong with carrot top jr?
Received via Email 12-18-10 why dont you come and ask us. one already left because of him. I mean he and carrot top are good at screwing people over. thats all
Received via Email 12-18-10 Here is the order business. Carrot top is a master of destroying others credibility just so he looks good and goes to the next level. He tries to make others look bad so he can move up. He did it at the Lieutenant level. He did it at the Captain level. He tried to undermine and make Ward look like a putz to take over the EMS chief job, which he succeeded at. He begins by kissing up big time to the person he is going to target in taking over their position. Then he begins to slowly work at convincing all others around that person they are really not that great, in fact, they are screw ups. He does so very subtly. The one being lied about never believes it until it happens to them. The ones he convinces thinks that he (carrot top) is great and the target person is a loser. He is currently and succeeding at making it look like Wimberly is screwing up so he can take over his job soon. And later, he will work on making Large look really bad to take over his job. Think this is a joke. Just watch and see, and then we can tell you we told you so. Watch the master credibility destroyer work his mojo as he has in the past, one bugle at a time. But Wimberly is beginning to feel it. Usually, by that time it is to late, your career is over and his is getting brighter. Way to go golden kid. Your daddy must be so proud of you !!!!
Received via Email 12-18-10 That's a pretty good assessment of Carrot Tops technique. It will be interesting to observe if Large sees it coming or is completely caught off guard when it happens. If he's surprised he will be the only one.
Received via Email 12-18-10 nah carrot top is going to p park to be with dougie
Received via Email 12-18-10 I understand carrot top but I was asking about carrot top jr. Seems harmless to me but I am new so who knows?
Received via Email 12-18-10 City car, city gas, city toll card, boy this just keeps getting better.
Received via Email 12-20-10 I think I like the name Pumpkin Head or Jack O Lantern, even better than Carrot Top. But all three fit the little Golden Child. He is even more golden now, using city money and gas to drive his city vehicle all the way to Manatee County 5 days a week. UNBELIEVABLE.
TEAM: Ugh... Nah. We can't do that one!
Received via Email 12-26-10 Saw some ole pics the other day showing Jim Large and Chris Davis hanging out back in the day. In the stack there were some other pics of Large and the female gender from back then, that were pretty interesting. Why do fireman hang on to that old stuff ?
Received via Email 12-29-10 Large has always hung out with others hoping some of their charisma will rub off on themselves. It just so happens the Chris Davis started out as a Ronald McDonald character and ended up with a reputation as the snake. Yup that sounds like the invisible Administrator we all know.
Received via Email 12-29-10 Hey brother Dave. Hows it feel to be getting it shoved up your arse? Even though its being done by Pumpkin Headed A** Clown you still know its under the Direction of the Chief administrator. Wake up brother, your old friends have gotten everything they could out of you and it is time for them to nuture themselves from some fresh take me take me hosts. When you and the others realize they dont care as much about you as you once thought, the better of we will be. Stand strong, Stand Union. FTM's and tell them all to go to Hell. In just 2 more days we can start a new year off with a bang if we stand together.
Received via Email 12-29-10 So what else is new? I don't know tha particulars but who do you blame? Frankenstein or his monster? Pumpkin head gets the rap for being a dick (because he can't help himself) and Jimmy gets off the hook? No way. Jimmy's the fire chief and he don't like surprizes. He sends out his perfect puppet to do his dirty work and then acts like he's totally unaware that someone's getting the shaft. He's afraid Dave's got a following and he's right. It's a following that Jimmy's never had. He's sticking his old buddy Dave right in the ass for less money than we piss away on Armor All around this place. With friends like that who needs enemies?
Received via Email 12-30-10 With a small cadre of suck asses clinging to the teat, Large sees the potential for greatness in this dept. once again if he can only get everyone else drinking from the same Kool-Aide spicket.
Received via Email 01-01-11 spigot
Received via Email 01-03-11 Dave. You have the respect of about 300 and no respect from about 5 or 6. In the same way Large has the respect of about 5 or 6 and no respect from about 300. I would rather be in Daves shoes instead of Larges. Anyday.
Received via Email 01-06-11 Ask yourself this question, who would you trust with one of your family members well being, Chief Large and his cronies or a Firefighter/Paramedic removed of his patch from Station 9. I guess that was to easy! I'm soo stupid. Thank you Dave, The Rank and File will always respect what you have given to our Citizens!
A 27-year-old Davie police officer who collapsed during the department's SWAT team tryouts this week has died, police officials said Friday. Officer Rogerio Morales, a two-year veteran of the department, died Thursday at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston. Officials believe Morales, who was described as being very physically fit, may have had a heart attack, said Davie police Sgt. Greg Gasse. He added that an autopsy has been ordered to determine Morales' exact cause of death. Morales had recently undergone a physical in order to be cleared to participate in the tryouts, and he also passed a physical prior to being hired by the department,
Gasse said. The tryouts for Davie police's Special Response Team was held Monday at Markham Park in Sunrise. Morales collapsed while completing a physical agility test and was given first-aid by a Davie paramedic before paramedics took him to Cleveland Clinic, Gasse said. His death is being considered an in-the-line-of-duty death. In his time with the police department, Morales worked as a patrol officer on the midnight shift. He is survived by his wife, Alejandra, of Coral Springs. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at Signature Grand, 6900 State Road 84, Davie.Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 1401 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs.
TEAM: Physicals have nothing to do with fitness- or not; being overweight- or not or even being prepared to do your job- or not. Physicals are all about harvesting information that Workers Comp. can and will use against you, should you become injured while on duty. Where else would you find a fire chief so hell bent on spending money under the aegis of a physical being offered solely for your protection? Where else would you find a fire administration and city administration so willing to accommodate the union and rank and file by changing providers after it was found that they (the providers) routinely shared private, protected medical information with the very same fire administration, only to find that the new providers have installed a red phone in Assistant Fire Chief Wimberly's office? Character? Trust? Ethics? FTM!!!
Received via Email 01-16-11 Amen Brother! FTM
Received via Email 02-28-11 So we had some more negotiations and the city puts their fingers in every one of our articles. What's that tell you? They want drug and alcohol testing which we already have but the new twist is the way they would go about it. You won't have the choice to wave the EAP flag if they think you've got a problem. You WILL have a problem if you come in with a hangover and they think it's time to blow. They keep coming up with more language that is so wordy that it makes the simple process for getting a vacation time slot in a category with taking too much sick leave. Howz that work? Everyone should load the shit out of the time off book with any and every day and never leave a day available for them to use against us. I'd rather see them all taken by us then allow them to manage their time off by leaving half the book open for you not to use. They keep beating on physicals but the cops don't have to take them. I'm not a copy and I don't get paid like one, so? Billy Mott says the city says that we have to have a physical because our job is more demanding than a cops. Okay well when they pay me like my job is more demanding then I'll vote to consider your stupid physicals and all the bullshit paperwork that forces me to give away my rights like I'm a slave. Hey Mr. Punisher are you listening? (PS you can't get a job anywhere else because they call our union first) They threw the driver engineer classification into an old oil well never to bee seen again because seniority doesn't count for anything around this lame Jimmy Large place but they bring up the EMT classification which don't pay shit, never has never will and won't even make your ride time pensionable. Come up with a couple of of FD's that pay their EMT's so poorly and then slap them in the face with such a lame ass offer. I'll bet you can't Just who pays for those EMT positions, the county? Do ya see a pattern here? There's never the attempt to just do the right thing by us. Jimmy Large always tells the city to short change you and me because he's no longer in our pension plan but wants you to believe that it's the CITY that's sticking it to you. He's moved onto his 2nd pension plan and just FU dry. They want to give us a lousy 1 time bonus that 1 shift of overtime would cover but they want everyone in the step plan to pay for it. Show me your hands and tell me How many of you in the step plan are going to vote for a 1 time bonus that the younger firefighters pay for and the city is going to tax? Everyone that's about to retire is going to take a hit on that 1 because top pay stays the same. THERE'S NOTHING GOOD ABOUT THIS DEAL JIMMY! How many think the city should pay for it instead of pitting us against each other? Talk about a bunch of dicks. Jimmy the Invisible Man Large says he just can't understnd how we could turn such a great offer down. Well holy batshit Jimmy. Did you come up with that on your own or are you just mimmicking the mayor that I didn't vote for? How about that super duper 7 year drop. Is ther going to be a drop next year? Are the guys in the drop going to have a job? I didn't hear about any of that language making it across the table. You assholes want a contract BUT YOU AIN'T OFFERING SHIT!!! And why didn't they offer the 7 year deal to the guys who are in it? Billy says the guys who are in the drop now don't hardly vote on shit. Maybe they'd vote on something worth voting for did you ever think of that? This is just more union busting where there's just another subcategory of firefighter. We've got them with retirement insurance and without. We've got them with a cola and without. Now we'll have them with the 7 year drop and without. And about that cola. Have you guys been reading the papers lately? They want to take away the 175 money and put it into the city's share that they haven't done such a good job of funding. The cops have theirs gauranteed but you and I take in in the ass again and are asked why we won't sign a contract with these pricks. What a bunch of vultures waiting to pick our bones. The mayor says he can't believe we wouldn't take their offer. We won't take it because you assholes are asking for too much and not offering enough in return. It's simple math. Your math says 1+1=BOHICA (look it up). You think we're all fools and are easily hurded like the sheep those that listen to Jimmy the Invisible Man when he comes over for free cake. We're all out of cake in my world Jimmy . I can tell you what we've got left tho. There are very few in high places around here that will even talk to you about the crap that's going on with our contract. The captains and the chiefs are leaving us behind with another R day. They say that we've just got to try harder. We try harder and you just hide from us. We're trying to get the workweek reduced by just 2 hours and they say that even 1 hour is too much to afford. What they aren't telling us is that the shit could be paid for by Jesus Christ himself and they wouldn't bite on it because they are the bosses, they got theirs and you should STFU because you've lucky to still have a job. What a fine legacy for your children. You're all dicks. Oh yeah, I forgot. They're offering boots. Hallefu**ingluja!
TEAM: Hi there, Bro/Sis. You've presented us all with a very nice encapsulation of some of the very problems that exist on this job, today. Half baked offers and back door language introduced into contract language at the last minute that can later come back to bite us with a simple policy change, make-up just the tip of the iceberg. You've touched on the efforts currently being persued to clamp down on the use of our ten time-off slots and even allows punitive action to be taken against us if we should choose to ask for and receive a vacation slot if it's requested after 2000 on the shift prerceeding the requested time. When in our history has the last minute request and granting of an open time slot ever been viewed categorically with abuse of sick leave? I'm sure the chief has mentioned both sides of this contract coin while making his rounds. The Devil's in the Details or Death by a Thousand Cuts, Brothers and Sisters...
Received via Email 02-28-11 Damn, that has to be the most on target blast of truth ever leveled on this informative sight. Our Chief Administrator should take lessons for his own rag.
Received via Email 02-28-11 I was really thinking about jumping out of the union until I read that paragraph. Psych! Not on your life. And halleluja to you too, brother.
Received via Email 03-04-11 The mayor shows a little spine, and fires GO DAVIS..What now, more civil disturbances? ready for lots of overtime guys!>?
Received via Email 03-05-11 lock and load on the south side. bring them if you have them. oh yea and that body armor they gave. check when it is made. anything after 5 years is no good.
Received via Email 03-06-11 I got mine. The awsomeness of .45 caliber hollow points with 3 extra mags. Bring it on. Insepearable from my warm hand. Lock load and concealment. Stay safe and rely on no one.
Received via Email 03-08-11 Hey, ya got 2 hands? Then ya need 2 guns. Oh yeah, dont forget your backup.
Received via Email 03-13-11 Goliath was the biggest waste of taxpayer money this city has ever seen. Now, we only need to get rid of a few more and this could become a better city. Bye Bye Large and Knight.
Received via Email 03-13-11 Better keep them hands free so you can grab hold of your asscheeks and spread them extra wide for the greaseless insertion that is on its way. Dont be asking the union for no KY either, all they have money for is axes.
Received via Email 03-15-11 3-13 #2. Ask the membership that voted NO to the free things and the needed defense fund! FT-axes, but place your blame where it belongs, on you and the voters, NOT our union ya FINO!
Received via Email 03-16-11 Hey 3-15, My post 3-13-11 #2 was my stab in the eye of the idiots that we have that voted for the most least important thing that was on the 3 ballots. I was not suggesting that the union made the decision themselves. No FINO here, you must be confused. Ya wanna discuss anything else? BTW dont fall for the please help us we is poor memo published by Livingston, the dept is only hoping you will put in for the GP race on you 2nd day off so they wont have to pay OT to the people that have to come in to relieve you. Take a look at the requirements they have for each day 50+. Now take these folks out of the picture to cover for the regular daily needs and you can see trouble. Lets all say no way to their shananagins and see where it will get them.
Received via Email 03-17-11 I asked one of the chiefs in HQ the other day just what it is that they're doing for us in our time of need. The gave me this website to go to and gave me the address to the food stamp office. I hope you all choke on your snacks at the MFS.
Received via Email 03-18-11 i wonder what the head moochers would say if there was no more free coffee at their favorite watering holes? Would they still shower us with their presence if we tightened our belts and put a stop to the all day coffee shop mentaility? Be careful what you suggest to us lowly peons, idiot.
Received via Email 03-19-11 What if we all went over to HQ for a couples hours on our days off and drank their coffee? Everyone over there makes Lt pay or higher, so who else has a higher per person pay average and can afford to keep us happy for ever. And just think, they get more high dollar overtime (40 hours rate) than we will ever see.
Received via Email 03-21-11 We keep paying for Larges coffee and he keeps insisting we go without a raise. What is wrong with this picture.
Received via Email 03-22-11 Its real simple, dont jump up and make anymore when you know he is expected to show up. He wont hang around for free.
Received via Email 03-22-11 Why so many kissing the ass of a guy who does not give a rats ass about you or your family. Wake up people.
Received via Email 03-24-11 If they only had a brain, a heart, or some courage. Wait a minute, that sounds like a job for the invisible man behind the curtain. Maybe some little ankle biting crap dog can bring this illusion down too someday. Until then the MUTTs and FINO's will rule, and we will continue to be the saps.
Received via Email 03-24-11 Now thats funny, if they only had a brain. I dont care who you are, that is funny. This just in, Large is getting excellent reviews on his work. Thats right excellent. If you sing the song from the wizard of oz, if I only had a brain and add to it "if I only was a pain" thats right. If I only was a pain. Large has lived up to his part of being just that. One without a brain and one who is a pain. Yes, a pain in all of our asses. Keep up the good work Jimmy. I am sure little knight is watching and learning so that when he takes over, he can continue the tradition of chief ass holes.
Received via Email 03-26-11 I wonder how much misery will be shared during the Whoa is me coffee moochin visits by our Administrator now? Now that we have kicked them in the teeth yet again with this recent up yours ballot return? Hey is anybody listening? 75% of your employees just told you that your offer sucked. But in the minds of the lemmings 25% liked it. If only I could see things their way. At least I'm not getting screwed over ALL of the time. If they only had a brain....
Received via Email 03-27-11 It will take a couple of days befor the misery will set in. They will still be high in the knowledge of how THEY were able to pull off another Great Race weekend. They know Damn well that they f**ked over more than 40 employees by assinging them mandatory OT when they didnt want it or they were in straight time status. I am sure they will snap out of it though when the Wizard calls on the Screw them over phone and wants to know just what kind of Slave master is whipping the boys and girls on this plantation.
Received via Email 03-28-11 God it was pathetic to see how may chiefs and officers hauled ass to the plane crash at the race. I am surprised they didnt cause a wreck How come they didnt drive that fast to the other place crash. Thnk God they didnt interview any of those idiot officers.
Received via Email 03-28-11 Received via Email 03-28-11 "God it was pathetic to see how may chiefs and officers"... That is all that needed to be said.
Received via Email 04-24-11 50 million for the pier and not a dime for the firefighters. Priorities are really screwed up here in this city.
Received via Email 04-24-11 04-24-11 #1 Thats not true, you got a new pretty helmet, P.O.S. M.S.A. air rig, A guaranteed life saving bail out system (WTF), and if your one of the first few inline, you can still get almost 50% of your structural Firefighting boots cost covered from this poverty stricken city government. There are plenty of dimes to go around my friend, this dept. has proven you are worth everyone of them.
Received via Email 04-25-11 Hey, dont forget about the do it youself target safety training program, I now feel more secure in my little cubicle while snoozing, I mean watching my quarterly training exercises than I ever did. I mean you dont even break a sweat. And lets not forget about the click it and stick it telestaff program, I once clicked out sick while in a tree stand in Kentucky and shot a deer within the same hour, I mean I heard someone did this, It just dont get any better than this.
Received via Email 04-25-11 04-24-11 #2, except that the the funds for the helmets, MSA air rigs, the bail out system, the dive boat, the Haz Mat gear and the TRT equipment and trucks did not come from the city, they came from GRANTS! Ask Large or Wimberly how much of their operating budget paid for ANY of those items.
Received via Email 04-25-11 You are 100% correct. This city has NO money for you and I. We can only hope that someday someone besides those of us that are affected by this funding shortage will see it and maybe ask questions.
Received via Email 04-25-11 1/2 of helmets paid with grant. We can not afford to even pay for all of those.
Received via Email 04-27-11 But we can pay for the gas for a couple of division chiefs to drive their take home cars everyday to Manatee County. Now that is an exorbitant waste of taxpayers money. No raise for us, but pay the chiefs six figures and all their gas for doing little to no real work everyday. What a country.
Received via Email 04-30-11 It is the norm for all ex division chiefs kids to get a take home car.
Received via Email 04-30-11 There's damn few of these guys you can be proud of.
Received via Email 05-03-11 Speaking of helmets. I sit and wonder, what? ever caused this fire dept to purchase a new helmet under the pretense that it is a traditional style? When did anyone in Fire Admin give a flying F**K about tradition? Is it tradition to screw over your workers on a daily basis? Oops, it is around here. Is it tradition to meddle in the health history of your employees? Damn, this too has been ongoing. Alright, is it tradition to hold back financial gain of your employees? Dam it to hell, I'm asking the questions and even I cant come up with something good. I guess I dont understand the traditional term of Fire House Tradition.
Received via Email 05-04-11 The only tradition this city believes in doing is what they having been doing to you for years, giving it to you without lube! Soo I guess that makes them very traditional! Sorry to break the news to you!
Received via Email 05-10-11 I love it without lube. It makes me remeber who is doing it to me. Like Lanning and the old stevie of training. The one who couldnt even hack it at publix.
Received via Email 05-12-11 Now that someones wife spilled the beans to the press about the trucks out of service this past weekend, me thinks that the invisible administrator just found out what it is like to go without lube. How do ya like us now sleeze buckets? If you would look at your history of overtime, a prudent person would have realized it means you dont have enough people. Wimberly says that it is the lesser of 2 evils. Ya right, who would expect a group of 6 $100,000.00 earners to be able to figure out they are the only ones that are the real problem. I certainly hope we see more of this.
Received via Email 05-14-11 There's no reason why you can't see more of this. All you have to do follow the money or read the memos. Good fun watching them squirm.
Received via Email 05-14-11 Yea that small little article really did alot. Where is the larger article and the tv folks. And dont we have any computer savvey people that can hack JL puter and the mayors to see what secret memos are being sent?
Received via Email 05-15-11 So lets get this straight. Double Dick Johnson gets brought up on monster charges and threaten with 10 shifts off, gets drug through the grievance process ending up in arbitration, because he brought to light the seriousness of short staffed fire units. Now the punisher while still admits to having money left in his overtime budget but chooses to leave the taxpaying residents in 3 different parts of our city with less fire protection then what they think they are paying for. How is it that a story of short staffed vehicles can rate fire and damnation but totally out of service units gets not a second glance? Is our Mayor really this out of touch with what is going in in the red brick playhouse? How about the citizens, shouldn't they be getting phone calls from our Mayor to let them know to be a little more careful when living and visiting friends since they aren't covered the way they once were? I like how the punisher says it wont be a regular thing, but since he made that statement a unit was OOS for 2 hours Sunday morning to let someone off for L/T and on Monday another unit is OOS to give so 3 individuals can go to the SPFR ear, nose, throat, x-ray, phlebotomy, gynecology, proctology, gastrointestinal, cardiac, fitness center and brothel for their annual fondling of the genitals. I'm glad 3 instances in less than 10 days is considered is not to be considered regular. Hey Ritchie, we thought you got the short end last year but now the punisher is really doing a la-kook a la ra-cha all over your ass now.
Received via Email 05-15-11 They're called hypocrites!
Received via Email 05-15-11 Glad you mentioned Richie. The search box on the home page is a great little invention. Thank you Mr. webmaster. I found the Richie Johnson article by searching for the word staffing. Richie made 1 mistake. He didn't go to the union and let them fight this fight. Or he could have just as easily sent an email to the guy who writes most of the fire dept articles, Jamal Thalji hint hint.
Received via Email 05-17-11 Now its fire admin turn to put the hammer down again. They didn't like the little news article or story about staffing and were quite embarrassed to get caught with all the trucks out of service last week. So what do they do. Last Saturday when it happened again, they thought of a better plan than letting all the trucks go our of service and get their little staffing plan spread once again on the news. So what do they do? Yeah, you got it. They mandatory 8 or so medics on a Saturday and use county money to fund their shortcoming. So now they use someone else's money, piss off the medics who are already burned out and have plans made with their families on the weekend. And piss off the firefighters who would have liked to work that day, but are no longer allowed. Now do you see the plan? Divide and conquer by stirring up medics and firefighters against each other. And save their selves from being embarrassed on the news, and to boot, use county money to fund the whole day. Pretty smart, that Wimperly and Pumpkin Head. But we and the county are on to your little games. You can only plug so many holes in the ship. But with more holes added daily, it wont be long till your ship has sunk. Yeah, you think about that.
Received via Email 05-17-11 Ooooh I wanna play too. Don't forget to use a throw away email address like Gmail or Yahoo.
Received via Email 06-03-11 A little bird at the county was telling me the other day that EMS office suspects that St. Pete is cheating. Wha? St. Pe? Cheati? Wha (choke choke) not my employer. Serves all you lying dicks at HQ right. We cheat we're done You cheat it's a way of life. FTM
Received via Email 06-04-11 County investigation of St Pete EMS division. My oh My. Good ole boy club better run and hide those fudged records. They coming to get ya.
Received via Email 06-04-11 cheating on, resp times? cme's? fill us in!
Received via Email 06-05-11 Oh you forgot having EMTs ride but collecting Medic pay amounts from county for them. HHmmmm what happened to the excess? Hhmmmm.
Received via Email 06-14-11 Two years!?!?!? It took the city two years to figure out they were screwing over the Captains and the DC's !?!?!? Freaking unbelieveable. I wonder how much money they made over the two years in interest? Glad to see they finally "caught" the problem. I suspect they didn't do that on their own. Was there someone getting ready to blow the whistle on them to the press or something? And now that they have the system "fixed", it's going to take four to six weeks to pay up ?!?!?! Or do they need enough time to tweak things so that it looks like the problem never existed? Surprised that they would admit to this. Looks like sloppy work on the part of the bean counters. This will all get whitewashed and swept under the rug. That's what they do when they screw up. One could almost point fingers and say this was done hoping that it would never be found out. But that would be giving those in charge way too much credit for being intelligent. Is there any intent to have any other financial "mistakes" come to light? I'd bet if you looked hard enough . . . Two years of tweaked overtime. Hell yeah ! ! ! I'm going to Disneyland. And never forget, if this were reversed and the city paid too much every Captain and DC would be making monthly payments until they paid back all the money. Quid Pro Quo. FTM
Received via Email 06-16-11 Whats worse is that none of those OVER PAID, over worked, admin clones ever caught on that they were being short changed. Keep up the hard work, do all you can do for da man, as you now see he cares so much for you one and all.
Received via Email 06-16-11 Well now with their 2 rdays and 7 year drop they will have plenty of time to get paid back. How can we be so ass backwards, where the working class of the department get fu**ed?
Received via Email 06-19-11 Well yesterday 6/18 E1, E6,S1, R7 OOS. E1 stayed out entire shift. Today E1 S1 oos. How long to be determined. How pathetic? Can only imagine if we transport.
Received via Email 06-19-11 Whoever it is that know how to track this stuff with Teleshafting please lets track it here.
Received via Email 06-19-11 Great reporting from the troops, but what ever you do, don't tell Fire Administrator Jim Large. In his most recent story to the times, he states that we have not yet reached the point of closing down stations. Only then will he consider picking up his magic flute and call H.R Pufenstuff.
Received via Email 06-24-11 E1. Out of service again on 6/24. This city from mayor down to our admin are pathetic. Jerkoffs looking out for theirs
Received via Email 06-24-11 The firefighters are proud of all you guys who have struggled for years to get promoted only to be shot down by dumb administrators who didn't promote you because they had a party buddy or a royal so called loyal kiss ass promoted over you, when you actually earned it and deserved it. Oh yeah, the chiefs tell you how great you are on scenes and what a great officer you would be, but they never promoted you even when you were at the top of the list. Once you realize you are not one of the boy club members, reality sets in and you can finally relax. We are proud of all you great senior actors who are not going to take the next joke of a promotional process. They already are assembling their team of buddies and know you are not one of them. You are the best person for the job, but we all know, THEY DON'T CARE about that. So, keep your head up because the real firefighters and medics on this job, which make the department look good, respect you and will always hold you in our hearts as the best and elite in our department. As far as the new kiss asses are concerned, enjoy your not deserved promotions coming up. You will look like brooms in front of the rest of us because you know as well as we do, that many of the ones working for you are much more qualified. Look at most of our division chiefs and you will see what we are talking about. Competency and respect is earned through experience and caring for others, not kissing ass, cheating, back stabbing, and striving to get to the top even if you have to step on others. We all respect you(long time senior actors) and thanks for serving us all these years. Now enjoy riding the tailboard of life with the rest of us and start enjoying your career rather than being frustrated by the assholes who so often put you down. You have the bulk of the department behind you and with you.
Received via Email 06-24-11 Did I write that? I must be getting even more senile.
Received via Email 06-28-11 Nope, I checked. I didn't write that.
Received via Email 06-30-11 VCF you ole coger
Received via Email 07-06-11 Look at staffing over weekend. T9 S1 oos. 7/6/11 E1 oos again. Glad Hq got their family time in over the weekend as so many medics were mandatoried.
Received via Email 07-06-11 RE: 7/1/11 #2
Who is the person who stoops so low as to denigrate the wife and children of another member of the department? Who is this person who probably doesn't even know this woman or the children but has the balls to include her in his rant about a newly appointed officer who will remain nameless, I assume. Why would you stoop that low? Why would you even consider doing that? I'm probably not the best example but it's always been my thought process that you don't say rotten things about another man's family. It's just a given. You can crow all you want about the man but leave his family out of it. And it's obvious that you, whoever you are, are hiding as usual behind the anonymity of refusing to sign your name. I totally agree with Bruce Smith when he says "ALWAYS...leave the wifey and kids out of 'Our' bidness". It's just the right thing to do. Should we wait for an apology or aren't you man enough for that either?
Dick Tully
Received via Email 07-07-11 Another shift 7/7/11, another couple units Oos. Oh well as long as we do not get caught with our pants down, well then who cares? Lets talk about it over coffee at the MFS.
Received via Email 07-07-11 Does anyone think anything is going to improve with us transporting? They want us to all be gaga about this but we're going to work harder for the same money and profits are going to go to the general fund. I say let Large sink if he can't swim on his own.
Received via Email 07-07-11 If we lose EMS, we should also lose pumpkin head, and send him back to Pasadena since he has caused most if not all of this mess with the county. But, no, his bosses think he is a hero and he will probably get a promotion out it. And then later, undermine his bosses and take their job. What a guy.
Received via Email 07-10-11 07-07. If you think getting rid of Pumpkin head is as easy as losing EMS, well you better wake up and smell the brown nosers. Red is so far up the King's backside, he is a shoe in. Remember at city hall presentation when he was a captain, the King kept calling him Chief Night, lol! So wave good bye to Prince and like it or not (hide your daighter's and wife's, and your young son's), the new hangman is in charge.
Received via Email 07-10-11 7/10, How can such a neanderthal looking dude like pumpkin head really be in charge of anything. He is such a goofy looking guy. He looks like some kind of character in a comic strip.
TEAM: C'mon. Trying to get us sued? But we liked it!
Received via Email 07-10-11 are we allowed to say chicklet teeth couldnt event hack it at fsu?
Received via Email 08-20-11 How about this, lets just say that Kevin McConn was able to get hired by St. Pete Beach.
Received via Email 08-20-11 Well at least Kevin McConn never sucked anyone's backside while he was here. He had his way of getting around stuff, (maybe we all could learn from his action plan?) I'd work anyday with KM than 5 minutes face to face with the HQ MOB...FTM!
Received via Email 08-30-11 I would consider McConn for president of the Local before Blank. Like has been said "Kevin McConn never sucked anyone's backside while he was here". Hey Mikey, can you say that?
Received via Email 08-30-11 Hey Jimbo. How many awards ceremonies have you been to over in Hillsborough County where you've been asked when OURS is going to take place? Yeah, what I thought. We feel the same about you.
Received via Email 09-01-11 St Petersburg fire rescue has absolutly no funding to pull off something like what you are envisioning. Jimmy would once again have to turn to the Union President to get funding. The Union would be the ones to honor Jimmy's Fire Department and he just cant bring himself to accept that.
Received via Email 09-01-11 What the hell are we going to be honoring. All the new officers that are backstabbers and cheaters and so forth. And then there is HQ What are we or who are we going to honor there? Maybe we can give the mayor a thanks for screwing us medal. I remember not to long ago he was a big fan f the FD. Always visiing and saying thanks. How quick he changes his mind.
Received via Email 09-02-11 Ummm, he probably changed his mind when we didn't back him for Mayor. Stupid on our part.
TEAM: "Stupid on our part." We put a committee together to interview all prospective candidates. Screening these candidates is like giving a lie detector test. We know all the pro-firefighter answers and it's up to us to see if they do. Your good mayor was given the thumbs-down by the vast majority of the members on the screening committee. He told us in so many words that he wasn't going to be there for us. Kathleen Ford, however, was given the thumbs-up by the majority of the screening committee, not to mention very favorable comments for her genuine concern for her Police Officers and Fire Fighters. The only reason that guy ever stepped into a fire station was to gain your trust. It was never about you. It was always about him.
Recently a talk radio program 'reported' that Mit Romney looked the "most presidential." Uneducated voters are a danger to all of us.
What would you have us do the next time?
Received via Email 09-02-11 Look at all the ones who voted for Obama. UNEDUCATED
Received via Email 09-02-11 There is funding for 2 life size bronze statues in front of hq one of gap tooth and the other of jimmie. I was reading the requirements that idiot lanning wrote to become a LT. They should replace it with this. Are you willing to lie? Are you willing to backstab your friends? Are you willing to sleep with other ffs wives? Must not have a gag reflex. If so. Then you to can become a officer. Must have drinking problem also.
Received via Email 09-03-11 9.2-#2. You are a risk to our brother/sisterhood. Your hatred shows. Can't you get past your bigot filled mind, and see we need to work together? So what you池e a Rep., or extreme tea bag type. Grow a pair, and attempt, (to try) positive actions toward goals that benefit all of us. Regardless of what one's views may be. Like a great visionary that was shot down, he had his flaws, but he was on the right tract. 的 have a dream". Peace and fraternity to all Firefighter's.
Received via Email 09-03-11 9-3 #1 - Please tell me what what hatred are you talking about? I saw only an opinion and statement. They didn't attack anyone. Seems to me that you are the one with the hate. You seem to hate anyone that disagrees with you. You really need to look at yourself and get some professional help.
Received via Email 09-05-11 "Look at all the ones who voted for Obama. UNEDUCATED" Opinion? Are you serious? That poster clearly states that they believes he/she is smarter, more informed, and a member if a better portion of society.. Why else would he believe a majority if the American people put Obama in the white house? As for hating others? I don't hate him I loath his biased, anger filled words.. Why don't you use the EAP the city has and figure out your possible disfunction? FTM
Received via Email 09-06-11 What's the matter, you feel that you are in that UNEDUCATED pool of society?
Received via Email 09-06-11 Now the UNION bosses are saying "take these son-of-a-bitches out". This is NOT what I belong to a union for.
Received via Email 09-06-11 Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
Received via Email 09-06-11 9-6 #2 "Instead of a public rebuke, President Obama gave public praise saying he's 'proud' of Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa shortly after he made some pretty harsh comments." I've never heard Harold say anything like this. I'll bet you're a big boy but if this unioin thing is too grown up for you, get back on the porch.
Received via Email 09-07-11 And no thanks to the very greedy mail union the post office may go under because they cannot layoff workers. Dont get me wrong I am all union. Just being a smart union. The mayor could makes us look bad in front of the public, Especially in these times.
Received via Email 09-07-11 But Harold didn't rebuke it either, so by his silence he condones it just like obama. It will come back to bite ALL unions on the ass.
TEAM: Unions are socialist (is small 's' okay?) by their very nature. We aren't going to catch a break no matter where we turn with SEIU types blocking doorways at town hall meetings and the like. We can only put our best foot forward and try not to beat the 'union' drum too much but rather that of the fraternal one. We just got the SPAFF trailer that we'll use for upcoming block parties, wrapped at a sign shop. It looks great in IAFF gold and black. The first thing out of one of our member's head was, "Hey! It doesn't say Local 747 on it anywhere." It was planned that way...
Public Hearing to Resolve Impasse
September 29, 2011
2:00 p.m.
St. Petersburg City Hall 175 Fifth Street North - St. Petersburg, FL
Brothers and Sisters there is much more involved than meets the eye.
Two entire shifts are NOT ON DUTY and available to attend. So much is at stake.
Council & the Mayor need to know that you are willing to stand up for your benefits!
If you don't have a RED union shirt, make that call now to ensure that your size is available.
Received via Email 09-27-11 Because of complaints about headquarters being run exclusively by white males since all the high ranking minorities were forced out, they have come up with a plan to soften the building's image. From now on, Headquarters will be known as "The Cracker Barrel."
Received via Email 09-27-11 lol now thats funny
Received via Email 09-27-11 9/27/11, you’re an bigot, and that "joke" offends me.
Received via Email 10-27-11 your all invited to the swinger party when the pool is finished
Received via Email 11-03-11 Whats up with the new uniforms? Werent we supposed to have them long ago? I cant wait to look like a drug smuggler. Oops there goes that random drug testing again
Received via Email 11-04-11 They figured out a way to reduce the cost of the new uniforms. But first they have to figure out a way to get us all to enlist in the Coast Guard and keep the clothes the government issues us after we quit.
Received via Email 11-06-11 whats up with that crooked nose medic at 10-B, why does he think he so good?well, your not as good as you think. no one cares that you were a nurse for 20 years. ohh btw, last time i checked your wife is a doctor, not on those coat tails!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 11-06-11 There you go bashing the wife again. Why is it when we can't find anything to properly reflect our feelings toward another member of the department we feel it necessary to involve and denigrate their family members. Not a very manly thing to do.
Received via Email 11-07-11 from the post no one is bashing any wives, sounds like they were making a comparison.u might want to take a reading comp. class at your local community college.
Received via Email 11-10-11 To who ever the individual who commented about "the crooked nose medic at 10" is, I AM that good. I have never "rode my wife's coat-tails". My career speaks for itself. If you would like to compare resume's feel free to give me a call...oh wait, that would mean that you have to sign your name to your post. I can sign my name proudly to my post. I have busted my ass on this job. I have walked the walk and have strived to improve myself at every opportunity. Can you say the same? I doubt it. Oh well, just another mental midget taking a cheap-shot on a faceless, and apparently nameless web site. Your BROTHER, Kevin Dooley RN,BSN,EMT-P...with over 20 years of experience and service...and proud of it. BTW...proud of my wife for all she has done to help anybody that she could on this job. I guess we aren't too good to help a BROTHER out when they are sick or hurt and need a hand. Even funnier, we will BOTH continue to be US despite what some moron posted on here.
In case you forgot 7658 or 7653 if you want to compare resumes (i realize you'll most likely have to try to put one together so I won't hold my breath.)
Received via Email 11-10-11 Wow, talk about arrogant !
Received via Email 11-11-11 I think I'm Aroused, ?? Is that wrong??
Received via Email 11-11-11 It's not arrogant if you can back it up. It's fact. Too bad you can't tell the difference. Kevin is a stand up guy and isn't afraid to defend his accomplishments. Pride is not the same as arrogance. Look it up. You, #2 on 11/10/11, have nothing to show for your remarks but a self loathing attitude and a place to hide while you snipe those who are actually doing something to make this job a better one. Your lame ass attempt at wittyness is overshadowed by your inability to actually think about what you're saying. You should take pride in the fact that you received a response from Kevin. Ordinarily he doesn't waste his time on things of such tomfoolery. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Too bad you can't work out of #10 and maybe be a part of a crew that is proud of their skills and ability. You're probably one of those lackluster can kickers that hangs at one of the outlying bunkers and reads porn all day. A pox on you, sir. May you enjoy the shame that comes from the Irish Curse. (For those who are uninformed or not Irish, the Irish Curse is where your asshole breaks out over your left eye.)
Received via Email 11-14-11 2nd 11/11 you must be KDs Lover.
Received via Email 11-14-11 what are you guys doing to make the department a better place?????
Received via Email 11-14-11 BTW.................... who reads porn????????????? what are u 90!!!!!
Received via Email 11-14-11 RETIRING!!!
Received via Email 11-14-11 The department was a better place before you joined. Ever since it has gone deeper and deeper in the the crapper.
Received via Email 11-15-11 Holy Shit ! It took you mental midgets three days to think up a response.
Received via Email 11-21-11 Mental Midgets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am your commander " BIG MIDGET" listen to my squeel.I am the best, better than the rest. i have so many letters after my name msnbc,abc,cbs,fox. it only took me 3 weeks to answer those tough questions. so i have a question for you, are you ready?
Received via Email 11-21-11 No. this is supreme commander chicklet teeth. U will do as I say or I will have my DC peons make up charges against you or have your officer have an affair with your wife or girlfriend.
Received via Email 11-22-11 or better yet, I chicklet teeth will keep all DCs and Captains from getting the 7 year drop so that I can have more yes men quicker. Yeah you heard it right, yes men. Sorry Ladies but no room for you at the top. Unless of course you go to another department. Always been this way, always will be, as long as I - chicklet teeth is in charge.
Received via Email 11-23-11 no no. this is supreme supreme chicklet teeth. Woman are welcome. after all I have cheated on all of my wives. Oh yes. I am allowed to take my city issued car to international plaza to go out with the family and drink. Back to women. As long as you put out you can be my sexetary.
Received via Email 11-28-11 Why does everyone pick on poor little stevie knight. He is a great guy, Just ask him. He has some new initials after his name and title. PH, CT, JOL, and the most fitting IAD. PH pumpkin head, CT Chicklet Teeth, JOL Jack O lantern, and IAD. I'm A Dick.
Received via Email 12-03-11 Psychologist say people who add lots of initials after their name to show off their so called greatness, are really very insecure and actually have a very low self esteem. They strive to get to the next level at any cost just to have a little bit of their self worth increased. But sadly they are never satisfied.
Received via Email 12-14-11 Are you trying to tell me that IIIIMeMeMeMeMe is a showing of greatness? Jesus help us.
Received via Email 12-17-11 I heard that there were 3 members of the Supervisory unit that unsucessfully attempted to stop their 5 hour donation to the unions pool time account. I guess the 2nd r-day, and the recent arbitration for the FLSA back pay issue that will be paid for by ALL of us for the 18 of them doesn't mean anything to them. My other question, do these individuals get written up for not getting in their paperwork in a timely manner? I know for certain that this is a favorite ball busting issue with one of these FINO's.
Received via Email 12-22-11 Yeah, now they are heard crying about how their hours don't accrue as fast anymore. Is it just me or is there a window opened just a little bit with a breeze blowing through it? Why don't one of our smart suckups that used to keep track of the hours that President Newton took off, run the same reports for their MASTERS so they can show them how many days they are using?
Received via Email 12-26-11 Its so funny that we hear how the supervisory unit members are now feeling buyers remorse over their shorter work week. Come on, can you really think we are that stupid? This is just another attempt by HQ to try to throw us off our request for the same opportunity. It was so bad this past Saturday 12/24, that on the A shift BOTH DC's were off, #7 Capt OFF, #3 Capt SWAP, and she was DC10, #10 Capt OFF, #9 Capt DC5. So out of 2 DC's and 4 Capts, there were only 2 capts. 4 out of 6 positions were off. If it is so bad why are they taking all of their time off? Also why is it that Sta 7 Capt has been off for WAY more than 6 shifts but was NEVER put into a time off slot for the supervisors? While we are at it, lets do a little trip down memory lane, As a capt, ADamedies was off for a long period of time with HQ disease, Dinan uses his more than fair share, Livingston cant be found on a daily basis, Nugent cant walk straight, Williams is now out for an extended period, Eanes has used his time as well, Landes has found a feather bed hiding out at his station daily bullshiting with his crews, but somehow needing an Acting Captain to oversee him, LeCroy cant figure out if he works for SPFR or Homeland Security, and Girk is but aint really a capt or a chief, he surely isnt a firefighter either. Um I can see why they are bitchin, its because they DO have to come in to pick up their pay stubs once in a while. Yeah, I feel sorry for them all. What a bunch of back stabbin FINO's
Received via Email 12-26-11 I only wish they would use more. I dont even notice they are gone.
Received via Email 12-27-11 12-26 #1 I'm not buying it. You can't throw a cat and hit a DC anymore and the captains that act aren't in their station half the time because they're off or filling in for a DC that's off. So tell me again what it was that they pitched to the city when they said the reason why they can do it and we can't is? Oh yeah, there wouldn't be any impact to shift manning.Right. It's all bullshit. It's all a lie. Headquarters must be a little like heaven. Everyone wants to get in and once you're there you're there you never want to leave.
Received via Email 12-27-11 We can fire assholes like Moronno for being and acting like an asshole but when the chiefs do it everyone looks the other way. Have any of you really thought about how HQ works? Every time ANY of them takes off they assign someone to take over their position. HQ is always fully staffed but we're still taking Trucks out of service out here where the real work is done. And as to Adimedes, he wasn't on light duty the whole time he was down there. Half of the time he was doing a special assignment. This guy is a chief officer that they pay good money to to be on the fireground and they've got him reworking hose records because there's no one talented enough at HQ to do it. Talk about some shit.
Received via Email 12-27-11 what about wife stealing red headed Lt.? is he an acting captain. couldnt he be an acting captain-chief. maybe if he cheated in this one he might be in with HQ, Oh but wait. doesnt he allegedly stop off at those massage parlors. Of course all allegedly
Received via Email 12-28-11 So how is it that we can make funny remarks about one of our brothers being fired and say things about how he has always been blah blah blah and we were warned by his previous employeer. Well my question is this? Who stepped up to the plate and made the final decision to hire and thusly is responisble to the taxpayers of St. Petersburg for making such an obvious wasteful spending of our tax dollars. Is this where we hear a "My Bad", followed by the shrugging of ones shoulders? Sorry but I cant accept that, if I have a mishap with a vehicle resulting in $1,500.00 in damage I am looking at a group 2 with time off. How does Paramedic pay and bene's for a couple of years rate? Me thinks there needs to be an additional firing to go along with this one. Oh yeah, how is it that yet another total waste is coming from the shift that Zamp runs? There may be a common problem here.
Received via Email 12-28-11 There's a message here. We're so hard up to hire medics that we'll hire someone that Seminole tanks. What's that tell you about us? We're so hard up to hire medics because they're going other places. What's that tell us?
Received via Email 12-28-11 yup, word on the street is that Marotto was Terminated today at 9 am. I hear there is lots of high 5vin and songs of joy about the demise of one of our own. I am sure it is on the Screw your brother facebook page by now too. I guess they continue to let the new regime get their way. Old timers, I am afraid we are next.
Received via Email 12-28-11 You know, if Marrotto had Winnie to talk with instead of an absent Clown prince maybe he would not have been as dumb as to quit!? So much for any chance he may have had in fighting his stupid lack of thought before he acted.. He did push people and his own job with an attitude but all in all its a Admin victory, not the rank & file.. FTM before we FOS...
Received via Email 12-28-11 Please send all forms of condolences and other forms of ass kissin to Chief Large in fire HQ. It is reported that this was one of his worst days ever. Yup even worse than Marotto's since he is the one that lost his career. Maybe some of the Chiefs higher ups want to know who is responsible for the decision to hire someone against all of the evidence that said no. Maybe they also want to know how a 5 year veteran got away this terrible work history all this time without at least one of his superiors taking some of the heat as well. Yes it seems that the new theory coming out of HQ is that WE need to be held accountable for our actions. I wonder why this doesn't apply to his Acting Lt's, Lt's, Captains, District Chiefs, Rescue Lt, Rescue Capt. and the Training division as well. Lets see, i wonder how he made it past all of those PTEC instructors? Sounds like this should have been a group write up, but of course we cant have that simple form of reasoning now, can we?
Received via Email 12-29-11 he should hire diane bailey morton and nacey kavey and he will get his job back if he is innocent. i am sure clown boy blank wont let this out
Received via Email 12-29-11 No cost to city. Zamp is getting 24 ot today. $$$
Received via Email 12-29-11 The deck is heavily loaded against us, mates. When the captains and the chiefs pitched their deal for a 2nd R day they convinced the cityt hat there wouldn't be any impact. Yeah sure. You don't impact shit when you're never here. And these assholes are offering fire boots again and if you get haz shit on them, you get to wait 3 years in line. F++k that!
Received via Email 01-12-12 ok how many loads and how long on my knees do i have to endure to get promoted. I know doing the right thing wont get you promoted
Received via Email 01-18-12 your damn right.... doing the right thing wont get you promoted. you have to be a MFER!!!! to get there.
Received via Email 01-31-12 CANT WE ALL GET ALONG AND BUTT F*!K EACH OTHER?!?!?!?!
Received via Email 01-31-12 to the 1-31 poster. Even in your idea, at least 2 (first and last) people are not getting the same treatment as all the ones sandwiched in between. Thats the way HQ works, they make it sound great (butt) they make sure they are in the (rear) so no one to see them.
Received via Email 02-22-12 Boy just a mention of butt screwin and the world goes blank.
Received via Email 02-22-12 Heh, heh, heh, he said blank.
Received via Email 02-22-12 Hush boy, people's sleepin' in heah. Don't go roun' wakin' folks up with your phony threats or your dumb-ass accusations. The membership is soundly asleep and comfortable in the knowledge that only the best things are being done in their absence. Like that loser they agreed to send to the bargaining table as the spokesperson of the Local. If only they could see that dancing fool operate. Lawdy sakes this past week he had that city negotiator right by the . . . um, well, almost by the um, . . . what I mean to say is that he showed up for the meetin' even though he didn't have no clue what he was there for. It was a tactic seldom used but very effective and produced laughter at HQ that you could heah from the street. He's a funny dude and he really can tell a story. What? What contract? Who you messin' with bro? You know we already have a contract and it's, well, it's ok I guess. I heard our boy say somethin' about "contract language" at the last bargining session so I guess he has things under control. Now you get your ass back to sleep and don' you worry about your family or your future. They're both in good hands.
Received via Email 02-22-12 True what idiot would you trust blank or zamp. I mean both are backstabbers and both have knee pads.
Received via Email 02-22-12 True what idiot would you trust b**** or z***? Hell I wont even spell their names on my computor for fear of getting a virus.
TEAM: Bro'. Yeah, he's a dick and he's not a Brother but we're also trying to stay on the air, here. Come back with a repost.
Received via Email 03-06-12 Whoa !!! That must have been a winner.
TEAM: Yeah, you know... labor unrest.
Received via Email 03-06-12 was that the one about dk you didnt post we heard about?
Received via Email 03-19-12 I see that Mungavin is once again out on sick leave. To make it worse he has no more time and he is taking up another vacation slot. How is it that when Nugget was out for his soccer toe during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years holidays, he never took up a slot in the Supervisors time off book? Just another wedge that the city has driven between us.
TEAM: And it won't be resolved by voting YES for the current contract offer.
Received via Email 04-10-12 Can anyone tell the rest of us how the collection went for the Juicer? I felt really bad that I could only give what I did but I know I did the right thing.
Received via Email 04-14-12 I heard that the collection for the juicer went extremely well. There was enough to buy the thing and quite a bit left over to help with transportation fares. In other words, we did good.
Received via Email 04-30-12 Should we really pride ourselves because we stepped up and helped ONE of our Brothers? We currently have many others that are suffering with some type of infliction or that have a family member that is just as bad or worse. Its ridiculous that we have to resort to arm twisting to get a few dollars out of our pockets to help our Brothers and Sisters as we like to profess to the world about how much we care about each other. Why dont we ask the President of our Union to raise our dues to a level that would bring in a few dollars directly from our pay checks and then we wouldn't have to be bothered by not have enough carry around money in our pockets when it is most dsperatly needed. You know kinda like the $1 a payday that comes out now to help pay for the retirement axes. We could do the same thing to provide financial help. How's about a big 10-4 on this good buddy? I say this is a win win.
Received via Email 05-02-12 sounds like someone really wants that lieutenant spot!!!
Received via Email 05-04-12 Received via Email 05-02-12 sounds like someone really wants that lieutenant spot!!!
Yeah right, how many of our lying tenants care that much about someone other than themselves? Oh I do understand your theory about getting promoted. Lets ask capt. Green on the recent decision by our Admin on what its going to take to get him ready for his promotion. BTW, what a deal for the city, Green gets promoted and since he is in the DROP, the city doesn't have to give him any additional credits to his pension. Keep telling me and the others how lucky we are to work with these efin idiots.
Received via Email 05-05-12 Green isnt being transfered to be promoted, he is being punished for letting #9 become comedy central..There goes Eric to fix the western's// Good luck! LoL, & FTM
Received via Email 05-08-12 Chief Crumity is now out for 3 or 4 shifts. Maybe James Green will get that promotion sooner than he was expecting.
Received via Email 05-11-12 I stopped by the union hall the other day (didn't see Blank, big surprise) and was asking about whether we were going to keep fighting for what the capt.'s and DC's got or if we were going to bring something to the table. I asked someone (wasn't Blank, he wasn't there) to email me the results of the impasse just so that I had it right in my mind. It says: Recommending the rejection of proposals submitted by the Administration and Fire Union, preservation of the status quo on all issues for the rest of this Fiscal Year, and that the Fire Union and Administration continue negotiations in an effort to reach an agreement.
So my question is when are we going to put someone in a position to NEGOTIATE for us? Large is the reason we're getting no good offers. Large is the reason we can't walk away from this shitty year with (read above) status quo. Large loves heading across the street where the MFS boys will suck him off for a promotion but will they actually tell him the truth? It's time for Large to go and if we get a new mayor in office they need to be told that The Invisible Man and The Great Pumkin are the two biggest reasons poor relations between firefighters and the city.
Received via Email 05-11-12 What happen in reporting that Dickie J took and Rday sandwich yesterday. Must be nice working 5 shifts a month
Received via Email 05-11-12 Received via Email 05-11-12 What happen in reporting that Dickie J took and Rday sandwich yesterday. Must be nice working 5 shifts a month.
Gee, it happens so often, nobody even notices anymore. Now if you are a low life flunky, we like to eat each other and grease the wheels of the the ass munchers.
Received via Email 05-16-12 true about James Green. Maybe when he is DC he wont backstab everyone or get his city vehicle stolen while at his girlfriends house like crumity
Received via Email 05-21-12 Dont be a pickin on my man. I respect a man that can shuffle a deck of women the way he can.
Received via Email 05-23-12 OK so now JG's #1 medic is being shipped south cause he don't like Eric! WTF? I'm just happy my family doesnt live in new his territory..
Received via Email 05-25-12 So...JG is being moved out now. Hmmm first he surrounds himself with people he thinks he can count on. They run amuck, blah blah blah. Let's collectively move them (all 4) to an outlying station on the most distant part of St.Pete so PP can run into our territory and deal with them. Got a problem? don't fix it. Hide them in a nice comfy recliner. Now the new Capt. can sit with his new crew, wear hats and spit into a bottle and problem solved. Reshuffle the deck, or a new dealer?
Received via Email 05-25-12 Like any good leader, look at the incompetent narrow minded fools they surround themselves with. While they run amuck and make him look bad. Don't fix it. Move them all to an out lying station and let PP run into their area all the time. Got a problem? Outta site outta mind.
Received via Email 06-17-12 The post from 5.25 tells a terrible story of how self perceived leaders surround themselves of like minded fools, so that they will bring attention to themselves and therefore insulate the leader from suspicion. The invisible man has done this extremely well, unfortunatly all of the idiots that MTB had lined up with his reign seem to have gotten a peek behind the curtain and have realized that they weren't that dedicated to be viewed at the ass clowns village of idiots.
Received via Email 06-20-12 $20,000, Yes that's $20 THOUSAND DOLLARS that your President just threw away in past successful legal battles by agreeing to the city's new 3 yr contract offer. Oh well, its only money and legal precedent. At least the win is still in the books as a victory in case a smarter MAN wishes to use it.
Received via Email 06-20-12 I hear we have a new $6,000.00 legal bill to pay to file a grevence over the drop extension. If this is true then what happens now that the Blank One just signed a paper that sez we will get it anyway? Is this how the Blank One chooses to throw away our dues?
Received via Email 06-21-12 Yikes!!! its not a SIX THOUSAND Dollar legal bill its an EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED Dollar Legal bill. And that was for May, I can't wait to see the one for June. In case you missed it, tonights Monthly Union Meeting, you know, the one that is held on the 3rd Thursday of each month was a real doosey. President Blank was cryin about how Pauley and Mott have given him absolutely no support during the 9 months he has held office. Rick and Billy told how they have told Mike repeatedly about how they have learned during the past 6 and 10 years that HR can not be trusted on their word or by what they write on paper. BTW, it was discovered by Past President Newton tonight while he questioned MTB about some of the bullshit that he so quickly signed off on yesterday, that the article that extends the DROP from 5 to 7 was missing the language that Newton had that clearly stated that those currently in the DROP would also receive that benefit, was somehow no where to be found in the article that President Follower agreed to. OMG Mikey exclaimed!!! I will get right on that and get it taken care off first thing Friday he said. How is it that you can be so adimate about bringing a contract back to your members under the pretext that this is the best deal the city is going to offer, when it takes someone else with a whole lot more experiance almost 2 minutes of the right questions to discover that it was all a lie? And the fact that you as President accepted only one copy of the articles so that the other 2 members of your team could not see what you where signing, so they could offer their insight is in itself dirty dealing between you and the city. I have heard that at least one of the people in attendance during yesterdays bargaining session thought that the Blank One was a God for getting the 2 extra years for everyone. Hey Arty what do you think now? Of course you will be in denial and accept any excuse as good enough as to why you like getting your ass invaded by your God. Mike Blank has told all that would listen that Chief Jim Large didnt like that anyone in the DROP should have been allowed to be included in the first place, so why would this little error be such a surprise? I dont believe any of it and I know that Jimmy Large, HR, Michael Blank and the rest of the ass clowns dont like anything that will help us and why we continue to put up with their shannigans is beyond my comprehension. It should be embarassing to a Fire Chief to know openly that his administration is thought of as a bunch of idiots. I mean unless you think that names such as ass clowns, gap tooth, pumpkin head, the invisible man, and so forth are compliments. I dont get it and neither do they, but they are in the drivers seat of this powerless submarine and right now its headed straight to the bottom of the Mariannas Trench. God help us all, and a big thanks to Rick Pauley, Billy Mott, and Winnie Newton for standing their ground and for making it their job for trying to do the job that their oath of office called for, which is to make sure that we get the best labor deal available. You know, that bullshit about Wages, Hours, Terms and Condition of Employment, that we constantly heard about during the last presidents terms in office. Thats what its all about, and not about how someone dont like me.
Received via Email 06-21-12 Hey, Michael Blank has been in office for 9 months now and he just delivered the biggest bundle of joy to his lover Chief Jimmy Large possible. Do I need to go on?
Received via Email 06-22-12 6/21,#1. Great meeting update. MTB was/is clueless and doesn't see past his skewed ideas. It was a pathetic example of leadership, or lack of.. The worst thing I believe from last night 2 of the newest ST Pete Firefighters, yet to be sworn in as members were there. I for one am embarrassed they had to see this lame poser blank. On the other hand I am grateful that past Pres. Newton was there to make things right, present the true facts. A shout out to Jon Pearl too, for showing his balls, ( not literally..) & giving MTB the whole pie. After the meeting was over, most of the members hung around for a while, MTB after an out back conference with Winnie bolted for the front door. He did tell everyone he would be in Chris's downtown office today to fix those facts on the proposal. Yeah right, I hear Rick P asked to go along as part of the team, that request was met with a no thank you. Who got served this morning? MTB took a load of sumthing. Good luck to us all, we will need it.. FTM
Received via Email 06-22-12 You did good for yourself this week, Mike Blank. Hey, even if this vote doesn't pass, you may still be the new Don Barker afterall for all of your efforts to FUCK OVER EVERY FIREFIGHTER ON THIS JOB!
Received via Email 06-22-12 Update. HR made the corrections to the questioned articles back to the way that Past President Newton had them.
Received via Email 06-22-12 That new bundle of joy has a tough uphill battle for the rest of its life. Can you imagine how many times it will go to the doctors office for something or other and then it has no clue, no spirit, and absolutly no honor. Maybe we should name it Dumpy Grumpy Large.
Received via Email 06-22-12 Go back and look through some of the pages of this site and tell me that this isn't the most fucked we've ever been. Blank is a boy in a real man's job and because most of you don't know how tough it is to keep a lid on benefits for 300 you just asumed anybody could do it. Well you were wrong. Blanks doing a terrible job and some of you thick heads can't bring yourselves to admit it. Nice guy bad in a jamb.
Received via Email 06-22-12 6/22 #3, stop pouring salt into our wounds! Why are we voting on something we're fighting (drop 5 to 7) with grivances, and high cost lawyers? FT(all)M
Received via Email 06-29-12 The city cant afford salt, pay raises, reduced work weeks, or overtime either.
Received via Email 06-29-12 Nope, spent it on new uniforms and ALS Engines. All memorials to small simple minded fools.
Received via Email 06-30-12 us wearing the uniforms give the coast guard a bad name.
Received via Email 07-01-12 "Nice guy bad in a jamb." Uh..............yeah. Just what I've been saying. Because our membership isn't as involved as some others they didn't realize what it takes to keep the wolf away from the door. Vote it down. Let the grievances do their thing. Go back to the bargaining table another day.
Received via Email 07-01-12 We dont want to offend the Coasties, Chief Gap Tooths daddy was a coastie. But like everything else that is tradition, he probably cares less about that either.
Received via Email 07-01-12 gap toothe couldnt handle any real military training. he couldnt even handle fsu before not being able to handle it
Received via Email 07-02-12 Better watch it sucka, I understand that Gap tooth belongs to Bubba's army
Received via Email 07-03-12 what are the requirements to join the bubba army
Received via Email 07-03-12 A PHD.....ha
Received via Email 07-04-12 Is that a Pretty Hard Drunk, a Pathectic Harlequin Dummy, or maybe a Professional Hyprocitic Defector? Yeah that a real laugh aint it?
Received via Email 07-05-12 Well the 2 there are in the buuba army I thought it was to be a womanizing drunk to be at hq us that true. This came from a few of the new guys. They asked if he needed to be worried about having spouses/ girlfriend around any officers. especially hq ones
Received via Email 07-06-12 Because there was never any firefighters sleeping with other firefighters spouse or girlfriend , you dumbass
Received via Email 07-06-12 07-06 #1 I'm surprised you could read that to answer him. Ug. What him sed?
Received via Email 07-06-12 he or she or it had to write it that way so that the drunks could understand it.
Received via Email 07-17-12 Stupid is as stupid does. Blank does it all
Received via Email 08-01-12 riddle me this. only if the brass in the lower abdominal region were the same as the ones that hang below, then there would be unity. gather amongist one another and converse and decifer what you can and when you fail to succeed then you can make a specticle amongst many but, be carefull of the same as who you are for they might be against you!
Received via Email 08-01-12 Great! Somehow I get the idea you want to help but your the only one that knows what your talking about.
Received via Email 08-02-12 It's kinda like talking with Michael T. Blank. He don't make any sense either. Maybe he's the riddler?
Received via Email 08-02-12 yes
Received via Email 08-02-12 what happened to the vote yesterday. how was the mayor able to bribe the city council to change the vote on the pier
Received via Email 08-06-12 How bout a new open wounds page? Getting long
TEAM: We can do that. They usually hit their limit in length and we switch 'em out. This one's getting close. Thanks.
Received via Email 08-07-12 Well here it is again, SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT DAY !!! Everyone is howling about Mike Blank and how terrible the little asshole is but no one is doing a damn thing about it. Apparently most of us think talking about it will make it go away.
Received via Email 08-22-12 SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT DAY. Our Chief has handed yet another of our members a $220.00 slap on the wrist. Suspension with No Pay. Showing us yet again, that when you just dont have a clue, you just dont care.
Received via Email 08-26-12 who got slapped?
Received via Email 08-28-12 Yeah who?
Received via Email 08-28-12 The beatings will continue until morale improves or Mr. Pumkinhead has a heart attack doing what you force him to do!
Received via Email 08-28-12 +Word is that Barfield wanted to show up at the protests Sunday and complained that the city was squashing his constitutional right to be a dick.
Received via Email 08-28-12 That's pretty good. Barfield was bitching that the city;s squashing his right to be a dick and here YOU are freely being dick. Must not be on a city computer, right?
Received via Email 08-28-12 I'm glad Barfield is still willing to stand up for his constitutional rights.
Received via Email 08-29-12 Good morning. John Barfield here. If in fact I wanted to be there and protest,there is nothing or no one that would have stopped me. I am as an American, free to voice my like, or dislike of politicians, etc. If 8/28, #3 could read the city memo he or she could have done the same, off duty, and not wearing your cute lil I'm a fireman tee shirt. So, who ever is afraid to sign their name call me and I will be glad to help you see the difference(&understand) in both parties,and where we as UNION members should stand. Next to that, don't throw my name around unless you have the guts to sign your name...
Received via Email 08-29-12 No guts no glory wanna be's
Received via Email 08-30-12 Barfield has ten times the character of Pumpkin Head.
Received via Email 08-30-12 * Note to my friends out on the acre's get a life...
Received via Email 08-30-12 +Love the button at the bottom of the page. Not really. The only people not willing to take a physical are the ones who shouldn't be on the job. Is it the departments fault that you let yourself go and can't perform the basic duties that every new hire has to be able to? We all know the offenders. They get winded walking into the station from their vehicle in the morning. I would rather get pensioned off than die trying to do something I was unable to do.
Received via Email 08-31-12 2nd 8/30 brainless. Its not about about the physical. it is about your right to privacy and federal law. Get a clue man.
Received via Email 08-31-12 I have to agree with #1 8-31-12. It was not about the physical, it was about an employer violating both state, federal and constitutional law and your rights under those laws. If you don't believe that then you should read the federal arbitrators' ruling. Maybe the "TEAM" can post the results of the grievance hearing on the Straight Dope Page under Documentation Union Winning Trends.
Bob Martin
PS: #1 8-30-12, if you don't know me ask around, I don't think that I fit your description.
TEAM: Hey there TITAN. We're sure we've placed the results of your grievance and arbitration hearing as well as a copy of the resulting article that made it's way into all the legal trade publications, on the Google Cloud. One of these pages holds a link but darned if we know where it is right now. As quickly as we can, we'll find that information and place it here and here.
Received via Email 08-31-12 And what are you refering to Retired Lt. BM? Are you questioning some else description, or their upstanding character?
Received via Email 08-31-12 #3 8-31-12: Description of what? Whose character? By the way who is asking. If you will please identify yourself I will be more than happy to further discuss this with you.
Bob Martin
Received via Email 09-01-12 Unfortunately Bobby, yours is the last legitimate grievance presented by this local. Since then, we have lost many dollars throwing shit against the wall.
Received via Email 09-01-12 8-31 #3 Are you holding a grudge against Bob Martin or what? He stated some facts about his grievance and you come in here with some off the wall questions that barely qualify as questions about stuff he didn't even talk about. Another caveman.
Per your request, the long existing file page has been updated with the Lt. Martin grievance & arbitration information. Access to it has always been at the top of the Straight Dope page.
Received via Email 09-02-12 Received via Email 08-30-12#1 Barfield has ten times the character of Pumpkin Head
8-30-12 Received via Email 08-31-12 I have to agree with #1 8-31-12. It was not about the physical, it was about an employer violating both state, federal and constitutional law and your rights under those laws. If you don't believe that then you should read the federal arbitrators' ruling. Maybe the "TEAM" can post the results of the grievance hearing on the Straight Dope Page under Documentation Union Winning Trends.
Bob Martin
if you don't know me ask around, I don't think that I fit your description.
**In reading the above posting, I believe this is what 8/30/#2 was refering to. Decide for yourself. Oh yes, why don't we all stop insulting people here unless there is evidence for all to see.
Received via Email 10-02-12 Weeee....Chief Large is going to allow the wearing of Pink shirts again. Weeeee. Oh shit, where do we get them from this time? The union gave them to each member 2 yrs ago. Sarah Spritzer butted in last year and offered them for a price and some of you proud folks stiffed her when it came time to pay. Maybe we can get Bill Shorn to do it for us, oh yeah some of the same folks stiffed him too when he was ordering the Police officer memorial T's. I guess that leaves Kordecki. Oh boy we are screwed.
Received via Email 10-02-12 **Sarah Spritzer butted in last year and offered them for a price and some of you proud folks stiffed her when it came time to pay
Wait a minute, there were several of us at a southern station that ordered, paid. She said she dropped them off, we never saw them.. eventually got them..So look into your sources before you champion her..
Received via Email 10-05-12 ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN lazy no accounts chose not to support their union. Go F yourselves, you already did a great job on the rest of us.
Received via Email 10-06-12 Its amazing that because theres no stamp on the envelope some people refuse to vote. Probably the same types who don't vote in civilian elections because somehow their selfish needs aren't met. Oh how things could have been altered over the years,good or bad, if you self centered f____ had gotten off of your lazy asses. You don't deserve the freedom that the United States provides everyone. We are now truly screwed with this latest vote.
Received via Email 10-06-12 114 stamps times .45 cents. We were sold out because of $51.30. Thats about as low as we have ever fallen.
Received via Email 10-07-12 How much a pay day do we save if we drop out of the Union. Since the others cant afford stamps maybe the over a hundred that voted for Pauley should drop and then we could loan them the money for the next election. Yes. that makes about as much sense as the way the election went. If you all get what St pete beach got. you deserve it
Received via Email 10-07-12 Sheeple
Received via Email 10-07-12 As a member of this department and of this union(for now) I am truly disgusted over the fact that a 100+ brother/sisters didnt give a sh!t about our future. You should be ashamed of yourselves and I hope your reading this you guys are f*cking lazy bastards and "WE" dont need you on this department. We have enough people in the city and HQ that truly dont care about us. You "GAVE" away a position of power to a selfish, one track minded person who cares only about his"little" gold bar. To all of you who didnt vote "PLEASE" smack yourself in the face and if you have any self respect (which I doubt) you will apologize to the people who voted.
Received via Email 10-07-12 If you are unhappy, drop out. Think back to what your savior Winnie always said. "Quitting's not an option." But, if you think it's in your best interest to get out, then do it. The membership has voted so now is the time to continue the support of the union's mission. Do you know what that is? The health and welfare of its members. That includes pay, pension, healthcare, and safe working conditions. While you will point to the positives, I'll refresh memories about what great benefits were realized during your savior's reign. Winnie's era gave away healthcare during retirement for a growing number of our members. Winnie's era fought bailout kits and the training even though they are supported by the IAFF. Winnie's followers are up Mike's ass about negotiations when Winnie would never discuss "strategy" and shut you down if you asked. Winnie has engineered a change in the Const. & Bylaws that he would never have tolerated. Winnie's era saw us loose members from other departments because he refused to let those members make decisions about negotiations. You guys who are upset with the results can keep on threatening or, grow a set, and quit. We never needed you and we never will.
Received via Email 10-07-12 Hey Sweet, as I remember it the MEMBERS voted the health insurance out for retirees and by a small margin. You won the b shift vp job. Thankfully you and your venom didn't run for the VP job. I didn't vote for Hay, I voted for Rick Pauley because he's a fighter but you are nowhere near the man that Hay is. You're 100% ALL BEEF DICK!
Received via Email 10-07-12 I know this much. Blank's been in office for one year and all the promises that he made were just talk. I know I's the E Board's fault for not working with Blank. Now you've got no excuses boyz. Let's see what you've got.
Received via Email 10-08-12 You mean the bailout kit that your training division couldn't train you on properly causing firefighters to be injured on? Are you also talking about the same saviour who called the state fire marshal's office when brothers were injured due to improper training? I wouldn't go looking to turn over too many stones in Winnie's camp if I were you. You might learn that Winnie actually takes care of business without sucking anyone off. Can you say the same? FTM
Received via Email 10-08-12 Damn Sweetie's a journalist and he didnt know it! WTF? You may need that bailout kit pretty soon little guy.
Received via Email 10-09-12 Is the rumor that Sweet is going into train a correct one web master? If yes, then he can not represent the B shift... Hummm Don't get comfortable Neuberger!
Received via Email 10-09-12 Hey Sweet didnt you start the email campaign of opting out of giving union officials our time for time off? Yeah, thought so. Well guess its time for us to join you oh B shift leader. Send out the annual letter, we are all ready to sign it. Sweet your still an Ass.
Received via Email 10-12-12 The three stooges, starring Blank as Curly, Hay as Larry, and Sweet as Moe. Good luck fellow 747 members, we are going to need it with these clowns in office.
Received via Email 10-12-12 Here is the latest picture of Blank Hay and Sweet getting ready for the next negotiation meeting.
Received via Email 10-13-12 3rd 10/12. That is so funny I am falling out of my chair laughing, Sad part is, that picture has a lot of truth to it.
Received via Email 10-13-12 I will tell you this, I am not giving any of my time to the union!!!! zip..nothin...nada!!! maybe those 6b people will give since they like to blow their LT.!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 10-13-12 Yeah lets give all our time to Blank and Hay. Now thats a plan. Fagetaboutit.
Received via Email 10-18-12 Right the B shift stand up and give time? Even to their own FINO- SVP? LMFAO...
Received via Email 10-21-12 Sweet was heard saying he would never be a B shifter at heart. An A shifter through and through. until he goes into Training. He will be with his kind then. FINO HQ members, a step above the rest and in a mind trip all their own.
Received via Email 10-27-12 Sweet has never wanted to be a lowly fireman, he has always had the I'm better than that and definetly better than you mentality.
Received via Email 10-27-12 Yeah, but just listen to Sweet when he talks. He still is and always will be a backwoods hillbilly redneck with not a lot of common sense.
Received via Email 11-11-12 Lots of things happen in and around the union office last week and I"m wondering....Did anyone see Mark Sweet involved in any of them? I mean there was 2 days of election stuff, 5 days of accepting, sorting, and packing donations for hurricane Sandy victims, 1 negotiations session, 5 days of chasing golf tournament donations, preparing and working the actuall event, 3 days of State FPF event, 4 days of IAFF burn camp. Again was Sweet anywhere to be seen at any of these? Add the name of this loser to the ongoing list of stupid things that have been pulled off by President Large in the last year.
Received via Email 11-12-12 Let it go Neuberger. Let it go
Received via Email 11-13-12 Let it go Neuberger hater, let it go. I am not Neuberger and I still stand on what I just said.
Received via Email 11-13-12 Even if it is neuberger, he hit it on the head. Does truth hurt you that bad ya fino, 11/12 #1? FTM
Received via Email 11-13-12 Agree, Sweet is a Loser but President Large is a bigger Loser, know why. Because both will never have what most everyone else on the job has. COMMON SENSE
Received via Email 11-14-12 Thanks for the promotion.
President Large.
Received via Email 11-14-12 Right on Neuberger
Received via Email 11-17-12 I told ya it aint me. Quit saying my name so much. nuf said
Received via Email 11-26-12 This is Neuberger and I haven't commenteted on here but if you want to ask my opinion or comments you can reach me at #12 on the "B" shift so find someone elese to blame any of your short comming or bitches on let'S TRY TO ACT LIKE ADULTS AND DO UNION BUSINESS!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 11-29-12 Received via Email 11-13-12 Let it go Neuberger hater, let it go. I am not Neuberger and I still stand on what I just said.
Like I said before, I'm not Neuberger and yes I said it. So Please leave Neuberger alone.
Received via Email 12-03-12
Hey Neuberger, It's called a period. It's a little dot that indicates ("tells", if you're from the country) that the reader has come to the end of a sentence. Learn to put them in the proper places when you write. It's important. Like most of the other writers on this site you must think that a period is that thing your girlfriend missed when you were in middle school but it's not. heres how it looks when you dont use the punctuation marks that were supposedly taught to you early in school im sure the teacher made an attempt but it just didnt sink in perhaps this is the reason you didnt win the election none of the voters could tell what you were trying to say in your letter nuf said.
Received via Email 12-11-12 12'3 is such an informed literary genius. I mean asshole. Take time and auto correct your small mind. FTM & FU!
Received via Email 12-12-12 Ref 12-03-12 You act like you are middle in middle school, Sucking up to the assholes who try to empress everyone.
TEAM: And that's the last time you're ever going to see 12-12-12 in your lifetime!
Received via Email 12-12-12 Ref.12-03-12 Bet Neubie got LAID more in middle school than you!
Received via Email 12-18-12 I'm sure he did. And unlike you he actually graduated from high school. He can spell and knows his ciphers and can make you look stupid when you post shit you know nothing about. Hold on a second, I have to go to "mental cripple" mode. "Neubie"as you call him didnt now whathis gilfrends period was. All he new wis she mised it. Kinda like you mising the entare edumacation offred you over tweve yrs of your life.
Received via Email 12-19-12 Rumors going around that Girk is coming out of EMS and Knight back to EMS with Bassett in Ops, and the Do boy going to Prevention. MMMMMmmmmm, is there trouble in the pumpkin patch at HQ. If there is, you will never know. Just one day, someone will leave early like Ward or Wimberly. Mmmmm wonder who is next to get the silent ax. HQ needs to get some adults working in there instead of the children that are now in there playing like they are in charge. Only thing they are in charge of is their oversized EGOs.
TEAM: It's more likely that that Paramedic patch has become something of a game changer. EMS Chief = Paramedic.
Received via Email 12-21-12 Word has it, The Great Pumkin has been off for the past couple of weeks schmoozing for chiefs jobs. Big egos can't just run some of the show, they've got to run the entire show. Maybe Mr. Fire Tactics can bullshit someone else somewhere else about what a great tactician he was from the seat of a rescue truck. Don't let the door hit you in the ass you prick.
Received via Email 12-21-12 Maybe A FireFighter in operations vs a ASS KISSER will get us back on track!!!
Received via Email 12-23-12 Nope! The medic patch has the least amount to do with it. Like all of these guys who itch for the Numbah Wun Spot, Jack-O-Lantern Teeth has let his actions override the promise he made to Large when he kissed the ring. He's no longer the Big Kahoona in the Invisible Man's inner circle (jerk). Let em all eat their own. Pricks!
Received via Email 12-23-12
If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat . . . If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation . . . A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels . . . Democrat's demand that those they don't like be shut down.
If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church . . . A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it . . . A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a Republican reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh . . . A Democrat will delete it because he's "offended".
If a Republican doesn't want kids, they either use protection, or do not have sex. . . a Democrat will wait til they're pregnant, then kill the kid.
Received via Email 12-23-12 Yeah baby, When the head Ass. Chief takes off sick during Christmas week, the troops are just following that great leadership. C shift calling out like crazy. A and B to follow suit. Why to go pumpkin head. Hey this is Christmas not Halloween, you are supposed to be at work this week.
Received via Email 12-24-12 C shift- 11 called in sick on 23rd. A shift- 0 called in sick on 24th. Lets see what B shift does on Christmas. They are always good for a few off.
Received via Email 12-25-12 Now thats funny a promotion for knight. He is going back to supervising one person, the captain of ems. And thats a promotion !! Hilarious. Word is out that Jimmy is paying back daddy knight for busting him from Ops chief to Prevention. Well you know the saying. What goes around comes around. Your turn little boy knight, back to EMS. In reality, everyone knows Bassett was more of a firefighter than little boy knight was. Bassett will do a much better job in Ops.
Received via Email 12-25-12 12/23 #2.. gads get over it you Romney lost! Move on!! LoL
Received via Email 12-25-12 YOU pissed youreself? These guys don't know what they don't know. Large like to stack the deck with groupies who will listen and lick. They don't know anything about the bad times around here and Large likes keeping it that way. You go boyz.
Received via Email 12-25-12 FYI, A big thanks to Nicky Walker, Mike,"Santa" Blank,and the crew of Engine 8 for making Christmas better for disadvantaged children and their families on 12/24. So what we didn't make the paper, but we did bring smiles to the little one's faces.
Received via Email 12-25-12 To the interviewed kids at the MFS. Yes it is a sad thing that happened to the crews up north, being shot,and losing 2 brave firefighter's. Just an FYI, this isn't something new to "first responders". A few years ago,one of the best firefighter's in St Pete's history, Paul Kolcun was shot while riding down 22nd St So in Engine 3. Then a little thing called the civil disturbance came along, firetrucks windshield's broken out with bricks, bullet holes in Rescue trucks.Having to abandon our apparatus at working fires because the shooting was getting closer.. Riding rescue trucks and wearing the big blue ballistic vest. So no it isn't new. There will always be a dick out there that wants to hurt us. So for your next interview,do not disregard the past sacrifices of our brothers & sister over trying to make yourself look so, special to the public..
Received via Email 12-25-12 So, pumpkin head got slapped down by the invisible man. Snaggle tooth then went into tantrum mode and started telling everyone that he was looking elsewhere for employment. Has been Large knowing that he wasnt able to fight it out with the county ems problem and couldnt put together the required lies that it takes to keep up the accredidation paperwork soon realized that his boat would be sunk if he didnt do something. So Cry Baby Knight gets a Christmas promotion and we still end up with coal and switches. So with that I wish all of the other bottom feeders a Merry Christmas and dont expect much of a Happy New Year from SPFR.
Received via Email 12-26-12 Did Large manage to wangle another pay raise out of the mayor? That's what I want to know.
Received via Email 12-26-12 My Christmas wish is that Chief snag gets his wish,and leaves SPFR. Can you imagine how pissed off he is with Bassett sitting in the real #2 chair! I am believe his xmas was a terrible one. Mommy where's daddy? He's out adding another set of letters to his resume lil stevie. I think its, MSASSHOLE. good luck slacker.
Received via Email 12-26-12 Bad news is Pumpkin head will prob get a job at Pinellas Park and screw that Dept over too
Received via Email 12-26-12 I am slow. I have a hard time understanding. Exactly what did Knight do to this department?
Received via Email 12-27-12 12-26 #4 You must mean what has he done FOR this dept.? Right?
Received via Email 12-27-12 You've got a PHD and your slow? Okay now, time for you to go. This is a FF's website punkinhead.
Received via Email 12-27-12 12/26 # 4. Good try Steve, you can't get attention taken off you this time!
Received via Email 12-27-12 4th 12/26 Knight has caused a hell of a lot of division and record low morale within SPFR for starters.
Received via Email 01-10-13 I think Division Chief is the perfect name for that position because all they want to do is cause division among the troops. Maybe some day we will have Backbone Chiefs. Nahhhh aint gonna happen
February 16, 2013
Here at Us vs. Them we're dumbfounded when we hear members talk about the City of St. Petersburg as if it were some kind of benevolent father who is always ready, willing and able to reach out; to go above and beyond to help make it right by its Fire Fighters, especially when any one of them is injured in the line of duty. Brad Westphal is one of those Fire Fighters who knows all too well that behind the benevolent father's velvet glove lies an iron fist.
For months the City paid a private investigator to follow and take video and still pictures of Brad in settings as private as his backyard to trips to his Doctor or simply going to the store. This was all in an attempt to keep from paying Brad what was owed to him as a Fire Fighter injured in the line of duty.
Brad and his attorneys have been to court on several occasions fighting for benefits owed him. This past month Brad found himself back in court one more time to recover a year's worth of lost wages that the city refused to pay him. Take a look at the video from the Florida 1st District Court of Appeals and you'll get a sense of just how far the City of St. Petersburg will go to keep one permanently injured Fire Fighter from a year's salary. See if you get a sense of what the judges think about the City's treatment of a "catastrophically" injured Fire Fighter.
Received via Email 03-11-13 As the news story and court room video have pointed out, this city is not about fairness, only what they can get away with through their interpertation of the laws. They dont have to be right tho. How can 27 city paid attornies concistently be wrong? I am sure our citizens are employing only those that graduated in the top 10th of the class.
Received via Email 03-11-13 Looks like they (City) may get a class action lawsuit against them next. Think about it. All the ones who should have had this 2 year extension on the 7 year drop but who are now gone have a good case. If the city implemented it as they were supposed to,(before the arbitrator ruled in our favor) many who have left the job would have stayed longer. Looks to me that people like JW and others have a good case if they are not offered there job back to continue the Drop for the extra two years. Once again the city trying to screw many good folks. Call your lawyers boys, you will win this fight easily.
Received via Email 03-16-13 I have heard that neither unit have the extended DROP as yet. It seems that during all the time that Fire Chief Large was blocking it from happening, the city never got around to writting the language for the necessary revisions to the pension ordinance. I have also heard that the city has not been able to come up with a solution to make Steve LeCroy whole. Now thats a real shocking bit of news. Even after Chris Guella submitted the improper information into the legal brief that they gave to the arbitrator and was able to pull off a temporary win, until it was discovered. Anyway Steve is still waiting and the "lets be nicer and more trusting" still dont seem to be working. Does anyone still believe it was all Winnie's fault? No Blank for this Octobers election.
Received via Email 03-25-13 On 3-16 a post was made stating that neither unit had received the DROP extension yet. Well now its 3-25-2013 and they STILL dont. WTF did we elect?
TEAM: Makes you wonder if the language was ever drawn-up in the first place.
Received via Email 03-25-13 an MOU isn't an agreement Dont drop and just hope you'll get all you years. Wait if you do and they don't can you un drop?
Received via Email 03-25-13 Come on Blank. We all know you READ Us vs Them. Show some guts, if you have any of your own. Tell us why you won't interview the candidates. Tell us why we should all just drop to our knees and take it like a man? Your creditability has close to 0%. Here is your chance. No one to look you in the eyes while you say yours, theirs or whoever's views.
I tried to think that you would have at least attempted to do the right thing for our brother/sister hood. I was wrong. I voted for Newton, but gave you a chance. Your wasting our time and tearing our union apart. Your in the drop, so fuck us all?
Show some Presidential Behavior here lay it out. Here is your LAST chance. On this lil Page say it out loud . Don't worry I am sure The Big Chief won't fire you for your freedom of speech. Can you think on your own? Are you a puppet? Its gotten to the point were I am embarrassed of were we are as a union.
Do something for all of us, or I guarantee you will be run out of office,soon.
Oh yeah tell Hay he is clueless, and there is no way he could shut this web page down. Go and unplug some shit clogs Hay. Its your turn MTB.