International Association of Fire Fighters
IAFF Local 747 Official Website
Florida Professional Firefighters
Florida House and Senate
IAFF's Introduction to NFPA 1710
Active Calls Pinellas County Florida
LA County "Burnover"
Gun-free zones get people killed
Internet Speed Test
Israeli Escape Rescue System
What were 'you' thinking?
Gotta have one...
The Turning of the Screw
This is just, 'too' stupid
The Firebrand
TAN Talks - 1340 kHz AM
Suzanna Gratia-Hupp
Your Car Tires Could Kill You
Local 747 Email Group
SPFD "Pro-Boards" Message Board
Long Truck Co. Response (Fun Stuff)
Common Name, Uncommon Valor (Tampa Boy)
SPPD - "An Insider's View"
Pandemic Flu Website
Ross the "intern" (Fun Stuff)
Pissed-off fireman at Ground Zero (9/11/06)
Oh puleeeeze....
The nag's own words!
Kaziah Hancock
Brian Hickey
Florida Gun Forum
The Firebrand
The Kiss
What have Unions ever done for us?
Eagle Scout medal is well worth the wait
Christmas Fire Truck
FRS Explained