Received via Email 6.06.07 Go to Atlanta. There, I said it.
Received via Email 6.06.07 Let me get this right. You base a firefighters worth on whether he or starts cleaning a bathroom after roll call aas opposed to whether he can fight a fire sufficiently and safely. 6-5 #2. Do you get up at 0800 and clean your bathroom every morning. This is crazy. I see why we are the joke of the county. People come in here and read shit like this and laugh. Then you sit there and try to compare us to atlanta fire and rescue. That is like comparing oranges to apples. Atlanta dont go to fires with 2 on a ladder truck and 3 on a engine. We are more efficient with less firefighters to do the job.
TEAM: We've always heard that the stations need to be cleaned "pronto" in case the Mayor walked in. That explains the shit contracts we've been enduring. Which one of you guys left the turd in the bowl that he used?
Received via Email 6.06.07 To 6/5 #1 & VCF: So the firefighters in Atlanta are beloved by their city council. Great. But I doubt it has much to do with how fast they push away from roll call in the morning to change the AC filters or dust the tops of the refrigerators. If you believe that then maybe you are a fine maid, but that's not what makes a great a firefighter. I have seen video of an Atlanta firefighter being lowered by a helicopter to the top of a crane to save somebody. What I have never seen is news coverage on how fantastic their firehouse floors look. I will stand by my original post. If the bell rings at 0800, go get on your truck. If you want to go check your truck right away because you think the prior shift screwed something up go right ahead. Getting yourself and your gear ready for service is the priority. But any faggot that thinks he needs to rush off to buff the urinal drippings off the floor ASAP has his priorities screwed in wrong, as does any officer that thinks that shit is important. The station doesn't have to be a pig sty, but it does not need to be spic and span the first few minutes you show up at the station. It's a 24 hour shift. Take your time. Pace yourself. Save your energy for the stuff they train you for in the academy. Ever notice they dont have BCE's for station maintenance?
Also VCF you need to make up your mind. It's okay to come in here and tell everyone to knock off the cheap shots, thats fine. Probably a good idea. But when your parting comment is "grow up, man up, and shut up'" it kind of erodes your credibility. Also, when you are done dust mopping the dorm, how about licking my balls? See there? I can say that because I didn't preface it with some holier than thou pontification. Now go fist yourself. See? I did it again!
Catch you later, Hazel and Alice.
The Ultimate Man,
Ward Cleaver
Received via Email 6.06.07 I know, I know! I said I would never respond on this rag ever again. However, it was recently brought to my attention that my house was being attacked by a visitor so I felt compelled to respond. Now for some of you this post may be too gramatically advanced so grab your kids english book and take some notes, you may just learn something. First things first. I have scoured the log books looking for a visitor who was forced to ride the rescue while some FF/medic drove. (notice the first two letters, they stand for fire fighter which means we do both jobs) I was unable to find such and individual on the "A" shift so I give up. Who are you mystery man? Do you have the sack to give your name? Another question. Is your life and assigned station so increadibly dull that you have to gossip about others? By the way tough guy, waist size means nothing if your gut is hanging over those size 34's with the stretchy waist band.
All my best with love and good will T.Witt
P.S. The number is still the same here if you want to talk about how we run things downtown. It's funny, I didn't have any takers last time I issued that statement either.
Received via Email 6.06.07 I am a 20 year plus guy and I think anyone that gets wound up over cleaning the station is a dick.
Received via Email 6.06.07 If your officer talks more about cleaning your station the he does about saving lives and property, put in for a transfer fast. You are being supervised by a woman. If your officer actually IS a woman I don't know what to tell you, let her clean her own toilets you stupid panty waste.
Received via Email 6.06.07 OOoooh lets go clean the station so we can have time later to wax our eyebrows and watch "The View!" Hold me! Please HOLD ME!
King Pantyboy
Received via Email 6.06.07 Twit, do you really think you are grammatically advanced? Would you like me to make a list of your grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors?
Received via Email 6.06.07 I can't believe we are even discussing station duties in here. Do we have no shame? It's ridiculous that ANYONE takes maid work so serious. Just do what you have to do and shut up about it. Grow a pair. The Rockin' Muslim,
Cat Stevens
Received via Email 6.06.07 I, for one have been a bit disappointed in the senior guys at the master station. I've been on for more than 20 years and when I visit, I feel like I'm the only guy there who's got any time on that's keeping up with the new guys who are cleaning the station. Since when are the new guys anybody's personal slaves? I understand that if you're driving that you're not cleaning the station, but what gives with the rest of you ego maniacs? There's a sick mentality going on there and it's one that I'm glad to say hasn't made it to the other stations.
A Dick
Received via Email 6.06.07 At least your name fits your attitude. The next time your "visiting" be sure to let your dissatisfaction known to all of us so we can have a good laugh. Get a life Mary, and make sure that toilet is spotless because I'm starting to prairie dog.
Received via Email 6.07.07 Yes I do, and yes I would. Let's see it. By the way, you don't need a comma between spelling and the word and. Good Luck!
Received via Email 6.08.07 I have 20 plus years also and I think that downtown on the A shift sucks. They are all cocky and things didn't get any better when they lost their fat guy to the B shift! 8- A rocks!!!
Received via Email 6.08.07 P.S. The number is still the same here if you want to talk about how we run things downtown. It's funny, I didn't have any takers last time I issued that statement either.
***Ya know why, everyone knows you can't reason with a cry baby a hole! Nothin but luv baby!
Received via Email 6.08.07 People should write about the MFS's more often. It motivates Twit to pick up a book.. (even if its the log....) FTM
Received via Email 6.08.07 Grow a pair somebody, I for one can't believe that these are the most important issues faceing our beloved department these day's........sorry to Twitt for any misspelled words or gramattic error's. Twitt you have a future on this job, no doubt you will be a chief of something someday. If you have time to scour the log books then you should have time to scour the shitters too, if you do it right then it only takes a few minutes to do, hell just take some windex to the mirrors so you keep looking good at least for yourself. Have some pride in what you do, if you piss on the floor then clean up after yourself and if a 20-plus year man/woman pisses on the floor then clean it up too and then soon enough you will have your turn to piss on the floor too. You dont have enough time on the job to be shooting your grammitally incorrect crap out for all of us to see. I wish you luck Twitt in all that you do, have a good career and remember it does'nt pay to put your foot in your mouth if you want to move up the ladder..... at SPFR you have to put it up someones arse.'
Received via Email 6.08.07 I for one could really give a rats ass if the station chores every get done. Our work is out in the street and it's never compromised buy us. It is however compromised by the mutts on a daily basis. Station life, is just that. It don't have anything to do with work and the chief and the mayor too, can suck my **** if they think they hold any sway over us in this day and time. Pathetic is the only word that comes to my mind when I think of the support that this department or this city's management provide us. I'll polish my apparatus, but as for my polishing that brick and mortar turd, don't hold your breath. Say, has anyone seen where James is sleeping. We've got a leaking faucet. It's leaky because he installed it.
Received via Email 6.08.07 Wondering...
If these young,wanna be leaders, have issues with doing the daily duties a fire,"house" requires, what the hell does their home look like? Oh stupid question, most of them still live with their Mommies...
Received via Email 6.08.07 Mr Witt, Twitt, whatever, if your such an informed, smart, know it all FF/Medic, do you know the correct word for,"sack"?
What a scrotum...
Received via Email 6.08.07 MFSB got the short end of the stick when we got cheeseburger and thighs. The only bright side is he's at school most of the day.
Received via Email 6.08.07 Good question 6-8-07 #7, I was wondering the same thing too, back in the day we used to take pride in what we did to look good for the public, hell we even put duct tape in various places to hold the old Oren's together so the city could save dollars. I hate the fact that these young guy's are still living with mommy, who takes care of all of their need's......maybe when they are hired we should ask for mommy to come along , that may help them to understand what is expected of them in the real world and then after a few years the cord could finally be cut. Seriously if the whole crew gets involved in the routine station duties I.E. ( if the little fellas can stop sitting around telling stories of the things that haven't happened to them yet then we can all move in the right direction). Bring back the D.C guy's they definitly have more class than our yearling's. Sorry twitt for any misspelled word's I am not educated beyond my life experiences and what I learned in 25 years as a FF. I kept my mouth shut for the first 5 and did what was asked of me now with 25 plus I feel that I have earned the right to call BS just what it is. Good night to all.
Received via Email 6.09.07 Glad to see my posts spark such an outrage. I didn't know everybody was so concerned about the preception of their education level. I still haven't seen those corrections, but maybe that 3rd grade grammar book has some big words in it. Hey, by the way; Witt has two T's in it. If you're going to insult me at least spell my name right. As for the comments about the "sack". I can see where you are coming from, it takes a real man to post anonymous blurbs.
That insolent pr**k you love to hate,you know the one with three college degrees who apparently doesn't "pick up a book",- TWITT
Received via Email 6.09.07 Congrats to 2C, saved another concrete slab.
Received via Email 6.10.07 You get what you pay for. Like every other pissing match between the city of St. Petersburg and Pinellas County, the residents in No. 2's area take it in the ass. Where else in Pinellas County would you find so many multi story, multi million dollar structures protected by a single engine (oh yeah... 13. But we're not talking about 13's area now)? How far away is their backup? No. 11 must be 10 minutes away at best.
There's security and then there's false sense of security. If the folks in this city only knew the truth.
TEAM: So what you're really saying is that we're a Liar Dept. that responds in Liar Engines?
Received via Email 6.10.07 Think about it. You have an isolated station of people at the end of their careers who don't want to train or do anything for that matter protecting some of the most valuable real estate in the county. It doesn't make sense. These people complain when the phone rings, god forbid someone wants some time off. If the homeowners that lived in tierra verde knew what was protecting them they'd have a hard time sleeping at night.
Received via Email 6.10.07 We are accredited though.
Received via Email 6.10.07 People who live in isolated areas need to take responsibility to some extent. How many of those mansions have sprinklers? In exchange for a few less square feet of heated and cooled unused space you could have made your homes incredibly more safe with some pipe and sprinkler heads. Cut back on the $5000 palm trees and gold faucets and buy some fire protection.
Burning Desire to Help,
Inspector Bill
Let me tell you shumtin'
Received via Email 6.10.07 Accredidation takes the sting out of not having a COLA.
My pride hole swells.
TEAM: As does ours. We took great pride in moving hose, equipment and entire trucks from one station to another, just ahead of the accreditation examiners. Never once did they question the fact that some trucks at some stations appeared to have an excess of 'new' equipment attached to them with duct tape or the fact that hose was freshly attached with seat belts in every conceivable location. It's all about being prepared for the big one.
Received via Email 6.11.07 It doesn't matter if you're isolated. Basic firefighting...find the fire before you waste 500 gallons of water...don't just spray the smoke. This is what happens when you have a crew that hasn't seen fire for years. Time to start thinking about rotations.
Received via Email 6.13.07 Hell yes it matters if you are isolated. I was not talking about the firefighters you dumbass. I was talking about people that spend millions to live far away from enough fire protection to save them when they need it. Learn to read---it helps. It really helps. I'm not the smartest man, but thanks for making me look like Einstein.
Smarter than you,
Inspector Bill
Tellin' you shumtin'
Received via Email 6.13.07 Geat job #2, saved a driveway and a pool!It's great to see someone get hammered besides the MFS. As screwed up as what we say about the MFS, their fires go out rather smoothly and effectively. Everything that burns on the island burns to the ground. How about the DC's shift these crews that are weak around to the busier stations so they can remember how to put out fires. They may have a lot of experience, but seems like they forgot a lot. I would love to se AM stationed at the MFS,3 or 4. Let some of these hard working firefighters get a shot at 2 for a while and soak up our 3.5%.
P.S. The Capt. looked good on TV.
Received via Email 6.13.07 All you suppression experts have to learn is one thing and you can still fight about it. Allow an EMS guy to explain: Put the wet stuff on the hot stuff. Got it? Now, go make my dinner sweet pants.
Received via Email 6.13.07 6-13 #2, I'd take the C-Shift crew at station 2 over a lot of the drooling carrot top fan club at the MFS. Some of you guys are great at doing two things at a time, meanwhile this group of veteran firefighters is thinking several steps ahead of you.
Oh yeah... I forgot. the two things you are able to do at any single moment in time - perform the single task you're ordered to do and pat yourself on the back whether you do it correctly or not.
Mary Magdelin -Apostle
Received via Email 6.14.07 You wrote:Received via Email 6.13.07 Great job #2, saved a driveway and a pool!It's great to see someone get hammered besides the MFS. As screwed up as what we say about the MFS, their fires go out rather smoothly and effectively.
**Smoothly? Can you explain how not once, but twice a certain son of a LT couldn't produce water from a pump?? (same kids that wrecked how many vehicles?) lucky a veteran was driving the other engine that saved the day and structure. If the MFS is running so well oiled, why have the A Shift DC's stated they need 2-3 10+ firefighters there to run things in a more professionally, trained way? I'll take 2 C any day over the little kids at the mfs.
Received via Email 6.14.07 The MFS fires go out because they leave the station with enough trucks and men to staff 3 fire stations (then they have 3, 4, or 8 bring them water). Station 2 did a hell of a job on that last fire relative to what they had to work with. I watched the MFS lose an entire block once, yet #2 saved millions of dollars of exposures while controlling a mansion on fire with one pumper. I can't think of any 4 people at the MFS that could have been there and done a better job all by themselves. Working at #2 makes you resourceful. The MFS makes you lazy because you have 15 guys doing the job of 4. My hats off to #2/C.
Red Adair
The Greatest Firefighter that ever lived, Just ask me.
Received via Email 6.14.07 This is great! Since #2 is the hotbed of firefighting knowledge, I propose a swap where station #2 crews come to the master station a show us "young-uns" how it's done. While your downtown spreading your wisdom some of us can go to #2 to get some real fire experience. Maybe then we can see just how hard your job at #2 really is. Any takers? I didn't think so.
Received via Email 6.14.07 Far away? There's a fire station less than a mile from any house on that island. The fire in question was 30 seconds from the station. How the hell is that isolated from fire protection? I could see how it would seem like that, since #2 needs help to do an initial attack. And I'm the dumb ass? Think before you type, because you truly are no Einstein.
The situation at #2, irrespective of calls to Fort De Soto, is no different than than that of #'s 7, 12, or 13 and I don't recall those stations burning every fire they've had to the ground.
There's a station five miles from my home. Does that mean I have to install a sprinkler system? According to your rationale, I'm being totally irresponsible with my home fire protection. Idiot.
Received via Email 6.14.07 One thing that I have learned over a few years is that if you weren't at the fire, everything seems to be cut and dry. It is very easy to sit back, watch on the news, and critique. Please refrain from doing this.
While each of our calls is essentially the same, it is very different depending on which part of town you are on. The MFS (not picking on you just using you as an example) can roll up, pass some plugs, not take command and have several people to back them up and fill in these functions in less than 20 seconds. If you are far north, west, or especially out at station 2...shit is a little different. You do have to be aware of a water supply, you do need to watch your own back, and you do need to establish command, as the next unit is a minimum of 10 minutes away.
Also, be careful for what you wish for, because you might find yourself as the next new addition to FIRE FIGHTIN' 2. If you want people to rotate, it might be your position that they rotate out.
Received via Email 6.14.07 To 6/14 #2: AMEN. Great job #2-C crew.
Received via Email 6.15.07 Red Adair was an oil rig firefighter. If you were at that fire,Red, than that would explain why only the slab is left.
Received via Email 6.15.07 If your going to pretend to be a famous firefighter how about Dunn, Brannigan, or even John Norman, guys that know about structural firefighting, but Red Adair, smart as he was, doesn't know jack s**t about our job.
Received via Email 6.15.07 That Red Adair is a hell of a man. Isn't he dead?
Received via Email 6.17.07 It's true. Station 2 did a fine job where the MFS frequently continues to prove that they couldnt fight their way out of a burning paper bag.
Received via Email 6.17.07 didn't station 2 finish a BCE about an hour before with the same scenario? Catch your own plug and strecth a 2.5" attack line.
Received via Email 6.18.07 Received via Email 6.14.07 This is great! Since #2 is the hotbed of firefighting knowledge, I propose a swap where station #2 crews come to the master station a show us "young-uns" how it's done.
Well, well, with the exception of 1 or 2 members, most of station 2 did their time in the downtown days, when all 25+ MFS'ers didn't play grab ass in the same station. They broke their cherries on multiple nightly structure fires & handled medical emergencies while getting shot at. OK so we didn't climb as many high rise fire alarms as you young bucks do, (and we weighed less too) & didn't stab a fellow crew member in the back to get ahead. It was known when new employees played around too much and crossed the line, and was put to a stop. You young one's can't hold a candle, or 2 in, and 2 out. So what I'm a dinosaur? I can still kick your butt at a hooked up house fire. Do you know what hooked up is? (Hint, it ain't 2 dogs in the front yard rookies..) FTM!
Received via Email 6.18.07 Dunn Brannigan and Norman? Never heard of them. Red Adair is still the most famous firefighter in history. They made a movie about me, you know. John Wayne played me because no other man alive was manly enough to do it. Those other 3 guys sound like queers to me. Do you bend over for them or something? They sound more like teachers than firefighters. Teachers might be okay for you, schoolboy, but as far as I am concerned they can chew my nutsack which I am certain they would love to do. Maybe you like learning about firefighting more than firefighting itself. That sounds like a nice pansy way to spend your time, miss priss. Now run along and do what you usually do like argue about mopping toilets or something, all righty Susie-Q?
Still the ultimate man,
Big Red Adair
(Teach this)
Received via Email 6.18.07 Red Adair was played by John Wayne in the movie "Hellfighters". Frank Brannigan, Tom Dunn and John Norman were played by pole smoker Rock Hudson, ball licker Charles Nelson Reilly, and rectum wrecker Rupert Everett in the controversial film "Gay Lust in Station #69". I never saw it, but I am sure you were a fan.
Received via Email 6.18.07 Red Adair never went into a burning building in his life, but he did use alot of dynomite and nitro to put the oil rigs on fire out, hey maybe we should try that sometime. He also let some boot maker use his name to sell his boot's .....what a guy and my only claim to fame is 25 plus years on and no dui's as of yet oh and I have never screwed another man's wife. John Henry. (twice as big as Red)
Received via Email 6.18.07 Red Adair is a true American hero. If you're not impressed because he never rode backwards to a house fire then you have your head imbedded deep up your own ass as you make smoochy noises against your anal wall in a wet and deeply disturbing manner. So as you gently rock your head to and fro lapping up your own oozing waste from your rectal musculature, allow me to inform you that besides putting out over 1000 oil rig fires, Red Adair donated generously to a number of charities including the MDA. Get it? Long before you even thought of collecting fifty bucks at a boot drive while dreaming about the next time you could give your own colon a swirly, Red Adair was donating more to MDA than you will ever be worth. Sure, you might be good at buffing a floor or installing a car seat, but give an American Hero his due. Or bl*w me. Or better yet don't bl*w me. I know where your tongue has been.
Received via Email 6.18.07 Vincent Dunn, and John Norman were two of the best firefighters to ever serve the FDNY. Both highly decorated firefighters and officers, and above all else, true gentlemen. I have had the pleasure of meeting both of them through their lectures, and I can say, there are few out here with the knowledge and expertice these men have. They definately have forgotten more than most of us every will know, and I have no qualms saying that statement.
Received via Email 6.18.07 I applaud the fact that you fought "the big ones" in the good old days. Hats off to you. But does that give you the right to sit on your butt at a slow station and let your skills go to hell? I don't think so. If you think that because you "put in your time" you have some God given right to be a slug, you're surely mistaken. It's attitudes like that which get people hurt or better yet killed. It's common knowledge that most of the personnel at these slower stations have not taken their training seriously and have let their firefighting skills decline. How do explain a Lt. that does everything in his power to take off work when there is scheduled training days? I know of firefighters who will work overtime and swap only if it is at #2, Pumps and air packs that never get checked in the morning, bunker gear that doesn't make it on the truck until the first call of the shift (if if ever happens). Pathetic to say the least. The sad fact is if you were to move the crews out of these slow stations, some of them would retire in a heartbeat. We've seen it before with a few people. Is this what we have come to? People hiding at slow stations because they don't want to work anymore? If it was proposed that these crews were being rotated out, the idea would be met with anger and immediate calls to the union office. You can applaud the actions of the crews at the Tierra Verde fire all you want but things could and should have been done differently. Had a better trained and more aggressive crew been out there, the outcome could have been very different.
Received via Email 6.18.07 Just an interesting fact...One of the nozzles carried on Hazmat5 is a Boots & Coots nozzle. Boots Hansen and Coots Matthews were assistants of Red Adair. They then formed thier own company, Boots & Coots International, that fights oil well and refinery fires.
Received via Email 6.18.07 Maybe we can give station 2 some dynamite and they could just throw it at the house. It would put out the fire and speed up what would happen anyway, a completely destroyed home.
Received via Email 6.18.07 Doooode..that ain't right
Received via Email 6.19.07 Every Station in this city has lost a house at some time, hell every station in every city across this nation not to mention the world has lost a house at some point, Do'es it happen everyday ? no. Can it happen tomarrow ? yes. Just because you can put your gear on in 40 secconds doesn't mean that the fire just around the corner from your station is going to go out just because your big red truck pulls up. Hell I can remember a " C " shift fire less than 100 feet from the mfs about 12 years ago in the middle of the day that gutted about 3 rooms in the house. HM-5 must have been polishing their Boot's and Coot's nozzle or it might have gone out quicker. It's not ever who your hero is or what tool he invented that put's out the fire It's what you do when you get there.
Received via Email 6.19.07 Simple mathmatics or hydralics that #2 does not know. Do not pull a 2 1/2 until you have a hydrant supply. Even when they know the next unit is ten minutes away, do not think you would bring some water. Stop blaming hydrants pressure, M*LL needs to get his head out of his ass. He had just failed the BCE pumping portion an hour before this fire. A shed would have burnt down if the driver does not know what the hell his going on. We do not do anything to drivers that can not pump so we hide them and cross our fingers that the big one will not come in. If we do pull them, the union phone and this site gets overworked that a veteran is being screwed.
TEAM: Tampa FD and PD pitched a similar plan to their city's admin last fall, but they brought it too late. They rushed to take a pay raise and got it but missed out on a great pension improvement. FD and PD would have paid in an addition 1% to their pension and the city would have kicked in a little over 1%, resulting in an annuity payment of $500 per employee per month in retirement to do whatever you wanted with the money. The Florida east coast guys have been doing this for a while. They of course are politically more active.
Received via Email 6.19.07 It's true, every station has lost a house at some time. But when a station loses every house it becomes a problem. I can't remember a fire on the Island in the last 15 years that didn't turn into a major incident.
Received via Email 6.19.07 ***Hats off to you. But does that give you the right to sit on your butt at a slow station and let your skills go to hell? First, many of those Firefighters, did not leave the ,"big house" because they wanted to, more likely some suck up ass kisser, friend of a less than impressive LT wanted them there, and did their best to farm out the,"older guys" so he could have an easily impressed crew of newer, ( dare I say Fire Explorers?) firefighters to fluff the egos of greater book knowledge so called leaders? Hell I can remember 2 of these current LT's that when they were F/Fer's had their pic of the cover of a Firehouse Magazine, standing 4-6 feet back from a door with flames coming out, scared to advance in closer, and possibly decrease the damage that fire had! Yeah its true the older guys, and girls may go to the slower stations, but buddy pal, I bet you'd still see them there if it wasn't as big a cluster F--- as it is now! Oh yeah smart guy, or gal, I have worked on all three shifts out at # 2, both swap, and mandatory OT, and I can not recall the gear NOT being ready for their calls. If the kilt wearing guy has issues it is all him, not the remainder. Maybe you should leave the BS downtown , midtown world, and see what fire protection is all about..Wait, I think I smell a dumpster burning go young bucks go!
Received via Email 6.20.07 Don't try to BS me or anyone in this forum. The people that moved out to 2 didn't go there because they were forced to. Every person at 2 went there because they wanted to slow down and lighten their work load. Everyone on this department knows that. Well guess what, that type of thinking and lethargy has come to bit them in the rear. Their lack of calls and training has borne an atmosphere of complacency. It shows, just look at the record recent fires. Their results speak for themselves.
As to some of the residing Lt's wanting an audience of suck asses, that may be true, but every appointment to station 2 that I've ever known required either a call or memo to the respective DC to get said assignment. Every person assigned to station 2 wants to be there. Their reasons may be different, but they all wanted it.
I don't know which centerfolds your referring to but, what was the out come of that fire? Did they make a stop or was there only a shell of a house left? I'll bet they actually went inside and put it out instead of making a lackluster attempt at the garage door and then reverting to a surround and drown.
As for my current station assignment, I'm happy where I am. I have confidence in the people at my station and the stations near me. Can the people at 2 say the same? If they do, their fooling themselves.
Received via Email 6.20.07 reading this pissing contest makes me realize why we aren't able to attract people to this department. you guys are ridiculous. all of you! who cares a house hit the slab, it wasn't the first, and it won't be the last. 2-c just happened to be the ones picked that day. we can't forget that high rise at john know where a lt. couldn't figure the elevator outand the truck company had to put the fire out. It happens to everybody. grow up do your jobs. you keep dwelling on the bad stuff and you will be blinded to recognize the good things.
Received via Email 6.20.07 Show me something good and I'll praise it to the heavens. P.S. - I can definitely piss farther.
Received via Email 6.20.07 "reading this pissing contest makes me realize why we aren't able to attract people to this department." Damn. I knew there was a reason everyone was staying away from here. They're all reading this website before applying. Or could it be that they know what everybody else in the universe has already figured out - and that's that we're all working for a DEAD BEAT CITY! Mike Wimmers hit the nail on the head when he called the city out! Pay me know of pay me later was a phrase that was coined in this city. If the city wouldn't have cheated US for years, THEY wouldn't be cheating the citizens and US right now by trying to play catch-up when it costs so much more!
FTM, this deadbeat city and any of the rest of you so stupid as to blame US for problems that we don't have control over.
Received via Email 6.20.07 I always though it was the guy in the pink suit on the home page that drove people away.
Received via Email 6.20.07 Blah blah blah blah. When I get ready to move, I want to go to no. 2 also. Not because I want to semi-retire or die, but so that I can reduce my chances of getting hurt on the job 'before' I retire. It's no secret that while most of us like having youngsters around, we've had our own youngsters around the house for years and would just as soon have a conversation with like minded individuals who can hold up their end of the conversation when the subject matter turns to politics or the history of fighting the mutts in this city. I like listening to AM talk radio rather than the little yellow portable and don't much care for comments like "what are you listening to that crap for, old man? FM sounds better." I'm in my 40's, enjoy listening to radio where the words 'shizit' or 'biatch' never come up and would never dream of disrespecting someone my father's age that I work with, "old man"!
Crap all over the notion of going to no. 2 all you want, but I've got seniority and while it doesn't count for much, if it makes me feel good to go there, what do you care? Reading the comments of some of you youngsters on this website, I can't understand why you're bitching. None of you would be caught dead there, so leave those of us who want to go there - go there!
Received via Email 6.20.07 I'm happy to see us young guys are starting to rub off on you "more seasoned" guys. (Is that better?) I never thought I'd hear a 40 year old man say shizit and biatch in the same sentence. Well done grasshopper.
Received via Email 6.20.07 *You Wrote:
Their lack of calls and training has borne an atmosphere of complacency. It shows, just look at the record recent fires. Wait a minute, I know being out on Tierra Verdi has it's perks, They attend the same required trainings, bce's night drills, etc. CME's, and still becoming more ingenious in treatments of medical emergencies, waiting for Sunstar, or Bayflight? Keeping the fires at bay, and saving the multi-million $$ structures close by while the engines enroute are stuck on the bay way bridge because of traffic, or the locked up draw bridges, the next option is the St Pete Beach Fire Dept, maybe they will have 3 people on their trucks. So to say these crews are not as trained as YOU, or the down town dogs, wait a minute I meant puppies are?? I think your the one eating the Bull Sh-- pal. You believe that they are less than you, so that makes you a, humm bigot? I bet you hate women and minorities too. I don't know which centerfolds your referring to but, what was the out come of that fire?
The fire was stopped due to a well trained fire fighter from the old station 3, that directed these two future,"leaders", in other words he got the nozzle, stopped the fire, and saved the second story. It was a front pager too, not a centerfold, geeze you thinking about nekkid firemen now too? Did they make a stop or was there only a shell of a house left? I'll bet they actually went inside and put it out-(NOT!) instead of making a lackluster attempt at the garage door and then reverting to a surround and drown. You are a sad example of a team member firefighter. Quick to complain how much
better you are because of were you are. And Yes I would put the Captain of 2 up against any current Captain, or listed Lt! Until you gain some real experience pup, stay in your yard..Ya MUTT!
Received via Email 6.20.07 Real nice pissing contest, I want to work with any man or woman that can gaurantee that NO house in their territory will ever go to the ground. I will even be nice to the old guy's there and do all of the housework so the new guys can sit around and tell stories about all of their heroic deeds.
Received via Email 6.21.07 Can we please move on? Maybe a new page would help.
TEAM: This 'is' a new page. Like the weather in Florida.... wait a few minutes, the subject will change.
Received via Email 6.21.07 For the sake of more important banter, I'll move on, but I will leave you with this. I have never, in any of my posts, proclaimed that I was better than anyone. You can go back and check. What I did say was I had confidence in the people I regularly work with.
I didn't resort to name calling either, but if it makes you feel better to label someone go for it. Who's the bigot now?
Received via Email 6.21.07 6.21.07 #2....checking if you did or didnt claim you were better or not better will be a little hard to do, since there is no way of knowing which statements are yours on a board such as this one. If we had screen names like most blog boards, we could verify if you did or didnt.
Received via Email 6.21.07 KMA
Received via Email 6.23.07 Here is a story of strange coincidence, if you have watched the video of Fridays Budget hearing workshop you saw that the council and Mayor think no different of Station 2 as they do about an engine company at the MFS. You see they are both under the microscope for potential budget cuts. While they were spared this go around it was admited that if the Super duper homestead exemption becomes law then more drastic cuts will be necessary. So just because they were spared this time, I would certainly be watching with extereme interest on voting day come January 2008. I guess all we need to do is sit on are collective asses until it happens. No use in getting worked up over a station I dont work at, Right?
Received via Email 6.23.07 If there werent people to be rescued at the fire, the friggin insurance will pay for the structure. And dont forget the MFS has about 25 at the scene in two minutes wherea #2 has 4 tops for at least 10 - 20 minutes. If the new bucks were at #2 that day, they probably would have lost a couple of blocks.
Received via Email 6.24.07 I though we were dropping the issue.
Received via Email 6.24.07 If you are by yourself then bring some water Einstein.
Received via Email 6.24.07 Well, if they close 2 and 1 all the senior guys get dispersed through out the dept so it might affect you.
Received via Email 6.24.07 Yeah, if the senior guys from #2 got dispersed, things at the motel suck ass could improve vastly!
Received via Email 6.26.07 how do you drop tank water before your crew goes inside?
Received via Email 6.26.07 Yeah right. I'm sure they'll be flocking downtown. Get a grip. More like, watch out 8, 9, 10 & 12.
Received via Email 6.26.07 What was I thinking when I applied for a job in this city?
Received via Email 6.26.07 hey 6/26 #2. last stats I saw, put stations like 10, 8, and 9 in the real fire rescue world, not just BS alarms, and assist to the other stations via your cute lil squid truck with the lady driver that talks on her cell while trying to find the address...You get a grip fino...
Received via Email 6.26.07 Hey E 1 stats are hugging the bottom of all the other bls engines, maybe thats why they are considering eliminating it. "get a grip" yeah right, like mfs is bad ass or something. Hey your just a station #2 compared to new york or chicago, actually even slower than # 2 is to you, dreamers.
Received via Email 6.27.07 Hey dickhead, run the numbers then figure out how much E1 is out of service during the month. They are still way ahead of a majority of the engines in this city with being out of sevice a third of the time.
Received via Email 6.27.07 Weel, according to the red headed liar the MFS and E1 are it. I think he would have either been fired or had an accidental death at a real FD. I would love to see SK work for NEwark FD and pull his crap.
Received via Email 6.27.07 **figure out how much E 1 is out of service during the month.
Yeah they can't find anyone of worth to ask for assignment there.. there are just the threats of, "assigning" those poor 10 year plus engine, and truck operators there. Cry baby A-holes!
Received via Email 6.27.07 Why do you think sk works here anyway? payback, good ole bud tallion 1 owed Jerry Sr. big. Hell South Pas was SO glad to dump him on SPFR they are still dancing! Dream on E-1, I mean hose wagon one, I mean water 1, or is it out of service #1? Where's the dick head now?!
Received via Email 6.27.07 why don't we get rid of the A shift all together. It appears that they are the only whiny bitches on here.
Received via Email 6.28.07 The d**k head is in your mouth or perhaps your bleached bunghole.
Received via Email 6.28.07 Seeing how everyone wants to be in the MFS station's busienss, here is something for you. Today's lunch menu consisted of cold cuts and chips. The dinner menu consisted of a fabulous pot roast with a salad and wheat biscuits. If there is any other information you would like please let us know and we would be glad to let you know. Oh yeah, I took two shits.
Received via Email 6.29.07 getting rid of a majority of the A shift at the MFS would make life,,,SWEET! No more papmers, pull ups, or lil criers!
Received via Email 6.29.07 I had something to say and then I forgot. Lemme' scratch my SK's and I'll get back with you all!
Received via Email 6.30.07 "lunch menu consited of cold cuts and chips, dinner menu consisted of fabulous pot roast" yeah like everywhere else. MFS works so much and are so far ahead of all others, we are like gods or something to all else, bow to us you peons!
Received via Email 7.01.07 Cold cuts and chips? Your cook sucks.
Received via Email 7.02.07 Cold cuts and chips hah! must not have been B-shift
Received via Email 7.03.07 Whats a papmer ?
Received via Email 7.03.07 i think they meant
Received via Email 7.03.07 Duh huh, no shit dick head!!
Received via Email 7.03.07 You know that astronaut chick that allegedly drove from Texas to Florida to mess up another astronaut chick? You know how she was supposed to have worn diapers the whole way so she would not have to stop? And then, you know how they decided to emphatically state the she was NOT wearing diapers, but she was indeed going to mess up another astronaut? Well, I have two things to say about that. I think her lawyer should probably concentrate on a strategy that suggests that she was NOT going to mess up another astronaut. If I went to kill somebody while wearing a diaper, I would fire my lawyer if he or she was only interested in proving that I was innocent of wearing a diaper. Sure it's embarrassing getting caught wearing a diaper (ask Jimmy) but I would rather get cleared of the intent to do bodily harm to another astronaut.
The other thing is now that I know that she was NOT wearing a diaper, I don't think she is as hot. Is it just me that feels that way? Chicks that are willing to crap themselves in a car would probably pretty much be willing to do anything, if you catch my drift. Also, it would have been cool if she was one of those little midgets. Plus, midget astronauts would take up less room and use less air. They would probably save us a fortune in fuel costs jetting their little torsos into space. Also they would look cute as shit on TV floating around with their little arms waving to earth. Jeez those midgets bitches are hot. I mean midget babes. They don't deserve to be called bitches. At least not the hot ones.
Oh yeah: Go FD! WOO HOO!
Reginald Roundtree
Received via Email 7.06.07 When I was growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut. Then that chick that wore diapers & screwed up that for me. I thought about being a cowboy but Brokeback Mountain finished that off. Marvel Comics just killed off Captain America, so that's ruined, too. Then the firefighter thing looked good. I thought you would be respected - especially after 9-11, but Mayor Baker ruined that, so I got a job flying rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong.-Maverick
TEAM: Good one, Mav.
What do you think about this as a solution to your problem?
We think you'd serve the public (and yourself), better if you'd follow councilman Herb Polson's plan and pay more for your health insurance coverage. You'd be a bigger contributor to society and lift some of the weight off of the tax paying public. A move like this would show that you're willing to go the 'extra mile' in meeting the city half-way in an attempt to lend some relief to the the current financial situation that we, as money grubbing Fire Fighters, have placed the city, in. Firefighters everywhere would rejoice and pay tribute to you and you'd find it a tad easier to see yourself as a respectful Fire Fighter. The TEAM is drafting up the paperwork (and something special) to be placed in a paper bag, where it would be shoved with a stick, up onto the Mayor's front porch for it's initial introduction. Are you with us?
Received via Email 7.08.07 Why did you have to bring up Top Gun? I just stopedcrying. I love "Goose" and now he's dead.
Received via Email 7.09.07 Goose survived, but turned into a queer and got a job in an emergency room. Then he got beat up, divorced and killed again. What a loser.
Received via Email 7.10.07 A - shift has always been the way they are now nothing ever changes! In less it is for the worst ! Get use to it ! You have a long career !
Received via Email 7.10.07 A shift the worst? Naw just one particular BIG house. 2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13, top shelf highly trained motivated firefighters! The best way to fix the problem? AXE the MFS, open two new,"smaller stations",then the bullshit egos will go away. No more grab ass in the pole hole, (You said hole..) Not a single wanna be captain running, or trying to run the show..There's one thing from the old days we need back...So to the rest of you, whatevers, time to grow up!
Received via Email 7.12.07 You know that scene in Pulp Fiction with The Gimp underneath the pawn shop? That's what the A shift is like at the MFS.
Bruce Willis, movie buff
Received via Email 7.18.07 Is it just me, or does anyone else find it strange that President Newton was sent out on the road after bringing a problem to the attention of Capt A. at the big house? I now can see clearly that Lt. RK. is cut from the same pile of Administrative shit that Capt A. comes from. Way to go RK AND DA. I guess no one will ever attempt to tell you how to run your station again.
Received via Email 7.19.07 How could the President be sent on the road? He is never there, always on pool time to get us our 7%. I doubt that RK and DA tell Kidwell and Hay what to do with their crew.
Received via Email 7.19.07 What problem did he bring to his attention?
Received via Email 7.19.07 its all about their paper thin egos. RnK can't kick your ass like he did in high school, so he'll boot you out! WTG You fino Ofc!! FTM
Received via Email 7.19.07 I guess I missed something. Did Winnie push someone too far at the MFS?
Received via Email 7.19.07 Former good men will sell their souls for another bugle. Sad but true!
TEAM: We're not pointing the finger at anybody in particular, but that reminds us of the few lines at the top of the 'Editorials' page-
“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” —C.S. Lewis
Received via Email 7.19.07 You wrote: Received via Email 7.19.07 How could the President be sent on the road? He is never there, always on pool time to get us our 7%. I doubt that RK and DA tell Kidwell and Hay what to do with their crew.
**He is on pool time to get your di-- suc---- self a raise, and better benifits. If you think being a yes boy to the so called officers @ mfs will help you? I bet you have no gag reflex!
Received via Email 7.20.07 7% you f**king idiot instead of the 15% and a waste of money on the actuator retart.
Hey 7-19 post #1. "I doubt that RK and DA can tell Kidwell what to do with their crew." I guess you dont realize that RK ISSSS Ron Kidwell...Duh!!!
Received via Email 7.20.07 I'm at least happy that things around our department are so damn good that all we have to bitch about is who is on the road. That will brighten my spirits a little bit going in to this weekend.
TEAM: It sure beats the hell out of going to a Union meeting or showing up at a city council meeting to watch them gut the budget (unless you're the Union's Prez, Vice Prez and Sec./Treas).
Received via Email 7.20.07 Is it true that SP 100 and Capt A were seen riding a single wave runner together the other day while the new whaler was out and about training? How Gay is that ?
Received via Email 7.22.07 Hey dipshit, sorry for confusing one RK for the other RK. Be more specific because the little RK is definately falling into this category of administative shit. He is DA's little clone.
Received via Email 7.22.07 Just like a woman on the spin cycle of the dryer. 100 had DA behind him yummy. come on how about the fat harry guys and fat girls.
Received via Email 7.22.07 DA is a MUTT. He has his tongue up multiple chief's ass's. He not to be trusted. Watch him closely and trust in human nature, not the human. At least not in 'that' human.
Received via Email 7.22.07 I thought DA was going to find a "real job" when he got his degree. Isnt it funny how these guys start acting all weird when they realize they are "stuck" with a job they think they deserve better than?
Received via Email 7.24.07 That's an interesting way to look at it. But why is it when someone realizes that they can't ever rise above our job, that they have to get even with God for their shortcomings by making everyone elses life miserable?
Received via Email 7.24.07 How about that dickhead in New Port Richey that wrote up a captain for leaving an FD golf shirt at the site as a tribute where the Charleston guys bought it.... I can't believe he made the guy call Charleston FD and ask for it back. Thats some serious old school bullshit. Yet, it reminds me of a few guys still on our job. Wanna guess who?
Received via Email 7.27.07 that problem president newton brought to the capt? some little cry baby thinks the new bells at the mfs are too loud. he made the capt. measure decible levels saying the volume created a uneasy work environment. none were even close to being to loud. maybe president newton should be more concerned with our upcoming contract instead decible levels. those bells are nothing like the ones in the old days and nobody seemed to complain then.
Received via Email 7.27.07 You haven't lived till you have slept under a klaxon horn at the old number one fire station. It didn't wake you. Actually it scared the crap out of you. More than one old timer sat up, put his boots on and made it to the pole hole before his eyes were open. The klaxons lasted about three shifts before they were taken down and the bells reinstalled. I'm not sure but I think it was to prevent heart attacks. For those who was in 1964.
Received via Email 7.27.07 hey 7/27, #1. It is Pres. Newton's job to address any issue a member brings to his attention. If you think it isn't important enough, wait until you get your ass written up for missing a call, or backing up without a backer, or forgetting to sign a log, or being accused of the above infractions..Get the message you fino? Where has the fraternity fire fighters are supposed to have, gone? Longing for the old days...
Received via Email 7.27.07 Personally, I think the bells are too loud in many stations. I love hearing "the captain turned them up because they were'nt loud enough". F**k that. The Union needs to buy a sound meter of their own at Rat Shack and go to every station and perform a sound check. The mayor don't work in the stations. That asshole councilman John Bryan, don't work in the stations and finally, Jim Wimberly don't work in the stations. There are so many flaws in each of the stations that we work in, that we (helloooooo [the union]) need to be categorizing this shit and throwing it in the laps of those who design these problems into the stations, (like Balou)!
Received via Email 7.27.07 To: 4-27 #1 I think it's pretty funny that you should show up on this website to throw mud on the one who complained or the Union President. But thanks for bringing it to the attention of those of us who weren't aware, THAT THE UNION WON ANOTHER ROUND IN THE FIREHOUSE! Chief's suckbuddy!
Received via Email 7.27.07 Far from a suckbuddy dickhead. Not that I am a big capatain fan but I was assigned there when the new bells were installed. All three shifts were asked if there was any problems with the bells. Nobody said shit, so now there is a problem? Get real, we are looking for some petty ass fights. Here is one the bleach smell is too strong, can we get non scented bleach or lemony smelling toilet paper so you can kiss my lemony fresh a**. Editor: I think that this belongs on the bullshit page.
TEAM: ...and so it shall be!
Received via Email 7.28.07 Why can't the union do something about the lines in the parking lots? I never know how close to park to the other cars because the lines are so hard to see. How many firefighters must die parking their cars before the city or the union are held accountable?
I recently came to work and parked and when I got out of the car, yep you guessed it, my passengers side wheels were directly on the line! What if the car next to me had been on the same line? And what if the guy in that car had just been getting out of his car, and was not looking at me? What if? I won't even throw in the possibility that the guy could have been on beta blockers.
It's pure bullshit, the whole damn thing. That and the fact that we dont have enough fat chicks are any midgets. All this and ten cents will get you a cup of coffee back in 1964. Thank you. Go Cubs.
Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent
Received via Email 7.28.07 Now THAT'S funny !!!
Received via Email 7.28.07 No. Actually it's a very sad tale. Obviously this 'person' trivializes our union. If it wasn't JW, then it must be a FINO! My bet is, it's JW. He's always right and you're always wrong. Just get into a discussion with him. He's a great philospher and you infidels aren't! Then again, maybe just a FINO follower.
Received via Email 7.28.07 Up yours Mr. No Sense Of Humor Guy.
Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent
Kickin' butt and taking names
Received via Email 7.29.07 Responder Safety is a great site to subscribe to. Check out the first of 40 new pieces of equipment that Montgomery County MD is getting. Nice rig, eh? Check out the directional traffic lights on both sides of the rig. Innovative, no? How bout those huge tank gauge lamps on the side of the cab or that big bright ass? Does anybody notice what's really noteworthy about this rig? When you figure it out, it'll make you sick at what we hang onto and drive for 15 or more years.
TEAM: Yup! Great site with some great "free" educational materials... Oh yeah - I see it. Click on any of the pics. Sad...
Received via Email 7.29.07 Montgomery County butts right up against us here in DC, we refer to them as Montgomer County, but thats another story. Although I like the idea of safety through visibilty, Im torn becasue I am a tradionalist, and they are just plain Fugly!!
Received via Email 7.29.07 Here's what's amazing about this pumper, It's the academy's and not a front line apparatus. Do we still use that old blue and white E-One or does our academy just borrow equipment from various cities to stay afloat ?
TEAM: That was going to be our guess... "academy." This rig's brand new. One of forty and you can bet that her 39 sisters will all be by ONE manufacturer and identical. NOT piggybacking on someone else's purchase order for low bid... what a plan! What an original thought!
Received via Email 7.29.07 Ref 7.29.07, So you would be willing to work on the truck committee? Really, I have guys that have never been to a meeting, and I've asked them to give up their spot for someone who can find the time. I'd be glad to discuss the buying process with you any time. As for the ladder, I guess if you have a 12 foot high hose bed that would be a good idea, we've been trying to bring the hose bed down closer to the tail board. That's what happens when you place the ladders between the hose bed and the tank, the new E13 runs the ladders next to the tank, the hose bed is still tall, but not that tall. I'm feeling the 2-5inch discharges, but there's no front attack line. I also know they have a deck gun extension because that gun is about useless where it's at. Nice short wheelbase, but the driver is left in the roadway, there's pros and cons to everything. Any way, you know where to find me - Rob Edwards
Received via Email 7.31.07 Rob, being on the truck committee would be great if admin actually used the recommendations of the committee. I have talked to past TC members who have made recommendations only to have admin nix it because they thought they knew better. Just ask DC Chalmers about his adventures in specing a new boat.
Here's an idea, The TC should be made up of actual DRIVERS who will be using these vehicles. Not some HQ lackey who hasn't been on a truck in years or for that matter never been on one.
Received via Email 7.31.07 Your suggestion is well taken, Rob, but as one who as some experience on a committee, I have first hand experience with this effort in futility. For years we've had these committees in operation with little actual positive outcomes. Now, I suspect, they're needed as a 'lock' to keep the decal on the trucks, making their existence all the more fruitless. This city and this fire department's administration constantly accept the notion that if it's new and it's red, then it must be what's wanted, needed or right. Look around you and see what others are 'specifying'. They don't buy off the shelf because they 'plan' their purchases with input from user. We always seem to be a day late and a dollar short. The purchasing of apparatus is only the tip of the iceburg.
Received via Email 8.01.07
If the truck's red, it's good.
If the truck's cheap, it's better.
And if it's new and is replacing some shitbox that should have been replaced 'years ago', then it must be the best. The only thing you have to decide is where you're going to vacation on your 60 cents an hour drivers pay!
Received via Email 8.01.07 Ref 7.31.07 x 2, I feel your pain, and would agree with you that up until the purchase of Engine 7, that crew worked diligently to get all of the truck that they could afford. Both the crews of 5 and 6 worked on their trucks and they got some pretty good stuff (I'll admit there are reliability and warranty issues that have become a PITA, but that isn't the committee's fault, they spec'd a good truck). Some of the things that those trucks feature are 2 inch pre connect plumbing (less friction loss), oil less primers, aluminum wheels (less brake fade), 4 wheel anti lock disc brakes (less fade) a true large capacity discharge, (including the valve/plumbing) a real siren (so that not only can someone hear you but you don't have to change trucks if the electronic one goes out), and PTO generators which are virtually silent. They also have enough discharges that you can actually put a fire out. New engine 13 will have bigger brakes that are more easily maintained, enclosed ladders and a 45 degree minimum turning radius, plus a load sequencer (I don't know how I missed that on the last one :(....) it will also have SCBA holders that are user friendly (which was a huge issue in the E13 wreck). All of this stuff had to be pushed through over the years to an administration that in the past wasn't exactly accomodating when it came to apparatus (20% of firefighter injuries BTW). Some were even threatened with discipline. All of this was to make your life a little easier and safer, and I'll admit, back in the day I requested extra accredidation stickers so we could hold the compartment doors closed on the Orens (the things you had to do to get your point across), but through a lot of work and a different attitude on the part of admin, the truck situation should be getting better. I'm proud of the guys on the committee who have participated, Kolcun, Hadley, Adams, Simmons, Pepe and others, including the guys from the stations. Hopefully this trend will continue. I would say that those were all positive outcomes. As far as the boat and the new rescues were concerned, to my knowledge, they were never brought to the spec committee. Rob Edwards
Received via Email 8.01.07 That should read "45 degree crimp angle" on the steering. My bad. RE
TEAM: We noticed your mistake, right off the bat, Rob. We just wanted to see if "you" noticed it. We're on top of this stuff you know. In fact, we've got the emergency number to Pierce in everyone's wallet at work. Never can be too safe.
Received via Email 8.06.07 Where is Bill Clark when you need him? God rest his sole.
Received via Email 8.06.07 Hip Hip Horay for Rob. I still can't belive DA is even a fire fighter - no less a captain.
Received via Email 8.06.07 Still no word on the midget controversy. I asked the chief what it was they were trying to hide, you know, what's with the conspiracy. He just looked at me like he didn't even know what I was talking about. But he knew. You know he knew. Man I like them midget chicks. I can't wait. I really can't.
Received via Email 8.08.07 Regarding the YouTube link: Good lord.
Received via Email 8.11.07 What's this bullshit goin around about Ray the Ax Man Landes turning-in his "Administration F**k the workers we gotta make a profit" ideals and going pro Labor all of a sudden? I thought he just sucked his way into the United Way slot to better his promotional chances. Oh boy, an Administrative Captain in charge of this local. City Hall must be creamin their shorts already. Are there people out there that think the Local is so screwed up that a shove it up your ass kinda guy like Landes is going to help us? Remember, once admin always admin. Look at the team he has behind him, Kahle, Kidwell, Adamides. Need I go on. All admin shit eaters from the beginning. They say lets get back to the way it was. Yeah like back when you still had the S/S offset? I guess they miss the good ole volleyball, "bump, set, promote" days. We said good-by to those days long ago. Don't believe in what you're hearing from these couch potato heads. None of them were ever worth a shit themselves or they would be holding office now. I know they will tell you they did once, big friggin deal. The old guy that just retired from the IAFF district 12 seat stayed with it for over 30 years. That's someone who can say he did it. All of these sorry asses combined dont even come close. Stick with what you have and offer help instead of bitterness and see if you can live with it, and if you don't like it then you can go back to blowin each other. FTM.
Received via Email 8.11.07 Who got us the S/S offset? was it almighty Winnie?
Received via Email 8.11.07 Oh boy.... this should get good. Somebody opened a can of worms. Newton may have some competition for a change. Just the insinuation that there is someone out there that has the balls to step up is enough to ruffle feathers of the faithful. Did you really think that Newton would be President for 30 years? Four years is about the average for his line of work. We didn't like the way the old school did it. Now we don't like the way the "new boys" do it. But we're not willing to give the Admin. boys a chance at it. Not taking sides here but the Admin. boys couldn't do any worse. Props to Newton for past accomplishments but but maybe some new blood would change some attitudes in city hall. Newton's "My Way or the Highway" school of negotiations didn't work. Give someone else a chance. The "Put Me In Chief, I Don't Drink Or Smoke" boys just might surprise you.
Received via Email 8.11.07 Hey Ray. What were you and Zamp talking about under the tree this morning? You sure hauled ass when a couple of us spotted you. If you've got a new direction for us, I don't want any part of it. There's a small minority out there (and you're a part of it) that will do anything to suck off the chief and his boy team. You've shown no interest in anything UNION before, so what's the big rush now? You've got a raft of credentials that show that you're willing to put forth the work FOR YOU, but again I ask, where have you been for US. Each passing day has been an opportunity to get involved to help us all. Can't say that I've seen you in a single IAFF sponsored labor class. In fact, you so love being patted on the head by the chief in the master's house, you're willing to write policy that hurts labor. You're just the next in a group of people hiding in the shadows that the boy team has thrown out to do their bidding. Let's see how long you last! You've never stuck your neck out for anybody in this bargaining unit. Oh - and the next time you address this UNION, it might be smart to mention that you're a BROTHER rather than a Lt. at St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue. When they mention your name, everyone always make the comment: He's a nice guy, BUT! But you're a phony!
If you need any more help with the little points, I'll be around.
One of the field hands.
Received via Email 8.11.07 Just what we need... another do-boy union prez that will bring home a pay raise and leave us even further behind the other counties and cities that are paying better benefits. I'll bet at the end of 4 years, he'll please everybody must like Winnie.
Received via Email 8.11.07 Personally, I think we should smile and kiss the city's ass. That'll do it!
Received via Email 8.11.07 We are still behind other counties with Winnie at the helm. It does not matter who is driving, we are gonna get what we are gonna get.
Received via Email 8.11.07 There should be a new union rule/bylaw written. Any member of the Executive board will NOT BE AN OFFICER. In that simple statement, you could be pretty much sure that their not sleeping with the enemy, no reach around offers, or chief's magic wand to slobber on so we can be screwed over.. Look at our local's history. Every officer, FD one that has held a position above station stewart has screwed, made deals, gone fishing, drinking, whoring with management at one time or another. Even the ones that volunteered their time to be the negotiations team, have knifed WN in the back. Seen their behavior at union meetings? They have their spot in the organization. Pay your dues, but keep your administration-management suit out of my Union's leadership...FTM FTM
Received via Email 8.11.07 "A new direction, eh?" Backwards?
Received via Email 8.11.07 I'll vote for ANYONE that the city hates. Whether you like Winnie or not is not the question. The better quesion is, who do THEY want in office? We always want to go in the other direction from this stingy friggin town. Because we don't get what we want, doesn't necessarily mean that Winnie didn't do his job. I suspect that many of US failed US because we all sit back and expect one person to do it all for us. The city wants to sign a multi-year contract. I don't want to go into this period with a new guy who hasn't given this union so much a second glance. FTM PTB&S DTRT EGH
Received via Email 8.12.07 I like Ray, but he reminds me of a used car salesman....Just enjoy being a member of the union..You can talk about us with "Bud tallion One" when you down there drinkin..
Received via Email 8.12.07
For witnessed action above and beyond the call of duty, Union Brother - District Chief Mike Zamparelli has been elevated to the rank of 2007 TITAN OF THE YEAR
WOW !!! Hero to Zero in less than six months. This should be called the "We Hate Everybody" Firefighter's Local. We don't think. We don't ask. We don't do anything that brings this Local to it's potential. You don't have to be a genius to realize that we don't cut shit in city hall. And there are several reasons for that. All have been pointed out in the past right here on this site. I don't care who runs this outfit. At the present time there's no one to whom the slackers on council will listen to. Wake up. Quit slitting the throat of anyone that wants to take a position of responsibility in this Local. It's too long been led around by a handful who think they know how to get what they want. Well here's a newsflash for ya. It didn't work. We whine and bitch that our benefits aren't as good as other departments. The pension plan sticnks. I can't get time off. Wah Wah Wah. Fact is that we're living at a time when the benefits have never been better. But a handful of malcontents who have Newton's ear won't let the past mentality die. Nothings ever good enough for these folks. They continually howl about things that no longer exist. They howl about "going back". The use unfounded accusations to belittle anyone who doesn't think like they do. When in reality they've never had it so good. When we get our heads out of our asses we'll realize that. And much of that can be atributed to the hard work of the existing leadership of this Local. But in a lot of minds the day has come to make changes. Many of us can see that continuing in the direction we've been going is slowly eating away at our Local like a cancer. We, as a Local, need a good scrubbing. It's time to wash off the accumulation of "same 'ol, same 'ol" and get to making a fresh advance for the good of everyone.
Received via Email 8.12.07 "Used car salesman!" hit the nail on the head with that one. I like Ray too, but I don't trust him. Let me give you my prediction for this little mess. If Ray wins, we lose not only a president that knows how to protect you, but you'll also lose a vice president who's learning to be a president in the tried a proven tradition (crawl before you can walk) and a sec'y treasurer that works his ass off for you. In case no one's looking, that too could be described as a new direction. it seems to me that some of the biggest pot stirrers in the stations coming out against the current administration, worked as union officials in the past but left office before their term was up. I guess they knew better 'then' too!
Received via Email 8.12.07 PLease. Zamp does what ever he can to make himself look good at the moment. That speech at the meeting was well rehearsed. He is like all the other admin. Will sell you out to make himeself look better. Why do you think he wears those glasses. The librarian look to make himself look innocent.
Received via Email 8.12.07 Wow a guy steps forward and put's his name in the hat to try to do something for the boy's and girl's to better the way that things are in this wonderful city we work in and he get's thrown under the bus right away. Fact is this union has never made everyone happy all of the time and it never will. Ray is a very smart man like it or not he is well educated and good with people. He is also a quick learner and I am sure he will be able to take the union books sit down and read them in no time and understand them. Never seen him at a union meeting doesn't mean hes not a brother to be concidered for the job, hey we are 300 + strong and I cant ever remember seeing more than 30 or so guys at any meeting unless it's to find out how much of a raise we were going to get. Stop bitching and complaining and throw your name in the arena and lets see if you get called a used car salesman or worse. I would rather be a used car salesman instead of a pot stirrer/Bitcher/complainer
Joe Piscapo
Received via Email 8.13.07 HEY Joe, I see the steroids finally got to your Mellon. What a kiss up you are to Ray, and he isn't even a chief yet! Our union doesn't have time for, "quick learners". Let Ray contribute in another position, and then ..maybe. Used car salesman? Well maybe, but I hear he's more of a rent man, pay now, or get out! Bottom line, he is one of them. How can he represent you, when he has to write you up too? Have you forgotten the past LT RF,or are you to much of a new boy to know better? Who's the bitch now? Wake up. and smell reality.
Received via Email 8.13.07 Why are we already ripping apart what might be a decent opportunity to change our current relationship with the city? Most of us recognize that politics is an important part of our relationship with city hall, but it takes more than just getting people elected and then doing everything we can to piss off the rest of city hall. It helps if they like us. And to like us, they have to like our representative.
I like Winnie, and if I ever have a grievance he is the man. He is good at getting what he wants from the fire department, but once he makes that drive to city hall all progress seems to stop. Say what you want about our former presidents, but they got results. And when they were seen by our local politicians, the politicians didn't say: "That guy is a pain in our ass."
So go on, pretend that it doesn't matter. Pretend as if continuing our current program of kicking every ass we meet will bring us great things. But it's a fantasy. By now we should all have realized that we only get what they want to give. We never actually TAKE anything without giving something back. Winnie can beat on the table all he wants, but until the city looks across the table and sees a friendly face that they actually respect and LIKE, we will continue to spin our wheels and go nowhere.
Joe Redner
Tampa Bays leading whore monger for over 30 years! Discount lap dances to all firefighters and free condoms. Tell them "Joey sent me!" And remember, if you get a social disease at one of my clubs, you get your cover charge back; GUARANTEED! Just bring in your medical records, prove it was one of OUR whores, and a picture of you doing her in one of our clubs.
REMEMBER: Say no to some drugs and tattoos are cool!
Received via Email 8.13.07 Why not give Ray a chance? Or maybe you like being years behind in your contracts. I am willing to bet that if Ray was offered a 6-5-4 raise, he would not work on it and bend it and shape it and sit on it and argue about it until it became a two year overdue 3-3 raise without a contract.
Maybe that's how you like it. I guess we sure showed those bastards whose boss.
Your Buddy,
Soupy Sales
Received via Email 8.13.07 Who's the bitch now? I think I have the answer to that one. 8/13 #1 is the bitch. Now go buy yourself something lacy and make me a sandwich, bitch. I mean it. Then you can dance at one of my clubs, bitch.
Joe Redner
America's next great equal opportunity employer Remember, all fireman get half off, and no cover if one of our bitches gives you the clap. Thats my promise! At my whorehouses, quality is job one. And if my bitches make you sick, I will personally apologize to you but I will not shake your hand, because I dont touch nobody that touches one of my bitches. For obvious reasons. It's not like we give these bitches physicals. I mean for crying out loud, they are whores. Dirty whores. But they sure can shake it.
Received via Email 8.14.07 Hey Ray. Is RF endorsing you again. He's the gold standard (or was that the kiss of death) when it comes to gett'r done!
Received via Email 8.14.07 I read on my union bulletin board that one of the reason's that Ray's running is because of Madeira Beach and Gulfport leaving the local. Gulfport's still in the Local and we are still fighting for them. They want to leave because Adam Porrier had a falling out with Winnie. I guess everyone there has all the same wisdom as one of their 2 year guys. Flash!!! We just secured a 100% health care benefit for Gulfport, but "we're" the assholes? I wish them well but I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they show up (what... 1 or 2 of them from Gulfport?) and during their first union meeting in St. Pete Beach (I love you guys but...) they find that the guys upstairs can't find the time to come downstairs to join in in their own union meeting! The chief allows them to hold their meetings in the station and all on duty personnel are able to go! Nice perk! I hope
Adam steps up to the plate when SPB's current and long running union president retires. They can use the influence that he apparently weilds. As to Mad Beach, their city attorney told us to pack sand when Winnie wouldn't accept a 2% raise for the Brothers there. They had just signed a contract to provide protection for IRB, but didn't spend a dollar for extra manpower, apparatus, equipment or benefits to they guys in Mad Beach. They stuck the money in the general fund and f**ked their firefighters.
What's this all about? Both stories are examples of people wanting a "change in direction" without knowing what direction they were going in.
Received via Email 8.14.07 Ok so RF is endorsing RL? What the heck. Maybe you can get a good divorce lawyer from him too...DOH! Or maybe just call 1-800-ask-ricky!
Received via Email 8.14.07 From 8-13 #2 "Why are we already ripping apart what might be a decent opportunity to change our current relationship with the city?" "We?" The relationship that "we" have with this city, sucks, because our city administration sucks. We're not ripping anything apart. "We" don't need to change anything except for the fact that "we" don't work hard enough to help ourselves out and we need to work harder at it. It's easy to take pot shots at the president of an organization when he's constantly told to f**k off by this city's twisted administration. No union president can do it alone and that's our fault. You want change? Look at the man in the mirror. Then, change the politicians that you place in office. Like others said, I too like Ray, but he's no golden gladiator. Wrong guy. Wrong time. Wrong reasons. Divide and conquer --- this city invented it and we're paying for the lesson. The DA's, RF's, MM's, MZ.s and JW's, their not our friends and they're powerless without those of you who let them think for you. We all get caught up in the excitement of being a part of their conversations but some of you don't know when your being tested by being fed bad info. They're not stupid, and you shouldn't be dumb enough to trust any of them either.
Received via Email 8.14.07 8-12-07 #2 "When in reality they've never had it so good. When we get our heads out of our asses we'll realize that. And much of that can be atributed to the hard work of the existing leadership of this Local. But in a lot of minds the day has come to make changes. Many of us can see that continuing in the direction we've been going is slowly eating away at our Local like a cancer. We, as a Local, need a good scrubbing. It's time to wash off the accumulation of "same 'ol, same 'ol" and get to making a fresh advance for the good of everyone."
First you say that we've never had it so good and that "much of that can be atributed to the hard work of the existing leadership of this Local." Then you say "Many of us can see that continuing in the direction we've been going is slowly eating away at our Local like a cancer."
Am I the only one that's confused by these remarks? Sounds like you want your cake and you want to eat it too! I don't always agree with everything that our leadership does and you can atribute that to human nature. But....... I don't ever have to worry that Winnie's selling us down the road for a promotion or for the schmooze factor either. That's right....... I've never seen him in a box seat sitting next to the mayor.......... invited or otherwise.
Received via Email 8.14.07 We're on the right road but we've got some more work to do. Winnie put the plan together and I doubt many others would get past asking for a pay raise by itself and calling it a big victory. In case you've forgotten what we're fighting for here's the road to success: Asking for a pay raise alone isn't a success. Telling me that "next time" we'll do this or we'll do that is all bullshit. I've heard the call of the snakeoil salemen before and next time never comes. Telling me that we've got it better than we've ever had it before, so why don't we quit our bitching is bullshit too. Yes, we've got it better, but we have to fight for every scrap. Hillsborough County FD is a 10 year old department and they make us look like we work for the city of Pahokee when you compare benefits. A Kelly day every 3 weeks is doable if you court the right politicians and help bury the wrong ones. Oh before I forget- I like the idea of not allowing anyone on any kind of promotional list to be working for me. They always seem to turn out like Mafia made-men. I also don't care for people who show up in the 11th hour to rescue us all.
Received via Email 8.15.07 TO: 8/14.07 - #6
"Winnie put the plan together and I doubt many others would get past asking for a pay raise by itself and calling it a big victory." Um.......correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the only thing? What else, other than the pay raises, has been gotten? And don't start crowing about the SS offset and one or two other semi-insignificant things. I'm asking about the laundry list of stuff that you refer to at In actuality all that's been accomplished is A SHITTY 3.5% PAY RAISE TWO TIMES IN A ROW. Everything else got ignored. How is this any different that what you are maliciously slandering every other past president for doing? Honestly numb nuts it's getting really boring hearing the same old rhetoric and getting the same results. And that's why some think it's time for a change. Let's face it. Winnie's way was only partially successful. Sitting on demands that can't be achieved is not collective bargaining. And that's what we've been doing for a very long time. How much longer do you think we should continue this avenue of "attack"? And please don't say until we get what we want.
And then you say:
"Asking for a pay raise alone isn't a success. Telling me that "next time" we'll do this or we'll do that is all bullshit. I've heard the call of the snakeoil salemen before and next time never comes. Telling me that we've got it better than we've ever had it before, so why don't we quit our bitching is bullshit too. Yes, we've got it better, but we have to fight for every scrap.". In one breath you claim that "telling you you've got it better" is bullshit and in the next breath you say it's true. You can't have it both ways. And of course we had to fight for it. Did you assume the city was just going to give it to you? That's why we have a union in the first place.
Winnie is holding the line on some things that are absolutely "doable" by the city. The COLA, the compensation for all overtime, all compensation a part of the pay plan, and ,I suppose, even the additional 1% increase in pension contribution; all items doable by the city and yet we can't get them. If you got a pay raise and just these three out of four of these things would you call that a victory. No you wouldn't. But a lot of us would. But by packing them in with 17 other demands that are made is foolish. All of the demands hold merit but the city isn't going to fall on its sword just because we demand it. It's time for a change. Change the tactics or change the messenger but do one or the other.
Received via Email 8.15.07 Shit did a lot of talking but I'm not sure you said anything. What did you say your name was again? Dr. Phu Ling U? I think you want me to believe you're Phu Ling Mee.
Received via Email 8.15.07 Did you see that? Did you see how he twisted the sounds of that funny asian name to mean something completely different? Oh man, that is some clever stuff! You got to love it, man! Don't you see? He said Phu Ling U, but what he means was "fooling you"! Oh cracky, that is some real funny stuff. Really high brow. Good show old man! I got to go now. I am still looking for the hidden meaning of Phu Ling Mee! I can't wait! When I crack the code I will let you guys know! BYE!!
Jerry Lewis
Oh, how they love me in France!
Received via Email 8.16.07 U du Fo !
OK here's a change, the president actually abides by the rules and by laws of the local, that's something new. Here's something else, who can forget the "good old days" when the chief got together with the union president to decide what disciplinary action you were going to get before you ever knew about it? That way they could pick and choose who they screwed, it was such a cozy relationship. At least winnie respresents everyone equally not just the "A" team boyz. Want a change? get off your azz and help unload some of the dirtbags off of city council, that would be a change for them and you.
Mike Hunt
Received via Email 8.17.07 It's real easy to sit here and point fingers at everybody else. 8/14 #4 said "we don't work hard enough to help ourselves out and we need to work harder at that." That can be taken not only from a union members stand point as far as shaking hands and posting signs for politicians or going door to door for them, but also from the fire fighters stand point as far as getting our image out there, letting people know that we do stuff more than sit behind closed doors waiting for the bell to ring. Has anybody taken a step back and looked at how much publicity Tampa Fire gets compared to us. They have a fire and they are first on the 6:00 news and top of the front page. Hows their pay compared to ours? I think it is quite obvious. We have a fire or significant event and we are lucky to see ourselves on the news. If we happen to make it on the news it says Pinellas Fire Dept. We are more likely to see ourselves in the paper but there are classified adds that get more print than us. Take pride in your job not your city admin. Help post signs, shake hands spread the word about what great calls we have. Let's do it for ourselves and our PIO cause he isn't doing it for us.
Received via Email 8.17.07 i agree with 8/16 #3.The only way we can get a positive image out there is to do it ourselves. winnie needs us like we need him. helping the public to become more pro fire will only help us.
Received via Email 8.17.07 Have you heard the BS coming from one of the newest Kool-aid drinkers stationed out on the West End? I guess his MFS off duty boss has finally sucked him down. I'm really sorry to hear it, he used to be someone I looked up to. Hey wake up, your boss couldnt get it done when he was a part of the team so he got off it, now he's looking to you to use your influence. Instead of thinking, what can an Administration Boss do for our Local, we should be asking, what has the non-administrative Kool-aid drinkin group of officers been able to keep from their control? That in itself will you find the answer and the motive behind this entire charade. And I believe that this is not even coming from the top of the tower. It is coming from the higher ups that sold their souls to the devils long ago when they were in the top spot and now the dreaded Devil is calling in their markers. Yup we need a cleansing and with a little luck the Grim Reaper will come and take whats his in the end.
Received via Email 8.17.07 You know that show Rescue Me? It shows that the FDNY is as screwed up as St Pete. Not one fricking midget chick anywhere. Geez Louise, ding dang it all to heck. Right Jerry?
The Late Dean Martin. I likes da little ones oh meo mio.
Received via Email 8.17.07 i mean i agree with 8/17 #1
Received via Email 8.17.07 I say we tell them to pack sand. But I tell everyone that. I really like sand. I like sand a whole lot.
Ahab the Arab
Received via Email 8.17.07 Hey. I did a red drill and a blue drill. Since they make green, do I get credit for all three colors? Nevermind... it doesn't really matter anyway. I just pencilwhipped it. I'm going to mix a couple more colors and take credit for something else too! Remember......Every day is training day.
Received via Email 8.18.07 The news about the newest kool-aid drinker on the west end aint nothing new to those of us that have to listen to him rant on a regular basis. You are right tho, he has definetly had a serious change of mindset duringthe past year. I hope he can turn himself around before he becomes yet another disgruntled employee.
Received via Email 8.18.07 8/17 #3 What's really funny about that former union officer (MB) is the fact that he's so easily led by the ring in his nose. He works with RK on his off days. Since RK is drinking the Koool Aide in a big way since he's miffed at Winnie, he's gone over to the dark side with MZ, MM, MW, DA, JW, RF, RJ and a few others. He's never had an original thought, so he gets all of his hand me down ideas from the top directly through RK who's never had one either. It's sad you know because when RF was runnin the show, MB's big complaint was that RF was the most corrupt president in our history and he was always banging the drum to get him out. How corrupt is Winnie? Funny......... I don't recall anyone ever mentioning that. Personally, I'm not going to be happy till you elect me. I guess some people like being in the middle of things. What they don't contribute to the solution, they more than make up for in speading misionformation from the top. It keeps them in with the in crowd baby.
Received via Email 8.18.07 MB has a huge issue. It has followed him since he was a probie. He can NEVER finish anything.. Look at his career, union wise. He has held a few positions, and has always either quit,or found a reason why he couldn't finish the deal. He is RK's personal sucker fish. Where R goes so does "Andy". Its sad when this fella that started heading in a real beneficial way for our local (w/WN's leadership), turned into lil RK, aka darth..So have another Drink MB, your buddies are weak, pot stirrers. Get a girl friend, find a life. Maybe one of those midget babes out there would look up to you!
FTM-FTM..Luv, Al Pacino, star of "scarface"
Received via Email 8.18.07 All this bitching. I'll bet if you worked for Palm Harbor, you woulnd't be bitching this much!
Received via Email 8.18.07 Regarding all the personal attacks on your fellow firefighters: Those of you who go beyond just general complaining and start using initials of guys in the companies, you are just a bunch of bitch ass punks. Dont forget to tip your waitresses,
George Carlin
Received via Email 8.18.07 HIP HIP HOORAY FOR WINNIE
Received via Email 8.18.07 "Received via Email 8.18.07 All this bitching." Yeah, no shit. If you haven't noticed, they have a great pension, a tits-up fire chief and no need for a 24 hours bitching site.
Received via Email 8.19.07 MB is probably the most giving guy on the department. Unselfish, a great firefighter and a friend of all. So what if he is loyal to person who has been his buddy practically his whole life. MB has been loyal to his fellow firefighters since his career began. You little cry babies with about 5 minutes on the job don't have a clue what your talking about. Anyone with more than 5 or 10 years on the job knows the kind of quality guy MB is, and they know what cry babies and trouble makers some of the new "candy ass kids" are like. Not all new folks, just a few who voice their opinion when the rest dont really give a crap. You know who you are, and we all know who you are. So keep your pathetic thoughts to yourself, because it just makes you look more like the dumb ass we all know you are !!
Received via Email 8.19.07 Yes it is true that MB has gone to the dark side. It was most obvious this past Thursday evening at the Union Meeting when he would not even sit with his Brothers in the main room. There were plenty of seats. If it wasn't for his waning concern about the Union funding the Honor Guard, I doubt he would have even showed up. Here's yet another example of a project he won't finish. Well MB wake up. You already know the current union leadership is not going to be bullied into blindly funding a project. All you need to do is help the cause and find a way to make it work.
Received via Email 8.19.07 hey CARLIN, YOUR A cocka roach...AP
Received via Email 8.19.07 From 8-18 "Those of you who go beyond just general complaining and start using initials of guys in the companies, you are just a bunch of bitch ass punks." Get over yourself. Instead of someone telling you the story in your ear, I'll tell you the story so that you can read it. If we all didn't use initials, you'd be the one going - Huh? Who? Name please? There's nothing here that's not already in the stations. I'll take a que from the information superhghway before I take one in the ass from one of the mutts.
Received via Email 8.20.07 I am retired also, but I spell pretty well. I could not agree more that if all that's left in St. Pete are these whiny she-males, then I guess I got out while the going was good. Anybody in here crying about your problems without offering some sort of solution does not deserve to call themself a firefighter. Firefighters solve problems. They rescue those in need, and they watch each others backs. You backstabbers don't deserve to carry the piss of your predecessors. I bet every one of you blows part of your paychecks on manicures, and then blows whoever did his nails for him as a tip. So you guys can keep on stabbing one brothers back while you lick the balls of another for all I care. But stop calling yourselves firefighters. You pole smoking bitches aren't worthy of the title.
I miss the job, but not you the whiny assholes.
Received via Email 8.20.07 You know what they say... everybody's an asshole to somebody.
Received via Email 8.20.07 what he or she said!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 8.20.07 The reason for the initials is because you aint sure exactly. So you use int's. and then sit back for the fun a games to begin by waiting to see who comes up with which name. Get it? Its like playing go fish with the kids.
Received via Email 8.20.07 VOTE FOR WINNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 8.21.07 Winnie is Like Barack Obama in that he... no, wait. He's not like Barack at all. Sorry. My bad. Excuse me while I go get my head out of my ass.
Received via Email 8.21.07 your right winnie is not some crazy muslim
Received via Email 8.21.07 If Winnie is Barack Obama then that makes Ray Mitt Romney. Now we have a race I can understand.
Received via Email 8.22.07 Winnie will back the firefighters and Ray will back Administration. Simple as that. Vote for what you want!!
Received via Email 8.23.07 8-22 said it point blank. Go with your gut. Do you want to be a fire fighter or a suck ass moving up the ladder? This is not a yuppie job. Hopefully you chose this line of work to help people and not to be a Lt. or Capt. Be a Hank Marshal or a Dean Sattoff or Rick Neuberger or Rob Edwards not a DA or SK. You're better than that.
Received via Email 8.24.07 There are some out there that want to provide excellent public service, (firefighters doing their job and saving lives). And then there are those who care more about their personal agenda, their career move and their attachment with the right crowd to accomplish there personal goals. Unfortunately, those things usually take away from our real work, which is doing our job well and supporting the firefighters. There are many (not all) but many, officers and chief officers who have let their personal agendas and aspirations get in the way to performing truly excellent public service. They would argue, thinking this is not true. The fact is, it is true. Dont ever sell yourself short just for a bugle. If you really want to support the troops and give your all for them, go for it, otherwise you are working for a bugle that will not only tarnish, and will represent absolutely nothing to those who are here for true public service, and not just a selfish ambition. With that being said, and nothing bad being said about any candidate for office or firefighter up for promotion - look deep into the true motive and decide for yourself. It is not that difficult !!
Received via Email 8.24.07 I find it awfully odd that after the coupe attempt at one of the union meetings a few months back, that one of the newer Kool Aide drinkers to be given his marching orders (RK) went back to the MFS and appologized to the president for leading that coupe attempt that didn't get off the ground. I would have thought that a heart felt appology (once you realized your error) would have been better spent doing it in front of everyone at the meeting. BUT THEN AGAIN, MAYBE I'M WRONG.
Now RL comes along and like RK he's being fed a boatload of shit by some of the disgruntled Kool Aide drinkers of the famous Callahan drinking clan. You know the bunch. The ones who almost this and almost that! He's being told "you da man" you can run for president and while you're doing it you can also turn around the ailing united way campaign. You can spend several weeks setting this thing up while the other Kool Aide drinkers watch you swing in the breeze if their plan all goes to shit. Maybe it's me, but I'm betting that if you'd spent half as much time addressing the needs of MDA, your Union Brothers & Sisters would be grooming you for better rather than the alternative. BUT THEN AGAIN, MAYBE I'M WRONG.
Received via Email 8.24.07 I don't even know who RL is, (tee-hee) but boy the piss flavored Kool Aid drinkers really hung you out to dry. How conveinient, it's like the low level drug dealer thing where the dealer gets caught while the cartell gets away clean.
Received via Email 8.24.07 This is exactly what we mean when we say the A-shift eats thier own.I can read the comments and place the faces backstabbing each other. JW-2A JB 8A DN 11A Lt MB 9A .let me get this correct .Blank,Kidwell,Wimmers ,Zamparelli,Addamides,Feinberg and Moore are the bad guys ? What a joke.JW 2A I was glad you left the b-shift and went to the A,all you do is stir up crap!
Received via Email 8.24.07 Why the heck were we stuck waiving signs to people to slow down in the school zone. We arent busy enough. Really whose idiot idea was it.
Received via Email 8.24.07 To 8/24,#5. I guess your f'in Houdini. So glad you can read who wrote what, and when. Say can you give me the lotto numbers so I can leave this sad group of almost firefighters? (not all of you ,there are a few real firefighters left out there) You are so fast to name names, you,”think" are correct, I challenge you to come out from behind the curtain. Oh yeah, I say things to people's faces if I have a problem with them. John Barfield...Any questions? Call me..
Received via Email 8.24.07 Its about serving the community. I'd rather wave signs at a school crossing saving the kid's life, than twist a hydrant the water dept has already tested.. I am guessing you have no family, or kids..
Received via Email 8.24.07 So, we all want a new leader that will bring us the world on a platter. It aint gonna happen. So we want a change? How about a change where WE play a part in working towards our futures? How about WE take a step up to the plate and assist our leaders with a few hours a sweat equity? How about a change where WE take a backward glance at ourselves and answer this simple question: have I offered any help to my elected Officers? How about if WE admit to ourselves that WE are as much to blame through our own laziness as anyone else? How about thinking about the way WE have continually opted for a pay raise over better benefits? How about it? Are there any of us that will step up and offer ourselves to the cause? If not WE may as well change elected Officers evey 6 weeks and just keep working 2 or more jobs, keep the spouse working and send the kids out on the weekends to cut lawns. WE must admit our shortfalls and become the force that WE are. We don't need new leaders just a new Army. 1 or 2 people just can't be expected to get it done on a daily basis. Any takers?
Received via Email 8.24.07 What a great concept. Who ever came up with this sign wavin gig has my vote for Mayor. Hey even tho I hate kids with a passion, I throughly enjoyed watchin the hot Momma's that walked and drove their children past me. I even saw a couple of hot looking midgets. Whoo-hoo.
Received via Email 8.24.07 MIDGETS?!!? Just curious.......... what school exactly were you at?
Received via Email 8.25.07 OMG! There is a school in St. Pete with midget moms tooling around the pick up line? Please don't tease me. What school? Where is it? When were you there? WHEN?! WHEN?! WHEN!!
Pastor Harrison
Received via Email 8.25.07 Oh no !!! Somebody had to go wake up that obcessive midget freak.
Received via Email 8.25.07 That's just what I wanted to do. Stand in the sun in mid 90 degree heat and wave a sign at cars going by at 50 mph on a 6 lane road. Makes sense to me. I don't know about the rest of you, but where we were the drivers didn't even notice. Just another waste of time.
Received via Email 8.25.07 Ah the old "ending the sentence with a preposition" skill. A slap on the wrist with a ruler and go stand in the corner for ten minutes.
Grammar Guy
Received via Email 8.25.07 I forgot to read the sign. You mean we didn't get permission to picket with our fire apparatus? Shit, I though I was doing something worthwhile.
Received via Email 8.25.07 I just heard the greatest line of shit ever from the axe man running for the union pres position. According to him the union fights too many battles. I guess our write ups just aren't worth his time. Hey a**hole, you ever heard of fair representation? He also feels the office needs to be open no more than 3 days a week. I guess we had better not get written up on the closed days. Does he know that your 10 days tick off on those closed days too? Then he made the mistake of telling us that our pension "as we know it" will be changing to a 401K real soon. I guess he has already made up his mind on this one. Isn't he a current member of the firefighters pension board? Last but not least, he admits to checking with Fire Admin first to see if they would have any problems with him running the union and taking future promotional tests. Of course they said "no problem." Of course they wouldn't. They want control of this union in the worst way. Oh yeah, he thinks we have never had a elected President/officer of rank in charge of this union, raise higher in the ranks. I guess he doesn't know his history here either. He still plans on raising higher and he aint denying it. Do we want a kool-aide drinking admin suck-up in charge of our union? I say Hell no!! So in a nut shell, our wanna be president, wants to shut down the office, give up on our pension, and run for higher rank. Yeah right, I would rather eat a shit sandwich and drink rat piss first.
TEAM: We received one copy of this for each of our busiest web pages. Suffice it to say, everyone hit's this page enough so that they won't miss it.
Received via Email 8.25.07 VOTE FOR RAY!
Received via Email 8.26.07 What is bullshit is the 300+ copies of the union contract that our union is going to send out to each of us. I hope we did not pay for this, and by the way it expires in a month.
Received via Email 8.26.07 What the hell has Winnie done to bring midgets on to the job? Thats right: Nada. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch. When someone runs for president that is willing to take on the important issues like discrimination against the little people and getting HQ to leave us alone so we can sleep and watch TV all day and play with our midgets, then I will vote for THAT guy! I think we should have a public debate and find out exactly why both Winnie and Ray hate midgets. We could do it at my house. After the debate we could watch porn. I got lots. Thanks for caring my sweet people.
The Very Reverend Al Sharpton
Received via Email 8.26.07 DON'T VOTE 4 Ray! He doesnt wanna fight write ups? He will not protect you. He is a SUIT. GO Newton!
Received via Email 8.26.07 I heard a rumor that printing the contract would cost about 90 bucks for each copy, and that Ray fought against it because of the expense. Then I heard that Winnie pulled a knife but Ray knocked it out of his hand with a swift karate chop. Then, Winnie threw acid at Ray's face but Ray used his cat like reflexes to dodge the acid and it got all over hit singer Seal, who was at the union hall doing a concert. Anyway, that's why Seal's face looks like that. Also, Winnie is now hiding in his secret lab under a mountain. I think Ray is at the MFS.
Glad To Help,
Joan Rivers
Received via Email 8.26.07 I for one have had it with all this midget bullshit! I just broke up with a midget and in all honesty it is painful to come in here and see all this crap. It just reminds me of my huge but tiny loss. Oh, wait a second, I hear something. Shit! There she is! She didn't leave, she just got stuck in the laundry hamper. I got to go. Forget all this shit, okay? Shit!
Brother Living Large
Director of "Honey I Shrunk the Beyotch"
Received via Email 8.26.07 Webmaster, do us all a favor and just delete the midget post when you get them. It makes us and this site look stupid.
TEAM: Shooda been quicker with your email. Believe us. You haven't seen half of them.
Received via Email 8.26.07 To: 8/25/07-- #6
"I would rather eat a shit sandwich and drink rat piss first." Well here's your sandwich and a big full glass of rat piss. Take your time. I think it must be a little hard to swallow at first. You bring up a most viable possibility in that the city will be changing our pension "to a 401K real soon". Could happen. Let's look at the advantages. No more hearing the union scream about the unfunded liability. No more hearing the union scream about the unfunded liability. No more hearing the union scream about the unfunded liability. There's three good reasons why the city would be ecstatic over doing away with our pension and having us go to a 401K. Realistically they have every reason to endorse THAT plan rather than continue paddling upstream with the deficit in the current pension and they can do it in 30 days. Remember that your pension is at the whim of the city. They can stop it in a heartbeat. That newcomer on the Council that wants to do away with the current pension because of the funding fiasco will no doubt be one of the loudest endorsers of a 401K FOR ALL CITY EMPLOYEES. What could be better? Each employee contributes his or her own money toward their own retirement. The city under the worst scenario would only have to match the funds. No more fiduciary responsibility. No more actuarial sound projections to nag at them. No more worrying about how to hide the money returned by the state for insurance premiums. No more hearing the union scream about the unfunded liability. They could just keep all the money and throw the employees under the bus. Probably a bigger laugh at city hall than the phony tax increase of '08. A certain past president predicted this almost a year ago. It's the way things are going in this country in the private sector and the handwriting is pretty much on the wall for public employees. The city has long been looking for this opportunity to get out from under the fire and police pension plans. This is like a dream come true. It screws every last one of us in one way or another. Both current and retired members alike. Don't construe this to be an endorsement of anyone. I don't involve myself in politics. This is only to respond to the piss drinker who is still under the impression that the Union can stop the city from doing whatever it pleases. Get a grip son. Those of us who've been around awhile know that just about anything's possible in the "Sunshine City".
Received via Email 8.26.07 Winnie my boy. You doh no whatchu talkin' bout whin yo be down talkin' my boy Winnie. Now yo go on now and donchoo be talkin' dat way bout my boy.
Scatman Cruthers
Received via Email 8.26.07 "What is bullshit is the 300+ copies of the union contract that our union is going to send out to each of us." Funny... everyone at my station thought it was a great idea and followed along the lines of what the more progressive Local's in the state are doing. I go to union meetings and I see the books. For some funny reason we seem we're not in the red like we have been in past administrations and we get more for our dues, for not pissing every dollar down a hole. I guess the union should have consulted with you first. Of course my "informed vote" would have cancelled your "ignorance is the best policy vote," - out!
Received via Email 8.26.07 To 8/25 #6 If you witnessed this act of brain-letting, then it goes a long way towards telling us what the future will be like. It looks like Ray's already got it planned for us because that's what he does. He plans. He's never implemented a single change that has benefited us and now he's exposing his plans to implement HIS idea of where we should all be going. I want a president who learns from other presidents, not one who's going to use us as an experiment and recreate the wheel.
Received via Email 8.26.07 Here's the bottom line. NEVER PROMOTE A GUY TO UNION PRESIDENT WHEN HIS INTENTION IS TO USE IT AS THE FIRST STEP TO HIS NEXT PROMOTION WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT. NEVER PROMOTE A GUY TO UNION PRESIDENT WHEN IT'S SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA TO FORCE THEIR AGENDA ON THE REST OF US. NEVER PROMOTE A GUY WHO'S LOOKING TO RETIRE FROM THE JOB ONE DAY TO WORK HIS WAY INTO A DEPUTY MAYOR'S POSITION. Remember.....not all of us are so stupid as to not see the forest for the trees. If you desire some notoriety amongst the management types, why don't you put in some sweat equity like the guys who work for PTEC on their days off or have you ever given a training job a thought? Shocking as it may seem, management appreciates real effort. Giving your all for the United Way campaign will get you dirty for all of about 3 weeks. My days are best spent not fighting the city, the department and the union, too!
I may be a chief!
Received via Email 8.26.07 It seems inevitable that our pension will be going away down the road. 401K is inferior to what we have, but it does have a few advantages. You have control of it after you retire. It also is portable. When you get sick of St. Pete (and you will), take your 401K anywhere in the world--- no more starting all over. It's your money and the only real string is that you have to wait a few years to touch it (depending on your age). Regarding the next union president, I would vote for the guy that you think can keep the 401K away the longest. But it is coming. No doubt about that.
Mayor Shit For Brains
President/ League of Cities
Received via Email 8.26.07 To: 8/25/07-- #6
"I would rather eat a shit sandwich and drink rat piss first." Well here's your sandwich and a big full glass of rat piss. Take your time. I think it must be a little hard to swallow at first. You bring up a most viable possibility in that the city will be changing our pension "to a 401K real soon". Could happen. Let's look at the advantages. No more hearing the union scream about the unfunded liability. No more hearing the union scream about the unfunded liability. No more hearing the union scream about the unfunded liability. There's three good reasons why the city would be ecstatic over doing away with our pension and having us go to a 401K.
Received via Email 8.26.07 Received via Email 8.26.07 What is bullshit is the 300+ copies of the union contract that our union is going to send out to each of us. I hope we did not pay for this, and by the way it expires in a month. Hum, MY contract never expires. Which one are you looking at?
TEAM: We're popping these things up here as fast as we can. There's 11 IP's viewing this page, as we type. Hooda thunk?
Received via Email 8.26.07 Hey, arent we all a part of the union? Then why do some of us use the term "the union scream" like its a bad thing? WE Should ALL be screaming when it comes to our pensions. If you think a 401K with matching city contribution is ok, think again. When you leave after 30 years and collect your pension for another 30 you will collect better than 1.2 million in todays $'s. Now if your willing to contribute $650.00 a payday and have the city match it, from the start of your career until the end then you might be in good shape. I'm saying good luck. Pensions are your only safety net in you're retired life and unless you're ready to live out the rest of your days in the woods somewhere, you had better become a big part of this union and do everything you never thought you where capable of to protect what is rightfully yours. BTW, the city will never rid themselves of having to fund the pensions of all those who have left already.
Received via Email 8.27.07 The pension will be much easier to fund once they quit adding new members to it. Think about it.
Received via Email 8.27.07 RESPONSE TO 8/26/07-#16
It's true. The city would have to fund the current retirees. But not YOU !!! Yes we are all part of the Union but the Union doesn't have the ability to force a change in the pension. I think that's pretty clear by now. It's amazing how many of us who are members of the union are always willing to shoot the messenger when things don't go our way. It's true that the city will no doubt make a change in our pension. However it won't be because Ray told them to do it. Ray is merely making known what has been coming for a long time. Ray says the union "fights too many battles". It's not clear that he said he wouldn't fight write-ups. He just said the union fights too many battles. Why must so many of us take everything in a negative way? As far as aspiring to a higher rank...what the hell's wrong with that? Lots of us aspire to a higher rank. Does that mean we can never be an office holder in the union? Contrary to popular belief the city doesn't give a shit about who the president or any other officer of this Local may be. Those on the council don't know a probie from a district chief. And they don't want to know either. We've had several officers as presidents of this Local and as far as I know none of them sold out the union while in office. Those who got promoted while in office would have gotten promoted anyway. It wasn't because they were an officer in the union. It was because they wanted to retire at a higher level than firefighter when the time came. There's not a damn thing wrong with that. And it has no reflection on the union whatsoever. What makes some of us think that every decision, every change, every process must be cleared with the union first?
I'm happy to see that at least one member realizes the importance of a pension later in life. What he says is exactly true for each and every one of us. But what changes the city decides to make will be made WITHOUT the blessing of each and every member of this union. Those who can see the potential change are merely sounding the alarm. Forewarned is forearmed. Each of us should be thinking of a positive way to deal with the POTENTIAL changes. What we shouldn't do is crucify those who merely predict.
Received via Email 8.27.07 So you're saying Ray's still got a chance?
Received via Email 8.27.07 VCF is right except for the promotion part. If you want to get promoted you are either anti-blue shirt or a queer. But all of the pension stuff is correct. Now lets not sell out our future members the way Dick Tully and his brigade did back in 1970.
Dick Gautier
The guy that played Hymie on Get Smart
The greatest sit-com EVER
Received via Email 8.27.07 Mr. Webmaster, can you place this in big bold print?
“Caesar loves the betrayal, but despises the betrayer.”
Received via Email 8.27.07 Sorry Butt Plug....but I was president from '74-'79. The stuff you perpetually whine and bitch about happened before I took office.
Received via Email 8.27.07 "So you're saying Ray's still got a chance?" Hahahahaha.......I saw the movie too. That was the question. The answer was "one in a million."