Editor's Console 8-19-05 Two of the TEAM Reporters who attended last evening's Union Meeting, relayed an interesting story to me via the Contact Us page. It concerned the fishing expedition that one Dues Paying Brother was on at the close of the meeting. I'm told that it was apparent to all of the TEAM Reporters that attended, that he was hell bent on discovering whoever was responsible for the Us vs. Them website. He was apparently challenged by others who asked if he had a problem with the facts that were presented in this forum. His answer: "Some of the information is fact, but the rest is all bullshit!"
Question... is that 90% fact and 10% bullshit or... well you get the idea. The vast majority of the text on these pages is a grim reflection of the grim reality that your Brothers and Sisters on the job are living. I don't make it up, but I'll pass all of it along. Don't cheapen their words because (in this forum) you've not had the 'bugle power' to impose your will upon their free speech. Cross examination might be slow, but you've got the opportunity to do so through this forum.
Listen - don't get your shorts in a bunch. Now that you're paying full Union dues again, please try to be more respectful to those of your Brothers and Sisters who've paid full Union dues all along. Your apparent attempt at levity by shouting "I just want to know if he's a SCAB or not!" was apparently met with some disdain as two of your Brothers dimed you out to me! Don't be so obvious. You've got deductive reasoning skills. Unless you feel as though you're not up to the challenge - use 'em! And don't wear out the paid help with questions of a dubious nature. Yes - this is a Union website. I've worked at Union Scale for most of my adult life. The lifestyle that my family and I enjoy, wasn't come-by with the giving up of information at the first thought of retribution, retaliation or recourse against me. And no - it's not sanctioned by any official or officials in any named or unnamed organization. Folks are aptly suspicious of others right about now, but much like Mafia wives - the paid help of the Union is kept in the dark, too. Treat any RUMORS that you might have about the make-up of this TEAM, as you would any information that might well be erroneous. Don't get caught spreading it, as it's a policy violation and isn't a nice way to treat those that you are suspicious of, especially the one's that have no clue as to what you're talking about.
Leave it go, Bro'! There's no one getting flamed here by name, like over on the cops message board. People want to see you as their friend! Don't screw that up by signing-on with the Devil.