We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise.
We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” —C.S. Lewis

Received Via Email 7-04-12  Three words. This contrac offer.  This is bullshit and belongs on this page. Mike stick to inspecting or darts cause you are no president.

Received Via Email 7-05-12  I just marked my ballot and prayed a big HELL NO over it. I hope God is understanding. 1 against, I hope I'm not the last.

Received Via Email 7-05-12  God is understanding, 2/3rds of the bargaining team is understanding, and I hope more that just a few of us are understanding. On the other hand, Michael T. Blank has no clue. Do you all realize that if this proposal is voted in, then he will have a 2 year term of accomplishing and doing nothing.

Received Via Email 7-11-12  maybe blank is a muslim abd thinking that if he screws over alot of people he will get all those virgins in heaven because I dont know any woman  and probably man that would sleep with him.

Received Via Email 7-15-12   Blank is just an outright IDIOT, there is no reason to bring religion or anything else into it. Lets not offend.

Received Via Email 7-17-12  it wasnt about religion maybe sort of but maybe he was trying to justify screwing us and was thinking if he screwed enough he may get a reward .when I say him his nose and face have lots of cappilaries showing bright red.  What does that mean?

Received Via Email 7-20-12  Blank/Hay, Dumb&Dumber 2, idiots on the run. Opening soon at a local close to you.

Received Via Email 7-20-12  President Blank has produced a survey form asking us to rate what we think is the most important thing that would get him a new contract and a better chance of re-election LOL. Anyway dont even waste your time on the pension selection. Unless you live under a slimy rock somewhere we dont want anything to reopen our pension to be plundered. Keep it closed and keep what we have protected. As for the Physical and Drug Abuser selections, again dont give him the satisfaction. those articles were of no intereset to the council at the last impasse and a lot of money was spent to get legal rulings on these matters that prove that they are not enforceable. As you can see the Blank one spent a lot of time putting together a worthless list in the name of He's the Bargaining Agent and its his duty to be you a plie of whale shit for you to vote down over and over and over. This is the third time we have voted a contract down that did not include a reduced work week or pay increase. And NO a wasted vote for a change to a 7 day work cycle IS NOT a reduced work week.

Received Via Email 7-20-12  I hear they had to fire up a suicide watch for that little twerp Art Meyer. He sure spent a long time whispering in the corner with Jeff Wayne the scab. Hey Jeff, now that the vote is over stay the fuck out of my union hall you rotten little prick. Your business ends with this failed vote. Pussies.

Received Via Email 7-20-12  Hey Mr. webmaster. I love the quote at the top of the page. There are too many traitors on this dept. to count.

Received Via Email 7-21-12  When your talking Art Meyer and Scabby Jeff Wayne, your talking about Blanks life support system. He must be jonesing right about now if he's going to attempt to pretend to be a real union member at an out of state convention without his two schemers around him to feed him one liners that he can't even remember. It's like the blind leading the deaf, dumb, stoopid and blind.

Received Via Email 7-22-12  I am so glad to hear that Mike Blank has made a full recovery from his 24 hour "Clickness".

Received Via Email 7-29-12 I see that the Commanders of Station 13C took their crews out on this beautiful Sunday to do some much needed training. Ok, lets see here, when a $35,000.00 vehicle goes off road and gets stuck what do you do? I know, I know, lets use a $500,000 vehicle that weighs about 25,000 lbs heavier than the first vehicle and take off the road too and see what happens? OMG!!!!its now stuck too...No worries we still have this $Million dollar truck thats just sitting here lets give it a go. Heave ho and away we go, see I told you it would work. Later, Hey Lt. does this truck feel like its driving funny to you? No, all good Ladder trucks are capable of having the ass end pass the front end from time to time. No I dont think this is one of those.
Holy bat turds, what are you idiots thinking? The city has a super special truck that they purchased just for such incidents. No amount of extra Sunday training will help you learn common sense.

Received Via Email 7-30-12  You people are idiot's, wish I could have seen that.

Received Via Email 7-30-12  nerve damage!!!!!

Received Via Email 7-31-12  Now I know I'm old.  I didn't get the "store bought enhancement" thing until it was explained.  The stuck truck thing is funny as hell.

Dick Tully

Received Via Email 8-01-12  The only time anyone named Lindsey appears on this page is when someone "suddenly" appears on this page and makes the claim to be a Lindsey. Mr. webmaster I think you and everyone on this site is being played. Her name was never mentioned until SHE (supposedly) appeared here and now she's playing a victim. You've done it b4 so please remove her/his/it's posting(s) from this site and lets get on with the business at hand.
TEAM  We can see your point.  All gone!

Received Via Email 8-01-12  hello,how are u doing? its funny how the one way road works...quack quack quack until splat splat splat...and whine whine whine and hush hush hush.come on, really!!!! its not rocket science just obvious. so if u want to assume u know than assume but,watch out for the gator tail it whips hard and fast!!!! i dont expect a rebuttle, just dont assume and look for signs when in uniform and around folks tring to look good in front of those gold bars u dig. " damaged" split tails are silly and useless.

Received Via Email 8-02-12  dont you mean wine wine wine since I am presuming most of HQ and the boys are alcholics.   How many have beeen sent home " sick" because they were sick.. i bet if they blew it would be over the limit.

Received Via Email 8-02-12   http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/07/health-insurance-rebates-is-your-check-in-the-mail/

Received Via Email 8-03-12  It's ok.  Blank got us fire boots.  http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/st-pete-council-votes-to-buy-land-for-nearly-twice-appraised-value/1243933  and you aint getting none of this either.

Received Via Email 8-03-12  No he didn't, Michael hasn't gotten you or me anything at all. He has yet to fulfill a good promise to us as firefighters, and he surely can't bring home a bad promise to the Mayor and his litter of Mutt's

Received Via Email 8-03-12  beside fieboots.   do you think Blank or whomever could get us massages for all os and of curse with happy endings so that way I dont have to stop on the way home.

Received Via Email 8-05-12  Call the Mayor . . . he knows all about...
TEAM:  Dude - you're killing us.  No we can't print that and yeah, he does.

Received Via Email 8-06-12  wow who is writing all druniked up

Received Via Email 8-06-12  Now I see on face book that King Michael has taken it upon himself to use Union Letterhead and the name of the St. Petersburg Association of FireFighters to endorse Everett Rice for Sheriff. Other than being told by his meddleing mentor Chief Large to do so, when was this decision made? The Union did not participate in a screening process for this race and Gualtaire was not given a chance to voice his side. WTF is the Great one trying to do to us now? This membership has no need to be in this race but once again our Bargaining Agent has overstepped his boundaries. Chief Large must be real proud to have such an idiot for his personnal love child. Submitting to their will, way to go JackWagon.

Received Via Email 8-06-12  Wait a minute now. You mean to tell me that he's throwing our name around like he owns it without telling the E board what he's doing? What happens if Rice loses and Blanks just thrown our name behind him? There's no reason whatsoever for FF's to endorse a Sheriff at all. We don't need to be in the race and we don't need a Sheriff for an enemy. What's going to happen when our dick of a mayor decides he's going to run again and we don't endorse him? Is Blank going to give him our name and money to use too? How about Leslie? This guys stupid and that makes him dangerous. The E Board needs to hold him accountable. We shouldn't be backing his relatives friends just because we can. Again......we don't need to endorse anyone at the Sheriff's office at all ever. Again........if Rice loses we've made an enemy out of a Sheriff that we didn't even interview. How fucked is that? Blank needs to go and the E Board needs to see to it.
TEAM:  Ah, yeah.

Received Via Email 8-07-12  Allrightythen. First everyone bitches when Pearl hand delivers a letter to the C shift on union letterhead to, oh yeah, the C shift and everyone bitches. Now you've got Blank sending an endorsement letter to a guy running for Sherrif on union letterhead to, oh yeah, a guy running for Sherrif and everyone bitches. What's the problem?

Received Via Email 8-07-12  That's our boy Mikey from Local 1/3, Daisymae. He spends 1/3 of the time at HQ, 1/3 of the time at HR, 1/3 of the time on the phone with the lawyers and 1/3 of the time at the Sheriff's office. That's our boy.

Received Via Email 8-07-12  Mikey "I have no experiance at this stuff" Blank will someday come back from HR with a signed MOU agreeing to the article stating we are all drug users until proven guilty, or the article on the Physicals, or maybe a special DROP extension carve out for his special friends at the MFS. It is impossible to guess what he will do next because he doesnt know. As soon as Chief Large tells him to do it then he will know. I agree, this idiot has to be stopped.

Received Via Email 8-07-12  How much more f'ed up can you get MTB?? LEAVE NOW, please, I'll buy you a beer.

Received Via Email 8-07-12  Word has it that Blank's going to meet with Chris Guella on Thursday. Quit trying to impress the enemy with your mental powers and go see our friends in council, asshole.

Received Via Email 8-07-12  Holy bat shit!!! I just wrote that senario earlier this morning and now it looks like he must have read it and got a great idea. I had no idea he could read, much less comprehend what he reads. I sure hope someone goes with him to hold his mouth shut.

Received Via Email 8-08-12  While we still have friends on council Pauley needs to step up and knock on some doors without Blank. Blank doesn't include the principal officers in anything he does (READ: SECRECTIVE) and he is dirty.

Received Via Email 8-08-12  Your a traitor MTB, going to see the chief backstabber of City hall. ( Pauley & Mott too this time? ) A real man would demand things like, let's meet on our turf. Our union hall.. Isn't that a grand idea Mr. Blank? WTH are you doing?? Now I read your throwing the Local's good name behind an old man that wants to be Andy Taylor again? Did we have a board of members to interview him, and the current starman? Your so out of touch Mike. If you even aim anything at Jon P., write your name in with that favorite crayon of yours and eat the mystery Red ticket. Really dude, have you no clue?

Received Via Email 8-08-12  Well here it is again, SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT DAY !!!  Everyone is howling about Mike Blank and how terrible the little asshole is but no one is doing a damn thing about it.  Apparently most of us think talking about it will make it go away.  

Received Via Email 8-08-12  I suggest we all go and wait outside Guella's office Thursdsay and be a part of it too! HA! I kill myself~

Received Via Email 8-08-12  Blank is an idiot.  No backbone.  Are we sure blank isnt being paid off?  Maybe we should have the IRS look inot his finances.  The only way someone would screw people like us over is if he was receiving large sums of cash.

Received Via Email 8-08-12  I was told that there's a story going around that Kidwell is so upset about not getting the drop extension that he's all done building axe boxes. I thought he was done building boxes a couple of union meetings ago when everyone found out that Sam Warren and Henry Jones didn't get their boxes at all. Blank was supposed to get with Kidwell several times(their in the same station i hear) but he's probably pissed at Blank because Kantaskis is now his no. 1 cabinet lackey. If you wrote a book you couldn't possibly dream up such backstabbing.

Received Via Email 8-12-12  Kidwell does things his way, not ours. He does it when he has time, and if he dont like you then there aint enough hours in the week. Even if he is using pool time hours to work on them. Supposedly he has settled down and made the boxes for our Brothers that retired 2 years ago and has had a second thought about finding a new way to continue to build them. Lets wait for round 4 when we still dont get the DROP extension again.

Received Via Email 8-12-12  This Thursday at the meeeting take a stand, don't allow the wanna be's to try and take over. throw the LtSH over the rim, he has no business being an exec member of 747. He sucked as an A shift VP, MTB wants him and the baby in his lame duck admin to hold his fat ass up. Come Next October I'll be in line to nominate Will Newton as Pres of 747.. Than we'll have our Union back.

Received Via Email 8-13-12  You know what?  I think it may be too late.  And it would serve us right.  We had the best in the state and pissed it away.  I can't say because I don't know for sure but I don't think Winnie has any intention of running for President of this lame ass Local.  The shitty end of the stick we handed him when we elected Blank president didn't go unnoticed and I'm pretty sure is not forgotten.  And if he tells each member individually to go screw himself I wouldn't blame him one bit.  Those who know Winnie know that he's a pretty easy going guy and if and when someone disagrees or has another opinion than his he doesn't go all weird and crazy.  He knows it's just a part of doing business.  And when the majority of the members of this Local told him he was a loser in their minds and that he shouldn't let the door hit him in the ass on his way out . . . He didn't go all weird and crazy.  But I've got a sneaking suspicion that he took the stick like a gentleman but didn't forget.  I truly hope this has been a lesson learned by every member of this Local.  I know there are some that are just too thick to get it but hopefully the next time there's a decision to be made it will be clearer heads that do the thinking.  Mr. Blank is a disgrace to the office of President and a disgrace to the firefighters in this Local.  His antics will not stop until he's taken out of office.  Waiting for October will just give him time to make matters worse.  By now he's laughing his ass off at how everyone whines and bitches about his ability and the lack of it.  He's laughing because he and his supporters know there's no one who can or will do anything about the mess he's making of this contract.  No one will run against him when the time comes because no one wants the job.  That was pretty clear the last time when he was the best this Local had to offer against Winnie.  So get the knot out of your panties and shut up about how bad it is.  Crying won't make it go away and no one has the balls to take charge so it is what it is and it's not going to change.  And by the way, the amount of gratitude and appreciation for the Local being even as sound as it is should be given to Mott and Pauley for their unfaltering determination to keep this Local from going down.  They're all that stands between the members and the city that wants to screw us all.  Don't be afraid to tell them how much they're appreciated the next time you see either of them.

Dick Tully

Received Via Email 8-14-12  Well, Well, Well, its amazing what you can hear if one just listens. This past Monday night, Michael Blank rounded up all of his friends to go out and plant the political signs across the area. Good for him I say. Then I hear he took off using Union Pool hours 8:00-22:00 in order to work the polls and hob nob with the winners of the elections of which the Local endorsed. (drive by the union office to see the signs front and back). Again good for him he must be learning. Now I hear that he went to see the gang rape of our fellow firefighters in SPB but just couldnt make it to the end. Oh well, I thought that he was interested in how the election results were coming along and maybe he was heading up a last sign waving push. Stop the train, this is where him got off. There is only so much a person can put up with in any given day and I guess Mike is only an 8-5 kinda guy. They must have been having a great chow down at the MFS for outgoing SCAB boi Jeff Wayne cause thats where Michael chose to go. I mean why would one want to cement a relationship with a political ally that #1 our dollars and name were used as endorsements, and now the next step for the General election is upon us and these same folks will now be wondering why there was no congratulations from the Firefighters union. I guess Chief Large was in a foul mood since his hope that Rice would win his race didnt materialize that he called Mikey back in so he wouldnt say something that hadnt been scripted. Michael Blank, you are an embarassment to this Local and to Union Members everywhere.

Received Via Email 8-15-12  So you say that Steve Hay wants to become the new EVP of our Local. I remember once when Mr Hay was the A shift Vice President, he was invited by President Newton to find out just what being a union officer is all about and he went to the annual FPF convention. He couldn't wait for the hours to go by so he could get away from the nonsense that was taking place. You know, the BS like making important decisions, Political Q&A, working on BY-Laws and trivial things like that. After returning from the convention Steve hasn't found time for union business again. Yea he will come by a build a sign and even put some out his week. The last thing we need is another of the couch johnny come lately's making their marks on our Local. Its really to bad too. Instead of Blank gradually sinking the ship, with Hay and his other hopefuls we could be out of the business toot sweet.

Received Via Email 8-15-12  Michael Blank went back to work, where his next EVP and Secretary Treasurer already were. He didt want to show them just how much was involved in doing this gig correctly.
TEAM:  Blank's mark of distinction lies in the fact that he is always last in and first out. He's everything you thought he could be and worse.

Received Via Email 8-17-12  Steve Hay was at last nights umion meeting....He choose to tender a letter of intent for his running for the EVP position. Whats the matter Highway man? You afraid you wouldnt have a friend in the crowd to nominate your sorry ass? I guess you realized that you cant depend on the other followers to show up.

Received Via Email 8-17-12  What happened to KanAssKiss? I hear he didn't put in a letter to run and nobody nomintated him from the floor. Come on hotshot you've still got time to put your name in the hat. If you can't stand the scrutiny of the simple task of putting your name in the hat then maybe the job's not for you. Shift VP's don't get paid and take shit from everyone. Put your name in the hat, show up to meetings, get your hands dirty and maybe in a few years you'll be able to walk in Neuberger's shadow.

Received Via Email 8-17-12  I hope Hay comes up with a campaign letter (that he writes himself). I want to read that puppy.

Received Via Email 8-17-12  The key to getting promoted is the use of proper words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7i2KGbRRns

Received Via Email 8-17-12  I don't know about any of the rest of you but I'm trying to figure out why anyone wants to run against Rick Pauley or Bill Mott. Am I missing something or is this another one of those change for the sake of change things?

Received Via Email 8-18-12  Dumbass, Neuberger and Kantaskas aren't even on the same shift. Gonna be tough to run against him I bet.
TEAM:  Also scratching head...

Received Via Email 8-18-12  I just saw some amazing shit on telestaff. Scab Wayne clicks out sick Friday on his last shift, swaps on the shift before that and out sick the shift before that.He is a hero in many folks eyes because he managed to run his sick hours down to less than 5 hours.  However, today Saturday his great scab buddies find an overtime slot for him to play inspector. Its a real shame when your district chiefs allow a member or even a scab member to screw the system. I guess its not hard for them since they do the same thing.

Received Via Email 8-18-12  Yes, it was a such a sad day with Scab Wayne leaving that R. Kidwell had to stay at home as well.

Received Via Email 8-19-12  The folks that have been told by Chief Large to get off the couch and help MTB get back his Union made a strong showing at last Thursdays Union Meeting. What a sight, a bunch of mindless followers hoping to get advancement by showing up in support of Yes Boys. We have seen what 1 follower cant get done in the position of President so now they are intent on showing us how totally inept a new Executive Board can be. One thing is for certain, for the first time in ages, the beer thats been in the refrigerator since last year got cleaned out early and when it was gone so were they. That is the extent and the purpose of these new wanna be "LEADERS". Drink until you can't remember and everything is ok. Drunk leadership under the influence of Chief Large. Just because he allows it in his Fire Administration doesnt mean we have to put up with it on 1st Avenue. Hey Jimmy, is the Mayor still promising you something when you deliver him the keys to the Union Hall?
  Tell him the beer is all gone so he can't go there to get any.

Received Via Email 8-20-12   "Steve Hay was at last nights umion meeting....He choose to tender a letter of intent for his running for the EVP position"
Yeah just like his intenet to be a Captain, oh wait SK stopped that, now he thinks to recover some of his past shit covered glory and become a leader of our local? LMAO. It didn't work for you as a plumber, Lt, or aspiring Captain. What makes you think your worthy of anything else ole fella? Maybe Jeff Scabworthy needs a turd cleaner in Kentucky?  FTM

Received Via Email 8-20-12   the scab in HQ is JR redhead. who has backstabed every medic out there.  did gap tooth give you knee pads to suck him off?   You have no respect in the companies.  No one trusts you or your boyfriend DK.  They dont want you or your significant other in the station. You are not welcome in our station.

Received Via Email 8-22-12  Rumor has it, the no-it-all's in Fire Administration are very dissatisfied with the way they Basturdized the highly rank and thoughtout Tele-Staff system. What a joke they continually prove themselves to be. Gotta luv it. They constantly show us that they would rather waste money on something thats not needed before they will give us a pay raise.

Received Via Email 8-22-12  Mr. Webmaster, how about a column for SSDD?  List all the times the chief screws a member?
TEAM:  Okay.  You've got it.  Just remember... The chief don't lie on you so you don't lie on the chief!

Received Via Email 8-28-12  +Good to see Mr. Webmaster has the balls to post what needs to be posted to this site. The guys sure sure do appreciate everything you do for them.

Received Via Email 9-02-12  Can anyone tell me what time Local 747 will be presenting the MDA check tomorrow during the Telethon? I didnt see a memo nor have I heard anything so far. I dont want to miss this presentation to show off our continued support for these unfortuate children.

Received Via Email 9-03-12   Its 2:30 Monday afternoon, I guess I missed it. Can anyone tell me how much local 747 contributed tot the MDA this year and who presented the check?

Received Via Email 9-03-12  I heard that Pauley and Mott are once again the reason that Mike Blank couldnt pull off something that we have done so many times before.

Received Via Email 9-04-12  9/3.#2 your either very sarcastic,or a dumbass.. If anyone prevented the boot drive it was MB

Received Via Email 9-04-12  Hang on now. I've got to get in on this one. I missed the 9/3 #2 posting so I need to comment.

In his travels Hay is apparently telling folks that the E Board works for the President, not the other way around. READ our Constitution and By Laws and tell me how this squares. In fact it says nothing of the sort. If Hay and Blank are of the opinion that the buck stops with the President, then so be it but if that's really the case, how is it that two E Board members keep holding Blank hostage behind unlocked doors at the Union hall? If what Hay says is true about the E Board playing a minor role and Blank is always the final arbiter, then why are some making excuses for his not taking responsibility for this Union's failure to collect for MDA for the first time in our history? The fact of the matter is, if it's not important to Michael Blank it's not important to this Union. Hay is a shill for Blank and nothing more. If you ask Hay about all of Blank's screw-ups, he'll tell you that he's only been in office for six months and that there's a learning curve that comes with the job. Apparently Hay's going through a learning curve when it comes to counting months. If it were any other newly elected person in the President's position doing a competent job, Hay would be telling his story from a position of strength, but it's become quite evident of that not being the case at all.

We've hired one of the most inept fire fighters on the job as Local 747's Union President and now Steve Hay and a small group long term 'watchers' are now circling Local 747's dying campfire like a group of hyenas moving in for the kill.

Received Via Email 9-04-12  I believe they were being sarcastic

Received Via Email 9-04-12  Whoa !!  Wait a minute.  I hope that you meant that the way I'm trying to take it.  That Pauley and Mott wouldn't allow the freakin' poser of a president from this Local to present a check that came from some unknown source.  That is how you meant it, right?  Because if it isn't then maybe you need to re-think the statement. 

Or did Pauley and Mott refuse to be a part of a sham that the president was attempting to perpetrate at the telethon so that it would appear that Local 747 had actually done something to gather donations for children with MD. 

I'm ashamed that the Local made little or no attempt to sponsor anything in the name of MDA this past year.  It's unfortunate that the paper tiger that leads this Local hasn't found the time to learn anything that would help the image of Local 747.  Since the beginning of the telethon the firefighters have been on the air on Labor Day as a major supporter.  Until now.  This is just one more example of a president who is a dismal fool.  Every President until now has been able to find a way to collect for this cause.  Until now.  This year the largest firefighter Local in Pinellas county contributed . . . wait for it . . . nothing.  How the hell can any of us be proud of that?

This president isn't a failure.  To be a failure you have to do something at which to fail.  This president isn't uneducated.  There are those who are educating him right into their plans.  This president isn't capable of making this many mistakes on his own.  He's not that qualified.  Someone else is aiming this loose cannon.  We need to find out who it is.

And again, we need to change the C&BL's.  Would someone please help Pauley and Mott with this?  They have enough on their plate just putting out the fires the president starts every day.  Someone step up and do the work.  Please.

Dick Tully

Received Via Email 9-04-12  Hay says we keep backing the wrong guy for mayor.  I don't remember him ever getting off of the couch to learn any more than what the fire chief has told him and that's that we keep picking the wrong guy.

Received Via Email 9-04-12  Since when has Hay paid any attention to politics? Did he play ANY part in getting and keeping the 5 votes we've got on council? Did he stand up there with Winnie at impasse and make sure that everyone in the steps continued to get their steps? How quickly we forget. Sunshine patriots seem to be everywhere nowadays and Hay is one of them.

Received Via Email 9-05-12  Once again our conscience from above has shown all of you that we are speeding down a road that goes over a cliff. I am sick of it, and will be at the next meeting to ask questions,and attempt to get answers. See YOU THERE?

Received Via Email 9-06-12  i can honestly say that paulie and mott ARE NOT the problem. when i had a problem and presented it to the union, paulie/mott took charge 110% and didnt take any shit from HQ but, blank was pissing in the wind playing both sides. both are no-bullsh!t guys when it comes to our rights. if you cant take the truth and it does sting sometimes then maybe you should check yourself first.

Received Via Email 9-07-12  This fire department continues to amaze me. Looks like it’s the C-shift’s turn for moves now. Or maybe it is time to break up one of the crews with the greatest comradery that I have ever seen (no offense to anyone, it’s just an opinion). I hear that our great and fearless leaders after much thinking have decided to move Lt Lewis to number 10. They have moved a guy who has always obeyed orders without question and that has been at that station for over 10 years. More so, they have decided to rush a guy out the door (which in my opinion, it is what they are doing) that I would follow anywhere, into any fire and into any situation. If anyone has any questions about this last statement, just ask anybody in his crew. I bet you not a single firefighter there has anything bad to say about this man. The people in his crew respect and adore him and there is nothing that they wouldn’t do for him. Now, my question is; was it really that necessary to move a guy who is in the drop and just wants to spend his last five years in peace with his crew? Are they afraid to put actors at number 10? I thought they were proud of the new breed. Mind you, they are not even sending him with a young crew that might need some guidance. As if the guys from number 10 need immediate supervision NOW (most of them are pretty senior guys and I would trust them with my life). This is the best that they could come up with? This is just another shot taken at a station that has been in the crosshairs for as long as I can remember. All my support to you guys

Received Via Email 9-08-12  This new move s simply a way to break up a preceived threat of sensibility. When a crew runs itself then the chiefs start getting worried that they have lost control. To break up crews that have worked together and figured on retiring together is a typical attempt at tyranny by those unaccustomed to having any friends in which they could experiance such bonding. Now boys and girls their next move will be to put a weasel into the fold to infiltrate and cause further damage. This is not only bullshit but is the only code our administration knows.

Received Via Email 9-08-12  And to continue my ranting; these “highly educated professionals”, think that this is going to be good for moral? Moral is already shit and now they move people that didn’t even ask to be moved as if they were chess pieces. Just because they can and to shake things up, just to make things interesting; well, they can keep moving and doing their “highly” strategic moves that no one but they seem to understand. Me and everyone else is still getting a paycheck and to their disgust, will continue to get paid to help people and also to call them out on all the f…d up s…..t they do. I thought about putting this is the SSDD section but what the hell, well call it like it is.. BULLSHIT!!!!

Received Via Email 9-08-12  9/8#2 well said. I feel sorry for whoever they place there. Im guessing it will be a new lieutenant since they obviously dont trust them to run a single company station by him or herself.  They have some pretty big shoes to fill. And if this person happens to be a weasel, they will never be really part of that crew. They can give all the orders that they want, they can split everyone all they want, but that crew wether together or not will have showed them what unity and comradery is all about. And like you said, friendship, which is something that these guys never had and never will have. Sad puppets.

Received Via Email 9-09-12  HQ has its head so far up its a--. #9 over the years slowly became a great station with great men running the place. But HQ runs Lyons off the job. Ships Bickley to 13, Ships Green to 3 and now Lewis to 10. Some of the greatest officers ever on the job, now thrown out like trash just to satisfy the Egos downtown who deep within themselves know they are not half the men or officers that these men are. They purposely break up great crews just to harass the crews and try to show off their power. Well, from us firefighters who have worked many years with all of you, it is no secret that everyday the so called powers to be at HQ just keep losing more and more respect. Funny thing is, the guys you move and treat like crap keep gaining respect with the troops, no matter what you do to them, and YOU. Well, you just keep losing what little respect you could have had. Must make you feel real tough to move great fire officers when you big bad HQ chiefs are so afraid to fight fire anymore you would literally piss your pants if you had to go into battle with the real men and women on the job, and do what they do everyday. Yawnnnn, well heck it is real tough deciding where you go to lunch everyday isn't it. We need guys like Tully back on the job who aren't afraid to tell the real truth about the HQ mamas boys.

Received Via Email 9-09-12  Divide & conquer. What an original thought. Yet I am sure it is tattooed on certain Chief's, Capt.'s and one local pres., and yes ones wanting to be exec members of our union. Where did the United we Stand phrase ever go? It was lost when the, anybody but Winnie AH's brainwashed the younger masses, and grabbed the bigots on our job now. God if there was a way to resurrect past members of our department like Tully, Bingham, Haaf, Driscol, (Rex), people with a backbone and knowledge of the separation between rank & file, and the Officers corps, or maybe the S/S of SPFR? We'd be much stronger. Or maybe just a workshop or two by these minds of solidarity, the light might be brought back into our world... Stop for a moment, HAYBLANK- do either of you remember the days when it really was us vs. them, not -You & Them vs. US?  You spoke to the chief but you never let your guard down.  Trusting leaders can only be achieved if it’s a mutual thing, not a hey let's throw the monkeys a banana and they will be content as we tear down their brother/sister hood..
JUST take a moment and remember whose back you should have. An honest person that doesn't suck up to city hall types, not a frequent HQ visitor but a member that knows we are the force in this organization that should be the ones in charge and work together. So Mr. Pres., don't piss on my back and tell me it’s raining.

Received Via Email 9-09-12  Well said about the HQ chiefs being a bunch of mamas boys. Funny, but very true.

Received Via Email 9-09-12  Well, number 9 is still going to be a great station, even if they bring a weasel in, the crew will rise above just like they have done in the past. This is not the first time that this happens and it wont be the last. Whoever they bring might think he or she is part of the crew but only if the crew allows it, if not, this person will be an outcast.

Received Via Email 9-17-12  Maybe the MFS needs a little shakeup with their Supervisory force. I dont know of the recent Wert case happening at station 9.

Received Via Email 9-18-12  9/17 #1. Are you a dumbass? What does his supervisors have to do with his off duty actions which were probably not known? You probably piss on floor at home does your supervisor tell you to clean it up? Wert is a piece of shit and I hope he rots in hell but to say its his supervisors fault is out of line. You're a dipshit and I hope you rot in hell with the pedophile.  Have a nice day.

Received Via Email 9-18-12  you station 9 are a bunch of b!tches...shut the fu#k up!!!!!get over it !!!!

Received Via Email 9-18-12  Proves it all along. #9 crew has much more character than the Large so called boys at the MFS. You MFS ers are a bunch of phoneys. #9 has been and always will be the real leaders of SPFR not you little pukes downtown.

Received Via Email 9-18-12  prove why #9 is the leader of the department...facts?!?!?!

Received Via Email 9-21-12   prove why #9 is the leader of the department...facts...I thinks this works both ways.

Received Via Email 9-21-12  Capt D. said it best "Master station boys are a lot less than they think they are, more show than go. I would put my station up against those misfits anyday of the week" Now that 4th 9/18 is a leader. Challenge our house will ya. Don't think so, you'll get crushed by the best. Hummmpppphhhh.

Received Via Email 9-23-12  yes, ur captain is a leader... ur captain. and I was hopeing for a real explination on facts but, you have just proven to me why people should not drop out of school at the 8th grade level. Your probally a grown man but have the intelligence of a child thats why your response was about your captian not anything you or your crew have accomplished!! not u!!!! All u guys at 9 are disgruntial thats it. The reason why u talk is because you dont have facts just "bullshit" like the title of the page!!

Received Via Email 9-23-12  9-23 #1 Dude!  You're cracking on the other guy from 9 for not having an 8th grade education but *your* sentence structure is horrible. You seem to have a hard time capitalizing the first letter in the first word in what you hope will pass for sentences and to top it off, your punctuation sucks. You misspell easy words such as YOUR, HOPING, EXPLANATION, YOU'RE, PROBABLY, THAT'S, CAPTAIN, DISGRUNTLED & DON'T.  A lot of people use shortcuts on this site but you can't crack on the other guy for being dumb when you look dumberer.

Received Via Email 9-24-12  I am sure that the Kidiots from the sandbox will get their pampers in a wad over Capt D's statement.

Received Via Email 9-24-12  How can you be concerned about the MFS station.  Lets just have a party and dance around in the rain, why????  Cause SS-S dont be working for SPFR no more.

Received Via Email 9-24-12  I'm surprised SS-S hasnt pulled out her photo's yet. She must have an album full by now.

TEAM:  Ain't gonna happen, Bro'.  "We no posty what you likey for obvious reasons."

Received Via Email 9-25-12  Capt D from the sand box... do you have any more ritilian.. cause us need it dowa dowa we retarded. I cant believe your still responding talking about leading you guys on....if you guys were REALLY the "crew" you would have never responded to any of the post.Just goes to show you guy arent that good!! good night.

Received Via Email 9-25-12  its scary that SS will be working for another FD, I wonder if they will find out the reason why she resigned was because of theft?!?!?How long do you think it will take for her to do the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...again??
TEAM:  Yeah... we know but let's play nice.  Her husband still works here and is a good guy.

Received Via Email 9-29-12  I agree!!!

Received Via Email 10-01-12  Looking at Telestaff it is nice to see we have one drunk that's suspended and another one that is on sick leave both partying it up. Then we will blame the department when they are fired or asked to resign.

Received Via Email 10-02-12  I hear Blank's trying to work a deal with Leslie Curran. He's trying to get her to convince the rest of city council to give us back the 7 year drop that the cops have had for years in trade for our endorsing her for mayor. I say no trading with the devil. She has screwed us over every chance she's had. Take this thing to court and force the city to do the right thing and make them pay for our lawyers when they lose. C'mon Kathleen Ford!

Received Via Email 10-03-12  Maybe Blank will start dating Leslie, it worked for Feinberg!
TEAM:  Now there's an idea.  After all, saving her life on the side of the road didn't do it!

Received Via Email 10-03-12  No, it didnt work for Feinberg or Local 747. No trade off here. Of course I would have never believed that we would have traded Newton for Blank, Hay for Pauley, Wert for Mott, and Sweet for Neuberger. But the idiots have spoken before.

Received Via Email 10-05-12  Damn, Leslie now might be our only chance for 747 to remain alive.
TEAM:  So you say we've got a chance?

Received Via Email 10-06-12  10-1 Who is the drunk?

Received Via Email 10-06-12  Look at Telestaff on A shift for suspension no pay. That will answer your question

Received Via Email 10-06-12  For all you new found union supporters, I hope to see you all at the swearing in of the brain dead zombies. We will be at the Amtrack station off of 37th avenue north and 32 street. Be there around 7:30.

Received Via Email 10-07-12  As a member of this department and of this union(for now) I am truly disgusted over the fact that a 100+ brother/sisters didnt give a sh!t about our future. You should be ashamed of yourselves and I hope your reading this you guys are f*cking lazy bastards and "WE" dont need you on this department. We have enough people in the city and HQ that truly dont care about us. You "GAVE" away a position of power to a selfish, one track minded person who cares only about his"little" gold bar. To all of you who didnt vote "PLEASE" smack yourself in the face and if you have any self respect (which I doubt) you will apologize to the people who voted.

Received Via Email 10-10-12  I smacked myself like you said, now I'm turned on.  You were right, I feel much better! Thanks!

Received Via Email 10-10-12  Jamet finally found a group that would support her. http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/baybuzz/content/paramedic-emergency-medical-technician-union-endorses-janet-long-pinellas-county-commission

Received Via Email 10-13-12  I see that Large is going to extend the Lt's list but is letting the captains list expire. If I were a Lt. sitting on that promotional list I would be asking Blank if he plans on filing a grievance on my behalf or if he's going to stay under Large's desk for the next year of his presidency.

Received Via Email 10-13-12  I would guess he stays under Large's desk with his fellow buddy aka Pumpkin Head. They are all a fine little team now and every one has such nice warm fuzzy feelings. UNTIL YOUR PENSIONS ARE GONE. What a bunch of Morons,

Received Via Email 10-13-12  This woman better not get into office http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/baybuzz/content/paramedic-emergency-medical-technician-union-endorses-janet-long-pinellas-county-commission#comments

Received Via Email 10-14-12  Any of you get the idea that some people working here are asleep at the wheel? The world is caving in around us and we've got members who can't name a single council member but are spending their time trying to get a new class a uniform that won't cost the city a dime so they can dress up like tin soldiers. I mean effing meow. You don't have to wonder how the Blanks, Sweets and Hays hold a trance over some of these mental giants.

Received Via Email 10-14-12  3rd 10/13 Yeah, Blank, Hay and Sweet better not get into office either. Nothing is a surprise anymore. Everyday it seems people just get dumber and dumber, and then the other group who get lazier and lazier and dont vote. Sure glad I am outta this crapartment very soon.

Received Via Email 10-15-12  Well we have taken more bodies off the street. Look at Telestaff, HQ has more people there than our shifts. Dinan, Feinberg all to HQ and nothing but slots to be filled on the shift with mandatory ot

Received Via Email 10-15-12I hear that Chief Large has had to put a stop to the idea of the 6 hours of open bar during the upcoming show your ass banquet. I was really looking forward to the mighty drunkards really showing their greatness. Can you imagine the promotions that would have taken place the next day if the Chief hadnt stepped forth? Its really to bad we wont get to see the liquid courage our great ones are full of.

Received Via Email 10-16-12  Dont worry, if there is alcohol involved you will be sure to see some ass's.

Received Via Email 10-16-12  Hey Blank. I hope your boy Dudley can beat Farkas (aka firefighter supporter) cuz if he doen'st Farkas is not going to like us for your stupid move. Seen any of the Farkas ads on Dudley? Dudley looks like a tax cheat. Nice going Mr. Union President.

Received Via Email 10-21-12  Heard a rumor the Blank Hay and Sweet are being referred to as the 3 stooges. Now that is hilarious
eeeeeee yuck yuck yuck

Received Via Email 10-22-12  When we talk about supporting our union, I don't think that means to remain loyal to people that don't work there any more and constantly attack the current elected officials.  Maybe I should go review the by-laws.

Received Via Email 10-22-12  You make a good point.  It's easy to see that denigrating and bad-mouthing those in charge is somewhat of a futile effort to salve some lingering wounds.  The wounds just never seem to scab over.  And those in charge ________ are still in charge.  I don't think you'll find any answers in the by-laws since there isn't anything in there that would make calling a spade a spade a punishable offence.  In fact, if anything, it will only support those that are in charge whether they do a good job or a piss poor one.  I can only say that loyalty is earned and if you are referring to loyalty to the current leaders of the Local then I would remind you that none of them have had long enough to not only prove his worthiness of your loyalty but also to prove that any of the three can do the job they were elected to do.  Given their successes at the bargaining table and in the representation of members when grievances arise there will be time enough to sing the praises of these mighty warriors.  I have all manner of faith in the fact that they will cement their claims of being the way of the future and that they will all three proceed to claim the greatness that they have so willingly appointed themselves.  I'm sure that you realize that there are many ways to support the Union but nothing comes close to actually being in the same room when these three leaders of the free fire service attack and respond..  You could go to the negotiations sessions and listen to them as they fill the air with their withering tirades of justification on Article after Article.  You'll be amazed at the skill and professionalism displayed when each takes his turn at producing irrefuteable and damning proof for every demand they make.  And their adversarial skills shall be legend.  They will, to those who oppose them, be known as Legion.  Your attendance, along with many others who share your desire to see and hear the best, will be rewarded with awesome and stunning examples to completely cleanse your mind of any negative thoughts you may have had about their ability.  It will be shown to you in example after example that they, to the man, spoke the truth about their intentions and their relentless gathering of power.  Oh, yes my brother. These are the ones who will provide your unchallenged mind with feats yet undone.  You will be filled with loyalty and admiration for them and they will lead you into a new and bright future.  How much more glorious than if those low lifes that preceeded them could have ever been.  It had been years since they had produced a contract and their constant honing of their skills, only to be thwarted by politics, was getting on the verge of boredom.  It's easy to see why someone with your foresight and outside the box thinking would produce a statement like the one you offered so eloquently.  There's no reason to be loyal to anyone other than those in office on any given day since it's not going to be long before they too will be shown to be inferior and someone else will be demanding your loyalty.  Fear not my loyal and faithful brother.  We shall one day stand at the point of retirement and with the recognition and acceptance of a failed yet smokey past leave this part of our life empty handed and with nothing to show for it but some ill-placed loyalty that seemed important at the time but in fact turned out to be . . . SSDD.  Screaming prohibited !!!

Dick Tully

Received Via Email 10-23-12  10-22-12 #1  When we talk about supporting our union, I don't think that means to remain loyal to people that don't work there any more and constantly attack the current elected officials. 
Right! Blank's been taking a union paycheck for a year now and he's proven to me that no matter how fucked up he is I should blindly follow? Dude........did you notice that the 2 paid positions didn't win by a huge majority? That means that there's more than just me out here wishing for something better than HOPE AND CHANGE. Don't try and sell too many people on your BY SUPPORTING THE NEW LEADERSHIP WE SUPPORT OUR UNION crap or you'll get laughed out of your station. This union has never been so weak as it is now and I'm going to be the first to say I TOLD YOU SO when it all comes apart!

Received Via Email 10-23-12  1st 10/22.  If these new so called leaders would have supported and tried to be unified like you are saying we are all to do now, our former leaders (who by the way had brains and political clout) would not have been lied about and undermined so much. So there you have it. The ones you want us to now support and be loyal to, were the worse betrayers and undermining POS's that our union has ever seen. And you NOW want us to support these guys ?????? Yeah, in your dreams.

Received Via Email 10-23-12  I'm so sorry brother.  I was trying very hard to overcome the image I have of being negative toward those currently in office in our Local.  I wanted to show that negativity is a futile waste of time and that trying really hard to see the positive side will make a person giddy with anticipation.  That being said I think you may me confused with 10-22-#1.  And I agree 100% with what you say.  My post contained a small amount of so called "tongue in cheek" dialog and was in no way meant to encourage agreement per se.  I was merely envisioning how wonderful it would be to drink the kool aid the leadership is offering and follow in blind obedience their directives and examples.  I salute your ability to separate the leadership's bullshit from the outright lies.


Received Via Email 10-23-12  Dick, that was meant for the 1st 10/22. Not you my brother. We know and understand completely your point of view and what you were trying to say. For those that dont quite get it, the 2nd 10/23 posting was to let them see the real facts of the matter. You have always been one step ahead of the game, Heck you were our President at one time, so sir, no need for apologies from you. Just keep giving us the honest to goodness truth as you have always given us. And above all FTM.

Received Via Email 10-23-12  In spite of the lack of raises it looks like the old fossils can still afford plenty of alcohol.

Received Via Email 10-23-12  10/23/#5. your an air suckin ass munch. Ok a co-- su--er too.

Received Via Email 10-24-12  hey dick tully, do you even know the people you bash? or do you just go off of the info on this web site?not that i agree with the current union leaders, i think they SUCK but, you have been retired for a very long time. So when i say this please dont be offended but shut the f!ck up OLD man noone knows you or care what you have to say!!!

Received Via Email 10-25-12 @ 3:12 am  10/24 #1. There's an old saying if you forget the past,.. Just saying you lack of respect fino asshole.
Go back to your sunstar job ya F**kstick.
****Please continue Pres. Tully we look forward to your informed advice.

Received Via Email 10-25-12 @ 6:31 am  10/24 #1.  That shitbird will now come back and say sign your name blah blah blah. We need a raise so Tully can shut the fuck up and retire instead of putting his two cents in. Past president or not for the love of man Dick, shut the fuck up

Received Via Email 10-25-12  I totally agree with you 10/25/12 - #2.  I should shut the fuck up.  And no doubt will a lot sooner than you think.  At 74, I'm not getting any younger, you know.  And as for 10/24/12 -#1, no, I don't know the people I bash.  I have repeatedly said that I don't know them but . . .  You need to read all the words in what I post to understand, or at least try to understand what I'm saying.  I'm not offended since I've been told to shut up by far better members of this Local than you and I still say what I think because I'm old school and don't have the stomach for pantywaists who are trying to make a name for themselves at the expense of this Local and it's members.  And yes, I do read this site and I am influenced by what I read here.  I can say I'm very familiar with many members, including the webmaster, who post and operate this site.  If you would like for me to visit any and all the other sites that are even close to being as informative, then start your own and I'll call on you.  Sometimes the thinking of the members is quite fascinating to me in that like you, they agree with me, and then they bash me for saying what I do.  I've been retired for just one year shy of thirty years and put in twenty years on the job.  So for almost fifty consecutive years I've listened and watched the same secenarios be repeated over and over.  And during that time I've become a bit seasoned when it comes to recognizing who's doing what to whom.  So I don't have to be introduced to someone to recognize his abilities by his or her actions.  And although I'm happy that you recognize these losers too, I'm sorry that you can't glean something from what I post other than the facts that I'm old, I'm retired, and I don't personally know the people I have posted about and therefore I'm an asshole.  As an aside, I know people who are also current members of the Union and they not only KNOW these three but are more than willing to point out their failures.  This Local appreciates those who want to improve this profession and are willing to put themselves out there to make it better.  Those who conive to secure positions of leadership for either their own personal gain or the covert gain of outsiders are worthy of every bit of criticism they receive.  Quite honestly brother, nobody gives a big flying rat's ass what I think or have to say.  Most of the time, if not all of the time, the words I post are what we used to call "cannon fodder".  It's kinda the same way the mayor and his lackeys see YOU.  Insignificant and a pain in the ass that won't go away.  Additionally I'd like to agree with 10/25/12 - #2 in the fact that Tully DOES need a raise and would appreciate it very much if you folks could manage to send someone with ability to the bargaining table and get him one.  On that same post I'd like to mention that being a past president, if you've been paying attention, isn't what is included in the signing of my posts.  You're right.  It's irrelevant.  But at least my name is still there for the mayor to read.  And your's isn't.   

Dick Tully

Received Via Email 10-25-12  Sorry, but there will be no raises until the economy improves.  Obviously, the current administration has no idea how to do that so if you ever hope to improve your personal economics: VOTE ROMNEY!

Received Via Email 10-25-12  I would guess the naughty mouthed posters above afe both sweet and smell like shit from a clogged toilet.. Figure it out you rats..FTM

Received Via Email 10-25-12  I was thinking the same thing. Sweat isn't such a friendly guy.

Received Via Email 10-25-12  I see in Telestaffing that Blank is working his R Day. Don't we pay you enough already? I hope Billy is keeping a good eye on the books. This guy could be the next Fienberg.

Received Via Email 10-25-12  Hey dipshit, looks like Blank swapped it to someone who might have needed it. Jerkoff

Received Via Email 10-26-12  Bottom line if you vote for romney your a scab  non union member that wants his wife's and daughters ability to control what happens to their bodies given to the legitimate rapers of that party. So F off scab/fino

Received Via Email 10-26-12  10/25 #8. Good one Steve your sure supporting your boy 100%. FTM & U

Received Via Email 10-26-12  WARNING!  WARNING!  WARNING, WILL ROBINSON!  If Romney get's elected every woman in America will wake up on November 10, 2012 with no vagina.  The government will have come during the night and removed it.  WAIT - THIS JUST IN!  If Obama get's re-elected he will proclain November 10th as the Muslim day of prayer known as "CL** CLEANSING OF THE CLAMS".  All girls between the age of 12 and 20 will report to the nearest hospital to have their cl** removed.  Girls aged 11.6 years will be eligible for smelling salts.  If you have any questions, live with it.  There are no answers.
TEAM:  A bit edgy, don't you think?

Received Via Email 10-26-12  President Romney will save America.

Received Via Email 10-26-12  Romney-Bullshit page- people that support him..perfect place to be!

Received Via Email 10-26-12  How has that "hope and change" been working out for you the last 4 years?

Received Via Email 10-26-12  Received Via Email 10-25-12  Hey dipshit, looks like Blank swapped it to someone who might have needed it. Jerkoff
MTB needs to be working for ALL of us by protecting OUR wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment. This gets us no closer to a contract. However as a loser you and he will never realize what is important to the whole.

Received Via Email 10-26-12  Saw a bumper sticker that said - Obama bin rotten, Vote Romney. We side with our union on just about every issue, but the choice of President. It may hurt our pensions a little but at least we wont become socialist and not even have a pension down the road. just saying.

Received Via Email 10-27-12  If you think that Obama is going to save your pension, just ask yourself how much he's done for us since 2009.

America has bigger fish to fry than our problems here at Local 747.  Our pension is on its way out as surely as when Dick Tully and his pals screwed over future hires but managed to miraculously hang on to their once superior 20 and out deal.

Obama has already proven that he's worthless at every level... from local to national to global.  We may as well let Romney save America, and when things get better we can work on improving our situation as well as our image.  I liked it better when people respected us.  It made it easier to get raises.

ROMNEY 2012!  There is no other choice.

Received Via Email 10-27-12  Just saying? Do you have a daughter or sister that has a live and viable uterus? Do u think they should be able to use it when, and how they want? Romney is an Idiot,he will dump his Mormon agenda all over the government, just ask any former Mormon what he did when he was the top dog there.
Tee shirts? this seen at a Romney rally this week," Lets get the white back in the white house? WTF? Fox network thought that was just freedom of speech. I say bullshit. Its their platform. Also Socialism went out the window when ALL in the Family was cancelled.  Wake up! Don't be a sheep..

Received Via Email 10-27-12  So you believe Romney is going to take away your mom and sister's free birth control pills... and then force feed us his Mormon agenda (whatever that is)?

Go ask the 85% loony left legislature in Massachusetts if he tried that there.  No, he was too busy balancing their budgets, improving their schools and  maintaining low unemployment.  See that?  Even liberal clowns like yourself can benefit from a smart conservative sometimes.

Nice line about your sister's viable uterus.  She must be hot stuff.

Received Via Email 10-27-12  If you listen to the Communist News Network, the slaughter in Benghazi, Libya never happened. The 4 DEAD AMERICANS are still alive and well. Talk about waking up and not being a sheep maybe you need to take your own advice. America will DEMAND a truthful answer to this and all the other atrocities that this administration has committed!

Received Via Email 10-27-12  No president has ever tried to divide this nation like the current one. If he loses there will probably be riots in the streets just because of him stirring up the race card. Yeah, you know what weeze talking about. Talk about causing division. Sheeesh.

Received Via Email 10-27-12  10/27 #3. No you a h I don't want that idiot telling any female they can't have an abortion, if they are raped. i bet you fall right in line with that idiot R-Senator that said conception due to rape is, "god's will". You are the  cry babies of this country.

Received Via Email 10-28-12  It's amazing that given the current unrest in global politics, not to mention our record debt and shaky economy, that there are any lefty idiots left that think abortion is a hot issue.

Even if Roe Vs. Wade were repealed, which would be incredibly difficult, it would still be legal in all 50 states until each state decided on it's own how to proceed.

The bottom line is, Lefty, if your trampy ass barfly sister gets knocked up again she could still cross the state line if Florida ever lost your family's beloved right to have an abortion--- which of course will never happen.  Abortion is here to stay.  You lefties can continue to kill all the babies you want.  Have at it.

Okay, Lefty?  Now can you un-wad your panties and start worrying about problems that affect ALL Americans?

Received Via Email 10-28-12  You will see who the cry babies are when obama gets his butt whooped worst than carter.

Received Via Email 10-29-12  Once you imbred right wing bulletheads stop f-in your sisters, and come out of the closet you and your gay officials will finally fit in to the masses of Americans that disagree with you. So as long as you hurl insults like your last post, we'll we will let you know just how large an asshole you are.

Received Via Email 10-29-12  http://www.bcfire.com/images/shared/PAC%20endorsements/FPF2012electionmail.pdf

Received Via Email 10-29-12 @1254  It sounds like YOU ARE the inbreds. At least we don't hurl insults when we don't get our way.

Received Via Email 10-29-12 @1310  10-29 #1, you have us all wrong.  Although it was difficult to decipher the meaning of your borderline illiterate post, it seems as though you may have a misconception regarding conservatives.

The bottom line is that conservatives know what is best for America in spite of you dependent liberals.  Liberals don't hate America, at least not ALL liberals.  But a liberals outlook is like that of a child.  They will happily tax the incomes and spend the money of others while they live lives underwritten by those same tax dollars. Liberals think the government is a bottomless pit of money, just like a child thinks parents are ATM's. That's how Obama led us to a 16 trillion dollar debt and you welfare kings beg for four more years.  Liberals even claim to be more charitable, but only with dollars taken from the pockets of pants they don't own.

So go ahead and make your little gay jokes, even though everyone knows that the great majority of gay people are either liberals or people that think an Escalator Clause is something different than a COLA.

And don't worry about a thing: Romney will be a fine president. Even if he does expect you liberals to do a little more work than just whine.

Received Via Email 10-29-12  Romney is the anti christ. Right wingers can't see outside of their tunnel visioned world. Fear not lil spanky, when President Obama gets re elected, we'll take you again, and care for you, and your misinformed (fox)friends & family.

Received Via Email 10-29-12  Charlie Christ is Right! 4 more years Of Obama!

Received Via Email 10-29-12  Have you seen the memo from Acting Comedian Steve the Jerk yet? OMG he has put out the list of the finalist for the knellers of the year awards. He also makes a plea in the name of Brotherhood for those smart folks that have no intentions of attending the I blew harder than you banquet to step up and work for them finalists so they can show off their talents. If its truely in the name of Brotherhood, why dont we ask Chief Large to bring up our staffing to levels that would allow for such things? Or why not just take truck 13 and engine 1 out of service like they do on a regular basis? I mean just yesterday (Sunday)they did it and not a single tax payer knew the difference. After seeing the list of the its your turn recipients I am now happier than ever that I didnt fall for the appeal to attend such a joke event.

Received Via Email 10-29-12  Can any of you left wingers explain Benghazi, because your idiot leader sure can't?

Received Via Email 10-29-12  Which Charlie Crist? The Dem or the Republican? Anytime you're using Charlie as your foundation for an argument you've already lost. Kinda like he's already lost.

Received Via Email 10-29-12   Why don't we put some of the HQ staff on the trucks so the guys receiving awards can attend. Afterall, The Invisible Man never cheats HQ. It's always fully staffed, even if they have to take people from out of the stations to man it, leaving trucks sitting idle. Oh, but that's right........................all of HQ will be there hoping to fit in with the men and women who put it on the line.

Received Via Email 10-29-12  Less staffing and more trucks out of service puts our safety on the line. And you want to talk about Brotherhood for attending a awards banquet that is a promo for our FINO chiefs. ARE you f---ing kidding me. Lets get some real brotherhood and staff our trucks to protect our citizens and keep our firefighters safer. Anything less is a mockery to our brotherhood and profession.

Received Via Email 10-30-12  Romney proved his worth as governor.

Obama proved his worthlessness as president.

Just look at what each one accomplished and your decision will be simple.  ROMNEY 2012

Received Via Email 10-30-12  I agree. How can HQ throw a word like Brotherhood out there when they are almost daily putting trucks out of service which in turn jeopardizes citizens who have emergencies and brother firefighters safety who are trying to do their job. I say award ceremonies are great but safety for our citizens and firefighters is so much better then a ceremony. Lets get Real HQ, and do your job. We in the companies are sick of your pathetic ideology of what our profession and job is all about. Get off your egos and self interest and start caring for whats important. And by all means QUIT PUTTING UNITS OUT OF SERVICE FOR ENTIRE 24 HOUR PERIODS. Are you really that STUPID.

Received Via Email 10-31-12  10/30 #1 just read this and find out how wrong you are!

Received Via Email 10-31-12  As we are trying to get past our new reputation of being overpaid tax dollar whores with far-too-generous benefit packages, some genius at headquarters decides to throw a Fireman's Ball at the Yacht Club of all places.   Not a church banquet facility or any other rental hall--- the fucking Yacht Club.

Great thinking. Way to improve our image.  I'm sure we won't hear about that the next time we ask for raises.

Received Via Email 10-31-12  So what you're saying is that firefighters and medics aren't worthy or aren't the caliber of people who should be attending a ball in their commemoration in such an elite only establishment like the Yacht Club.  I don't know about you but MY image as a firefighter has never been more polished.  I'm a shining example of what a union firefighter should be and I do my job with my head held high.  I'm as good if not better than most who attend the soirees at that establishment and my money is as good as anyone elses.  And I refuse to be painted as some unworthy, unwashed, tainted example of the human race that isn't entitled to hob nob in an area where the goober smoocher's amass.  There's nothing special about the Yacht Club.  Every city on a body of water of any kind has one.  They're the only way the "better than you" crowd can feel important when they attend their phony functions that others couldn't care less about.

I honestly can't see how holding our Fireman's Ball in the men's room at the Bayfront Center would garner one ounce of sympathy from any one of the members of council.  We've been asking for raises for years and no one on the council has lifted a flipper to help us get one.  Oh, just like J.W. Cate, they talk big and flap their gums but when the chips are down at the table they disappear like the smoke they blew up your ass.  So having a nice place to conduct a Fireman's Ball in this city isn't exactly something you should complain about.  It's just about the only thing left that's done for the members of this fire department that isn't taking something AWAY from us.

By the way, are you planning to attend or are you just going to bitch and whine about that like you do everything else.  Sounds like a very serious dose of sour grapes.  Grow up and act like a man and quit finding fault with everything YOU can't have or do.  If you worked a little harder to strengthen the union instead of ignoring it you could make enough money to BUY some nice clothes to wear when there's a function in your honor.  That IS what it's all about, you know.  It's a function to HONOR the firefighters and medics who serve this community on a daily basis.  There has never been a day when we weren't on the job no matter what the jerks at city hall throw at us.  We work and we work hard.  We endure and we provide.  We're entitled to a very small show of appreciation from those we serve.  See you at the ball.  

Received Via Email 11-01-12  Nice attempt to defend the Yacht Club as a good idea, but you proved that you don't belong in a Yacht Club when you missed the boat on this issue.

I stand by what I said before.  The next time we try to paint ourselves as poor, underpaid public servants that are barely hovering above the food stamp line, we won't have much of a comeback when someone calls us a bunch of overpaid Yacht Clubbers.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out that we are better off when people think we are barely scraping by.  You're probably one of those guys that thinks it's smart to park a seventy thousand dollar car in front of the firehouse.

Not only was this place a bad idea, it's so price prohibitive it's practically an insult to our retirees. Not everyone has a hundred bucks they can give up so they can watch you embarrass yourself playing high society.  A party that celebrates brotherhood should be affordable for the entire family.

Maybe you want to be seen as Thurston Howell III... good for you.  Enjoy your magical night, Cinderella.  I'm not going, but I don't begrudge anyone for participating.  All I'm saying is that I would have preferred they had it somewhere else.

Hope the regulars don't mistake you for the help. Oh, and please be careful not to lose your glass slipper. 

Received Via Email 11-01-12   Received Via Email 10-29-12  Can any of you left wingers explain Benghazi, because your idiot leader sure can't?
Still haven't seen an answer.....wonder why?

Received Via Email 11-01-12   Next time we we will have it at the Golden Corral you cheap prick! Come off your wallet and spend a little money unless you enjoy Salisbury steak and that excellent dessert bar.

Received Via Email 11-01-12  The way I look at it, all the money left over goes to the volley ball team when they come asking again next year.

Received Via Email 11-01-12  11-1 #1 Amen!!! to the 300 attendants. 15,000 dollars out of our pockets, for a party, letting us know we are doing a good job. Hmmmm

Received Via Email 11-01-12  11/1 #2...
Just read this story,and stop believing everything you hear on FOX.

Wait a minute,are you going to assault R* Gov Chris Cristy for working with the President on disaster relief? Christy saying what an honorable and caring man Pres. Obama is?
Wait one more minute go the route of the mouthpiece of the GOP Rush Limbaugh. He was calling the two of them gay lovers? Too much man love between him? Basically once again you have been called out a big fat low informed lier. Now go and read the truth about Benghazi you bigot.

Received Via Email 11-01-12  The Washington Post didn't say anything that Fox hasn't already said.

No Fox here:
And there are hundreds more just like these.

Received Via Email 11-02-12  3rd 11/01.  Just hope the Cinderella Firefighters Ball at the Yacht Club doesnt hit the papers. All we need in this economy is to have the public see we are living it up at the Yacht Club while average citizens cant even afford Golden Corral. Is this department gone mad? Well, say good bye to any raise, pension, or benefit increases for the next decade. The public is already pissed for our pensions and pay, and we have people in office already saying we are way over paid. And you really think a Magical Night Firefighter Ball at the Yacht Club is the way to go. Thanks Large and Knight for putting your seal of approval on the location. Once again you make your self look good but screw us firefighters and retirees by making us look like the rich and famous. The two bumbling Idiots of St Pete once again don't use any common sense at all. We have city owned facilities that would of easily accomodated a nice award ceremony. But NO. We have to be STUPID. Just saying, hope hope hope, the event doesn't hit the Times. Next time you idiots approve of such an event at a plush rich mans place of partying. Ask the more common sense firefighters. We will help and guide you with some good ole common sense. But at the end of the night, you will pat yourselves on the back and say what a great job we did. We even invited and paid for the Mayors spot. IDIOTS IDIOTS IDIOTS.

Received Via Email 11-02-12  You 11/2 #1 are a dumbass. Call the papers who gives a shit. We haven't had a raise, not getting a raise so who cares.  Sorry FMD garage was filled up with apparatus or we could have had it there. Have fun, live a little, if spending $100 for a dinner for two is expensive then take your lucky bride to the dollar menu at McDs. Stop shitting on something that you don't or care to understand. You pathetic POS.

Received Via Email 11-02-12  Wait a minute.  Maybe I was wrong.  I thought a Fireman's Ball was supposed to be for the firemen.  Not for a few ass kissing Chiefs who wanna show their asses.  Am I to understand that the firefighter's are so forgiving that they actually agreed to pay for the tickets for the slug of a mayor?  Well, did they?  Have you forgotten how Slime Inc. treated you every year since he's been in office?  Have you forgotten that his direction to the city negotiator is the direct cause for many of us to not be able to attend because we can't afford it?  Have you forgotten that Slime Inc. has kissed the ass of nearly every cop on the force starting with the chief?  And THEY didn't even throw him a barn dance.  What we have here is a suck-butt charade posing as a Fireman's Ball. 

No, no my friends.  This Minuet of Morons is in no way what a Fireman's Ball is all about.  THIS is an attempt at payback to Slime Inc. for the pats on the heads at Headquarters.  This is a self-made chance for the self-centered to kiss the ass of the entity that keeps his boot on the throat of the one's that actually make up the SPF&R.  The chiefs now have an opportunity to see Slime Inc. slither in leaving a silver trail all the way from the door to his seat.  I'll bet he will be asked to speak too.  And he'll praise the hell out of the fire service for their never ending willingness to take it up the ass and keep on working.  But HE won't BELIEVE a word of it.  I can't believe any of us would pay that kind of price to attend a function with him in attendance too.  I can't believe any of us would want to be in the SAME ROOM with it.     

Yes, it's a plain and simple attempt to get in the mayor's drawers by the ones who have already gained the most.  And the paper will play it up big with a photo of Slime Inc. inhaling our food and sucking down free drinks.  And the only people who will gain (and I'm assuming this IS for some kind of gain of sorts) are the one's who have already done so.  You seem to think that this ball is for you.  LOL  IT WAS NEVER ABOUT YOU OR YOUR PROFESSIOIN.  Not ever, even for a second.
Had it been for you the venue would have been different.  The posters who think the Yacht Club is a mistake in venue are wrong.  But let's give this a try.  Next year when the time comes for a ball, let the firefighters sponsor the whole thing.  In fact, put Sweet in charge of it.  He seems to know everything about everything.  Leave out the chiefs and the ass kissers.  Have the ball in a city venue.  How about St. Mary's Comfort Station.  Or maybe build a stage out of scrap lumber and circle it with dumpsters.  A perfect site would be the old drill grounds.  You may be right that the Yacht Club is a bit avante garde but I refuse to admit or agree that we, the workforce who make up the SPF&R, aren't completely and in every aspect deserving of having a ball there.  If only it were for the right reasons. 

2nd 11/2. You are obviously the dumbass POS. All you care about is sucking the chiefs ass so you can feel like your part of the little pathetic ego club. When the day ends and your little Cinderella Ball is over, you will still be the little groveler you have always been. Keep groveling so you can get a little pat on the back from a group of people that could give a rats ass about you, and eventually will turn and sh-- on you in a second. What a MORON you are.  

Received Via Email 11-04-12  I see the drunk asses from 13B more in their usual roles. Then it got worse. I guess Chiefs Large and Knight where hoping to bag a few of us with their well thought out plan. Didnt the chief look good when he let his remaining hair down. He was partying like a well learned drunk. You made me want to throw up.

Received Via Email 11-07-12  what was with the gay tee shirts # 1 3 b? Your making legit gays and lesbians look bad!

Received Via Email 11-13-12  11/7 Are you saying 13B are a bunch of gay fers,

Received Via Email 11-14-12  Ahh YEP

Received Via Email 11-17-12  we are NOT

Received Via Email 11-17-12  Great job on promotions Chief, not. You just proved it is a bullshit process and now, no credibility to the fortunate ones.

Received Via Email 11-18-12  With the exception of Cook, this is one of the worst promotional groups ever. What a joke.

Received Via Email 11-18-12  Cook has a proven track record of reporting right back the Large.

Received Via Email 11-18-12  11-18-12 #1, sounds like your being a B!TCH!!! maybe cause you DIDNT get promoted, try harder next time!!

Received Via Email 11-19-12  Guess I'll just shoe polish my face and take the next test. Doesn't matter where I place.  I'm in!

Received Via Email 11-19-12  Here's some food for thought. I dont recall seeing any of the brothers sucking around Jimmy Large the way these guys who were at the very top of the list were. What is it about people who score well but dont have enough self control that they go out of their way to climb all over each other like Hitler Youth trying to get a boy on boy date with the supreme leader? I'll take anybody of any color who passes the test and just stays cool before I'd take any of these guys who embarras us all by the way they act when their around the chief. Let him get his own coffee and shine his own shoes.

Received Via Email 11-19-12  Just maybe if u ask the right people, they'll feed u "knuckle sandwichs" and u won't need shoe polish! B.Elliott

Received Via Email 11-19-12  B Elliott, that last comment was wrong whoever made it. It does not make sense though that you drop that far to pick up two candidates. I know you see through it as well as the rest of us. Will Walton and Henderson do good? Yes they will but it is the way they received the nod that has everyones panties in a wad.

Received Via Email 11-19-12  Hey chief, how you feelin'? Let me shine yo shoes.  Yes masta.

Received Via Email 11-20-12  Hey Bruce. Sometimes you just got to COWBOY UP and take it like a man. That's what Steve Hay would say TO EVERYTHING that requires any thought.

Received Via Email 11-20-12  Hahahaha. To 11/18 #3. Nope, not a B****. Not on the list, never wanted to be. Just seeing it for what it is. What some of you fail to recognize is that a white shirt doesn't garner you respect, its the person underneath. Good luck to ya.

Received Via Email 11-20-12  I'm an African American and I think the affirmative action way of promoting sucks. It labels us as not smart enough to compete, so we are given an edge by the color of our skin. That is wrong and disgusting. I want to show and prove that I am just as smart as anyone else competing. Obama wasn't given that edge and he still made it to the presidency without using it. By the way, just cause I am black doesn't mean I voted for Obama, in fact I DID NOT.  So keep all your stereo type opinions to yourselves and lets start running this country and fire department the right way. Fair and Just. NO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
B. Elliot, you make us black folk look like racists. So quiet down dog and start using your brains instead of your mouth.

Received Via Email 11-21-12  Hey Sweet. You've only got a few days left to get your I DON'T SUPPORT THE UNION, pool time opt out form  in the mail. Show everyone what you're made of. Don't let the KD's intimidate you into not doing what you've always done. Be an army of one. Many more people have already opted out this year over last so I'm sure it's not because they don't think that you and Blank and Hay are doing a bad job.

Received Via Email 11-22-12  Sweet wouldn't do that. Now that he's the b shift vp he'd be cutting his own throat. He'd never be able to use pool time and look himself in the mirror again.

Pffffffft. Who am I kidding...........he's never had a problem in the past worrying about anybody else but himself.  If there was a NO  BEER opt out form he'd be the first one out of the chute campaigning against it.

Received Via Email 11-22-12  I am an African American and I have a small penis. 

There, I feel better now.

Received Via Email 11-22-12  Im a white guy and have a bigger one than most if not all African Americans. Nuf said
TEAM:  It's time for a brief intermezzo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD1Cl1L8WFQ&feature=fvwrel

Received Via Email 11-23-12  I am thankful for the mayor and fire chief for the awesome job they do and the great promotions made. This is the bullshit page isn't it?

Received Via Email 11-23-12  I am white with a small penis so I really have no chance in hell of being promoted. Might as well sue the city for my short comings.  ;>( sad face

Received Via Email 11-25-12 Facebook genius

Tony Falls
Heres a question: How many medics feel that the way we participate in EMS (sending an FD unit to every thing) and working 24 hour shifts is detrimental to health given the call volume and associated constant sleep depravation ? Anyone experience well documented health effects of shift work like hypertension, sleep apnea or acid reflux? Do you feel like you can adequately maintain your fire skills given the amount of EMS responses we make? Just curious.

Someone on Facebook should tell him the person to ask is the fire chief.

Received Via Email 11-25-12  I guess the grass must have been greener where he came from after all.

Received Via Email 11-27-12  I'm waiting for folks to all join up and then say they need a reduced work week. Then they turn around and work every hour of overtime they can get.

Received Via Email 11-27-12  http://www.tampabay.com/news/health/article1263320.ece  Hey, is the mayor working on fixing this with the employees? If not, I'm looking for some of my money back cuz insurance that's so cheap that the city will buy it aint worth shit to me if I can't use it.

Received Via Email 11-28-12  It's always the same with the city of St. Pete.  Low bid.

Received Via Email 11-28-12  He isnt going to do anything unless he cares for the health of his family.

Received Via Email 11-28-12  Just the first of many debacles once Obamacare starts. Hang on cause then we are really screwed. Great Job voting that Imbecile into office.

Received Via Email 11-28-12  11/28 #3. You just can't keep your insane hate off all of the UvsT pages! Your a jewel my warped friend. It ain't about Obama, its about your Mama!

Received Via Email 11-29-12  4th 11/28  Aint about my mama its about your mama who did what your president endorses and had an abortion. Except the abortion didnt take and your still with us. No my friend we are not haters, only you baby killers are haters. Nuf said

Received Via Email 11-30-12  BABY KILLERS? hahaha LMAO, you so pathetic its almost humorous. Nuf said? where did you learn to write? OMG, please keep the bad humor coming!

Received Via Email 11-30-12  Now there's the pot calling the kettle black . . . "you so pathetic" . . . please, don't throw stones if you can't hit the target.  Here's some help for you; the correct term is "you're so pathetic".  Notice the contraction of the two words "you" and "are".  When you return to night school to get your GED please take a course in English language and it's useage.  And don't be hatin' 'cause you think I'm dissiin you.  You ain't no different from any of the other dropouts that post here and have no clue about syntax or punctuation.  It's the new age way to write like you talk.  It was ushered in when it was found that some couldn't understand the English language so they made up their own or bastardized English.  I'm guessing that most who attempt to write and post on this site were "socially" passed up the ladder of intelect until they finally graduated suma cum stupid and learned very little in twelve years of infrequent school attendance.  Your ability, or inability, to speak and write the English language will not be a detriment here in your basic task of firefighting but in any other profession you'd be a dsmal failure.

Received Via Email 11-30-12  Okay, so no arbitration hearing today for the Supervisory Unit DROP extension. Everyone sat around the table until 0930 wondering when the arbitrator was going to show and finally a phone call was made.  The arbitrator said that we weren't on his calendar. Wow, this has never ever happened before.............guess we better get back to working on a contract again that contains all city language. Anyone want to make a bet who screwed this up and on purpose?

Received Via Email 12-01-12  Funny when words, phrases are used that the poster has utilized themselves, it gets their attention expeditiously. Magically, they are grammar experts. Yet their underlying bigotry shows up, as the term, "pot calling the kettle black". I suggest you seek help. The EAP is free, and private. No one will know of your issues.
Good luck ye ole Fino.

Received Via Email 12-01-12  You wouldn't know bigotry if it hit you in the mouth.  But your ignorance shows through with little help.  And good luck to you too, sir.

This message brought to you by someone who actually graduated from high school.

Received Via Email 12-02-12  While you two guys are keeping us/each other entertained/distracted, The Invisible Man and The Great Pumpkin are keeping Blank and Hay entertained/distracted.  Why not put it to rest and direct your anger towards the group that's doing the most damage around here and pretending to do anything real about
Paramedics getting enough vacation slots to actually spend the time they've earned throughout the year
Making Driver Engineer a real classification and pensionable like other departments
Making EMT a real classification and pensionable like other departments
A reduced workweek like the Captains and DC's who are in our union but don't act like it. They laugh at us and look down their nose at us.
Getting diesel exhaust out of the engine rooms
Real medical insurance that you can you at your hospital

Received Via Email 12-02-12  <--- MS science ed. Mr GED

Received Via Email 12-02-12  Oh my, 11,30,#2 is surly a critic of urban speak, and so forth people of economic disadvantage. I am so sorry if some under educated, or opportunity-less youth speak the language of the streets. This is a sad scenario, but one played out in urban sprawl.
You pointing out of other post grammar errors are filled with arrogance and hate. Do not try and insert you would not know, you don't have a diploma slanderous B.S. Find a place to get back to yourself, become empathetic. Best of luck to you..

Received Via Email 12-02-12  Say what?  Numbnuts !

Received Via Email 12-02-12  "Urban Speak".  I don't think I've ever heard of that.  I guess you CAN be a firefighter and a thug wannabe.  It's nice to see that you're proud of the fact that you speak like a bufoon with your "language of the streets".  I think that's pronounced "skreets" off the job.  Just so I understand, what makes "street" so fascinating that you didn't bother to learn English while you wasted twelve of the first eighteen years of your life.  You're one of those who constantly yell and complain about the promotional system not being fair.  I doubt if you've ever attempted to attain anything other than hood stature with the "homies".  If you had you would know that speaking and writing are a large part of the required traits found in those chosen to lead.  Shouting "It's on fire, yo!" to the crew isn't what they're looking for.  And as for "economic disadvantage", you definitely missed the boat on THAT slam.  The subject, if you know what that is, is about those who can't spell or write on this site.  I hardly think that any of us would be considered disadvantaged economically.  "Under educated", maybe, but not finacially needy.  You bring a kind of down home stupidity to the job that is appreciated by like minded trolls who, while searching for a role model, have encouraged you to attempt disertation with one who can actually spell words of three or four syallables.  Consequently far outdistancing you when it comes to ability and skill.  It's time to put your toys away and get ready for bed.  It'll soon be morning again and you can go out and play all day with your "homies" out in the "skreet". 

Received Via Email 12-03-12  5th 12/2 you beez a racist cuz. Stop your haten and start bieng a little nice their cracka boy

Received Via Email 12-03-12 12-02-12 #1  That's pretty good. Now we've got the Invisible Man, Jack O Lantern Teeth and the Great Pretenders!

Received Via Email 12-05-12  Hay and Blank think they're somehow doing something that Winnie and Rick couldn't do. They are. They're being played by Large and Knight and they don't even know it. We're up that famous river without a paddle. In all my years on this job I've never felt like I didn't want to pay my dues like I do now.

Received Via Email 12-06-12   hay,cowboy up? LMAO, I just remember that gay cowboy, brokeback mountain movie, I can hear hay telling blank, I ain't quitting you! Celebrate diversity fellas!

Received Via Email 12-06-12  If you got your ballot in the mail today to vote on the union's budget have you actually seen the budget printed anywhere? I haven't. Talk about bullshit. This place is going down the toilet fast. This kind of shit never took place when Winnie was running the ship. Great Pretenders is right.

Received Via Email 12-08-12  Listen up.  Many of you have been calling the union office and asking to actually see the union budget for 2013.  We don't have the money to print a copy of the budget for each and every one of you.  No one asked to see a copy when Newton was president.  Why the interest now?  If you feel you need to see every little damn thing that goes one with the union money then I'll meet with you in the union office on Sunday at 5:00 A.M.  Since you're all so damn interested in the budget it shouldn't be a hardship for you to attend. 

I just can't resist taking this opportunity to ask just why all the interest all of a sudden.  After all, the office help can't be expected to wait on each of you hand and foot in order to make everyone happy.  For those of you who feel you can't make the 5:00 A.M. display of information, I'll make every effort to assist in a word of mouth delivery by those who do.  This will be akin to the method used to validate and manipulate all other rumors and inuendos among the members.

I may as well also take this opportunity to tell the members of my plan to eliminate all future Christmas parties sponsored by the union.  Quite honestly we don't have the money to throw away on frivolous shows of religious frenzy.  Plus the Chief doesn't want you to have one. 

One more thing.  Since there is a growing number of members who think that they can hurt me or any of the members of the Executive Board by not donating Pool Time I find it necessary to seek out other means for taking time off from my station duties.  I'm therefore proposing, and of course fully expect acceptance, to a 10% increase in the monetary remuneration for the office of President.  Since I'm forced to spend more of MY off duty time attending to making the working conditions better for all of us it's only fair that I be compensated properly.  Less Pool Time means more monetary gain for the office of President.  And just to make things clear, this increase will effect ONLY the office of President.  Other offices are considered temporary and inconsequential.

In keeping with tradition and a feeling of mandatory obligation I would like to wish each and every one of the members a happy holiday.  That being said I must return to my duties between the Chief's thighs.  Truth be told, his present each day of this holiday season is small and yet somehow quite satisfying.  He says he loves me but I've had to physically compete for his gift when others were there too.  That damn Hay was a mistake in judgement on MY part.  He IS a very qulified, aggressive competitor though. 

Michael Blank
Superior Being and Leader
Local 747,I.A.F.F.

"You can always find me.  Just follow the trail of bullshit." 

Received Via Email 12-08-12  They have been sent out ask YOUR station stewart, If your at a station that doeesn't have one step up to the plate, Or is just easier BITCHING about everything??

Received Via Email 12-08-12  We havent seen the first memo from Blank in the year he's been inoffice, you don't really think I"ll belleive that he wrote that?

Received Via Email 12-08-12  Hardee Har Har, nuf said.

Received Via Email 12-10-12  If it starts with a cap, ends with punctuation and is constructed with paragraphs, Blank had nothing to do with it. I see from the memo on the union board that there's a negotiations session tomorrow. I guess Blank and Hay can't wait to give it all away before we find out what the arbitrators say about the drop extension. Winnie and Rick they're not.

Received Via Email 12-10-12  Ripping on punctuation?  A little childish, don't you think?

Received Via Email 12-10-12  Ripping on punctuation?  A little childish, don't you think? Yes. I think it's childish that a grown man would think he could be king and not be able to put pen to paper and or talk constructively with councilmembers or escape being constantly played by Large or embarrasing us in front of our peers. Yes, it's damned childish and we got what we chose. A man child.

Received Via Email 12-10-12  In case your wondering, during todays negotiations, the city said NO!!!!!

Received Via Email 12-10-12  Actually the city said NO, NO, NO, NO, go away we said NO. And then they took their ball and left. But they were nice enough to pretend that they were interested.

Received Via Email 12-11-12  So what is it that we proposed in the middle of 2 lawsuits?

Received Via Email 12-11-12  Lunch, comes to mind.

Received Via Email 12-11-12   President Blank feels that your legal rights to drug testing are worth 24 hours of time off. and he is still fighting to get everyone a physical so the city knows about the entire history of your immediate family in exchange for a 7 day work cycle. Still no luck with parity of the supervisory unit members. I guess the Lt's will have to make that big leap of faith with Mark sweet holding thier hands.
TEAM:  We originally asked for twenty-four hours off and the city's best counter was eight hours.  We're back to -0- hours again.  When you look at how few people will even be tapped per month/per year, the time we're asking for doesn't amount to a hill of beans because so few will ever benefit from being tested.  It's barely a drug testing program. It's more like 'Drug Testing on the Cheap' or 'Drug Testing Light'.  As to the 7 day work cycle, please check with Billy Mott and quantify what it will net your paycheck.  It would be boomtown for those who love overtime and can get it but there's no money for overtime as the trucks just sit idle.  We're all over the map and it shows.  Council is confused with Captains and DC's asking for a pay raise without proving a need and now more vacation time accrual to take even more time off.  We continue to negotiate when we should be standing and waiting the outcome of arbitration cases that will decide whether or not a contract entered into with the City of St. Petersburg is worth the paper it's printed on.  We look stupid bargaining for 'benefits' that are of little value.  History will bear witness to this; a day after we sign-off on a crappy contract offer someone's going to walk up to you and ask how we ever got to this point?

Received Via Email 12-16-12  Dont you really mean, that President Blank has been told that these options are what is best for Chief Large? Blank cares nothing about the contract but he will bend over backwards to keep his chiefs happy.
Received Via Email 12-23-12 I'll bet the little peckerwood bends over forward too.

Received Via Email 12-23-12  If you can say peckerwood then we can say ni**er. How does that make you feel,  BIGOT
TEAM:  Remember, all is not necessarily as it appears here.  Anyone can (and will) post anything and everything to bait you into commenting.

Received Via Email 12-23-12  Look at HQ staffing for Monday. Once again the invisible man has started two new employees, a month before others started. I think he enjoys having new people that accept his BS. Must be nice that we can start people and pay them to do nothing but routinely have 3 units OOS because there is not OT. Hey Large, go fu** yourself, the young girls you hire do not think you are attractive.

Received Via Email 12-23-12  (to 12-23) How do you know an African American said that.  Grow the fuck up.  You sound like a fucking child

Received Via Email 12-23-12  4th 12/23 you dont sound like a child, you are a child. Who said anything about an african american, you are a little ----------------------------------------------------
TEAM:  C'mon, guys.  Let's work on the management turds that take such great pleasure in helping to keep us divided and not so much on the guys you can't identify behind the keyboard.

Received Via Email 12-23-12  Its easy to hire people to do nothing and to make unnecessary promotions when Chief Large has socked away so much money by not giving raises for the past 3 years.

Received Via Email 01-13-13  Now this is real BS. On our shift today, We have 3 out of the 4 ladder trucks in the city out of service. Oh you can count engine 1 but that is not a 100 foot ladder. So tell me, How the Hell does a DC get away with putting 3 ladder trucks out of service for an entire shift. I think the news media should be aware of this BS. Citizens would be very upset to see their tax dollars not being used properly. And not to mention, If there is a fire with trapped occupants, well heck, they can just wait for some other far away outside city to respond. I say this is BS. Our department is no better off than some volunteer departments when we stoop to this insanity.

Received Via Email 01-13-13  It's a fact! Fire chiefs everywhere are full of shit. http://statter911.com/2013/01/14/tampa-fire-investigator-who-had-gun-stolen-twice-is-promoted-to-fire-marshal-tv-station-confronts-fire-chief-on-milton-jenkins-record/

Received Via Email 01-15-13  I worked with with guess can anybody tell me wy he is an asshole and rude to his patients?

Received Via Email 01-18-13  Are we being set up to be screwed by FD Administration

A recent revelation during the Officers Meetings, SPFR is looking to partner with the St. Petersburg College to develop a Firefighters “intern” program. What will this entail we ask? As of right now, it is a secret among only a few.

So I guess what we need to know is the following:
What is the purpose of this program?
What are their qualifications?
What will be their expected duties?
Will they be employees of the City of St. Petersburg?
Will they be employees of SPFR?
Who do they report to?
What will they be paid?
Will they have benefits?
Will they be counted towards staffing?
Will they work full or partial shifts?
Will they cause a loss of our premium pays?
Will they cause a loss of potential overtime earnings?
Will they be used to gain a shorter work week?
Will they be used to delay hiring in the future?
Will they be counted as volunteers for accreditation purposes?

These are but a few of the concerns that this Union had better find out before this goes any further.

Received Via Email 01-19-13  we are f'ed.. pray for a meteorite to land on the west side of 400- mlk st so...

Received Via Email 01-19-13  Note, this will be the most we ever had at ALTS the #'s are over 1200++ ? will any of our guys be going.... ??

No.  For the first time in a long time, the largest Local in the IAFF FPF 2nd District will have no presence and people will want to know why.  We have two new principal officers who will not be attending classes designed expressly for incoming principal officers.  You are all witness to IAFF Local 747's rapid decline into obscurity.  While others are learning, we're going backwards at a huge cost to every one of us.  We no longer have leadership, we have firefighters struggling to fill positions that they were elected to and collecting a paycheck to prove it.  This is really bad form. 

Whether you voted for Winnie or not or you like this web site or not or you voted for Rick Pauley or not... you're in denial if you don't see what's going on, all around you. Local 747 not only doesn't lead, we don't even try to follow.

Received Via Email 01-19-13  And we all thought Largos Chief was a dick. Interns means more minorities we can take from the hood and promote as soon as they take test no matter where they place. I doubt Womack will be skipped but there are no minorities on Captains list so we will never know

Received Via Email 01-21-13  Mr. webmaster you hit the nail on the head. Blank and Hay put on a good show and tell people that normally don't pay much attention to whats going on that its all going as good as it can. Its going as good as they can make it go and thats not real good. Thanks for never giving up.

Received Via Email 01-21-13  Why throw good money after bad. MTB would continue to use the attrny anyways. This way he can always point the finger at someone else. On a good note however, even with the return of beer beverages to the Union meetings it hasnt been enough. For the past 2 months there hasnt been enough people to have a proper meeting. I guess the ppes dont even want to hear what Micky has to say sober or soused.

Received Via Email 01-23-13  This dept fn sucks.......why r we getting screwed ????
TEAM:  Start reading.  There's seven and a half years of information here. ;>)

Received Via Email 02-02-13  You really want to see BULLSHIT? Make it your mission to take a look at the latest Contract Proposal that is in your station. Every station should have one. If yours has somehow mysteriously disappeared, cal Billy Mott at the Union office and have him send out another. This is Bullshit from front to back. Don't let the idea that this proposal is almost ready to expire and that we will be retuning to the table soon for another attempt for a 3 year deal to be the determining factor. This is Bullshit and that's all it is. I have heard many folks that are in the drop and close to leaving saying how good this is. In reality they know this is the only way they will see a scant few extra dollars in their paycheck and aren't thinking of those of us that will feel the full effects of the ass reaming we will be getting. This is BULLSHIT and everyone needs to see it for what it is. This is what Blank and Hay were put in office for and we are as close to going super
nova as we have ever been. This is BULLSHIT, avoid it all together don't even get close enough to step in it. Once the outer crust is disturbed you will smell what the Mayor, Chief Large, HR, and Blank have been cookin.
TEAM:  We Love educated voters!

Received Via Email 02-03-13  You guys realize this OPEN CHECKBOOK thing was bait to get Blank and Hay's attention to get them to convince us to sign a contract, don't you? They took the HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. They're going to open the checkbook for everyone in the city all at once and do what? And Blanks not telling all. He just met with the PBA guys and they AREN'T REQUIRED to take a physical and have never used them to pry into anyone's personal business. Supposedly they only have the money to do 40 physicals this year and Large wants every last one of us to take one? Helooooo, that's Large not the city. The city has  told us they don't care about physicals or drug testing. Careful what you give away for nearly nothing in return because it will be even harder the next time with nothing to trade.

Received Via Email 02-06-13  Hey Large, your a fat lazy asshole

Received Via Email 02-07-13  2/6 #5. Not that we do not care, it's that the pos offer is less offered than last time we voted that one down. So why go waste a couple of hours listening to the blank one spin it? 

Received Via Email 02-08-13   Steve Hay has decided to put out a memo for all to prove that Jon Pearl is not following the imaginary chain of command that he and Blank have thought up. If this is so true then I can only figure that Jon will be written up shortly??? I think everyone should call Jon and let him know that without his email then we would have never seen that this big selling point of a 7 day work cycle is worth so little in the big scope of things. The spreadsheet provided by the HR guy actually shows that some people would have made less than what they did with the new and improved pay cycle. Steve is so intent on letting everyone see what Jon did that he doesnt even realize that he brought more attention to what Jon was trying to prove in the first place. Congratulation Jon Pearl for making the idiots show there secret agenda. And they did it all by themselvs. I wonder what else we can get them to uncover? Bingham would have had pictures of these assholes by now.

Received Via Email 02-08-13  2-8 #1 Hay's afraid that he'll have to sit through some more nego sessions but people just keep getting in the way of his breezing through the next few years. .  Get a clue about Pearl, Hay. You can't do shit to him like he's one of your fire academy new boys. He went after the facts to show everyone while your story is ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS ASK! Your job is to present the facts not make up your own. I guess you'll just never get it.

Received Via Email 02-08-13  Just like the poster of2-08 #1 points out, Mike and Steve are more in a hurry to get this over with than they are about bringing forth the hard written facts. Or is it that they just dont understand what they read? Stupidity should hurt.

Received Via Email 02-09-13  I didn't need a propaganda filled explanation session to know that shit is shit. The NO vote is on the way back. FTM

Received Via Email 02-10-13  I hear the information meeting was a real hoot. Steve Hay was figeting all over afraid he would be found out as a liar at any minute. He's been so scared to show his face he's been hiding out at the union office. Wait a minute, he's been out on sick leave for the last 2 weeks. I guess he has built up so much trust with the department they just look the other way now. 

Received Via Email 02-12-13  I believe he had a backup on the Hersey high way.FTM

February 16, 2013
Here at Us vs. Them we're dumbfounded when we hear members talk about the City of St. Petersburg as if it were some kind of benevolent father who is always ready, willing and able to reach out; to go above and beyond to help make it right by its Fire Fighters, especially when any one of them is injured in the line of duty. Brad Westphal is one of those Fire Fighters who knows all too well that behind the benevolent father's velvet glove lies an iron fist.

For months the City paid a private investigator to follow and take video and still pictures of Brad in settings as private as his backyard to trips to his Doctor or simply going to the store. This was all in an attempt to keep from paying Brad what was owed to him as a Fire Fighter injured in the line of duty.

Brad and his attorneys have been to court on several occasions fighting for benefits owed him.  This past month Brad found himself back in court one more time to recover a year's worth of lost wages that the city refused to pay him.  Take a look at the video from the Florida 1st District Court of Appeals and you'll get a sense of just how far the City of St. Petersburg will go to keep one permanently injured Fire Fighter from a year's salary.  See if you get a sense of what the judges think about the City's treatment of a "catastrophically" injured Fire Fighter.

Case No. 12-3563 Video
Case No. 12-3563 Audio Only

Received Via Email 02-17-13  I'm glad you had your day in court, Brad. And the webmaster is correct. Too many people on this job believe it's better not to fight because we don't want the public to think that we're greedy and all I can say to that is that's just bullshit. The public pays taxes but they don't pay my paycheck, the mayor and council do and we make more money than some of them do so they believe what they believe. I've never seen one of them go through what you've gone throughand have to feed their family for a year while waiting for their turn in court. How greedy is that.?

Received Via Email 02-18-13  The sooner you realize that the city views us as merely a commodity that can easily be thrown out and replaced, the clearer your understanding should be of their attempts to screw us at the negotiation table.  The city is going to continually try to remove benefits and put measures in place to reduce costs to them.  They do not care about you or your family.  They care only about their bottom line.  They want to get as much work out of you with as little cost to them as possible.  Don't be fooled by a pat on the back from the city, they are just looking for your wallet.The sooner you realize that the city views us as merely a commodity that can easily be thrown out and replaced, the clearer your understanding should be of their attempts to screw us at the negotiation table.  The city is going to continually try to remove benefits and put measures in place to reduce costs to them.  They do not care about you or your family.  They care only about their bottom line.  They want to get as much work out of you with as little cost to them as possible.  Don't be fooled by a pat on the back from the city, they are just looking for your wallet.

Received Via Email 02-18-13  From post 2-18 #1 "They do not care about you or your family.  They care only about their bottom line."   This cant be any plainer after viewing the video with Brad Westphals bout with the city over workers comp.
TEAM:  A little birdy tells us that there's a newspaper man digging to find out just how much money the city has pissed into the wind trying to screw over Brad and his family. We're sure the League of Cities would be proud.

Received Via Email 02-18-13  the city is no different than a common pick pocket thief. Trying to rob every penny they can from you. Shame on you Bill Foster. Shame on you for allowing this to happen. Shame on you.the city is no different than a common pick pocket thief. Trying to rob every penny they can from you. Shame on you Bill Foster. Shame on you for allowing this to happen. Shame on you.

Received Via Email 02-20-13  "the city is no different than a common pick pocket thief." Oh come now. our city is a lot more than just a common pick pocket thief, they are above extra skillful to expert. They are even above Journeyman status. I would even put them in ELITE status.

Received Via Email 02-28-13  The new "Long awaited" uniform policy is out. I wish to thank Chief Large for putting the final fork into Local 747 with this new policy. He has effectivly excluded ALL of the items that we have previously been able to purchase from our Local to proudly wear while on duty. No more short sleeve or long sleeve T's, no sweats, no ball caps. Oh yes, he did say that T-shirts with the Local 747 logo in the emblem could be worn, but the union does not sell, or have the financial capability to buy shirts with all of the different ranks printed on them. I guess the small amount of money made from these sales will not be missed. Also, can anyone tell me just what a Job Shirt is? Yup MTB has lost yet another good thing for the local and its members, both active and retired. Thanks you worthless MUTTS.

Received Via Email 02-28-13  It's upsetting but shirts are the least of our worries. Blank and Hay see themselves as saving us from the city by being the kinder, gentler version of Winne and Rick thats easier to work with.

Received Via Email 03-02-13  No not winnie & paulie, Dumb & dumber

Received Via Email 03-02-13  Just a small reminder for the stupid and the uninformed.  I can't help smiling over the realization that in some member's minds it's apparently enough to wear a T-shirt with the IAFF logo on it and assume that doing that shows support of the Local.  Now that the chief has graciously denied the wearing of said shirts on duty it has become, to some anyway, the elimination of the only show of support they give the Local on or off duty.

The second writer has a much better handle on the true and never ending problem and that is that there are more important things to fret over.  And God knows you've all been reminded of them over and over and over.  Yet it doesn't sink in.  Sure, it's a slap in the face to have to dance to the daily changes in the whims and follies of the chief with no balls.  But in fact that's part of doing business these days.  In fact that's what the membership has become; 250 fools doin' the gangnam stomp every time the chief farts.  You must be SOOOOO proud.

Get used to it.  It's not gonna change.  In fact the best you can hope for is to return to the days in the city when painting your name on the door of the truck was tantamount to a pay raise.  Don't believe me?  Ask any old timer at Municipal.  They did it for the garbage truck drivers.  Maybe, just maybe, that's the kind of thing you can all look forward to also.  Hell, it would be a step or two up from what you get now.  See if that moron and his advisers can do that for you.

Why don't you call up the tin god you've created for a president of the Local and see if he, in his formidable form, can approach the chief and get that uniform policy softened just a little.  If he's even half the bad ass swingin' dick he tells you he is he shouldn't have any fear of standing up for you in the face of the chief.  After all, he failed miserably at getting you anything in that new contract.  And after doing such an admirable job and being coached by the the losers that live vicariously through him.  Maybe the chief will throw him a bone so that he'll look powerful among his peer. . . um, subjects.  Hell, if you're a driver you may even get your name painted on the door of the vehicle.  Won't that be nice?


Received Via Email 03-02-13 @1:49 pm  Now we wait for the attacks. The naysayers who never have shit to say about the facts of what you say should be starting anytime now attacking you Dick but not attacking the facts. They're the same ones that voted dumb and dumber into office.

Received Via Email 03-02-13 @2:00 pm  Dick, why don't you just go away. You are living large on the 20 and out deal. You are living so large you have plenty if time to post here.  Just go away 

Received Via Email 03-02-13  Dick Tully, stay here, you're the one that talks sense and sensibility. The others are just Jealous idiots because they have to hang around this hell hole for 30 years and leave with only about 40% better pension to you.

Received Via Email 03-03-13  Dick you speak for the now minority that used to control the union. But now the new kids are running it and running it they are. Right into the ground. There is only about a quarter of the ole union members left that knows and agrees with you Dick, but unfortunately we have lost the majority vote because of the back door moves Large has done the past few years. He has deceived many into turning against those in the Union that really cared. The new regime is screwed and doesnt realize it yet. In the years to follow they will see you Dick Tully are right and they will then see the brilliance you are trying to bring them. Until that day, they will follow lies and deceit and march down that trail of utter defeat with a great a great loss of pension benefits that are soon to follow.  All we are saying is that there are still some Dick that agree and wish you were back here leading this troubled lost union into greatness once again. Dick, for now, we are screwed. Unless of course you are one of the 60 plus members currently in the Drop. They have it good but only because of you and people like Winnie, Rick Pauley, and Billy Motts hard work. 

Received Via Email 03-04-13  3-3 #1 is exactly correct.  Soon our benefits will begin to dwindle.  When the city takes away our pension the folks across the table will laugh at us and say "You just got Tullied, bitch!"  We will respond with "I thought the proper vernacular was telling us that "we just got Dicked."  Then they will laugh maniacally and exclaim "Okay douche bags, have it your way, you just got Dick Tullied."

Received Via Email 03-04-13  3/4 #1.  Actually the City will say, we had a Large check for you, but Hay, I think we will leave it Blank. You get nada.

Received Via Email 03-18-13  And after that MTB and his side kick Hay will go around to the stations and tell us that they have spoken and this is the best we are going to get. In other words, please take what they offered so we dont have to look like idiots again.

Received Via Email 03-18-13  City deserves better 

The city of St. Petersburg should be ashamed of itself. First it denies a courageous firefighter, Bradley Westphal, the workers' compensation benefits he clearly deserved for an on-the-job injury. Then they waste $150,000 in taxpayer dollars fighting the proper claim by Westphal. Then they misuse my medical opinions in court without consulting me to support their bad case. Then they lose in court based on their bad judgment — leading the 1stt District Court of Appeal to rule a workers' compensation law as unconstitutional.

Finally, the city staff and attorneys decide that I — not they — have a conflict of interest and decide they will deny access for city workers to my neurosurgical services because I happen to be running for City Council. They do this to divert attention from their own failures while hypocritical politicians pile on. In the same week that a story is published in which council chair Karl Nurse expresses concerns about a "conflict of interest" he ironically states I have, he endorses my opponent. Meanwhile, City Council member Charlie Gerdes inaccurately states I don't want city workers to have "any benefits," while all I want is commonsense reforms to protect the workers' benefits but also citizens from tax hikes.

Is there any wonder why I am running for City Council? The politicians and bureaucrats running our government are incompetent and serve their own agendas, not those of the citizens! St. Petersburg residents deserve better.

Dr. David McKalip, candidate for St. Petersburg City Council, District 4

Received Via Email 03-19-13  I don't know Dr. McKalip, candidate for City Council, District 4, and I will state up front that he's probably a very qualified candidate and a very qualified physician who desires making changes that would benefit everyone concerned. 

That being said I would respectfully and quietly remind the members of this Local that there are things that should be remembered about various other political wannabes who, when vetted by the now defunct screening committee, said they only wanted to support fire fighters and the fire service and would speak for us and be our voice on the City Council.

Then, when called upon to support us, they either came down with lockjaw or made overtures in support of the fire fighter's contract knowing full well that they were outvoted in the opposite of what we needed.  One thing that is paramount in dealing with these people is that they can talk out of both sides of their mouth and are readily proficient at it.

Take, for example, Dr. McKalip's statement that ". . . all I want is common sense reforms to protect the workers' benefits but also citizens from tax hikes."  I don't know if that's the exact wording of the statement made by the good doctor or not.  But if it is then only a small amount of reollection on the part of the members would produce the fact that in most instances a tax hike and a pay raise go hand in hand. 

This city has always used the threat of a tax hike to influence not just the Council but also the public when it came to not giving not only the fire fighters but all city employees increased benefits.  It doesn't seem reasonable that anyone on the Council could influence the mayor to change the way the city treats it's employees.  But when running for the office of councilman or mayor, for that matter, they all come with hat in hand and profess to be our biggest supporter and only want "common sense" reforms to "protect the workers".

This is not to say that *every* member of Council has been our enemy.  There have actually been a few who spoke up and were infuential in our gains.  But damn few.  And they were long ago and far away.  Today you, as a member of Local 747, are being guided and represented by the least informed and the least qualified person in the history of this Local.  And he, being supported by his minions, has determined that vetting potential political candidates is worthless.  I have to admit that we have few victories in the past when it comes to supporting the right candidate but eliminating the means for at least speaking with the candidate was and is just another example of the poor, if non-existent skills of this president.

At this point in time it is absolutely necessary to remain politically involved.  Otherwise the mayor will see that you no longer have a dog in the fight and that you're emasculated to the point of total submission.  The police have made gains since this mayor has been in office.  Why?  Because they supported the mayor when he ran for the office.  We, however, did not and have paid over and over again for that.  However, it doesn't mean we were wrong in supporting a different candidate.  We supported the person who the screening committee felt was the most qualified to be the Mayor.  As you can see by the history of the current mayor, we were right all along.  This alone should demonstrate to each of you how the political end of this whole thing works.  You *must* be on the winning side to "win".  It's just that simple.

Now that Council positions, and soon the Mayoral position, are up for grabs it has never been more important that you make every effort and take every opportunity to make your voice heard.  And don't fall for the diatribe that comes your way.  And since you no longer have a PAC you should and will have to do this for yourself.  Don't roll over for smooth talkers who promise you the moon and then shove it up your butt when the chips are down.  And before you jump on the bandwagon with the cops, think about what that says to the city.  You're signaling that you're finished and you would like to scrape up the crumbs left by the current winners in the game.  When you stop and think about it . . . I guess it's about all you have left.

Dick Tully
TEAM:  Darden Rice is also running for the soon to be vacated District 4 slot.  She's FOR Fire Fighters - has friends on the dept. and there are pictures of her on this website that show her walking the picket lines with us.  Choosing her to back should be a no-brainer which our president and vice president easily qualify for.

Received Via Email 03-25-13  The word going around the stations is that Dick Johnson has been asked to negotiate for us by Blank. Add with me now.......we pay Blank $24K per year to do what we elected him to do  and we pay Hay another $16K to do what we voted him in to do and now Dick Johnson is going to be negotiating for us? We might as well call Winnie back cuz he's the only one that strikes fear in the hearts of the management types. I thought Dick was going to quit in a huff a couple of months back? If the shit don't go his way (and it won't) is he going to quit in the middle of negotiating our 4th amendment rights away? Yeah you heard it here first. Blank went around to all the stations and told everyone that drug testing wasnt going away. Now I hear that he wants to trade it away for another medic slot. Gee who could have seen this coming? If you don't get what you want then dkeep dropping your demands till the city comes up with something worth a dollar for what your about to give away that's worth millions. It's time for Blank and hay to go. We're spending more than $5000 a month on lawyers because tBlank and Hay can't put the simplest things together so they need a lawyers help for everything. We're spending our union into oblivion and nobody's looking at these two as being the problem. Elections are coming and it's time to vote Blank out of office. After thatn it's Hay's turn. If these guys can't do what we elected them to do (I told you so) then it's time for them to stop taking our money and step down..

Oh and another thing someone on the e-board needs to look into Hay and Blank returning from DC last week. It looks like they returned from out of town on the A shift day and didn't return to work and they didn't convert their time to vacation. Blank kept making a big deal out of people using pool time when he was running for office. Now I see why. He and Hay want to make sure there's always enough available for them to burn while complaining about others. When Winnie was in office I remember him always calling Crummity and taking the remainder of the time as vacation or returning to work at 2000. I know this becaues I asked what the problem was with pool time when Blank was running. Winnie says there was never a problem with pool time when he was in office and that Blank was making shit up to run on. Folks he was lying then and by not going back to work and going home to bed on pool time he's lying to all of us now. Blank and Hay are flat out LIARS who are spending all of our time and money. FTM
TEAM:  We don't know if the checkbook is really open but the union's financial's are open for members to view. We're not spending $5000 a month.  We're spending on average something like $7400 a month. What you can't do for yourself you get others to do for you at a price.

Received Via Email 03-25-13  3-25 #1 What did you expect? Blank is known for bending his elbow at Gulport on the Rocks, playing softball and playing Santa Claus. Now that's he's union president he's going to do just enough to get by because he is not equipped for the job. Hell, he can barely make it to work and you expect him to pay attention enough to be the union president of the largest Local in the county? As for Hay, his second biggest accomplishment in life is taking a picture of a giant turd he made. The biggest accomplishment kept on going and he didn't get a picture of it. As someone else said, we were once feared. Now we're laughed at but it's okay but that's okay because you guys who voted for him think we look respectable.

1. worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
2. of good social standing, reputation, etc.: a respectable neighborhood.
3. suitable or good enough to be seen or used: respectable clothes; respectable language.
4. of moderate excellence; fairly good; fair: a respectable performance.
5. appreciable in size, number, or amount: a respectable turnout.

1. producing scorn; ludicrous: he offered me a laughable sum for the picture
2. arousing laughter

Received Via Email 03-25-13  Blank is the biggest bullshitter on the job.  When he doesn't have the correct answer he'll make one up.  Blank is a hardhead that doesn't listen and just does what he wants, just ask any chief.  Our lives are in the hands of to googballs

Received Via Email 03-25-13  Respectable

1. worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
2. of good social standing, reputation, etc.: a respectable neighborhood.
3. suitable or good enough to be seen or used: respectable clothes; respectable language.
4. of moderate excellence; fairly good; fair: a respectable performance.
5. appreciable in size, number, or amount: a respectable turnout.
Well that leaves out most of our elected officers, Fire Administration, and Mayor

1. producing scorn; ludicrous: he offered me a laughable sum for the picture
2. arousing laughter

Well, I guess we found them.

Received Via Email 04-06-13  Did you hear? Billy Mott retired because he's dying of cancer. Did you hear? Billy Mott retired so he wouldnt have to get a physical. Did you hear? Billy Mott retired so he could get out of night drill. Did you hear? Billy Mott retired so now he has to give up his position as Secretary Treasurer. Did you hear???? What a bunch of bull shit that is being passed around by those that just love to spread out right lies. So he left a few months early, he's not the only one to do so and I'm sure he wont be the last. I have talked with Brother Mott and none of the above is the reason he gave me. It was his decision to leave SPFR for his own reasons. I know we all believe that he is a wealthy man but even so I dont think he would leave $70K behind just to get out of a drill or a physical. No, I know the truth and the facts, and I will stack that up against the bullshit from the Mayor and his Stooges anyday of the week. God Bless you Brother Mott and I hope you enjoy your retirement after 31 years of putting up with this cesspool full of turds.

Received Via Email 04-06-13  Who cares why Billy left. He's got a pot of money and he doesn't owe any of us anything. We owe him for keeping a check on the two asswipes that are now holding down seats in what used to be our union hall. Thanks for all the hard work Bill and I'll still come around to see you whenever I need some REAL advice.

Received Via Email 04-06-13  ...and he doesn't have to leave his position in the union. If he does, we are more screwed than we are now.

Received Via Email 04-06-13  As Hay would say, SOME OF YOU ARE JUST GOING TO HAVE TO COWBOY UP! But then again..............he's a moron. Ever talk to him? He's a moron.

Received Via Email 04-07-13  Steve Hay says and does a lot of stupid things because he has no clue. I know that some would be led to believe he is a philosopher. He and Blank are nothing more than a letdown nothing else
TEAM:  Yeah.  Philisopher.  What we were thinking, too.

Received Via Email 04-11-13  This post got me thinking about the saying, "Stupid is as stupid does", OMG!!! That describes these 2 idiots perfectly.

Received Via Email 04-19-13  Aren't we a part of them? http://tinyurl.com/c3jewuy

Received Via Email 04-19-13  NO, We're not.  We,who are still in the I.A.F.F. are in the American Federation of Labor.  See, if we were in the West Central Florida Federation of Labor the initials would be WCFFL.  In our case it's the AFL which stands for America Federation of Labor.  You can look up CIO for yourself.  You should probably hurry though since it won't be long until we're not affiliated with anyone but the mayor.

You dont have to look hard either. Look at any of the IAFF stickers you PROUDLY display on your vehicles. Better yet, dig into your pocket and look at the challange coin the union handed out a couple years ago. Yup its right there AFL-CIO CLC. (American Federation of Labor- Congress of Industrial Organiziations Central Labor Councils)  Take another look at whom else we share this Brother and Sisterhood with. Currently affiliated unionsThis is a list of AFL-CIO affiliated member unions:[42]

Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU)
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM)
American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA)
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA)
American Postal Workers Union (APWU)
American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA)
Associated Actors and Artistes of America (4As)
Actors' Equity Association (AEA)
American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA)
American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA)
The Guild of Italian American Actors (GIAA)
Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers' International Union (BCTGM)
Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS)
California School Employees Association (CSEA)
Communications Workers of America (CWA)
Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA)
Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC)
Federation of Professional Athletes (Professional Athletes)
Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union (GMP)
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada (IATSE)
International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (Ironworkers)
International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM)
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers (IBB)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE)
International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)
International Longshoremen's Association (ILA)
International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America
International Union of Allied Novelty and Production Workers (Novelty and Production Workers)
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC)
International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC)
International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE)
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT)
International Union of Police Associations (IUPA)
Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA)
National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA)
National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC)
National Nurses United (NNU)
National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU)[43]
Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU)
Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association of the United States and Canada (OPCMIA)
Seafarers International Union of North America (SIU)
Sheet Metal Workers International Association (SMWIA)
Transport Workers Union of America (TWU)
Transportation Communications International Union/International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (TCU/IAM; will merge by 2012)
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA)
United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW)
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)
United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union (USW)
United Transportation Union (UTU)
United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers (Roofers and Waterproofers)
Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA)
Writers Guild of America, East Inc. (WGAE)
Oh yeah, they ALL follow proper political endorsement policies.

Received Via Email 04-26-13  Our only hope for this union is that someone like Jon Pearl or Rick Pauley will run for Union Pres and take this bumbling idiot Blank out of office.

Received Via Email 04-26-13  If either of those real Union Men get elected, Hay will piss a fit! He'd resign to his clogged shitters.

Received Via Email 05-01-13  PEARL and PAULY for prez and v.p..... you have my vote all fucKin day Brothers...please seriuosly think about that

Received Via Email 05-01-13  Pauley and or Pearl. That would be awesome. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope still left.

Received Via Email 05-03-13  Ok, so here's the latest. Foster is telling Blank that we're not going to be bidding on the Hightpoint area. Blank is wondering if Foster is lying to him because he says one thing and Large is saying another. Everyone's talking about E1 moving to station 13, T13 moving to station 4 and E13 moving to PP station 36 on Ulmerton. Seems Blank is the last guy to know that Foster is full of shit. So you see their not going to hire a single person to staff a new station because Large has told Foster that we can do more with less again. We can put an entire engine crew ouside our city limits where they're so friggin far away they can never be used when we need them. Brilliant. And Blank's talking about the 2nd R day being a lock. Where are they going to find the money to fund that? Are they going to hire new people or are they going to hire back? Here's the problem........ we're going to be up to our asses again in manditory overtime again. Forget about enjoying your new R day. You're going to be spending half your time filling holes that the R day produces and in the end you get shit. Is this anything like the Captains and DC's got? And when the other shoe drops what will we really be giving up to get another R day? When a captin or DC takes off sick they don't manditory another captain or DC, they manditory a FF. If we get another R day, pretty much the same. HQ is always at full strenght but we put shit out of service. The day comes that we start filling fire stations again it won't be because they've actually hired anyone. If we don't get another R day just the way the captains and DC's did, then we take it in the shorts again. Watch and see if our accruals don't take an even bigger hit than them. We'll end up paying for the R Day. The Captains and DC's are pissing and moning right now about their accruals. So what. We'll end up with something even worse and we'll take it. They know we want it badly but we've already give up 50% of what management wants so we've hurt our bargaining position because Blank and Hay are two stupid rednecks being guided by the fucks at HQ. Ok, enough about asshole number 1. Asshole number 2 (Hay) went to the Officer Development meeting where they're all being taught how to write us all up. Hay was all onboard with management and HR. Isn't this the same guy that was put on the JATC comittee on the union side but wants to fire everyone? Isn't he the reason we lost at least 1 person having troubles with JATC to SPB? Let's hurry up with negotiations because Foster is scared shitless that we won't support him. We already don't support him so he ought to be used to it. WTF were these two asschlowns thinking to support our enemy? Lets race into another bad contract without reading the fine print. Don't just read this shit, do something about it.

Received Via Email 05-03-13  Pauley or Pearl??? We've got everything under control right now. We got rid of Newton and Pauley and the checkbook is open. We're going to be swimming in money pretty soon. Swimming I tell ya. I just asked Foster.


Mike Blank

Received Via Email 05-04-13  Blank has put all his eggs in one basket without even two brain cells coming close to hitting one another. Have you ever met a more scatter brained individual?

Received Via Email 05-09-13  There's talk going around that Mike Moore is sniffing around the union hall filling Blank's head with nonsense about funding a pay raise for the lost 157 again with our COLA money.  Blank has a habit of DOING WITHOUT THINKING OR ASKING PERMISSION OF THE MEMBERS. That money needs to be protected from all of these vultures. Give Blank a call and ask him what he's upto and see if you get a decent answer or a lie.

Received Via Email 05-09-13  Well I guess that explains why Moores kid is telling people he's going to the state convention. Watch out for that guy. He couldn't figure out where he wanted to work so now he's back here again and he's the eyes and ears for daddy who's making sure that Blank and Hay fill the usefull idiot rolls perfectly. Moore wanted out of here so bad but now that he's gone he found that it's tougher than he thought to catch a chiefs job so he "guides" Blank and Hay. Too bad so sad that your gone. Keep stepping.

Received Via Email 05-09-13  5/9 makes a good point. Mike Less has NEVER been on the side of rank & file.It was always about his upward mobility. After he went to 2 bugles he was the covert double agent reporting to Bud tallion One. ( remember him?) While hanging & drinking his way to the top this slick sleeve administrator was handed the Chief of EMS position! Yeah WTF? Old Bud said he was the best for that spot..NOT. Our standing in the county took a nose dive as he went to the meetings with LR,and former SPFR Krauza at his side explaining all those funny words. Meetings drinkin & smokin made his way clear, f the guys and get 3+ bugles!
Yes call Blank and ask him what this fossil is doing at the union hall.   I'm real sorry the lost 157 don't have a great pension, one that could have been addressed when the Less one was their leader. Once again, go away and enjoy the retirement you got off the backs of us real firefighters.

Received Via Email 05-18-13  The latest word out now is that Mike Less is druming up support for his ole bed pal Tolley for FPF President. MM has been trying to worm his way into a FPF gig for many years and now sees his perfect opportunity. The girl in every port strategy didnt work so the wank off project has begun. good luck loser.

Received Via Email 05-19-13  I'm told that during last weeks union meeting, there were 2 motions made. The first was to spend money for a couple of firemen to participate in a contest that involves a lot of drinking, and the other was to spen money to help a retiree get the assistance he needs to get up the stairs of his residence. I hear that they both passed but can anyone guess which motion got the most money? If you guessed the one that took care of one of our own, BOY ARE YOU WRONG!!!!! Once again the conductors of the train wreck allowed almost twice the amount to go to the drunkfest. Now dont get me wrong, they are both for a good cause. I just cant figure out how the one that benefits no one we know gets more money than the one that helps Jim Haugh (Hausie from #3). Oh yeah I remember someone will get drunk.

Received Via Email 05-20-13  You should know by now. Drinking wins out everytime. The retiree is a was been.

Received Via Email 05-26-13  you forgot to include, smokin weed, swappin spouses, swingin, and just out right wife stealin. Thats what really makes SPFR tick.

Received Via Email 05-27-13  Dont leave out the one that will get you the furthest, Flat out lying. That will really get you the attention you deserve.

Received Via Email 06-09-13  http://www.pinskipolitics.com/2013/06/st-pete-mayor-bill-foster-in-third-place-trailing-both-ford-and-kriseman-in-new-poll-of-likely-voters/ Take a look at all the possibilities. They throw more politicians into the mix to see how Foster fares. What was it that Blank and Hay said????? Oh yeah..............Kriseman and Ford are going to split the vote so niether one of them can win against Foster.  What a couple of dumb fuckers. There's going to be a primary election first you assholes. Only 1 person is going to run against him. Great job FF's. You picked 2 winners with these dickheads.

Received Via Email 06-09-13  We've got a lot of young people on the job right now who know nothing about their union except what Blank and Hay have told them. It's going to take a while for them to figure out that their union is headed by two guys who are talking but saying nothing.

Received Via Email 06-10-13  The Blank one, the Hayseed, and the cum target, all together at station 6 next shift.

Received Via Email 06-11-13  Assholes, orifice, union official...

Received Via Email 06-12-13  6/9,#1,i didn't pick either of those dick heads,and yes I returned my Newton vote the day it came in the mail... FTM, and to those that did not vote.. This is YOUR F-UP

Received Via Email 06-13-13  Today's BS? HAY calling around inviting us to stroll with the #1 hater of fire fighters. You will get a free tee shirt and something to eat, whoo knows maybe a reduced BS workweek.. WTF are there members that stupid out there? FTM, the guy that chose the man that we didn't pick for mayor
TEAM:  "Take a walk with the 'Liars Club' and become one by association!"

Received Via Email 06-13-13  Maybe the Mayor will allow for more fire units to sit OUT OF SERVICE again so you can walk the walk of shame while on duty. I am most certain that the Hayseed will be noticibly missing.

Received Via Email 06-13-13  When your walking with the Mayor and his Liars, ask him to his face, what's the chance of you getting your 2% pay raise? President Blank is close to giving it away so we can sit at home more. Thats all we will be able to do, since we still wont be able to afford to go anywhere or do anything more than what we do now. Of course the folks with less than 10 years on just dont understand. THEY have been getting their step raises while the rest of us have truely gone without.

Received Via Email 06-14-13  Blank and Hay want Foster elected in the worst way so they can look like heros and keep their cushy union jobs. The only problem is the voters aren't playing nicely. Kathleen Ford is ahead over everyone running in every poll.

Received Via Email 06-14-13  Thats not my definition of Hero

Received via Email: 06-16-13  How much is Little Mike Stupid making every month in union pay?  Do you really believe he earns it?  He uses more pool time than any other president before him and accomplishes less.  Yet we pay him big bucks to do it.  He spits in your face every time he's off on pool time for some frivolous bullshit.  He's got an ego as big as that worthless mayor.  Oh, and let's not forget our illustrious advisor and mentor Mike Moore.  I guarantee you he's up to more than meets the eye.  We pay Frick 24 grand a year.  No wonder he can afford to get married.  And we pay Frack another 16 grand a year.  And what have we gotten in return?  No, really.  What the hell can you point to that either of these two fools have gotten for the members?  That's right, not a damn thing.  And that's 80 grand you'll never see again and it's going up.  Do you have any idea what could have been done with 80 grand?  A helluva lot more than these two produced.  it doesn't matter if you like them or not.  The question is what have you gotten for 80,000.00 over the past two years.  Anything?  Anything at all?  That's right.  There's nothing to show for it except a giant abuse of pool time and a fat pay check rewarding the accomplishment of nothing.  We're not only generous but monumentally fucking stupid to boot.

Received via Email: 06-21-13  If Chief Large made promotions and instead of giving everyone an opportunity to express themselves by interviewing those that are on the promotional list, he just called them together and told them who he was promoting, would anyone care? Would a fuss be raised? Would the Union be expected to get involved? You can bet your ass. This in a sense is what Retards 1 & 2 did to Kriseman. They didn't interview, they TOLD him what they had already decided before hand. You can continue to listen to what the Tards are saying or you can make the choice to believe in the truth. You need to make the choice based on facts.

Received via Email: 06-21-13  Anyone want to place a bet on how long it will take before Chief Large pulls yet another person off shift work to fill Ganci's empty seat? 6-8 weeks is an awful long time to let go by without all seats being warmed in the sacred palace.

Received via Email: 06-27-13  Froster now backing off on pier demolition. This guy is so wishy washy. He must be using that money to prevent brownouts. What a douche bag. Good riddance. 

Received via Email: 06-28-13  Not only is Foster a wishy washy flip flopper, but he is dishonest, has no honor, no code, and no ethics. Oh, and he is also as clueless as those that follow him. Yes its the Blind leading the Blind.

Received via Email: 07-03-13  We need to band together and make it known to the leaders of this train wreck that we want our name removed from Silly Willy's campaign. Thats right, just like Mayor Foster had no problem pulling back a legal document that gave the Supervisory Unit the 2 years DROP extension, The St. Petersburg Association of Firefighters needs to insist that we no longer endorse this man of no honor. He has proven time and again on the very days that our members participate with him on his walk of shame he chooses to place front line fire units OUT OF SERVICE. At the bargaining table he presents us with the SAME pay proposal as the rest of the Unions that have refused to endorse him. WE do not need to have our names spoken within his campaign. How much worse can he treat us?
TEAM:  Another great post!

Received via Email: 07-04-13  I saw the Blank one driving down 58th St last night with a trailer full of Elect Foster signs. They were all turned upside down. Now we all know that this is the international signal of distress, and MTB just proved it. Of course we all know he will never catch on but what a joke. MTB totin water for a bag of shit.

Received via Email: 07-04-13  Whatever happened to Blank's army? And what about Hay closest butt buddy, Mark Sweet? Did you happen to see any of them running around putting all the signs they've got in front of Bill Foster's house? Blanks big army is now an army of one and Hay's butt buddy Sweet is no different than every member who lives outside Pinellas County. When they go home after work they don't come back to do union work.
There's your new A Team boys!

Received via Email: 07-04-13  You can erect all the signs you want and it still can't get the "BACKSTABBER" reelected.  And it's surprising that no one has the balls to take down the signs at the union office.  If the membership doesn't want signs for a candidate they don't want to support then it should be a simple task to just take them down.  But I'm sure the entire membership is so afraid of Dumb retaliating against them that they don't want to stir up trouble.  And I don't doubt for a minute that he'd find who did it and have them arrested for vandalizing political signs.  Because that's what he's all about.  Somebody needs to find their spine and either remove the signs for the BACKSTABBER or, at least post signs for the other two candidates along with those for the BACSTABBER.  If you don't have the balls to go against the candidate who hates you (that would be the BACKSTABBER, in case  you haven't been paying attention) then at least show some support for whoever you think will beat him.  Or doesn't anyone have the stones for that?  What will get our membership off their asses and find the ability to stand up and tell the truth? 

Received via Email: 07-04-13  7/4 #3. You could have had the signs down by the time you wrote all that shit.  Gitty up!

Received via Email: 07-04-13  I don't care what the subject is, Foster keeps getting his ass handed to him. The subject is the measly 2% pay raise. Read the comments section. Most people can't believe that it's only 2%. http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/st-petersburg-mayor-bill-foster-proposes-raises-for-all-workers/2129477 Blank, Hay and Foster are all going down.

Received via Email: 07-05-13  The same applies to the time it took for YOU to read it.
No guts to work for yourself but easy to slam those who try.
Do me a favor and get back under your rock.

Received via Email: 07-05-13  Attention all idiots. There is a trailer full of Foster signs hidden from view behind the union office. Make sure you stop by and get yours before they all show up gone.

Received via Email: 07-27-13  The other day I needed to take a shit, I was driving west on 1 av no, hey I'll stop at the union ofc.. No one was there, so I used this trailer with lots of cardboard like TP.. best use for a foster sign I have ever heard! FTM!!!

Received via Email: 07-28-13  "best use for a foster sign I have ever heard", Its kinda like Foster was kissing YOUR ass for once. What a novel idea, I will make sure I get by there today

Received via Email: 08-02-13  Sad that Mayor Bill has put firefighters in the same class as everyone else, We are nothing special.
TEAM:  Our new Mayor will fix that.
For those of you who believe that members of the FRS should contribute to their pension, here's a valuable look inside their pension plan.