It can't get any better than this. You get your own webpage to comment on those inefficiencies that are troubling you.
Okay - that was our attempt at Political Correctness. Fill us in on the BULLSHIT that's really pissing you off! Mind your manners. If you can't include evidence (we'll provide you with a working email address if you need to send some) in the form of memo's, written correspondence, etc., we'll have no choice but to strip all names from your story!
Received via email 03-08-06 Maybe now we can try to catch up to a progressive modern department like Chief Trijullo tried to start. Keep up the good work JD.
Received via email 03-12-06 Value your political aspirations, and the morale of your members livin Large,
Don't promote k----t to EMS captain!
Received via email 03-13-06 Amen to that!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via email 03-14-06 Don't promote K----t at all.
Received via email 03-14-06 If Large needed a medic as a Chief, well then he needs one as a captain. Unless some of those whiney LR's get their way again.
Received via email 03-14-06 SK may have the book knowledge and some college degrees to back it, but he needs to learn that this career is about brotherhood and team work, not selfish ambition and backstabbing. Maybe this new administration will teach him these things. SK is very inexperienced in personal relations for his age.
Received via email 03-14-06 Who in the top 5 is experienced in personal relations?
Received via email 03-14-06 SK is the typical "smile in your face" then stab ya in the back kinda guy. He has a superiority complex big time. Just ask him. When he walks in the room, he expects you to acknowledge him. Just look at what he has done to the Master Station. Its bad enough the "kids" are there, SK has chipped away at SH until he looks like a 30 year about to go guy, ie ROAD. SK would sh-- on his mom if he thought it would get him a promotion. Face it, SK, you have destroyed any hope you ever had about gaining realistic authority. The purchased bugles are not real, pal. I bet you have already have a set of double bugles. Lets hope JL can see through you too...
Received via email 03-15-06 If SH is who I think It is he would make a excelent Captain.
Received via email 03-15-06 Hey you Captains out there that are PM's how about taking one for the team, AND volunteering for the EMS spot! Save the department the pain, and embarrassment of a CSK!
Received via email 03-17-06 Honestly speaking, I agree with majority of the post, and talk at work about who we feel would NOT be a good representation of SPFR as an EMS Captain. Yep that is you LTSK.. You had more than one chance to change your ways, heck you even had 2 different shifts to try and prove yourself a worthy candidate for officer, of any rank. Instead, you continue to insult, and assault anyone that doesn't see things your way, or dare to question your authority! Your attitude is so pompous, if this were the French Revolution, you'd be minus a part or two...As long as I have known you, its always been all about you. You're #1. Remember how you use to introduce yourself when you first came to SPFR? Hi I'm SK, son of former Chief JK...Well guess what bozo, your not anything like your Dad. At least he heard you out before he made a descion about you. I really don't hate you, your a firefighter, a union brother, and I will still drag you out of a fire if the need arises. I abhor the way you think, act, and behave, on, and off duty. You job's half life is almost over..There is little to no chance you can ever become a trusted Officer. You may, one day end up with the bugles, but you will never have friends.. Wake up, taste reality, get help...
Received via email 03-17-06 The sign of a good fire officer is: supports their crew, encourages them even if they make a mistake, inspires them to become better, appreciates them, acknowledges that if it wasn't for their crew they wouldn't be sh_ _ ! Will never throw a brother crew member under the bus. Sign of a bad fire officer: Does not support their crew, instead of encouraging them they discourage them, does not think their crew makes them look good - but rather thinks the white shirt makes them look good, instead of inspiring them they put them down almost treating them like they are a kid, instead of appreciating them they make them feel like they never measure up to there expectations, and they will quickly throw a crew member under the bus or back stab them to make themselves look good. Can anyone tell me who fits the good and who fits the bad? They are easy to spot, just work for them a couple of shifts. Great officers usually have crews who would do anything for them, bad officers have crew members who can't wait until they are off on vacation. To the great officers, thanks and keep up the good work, we need your support and leadership. To the bad officers, learn some frekin people skills, learn how to be a team player, look at your crew as a part of yourself. If you can't do that - then go to work and be a supervisor for Sunstar or some volunteer department in the back woods somewhere, cause thats where you belong. Officers what category do you fit? Firefighters, if you have a great officer support them, if you have a bad one, well hopefully the new administration will at least not promote any more of them. We all know who they are. Mmmm wonder what category SK fits under? Remember pumpkin head, you can always change. Although, you - like a few others, are in a pretty deep sh_ _ hole of respect and dignity, there have been firefighters hoping to help pull the bad officers out of the shit hole, reaching down a hand to help, but these bad officers just bite the hand or try and pull them into the sh_ _ hole with them. Change or Leave. We work for the best department in the world, and we will be the most elite once we rid these bad officers. They are our weakest link ! Nuff said !!
Received via email 03-17-06 After what I witnessed the son of a bitch SK should be demoted!!!!!!
Received via email 03-17-06 I like that good officer bad officer analogy from the above post, but SK isn't a bad officer, he is a terrible officer, the worse kind. Not only should he be demoted, but if he does decide to change for the better (which he probably won't) then he should be put on a--hole probation for a few years to gain the trust back, that he has lost. Funny how chief GL (scatter matter) was the overseer of the last captain's test, and his two training division buds came out #1 and #2. If we got rid of chief GL, our new administration would almost be flawless. He's the final chief officer turd we need to flush down the toilet. Please Chief Large get this little piece of sh_ _ out of the firefighter's a_ _. He should have never been promoted to training chief, heck he couldn't even handle it when he was a captain, the freekin cry baby !!
Serious Note: Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Received via email 03-19-06 It's bad when Drunk #1 and Drunk #2 are on the top of the capt's list. Maybe
they will transfer over to sanitation and be in charge of garbage, because thats all they are -- TRASH!!!
Received via email 03-19-06 3-17's ideas are great, but ole SK, has been taking the back door route to city hall. He has taken every "leadership course" they have to offer. ( too bad he hasn't figured out how to use those skills!) He is trying to copy the new chief's upwardly mobil trek to the top. So far Ch L has done ok, no radical cahnges to the rank and file. BLESS him for the changes at HQ, (especially sending the unhappy one to prevention). We can only hope he is recognzied for what he is(SK),,, A bad officer, and not a representative of this fine department, or City.
Received via email 03-20-06 Another great move by Chief Large, picking the best captain candidate - B.B..
Attention - SK is now on suicide watch. His little kingdom is starting to fall. A word of advice to SK, start acting like a FF and be a part of the brotherhood not the backstabbing, drunk club and you may get promoted one day.
Received via email 03-22-06 @ 9:36 a.m. Vote "NO" to the union buying that house. Don't let them railroad through another increase in the amount they take from your check. Has anybody asked why they are trying to push this through so fast?
Received via email 03-22-06 "Has anybody asked why they are trying to push this through so fast" Why don't you get more informed instead of telling everyone to vote NO. Go to a meeting once in a while and you may get some answers. Typical, all about 'me' attitude !
Received via email 03-22-06 Sounds like another "old school" union member has vented again. You would know WHY we need the new property if you have been to meetings at the current location.. Don't fall into the ole RF-MM trap of the past. We own the current hall, no mortgage. We can build a hall respectable of our renewed, strong Union... As for an increase, what's the difference between 1- or 4 dollars!? It's time to be a part of the whole... this ain't a union of ONE..(like in the recent past).
Received via email 03-22-06 The difference, sir, is that the union will now get almost $58,000 a year in building fund. For what? Am I the only one who is bothered by this? You say we own our present building free and clear. Then we should have some of the present building fund left over for capitol improvements. If not, where is that money going? Operating costs of that house should not be too high. I'm not saying I wouldn't be open to some sort of increase, but I think $58K is a bit much. This isn't about me, it's about all of us having to shell more money out of our "lacking of a current contract" paychecks.
It has been suggested in past postings that we could "just sell the house if things don't work out." That's fine, but then we would still be giving the union all the extra discretionary income. To me, this smells a lot like our recent dues increase to cover the "full-time secretary" that we no longer employ. We still have the dues increase but no longer have the main reason for it.
Ok, let's see.
"Old school" - No.
"Go to a meeting once in a while." - That applies to 95% of the membership.
"RF-MM trap" - I voted for Winnie.
Received via email 03-22-06 Ref. 03-22-06 @ 9:36 a.m., I believe the question should be have you asked!? You have many different people that you can ask and that should be available to answer such questions. You may start with your station steward, shift V.P., or even call the Union Office. I am not going to bash you for not keeping yourself informed by going to meetings, that is your choice. But you could at least keep yourself informed and make an educated vote instead automatically playing the role of the skeptic. You might even be able to pass on this information to other members of our Local.
Received via email 03-22-06 Can someone explain something to myself and all the others that are scratching their heads? When did we have our dues increased to hire an office secretary? I only remember ceasing the paying of the $9,000.00 Sec/Treasurer position, and using almost three times that amount ($25,000.00) to hire someone to sit at the office to sell $10.00 T-shirts and $1.00 stickers. I'm am under the impression, given to me by past president Al Wilson who just happened to be in attendance the night the proposal for a 1.5% dues increase first came up, that we have been at 1% since he was president in the 70's. Oh yeah that proposal for the 1.5% sought 3 years ago would have brought in over the $58,000.00 that you're griping about now, and it would not seem so much like a rush to try to buy this adjoining property at this time. In fact I'm sure there would have been the opposite - complaining about "when will they spend all that extra money?" Now, lets discuss your math skills. A $5.00 per person per pay period building fund assessment works like this: $5.00 x 375 members = $1,875.00 per pay period. $1,875.00 x 26 pay periods = $49,050.00. I don't know where your $58,000 comes from, unless you think its a $5.00 increase instead of INCREASING TO $5.00 as is stated on the ballot that I hope you read correctly, like I did.
Next issue; 95% of membership not attending meetings. Do you realize that the current meeting room is full when only 27 members show up? Wanna see some more math skills, that means when 7.5% of the membership shows up, the place is FULL. Do you deliberately want to keep people away or do you want to make it possible for more people to become informed?
Old school, No. Good I would not want to admit to that either.
You voted for Winnie. Again, good. Now give him the opportunity to move this organization forward and wash the mold and decay off of ourselves and show Pinellas County, the State of Florida, and the World what a Local of 500+ members can do.
As to "where does the current money go?" Let's see, I remember new paint, outside security lighting, concrete work in the front and back, trees removed, new doors front and back, rain gutters and downspouts, sprinkler well, sprinkler system, improvements to two of the officers rooms, new fencing, moving the aluminum shed to open up the back yard and take away the blind spot for the 10-time break-in crooks, new landscaping, and I'm sure there is more. How do I know this, 2 ways -- these things are discussed at the meetings AND they are mentioned in the monthly minutes. Try this... if it is totally impossible for you to make it to one of the 12 meetings, then at least READ the Damned minutes on the Union bulletin board. I can understand that when only 5% of the members attend a meeting it makes it hard to find someone to ask "what did I miss?"
Received via email 03-23-06 I think the true union members have spoken. 3/22 9:36am. Shut the hell up and use some of your union brotherhood skills instead of your destructive mouth. We need your help not your destructive plans. Go work for a family law attorney if you want to tear things up!
Received via email 03-23-06 Well at least the last sentence of your post made sense. Who the hell is Al Wilson? Isn’t he the weather man for channel 8 news?
You said:
“Oh yeah that proposal for the 1.5% sought 3 years ago would have brought in over the $58,000.00 that you're griping about now, and it would not seem so much like a rush to try to buy this adjoining property at this time. In fact I'm sure there would have been the opposite - complaining about "when will they spend all that extra money? Now, lets discuss your math skills. A $5.00 per person per pay period building fund assessment works like this: $5.00 x 375 members = $1,875.00 per pay period. $1,875.00 x 26 pay periods = $49,050.00. I don't know where your $58,000 comes from, unless you think its a $5.00 increase instead of INCREASING TO $5.00 as is stated on the ballot that I hope you read correctly, like I did."
Do you not read? I got the $58K figure from this web site.
“During last month's Union meeting, the Executive Board recommended a dues increase to augment the Building Fund "only" in the amount of $5.00 per pay day, per person, or about 35 cents per day per person. I say only to illustrate the fact that your monies will be easy to track as they will be applied to the Building Fund only! That's $4800 per month for the Building Fund! (added 3-16-06).”
I’m a little rusty but, $4800 x 12 months = $57,600. Who’s wrong Mr. Webmaster?
375 X $5.00 = $,1875.00 That's correct.
$1,875 X 26 = $48,750.00 A little off from $49,050.00, but it's in the 'hood!
If the number of members (375) is correct, then my total Dollar amount was off. I think that I inserted the incorrect total number of members into the equation. I just went back and looked at the "Building Fund" page. I hadn't totaled-up what my $4800 figure would have netted. I knew that it was something less than $50K, but it didn't register at the time. You're both correct, but the writer with the 375 member number is a lot closer to the mark. Sorry 'bout that. It was late when I put that page together.
Words to the wise...
Always double-check my math just in case I didn't.
Always ask a Union representative if it appears as if something doesn't quite fit.
Received via email 03-23-06 Imagine the equity Local 747 would have in new St. Pete property if we would have dusted off our wallets even five years ago. Historically real estate is one of the safest and best investments one can have over the long term. These facts don't even begin to address the benefits that a newer, larger, and more professional office would provide us. In recent years, the department as well our local have been stuck in the dark ages. I am very pleased to see a small handful of recent fire administration choices heading in a new positive direction. Don't let $5 a pay day keep our local from doing the same. Get off your damn wallet and let it breathe some new life.
Received via email 03-23-06 P.S. From my previous 3/23 post regarding "getting off your wallet": A note to those who say "Why $5 instead of 4,3,2, or any other arbitrary number?" The faster we can pay off the initial costs/loans, the less interest we pay, the more money Local 747 saves.
Received via email 03-23-06 Here we go again, I hope that we are reading what is on the ballot and not what we hear. I know rumors are always easier to believe than having to research something for yourself.
Webmaster: Maybe so, but I did help to blurr the lines a bit. Sorry!
Received via email 03-24-06 WEBMASTER: I submitted this twice on Thursday and you failed to post it. If I'm too controversial or you think I'm over the line on something then let me know through email. I'm gonna try again. Hope you receive it this time.
Brother’s and Sister’s,
I must say that the last post on 3-22-06 was very informative and certainly hit the mark in clarifying some misunderstandings without promoting one side or the other. The writer clearly states the facts and figures without bias.
It’s clear that this proposal to purchase property at this time was intended to do two things. Put more money in the building fund and distract from the fact that nothing is being done at the bargaining table to clear the three year contract that we don’t have.
That being said let’s look at the situation. Apparently, as per the poster of 3/22, this is not really a spur of the moment situation. There has been activity from the union to purchase this property in the past when it first came on the market. So this has been in the mill for a while. I have to admit that I am in support of the purchase. In fact I’m very much in support of the purchase. Since there isn’t any new land being made the cost of old land is going up drastically in the city. The potential value will only rise on two lots on First Avenue north. That’s my justification on the property value for what it’s worth.
Once the property is secured what we do with it has too many options to debate here. The possibilities are limitless. I think it has always been the desire of every president that we would have a structure suitable to represent the Local’s image. I felt the purchase of the current property was a giant step forward from the one room office I shared with Secretary/Treasurer Ted Gardner at 16th Street and 38th Avenue North. Up until that time I think most of the work was done out of different garages of Local members. It took a long time to get to where we are today. And the improvements to the existing property have been extraordinary. The leadership is to be commended for the conscientious manner in which things were accomplished. And truthfully we could probably get along without any changes or increases for some time. But opportunity knocks and we should be smart enough to listen.
The fact is that there aren’t too many members, if any at all, that wouldn’t like to have a larger facility in which to conduct the business of the Local. I don’t know what the outcome of the vote was on this issue of purchasing the adjoining property but if it failed it was no doubt because of the funding. If it passed there will those who will be unhappy and bad mouth the administration. There’s no way to please each and every member on this issue. But I would hope that we can work together to improve Local 747 and not allow it to get as stagnant and bogged down in it’s union endeavors as it does in it’s contract negotiations. Oh my God he mentioned negotiations. It’s about time somebody mentioned contract negotiations. Not only have we not seen any money from the one year agreement we aren’t moving forward to complete an agreement on the three year proposal. What the hell’s holding up the works? The city can only rest on that computer glitch crap for so long. After this amount of time they could have gone to each station on each shift and paid the members in cash. Where the hell’s the money?
And what’s with the hooplah about all the promotions being made? What did you think ol’ JL was gonna do? Surely you didn’t think he’d promote a whole batch of people who were buddies with the old regime did you? I don’t begrudge or intend to demean the ability or integrity of those promoted but if you think JL was listening to your justifications for promotions you better think again. JL wants warm and fuzzy right now. Wouldn’t you? Why stir the troops with unpopular promotions when it’s easier to placate rather than antagonize. And the unpopular stuff can come later. He’ll be there for a long time. The praise from some is quite a surprise after the previous posts demeaning JL as a less than perfect example of a firefighter.
And if that wasn’t enough to endear him to the hearts and minds of each of us he willingly and with exuberance allowed two inch union decals to be placed on the helmets of the titans. His only concern was that the firefighters had red decals and the officers had gold. I think I’ll slit my wrists. The praise for that mindless act was over the top. If he writes a memo directing each on-duty member to go outside and stare into the sun at high noon you’d probably do it. It sure doesn’t take much to distract us does it? The contract, minimum manning, improved pension and everything else we’ve been fighting for just went out the window with a couple sappy decals. Get a grip people.
Dick Tully
Webmaster: Dick - your "single" email arrived after midnight (within the past 10 hours). I can't imagine where a few stray electrons manage to hide over the course of a couple of days, but they do. As to your posts being "...over the line" - I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Local 747's leadership just arrived back in town from a trip to Washington D.C. and the IAFF Legislative Conference. You're pining for the next round of negotiations to begin - and so you shall have them. Last, I heard - the first week in April!
As to back-pay for the year in arrears - active duty personnel have already been paid. I would imagine that prior-plan retirees should be seeing something in 'their' next pay check!
As to the potential building purchase - positive self image can be a wonderful thing, so long as we're enabled to view ourselves in that light. The current Union hall is looking better than it has in the recent past and while that's great, it still manages to somehow fall short of our expectations as our prideful centerpiece. A new Union hall might-well go a long way towards improving the organization's positive self image.
Internally - pride in ownership can lead to greater membership participation - thus greater productivity as a political engine.
Externally - respect and admiration may well be the anticipated bulwarks of an organization that looks and acts like an army on the march!
As to decals - they're a feather in our cap that one can't deny. Another detail of pride in ownership, I suspect. After being thankful for small glory's, the question we're asking is, "how could the previous administration be so tight-ass'ed about something so seemingly innocuous?" EVERYBODY from the newest plebe to Jimmy Large, himself, has paid Union dues and benefited proportionately. That little decal, would seem a small payback for the good work of good people throughout the years. I guess, to answer your questions, Dick -- our collective jaws dropped open when we heard the word "yes" to the question, "can we wear IAFF decals on our helmets?" We haven't heard too may "yeah's" in the recent past.
Received via email 03-24-06 I am curious as to who "the KIDS" are in the post on 03/14/06?
Received via email 03-28-06 The "kids" reference is the current crew(FF's). Not too many at, and over 30..(a real romper room down there) Unless you count squad Bob and the other first floor PM's...(S & M)
Received via email 03-29-06 Judging by the current amount in the drop or otherwise nearing retirement, those "kids" are the future of the department sooner rather than later. Hope everyone is teaching them something positive.
Received via email 03-30-06 Yeah well, they have the C**k s*****g, a** Ki**in', cryin' and whinin' down pat.
Received via email 03-30-06 Dick, I can see your concern. But you have had to been in our shoes during the Callahan reign. Yes, Chief Large may be trying to win us over, but what would be the disadvantage to that? Our main concern is still the contract, minimum manning, and pension improvements. During the last round of officer meetings, Chief Large promised to back us on issues such as minimum staffing. He mentioned we must educate city hall. As you mention, maybe it is only words for now, but those words are far more than we have received in the past ten years during the Callahan reign. Time will tell if Chief Large is telling the truth or trying to pacify us. At least now, we have a shred of hope unlike before. It is possible for fire management and the union to unify as one voice educating city hall on our needs, but it may take time. I know I am giving Chief Large a chance and it is not for the warm and fuzzies or the union decals, it is because he has made some excellent decisions early on, made verbal promises in front of all officers, and quite frankly, what else can he do? I believe we have a grip, it's city hall that doesn't and it will take fire management and the union together to change that. Let's give him a chance before we destroy him with our words. We have never seen a united fire management team and union working together as one, except for maybe the year during the Truillo reign. I looks impossible, it seems impossible, but it is not impossible. One thing is for sure, time will tell. KTF. The Mutts are falling by the wayside one by one as each day passes. Let hope that trend continues.
Received via email 03-30-06 I guess I am one of the kids. Lt. Knight has been a good officer here, he has not backstabbed anyone. He has done a lot of good things that makes a good officer (post3/17). Everybody keeps telling me to watch myself. I can't judge my officer by the past experiences of others, just by how he has treated me and the other kids. I know I will get some responses from this, but he has been there for me so I will try to support him.
Received via email 03-31-06 To the "kid". Don't fall into too complacent an attitude with that Lt. The people that tell you to watch out are giving sound advice.. If he has been good to you, there is probably an underlying reason. Believe me, I wish it was true that he actually stood for someone other than himself. If you don't take into consideration his documented past, then you are destined to be his next target. Try no to be too much of a KID, he will steal your tricycle if you turn your back...FTM! Here's a thought, maybe the writer, aka 'kid' is LTSK Himself!? LMAO
Received via email 04-01-06 To the kid. You have the right attitude of judging by your own experience. Remember, we are all going by our past experience and it hasn't been as warm and fuzzy as yours. Hopefully, he is not just trying to brighten his image because word is out of his past backstabbing and selfish ambitions. It is ok for you to like him all you want, just be careful. Maybe he is turning over a new leaf because of the recent passover. His goal is to move up and if the new
administration shows him the promotion will be based on merit, integrity, character and some of the other qualities posted on the CHARACTER section of this site, maybe he will change. Then heck, maybe even some of us will support him. But for now, we haven't seen that happen, but maybe it will. You may be one who can help him change, even if some look at you as a "kid". Remember, a kid may have all of the above qualities whereas an a-- hole doesn't. KTF and be cautious.
Received via email 04-05-06 OR maybe some of us would like to knock him off too!!
Received via email 04-05-06 Hey webmaster....How about publishing the list of who did, and did not vote? A little friendly verbal chat at work could help.. I know the list is at the Union Office..
Webmaster: You can peruse the list while visiting and partaking in a snack and a Pepsi!
Received via email 04-05-06 Hopefully, negotiations will continue soon ! (We all know the city needs
time). Yeah Right !!!
TEAM Note: Right-oh, my erudite friend! Much like a good defense attorney who never asks a question that he doesn't have an answer to; your UNION is prepared to go forward RIGHT NOW! We've paid for and received real answers to real questions from real people as to how much our proposals are going to cost the city. The city continues to stall, informing us that their numbers are not yet in.
One can imagine that the numbers are in. It's no-doubt another lame attempt at demoralizing by stalling. Been there! Done that! We haven't gone away! 764 days and counting...
Received via email 04-07-06 Why didn't we picket at the race last weekend? We missed a great chance to show the world.
Received via email 04-08-06 I didn't write the thought on 4_07 but I like the way they think. DT
Received via email 04-08-06 A couple of people mentioned the possibility of JL allowing a change in shirts, on one of these pages. Word has it that a certain 'B' shift Lt., after hearing this news, went on a campaign and wrote an 8 or 9 page memo to the chief, on how 'hard' it was and what an 'accomplishment' it was to get promoted and finally get that beloved 'white' shirt.
I agree! It is an accomplishment and you should be proud of what you've attained. But we're talking about an option here. "You'll" no doubt be able to continue to wear your highly festooned prize - 24/7 if you please and "we'll" not have a problem with it, but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.
What I see here is a sad and curious reminder that "image" has ascended to a higher lever of consciousness. I guess that the old saying, "The clothes make the man" really is true -- in some cases, anyway!
Received via email 04-08-06 Heck he can still wear a white polo on his shift, and add all the starch, iron it until it stands on its own in the corner on the west end of town... Relaxing on this job would be a great thing. Maybe even calm some of the over zealous ego's at motel hell... The best thing that could happen, and this is my opinion, the Officers, all of them, attend diversity training, again, then learn that its more important to remember where one came from, than trying to climb up, on the backs of the blue shirts. Then maybe the new ego's can see that it isn't all about the money, its about serving the public. That should be the number one issue here, not looking for new, and unique ways to write up senior firefighters, while letting the younger transgressors get away with crash after crash... We are suppose to be a UNION, A group of men and women working for the betterment of society. Lets become a family again... Things are looking a bit brighter, but the current is still in undertow mode...FTM-FTP-KTF!!!
Received via email 04-10-06 Remember a group of blue shirts at a station can make the officer look good or look real bad. Don't forget sh_t flows down hill but when it hits bottom it can splash back up all over those nice clean white shirts.
Received via email 04-10-06 Thanks for the support at the promotion ceremony from our union brothers. Not!!!!!!!!
Received via email 04-10-06 They got in those positions because of support of our union brothers. The ceremony is just that a ceremony. The background work was already done you knucklehead!
Received via email 04-10-06 To 4-10. Some of us have live's, and responsibilities when we are off duty. Congrats to those promoted! Get a clue! We will support you live, in person, or in the real world... The companies!
Received via email 04-11-06 In response to 4-8-06 that certain Lt. wouldn't make a pimple on a good Lt's butt. Someone needs to talk to him and tell him to get a clue. That shirt doesn't earn you respect, it's how you treat and take care of your crew. Remember the old saying. All you have to do is respect the position not the person. His crew needs to keep him in line.
Received via email 04-11-06 Why not include the latest editorial from the Fire Connection by Chief Wimberly? He all but admitted he reads this site on a regular basis, as I suspect most of administration does as well.
TEAM: Hmmmm...
Received via email 04-12-06 This web site is better then the firefighters meeting we use to have. We can express our thoughts without getting hammered or having a chief fall asleep while your talking. Maybe we can get more things accomplished through this site.
TEAM: The TEAM thanks you for your kind words!
Received via email 04-12-06 To 4/8: I agree but I have an honest what unique ways have senior firefighters been written up, and in what instances have the younger guys gone unpunished? I am not aware of the disparity.
Received via email 04-12-06 That sounds like a Chief asking the question!!!!!
Received via email 04-12-06 To Mr responsibility: What is it? Sitting around, reading this site, and posting. Brotherhood my ass.
Received via email 04-12-06 To 4/12. How about some of the new guys getting into fights and such - or conduct unbecoming which encompasses more than a couple of situations and nothing happened. Whereas a senior person was written up and accused of cursing while going on a call, actually the person was given a group 3 for not responding to a call which was totally unfounded and the person got off after a formal inquiry. There are many other examples but this is just one. If you don't know about these things either you are brand new or have had your head in the sand for a while now.
Received via email 04-13-06 You asked why JW's editorial couldn't be posted here. Why? They're deeply depressing to read! If he keeps going down the same path month after month, well have to place him on suicide watch. Hell, we'll have to place "ME" on suicide watch. After reading his take on our work, I feel like a kid who just got caught with a Playboy under the covers!
No thanks! I can read that stuff at work if I choose. Don't lay that trip on me here!
If you want to see him incorporate some balance into his writing, have him spend 50% of his time in the real world. The players are on the big red trucks, waving at the kids!
TEAM: It's TITANS - not players, Bro! And yes... they still do the "HEAVY LIFTING!" -HOOYAH!
Received via email 04-13-06 I only meant for it to be posted somewhere in the editorial section. The people who view this site that don't work for St. Pete., can see just how sad his writing is. Posting it is not going to make me feel guilty.
TEAM: Hey hey! Let's not have any of that "alpha type" free thinking, here!
Received via email 04-13-06 Wow, I can feel the love here! (NOT!) Looks like some of the members here, have ideas that only entertain their own ideas, and F___ the rest of us? Brother/sisterhood? Hell yes, if some of us didn't voice what we see, and speak about it here, it will NEVER get addressed. If you're a certain rank, or a son of a chief, etc., you go pretty much untouched here, unless of course the local law enforcement agencies get involved. Or the mayor's best friend hears about your love of alcohol, and verbal/physical harassment of others. Does conduct unbecoming pertain to all of us? In the past admin, it was the two way street - theirs, and ours...Now with the new boss, I think re defining rules, and Passover's may wake a few up, to either walk the straight line, or go elsewhere and be somebody in a smaller unknowing department. The way you automatically slam brotherhood, maybe you should look at yourself...
Received via email 04-20-06 Latest,"rumor" out of the MFS, on the A shift...Big shake up, changes coming? Make the place safe for firefighters again?? What did you hear!??
Received via email 04-21-06 I know this is belated, but I want to thank the 206 members who voted on the building fund increase. I also want to ask the 166 members who couldn’t take 30 seconds out of their day to lick an envelope, What The F**k? You mean to tell me that 45% of our membership doesn’t care if more money is taken out of their paycheck each cycle? From the results one can see that this issue was right down the middle in terms of acceptance. Your votes could have made the difference. I mean really, how hard is it? They actually mail you the ballot. You don’t even have to leave the house. That’s just plain lazy and irresponsible. Way to go.
Received via email 04-22-06 4-20 Its just that, a rumor. No shakeup at the MFS on A shift, it is just as safe as ever. If anything, its the slower(#2 and # 12) that needs the shakeups, but not only on the A shift!!!
Received via email 04-22-06 Yeah right. The only way is to get rid of SK is to send hime to the sanitation dept., where he belongs with all the other Sh*t. Nobody wants to work down at the MFS, but I am sure Kings DC 5, 10 will make moves not for the good of morale but because they want to feel respected because of thier bugles.
Received via email 04-22-06 The MFS safe? Only if you have knife resistant clothing, reinforced in the back area...Its a *night and day issue...
Received via email 04-23-06 A night issue ! HAY thats funny. Don't KID about a thing like that !!!
Received via email 04-23-06 Yeah ! SH and RK are the only ones holding that place(MFS) together now. It
hasn't fully broken at the seams yet !
Received via email 04-24-06 The Seams (mfs) are as stretched as far as Jimmy -arl's jumpsuit! One more hey look at me(nite) I'm great, and the sanitary sewer will flow over the steps of city hall!!Pooor ole sh and rk have tried,when you sleep with the enemy, over and over again, and don't ask then to wrap that thang you will get infected...You can't re build the bridges, but you may be able to stop the infection!!
Received via email 04-25-06 Why is everybody picking on SK so much, he was passed over, isn't that enough! Give the guy a break, maybe he'll come around and be one of Us someday. I really do think he is trying.
Received via email 04-27-06 Are you on crack. He is only trying to be nice so he can get promoted and screw the rest of the people . Sort of being like a DC. SK is a virus and needs to be eradicated.
Received via email 04-28-06 Breaking News!!!Suburban Auto Group has hired S**** K***** for there new up and coming series of the trunk monkey!!!!Congrats to Carrot top!! for comments on Received via email 04-25-06 new habits never die in todays new young society. They do have to be eradicated to keep from spreading.Oh! remember livin large polictical aspirations can come to a halt in a instant. It would be wise to deal with K***** immediately if not sooner.
Received via email 04-28-06 Maybe Pasadena will take SK back.
Received via email 04-29-06 So Pasadena may be small, but they are not stupid....
Received via email 05-04-06 NEWS FLASH! its no longer ."I heard a rumor", Steve ______T is an asshole! Actions speak way louder than words you back stabber...FTM!
Received via email 05-04-06 And he is finding no problems finding apprentice Assholes willing to walk in his shadow for the chance to get a class or two under their second and third year belts. No-one wants to be a Firefighter any-more. FINO yes Firefighter no. It's so much easier. As some-one has already said before, "It's not the Dinosaurs we need to worry about, it's the eggs that are beginning to hatch". I'm certainly glad I only have a few more years.
Received via email 05-11-06 Latest, "rumor." While on duty, the LtSK gave a "driver's" test to one of his butt boy's. Approved him, (from his company, the private one) and had the unit delayed!?! Conflict of interest? Will he be disciplined? Hell NO!!
Received via email 05-12-06 That all it is a rumor. The test was the current evoc for new driver candidates. Stop spreading shit if you do not know it to be true.
Received via email 05-13-06 Dearest 05-12-06,
It appears that we have struck a nerve? Are you that close to his **** that you feel the need to protect his ever so lame self? Or were you too, approved in his, "Buy a certificate classes?" Shit is what spreads from his lil ole house. Either eat it, change it, or shut up you kiss ass...FTM
Received via email 05-13-06 Well 5/11, Since when can a line Lt. give a test for evoc? Was he off duty, working overtime? This would constitute a conflict of interest if he was on duty. Hell even the Union has to take pool time when they have to protect someone..
Received via email 05-13-06 Why not? He's gotten certified in everything else at the cost and approval of this Department. He was even allowed to go at taxpayer expense to another Florida Dept. and take part in an assessment center for a Driver Engineer promotion, the same position our Dept won't even hear of? It seems that some of those not in the clique are finally fed up and are putting out tidbits of information about the bullshit that happens on a daily basis around the big house. Can it be the start of a revolt? Ain't it a great thing when you can get your cert's on duty from the "MAN"?
Received via email 05-13-06 To 5-13: you are a dumbass. If a line LT wants to get his guys checked off to drive, why cant he? He has taught Evoc before so why can't he check off his crew? You all need to get off K****'s jock and get a life you bunch of dumbasses.
Received via email 05-14-06 Don't you all know by now, there are SPF&R rules, then there are those that apply to SK. Heck, he even has more senority than any other LT, even though he has only been an LT for a couple of years - just ask him.
Received via email 05-14-06 "Buy a certificate class?" To my knowledge, all students of any class whether it be his, Ocala, Diversified, or Brand X fire school still have to pass standardized state and city (department) tests. Go ahead and call me a mutt kiss ass, I have no direct affiliation or alliance with him, other than taking classes from various schools including his. If that makes me part of the "s**t spreading from his lil ole house" or one of the "eggs beginning to hatch", so be it. Any jackass can get hired, show up at 8, dodge responsibilities, and collect a paycheck. Kudos to those not riding the tailboard of life who have some initiative and self motivation to be chief, blue shirt, union member, whatever. FTPMA FTPC (professional mask adjusters and paycheck collectors)
Received via email 05-14-06 Is this the same Officier teaching EVOC that he himself once had a mishap with an engine while driving non emerg, with no stress and no one asking questions?
Received via email 05-14-06 This website has done a lot for our brotherhood. Congrats to the folks that
made this all possible.
Editor: Are you saying that if you don't read other's thoughts here, then they must not exist?
Received via email 05-16-06 Are you saying that if a tree falls in the forest that it does not make a sound, or that I think, therefore I am?
Received via email 05-16-06 Just because it is written does not mean it is the truth!! Really makes you
think about things huh??
Received via email 05-17-06 Hey all. If you ever find yourself and a bunch of buddies walking in a parade downtown and find yourselves just too tired to continue any further, call a fire station and tell the officer to send a front line fire department vehicle down to pick ya'll up and deliver you to your cars. I hear it worked for a District Chief.
Received via email 05-19-06 Tell me that isn't so.
Received via email 05-19-06 Nice going 5/17: Now we are going to sell everyone down the river that was involved. Think before you start spreading shit on this site. So much for brotherhood.
Received via email 05-22-06 5/19, oh and that makes it ok. Sounds like if a FF does what a chief asks, they aren't involved, unless you are a chief. FTM
Received via email 05-27-06 Hey, who is this Hydrant Wear company that has been putting up sale flyers on the Union Boards? They appear to offer cheaper prices than the union office. But wait, I'm willing to bet they don't pay for the drinks and the refreshments that are at the union office. I'll bet they haven't bought one retiree ax, or hosted one MDA event, or cookout. How about it?
Received via email 05-28-06 Who do you think it is. Probably the same person who cant teach CME's anymore for a certain reason. HMMMM what could that be?
Received via email 05-28-06 Hey 5/19. So its OK to break rules and go around established polices, R&R if your a Chief, or officer? Brotherhood is a moral value, not a sheet to hide behind to reward one's self... I say throw them all under the bus if they wanna ride free..FTM (PS 5/17 used their brain a lot more than you did...)
Received via email 05-28-06 The hydrant wear guy is an a shift medic at 4. He only makes personalized shirts, no union logo, etc. Support him too!
Received via email 06-17-06 Have you heard what other Fire Depts do for their members for EMS Appreciation week? I hear that a smaller dept up the road in Largo (oops now I spilled it), anyway it seems that they save the county bonus $$$ and have a family picnic day at one of the stations. They hold a big cookout with dogs and burgers, t-shirts for the kids, and a little gift for the workers and then split the remainig cash to each member ($85.00 ea). Boy I never realized those eye glass holders were so expensive. Now I wish I had'nt thrown mine away. Live and learn is what they say. Yet another way that other depts attempt to keep up the morale of their people. IS ANYBODY LISTENING????
Editor: You can have mine. Until we get an insurance plan that covers your eyes, I can't afford a pair of readers!
Received via email 06-18-06 I will also give you mine. I think it is sitting next to that p.o.s. leatherman. For 100 years we are getting paper weights or better yet GL will have us only do drills during the really hot months.
Received via email 06-18-06 Maybe GL should get out of his paper palace and know that he is no longer protected by the head drunk. He better watch out. Maybe he should be out there doing the drills with us. Oh God forbid his nails and hair get messed up. It's pathetic that other depts think he knows what is going on, or hopefully they know that he is an idiot.
Received via email 06-18-06 I really like the items the hospitals give out. They of course make big dollar profits but they at least know how to say thank you without a follow-up slap to the face.
Received via email 06-18-06 I was just going through the 2006 City budget and found the following info: The fire dept was slated to receive $165,000 for new E-5, $145,000 for new E-6 $50,000 for a new Haz-Mat vehicle, $125,000 for a new Dive boat, and $50,000 for Sta 10 renovations. All total $535,000. Sounds impressive don't it? Well folks thats $65,000 less than the $600,000 set aside for more of those damn speed bumps, and even more disheartening its $415,000 less than the Police dept gets to buy more TAKE HOME Cars for their officers, and this is what they call cycle two. In other words they have already bought one cycle of cars before. I guess we see where we stand. But wait, there is so much more. There is another $230,000 for fire station hardening. This means our stations should be capable of withstanding storm damage while at the same time providing us a safe haven before, during and after the mayhem. Strange... I seem to remember many stations still with out adequate generators, sleeping facilities for the added personnel, and of course no plans for supplying food. But shit-fire I found out why -- the city needs $565,000 to build and mark new bicycle paths. Yup thats right bicycle paths are worth $335,000 more dollars than making sure that you as an emergency service provider who is mandated to be on duty, have a place to protect and shield yourself from danger. Hey, I don't know why, but this shit just keeps pissing me off. Just a couple more items of malfeasance we can thank our beloved Mayor and never to be forgotten, Bud-King for.
TEAM: Wow! This deserves to be included on the Editorial page! Tell me who you are and I'll hand deliver an "E" Battle Ribbon to ya for your great research!
Have you seen the the Times articles of the past few days? Tampa's not increased her millage rate in years and continues to fully fund PD and FD pensions plans and COLA's! The mayor of our fair city has other plans though. He's going to chip away at all of our budgets again this year and drop the millage rate another infinitesimally small amount! An amount so small, that you might be able to take YOURSELF out to dinner with it! I'll post the articles on the front page when I get 'em lined-up!
Received via email 06-18-06 Does anybody know why the a shift medic from #4 cannot teach CME s anymore for the college?
Received via email 06-19-06 6-18, you're a class act brother. A well defined, undistorted presentation of the facts. I'm happy to see that you took the time to back up your point with data and solid comparisons. I have only one question. Did the department receive all those things you describe at the beginning of your post? Because if it did, your point is somewhat weakened. You say the department was "slated to receive" etc., etc. But did it? If not then your point is strengthened. However the comparisons point out the disparity between the fire department and other expenses deemed more important. Especially those bicycle paths. Now there's some important stuff on which to spend a half million dollars. You really can't fault the po-po's for wanting to perpetuate the idea that officer's parking a cruiser in front of their house is a deterrent to crime. Everyone knows that's a crock of shit but they still do it. And there's a reason for it. However it's doubtful that any crime has been averted by a parked marked cruiser. You make some very good points as to where the priorities lie in the in the minds of the leadership at city hall. Uh, one other really small inquiry has been sneaking in here and that is why a body recovery boat would cost $125,000.00. You may call it a dive boat but the question is what does it do? You can do the same thing with a jon boat and some scuba gear. It sure will be impressive to the public. And it'll stick in their minds when it comes time to ask for more wages. Overall it looks to an outsider as if there is already enough money being spent by the city on the fire department. No one wants to equip you with anything but the best but when you compare speed bumps and bike paths to $125,000.00 boats that are virtually body recoverers it gets a little ridiculous.
TEAM Note: Good points all, but whatever you call 'any' boat that we own and whatever it's mission at any given moment, please realize that it's most important mission is bringing home the Brothers and Sisters who operate it - in what can only be described as sometimes perilous conditions. I've put out for the Skyway on several occasions when the sea conditions were less than perfect and it'll scare the livin' shit out of you - being on an obviously undersized vessel whose only task is to deliver mission critical people and equipment to citizens in need - and bring them and us back home again, in one piece.
Received via email 06-19-06 The question of whether or not we received all of what was listed is not the true point here. What was being shown is the less than enthusiastic support that we as Fire Fighters get from our Administration and the City leaders as a whole. Unfortunately the Council members know only what they are told so they can only assume we are the best equipped in the country. "God knows they are... it's said often enough." Fact is I remember way back, when we were going to the "Lets tell the Fire fighters what we want them to hear" meetings, that station hardening was going to become a priority. Safety for those of us in the stations is a MUST. Safety includes necessities such as food, water, and some comfort. Ask any of our own Brothers and Sisters that have deployed to those areas that were ravaged, and they will tell you that food, bathing and sleeping were the big three that keep the crews from becoming irritable. So how long ago was that? 4-5 years, maybe longer? Lets let the leaders of this city know that we are way past fed up with the stepchild treatment we have continually endured throughout the years. Tell them we need to be able to respond at any and all times, and we can only do that with proper planning and immediate implementation of all of the plans we have discussed many many times at the station levels all the way up to the City.
I think the citizens might not understand when shown how much more is spent on bike paths over emergency preparedness and services. This department has been Lotto-ized and we must fight to get our funding back. Ever since we lost the first dollars with the county EMS service,(county pays, city uses money elsewhere), then came the Penny for Pinellas funds, (many vehicles and building improvements come from this source) more $$$ not paid by city, and lets not forget all the Grants we get for EMS, Prevention, Smoke Detectors, Car Seats, Juvenile programs, WMD, Homeland Security etc. The list is massive, and all we get from our Mayor is, "I must cut the tax rate so I will look good when I choose to further my political career elsewhere, therefore you must cut back." All of these programs at one time or other were funded through City tax dollars. Many of these grants are drying up or are being awarded in much smaller amounts and frequency. So we must insist, just like our Tampa neighbors, the small tax decrease won't do for a single family what the total amount will do for us all. Spock said it best "The needs of the many, out-weigh the needs of the few, or the one." Lets see if we can get this Administration and City involved with Logical thinking for once.
As for the po-po's getting take home cars to help deter crimes, what about more fire stations and equipment for the fire department as well? Our 13 engines and 4 truck companies can hold only so many calls at the same time, while the po-po's have an extra 200+ cars sitting in driveways at any time. Give us 3 extra engines 2 more trucks and 6 more rescues with adequate staffing so we can run our own calls, that happen at any time of day.
TEAM: Great work Brothers and Sisters. This is the type of cogent thinking that takes place in the background 24/7 but is seldom heard outside of our Union meetings. The TEAM has placed the above thread on the Editorais page, as we believe that they are well thought out essential to discussions that our Union President, Winnie Newton is currntly conducting with each Council member.
Received via email 06-19-06 Karen Richardson, St. Petersburg's labor relations manager, said the city conducts an annual salary study. "We usually come out behind," she said. But St. Petersburg tries to keep salaries for similar work within 5 percent of other agencies, she said. "It's a matter of fiscal management," she said. "We've kind of accepted the position that we aren't necessarily trying to keep up with the Joneses." "As long as we're not having recruiting problems, then we feel that we're doing okay."
What medic shortage? A top paid firefighter/EMT alone in Tampa makes $6000/yr more than a top paid FF/Medic in St.Pete. Not to mention a 48 hr workweek, two R-days, better pension. What medic shortage? Retention problem? How many rescues ride 1 medic 1 EMT on a daily basis in St. Pete? How many across the pond? Someone please give the Mayor/council/citizens a clue. They obviously don't give a crap what we are saying so far.
TEAM: Read it and weep... the original article is noted on our index page and listed on our Resources page... Also... we've just published it, but take a look at the new Politics page and see where there might be a funding solution to our problems.
Received via email 06-19-06 What paramedic shortage? Ask Chief Ward, only 2 paramedics applied for the nine openings this go around. Kevin McConn leaves us Friday 6/23 to go work for the beach. Nope we have plenty to go around, that's why we must all remain EMTs forever, to balance out the weight distribution in the trucks. One person would make the truck tilt. LOL...
Editor: Seriously though... I thought we had to keep our EMT patch because we never seem to have enough Medics. Hmmm... interesting. That explains why we took the Hurst tools off of the Rescues. If we didn't - then we'd have to ad a third person to offset the weight of the hydraulics.