It can't get any better than this. You get your own webpage to comment on those inefficiencies that are troubling you.
Okay - that was our attempt at Political Correctness. Fill us in on the BULLSHIT that's really pissing you off! Mind your manners.
Received via email 06-21-06 So, Kevin is leaving for the beach? I guess the idea of an r-day every 12th shift got him. Or is it the 3.4% pension multiplier? Naw it must be the COLA. I know, I know, it's the all wages pensionable thing. Hell I give up. Kevin I wish you the best. Just think you could be a Lt. in just a couple years, Maybe even the EMS chief. Good luck old friend, don't forget you will still have to drive through St. Petersburg on your way home so feel obligated to stop by and visit with us poor bastards sometime.
Received via email 06-21-06 Two out of nine? I'm surprised they got that many. I hear St. Pete Beach had five apply. I guess we ain't the King Shit we think we are.
Received via email 06-21-06 We aren't even little shits any more but our city leadership are still sitting on the porcelan thrones.
Received via email 06-21-06 Exactly. Too much business as usual the past few years. Now we're stuck trying to play catchup and I'm afraid it may get worse before it gets better. It's a great day in St.Pete, Mr. Mayor! Those palm trees in the median look BEAUTIFUL! Hey how bout a photo op by our new unstaffed heavy rescue or maybe by the two person ladder truck?
TEAM: Funny you should mention those facts. A quick perusal of the SPPD message boards at, reveals that very topic being placed front and center for all to read...
Received via email 06-23-06 Can't agree with you more 6/21, I think you speak for
all of us.
Received via email 06-23-06 HEAVY RESCUE! We're a fire department that's stuck in the 70's.
Received via email 06-23-06 Talk about the 70's. Look at Pinellas Park. I thought that idiot GL was progressive. How come we don't have laptops in our trucks? Probably spending money on hotel rooms and beer. That's more important and "oh I forgot... pay to send our guys to the Olympics." That's important and don't forget about the new cars and chairs for the DC's.
Editor: There must be a security breech in the crib (I mean the COMMAND & CONTROL)! "Laptops!" They're just the tip of the technology iceberg and we're all onboard the Titanic, folks. I'll tell (show) you all more later!
Received via email 06-23-06 Heck GL is still stuck in the 40s. He routinely goes into fires without an airpak, but by gosh, you better send your cook to HQ for stand down so we can have progressive meals. What a moroon!!!!
Received via email 06-26-06 I was reading the editorial about truck replacement and Penny for Pinellas. It is true we have been using the Penny for Pinellas money for new engines and trucks, but there is a replacement fund started for every engine and truck that is bought. So in 10 or 15 yrs we have enough money to replace that vehicle. The question is where is that money? We have been told in the past that we can't replace that vehicle because we don't have any money in the Penny for Pinellas fund. What happened to the vehicle replacement money? All engines and trucks are supposed to be on a 10 yr front line and 5 yr reserve rotation. Truck 9 and 4 are 10 yrs old this year and there is no replacement in sight. I think it is time to have an investigation into where all the vehicle replacement money has gone. If the money is supposed to be for a given engine or truck, it shouldn't be moved over so we can get a new oversized fuel hog DC's vehicle or a new division chief's vehicle. When we ordered new vehicles lately we have to order the bottom of the line vehicles with a few things in them. We can't order the vehicles that we want with what we want and need in them. "Thanks" to Homeland Security money and a certain Captain for the well equipped Heavy Rescue. If it wasn't for them we would be driving the old old Tech Truck for the next 20 yrs.
What do you Think????
Webmaster: Take a look at Engine's 3, 5, 6 & 13 (which has a million high speed miles on it). Of the four of them, 5 & 6 are the worst. Those to hags saw their best days over five years ago. They should be heading to a lettuce patch somewhere, to be retired to irrigation duty. What's worse, is, they're "just now" going to be used as reserve pieces of shi (please, excuse me) apparatus? If some of these chief's had to drive some of these moving memorials to a bygone era, they'd appreciate our bitching about them a bit more...
What do the rest of you think?
Received via email 06-26-06 I'll tell you what we think. Especially on the A shift. If you get rid of the alleged Wi*f* beater and the backstabbing lying Za*m* and what they want. And give the money to the men we will be ok. What happened to promoting people with real qualifications? Do any of those people have any education or are they relying on the butt buddies to give them advice. Look at #9 and #4. The shit is stacked high to the heavens. Get rid of both of those people and hopefully we will be ok. Thank goodness the DC's can ride around in new vehicles with AC and laptops. They probably need them because the losers do not know where they are going in this city. Too bad we do not have a real person like Bruni as a DC. But that won't happen because he knows what is going on and is not a good ole boy and a suck ass like the others are. By the way, what are the statute of limitations are on certain people?
Received via email 06-26-06 Get your head out of Bruni's ass. What's wrong with 9 and 4? Are you one of those that got skipped or were you just on the bottom of the list or did not pass at all? The problem with morale is you f***ing idiots bringing everyone down. This site has some merit. It just goes to shit when we are bashing our own. No I am not bashing you just trying to figure out why you are so bitter and hate everything.
Received via email 06-26-06 As I originally pointed out, we have been lotto-ized. Yeah, we put aside money in our budget, but as soon as it is available from another source, it goes away and everyone pretends it was spent. Let's call for a full accounting of the funds that belong to SPFR and maybe one day this dept would have the funds to pay our people what they deserve and have the necessary funding to stay abreast of modern equipment.
Received via email 06-27-06 Good point. But, are you kidding? How would the beer trips 'oops' I mean the olympics and the convention get paid for?
Received via email 06-27-06 For your info, 6/26, the A shift has two of the best DCs, compared to all others. You obviousily have your head up your a--. Get with it dude!!!
Received via email 06-27-06 I am right there with you on the A shift DCs.
Received via email 06-27-06 I agree also, the A shift DCs are the best, they were the only two DCs that walked the picket line with us. They are all about the FFs and the LTs on their shift. Where the hell did you come from 6/26, are you some kind of explorer or something??? Or a student taking some courses with Bruni ???
Received via email 06-28-06 I think our explorer is none other than the completely useless B***y M***e. He finally got called out on the carpet. What's wrong B***y? Mommy and Daddy can't bail you out of your true incompetance?
Received via email 06-28-06 Who knows what people think but, everyone has a right to their beleifs. Thats why we live in this country.
Received via email 06-28-06 Yeah you are probably right. It is one of the explorers.
Received via email 06-28-06 Speaking of BM, where the heck is he?? Is he really that much of a coward that he called in sick the day he was supposed to report to #3 because he knows he can't work at a real fire station-or is that just a rumor floating around the other shifts? If so why did we ever hire that loser?? In my 30+ years I have never seen the likes of such a little boy.
Received via email 06-28-06 Nah, it's B***y. He's resting on his laurels sucking up workmans comp and eventually going to be one of the great actors that will suck our pension fund right out from under the people that actually work and earned it. I wonder if they'll investigate him or will his parents money pay that off as well his less than illustrious career.
Received via email 06-28-06 You know whomeever you are why cant you sign your name or are you too scared? And No it was not me WM who wrote those posts. As for Incompetance you should probably look in the mirror. SO if you want to face me you know my number and where I live. Ill be waiting for you.
Received via email 06-28-06 You know, some of you people should be careful about accusing people of workers comp fraud. You could get in as much trouble as a person who was doing it.
Received via email 06-28-06 If 6/28 is really B**y and not just someone pretending to be, then -Oh- your well enough to fight but not well enough to come to work. Well then come to work sissy boy. It's not a coincident that you went on sick leave when you went from 12 to 13 and now from 13 to 3. Its a little more than obvious to all. I am sure when the investigation is complete, you wont get a red cent from our pension. Hopefully you'll either become a man and come back to work or go to work as a Walmart greeter. Im sure all will be happy as we all are to see your smiling face !!!!
Received via email 06-28-06 Ok, so who's bright idea is it to schedule training during the heat of the day and then bring back the same companies for the night drill? If your hoping to kill off some of us ole timers, I'd rather be given the option of an early retirement. How bout it? Why don't you a**holes put half the effort into getting us a twenty or twenty-five and out provision into our pensions and then you wouldn't have to come up with such asinine ideas to try to wipe us out. These summer time drills are the purest form of bullshit. I've heard all the reasons and "we have to train to perform in all types of weather" is the craziest one I have ever heard. How long until we all go out in lightining storms? Why stop there? We will surely have another tropical season again so lets get some ladder and hose stream evolutions planned out now. Lets not wait till the last minute. Hey, admin. you listening? You're surely going to miss some F**ked up idea if you don't start early. What a bunch of S**t. I think I'm finally beginning to understand why we have been losing our members lately.
Received via email 06-29-06 6-28 "I think I'm finally beginning to understand why we have been losing our members lately." Just wait. The 'other' shoe's about to drop! We've got two more members who are heading for 'greener' pastures - Hillsborough County Fire Rescue!
"Houston - we have a problem!"
Received via email 06-29-06 Well, I can actually say this about B***y; he is truley hurt. I have spoken to him and have seen him. It is too bad that our own people pick on our own people. We should be putting our energy into the city not our members. Is there a real reason why you do not like him? Maybe because he is not one of the boys or because he doesnt take crap from anyone? I am sure if any of you worked with him most of the rumors are not true. Give the guy a chance.
Received via email 06-29-06 The drills in the summer seem more than silly. We have enough regular call volume to endure the heat and storms, etc.. Training should be that - Training! Do it the cooler months. Unless we are trying to see who we can give heat stroke or heat exahaustion to, not necessarily during the drill, but the fire calls that come after it during the night! Oh that's right, I forgot we don't run structure fires anymore!!! Sounds like the one supposed to be watching out for us FFs safety (GL), is the one doing us the most hazard. Would you expect any difference from those who plan these things? They wouldn't have a clue how to handle a structure fire as a FF or Co. officer. But boy they can sure "think they know how to do it all still." Hey, GL get a clue !! It's obvious you are more concerned with giving your boys some extra cash for summer working during the drill than giving us FF's a more safe work environment!! Good news, is someday soon your a-- will be gone, as soon as you suck up just a little more drop money. Then we might go on to being a more progressive and professional dept. when it comes to training and safety. Bring on the drills, just use some friggin common sense!!!!!! FTM, KTF.
Received via email 06-30-06 6/29 you're right! I went to the drill the other night and it was an ok drill, but the time of year with the heat and humitity didn't make much sense. Seems like common sense was taken out of the timing of this drill. It seems little GL is getting more senile in his old age. He used to just talk alot, but now he talks a lot without thinking rationally. Maybe it is time for the ole coot to go!!
Received via email 06-30-06 To 6/29 you need to get your head out of BM or should I say bowel movements ass. Pack your shit and go with him.
Received via email 06-30-06 That drill sent our union president to the hospital momentarily with a high heart rate. How many so far have we sent home or to the hospital because of the heat??
Received via email 06-30-06 BM is such a coward that he can't just say, "okay, I'm not cut out to be a firefighter," so he looks for the other way out and that's to be disabled. So, let's stick up for him. Let's continue to support the one's that threaten our organization and the fire service.
Received via email 07-03-06 Poor B***y M. Why dont we all send him some cards and flowers, besides fires are scary !!!! Either come back or get out of the business !!!
Received via email 07-03-06 6/30 do you really think the training div cares if they sent our union pres to the hopital. They take pride in how many go down, in fact they measure the effectiveness of the drill by how many go down. The more that go down, the better the drill. The less, the drill is too easy. GL must feel like a tough guy since they he can no longer really fight fires but watch the best of the best get wore out going through his crazy props! Hey, when your a short guy, you gotta do something to make yourself look big!!!! Let's just do the friggin' drill and dont give the pr**ck the satisfaction of thinking you can't handle it. It just fuels the ego of the incompetent!!!!
Received via email 07-04-06 To 7/03 do you really think that the training division wants people to go down? I realize that the drill is in the middle of summer but why would you make a statement that they take pride in it?
Received via email 07-04-06 I think the 3rd posting on 6/29 said it best when it was said this is all about the extra overtime GL is able to throw the way of his "boys". What a better way to be a hero, they get extra cash, we get f**ked. When was the last time you saw some of them participate in a drill? They are known as teachers and overseers an such. That's great on that day but, they don't do the drills as a whole. And how would anyone ever no the difference? We all assume that what is perpetuated on us must be given likewise... My sweet a**. These suck-ups are getting the money and that's it! That's why they don't have any idea's, they go into a class room and watch a video, then are told of their assignment and then its "let go make some money". What a mentality. So if you have one of these "teachers" in your station put the fire to their feet and let them know you don't like it.
Received via email 07-05-06 To the first 7/4 "I realize the drill is in the middle of the summer" that is exactly the point!! If you don't like watching people go down then change it to one of the other 8 months or so of good weather we have. We are not saying the drill isn't worthy of being a good drill. We FF's need training and want it to improve our performance, but good golly molly not in the middle of the friggin summer. What are ya all thinking????
Received via email 07-05-06 Here is an excellant example of a summer time training exercise. I was just recently able to partake in a three hour ICS class at HQ, in an air conditioned building. That's right... three hours and not a single person fell out, no pulse rate problems, no high blood pressures, and certainly no hydration problems. What were they thinking????
Received via email 07-05-06 I guess what you are saying second 7/5 is that one good training exercise outweighs the summer frying drill. Well we aint buying it. And to tell you the truth, you ask what they are thinking. I don't think they are thinking very much. If they were, we wouldn't have had ICS training for the 3rd time this year. Get on with something new!!! Or are we just trying to make cash and run up numbers??
Received via email 07-06-06 "ICS for the 3rd time this year", this is a series of classes that are mandated. Everyone has to go through some level depending on their rank. All of them are "hoops" in the Homeland Defense "big picture" that we are, at times, left out of.
Received via email 07-07-06 All about the O/T....,"this is a series of classes that are mandated. Everyone has to go through some level depending on their rank."
Received via email 07-07-06 Who is getting ot dickhead?
Received via email 07-07-06 I agree some of our training is senseless and misdirected, but for those who think the training is only for the "boys" to get o/t I ask you this: Why don't you come in on your two days off and instruct the rest of us out of the goodness of your heart?
TEAM: There are various ideas floating around as to what benefit and to whom, some of our current training exists. The TEAM doesn't begrudge anyone O/T. What the TEAM does have a problem with, is working for anything less than 'time and a half' rate when we 'do' work overtime! The TEAM believes that we should all be looking forward to the day when we can break free from the 1970's mentality that continues to be foisted-off on us in many forms by this -- "The Greediest City in Tampa Bay."
Back to training... Admittedly, some the best training that we've all enjoyed have been those evolutions where we EASILY recognized the benefits of thinking outside the box. You know the one's where everyone exiting the drill comments on how good it went and that they were glad they got the opportunity to participate! We're talking about the kind of training that yields a better prepared Fire Fighter who will not only more quickly and efficiently deliver lifesaving interventions to it's citizenry but also provide better training in an attempt to outrun the reaper! I only make mention of the last because it is a reality that we work for a city that MANDATES that it's Fire Fighters face the dangers of a deck stacked against us. Daily, we're called upon to to work in untenable fire and rescue conditions, operating in opposition to NFPA 1710 which states: "Fire Fighters will respond with a minimum of 4 personnel on each apparatus."
Please join with us by going to the IAFF's NFPA 1710 link provided above. It's packaged as a Power Point presentation and it's sole purpose is to educate you and empower you! You won't be seeing 'this' NFPA standard as part of your fire department training regimen!
Received via email 07-07-06 To the second 7/7. Ooooh struck a nerve, must be feeling guilty. Oh name calling really promotes your cause. Grow up !!!!
Received via email 07-07-06 7/6 - Come on, ICS isn't even being taught by the training div. It is done by capt SL, our homeland security expert. We are mixing apples and oranges here. I dont think GL has the brains to run an inside drill in the middle of the summer.
Received via email 07-08-06 Hey, Chief Livingston is teaching it too.
Received via email 07-08-06 Who, and or what reason, is anyone coming in on their two days off and working for free? That just strengthens the bitch about not having the adequate resources this city needs. Namely appropriate budgetary means to fund this Department the way it should be. We should never have to rely on the goodness of anyone's heart to help this poor city out of a bind. Instead, after you have discussed the situation with your family and have determined that you absolutely don't need the money you are earning, then why don't you take the cash and donate it to any of the numerous organizations that so desperately do. You could even hand it back to the Mayor and let him choose one of his pet projects. It is even considered a tax donation in many cases. Bottom line, you pay union dues, the union fights for your right to earn pay for all hours worked, why do you feel the need to accept anything less? Let the city be responsible for providing for its citizens. You can be a hero to others by giving to them.
Received via email 07-08-06 "for those who think the training is only for the "boys" to get o/t I ask you this: Why don't you come in on your two days off and instruct the rest of us out of the goodness of your heart?"
Let me clarify: that was a completely ridiculous question that I didn't expect an answer from. My point was that if you don't like the training or the people who do it, then do something to change it. Anyone with 6+ years in the fire service and the course delivery class can take the state test and be an instructor, soon to have their own overtime. Some people work at hospitals on their days off, some do construction, some teach firefighters in an attempt to make us all safer and wiser. Kudos to them and their o/t. Not to mention, depending on the situation, the instructors aren't earning o/t, they are making straight time through ptec or the college. I'm on your side, was probably right next to you on both picket lines. Unfortunately my earlier post was misunderstood.
Received via email 07-08-06 The new "MDA"
"I'm out there for the kids" only. I have more years on, than this kid has been on the earth, holding the boot out on corners all over our city. I have heard the MDA pitch from chiefs to blue shirts. Not until this recent program, have I felt the urge to purge my gastric contents. This nephew of a great firefighter, stands there, spews his own spin, false promises, while he tells everything from, yeah I'm a paramedic, I'm gonna be a leader?! His MDA talk crossed the lines. His inept attempt to shame people for not giving up time with their kids and families made me embarrassed to be in the same outfit he claims to belong to. He states he wants to take MDA and the local in a new direction. He reeks of crap from his downtown home. I think his butt-Kissing has hit a new level. You have no creditability. Your exaggerations are known far, and wide. What side do you stand on? Do you really follow Union Doctrine? You have a long way to go, KID. While I hope you can look at yourself, and stop the spewing your doing, you may still have a future. Once you get people talking, it takes forever to forget the facts of the day. (FYI: the profanity is not cute, or acceptable.)
Received via email 07-08-06 Good Job second 7/08. People think that all instructors are Lanning's boys. I was also on the line in red. To the other post, no one is teaching on their two days off for free. We do not make ot. PTEC pays us with the JATC money they receive from the state. In most instances this hourly rate is higher than ot because of time off and such which would then be straight time. Thanks for your concern though.
Received via email 07-09-06 5th 7/8 comment. "JATC" money... thought that was for JATC particpants only, not all the other FFs doing the drills. What a scam.
Received via email 07-09-06 The nephew of the great firefighter has a little growing up to do for sure. He seems to be trying to fit in, just ain't doing it yet. Maybe he will learn someday to keep his yapper shut more often and try to see things in reality. Just because you're at the big house does not make you a great or even good firefighter. In fact there are many FF's at what you think are slow stations that used to be at busy stations fighting many fires before you were in diapers. Us at the busier stations know how to do our job, we dont need you telling us. Grow up and wait and give your speeches in about 15 or 20 years when you earn some respect. They route your going, you may never get it. Stay downtown because you need the experience, but while your there do less yapping and more listening, maybe you will learn something! Working with the Union is great as long as you don't think you alone are going to make all the changes. It's a team effort pal.
Received via email 07-10-06 Sounds like the Kid got under someones skin...God bless him. Maybe you saw something about yourself that you dint like everyone else seeing in you. I'm sure you are a stand up person, and may have even given of youself once or twice. The fact is the annual MDA drives do for those that cant do for themselves. They need help EVERYDAY, if you cant give of your time they lose. Each person that collects for 3 hours represents about $150 bucks each day they stand. Do what you can, and maybe you can take the lead next time and show all us new guys how a REAL family makes a sacrifice for those that need it most.
Received via email 07-10-06 "Working with the Union is great as long as you don't think you alone are going to make all the changes. It's a team effort pal." It's a real shame that the team effort has to constantly rely on the same small team.... At least someone new is attempting to become a part of something for the good of others.
Received via email 07-10-06 7/10 I don't think he could get under anyone's skin. Its not about the MDA, but the numerous faces this kid has presented... Maybe he dropped your mattress down the polehole, who knows, maybe the writter of 7/10 is the kid himself!?> (sounds like the same sound bite from the station presentation!)lmao.. I will be out there, as always. How about you? FTM FTM. and FT wanna be's!
Received via email 07-15-06 This here is PURE BULLSHIT!!!!! I have just been informed by our Fair and Caring City that somehow their Oracle system has not been deducting my insurance premium for sometime now, and you guessed it, they WANT IT NOW. It appears that Oracle is a mythical beast that has absolutely no shame, honor, responsibility, or reason. When Oracle makes a mistake, that's ok, just pay us for the foul-up and we will let you alone. Don't even begin to ask how Oracle derives it's information, much like "HAL" it is a self thinking computer that thrives on making life miserable for a select few on a continuing basis. As soon as a problem is found, "ORACLE" has a commitment to make sure it finds new victims on which to wreak havoc. AND, do you know what else I found out? The city does not inform the Union when they interrupt our lives. When I talked with Pres. Newton he told me that this was correct, and if we want the Union to know about it we need to make sure the information is given to them in full. They need the whole story, so bring your paperwork with ya. I am also beginning to hear that I might not be the only one with this, so if there are others it is worth your while to start making phone calls to the Pres. As I stated in the beginning this is BULLSHUT and we must do everything we can to somehow get ORACLE straightened out. Anyone in for a blanket party?
Received via email 07-16-06 You are not alone. Oracle and company have screwed up numerous times not only with insurance, but leave, pay, you name it. A class action lawsuit sounds in order to me.
Received via email 07-16-06 You are correct. Why don't we look into why the VA got rid of them. HMMM
Received via email 07-16-06 Yeah mine was for a screw-up that happened a year ago. I get the notification on the 6th and they already took the first chunk on the 13th. They don't even give us a chance to research it. They just say there was a screw up and then take extra money from your check. I would at least like to have a chance to check for myself.
Received via email 07-17-06 Not that I like the almighty oracle but how come you did not notice that they were not taking out health insurance. Look at the stub that is probaly one of the things that we can understand that they do take out.
Received via email 07-17-06 These are excerpts taken from an article titled “Oracle Computer Could Have All The Answers Built In”, dated March 11, 2005. I don’t want to take up room with the entire article but for those of you who want to check my source please see for the entire article.
“When a question is posed, the computer will provide the answer already paired with the question in the very structure of the computer's processing unit.”
"We call this kind of computer an oracle because, like the oracles of ancient times, the computer is ready to answer your question as soon as you ask,"
"At run-time, there will be no need to start from scratch, run a program, input data and perform computations,"
"DNA self-assembly holds the promise of automatically producing trillions of electronic devices," "That's why we can think about computing every solution to some kinds of problems when the computer is being assembled and building the answers in."
Coaxing strands of DNA into first building practical electronic circuits and then large-scale computers will not be easy, Dwyer said. The technique of "DNA self-assembly" takes advantage of the way complementary DNA strands always bind together according to the same rules -- like complementary puzzle pieces fitting together. By creating selective DNA strands with "tags" that stick only to a desired location on another strand, scientists can launch a process that assembles the desired structure. The next stage of fabrication deposits metals or other conductors on the structure to complete the circuit.
"Today's computers do most of the work long after they are built, when the user submits a problem, loads data and waits. The oracle approach does most of the work long before the user even sits down at the computer, back at the time of fabrication."
Semiconductor technology is poorly suited to such an approach. Storing all the answers in a silicon chip would require a chunk of silicon far too large for foreseeable manufacturing methods. "Today's computers have great flexibility because programmers can write code that lets users enter new information and get a new answer. Unfortunately, solving some problems takes weeks or months."
"It has the potential to build processors such as the oracle that could solve some important problems with unprecedented speed,"
"But before you can arrange for DNA to assemble a computer, you have to understand what sort of computer you want the DNA to assemble. The oracle architecture is a promising step in that direction."
Hmmmmm….interesting. This information is about 18 months old and was an enlightening look into the future of computers. I’m not sure if this “Oracle” is the computer program the city invested in but if it is it would appear that the local rocket scientists are incapable of operating something this sophisticated. The software is touted to practically accomplish the impossible before it’s imagined. If that’s the case why didn’t it know that the brother needed to continue his insurance premium deductions? After reading about just some of the abilities of this futuristic application of computers it comes to mind that perhaps the city, in it’s eagerness to be on the cutting edge, has funded a project far and above the ability of the bean counters expected to run it.
It would seem that resorting to calculators and sharpened #2 pencils will solve the problem. If you want up to date technology you need up to date technicians to operate it. Apparently the city didn’t think of that before they jumped into the “look what we’ve got” pool. I wouldn’t expect it to change any time soon. Just wait and see what they do when it comes time to calculate your pension benefits.
Submitted for your consideration,
Dick Tully, Retired
KTF FTM Kick Their Ass
Received via email 07-17-06 Why no more night drills until september? Did Winnie hit a nerve? Things like that never happen for no reason.
Received via email 07-17-06 I did not notice because I told them to add my new family member. I have no idea how long it takes for this increase to happen. They just said somehow they missed three pay periods. How would I know things like this?
Received via email 07-17-06 Well it is not rocket science. If the premium did not go up well the new family member was not added.For future reference the increse is usually immediate.
Received via email 07-21-06 Multiple Line Textbox 1
Paramedic Class Code 2548-O
Major Duties
Note: The following duties are illustrative and not exhaustive. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. Depending on assigned area of responsibility, incumbents in the position may perform some or all of the activities described below.
Diagnoses vital signs and communicates with destination facility the nature and extent of illnesses or injuries so that prompt and proper medical care is available upon arrival to include: interpreting EKG rhythms. Provides emergency medical care within limits established by standard operations and protocols to include: defibrillating, opening and maintaining an airway, giving positive pressure ventilation, cardiac resuscitation, controlling hemorrhage, treatment of shock, immobilization of fractures, bandaging, assisting in childbirth, initial care of poison and burn patients, and administering drugs and intravenous fluids as directed by a physician. Observes patients enroute to emergency facility, seeks additional medical advice and administers additional emergency care as directed by a physician. Provides verbal, written and computer generated reports pertaining to condition and care of patients at emergency scenes and in transit: to include preparing appropriate follow-up reports. Complies with all regulations concerning the handling of the deceased, notifies authorities, preserves evidence, and initiates appropriate documentation as required. Responds on the scene to fire alarms.
Responds to fires and assumes roles on the fire ground as assigned by the Incident Commander.
Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of emergency vehicles. Performs other related duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications ( Must Be Attained Before The Recruitment Ending Date )
Graduation from high school or possession of a GED Certificate; and Possession of a current State of Florida certification as a Paramedic; and Possession of a current Driver License.
Special Note
Preference in appointment may be given to dual certified Fire Fighter/Paramedics.
Special Probationary Note
Current department employees shall serve a promotional probation period of six months. A one year probationary period is required of all new hires and employees new to the department.
Appointing Authority May Require
Possession of a current A, B, or C Commercial Driver License (CDL).
Required Documentation At Time Of Application
A copy of State of Florida Certification as a Paramedic and a copy of a current Driver License.
Salary Range ( Minimum To Maximum )
$26,697 to $55,594 annually.
Veterans' Preference
Preference in initial appointment will be given to eligible veterans and eligible spouses of veterans. Documentation to support entitlement to preference must be provided at the time of application.
Depending on the agency of employment, individuals hired may be required to review Hillsborough County driving eligibility criteria and acknowledge their understanding of its provisions.
The employers of Hillsborough County have implemented a drug-free workplace and all offers of employment are conditioned on job applicants successfully passing a drug test.
Applicants will be competitively rated on the basis of their training and experience.
Recruitment Period
Until further notice.
Oh! by the way: Department of Labor Certificate (JATC) advances in pay grade.
Received via email 07-23-06 To the 7/21 post: That sounds great, but you forgot to post the link to the HCFR website so that we may all start to fill out the online application if this contract doesn't get signed soon (pay attention Council & Mr. Mayor... this shit is real). Thanks for that great post.
TEAM: That might be funny if it weren't so true! What's scary is the talk around the stations. Some of our younger Medics are already comparing notes and have had some bona fide interaction with Hillsborough County Fire Rescue, already! And... not that we care too much about what private enterprise does, but it CAN be a leading indicator. In talking with some of the Sunstar guys who are just getting ready to graduate from Medic school - to a man, they're all looking to go to Hillsborough County Fire Rescue. This thing's becoming epidemic. Our Mayor... he'll not spend a city dime on SPF&R Medics, rather, he'd like to see Pinellas County fund any pay raise fixes that are needed.
Hellooooooooo... get your head out of your ass. The problem is not with Pinellas County. The problem is not with the funding formula. The problem is with the city of St. Petersburg. It's not Pinellas County's Medics who are hurting. It's the Medics at SPF&R!
Mr. Mayor... if you want to knock the snot out of Pinellas County, don't use your city's Paramedics as the fist!
Forecast: Deteriorating conditions...
Received via email 07-23-06 I know some of their benefits whip our ass but we seem to be leading on pay unless this is a old announcement. Yes, less pay does not matter if the benefits are good.
Editor: A bit more than a 7% disparity. Hillsborough's coming into another pay raise this fall. And "yes" you're correct -- pay isn't everything. With that said, you can bet, we'll probably not leave the table (again) this year with a multi-year contract!
Received via email 07-23-06 Hurricane Season Preparation (from Boca Raton FD Newsletter)
"Based on our experiences over the past two years, our City has taken some extraordinary steps to be self-sufficient for the future. Five MC-306 gasoline tankers were purchased and several Municipal
Services employees are being trained and certified to drive the units and handle the fuel. The City is working on agreements with the Port of Jacksonville and others to assure that City vehicles keep rolling even if Port Everglades is closed. Old Fire Station 2 is now the home for 5,000 blue tarps purchased by the City. Dozens of additional mobile generators have been purchased. The City also purchased a refrigerator/freezer box truck for hauling our own ice supplies."
Yeah sure. If the city of St. Pete ain't got it - nobody's got it!
Received via email 07-23-06 Mr. webmaster, can you include this in my last post?
Here's something else they've got that YOU aren't going to see any time soon!
Received via email 07-23-06 The hazmat team has that last little toy. Something the county bought and not the city.
TEAM: It's interesting to note that in a recent memo from Chief Large who makes mention of the latest acquisitions, (Engines 5 & 6) while being shiny and new, they're not fancy. I think that he too realizes what's going on here and harbors no illusions about SPF&R being a dept. that's anything other than a place where "just getting by" is a daily fact of life. To hear that the county bought a real-time accountability system for the Haz Mat team, warms our hearts. For SPF&R to even consider purchasing something of such importance would reguire outside grant monies. As another member stated here a few weeks back, SPF&R has been "Lotto-ized!" It's the new crack-pipe!
Forecast: Deteriorating conditions...
Received via email 07-24-06 While the Grand City of St. Pete has not done a great deal for it's firefighters, they have been spending money. They have put in many speed humps, planted many trees and plants in the medians, they have purchase workout facilities for the Uhuru's (Weren't they the same ones throwing shit at me 9 years ago as I drove by to put out the fires that they started?) and don't forget about all the tax breaks that these builders and developers are getting. WHAT'S THE FORECAST MR. WEBMASTER?
Received via email 07-24-06 Heard today - two confirmed medics both with over 5 years on job but less than 10 are going to Hillsborough and two more newer medics may be following. Wow, the great exit is now opening wider. With not many medics applying and many leaving, it won't be long until Mayor Baker may be on a rescue truck giving aid to our citizens!!!
TEAM: We've still got a boatload of EMT's to ride ride ride!
Received via email 07-28-06 Next year Our department will be celebrating 100 years of f***ing over its troops. They are planning an entire year to reiterate this to us. I guess 100 years would be impossible to condense down into anything smaller. How about this, don't buy into it. Let them spend all of OUR money on their little trinkets (remember our EMS gifts) and then don't accept them. Let them choke on them. Maybe that would bring some enjoyment to us for a change. Maybe during the 100th we could arrange for the biggest exodus from this fine establishment in its 100 year history. I'm smiling already.
Received via email 07-28-06 07/28: You are a disgruntled f***!! If things are so bad for you, haul ass! Don't let the City's bullshit collide with the fact that this department has been in existance since 1907. Man, get a f***ing life you loser!
Received via email 07-28-06 Second 7/28, I am sure a lot will "haul ass" as you say. The first 7/28 makes a heck of a lot more since than your judgemental Ass. You're the loser pal !!!!!
Received via email 07-30-06 In days to come, a full page add will hit the St. Petersburg Times (which cost and arm and a leg), but will advise those interested in working for St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue to go and look somewhere else. This department is no longer competative and not progressive. It will list departments having best benefits and pay. This add is paid by individuals, no specific group.
Received via email 07-30-06
Florida State Certified
Firefighter / EMT
Firefighter / Paramedic
Starting Base Pay: (EMT) $34,922.31 - $50,703.96
(Paramedic) $38,414.54 - $55,774.36
Holiday Pay: 120 hours annually
Retirement: Chapter 175 Local (2.57 multiplier)
Sick Leave: Earn 144 hours per year, no maximum (Sick Leave incentives)
Annual Leave: 1-3 years - 168 hrs
4-8 years - 192 hrs
9-13 years - 216 hrs
14-18 years - 240 hrs
19+ years - 264 hrs
Educational Leave: 96 hours per year (after first year)
Longevity Pay: 0-4 years - no reward
5-9 years - $1,000 per year
10-14 years - $1,500 per year
15-19 years - $2,000 per year
20-24 years - $2,500 per year
25-29 years - $3,000 per year
YMCA Membership
Annual Physical Fitness and Education incentives
Tuition Reimbursement: 100% dollar match on Florida State incentive pay
Annual Physical Examination
Employee Assistance Program
Health Insurance: Department Pays 100% of dependent coverage
Dental Insurance: Department Pays 100% of dependent coverage
Other Insurance: $50,000 Accident and Specified Sickness / Disease Coverage,
State Death Benefit and Heart / Lung Coverage
TEAM: The TEAM is doing it's due diligence out there! Do you wish to disclose the locale?
Received via email 07-30-06 That's Eastlake guys!!!
TEAM: Yup, from our own RESOURCES page. Looking at the comparisons on that page is kinda misleading. It would appear that they aren't much better off than us (their multiplier sux, but look at all of the benefits that they've got that we don't even approach having. Comparatively speaking, you can see for yourlelves that our benefits package really sucks! If we had a column listed for all of the extra bennies that they've got, we'd have to put NO in each of them! I think we get a discount at the Tangerine Wash House, though.
Received via email 07-30-06
Notice the multiplier! 25 years and out with 100%. Meanwhile we're contributing just 6/10ths of a point less than they are for a plan that appears to be their 'entry' retirment plan. Talk about getting F**KED! I'll write the check for the full 6/10ths. Please, take my money!
Oh yeah, one other thing. If you go to their web page you'll notice the large print at the top...
I guess they've already hired the best of the best for the immediate future so St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue will continue to include the text on their website:
Position Information
Starting FF/EMT Salary: $34,066 (Top out after 10 years $50,658)
Starting FF/Paramedic Salary: $39.176 (Top out after 10 years $58,527)
Other Financial Incentives Available including educational incentives as shown below.*
Holiday Pay: Up to 264 hours annually.
Retirement: PHSFCD Pension Plan, 1% employee contribution, 6 yr vesting, 3% multiplier per year, 25 years or age 55, supplemental retirement subsidy, and Chapter 175 Share Account. Defered compensation program available. Optional 3.5% or 4% multiplier with an increased employee contribution, of 4.3% or 7.6% respectively.
Sick Leave: Earn 144 hours per year, no maximum, sick leave incentives available
Annual Leave:Earn 120 hours (5 shifts) per year - first 3 years
Education Leave: 72 hours annually with various Educational Incentives*
Health Insurance: $250 deductible, department pays 100% of dependant coverage. Includes prescription drug card and Eye care benefit. PPO Plan.
Dental Insurance: $50 deductible, department pays 100% of dependant coverage
Other Insurance: $75,000 Accident and Specified Sickness/Disease Coverage
$20,000 AD&D (on and off duty)
$15,000 Life, doubles for accidental death (on and off duty)
Long Term Disability Insurance
Annual Physical Examination
Employee Assistance Program
Employee Fitness/Wellness Program with Fitness Incentive
Post Employment Health Plan: Annual contribution with additional conversion opportunities
Received via email 07-30-06
Received via email 07-31-06 I guess they have no openings. I thought the medic retention problem was running rampant everywhere. Just how far away does our city check? I guess they stopped at Kenneth City, Gandy and High Point Fire Departments's and found that they have numurous openings.
Webmaster: It won't take much more, Bro'/Sis'...
Received via email 07-31-06 I knew it was there, but reading it all, has made my Monday evens more shifty! Man I wish I had less than 20 on, so I could get on that boat evacuating us from this war torn shit hole of a job! Didn't Callahan leave?
TEAM: Okay now. To the member who keeps informing me that he has to rock his mouse back and forth to veiw the pages on this website, please make note of the following . You'll notice that you're in the one percent minority who's viewing with your monitor resolution set to 800 wide. As I've mentioned before, the pages on this site are 1024 wide. 'Nuff said!
Received via email 08-01-06 To the editor: That guy bitching about having to rock his mouse is one of the complainers who will bitch and not do anything about it.
Editor: I wouldn't have mentioned it here, except the BS email addy he sends me, bounces.
Received via email 08-05-06 Well Chief JOW, you should of went outside the state for a more neutral party to make & administer the LT's promotional process. Seems there is still cheating going on. Just ask the 2 brother inlaws exchanging the information. One is a LT, the other bucking for the LT position. Damn I used a b instead of a S.. Yes these 2 know who they are, just fess up and the punishment will be easy, just worse if you don't. Right -cotty?
Received via email 08-07-06 I'm not sure how much of the story above is true but never the less, operating a Fire Dept. in 2006 on a 2003 budget can't help. How are we as an organization to move forward on any front, when our management is afraid to spend the first dollar to ensure the security of testing? It seems funny that they've spent a mint on securing the front door. That is, we've spent a mint securing the front door 'behind' the crooks!
Received via email 08-07-06 I hear tell that JW has proposed taking away the the $26 per pay day EMT incentive pay to save a gew bucks. With what I've read on this web site that's being offered by other cities in the past few days, that would seem a smart move. Why would this fire dept. want to move foreward when it can follow this city back into the 1970's? How much farther do we shove our noses up this mayor's ass? I don't trust those boys with my job and you shouldn't either!
Received via email 08-07-06 Well if Cotty does well we know he might of had the answers. He has always eaten the tailpipe on the process. I am sure B could not have help him unless he did have the answers.
Received via email 08-07-06 I have just received my invite to be in the presence of his eminence so he can laugh in my face while under the guise of presenting me and my class mates with a Thank you for my xx years of service. I'm sorry to say that I will definitely go out of my way to make sure I miss that Photo Op. I can't fathom anyone else that would be proud to stand next to an individual that has had no problem proving that we are less than first class employees of this city. He not only is doing nothing for our immediate future but has shown in the past he won't even attempt to make our future years of retirement a worthwhile endeavor. I only hope that the rest of you folks that recently got the same "Thanks, now come suck my ballsack" letter, that you too will make the correct choice and choose to find something of much more importance to do on the day that the Mayor is setting aside so he can look good in the eyes of others. Lets face it, a cup of coffee and a dried out Danish aint worth a phhttt!!! from the Mayor.... Now if I hear he wishes to kiss my ass instead.....
TEAM: You could always send a Reply Memo stating that you'll be busy that day filling out an application at Hillsborough County!
Received via email 08-08-06 Does the city or county gives the $26 to the EMTs? I assume the county since it's non pensionable along with all the other mediocre premium pays. When we are waving signs for the school kids let's have some members in RED standing next to us waving signs showing how the mayor has been sticking it in our ASS. Let's see if we can get the true Mayor Iorio a house in St.Pete.
Received via email 08-09-06 Have you really thought about what you've just said? Nothing but your base pay is pensionable. It don't make a shit if it comes from the county of the city of greed - it don't count towards your pension. While other departments are making reasonable accomodations to woo the best applicants, this nucklhead is talking about making Sunday a work day (we'll invent something fire related, I'm sure) and actually removing incentives that cost money. Did you read that? "Cost money!"
Everthing about the operation of a FD costs money. It's a given. The big difference here goes to whether or not the city of greed spends it on one of it's 125 city parks or on you and your daily operations as a firefighter. Like you've all witnessed in the past, it's never been a question of the city's ability to actually pay for any of the benefits that others in other departments enjoy - it's a simple matter of the power play. "No" because we said so! What really gripes my ass is the fact that we've got very few incentives as firefighters working for the city of St. Pete. Look around you. It's EVERYWHERE! Firefighters working for other cities and other counties are enjoying benefits that we will never realize without fighting for them. With the bare minimal benefits that I enjoy, it really chaps my ass to find this insider "Do-Boy" JW is contantly on the prowl making himself out to be one of us (HE'S NOT!) while also attending to the ever so popular magagement tool of PACKING IT IN THE LOWER CLASS WORKER'S ASS!
I love this place. There's never ever been a secret that lasted longer than a day and MUTTS and the FINO's keep operating as though their word is safe beneath their breath. Well, it's not! And don't get me started!
TEAM: Wow! Take a drink and come back and write some more...
Received via email 08-10-06 I might be a mutt for saying this but if it is this bad here then quit and take your sorry ass to another department that is better. If you are as good as you say then you will have no problem getting another job that is better. Put up or shut the f*** up.
Received via email 08-10-06 Hey 8/10... Why would you want to encourage 8/9 to leave when he's one of the few who gets it? It's not a case of "You might be a MUTT"... it's pretty obvious that you ARE a MUTT!!! All those who are happy here and think we should just take more shit from the assholes downtown raise your hands. The rest of you take notice. These are the MUTTS!!!! These are the pea brains who are making more money with more free time than they ever imagined. These are the same ones who will walk up your back to get promoted. When the chips are down THEY'RE the ones who "shut the F*** UP". They would hold YOU back with THEIR acceptance that it can't get any better because they've never had so good. These MUTTS don't feel that having something "packed in their ass" is a BAD thing. Hold the line 08/09. You have the right attitude and the same attitude that has made this job what it is today.
Received via email 08-11-06 I agree with you second 8/10, the first 8/10 is a mutt ! Listen to what they say "Put up or shut the f*** up." Sounds a little like Stalin doesn't it, or maybe the Hitler regime? Well guess what Muttly. We have a right to speak and not be sh** on. You are the type that won't listen to anyone but will pour your views on others and when they don't agree, God help them. Well guess what? We have had enough of your kind and that is why this site was created. If you don't like it, go look in the mirror and start bossing yourself around you moroon. It's sad we still have a few of you with the mentality of an idiot. Well, the rest of us are not shutting up, we will speak our mind, we will stick to our firefighter bill of rights. The old HQ regime use to ring out "Put or Shut up." Hopefully the new admin. is changing. As for you and your type, go to a communist country where you belong ! Nuf said !!!
Received via email 08-11-06 Word on the street has us looking forward to another EMS survey. ROTFLMAO! Unlike the EMS survey many of you may have taken in the past, this time they're going to throw our responses as well as their replies into a large, dark hole!
Did you think we were kidding the last time we responded so NEGATIVELY to your now buried survey? There are too many of us watching and there are too many of networking in the background. If you can't do anything to make it better for us then we know where we must go and what we must do to get it. Don't bullshit us and expect us to believe you because you've got some brass on your shirt collar. How do you put 'your' pants on in the morning?
Received via email 08-30-06 Two people hold them while I jump from the roof of my house.
Received via email 09-01-06 No doubt why it's called the BULLSHIT page!
Received via email 09-04-06 Now Hernando county has laptops in their units.
Received via email 09-04-06 Lets see, we are losing medics because of the pay and work load. Some say they haven't had partners for ages or the one they have is constantly on the road. So if thats true, why do we have a certain lush luey at the big house taking his newest suck up medic off rescue so he can be an engine driver? Are we purposely trying to show the city that we don't need 2 medics per truck? If your boy wants to drive an engine send him out to 2, 12, or 13 and let him do what he has been trained and paid for. Quit putting your own agenda ahead of the one that I have to make my living from.
Received via email 09-04-06 Laptops in engines.... Why would we want that when we can save our citizens 35 cents a day on their property taxes? MMmmm, 35 cents a day savings, or unknown amounts of savings from needless damages caused by delays in response times. I pick door number two. (Our city obviously knows this or they would not be putting them in the police cars). Did anyone see what our department is in line to get out of the 07 budget? A number 4 man at station 2 (which they admit is paid for by the county) and a $400,000 LOSS in grant monies for next year. Boy we hit the jack pot this year.
TEAM: Bingo! Now that's what we want to hear. You, my Brother or Sister need to be at the next budget hearing and express the same discontent that you've expressed here. Our City Council isn't listening. If they were, one of them would say, "enough's enough - we need to hold more than a measly $500K in reserve for our Fire Fighters and Fire Fighter Paramedics! We need to talk to them now!"
Received via email 09-05-06 Hey if lush luey wants to put his medic on an engine and drive so be it. If we let the medics do other things they want to stay you narrow minded asshole. Why let them take promotional tests. They were trained to be medics right, you narrow minded asshole. Come out of your cave and join the rest of the world you narrow minded asshole.
Received via email 09-06-06 9-04 Just admit it you have beef for lush luey. You guys are always looking for something to get lush luey on. No matter what he does, you guy seem to have a problem with it. I am not even a big fan of this guy but everytime he does something out of the norm you guys have a shit fit. There would be alot more medics on this job if a medic were able to do more things on this job other than ride rescue. That kind thinking is why this dept is in the position it is in now. It's so one dimensional. This medic was certified as a engine driver. Why not let him drive. I assume you're an certified engine driver. You drive. What's the difference between you and him? He puts his pants on the same way you do. This has more to do with the person who decided to make this move than the Driver Engineer Paramedic who is in the driver rotation. If it was any other officer you would have thought it was a good idea.
Received via email 09-06-06 Hey 9/4.. What an angry FINO/A-KISSER you are. Lush Luey, aka drunk red#2, has single handedly ruined the master station A shift. Who in their right mind would have ever thought the Bob and Mark Show would relocate? Twin #2 has alienated both the other Lt.'s. They have lost their soul and seem to bend over to that sad excuse of an officer. He is the worst kind of "leader" who puts the few over the rest of us. "So what" he has a degree in BS, and I mean bs...When the day comes he is promoted, because of whatever reason, we can rest he will go elsewhere, and then maybe the MFS can regain it's past glory..Well, maybe..
PS Editor, how come the last one got past the sin bin? LMAO!!
Editor: I'm slow. I didn't know who 'Lush Luey' was.
Received via email 09-06-06 First off let me thank Mr. mystery man for finally including me in this web site. I am truly flattered. In response to you mystery man; why is it my fault that I have achieved more qualifications and a higher education? The fact is that I am more valuable than you because I can do your job...... can you do mine? Also, just to entertain your thoughts if you look at the job description for a FIRE FIGHTER/Paramedic the first two letters (FF) stand for firefighter. If you are so concerned about your position in this department maybe you should make yourself more marketable (that means having more than one skill- in other words: no one needs a one trick pony). Just because us new guys are taking more of an initiative and not riding the tail board of life doesn't mean you have to be on our ass.
One final question: When has my driving time ever taken you out of the drivers seat? I like the idea of riding 2, 12 or 13. So, here is an open invitation to come down and take R5 from me..... any takers? I didn't think so. Thank you for your kind words- T.Witt
Do you have the balls to sign your name? Also, if you want to talk, I can always be reached at ST. 5A, for now I mean who knows I may be moving to an ALS engine. By the way in defense of lush luey, you know the ass I apparently suck, can you name more than 10 people on this job that do not tie one on more than once a week? Please do not be offended if I do not respond to your post because I actually have a life, but as previously stated I can be reached any time on the A shift at St. 5. The numbers should be posted at your station which I have a good idea rhymes with eight.
Received via email 09-06-06 Didn't you respond to the post by posting the 3 paragraphs above? I don't get it.
P.S. Where can you be reached?
Received via email 09-06-06 Thanks TEE WITT
Received via email 09-07-06 Thanks for standing up TEE WITT.
Received via email 09-07-06 The level of educated responces have inspirered me to go back to college, to become a more marketable to the suits -- their kind of employee... Thank you for your well thought comments. I must mention, I had no idea a FF/PM/DR/ENG could be a poet too! LMAO....(what does rhyme with 8? late hate, 58, cocktail-break?) have a safe day fellows and gals... Does this mean I have to start drinkin myself 'too drunk' many times a week? Keep smilin'
Received via email 09-08-06 I have just read the past few posts and can't believe what I'm reading. A point was made about two mystery persons, (lush luey and suck-up) and someone took such offense to it, as they assumed it was them and proceeded to tell the world who's the lush and who's the suck-up. The best part is, they didn't take offense to the nick-names, they just didn't like being found out. Thanks for making this so easy. Oh yeah, I know that besides those in your extremely small circle there are plenty of us that don't find the need to "tie one on, on a twice weekly basis." If you are really one of those, I hope you will seek professional help for that problem too. One other thing, if you can do one thing extremely well, you don't have to beat your brains out trying to be so-so at all the others.
Received via email 09-08-06 "can you name more than 10 people on this job that DO NOT tie one on more than once a week?"
Yes, actually I can. I'm one. Especially after the recent "alcohol incidents", ( you know who you are ) and the memo from Chief Large, why in God's name would you even admit to it, or suggest we all do it? I don't know your whole situation, T W, or whoever, but a good thought would be for you to approach someone with time on the job that doesn't have any DUI's, assault charges, etc, and realize that its all about image and lack of self confidence. These types chose to abuse their bodies, and risk their futures on this so easy job. If you feel that this addition has captured you, PLEASE seek help. There are many employee assistance programs out there. I will keep your well being in my thoughts. AS I can guess a larger majority here would too. Good Luck.
Received via email 09-08-06 I may begin to tie one on every week and possibly three or four times a week if I keep hearing the same bullshit at the negoitiating (or lack of negotiating) table. hiccup!
Received via email 09-08-06 I'll drink to that.
Received via email 09-14-06 Tip your hats to T. Witt. Heres a guy who rides one of the busiest rescues in the city, getting his ass handed to him call wise, and he still takes the time to get certified as a driver to help him get his turn off the rescue. If I'm not mistaking, Medics are entitled to at least 1 shift off the rescue a month regardless of certifications. Wish it could be more guys!! Hats off to Lt. Knight, an officer who realizes that. I wish there were more guys out there like them instad of the guys in here pissing and moaning like its that time of the month. These medics deserve everything entitled to them, and for people to complain about them actually getting off the rescue just tells them they're not appreciated even by there own firefighters. Now thats BULLSHIT. I would be glad to give up my engine or truck shift ANYDAY for any of my medics, on any shift if it meant they would get a reprieve from that puke bucket on wheels. So hats off to Witt and all the other medics who are the work horses of this department. THANKS GUYS!!!!!! Jeremy Clark, STA. 1-B
Received via email 09-14-06 "Puke bucket on wheels?" It all seemed so pro-paramedic until I read that.
Received via email 09-14-06 I think the main thing that pisses people off is the fact that there are Medics on this job with 20 plus years that have been trying to get certified for years. Time and time again they get turned down. Then you get a couple of guys with less than 2 years on the job, one of which is a Medic, and they get to go to the pump school. How do you think this makes the senior medics feel? Once again the department shits on the Sr. Medics. I am not trying to offend anyone here. I think it's great that they take the opportunity given to them, however, the Medics that have been trying for years to take the class should have been asked first. The Dept. also should have let everyone know about the policy change that refers to 'time on the job' and becoming a driver before the cutoff date of the class. Brad Westphal asked several times to get certified and he was turned down each and every time.
Now Mr. Clark, Don't you think a guy who has been on the rescue for well over 20 years deserves to be given the same opportunity as TWitt who only has maybe 2 years on the job?
Received via email 9-16-06 RE: Rural Metro in our own backyard.
These firefighters need our help. The Airport Authority has bid out the fire department to Rural/Metro. There is a Sarasota/Manatee Airport Authority meeting scheduled for 0900 on Tuesday September 19, 2006 at the airport. The building is located around the back to the left as you enter the main gate. The informational picket will begin @1200. Not sure how that is organized but they need bodies and moral support. I hope to see you there.
Please pass this along so we can show them what happens when they destroy the careers of firefighters.
They may be only 16 firefighters but they are all union brothers and sisters. There are many small departments in this state that could one day be a target.
Suncoast Professional Firefighters and Paramedics
Received via email 9-16-06 No the problem is, there are company officers out there who are spineless and do not take care of their own crew. They need to fight for them to get into these classes. There is no reason why Westphal should have not been in the last class if his officer would have fought for him.
Received via email 9-16-06 TO 9/14 SECOND POST:
I agree, that historically, (since the K****t Reich) it appears that the newer guys got the chance to sit for the drivers exam, either by getting into the dept. course, or taking one of HIS off duty school classes,(more $$ for him and his drinking bud's) they challenge the dept test, often facilitated by HIM, and abracadabra, they are a driver! Ask any of those medics and some FF's how long it took them to get into a class. Time on? Yeah right! There was this tall funny guy at the big house. He applied, had time on the other two from there and guess what? He didn't get his turn then either. A chief's son, and his pal (SK's bud too) passed him by. So although it is tougher for medics, it's the same thing for FF's too... It's who you are. not how well a performing member of the dept you may be. Medics that are at the MFS either want to be there, or were assigned, because everyone else had a clue on the "clique city' it has become and knew better. If you can't stand the heat of all those BS drunk, Williams park calls, put in a memo or go to Hills Ct! You can ride engines all ya want to there! Mr Clark, I see by your words that LTK has pulled the wool over your eyes too. Beware young man. You have a long time to go and GOD protect us, he may one day be your chief! As for this Mr ????, you should consider a skin thicking course next time.. or AA.
Received via email 9-18-06 maybe you should do a little research before you start running off at the mouth.the chiefs son and his bud were never in the city's drivers class one of them went through progressive fire classes the other went through HCC and then they both received their state cert. and challenged the city's test. the big guy didn't get into the city's class because J. Oliver was taken,
Received via email 9-18-06 To the writer on 9/14...I do agree that senior guys should be considered first in anything whether you are a medic or not? Thats the way it is and has always been. There are a lot of things that are not right and should corrected and that's one of them, but guys shouldn't take it out on Witt. Last I checked blue shirts don't do staffing. To the second guy on 9/16, Knight hasn't pulled anything over my eyes. I see him as I'm coming into work and that about does it as far as his influence on me. Do I think he's a bad guy, no, but as an outsider looking in just like everybody else on this site is, I'm glad to see he gives his medics a chance. I'm sorry Westphal didn't get his driver school and if it's between him and I when I put in for it he can have it. He definately deserves it. The MFS Medics are some of the better ones we have, and not one on my shift anyway has ever requested a shift off the engine or truck. Nor, did they complain to anyone, when a medic from another station was brought to the MFS to ride the truck. They are stand up guys. Maybe they should start writing memos to the chief.
Received via email 9-18-06 Holy Shit, things must be pretty damn good right now, because there is obviously nothing more to talk about than a medic driving an engine. Big effin' deal. Move on guys! It happens many other places than just 1A. The only reason it is this big of a deal to everyone is because of who made it happen. That's some piddly 'bullshit'!
Received via email 9-18-06 Wow, has MFS "A" turned into a bunch of cry babies! Guess once the real medics went to the west side, the rest of them are now 30 year heroes. "Typical"
Received via email 9-18-06 Yes, I would have loved to have gone to pump school, but that's neither here nor there. As for seniority - it only means you get a better R-Day or vacation pick. So please keep my name off this site. I try to stay low under the radar. Westphal 10-B
Received via email 9-22-06 I enjoy reading this site. It often makes me laugh, shake my head, and recently, made me sick..I know there are a bunch of attitudes in the companies, positive, and negative. If I could pick one thing that bites our own asses, is the way certain people on this job act, regardless of their rank. When they don't like what's happening, or do not care for someone.. they find a way to verbally assault, and undermine their credibility on this job. I've seen it, and been a victim of it. Honestly, who gives a f--- who drives? Medic, emt, slick sleeve? Where has the brotherhood at the stations gone? I spent a majority of my time here at multi-company stations. Without exception, there was always a splinter group of back stabbers at work. This has nothing to do with the normal fun and games that go on now and then but a more viral, nasty let's get ______! What some don't understand, they try to tear down. We have a large number of bigots on this job. Think about that. Retrain your mind and conscience. This place could be so much better if we didn't chip away at one another so often. I know I may be hoping for pie in the sky, but hell, boys and girls, there are a bunch of years left in my game plan. Respect each other, be aware of others feelings, be a true civil servant.. Think before you act....or speak.
Received via email 9-23-06 I agree with you. I do not but have only a few years left till I retire. Maybe all the backstabers which includes DCs on down should be at one station so that the rest or the normal people can do the job.
Received via email 9-23-06 9-22 If you feel that strong post your name.
Received via email 9-24-06 Post my name? Those that know me, know my style of composition. Should I give you a chance to insult me? I think not. Tell you what 9/23, #2 - post yours, and I'll show ya mine... better yet send your email, and we can compare notes...
Received via email 9-24-06 a cilvilized response on an uncivilized
Received via email 9-29-06 Double wow, it appears 9/23 did not take the civilized offer from 9/22! Go figure..
Received via email 10-03-06 Here's the BULLSHIT story of the day... no, wait a minute - of a lifetime!
One of our DC's dropped the dime on his own brother to the assistant chief. As the story goes, DC "Smart-Ass" showed up at a party and saw his brother there (the brother had called in sick during a manditory overtime gig) and told him that he was going to turn him in if he didn't call in returning. And he did! His brother thought that he was kidding! As to whether or not the brother was wrong - could be, but if you can't trust your own brother who can you trust?
What a POS! This guy has always suffered from mouthy-man syndrome and is apparently still looking for that first pat on the head, even if it's at the back end of his career. Could there be any lower low that this guy could possibly stoop to than to give up his own blood? I, for one will never talk to this individual again in confidence or otherwise as he cannot and should not be trusted. He is a SNITCH AND A FINO!
Editor: Well, I was waiting to see how long it was going to take for 'that' shoe to drop!
Received via email 10-03-06 Is it true that the same DC is trying to screw the most senior medic on the job? Say it isn't so.
Received via email 10-03-06 They're both wrong on different levels! Suck it up and work your mandatory like a man or find a swap to do it for you. If some poor soul answered the phone, they got a last minute mandatory while the partier was out having a great time.
Received via email 10-03-06 Wait a minute here. I distinctly remember K. Richardson say AT THE NEGOTIATING TABLE that there has only been one instance of MANDATORY overtime. So how can this be. Everyone that gets Mandatory overtime should call MS Richardson and let her know that you are now the second, third, fortyth, etc.
Received via email 10-03-06 See what I mean by an "uncivilized" department? The DC did the right thing. That is apparently why he's gotten promoted. He has a conscience and standards higher than yours. It's disgusting that you think a lying piece of crap should get away with letting down his profession and his firefighting family. What if everyone did that? All he had to do was call in and show up for work and do his job but he thought street "bro" would save his ass. Didn't happen. The DC tried to give the guy a chance and the liar wasn't man enough to take it. He got what he deserved. That "blood" crap only goes so far. Each of us has a job now with responsibility. If you can't handle it and would rather be a player... then get the hell off the job. I don't want to have to depend on you.
Received via email 10-04-06 Yeah, I see your point. Chief "Asshole" gigged his brother and it's all on his brother. It's all clear to me now. Don't any of you screw up or I'll rat you out too! If a man will rat out his own blood for a chicken shit call like that, then anything that "I'll" ever do in the future in the way of snitching on any of you will simply pale in comparison.
Everyone watch out. I'm going to become a true model of "character" just like Chief "Asshole!"
Received via email 10-04-06 From the comments, it looks like a split decision to me.
Question... if history teaches us, then can we all assume that the DC in question has finally stepped up to the plate and shown some character rather than being a character?
Question... has his brother learned a lesson from all of this? If he did, was it:
A)don't go off sick and NOT call in returning
B)you now know what the rest of us already knew about the pizza deliver boy
From where I sit, one of these two acts is a lot more troubling to me than the other for certain! And another thing - I think the pizza delivery boy has more than his share of red tickets, most of them coming not as the result of a single foolish act.
Received via email 10-04-06 Leave work at work. If you're an Ass on the job (known by all) don't be an Ass off the job too. Some people just can't connect the brain with common sense. They probably never will.
Editor: Okay, you found the 'other' shoe!
Received via email 10-04-06 Hey, just because you were given an extra bugle or two by the Bud King does not make you the brightest light bulb in the pack. We have all seen it before and we will see it again. Some of our highER ups are big shots on the job and big losers off the job.
Received via email 10-04-06 Like it or not Chief "asshole" as you put it, is a great guy to work for, personality-wise, he is what he is, but I've never seen him screw over someone who did not need it, BTW he was written up for the rescue incident, you need to read the whole report to know what happened, and he manned up and took the hit, wihout implicating in a bunch of other guys, or blaming someone else. There have been several posts that are disturbing to me, one is that drunk driving is ok to some of you, and secondly, apparently, calling in sick and screwing someone else into mandatory OT is ok as well.
Received via email 10-05-06 A 2 year long study by the US Army Sergeant-Majors Academy looked at leadership styles and sexual performance. The study showed beyond any doubt that a supervisor who would punish in public was sexually deficient, and used their power to compensate for their tremendous sexual inadequacies. Male non-commissioned officers in the study were found to be more than 50 percent less well-endowed than their more compassionate counterparts. Female non-commissioned officers were much more likely to be covered by the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
So remember the next time you are confronted by someone who slept through their basic leadership course: They are only on your case in public to compensate for their "shortcomings". And the pun IS intended.
Received via email 10-06-06 Yes I have a small one and I am proud of it.
Received via email 10-06-06 This is assinine. Webmaster please add a page called "romper room" for the childish BS that goes on here (10/5 first post to start with)
Received via email 10-06-06 10-04 ok lets get this straight. He took a hit where he could have implicated a bunch of other guys but he throws his BROTHER under the bus, and there was no way of anyone knowing that he saw his BROTHER where he was not supposed to be. How backwards is that? That shows you where his loyalty is. It's to a bunch of other guys that broke a rule with him. "I'm standing up for my DC" is a bunch of shit. At this moment I am starting to think that you were one of those guys. Birds of a feather flock together.
Received via email 10-06-06 Well, the nasty truth of our members makes headlines again..Chief Butch, had to screw his brother. It is too bad that the other bro didn't see that what he was doing was wrong, but to even suspect his questionable chief bro....wouldn't. I guess you can call that a moral dilemma? Whatever. Bottom line here, work your shifts, either fight the mandatory issue with advise from the union, or take your punches. Just remember because someone put on a dress, doesn't mean he can't be ,"butch" when he needs to be!
Received via email 10-06-06 Past few posts are a great reason why anyone with a blue shirt should never:
1: drink with
2: go on bus trips with
3: go to party at said officer's house
4: trust them
5: believe them when they say it wasn't your fault!
6: trust them with you wife or daughter or son?
Received via email 10-06-06 Does anyone know if there's any truth to the rumor that all of the new hires have been "courted" by management in an effort to get them to go through Medic school? In reading the Medic school memo, I can hardly seen any new incentives to go. I seem to remember seeing "No Overtime" reapeated throughout!
Received via email 10-06-06 One incentive is that it will put money in SK's pocket and help solve our medic "problem" that we supposedly don't have.
Received via email 10-06-06 What has SK got to do with ANYONE becoming a Medic?
Received via email 10-07-06 Uh duh, adminstrator of the medic program at Manatee County !!!
Received via email 10-07-06 Hey all, beware of Chief Rich the Snitch. I am sure he has never called in sick as a blue shirt years ago when he may not have been. Yeah right !!!
Received via email 10-07-06 Yeah SK sucked as a medic..
Received via email 10-07-06 Talk about BS.. Just because the local has backed Crist, you don't have to. Please read on.
If you have children, or grandchildren in public schools, here is the main
reason to NOT VOTE FOR CRIST...
Vote Davis/Jones For Governor..
Jim Davis has released his new school accountability plan that takes the focus off of the punitive FCAT backed by Charlie Crist, and places it on helping our children learn. This plan sets high standards and gives schools the resources and support they need to exceed them. The status quo FCAT plan has kept too many of our schools and too many of our students from achieving their full potential. Under Davis's Achieve Florida, our teachers will spend less time preparing our students for Charlie Crist's FCAT and more time preparing our students to compete and win in the global economy.
*A comment from a parent.
Members, I know a lot of you think I back Democrat just because, well that is just not true. I believe we owe our children a chance at a real future. The FCAT has done nothing, but cause the largest number of 3rd grade retainees, (failures) in Florida state school history. The FCAT has no value in what our children learn. The FCAT was created to be a diagnostic tool, to get a baseline of where our students are, so as to guide curriculum for their success. What has happened with the FCAT, is our teachers have to divert from teaching what the student's need. The end result, is they do not get what they need, #1, to become a 4th grader, or to be taught what to know to pass the test. This is an insult to the students, parents, and teachers. Teachers have to devote more time to, "teaching the test". The teacher's pay increases are held to how the school as a whole. If your kid's school doesn't pass a great %, then they get a bad school grade, they lose tax, and Bush $$'s. The end result, again. The teachers of Florida have been leaving the profession in record numbers. The teacher's UNION strongly have protested, lobbied against this negative testing. Charlie Crist has no experience, knowledge, first hand in guiding education. He was a terrible Education Commissioner. He was a leading fund raiser for the Bush's it was their gift to him. Again the teacher's union worked to fight many of his ideas. He IS NOT A PARENT, or a married person. Consider the Teacher's Union Might. Why would they fight an issue for so long, and hard if it wasn't fact that it did not work? Remember the fight we face as union members. Think twice before you vote for Chist. While Davis isn't the most exciting alternative, he is surely the lesser of two evils. His running mate for Lt. Gov., is well liked by many Floridians, and has a future in politics, one that reflects middle class values. Thank You for taking the time to read my views, and please consider your vote. Our children's future depends on it.
John F. Barfield,
Parent, Union Member, School Volunteer
Received via email 10-07-06 Should new hires be encouraged to go to paramedic school? OF COURSE THEY SHOULD, NOBODY ELSE WILL GO
Should you return from sick leave before you go to a party? APPARENTLY, YES
Should your brother go rat on you when you screw up? DON'T DO THE CRIME IF YOU CAN"T DO THE TIME
Should Whathisname have worn a dress in front of me so I could still talk about it over 20 years later? THAT'S HIS CALL
Did I think he looked kinda cute? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME ANY MORE
Dave Fraser, Fire Department Answer Man
Editor: Good to see you and John Barfield so close together on this page!
Received via email 10-07-06 So Crist knows nothing about teaching because he is not a parent or even married? What kind of elitist crap is that? He was not a firefighter either, but we are still supporting him. You don't have to support him if you don't want to, but it's poor form to come in here and support another candidate just because you think a bunch of people who never work nights, holidays, or even summers are getting bad treatment. We are not teachers. We as a union do not pick our candidates based on what teachers need. Teachers as a group tend to back the worst candidates and the stupidest ideas imaginable (EXAMPLE: The classroom size amendment) so I would not follow their lead. Besides, teaching is only a part time job anyway. Take your teacher crap to a teacher web site. We already give about half of our property taxes to the schools, whether we have kids or not. I don't need a bunch of part time employees coming after the other half. Support your firefighter brothers and sisters. Let the teachers go work the same sweaty ass side jobs we work if they need more cash... God knows they have enough free time.
Yours In Brotherhood,
Joe Rorchek
Received via email 10-07-06 Well, it's good to know that SK is working to aleviate our paramedic shortage problem single handedly, but as a fine upstanding dues paying union member, he 'should' know better.
Let's see, hmmm.... he's not on the negotiations team, so he's not negotiating better wages and benefits for our current paramedics or those who might wish to be. I'm going to make a Wild Ass'd Guess and say that he must be working for 'just' the new guys then or 'just' himself, maybe. The new guys are an easy target and don't yet know 'how' or 'who' to say "no" to!
Lesson number one for you new guys, because you don't yet know better: When in doubt, call your elected officials. You're paying their wages, why not be the recipient of their knowledge? We're in a battle of wills with this dick of a mayor. Let's not work against ourselves.
Lesson number two: You are currently the recipient of many hours of Union Labor sweat and toil. This city and this fire dept. will never offer you anything of value without first asking for something in exchange. Be a true brother or sister and ask an elected official 'first' before you agree to anything that will ultimately affect us all.
Lesson number three: Not everything or everyone is as they appear. Some on this job - you wouldn't have as a friend 'on a bet' yet you're stuck working 'with' or 'for' them. Don't make it a habit to go out of your way to reward either their ego or their pockets by giving them a second glance. You'll sleep better at night. Most all of us are in this for life and for real, with one another. Some are not and you need to face that reality early-on. Don't get started down the FINO path as others have, as there's no turning back. "Bad news travels like wild fire. Good news travels slow."
You've got the rest of your lives to become paramedics. You now work for a great city. When this city finally catches up with the rest of Tampa Bay in pay and benefits, then give becoming a medic serious consideration.
343 - Never Forget!
Received via email 10-07-06 How about becoming a medic because it allows you to understand what over 80% of this job is really about, it is the reason that our pay is above poverty level, and you get to help our citizens in an important and life altering way? Sure, it's not like watching cable TV, sleeping all night, and whining about who left the light on, but for some who can see the big picture, it allows you to give more back to the community that is paying your salary. Also, you get to worry about something more important than cleaning toilets and taking out the trash. It's just a matter of what you are better suited for.
Received via email 10-07-06 Dear Joe Rorchek,(elitist crap? sounds like the Fox network)
Its pretty obvious that you are asleep. Your total ignorance about about the plight of teachers to "teach" our children, (what we can't) because we work.. Or where you a home schooler? You sound pretty bitter. Yes Crist should have been a teacher, or at least tried to come to terms with what teachers have to do, to be an adequate education commissioner. I do believe, that this is as good a forum as any to express views that effect me, my kids, and yours? So don't be a hater pal. Go visit a school. Try and volunteer and see just how tuff it is for teachers these days. As for their part time jobs? Teaching a part time job? Your out of touch. The average teacher puts in a 10-12 hour day, and gets a check for 8. My brother is a high school band director, with a master's degree, and he has multiple jobs he squeezes in to provide for his family. Could he get a better job? Yeah he could, BUT like our job he does it out of love for the students, and in some way helping their futures. Your right, they have to have them, their pay is as sorry as ours thanks to almost 8 years of clueless Jeb, and the tax cutting repub's. As for paying more taxes? Hell yes I would for the future of our children. If you don't like it Bro Rorchek, you could always move to another state, like Alabama? You say,"He was not a firefighter either, but we are still supporting him." Who's we? The FPP, our local? We backed -aker, and where the hell did that get us!? I support all of my brother and sister firefighter, but also have, and will continue to support, protest, and fight for teachers too.. You say.. You don't have to support him if you don't want to, but it's poor form to come in here and support another candidate just because you think a bunch of people who never work nights, holidays, or even summers are getting bad treatment. Poor form? My ass. This is a public forum, *(click on the dancing Monkey)* and they are servants of the public too. They work many nights, weekends. The 8 hours a day don't cover the time it takes to create the curriculum. The nights they are there for parents that can't make early morning conferances, and the courses they have to take to maintain their certifications! The extended learning hours they provide for those retainee's of the fcat bs? Part time job? Geese.
I will voice my thoughts as long as I feel the need, be it here, or in the pages of the local newspaper. You have the choice not to read them, Joe Rorchek ..Brotherhood? How about Union brotherhood, and support, all of the jobs that are Union... Think about it. Sorry for rambling on here, but this is as important to me as the other issues the effect us too.
John Barfield
Received via email 10-08-06 blah blah blah mmmmmm were bored.
Received via email 10-08-06 Hey Barfield, I understand you trying to defend those part time employees because you have a family full of them, but what do "geese" have to do with anything? Are they in season or something?
Received via email 10-08-06 Remember when we were kids and you told mom I wore a dress. Well pay backs are are hell ! NaNaNaNA
Received via email 10-09-06 Funny. I should have guessed I'd get this sort of response...Keep trying..I will.. (Thanks for the Chimp..Proof of evolution, or what~!)
Oh yeah, I only have one family member that is a teacher.
Received via email 10-09-06 Hey I looked up Joe Rorcheck. Barfield got his ass kicked by a Lorne Greene character.
Received via email 10-09-06 You were the dumb ass to look up Joe Rorcheck.
Received via email 10-10-06 A more appropriate title, left center...If you Consider Union Stance..
Received via email 10-10-06 How bout UNION lets kick City Admin's ASS!! United we stand - divided we fall!!
Received via email 10-10-06 I say, straight away center.. It's only left center if you're one of the many that prefer to sit behind the fence in the upper cheap seats. Let's close it by saying, "Damn the ill informed idiots, full speed ahead!"
Received via email 10-11-06 The ones out by the fence area making more noise than the ones kissin up in the front/rear. If you don't like that, then turn in your union card Ya scab! (Knowledge is power, not following the Ill informed leaders. like sheep to the slaughter house) Then you can get your job back as a congressional page....FTM
Received via email 10-11-06 Received via email 10-09-06 by a Lorne Greene character.- If you spent as much time working for causes you, and you union believe in, as you did to insult a union member, maybe more would get done.
Received via email 10-11-06 On a more pleasent note. How about an up date on John Haverty. Is he ok? Back to work? SEP
Received via email 10-12-06 Actually, I wasn't insulting a fellow union member. I was just pointing out that an imaginary character (once played by Lorne Greene) kicked the ass of a union member that was supporting a teacher's union candidate that is contrary to our union's pick. I accept your apology.
Received via email 10-12-06 "beware of Chief Rich the Snitch" Aaaaargh... I love it! We've got one selling his brother down the river and another selling the union down the river. Sweet! Do we go recruiting these guys?
Received via email 10-12-06 This is how sorry I am about the whole slander deal. Apology.wav (683 K)
Editor: No file came through. I tried to help you out, but there are just too many .wav files on the web by the same name. All mail to the TEAM goes to - give it a whirl.
Received via email 10-14-06 Lets see what is causing a burr under my saddle today. Oh yes, the union, that no one can figure out, as to why they can't get anything done, needed help today in a major way. Help requests were posted on this site, the info line and thru e-mails to your elected officers and officials. You all had an opportunity to interact with the very people that can put pressure on the Mayor and his bean counters. All that was needed was a couple of your hours to come out and show the public who we are and show them that we are a force to be reckoned with. Well guess WHAT? A TOTAL OF FOUR (4) members showed up. That was 2 people to load everything needed to cook and serve 1000+ hotdogs, 4 people to set up, cook and serve 1,000+ hotdogs, and the same two that loaded, set-up, cooked, and served 1,000+ hotdogs to get everything back to the union office to unload, put away, and wash the items that were used during this important event. I know I would have been there, but my cat looked like it wasn't going to eat this morning and I was really torn up about it. Not only that but yesterday my Aunts goldfish had a litter of guppies and we were up all night celebrating. Whew I didn't know I had those good excuses in me. Seriously folks, when YOU figure out how important it is to attend EVERY event this union has an opportunity to show itself in, then and only then will the citizens and the City Administrators of this City see that we are dealt with Fairly. In other words what happened today on the part of our membership was pure BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!
Received via email 10-14-06 People are tired of do, do ,do and seeing no results. It has been over three years. Picketing or picking our noses. Just like simulating at the block party we fight car fires with 6 people. It is all smoke and mirrors. If admin cared we would of demonstrated the car fire with what we run 3 on the engine and nothing else. Oh but you wants us to show up and play kiss ass with Big Bird our mayor and then we are told not to wear our red shirts because why? We do not want to upset anyone or show that the city does not give a shit.
Received via email 10-14-06 It's a sure sign that we're all making way too much money and that our pension plan and benefits package are in order. When the city comes back with a pay proposal that everyone wants to jump on - yet offers no further benefits or change in work week, the evidence will be abundantly clear... Slow to help ourselves when it counts yet quick to leap at the dollar (which the city never seems to run out of). I believe the big dogs call it "Jumping over a dollar to pick up a penny!"
Received via email 10-14-06 And this surprises you because…………..? What a great post(no.1 - 10/14). Sadly the information contained within is typical of the membership of this local. Four members to do the work of the potential of two hundred members. That’s about the right ratio for all the other things pertaining to this local. We suck.
When the brothers in Sarasota needed us recently all we could muster, as far as I can tell, is three members of this local to make the trip and show some solidarity for our profession. Again the ratio was about right for our capabilities.
When the MDA drive came this year the turnout was pitiful. Only a handful of members made an appearance. Others couldn’t take an hour out of their busy schedules to help out with the most deserving of off duty ventures. Then there were those who professed to be so concerned and protective of their families that they couldn’t leave them alone long enough to participate. Others found time to work their off duty job but couldn’t be bothered with assisting in the off duty opportunities of their on duty job. Let’s pray none of them need the services of the MDA in the future.
We are pathetic. We walk around with a scowl on our face and our hand out waiting for the union to provide more and more. We’re part of the “gimmie” society that waits for someone else to do the work so that they can reap the benefits. We’ve gotten complacent in the fact that we have a great job that was basically already there for us to take advantage of and now we can coast the rest of our time here.
If the event had been for firefighters and their families and the food and drinks were free there would have been a much larger turnout. But this wasn’t a function FOR us but instead it was a function BY us. And apparently since there wasn’t anything in it FOR us we chose not to attend. The writer is correct when he says it was a great opportunity missed. And these days we need every positive image we can get.
There’s little need in pointing out that this local has turned into a social club rather than viable part of the community to be respected and admired. As long as that mentality persists there’s no hope for change any time soon.
Received via email 10-14-06 "People are tired of do, do ,do and seeing no results. It has been over three years. Picketing or picking our noses."
Received via email 10-15-06 I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted! "Hey Winnie and Billy - will you pat me on the head and tell me it'll be alright just one more time."
You're tired ---- you and I should be kissing their asses for sticking with a bunch of people who bitch about being tired!
Received via email 10-15-06 Boo Hoo come on guys and gals fire fighters are not the only ones that read this site. I'm stll waiting on the John Haverty update posted 10/11/06 ????????????????
Received via email 10-15-06 The last I heard John is doing well and progressing in his rehabilitation. I am not sure of any details beyond that...
Received via email 10-16-06 10-14-06 Post. "Not only that but yesterday my Aunts goldfish had a litter of guppies and we were up all night celebrating." Hey, get it right. If a goldfish had offspring, it would be a litter of goldfish. Guppies are a different kind of fish and live in water with very different pH values.
TEAM: Toungue in gill, I'm sure...
Received via email 10-16-06 Hey I thought Steve Irwin died.
Received via email 10-16-06 ->Received via email 10-12-06 Actually, I wasn't insulting a fellow union member. I was just pointing out that an imaginary character (once played by Lorne Greene) kicked the ass of a union member that was supporting a teacher's union candidate that is contrary to our union's pick.<-
To the author of the above, "statement". Since you continue to hide your identity behind the wall of the website, once again, by not signing your name, I invite you, or anyone else, to e mail me directly, John Barfield, at Perhaps we can exchange ideas, and I can help you to see that there are always other options, than following to the letter, the union, or political parties' choices. Then maybe you will realize that no one's ass has been kicked, just a vain attempt, by you to insult a person that is showing some guts, or balls, and isn't content to just be a follower... I don't hate ya, I loath your actions!
Received via email 10-16-06 Hey, one bad excuse is as good as another. Notice how not one other person has even come up with a bad excuse. They just chose not to particapate.
Received via email 10-16-06 Fox News, fair and balanced coverage. Just look at the ratings 10/7, you will see they are top dog! RAE
Received via email 10-17-06 fox ratings? Yeah right rob...which group of people did they actually poll!? FTM
Received via email 10-17-06 Barfield you suck a--!!!!!
Received via email 10-17-06 NEWS FLASH!
Fox Network's 10 year anniversary! Ratings slip. Fox down 13% in prime time, compared with 2005! Critics say the culprit is America's growing disenchantment with the Republican party, and Pres. Bush! A diming enthusiasm for the Foz channel many regard as the GOP's biggest TV booster ! Fair and balanced, my ass! hehehe Go CNN!
Received via email 10-17-06 Reference John Haverty: John is doing very well and is
hoping to be released by the doctor to return to full duty on 10/25/06
Received via email 10-18-06 Nice responce 10/17, me, please..
Received via email 10-19-06 Man I thought it was bad here in the BS.. Check out the
contract page!!!!!!!!!!
TEAM: Bullshit page - Contract page... all pretty much the same affair!
Received via email 10-19-06 DT you suck bigger A--!
Received via email 10-23-06 Ratings may have dropped, but they are still beating the crap out of the Communist News Network (CNN). Do you know the history behind CNN Barfield? Do you know who Ted Turner, the founder of CNN is, and what he stands for? If you did, I bet you would change your tune in a heartbeat! Well, maybe not. Educate yourself on the facts JB. RAE
Received via email 10-24-06 Do you know what fox news stand for. What if Barfeild has the same veiws as Ted Turne?. What does it matter? It does not make him any less of a human being. It's people like you that are the reason why this country is so f***ed up. You think that your veiws are the only ones that count. Not everyone thinks the same way you do. Brotherhood. Where is it? We all do the same job and take the same risk and there are assholes like you who make it hard for some people to embrace this so callled brotherhood. Politics should never be able to make a division between any of us. We should look beyond this bullshit and support each other. This whole thing makes me wonder especially being a black firefighter on this job. What do you guys say about us and our veiws our culture. If you can come down on a fellow firefighter I can just imagine what you guys say about us. Im not trying to make this a black or white issue, but a brotherhood issue. Reading all of this makes you wonder sometimes. If I upset anyone, I am truly sorry but I felt whether right or wrong that I had to say something.
Received via email 10-24-06 LOL RAE, did I say I like CNN? It was a joke... A humorous attempt, and I see it got to ya. Sorry Oh great leader. (And I do mean great, Training is finally fair, and balanced) I am educated in the facts that confront me and my family, (remember, I've won a few battles) in the real world. Not the hate spewing, so called news shows of the like of FAUX network. I do like FOX the Simpson's Rock...Now give me PBS, or MSNBC any day of the week..
Received via email 10-24-06 Not even Jane Fonda was liberal enough for Ted Turner.
Received via email 10-25-06 True thoughts on brotherhood 10/24. Power to the Us.. All of us.
Received via email 10-25-06 I am pretty sure, knowing RAE, that he did not intend to insult my intellect, as he knows, that I make it my point to show other options outside the right wing/conservative ones..He is, and will let you know he is, a repub. That is his right. I do agree, that there are too many here that make it their goals to belittle others that think, outside the box. I have been called everything from AH liberal to a few others I won't write here. A few past post here had someone assaulting me, for my views against the union, and FPP's in whom they supported for Gov. My passion for students in public school showed, and there was the bait for, "joe Rorcheck" to attack me. I invited this so call brother or sister to come out of their closet and sign their name. It never happened. I posted my email, and again, no takers. Being a coward is an easy excuse when your hiding in the shadows. There are many of those types here. I hear the words spoken by blue, and other color shirts, but is anything ever done? It depends on who you are, and where you spend your off time. OK enough from me. My final thought, and desire is that we can come together as a department, and show brotherhood and fraternity like the big ones up north, but I can't see it happening. The road has too many pot holes in it. To everyone, be safe, and respect each other. Grow up, and be a part of this potentially great group you belong to.
John Barfield
Received via email 10-25-06 One of the strengths of this site is that you can speak your mind with out having to worry about someone being hostile to you personally. On the other side they may agree with you even if in person they would never agree. Let your words speak for you and dont worry who wrote something, just evaluate their statements. Some make fools of themselves and others bring out good points.
TEAM: Ah yes... 'exibiting' character or 'being' a character. Great point!
Received via email 10-25-06 Thank you John. And on behalf of you and your liberal heroes such as John "I voted for it before I voted against it" Kerry, and Al "I invented the internet" Gore, and Hillary "can you blame my husband, I mean, just look at me" Clinton, and Jim "now that people are atching I am really sorry about not voting for your restitution" Davis, and.... and... Crap. I forgot what I was going to say. I think it was something about you being too liberal. Oh well, I'll owe you one, okay?
Still Your Pal,
Dave Fraser
Received via email 10-26-06 Dave Dave Dave,
Like your hero, Ronnie said, "There He goes again". You and your speculative generalization..I may be a dem., and liberal minded, but i am by no means, a blind extremist. Come on Dave. Even you should hold back, now, and then...LMAO! ( I think Hillary is a sad excuse of a politician, as is Crist, and Bush, bro, and bro. ) stand down. Still your biggest fan,( your a hero of mine, does that mean your a liberal! WOW!) and awaiting the owed one!
Received via email 10-26-06 Speaking your mind is ok, but character assault is another. If you bold enough to insult, or demean another on this job, be a man, or woman and sign you name. being a character is funny, in the station around the dinner table, in here its just being a jerk..
Received via email 10-26-06 Dave, your wit has turned your hair white! What does that say!?!
Received via email 10-27-06 My hat is off to those who use this web site and actually include their names after the input. You are saying alot more than alot of the others by doing so. Boy's and Girls stand up for what you beleve in and be ready to fight for it till the end.
signed X
Received via email 10-29-06 Barfield, you are the type who thinks twisted words and phrases fool others when they just add to the many things to laugh about. Don't you see, you're a bleeding heart liberal and most firefighters have seen enough of those politics. If you have an opinion, I'm sure nobody cares. If, at any point in your career, you had shown an ounce of intelligence, we might listen. You've been 'me first' so you translate that into 'me against the world' and thrust yourself into the 'underdog role' just like the libs. that love to give money to the social programs that 'help' the underdog and downtrodden. Get over yourself and come to your senses.
Received via email 10-29-06 Barfield might be a bleeding heart liberal, but at least he signs what he writes. You don't even have the courage to hide behind a fake name, you sissy.
Joe Rorchek
Received via email 10-30-06 Hit the nail on the head 1st 10/29!!!
Received via email 10-31-06 10-29 you call yourself a brother firefighter. This is a question for 10-29. Why do you come down on one of your own? Politics has played us all. Whether you are a LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE. We all are getting fucked by the same people but yet we stand up for these same people that are f***ing us with no vasoline. Rick Baker is a Republican and he can care less about you risking your life for the citizens of this city. He has showed you this by not acting in the best interest of you and your family. He has told you that you are doing a good job but "I'm not going to pay for doing such a great job because I can care less about your future." Fisher was the last mayor before Baker and he was a Democrat. He didn't give a damn about you risking your life for this city. Don't matter who's side you're on. They can all care less about what you think. These elected officials show it to us everyday. WE ARE GETTING PLAYED BY THESE PEOPLE BUT WE KEEP PUTTING THEM RIGHT BACK INTO OFFICE. From your comments - you are getting played more so because you stand up for the same people that a f***ing you.
Received via email 10-31-06 To the uncivilized writer from 10/29. You are just like those that smear anyone that has a point of view. For you to call me a bleeding heart liberal, well "friend" you do not know me, at all. Personally, I don't give a damn about how you, or anyone else here feels about John Barfield. I know that when I get up in the morning, I can look at myself in the mirror, and know I have a clean conscience. My intellect shows, I give of my free time. The Union, as a public school volunteer, as a community activist. Never have I feltit was anyone against John Barfield. Its obvious that in some small way, I must threaten you. Maybe the fact that I don't screw others over at work, on, or off. Maybe I don't talk trash about someone's wife. So what I don't drink myself into a stupor and act like an AH. News flash I have never been DUI 'ed, or Arrested. If that makes me a liberal, then I thank you for the compliment. Although I won't say who, I know who you are 10/29. I have heard your character assignation before. You can't hide behind this web site forever. Have you ever heard the ole saying, one for all, and all for one? Old and worn, yes, but still stands true. So grow up, nay say-er. Either tell us all who you are, or go away. If you ever need some help, financially, or moral support, you call me, tell me you are wrong, or whats wrong, and you'll have whatever I can give you..Have a Happy Day! And lets chat.
(PS same message to you 10/30)
John F. Barfield
Received via email 10-31-06 Shame on 10/29, and 30. No wonder we all don't get along.
Before you slam a brother or sister, go to the Character page...The most important page on this damn site!
Received via email 11-03-06 Hey 10/29, I'm still waiting. You haven't called yet..What's the matter ya scared? Admit it, your all talk (as long as you can hide who you are to the rest of them)...We are here for you!
Received via email 11-03-06 How is it that everyone can be so pissed off that the city is f888ing us over daily with fake overtime, and a contract, but then they line up to take free classes to make the city look better?
Received via email 11-06-06 10/29 cont: Hello, again. I took a shot at Barfield for the clown he is. I don't really care how people vote until they send out multiple messages regarding it. I must say, it's nice to see others stick up for him. Thanks for finally, showing some unity. I just knew it would come out and that it would take conflict in order to do it. On the real subject, Rep.'s have always shown loyalty to the upper class and the Dem.'s have always supported the working class, at least that's what the history books have shown. I'm not sure when the (D) party lost focus but I feel it has. Since when should tax payers foot the bill for thousands of social freebies that they will never qualify for? Why should our children's children have to fix socialized medicine when it falls flat? These are, but a few of the questions I must ask myself when I belly up to the touchscreen. I hope everyone ponders the future as much as some and vote their conscience with the future being as important as the present. I, like Max Linn, feel the (D) party has left me and can't wait until they come home. P.S. This is not an endorsement for that idiot. I, too, saw the debate. XOXO
Received via email 11-06-06 What free classes are we lining up for?
Received via email 11-07-06 11/06 has again, shown he has no loyalty; to anyone but Him.. I challenge you, to come out, sign your name. Show some maturity, and fraternity. Or is there anyone on your world you care about more than you? PS I don't care what color your wear. Lose the yellow shade your casting.
PS If I am such a clown, I must be one a scary one. I keep you in the hiding.
Received via email 11-08-06 Ok. Per suggestion, let's all take a break from slamming each other here. IMPASSE... Can't allow the outsiders here to see there are any issues between local members... Are you up to the task? If you have a problem, call that person and be done with it. WE can get back to airing dirty laundry on the secure union site, or after we get a contract here!
Received via email 11-09-06 We will never stop slamming each other because that is what we do. If we do not want the public to see it then there should not be a site. If we waited till we had a contract, there would never be anything to read.
Received via email 11-09-06 RE: 11-08-06 --- You're absolutely right and besides it was getting a little boring. If we want something to sink our teeth in to relieve frustration we should be worrying about your second subject; IMPASSE. Is anyone working on that problem? It will take a lot of hard work to prepare for the hearing and we better have our ducks in a row when it happens. This won't be some walk in the park with the ability to return to the office and lick our wounds. This will be the decision that will determine whether or not we are right in our demands and our tactics or if the city prevails on their actions. There's a lot to do and a long period of time to cover. Impasse isn't supposed to be a tactic. Impasse is a result. The supposed result of collective bargaining that hasn't resulted in an agreement. Impasse is the last thing in an attempt to secure an agreement between the parties. It shouldn't be treated lightly nor should it be thrown out in a manner such as it has in the past. If we're at impasse then we need to really focus on what comes next in that matter. The petty bickering and cheap shot entertainment needs to stop and we all need to focus on the next step in the collective bargaining process. We called impasse and now we need to back it up. Or again look like fools who want to win but just don't know how.
Fraternally and for educational purposes only,
Dick Tully
Received via email 11-11-06 Received via email 11-09-06 We will never stop slamming each other because that is what we do >Obviously, you have no loyalties. if you must be so negitive, sign your freakin name..
Received via email 11-11-06 I agree with brother Dick Tully and his 11-09 post, all the meet me at the bus stop/I am going to kick your ass is getting a bit boring. I have to think that there are alot more important things to be concerned with at the moment. Pull together and get the job at hand done first then afterwards we can all get together and watch the guys that want to fight get-r-done. We could even sell tickets and call it a fund raiser. I will sign off with this " the attitude needs to change " and the " if I make another person look bad,I look better " is just what it sounds like which is crap ! ......sounds like someone needs a hug.
Received via email 11-11-06 Hey this entire site is 3/4ths slamming someone. You sign your freakin name.
TEAM: "Hey this entire site is 3/4ths slamming someone." Well the 'users' are anyway's. The TEAM tries hard to focus on this city's MUTTS.
Received via email 11-12-06 Why don't we picket more often? Why is our situation not on the news more often? Why isn't anything getting done? We sit here and complain but there is a lot we can do to help ourselves. We should have our wives or friends picket in front of the mayor's house as an example. I'm sure someone out there knows someone with the local TV stations. Let's do something, no matter how small or meaningless we think it might be. I know I'm guilty of not doing enough, so let's put our heads together and come up with some ideas to embarrass the city and our selfish, uncaring mayor.
Received via email 11-13-06 I guess you missed the informational meetings last week. A lot of your questions were answered there. Come to meetings stay informed.
Received via email 11-13-06 In front of the mayors house? What a f***ed up idea. That will definately get us what we're looking for. JACKASS!
Received via email 11-14-06 Whether or not you agree with brother Barfield's politics, remember he is a brother -- period. Firefighters are not the only one's who read this site. Scott Pownall (retired )