It can't get any better than this.  You get your own webpage to comment on those inefficiencies that are troubling you.
Okay - that was our attempt at Political Correctness.  Fill us in on the BULLSHIT that's really pissing you off!  Mind your manners.

Received via Email 11-14-06  Picket the mayors house?  How Uhuru.

Received via Email 11-14-06  Well, to answer your question.  They just never talked to the right people on the dept. who know people.   Thats the union's problem.


Received via Email 11-18-06  The  Uhuru's have the balls to track down the mayor's house and picket.  They were also very supportive of Mike Reilly when he  fought to get a raise for the retirees.  They are great people.  Although, I wouldn't let that Joe Waller near any murals you might have hanging around.

Received via Email 11-18-06  Yeah sure, and I suppose that you and Mike will be having them over to the house with your family for T-day.  They, unlike you, have nothing to lose by harrassing the Mayor in front of his home. 

Received via Email 11-19-06  Whatever they do or whatever they did for Mike and the retirees, they have an ulterior motive and it doesn't include you and me.  The FBI considers them to be of 'interest' as they are on the FBI's Urban Terrorist list.
Ever visit their website?  According to the UHOO's, the devil lives right here in St. Petersburg Florida.

Received via Email 11-19-06  So when we picket it's informational, but when the Uhurus do it its harrassment.  Don't be such a hater.

Received via Email 11-19-06  Hate is a very real emotion and if you're not afraid of a reality check, you might note that I don't own the corner on hate because I call them like I see them.  Having said that, I can't recall having read anything about their picketing habits being informational or not.  Call it what you want, dude.  They're a socialist urban terrorist organization. 

Now that I think about it, you might be right by drawing a parallel between the two 'organizations'.   I distinctly recall several times when our Union has called for the death of one or more St. Petersburg Police Officers, and while running informational pickets,  we've yelled "kill whitey!"  Thanks for jogging my memory!  You were dead-on!

I'll bet you got your Halloween bag taken from you a lot when you were a kid!

Received via Email 11-20-06  The U-HOO-ROO'S Don't deserve any air time on the news and in print, and they definitly don't deserve any more of our attention. Move on.

Received via Email 11-20-06  11-19 you go tell that to the minorities of this city that had to deal with people like you during the racist yrs of this city.  You can say what you want about the uhurus but one thing they do is keep this ciy balanced on how they treat minorities.  As I have said before the police and the fire dept treated the afro-americans in this city with no respect at all.  I remember hearing stories from retired black police and firefighters about the conditions they were working under in this city.  I have read the old log books describing calls they went to in the predominately black neighborhoods.  The uhuru serves their purpose to a certain portion of this city.  The city is responsible for the uhurus.  They are responsible for overlooking the conditions so many minorities had to deal with.  I for one do not condone anything the uhurus do but I do understand.  I grew up during those times and I experienced how my people were treated.  So I understand where they are coming from about certain things.  Forgive me if I offended anyone but iI like I needed to say something.

Received via Email 11-20-06 I am not sorry for how anybody used to treat anybody else.  I didn't treat anyone badly. Who cares about what happened decades  ago?  If remembering the past is keeping you down, snap out of it.  Everybody with deep roots in America has been discriminated  against in some way, but dwelling on it now is pointless.  It's as pointless as blaming your parents for your problems. Sooner or  later we all have to stand on our own two feet.  The Uhurus can blame who ever they want, but sooner or later they are going to  have to learn that they can have whatever they want if they just WORK for it. Carry signs, trash your own neighborhood, complain  to the press.  Blame everybody.  When it's all said and done the reality is that nobody likes a whiner.  Now shut the hell up and go  get a job.
Joe Rorchek

Received via Email 11-20-06  Can anyone point out anything positive that has come out of the socialism taught by the Uhuru?   If there is an advantage to socialism beyond giving free stuff to lazy people, I don't see what it is. 

Received via Email 11-20-06  Joe Rorchek for pres. Why get a job when the City of St Pete will bend over backwards for anything South of Central.

Received via Email 11-20-06  Hey I noticed B-shift has Thanksgiving off this year.  I'll bet Whimberly took care of that for us ! Ya Think ?


Received via Email 11-21-06  The B shift did well on holidays this year.  I still don't know what all their crying was about.  So they work 10 Christmas days over  20 years instead of 6 or 7.... we need to change the schedules of 300 families for that?  When B shifters start putting in for shift transfers based on the holidays, then we will realize they have a true complaint. Until then, get over it.
Or get some swap time seniority. 
Toughen up.
Get real. 
Grow a pair.
Be a man.
Suck it up.
Come about. 
Prepare to turn. 
Shed your exoskeleton.
Get a  haircut. 
Have  your adenoids removed.
Hang on.  Sorry.  Some of those don't apply to what I was saying.  Shit.  Forget the whole  stupid thing.

Received via Email 11-21-06  Its pretty obvious the city does not like our union pres. But why?  He does done nothing but try and voice how all of the firefighters feel and deserve for pay and benefits. When over 200 show up at City Hall like we all did last year, it proves a point, that we are all in agreement with our President.  Why then, has the city administration tried so hard as to stifle everything our Pres. has tried to bargain for us.  Constant unfair labor practices at the table, not to mention the obvious heartless attitude toward the firefighters and their families!  Or do they like the firefighters as they say (in word only) Funny, how we finally have a great union pres that cares about nothing but what the firefighters need and deserve and the city just treats the whole matter as a back burner item.  In over 30 years I have never seen such hate from a city toward its firefighters as is now.  Or do they just hate our Union Pres, because he is the only one who has the guts to stand up to them.   Regardless, their motives and actions need to change. They need to be more fair and equitable toward our Union that represents us.  Until then, we will remain pressed down and without hope toward a better contract. 

Received via Email 11-21-06  (To the 2nd 11-21)  Everyone who thinks it's so easy to have the city constantly demoralize you with the word "no" should walk a mile in Winnie's shoes one day.  During the upcoming open house, I'm sure it wouldn't be out of order to take your union officials aside and thank them for the shit they've had to put up with (from both us and them) for the past 1000 days.

Received via Email 11-21-06  ANYbody could be union president and NOT deliver a contract.  If all you got to do to impress you guys is promise everything and deliver nothing.  Pretty much any of us could do that.  Hells bells, vote for me next election.  I promise to also do nothing and I will  do it from my house for half the money.

Received via Email 11-21-06  I feel the only way to slap the City into submission is by a steady flow of resignations.  The job is the same, calls almost identical.  If St. Pete doesn't make you happy, another city very well may.  The President and his Staff are doing all they can, support is what they need!

Received via Email 11-22-06  No, not anybody could be Union Pres.  Aside from the BS city hall has put us through, and the crap they hand WN after each negotiation, he is by far, the strongest and best proponent for firefighters we have ever had. When in recent history can any of you recall a UNION Pres winning almost ALL of the grievances put to the membership? If a brother or sister is given time off, he fights it to the end to get justice.  He isn't afraid or a buddy of administration, ( past or present) and kisses no one's ass (like some of those other leaders we had!).  So back off, and look at the bigger picture.  The ends justify the means, and we will be triumphant! FTM!

Received via Email 12-01-06  Web-master, in response to the NAAK story on the home page, I felt that I should respond with this.   So it looks like the Employees of this great City (Fire Department) aren't even worth a mere $10,000.  How have we become such fifth rate employees that we deserve to be dumped on daily?  Maybe we should special-up the Haz-Mat truck on EVERY call from now on.  I wonder how this will affect my desire to report for any future WMD training?  I wonder if this Department will continue to TAKE federal grant dollars to ensure proper training of all personnel?  Is proper training exclusive of proper protection?  Is this yet another NFPA standard in which you pick and chose which you will enforce based on cost?  Does NFPA really mean "No Funds to Properly Assure'?  What will our WMD special master do to preserve his Federal teaching monies?  Would you go to a fire call without water or hose on your truck?  Will you go to anymore "reported unknown substance" calls without proper protection within your immediate reach?  It appears that lotto-izing has taken its latest victim.  I guess the $10,000 dollar price tag is a little like a down payment on the 118K the city lost a couple of years ago during the great Rescue truck refrib dabacle.  Check out Mike Deason's latest "What's that costing you" story to hear the official "I don't know" http://www.wtsp.com/money/consumer/costing/article.aspx?storyid=44658  I wonder what the combined total annual salaries were of the idiots that were involved while the citizens and department employees were being shafted?

Received via Email 12-01-06  Article

Received via Email 12-01-06  There's where our money for the NAAKs, staffing, equipment, etc. went. Kudos to the purchasing dept. for cutting a check to a vendor before the work was done. If one of us screwed up to the tune of $118k would we still have a job?

Received via Email 12-02-06  Did anyone see the story about the NAAK's on the news last night? I guess we aint worth saving.  I especially found the, "I'm gonna make a joke of this," smirk on Chief Ward's face, very disheartening.  To compare the NAAK situation to the Rescue truck refurbs is totally absurd.

Received via Email 12-02-06  I see we are finally getting news coverage.  Only thing that I find strange about this is that I have yet to see the Official Department PIO in them.  I guess they were done during regular non-overtime hours.

Received via Email 12-02-06  Here's the shizit -- http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=44823 While you're at it, take a look at this very telling video -- http://www.wtsp.com/video/news/?aid=35835&sid=44823   Like anything and everything else in the City of St. Petersburg, it's all about saving a buck (when they don't have their head's up their ass to the tune of $118K).  This f*****g city's never been fatter and both St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue and and the City of St. Petersburg continue to allow the rest of the city to ride on our back's.  I for one am tire of being treated like shit!

And to Winnie Newton... this is just the spoon before the grenage, daddy-o.  I'm glad to see you on TV, making a point.  We need to be on TV and up someone's ass on a regular basis.  GOD knows there's enough fodder on this dept. to make it a reality.  This Union needs to be up this department and this city's ass - 24/7!  We've been getting dry jerked for the entire time we've all worked here and this shit's coming to a head.

Does anyone wonder how this conversation went down in the EMS office amongst the talking heads?  "Whudya think!"  "I don't know, what do you think?"  "Well - we got our asses handed to us on that $118K rescue truck debacle - I geuss we could recoup some of that money off of the backs of some of the FIREFIGHTERS!"

Yeah... you could say that the honeymoon is now officially over.

Received via Email 12-02-06  Instead of being a "Follow me" FD that sets trends, once again we're a "Me too" FD, swallowing whatever Pinellas County EMS throws our way.  The number of NAAKS on ALL of the FD vehicles may have been sufficient to take care of the worst of us, had we gotten into any bad stuff.  What I'm saying is, there never were enough NAAKS for all of us if we needed to autoinject 3 to 5 rounds into our body's, but it was a good start!  In light of the department's bad judgement, we're now looking at maintaining a couple dozen NAAKS for the same number of firefighters who may need multiple injections to stay alive.  $10,000 is chump change in any city or dept. budget.  We really shouldn't stand for this and in reality, look upon this poor judgment as a change in working conditions, knowing that we've become accustomed to having ready access to life saving drugs for ourselves.  If  'we're' taken out of the loop by an unknown enemy, the community that we protect won't have long to survive without us!

Editor- Good points all.  Somehow, I feel that this is more than appropriate at this time...

For the want of a nail.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a nail.

Received via Email 12-02-06  Are the NAAKS purchased with federal WMD dollars? Maybe Rep. Bill Young should be made aware of the way his congressional district's firefighters are PROTECTED!

Received via Email 12-02-06  Oh boo hoo about the NAAKs.  They make us feel about as safe as having radiological equipment.... who cares?  Get rid of the  things, they were inadequate anyway. Why not start a volcano response team with the savings?  As long as we are looking to protect  ourselves from crap that will probably never happen, I would fully support a team like that, especially if we get to train in Hawaii.

Received via Email 12-02-06  It's just another way of saying Fu**off, You cant expect this city to come up with 10K every 5 years to replace something the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security say are important. How about this noval idea, replace 1/5th of the total kits each year so they all don't expire at the same time. Now we only need to spend $2,000.00. I wonder how many of our Good Guy station Captains will attempt to aquire these kits in their next budget requests? The EMS Division is already sold on the idea that this money is going to be better used on the new laptops we are supposed to be getting on the fire vehicles someday. So I guess they already wrote us off months ago, on this decision. Go figure.

Received via Email 12-02-06  This just in, BIG OFFICERS MEETINGs next week lets see if tere will be any concerned officers that speak up.

Received via Email 12-03-06  Remember when these lame assholes took your D-Ring from you?  They said that far more people got injured while training with it than not.  Now that I don't have it, I feel better.

I'm going back to forage for nuts and berries before returning to my cave.  See you all at the campfire later!

"It's okay!  I'm here from the government and I'm here to help..."  Yeah right!  Not if we can't help ourselves first!

"If you are still not convinced terrorists can get to rail cars, notice the graffiti the next time you see a freight train go by.  And think if they can't stop graffiti how are they going to stop terrorists?"  Story

Received via Email 12-03-06  http://www.house.gov/young/

Congressman Bill Young
360 Central Avenue, Suite 1480
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 893-3191

Congressman Bill Young
2407 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5961

Received via Email 12-03-06  The bottom line is that this decision was based 100% on cost. I task anyone to prove otherwise. Everyone hoped the Feds would step in again and replace them. Well they didn't. The State however did, on a limited scale by supplying 2 kits for each licensed ALS unit. Read memo from the State.  http://www.doh.state.fl.us/demo/EMS/TrainTest/MarkI_AntidoteKits_LtrMedicalDirectors.pdf   So if it is not the money, then we would not even have the small amount we have now.

Editor:  "The bottom line is that this decision was based 100% on cost."
I don't think anyone's disputing that.  The Feds balked.  If  the state 'in fact' came through with this under funded, Band-Aid, stopgap measure - hooray for them.  Pinellas County EMS, the city of St. Petersburg and this Fire Dept., through lack of vision and creativity, couldn't find a $10,000 solution.  From the state's own 2005 memo, "One of the most significant components in the state’s comprehensive emergency response plan is ensuring that our initial responders receive proper protection and prompt treatment in the event of their exposure to a nerve agent."

Maybe one of the companies that supplies us with the free smoke detectors that we place into some of the many homes with six bedrooms on Brightwaters Blvd might take pity on us and start shipping us some NAAK's!

Received via Email 12-03-06  I have sent my letter to Congressman Young. I hope each of you will find it necessary to email your concerns as well.

Editor:  Good for you, Bro/Sis.  I've sent many letters and emails to Bill Young over the years.  My letter to him is in the works.  In the end, if you accomplish nothing more than getting a calendar from him at the end of the year, you'll still have the satisfying feeling that you've exercised your rights as a Citizen.

Received via Email 12-05-06  Did anyone actually feel safer with those NAAK's on the trucks?  Did anyone EVER take the kit off the truck and into a call with them? Has any fire department in America ever actually used or even needed a NAAK kit?  You guys are more likely to get shot with a bullet  than get hit with a nerve agent, but I don't see anyone putting on their bullet proof vests in the morning.  Get over it.  We won't miss  them because we never needed them. 

Received via Email 12-05-06  I'm glad I'm on the HAZMAT team, safe with my NAAKs.  Good luck everyone else. 

Received via Email 12-05-06  NAKKs are WHACK.


Received via Email 12-05-06  If we all take a $33 pay cut, we can buy the NAAKS ourselves.  Come on you guys!  Let's show we care!

Received via Email 12-07-06  1st 12/5, Last time I checked they had taken our vests off too.

Received via Email 12-07-06  C'mon people, the threat is lower now and we don't need the NAAKs anymore...but hey, don't leak that information to anyone, there's still a threat out there and we don't want the wrong people knowing. WTF???!!!

Received via Email 12-08-06  Hey Joe R, Go f--- yourself, and your administrative views. If there was an ounce of credibility to you, you would stop playing your make believe self.. ya fino..We're over you...

Received via Email 12-08-06  I could maybe understand the whole NAAK thing if we were talking hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace them, This city could drop 10 grand 100 times a day and I am sure they do on alot of bullshit. As for me its my opinion that if people think that the threat is lower or gone then we have let our guards down and thats scary in itself. I would rather have the NAAKS and not need them than need them and not have them. The bottom line is this city needs to stop sitting on their wallet and show that they care. Think of it this way - remember back 20 plus years if you can... and think of how much money we saved the city by keeping the old Orens held together with duct tape, an extra screw or two and our old swiss seat ropes to keep shit from falling off. That savings alone should be enough to keep the NAAKS for at least 20 more years. Once again we are showing that we are the trend setters of what not to do.

TEAM: Bro/Sis... if you hadn't noticed --- we're on the same slippery slope as our Brothers and Sisters on the Policed Department.  We work for a Mayor and Council who figures - "What's the problem?  We've got both a PD and a FD.  They've both got those accreditation thingies on the windows.  What more is there to know?"

Received via Email 12-09-06  ONLY 10 grand?  If it's such a small amount of money, why don't we all chip in 35 bucks each and buy some more?  Performing  public service isn't strictly about being pitted against the taxpayer. Part of it is remembering that we ARE taxpayers.  The idea of  saving 10,000 tax dollars by avoiding the purchase of equipment that has never been actually utilized by any EMS system in this country is fine with me.  I never slept better at the fire house knowing we had those kits on the trucks.  We never had enough of them anyway. Like someone else pointed out, I don't know anyone that actually kept them on their person when entering large,  public areas, so it's not like we were using them correctly in the first place.  They were at best a mild security blanket.  Ten  thousand dollar lucky charms.

On the other hand, we have had members of this department shot and shot at.  Where is the outcry about personal bullet proof  equipment?  What about exposure to chemicals that we KNOW we have in our industrial areas?  Anyone making a stink about not  having cyanide kits?  Ever gone to a brush fire and seen a snake?  Why aren't we lobbying for anti-venom kits?  What if we're  attacked with a dirty bomb?  Are we all begging for more training related to radiation illnesses?

We can do our best, but we can't do everything.  It makes more sense to concentrate our limited resources on problems with  some likelihood of actually occuring.  During our time with the NAAKs, I was more concerned about forgetting to sign them in  and out, then I was about using them.  Personally, I trust the judgement used in removing them.  Believe it or not, a lot of  thought went into that decision.

Now feel free to bash me with opposing and probably unsigned responses. 

Dave Fraser

TEAM:  "Believe it or not, a lot of  thought went into that decision."

From the July 2006 Pinellas County MMRS Meeting at All Children's Hospital-
  • The Tampa Bay region grant funding (UASI Grant) was cut from $23 million to $8.8 million for the 2006-2007 grant year.
  • Have not yet received 2004-2005 (MMRS) money. When combined with 2005-2006 money, MMRS has $470,000 to spend.

Well, yeah... a lot of thought went into not pulling monies from any other account except those that were originally intended to fund some of the most 'essential' of these programs.  Pinellas County EMS sure didn't have any problems finding over $1,000,000.00, recently, to bail out the private 'for profit' scab ambulance contractor when they needed more ambulances to keep Sunstar afloat!  From the totals above, the TEAM would love to know how much money is slated to be spent on 'gee whiz' gadgets that are intended to be utilized by living, breathing, fully functioning Fire Fighters to sniff out the Methyl Ethyl Badass in the air!  All the cool toys will be for naught if we're having to run the other way, toward cities where - having spotted a fire engine, you know there's a NAAK available to you.  I'm sure with MacDill AFB being a whopping 8.5 miles east of downtown St. Petersburg, we're all going to be more than willing to run in that direction to go digging for pharmaceuticals through some else's truck, wondering if the wind is out of the east !

We manage to fight Pinellas County EMS at every turn when it comes to getting our fair share to make deliver available to the citizenry.  When it comes to taking care of the most essential element in the entire equation (us) - we find ourselves drinking the County's cool-aid and asking for seconds!

But what else would one expect from a city that doesn't issue assault rifles to each of it's Police Officers?  They have to buy their own!

Received via Email 12-09-06 I just received a reply from my letter to Congressman Bill Young, Re: NAAK's.

Here is his reply.

"In an effort to be of all possible assistance, I have taken the liberty of investigating this situation, and just as soon as a response to my inquiry is received, I will be back in touch with you."

"Assuring you of my desire to assist in this matter, and with best wishes and personal regards,

I am

very truly yours,

C.W. Young
Member of Congress"

At least we will now have another view point on this. If he says no, then I will know that this MAN did a little more research than our EMS division did.

TEAM:  Congratulations, Citizen

We're still waiting for a response from the good Congressman but the 2007 United States House of Representatives Calendar 'did' come in the mail today!  It's entitled, "Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Fulton Steamboat..."


You are arguing that the governments that sponsor us can easily afford to buy us NAAKs.  Of course they can.  They could buy us all  personal Hummers and jet boats, too.  My point is that we don't need them because there is no credible evidence or history  suggesting that we would benefit from keeping them.  Besides that, we didn't have enough of them anyway.  I stand by what I said  before.  They are expensive lucky charms. 

Editor:  So noted.

As to the continued need for an adequate supply of Nerve Agent Antidote Kits, it continues to be a matter of 'someone's' opinion. 

  • We previously had access to a much larger cache' of NAAK's than we do at present.
  • We previously had them readily available for our use.
  • St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue may well be the ONLY FD in this county who's chosen to separate the pharms from the troops.
  • While other counties and municipalities around the country have chosen a proactive approach by changing out as much as 20% of their pharms annually so as not to get caught flat footed, we've chosen to farm out the protection of our personnel to Pinellas CountyEMS.
  • If it were not for Pinellas County's MMRS allotment of monies being stalled by the federal government, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in.  With that said, the city of St. Petersburg having 'cheap' written all over it, does nothing for us, (again) (as usual) while Pinellas County EMS takes care of e-ver-y one of it's Sunstar crews, leaving much of each FD in the lurch!  Maybe you were right, Dave.  If we all worked for one, big, county FD, maybe then we'd get the respect we deserve.  I know that most of these ASSHOLES who presently wear a gold badge that reads, "Pinellas County Fire & EMS Authority" would be in the soup line, looking forward to the day they turn 62 so that they can draw their much revered (1.6% multipler), low hazard pension's!
  • The world is growing more dangerous by the day!

Received via Email 12-11-06  Editor, I don't mean to sound like the city's cheerleader, but the truth is that if it was not for St. Pete, or more accurately, a member of St.  Pete Fire Rescue, nobody else in this county would have had NAAK's in the first place.  The original grant was for our city ONLY,  but there was enough money to expand the distribution through the entire county, so they did.  It's probably not fair to hammer  away at the people taking the NAAKs off the trucks, since they are the same people that deserve the credit for putting them there  in the first place.  The wisdom used to put them in service is now the same wisdom being utilized to stock them more  conservatively. 

Nobody can argue that the money is not there, because it surely is.  The question is whether or not it can be better spent, and the  current thinking is that yes, it can.  So, it is NOT a money issue, it is a medical/safety decision based on potential benefit.  Much  like the removal of MAST pants, rotating tourniquets, Hurst tools on rescue trucks, nitrous oxide, inflatable carseats, D-rings, hot  sticks,  line guns, Slim Jims, tank trucks, hose towers, watch rooms, and various other medications that have come and gone over  the years. 
Just wanted to clarify.


P.S.  Hang in there. When this is a county fire department things will run much smoother.
Editor:  Yes... as you've opined before - half of the fire chief's in this county would be in the soup line!

Received via Email 12-11-06  Forget the NAAK kits, what are we going to do about global warming man? What are those cheap bastards doing to help us with  that?!!  Fight the power! Stick it to the man! No global warming kits and no peace!

Received via Email 12-11-06  What is so bad about a county fire department?  I thought there was power in numbers.

Received via Email 12-12-06  A vote is called for....I say we in leu of the naaks we bring back. slim jims, lineguns, d-rings and hot sticks, and the orens too. This will free up lots of time and money, so we can all work on solving that global warming thing once and for all (what will Al Gore do). this will also provide more time to vote on which cheifs we will have to have a retirement party for when we go county fd.

Received via Email 12-12-06   County department? lets see now !  we would need about 6 division chiefs and say throw in a chief for each of those divisions for north south and even central.  that makes a total of about 24 division chiefs.  The county now has about 80 to 100 of those money grabbing slackers.  Wow - we'd eliminate about 50 to 60 division chiefs, what a savings!  Now you know why the chiefs fight so hard against this move.  Lets go county today and give the workers (medics and Firefighters) the difference in pay and pension. !!!! 

Received via Email 12-12-06  Who is this Joe ? Hopefully he's not a St Pete firefighter!!!!!!!!!!!

Received via Email 12-12-06  The only thing missing from the County's proposal to take over the fire service in this county was how they were going to provide one without making firefighters their first priority - or even their first thought.  As some on the county commission figured out, voting against over 1000 firefighters who already have a job would have been political suicide.  Sure... the county would have saved some money by controlling the entire labor force of firefighters in this county, but they would have done it on our backs!

If you forget about labor, you might as well forget about getting the job done, because the inmates are still running prison!
TEAM:  That's the answer that we were waiting to hear! 

Pinellas County's one major failing...? The money they spent for MGT to perform an updated study of their original 1992 study, dealt only with the nuts and bolts of delivery of service and nothing to do with the care and feeding of an entire Unionized labor force.  The City Manager of Largo wrote in his weekly City Manager's Report, "The CRC also reviewed the draft legislation establishing the Pinellas County Countywide Fire Services District. A discussion of the draft legislation brought forth a number of complications regarding the implementation of the proposed consolidation plan. It was determined that the cost to the County of purchasing the real property and associated vehicles and equipment from the various jurisdictions has not been quantified. The personnel expenditures and the collective bargaining agreements that are currently in effect would need to be addressed as well."

One only has to look to that "throwback FD operation" at St. Pete/Clearwater Airport to peek into your proposed future.  As far as the TEAM is concerned, 'we' not unlike the County and every taxpayer in it, are all for saving tax dollars.  What we're opposed to is not being a part of the process - save being used as an object of tax savings.  Our collective backs are getting tired of carrying more than our fair share of the load!

Received via Email 12-12-06  Why are we picketing the same meeting at which some of our brothers are being presented with the paramedic of the year award.  wouldn't it be more positive if we actually attended the meeting in support of him?  I'm sure those council members will get a kick out of this one.  way to think it through boys!!!

Received via Email 12-12-06  if there aren't enough NAAK's for your family as well why would you want them.  you can have mine if we ever get them again. 

Received via Email 12-14-06  To the one looking for an excuse NOT TO SUPPORT your cause... If you would rather sit inside and watch your fellow firefighters get their awards - fine!  Just come out when it is over.  Everyone has been asking to picket for weeks, and now that there is a date, it has become a convienent excuse to not do something you probably wouldnt have done anyways. Would next week be better?  How about last week?  The problem is that no-one knows for sure except for the present.  So now is the time to be seen, and we can all send a letter of apology to our Brothers later.  Who knows, maybe they will choose to picket also.

This is in no way a joke or a show of disrespect to the crews who this happened to, just a prime example. Yes this story is 100% true and you can confirm by calling your station and have them read you the Chief's memo.

Ok, so one of our "Customers" walks up to an EMS crew, pulls a gun, and 'offs' himself right there in front of them.  Do I need to say anymore about the need for the NAAKS to be on the trucks on the streets?
TEAM:  So what you're intimating is what every Boy Scout from the rank of Tenderfoot to Eagle Scout knows?  "Be Prepared!"

Received via Email 12-14-06  Did we look dumb today as the medic was getting his award?  When are we going to start playing dirty with the city.  Come on.  Someone has to have dirt on someone to hold over their head.  Well, I know one person who does but, I doubt he will give anything up to us.

Received via Email 12-15-06  How would NAAKs have helped engine 13 when that guy shot himself?

Received via Email 12-15-06  I guess the naaks would have help them if they were shot you dumba**. Even if we had vests we would bitch about wearing them just like the eye protection we are supposed to wear.

How am I  a dumbass for asking how the NAAK's could have helped E13? Okay, since you are the expert on this,  please explain how the NAAK's would have helped our guys if they HAD been shot, as you suggested.  We are all ears.
Editor:  If I may... both of the preceding 12-15 emails were posted at the same time.  The "dumba**" email was in response to an earlier comment.

Received via Email 12-16-06  To those that can't figure it out, if a customer can pull a gun he can just as easily pull out a vial - maybe one containing a nerve agent???  Look outside the box for once.  Admin looks only one way and they expect you to do the same.

Received via Email 12-16-06  What the City Council gets the biggest kick out of, is that some of us believe that the City provides these awards. ALL this City supplied for this presentation was the room and the Air Conditioning. The Bert Smith Foundation supplied the award. What would you have done if you were getting the award? The 2 recipients could have always asked for the presentation to be postponed. I think that would have been easier than rescheduling the preparations and notifications that it took for this infomational picket. By the way - how much air or media coverage was given to the award presentation? I thought SPFR has a PIO whose job is to promote the positive happenings of this Department.  Any one ever seen one of those? I see plenty from P Pk. Largo, Clwtr and of course TFD but never a promo from SPFR. Come to think about it. Not too many covering emergancy scenes either.

Received via Email 12-16-06  The reason for that is Rf looks like he is going to have  aheart attack or stroke everytime he talks.  Also he takes up most of the screen and they have to do a distant shot on him to fit him in the screen.  Maybe he is in league with the mayor.  After all, if we received alot of press or airtime we would be able to get our raise and look good.

Received via Email 12-16-06  For those that can't figure it out? Huh? I guess some of us are kind of slow in here.  So, it's just as easy to pull out a vial of nerve  agent as it is to pull out a gun.  So where does one get the nerve agent?  Since it has never happened in the entire history of America  ever, and gun violence occurs daily, I would like to give the "Dumbest thing ever written in here" award to the first 12/16.  The real world is not a James Bond movie.  If it helps, you probably don't have to worry about being cut in half by a laser beam or fed to a tank full of hungry sharks either.  Vial of nerve agent.... what a dork.

Received via Email 12-16-06 "What the City Council gets the biggest kick out of, is that some of us believe that the City provides these awards."  It was the same game when they Christened the new heavy rescue truck at station 4.  You'd swear that by listening to mayor asshole, that the city had paid for it.  I've got news for you asshole - the state of Florida bought it.  If you really want to shine, put some people on it.  Otherwise the tires will dry-rot off of it before it ever turns a thousand miles. 

Cheap pr**k city!  Lying pr**k polTICians!

Received via Email 12-16-06  The Skyway Bridge had never fallen until it was hit in 1980 and the twin towers had never been hit by two planes before they fell.  The point here is, being prepared and getting them before they get you.  I am for whatever will bring us home to our families at the end of a shift if the shit does hit the fan.  Just because something has never happened in the history of the world doesn't mean that it never will.  If having a 10,000 dollar lucky charm is the answer - then great.  If it isn't, then what do we do to make it home the next day? And I would also like to add that I am more afraid of going to the store to get a gallon of milk and getting shot than I am of a nerve agent attack....  My thanks to 12-16 #4.  Now I have my milk delivered and I am thinking of buying a cow.   And please don't take this as a slam I agree with you.
Editor:  I've got a solution for that getting shot at stuff.  Mind you - that's if they miss!

Received via Email 12-20-06  I think this qualifies as BULLSHIT!  The chief writes a memo stating that the word on the street is that some members may not show up at the annual Christmas party due to continuing contract negotiations.  I've asked the question - and have been asked the same question and nobody seems to have heard of this except in his memo.  What gives chief?  Are you using this board as a means of testing the waters?  Uprooting a spy?  What? 
If you 'are' using this board to test response - good for you.  I'm sure you'll always get the correct answer, even if it's not to your liking.  If you're now second guessing your 'source' - again, good for you.  You may have been 'had' by one of the many MUTTS that populate this department.  Of course, I might be planting erroneous information here also!

Received via Email 12-20-06  A quick update from the beach...

Our NAAKS are being traded in to the County and we will be getting a few in return. It won't be enough to cover all the trucks, but the city is doing the right thing and buying enough to make up the difference. What a concept!!

On another note, we just had our annual Holiday Party. Instead of having it in an old garage, the city rented out the upper floor at the Hurricane Rest. and had the entire affair catered. No BBQ chicken and pot luck here. All you can eat shrimp, scallops, ham, roast beef and too many others to list. Free drink tickets also, and the kick in the ass is that those of us on duty were EXPECTED  to attend (minus the drinks...). Did I mention the $100 door prize drawing?? What a concept!!!

Once again, I only bring these things up to enlighten my old friends of the fact that life is good away from the City of St. Pete. For those of you that can, I encourage you to look around for a better deal, where city administration cares about their employees (they do exist), and run like the wind.  I would like to take this opportunity to, again, thank Pres. Newton for his efforts in getting our pension straightened out.  Because of his efforts, my multiplier is at 3% (retro back to the start of my employment, the SS offset is gone (waited 20+ years for that one!), and current retirees (as of Dec of 2005) got a raise.  These improvements will benefit my family and me for a long time to come!

So, my friends, I wish you peace and happiness where ever you need to find it.

I'll sign this,

Retired, rehired, appreciated and relaxed on the beach...

Kevin McConn, Local 747(ret)
Current member Local 2266

ps, Still waiting for my exit interview...
TEAM: C'mon, Kevin.  Surely you don't have to embellish to make a point.  If you're feeling a 'little' embarrassed about your no longer being able to say, "I work for the city of St. Petersburg," we can understand.  But to lie...  If you stop embarrassing yourself now (you know you've only hurt yourself by leaving here) the door 'may' still swing both ways.  We may be able to salvage your old job as we've got some pull in the chief's office (the Us Vs. Them TEAM that is).  We can't guarantee you what shift you'll be on or if you'll ride an ALS Engine, but we can have you back on the picket line with us in no time at all.

  • NAAK's, schmaks!
  • "...the city rented out the upper floor at the Hurricane Rest. and had the entire affair catered."  Hey!  We do it for the children!
  • "All you can eat shrimp, scallops, ham, roast beef ..."  Puleeeeze!
  • "Free drink tickets..."  Righhhhht!
  • "$100 door prize drawing..."  For steel toed shoes - maybe!
  • "...city administration cares about their employees"  STOP IT NOW -- STOP!!!

Say... can you give me the phone number to the employment office in St. Pete Beach?  We'd really like to discuss your actions with someone there!

Received via Email 12-21-06  It is easy to rent out the hurricane when you have 10 employees. Kevin we have heard how good you have it and we are happy for you. I think it is hard for a guy to quit who is in the middle of their career and not at the begining or end. Good luck and congrats on working for a city who actually gives a sh**. I will be eating chicken and hamburgers tomorrow looking at the P.O.S. mayor blowing smoke up everyones a**.
P.S. How did your exit interview go?
Editor:  I know it's an acronym, but I don't think P.O.S. is a good thing.

Received via Email 12-21-06  All of these sissies crying about NAAK's are starting to make me nervous.  Oh no! AAAUUUGH!! IT'S GODZILLAAAAA   AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH..... AND HE'S BREATHING NERVE GAS!

Received via Email 12-22-06  Grow up !

Received via Email 12-22-06  Besides the new guys and administration, I would like to know what wannabe suck ups went to the CHRISTMAS PARTY - not Holiday party?  This is a Christian Country.  No one should have gone since we are without a contract.  But I am sure there were the suck ups there.

Received via Email 12-22-06  I attended the Christmas party today at MFS.  As I figured he would, Dick Baker showed up.  How absolutely embarrassing for him.  How in the hell could you show up at an event given for the very people that you are ass f***ing without any lube?  It made me sick to my stomach to see him there, but made me very proud that very few were looking at him much less speaking to him.  I'm sure there were a few, most likely staff and wanna be staff (i.e. the burger flippers), but not many.  Is it personal?  At this point...HELL YES!!  KTF

Received via Email 12-22-06  It is very hard to leave in the peak of your career. With over 8yrs on the job, I did it, I had an exit interview though. With experience from an Accredited Department, you set yourself apart from alot of applicants. Say what you want about JATC or Accreditation, if you relocate it truely makes other departments take notice. If you arent happy - relocate.  The grass is not always greener, but if you are leaving for the right reasons you can find a better place. The perfect City is a myth.  The job is Great.  Fight for whats right and hold your heads high. Remember, "Nobody likes a quitter!":)   

Miss you all,

Jeffrey Oliver
P.S. Happy Christmas

Received via Email 12-23-06  Oh come on you grumpy whiners. It's Christmas time.  Go give a present to a little kid and you'll feel better. Merry Christmas.

Received via Email 12-23-06  AMEN!! It is CHRISTmas - the birth of JESUS CHRIST - not a holiday or season.  MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!

Received via Email 12-23-06  If the peak of a carreer is 8yrs, then can we leave at 16yrs ? Just wonderin.

Received via Email 12-27-06  Now that Christmas is over, can we go back to whining?  I miss it.

Received via Email 12-27-06  First 12/27:  Of course we can, as long as you go back to being a dic....of wait, I see you have already.

Received via Email 12-30-06  It's so nice having the family all back in here for the holidays.

Received via Email 12-30-06  Hey did you hear the one about a former Training drinkin coach, now a so-so Lt. (or chief to be as he see's it!)?   The honored rumor mill tells us he is running/teaching one of the new paramedic schools!  If I am wrong, please correct me. (It would ease so many fears of what he could turn out to the world!)  If not, well history has repeated itself.  The newest versions of Carpet Baggers are here!  Thanks Oh red on the head!  Happy New Year.. (Is that a training day too?)

Received via Email 12-31-06  Well, there are two red heads that are so so Lts.  Which one are we speaking about?

Received via Email 12-31-06  Who's idea was it to pick R-Days in January when we pick Vacation days in February?  I have a better idea.  Why don't we pick both in December and let them both start in January like the rest of the city?

Received via Email 01-01-07  Teaching paramedic school heck, he's the adminstrator for the whole program. Are pumpkins ripe this time a year ?

Received via Email 01-01-07  "Hey did you hear the one about a former Training drinkin coach, now a so-so Lt. (or chief to be as he see's it!)?"   It was mentioned here a couple of months back that he was going to personally take care of all of our medic woes.  He's a one man hand job for the chief!  While he's latching on to all the new guys and promissing them the world on a platter, all the rest of us who are good Union Members are trying to hammer out a contract that might enable a medic or two who are worth a shit, to actually want to apply for a job here.  Some fire dept. in Manatee county ought to see what a "catch" he is and offer him a job as "chief with a giant brain".  At least we'll be rid of one more FINO!  See ya, "do boy".

Received via Email 01-01-07  Hey last 12/31 we separate the picks because some people like to pick their vacations around their R-day. Stop stirring the pot di**head.

Received via Email 01-01-07  Whose idea do you think it is?  Hmm...   Who has the most to gain and the most to screw the Blue shirts?  Why dont you send the other idiot red head Lt. with him?

Received via Email 01-01-07  Hey 1-01 accuser, Like I said in my 12-31 post. Pickem both in December. The last time I looked December has 31 days in it, plenty of time to pick your r-day and then have plenty of days left over to pick Vacations. Pretty simple, aint it Master Dick?

Received via Email 01-02-07  I'll keep the short red on the head anyday, over the dark sided downtown one!

Received via Email 01-02-07  As far as I know, Tampa and other city offices nationwide are closed today, while good ole cheap ass St. Pete is open. Way to save those public safety employees' 8 hours of comp time mayor!

Received via Email 01-03-07  Do you even know why the were closed? For an ex president of some 30 years ago. Big deal you probably do not even vote. Stop whining and go back to your cheesy puffs.

Received via Email 01-03-07  That's cheesy poofs my friend! UUUUUGGGGGGGGG I'm not fat, I'm BIG BONED.

Received via Email 01-03-07  Did someone say CHEESY POOFS!? ><

Received via Email 01-03-07  This should go under a "That's Funny" heading but since there aint one....  Has anyone heard how the dept is trying its damnedest to make nice to a paramedic that is in the process of going to employment in another department that offers higher pay and benefits?  In order to accomplish this they are reassigning her (oops) to another station.  Let's see... $8,000 there - a station change here...Naw. Anyway, in order to schmooze one, it requires moving someone else to a station where he don't want to be.  I guess they are willing to run off one to keep the other. Can anyone tell me the sensibility here?

Received via Email 01-04-07  To the first 1/03: Yes di*k, I know what the day off was for.  I agree it was not high on the hierarchy of holiday reasons but it says a lot when other cities take advantage of giving their workers time off, especially around Christmas/New Years while St. Pete continues par for the course.  Since when is it whining when comparing equal benefits for equal work?  Since you don't mind other cities giving benefits you don't have, why don't you just waive any upcoming raises?  And what does voting have to do with a day off for a dead president?

Received via Email 01-04-07  Let's show a little respect for Gerald Ford, please.

Received via Email 01-05-07  He was not even elected. He lost the next one where he needed to be elected. See YA

Received via Email 01-05-07  He got beat by Jimmy Carter who ran the economy into the ground (as democrats like to do).  This country could use more men like  Gerald Ford.

Received via Email 01-05-07  Take the time to look at the man....Pres. Ford accomplished alot in his life, he was a standout football player, a coach, a lawyer, politiian, and who cares if he was elected or not he did a service for his country, when the shit hit he fan he was there and did the best he could do. 1-5-07 #1 look at how this country works and see that there is a chain of command and realize that if something unthinkable happens tomorrow....we could have our first woman Pres. (or were you planning on voting for Hillary anyway ?) Heres a thought... the lack of respect for people that are concidered superior to the common man (us) Is most likely due to the lack of respect we recieve for doing our jobs. It's come to this: "they dont care about us so we dont care about them" who wins ?  Like Ford or not respect him and pray for his family........Benny Hinn

Received via Email 01-05-07  Ya, and look at who we got instead 1-5, Jimmy Peanut Carter.

Received via Email 01-06-07  There is nothing in the constitution about electing presidents by popular vote.   That's what the electoral college is all about.

Received via Email 01-06-07  Anyone who would make fun of any president is obviously too stupid to hold any elected office and so therefor  has to make fun of the ones who are bright enough that can.

Received via Email 01-07-07  You all should be historians instead of fiefighters. You would make more money and someone might give a sh** of what you were saying.

Received via Email 01-09-07  To the first of 1-6   Ford was elected by anything.  He was sworn in to office.  Also, do you know why and the history of the electoral college?

Received via Email 01-09-07  who cares ! what is this a government course ?

Received via Email 01-09-07  Well, since you work for the govt obviously you were either smoking pot or asleep in grammer school when they taught that section.  It is people like you is why our country is the way it is right now as we speak.  Maybe you should go to Ellis Island and learn about your own country.  Or quit the FD. You should be ashamed of yourself for not knowing.  You are probably an officer under the Callahan regime or a dumb blue shirt.  Most likely RT from 4

Received via Email 01-09-07  BLAH BLAH BLAH/BLAH BLAH/BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLLLLAAAAAABBBBBB BABABA BABABA Just thought that sounded better than what I wanted to say, and that it would shed new light on whats going on in this beautiful city we work in. Thank-you for your time

Received via Email 01-10-07  Looks like YOU were either smoking pot or asleep in grammar (yes, not grammer) school.  Whats that saying about people in glass houses?

Received via Email 01-10-07  Actually I wrote it like that so it would blend with the rest of the peoples comments.

Received via Email 01-11-07  Ford was appointed by Nixon as Vice President.  Then he moved up when Nixon chose to fall on his sword, avoiding the indignity of  an impeachment trial that Clinton happily put the country through years later when he committed perjury.  As for the electoral  college, it was created by our founding fathers because they did not think a popular vote for the president was a good idea.  It was  smart then, and it still is.  Enough history, now can we go back to the usual brother against brother format this room prefers?

Received via Email 01-12-07  Can't we all just get along.   Hammer the City not each other!!!

Received via Email 01-12-07  OK, well let's take a quick time out to say thanks for the folks on the USS Eisenhower, the AC130 guys who fly out of north Florida and the Army chopper guys who just took out Rahgheed El' Whathefu'q and his band of shit bags in Somalia.  In the mean time ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN piss all over themselves about the way we treat our prisoners and how "innocent civilians" (you know, the ones hiding the bad guys) are being killed and injured.  Rahgheed and his boys don't have to worry about that kind of scrutiny as he fires missiles at commercial air liners, blows up night clubs and generally kills hundreds of innocent men, women and children at will.  So kiss my ass left wing media lemmings and hat's off to our armed services.

(BTW, we owed Somalia one anyway) AMF Rahgheed!

Received via Email 01-12-07  Just another shit head talking in 1-12-06 #2.  How do we owe them.  We kill over 1,000 of them in that conflict and they only kill 17 of us.  Their country is still a shit hole after we decided to pull out because 17 American soldiers were killed.  This is starting to sound like another country that we decided to f*** up.  Personally I think that you little speach was
racist and ignorant.  As you know we have a muslim that works within this department with a muslim name.  If I was muslim and I was to read this bullshit,  I would have to take a long look at this department and wonder whether I would want to be here or not.  You didnt leave your name so there is a chance that individual could be working with someone like you that has so much disrespect for comeone like them.  I bet your punk ass would never say that within the work place.  Its so funny that you guys would come in here and speak about the uhurus and the muslims,liberls and whoever thinks so differently from in a disrepectful manner but you will never state your feeling to your co-workers who work along side of you.  The very people who watch your back.  Whenever someone goes down in a fire they are not wondering if that person who is coming to get you is a a muslim or a liberal or someone who supports the uhuru people.  This department is stuck in the 70's.  Nothing has changed and your comment has just proved that.

Received via Email 01-13-07  Hey 1/12/07 #3  How do you know that the one f*** stick even works for SPFR?  We have people from all over reading and posting on this site.  It sounds like you are the racist throwing the card. Do you even work for SPFR or are you a shit stirrer?  Post your name and I will gladly post mine.

Received via Email 01-14-07  I don't think I am a racist, but I am a bit of an ethnicist because I really, really like Italian food.  I am not too crazy about what  liberals have done to America, but if the most liberal firefighter in this country, John Barfield, got hurt at a fire--- I would happily  carry him out.  I would even politely listen to his liberal blather all the way to the hospital.  I would even try to agree with him a little,  just to make him feel better.  Of course, I would withhold pain meds, but that goes without saying.  John and I have been friends for  a very long time so I am very comfortable with his discomfort.
Dave Fraser

Received via Email 01-14-07  My name, Jose Jimanez.

Received via Email 01-14-07  Who said Rahgheed was a Muslim? I didn't see that anywhere in the post of 1-12-07
TEAM:  Swedish?

Received via Email 01-14-07  What if it wasn't Rahgheed? it could've been M'balz ar Hare'  or maybe Isheet M'drawerz

Received via Email 01-15-07  Dave,
Thanks for the reassurance in your clear, and present anti bigotry, & one sidedness... Also, believe in being open minded liberally, but never thought I was the World's most liberal firefighter! That award will look great next to the County and States! LMAO. Yes Dave is as right as Nixon's Crooked Dick, but I luv him anyway, (even though he was a Thespian in high school..) and I'm straight! Thanks for offering to pull me out of a fire, but please drop the clip board while your doing it!
Peace, & Love, and long hair,
John Barfield

Received via Email 01-16-07  You people are all witnesses.  John Barfield admitted that I was right. 
Dave Fraser

Received via Email 01-15-07  Actually, the dude's name was Ayman al Zawahri.  He, along with 5 others are believed to be behind the bombings of American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, where 224 people were killed.  It is also believed that he was behind the attempted shoot-down of an Israeli airliner carrying over 100 people.  So, maybe I'm missing something in the second post of 01/12 but it seems that the world is now a little better off without the cuddly little guy.

Received via Email 01-16-07  Not all long hairs ar liberials. If you don't like John that's cool but leave the hair out of it.

Received via Email 01-16-07  Dave we all know your right it just some of the troops don't realise it. Keep up the good work.

Received via Email 01-17-07  I like John just fine. I always have.  And I like his hair so much that I cut mine in a very similar fashion. I think the year was 1985.

Received via Email 01-17-07  So we have to wait even longer for contract talks while the city is taking care of the homeless problem? Sounds like just another stall tactic to me. Has anyone heard anything?

Received via Email 01-18-07  As a former frequent rider of rescue 1 and rescue 5, a supporter of salvation army, Goodwill, and St. Vincent De Paul, I would like to  summarize my opinion on homeless issues:  Screw the poor.  Thank you.

Received via Email 01-18-07  that's a *poor* attitude. remember this, most people are only one paycheck away from being homeless themselves. but not you,your better than everybody else!!!!

Received via Email 01-18-07  Speaking of poor.  Have you heard that SK is so far up Zamps ass at the Strategic Planning Meetings that if he stopped, SK would shoot right up into him.  From what Ive seen in the class, all it is about is how to keep firefighters under the admins control and look good.  MZ should know,  he wont be going any further than DC.
TEAM:  Tell us more when you get a chance, Bro'/Sis'.

Received via Email 01-18-07  Damn all I say is long hair and you guys either hate me, or the hair in general! Hey 1/16 #1, who said they disliked me?! Oh by the way I have cut my hair somewhat..(but it'll grow back!) unlike a bunch of you chrome domes... One observation, Dave your hair in 1985 was by fair a helmet in itself.. I believe i have pictures...LOL And I think Dave is a fine non liberal..
As ever>JB

Received via Email 01-18-07  My name is Joe dirt and I am gona sue all ya dirty sob's for makin fun of my hair....the mullet is alive and well in the western part of Kentucky in all of three counties, Hell we even have a convention coming up soon at the Motel 6.....hope to see ya'll there. Brandy caint make it shes about to dump our ninth kid and weighs in at around 356lbs

Received via Email 01-19-07  Hey, 1/18. What about us?  We are going to be poor if we keep coming up short on our contracts!!

Received via Email 01-19-07  Hey shit stirrer, Sk is not in the class. He out of the state. Stop stirring shit. Yes I am in the class.
TEAM:  Thanks for the clarification.  We are less concerned about the one individual and more concerned about how the future's going to be met.

Received via Email 01-19-07  Well Mr. Admin boy.  I never said he was in the class.  I guess you do not know too much or are not that close to certain people or have access to cell call lists.  Go back to sucking up to whom ever.

Received via Email 01-20-07  And what a dark future, that 'more concerned individual' offers, editor.  The higher ups believe he represents SPFR so well - applicaints from all over the country will fly here in record numbers... (still waiting?>!)...  Is the honeymoon over?
FTP FTM!  Oh yeah stir the pot too!

Received via Email 01-21-07  Well! I guess you might as well kiss our contract, raises whatever goodbye, after our public support dropped drastically after the city's Nazis style tactics on friday.Moral is not getting better. You can thank those involved, Adolf Baker, Reinhard Harmon, Rudolf large, and Josef Feinberg and others involved in blocking the streets and supporting these tactics. How would those of you feel if someone would come over and destroy your property, how would you react? Hmm I would retaliate 10 fold, destroy your homes, eliminate the people that gave birth to you, and your siblings, then end with you! It's a real shame that this such a Mad World!

Received via Email 01-21-07  Hey 1/19/07 #3  Don't get mad because you got called out trying to stir the pot.  Just suck it up and admit that you suck!!

Received via Email 01-21-07  To quote a FDNY firefighter, "All I need to know about Muslim, I learned on September 11, 2001"

Received via Email 01-21-07  Received via Email 01-18-07.  As a former frequent rider of rescue 1 and rescue 5, a supporter of salvation army, Goodwill, and St. Vincent De Paul, I would like to  summarize my opinion on homeless issues:  Screw the poor.  Thank you-----------------Remember what you wrote here.  My friend what goes around goes around a--hole.


Received via Email 01-22-07  Is the guy that would respond to the destruction of his property "10 fold" by murdering someone's entire family really a  firefighter?  I hope that's not true. Or maybe he is just drunk.   THAT I would understand.  I said many an assinine thing  when I  was too young to handle my liquor.  And to answer his question about what I would do if someone destroyed my property; I  would be upset, but I work within the law to arrest and punish the culprit. 

However in regards to what happened at the hobo camp (let's call it what it is), those tents were not the property of the tenants  and they were pitched illegally on someone elses land.  The residents of tent city had no rights to anything there except for their  personal belongings. 

You can make those hobos out to be Mother Theresa all you want, but the reality is that most of them are just bums that are too  lazy to work and be a part of our society.  I have never knowingly done anything to hurt the poor, but I have no interest in helping  people that lack the initiative to help themselves.  I honestly don't care that much about healthy homeless people.  If they are  legitimately disabled and unable to produce some form of effort that benefits society, or if they are children, that is a different  story.  When I see a relatively fit looking person with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other holding a cardboard sign, I  don't feel sympathy--- I feel irritation.  I expect most people feel the same. 

I would not say "screw the poor," but I would suggest coming up with more constructive ways to help them help themselves.  If  that involves siezing their illegal tents to motivate them, so be it. Put them to work building their own homes.  Pay them to pick  up cigarette butts at street corners.  They can do SOMETHING to earn their keep.  I could give them money if they worked for it,  but I can't reward their laziness.  

Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to WORK repairing something on my legally PURCHASED home that my wife and I  both WORKED hard to purchase.  With enough EFFORT, anybody can do anything.

Hard At Work,

Received via Email 01-22-07  First 1/21...you hit the nail on the head. The only way we are going to get ahead as public safety professionals is to hit the entire city admin hard. By that I mean eliminate the smoke screen that Rick Baker and crew are dusting over the taxpayers in this city. He has them fleeced with booming real estate, parks, and medians with palm trees. Expose the truth of King Richard. 
TEAM:  You forgot one.  The great "Speed Bumps Instead of Police Officers" campaign.  They police the streets for less!  We're with you Meho!

Received via Email 01-22-07  Hey first 1/22 go fu** yourself.  This is not a secure site so anyone can write anything from anywhere. Hopefully the council is smarter than you and can figure that out.  L Ron Hubbard

Received via Email 01-22-07  You guys are crazy to take serious everything that everyone writes.  There are plenty of shit stirrers out there that post insane things just to get a rise out of someone, and apparently it works.

Received via Email 01-22-07  Dave is almost always right but he is mistaken about using the term Hobo City.  Everyone knows its supposed to be Urine City.

Received via Email 01-22-07  So what do you say we get together and give out about a hundred tents and get the media coverage for that? Oops, someone already did that..... Let's see, fighting fire, ems, cars seats, smoke detectors, public education and oh, yes... screwing over the homeless.  Is that a "green" drill?

Received via Email 01-22-07You're right.  Christians and Muslims are the same.  Oh, except that I haven't heard of too many Christians strapping a vest full of explosives on and heading down to the local market to kill as many people as possible.  Supposedly in the name of God.  Are you fu**ing kidding me you stupid pr**k.  Sure there are plenty of nutjobs in this country who may be Christian.  But to be as you say, so ignorant, to think that the majority of the Muslim people don't hate western culture and the U.S. in perticular, is exactly that!  If you don't like it, F**k off.  If you don't like it, leave.  If you don't like it, "Suck It"! I don't care that you say, your supposedly Christian.  And by the way, you do sound like an advocate for Muslims.  This country is at war.  At war with terrorists. What terrorists?  Mainly um, um, Muslim terrorists.  So quit bear hugging that tree you have your arms around, p*ssy.  It's obvious you're a lost cause anyway.  And by the way, you were taught to teach people with respect.  Well here's some respect.  Please (I'm asking with respect) take that honey and vinegar you spoke about.  Pour it over a barbed wire bat and stick it up your ass!

Thank you- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Received via Email 01-22-07  Im not a shit stirrer, I meant what I said about Muslims, regardless, I know all I need to know.


Received via Email 01-23-07  The raise is only a very small part.  The city/mayor needs to see the big picture.  Why is it they're  so blind? Were just like the homeless to the Mayor. I live in the city and yes I voted for the man. Please forgive me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TEAM:  "Why is it they're so blind?"  The Fifth Column

Received via Email 01-23-07  When the small group of us retiree's after '72 (but before the big drop) needed a raise, Mike Reilly and Joe Waller went to bat for us.  Not the the city council or mayor to get us a long deserved raise.  This Sat. I'll have breakfast with the Uruhoo's at the Sat morning market insted of Rick Baker.

Received via Email 01-23-07  Received via Email 01-22-07 I am the Devils Son

Received via Email 01-23-07  Dave was born wealthy and married into money, so no problems for him and his family..

Received via Email 01-23-07  Hard At Work,


George Bush's henchman

Received via Email 01-23-07  Dave portrays himself as a paragon of celestrial pulchritude, and a intellectual, but he is the biggest hypocrite. This is a man at the Webb city station where he and his partner would bounce the heads of drunks, and homeless people off of police cruisers. What a oustanding Citizen he is. Such a thespian a--hole.

Received via Email 01-23-07  I am an advocate of encouraging homeless people to earn their keep.  How is that so bad?  Everyone should participate in their own upkeep.  When I worked downtown, I helped a lot of homeless people.  I often went out of my way to find them shelter.  I was not known for my tolerance of their abuse,  but I don't recall bouncing them off of cruisers.  I don't see how that makes me a hypocrite. 

Also, I grew up in a family of 6 and the family income was a military pension that my father started when I was 10 years old.  I  was not raised in wealth.  My wife makes good money, but she works hard for it.  We have worked hard together to provide for our family.  I don't feel guilty about expecting everyone else to at least try to do the same. 

You can take personal shots at me for disagreeing with you if you want.    But if you can't sign your name after your insults you  are probably far too cowardly to be in a line of work where peoples lives rely on their faith in you.  Sometimes you wonder if the  person next to you has the guts to do what firefighter's are supposed to do.  It's disapointing to see that some of you aren't even  brave enough to sign your names after insulting someone who always considered himself your brother.

Grow a pair,

Dave Fraser

Received via Email 01-23-07  Received via Email 01-23-07   sign your names after insulting someone who always considered himself your brother.
Received via Email 01-23-07  Received via Email 01-22-07 I am the Devils Son

Received via Email 01-23-07  Dave "The residents of tent city had no rights to anything there except for their  personal belongings."  Once those tents were given to them, it became their personal property. Just like once you received a great deal of income and assets (from your marriage) it became yours ! If you look in the mirror, the only difference in you and homeless, is just that, you have a home and they don't.  Yes some should work harder, but their are some with mental medical problems that can't break the cycle of poverty.  Shame on you if you think you are any better than they are.  Some of them would give their last dime to help someone else that needed it.  Not all but some ! I usually enjoy reading your comments and think you are somewhat educated, but on this issue, you may need to consider learning more about this social problem rather than just spouting off your opinions.  You have the right to speak them, just as much as they have the right given them by the 5th amendment of the Constitution. We still like you Dave, but the attack on some of the unfortunate, strikes deep into the heart of those who really care about others ! And those who have ever worked for you, know you do really care !  

Received via Email 01-23-07  I think everyone should do their part to help the homeless.  I also feel the environment needs some serious attention.  To handle these two problems simultaneously, I propose that while you are driving back from a call, don't throw your empty beer cans in the back of the rescue, throw them out the window.  That way some bum can find them, take them to the local recycling station, where they can get a few pennies.  In turn this would help both issues.  Seriously though, get off Frasers a--.   Don't be mad at him because you married some fat, ugly, poor chick.  You had the same chance he did.  Remember, you can love a rich women just as easy as a poor one.  That, however, isn't even the point.  The point is that having money doesn't mean you don't have any problems.  These people made a choice to live as they do.  It wasn't just one bad decision that put them there.  If you're such an advocate for these people, when you get your retro check (if you get your retro check) just endorse it over to one of your brothers at urine city and stop taking shots at your supposed brothers in the union!

Received via Email 01-23-07  In response to the nameless 1/23 who is disappointed in me: sorry.  I appreciate the respectful nature of your comments, but I  continue to disagree.  If you are healthy enough to hold a cardboard sign and pitch a tent, you could probably be cleaning  something somewhere for a few bucks.  I agree that the tent's were personal property, but they were surrendered when they were  illegally pitched.  You can take your personally owned buck knife into an airport, but your rights to ownership will cease once you  try to board the plane.  It apparently works the same way for tents in St. Petersburg.  As for the fifth amendment reference, I  think you are confusing search and seizure laws with eminent domain.

As for your thought that the only difference between me and the homeless is my home, I have to disagree with that as well.  My  wife and I earned our home just like I assume you earned yours.  I have never asked anybody for anything that I was not willing to  work for.  Your theory will only come true when you see me holding a cardboard sign at Tyrone and 66.

I appreciate that you consider me somewhat educated.  Thats probably a good way to describe it.  I am a college drop-out that  was more interested in working for a living than I was in higher education.  I don't know what that says about me, but it's true.

I stand by what I say, but I don't even claim to be right.  It feels right to me, but I know it's just my opinion. That's why we have  more than one political party in this country, and originally, it's why we had more than one state.  Opinions differ.  You are  welcome to yours.  Who am I to say which one of us is right?

Still your friend,
Dave Fraser

Received via Email 01-23-07  "Major says she gave order to cut tents belonging to homeless"  That would be Major Melanie Bevan.  She's well thought of by the troops.  NOT!  http://www.tampabays10.com/printfullstory.aspx?storyid=47924

Received via Email 01-24-07  "Received via Email 01-22-07 You're right.  Christians and Muslims are the same.  Oh, except that I haven't heard of too many Christians strapping a vest full of explosives on and heading down to the local market to kill as many people as possible.  Supposedly in the name of God."

Your right?! Most extreme Christians  hide out in a building, or behind a car, and take shots at Doctors going into clinics, or threaten the life's of young women that find themselves' in a position that has lead them to the choice of abortion..OR these same Assholes, touch a women's clinic twice, and nearly take the life's of 5 firefighters in the name of god... Yeah we're more civilized...NOT.. Read your history books, the Christians murder in the name of god, the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, Jim Jones' Kool Aid party.. Those free of sin cast the first stone??

Received via Email 01-24-07   WOW!!! Hypocrite Nation- firefighters at their best!

Received via Email 01-24-07  Dave grew up in a middle class family where he was the oldest of three children. He was a junior in college studying engineering when he was hospitalized for the first time and diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. His family took care of him for years, but eventually his father died and his mother no longer had the ability to provide the support she had in younger years.

After Dave lost contact with his family, his condition deteriorated, and he has been hospitalized and incarcerated several times since then. During one stretch of stability, he lived in a single room for several years, paying his rent with disability benefits. But in the early 1990s, Dave was sent to prison after breaking the window of an appliance store and injuring a police officer. While in prison, Dave took medication every day and functioned relatively well, but when he left prison he had no way of getting his medicine. He’d also lost his disability benefits and his housing.

Today Dave is homeless. He sleeps in a park, eats out of garbage cans, panhandles and drinks malt liquor to help him cope with the voices he hears in his head. He does not see a psychiatrist; he has neither benefits nor insurance. Dave hears things other people do not. He hears agents from the FBI planning to capture him, kidnap him and hurt him. He often talks back to the voices he hears.

Most recently, Dave was arrested on a misdemeanor charge. After sitting in jail for 21 days due to an inability to post bond, Dave is offered the opportunity to plead no contest and receives a sentence of community service. His public defender advises Dave that this offer is a good deal and he should take it. Dave pulls himself together enough to get through the procedure of pleading guilty. His overtaxed public defender tells him where and when to go for the community service and, as an afterthought, suggests that Sam see a doctor and get some medicine.

Dave agreed to everything and walked out of the courtroom barefoot. He still had no benefits or insurance or any idea where he might find a doctor, if he wanted one. He lost the piece of paper with the information about community service almost immediately, and went back to the park where he usually sleeps. He did not show up for community service. Three weeks later, Dave was found sleeping in the entrance foyer of a building on a cold night. He is arrested for trespassing and is sent back to jail, this time in deeper trouble for also not having performed his required community service.

Received via Email 01-24-07  The Department of Children and Families' most recent Florida Annual Report on Homeless Conditions in Florida 2006 estimates that approximately 85,907 persons are homeless in Florida on any given day. According to the same report, “based upon the continuum of care plans filed with the Department in 2005, there were a total of 59,372 persons who were homeless, of which 27,265 persons were sheltered in emergency or transitional housing. This left forty-six (46) percent without shelter services. The existing housing supply to serve the homeless (emergency, transitional, permanent) totals 31,840 beds, enough to serve fifty-four (54) percent of the homeless.

While these numbers indicate an urgent need for additional resources to address the needs of homeless people, many citizens, including community and state leaders, continue to be unaware of the severity of our homelessness problem. Thus, initiatives that could effectively address homelessness do not receive the attention and the funding they deserve.

The Florida Coalition for the Homeless (FCH) strives to make homelessness one of the state’s priorities. We accomplish this through:

      Providing education on homelessness issues;

      Advocating for initiatives that help homeless people and against laws and ordinances that may harm them;

      Networking with advocates throughout Florida on federal, state and local issues;

   Promoting unification, involvement and leadership of local coalitions, service providers, homeless people, religious leaders, units of government and others in the development and implementation of a statewide agenda.

Received via Email 01-24-07  Hey, dork, Jim Jones was not a Christian, the Crusades were an attempt to protect the Jews and Jerusalem from Muslims. The Spanish inquisition was seriously screwed up along with the abortion clinic bombings, I'll agree to that, but let me ask you this, if Christians and Muslims are the same. why would Christians tolerate a mosque here, but Muslims would go apeshit if there was a Christian church started there?- I'd also like to point out that Mr. Fraser, in his right wing stance, clearly respects and realizes that ther will be other opinions, unfortunately, Libs only see their side of the story, and feel that only they have the right answers, anyone else's opinion doesn't matter to them, if you disagree with a Lib, you just don't know what's good for you, just give up your rights and let the Libs do all the thinking for you. Crocodile Dundee (from Australia, where we banned firearms and home invasions went up 85%, but at least we feel safer)
Editor:  Yeah, I know... you all thought that "I" wrote the stuff above.

Received via Email 01-24-07  [Quote] "Your right?! Most extreme Christians hide out in a building, or behind a car, and take shots at Doctors going into clinics, or threaten the life's of young women that find themselves' in a position that has lead them to the choice of abortion..OR these same Assholes, touch a women's clinic twice, and nearly take the life's of 5 firefighters in the name of god... Yeah we're more civilized...NOT.. Read your history books, the Christians murder in the name of god, the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, Jim Jones' Kool Aid party.. Those free of sin cast the first stone??"

Ahh yes, when someone wants to bash Christians, they always use the old "crusades" argument. How long ago was that? Has anything happened recently? No, that's because a TRUE Christian follows the Bible's commands the best he absolutly can. That is the meaning of being a TRUE Christian! The unfortunate events that happened in the past, and the very isolated, recent events, are not examples of TRUE Christianity. Their actions are INCONSISTANT with what the Bible teaches. Remember the parable "you can tell a tree by it's fruit"? The Koran on the other hand is a whole different story. I'm not here to bash anyone's religion, but if you study the Koran carefully, you will see it's messege is much different regarding this subject. So please don't compare Christianity with Islam. And by the way, that's God with a capital G my friend!!

Received via Email 01-24-07  You guys are a bunch of turds! I can't believe the f***ing attacks on us. You f**ed up people should put down the Auto-Traders, stop shooting the shit about how Training is out to get us and educate yourselves. If not in fire-related subjects then enroll in a community college level course or something that will propel you from the depths of ignorance. I mean really, some of you sound like you're not even bright enough to tie your own f***ing shoes. As for NFPA 1403, PAY ATTENTION to the industry you work in. This is old news and has been talked about for over a year. As Earl Pitts has been saying for years, "Wake Up, America!"

Received via Email 01-24-07  So let me get this straight, they think that their way is the only way, and that they are always right no matter what. They don't care who has to pay for their way of thinking, and what it costs in loss of rights, or personal liberties, or for that matter in lives. If you don't agree with them then you must be scum of the earth. The question I have is, are we talking about Muslims or Liberals?

-Sgt Rock, First Presbyterian Church of Fallujah, Iraq

Received via Email 01-24-07  I thought that story about Dave the schizophrenic was kind of sad until the happy ending where he ends up in the slammer.  Thanks  for the pick me up.
Please Stop The Voices,

Received via Email 01-24-07  Holy Sh-T did I awake a sleeping guilt ridden bible beater or what! Last time I heard, that in middle east, there were mosque, and christian church in the same quadrant of the holy land! During the Crucades, who ask then to come and protect then from the natives of the area? Lets defeat all those  heathaens, that believeth not in Christ~!As for if God cares if its a upper case G, or lower, g..I am pretty sure he will do the liberal thing and smile...Why don't you anal retentives get over the fact your a bunch of lame duck followers, and realize that Nancy Pilosi is the future of the country! Hail Madam Speaker!!

Received via Email 01-24-07   Oh yeah, the Jim Jones reference was in responce to all the recent attention it has gotten here! He was probably a Moonie...

Received via Email 01-24-07  If we are supposed to forget the crusades because it happened so long ago, then how come we cant forget the terrible behavior instilled on the blacks hundreds of years ago, or even decades ago to be fair? Todays blacks screaming the same shit from decades ago is why people feel the way they do about them, they are tired of hearing old shit. Move on, not one black kid today doesnt have the same chances as the white or any other ethenic kids, some just choose to take the easy way out. I am not a rascist or bigot, I am asking a simple question for comparison purposes only.

Received via Email 01-24-07  Do you know what you get when you take the explosive vest off a muslim extremist?   A liberal PETA member looking for his  explosive vest.

Received via Email 01-25-07  Pelosi is a typical San Francisco God hater who's own daughter just finished a documentary that looks at evangelicals like they are space aliens.  Can't you lefties just leave people who believe in God alone and find one decent moral leader?

Received via Email 01-25-07  For every right wing nut that shoots an abortion doctor you will find dozens of environmental kooks that will burn down someones home in the name of environmentalism.  Or throw blood on someones mink coat.  Or chain theirself to a tree.  Or shout out a  conservative speaker exercising free speech.  Or sue to remove "under God" from the pledge.  Or sue to remove prayer from school. Or blow their dogs in front of school children. 

Sister B.
ps...  I'm not sure about the last one, but the rest are pretty acurate.

Received via Email 01-25-07  I think Jim Jones started out as a Christian preacher, then got a little derailed along the way.
TEAM: Either that or he started out a little derailed and became a preacher.  Later, he came off the tracks!

Received via Email 01-25-07  Christians are quick to condemn evil actions taken by wayward Christians.  Where is the outrage of the Muslims that don't know how  to build a vest packed with explosives? 

TEAM:  Nah... We're not going to post that one!

Received via Email 01-25-07   I'm ambidextrous, and I believe in God!

Received via Email 01-25-07  Does ambidextrous mean you have a mangina and a *enis?

Received via Email 01-25-07  I am addicted to this ignorance, but how about changing the name to, "US VS THEM, So easy a homeless person can use it."  Sorry GEICO.

Received via Email 01-25-07  Left versus right, Cristian versus Muslim, whatever.  If everyone wants to debate politics or religion that's great.  These debates have been going on forever and will continue on forever more.  However, if someone on this site is ignorant enough to bring race into the equation you better rethink your opinion regardless of the intent.  Arguing about religion is one thing, we all choose to practice a particular faith and thank (insert your higher power's name here) we have that choice. The race you are born is predetermined. Its non-negotiable and cant be changed, unless your name is Michael Jackson.  For someone to even bring this topic up or think they know what a brother or sister of another race is feeling, or rather, should feel is IDIOTIC!

Received via Email 01-25-07  Whats the matter editor?  Already taking away freedom of speech in here?
TEAM:  You must be making reference to the missing post from about 5 slots above.  You would be incorrect, though.  There is no freedom of speech here.  I am an oligarch. 

Received via Email 01-26-07  Generally, people do not choose their religion.  They are born into a faith and they usually stay there. Some people convert when they marry or feel the need to conform for some other reason. But most everyone stays where they were born religion-wise.   What I find interesting is how people choose their race-- in particular products of half white half black relationships.   How can  anyone with a 50% purity of a given race claim to be a champion of a particular people?  How is Halle Berry the first black actress to win best actress if she is half white?  Who should get "credit" for this win, if it is a contest between races?  It happens in all  fields and occupations.  It is time to truly become color blind and stop this "first black" mentality. No more Miss Black America.  No more Black Entertainment Network. No more KKK. No more all black or all white or all yellow anything.  Nobody cares that  there are two black coaches in the Superbowl this year.  People are paying to see the players.  Let's stop patting ourselves on the  back for leading people that don't need their own leaders.  People from India and most of Asia are doing fine in this country without their own versions of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.  It's not a competition.  It's a melting pot society.  Get over yourself  and join the rest of us. 

Vanessa Williams

Received via Email 01-26-07  Enough of the religion bullsh-t...Let's get the attention back onto Fraser, that was fun.

Received via Email 01-26-07  Mike Hunt likes Vanessa!

Received via Email 01-26-07  Isaw on the news the homeless are filing a lawsuit against the city and they cited the Fire Marshall as the one who gave the ok on the side of the Fire Dept.  Little do they know.  I hope RF gets fired and has to work at burger king.  He will love that there, that way he can drink all day and eat all day.  Just like his fat kid whom is a disgrace to the FD.  Can he even pass the agility test?  How come the agility test is not mandatory for the Whole dept every year.  Just like Tampa PD.  Maybe GL would have another attack and have to quit and we will get a real Training Chief.
TEAM:  Damn!  I'd hate to be your enemy.

Received via Email 01-26-07  It's so nice to see people with the balls to sign their names to the thoughts that they convey, my thanks goes out to Bill Clinton, Reverend's Sharpton and Jackson, Chief Mike Hunt of Urine City, and expecially Vanessa Williams (shes hot and how lucky she is to have both Blacks and Whites love her so much).

Keep he faith,
Dick Gasenia

It's great isn't it. 

Received via Email 01-26-07  Mike Hunt likes Dick, too!

Received via Email 01-26-07  In regards to Leslie's attacks in here on Feinberg... please let me say that Ms. Curran - we have asked you not to come back here.

Received via Email 01-26-07  1-26-04 #4
A disgrace? Now I've done some things on this job where I didn't make the best choices. I don't think a disgrace is the choice of words I would use.  But who is perfect? Is it you? Can't be, you're to much of a coward to stand for what you believe in and sign your name. If you have a problem with me, why don't you give me a call and we can discuss it like gentlemen. You know where I'm at (1A, if you don't). The number is probably located by any of the phones at the station. As for the physical agility test, sign me up when you call me. You could pick the day and I would be glad to due it for you. Until then, stay safe!

I still love ya,
Buddy Feinberg
p.s. I'll be waiting for the phone call
TEAM:  Good for you, Buddy.  You hit that head-on!

Received via Email 01-26-07  Why is that elephant at the bottom of this page pissing crude oil?
TEAM:  Elephant?

Received via Email 01-26-07  Why are we slamming RF's son?  Just because his dad is a dick, lets get back to the a**hole city council and the 2 faced council members that say they are on our side then stick a rod up our butts.

Received via Email 01-26-07  Damn....Did we forget about slamming on Fraser...shheshh

Received via Email 01-26-07  Hey, how about renaming the site this: "usvsthem.homestead.com.  So easy a coward who slams his fellow firefighters can use it!!!"  Buddy, dont waste your time on that idiot.

Received via Email 01-26-07  Holy shit.  That elephant down there really is pissing oil.

Received via Email 01-26-07  I can't think of a single bad thing to say about Fraser, so I'll just have to keep cracking on libs.
-Ibe'en Farteen (First Baptist Church of Islamabad)

Received via Email 01-26-07  I like Nancy Pelosi- Dave,
somewhere in jail (formerly of urine city)

Received via Email 01-27-07  I have been looking all over for this website.  But I kept going to "UsVsEachOther.com"   Good to be here.

My Balsa Eetchin

Received via Email 01-28-07  He's either pissing oil or he has a long schtoofengroover.
-Adolf Hitler (somehwere in south america)

Received via Email 01-29-07  Did anyone hear the rumor that the department's paramedic teacher failed his whole class?? Looks like we are really trying hard to get more paramedics here in St. Pete.

Received via Email 01-29-07  If that is his schtoofengroover that appears to be longer than he is tall, it explains why it is black.
Mai Whyt Deeque Naht Laung Atahl
Little Weiner, Colorado

Received via Email 01-29-07  Hey first 1/29 if they failed they failed whats the point? We do not want retards working the streets even though that is all that is applying. It seems to be the blue shirt paramedic teacher, not the white shirt who has failed them. Stop stirring the pot or did they pass you through your tests you a**hole.

Received via Email 01-29-07  When a teacher fails an entire class, it's the teacher that is a failure.
Aye Knowa Laught
Piratesburg, Maine
TEAM:  That's not what the guy above you said!

Received via Email 01-29-07  Third 1/29, I agree with the 4th 1/29, if an entire class fails, there is usually a problem with the teacher.  These are already State certified FFs/EMTs not a bunch of freakin retards as you mention.  Something smells fishy here if all failed.  And for your info, the white shirt is in charge of the blue shirt.  Maybe you better get educated on how things work.  You appear a little slow and unlearned calling someone an a--hole, who is in fact right on.

Received via Email 01-29-07  Arrggg, Im asleep till I gets me coffee ! I'm bored with the SK stories...

Received via Email 01-29-07  Man -o- man... this guy from DC shure does like to talk about us.  What did we ever do to deserve all the attention?  http://www.thewatchdesk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26984

Received via Email 01-30-07  To the 5th 1/29  just because they are ff emts does not mean they arent retards. I can name you a couple. These individuals might have thought this class was a sure thing are finding out it is not that easy. Hell one of our four has missed class due to a trt class so how can it be the instructors fault that the retard failed. Priorities my man, Priorities.  Stop hating Start Participating Twinkle Twinkle
  Joe Leezy

Received via Email 01-30-07  maybe its our attitute toward fellow firefighters? maybe its our constant crying about something very few will offer any help to get fixed? maybe its the way he was treated here? word travels fast in this community we are all part of, and the word is now out we are a bunch of whiners, non-friendly brothers of the same fraternity. The guys who read these sites will remember only the department name when one of us goes a calling for a friendly tour of their house when in their neighborhood, and the repsonse may not be as welcoming if they have read about our hospitality towards one of thiers. Something to think about dont ya think?

Received via Email 01-30-07  Dave where are you, you Dudley DoRight look alike?

Received via Email 01-30-07  The guys form SPF&R are salty, they are ready to eat their own guts and ask for seconds. That's what years of abuse from the city will do to firefighter combat soldiers.

Received via Email 01-30-07  You're right it had to be the blue shirt that failed all the wanna be PM's . SKRed was most likely drunk, and out at the local titty bar getting his pathetic peepee rubbed, while tipping with the wanna be's hard earned under paid $$'s! Ya think?

Received via Email 01-30-07  Here is some bullshit, edwards and livingston  "dumb and dumber" doing staff inspections. They were at my station today and oh boy.   These inspections are so meaningful with them doing it.

Received via Email 01-30-07   The 4 guys that stepped up to the plate to help out this CITY that isn't helping us out - are not a bunch of retards!!!!  The teacher sounds like he is a show off and wants to make tests hard....  Wake up buddy we can't retain medics so let's get our guys through this class .................

Received via Email 01-30-07  So let me get this right... 2 medics left and more want to leave and our own guy from 5-C is tryng to fail out the whole class?? IF I WAS RB,IV,MG,LS  I would drop out beacuase JW is a asshole!

Last 1-29.  This guy's obviously Mr. Nosey.  He's everywhere!  He talks about the lack of Brotherhood.  Take a look around the DC chatroom and tell me where the biggest assholes are.  Dude... we all look like assholes to someone else and never to ourselves.  Get over yourself.  You're just another jake!

Received via Email 01-31-07  RE:  http://www.thewatchdesk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26984
I'm hot!  I just took a look at the link and wonder if this guy knows how full of himself he is. 
He makes statements like:  "i couldnt agree with you more. Its only a few who are the ones with no education of what the job is all about, but unfortunately for SPFR, its the loud and minority that speak for the quiet and majority."  What's that mean?  I remember you talking some trash a few months back about rats in your stations and that your chief steals from you, etc., etc.  You even went so far as to say something like "we don't even care so long as we get to ride the trucks."  Pal, you're not a firefighter, you're a slave with a uniform!

"I have three friends on that department, have been friends for twenty two ones years now, and believe me when i say this, my opinion of a few there is felt throughout the job. The ones making the nosie on that site are the ones that are destroying that departments reputation."  Reputation?  Reputation don't pay the rent.  Ask your three friends here on the job if our troubles are due to our "reputation."  Better yet, ask your three friends if they've got mouth's.

"I also will agree with you that anyone can say anything there, but the ones with the rudeness and cry baby attitudes, they are on the job, they wouldnt have the information they do if the werent."  Gawd, if I could only be as great a guy as the guy you see in the mirror.  If I could only live up to your expectations.  EAT A BAG OF YOURSELF!  Who cares what you think?  You stick your nose in everyone elses bidness and when they tell you to mind your own bidness you immediately shift the story to how rude we are for telling a busybody to buzz off!  I guess your three friends couldn't help themselves so they call on the services of a master negotiator like yourself.  Hell, if you get the chance, tell all your brothers on your little chat area up there in the DC, that we've met you and think you're a BAG OF USELESS WIND!  I betcha won't!  Cuz if you do, they'll all come down here to our little corner of the world and agree with our opinion of you. 

You really wanna help us.  Call the city of St. Petersburg and tell them that our troubles don't lie in everyone's perception of our "reputation" but rather in the fact that our pay and benefits package isn't keeping up with that of folks who surround us in all directions!  I would guess that's something you'd know about, being as your pay sucks too as compared to cities of similar size!

As to us being anti-social... I guarantee you that if someone started shit with you at a bar, we'd all have your back, but don't think that because you're a firefighter working in the asshole of the northeast that we've got to take "your" shit!

TEAM:  Okay... hmmmm, well... ahhhh, yeah... well...  I 'was' going to weigh in here after someone posted the link originally, but I guess I really don't need to defend our position.  Our pay, benefits and pension plan suffer, but there's no lack of spirit amongst us.

Received via Email 01-31-07  JW is not a A**hole he has just had one in his A**.

Received via Email 01-31-07  I do not think those guys are stepping up to help the city you dumba**. They are stepping up for themselves and take the medic certification to a different department.

Received via Email 01-31-07  Is that JW statement for the ops chief or the 5-c guy?
Mi deek es haud

Received via Email 01-31-07  booo hooooo..........crying towels now being served up !

Received via Email 01-31-07  Look, if you guys want to blame the teacher you have a lot more problems than passing a test. Being a paramedic isn't a God given right. School (even medic school) isn't that easy and requires thought and effort.  Effort is not defined as staying on this web site all day and bitching.  That is what you get to do when you become a medic.  You should go to medic school because you like that aspect of the job.  If you think that "big raise" is going to be worth it you are also mistaken.  The difference is not even close to what it may appear.  As a medic I think its great that people are in school and want to be one, I truly wish you the best, but if you do it for the wrong reasons you will be sorry.  The truth is that SPFR is not a medic friendly department and maybe failing out of school while making all of that overtime is the smart thing to do. Guys, think about what you are getting yourself into.

        Some guy that hasn't had an engine shift in 8 months.  A guy who also thinks it would be cool to work with my medic partner every once in a while.

Received via Email 01-31-07  I didn't know the Tea Party was in D/C, I thought it was in Boston ?

Received via Email 2-01-07  Hey cry baby, have you ask for an engine shift? If so then your officer is an a**hole for not making it happen.

Received via Email 2-01-07  I think what everyone needs to understand about this current crop of folks going through medic school, is the fact that they've not been failed out of the class, but rather they've failed an A&P test.  They were told to study one thing and then tested on another.  How many of you have fallen into that crack?  The HCC Fire Academy is famous for their "don't give a shit" attitude towards students.  I know.  You're told to study one thing for a test and another guys shows up to give you a test and it doesn't reflect (at all) what the other guy wanted you to study.  Part tme teachers... you've got to love them. 

These guys aren't screwing off.  They just want to be treated a bit more fairly.  What they've apparently been told is, "I want to make you guys the best medic graduates to come out of this class!"  I think Dr. Frankenstein a had similar idea for "his" creation, too.  That turned out okay, I guess.

Received via Email 2-01-07  Thats true.  That whole Frankenstein thing turned out great.

Received via Email 2-01-07  To the retard that made the first comment on 2/1/01.  Perhaps you should have moved your boyfriends balls from in front of your eyes and read my entire post.  If I dont work with another medic how am I supposed to get on the engine.  Contrary to what you may think DC's dont move people to do that.  Department policy even covers this by saying we get an engine shift "when possible".  So the DC's simply say "it's  not possible". Actually, I have a great idea, instead of asking me idiotic questions like if I asked for an engine shift, you could go to medic school and come to my station to get me a shift on the engine.  That way I can get a break, and you could get a lesson on what life is like as a srtaight man. Good luck in school honey...  

Received via Email 2-01-07  To the 1st (2-01-07) your not so bright are you? open your eye's every now and then and see what's really going on.

Received via Email 2-01-07  This web site kicks butt compared to DC's.

Received via Email 2-02-07  yeah, you guys talk about bullshit like medical locals and who dont like thechief, andours dicusses FIRES !!!

Received via Email 2-02-07  http://dcfd.com/

Received via Email 2-02-07  I guess I've come to the right place, (Bulls**t forum) to make my next comment - Dare I ask? What happened at the 2/1/07 council meeting regarding our one year raise deal?
TEAM:  Oh... you ask that on "their" bullshit page.  http://www.stpete.org

Received via Email 2-02-07  You medics are a bunch of touchy pr**ks.   No medic school for me.   I like getting pay the amount I do for the work I do.

Received via Email 2-02-07  Ref 2/02/07 yeah it gets pretty slow around here during hurricane season too.  Oops, I gotta run halfway across the state to a tornado that wiped out a couple of communities.  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16940788/   Just some of the "bullshit" we do around here.

Received via Email 2-02-07  2/02 #3 What meeting was that? I didnt know they had one. Do you know something the rest of us don't?

Received via Email 2-03-07  I hear chief GL didn't even know if CW was a medic or an EMT. Way to know your people, chief! Maybe his office window doesn't face that 20 calls-a-shift red boxy thing marked with "R5".

Received via Email 2-03-07  The city doesn't care about us. No matter what rank or how important you think you are, we are all replaceable. I don't care if you're Todd the God, MM or even JW. There will always someone waiting to take your place. Always watch your back. FTM

Received via Email 2-04-07  Ohhh great. A bunch of damn stupid ass medics in the city, just because you can't get people to stay. I guess I will have to move to another city to make sure that my family is safe. Or maybe I'll just tell them to give me the bags and stand outside. Maybe they can help Sunstar with the stretcher.

Received via Email 2-04-07  GL had no idea who CW was.  He had to ask the station captain who CW was.  Makes you feel loved, doesn't it? 

Received via Email 2-04-07  Is that peanut or plain MM ? I like plain myself.

Received via Email 2-04-07  Why doesnt he try to stop KF from leaving 13.  He probably doesnt know who  blank blank that person is either.  How come he is still a chief and having knee surgery.   I would have been forced to leave by now.  Lets see.   Heart attack. Knee problems.  But wait.   Can you fix being retarded?  I hope he did not pro-create.

Received via Email 2-04-07  http://www.thewatchdesk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26984 "Faggo" said:  "To the brothers of the St Petersburg Fire dept, I want to clarify that i do not think the entire dept is a disgrace, only the ones that are on the "usvsthem" site crying for two years now about the same exact thing over and over. Its painfully obvious that a few do the work of many there for the cause, yet so many bitch and make your entire dept look bad."

I honestly apologize that we here in little St. Petersburg have spent the past 2 years crying about stuff that you're so involved in.  I know that we can't all work for the DCFD or even talk so reverently about about the place where we live (oh that's right - you don't live there, you just work there).  Now get on the phone with your three buddies who work here and figure out how we can make a better impression throughout the rest of the world, cuz that's obviously what really matters when we're fighting for a new contract. 

"Its painfully obvious that a few do the work of many there for the cause, yet so many bitch and make your entire dept look bad."

What's painfully obvious to "me" is that if everyone isn't in lockstep with "your" way of thinking, their comments are deemed to be less valid than yours.  If the rest of your fire department is of a similar mindset, tell us what bottled water you're all drinking, cuz we don't want any.  We like our independence and having a place to display it.  Question- did you arrive at school with your lunch much of the time?

Now eat shit and die, DC busy body!

Mike Hunt
TEAM:  Okay, so what you're really saying is, this guy's not your favorite?

Received via Email 2-05-07  WHICH BROTHERS ? THE 3RD 02/04

Received via Email 2-05-07  babys babys babys when is the last time you had to changed 2 and 1/2 wet( several times a night) and hang it to dry then load 1000 feet of 2 and 1/2  had calls back to back / bunch of pu**ys . then go fight a brush fire. YOU SICKEN ME ! YOU BUNCH OF PETHECIC CRY BABYS ( EXCUSE THE SPELLING I WENT TO ECKERD)

Received via Email 2-05-07  Lets see, I dont think I have replaced wet hose on our apparatus since the mid 80's, over even had to stay up in the middle of he night to replenious the bed. Why? At least this Dept when with the "High-tech" synthetic hose back then. It was a tremendous cost savings. That of course is the only reason. No more 2for 1 on the hose rack, no more hose towers at the new buildings either. Lets see 7,8,9,& 11 are the only ones left with one. If your bragging that your dept is still this far behind the times, I dont know if I would contiue to do so.

Received via Email 2-05-07  The last time I had to change wet hose, my dept had sufficient amounts of extra dry hose so that if it was after 5pm you didnt have to hang it. We left it for the oncoming shift. Yeah I know it sucked to come into work a see a pile of hose by the back door, but that was the way it was. I know that there is probably better than 50% of our current employees who know nothing about what you are referring to since we have gone to the plastic stuff more than 20 years ago. We have 13/4 2/12 and 5" in the new miracle stuff. You might want to have someone in your forward thinking dept to look at a recent catalog or Fire house or fire engineering magazine to see what I am referring too. Good luck.

Received via Email 2-05-07  I am not the same man from Washington DC,but I am a fireman with 14 years on there as well. I will tell you this, the man you are arguing with his highly respected by his men, and throughout the job. Just over a week or so ago, he shared your site with a few of us. He was bothered that his words have caused anger within his friends department, "he has a lot of respect" was his words for the St Petersburg Fire Dept. He has spoken about the days when he lived there many times, and I can attest they were 100% positive. The general consenus among all of us, even the Sarge, was we could understand what its like to work with a shitty contract, we have had a few, even went without one a long time. The job we do is extremely taxing, but the one thing one must realize is, a site like yours, where even your own members(firemen) are fighting with each other will help no one. The bosses will use this site against you big time. A case in history, in New York City, they actually fired a police officer for running a site such as yours, and it was upheld in the courts. This officer had twenty plus on the job, and he was fired. I will not say you shouldnt be upset with our sergeant, he is very vocal at times, but he loves the job, the comradierie of it, and he genuinely loves people. I have worked under this man for two years now, and before that,I was assigned to the same house he was, and he never once showed any disrespect to a firemen, ours or a visitor. I have seen him pay out of his own pocket the cost of the meal for visitors and for the entire company on more than one occasion. Believe him and me when he says you would never be treated unkindly if you visited our house.

The reasons I decided to actually post here and defend him is as follows, 1) the brotherhood, i always will have my officers back, so the insults at him and my dept, I take personal, as you should for yours. 2) i know how tempers can fly when someone gives un-solicited opinions about something they are not involved in. He was wrong, but I am sure he had good intentons at first.

Our departments are 100% different in many ways. We go by manning requirments, yours apparently goes by some other set of rules. We run building fires, you run brush fires. We run hundreds of thousands of medicals and we all hate them, you guys run a lot as well, and you guys like it. We are different, and thats ok. I personally could not get excited over big brush fires. But thats cool, we all live in differnt worlds, and that is another thing that makes us all unique. As for busting his balls about not living in the city where he works, we cant afford to, the housing prices are for the ones runing this country, not the lowly fireman just trying to make a decent living. I dont live tehre either  and I can hold my head high when i say that.

Are we a better dept than yours? Yes, at some things, but I personally guarantee you guys fight a better brush fire than we do. Do we run more fires than you, yes, but thats not always a good thing. Every fire is just one more chance of one of us dying, and I have seen three men killed LODD in my time on, and thats three to many. I am sorry to come on your site, and give un-solicied opinions as well, but in the name of brotherhood, I had to defend my dept and my boss. I hope you guys can forgive and become friendly, he has a vast knowledge of the job, and is more than willing to share it with anyone willing to learn, and he is always willing to learn as well. We are in one of the busiest companies in our city, and the man is calm, cool and very collective. Please be safe in your daily duties, no building fire, brush fire or any other event is worth dying over. When in town, please stop by, the coffee is on my sergeant! (LOL)

Received via Email 2-05-07  2nd 2/5. Actually, I do remember hanging and reloading hose, just to do it over again. From history I also know that horses used to pull fire apparatus. Progress? Whats that?

Received via Email 2-05-07  I'm with you 2nd 2/05. The new breed don't know about 2 or 3 working fires a shift in the gas plant area every night plus having to hang hose. Most of the drivers now complain about having to take 20 minutes cleaning and checking the truck. Back when firefighters were men and not cry babies, we had to clean the truck after every time we went out and we took pride in the trucks. Now all they do is cry when the other shift leave them a dirty truck.

Received via Email 2-05-07  2nd 2/4 "GL had no idea who CW was.  He had to ask the station captain who CW was."  Why is that so suprising? He is so far out of touch with the men and women in the field and has been for so long, how would he know who anyone is. 

Received via Email 2-05-07  Ref 02/05/07 #2, Hey old timer, when was the last time you ran 22 EMS calls in 24 hours dealing with Hep "C" , AIDS, and misc other communicable diseases?  Give me the cotton hose any day.

Received via Email 2-06-07  "Brush fires", am I missing something?
TEAM:  In the most densly populated county in the state of Florida -- more brush?

Received via Email 2-06-07  Hey old timers, I respect your time in the fire service, and it would be a novel idea if you repected ours. The "We used to walk uphill both ways in snow to school" stories don't help anyone to progress. Hell, the old guys before you probably called you whiny cry babies because you used motorized engines and pumps instead of horses and manual labor.

Speaking of old timers, when is GL's drop over? Besides not soon enough, of course.

Received via Email 2-06-07  I was running 20+ calls on the rescue when you were just a drip off the end of your dads ***is and we weren't getting extra money for it.  So take the extra money and stop whining new breed.

Received via Email 2-06-07  To the "other guy from DC": I have no problem with you defending your dept. and cowokers, I have done the same on here against "the Sarge" when he was wrong. However, who gave you the idea that we frequently fight brush fires? I can't remember the last time there has been one of any significance. Do some research on our department. We are in a tighly packed urban area and have the same type of calls you do, just on a smaller scale of the cities' size. In the recent past I have been to three working structure fires in the same shift. We wear full bunker gear in 90 degree heat with 100% humidity during the endless summers. I have often run EMS calls in the teens to low 20's per shift. We have a team of highly specialized search and rescue personnel that respond away from their families and help those in need after natural disasters. We have many high speed busy roads with frequent horrible accidents. Recently a distraught patient shot himself in the head a couple feet away from an ALS engine crew with no warning. We do all this with three on an engine, many times two but sometimes three on a ladder truck, two on rescues, and a one man squad. We also have an new fully equipped "heavy rescue" that sits in a fire station unstaffed. I hear you work 24/72s? We work 24/48, are the biggest and busiest dept. in the county, and our city could give two sh*ts about us unless there is a photo op. DO NOT take this as bitching, I am only trying to give you a picture of what happens down here in our little one horse town.

Good day, be safe.

Received via Email 2-06-07  I don't think I could work for a city populated by people that willingly re-elected Marion Berry. I mean, your future as a  professional is in the hands of a bunch of people that knowingly gave a crackhead the job of leading their welfare asses into the  future. 

DC is a beautiful city populated by a few of the nations best and brightest, along with a large number of its dregs.  At least the  douche bag that runs St. Pete has never done time. I think.  You guys have more fires?  Sure, we all like putting out fires but  bragging about a large number of of incidents that leave people homeless or jobless is sort of cruel.  I guess if we were cops you  would be bragging about being able to shoot more people than we do.   Have at it, DC.  Go ahead and work harder for less money, more power to you.  You might get your nut when you see the big  yellow flames, but when it's all said and done we are all just working jobs to feed our families. Please forgive  us for getting  worked up about the issues that affect how we here in Florida do that.  You like throwing water on peoples homes as they  experience one of the lowest points of their lives, we like keeping a roof over the head of our children.  Different strokes.  Just  because our prevention division is doing a better job of keeping our suppression personnel safe, that doesn't mean we can't  figure out how to put the wet stuff on the red stuff.  It ain't rocket surgery.  And as for your distaste of EMS calls: Suck it up.   Obviously you would rather see people burned out of their homes, but there is some satisfaction to be found in helping people who's lives are being altered dramatically in ways other than incineration of private property. 

You are still more than welcome to visit us any time here in sunny St. Pete.  We will even honor your preference for having your  boss pay for the coffee.  Bring his money.

Received via Email 2-06-07  Rocket surgery---lol.

Received via Email 2-07-07  No one is bragging about enjoying peoples misery,no one is actually bragging about going to more fires, be it structural, or brush. I read what my chaufffer had to say, and I have to say, it made me feel real proud. I have to clarify something, the notion of you guys going to brush fires is my fault, I stated you guys go to some "wicked" brush fires, brush like i have never witnessed until living there. I can honestly say, we agree with the poster of 2/6 message about the people re-electing crack head Barry to mayor a few years ago, no one can argue that one. When a large portion of the city was on crack, and you have one of your own running for office, well thats who gets the votes, simple politics. I think my comments have being taken out of context a few times, and I am probably to blame for that, I do come off cometimes as a hardass, but like was said about me, i have all the respect in the world for people in general, but more so for the fire community,ems and even the cops., they are not my cup o' tea, but its a needed service. e do suck it up, do our job, complain about it out of the nature of the business, and then we take up. Im not sure where the comment about the prevention divison keeping the supression division safer is coming from, the men we lost all died in horrible conditions, nothing any divsion could have prevented, its just the way the job goes sometimes. I will be coming to St Pete again in time, the coffee is on me for sure as stated, hell I will even buy the meal for the tour. Just keep the flying and sharp objects away from me. much respect to all, even my haters, its cool.

Received via Email 2-07-07  Aw crap, he won me over.  I liked the DC guy better when I didn't like him. Meet you at the coffee pot, DC.

Received via Email 2-07-07  Can we please get a contract so I can retire and go to Washington DC and jerk off in front of fires like those guys do please?

Received via Email 2-07-07  Ok, so we all agree that DC is cool once again.  Now who do we get to pick on?

Received via Email 2-08-07  Jerk off in front of fires?? That would be the EMS guys, the firemen are inside working, the ems guys are the ones who couldnt pass the test.

Received via Email 2-08-07  I was thinking about comming to work as paramedic with you guys.......wow. I think I'd just assume twist my balls in a vise.
TEAM:  Okay - so you're saying that there's more than 1001 other things to do besides work here.  Keep 'em coming!

Received via Email 2-08-07  If anything, we should be going into HQ and city hall on a daily basis and telling everyone we see; Thank-you. Thank-you for opening my eyes, thank-you for showing me their is a better life outside of this city, and thank-you for getting me on my way.

Received via Email 2-09-07  I disagree.  The guys jerking off to the beat of the fire must be suppression personnel.  Jacking it requires the luxury of time that  paramedics do not have because they are too busy paying the rent.  Now go mop something and have my dinner ready when I get  back from my EMS call, honey.

Received via Email 2-09-07  Yawn...

Received via Email 2-09-07  Now Kids!!! I want you to kiss and make up.

Received via Email 2-09-07  To the person who so stupidly suggests that any fireman would make a EMS persons meal for him and have it waiting for him apon his return to quarters is so far frm reality. At least in this city, the EMS people aren't even included in the meals at most houses, they're on their own, different union, different rules, different treatment, as it should be.

Received via Email 2-09-07  It is with great sadness, that I report the city of Baltimore, Maryland announces the death of a firefighter recruit. At this times, it appears she died while operating during training exercises at the fire academy. please keep this young firefighter in your thoughts and prayers. May her God be with her and her family.

Received via Email 2-09-07  I agree that there should be different rules and probably different unions for EMS and fire, and in particular different treatment.  But  I still wholeheartedly support the idea of firefighters cooking and cleaning for paramedics like we do in St. Pete. 

Received via Email 2-09-07  I am sorry to hear about the girl in Baltimore.  But I dont get the reference to "her" God.  Women have different God's now? 

Received via Email 2-09-07  Speaking of ***king off, do we actually have a policy against it?  If I am forced to submit to that rule I am calling the ACLU.

Received via Email 2-09-07  How come when you want to enter something on this page, you have to choose between SUBMIT or RESET?  Reset erases everything  you wrote, and I will be damned if I am going to submit to anyone.  This aint Auschwitz you know.  I suggest switching to a word  like ENTERTAIN, INFORM or TITILLlATE.  Put a button on there that say TITILLATE and watch how fast these twisted sons of bitches  start fondling it. Oh yes.  Yes, yes yes.

Received via Email 2-09-07  What is so stupid about firemen cooking for paramedics?  We should.  Its like paramedics are the doctors and firemen are the  nurses.  While the rescue truck is out doing mans work, we firenurses are back at the station cleaning toilets, swabbing the floors  and cooking for the "men."  Thats the way we have always done it, and thats the way it should be.  I am a firefighter and I am  proud to take care of my medics as they go out there and risk life, limb, and disease to do their manly duty. Station work is not  womens work if we do it in a manly way.  To make it feel more butch I swear a lot while I do it and think how lucky I am that  someone else is handling 90% of the call volume while I stay in the station and watch Oprah.  Sure we go to a fire every now and then but face it, most of us buy new cars more often than we pull nozzles.   Just think of paramedics as Ward Cleaver, and we  firefighters are like June.  Suck it up and be glad that somebody else is out there doing the dirty work. Now if you will excuse me,  I need to dust a few more things before I get supper started.  I swear, a firefighters work is never done!
TEAM:  Ward - aren't you being awfully rough on the beaver?

Received via Email 2-09-07  I take exception to the term jerking off.  I prefer "spanking the bishop."

Received via Email 2-09-07  "Her" God?

Received via Email 2-09-07  Kiss and make up?  Sounds like Prince  at the Superbowl half time show.

Received via Email 2-09-07  Dear retard #4 2/9/07.  Before you hit the submit button, read what you type. As far as most people are concerned, "upon" is a word, "apon" is not. The word "from", also has an "o" in it. Before you try to start sh*t on someones website accomplish basic skills like spelling and typing.  Most people won't even engage in foolish banter with a moron like yourself because it bores them.  I'm just trying to help you. In St Pete we are trained in Fire and EMS.  If you are an EMT you could be on a rescue, engine or truck. Paramedics sometimes ride engines and also act as Lt's. As it should be! Now get you're bitch a*s in the kitchen and make me some pie!

Received via Email 2-10-07  Hey, any of you "Honest as the day is long" fire chief's wanna trade your Friday physical for my middle of the week physical?  I'm over 50, can't see for shit, have a bad back, a nervous condx and three stents in my heart.  Oh and I'm taking blood thinners. 

Cheatin' pr**ks!  I hope you get run over by a bus, going to your physical's.

Received via Email 2-10-07  Why did I list it as "her God", because I dont know her religous beliefs, therefore the God She believes in may not be the same one you and I believe in, thats all, nothing petty such as "do women firefighters have different God's BS. A firefighter dies and all a few can come with is insults, thats shameful. I will be there next week watching another frefighter carried to her final resting spot, I will pass along your type of condolences to her family.

It has been pointed out to a few of you many times, St Pete is different than Washington Dc in many ways, and most fire departments for that matter. What works in the south doesnt work in the northeast where it burns on a daily basis. Maybe there its considered normal practice for the firemen to be considered June Cleaver, but here, the firemen is where the work is. For every medical box that a medic goes on, there is four or five firemen on that same run, doing most of the work prior to the puke box arriving just in time to watch the firemen  do the work, so they can drive them to the hospital. Now, from my advantage point, as far as I can see, more times than not, all we need is a taxi driver, because the crew of the ambulance does very little. This doesnt hold true on every run, but six out of ten times is a good estimate. The ambulance crews have zero say about anything in the house, its a fire house, run by the firemen, if they choose to even allow them to eat at the same table, they are considered lucky, as the kitchen table is the firemans table, paid for by the firemen, therefore not city property....you see where Im going with this, EMS has very little clout here, they are the unwanted step children of the fire dept.

I have said it before., Im not trying to start shit with you guys, its called communicating, comparing operations, some of you keep wanting to turn it into a battle. Some of you wouldnt know how to act outside St Pete's para-military style fire dept. I mean, what fire dept. gives their firehouses wake up calls every day telling them its time to rise and shine, get ready to go home....oh come on, thats not for real, I couldnt believe that when I heard of that policy. We go to two or three jobs after midnight, the last thing someone is telling me to do is get up at 07:00 hours, the next shift is arriving.

I will say it again, open communication can be good between two cities if it is accepted or just a bunch of men shooting the shit, not to get your skirt all wrinkled every time someone doesnt agree with you. I will say this, I know how to spell to the obvious para-god-medic of 2/9, its just i put little emphasis on such petty shit such as a blog board....someday when I am there visiting, which it will be soon, please introduce yourself to me, and remind me your the one who addresses fire officers as bitch ass....i want to meet that type of fireman, oh im sorry, para-god-medic/ fireman, i forgot you get to do it all as Ward Cleaver.

Maybe the administartor of this board could start a new section where the guys who wish to have open dialog between people about operations and other things they can without it being turned in to a fight every time?
Administrator: If you want open dialogue, find it somewhere else.  While all have the ability to "find" us, it was never our intention to make this web site a sounding board for you Kumbayah types.  As others have opined, they don't really care what you think about our little brush fire fighting operation here in the land south of the Mason Dixon line that you seem to fixated on.  You take up 'my' valuable time with your lopsided diatribes and over glorification about firefighting in DC.  We do our job and we do it well - with or without a contract -- with or without your over rated blessings.  As to your comments about our Fire Fighter Paramedics... perhaps if the management of your department were half as forward thinking as the rest of the departments around the country way back in the '70's, you'd be breaking bread with the same calibre of individual that "I" share the dinner table with.  You seem to have an answer for everything but you'll soon find that your is a voice lost on deaf ears... mine!

For now, this web site is bidding you fond adieux.  I have to make my bed now as the 0700 bell rings pretty early around here!

Received via Email 2-10-07  Pot pie or hair pie?

Received via Email 2-10-07  You can't blame headquarters personnel for trying to avoid a doctor that is out of control.  The trick is to simply remember to not offer shit for medical history on your form.  So far most of the guys that have been jammed up got screwed for being honest.  Once we knock off the honesty shit, we will have nothing to worry about.  We lie about our truck inventories, why not be consistent?

Received via Email 2-10-07  Hey editor, whats wrong with this page?  I pushed the DISCHARGE button, but nothing came out of me.  Can you fix it?
TEAM:  You have to place a quarter in the slot.

Received via Email 2-10-07  When I was at HQ the other day, I snuck a TIC into the prevention office.  I had my partner ask some quesitons of our PIO to see if he was really full of hot air.  Here's what I found: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sy-JdAIkXMk

Received via Email 2-10-07  WOW which chief was that?  We know most of them are full of air.

Received via Email 2-10-07  I stand by what I said.  I still think it's stupid and over the top liberal punk ass politically correct to say "her" God.  It's a bitch ass  thing to say.  If you only believe in one God, it's the same God.  Was she something other than Christian, Jewish, or Muslim?  I  doubt it.  And if her God was L. Ron Hubbard, which I doubt, she probably has no God.  I am sick to hear about her demise, but it  is demeaning to her memory to get all politically correct in regards to her religion (which she may or may not have even had)  when you announce her sad parting. Grow up.  It's the same God.  We all just have different ways of worship. "Her" God.  What a tool.

Received via Email 2-10-07  "Now, from my advantage point, as far as I can see, more times than not, all we need is a taxi driver, because the crew of the ambulance does very little."

Sooooooooweeet!  I don't ever want to crap-out in the streets of DC.  FD scoops and runs while the ambulance crew plays taxi driver.  And I thought we were F***ed up at times.  We're light years ahead of the rest of the planet in the delivery of EMS!  We make it look too easy, I'm afraid.

Received via Email 2-11-07  Nice job Mr. Administrator....I think you may have shut DC down for awhile at least. Maybe they can find another FD to fix on for awhile. It sounds to me like the DC boys could work on their own dept. by letting the unwanted stepchildren of the FD sit at their table and being nice to each other....you know like keeping an open line dialog between each other to talk about operations and other things. Give me a break, if I happen to meet firefighters while on vacation or in another city I might talk to him/her for a short time, might even go in for a cup of coffee and shoot the crap some more. But the last thing I want to do is become someones pen-pal to compare notes on how our departments do things different, we are screwed up....DC you are too. Stay gone for awhile then maybe you can come up with something to say that sounds intelligent. Heres a last thought If you dont come on the site....their won't be a fight !