It can't get any better than this. You get your own webpage to comment on those inefficiencies that are troubling you.
Okay - that was our attempt at Political Correctness. Fill us in on the BULLSHIT that's really pissing you off! Mind your manners.
Received via Email 02.11.07 New page please, it's getting long. Done!
Received via Email 02.11.07 It sounds like EMS has not progressed much in DC since the Lincoln incident at Ford Theater.
Received via Email 02.11.07 You wouldn't feel the way you do if you were not in the environment you're in. If you were somewhere else, you would see how different Florida does things.
Received via Email 02.11.07 ref 2/10 #6 The TIC: Duuuuude! that was priceless!!!
Received via Email 02.12.07 I don't think DC meant to sound like an idiot or offend anyone, but that often happens to people that don't know what they are talking about. Apparently, Washington DC firefighting is an un-evolved science that consists of throwing wet stuff on hot stuff, and little else. They look at EMS the way many around here look at Sunstar: As second class citizens. Their paramedics are NOT firefighters like ours, and I am sure they resent the fact that EMS is saving more lives than they are. His contempt for EMS is obvious, but he is not alone. DC is not the only Cro-Magnon fire department that did not recognize the importance of bonding with EMS when the rest of the civilized world did back in the 70's, and today they are still paying the price of that enormous and short sighted mistake.
Many of us would prefer not to ride rescue, but to try to run a fire department without incorporating EMS within your rank and file is suicide. Most firefighters in America are volunteers, but that is not true for EMS systems. Our pay has progressed well (okay, fairly well) because of the high profile addition of EMS. Nobody thinks we sit around playing checkers full time now that they see our uniforms helping the sick and injured every day.
I enjoy fighting fires too. I always have. I can't even explain why. But a fire that destroys a building, particularly somebody's home, is not a "good" fire. It's a bad one. I feel the same way about car wrecks. I always thought it sounded odd to glorify someones suffering as something we could actually enjoy. Maybe it's just me getting caught up in the semantics.
More power to DC for bragging about how often he experiences the primitive feeling felt when one "conquers the beast", but personally I will leave that cave man mentality for the Dungeons and Dragons set. I'll stay here where evolution continues to occur.
The Self Appointed Voice of Reason
Received via Email 02.12.07 Oh my, feel the love. I thought I could smooth things over between you all, but it seems not. Are you calling all of us DC firemen Kumbayah types or just my boss? We are all standing here all shaking our heads at some of the thought process that go into some of your arguments with our boss, and we are actually shaking our heads at some of his comments as well. As I type this, our entire company is here giving feedback, minus him because he is off today. To the person who stated he/she doesnt want to crap out on the streets of DC, I we can promise you,you will get the best treatement by the engine or truck company, what happens after that when your in the hands of the ambulance, who knows,but you will always get a engine/truck company first, normally on scene in under five minutes, the ambulance may take upwards of a hour at times, not our fault, thats the cities problem. As for the "her God" comment, i never discuss politics or religion, too many opinions and folks get upset way to easily. I do know everyone of us will be standing at her funeral this week, regardless of who she believes in, even if its scientology, who cares, she was a rookie firefighter who died doing what she loved. Now, the point someone is trying to make about ems being cooked for by firemen, please, we are no ones bitches, we cook for our company, ems is not part of our company, therefore they can cook for themselves. The tables here are union tables, If we do allow the EMS to eat with us at OUR table, that means they have earned our respect, sorry to disagree with you guys. It appears from your website that we just looked at, your houses are set up differently than ours, here each house is made up of either one, two or three companies, each having different numbers, and Ems only resides here, its a fire house, therefore they have no juristiction or say on anything. Right or wrong thats the way it is. We dont even cook for the deputy chief assigned here unless he requests to be in on the meal, he is not in our union. I will once agin extend the invitation for any of you to visit here, stay awhile, and be treated like men. i have to agree with one thing before we sign off of here for good, not one of us in this company, would ever disrespect a officer the way you have our boss, even on line in a stupid blogboard, never. The officer you obviosuly hate led myself an most of the men in this company through that horrible day six years ago at the Pentagon, he was written up for a commendation and turned it down in favor of our entire company getting a unit citation, he is dedicated to the job and his men, and we have to say, your disrespect towards him is hurtful to many, thats just how we are here, sorry. Best of luck with your contract, your careers, this site and your futures, be safe and stay low. The men of RS1
TEAM: " ...your disrespect towards him is hurtful to many, thats just how we are here, sorry." The Internet can be like that. It's a cold and hostile place where men and women connect via text without the benefit of voice inflexion or facial expression -- where often times, perception becomes reality. We're sure your friend's a nice guy. But as many here have offered up - we didn't come looking for him (or you) or your "advice." There's no need, use or benefit that can be derived by anyone here during our contract dispute that can be solved by outsiders pointing out facts like 'station bells ringing at 0700' for some 60 odd fire stations.
Your officer's work ethic sounds laudable and for that he should be praised. But... please don't confuse comments born out of his private observations towards us or our department as having anything remotely to do with his work relationship with you. He's his own man and appears nearly capable of holding his own where he's not invited. If you'll take a look at the big picture with a bit of objectivity, the only reason that anyone from here has cast any aspersions on you or your department is due directly to the running dialogue of one individual (again) from your department. We neither ask for, nor do we seek his counsel and incursions in his daily attempts to feed his voyeuristic fix.
Good luck to you guys and remember to DTRT! FTM
Received via Email 02.12.07 I gotta tell you, I think I like these DC guys. They treat their EMS guys the way we would treat Sunstar if Sunstar worked in our stations. DC I guess has no paramedics, so I understand their hesitance. So what? The one thing I find odd is their "suck him off" attitude about officers. If you guys in DC read this, trust me: A guy getting a few more questions right on a test doesn't make him a better man. We are all in this together. It aint the military. If it was, there wouldn't be any fraternization on your days off - which I am sure there is. Officers are just firefighters that had a few breaks handed them by an archaic and broken system. Just regular guys. So, slow down on your "officer hand jobs" up there, and give yourself the credit that you deserve. It's a team effort. When I lead my guys down here on a call---- I know that they know I am in charge, but back at the station I don't expect to be treated like a demi-god. It's a team effort. I know it, my guys know it, and if you spread the word through your city, maybe DC will know it. Stay Safe, and come visit some time. I will introduce you to some of the best trained and most over worked paramedics in the U.S.
God Bless America,
TEAM: We like your thinking, Bro'/Sis. Out on the range - you're an officer whose first name is "Lieutennant." Back at the old homestead... don't give your troops shit if they call you by your real first name. It's usually the mark of destinction that separates those that can never find their white shirt from those who sleep in it!
And YES! Each and every day we should thank GOD for this greatest nation on Earth!
Received via Email 02.12.07 "The tables here are union tables, If we do allow the EMS to eat with us at OUR table, that means they have earned our respect, sorry to disagree with you guys." We don't have that problem, so I'm not sure where there's a disagreement. We're 100% Union - meaning no scabs, ticks or bloodsuckers! We're not the oldest Local on the planet, but Local 747 has been around since WWII.
For living in grass shacks and eating coconuts and papayas, we manage to pull off some amazing feats. Can I get a show of hands from some of our Medics who've trained some of the fighting forces in Iraq and Afghanistan? I don't guess we've got too bad a rep, considering our Paramedics help to train Army Rangers, Navy Seals, Coast Guard Rescue Divers and Air Force Spec. Ops. Pararesucemen in Paramedic medicine. Of course I might be wrong.
Received via Email 02.12.07 The "MEN" of RS1? No women? I guess they really are living in the past. And what's with them getting hard ons when things burn in DC? That's a very black population there. I guess they hate women AND blacks. And I thought all the redneck hillbillies were south and west of Virginia.
Received via Email 02.12.07 Look, I am not saying that the DC guys are fairies... no wait. That's exactly what I am saying.
Received via Email 02.12.07 You know that movie where John "living the lie" Travolta is a Baltimore fire Captain? Picture that movie playing on a television with 8 to 12 guys jerking off in front of it. Do you have that image in your mind? Are you sure? Good, because that's exactly what it look like inside a DC firehouse.
Received via Email 02.12.07 I am waving the bullshit flag on that. No way one of our lieutenants wrote 2/12 #3. Identify yourself.
Received via Email 02.12.07 Hey is the color of this new page coming up "baby-shit-green" on anyone elses screens or just mine ?
TEAM: It looks like a few fire trucks that we've seen - like the scab outfit up there at St. Pete/Clearwater Airport. We take requests. What would you like to see, poohkins?
Received via Email 02.12.07
TEAM: We received one additional email from the boys in DC. They agree that we are great (well, almost) and send their best (well almost)! They also request that we put this thread to bed (well, almost). We agree!
Received via Email 02.12.07 So that's how it works in here? Other primitive fire departments come in here and start some shit and when we turn up the heat they convince you guys to shut it down? I'm not sure which is weaker.
TEAM: Oh, 'we' are. Listen, we're still receiving emails from those fine fellows (they pass their regards) and they've communicated with us that they'd truly enjoy your company over at The What we 'can' pass along is the following short message to you all, before you head over and continue your pleasantries:
"your a chicken shit admin for not posting our must be a ems pussy as well.....maybe your drinking the koolaide,we will take our comments to the watch desk for the world to see how way ahead of the game you are instead of the northeast where we have been getting it done the right way for years."
See. I told you they were waiting to chat. Now go have fun!
Received via Email 02.12.07 Those DC guys are pansies. Looks like the comment about jerking off to John Travolta hit too close to home for them.
Received via Email 02.13.07 Wow! Those DC queers get testy when they get proven wrong. Either that or you interrupted one of their John Travolta jack-fests.
Received via Email 02.13.07 Hey Mr. webmaster... can you post a file for me? I just wanted everyone to see how many brush fires are going down in our little corner of the world this afternoon.
TEAM: Nice snag. But you know... real departments don't handle all those medical calls.
Received via Email 02.13.07 Hey you guys, let's be friends. Sorry we got things all riled up, but we didn't mean it. Maybe we do suck up to our boss to much, it's just that when you are relatively spineless, you tend to be that way. Anyway, all of us from RS1 (as in Rectally Stretched) are going on a cruise out of Key West next month, and we thought we might stop in St. Pete on the way and warm up by blowing all of you. Lets get together!
TEAM: We've got tears in our eyes as we type this. ROTFLMAO We 'are' the best at pulling this type of shit off, Brothers and Sisters!
Received via Email 02.13.07 why cant we all hold hands around a campfire and mas****ate infront of the fire?
02.14.07 From The Watch Desk "we have figured out that whoever is running that site is working this date, wednesday, 2/ our connection down there will soon help us firgure out exactly who it is, they have it pretty narrowed down, then we will be making some phone calls to HQ of St Pete.....right now its looking like todays shift, 9 engine is the best guess as of now where this clown works at....time will tell"
TEAM: We see that you and your buddy from SPF&R are on a quest for truth. Good luck to you - I hope you find it. Whomever owns with website COULD be liable for some action if it could be proven that something you've read in above were actionable. For your edification, this website is a Public Portal. Let me give you a for instance... Someone claiming to be from DCFD could send an email to this site and inform us of his plans to overthrow the U.S. government. Those claims would clearly be the claims of the sender - not the owner of the site, and thus not actionable. If you'd take a look further up this page, you'd hardly see a peep from the owner or webmaster of this site as it pertains to you fine fellows from DCFD.
As to your SPF&R friend's supposed inside knowledge of who's who - if he's going to make the claim in an attempt to bring discipline to some individual, our backwards Florida law provides for the accused Firefighter to face his accuser. Let's see how far he's willing to push a rope up a hill.
Received via Email 02.13.07 I'm at 11-B and I'm the webmaster...
TEAM: And because you're the webmaster - you get red ink. 11-B Rocks!
Received via Email 02.14.07 Has there ever been any doubt who runs the site ? Only the same man or woman wink wink who could run the dept better then it has ever been run before. COMMON SENSE - GO FIGURE !!!!!!!!!!!
TEAM: Talk faster. They're going to shut us down!
Received via Email 02.14.07 11- B the coolest station/shift well at least the most fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 02.15.07 So someone's going to make a long distance phone call and pimp out our webmaster. Hmmm... Well, if they've (management) got half a brain they already suspect who it is and haven't done shit about it. Instead of saying Us Vs Them it ought to say St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue Suggestion Box! You've got your head squarely up your ass if you don't think management reads these postings every day. It's a two way street and while they might not like being bashed on a daily basis, it give them a pretty good idea as to when they're going in the right direction. Dime out the webmaster and there will be 10 more to take his place. Careful what you ask for.
TEAM: Thanks, Bro'/Sis'. For a guy/gal who works for such a backwater dept. as ours (their claim, not ours) you've got an acute awareness of the obvious. This website is a natural outgrowth of a set of conditions that have yet to reach their pinnacle. Given the proper timing and conditions, we could easily put this website to bed. Let's all work against the common foe, together.
Received via Email 02.15.07 "someone claiming to be from DCFD could send an email to this site and inform us of his plans to overthrow the U.S. government." What were YOU thinking? There's already an email from them saying that they're coming down (going down) to take a cruise from the Keys! That's the example you should have used! No one knows where any of this shit comes from.
The Fire Chief,
Gay Head Maine
Received via Email 02.15.07 I'm in North Georgia and I am the webmaster, can I have red ink too?
TEAM: Only because you're one of the webmasters. Anyone else?
Received via Email 02.15.07 Between watching Backdraft, fighting fires, creating a hostile work environment, and masturbation how do those DC guys find enough time to GOOGLE our web master? When you guys get done solving this riddle, please do us a favor and find out who shot JFK, get a clear picture of Bigfoot and find out what the Loch Ness Monster eats for breakfast.
TEAM: Oh my gosh.... second time this week that this TEAM member has been crying at the keyboard in laughter!
Received via Email 02.15.07 Okay, maybe we are over reacting a teensy bit. But we here on RS1 tend to get a little bit hissy when we have to wait a few days between buddy jacks at raging infernos. Face it, if you can't find a fire to jack off to, you are stuck at the station playing "just the tip" with your buddies. Sorry if we scared anyone down there. And don't forget---- the offer stands: Come see us if you want quality male on male head. We aim to please.
Love ya,
The silly boys of SR1
PS We love to see the word "shoot" on the send button. Hell, half of us areshooting right now!
TEAM: We've got a headache from crying!
Received via Email 02.15.07 I'm at 4-A, I'm on duty today, and I'm the Webmaster.
TEAM: Careful, Bro'/Sis' They'll Google ya and call the chief! 4-A Rocks!
Received via Email 02.15.07 QUESTION: What is a dream job for a DC firefighter?
ANSWER: Puffer for the Key West Fire Department.
Received via Email 02.15.07 Found in the Washington Post 2/14/07: GWM local firefighter seeks same or any other GM at all. Looks not important. Experience not necessary. Pulse preferred, but not required. Must be cooperative. I'll swallow if you will. Interested in long walks, soft music, wine tasting and corn holeing. Please bring open mind and desire for deep penetration of the orifice of my choice. If you are in to gang style, thats cool because my whole company is into it. Call: (RS1) LIL-PEEN
Received via Email 02.15.07 I work at HQ and I am the webmaster!!
TEAM: And we're guessing you're looking for the statement "HQ ROCKS!" Sorry... but 'you' do!
Received via Email 02.15.07 Let's get back to the real issues here! Which is our CONTRACT! Thank you.
Received via Email 02.16.07 Huh Huh, He said orifice!
Received via email 2-16-07 I thought avoiding being penetrated by a DC firefighter was the real issue in here. Sorry.
Received via email 2-16-07 I got you all beat. I live and work at Tent City "Urine City" and I am the webmaster. I spent my beggings on a laptop and I hijack internet service from the locals while I am releiving myself.
Joe Leezy
Received via email 2-16-07 I work in supply and I am the webmaster. I am a mole. And I can fly!
Received via email 2-16-07 We are never going to get our contract settled. I hope everyone here is happy with what you have, because it will never get any better.
Good luck everyone!
Received via email 2-16-07 I don't know what sucks worse. Not having a contract, or finding out that all those DC guys are fags.
Received via email 2-16-07 Fifth post on 02/16 - Can you pick my Lotto numbers too. You are either a psychic or Debbie Downer. Thanks much.
Received via email 2-16-07 I get a "woodie" just talking about the DC guys.
Fire Chief
"Wood"bridge Va.
Received via email 2-16-07 My "ass" hurts reading about their escapades.
Fire Chief
Man"ass"as Va.
Received via email 2-16-07 Don't be so negative. We will get a great contract and everyone will be happy !
Received via email 2-17-07 Webmaster, This part of Us vs Them is truly BullShit! How much more can they spin, or step in!?
TEAM: Thanks for noticing. It's at the top of the page for those who forget.
Received via email 2-17-07 Hey Mr. webmaster. How come you don't let us slap the DC guys around anymore?
TEAM: Knock yourselves out. We're not stopping 'you'. We just decided that we'd had enough. They're like a bunch of Hillary Klinton brown baggers. They move in - set up shop - then purport to know what's wrong with 'US' while giving 'US' a list of our daily trespasses! Aggravation not needed!
Received via email 2-17-07 NO, us wont say, you are to our all want, we get and about like guys.
TEAM: Sorry... You guys in DC are kind of far away. We only got every other word. Sorry...
Received via email 2-20-07 Is it true that a certain training chief stopped by #6 to find out why PV wants to go to Longboat Key? I heard that GL told PV that we are the highest paid Dept. in the county and that he needs to learn how to budget his money better. What a P.O.S...
Way to go Lt. D for pissing GL off. I wish we had more officers like you on this job. FTM
Received via email 2-20-07 DC's guys/gals... Hey, this site is called US vs Them. US are the SPFR FF'S and FF/medics and officers. Under the US vs Them at the top of this board says, Taking back OUR department, not yours! So keep your opinions to yourself because we dont want to hear them. This is a site for us and about us. Nuff said !!!
Received via email 2-20-07 "Nuff said" .....another Ebonics graduate ~!~
Received via email 2-20-07 Word on the street has Lt. CH on light duty again this year following his physical. Last year Dr. ASSHOLE SUCKS MY C**K told him that his eyesight was bad and that he either need to get RK or soft contact lenses. The contact lens deal didn't sound too bad, but 6 MOTHER F***ING MONTHS to adjust to them while on light duty??? Are you F***ING KIDDING ME??? Winnie took care of that by telling Dr. ASSHOLE SUCKS MY C**K that wearing glasses as a Firefighter is not a problem as your face is protected when in a structure, by your face mask.
This year, Lt. CH told Dr. ASSHOLE SUCKS MY C**K that he's taking a beta blocker. What do you guess Dr. ASSHOLE SUCKS MY C**K did with Lt. CH??? He put him on light duty.
Folks --- if Dr. ASSHOLE SUCKS MY C**K is really a doctor, let's see if he can't find out what's wrong with us WITHOUT US TELLING HIM EVERY FRIGGIN THING THAT COMES TO OUR MIND'S, ABOUT OUR MEDICAL HX, EH???????????? He can't call your personal Dr., to find out shit, so if you're not taking any meds (hint hint) he won't be in a position to end your career and this city and this FD won't be able to dispute shit.
Does one of you think that Karen Richardson and her band of thieves gives two shits about a single employee (other than themselves) that works for this city. She and her League of Cities trained band of thieves create a hostile work environment for each of us, every time they show up for work on time.
Let's smarten up folks!
Received via email 2-20-07 Speaking of Lt D, he is an excellent officer, one of the best, but I wonder how much time he had on when he was promoted? Less than 10 if I recall...hmmm
Received via email 2-21-07 I just want to know why GL is still allowed inside a fire station? It's a tough world out here and someone with a... uhmmmm "condition" shouldn't be overstressed by terse conversations with others. Lt. D probably whoooped GL's ass in the argument, even with one brain tied behind his back. I'm sure GL came out with both guns blazing and still lost.
Hey dooshbag. If the guy want' to leave so that he can make $15K more and do half the work, what's it to you? You'd do the same thing if your reputation wouldn't preceed you!!!!!!!!! Top pay! F**k top pay. You boys have downtown too long, sipping the coolaid and sniffing farts out of the EMS sofa to know what's going on in the real world. I just wish this were all about pay. Let me say this about that. Even if they gave us Tampa's top pay, we'd still be a laughing stock working the hours we're working for the piss poor benefits package that this stingy assed city gives us. Take a look passed your secretary's desk, GL. There are way better plans out there. Because the great city of St. Petersburg doesn't offer it to you - doesn't mean that you don't deserve it. Well maybe you don't deserve it, but we do!
FTM and that don't mean Find The Money!
Hey! I dropped a quarter in the middle of 34th street. Go see if you can find it. Dooshbag.
Received via email 2-21-07 Hey St. Pete guys! We were serious here in DC about wanting to blow all of you. Anywhere, any time! If we dont do it soon we will simply die!
The Fey Prince of DC
Received via email 2-21-07 Is it gay if I let the DC guy blow me?
Received via email 2-22-07 Only if you enjoy it. It might feel good, just do not enjoy it.
Received via email 2-22-07 Last 2/20. Yeah you left something out. Less than 10 years but never a suck a--.
Received via email 2-22-07 How bout this idea. Since GL does much less work than any medic on our dept.. Lets pay him top medic pay and see how long he sticks around. He'd be gone tomorrow.
Received via email 2-23-07 It's amazing how GL can spout shit about our financial's. What he forgets to mention is that he and all of the other Admin people GOT 'their' raises back in October, and if history holds true, if the rank and file get better than they did, they will get the extra amount as well. Also, the reason GL is so tough on each of us, is to toughen us up to better withstand the extra 30 hours we will be working at our part time jobs.
Received via email 2-23-07 2-22-07 #3 That's just not true, Gl does more work on this department than RF, who happens to be a medic. Get your facts straight. BTW isn't it odd how no one got disciplined for the "homeless jihad"?
Received via email 2-25-07 Why would anyone get disciplined for slashing a few illegally placed tents? Big deal. Nobody gave a shit about the cardboard boxes that the cops used to take away from the street bums years ago, why should we care about their new dwellings if they are just as illegal? Is it an environmental thing, you know, because you can't recycle a tent? You want to help the homeless, find a way for them to earn their keep. If you keep giving them stuff they will just lie around smoking and drinking until your next donation arrives. Turn them back into members of society. If the homeless all went away, I don't think anybody would miss them. But since we appear to be stuck with them, I suggest we find them jobs and let them earn their keep. If you want to give them free homes, go ahead. But make them build and maintain them. And keep them out of my neighborhood. We prefer working people here.
Caring too much,
Received via email 2-25-07 Word on the street is, RF had his powers taken away from him. ?
Received via email 2-25-07 2nd 2/23. Not saying that GL doesn't work, just that he does less than the medics and gets paid more. True as you mention about RF. No one will argue with that one!
Received via email 2-25-07 Give a person "Power" and enough time and they will screw themselves and all in their path just about every time.
Received via email 2-26-07 Winnie is great. Can we have a list of things he has accomplished. I mean he has delivered some great contracts. He only works about ten shifts a year on duty, he spends all those other hours finallizing this great contract were going to get. I also like the house we bought to sit just like the sign shop did. Winnie, it wasn't me.
Received via email 2-26-07 Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Received via email 2-26-07 I am appaled at the behavior of my fellow firefighter and officers with the way we have acted towards others. As it has been mentioned numerous times, not only do we see what is here, its open for the world to see, and to judge us accordingly. I agree, the guys from DC were out of line a few times, but acting and saying the things some have posted makes me wonder what kind of people I am working with. Which of you will throw me under the bus at any given moment, just because I dont agree with you. I have spent a lot of years on this job in this city, and I have seldom witnessed the bahavior of some here. To the firefighter and officer of DC, you were wrong coming here insulting my coworkers and my department,some of your posts were right on though. I will say Im sorry for the behavior of some here, its only a few who make us all look bad. I will be traveling your way in a few months, I do hope to stop in a see how its done in the northeast, you have a different set of circumstances to deal with than we do, and vise versa. I will accept that cup of coffee as well. If you do ride alongs, I may even take you up on that, Im not to proud to say I love this job as well, and its always a learning experience to get out to different cities to see how different the job can be from state to state. Be safe to my northern brothers and to my brothers and sisters right here in St. Petersburg, where things are definately messed up, for along time now, and its not looking too good for the future either. Lets all begin working together for the same cause, a fair contract and better working conditions.
Received via email 2-27-07 To the 2/26 #1
1>If you can't name his list of accomplishements, you haven't been paying attention.
2>Contracts are negotiatiated, not given away. I guess you could ask for the three percent that the chief's got on time!
3>As to his working only ten shifts a year - there are some more progressive departments that have released their Union officials from all duty. 4>Question: Is it your wish to demolish both buildings and start building a new structure right now or should we continue building our war chest? You know... the one we NEVER HAD BEFORE? Hint... that's one of his accomplishments!
Now back under the porch.
Received via email 2-27-07 Good luck to the St. Pete brother that is going to bravely enter a DC firehouse while visiting up there. My advice is bring your own beverage and keep your back to the wall. Those guys are all fags. Also, DC is not in the northeast. Maybe you should go check out a map. Neither Virginia or Maryland are in New England. I don't think you are a dumbass for not knowing that, but I do suspect that since you have a strong desire to visit DC firefighters in their natural habitat you may be a pole smoker. Have a nice trip, queerbait. Don't forget to tell those queens how nice we are down here.
Received via email 2-27-07 2/27 #2.....this is exactly what I was referring to, the immature and ignorant remarks some of our people are making, which in turn make us all appear to be like you. I agree, Washington DC is not in the far northeast, but is it considered part of the northeast region of this country. I am neither gay, nor do I fear entering any firehouse where good men and women work to do the same job I do here in sunny Florida. I wish this site had the obility to show who posters are, because then chicken shit clowns as yourself would never have the balls to post such statments, knowing full well, I may be your captain. With that said, if you feel the need to refer to other firefighters anywhere in this country in derogative names, please do it on another site as to not bring whats left of our city fire departments good name down to your level of maturity. Its persons as yourself that make me wonder what happened to the quality of the people we have hired over the past ten years.
Received via email 2-27-07 2/27 #3 Well how do you know I am not your chief! Also do not blame the young guys as this poster has way over ten years on. Now go back and blow your DC buddies.
Received via email 2-27-07 2-27#3 You may be my captain, and... wut? It was a good Grand Funk song, anyway's. Hey. don't be so serious about stuff you can't change. Besides - you look like a hypocrite popping off at the mouth and doing what you're accusing everyone else of doing.
TEAM: Yes, it was a great song. "I'm your Captain."
Received via email 2-27-07 "I wish this site had the obility to show who posters are," Yeah for sure. then we'd all know who the chickenshit captain is who wants to know who everyone else it. You go first and then I'll tell you who I am. If not, start your own website where everyone who post's has to be screened first. Let's see how productive that is. We can all drink the Koolaide together. While I'm thinking of it, what makes you think that if YOU talk smack, I won't talk smack back? I mean, come on. If you're thinking that you can get away with murder because you've got a couple of gold bars - hold on tight Jimmy Jack, because respect is a two way street. If you're one of a couple captains ther I'M thinking of, you dish it and I'll dish it right back and you won't do a thing about it! Now go back and pretend you're somebody worthy of my attention!
Received via email 2-27-07 Maybe you're right. Maybe I am part of the problem. But you are still a stupid queer.
Received via email 2-27-07 Those guys in DC do NOT do the same job we do. We fight fires and save lives, they mostly give head and stroke balls.
Received via email 2-27-07 I would be intimidated if I found out you were my captain? Jee-zuss, you sound like those DC fags again sucking up to their boss. Get out of my face, panty waist.
Received via email 2-27-07 Hey dude. You're not reading anything here that you wouldn't hear in the station, so what's your problem? You're not one of those totalitarian pr**ks that we all love and adore. You know, you like to wave your bugles at us as some kind of threat and then we steal away to the next room to talk about you. Give it a rest, jr. We all put our pants on the same way, including the chief of the department.
Oye vey, what am I thinking? All of our captains are A1, numba wun good Joe's!
Received via email 2-27-07 No doubt that 2/27 #3 has scratched a few balls with his chin before. Probably captain balls. No doubt whatsoever.
Received via email 2-27-07 I like to stroke my own balls and eat cheetos, does that make me a queer DC guy? If not then I will continue and still bash the queer DC guys. Hey 2/27 #3 go fu** yourself and stay in DC when you go.
Signed 20+ year guy not under 10
Received via email 2-27-07 2/27 #1- What war chest are you referring to? I've yet to see, other than some red shirts and signs displayed at a location that nobody pays attention to, the money for the war chest really spent. I drive around, nothing resembling a contract issue. I read the paper, nothing resembling a contract issue. My friends don't know a damn thing and they're plugged into the happenings. What the hell?! As far as the accomplishments, start naming them. If you want to talk discipline, I can think of one paramedic that Winnie told to accept the write up from and his friends told him to fight it, then something else happened down the road and the medic got time off. Wow, good call. As far as contracts, WHAT CONTRACT. Brothers and Sisters, we all know what is deserved by the masses who 'Do It'. We all deserve better treatment by the higher ups but we aren't getting the representation we put in place as 'our' higher up. He's just pissing them off. If winnie is trying to atone for the mistakes of the past then he needs to do it in increments and not all at once. We aren't doing anything that hasn't been tried before and failed. When attempting to acomplish a task in this manner, the taskers are fools. Let's not be fools. Lets tell 'our' elected officials that we need a new game plan and utilize the war chest to our benefit. Enough lip service, results.
Received via email 2-27-07 To Mr. or Mrs. Goody I have a couple of thing for you...
1)go hug a tree
2) I know that you are NOT my Capt., you are way too literate
3)can you help me out with your word "oblility"? I am not picking on your spelling, just wondering if my vocabulary is not what it should be. Until next
time.........happy tree hugging!
Received via email 2-27-07 I do not know any of these guys, they are not my friends and I have never been north or North Carolina, so as for my buddies, yor wrong. I just tend to be on the more professional side and represent this dept. in a manner that would make my family, friends, coworkers and the citizens of this city proud of. Instead of taking the route of playground name calling. If you are my chief,your stupidity continues to shine through. I never said i was his captain, but I may be. As for your ten years on, come talk when your through your rookie years.
Received via email 2-28-07 Let's see... It's running about 10:1 against you (you being the 1) so I guess you've proven your point. By the way... what 'was' your point, again ???
Received via email 2-28-07 Listen. It's the internet and with both the city's admin and our own admin doing a piss poor job of backing us, is it any wonder why people are on this web site throwing down? Cut us all some slack and quit treating us like your 16 y.o. daughter who just hauled ass with a biker, will ya?
Received via email 2-28-07 Hearing it in the station is one thing, its us and only need to continue arguing with idiots, someone passing by wont know the difference between us.
Received via email 2-28-07 Read the statement. I never said I was you're the chief. When am I not a rookie anymore? When I have 20 years out at number 2 or 12? If you do not like this site, then stay the hell off. Go to the homo DC site and stroke them. It seems the professional bunch you are talking about bashes us just as much. If you did not hear me before GO F**K YOURSELF!
Received via email 2-28-07 The stupidity of some people on here never ceases to amaze me! To the DC sympathizer, take the advise of everyone else and please Shut Up! You have every right to come on here and say what you want, just like everyone else, but what does having 1, 5, 10 or 20 years on do to validate anyone's opinion? If someone thinks you blow goats on your day off, that's their opinion. You don't need any time on the job to say that. If someone has a question about how to read smoke at a fire, then your time on the job SHOULD matter. Don't over value your opinion based on the only two things you have in life, which are time on the job and a horrible collection of fire department T-shirts. I have respect for the senior firefighters and paramedics on the job. The ones who prove their worth by their actions and knowledge, not the ones that have to remind you of all the time they have here. I also find it amusing that you plan vacations around visiting fire stations. I don't know about you but when I take a trip the last thing on my mind is talking shop. Maybe you and your experience could use some more time on the Rescue to curb your enthusiasm. Perhaps your vacation would be better spent taking a literacy class at St. Pete College. That way you could learn how to proof read and use spell check before embarrassing yourself on here by posting the crap you do. Unfortunately, the College doesn't have a class for how to communicate like a first grader. If they did you could teach it.
Received via email 2-28-07 To the Lucky 13th poster on 2-27. I guess your friend isn't going to answer you and probably for good reason. I see what he's talking about, even if he can't "count" the ways and you can't "see" the ways. Some of the war chest is in the bank and some of it's between your ears. And yet again some is in your heart and in your working hands. Who was it that said, "Only a fool keeps doing the same thing over and over again while continually expecting a different outcome?" We've been down the same path too many times in the past. Why do some of us want to keep looking for water, down a dirt road that has a sign posted that says, "Desert - 5 miles ahead." We keep ignoring the sign that reads, "Work hard, do the right thing and most importantly, believe in yourselves - ice cold drinks and a place to share good times with your friends - at the Union Hall, dead ahead!"
There are some on this job who have an agenda and it's not the same as that of the rest of us. Perspective is a powerful thing. Some who've already reached that point in their career's where they're either not going to advance any further or they've made it into the DROP, see things from a different perspective. Some who've been on the job just a few years have a different perspective too. The one's to watch, though, are the one's who hold a grudge and just have to prove that they're right - or better yet - that we're all wrong. Those are the guys you'll catch out in the stations spinning their magic. They're the guys like YOU who continually say, "see, I told you so." Or, "you could have knocked me over with a feather when they gave us 4%" (after hearing them repeat - "they're never going to give us more than 3% so we should take it and move on" - "they're never going to give us more than 3% so we should take it and move on" - "they're never going to give us more than 3% so we should take it and move on" - "they're never going to give us more than 3% so we should take it and move on") yet would NEVER admit to being wrong! Being wrong is not a bad thing, so long as you're trying to 'advance' this Local. But continually trying to be right when your agenda is not in the advancement of this Local, but rather advancing your own agenda - is far worse than being wrong. It's criminal and there are those among us who are in that group. You can usually find them off to the side in their own huddle - calling their own plays. They get very quiet when you or I approach. They're the guys you always feel funny around, like they're recording your every word for some infamous later use.
Let me ask this of all of you. A District Chief tries like hell to advance his agenda. His agenda is to see all of the DC's and Captains back in the Local again. The Fire Chief is notified and also mortified! The city is notified and also mortified. P.E.R.C. is notified and responds by saying, "you have our blessing, now go ratify it!" A vote of all the Captains and District Chiefs is taken and guess what. Some of the most vocal advocates of that very same agenda have just voted against their own proposal. How can this be? How can a small group of individuals whose agenda it is to get back into the BROTHERHOOD, turn this whole thing on it's tail and actually end up making a mockery of the very thing that they fought so hard to get?
It's called "personal politics." What we all failed to see but quickly came to realize is that some of the folks on this job have a personal agenda that's driven by personal politics. They want their cake and they want to eat it, too.
The cake eaters are still here and they're not sharing any of their delights with you or I. If you're quick, you can knock one of them over and steal a wedge of cake from them when they make their usual trek to the chief's office. You see - the chief likes cake too, even if he doesn't know why there's a line of cake eaters lining up at his door.
I ignore fellah's like you, who continually ask, "what's Winnie doing for us?"
Ask not what your Union can do for you, but rather what you can do for your Union.
Cake eater!
TEAM: Cake eater... ROTFLMAO
Received via email 2-28-07 What does Glen"Cake Man" Bealieu have to do with your story?
Received via email 2-28-07 Wow,we got 4% instead of 3% (a year and a half late which put the purchasing power at about 3%) get a clue cake eater,1 raise in 3 years is not a success.Retool,revise and move foward, not more stalemate.
Received via email 2-28-07 Why can't we just get along. I like Glen the cake man.
Received via email 2-28-07 To #6 on 2/28: Good points. Points taken. Keep in mind that the past is the past and can't be fixed. I would love to see things improve in such a manner that the senior guys have pension improvements, the paramedics get work improvements to their liking and the future firefighters have a good system in place to take care of them when they get here. At the same time, I don't wish to see firefighters remaining on the job waiting and waiting for improvements so they can DROP or leave. I just don't believe that it can all be fixed in one contract. Some things are worth sticking it out for but others aren't. Some things have to be responded to before a proposal, concerning the same article, is changed and the other party hasn't even responded to the first one. We deserve the best because we are the best. Our leadership is all over the road.
Received via email 3-1-07 2/28/07----- Number 10
Actually neither you nor anyone else has a right to gripe about the leadership. The president of this Local was the only one who stepped up when the office became available. The president of this Local was the only one who ran for the office when the office became available again. End of story. It appears that no one else is willing or able to handle the job. Yet when the president makes mistakes or bad decisions you're among the first ones to point it out. I agree that the tactics at the bargaining table have been less than stellar on the part of the union but in defense of the Bargaining Agent it's not totally his fault. No one else with matching skills or experience could have done any better. The president office is not just a place for someone to land. It's a place that needs to be groomed for. It's a place that requires time coming up from the bottom and learning over time how to do things. Taking a job that no one else wants is daunting enough. Making it work without experience is nearly impossible. Refusal to accept the fact that there's more than one way to accomplish a goal is ...... costly. Tuesday will answer all our questions and we can go from there.
Received via email 3-1-07 I bet when someone finally takes over for Winnie, nobody will break into the union office and steal all the financial records. It was amazing how that happened, how unfortunate, and the timing, just incredible, probably one in a million chance of that.
Received via email 3-1-07 I say we wait another 20 years before we ask for an improvement to our R-days, or how about another 33 years to improve our pension? I wonder how long it will take before we are truely dead last in pay in our county and the tampa bay area? Should we continue to wait for these things? If you are a FINO, I can see why you say the things you do, I certainly cant understand why you think what you are saying is true, but then again I dont drink the Kool-aid the the FINO's do. You have certainly gotten yours and now that you are in the DROP, you want to make sure that no-one else gets anything better. Well guess what? I WANT MINE!!!!
Received via email 3-1-07 I was always told that the three most important words in a firefighter's vocabulary were "I got mine." Looks like times have changed. And come Tuesday there's a very good chance 3/1 #3 will get his wish. I hope he likes it.
Received via email 3-1-07 3-1 #1 --- Man... some of you bring up some lame shit that has nothing to do with anything. Are you accusing somebody of something? Cuz if you are, you better spit it out. The other 350 of us don't know what the f**k you're talking about.
Were you one of the one's sho slept overnight at the union hall with a gun in your hand (on multiple occasions)? Were you one of the one's who sat outside and watched the building for the robber to return? Did you know that we were not the only one's in the 'hood to get ripped off? How many of you knew that the neighbor to the east saw the robber making their way into the kitchen window on one occasion?
Sit at home with your thumb up your ass on Tuesday and when we lose our ass. You can show up at the next union meeting and say, "see... I told you so." Or try this one. If we do exceptionally well, you can show up at the next meeting and say, "see... I told you so!" Now back under the porch with you. Mutt!
Received via email 3-5-07 QUESTION: How does a DC firefighter fake an orgasm?
ANSWER: He throws some hot yogurt on your back.
Received via email 3-5-07 Aw Geeeez !!!!!
Received via email 3-5-07 What flavor? Berry, strawberry or banana.
Received via email 3-6-07 Whats funny is that after he wrote that stupid f***ing joke, he had to push the "shoot" button.
Received via email 3-6-07 So, how does everybodies ass feel tonight? So much for council support. To Mr Williams, news flash pal, we are more than, "firemans". We are fightfighters - men and women. Now go back and finish pleasin your boss you carpet bagger..
Received via email 3-6-07 Conners and his lap dog was so full of bullshit you could swim in it. Imagine telling the council that our "total" pay package also includes the underfunded liability from our pension and oh, BTW, it includes the overtime. and etc, etc. But the pension, oh, that just includes your base salary, which falls about 40K short of what we're telling you. That guy must have the smallest joint in the universe.
TEAM: It was certainly entertaining seeing them out of their element. They're great at popping off with figures (until they're called on them) then the eternal squirming began. "I though you had the ball?" "No I gave it to you!" "Actually, I had the ball and I left it at home!" In the end, they didn't make their case and they didn't really hurt ours. The fact that the state legislature 'may' do something that they don't expect, did us in for now!
Received via email 3-7-07 I'm gonna go to medic school and go to HCFR as i hope the people we are sending do too!!!!
Received via email 3-7-07 We must continue to be on the alert for what the city's attorney Tom Gonads has planned for us. His firm represents many cities in this area and has attempted to change every pay plan to a merit based system. What does this mean to you? Its means the harder you suck the bigger your raise. If you refuse to play their game you get nothing. We all know the big headed power hungry officers are out there and if they can save the city money they feel they are doing their part. Watch out for this ploy. First they reduce the step % then they do away with it all together. While we may not have gotten much last night, at least the council did not f**k with the pay plan.
TEAM: True enough, Bro'/Sis'. We all need to look at this single year defeat as a short term loss, rather than a long term win on the part of the Mayor's Spin Team. With a possible major tax change looming on the horizon, we didn't realize all that we could have or should have - but in no way did the Mayor walk away with a big "See... I told you so!" FTM!
Received via email 3-7-07 Would someone close to RF tell him that wearing a busy tie with an embrodiered shirt makes him look worse than normal. I would have never thought that to be possible.
Received via email 3-9-07 3rd 3/7. Yeah, what was that all about, everyone in the room and outside of the council meeting was wearing union shirts or other shirts that were not part of the city team, but RF displayed his city logo as if he were part of the city team. And he was strutting around like he was someone of importance. Well RF is just a lowly lieutenant, or should we say LINO. So why are you trying to impress the city admin team and piss off your fellow union members. Oh, that's right, we forgot, it is and always has been about RF and your agenda, not your brothers or sisters. It was pretty obvious at the meeting! RF for Union President again. NOT!!!!
Received via email 3-9-07 Heck the people on south park dress better than him. I think Cartman is skinner also.
Received via email 3-9-07 Correction to 3-07. That's Tom Gonad(less). Any city that has used his firm during the past 20+ years has put the dream of more employees in the dumper than any other "TEAM" of people could accomplish in their collective lifetimes. We must continue to watch out for this asshole and at the same time do anything we can do to continue to expose him as the piece of shit he truly is
TEAM: Thanks for properly displaying the word "TEAM." We always try to place the TEAM first and foremost!
Received via email 3-9-07 RF would have had a contract by now. He knows you cant win over the negotiating team with 20 "bullet points" at a time. Hes got my vote.
Received via email 3-10-07 The "20 bullet points" was easy to digest, but then again like anyone who chooses not to be educated, you've bought into the spin. That little move on council's part was explained at all four follow up meetings. There's still time. Any of the documents that we had available to those of us who attended the meeting are still available - even to those of you who are too ignorant to participate in your own future's! I promise you that I won't be stupid by listening to anyone outside of this local whose intention it is to do us harm. I also won't be stupid and listen to the few within the local (like yourself) who are so lazy that you can't be at EVERY meeting that others put hard work into for YOUR benefit
Lazy ass MUTT!
Received via email 3-10-07 Quote: RF would have had a contract by now. Let him alone. He looked like he was enjoying his new job as doorman for city council! "Say boy... would you call the elevator for me! "
Received via email 3-10-07 3-9 #4 I seldom show up for these things because I haven't had the time. That's not an excuese, but I'm tired of getting screwed. Winnie's not giving up and he's talking like he's gearing up to fight some more. He proved to me on the chalk board that we're getting screwed by a council that's got millions stashed away in little budget lines that will never be spent. Their sole purpose is to hide the money there until they find a pet purpose for the money. We lost a single year but not by our own hands! Let's see how the next contract year (that's now) unfolds and fight the good fight! If you're going to pop off with negative comments about shit you don't know anything about, expect to be called for it. I for one and tired of looking stupid because of your bad information!
Received via email 3-10-07 RF would have been out in 5 or less meetings, he knew it was ruff goings and he also was not going to spend his time on a bunch of folks that didn't do a thing to help themselves back then. I hope that Winnie does not get beat down too far by this decision or by the BS that is going on about his inabilities to bargain. Lets all hope that we rally for this cause and offer the team as much help as we can to get this bargaining process tilted in our favor for once. We need to let this Admin. know that we are here for 20+ years and they are here for 4 or less. I think they are in the process of waking a sleeping giant. Lets prove to them we are the Gentle, Caring, Compassionate, Sum Bitch's that they need to watch, and respect.
Received via email 3-10-07 This union needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The great and powerful OZ (read Winnie) was handed his ass. What is he going to do now? He has proven his total inability to bargain with the city. Does he go back to the council? We just saw what that got us. You cannot play a political card without having first done the polotics. At least RF knew how to play the political game. I think it is about time the membership starts paying attention to who is behind the curtain.
Received via email 3-10-07 You know... we could probably f**k up about 2.5 million worth of stuff in a year's time if we tried real hard.
Received via email 3-11-07 Well as long as Leslie hates RF we will get no where with the city. They are both useless in the arena. How did she get elected? I think if I remember that she might have received money help from someone associated with the mayor. HMM. Lets see. You have that Herbie who left naval intel and put into officer retention. One could only wonder why that happened. What other things is he hiding? You have the uneducated lawn man and Childs Park Williams. Until there are educated people (all) on the council, we are done in for the future.
Received via email 3-11-07 RF couldn't get us anything.. He is a scab.. Yes the city's own little confidential informant. Didn't you see him at the door, opening it for the lawyers? Did you see the person behind that green door? Hmmm where does he sleep. Oh yeah he is the undead. His city logo shirt said it all silently.. He is a back stabbing wanna be insider. Hell he even lost his job as Fire Rescue PIO.. Only reason he still has a job is due to his ties down the hall with the big office? Newton is the most informed, capable leader the local has had since the likes of Wimmers, and Tully. So take your vote and give it to RF you'll find him at the Trop in the city's, Mayor's box.
Received via email 3-11-07 I remember now... RF won the last election by a decisive margin! Must have been because he left all of the union bank accounts overflowing with money instead of spending it on Leslie's campaign! Leslie's good in my book though. I remember her paying us back in full. Cuz after all, it WAS just a loan.
Tell him what direction we need to go in (if you can get your point across). Maybe this time around he's ready to work for US and not just play the big man on campus! You can find him at 893-MUTT.
Received via email 3-12-07 After the fiasco at City hall, I wanted to thank all of the folks that spoke for us. That retired firefighter, (didn't get his name) Titan Zamp, and Good ole Dave Fraser. I do have to say one thing. Dave you're great, well spoken, knowledgeable, but you have taken it one step too far. You want to emulate Charlie Crist - your red tee shirt showed it. But did you have to go and dye your hair! What will be next!
Luv, Claude Kirk
Received via email 3-12-07 Claude, how nice to hear from you again. It has been a long time. Yes, I am a fan of Charlie Crist, and have known him through many friends over the years. That said, I went gray way before Charlie, and arguably way before I should have. Frankly, I suspect that Charlie is copying me.
Thanks for allowing me to clear this up.
Dave Fraser
Received via email 3-12-07 awww, look at all the love mutts we have.
Received via email 3-12-07 You think Dave looks like Charlie . I think he looks more like Prince Charming in in the movie Shrek !
Received via email 3-12-07 Isn't that just like a republican. He see's a stand out public servant, city level TV personality, and copies him! What the He__! A new idea that politicians can't make up their own ideas..Keep your path Davie!
Luv and hanging chads,
Katherine Harris
Received via email 3-12-07 1st 3/12 - I chuckled at the idea that some council members thought that Dave's 29 years on this job was some kind of stellar feat. In the past it wasn't, but it's getting harder and harder to want to do it now a days. This place is being allowed waste away to a name in the phone book only. Take a look at the city's website. They're so proud that the PD just got reaccredited and they're nothing but a paper tiger. They mayor's got just what he wants. A name in the phone book that doesn't stir up the uhuru, is not a police department.
Brother Dave, thanks for your 29 years of service. The day is quickly coming that those numbers will be a thing of the past because the rats are leaving this sinking ship!
Received via email 3-12-07 Any one else notice how the retirees have been quite since they found out they got a measly 3.5%? I am sure they are happy for another year now. Did'nt I carry a sign that stated, Mayor 35% Firefighter 3.5%? Very strange.
Received via email 3-14-07 Hey I'm a retiree and I didn't get squat, but I'm still voicing my opinion. Boy I wish this site had spell check. Scott Pownall (retired) Luv ya guys - stay safe!!!!!!!!!!!!
TEAM: Sometimes it does and sometimes it duzn't.
Received via email 3-15-07 I too am a retiree. I will say again that out of respect for the shellacking we took at the hands of the council I have not done what I said I'd do. But now that ya mention it I guess it's time to remind you that I called the results of this mess many months ago. I also predicted that I'd be three out of three at the end of the council's decision. Guess what. I was right on the the money. Three for three. One; political action was a monumental failure and always will be. Two; Picketing was fun but as of this minute has produced absolutely nothing. And Three; We would get screwed royally at the hands of the council. Three for three. Indisputable. "Any one else notice how the retirees have been quite since they found out they got a measly 3.5%?" Perhaps I'm on the wrong page but I thought the retirees only got half of what the on duty members received. That means as a retiree I will receive 1.75% not 3.5%. Ya know if you're gonna bash people you should get your facts straight.
I was disappointed in the outcome of the council determination as any of you. Not because of the money but because even though the methods were sometimes lame and well worn the members have shown some real tenacity in staying the course and it didn't pay off. Going to the council with 20 items was suicide and you had to know it. The reason, and I'm being very cautious here, that the union got contracts in the past is the the bargaining agent knew when to back off. I can't swear to it but I think 20 items to a council for determination is a record of some sort. Now we have to do it all over again. Is it gonna be business as usual or is there a new strategy that we'll be introduced to? It better be a good one because the time spent getting to this point has now become our worst enemy. Ironically the union's stonewalling has produced the biggest club the city could ask for with which to beat us over the head. Possibility. The possibility of this. The possibility of that. And that's a viable position and one we should expect to have to counter. I truly wish the team well.
Congratulations to Dave on lasting 29 years. He's always the voice of reason. And best wishes to Jon Pearl on a fast and complete recovery.
Dick Tully
Received via email 3-15-07 I probably should not say this, but since I have a lot of friends on your department, I will. I am trying to get on SPFD. I have applications elsewhere, but I suspect because I am almost done with paramedic school that your department will hire me. But after reading this website, I am certain that I would be better off elsewhere. I wont give my name, but those of you that know me will know who it is because I am from the Atlanta area. I will take the job if you offer it, but I suspect I will quit and go somewhere else if offered in the first year or so. If the other departments work out first, I will not hesitate to go to a city where firefighters still get respect. No offense, you guys are great, but I cant spend the next 20 years (30?) where the city resents you so bad. Whatever happens, good luck to all of you. Maybe we will all work together someday soon.
New Guy To Be
TEAM: The truth is truth is the truth! Whether you're standing in a puddle during a lighting storm, holding a metal staff or you're sitting in the middle of your living room watching the storm pass by, your choices are dictated to you by what is the truth. You've wisely chosen not to get struck by lightning - only to realize that you'd have pissed away a couple of years here, while trying to recuperate elsewhere!
If we may be so bold... why don't you consider writing the same type of considerate letter to each member of city council? Nothing gets a politician's attention more than an unsolicited letter from someone whose (currently) not got a dog in the hunt. Each council member's email address can be found at the top of the Resources page. Your sentiments go directly to the heart of the matter as they relate to attraction of new hires and retention or existing members. If there were ever a case where perception appeared to be reality - this is it.
When the training chief asks whether or not his training staff is actively involved in dissuading individuals from applying to SPF&R who are going through the Fire Academy and the resulting answer is, "We don't have to dissuade them, the word's out on the street!" --that's the truth!
When we run into members of other departments during our Continuing Medical Education and the topic of discussion gets around to OUR contract and they mention the fact that THEIR organization is running smoothly -- that's the truth!
When we hear from people such as yourself, who've friends on this department, yet you're looking elsewhere to offer your services as a Paramedic -- that's the truth!
When every ambulance goon in the county now see's the place where we work as being less than desirable - that hurts!
Received via email 3-15-07 DC firefighters would love to work here because they dig it when they get things shoved up their asses.
Received via email 3-15-07 Hey Atlanta guy maybe this will make up your mind go fu**yourself. Of course when you read this you will think everyone on SPFR thinks this but no it is one guy. So this site does not tell everything, just ones opinion. Also we are SPFR not SPFD if you were really applying I think you would no that. Go to DC and suck their balls. Yes DC and Balls in the same sentence.
TEAM: Oh yeah... that's the other reason you don't want to come here. This website only portrays "ones opinion" - whatever that means!
Received via email 3-15-07 Hey dickless 3/15 #4, we ARE an FD. Calling us "fire rescue" is technically correct, but the name change was just a feel good thing to make people think that Callahan respected EMS. If someone comes into town and asks if we have a fire department - only douche bags like you will say, "no we don't---we have a fire rescue!" What a pile of shit your brain must be. If you are an officer, you are probably the type that kicks beds at 0700 and keeps the TV off until 1700. You are a fascist nazi and you have no penis. Now why don't you take your mangina to DC and see if you can scare up some faggoty action? Up yours, pussy.
As for Atlanta, good luck with whatever you do. We are going through a rough time in St. Pete right now, but please know that in spite of the penis free woman that jumped your shit, we have some fine people that you would be proud to work with. Good luck with your decision, I wish you the best and congratulate you with your choice of the fire service. It's the best job in the world.
Received via email 3-15-07 Hey Tully, go double check your math. When we get 3.5%, YOU get 3.5%. It seems like half because you are on half pay. Capiche? That's why when the chief gets 3.5%, it is a bigger raise than when a firefighter gets 3.5%. Do you understand? You got 1.75% of top firefighter but you stopped that pay rate a long freaking time ago. Now do you get it? Are we typing too fast? How can you have had an escalator clause for 20 years and still not get how it works? Come back tomorrow and I will walk you through reading and writing. Oh, and thanks for the "I told you so." It would have hurt if we hadn't all seen it coming for months. You old guys think you have us all figured out, but you are more predictable than anything Winnie might do. I still respect you, but I don't think I would trust you to balance my checkbook, if I had any money in there.
Ohmi Balza Hurtang
Received via email 3-15-07 To the proud retired "DICK". It is obvious that a past leader such as yourself would not want to take on the trouble of 20 points, this is why we are were we are today. Since I did not see you in the crowd during the Impasse Hearing I fell pretty confident that you never saw the list of the 20 points and therefore you are not able to make any educated comment on such list. So for your information, ALL 20 points listed fit on the front of 1 legal sheet of paper. Of the 20 points, NONE of the council members even asked to have ANY of them explained. Each of the 20 points have been on the table during this entire battle and the Union team has always been told that the Council members were always kept in the loop. What scared the Council the most was the slide show the City presented that shows it costs $72,000.00 to hire a new $36,000.00 firefighter. Of this cost $22,000 (61% of salary) goes toward the firefighters pension, of which 40% of that goes to keep your golden parachute fully deployed. So if you want everyone to believe that you only get 1.75% of our 3.5% you might want to go restudy your facts again yourself. YOU get 50% of our annual salary, because you had it so good you were able to leave after 20 years. If you stayed like some for the 5 more years then you would get 2.1% of our 3.5%, or 60% of our annual salary. Either way your raise is based on our bottom line no matter the % we receive, other-wise you would not still be at 50% of our pay grade, by your own admission, you stated you are making $22,000+ a year, this would not be possible at only 1/2 of the % of our raises each year. Tell me I am wrong and I will apologize. Then maybe you can come to town and explain it to all us dummies. You constantly like to show us that what we are doing doesn't work. Well it is most obvious to us now that whatever you guys did back when - didn't seem to go so well either. We still have the same assholes on the city's team now as you did when you was in charge. None of them walk with limps nor do any of them have missing family members, so I guess the ways of old didn't work here then either. So you knew when to back off. Yeah I guess so. An automatic escalator is worth protecting at the cost of any new guy. We can't even pay to get a lesser version of a simple COLA beginning at age 60. Why? Because of the earlier mentioned 40% of the pension costs for your pension. How much did you contribute into your pension? We pay 7% and are willing to go higher but this city isn't willing to incur anymore debt because of the high cost they pay now. This is a cost that we will always be saddled with and that's the facts. So thanks to you and all yours that got us here. I hate to admit it, but you guys did one thing better than we can. You saddled us with unfunded liabilities better than we can ever dream of doing to our new guys.
Received via email 3-15-07 I want to go to the perfect Fire Dept and work there for 100 years and never have any problems with my superiors or my brothers and sisters, not to mention city admin. I want to work for Walt Disney world Fire Dept. but first I have to win the Superbowl and play first base for the Atlanta Braves in another World Series. Wish me luck.........
Received via email 3-15-07 There you go again bashing ems. We are rescue since we do 80 or is it 90% of the work. No wonder us medics are looking for greener pastures. Take your narrow minded ass back to the sticks. I will take my mangina somewhere else why you are stuck here begging for scraps. Be proud you are a fireman, screw ems. You probably are a slick sleeve at that. Now you and atlanta boy go fu**yourselves.
Received via email 3-15-07 You will be more likely to accomplish that amazing feat way before you get a better deal here.
Received via email 3-16-07 When I came on it was a Fire Dept. that did EMS, now we are an EMS Dept. that sometimes does fires. I am not being sarcastic when I say thanks for doing most if not all of the work, you have made my stay here so plesant, heck if it wern't for EMS I might have left 10 years ago just because of all of the hard work. One more thing stop using the "F" word like it's and, but & or,try to come up with something original. Have a nice career wherever you end up at, as for me I am enjoying spring traning with the Braves and I am living the dream here at Disney World.
Proud to be a "Fireman" but hoping to be a better baseball player.
Received via email 3-16-07 This gets better and better every day. your shirts should read (---DELETED---).
TEAM: Ooooh-ahhhh... tough break. We don't deal well with interlopers from Bernville Pa. (Comcast Cable customer - IP address 69.248.38.XX) bashing us on our own website. Your infatuation with us (as evidenced by your incessant visitation of our website) proves that there's nothing going on in your own life. Since nothing you have to offer 'us' is of use to 'us' - we hereby deem you USEless!
Received via email 3-17-07 As a bisexual female member of SPFR I want to go on the record as saying that the guys in DC seem like a bunch of fags to me.
TEAM: So noted Broster/Sither
Received via email 3-18-07 When I grow up I want to be a "webmaster". Just because I think they have a really cool job.
TEAM: "Yeah... yep, (while snapping suspenders against the chest and knocking his pipe against his heel) it's a cool job, but it's sometimes a lonely place here in the CIC (that's short for Command Information Center). We'd thought about inquiring over at Palm Harbor FD but the webmaster there just 'writes' stuff. He doesn't 'respond' to the 'daily crisis'. He's not tracking inbound intruders. He's not listing council persons who'd throw him under the bus - and - he's not working 30-35 years for his FD!
Received via email 3-18-07 HA HA HA
Received via email 3-18-07 Medics are looking for greener pastures? Like what? Sunstar or a butt wiping ER?
Received via email 3-18-07 How many DC firefighters are looking for work in Largo Florida just to be closer to the city manager?
Received via email 3-18-07 answwer to 3/18........NONE, they like being (---DELETED---).
TEAM: Hey -- you DC guys have got to get your own website so you can queer it up all by yourselves! Last word on the subject ---- now blow!
Received via email 3-18-07 Answer to Question 3-18, When you're a non caring bunch of A**holes. (City Admin that is) Then again I guess one could surmise they are the biggest and the best.
Received via email 3-18-07 3/18 #3, Which "Do Boy" posted this? No need popping off with the sunstar comments. Apparently they're catching up with us! Longboat's hiring and apparently so is Palm Harbor.. I think it's funny that one of our own firefighters is advertising for another dept. on his own website (our webstie). We must be the talk of the town(s). Free advertising (for the other guys dept. that is) - whoodathunk? Hey council are you paying any attention? Your PD and FD are passing up the rats on their way to the lifeboats.
Received via email 3-19-07 We are the talk and laugh of the town, state and fire service!
Received via email 3-20-07 Who is the bi-sexual female ?
TEAM: Uhhhhhh... We think it helped to set up the joke...
Received via email 3-20-07 Who IS the bisexual female? Don't you mean who ISN'T the bisexual female?
Received via email 3-20-07 It's pretty pathetic, really. This guy "faggo" is a leader and he's taking pot shots at a guy he doesn't even know. I wonder what "lower than whale shit" FINO on this job fed him the picture?
Received via email 3-20-07 You know there is a fine line between paying respect to the dead and having a morbid obsession with funerals. Those DC guys travel around the country going to firefighter funerals. I can see representing the brothers in a reasonable geographic area, but when you are covering 11 states you might want to talk to somebody about your preoccupation with death. For the record, if I die on duty I would appreciate a nice showing from within a reasonable perimeter, but I don't need a bunch of guys I never met from 1000 miles away trying to wash themselves in my family's suffering. I doubt you guys are really as queer as everyone says you are, but I do think you have some weird issues with other peoples death.
Received via email 3-20-07 I checked out the watchdesk and it is pretty obvious that most of them have deep crushes on us. You don't have to spend much time in DC to realize that those homos would much rather spend their time eye f***ing Florida firefighters than be up there in the most corrupt city on earth, humping each others underpaid asses. They have a guy named Fuego, which everyone knows means "I like it from behind". He is their king of swing. Go check it out. They even have a picture of one of our guys on their site that they can jerk off to. What a bunch of queens.
TEAM: Our head hurtz from laughing, copying and pasting this shit! Please may we have another?
Received via email 3-20-07 Probably one of his homo friends that he says works here.
Received via email 3-20-07 My gut feeling is, when Iron Mike got through with Fuegho - he'd be limping home and Iron Mike would have that "just pumped the neighbor's cat" look on his face!
Received via email 3-20-07 Why don't we just block outsiders from entering our site? I can block people from mine. Do we really want the people that read our site to think that we're really that stupid?????????????
TEAM: Nobody ever asked!
Received via email 3-21-07 Why block them, I enjoy reading the childish behavior comments on both theirs and our parts.
TEAM: You can still slap 'em around. There's another site that they've referenced, where they were going to 'out us' to the world. We venture to say that theirs is a smaller world than ours. Enjoy the Florida Sunshine and the beautiful temperatures! We're going to enjoy fewer words to copy and paste.
Received via email 3-21-07 Why not let the DC queens keep coming in here? They aren't any harder on us than we are on each other. Nobody means any real harm. Most of us would probably happily buy beers for most any one of them if we actually met. I went to their website and they are just as petty there. The funeral remark may have hit a nerve but so what? Screw them. They're just a bunch of queers anyway. I thought we were kidding about them being fags until I saw they actually have a picture of Iron Mike up on their site. What panty waists those guys are.
Received via email 3-21-07 Yeah, why the heck would the DC guys want one of our FFs on their conversation piece. They are a bunch of homos.
Received via email 3-21-07 Homo----lol
Received via email 3-22-07 Come on now, even if it was true. You know that they like their own sex. Where the hell do you get off calling them hate crimeable names? How about calling them Homosexuals, gay, etc. Don't be a hater! Celebrate your diversity gay fella!
Received via email 3-23-07 Get ready to have your (spring break-time off) hammered with a bunch of mandatory overtime. Grand Prix is a coming. Well at least some are swapping up a storm and may get to spend a little time with their families. Hope all those with the flu or injuries recover quickly. Oh, I forgot... our own doctors that give us our physicals, put most of you off on sick leave because you don't fit the new NFPA standards. Your city wants you to be at the grand prix there for them... you know - like they were there for us.
Received via email 3-28-07 There are a lot of good points made throughout here. Everyone should keep in mind that unity does prevail and you must be very careful who you unify with. I don't work in your city, but work 'with' your city. I can tell you that RF will never be a true Union brother again unless he was demoted or put back on the front line. He takes jabs at every single one of you every chance he gets. He is the one sleeping with your admin, and council. Do you really think because he mentions a couple of good points at a union meeting that he has changed sides? He's only trying to get you to work against each other and make himself look good. He is an ememy that you always seem to overlook.
Received via email 3-28-07 NEWS FLASH......THIS JUST IN.....Union President and his staff are putting in way too many hours for the Union and some of us want it to stop. Major concerns have been raised over the amount of pool time hours that are being used. The worst part is that Lt RK seems to have been the instigator in this issue at last weeks meeting. Next time you see him ask how many pool hours he has donated in the past 3 years. I am certain that you will (as was I) surprised when he replies with 0 or less. Yes he does do a great job of building the boxes for the retirment axes. That has nothing to do with providing time for the officers to attend meetings n such. I hope the union officers dont take this to seriously, I am proud to see the lights on in the office. It sure beats the old regimes saying of "If you dont have anything to do, dont do it here". Or the other great one that admitted "if there was nothing to do, he wasnt going to sit there all day". When has there ever been nothing to do? Maybe thats why there is such an attempt to get caught up this time around.
Received via email 3-28-07 3/28. Not all of us overlook the slippery snake RF. He is a poisen person. He takes us as a burden rather than an asset, which we are.. Your right, he was the one behind the scenes at the council impasse, he sleeps w/ Bakerman at all the special dome events. Get a pair of binoc's next rays game, and take a peek. Watch your back, cause he's aimin' for yours.
Received via email 3-29-07 Damn, you mean to tell me, they are using the hours that I DONATED to them???? I thought that was what they were for...Management approves the usage and some of OUR own f***sticks have a problem? Did any of the team go on vacation with these hours or were they used to attend union functions and prepare to do battle for our futures? I guess I'm thinking as a union brother instead of a FINO...I guess the hunting group had a bad season in the woods so now they are taking pot shots at whatever they hope is an easy target.
Received via email 3-29-07 Too many hours! We ought to be glad (lucky) that we've got three single guys in there. If any one of the three had a wife to contend with, we'd be screwed!
Received via email 3-29-07 Welcome to the big city, SPFR has had to beg and borrow fire equipment to pull off this fiasco. Lealman, P Pk, the fire academy and even E-One has had to come up with engines for this race. Well I'm certainly glad we got 10 more years from the penny for Pinellas. I wonder how the accreditation committee scores this one?
Received via email 3-29-07 They are not single, they are married to each other. One other thing, I know I am not a rocket scientist but damn. Use spell check or have your 3rd grader proof read your posts. At least look like you have a HS diploma instead of a GED.
Received via email 3-29-07 Did any one see the numerous press interviews covering last nights massive fire fight the Brothers and Sisters of IAFF Local 747 and other Locals from throughout the county encountered and surpressed? Of course you did, but did any of you see Mayor Baker, Mike Conners, Chief Large, or PIO Rick Feinberg bestow praises on these same Brothers and Sisters? Of course not. Now if you are still wondering why we got screwed at the Impasse Hearing you can stop wondering now. We mean NOTHING to these people, they probably think it went out by itself. They are more concerned about the damage to the roadway, like they are going to have to pay for the repairs. Lets see if that excuse comes to the table next time. Its hard to believe that a simple mention of the job that the firefighters were doing was not possible during the interviews. I think we need to be on the next issue of Believe it or not.
TEAM: While we'd love nothing better than to agree with you on this particular issue, we can't, totally. While we didn't see all of the TV reports in real time, there are a number of video's currently online that are probably more extensive in scope than the typical reports that make it to the TV viewer due to time constraints, etc... Check out the Resources page and look at the Ch. 13 link. There is a series of three videos on that page and the one you may not have seen on TV where the Mayor praises the FD, is there. It's the middle video, we believe.
Received via email 3-29-07 How come no one calls the accredidation commision and tells them that or the news to let them know.
Received via email 3-29-07 Hmmmm...Mayor's praise of the Fire Department was abaout as generic as possible. As was his praise of all the other departments that attended the catasrophe. At this point I guess praise in any form is accepted. Too bad it wasn't a little more endearing.
Received via email 3-29-07 I'm sure that the accreditation folks have got a website. Give them a buzz.
I'm betting that as long as this department's check to them was successfully cashed, they are golden till the next renewal fee is due. We do the same thing when we send people to the National Fire Academy. Half of them don't have the qualifications. Miraculously prior to going, their application's get massaged over and "poof" they qualify. Our best and brightest float, too!
Here is another money grabber. Times this by our whole fleet of vehicles. WOW!!!!
Received via email 3-29-07 Maybe we can get a decal for our helmet. How much are those? Add that to our total compensation.
Received via email 3-30-07 This whole accreditation thing is a scam. Just look at the gutted out police department we have. They're accreditated too. It might as well be in a third world nation!
Received via email 3-30-07 Yeah looks like only about 12 or 13 accredited departments in the whole state of Florida. What's that out of few thousand departments? Yeah, real important. Dont see City of Miami, Metro Dade, Tampa or Hillborough on that list. Guess they're not real departments. I agree, the whole thing is a joke.
Received via email 3-31-07 Hey, it doesn't look like New York, Chicago, LA, or even or our Washinging D.C. friends are on the accreditation list. Are they real departments? Of course they are. We are a joke compared to their call volume and work load. So what gives? I'll tell you what gives. The whole accreditation thing is a money maker for the non profit they claim to be. The directors are making a huge salary by making the other departments do what they call a self evaluation. Then they come and spend a few days here and the fire department cuts em a big check, not to mention the yearly check. And our dumb Fire Admin falls for it. Probably, when Callahan and Large went to that conference some years back where they learned about how great being accredited was, they had one to many beers that night and Jim said to Jim, Hey, we gotta make this conference legit since we just used about 5 grand of the taxpayers money for the golf tournment we played at all week end. Yeah, sounds good Jim. This may seem a little sarcastic, but you and I know it isn't that far from the truth. Do a little research for yourself and see!! But hey, the great city we supposedly work and live in doesn't have enough money to give us enough of a raise to even be competitive with those around us. But we sure will jump the chance to throw money down the toilet for being accredited. Come on big city "real fire departments" you better get with it. You can't hit the big time until your accredited. Do we work for a bunch of Morons or what !!!! First two 3/30s, your right, its a scam and a joke !!
Received via email 4-01-07 I wonder how Pinellas Park residents would feel if they knew they were paying taxes for cheap ass St. Pete to use their apparatus for an event that makes the city MILLIONS of dollars? This city is a joke!
Received via email 4-01-07 Somebody tell me again why we have a DC who's our FPF District Vice President but he actively works against his brothers and sisters? Management must think he's a great guy because he's a well trusted by the troops and can make his way around in a Suburban to spread little seeds. Well I guess the Suburban part is the true! I don't care how hard these guys try to be liked, they'll always be mutts for the city and can suck my ***k! Don't be as dumb as they make us out to be. Don't trust any of these $100,000 a year do-boys.
Received via email 4-02-07 Lets add Tampa to the list of vehicles we borrowed. It looked real cute seeing our pelican logo try to cover up TAMPA FIRE RESCUE on the door. This truck was on the track.
Received via email 4-02-07 to 4-1#2 He made abunch of promises to the they guys in the north county while sipping a few cool ones. Proof positive that drinking and thinking don't mix. We're stuck with his lame DROPPED ass for another year and a half! Then it's time to vote him out for real. He doesn't nothing for us in our local or for anyone's local for that matter. He's pretty useless as anything but a mutt spy!
Received via email 4-02-07 Up yours. He's a great DC.
Received via email 4-02-07 If you want bullshit, how about the nasty gram from union headquarters? It appears the brass are tired of taking it on the chin. All of this can be avoided. Listen to sound advice!!! This local has alot of smart people who have been around and have good points but they are shooed away because the president knows what's good for us, so we keep hearing. Look through the smoke, there's alot we aren't being told about the negotiations and the process with which we are out of control of. The president has an agenda and the membership isn't part of it. Let's make the step and let him know what we want out of this process and hold him accountable. We've been silent long enough. And, by the way, props to all who got stuck at the races this weekend and had to endure the mayor ignoring them. That was a total embarassment and no public servant should ever have to go through that. If the mayor wants to take a stab at a state position, the weight of the FFP will be against him.
Received via email 4-02-07 4/2 What color is the sky in your world? Union has it's own agenda? My ass.. Its the strongest, and best leadership 747 has EVER had. When the city shits on us, we wipe it away. Yeah it hasn't been pretty but he has moved into the present day. So go ahead and spread your dissension. If you are so brave, why not say who you are, and back those words with something more than BS? Once a loser, always a loser.. Knowledge has made the city administration quake in fear of the mighty 747. The idea of using the so called experience of, "past leaders", is suicide! If you forget the past, those same enemy's will give your soul away, and make their pockets flow over.. Who's the idiot now? FTM
Received via email 4-02-07 To #4 from 4-2 - I suppose you have taken this big concern of yours directly to Winnie, to his face right? I think that would be so much better than trying to underhandedly stir some support this way. Go directly to Winnie with what you said above, hear him out and if you still do not like what he said come back here with your story - quote him and try to gain your support that way. It seems like pot stirring the way you are doing it or like you've been left out of something everyone else has not. Oh, while your at it, don't forget to sign your name so we know who we are supporting. Thanks
Received via email 4-03-07 4-2 #$ Whether we’re talking about the do-boys, the FINO’s, the MUTTS, or the dividers – you take the cake. I like to think that I keep my finger on the pulse of this place and "you sir" are full of shit! You come in here and expect a group of anti-Winnie followers to step right up and prepare to receive some marching orders from you. If you had one iota of information to spread, you’d have fertilized 40 acres in the first shot. Say, you aren’t one of the few who voted against the captains and chief’s joining the union then later told everyone that you really voted to join the union? Flip-Flop? Put up or shut up. You make it sound like there’s some kind of conspiracy at work here. Hey douche bag – I’ve got a secret for you. Your first day in front of a computer was a disaster and because you can’t get anyone else to buy into your bullshit in person, don’t think that we’re all going to fall all over ourselves with your stupid theories while you hide behind the massa’s big house door. You want to know what’s going on with our contract? All of the points were just posted on this website and I don’t remember any of it ever being hidden from me or surprise surprise – suddenly appearing like a diamond in a goat’s ass! Guys like you only show up after dark. You’re like the rats that hide in the shadows.
Crawl back into your hole, “Mr. honking on the fire chief’s bobo!”
Received via email 4-03-07 I'm not going to get as upset as the last brother or sister, but it's obvious that someone holding a grudge is on a fishing expedition. Let's see what the next couple of days bring to you. I suspect your not going to get any bites and your bait's still on the hook!
Received via email 4-03-07 Sheeeeesh! I go away for 24 hours and I come back and there are dead mutts everywhere. Kill 'em now before they multiply.
Go Union! FTM
Received via email 4-03-07 It's very simple people: You don't like the way the union is doing business? GET INVOLVED. You don't like how the city is compensating us? GET INVOLVED. Make a true effort for a positive change, hold everyone accountable (especially yourself) or shut up and find a new job. It takes very little effort and a weak mind to throw jabs from the sideline on your la-z-boy recliner.
Received via email 4-03-07 4/2 #4 "Let's make the step and let him know what we want out of this process and hold him accountable. We've been silent long enough." Okay... you first. Sorry... didn't catch your name?
Received via email 4-03-07 "I'm one of the sheep and I demand that you tell me what to do!" C'mon. Man-up, boys. If you don't, they'll have you emptying the chief's piss bucket or installing car seats or something!
Received via email 4-05-07 Appeasement! Let's tell the city that we've overthrown the union that that we're now ready to deal. The mutts can be in charge again. We never meant you any harm. Ahhhhhh for the good old days. We'll have no money in the bank, but we'll always have soda and beer. We'll have a hefty credit card bill too, but hey, that's business. The only way to get business done in this city is to take a different councilmember to dinner each night. Maybe one of the mutts can find a future wife on council and we can offer her a campaign loan (while the rest of us aren't looking) that she'll never have to pay back. We can always rely on her to vote in our favor when the chips are down (like if we ever go before her in an impasse hearing). The fire chief will love us and respect us once again. We'll be working hand and hand to accomplish his goals. Remember the year that we didn't get the pay raise? That was the year that we fought a little too hard and council took notice. Boy, we learned our lesson then. Don't make it look like your fighting too hard or they'll get upset with you. Like family dog, you should remain out of sight when the family's eating. If someone's coming through the fence that needs to get bit, they know where they can find you. Did I say fence??? We didn't have a fence around the union hall in the old days. Like Chief BJ always says... "we didn't have one of those when I was a blue shirt and you don't need one now!" He's right. Nothing good ever came from elevating your status by changing your surroundings. I don't know a single firefighter who's ever sold an old house and bought a new one. I've never witnessed the look on a councilperson's face when they've showed up at our union hall, but I'm sure they were impressed. They were probably wondering how we could afford such lavish digs when we move a scant $500,000 through our budget each year.
The future looks bright. I can't wait to get started, but I don't really want to be at the head of the line. Will one of you at the front who doesn't have the will to fight, please drop your pants first and tell me what it feels like to do the union thing properly? If you lead by example, I may figure it out one day.
Received via email 4-05-07 04/05 #1 Touche'
Received via email 4-05-07 04/05 #1 "If you lead by example, I may figure it out one day." Ha ha ha ha...I like that one. That's one of the major problems around here. Everyone wants to be a chief before they've even given it a good shot at being a good indian. Next election cycle, I wanna see some of you little chiefs dancing to "Indian Nation" when we unseat some of these pr**ks that don't deserve to represent us in the council chambers.
Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo...
Received via email 4-06-07 Is that a train or an indian sound? "Woo woo woo woo"
Received via email 4-06-07 1st 4/6 "You sound like a big choo-choo train." The Waterboy 'Bobby' Boucher Jr.
Received via email 4-06-07 Question to 4/5 #3 - since you are on this crusade, have you been to a Union Meeting, stood up and voiced your concerns for everyone to hear or are you like so many others who spin your "annoyance" on here, trying to start a little "fire" all the while hiding without letting everyone know who you are? I think everyone has the right to their OWN opinion, but when you are stating you want to unseat people and want help doing it, you should be out their in front letting everyone know who you are and what your agenda is. I think you should do like others have and stand up in front of your "elected" union officials, and your brothers and sisters at a meeting and say what you have to say. It doesn't hold much water when you hide on here. If we don't know who you are how can we follow you????
Received via email 4-07-07 Yeah, stand up and make an ass of yourself like we witnessed last month's meeting. I was so embarrassed for a few "senior" members.
Thanks for the show boys.
Received via email 4-07-07 Yeah, its sad when we have our own union partners come against the leadership in front of the whole crowd intead of confronting that person alone. That is some pretty intentional back door back stabbing BS. Maybe an apology will be coming soon from that person to the entire union, proving they back the leadership. If not, he may lose more respect than he thinks!!!
Received via email 4-09-07 I am for one, am sick of hearing the anonymous postings of hate, and slander for 747's leadership. This current group of leaders has more than earned their small pay checks. Beyond the contract issues, Will Newton has safeguarded our jobs. He has, and will continue to protect us from unearned Red Tickets, and witch hunts by certain, "supervisors" here. We continue to grow as a group, and have earned respect, even with those, "DC Guys". So, nay sayers, belly up, take responsibility for your statements. In other words, if your going to slander someone, or take a different point of view, be so mature as to sign your name (the real one please). Quit hiding behind the key board you cowards!
Proud Union Member, John Barfield
Received via email 4-10-07 Nice haircut Barfield
Received via email 4-10-07 4/10: Typical answer from a mutt...
Received via email 4-10-07 It's funny to see someone with an ounce of intelligence get jumped on by the union people. I guess I should say that I use that union term loosely. Maybe I should capitalize union. Anyway, watching the whole thing, called a union, unwind before us all is really a shame. One of our members designed this website for us to unite and it works for about seven posts and then, Bam, we kick it up a notch. I know, he's so last year. Back to the story. That post didn't have a name. So, the point is, MOST DON'T. You true American heroes don't sign yours and you attack a person that doesn't. Please, sign your names so the union, or UNION, can stop sending you ballots and start telling you that meetings are now on the third Friday. How goofy. Just an observation.
Lovingly, Captain Jack Sparrow
P.S. I hope I spelled everything right.
P.S.S. What's a Barfield and does it bite as hard as it barks?
Received via email 4-10-07 4/10 #1: It is a nice haircut, it may even come back in style. In 20 or 30 years! But seriously John, lose the freakin Joe Dirt doo.
signed, Ice Cube (barber shop)
Received via email 4-11-07 4/10 #3 - People jump on you, union or not, because of what is written. If someone merely gives their opinion on something, that is one thing, but the ones that are "giving their opinion" along with spewing obcenities, making remarks about wanting to become a union officer "next time" and plain just stirring the pot, they are the one's who should give their name. If they feel so strong in their convictions they should not be afraid to put their name. However, probably because they really have NO intention on running, putting a more explanatory reason for their comments down, and basically just not having enough spine to deal with the backlash, they do not sign their name. They may very well have great ideas and should work with the union regarding them, but because they want to be "important" they go about it this way, hoping someone else will get on after them and praise them for what they said. The last incident at the union hall where someone stood up and spoke their mind may have faired better if they did not come in with the mind to attack someone. They should have done some of that behind closed doors. If you are willing to make negative comments on here at least you should indicate who you are so we can question why you feel that way, especially when some indicate they are chomping at the bit to be part of the next union leadership. Otherwise it will be taken with a grain of salt, which is should be. P.S. I hope you do not take yourself seriously. At least you picked the right category to post under.
Received via email 4-11-07 OK, I have stood by quietly long enough! I am sick and tired of people attacking me for my hair. Yes, I grew up in a trailer, and my family was poor, but ask yourself "if this is where you want to be when Jesus comes back for you, picking on poor little Joe Dirt"? Did you people forget that when I was born it was without the top of my skull? The mullet wig was put on by my mother because it was all we could afford. Just remember before you take my name in vein, that in the end I bagged the two hottest women in the whole movie. I also got my HEMI back and lived happily ever after. So in the future please leave my name out of your insults to each other. You guys and gals are too serious here, you gotta "keep on keep-in on". When the man tries to give you 3.5 you gotta think "life's a garden dig it". It is only if your balls are frozen to the porch do you really have something to bitch about.
Love, Joe and Brandy Dirt
PS. If you didn't see the movie none of this will make any sense, sorry.
Received via email 4-11-07 Ain' it ashamed. A Union Firefighter states an opinion, and all you guys can do is rag his haircut..What the hell has this place come to? The reasons stated in his post were valid,and true. I see this is the BS section, how about showing some brother, and sister hood,and act your assigned ages?
A not as yet retired Firefighter..
Received via email 4-11-07 4-11-07 #2.... You are an "Idiot" for waisting valuable space on this site, nuf-said
Received via email 4-12-07 Hey Ice Cube, Eat me..
Received via email 4-12-07 The statement about wasting valuable space on the site could be said most days here with many different postings.
Received via email 4-12-07 And Moses said... "Speaking of NFPA Standards, we have never formally adopted a single NFPA standard other than those associated with fire prevention and mandated by state law. We strive to comply with the recommendations of the standards to the best of our ability. In reality, the economics and practicality involved are prohibitive. This approach is perceived as picking and choosing. In this litigious society that we live and work in, I can not argue against the perception. While we do not search standards, we do have to deal with them as issues arise."
And now without the doubletalk: "We have never formally adopted a single NFPA standard that protects firefighters. We only adopt those standards that place the city FIRST and the firefighter is a distant SECOND!"
Received via email 4-14-07 If we have never formally adopted a NFPA standard why the heck is Chief Crumity and the rest of our fine FFs off duty? Why dont someone at HQ stand up and be a man and say, hey we didnt adopt those standards so BACK OFF on the physicals!!
Received via email 4-14-07 I can fix the problem with the physicals. I will need a yard of twine, an old credit card, a light bulb, some aluminum foil, and a magneto from a war era motorcycle.
Just trying to help,
PS I lost my mullet and feel and look fantastic!
Received via email 4-14-07
When asked, say, "No. I don't have that medical condx any more."
When asked, say, "No. I don't take that medicine any more."
When asked, say, "No no no. I'm tired of catching. You catch for a while. My asshole hurts from catching.!
Above all, pay and benefits con't mean shit if you can't retire from this friggin' place. they cause you a problem and they can't even man up to shove you around while you're on workers comp. They put you off and make you use your own sick leave. Tell everyone you suspect of seeking a job here, that this is no longer the environment to raise a family around. This place sucks my shaved bag!
Received via email 4-16-07 I just checked out the watchdesk website that the DC guys go to. It's mostly grown men sending each other pictures of their dicks. And they said that WE were immature.
TEAM: Everyone knows that "in person" ins the way to go!
Received via email 4-16-07 4-16-07 #1....another one of our firefighters trying to stir shit up again with our brothers from the north. I just looked at that site as well, and if you noticed, they stopped the shit as we should to. I also looked at their site, and, they do catch a ton of fires. Stop the shit stirring and lets all try to be professional, grown men.
Received via email 4-16-07 I agree leave the DC guys out this. They have kept up their end of the deal, we should do the same. They do fight a shit load of fires, no wonder there are no medics working there. They would be scared.
Received via email 4-16-07 4-16-07#2 Stop being a woman and drop the idea that everyone has to get along. These fags started it, as they will start again. Why don't you go up there to work with them so you too can "catch all those fires" and nail each other in the keister. Join those from here, who kissed their asses publicly on the watchdesk. The only guy speaking up for us on there didn't even work here.
Received via email 4-16-07 But, I'm a women....
Stevie Statonette
Received via email 4-18-07 The medics would be scared? I dont see any of you lazy ass suppression types packing your bags to go work in the big game.
Received via email 4-19-07 amen
Received via email 4-19-07 Please dont start another war of the words, we (DC guys) dont wish to particiapte again, its not good for either of our departments. We did publically apologise on the Watchdesk, and we will do it agian here, we are sorry for being involved in the childish behavior that both sides presented on this site and the Watchdesk. We're no mopre a fag than you probably are whoever keeps calling us these names.
If any of you medics wish to come up here to work,the city is hiring, the burnout rate is tremendous. I am sure many of you could handle the workload, but it will be different for you. The type of incidents you will run will be for the most part, a lot more of the violent nature than your probably used to on a regular basis. Sure, our EMS runs the shit out of the basic ems stuff, but the shooting, knifings and drug runs are rampant. They dont work a 24 hour tour as you are used to, unless you come in on the supression side, and serve as the medic on the engine. Your bvetter off coming in on the supression side of things, better work schedule (24-72), better union, better pay and your respected unlike most (not all) of the ems folks.
Dont expect to live in the city where you will be employeed, you wont make enough money to do that, although you will live very comfortable, you would be better off commuting from Pennsylania or even soe of the Maryland counties, but the cost of living there has skyrocketed. A one bedroom aprartment in the district can run upwards of $800/month, and this isa rat hole. Right now, a top grade captain with 20 yrs on is around $110,000.00/year without OT.
If any one is interested in coming to the big game as someone called it, I would be more than happy to get you the information on how to go about the process. Unfortunately, if your not already on the list of applicants for the fire academy, you will be waiting probably 5 years or so to be even considered. As for the medical side, it is a much faster process.
Be Safe
Received via email 4-19-07 During the recent officers meetings, JW said that if anyone's getting the bright idea of calling in sick during manditory overtime, then you'd better bring in a doctor's note. I've got a great idea. Bring it in after a couple more sick days off. About the time you get to your doctor that back ache should be all better and you'll be good to go with a doctor's note. I don't care what you clowns in HQ do, we'll always be one step ahead of you. You live in a box that you've created for yourselves and then you wonder why no one comes through the front door anymore. Take it from me, when anyone talkes about any of you, it's not because you're backing us but because your back stabbing us!
Received via email 4-19-07 Like I've said before, there's always vacation available. It's just a phone call away. You want to use my vacation time as sick leave? Then I'll use sick leave as vacation, bitch. Doctor's note, no problem chief, I'll just swing by my doctor's office and get one.
Received via email 4-19-07 The rest of the employees of the city sick leave now comes out of their sick leave account not vacation. I am sure we are going to have to bargain for this. Maybe we can give a perecent or two to get this benefit.
TEAM: So what you're saying is, not everything that's in the contract is good for us? Huh!
Received via email 4-19-07 Thank you to the DC guy for checking in, and thank you for the invite to move up there work with you. I love your city but I think I will restrict my exposure to it via occasional visits to the Smithsonian and other government buildings. I lived in Alexandria when I was a kid and last year I buried my father in Arlington Cemetery. Dad is buried within view of the Pentagon, where my sister was a Navy commander up until a few months before we lost her to cancer. So it goes without saying that a big part of my heart is in your neck of the woods. I for one appreciate hearing from you guys up there.
We will let you guys keep the nations capital safe, and we will do what we can for America's playground. Comparing our jobs is like pitting apples against oranges, but I like to think that our brotherhood is sound, and our hearts are in about the same place. If you ever are in town on the "C" shift, find station #9 for free coffee. I will make it myself and proceed to bore you with my retirement plans.
Thanks for your civility. Stay safe.
Dave Fraser
Received via email 4-20-07 Dave ~ condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father and sister.Your father was a hero to have served our country and be buried among many other honored soldiers.I couldnt think of a more beautiful place to rest forever than Arlington. Was your sister assigned to the Pentagon on September 11, 2001? Very bad day for our country obviously, but those of us involved directly, it has left scars forever.
Your so correct on the department comparisons, its funny you use the phrase apples to oranges,my homestead is one of the countries largest apples growing areas,and of course Florida with the oranges.
Im not sure we can keep the capitol safe, but we sure can help keep it from getting too far out of control.....except for the powers to be, they are beyond help. I have never been to your engine 9, I have visited 1,4,5,6,7,12 and 13 years ago, so the offer to stop in is appreciated.
Received via email 4-20-07 Thanks Dave for again proving that we have some class act members in our department. You're always the first to arbitrate the petty bickering on this site and it's appreciated by the majority of us. I'm sorry for the loss of your dad and your sister. I hope you will continue to be one of the few voices of reason on this site after you retire.
Received via email 4-21-07 Question: What if they threw a party and nobody came?
Tom Kimler's retirement party was supposed to be on Friday and HQ kinda, sorta forgot to schedule it. Don't feel bad Tom. Spike had to share his party with Gladys (no crack on Gladys) at HQ, not at his home station. Spike probably didn't give a shit as he is Georgia bound, but Gladys thought it was a little odd.
This is just an example of things to come. JW has already said that he doesn't like taking units out of service for parties (code words for NO PARTIES IN THE FUTURE, YOU HEATHENS!)...
Received via email 4-21-07 Don't you heathens understand that to some people showing respect for your religion means hating everyone else?
Received via email 4-21-07 The party for Tom would use of more time than Tom actually came to work.
Received via email 4-21-07 Maybe admin would have a little better outlook on Kimler's retirement if he hadn't drug it out so long. He's been saying he was going to retire for years. This was just a petty attempt to hold a position for Kahle when he took the test. No secret there. You don't think admin wanted that extra slot when they had a female and a minority in the top ten?
Received via email 4-22-07 Admin cares about one thing and one thing only, there little pot of gold they collect week end and week out while the rest of the department struggles. FTM
Received via email 4-22-07 Are you suggesting that Kimler was in cahoots with HQ?
I doubt it.
Received via email 4-22-07 If it weren't for the occasional big red truck passing by HQ with it's siren blaring, you'd swear that you were standing in the offices of Allstate. If you all haven't noticed, the Kool-aide they're drinking, ensures them that the world is flat and that the center of the universe rest's in that building. One of two things is going on. We've either got too much shit on our calendar that is just that - "shit!" Or we're seeing the second coming of the Jehovah nation. Either way, I'm not missing out on saying good bye to someone who's spent 25+ years here, just so we can satisfy the latest suit occupying a leather seat at the center of the universe! 100 years of nothing new from a series of administrations that are so disconnected from the working man, and so connected with THEIR wallet, it's no wonder why there's so much distrust.
Received via email 4-22-07 Is it true that the chief has a problem with units out of service for retirement tributes? But we can take out countless units for officers meetings so he can watch guys go downtown and kiss his ring? Sorry sister, Homie don't play that.
Received via email 4-22-07 I was in no way suggesting Kimler was in cahoots with HQ.
Received via email 4-23-07 The chief didnt have a problem with units or equipment being out of service for Grand Prix day, but try and honor one of our own that has spent 1/4 of a century with this department and they crap right in his lap. NICE, real NICE !!!
Received via email 4-23-07 Here is a classy move by our city, Chief Diggs spent 40 years on the job,a well respected chief, got his retirment notice given to him as follows:
At 1234 hours Battalion Fire Chief Charlie Diggs ran his last call with DCFD, Shorlty after the fire DC OPM told the Chief he had to retire today during his shift.
They didnt even have the decency to tell him face to face, they sent him word through the department mail. Once these clowns drink the Kool Aide, they forget where they came from.
I know in our case, and most likely in your similar case, the respect from the men will mean more than the feelings from city hall ever could.
Received via email 4-24-07 Dam Different city same BULLSHIT KTF
Received via email 4-24-07 I'm sorry I did'nt realize this was "The Real World" DC
Received via email 4-24-07 Hey, it didn't just start with Kimler. Remember Lt. Fish? They had him drive himself around in the power truck. That was a classy way of saying "up yours." He only had 43 years on. And then when Larbalestrier retired, no one from HQ Staff could find the map of directions to get across the parking lot. Another 30+ years man. So, like evolution the art of defecation has been around since the beginning, SPFR Admin has just refined it.
Received via email 4-24-07 Tom Kimler is in no way, anyway connected to the suits downtown. Anyone that has been here 15-20, or has a clue, and ask first, knows Tom took multiple LT test's. He was always in the top group of canidates. The joke by his own shift at the time was to send him a passover card each time it happened. When Tom was finally promoted, I remember him saying, at his ceremony, that even a guy like him can get promoted if he waits things out... Yes the A/S HQ boys of the day didn't really like Kimler. He was a long time paramedic, with the great JD Tomlenson. ( sp check ) He did his time in the trenches, made the grade and was promoted. He did a good job as a LT. He was no over achiever, and I can't recall him f'in anyone over little rule infractions..He did not make many friends in the union, he often spoke his mind which a lot of us didn't agree with..BUT he was always honest, and I for one enjoyed having him as a co worker, and friend..Have a great retirement Tom! and remember,
Received via email 4-25-07 Hold your breath, someone at HQ has discovered that the payroll guy "misrepresented the facts" a little about his qualifications. Dont matter none that he was doing well with the Oracle monster. So they fires him and turns to Newby to ask her to come back to fill in for a while. I hear she tells em to leap off the skyway while holding a fistfull of sharp implements and leave her be. Now the way I see's it, I thinks the city has found a new way to delay our retro checks but I am waiting to see on that, only 8 more days to go. Me thinks that every night when Mayor RB connects into the Oracle hive and he an "Hal" gets on the same channel Hal tells him where the smart peeps are and how it would be wise to get rid of them soon afore they fig'er this city out. We cant be havin no smart alec pee-ons knowin more than the BORG's. This is just my view point.
Received via email 4-26-07 Anybody catch the mayors editorial in todays paper (does he work for them too?) He said that he has lowered taxes while at the same time improved services in every department. Anybody feel improved in the last few years?
TEAM: We don't recall seeing the words "Fire Dept." used next to the words "Police Dept.," anywhere.
Received via email 4-26-07 Hey, attorneys lie, cheat and steal. Thats just what they do! Well maybe not all of them, but the ones who could never make it in the courts, so they become a politician and have a successful career. (Successful at lying and cheating everyone but themselves !!!
Received via email 4-27-07 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100 - 99 or 100?
Received via email 4-27-07 I read the good mayor's little ditty. It's all bad. The room's turning dark. I'm getting scared. Hold my hand. Puleeeeze help us!
Yeah, well - I'm over that. With all the doom and gloom, the mayor forgot to make mention of the millions that they've amassed over the last few years that can be put to SOME good use. We keep hearing over and over again, that timing is everything. What every one of us needs to understand is that working for the City of St. Petersburg is like living on the movie set of GROUNDHOD DAY! There will never be a good time to ask for money or pension improvements from these weasels in suits. The council members that we've ALLOWED to represent us, disrespect us and betray us daily. We need to be as politically active as a group of 300 people can be and throw out those bastards that abuse us and stop dead in their tracks those who wish to further their career's at the state level at our expense. Stop listening to the MUTTS who'd have you believe that kissing ANYONE'S ass is the way to go. FTM and that includes some of you MUTTS who pretend to be anything but dues paying scabs!
Received via email 4-27-07 You hit the nail on the head 2nd 4/27. We are with you !!!
Received via email 4-28-07 4-27 #2 There will never be a better time than this to kick some ass. If we're being tested by these mutts (our own and theirs) then we need to pass their test and win at their expense for a change! When I hear the comments from that dirt bag of a council member, Bryan, "they ought to be glad that I wasn't at the impasse hearing. I wouldn't give those lazy firemen 1%, let alone 3.5%," I just know that we've not been active enough, politically. RF would have you all believe that he had the council members eating out of his hand. That's done us a lot of good. These words of wisdom come from a guy who can't be bothered to show up at a union meeting except with his posse in tow. We can't rely on a few to do the work for all of us. I've read it and I believe it to be the truth - and that the fact that the general public trusts us and generally sides with us. We need to be politically active like never before and start to put our thoughts into action. If the people trust us, then they need to know what it is that we believe in and show them the way.
As to our in house mutts. I stop them dead in their tracks and name all of their allies when underminig all of us. They're few in number, but it shuts them right up to know that every person they talk to isn't so blind to their little "blame the union first" games!
FTM - all of them!
Received via email 4-28-07 4/27 #1 is the answer 99?
Received via email 4-28-07 The city of St. Petersburg is all about the self fulfilling prophecy: spend money on pet projects, then deny the whining, bitching firefighters their due - "because the monies aren't available." It doesn't matter that you fall behind other firefighters. Firefighters should be seen and not heard.
TEAM: You win the "Hit the nail on the head" award, Bro'/Sis.
Received via email 4-30-07 Received via email 4-30-07 Don't you heathens understand that to some people showing respect for your religion means hating everyone else?ok mike enough of your religious bullshit.
Received via email 5-2-07 I guess they had a "little" fire on the northside the other night, about 4 structures going at once. It seems that one of the city administrators had her house damaged, and guess what? The first due engine only had 3 personnel on board.....ain't life a bitch. Oh, and bye the way, one of them got injured, trying to save your lousy shack.
Thanks for your continuing support.
Received via email 5-2-07 Oh yeah. Thanks. Just because I have cloven hooves that makes me a heathen. Up yours pretty boy.
Received via email 5-2-07 I like religion. It gives us something to argue about when we get tired of politics and pay issues.
Sam Snead
Former Golf Great
Received via email 5-2-07 Now that its all said and done, there is one thing I really truly dont understand. What exactly does nappy head mean? I get the ho part, but I don't get nappy. I just dont. Sorry I'm not the hep cat you thought I was.
Tom Poston
Recently Deceased But I did bang Suzanne Pleshette thank you.
Received via email 5-2-07 That person that was injured should have not been burned. They were in defensive operations, so how do you get burned on your hands and shoulders on a line outside? The officer should not have let her get that close.
Received via email 5-2-07 I wasn't there but perhaps her officer was forced to manage too much with too little. Take a look at the story on this site's home page. That Local is fighting to keep their 4 man engine co.'s while this backwards department can't keep more than 2 on a ladder truck. We're all wrapped up in the liability issues that supposedly come with not paying enough attention to NFPA 1582. F**k that! Talk about a snowjob right out of the chief's office. Dude, I hope you step up to the plate 'if' and 'when' someone from city council ever calls. I guess you're not too worried about the liability associated with getting one of us injured or killed because this city won't properly staff it's apparatus per the NFPA.
With all the time that's wasted typing bullshit to every page of this site, you'd think that THIS issue would be number one on everyone's list. We're working for a useless, self centered bunch of f**ks in the drop plan who don't have a clue that there's a fire department out here! FTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via email 5-4-07 5-2-07 #5 You are right. I was there. The officer had too much to deal with from the beginning and it didn't help that the DC pulled a 1 3/4 line for a 2 1/2 inch fire when the driver was pulling the 2 1/2 and was ordered to put the 1 3/4 in service.
Received via email 5-4-07 Nice job with Kimler's going away party. Gee, I'd love to tell you all what was going through Tom's head with every chief officer that walked through the door. Tom's been a bit bitter and a recluse for the past few years (something to do with being passed over by the drunk), but I remember Tom when he worked his ass off for this Union. We took a look around the room and did a quick head count of the movers and shakers on this job who've never contributed a minute's sweat to this Union. When you read comments on this board about HQ staff not knowing that there's a fire dept. outside of the building they work in, there's a reason for it. The vast majority of your HQ staff have never been to a Union meeting or picked up a hammer to drive a political sign into the ground. They've been working to promote themselves - but never you or me! The next generation of mutts can be found not too far from their apron strings. We're ready for you! FTM! PTB&S KTF EGH DTRT
Received via email 5-4-07 Hey, I'm just happy to have a job. I pay my dues, so why do I need to show up at a union meeting? Tomorrow when I see you on the corner with your MDA boot, I'll contribute a dollar or two. I'd like to help more, but I've got a fire instructor's class to attend. I'm going to be chief one day! I can't wait to get into that marble palace!
Received via email 5-4-07 5/2 #5 sounds like an officer not willing to take responsibility for his or her crew. Go ahead and blame the city's staffing, but if you can't handle the responsibility why did you even take the test? You dirty mutt.
Received via email 5-4-07 If the firefighter that got burned were thinking, they'd file a complaint with the IAFF, NFPA and OSHA and make the case to shove the NFPA Minimum Staffing Standard up this city's and fire chief's ass! There's still plenty of time to make the case before any of these mutts retire and start wearing depends diapers! FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM
Received via email 5-4-07 What happen to common sense? Did someone have a case of the dumbass? If it is hot back away, just do not stand there. It seems it is a common thread for the B shift. Two probies getting burned within a year or two.
Received via email 5-5-07 Email withheld because this website is run by an oligarchy. Meaning: because we can! Because it suites us. Because we like it this way. Because we're not here for YOUR entertainment. Because YOU expect something from us but we expect never to hear from you. Because your opinion matters, not. Because you're taking up oxygen that Humans need. Because we don't care how you do shit in your department. Because you need your own website. Still don't get it? Hurry and write us again.
Received via email 5-6-07 Just for the record, the red message from the admin. of this site was not towards me. I have not been on your site in days, so I don't want the impression that it's on again between DC and SP. A speedy recovery wish to the injured brother.
TEAM: Understood. Thanks.
Received via email 5-7-07 Ref 5/04 #4 & #6 Since I was the officer on the first incident that you cited, I'll chime in here. Maybe these factors had something to do with it.
1. Both were on 3 person engines.
2. They were both probationary firefighters with little experience (for the last 10 years, my "regular crew" has been with 3 and they've been a probie, there were about 2 exceptions, and one of them was when we (E7-B) pulled that lady out of that house fire on 64 avenue, (like you have probably done on numerous occasions).
3. The officers were within 5-10 feet of the firefighter, and in voice contact.
4. You get burned outside the same way you do inside. By the time you realize it with all of our gear on, you're already burned.
5. Another shift burned an experienced firefighter, working with an experienced officer as well - in the same time period. I guess you forgot that one.
You could always read the incident report(s) to get information. They're public record, (naaahhh..) I'll take responsibility for my actions, both then and now (I'm signing my name. I guess you must have forgot to sign yours).
Lt. R. Edwards
TEAM: Thanks for your words, Brother Rob. As to staffing at fires, we've proved time and time again that we can do more with less. Although... half of 'our' people are missing due to being Humans that are less than robotic - sub-compliant NFPA 1582, walking liability cases.
Remember: People=Liability!
Received via email 5-8-07 Brother Rob, you seem to have some common sense on real fire scenes, but what is up with your boss? He has appeared reckless on numerous occasions at the real deal, and he chews the common sense folks butt when they do the right thing, yet 'he' more than often, does the wrong. What gives? Can you pull the yahoo in line or are we stuck with that cluster?
Received via email 5-9-07 Every fireman that gets hurt there (St.Pete) should file a lawsuit against the city for violating staffing requirements. Make them spend money to defend their unsafe practices. Your union should be covering your legal fees.We run a great staffing with 5 on the engine, 6 on trucks at least six on the rescue companies....and sometimes we just don't have enough help with the run volume we have.My hats off to you guys, I would have moved on years ago if I worked for a city or state that just doesn't seem to care about safety.
Received via email 5-9-07 Scabs! That is what you are if you volunteer for overtime and deployment to help with wildfires. Show this city administration where the fu-ck you stand, and ohh yes we have the whinners, want to help their brothers with the wildfires. That's bullshit!
Received via email 5-9-07 48/96, F**k That! You think I want to spend 48 hours straight here? Are you out of your mind?
Received via email 5-9-07 I was thinking something like 12-96. I get my fill of this place long about the time the memos start flowing from the Urine City FD HQ! If we worked 48 straight - we'd all be on suicide watch and council would be on death threat watch!
Received via email 5-9-07 Just wondering if 5/9 #2 worked the grand prix? Not a shot, just a question!
Received via email 5-10-07 No, he just works at the stations you know, it is not the same thing.
Received via email 5-11-07 Hey asshole. Here's the answer to your f***ing question.... Mandatory scab!
Received via email 5-15-07 What does common sence and the this fire dept aminstartion have in common? NOTHING!
Received via email 5-15-07 So you are calling me a scab because I volunteered to help a community in need. I was deployed to Lake City. There was people their that did not know if they had houses to come home to. It's not about being a suckass, a mutt or a scab. It was far more than that. These people were so thankful to see our fire trucks at their homes in the forest, hoping that we can save their home if the fire came close. The appreciation from the community was outrageous and I am proud to say that I was at the Bugaboo Fire in '07. And I hope if we ever had a hurricane hit us, we would get support from other fire departments. The comraderie and brotherhood up their was far greater than I have ever seen before. You can call me what ever you want, but it won't bother me.
Buddy Feinberg
Received via email 5-17-07 Thanks Buddy, you did the right thing. Far more productive than the meaningless acts and mindless drivel most of the assholes spew on here. Your dad always held the men in first place when bargaining and actually securing contracts and for that he's been held up to ridicule by a bunch of big mouth morons who have no concept of what the union is all about. I would hope you continue to do what YOU think is right and let the whiners and bitchers fight among themselves. You were fortunate to work for a short time with REAL firefighters. The downside is that you had to return to this shithole and work with idiots.
Received via email 5-17-07 yeah Buddy Fienburg your a fu**ing sorry ass scab, keep volunteering the city admin loves ya, and will keep paying the same fu**ing wage for the next 20 fu**ing years, grow up you little ba**ard!
Received via email 5-19-07 career guys volunteering??? as in fighting fire for free??
Received via email 5-19-07 To 5-17 #2:
I guess if I need to grow up, I need the literacy of a 16 year old. I mean whats up with all of the obscenities and asterics, just normal words doesn't work. You can't even spell my name right, and I spelled it for you. Maybe if we took the 15% the city offered us some time ago I would not have volunteered to be deployed. Actually yeah, I would've still volunteered. Thats why most of us choose this career, to help people in a time of need. We get paid good money for what we do. Yeah we deserve more but there is a lot of people doing the same job we do for FREE. I have a family to support and if we can't get a descent contract, I will keep volunteering for overtime. Let there be no hard feelings,
I love you.
Spelled correctly,
Buddy Feinberg
Received via email 5-19-07 Do what you need to Buddy. None of the people bitching about you working OT are going to pay your bills for you.
Received via email 5-19-07 Q: Why is our own union against us helping other fire departments, like LAKE CITY ?
A: Because, we have to support a money scam on the weekend.(MDA Mother F,,,,,, Boot Drive) Buddy, Joe JR, Rich, Lt, and anyone else envolved in the wildland fire, keep up the good work!!!!!!
Received via email 5-19-07 Now that I said that, I hope I dont have Muscular Dystrophy!!!
Received via email 5-19-07 Bdddy signed his name how about 5-17-07 sign his or her name. For some one to come in here and say the things that you have said thats what pussys do. Be a man about it and say it to his face.
Received via email 5-20-07 Buddy Feinberg for Union President. We could do a lot worse.
Received via email 5-21-07 Received via email 5-19-07 Bdddy signed his name how about 5-17-07 sign his or her name. For some one to come in here and say the things that you have said thats what pussys do. Be a man about it and say it to his face. I have you fu**ing asshole, shut the f**k up, and go back in your damn hole.
Received via email 5-21-07 cookie monster for president
Received via email 5-21-07 What ever happened to the good ole days where young guys were supposed to keep there mouths shut for the first 20 years ?
Received via email 5-22-07 Those days are gone. Now you have to give them a hug and a lollipop every morning, and then tell them what a great job they did just for showing up for work. Welcome to a new era of firefighters. It's only going to get worse.
Received via email 5-22-07 No wonder we are so messed up around here. We go with the idea that guys with a few years on the job, can't voice there opinion. Well I only have 3 years on the job, and my opinion about 5-21-07 #3 comment is that it is full of S**t. I find it hard to believe that this department has gotten to where it is by waiting for 20 years to hear somebody's opinions or ideas. 5-21-07 #3 idea is so damn ridiculous that I am glad that A) he is not at my station, and B) he is not in a position of leadership, because anybody with that idea and mindset should be the last person ever promoted. 5-21-07 3# I hope one day you will realize that us young guys count just as much. Good Job Buddy!
Jeremy Clark #1-B
Received via email 5-22-07 There is a right way and wrong way for junior members to be heard, its called respect for senior men. Yes, your vote counts, as does a junior mans opinion. The breed of the new members of the job isn't what it was twenty years ago. There is way to much hair goo, myspace accounts, prettiness and not enough manliness. Not enough traditions being adhered to etc. The junior man should never disrespect the senior man of any house. He earned his position of senior man by doing the time, just like you will "three year wonder" get in the sink and STFU.
Received via email 5-22-07 Congrats to 5/21 #1 for sneaking in the first use of the "F" word here in UsVsThem totally uncensored. Good work.
TEAM: Saw it - missed pulling it!
Received via email 5-22-07 Include me in the group of senior men that liked it better when the newer boys were a little quieter. 20 years might be too long to have to wait, but we now hear complaints from guys with 2 or 3 years on, that sound like the "can't wait to retire" 20+ year men of yesterday. It would not be so bad if these young whiners actually did something to change things, but they are mostly the bums that get in their over priced vehicles to go to homes they can barely afford and bitch to their loved ones about how underpaid public servants are. To these guys I have to say: Grow a pair. Then learn to live within your means.
Thank you for listening.
Father Time
Received via email 5-23-07 Some of you senior guys should live up to your part. You do not take the time to show the junior guys the trucks, engines, etc. They hear you bitch about the city, what do you you expect them to do? You bitch and moan when they take classes because they are not being shown by you so called senior man. Read the article that Hay wrote a year or two ago. I am not pointing out all senior men just the ones complaining about the junior ones.
Kolcun and Parker "senior men know who we are"
Received via email 5-23-07 05-22 #3 and #5 - Amen. Most of them have no clue. There are a few exceptions, but overall you are correct. Some even whine about taking out the garbage and helping wash dishes. Unfortunately the good ole days are gone.
Received via email 5-23-07 It's ok to voice your opinion Jeremy, just keep it to yourself.
Received via email 5-24-07 For us senior guys, wow!, can you here the ME generation whining, like they know something what thier talking about. Guess like the parents said to them, your gona learn the hard way you little f***ers!
Received via email 5-24-07 Lets get back to bashing our mistakes in admin that we thought was going to improve the department. Yes! getting rid of w-mberly, Cubby!, and specially our politically motivated Livin Large. Oh! Nice fu**ing job on Aditestes, off on beta blockers for brief moment and suddenly back on the job. Nice job to you two butt-f-ckers.
Received via email 5-24-07 Imagine this conversation, "The Senior Man". I am not a senior guy, nor am I junior. I fall somewhere in the middle (10+ years). I do not know everything, but I have observed many types of people in my time on this department. I would like to thank everyone that I have observed because I have learned much from everyone of you, both good and bad. As "Kolcun and Parker" pointed out, I have been the recipient of and seen the true senior man at work, on the ramp, going over the engine, truck or rescue with the new/junior guys. They are truely passing on the knowledge so that everyone may benefit from this. These are the senior men (and women) that really care about who they work with, and how these people are "brought up" on our department. My hat is off to those of you that fit this description.
I have also seen the other side of this. However, I refuse to call this person a senior man. I call this person a man with more senority. There is a big difference. The man with more senority, has some time on the job, but sits around the station watching everything and getting involved in nothing. He is the one who purposly withholds information as he is afraid that his driving time might be cut, that the younger guy might get promoted, or that the junior guy might shine while on scene. He is a selfish one and he is afraid. He refuses to talk to the probies. He MF's the probies when he does speak to them.
The real SENIOR MAN might not the man with the most time, but the one who continually steps up at the station for those that he works with. The person that you are witholding all of that expericene and information from might oneday be driving for you, be your officer, or be pumping the engine that is attached to the line that you have while inside a fire. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? I worked with both Larry and Paul and will take this time to say, you both were SENIOR MEN! People could learn much from your style and I WILL pass on what you taught me. THANK YOU BOTH! To the other senoir men, thank you too. To those who want to be senor men, EARN IT! By teaching, by example and by doing what's right. Jeremy Clark, you do have an opinion and you are entitled to it. You do a good job and it is noticed.
Received via email 5-24-07 They whine about taking out the trash and don't want to do the dishes, but they want to become a D/E or a LT. and they don't even have hair on their balls yet.
Received via email 5-24-07 In responce to Kolcun and Parker,why should we senior men take the time to show the new guys the trucks. When they come on the job they should have a pretty good idea of what an engine or a truck or a rescue is as well as what each of them do. On the other hand if they are having a problem finding something on a certain piece of equipment or need help performing an evolution of some sort then any officer with some drive will get the whole crew out of their recliners to help the new guy or girl and bring him or her up to par. I came on this job 20 plus years ago and I am retired now and when I first got here the engine and truck drivers were more than willing to help if you had a problem as well as the officers in charge too. If you showed some initiative as an EMT the paramedics were willing to help too. The end point here is I don't think that the new guys are so poor that they can't find any help from anyone, it's that they want to have it all right now with just a few years on the job....well before they put their time in to prove themselves. Bottom line all of the courses they take dosn't make them smart ! Experience does.
Received via email 5-24-07 With that attitude, I'm glad you're retired. Good riddance.
Received via email 5-25-07 Maybe if your department had a real fire academy, instead of having guys be "certified" firefighters prior to applying for a job, these types of issues would be resolved. When our guys leave the academy, they are trained in almost every aspect of the job, they know the equipment because every engine is layed out the same, with the couplings being in the same spot, the irons in the same exact spot truck to truck. If the senior man hasto train the probie where something is, the probie needs to return to the academy, period.
A senior man is the member in the house with the most time on the job, but I agree, some of them are pieces of shit, and their officer needs to pull this person aside and remind them, they are the one the junior members should be looking up to, not avoiding, so get you shit together. With this said, I would rather have a good chauffer on my rig than a senior man, because the chauffer can make or break the entire company. They are the one responsible for the entire rig, they will know where everything is located on that rig, how everything works etc, so therefore, when I get a rookie assigned to my house, I always intorudce them to the chauufer for guidance. The senior man position is great for house rules, whats expected of the men while in the house, he should run the house, make it the place of pride so many men beforehand have served and keep the traditions alive.
The rookie should always be doing the dishes,cleaning the crappers, be on house watch all day, and then lats but not least, be in the books studying, asking questions and far from any televisions.
Received via email 5-26-07 That DC guy is back here trolling for dudes again.
Received via email 5-26-07 I am happy to help the new guys find their way around the station, but why do so many of them need their noses and butts wiped too? Where did these pansies come from? These whiners actually complain about our pay scale then go out and throw money at some queer that trims their eyebrows. I am done with these quadrasexuals with their pole smoking hair gel and manicures. Bring back the real men.
Yours in all things manly,
David Bowie
Received via email 5-26-07 All this advice would be great if we had senior men that gave a shit. Granted, there are some who do, but with the present climate most just don't care. Yeah, they'll say they do, but do they really go out of their way to guide the new hires? Usually not. And people wonder where the R.O.A.D. acronym comes from. I have 10 years on and in my station I'm the one new hires usually go to for advice. Is it because I know more than the senior guys at the station? Of course not, I just take an interest in the development of a fellow firefighter I will be working with. I think this is something that has begun to decline amongst our senior firefighters. But like I said, this certainly doesn't apply to all of them.
Received via email 5-26-07 DC fags are back!!!
Received via email 5-26-07 Keep the three Treasure Island firefighters on the chopping block in your thoughts, and a position in this department.
Received via email 5-26-07 What's going on in TI? Chopping block? Explain.
Received via email 5-26-07 Did they not vote to get out of our union? Maybe St pete Beach will hire them.
Received via email 5-27-07 There are senior guys that give a shit. To 5/26 # 4. If that is the role that you assume or have acquired, then consider yourself on the road to being a senior man. Good for you.
Some are upset because the new guys are bitching about pay scales, but that is what they are being taught. They are like little kids (no offense intended to all the new guys). They will mimic what they see and hear. If they see the "senior men" or the people with seniority biching, whining and complaining, they will do the same. If they see them taking pride in thier job, checking the trucks the right way, and taking a leadership role around the staiton, guess what...they will do that too. So everyone look in the mirror because what you see might be the very thing that you are bitching about the new guys doing.
I understand that times suck right now due to many outside infuences, but we need to rise above it and lay the groundwork for the future or we will be in some sad shape. Even though times are tough, we work in a great area that affords us some opportunities that others in the county don't have, and that is good calls. We still go on some pretty good calls including many structure fires and some good MVC's. Use these to our advantage and spend a minute teaching people on these calls. Even it it a small detail or observation, the new guy will remember that for his/her career. Shit, they may even pass it on a few times themselves. Even though it may seem to be a very small thing, sometime the difference between good and great are the little details and small things.
Everyone stay safe and keep your heads up.
Received via email 5-29-07 5-26-07 #2 complained about hair gel and dreams about the return of real men. Okay Mary, it is evident that you are attracted to longhaired burly men. Sort of like Fabio? How many times did you go and see the movie “300”? You nasty little freak. According to your signature, you’re into “all things manly” and that’s okay, don’t feel bad about that. We all have different tastes and society is a lot more accepting now. Seriously though, I am willing to bet that when you came on in the 70’s or 80’s, the senior men complained about your comparatively long hair seeing as their generation wore theirs short. Those senior guys also probably used a type of hair product to keep it in place so as to sport a clean appearance. Ever hear of Brylcreem? It is Funny how “senior men” complain about the same things through time (the "new generation", respect, music, hair, etc.). Once again 5-26-07 #2, be proud of who you are. Just don’t ask me to arch my back and look back at you, mean. Like a Dragon.
Received via email 5-30-07 Now THAT'S funny!
Received via email 5-30-07 I wondered why he kept asking me if I wanted to go for a "Piggy-back" ride.
Received via email 5-31-07 As a current 20+ year guy, that still starts duties after role call, and has the same 34" waist as when I came on, "way back in the 80's" I feel empathy for both the know it all new guys, and the lazy seniors that can't wait for the drop crew. To generalize about either group is pretty bigoted. But facts speak louder than the stuff served up here. Case and point, on a recent visit to the downtown mostly "less than 10 year" station, I saw actions by those very new guys that mimic what they have said is behavior of many senior firefighters! Role call done, I started the mundane chores the mfs has. I bumped into a probie more than once doing so many duties I thought I was slacking. Made it upstairs, and there at the tables sat 5 "young guys" reading the paper, bustin each others ass. I looked, scratched my head, and said what goes? Don't you all know there is a lot of things to get done!? It was me and the new guy doing all the work. More than one of those up and comings said, well that's what they did to when I was a probie..Sad ass excuse betty. After expressing my distaste for their poor attitude to an officer there, guess what? I got the honor of being put on the rescue so a medic could drive the engine that I was there to operate! What a F in country. So news flash kids, stop acting the fool, there is no age limit, or seniority number to qualify you for that position!
Received via email 5-31-07 That had to be the A shift. It's F'ing romper room down there. I've never seen two senior Lt's get worn down by a junior Lt like that. It's sad really.
Received via email 5-31-07 WAH! The paramedic drove my engine! WAAAAH! Give it a rest you woman.
Received via email 5-31-07 Who gives a crap about your 34 inch waist? How much do you pay some nutsack licker to trim your eyebrows for you, you pretty little missy? And what is the big deal about riding a little rescue now and then so that one of the gold and blue patches can take a well deserved break? Do your job, grow a pair, and hug a nut you wannabe sack kisser.
Still on Vacation,
Mom and Dad
Received via email 5-31-07 What kind of a woman brags about her waist size? Nice going Miss Priss.
Received via email 5-31-07 What is the big hurry about starting duties right after roll call? Relax a little. You got all day and all night to clean those toilets.
Received via email 5-31-07 Fabio is a dude?
Received via email 5-31-07 I am a retired firefighter going on 63 years of retirement, and it was the same crap back then the new guys wouldn't even help clean the stalls or polish the steamer they just wanted to sit around and play checkers and drink coffee, life sucked then it sucks now and will continue to suck in the future if all of the new guys don't start pulling their weight.
Received via email 6-01-07 Wow I hit home with a bunch of those Junior Kiss Asses. To 5/31 #2, its not the fact a medic drove, its the fact someone retaliated over questioning inactions by the young boys to their officer. (who's the women now? No insults to the female firefighters they hold that guys job, and then some.).. As for my 34" w to #3 of 5/31, I stay in shape, there's no cardiac meds in my system, or high end hair salons like you frequent! Look at the fat ass 20-30 year olds there. I have ridden more rescue shifts than all they babies there and still like to! To the retired firefighter, your right.same ole shit just another way for the kiss asses to achieve it on the backs of senior firefighters doing there jobs, and not swallowing or taking it in the shorts... What a bunch of loser..BUT this 20+ will still drag your overweight behind out of the fire,, FTM!
Received via email 6-01-07 Last 5/31 that must make you at least 93 if you only worked till you were 30. Nice typing skills..
Received via email 6-01-07 checkers, now there is a old time tradition of a good firehouse. bring those days back, insread of all the I-pod sissie.
Received via email 6-01-07 Lets do the math. 63 years of retirement, at least 20 years on the job that you started when you were at least 18. Are you 101 years old?
Received via email 6-01-07 If you are retired for 63 years you should be dead!!
Received via email 6-01-07 The old retired guys knew everything, did all the work, and were the best employees ever.....just ask them.
Received via email 6-02-07 63 years? Those sons of bitches on the old pension are living forever! No wonder our new pension sucks, those old vampires are sucking the pension fund dry.
Received via email 6-02-07 What's a steamer? Isn't that what you make a cappuchino with? No, That's what I drop in the pool every morning at the station.
Received via email 6-02-07 You don't have to search very far, we still have some retired guys on duty.
Received via email 6-02-07 How many retired guys does it take to change every lightbulb in the entire station in less than 3 minutes? One. Those bastards could do anything.
Received via email 6-04-07 These new panty waste kids are just doing what they have been taught by the 30 day wonders that now call HQ home. Lets face it, there aint much experiance or gumption over there either.
Received via email 6-04-07 Yea you dont have to search to far we do have some retired guys on duty. So give them the respect they deserve, all you new guy's get off your duff's, stop sitting around reading the paper, do your job's cause it's obvious your all the one's that are making us all look great everyday. Oh and make us old guy's another pot of coffee while you are at it. One more thing young buck " If you last your whole career you will be an old fart too someday" RESPECT THE OLD MEN THEY HAVE PAID THEIR DUES. There are those who don't and won't teach you anything but there are many that are willing to help you if you would only shut your trap's and quit bitching for awhile and listen to what they have to say.
Received via email 6-04-07 How many young guy's does it take to wash and dry a fire engine ? None, they were upstairs shooting the shit while the seasoned vet. was doing their job............
Received via email 6-04-07 We haven't seen many of those old pension backstabbers in here lately begging for a raise. I guess 3 1/2% goes a long way when your life ambition was doing nothing after the age of 40.
Received via email 6-04-07 So now we measure an employees worth by how anxious he is to clean the station? Screw the station. When you have something bad to say about me based on my performance during emergencies, bring it on-- that's criticism I can learn from. But when I have 24 hours to get the bullshit done that you think is our job--guess what: I am in no hurry to jump up from the table and clean a toilet. If you find mopping and scrubbing something that needs your immediate attention, go for it, beyotch. I learned a lot in the fire academy and EMT school, but nothing about the bitch work YOU get all jazzed up about. So go clean the stove at 0800 if thats what gets you off. I think I might read the paper and have a cup of coffee (unless the bell rings). We have 24 hours to play maid at the station. Try to pace yourself, missy. I call myself a firefighter. If you want to call yourself June Cleaver let me know so I can give you a pearl necklace to go with your lacy apron.
Later, Pansy.
Time to be hard on the Beav,
The MAN of the house: Ward Cleaver
Received via email 6-04-07 With all due respect to the old guys.....oh wait a minute.......I don't respect you. Just whine about how the "Good Ole Days" have passed you by until shift change.
Received via email 6-04-07 Yeah....ha ha ha.....and don't you wish YOU could? What a loser you are.
Received via email 6-04-07 I once knew a guy on the old pension,
Whose life completely lacked tension.
He put in his twenty,
Which he felt was plenty.
Though he never did shit worth a mention.
Received via email 6-05-07 To 6/4,(AKA WARD) If you take the time to read, (yes read) most station policies state the duties are to begin immediately after roll call.Yes,that includes checking your gear, safety equipment, apparatus, if your driving, ems crap etc. You show me ANY company officer, new, or old that says,
sure pal, take all shift to empty those trash cans, clean that bathroom. Your so full of bullshit YOU should be on the bowl cleaning patrol. SO, stop YOUR bitching', its obvious you can't, or won't do any part of the job, So punk, go refill those paper towels..
Received via email 6-05-07 Unfortunately it's not hard to see why the fire service gets no respect from anyone in the city of St. Petersburg. It looks like that councilman was right in his assessment of fire fighters and paramedics in this town. He perceives us as a bunch of lazy ass whiners that sit around all day thinking up ways to get out of work. And he's right. This department has become the biggest pain in the ass the city has ever had. And in some ways that's good. In others it totally works against us when it comes to earning the respect of those who are in control. In Atlanta the fire fighters and paramedics went to council with the city's last offer of 2.6%. They presented their side and a MAJORITY of council members determined that 5.5% was a fairer figure and that's what they got. They respect their fire service in Atlanta. They don't in St. Petersburg. And don't tell me to go to Atlanta. That's just juvenile. Doesn't anyone ever sit down and analyze why the city treats us the way they do? Why is it they don't stonewall the Police and IBF%O? They both seem able to secure contracts when we can't. We all know it's not going to change until Big Bird is out of office. He's the one pulling the strings on all the council members. But until that happens wouldn't it be more productive to quit cheap shotting each other and airing our dirty laundry for all to see on this site? Do we really need to fight amongst ourselves and give cause to outsiders thinking we're retards or something? How about we all just shut the hell up and only post if you have something of importance to say or pass on. What a totally new concept. Try it. And then try being a man and do the job you were hired to do. Why would you want to live in a pig sty station for 24 hours? Or is that what you're used to off the job? Grow up, man up and shut up.
Received via email 6-05-07 It's the same old-school bullshit that's been going on for years. Apparently your not a good firefighter or team player unless you have a toilet brush in your hand at 0805 or start running around emptying trash cans right after roll call. F**k that. People talk about how horrible this department will be in a couple of years when we have the mass exodus of old timers, I say amen. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.