It can't get any better than this. You get your own webpage to comment on those inefficiencies that are troubling you.
Okay - that was our attempt at Political Correctness. Fill us in on the BULLSHIT that's really pissing you off! Mind your manners. If you can't include evidence (we'll provide you with a working email address if you need to send some) in the form of memo's, written correspondence, etc., we'll have no choice but to strip all names from your story!
8-10-05 We'll start with the first bit of BULLSHIT that seems so hilarious, that it must be true: This Firefighter walks up to me the other day and says... "Hey, did you hear the one about the proposed memo dealing with the use of offensive language - both on and off of the job?"
Our response: "What the f__k? That's gotta be (you guessed it) BULLSHIT!" It's just one more example of the fallout that's to be expected when you find yourself in the position we're in... "The WIN COLUMN!"
The chasm keeps growing - yet morale just keeps getting better!
What do you think?
Received via email on 8-10-05 It's bullshit, I heard it at a CME, kinda raised the hair on my neck.
Received via email on 8-10-05 If we are not treated fairly by our upper city management, do you really think the fine citizens of our city is going to recieve fair TX by us, surely not by
me, guaranteed.
Received via email on 8-14-05 Whoever wrote the line about fair tx needs to rethink. We all have family and friends living in this piece of crap city. What if the person getting poor tx by us is one of them. Lets all do our jobs the best we can, and hope that the powers that be get theirs in the end if not sooner.
Received via email on 8-16-05 This "place" has a history of protecting the chosen few. You know what I mean. Its ok for them to be shit faced drunk in public, scream profanity on Central ave, grab certain members in certain parts of their body. Then the asshole pukes can't drive over the bridge so another member of the GOB Club takes him home to sleep it off. Conduct un Becoming? For you or me? Yes! For him - hell no. Then the prick goes out of his way to get back at people with his bought and paid for bugles!
Like that old saying goes... 200 years of service, unimpeded by progress? NEVER trust a suit, especially ones related to chiefs...........
Received via email on 8-17-05 I am not too sure how to take the comment posted on 8-10-05. I hope this PROFESSIONAL firefighter is not working at my station with me. If that is your true honest feelings about giving our citizens substandard TX, you need to go
and work elsewhere in another field. You are a trained professional. To think it is one thing, but to say it does nothing but damage the name of firefighting. I really wish whoever this was, would rethink their statement!!!
Received via email on 8-19-05 Does anyone know if the rumor is true? I heard that a district Chief attended Thursday's Union Meeting and proceeded to say how this web site is just a tinsey bit truth and a whole lot of not so correct stuff. Can anyone help me out onthis one? Was this really said? See the Straight Dope page - 8-19-05 for the answer.
Received via email on 8-22-05 Has anyone heard the scuttlebutt that's going around, about 3 man ALS Engines at stations, 1, 3, 4 and 5? Not 4 man ALS Engines, but 3! Sounds like a retaliatory strike against the union for asking for more money for the LR's and those Lt.'s who hold medic patches. Where do we all think that those medics are going to come from that will now reside on these 4 engine's??? Why of course... they're going to rob 4 medics of their partners and throw more EMT's under the bus. Of course this is where a pissed-off fire chief gets to throw the EMS chief under the bus and pass it off as an EMS idea!
Funny how they can come up with the X, Y and Z formula for using county money to make it happen most everywhere else but not in this situation!
Cheapskates on the retirement path! More bullshit ontop of bullshit!
Received via email on 8-25-05 Admit it upper staff members!! FreeRain management!!!
Received via email on 8-30-05 (concerning the 8-10 email) ...and work elsewhere in another field. You are a trained professional. To think it is one thing, but to say it does nothing but damage the name of firefighting. I really wish whoever this was, would rethink their statement!!!**Collateral
Received via email on 8-30-05 What will be bullshit, if the Chief sends his good ole boys to Katrina, instead of mixing it up!!!! (Editor's Note: Give Todd Livingston a call. Training for the USAR Team is ongoing!)
Received via email on 8-30-05 Funny how the mutts make such a big deal about uniform regulations yet when it comes to one of the most popular races ever to hit St. Petersburg, one of our very own chiefs wears a polo shirt in an official capacity with an official tag around his neck that not only designates him working for St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue, but also displays himself as a member of the Race Command Staff. He struts around in this capacity directly in front of other officials, celebrities, and the public in general for the entire day at the most crowded day of the race. Oh, but the reason we can't wear polo shirts is that they look unprofessional. Ba ba ba bullsh--!
Received via email on 9-06-05 Someone please clarify something for me. Was it the mayor or our chief that said this department is sending it's best men to Katrina? That's complete bullshit, sure sez alot for the rest of the members. Oh! one other thing, I have to admit I was impressed seeing the convy on US75 of relief workers coming back from Katrina. Impressive was the equipment sent by Hillsborough FD, Tampa FD, and St. Petes (Moon Lake) Suburban, Pickup and 2 vans. What a fricken city we have aye?
Received via email on 9-08-05 To everyone that has felt compelled enough to go the extra mile and become a member of one of our speciality teams: First, I honestly applaude you for choosing to better help our citizens. I just wish the city felt we were worth more than the extra nickel they are willing to throw our way. Maybe we should find some of the people just recently helped, how much they think we are worth.
Received via email on 9-08-05 Who is the one bitching about the Chief sending his good ole boys? Someone who has been hiding his whole career doing the least possible. Were you even at MDA collecting for the Union cause or just another shit stirrer getting things going? Why don't we post this instead of censoring it?
(Editor's Note: No Brother, Sister or MUTT is ever censored here! Nuff said!)
Received via email on 9-08-05 Woo hoo, found a nerve!!!
Received via email on 9-09-05 I applaud the men and women of our local who went tho the Katrina aftermath. You make us all look good in the eye of the public. We need to stick together right
now and get throught is contract.
(Team Note: Amen!)
Received via email on 9-09-05 No 'nerve' just stating the facts. So answer the question are you a slug, shit stirrer, or someone who has done something productive?
Received via email on 9-09-05 My guess is it's either a shit stirrer, someone who just shows up every third day, or maybe even even a mutt in hiding!!!!
Received via email on 9-10-05 Whomever is making the posts about the team that was sent for Katrina, you are nuts. Why would post such stupid statements. The people that went, went because they signed up to go. I do not think any of them came back looking for accolades, they went because they wanted to. It is not their call whether another team goes or not. Maybe your words are not directed at them and more at the chief, but nevertheless you make it sound like they did something wrong or are not good enough and deserving of thanks. If a statesmanlike "sending our best" bothers you, then maybe you need some help for taking something like a common "political type" statement so personally. Did you have a pen in hand to sign up for any list? Did you take the specialized classes that were given especially for this team and situations like it? Maybe you should go read up on togetherness and teamwork instead of posting something so ignorant. Sounds to me that you are mad because you did not get chosen to be played with by the other kids.
Wife of TF-3 team member.
Received via email on 9-10-05 I heard that we will not be repicking R-days. Looks like the argument against the shift swap is coming back to bite us in the ass. We probably should have thought that one out a little more instead of going with the likely knee-jerk reaction.
Team Note: Again, with emphasis added, Hillsborough County Fire 'impact bargained' for the shift change with the very same fire chief and we should do no different. If you haven't figured it out yet, short of looking like total asses to City Council and the Mayor, this little fit of anger is all they've got left on their short list of extortionist tactics! In the near term - like us, THEY hold a 'hand' in the game. But WE've always held the deck!
Received via email on 9-10-05 Remember when...
Remember when we used to have FIREFIGHTER meetings! Those were the days. Those were TWO-WAY communications meetings that you could sink your teeth into. Whatever happened to FIREFIGHTER meetings, anywhay? I'll tell ya! The talking heads would all filter through and give him credit or not - Jolley was the only one whith the balls to sit there and take it in!
Remember when our fire chief used to come around on Friday's. We don't miss the Friday visits at all. It was just so much one-way info anyways.
Received via email on 9-11-05 To the wife of TF-3 team member. You are absolutely right. T hat person is just a shit stirrer, who volunteers for nothing and then is pissed when he or she does not get picked. I think we did send our best people. They are the people who were trained to do that type of work. Would we send people on a dive call, who could not swim? Hey shit stirrer, step up to the plate and stop hiding from the world or stop complaining about it. McDonalds is probaly hiring if it is that bad here!
Received via email on 9-24-05 How many more of us must continue to experience the behavior displayed by the leadership coming from SPFR Studios and Callahan Productions? The drunken stupor we were unfortunate of to witness Thursday evening was a total disgrace. However - it has become so common place, and obviously encouraged and accepted that it is simply overlooked. Well, for some anyway. I hear tell that you put off an odor that one could describe as "air-de-bud-light" at work Friday. Did anyone ask you to explain how you possibly managed to "spill" so much on yourself so early in the morning? I remember an incident that happened a year ago between some off-duty non-white shirt ed individuals that was deemed "not acceptable" and resulted in hours off. This is pretty much along the same lines. When are we going to face up to the fact that these people need to get the same type of treatment as a drug abuser needs? Someday we will be standing around a hole commenting on how good a person so-an-so was, but at the same time we all know how this person ended up there and we did nothing to help or prevent it.
Also, as for the remarks and comments made to and about individuals from certain stations and their beliefs - each and everyone of those people, and everyone that has no doubt heard the stories, need to receive apologies, as do all of the members present. Since I doubt the memories of these offenders are clear, I guess you need to address this to the entire Department. You look really good on the Drink Responsibly poster at the Master Station but I don't think you were intended to be the one the message was referring to. Get help now........we need it.
Received via email on 9-25-05 It is a shame that a while back, three excellent officers were moved to different stations to accommodate "one" person (my guess is - he's one of the one's being talked about in the email above, dated 9-24). Especially when that officer has less time on the job than he has wiping his butt! I guess that goes hand in hand with the direction that this chief is taking us - into the bowels of hell. But, back to the task at hand. This one officer has a agenda and he has developed a specific Weasel Zone to accomplish 'his' goals, and that of his other 'pants wearing' ferrets. I have to tell you all - this man is nothing... nothing like his dad. The weasel zone is a gigantic gray area between good moral behavior and outright felonious activities. In the weasel zone everything is misleading, but not exactly a lie. There's no subtle difference. When you lie, you hope to fool someone. But when you're being a weasel, everyone is aware that you're a manipulative, scheming, misleading sociopath. If I think of anything else *****, I'll call you at home, ya p---k. Have a blessed day!
Received via email on 9-25-05 say it ain't so...moped master at it ain't, or the carrot top p---k balancing a bud on his so called ego? Here is some advice from the members
carrot top. When Big Jim retires, you can fill his spot at #2. You should advance well within the department from there. Let's all take a vote on that. Carrot top to #2
Received via email on 9-26-05 Speaking of Bullshit. I still find it difficult to believe that some people are officers. The actions at the last union meeting showed many of us their true colors. Geeze, they were almost at each other's throat's!!! I was hoping one would deliver a bushido chop across the chrome dome of a real drinkin buddy. THEN MUTT #1 started crying about his HQ$$ and almost has himself squashed by our top impersonator! (wish you had the reason to stomp him big man) So where are the "conduct unbecoming charges now?" When will there ever be one set of rules for all of us!? I believe that to protect us all, any member that is assigned to HQ should be looked at, investigated, and checked for being wired before any union gathering. When one of them appear to be
your, "buddy" you can guess he will be running to the big cheese with the news about him, or her! WATCH YOUR AS_ OUT THERE> AS for spoiling station #2 with the opposite of 'day', hell no, I like to drive to Ft Desoto now and then. He'd screw that-up too. Send him to #13. It will either make him, or the other departments will run his spirit of search and destroy into the ground. HEY SK... you do have maybe one more chance to come clean oh carrot top man. Separate yourself from the click, remember you're a LT., not someone waiting to be a capt, chief, administrator! OK I have vented enough for today. All of you out there bask in the victory of NEWTON, smile, and stay safe! (you too Mutts!)
Received via email on 9-26-05 I was not at the last Union meeting, but I feel I have to say something after hearing about the events that night. I am amazed that the leadership allowed two obviously intoxicated individuals to attend the meeting and allowed them to drink alcoholic beverages during the meeting. I am glad that I was not there because I probably would have caused a ruckus over it. I wish to let you know that ALL of the members that I have talked to about this agree that there should be a Sergeant at arms for the meetings and that our bylaws & policies should be followed, 'strictly' regarding these matters. Did anyone even try to arrange for the "drunks" to get a ride home? I hope they didn't drive but it would serve them right if they got a DUI. I was a "Dept. Rep." for PAFD for 7 years and I never witnessed anything like this at a meeting. I have seen members asked to go outside or keep quiet or sober up, etc. at meetings and this was the correct
action every time. I hope this will not occur again. It would be a shame if a sober attendee was to get into trouble for getting suckered into a fight with one of these drunks, which I understand almost happened. Let's protect the good doers and help the others to not mess it up for the rest of us. Abide by the rules, etc. and enforce them. Maybe we should have a "bartender" whose duty it is to not serve those who have had enough or too much already.
Received via email on 10-05-05 Rumor has it (from a VERY GOOD SOURCE) that the person who started the rumor that our Thursday picket was canceled, was an A-Shift captain at a north side station who was acting as a D/C. When pressed on the issue, he bravely threw a certain station 10 Lieutenant down the well, claiming that he got the information from him earlier in the day. Turns out, that the station 10 Lieutenant was not on duty at all that day! It would seem to me that when you tell a lie, it will follow you forever. Too bad that the truth is seldom rewarded with the same notoriety!
Editor's Note: Email change - Text was corrected to read "Station 10."
Received via email on 10-20-05 NEWEST BULLSHIT IN ST PETE: BAck the mayor so he doesn't have the council member mutts give us all of 3 .5% maybe...
Received via email on 10-21-05 What's bullshit is when alot of our comments on our friend's page here, doesn't pulish our vents.
Received via email on 10-21-05 I wouldn't trust that Bin Laden lookin SOB, and his cronies.
Received via email on 10-21-05 what's total bullshit is that you allow an absolute idiot post a racially motivated comment on here and not post another member's response to that idiot. what happened to no censorship? like i said before, that dumbass needs to rethink their statements or take it elsewhere. we don't need people that think along those lines in this organization, or any other for that matter, showing their ass. we've come a long way in a short period of time strengthening this union and along comes some idiot throwing out the "race card". that'll make us look really united. good job dumbass!!
Editor's Note: There ya go... you found the right page.
Received via email on 11-14-05 What's bullshit is if this department promotes number 1 carrot top to captain.
Received via email on 11-14-05 What is bullshit is we are still bashing. So an individual is number one. The individuals keep coming out on top because they make an effort. So we get mad and scared and start to bash. Why don't you take a test and try to come out on top or do you just like sitting back and stirring the pot? Maybe you did take the test and are near the bottom, in that case I am sorry you are a dumba**.
Received via email on 11-14-05 Please enlighten me. Is this "carrot top" the son of JK?
Received via email on 11-14-05 To the poster of the second post on 11/14: I agree that we should not bash because someone comes out on the top of the list. Perhaps some people should take a test as opposed to complaining about those who are successful in the promotional process and come out at the top of the list. Having said that, there are many people who have no interest in choosing this path and that is OK! There are also many people who do choose to be a part of this and would do a fantastic job, but the process is not set up in a way that allows them to demonstrate their true ability to do such a good job in “real life” during the testing procedures (This is not the majority of people, but the minority). This is not a cop out for anyone, it is merely my humble opinion. In addition, even if someone is sitting back and stirring the pot….THATS OK! The pot many times needs to be stirred. We have had SEVERAL people on recent promotional exams that have done very well and have been shit on. These are people that are respected by many and would have done, and still continue to do a great job. These people have just refused to play the suck ass game. (If anyone is unsure if they have played this game….lick your lips….if it tastes like shit….you’ve sucked ass!) These people are down but not out. They are now in a different game, the waiting game. Waiting until they can be part of a new system that is not set up to the GOOD OLE BOY system. To those of you waiting…keep waiting and come back strong. To those of you still hanging in there…Keep the Faith. To those still licking their lips…quit suckin’ ass. To those who are still stirring the pot….Keep stirring!!!!!
Received via email on 11-17-05 Isn't it funny how the top two people on the list were both in training? Hmm... I am SURE no one would have seen a copy of the test before. I don't think GL is that dishonest. HMM... Well, you be the judge. I forgot that scores and beer drinking - not experience, gets you where you are in this department. I am glad these people did NOT start our Great Nation, or it would have been over for us by now because they would have sold us out at any chance they got. Maybe there should be a vote of NO CONFIDENCE for the entire administration.
Received via email on 11-17-05 It is amazing how many posts do not make it here on the site. I know I have submitted several that never made it out of the censors hand. Just like this one will never make it. Keep propaganding your views and never let the other side say something.
Editor's Note: EVERYONE might be surprised how many 'one-liner's' don't make it to these pages. Yours are not the only one's not making it out of the "censors hand." If yours was one of the two above (11-17), then count yourself lucky. You made it today. If I were really worried about being called a censor or actually censoring something (real content) that everyone thought was 'cutting-edge', I'd not have included your posting above - painting me as a censor. You said: "Keep propaganding your views and never let the other side say something." I don't cut post's from these pages because I'm in opposition to the content. I cut them because they take too much time to post and largely contain, little content - ad nauseam. Yes it's "amazing" as you put it "how many posts do not make it here on this site." PS - You might find it "amazing" to hear that I agree with the vast majority of the content that I've left on the cutting room floor. The words just don't 'jump' onto these pages! It take a team of crack engineers to copy and paste. Too much crack maybe...
Received via email on 11-20-05 Anyone one willing to pay $600 for some interesting photos of carrot
top (*****) and his best friend (*****) making asses of themselves?
Received via email on 11-21-05 You should just give them for free to all the stations. or post them on here if you could.
Received via email on 11-21-05 Hey 11-20, don't ask for $$ consider it a charitable contribution for the team! Those MUTTS have to pay their dues too.... etc....
Received via email on 11-21-05 The person looking for a $600 payday for some pictures is a real asshole. If you don't like these guys, ok. Keep in mind, they haven't set any agendas for the dept. or this union. If you don't want to work for them, transfer stations or shifts. It's getting real old listening and reading all of the bullshit about a particular group of people. I don't care for the 'good ole boy' system but there are a few folks recently promoted that don't fit that discription. Nobody's keying off on that. GOD knows I believe in the 1st Amendment but sometimes an organization suffers from anonymity. If the feelings of members are so strong, they should sign off on their e-mails.
Mark Sweet
Received via email on 11-22-05 Whoaa!! That's a little too much 11-20-06 (first post). Families i.e. KIDS, are involved here and for you to offer up pics is as low as anything 'The Dark Side' has ever done. Check your self TITAN!!! Keep your honor and dignity Brother...... and the pics!
KTM B.Elliott
Received via email on 11-23-05 Knowing the history of this site, I am pretty sure that the offer of cash for pics, well, for lack of a better phrase, is bullshit.. Heck anyone that has ever been to a gathering, recent union meeting has seen the stuff that happens first hand. Who needs pictures?
Bottom line here, brothers, and sisters, we need to abide by the standards set by honorable members of our profession, past, present,and future. I love this job. I actually feel good after doing my shift, seeing someone having a positive outcome from their emergency. Seeing a little child's wide eyed, unbelieveable look when they see you in that big red fire truck.. Do you all understand what I
am getting at here? Those members spoken about, you know who you are. If you desire a future here, and want to keep the tradition going, think before you speak a negitive statement. Pause before you slam that 8th-9th drink when you're in public.( if you get caught, we all suffer) Act the part. Be a Firefighter, a civil servant. Respect all of your co workers. This holiday season, make a point of being more human. We will all do better if we just try, no not try, get along. Stay safe out there, all of you!
John F. Barfield, Proud Firefighter, father, volunteer.. Union Member
Received via email on 11-24-05 Oh! Waaaaa, hoping your speaking for yourselve. See my thumb rubbing my index finger , that's my miniture violin playing my heart really bleeds for you.
Received via email on 11-26-05 To the lovely person who wants $600 for pictures of some "upper classmen" acting out, shame on you! I would only hope if you are ever in a predicament that your "brothers and sisters" do not turn on you. Who left you judge and jury as to the morals of others? If they continue on the road they are supposedly on they will soon enough be caught doing something illegal (driving drunk), embarrassing, etc. As long as they do their job well then it is no one's business what they do in their personal time. If they are doing it on the job then you should be at headquarters with those pictures and getting something done the proper way, through the chain of command. Someone said earlier that there are others involved that you are not taking into consideration, their families. Just remember that you all are supposed to all play nice and get along to the best of your ability. After all is said and done and you are still not satisfied, why don't you just be a "friend (brother/sister firefighter)" and get them some real help. That I am sure would be far better than smearing them all over town and, in the process, maybe you will sleep better at night knowing you did something humane for a change! Think about it.
Received via email on 11-26-05 It has been awhile since I have said this, but here goes: I agree with John Barfield. John and I usually don't see eye to eye on things (insert your own hair joke here), but the bottom line is that we are all here to accomplish the same mission. When the shift is over and everyone gets to go home to their families safe and sound, we all win.
Whether or not the public thinks we are worth the money, they are all better off because we do what we do. With over 300 of us it is impossible to expect that we will all agree on anything. It's not
uncommon for a crew in a station to disagree on what to eat or watch on TV. To expect the entire department to agree on how best to manage the future of our department, or negotiate for same... well, you get the idea.
So at the risk of sounding like Rodney King; "Can't we all get along?" Sure Rodney got his ass kicked severely, but at least he became a millionaire after his settlement. Sure, that situation has nothing to do with our's, but at least bringing it up made me look a little bit more liberal to my pal John Barfield.
So next time you get frustrated and want to start hammering away on our brothers or sisters in here, maybe you should consider taking a deep breath and choose your words more carefully. We don't have any enemies on this job. Even the guys on 40 hours share the same basic goal as we do: public safety. All of them have worked in the same stations that we work in now. Pay issues aside, if they changed jobs with us they would be the winners. Headquarters has fewer beds and televisions.
It is also nice to see the recent trend in here of signing your name at the end of your statement. Words without a signature at the end really don't mean as much. Who cares what is being said, if you don't know who said it? I guess it all has to do with whether or not you think sucker punching is fighting fair or not.
Yours in Civility,
Dave Fraser
Received via email on 11-26-05 You know i didnt think SK could have sucked up anymore to J*****y at the meeting then he did. I was impressed and he did it in front of the crowd. I guess we know who is promoting him.
Received via email on 11-27-05 To my co worker, and high school bud, Dave ole dude, thanxs for the amost liberal statements! No really, Dave hit it on the head, we all have our own views, and ideas about this job. On the whole, I believe we are all basically good people. The sad facts is that some of us, yes us will step on the backs of others to get ahead. What dissapoints me the most is the way some of us act off duty. I use to look forward to "bus trips", but you would never catch me on one now.. In the past after union meetings we use to ALL go out to a local pub, for a few drinks. We looked out for those that tipped the bottle too much, and saw them home safe. I can't remember, really anyone ever verbally assaulting anyone's wife, or groups of certain station folks.. As we near the vote, again, review your views, together we are a force to be reckoned with, splintered, we are a laughing stock. Do what is right, act it too! Make the meeting Mon, or Tues., get the facts, then vote for the future, not the moment!
Stay safe..JB
Received via email on 11-27-05 All the fuzzy feeling stuff aside... the MUTTS are still MUTTS, identified easly by the daily traits that they exhibit. Smearing their names (as noted in the first post of 11-26) isn't something that anyone on this FD needs to do to accomplish that lofty goal. These guys go out of their way to be their own worst enemy. We're just their cheering squad!
(Name withheld because I'm not one of the one's blowing flowers up anyone's ass!)
Received via email on 11-29-05 I guess everyone except a few are perfect. Do you ever speed with that union sticker in your rear window? Some people drink, some speed what is the difference?
Received via email on 11-29-05 Mutt is a mutt. Yeah but if you mean what you posted, then why not sign your name? There is no smoke to blow up anyones hindquarters. Or do you not really believe what you say? Oh yeah one other thing, 11/29 speeding and a DUI, well pal there is a huge difference! (not that either is a good thang....)
Received via email on 11-29-05 What does playing fair have to do with "fuzzy feelings?" Do you really have to be "blowing flowers up someone's ass" to be honest?
I will stand by what I said before. We are all in this job together. If you have a better idea, share it. If you don't like the way someone is doing their job, tell them. If you don't have the stones to tell them to their face, then just say it in here and sign your name. Freedom of speech will not get you fired. Otherwise, you are just one of those guys that bad mouths the chief but runs to get him coffee with a smile when he walks in the room.
We are supposed to be brave enough to risk our lives for people we don't even know. How much guts does it take to sign your name after you rip on someone in here? Go ahead. B uck up a little. Or keep up the bitch slapping sucker punches. Your choice, tough guy.
Dave Fraser
Received via email on 11-29-05 If you dont know the differnce between speeding and drinking and driving then you better go back to preschool.
Received via email 11-20-05 Score a second MVC for Prevention Junior, but this wreck of the squad was apparently preventable. My friend, Florida traffic statues state clearly that the flashing yellow light is to be treated as if it were red. The judge and jury here find you guilty of careless and wreckless driving, and plain stupidity which should get you considerable time off. Open season! Bud King do your fricken job!!
Received via email 11-30-05 He will not get any time off cause daddy is in prevention and is a friend of bud king and is also xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx. I thought this was the 4th wreck.
TEAM Note: Some things are just too big a stretch to print - even here!
Received via email 11-30-05 That's great...let's keep a rap sheet on everyone and see how often we can get each other in trouble. Sounds VERY productive. I wasn't there and I'm willing to bet the anonymous poster above wasn't either, but if FL traffic statutes state the flashing yellow is to be treated as red, then what do they say about the flashing RED that the OTHER driver had? Let's hope that you are not in the seat next to me if I should ever (GOD forbid) be involved as a driver in a crash. And for the record, educate yourself on 2005 FL statute 316.076, "Flashing signals". Now if you'll excuse me, I will now try to recover the five minutes wasted on looking up traffic statutes.
Signed, Jason Francis, #1B
Received via email 11-30-05 Excuse me Mr. Francis. Many of us were wiping our asses before you were born. Accept this advice rookie. Shut the frick up...
Received via email 11-30-05 Either way prevention junior will be written up..
Received via email 11-30-05 We need to move some of this sfuff over to a new website that I'm starting... Us vs. Us!
Received via email 12-01-05 Just heard a rumor. Vote is supposed to be on December 15th. True? Retirees will be included in the bonus. True? Three year contract is 5 %, 5%, 5%. True? And this came from an on duty member. What's the facts?
TEAM Note: Your ballot should be in the mail. If you don't receive one, call 323-1786. The deadline for the return of that ballot is denoted in the envelope with the ballot. There's also a countdown timer on this website's index page to help remind you of the deadline. We're voting to ratify or deny the ratification of a single year contract only! Prior Plan FF's are included. The city's latest offer pertaining to a potential three year contract was left at 4-5&5 and further negotiations on the subject won't begin until the single year contract is dealt with. Your best source of information is to always call your Union officials at 323-1786!
Received via email 12-01-05 I'll accept the advice, and I fully expected such a rebuttal, but it's a chance this nearly 31 y.o. fourth year rookie didn't mind taking. What exactly is the appropriate age/time of service to voice an opinion in defense of one of us anyway? Regardless of like/dislike/opinion, I respect all of my coworkers and the time they/you have put in. I enjoy my Tuesday RDay & love whatever vacation picks my seniority manages. I do chores, follow orders, and put money in the hat when someone collects for retirement parties. I try to work for senior members
on holidays since I have no kids yet. I strive to be a good firefighter/EMT. Do I deserve a medal? Hell no, but I will continue to have an opinion. In the above post I saw something that I deemed unfair, so I responded, with no regret or apology. JF
Received via email 12-01-05 The last post on 11-30. Good advice also Rxx Exxxxxxx why don't you shut the frick up. We have all heard your catch phrases. Fxxxxxxx must have paid close attention in your wonderful EVOC course you turd. When you sign your name I will sign mine you turd.
Received via email 12-01-05 In regards to the contract: It smells like a bonus in my opinion. Make
references to no "roll up" all you want, but what it boils down to is a bonus for anyone who chooses to stay on the job. If you don't like the word bonus, I have already heard it referred to as a paycut, which in essence, it is.
First the pay goes up 4%, then back down 4%, then up 4% again next year. Soft sell it all you want but that is not two 4% raises, or even one 8% raise. It is a 4% raise spread over two years (plus bonus). Your pocket feels better that week, but your pension will be behind for the rest of your career.
I will be voting against it, and highly recommend everyone else do the same. I appreciate how anxious the guys who want to immediately enter the drop are about this, but I gotta go with whats best for the majority here, which includes not just me, but the other 300 or so that intend to work past this year.
We are still at least 3% behind due to the year that Mayor Fisher quadrupled his pay and froze everyone elses. I appreciate the efforts that have gone into this, but I would prefer to take my chances with city council, whom I trust to know the difference between a raise and a paycut.
Dave Fraser
Editor- Two thumbs up!
Received via email 12-01-05 How about a poll to see how people are going to vote for the contract proposal?
TEAM Note: The above message was sent to the website via the Contact page... We've done as you've asked - there's a new poll on the Polls page!
Received via email 12-05-05 I voted YES, if we keep waiting we won't get sh-t later
Editor- I'm sure yours will be the vote that put's the 'yes' vote over the top! No "E" for you!
Received via email 12-05-05 You vote for SHIT you get SHIT. I'll take my chances.
Editor- True enough in some instances. When you polish a turd, you end up with a turd, only it's polished - but in this instance, a bird in the hand is worth what someone else is willing to give you, not what you're willing to fight for! Call the city and tell them that 'you' personally will take the difference. The difference being a 1% non-raise that contributes nothing to your pension if you don't retire in the next three years and contributes nothing to your future. The difference being a measly 1% more (again without the pay raise) than they've been offering you for the more than 600 days that we've negotiated. How nice of the city to expend the extra effort to throw another 1% (duh... no pay raise) on top of an already shit offer, so that we'll more quickly conclude our efforts and move on. Not me! I'll take it like a man! I'll go out fighting rather than the usual - laying on the couch.
Things being what they are -- the minority will be heard, but the majority will rule!
Received via email 12-05-05 “If we keep waiting we won’t get shit later”. I totally understand why someone would say this. I used to hear it myself, in a way, when I was a kid. At that time it meant that if you didn’t do or eat or act like you were supposed to it was just gonna get worse for you. Maybe not those exact words but similar words with the same pressure being applied. And I believed what was said because I had no control over the situation. If parents were using that sort of pressure to get you to do what they wanted then you soon learned that the best came first and it got worse the longer it took you to do what they wanted. Example: “You better eat that tuna casserole because if you don’t there isn’t gonna be any desert for you later.” See how a person can get into that mind set? That thinking is a carry over from when you had no say in whether or not you were gonna get desert. Your parent(s) were in charge of treats and other rewards.
The city hump has brought to the bargaining table the best the employer has to offer up to this point. At this time that offer can only be negotiated up. The city cannot take away from the offer at this point without being found guilty of bad faith bargaining and being in violation of the law. Consequently our not accepting this offer doesn’t mean they can reduce or deny what’s already there.
Unlike desert this “shit” can’t be taken away. If you think refusing to ratify this tentative agreement will mean the city will reduce the percentages they’ve already offered on the three year contract, you’re dead wrong. What you see as a tentative agreement today is the lowest the city can go without being in violation of the law. They know that and by putting those percentages on the
table they are saying this is our offer. But it’s not our BEST offer. And that’s the part you see as “desert”. The 1% they’re dangling is “desert”. And the bonus “no roll up” plan is the tuna casserole. And they think that potential 1% will intimidate us into caving on the bonus. They’d also like you to think that they will go that 1% for desert if you take the bonus.
This is where you have to look at the outcome. The desired outcome is that we take the bonus and then the city caves and comes up 1%. This is wishful thinking. As soon as we sign off on the bonus we have no way to put pressure on the council or anyone else to give us that 1%. We will have signed away the one year portion of the contract and it’s moot. Since they’ve already said that 4% is not their final offer we have to assume that they have the ability to go higher. But they want something in return. And with the one year bonus already agreed to we have nothing to use for leverage. They want that bonus to fly and we want another 1% in the three year deal. If we sign off on the bonus we will have given them the leverage to deny any further increase in the percentages on the three year contract. The only way to get “desert” in this situation is to negotiate the 1% BEFORE we agree to the bonus. We can’t allow them an opening to sit on the 4% three year offer. This is just one of the reasons we should be voting no on this ratification vote. It won’t hurt to give the city one last chance to come up with another 1% in return for our ratification of the bonus. KTF It can only get better.
Team Note: Excellent post, drawing a parallel that we've not thought of before. This post deserves an "E" for efficiency for obvious reasons...
Received via email 12-05-05 The yes vote is a moron vote, you idiot!
Received via email 12-05-05 Nothing from nothing leaves...well you get it don't ya? I'd rather not get shit, or 1%, and take our best shot at city hall, with the approved vote for the impasse and money for waking the public up to the underhanded dealings the so-called mayor has offered us. I would picket for months to come, rather than sit back and look at that BS blood money from the NAZI's downtown. Hey 12/-5... you're one of three things: a dumb ass new guy, a pissed off old timer in the drop - ready to go, or plain and simple, one of the MUTT's from hell, i.e., HQ bloodsucker! "Can ya hear me now?"
Received via email 12-05-05 We can only remember the good old days when our department hired reliable people. Well, those days are history. Just look at who is in charge of hiring, yes, the Bud King and his pants wearing ferrets. Seems like the most recent 'hire' has just a couple of the shifts on the job and already has a 'group 2', other than that, ask the training ferrets. Funny how these new hires that don't cut it are recommended termination by the JATC committee, but the Bud King and his ferrets takes no ACTION? Preventable YES! Injuries to other firefighters due to actions by these under achieved new hires results in liability to THE CITY.
Received via email 12-13-05 I heard that the so called new piece of shi- named Fly-- was still on his orientation when he was written up. I guess being fired from Hillsborough was a welcome sign to come here. As long as you have a medic patch or family on the job, you can be a piece of shi-.
Received via email 12-13-05 NEW BULLSHIT....Mayor Baker needs a raise and thinks his pay should be equal to that of mayors in Tampa, Orlando, Hialeah and Jacksonville. HMMM.. How does our pay stack up to these cities? I'm going to take a stab and say we earn less. Anyone know the numbers?
Received via email 12-13-05 Chief Bud King has set up the spoils system within this once progressive department.
Received via email 12-13-05 What's really f*cked up is that dumb s.o.b (fl**n) had the nuts to mouth off to a training Lt. and the Division Chief; and he still has a job with us?! And yes, he was let go by HCFR twice. And it gets better! We have a process going on now for paramedics that we will probably hire a numbnuts from Seminole that was asked to leave or be fired because his probation was extended more than once and he was still incompetent. Yes we need Paramedics, but why do we have to hire
anyone with a Paramedic patch? Because we can't get any good one's because we are now the place that if you're a Medic, plan on being on the rescue forever. GOD forbid this department actually wants people experienced in all aspects of the job!! Now that's f*cked up!!
Received via email 12-14-05 We have a f--ked up administration, exempting our EMS Chief. If Bin Baker had any common sense, he would restructure the entire administration, yes, it could be worse, but it would be fresh new start. We would have to tough it out like we're doing with our contract.
Received via email 12-14-05 Good luck on doing that. Bud King and buddies are in tight with Baker and cronies. They get off screwing people they don't like and rewarding their drunk buddies. Can you imagine if Bud King was in charge of a real business. It would be out of business. Maybe if I am a raging alcoholic, get in fights and assualt people, I can get promoted.
Received via email 12-17-05 An excerpt from times article on Dec. 17, sounds kind of like our jobs. Long hours, alot of responsibility. I wonder if we asked for a 30-40% raise how loud the laughter from council would be. Its a freaking outrage.
"But others said the higher salary was justified. While it is considered a part-time job, council members typically put in long hours and frequently attend events after business hours and on weekends.
"I think we should pay all elected officials an appropriate dollar amount based upon their responsibility," Williams said. "And it's a lot of responsibility."
Received via email 12-17-05 WTF was on 10 news last night? City Council rec'd 40%, Mayor rec'd 30%, the vote was reached in the wee hours of the morning with only two reporters in the room. They really didn't have an answer when asked about the firefightes raise. The assholes. Okay! eye for a eye, what goes around comes around. Wikken works great.
Received via email 12-17-05 Aside from being so angry and frustrated at the oldest trick in the book being played on the public on Friday morning it would seem that a solution to the problem of raises for hard work at the top levels of city government is in order to prevent this from happening again in the future. Even though it would appear that the public doesn’t mind being hoodwinked by its elected officials, I quote from the St. Petersburg Times article of 12/17/’05 in which the attitude of the general public is described: “Unlike years past, the proposed raises generated little public outcry. There was only one angry letter at City Hall. No one spoke against the raises during Thursday's open forum, the portion of the meeting when citizens can discuss city-related business.” This merely enforces what I’ve said before about the attitude of the public. They don’t care about being screwed over by their own elected officials let alone the care and feeding of the employees.
It would seem that there should be another means in which to determine the value of the city officials from the mayor down. And it wouldn’t require or even include any thinking or input from the general public. First a little background. The council, like us, has gone for quite some time without any increase in compensation for the work they do. This is basically a result of political acumen that dictates that you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. A person elected to office won’t be there long if every year they vote themselves a fat pay raise. Consequently compensation is not a high priority item when it comes to campaigning. Nor is it voiced once a person is elected. That doesn’t mean it isn’t thought about by the elected official. But to voice that concern is tantamount to political suicide. So the years go by and finally, after a recent period of outstanding growth and financial wizardry, it’s determined that this would be a good time to fatten the calf. And justifiably so since the last time the council received an increase in compensation was late in the 20th century.
And had this increase been proposed on its own merit and based on longevity between increases it would probably have been endorsed by the general public without a whimper. But politicians have an accumulated sense of what won’t go down well with their constituents and even though they could make a case for increased compensation they chose to sneak it in when no one was looking perpetuating the impression that politicians are less than honest and resort to chicanery at every opportunity.
So I’d like to offer this solution to the problem. It’s only one of a large number of possibilities available but I think it will work the best. Tie the increases for council members annually or, in certain circumstances over a three year period to the percentage increases allowed for the rest of the city employees. Take the current increase and make it the base for all future increases. If the employees negotiate 4% then all the council members get a 4% increase in pay and so on. It wouldn’t matter who was in the chair for that district or how much time they had on the council. The compensation is to the chair not the individual sitting in it or their performance. Under the most logical of conditions it would seem that there will never be another year pass without a contract since it would mean that the council members would get nothing also. This way the council can justify any increase they receive based on the offer made to the employees. This would take a lot of pressure off the council and make negotiations much smoother. It would also mean the council members would never have to go for many years without an increase and then have to sneak in a 35 or 40% increase for themselves at 1:00 A.M. after everyone has left the council chambers.
I doubt if we can expect any endorsement of this plan being made by anyone currently in office so it might be a good idea to start a petition drive to get it put on the ballot as a referendum. The team could work out the fine points of the language and take it from there.
Don’t forget to get your tickets early to the Mayor’s Inauguration Soiree. For a lousy $25.00 you can get desert and rub elbows with the elite from St. Pete. Kinda like Duffy’s Tavern with seagulls. Don’t be left out from this first annual posterior smooching of the mayor. Watch as downtown merchants and other influential members of the St. Pete. elite grovel their way to the head table to curry favors. Be part of the Firefighter’s Fair Wage march being held at the same time at the same place. And remember to count the days until the mayor makes good on his promise to Winnie.
Fraternally, and with only our best interest at heart
Dick Tully, Retired 1983
Local 747 I.A.F.F.
Received via email 12-18-05 Beautiful, Mr. Tully!!! BRAVO
Received via email 12-19-05 Wow, i just spent the last hour reading this site, specifically this section. As you will notice, i am not a employee of the St Petersburg Fire Department. I am a Sergeant on the Washington Dc Fire Department,assigned to one of the three heavy rescue companies. Our Sgt. position is equivilent to your Lts. position. Enough about me. From what I am reading, there is alot of members on your department that I would be embarresed to have on my department. You all have problems, we all have problems with our management. Hell, you should have the management I have, the whole freaking United States Govt. so to speak. But as a rule, this is what I tell my company members, we might not get as much as we want, or the benifits we want, but there is few other jobs in the country where you will get what you have. I want the world also, the best retirement, the best salary, the best working conditions and most of all the best damn firefighters in the world riding the back step. In reality, I have only one of those, and thats the last one I mentioned. Im not sure, but I would think its safe to say, none of you sleep with roaches crawing around your bunk rooms, or rats as big as miniture cats dining on your kitchen table while your sleeping, these are the conditions we have, we have a chief that is a thief, a lier and a piss poor politician, but he is what we have, and when it comes time to do our job, We do it, we dont care if he steals, drinks or gives away everything we have worked so hard for....we do what we all raised our right hands for, to serve and protect. I looked into leaving the job soon, I cant afford to, no jobs out there will offer me "anything" toward retirement, no longevity pay and believe it or not, they wont guarentee me a 3% raise for the next three I have to stay here, bouncing up and down the streets all night long crawing through roach invested housing complexes doing what i love, at whatever pay they offer me, because no one can match what i already have anywhere else. I lovet his job and the men doing it, but I cant stand to hear constant bitching about other members. I work with blacks, hispanics and a puerto Rican, and with this diveristy, we all get along, because it would suck to have one of die in the line of duty, only to know the last ting we argued about is if our chief was a drunk or not. Ladies and gentlemen, I was there on September 11, 2001, at our nations Pentagon, I saw the real problems that are in this world, you all saw it on tv. Thank God, we all came home that day, but please remember the 323 that didnt. They would all love to still be here for whatever pay they were getting at the time.Speaking with my fiend that is on your department, you have little comradiery, I sauggest that yo all get some, becasue someday soon, you will need it. It happens when no one is expecting it, then what, yu all will still be bickering over who was drunk at the last meeting, or so and so got promoted. The only people bitching about who got promoted are "probably" ones who couldnt pass the test, or too lazy to try. A d epartment is only as good as the firefighters, not the officers. No one see's the officers at HQ except the politcals people, the public see's the men in blue on the rigs............represnet our job respectfully.
I am sorry to rant and rave, especially since Im not on your department, but as a union member and a proud man who has walked the walk, I felt the need to sound off. You can tell me to go bite myself, thats fine, maybe i deserve it. But one thing is for sure, I can hold my head high as I do work for the best fire department in the country. We protect the uptight suits who run this country and cut us every chance they get, and we do our job day in and day out, never once calling the man down on Pennsylvania avenue a knucklehead......Vote Hillary for President !!!
Best of luck on your negotiations, but remember whatever it is you get, it is still better than what you could get at McDonsalds, Home Depot or even some higher up positions. Where else can you get three days off between shifts??
Remember one more thing....Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance
Dc Fire Sgt.
Editor- Where do I sign-up to get three days off between shifts?
Received via email 12-19-05 OOOPS, I forgot, you all work 24-48, we work a 24-72 tour..............thanks for posting my comments, please forgive the horrendous spelling mistakes I now see I made.You sign up downtown, just go past the capitol building a few blocks and look for all the bums standing around begging, thats the life of your nations capitol. Please come up and apply, but leave your petty, crybaby shit in Florida. And for Gods sake, please learn to vote and count properly before the next election, Florida screwed the last one up and now we are stuck with a Bush as president, you guys should have learned from your own Govenor being a Bush.
Editor- Ahhhh... DC - the murder capital/capitol of America. No thanks. I'll stay way down south here in Florida where everyone packs a gun. And as for the Bush's... Jeb has been the Firefighters best friend. All of the 'supposed' pro-labor Democrat Governors that preceded him have screwed us without so much as a kiss!
Gotta go - need to email my brother from up north with some "petty crybaby shit" so that I can have him write in as a 'ringer' for 'my' political purposes here on the web site.
Received via email 12-19-05 Thanks to this proud man for his comments. A voice of reason from outside our
department. Maybe we'll stop bitching about each other and focus on the job at hand.
Editor- Right on time! Glad your buddy could make the page. You're both great American's and the rest of us are just dust on your shoes. Suggestion: If you don't like what you read here - don't read it. Again, I'll reiterate -- the words that you read on this web site are the words you hear in the firehouse. If you're so offended by the speech you read here, tell the guys in the firehouse that they're wrong for speaking their mind's and that your opinion is the only one that counts. I'm sure that you're the only right thinking guy that's read this page today! As to your comment "...focus on the job at hand." I can't recall the last time when advancing the cause, that it got in my way at the pump panel. Maybe you're just not so good at multitasking like the rest of us!
Received via email 12-19-05 To SGT from 12-18: I agree with, and can appreciate the majority of your post, except for a couple points. Granted, this is the best career I have ever had and even its worst day is better than the best I spent as an ironworker or fire sprinkler pipefitter, but the attitude that we should be happy with what we have will keep us exactly where we are. There is a "problem" with us firefighters that makes us our own worst enemies: historically, we proudly and modestly do our job when the bell rings, regardless of pay, pension, and benefits, while the majority of our citizens and politicians don't give a damn about us until they need us. That rings true here in St. Pete, and I bet its the same in DC, NY, Chicago, anywhere. It is a shame that your firehouse has such deplorable conditions, but I imagine they did not come about overnight...maybe at some point in the past if someone had stood up and taken some aggressive action the conditions may not have deteriorated as they have. I agree with honoring those who died on 9-11 as well as every other past firefighter, retired, deceased, whatever, but being satisfied with the status quo is not the way to do it. In their honor we should all make our departments and the fire service in general better for future generations, as they did for us. That includes standing up for what we deserve, whether it be pay, benefits, roach/rat free firehouses, equipment, etc. To paraphrase your post, you don't care if the chief gives away everything you have worked for. That's absolutely crazy. I am no expert by any means, but I can confidently say unions did not originate from workers who were just happy to have whatever they were given.
Differences aside, I wish you the best in your situation. Jason Francis SPFR #1B
Editor- Thanks Jas. Your 10 bux is in the mail!
Received via email 12-19-05 Thanks Jason. You have eloquently and accurately taken out the trash. You are most deserving of a ribbon for that response which says it all for the majority of us. I was very confused when I read the 12/18/05 email from the DC fire officer because I was torn between the image of a brother who has (his words) “walked the walk” or a ringer with a skewed version of what
fire fighting is all about.
I was reluctant to say anything because I was afraid I might step on some toes here at home. But you have quite effectively taken care of that problem. Thank you for speaking for all of us who have worked so hard to force the progress in the fire service that would otherwise not have happened.
I too get upset when I see brother sniping brother and I wish there was a way to solve each of their problems. But I think that some of the best memories I have are ones that include the confrontations and shift to shift disagreements in the ranks.
I would hope that the members of this Local recognize that what they have didn’t come from, and I quote: “doing what i love, at whatever pay they offer me, because no one can match what i already have anywhere else.”
I would also sincerely hope this DC brother, if there really is one, has continued success in “coming home”. I would never wish anything bad for a brother or sister in the fire service no matter how much I disagreed with them or their outlook. And I would say to those who visit this website that they have every right to not always agree with what we’re doing but should support our right to do it. We, the members of Local 747, have been responding to political hacks, uncaring citizens, and internal backstabbing for quite some time now. We recognize it when we see it. We don’t need you to point out to us how to handle our business.
With that I wish you and all the members of your DC department a very Merry Christmas and hope you never have another day like 9-11.
Retired, Past President, Local 747 I.A.F.F.
Received via email 12-20-05 Wow... It is the same everywhere!? Or is it... Mr. DC we have taken the test, been on the top 5 and not been promoted because we were not one of the drunken Ass Kissers. We have been Lt.'s, took the test for Capt., again in the top 5, not promoted because we were not the drinking team members or were told we were "too nice" to be a station Capt. and recalled where we came from (the companies). So, if some of us bitch and complain, point out the actions of the good ole boy club its is because we still retain something none of the suits have - a spine, soul, and conscience. I came on the job with high hopes and after years, realized the suits were the same here as in any private business. If ya didn't fill their agenda, you were bull poo-poo. We have brother, and sisterhood in full force, just read about our fight for a fair contract. We complain, therefore we are a force to be reckoned with. As the days move on, we are closing in on the light at the end of the tunnel. The drunken so called leaders are nearing the end of careers, and we may be able to keep the drunks in training - out, if they continue on the self destructive behavior we have all seen. Next to that, all is fine and dandy in the lively South. We do the best job we can, and are all proud that we can do a job we love.
Keep the faith, and FTM!
Received via email 12-20-05 Where does somebody from the city that gave us Marion Berry get the nerve to tell Floridians how to vote? (I would like to think that you were just kidding about supporting Hillary).
Sgt, I wish you well in your career and I love your city's history.... but personally, I am proud to be living in the state that kept Al Gore from stealing an election. We also saw right through John Kerry, but it's probably hard for you D.C. folk to hear the truth with all that gunfire going on all the time.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, or whatever anti-religious holiday greeting suits you liberals these days.
Your Friend in Florida,
Dave Fraser
Received via email 12-20-05 Hey gals, first and foremost, yes, i am a real Dc Firefighter/Sgt, as one thought differently. I didnt mean to stir trouble with you guys, just point out some things. I was simply stating I like the rewards I have received through my union, but if it didnt get any better in the future years, I would still be very happy with what i have now. As for us Dc folks as someone called me, I am not a resident of the nations capitol, only an employee. But, the poor people that do live there, there have no say in things, they have taxation with no representation in the house and senate, so they have it rough. As for Marion Barry, a puke that he was in his social life, he was an excellent mayor that stood up for civil servants of his city. What he did was say to all the little black kids in the ghetto, yes, you can do drugs and still be someone, I made Mayor, twice!, just keep trying...this i say is crap, its a shame the citizens had a puke like him as their leader, but as my boss, i was happy to have him.Please dont take that as a racial comment, its not, its just that 90% of Dc is black. The white section is mostly the politicians working there on weekends. I in no way was telling any of you how to feel or act, just a outside view, I am truely sorry if I offended anyone. And one more comment, as for DC being the murder capitol, if you go by numbers yeah, we bag and tag alot of them, but only if you count the number of murders vs the number of residents...NY has way more.....its only because who lives in our town do you hear the bad stuff....I wish George and whoever else makes the big house would live somewhere else.....its sucks getting out of bed a few times a night to watch that stupid chopper land, watch him and his grubby little dog walk the lawn and wave like he cares......Ok, off my all be careful, and no way was i trying to stir trouble, just dont want anyone to forget how good we all have it....24-72 is great !!!
Received via email 12-23-05 How can we as a group take down the administration? We hear all this talk but no action? What needs to be done to get rid of the drunks at HQ?
Received via email 12-23-05 I'll tell you how. 'You' start the grass roots initiative and I'll help. My opinion is the same as yours, but c'mon... "all this talk but no action?" Again, you start it (I'll help but give all the credit to you) and we'll never have to hear about "no action" from the decisive men of action like yourself, ever again.
Received via email 1-01-06 Take note! Notice all the building downtown! See how fast it is progressing! Guess what department within the department is on the take? This is some serious sh-t folks, real serious. Rec'd from a credible source. We need that concrete proof to take them down. Help me out!
Received via email 1-01-06 This is for the Head Drunk. I will tell you this, unless you change your ways
or resign a certain picture that you know about will make its way to the Trib and the Uhurus.. Be warned.
Received via email 01-03-06 I'm sad to see that I work for an organization that has members that are spineless cowards to stoop to the level of blackmail. To the person that posted on 1/01/06 regarding a picture, you are a low-life scumbag that doesn't deserve the position that you have. Does there need to be changes in our department? Absolutely! But to try to force them in the manner in which you have suggested, is outright bullcrap!! And to even mention a piece of shit group as the "yoohoos"...I mean uhurus, is asinine. All you are is a shit-stirrer with no integrity and loyalty.
Received via email 01-03-06 Hey why don't you take that picture and shove it up your a**. If we are resorting to blackmail there has got to be something wrong.
Received via email 01-04-06 I agree with all of you all. We cannot stoop to that level. That is wrong. We must be better than the rest.
Received via email 01-04-06 Remember even if we don't like it the Trib, Times whoever gets wind of this will say St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue.... not just the person, this reflects on all of us. We don't need bad press at all. I agree also that admin is being run by "short timers" and IT SHOWS! but please don't make the rest of us who are taking the same bite out of the same sh*t sandwich you are, look bad in the eyes of the public. I urge you and everyone else to stand strong on our beliefs and especially together but don't taint the core of a great organization.
Editor's Note: Employees of both papers are frequent visitors. I capture IP address' from both institutions.
Received via email 01-04-06 Thank you to whomever wrote, that anything to tell the papers or anyone for that matter will be a reflection on the whole department. They will just not put a story line with ".....Bud King." It will be ".....Bud King of St. Pete Fire Rescue." Do you really want that? Also, I think maybe the gung-ho picture person needs to get some therapy or something if after two or three months the are still threatening to peddle this picture elsewhere. Let it go. If you deal with stuff in an unconventional manner it will backfire on you. When it is their time to fall they will. Things do not always happen when we want them to, for a reason. Also, if they are truly major substance abusers the pain they booze or whatever they are using has a far greater hold over their daily life than the picture you hold, and I would bet a lot of money they will be more scared of giving that up than that picture getting out. Let the picture thing go and move on to another way of dealing with things.
Received via email 01-10-06 Ok ok, we don't need Callahan requesting a chief promoted within this department, especially livin large, cubby, and jolley rancher... if so we should really make his life miserable. Good ole boy mentallity should no longer be tolerated within this department. If a Chief should be made within this department it should be Prince, the one with the most common sense of them all, and the one that does not believe in good ole boy (spoils) system. F--k'n A - the memos work, Callahan resigns!
Received via email 01-10-06 Ok, so with the loooong awaited announcement from the "Bud King" concerning his I got mine retirement, it seems we now have a serious dilemma. Who will be able to claim the vacated title? Maybe its time to start up the SPFR version of the 2006 Bud Bowl. We cant go without our cherished "Bud King" for long. Lets start the search now.
Received via email 01-12-06 If they promote from within, we will still have the same problems (old school). We need new blood from outside with the 21 century ideas and motivation. Then maybe they will start promoting people that deserve and earn the promotion - not getting up there because my daddy was the head cheese or I'm a drinking buddy with the chief.
Received via email 01-13-06 The city should really look outside the department, otherwise the onslaught begins with the inside candidates Phobic 400, Cubby 500, Jolley Rancher 200. If it worked on the Bud King (Budtallion 1), it will work in the same matter with THEM. LOL can you see it now if a structure fire comes in the KEYS, Budtallion 1 , responding from Sloppy Joe's (hiccup).
Received via email 01-13-06 Phobie 400 beware, the man with the green pen upstate is watching you closely.
Received via email 01-14-06 Phobie 400 heres a hint TRINITY
Received via email 01-17-06 Huh? Can someone explain.
Received via email 01-17-06 I wonder if Big Bird (RB)is staring in the movie that was made at the pier. It sounds like he doesn't make enough money as major.
Received via email 01-17-06 Mr. Hanky says RB didn't get any role in the porno movie made on the Bounty because the scene called for a big d---. He is one but he didn't have one so he didn't get the part.
How De Hoooooooo
Editor- A big "Richard?"
Received via hand delivery 01-24-06
Team Members:
I would like to address a situation concerning your website. An individual posted on December 1, 2005, accusing me of flaming someone on a November 30, 2005 post (there were actually several posts on that date, so I'm unsure of exactly which one this person was referring to). On the December post, they refer to me as the 'turd' and ridiculed me for refusing to sign my name.
For what it's worth, I've never posted on this page before.
I would also like to point out that the individual stated that they would sign their name when I signed Mine. Please find my signature below.
Received via email 01-28-06 Lt. Edwards: Don't be sucked in to the P**** tactics that some of our 'brothers' resort to. The cowards will remain cowards and it's a damn shame.
Received via email 01-28-06 RB prepare yourself if you should promote Phobie 400! The Skeletons will be screaming out of his closet, kinda like the Skeletons that the Pier held.
Received via email 02-07-06 Wait till you read the article in the St.Pete Times about JL promotion. Its full of BS as in BullShit.......
Received via email 02-10-06 Rumor has it that the daiquiri deck is in turmoil. It seems that they have experienced a sudden substantial loss at the register. The only hopes are that the large influx of winter vistors will be able to almost bring their daily sales back up to the pre-JKC days.
Received via email 02-14-06 He's gone. Give it a rest.
Received via email 02-14-06 Can anyone tell us who is in what position at the puzzle palace? I've heard different rumors. It sounds like an Abbot and Costello movie. Are they issuing programs at the door so everyone knows who is where!!!!
TEAM Note: Wimberly- Operations Chief -- Jolley- Fire Marshall -- TBA- EMS Chief
Received via email 02-15-06 I guess the retart who is asking about the positions is the one who does not read memos and bitches that they are not informed.
Editor: Or... it could be one of the many fans or retirees who visits the site from one of many states, on a daily basis!
Received via email 02-15-06 I guess the retard is the one that can't spell retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via email 02-16-06 "Received via email 02-14-05 He's gone. Give it a rest." ---If you forget the past, and the bullshit he dropped on us, it will happen again! FTP-FTM!
Received via email 02-16-06 Now that most of the moves and suction has calmed down at the palace. Now we have an Operations chief that will come and visit the station to see if we have any problems or cocerns. I think JW will at least remember where he came from.
Received via email 02-16-06 Has anybody gone by the mayors house to see if there is a "JL Parking Only" sign in front of the mayors house or does he have a spot in the garage so nobody can tell if he is there.
Received via email 02-16-06 Heard a rumor that Chief JL is trying to make it good with the troops and is going to allow TV watching during the weekdays when the work is done, like in the Chief Truillo days. Has any one else heard that one??? The Prevention Div. has had a big screen where the inspectors are located for quite a while now. What the heck is that in there for!!
Received via email 02-16-06 THE BIG CHIEF showed up at the fire/explosion on 1st street on the B shift. Haven't seen that before and thanked us for doing our jobs. I thought that was kinda neat.
TEAM Note: Yes, that was nice of him... it's nice to know that you're appreciated. There 'are' those that lead by example. Let us hope!
Received via email 02-17-06 The reorganization is done..for now. While there is anticipation of good things to come, do not get too comfortable. While I agree with the post that Ch.W will visit, and listen to us, remember start out with only giving them the inch they earn, by following through with fair play to all. Maybe the good ole boy system will begin to fade? Just because you're related to former Chief's, won't insure a promotion?. Accountability from the top to the rank and file is what we all deserve, even the MUTTS. What I would like to see? All of those reorganized, "managers" bunkered out at our next safety and survivability drill.. Can you imagine? Jolley, and Ballou, your up for the maze! Can you do the air rig drill? I dream a dream....FTP....
Received via email 02-17-06 My intent for suggesting "give it a rest" was not to forget the past. That would be stupid of us. My meaning was that we should focus on the performance of our new chief and let the old one fade into the sunset. The reorganization has started, let's wait and see if this has an impact on the overall attitude coming from administration.
Received via email 02-18-06 Large is the mayor's puppet if you haven't already seen that on TV!
Received via email 03-01-06 "As the Bullshit decomposes". We race toward next Monday, (per CH JL) the run for EMS chief may not be as obvious a choice as some of us would like to believe. Ward, or LeCroy you ask??> Strong word from the crystal palace points toward something/one else. It appears that not all of the good ole boy slap on the backs has left the building. A certain NON-EMS DC is supposidly leading the pack.. Yeah thats right him. M&M....
We shall see..Never a dull moment, huh?
Received via email 03-02-06 If in fact the management of this FIRE DEPARTMENT pulls that stunt then you'll know that you're seeing politics like you've never seen them before. EMS pulls 80% of the weight of this FIRE DEPARTMENT and with PINELLAS COUNTY looking to throw FIRE BASED EMS under the bus and solely to the LOW BIDDER SUNSTAR boys, we don't need anyone at the helm that's just biding his time till he retires!
How can we respect any of these people when they constantly POSITION themselves not for the good of the FIRE DEPARTMENT but for the good of their own SWEET ASSES??? And this ain't the half of it. Wait till you see what we do with a couple of the promotions we've got to make!
Hey Carrot Top... does your wife know that your t***y bar bills come to the fire station? POS!
Editor: I don't know who "Carrot Top" is, but he's in trouble! Wow... it almost hurt my fingers to copy and past this one! Almost!
Received via email 03-02-06 Wee, they have gone and done it again. First they showed the Mayor that we didn't need an interim Fire Chief and now they have also shown the county that we dont need to have an interim EMS Chief either. Talk about short sightedness. All we have is a bunch of retired folks hangin around biding their time. As they said in the movies "they went ROAD on me (retired on active duty)." But hey look at it this way, we have a chance to relive the EMS negotiations of 2000, you remeber that. We had the same person negotiating for us there that we used to have in charge of the local. Remember all the great bed races and the undefeated volleyball teams we had back then? Who needed to worry about a future when ya got all that? And he wasnt even retired back then. He should really work his ass off for all us this time.
Received via email 03-03-06 I guess there is no way to take them out huh? Maybe a coup. If the real
firefighters rose up against the idiots and took them out, maybe we would have a real dept. You know who you are.
Received via email 03-03-06 Talk about S***t. I wouldnt trust that back stabbing liar and kiss ass M S from # 3. Beware of the people whom do not have a life outside of the dept. And this is coming from your own station.
Received via email 03-03-06 Who's Carrot Top? Who's Carrot Top? Who's Carrot Top? Who's Carrot Top? C'mon, 'fess up. Are you "Red on the head like the d*** on a dog"? Well be loud and proud about it. Don't let the girls pick on you. Step up and fight back and tell us who you are. It'll take the fun out of calling you names.
Received via email 03-04-06 Again, the Suits are putting on a show, pretending to have a real, Process for EMS Chief. Yeah Right! Friday C shift a certain new #1 came by, and asked blue patched guys if they would mind if their ems chief was not a medic! S o there it is. We are truly doomed.. Remember the last EMS contract that fella negotiated? I think it was we'd get paid for what we spent. WE ended up broke! Past contracts before him, well there was always a surplus, what can we buy, what do you need? Reviving the dinosaurs again, will be our end.. You Medics better start applying to sunstar!
Received via email 03-04-06 Lemme' roll this burrito by you guys... You are all aware that even in light of the fact that the City of St. Pete is in the midst of some banner years for ad valorem tax income, that this mayor is now leaning on it's newly bought and paid-for administration to save some money - utilizing a couple of not-so-original ideas:
1. Drop from six District Chiefs to three.
2. Cut the number of Medics in half along with the overall number of Firefighters, by going to ALS
There are a couple of 'obvious' choices for promotion to Chief of EMS. Why is it that it's not been that easy to promote the best person for the job in a timely fashion, you ask? And how could this delay in coming up with an EMS Chief ultimately help to achieve the first goal above?
How can they 'nearly' kill two birds with one stone? Musical Chairs? Any takers?
Editor: I think I know but I'll let others chew on this and we'll compare answers as they come in!
Received via email 03-05-06 SLICK SLEEVE EMS CHIEF??? I think Charlie Brown said it best "WE'RE DOOMED"
Received via email 03-05-06 Who cares? We have a medic for an ops chief!!!
Received via email 03-05-06 Monday should tell alot about the future endeavors of our new fire adminstration. Will the Head Chief gain some respect by putting the right person in the spot of EMS chief? Or will he lose what little he has by promoting one of the YEE Haw good ole boys? We all shall soon find out!!
Received via email 03-05-06 Hey, 03-03. Who's the back stabber? Identify yourself. Don't stoop to the level of the guy you're calling out. Especially if you work with the guy. Stand up.
Received via email 03-05-06 Here we are, looking like a bunch of fools for the world to see arguing and stabbing each other in the back. Aren't we professional. The fact of the matter remains that we are not an 'Us vs. Them' but an "Us vs. Us' organization. We spend more time worrying about gossip than pump pressures and tactics. We, as an organization, should be ashamed. We send the Team in front of the City and ask for more benefits while a large portion of 'us' aren't even in the right field. We keep taking people from other departments within the City while we've seen about a third of them have come on-board for the time off only and spend most of their station life cleaning their vehicles, talking on the phone, and playing video games in their cubes. Some can't even remember to remove all of their PPE and EMS gloves from the trucks going off duty. Come on. If we need a coup, lets start with the firefighters in name only.
Received via email 03-06-06 Very well said!!!
Received via email 03-06-06 We had an ops chief that was a medic!!! whats your point?
Received via email 03-06-06 Maybe now that we have a new chief, maybe we can get polo shirts and get away from having to wear tee shirt and dress shirt.
TEAM Note: Two thumbs up!
Received via email 03-06-06 Exactly my point. Why does it matter if the ems chief is a slick sleeve?
Received via email 03-06-06 It doesn't matter if the slot is filled with a slick-sleeve. It's just that the majority of us don't want a certain slick-sleeve (MM) to have the job. So, are you listening Chief Large? Please, don't give him the job. HE DOES NOT DESERVE IT!! Do the right thing and promote someone who has a clue about EMS. Someone who would actually care about the Rescue Division and the people who work in it. The person you are considering and we are devoting a lot of undeserving thought to, is neither.
Announcement: Bill Ward is your new EMS Chief as of Tuesday, March 7th, 2006!
Received via email 03-08-06 Yeah! the old regime has crumbled and the good ole boy system seems to be fading fast. Two thumbs up for Chief Large going with Bill Ward as EMS Chief. We may have an administration beginning to look out for the firefighters and FF/medics rather than themselves and there buddies- it's been a long time waiting. Fellas and Gals, I think we may be working for a real Fire Department again, not just based on that one decision -above, but on the many positive outlooks that came from the new Chiefs, that were told to us when our officers returned from the officer meeting yesterday. Supposedly, Chief Large mentioned he is not afraid to ask City Hall for whatever the firefighters need, including more staffing if necessary. Hey bud man, why didn't you ever back us like Chief Large says he will do? Of course all of this is just words for now. But the recent EMS Chief decision wasn't just words. Hey MM, maybe you can get a position in Key West as a certain battalion chief's aide. I'm sure you'll be missed by all.
Received via email 03-08-06 I've often said that everyone of these guys trying to get promoted seems to develop a 'hook'. Billy Ward's only hook has been the quality work ethic of a guy who's not known from throwing others under the bus. The rest of you bums (and there are a few) take notice!
Received via email 03-08-06 Congradulations Chief Ward, and a standing ovation for the most unprofessional asshole on the department to DC M***e. It finally appears that this administration is going to get serious and rid itself of the good ole boy system, unless they make the ultimate mistake and promote cry baby K****t. That would be a big big mistake on administration's part. Want common sense - go with a Lt. in that position. It's cheaper, too! Who the hell cares if the fricken county wants a higher ranking offical. This is the City of St. Petersburg. Hopefully a new attitude department with a regeneration of morale. Don't disappoint. Political aspirations might just take a nose dive if you know what I mean!
TEAM Note:
I've got that Union spirit
Up in my head-
Deep in my heart-
Down in my feet.
I've got that Union Spirit
All over me-
All over me- to stay
Now EVERYONE SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!