Received via Email 10-04-13 I want a raise like Tampa! Vote NO on this contract! We deserve better!
Received via Email 10-05-13 And the answer is......What does $1.6 Million dollars represent as a raise? 1% of payroll is equal to $180,000.00. So 180,000.00 x 8.8% GWI= $1,600,000.00. In simple terms we are giving up the same as a 3 year deal of the 2% for FY 14 and another 8.8% for the 2 remaining years. Now lets not forget that almost a third of our salaries are paid for with EMS funds plus another $75,000.00 from the additional work load from undercutting south Pasadena and now the extra $900,000.00 form out of the pockets of our Pinellas Park brothers. So as you can see #1 there was almost 2/3rds of what we need from the $'s our admin screwed out of the surrounding communities, and 2nd we are total laughing idiots to be giving up $6,000.00 worth of pensionable pay increases over the next 3 years. I know I would sleep better knowing that I would have enough money to pay for the increases to my flood, and homeowners ins. My increasing property taxes, food, fuel, electric, and water costs, and of course the unknowns with raising 2 children. I guess if you nap hard enough on your days off, you can just put all of those worries out of your mind.
TEAM: Brilliant! These are the numbers we were waiting for. As you might recall, Rick Pauley recently asked Steve Hay what 1% added up to in this latest offer and Hay replied that the members could find it them themselves, do the math and then vote this contract down if they disapprove. Well there are the numbers and if Michael Blank and Steve Hay ever took the time to ask for them and work them, they sure didn't share them with Secretary Treasurer Bill Mott. Everyone was busy looking at the shiny thing and right under our collective noses the city was offering us far more than a 2, 2 & 2 GWI.
Now you all know the truth. The shiny thing isn't going to cost us 2% for year two and another 2% for year three. It's going to cost us 4.4% in year two and 4.4% in year three. We're actually paying more for the opportunity to reduce our work week than Tampa Fire Rescue (who's already working 48 hours a week) is getting over the next three years and that's an 8%GWI! The reality is, Tampa is light years ahead of us already because they employ long term union officers who can negotiate a contract. FACT: Tampa will move ahead 8% and we're about to vote to move backwards 8.8%, instantaneously growing the gap in our pay plans by another 16.8%.
This is what happens when members stop being objective and instead, are subjective. Better pay and benefits don't suddenly occur when the membership's total involvement relies on their merely paying dues, along with wishing and hoping that Blank and Hay will somehow gain the knowledge, wisdom and requisite bargaining skills that are required, while they sleep. Instead they have manufactured a pipe dream with a price tag and everybody wants a piece of the action. What's really alarming is to hear the stories around the stations by our own membership who are oh so sharp when it comes to their money that they openly brag about the air conditioning guy, appliance guy and the mechanic who tried to screw them over but they stopped them dead in their tracks. Why so sharp spending your money but not so much when it comes to making it?
Vote yes for this contract and yes for Bill Foster. Two items that aren't anything like what you've been told they were.
Received via Email 10-06-13 So you're saying that Blank and Hay only told us about the good and none of the bad. I'm shocked. It's as if getting re elected was more important than getting a decent contract. I bullshitting worked for Blank again.
Received via Email 10-06-13 I'm in the DROP. Vote YES for this contract. I want to be able to call the stations in 3 years and ask how contract negotiations are with you supposedly trying to catch up to the rest of Pinellas county.
Received via Email 10-06-13 Good news is NO more Brownouts. Bad news is, the same day we got rid of Engine 1 and Truck 13. Wait just a minute, those were the two vehicles being browned out mostly anyway. Now they are permanently gone and Large is making it look like he is a hero by not browning out anymore. Everyone sees through your smoke and mirrors Large. Are you really that ignorant to think all of us are that stupid to not see the truth. You may fool the city council and Silly Billy but the firefighters and citizens see right through you.
Received via Email 10-06-13 Pleas may I have another? Everyione needs to read what was posted and tell all your friends to vote this thing down. Not everyone has seen the numbers on this page. There's no gaurantee in the contract that we won't be working more in 2016 and the fact that Large is backing it scares the hell out of me. Tell your friends what it really costs and lets go after something better no matter how long it takes. We're paying for bennies so that Blank and Hay can show Foster we're backing him. Not me.
Received via Email 10-06-13 We haven't voted for anything yet. Hold your ballots for a few days and see how many more lies are uncovered and then decide how good or bad your next 3 years are going to be.
Received via Email 10-06-13 Turning down the contract is not the end, we can easily re negotiate for something better. Dont get robbed by Silly Billy and Gimmie Jimmy.
Received via Email 10-06-13 OMG the lil minion of hay blank has opened his thesaurus. Barfield cut and pasted the numbers from above said it wasn't his work but someone elses. Now lil KUNT Kuntz alman is calling him everything from a lier to downright nasty! His admiration for #1 & 2 is so cute. Man love is alive & well at SPFR. LMAO. I told JB to stop posting on FACEBOOK SPFR page its all of them suck asses anyway.
Received via Email 10-06-13 You wont be seeing any positive proofs of anything. If the City comes up with new wording that tries to paint a better picture it would be committing many unfair labor practices and everyone that has already cast their ballots would be able to claim that they had been deceived. If they truely had the proof in the beginning, you would have already seen it. Its nice to know that back in 1986 we had a true Union President that refused to back down in his beliefs and took the city to the edge with threat of impasse and in the end was awarded what was necessary. 27 years ago the brotherhood of this Local stood up for considerations of the work loads that they were enduring. Now somehow 27 years later it appears that we are all willing to throw away everything that was worked for, Many hours more than anyone will ever know about I am sure, thrown away by are new 7 year experts. While I am saddened with the new bunch of overworked and tired whiners that would rather work more hours in forced unpensionible overtime, I am finally realizing what the retirees in the old pension have endured all these years. The newbies have no use for the experiance and knowledge of our generation of old timers. They are only interested in staying home and collecting their paychecks.
Received via Email 10-06-13 I didn't need to wait. I voted NO and sent that shit back the day I received it.
Received via Email 10-06-13 Yeah Boi....... 10/6 #4 Lets not confuse anyone with the facts. Let's listen to Large talk about rumors and fighing bad guys. Clue. He's a bad guy spreading rumors.
Received via Email 10-06-13 KuntHoleMan is talking about 10, 10 and 10 percent. Talk about making shit up. And nobody said we were offered 2, 4.8 and 4.8 but that's what we're spending when the contract clearly says we're giving up 2 and 2. Can't we go to the state and say that we were being lied to?
Received via Email 10-07-13 I'm not feeling the love. Come on now folks. Everyone give a healthy Nazi salute to our President and VP. Go along to get along is my new theme.
Received via Email 10-07-13 Its amazing how when folks asked the Union negotiators to show them some numbers to help them fully understand the offer they have no problem telling us to figure it out for yourself. But, now that some of us have figured it out and made it known its suddenly hog wash, bullshit, and a bold faced lie. My eyes are open to printed facts. Does someone want to produce a piece of paper with the cities name on it that will provide me with another view? I understand that there were MANY hours put into this shit pie and that I should take the bumbling explanation as gospel. So with so much time spent where are the work sheets that would prove this? Its an extremely reasonable request. Guess what? An Oral Roberts these guys aint, I will still read the facts where ever they are presented.
Received via Email 10-08-13 We should all know by now that the union boys cant show what they dont know. Didnt anyone else find it funny that at least 3 others did the math, and then it was a newbie that decided he would try to defend his station officer? Oh yeah lets all thank Kuntzleman for confirming that his heroes are the Liars we all know them as by pointing out that this offer is in no way a raise.
Received via Email 10-08-13 Glad to see such support for our members. Of course this site seems to be so one sided. Web master why are you not posting my comments. You don't like the real truth? Pinker Preal and his clan of balding Barfield are prime examples what's wrong with people. Jon can print all the numbers he wants, we should just let him keep thinking he is right, but that won't even shut him up. My talk with Pauley, he even wants to admit the contract is not perfect, but well worth it.
TEAM: The one theme that certain people bitch most about regarding this website, also protects them - and that's anonymity. You make the claim that your comments are not being posted. Because you use no name, you too are protected but you also have no recourse. Nearly 100% of the emails that hit the box are posted. If you're going to attack individuals for reasons of race or you're going to attack our females for being female, you're right. We held your post.
As to numbers... once you have all the numbers, you can then run them. Obviously when you arrived at your decision to vote this contract offer up or down, you didn't know to ask or care to ask what 1% of payroll is so that you could know definitively what the real cost to your wallet is. Keep voting with emotion and not with facts. Blank and Hay do it all the time and then invite guys like you to vote for all the positives while hiding all the negative or factual aspects of an offer. As to telling us all what Pauley thinks of this contract, we'd rather hear him speak the words than have you interpret his words for us.
Received via Email 10-08-13 Hi its me again, JOHN BARFIELD. Yep signing his name. I ain't scared. Nice shot loser. The numbers presented are fact. What's your excuse? Your so quick witted to throw a slider and slam the same Brothers that fight for Union politics in the sunshine. I am sick & tired of the lies from the beginning of this election season, from the Mayor to Union that the lying simpletons have spun and insulted, slammed and created their own little world of bullshit. You know you can tell when a person is lying as they get so hot angry when you call them out. Make what you want, vote in or out. I go to sleep at night with a clean conscience, how about you? What did you say your name was? Oh yeah, ya didn't ya coward.
Received via Email 10-08-13 What's really sad is that someone is being attacked for using city provided numbers. That is a fact that I can't overlook.
Received via Email 10-08-13 This site is as lopsided at the SPFR FB page where all the Lt. wannabes post nothing and report everything to daddy Large.
Received via Email 10-09-13 to 10/8 #2 If you're too chicken sh-- to write your name and you say you spoke with Pauley, we can confirm you're scared, little name callin ass. Stand by.
Received via Email 10-09-13 Here's a big surprise! Next A shift hay is off and so is Kunt Kunt Kuntleman.. Humm wonder what clogs he will be exploring!
Received via Email 10-09-13 This side isn't lopsided. Its closer to the truth than you will find anywhere! Sad the fact that we need a place like this. Always having to be worrying if your going to get discipline for speaking your mind in the real world.
Received via Email 10-09-13 10-8 num 2. What exactly what is wrong with Jon Pearl and John Barfield? They are both senior firefighters and union members. They speak their minds and do not seem to fear anyone especially non name signed insults on Us vs Them. I see you as the wrong type by suggesting they are doing anything that bothers us as a whole.
Received via Email 10-12-13 Everybody don't forget to vote. Tampas already working 48 hours and just signed a contract worth 8% so the quicker we get this process going the quicker the lost 3 years will go by and we can start working on catching up. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Right.
Received via Email 10-12-13 F the 3 year piece of trash vote NO.
Received via Email 10-12-13 St. Pete wants to be a big-time city like Tampa but doesn't want to pay the salaries they do. I'll bet the mayor's salary is comparable.
Received via Email 10-13-13 Funny how for the past 3 years it was so important to protect our people on the Howard Franklin Bridge by having a ladder truck there. NOW, no protection at all. We dont need that protection now, cause today's traffic is safer. What a joke HQ is. All they care about is numbers and status, they could give a rat about the safety of their own people.
Received via Email 10-13-13 1st 10/13 Well said.
Received via Email 10-14-13 Has anyone else noticed that there have been NO further attempts by the FD Admin or the Unions blind mice to dispell the true implecations that are so well pointed out by the nay sayers and malcontents? I guess they know they cant combat the truth.
TEAM: Do you mean where some of us tried to point out the truth that shows that Tampa is getting an 8% GWI over the next three years, yet we are actually going to move backwards 8.8%, furthering the already huge gap in pay and benefits that lies between us? That truth? Oh... did we mention that they're already working a 48 hour work week and that their union leadership had the brains to introduce language in their contract that prescribed a plan of action over three years to hire additional fire fighters under the auspices of safety that didn't strip away any of management's rights? That truth?
Nope. Haven't noticed.
Tampa's new contract numbers (10/1/13 through 9/30/16) are now available.
Top paid FF:
Top paid DE:
Top paid PM:
Top paid PM/Lt.: $81,893.76
Top paid Capt.
$88,483.20 (equiv. to our Lt.)
Top paid DC:
Plus Longevity Pay
Plus Bonus Time Accrual
Plus long established 48 Hour work week
Received via Email 10-15-13 Can we hire TFD's union to negotiate for us???
Received via Email 10-15-13 Wouldn't it have been easier to just vote this offer down until we had all this information? How come this deal of a lifetime doesn't look so good anymore? You all got just what you asked for with Blank and Hay and you just voted Blank back in. We got exactly what we asked for.
Received via Email 10-15-13 Go work for Tampa
Received via Email 10-15-13 Why would I go to work in Tampa when I've got a perfectly good union right here to negotiate benefits for me? Why don't Blank and Hay go to work in Tampa? These 2 assclowns don't know what's going on across the street but they're everybodys favorite? I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay right here and tell you all everday what the results of voting 2 guys out of office who told you like it is is all about. I wish I were a fly on the wall at city hall when this contract passes. We will be known as the stupidest bunch of losers to ever grace this city. Nuff said.
Received via Email 10-15-13 If I wasn't vested I would leave.
Received via Email 10-18-13 I hope you know you are one of those losers. Now,go work for Tampa.
Received via Email 10-18-13
Times recommends
In the Nov. 5 elections, the Times recommends:
St. Petersburg
Mayor: Rick Kriseman
City Council District 2: James R. "Jim" Kennedy Jr.
City Council District 4: Darden Rice
City Council District 6: Karl Nurse
City County District 8: Amy Foster
Isn't it funny that EVERYONE on the list is pro labor and everyone on the list running for council supports Kriseman. Isn't also funny that our union is supporting everyone on the list who is supporting Kriseman. Blank and Hay you two are total FUCKTARDS.
Received via Email 10-18-13 The ballots for the Rank and File and the Supervisory Units of SPFR will be opened and counted at the Union Office Monday morning 10/21 at 9:30 am.
Received via Email 10-20-13 Im sure the vote will be in favor, just like how blanket ship got voted for.... Shady!! and sad!!
Received via Email 10-21-13 You should rename this site US"VS"THEM"VS"THE UNION"
Received via Email 10-21-13 Uninformed and gullible members have sunk our local, once again. A sub standard contract was voted in. Enjoy your lack of $$. to the brave 73 that tried to help the followers to understand, you fought a good fight. I will lay odds (if I was a gambler) I would bet the 161 that voted for it will be working their r days as much as they can.
Received via Email 10-21-13 Well there ya go. The crap contract that so many don't realize is crap, passed. Good luck to you. Pknuck
Received via Email 10-21-13 So the vote was 161 FOR and 73 AGAINST paying for this embarrasing contract. If this past weekend is any indication of what's to come I hope Blank and Hay are prepared to call our attorneys the first time someone gets MANDITORIED and says they ain't working, cuz its coming. From this point on the slaves need to row faster.
Received via Email 10-21-13 Tully you were right again. I do believe you will be wrong about the election. Kriseman will win. But hey two out of three aint bad.
Received via Email 10-21-13 Well the new promise spewing from the mouths of the swallowers is just wait and see how good things are going to get now. Do you realize that you just passed a solid 3 year contract? The city doesnt honor what is written now, so what makes you think someone is going to come to your house and make things better? This contract has NO re-openers so what makes you thing the Mayor is going to go out of his way to give us anything? I can see that my get the hell out of here clock has just sped up tremendously
Received via Email 10-21-13 No wait, things wont get better until you all stand out on the street corners and get Silly Billy re-elected. Only then will things get better. Who knows while you are out standing on the street corner you might get a proposition to make a few extra bucks.
Received via Email 10-21-13 Like I said, you cant fix stupid.
Received via Email 10-22-13 I'm sure all 73 will give back their second R-day or let someone else have it, including the main complainer on this page.
Received via Email 10-22-13 Yes, Dinan is not allowed to use tobacco products per his conditions of employment. But he has a special exception given to him by Large and Pumpkin Head. As long as he keeps screwing over the guys, especially ones more senior to him, then and only then is he allowed to hide at the Drill grounds and Chew his nasty baccy, thats chewing tobacco for all you newbies. Remember, it is not what you can do for your department that will advance your career, but what can you do for Large or the great Pumpkin. NUFF SAID. PS Hey Eric, your a DICK !!!
Received via Email 10-22-13 10/22 #1...Naw, we'll just work them like the nit wits that voted this turd in.
Received via Email 10-22-13 You all quit picking on baby Di
Received via Email 10-22-13 Boy it sure would be nice to know that if Kriseman gets into office that we would have a chance at bargaining for a contract that we didn't pay for but thats all woulda, coulda, shoulda right about now.
Received via Email 10-23-13 come ya all.. only 799 days until we receive our hard earned reward.
Received via Email 10-23-13 We currently work a 52 hour week and on weekends can't seem to find enough heroes to come to work. What do you think is going to happen in 799 days when we go to a 48 hour week? Blank and Hay keep telling everyone that management has rights and that they couldn't get them to put hiring more people in the contract. If you don't like getting manditoried now, just wait.
TEAM: Lack of education, lack of attention to detail and misstating the facts have led us to where we are today.
- Lack of education in the form of missed opportunities to take advantage of all that the IAFF offers in the way of formalized leadership training along with no visible or tangible evidence of networking with other Locals who have already bargained for what we yet have.
- Lack of attention to detail caused by rushing a contract through to a vote to satisfy political ambitions (only).
- Misstating, misrepresenting, underrepresenting, conjecturing-on and/or withholding facts that allow members to make a truly informed decision as to the real impacts of their decision to vote for or against a proposed collective bargaining agreement is one of the highest priorities of a labor organization's leadership. When the perceived value of a product (in this case, a contract) is based upon the salesmanship rather than the the actual product, we have a huge problem. Example: If we were to show you two boxes of identical size and weight and one read, 'Best Product Ever' and listed its contents and a 1-800# - while another read 'Best Product Ever II' yet lists no contents but does list a 1-800# - what should you do next?
PS: If management truly had good intentions, a simple M.O.U. fashioned after Tampa's language should assuage any fears that labor might have.
Received via Email 10-24-13 To the Team, I agree with you and with the video ! ! !
Received via Email 10-26-13 I can always tell when Hay writes a memo and doesn't run it by Billy Mott. He sent out another memo full of spelling errors out to the membership begging them to show up on weekends to wave signs. The day Wengay Newton got elected to office Foster told Winnie that he'd never seen the firefighters work so hard before. What do you think he's thinking about the 3 guys standing on the street corner this time around?
Received via Email 10-26-13 I think he's thinking he's in trouble. In 10 days Kriseman's going to be mayor.
Received via Email 10-26-13 To the TEAM on 10-23 I'm not so sure good salesmanship got us this contract so much as the fact that firefighters are weak and gullible. Ask any of them about the plumber's ass or the roofer's ass they kicked for screwing them over at home and they'll brag all day long about it. Don't ask them anything about the contract though. They'll tell you that's what Blank and Hay are in there for. That and they do their part by paying their dues. They ought to have their wives voting for them because they're the ones who are in charge at home. It wasn't real hard to figure out that we were going to buy this contract with all the begging going on at the bargaining table.
Received via Email 10-27-13 09
Received via Email 10-28-13 08
Received via Email 10-28-13 What will 07 mean ???
Received via Email 10-29-13 07 days left until Kriseman takes the prize.
Received via Email 10-29-13 Even if Kriseman gets in, what canwe do about making this contract happen faster? Aren't we stuck with the current deal? The main reason that I'm asking is that I'm wondering if he's ever going to deal with the like of Blank and Hay the way they cheated him.
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Received via Email 10-29-13 You were warned about swallowing this contract offer many weeks ago on a continual basis. Had you waited there may have been an opportunity to change things. Now. . .since you've gone for the current mayor's bait, you're stuck like a pig on a spit. It serves the members right. The majority of them couldn't *wait* to suck down the spooge from the mayor's lackey.
Had common sense prevailed there would have been a slim chance of some intelligent negotiating taking place. But it would have come from the city. Even if Kriseman wins the election it will be months before he gets filled in and indoctrinated. But you don't have anything better now than the status quo so what was there to lose? The majority listened to the lies told them by the leaders and took it for truth. That's what you get these days with a high school education.
How many times do you have to step on your dick to realize you're doing it wrong? It'll be a cold day when this local gets *anything* better than it has now. You say you're getting an R day in three years? Aren't you special. The captains and DC's have theirs now and got a pay raise to go with it. You short bus riders need to quit licking windows and wake up to the grown up world of employment. Most of you have a long way to go to complete your "career" in the fire service. Who's the next one to get time off with no recourse?
You can only hope and pray that Kriseman is going to listen to whoever makes the case for the firefighters. If it's dumb and moronic then you probably won't see change until dumb retires. Then when moronic takes over you can expect more of the same. Looks like you've screwed yourselves for a very long time. And the more so called "old timers" that retire in that same period just leaves less fighters and more lemmings in the ranks. That house of straw the current membership is building won't hold up when the city wolf comes for more concessions at the bargaining table. And now that you *pay* for your benefits instead of winning them you won't last long.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 10-29-13 I've been listening to some of the talk as I've worked around the station on OT and some are not so sure now that Foster's going to be re elected. I've got an idea who to call but is there going to be an effort to wave signs for Kriseman that I'm not hearing about?
Received via Email 10-30-13 06
Received via Email 10-30-13 "St. Petersburg's firefighters union, Local 747, has frequently battled with Foster. The group now backs Foster's bid to keep his job, but it had nothing to do with securing perks, said president Michael Blank".
Did you read that last little bit? This guy is a moroon. It's obvious from the contract that we just bought for 8.8% that we aren't trying to secure any perks. This is as bad as it gets my little babies.
Received via Email 10-30-13 Brilliant.
Received via Email 10-30-13 OMG I just read the TBT article. What a moron, buffoon, clown asshole.
Received via Email 10-31-13 05
Received via Email 11-01-13 04
Received via Email 11-01-13 "OMG I just read the TBT article. What a moron, buffoon, clown asshole". FYI, When you hear other folks talking, We refer to them as ASS CLOWNS.
Received via Email 11-02-13 03
Received via Email 11-03-13 02
Received via Email 11-04-13 01
Received via Email 11-04-13 Imagine that. Even Pasco gets 3%. Big & Bad St. Pete can't even do that. Thanks Foster, you need to go!
Received via Email 11-04-13 Hahahaha! Another example of how pathetic we've become. Thanks 747!
Received via Email 11-04-13 This is why I have been preaching that we didn't need blank and hay to all the newbies and people that weren't sure. As we all know if your a drinking buddy your in fuck the rest of us 3 yrs with a bullshit contract. How about let's get the right person in regardless if you like him or not.... Meaning the person is educated and experienced with negotiations.
TEAM: Oh! So you're the person that's been doing all the preaching.
Received via Email 11-05-13 Time's up. It's today.
Received via Email 11-05-13 Not all the preaching but I put my 2 cents in. .. for what it's worth.
TEAM: Kidding! Thanks for the efforts.
Received via Email 11-05-13 It was seen that Large is as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. And well should be. Kriseman will win this election
Received via Email 11-05-13 Woohoo! Kriseman wins! I wonder how safe large and knight feelin their jobs!! Victory!
Received via Email 11-05-13 So, we now have a New Mayor. So what will Blank and Hay lie to us about next? With any luck, neither one of them will be around to srcew us over with another 3 year contract, so really they wouldnt have had to do anything for us anyway no matter who won the election. Welcome home Mayor Kriseman, and go away Foster. You will have all the time in the world to reflect on your lies, deceit, and spitefulness next week during your church service.
Received via Email 11-05-13 At the St. Petersburg City Theatre polling place in Lakewood Estates, John Barfield voted for Kriseman.
"I feel he is more receptive to us local middle-class people and he listens. He is very friendly and approachable," said Barfield, 53, a St. Petersburg firefighter for the past 29 years.
Barfield said his firefighters union had endorsed Foster without consulting the rank and file.
"They went with the status quo," he said
Received via Email 11-06-13 St. Petersburg's firefighters union, Local 747, has frequently battled with Foster.
The group now backs Foster's bid to keep his job, but it had nothing to do with securing perks, said president Michael Blank.
The executive committee considered the history of city elections and the pending contract negotiations, Blank said.
"An incumbent has never lost," Blank said. "It wouldn't be the smartest thing to do.
We decided to join forces to make it a public-safety campaign."
Received via Email 11-06-13 Lets get this straight once and for all. The Firefighters Union DID NOT endorse Foster for office. Michael T. Blank and Steve Hay did what they were TOLD to do by the needs to go too fire chief, and in the process the rest of us have found out who the real Union Men and Women are compared to the swallowers on the I hope list.
Received via Email 11-06-13 With all that is in the rank and file. Please Mayor Rick sir, replace Chief Large and Chief Knight with someone who cares about our citizens and their firefighters. Thank you. All of us in the rank and file fully support you. Congrats, it is finally now a great day in St Petersburg. From the voices of Local 747 who have been constantly shut out by our administration and our own top 2 union officials. It literally feels as if the prison doors have been opened !! Celebration time. And a huge thanks to the brothers and sisters of this local who have backed our new Mayor since day. even though they have been harassed by our fire administration for doing it. The rest of the rank in file applaud you.
Received via Email 11-06-13 I am sure there are at least 160+ that did not support Kriseman. The same fools that voted this shitty contract in
Received via Email 11-06-13 CAN IT BE TRUE!! The big little birdie tells us that ole gap tooth himself is going away! Yes he is leaving SPFR! What a double winner this is for us all! Good by loser, hope you don't screw up another good department.
Received via Email 11-06-13 NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH Great News. Great News, some of the best news in SPFR history. Steven Pumpkin Head Knight is finally giving up and heading down the road and retiring on Nov 22 per Chief Large. Thanks for Nothing Loser. You almost destroyed our department but with you gone we will get progressive once again. You suck and we feel sorry for whoever in the future has to work with or for you. Good Riddance. It is truly a Great Day at St Pete Fire.
Received via Email 11-06-13 Hope he's not going to P Park
Received via Email 11-07-13 No thanks. We have had enough of your looser chiefs coming to pinellas park.
Received via Email 11-08-13 We signed the shitty contract, can we now get our measleyback pay or did we give that away too?
Received via Email 11-08-13 Somebody mentioned something to me today about this great contract. Take a look at the overtime clause. Even when we start our 48 hour work week, we will still need to work 53 hours before time and a half kicks in. Thanks brain trust, and hopefully you all will get this fiasco fixed. Thank you to a certain someone for at least paying attention unlike our voted in idiots.
Received via Email 11-08-13 Reality check, folks. Look at Tampa's numbers at the top of the page. I don't care if their members hate their long term leadership............they're bringing home the bacon. Silly fools.
Received via Email 11-08-13 Bad contract, worse leadership.. Faulty contract, void the vote. Vote the contract. Better yet call that angry Tampa Bay Times reporter.
Received via Email 11-09-13 We didn't back Bill Foster the last time around. He is like an elephant and we all know THEY NEVER FORGET. I guess Blank and Hay missed that one.
Received via Email 11-09-13 Did anyone notice if we got the 2% pay raise in this weeks pay? I didnt see any change but I might have missed it. Also how long until we see the retro? Will the old timers from the old pension plan get the retro too? I wonder if anyone told them that they too will have more days off starting in 2016. Just think about it, some of them used to work 24 on 24 off, then they went to 24 on 48 off, then a handfull of them were still around to have their schedule reduced with the r day every 14th shift. Now they are all retired sitting home and we chose to give them even more time off to sit around the house and enjoy themselves. Dont worry brother, you might see another raise in October 2016. Just hang tight until then I am sure the costs of living will stay flat until then.
Received via Email 11-10-13 I have heard that Mayor Foster hasnt even approved the contract yet. This is just another example of his vindictive ways. He held off to see how the election would turn out and now he is even more pissed off. He probably hold off even longer now. Good riddance, what a wonderful way to start out a new year, and maybe the the new Mayor will require that the admin in HQ learn how to say thank you to the workers instead in 2014.
TEAM: What's that you say? Remember when Blank and Hay told everyone that everyone (retirees included) was getting a pay raise?
Received via Email 11-10-13 Has anyone even seen Blank or Hay's face since their HUGE FAILURE IN BACKING FISTER? These guys spend more time fucking off than an ten of us and they're getting paid to do it. The next 3 years are going to be great. They can tell all their buddies at the bar how great they were to bring in a realy big contract.
Received via Email 11-10-13 I guess that the pay raise promise to EVERYONE including the lost 157 was just ANOTHER LIE. I hope someone is keeping count. Did you ever notice how the lies that fall out of thier mouths are like cow pies coming out of a cows ass? However when all is said and done, cow pies are useful.
Received via Email 11-10-13 For you new members that don't know any history about the fire service let me fill you in a bit. You're probably wondering, if you read about it, how men could be at the fire station every day of their lives as in working 24 on and 24 off. At that time, at least up until 1962 or '63, a firefighter was at the station either going off duty or coming on duty every day.
In those days, long before your time or mine, they had no standards for safety when doing the job of firefighting. You just lobbed water on the fire and then cleaned up and went back to the station. This was also the time when the Heart and Lung Bill was introduced into the Florida Legislature. It was determined that any person who was a firefighter and came down with any, I repeat, any heart or lung malady was automatically assumed to have gotten it due to his line of work as a firefighter.
This was due to the fact that there was no breathing protection for firefighters and because of the stress involved in the activities at a fire scene. Around the same time the Prior Pension for St. Petersburg firefighters found it's way into the Legislature and became law. Now the firefighters were covered for the most prevalent hazards pertaining to firefighting and a pension for those who worked and met the requirements.
On around the late 50's or early 60's there were reports that showed that it took up to 48 hours for carbon monoxide to be exhausted from the lungs of a human. This was the basis for the new 24 on and 48 off work week for firefighters in St. Petersburg. It was at that time that the work week was lowered from 24 on and 24 off to 24 on with 48 off. The city hired an entire shift of men at that time to meet the requirements of the new work week. It must be remembered that in the early 60's firefighters did not have the Scott breathing apparatus that you now enjoy. Back then all that was available was an MSA (Mine Safety Appliance)canister with a mask. The canister was an all purpose one that removed all kinds of impurities and gases but it wasn't perfect. Firefighter's still needed the time off to clear their lungs of the carbon monoxide they may have breathed in during a fire or overhaul. Today, with the air packs you carry you don't have the threat of breathing carbon
monoxide unless you're foolish enough to take your mask off during overhaul.
When the Scott air packs came in it was a real life saver for firefighters. Carrying your own oxygen supply into fires made interior attacks much safer and more effective. Most of you if not all of you have never seen an MSA mask and canister but you haven't lived until you're inside a burning building on a line and the flap on the pocket on your bunker coat gets up against the bottom of the canister and shuts off your air supply. You gasp for air a lot before you realize the problem and fix it.
Just a little information to help you understand how it was. Those of us who worked in those days also worked hard to get the things you now have on the job. We're proud of the fact that we could make things better for you. A lot has been sacrificed by those who have been there, done that and in the tradition of this profession we hope you will do the same for those who follow you.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 11-11-13 Okay, you got air packs. Bully for you. Air packs became a national standard that everybody in the world ended up getting but if you old guys want to take credit for it, bully for you.
But didn't you also keep your escalatored twenty and out pension when all the future hires got jammed with a benefit package that amounted to a bus pass and a fist up their asses? It took about about 30 years to clean up that mess, but if you want to take credit for inventing the air pack, go right ahead.
Blackie McBlackerson
Department Historian
Received via Email 11-11-13 okay lets everyone pick on Dick for changes the city made
Received via Email 11-11-13 4th 11/10 "In those days, long before your time or mine" "Those of us who worked in those days" What the heck is that. Are you losing it ole man. Your forgetting what you wrote in the prior sentences. Your one of those kind of guys huh. OK, I get it now. And Blackie McBlackerson quit picking on the dude.
Whitie McWhiterson
Department Planner
Received via Email 11-11-13 why not stop the hiding racism you assholes. show it like ya mean it
Received via Email 11-12-13 Ah yes, Mr. McBlackerson. I recognize you without even having to be there. The statiion loudmouth with little or no intelligence. The one who hates everyone white but hides it when at the station. Most of the time not very well. You do a wonderful job of showing your ignorance to everyone and in your mind trying to make others look stupid or inferior makes you a big man. Sorry Blackie but all you are is the stereotype for racism. Still think that veiled inuendo is going to make you invisible, eh? Fact is, nobody cares about what you have to say. Least of all me.
I think you must be very lonely being the only one who still thinks he's hip and cool in the seventies. That's over. Been there, done that. But so that you don't think you drove a stake in the heart of white firefighters everywhere with your dialog just let me say that you are one in a long line of whiners who have never been able to get your small mind into the 21st century. While you sit in your little cubicle at the station thinking up zingers to say about those who actually *did* something when they worked at the SPF&R the rest of the men on the job today are moving on to become something more than just a body showing up for roll call.
You're not something new to the department with your lame ass growling and complaining about every little thing. I'd put money on it that you're the last one to get on an attack line at a fire and the first one to go drink the Gator Ade. But certainly the one who crows the loudest when you get back about how much you did at the scene. Takes a long time to get those gloves on doesn't it? You need to wake up to the fact that you're old school, bitch about everything attitude will get you nowhere. Keep it up and you'll spend your entire time as a drain on the rest of the department. Kinda like you are now. And please don't give me the "you don't know me" routine. Yes, I do know you. You are the epitome of why people can't "get along".
So go back to your cubicle, get in bed and keep your hands above the covers and tell yourself about the great person you think you are.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 11-12-13 I love the way the "webmaster" replies with "team" who's team are you on? Oh that's right it's the other team. I realized it when Jon and WenGay came out of the closet at the Kriesman party. It will be so nice to enjoy my two R Days.
Received via Email 11-12-13 I'm not sure if you're cracking on Jon Pearl and Wengay Newton or not but if you are you owe them both a thank you.
Received via Email 11-12-13 Screw your two R days earned on the lies and deceit of our executive officers. Pearl has more integrity than any of you blind blankettes. Don't spend that .0222222% per year too fast ya fino.
Received via Email 11-12-13 When the f*** we getting our measley 2% raise? You damn well our retro checks will be jacked. No way to tell what the hell we should be getting. Another failure on the mighty 747. Hey we get another Rday in 2 years.
Received via Email 11-12-13 enjoy your r day in 779 days KD
Received via Email 11-12-13 Enjoy your lost monies you could have had too. And the the other team won. Retard.
Received via Email 11-12-13 Since you're talking about people being on the other team, I'm going to guess you're on the Foster (loser), Large (large loser), Blank (lying loser), Hay (another lying loser) team. good luck on your next promotional exam.
Received via Email 11-13-13 Just another example of the Mayor holding a grudge and extracting revenge on the firefighters because HE LOST. It has been 6 weeks since we ratified the contract and it will be another 2 weeks before Major Loser Fister allows for the vote to come before council to approve. I know for fact in past contracts, the results have been run through council within the same week for approval. In case your wondering why the foot dragging? Simple as pointed about in above post, "Foster (loser), Large (large loser), Blank (lying loser), Hay (another lying loser)". I think that earns a "nuff said"
Received via Email 11-13-13 Everyone needs to look on their union board to see the latest from dum and dummer. Boys, you coulda got off to a better start than that. You could have congratulated your new boss on his victory and said you hoped to work with him in the future. You two are so small minded that you made no plans for the possibility of someone else winning and that suits me just fine. I think the real union is going to do just fine while you two misfits are going to be back under the porch with the rest of the liars.
Received via Email 11-13-13 Who would have ever thought that mayor Bill Fister could have been such a big prick?
Received via Email 11-13-13 11-12 #2 I'm going to guess your on the TEAM that cost this union $10K fighting for the DROP extension THAT WE LEGALLY HAD, that FOSTER ILLEGALLY TOOK from us. That's the same TEAM that keeps taking Brad Westphal and his family back to court because Bill Foster said to FIGHT HIM. That's the TEAM that had Blank and Hay doing nothing in the name of safety when Foster was browning out trucks. The same TEAM that had Blank and Hay sucking off Foster's tit for scraps that were never coming. The same TEAM that PAID...............NO........OVERPAID for a second R day at the hands of that cocksucker Bill Foster. I know who's team your on. How does it feel to have a growing ego and a shrinking paycheck? Funny............I don't see Pearl or Newton's name on THAT TEAM anywhere and I dare you to come up with a list of things that you can tack onto their names. It's embarrassing enough have a mayor who doesn't back us but for us to have a president and vice president that think hope and change is some kind of that's embarrasing. Asshat.
Received via Email 11-13-13 Oh, I get it. You're saying that because we didn't back Foster the last time around that he's holding a grudge.? Now that's a thought.
Received via Email 11-13-13 Vrooom about a quote of the year. "I think the real union is going to do just fine while you two misfits are going to be back under the porch with the rest of the liars."
Received via Email 11-13-13 Blackie McBlackerson for union president.
Received via Email 11-16-13 I guess we were in such a hurry to sign a contract that it finally occurred to somebody to actually read it. Thank you very much. Now how do we fix it?
Received via Email 11-16-13 We can ask the council not to approve it and in January the new Mayor can reopen it and fix the POS!!!
Received via Email 11-16-13 Have you ever heard the phrase, You don't know what you don't know? Right now Blank and Hay are very dangerous to us because they didn't do for the old mayor what they were supposed to do and that's to convince all of us that backing a man who never backed us was a really great thing and because the first phone call they should have made on election night was to the new mayor.
Received via Email 11-16-13 Yea that'll happen. That would require humility and the willingness to admit that you are wrong. I'd be shocked if that transpired.
Received via Email 11-16-13 Where does it say the new Mayor can reopen it and "fix" it?
Chapter and verse, please.
Received via Email 11-16-13 73 of us read the piece of shit offer. Now you kool aid drinking minions are saying woops we made a mistake.
Received via Email 11-16-13 Told you so...
Received via Email 11-17-13 How's those new R day picks working out? I hear that some of you Senior Firefighters are finding out that your nothing in the eyes of Admin and the Union. BTW, there is NOTHING in the contract to fall back on. Seniority means nothing, and Principle even less. 6 years ago, that SOB Newton seeing the direction this Dept was going tried to get a whole new level of Paramedic duties and pay schedule into the contract. This would have solved most of this bullshit. Ya know what Admin said? We dont need that and we wont ever end up there. But he was taking too long on such bullshit.
TEAM: This has been kicking around one the Resources page for a long time and when drafted was an attempt to start catching up to Tampa by paying 'longevity' for senior people: Pay Proposal - 08-17-06
Received via Email 11-18-13 I'm glad that the web master put Kriseman's pictures at the top of this page as a reminder to Blank and Hay of what lying and cheating will get you and it aint what you wanted.
Received via Email 11-18-13 Ok, I stand corrected, it ws 7 years ago. Wow time just flies by when there are so many laughs going on here daily. I forgot about the longevity part. I wonder if Admin would see that for what it really means? Pay for seniority but fuck them on everything else. Yup thats the way they do it. Once again te city has found a way to out think the Blankest one and his side kick Hayseed.
TEAM: Okay. Thought that might work.
Received via Email 11-20-13 Will Newton
Is the Florida Professional Firefighters 2nd District Vice President and former President of the St. Petersburg Chapter of the International Association of Firefighters.
Future council member/mayor??? See how blankityblank does with this one...
Received via Email 11-20-13 Dear Father (picture at the top of the page) please forgive us.
Received via Email 11-20-13 I am always amazed at how someone that has their shit together and runs a truthful life can continuously show folks what it means to have honor. Thank you Mayor Kriseman for making room for a Firefighter to represent the group that ignored, lied, and shunned you. You have already received my apologies and I see you have again shown me that you are a MAN of your word. I wonder if Dumb and Dumber will put out a personnel view point memo about this decision? Blank and Hay, can you follow this CLASS ACT?
Received via Email 11-24-13 And that's why they say FOOLS RUSH IN WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD.
Received via Email 11-24-13 If MTB continues to insist that we (he and Hay I guess) are good with the City Council, then why is it that our contract still hasnt been in front of them yet to be approved? October 2nd was a long time ago and I'm still trying to figure that out. But then again I'm not the one thats telling folks that we wont need the new Mayor for anything so there is no need to make amends.
Received via Email 11-24-13 I doubt seriously that Blank and Hay really knows what council thinks. When 6 of 8 council members disagree with you on who you chose to back for mayor wouldn't YOU have a problem with that if you were one of those council members? Add to that, every new member of council was supporting Rick Kriseman. These two can act like little girls and hide in the closet but when they come out the problem is still going to be there.
Received via Email 11-24-13 who really wants that pos? Not me. Take your time council. Maybe the new mayor will see something is a miss..LOL
Received via Email 11-24-13 Did anyone catch what was going on at the head table at the union meeting? Blank wanted to bring something up and he asked Hay and he said NO don't mention it now. WTF?!?! And I can't wait to see what they are going to drop in our lap for constitution and by laws changes. These two guys are working for us and all this cloak and dagger shit doesn't sit well.
Received via Email 11-25-13 11-24-#3 Are you really surprised? For the other half of you who voted for Blank, he shouldn't ever be allowed to hold a union checkbook to write political endorsment checks. This is the same fool who "INVITED" Everett Rice to a countywide "SCREENING" but forgot to invite anyone else who was running for Sheriff. In my book, that's cheating and why are we giving our money away in a Sherriff's race. Because he wasn't officially slaighted to be screened they had to fit him in and when asked what time he "INVITED" the current Sherriff to be screened, he said "OH, DIDN'T I TELL YOU?!?! RICE IS THE ONLY ONE INVITED"!!! Is any of this sinking in???
Received via Email 11-26-13 Anyone know if our union heads have even asked for a meeting with the new mayor yet?
Received via Email 11-26-13 Would you want to meet right away with 2 guys that kicked you in the Nuts?
Received via Email 11-27-13 Are you kidding? They are so scared they might have to say sorry we f'ed up. Hell they wouldn't even mention the election last Thursday night at the union meeting! WTF?
Received via Email 12-01-13 Has anyone heard when we can expect to see our raise and our retro pay? Gosh darn after waiting 8 weeks to get it in front of Council and our Mayor I should be getting quite a chuck of doe. I wonder if since we are all so good with the Mayor and council maybe they will slide in a little thankyou note too?
TEAM: We hope your "...chuck of doe." puts you in a new tax bracket. Just wait till next year when we all start the two year odyssey of paying 8.8% for a benefit that others didn't pay a cent for. How convenient of Blank and Hay to leave out some of the facts. A lie is a lie even if by omission!
Received via Email 12-01-13 What is a firefighter worth?
There has been so much talk recently about things like containing costs, lowering taxes, and those who work in public safety being overpaid - particularly firefighters - that it could make your head spin. We've all done the "simple math," crunched the numbers, and it all seems to boil down to a simple question. What are firefighters worth?
I guess that depends. We live in a country that seems to have forgotten what our priorities are. A man can be a skilled athlete who happens to throw and catch a football well, and make millions and millions of dollars to do so. And we as a society are not only OK with that, but we gather in front of our televisions and cheer that man on. Meanwhile, a firefighter kisses his children goodbye before every shift knowing the harsh reality that it very well could be the last time he will see them, and he is fighting tooth and nail for decent health coverage and substantial pay to support those children.
He is the man that you call when your elderly father has a stroke. He is the person that will extract your 16-year-old son from a mangled vehicle on the highway in the middle of the night. He is the person that will be there in a heartbeat when your newborn infant stops breathing. He is the person who is exposed to countless dangerous scenarios and has seen horrific things during his career that would psychologically haunt most of us for the rest of our lives. We trust him to save our homes and belongings in the event of a disastrous fire, and we trust him to keep us breathing and our hearts beating when we face our most critical moments. What is he worth to you?
He sometimes will go days without sleep, and make life altering decisions on every call he shows up to. He has missed family meals, bedtime stories, Christmas mornings, school plays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving dinners, and his own children's birthdays. We all know that life is so very short, and firefighters sacrifice precious time with the most important people in their lives to save the lives of the most important people in yours. And now they have to defend and protect their pensions, well deserved health benefits, and their paychecks. It has been proposed by some that they lose many of their benefits, and work extra shifts that they will not be compensated for. There seems to be a serious misconception that firefighters are in it for the monetary gain, and more and more often have been portrayed in a negative light for actually expecting to be compensated for the sacrifices that they make to do their job. For an individual that has chosen this selfless career, it begs the question: Is it worth it?
Most of us are willing to pay a little extra for something if it is important to us, whether it be the shoes we wear, the doctor we choose to treat us, or even the cup of coffee we drink. It is something that we value, therefore it is worth the cost. Most would agree that our safety and protection is of unmeasurable value. Those of us that are skilled in math may look at the numbers and think that stripping those who serve our public of their way to earn a decent living is an answer to a financial equation. But firefighters and their families are not numbers on a piece of paper. They are human beings that are doing their jobs every day to the best of their ability, and possibly sacrificing their own lives for the life of a stranger. Not many of us in our right mind would do that for free, and no one should have to.
So before making our minds up that firefighters are the financial problem, sit down with a local firefighter and ask him about his job. Ask him about his wife and his sons or daughters, what kind of house he lives in, and what type of car he drives. And then ask yourself, if you were to take on such a career, what would you expect in return?
Tina Clarke
Proud wife of a Cumberland firefighter
Received via Email 12-04-13 Tina, great words, and we realize what we give isn't anywhere close to what we may be, "worth". Just tell the politicians that.
Received via Email 12-08-13 Speaking of crappy contracts…where's my AWESOME 2%? Checked my pay stub and annual rate is the same. When is this joke supposed to take effect?
Received via Email 12-09-13 If it was up your ass you'd know where it was. Try looking there.
Received via Email 12-09-13 Hahahaha! Good one. Got a better chance of finding it there than where it should be.
Received via Email 12-10-13 Actually, the Mayor put it way up inside his ass. The worst part is how many of you slid your tongues up in there to fish it out.
Received via Email 12-10-13 Speaking of the mayor and other shit that don't float, I just called Julie Newby up and asked her if she got the okay for pay raises before Christmas. She said, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!! Who is at fault here???? Michael Blank and Steven Hay, that's who. These are the same two JUST DON'T GET IT boys who thought it would be a really great idea NOT TO ASK THE E BOARD about spending our union money (rather than making a donation out of their pockets lined with union paychecks) on an IAFF fire helmet. I don't blame Bill Foster because people with half a brain had him pegged a long time ago. Blank and Hay can't decide what to have for lunch and you all thought that inviting Blank back again for round 2 was a great idea. Stupid should hurt and for a long time, too.
Received via Email 12-10-13 I'd say that we need to take the matter of buying a helmet for Uncle Fester to the executive board but look what we've done now......................................we've handed that over to the fire cheif also. Let's review:
A-Shift VP totally in Blank's pocket. Didn't even think about running till Blank asked him to. Total Koolaide Drinker.
B-Shift VP loves what Blank and Hay are doing and the direction that the union's moving in. Total Koolaide Drinker.
Lealman Rep. bad mouthed Pauley to his members and was in bed with Blank.
South Pas Rep. Long time softball buddy of Blank.
Winnie Newton to the curb!
Rick Pauley to the curb!
Secretary Treasurer Billy Mott don't lie, cheat or steal but you still tried to run a fucking child molester against him!
C-Shift VP Jon Pearl don't lie, cheat or steal but you're probably out looking for another child molester to run against him!
I say belly up to the bar and buy Uncle Fester whatever he wants. He deserves a helmet like he deserves two friends like Blank and Hay.
Received via Email 12-19-13 Do we really have a contract? I havent seen one around the station or on the union website. Will we get our pay raise today? How about the retro? I guess we'll have to wait and see if Chief Large sends it over to the SPT for approval, then we might get it. Stay tuned, I am certain Chief Large will do something else stupid very soon.
TEAM: Per our Collective Bargaining Agreement, the City has 45 days from ratification to print and deliver copies to the union for distribution. As to its availability on the union's website - call 727-244-3572 and ask for clarification as to why. When we last talked to Julie Newby she had not been contacted by HR about the issue. Once contacted, she'll have to start the process of figuring what everyone is owed from October 1, forward. To ask about when and if it's ever going to happen, you can always call and leave a message with the nice lady who answers Bill Foster's # at 893-7201. We're sure he'll get right back with you. Better yet, give Mike Blank a call at 727-244-3572 and ask him why his close personal friend is stiffing us before Christmas. While on the phone, ask him why our MDA effort sucks. Ask him why we celebrated no Christmas party with the retirees, our friends and families for a second year running. Ask him how much of the money he's 'borrowed' from savings to pay for attorneys has been put back into the general fund. It's easy to come up with questions when you're seeming always short on answers.
Received via Email 12-19-13 Our raise is in today's paycheck. The retro is listed as bonus pensionable and bonus non pensionable. Your yearly rate also shows the 2% if you was already topped out. If you are still in steps you will not see anything
TEAM: What we meant to say is, Bill Foster's a winner!
Received via Email 12-20-13 Full Definition of PRECEDENT
1: an earlier occurrence of something similar
2a : something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind <a verdict that had no precedent>
b : the convention established by such a precedent or by long practice
3: a person or thing that serves as a model
For those of you who are new to the real world of employment. This is a term that is used by employers and others who wish to club you over the head with something they were successful at in the past.
The city will use this argument when it comes time to change or negotiate (as if the ever do that) the contract.
And they will win.
This is why you don’t allow things to be bargained away and put in the contract. Once they’re gone they almost never come back. And the city will use this argument over and over and over on every single thing they can apply it to.
The more things you lose the less chance you have of ever getting ANY of it back. It’s gone for good.
The important thing that most of you are apparently having trouble understanding is that you are paying dues to an organization that encourages improvements over your working conditions and wages. If it wasn’t for this organization the Chief would still be begging the Mayor or the City Manager for a crumb for his men. This is what was done in the past. The UNION put a stop to that along with laws that give you the right to bargain collectively in the state of Florida.
Most of you seem to think all this happened because the employer was such a good guy that he wanted you to have the best so he just laid down and agreed to what you have now. Wake up. Every single thing you enjoy on this job was won for you by the UNION. Nothing has been GIVEN to you by the city.
It’s has been the hard work and an educational process that caused each prior President of this Local became competent enough to go against an employer who constantly sends its representatives to seminars and conferences to be educated in how to screw you.
I know that most of you think that Mr. Kriseman is your lord and savior and will make all the boo boos go away when he takes office in January. NO HE WON’T. This city is a proud and long time member of a group call the League of Cities. This is a group that provides education and so called leadership for cities that are large enough to have collective bargaining. They provide guidelines and directions on how to fight against the employee who has representation at the bargaining table.
Mr. Krieseman WILL NOT be able to just go changing things to suit you. Even if he wanted to. Fact is, you’re stuck with what you have until NEW NEGOTIATIONS take place more than two years from now. He can’t just walk in and make all kinds of changes to anything covered by the contract. That’s why it’s so important to have someone negotiating against the city who knows what the hell he’s doing. Because once you give something up to gain something else it better be worth it. If Mr. Kriseman, who will by process be a member of the League of Cities, does something awkward and without the process of collective bargaining the League will come down on him with both feet. They don’t like independent activities that don’t conform to their thinking. Fact is, he can’t do anything until there are new negotiations.
So don’t get your hopes up about everything turning to your favor when Mr. Kriseman takes over. It’s not gonna happen. What should happen is this Local needs to put someone at the bargaining table who has the skill and knowledge to keep what you have and negotiate for more. That’s how it works for those of you who have never worked under a contract. The worst possible thing that ever happened to this Local has occurred and with that soon to be over its very important that you don’t make that same mistake again. This is the opportunity that the membership can’t waste. You have to understand that more of the same is just going to weaken this Local to the point of worthless. Is that what you want? Take this opportunity to educate and groom people who will represent you with knowledge and skills and a desire to improve your life . . . not waste it.
Dick Tully
No politician woke up this morning and said, "I'm going to do something great for firefighters, today." -Harold Schaitberger
Received via Email 12-21-13 Webmaster can we get a like icon like facebook? If not AMEN Dick!!!
TEAM: As the page gets longer (they are really long) it gets tougher to line pictures up with the text. We used to love to put ribbons on the page but it takes a giant effort to get it to line up correctly with the various web browsers that people use.
Received via Email 12-29-13 I can see were that would be tough since there would be so many that would have a gaping asshole next to theirs. Maybe a few hommoriods carefully placed would be enough to tell them apart.
Received via Email 01-01-14
2014 contract, a 2% general wage increase.
Wow, tell me again who thought this was such a good idea?
Received via Email 01-01-14 Thanks Blank and Hay for royally screwing all of us out of pay for years and years. Guess you got yours so its not that bad.
Received via Email 01-01-14 Just like Nancy Pelosi once said, " Just vote it in and then we'll see what is in it." Sound familiar? Have you looked for the copy of this piece of crap contract you all voted in? There isn't one in my station. And if I was a betting man...... Probably because they, (BlankMind and Hay is for Horses) don't want you all to read it and then get pissed off and go to the union meetings every third Thursday of each month to put the pressure on them. Their job is basically done. Negotiations are DONE! Even the new mayor doesn't have to deal with them. Now they can kick back, go to lunch and then shop at the gun stores on your dime people. Ha ha..... If you voted for them and voted for this contract that makes you a double loser. Think about it, NEVER mind you obviously can't do that neither. Glad I'm at the tail end and not the beginning. It'll take decades to get back to the way things once were for the worker bees and then you all will still be lagging behind. Sorry for your stupid mistakes. Not really. And Foster is glad you all have a contract finally.
TEAM: C'mon now. This is the deal of a lifetime you're talking about. That's why a couple of Council members asked "Are you sure they know that some of them are only getting 2% over the next three years?"
Received via Email 01-02-14 #2: 01-01-14, don't blame Blank or Hay. Place the blame were it belongs on the uninformed brothers and sisters that not only voted for the contract, but voted for Blank (not once but twice) and voted for Hay. Until we start to think for ourselves and not listening to the political propaganda, things will never change. You don't have anyone to blame but you. BTW, have YOU ever run for any union office?
Received via Email 01-02-14 Is it just me? We get a new memo from Chief Bassett telling us how the annual vacation picks will be done according to the new contract. I wish I could see one to find out.
Received via Email 01-12-14 Dont look now but the Supervisory unit contract finally got loaded onto the cities website. If we hold our breath just a little longer maybe the Rank and File will show up soon.
Received via Email 01-12-14 I blame the membership for allowing 2 snake oil salesmen to get into their heads and believing in them. I blame the membership for allowing Blank to be called union president for one more day and I'll give all the credit to the membership if they finally figure out that Hay is working for the chief and not us when they vote for anybody but Hay.
Received via Email 01-14-14 I have just gone through my monthly stack of bills and the one thing that I noticed right off is that many of them have increased over the last couple of months. While some have been just small amounts $5.00 or less the 2 big ones Home owners insurance and Property taxes really hurt. Then I looked at my 2% pay raise and guess what? Iy is just barely enough to pay the increases. Then I realized...OMG!!!! There are no more pay raises for me until OCTOBER 1 2016 Maybe???).....Oh well, I guess my wife and 2 kids 5 and 7 yoa can get a job cleaning peoples houses, and Then when JANUARY 2016 gets here I will have extra time off so I can go out and help them. Who thinks up this shit?????
Received via Email 01-14-14 You forgot the flood insurance.
Received via Email 01-15-14 That bang up crew of elected union officials thought it up. They figured you would be happier with more time off than more money in your check. Brilliant! I hear walmart needs greeters.
Received via Email 01-17-14 No, I didnt need the flood insurance. I had to take the chance with the sinkhole insurance and not have it because I didnt have any more money. Is October 2016 any closer yet? I am beginning to see why so many are working those much needed R-days. A buck is a buck. A duck is a duck, and Blank and Hay are 2 mule asses. Can I get a "Nuff said" on this one?
Received via Email 01-18-14 Nuff Said
Received via Email 02-13-14 I've been oing through the new contract that finally got to the station and I just cant find the language that says the city is going to HIRE additional people to give us the reduced work week. Yes I see the vague language that tells how we give up the future GWIs for the years 2015 and 2016, and I see that it does say that we will have an r day every 7th shift. I just dont see the guarantee that tells me that I'm not going to be working overtime every day to give the 7 extra people their new days off. Can anyone help me by pointing out this assurance? I sure hope I dont have to listen to those know it alls say "I told you so".
Received via Email 02-13-14 It s all to say since some didn't listen when the facts were being presented!!
Received via Email 02-13-14 TOLD YOU SO !!!!!!!
Received via Email 02-14-14 Why stir the pot by looking for something that aint there? I for one am laughing my ass off that you fools voted for the POS that now brings you such deals. I will be out of here before Jan 2016 anyway. Ya I got f**ked by losing 2 pay raises which would have followed me for the rest of my life, but the rest of you will continue to lose way much more.
Received via Email 02-16-14 Yeah, looking at that one year pay raise when its written in black n white really does sink in dont it?
Received via Email 02-16-14 Just looking at telestaff Sunday Feb. 16th and I see that Capt. Nugent is off on CHU (Comp hours used). Can the person(s) that are in charge of our Bargaining Agreement please tell me where Comp hour earnings and usage is located? I have seen this before with the 40hr folks too but until last week i couldnt look at a current contract. Now that I can I dont see it. Maybe its in with the language about hiring people for our extra r days in 2016 that we are paying for now.
Received via Email 02-16-14 I thought the removal of the Comp Hours were part of the package we agreed to with the agreement to the pay article. That was how the city proposed the article originally. Discontinuance of the Comp Hours for rank and file and a 1% per year increase across the board for each of the three years. The second offer from the city was discontinuance of Comp Hours for rank and file with a 2% increase the first year and -0%- the second and third year. The second offer from the city is the one that was agreed to by the membership. When negotiations are held it's up to each member to check the trash at the union office. You can learn a lot.
Received via Email 02-17-14 I guess it was with the article to get Health Ins coverage for my domestic partner. I dont see that one either.
Received via Email 02-20-14 So can I get comp hours too? Are comp hours given at the rate of time and one half no matter what your work cycle? Is there a maximum amount of hours you can have? Are comp hours payable upon separation? I think these comp hours need to be addressed by our Union folks and get them written somewhere.
Received via Email 02-21-14 2/20 #1. You better call Winnie or Pauley Or Mott. #1 & 2 don't know shi*
Received via Email 02-21-14 My question is, how do you make a deal to get something thats not in the contract? It just sounds shady or illegal to me.
TEAM: Provided your union president and vice president have done their due dilligence by working to forge a climate of trust, admiration and mutual respect between themselves, Council members and the Mayor, a Memorandum Of Understanding wouldn't be outside the realm of reason.
Received via Email 02-22-14 I think shady and illegal are the code names given to Blank and Hay by Mike Moore. If you want to steer clear of shady and illegal, stop voting them in.
Received via Email 02-23-14 Comp time is a very real benefit that is earned in place of overtime. The benefit is relatively common place within the City. This benefit however is not contractual but is approved on a person by person basis given the particulars of the project or assignment. The next time you are assigned overtime (especially mandatory) ask if you can have comp hours instead of time and a half in your pay check. This will allow you to get your time back for the hours you did not want to work extra.
Received via Email 02-23-14 "Comp time is a very real benefit that is earned in place of overtime. The benefit is relatively common place within the City." TRUE STATEMENT.
This benefit however is not contractual but is approved on a person by person basis given the particulars of the project or assignment. NOT TRUE. ANYTHING that has to do with Wages, Hours, Terms, and Conditions of Employment are items that MUST be Bargained. Only folks like yourself and the 2 idiots that represent all of us believe in what you have just written.
Received via Email 02-24-14 To 2/23 #2: I would have to disagree but please understand the second portion of my statement was COMPLETE satire. I mentioned in my second sentence "the benefit of comp time is not contractual (currently this is a TRUE STATEMENT) and it is approved on a person by person basis given the particulars of the project or assignment (not necessarily right but also a TRUE STATEMENT) because it just happened as described and is the very basis for this discussion. Now to the point, I am aware of what parameters require bargaining but since comp time appears to be a viable option then my point was to make it available to all members who wish to have their time back instead of earning additional wages. Again, I am with you I just think you read a little deep into the sarcasm. My apologies.
Received via Email 02-24-14 To the first poster on 2-23, since you seem to know all about comp time, can you tell me if comp hours are earned at the 1 and a half times rate like intended? example work 4 hours getting 6 hours of comp hours in return. This is why it needs to be contractual. When you leave it to suck ups trying to impress they often make incorrect choices.
Received via Email 02-24-14 All sweat hours above your contractual work week is at time and a half whether it be earnings or time. Your assessment is accurate. If you were subject to time and a half earnings and you were offered, or had the option to select comp time, your 4 hours would convert to 6 hours of time. I agree contractual language would secure the benefit, I was simply referencing it appears you can earn the benefit without it being contractual.
Received via Email 02-24-14 Ok I guess we are on the same page. However, NO ONE that is a Member of this Local should be earning ANYTHING that is not in the contract. What we have here is members making side deals and this should not be allowed by the President on this Local, without addressing it reaching some sort of an agreement that covers everyone and has set rules.
Received via Email 02-24-14 TOO SORRY
I wonder if these guys are working their second R day at straight time?
Received via Email 02-26-14 Look at you lazy cracker motherfuckers arguing about motherfucking comp time. You lazy white bitches are lucky to be working at all don't you know. Lazy cracker bitches.
Keeping it real for the lazy cracker bitches. Be safe,
Blackie McBlackerson
Received via Email 02-26-14 can someone please tell me.... who turned out the fuckin lights... i cant see shit in here!!!!
Received via Email 02-26-14 Have Blackie smile. :>)
Received via Email 02-27-14 WAY TOO EASY . . .
Received via Email 02-27-14 Ok so I'm hearing that Blank and Hay are making changes to the constitution and bylaws but there's nothing on the union board. Is this normal practice or do we get some say in the matter. Word has it that they're looking to make changes to keep retirees out. Looks to me like they're targeting Winnie Newton and Bill Mott. I say let them to whatever is illegal and then don't vote for them next election and then clean up after them. I mean how much can they hurt us considering all that they've done to fowl us up already.
Received via Email 02-27-14 When Winnie was in office he made it look easy because he was born for this stuff. The big problem facing us is he's not in office anymore and it's not really that easy. I say this knowing full well that it doesn't really matter anymore by what I hear in the stations. Members are so willing to settle for most anything that's offered so long as they don't have to fight for a contract. Let me clue you all in......... few if any of you ever fought for what you've got. You'd rather believe that it comes by the good graces of the fire chief and a really great city. The few people who post on this site, get it. The vast majority of people on the job have never really given a damn so long as all they have to do is pay dues and watch someone else do their bidding for them and please please please never bother asking them to stand at a polling place. Blank and Hay have watched Large make the rounds for years and they've perfected his style. It doesn't matter what you say, so long as you put on a really good performance the gullible will follow.
Winnie said it best. Firefighters don't want to deal with a union president who holds them accountable for not working hard with all the shit that they've got going on nowadays in the stations. They just want to know that for the money they pay that it's going to get done. It's the perfect storm.
Received via Email 02-27-14 The above poster states "please never bother asking them to stand at a polling place". I guess your right, afterall, this Union followed in the foot steps of the FPF and wrote a $500.00 check to the Alec Sink campaign. Why is it that there isnt a single political sign in the yards of our properties? There certainly a load of them last October when Foster was running.
Received via Email 02-27-14 I guess Alex Sink wasn't an original thought. Those come first.
Received via Email 02-27-14 Speaking of snakes in the grass, here's a homework assignment for you all. Write down on a piece of paper all the things that Bill Foster has done FOR us in one column and in the other write down all the things he's done TO us. You can even write down all the great things he promised to do FOR us after our 3 year contract was already signed. Good luck.
Received via Email 02-28-14 It would be advantageous for each member to find a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of Local 747 and read what it says about "changing" the Articles. We can be sure there will be *some* members who will do that without being reminded. There are others who wil not pay attention and let the leadership try an end around again like they do on most things. Success in regards to the changing of the basic tenets of the Local is a very challenging and more than important activity that needs to be addressed by each member.
The information that there is tinkeritis going on with the Constitution and By-Laws should raise the curiosity of every member. Ordinarily, there are very few things that are in need of change, if any. And those who would desire a change should be questioned quite vigorously as to their intentions. These are the guidelines and basics of what Local 747 is all about. Changing them means that something is wrong or does not address the problem.
Since there isn't any indication so far as to the intent for change from the leadership it's somewhat imposible to recognize the reasoning behind any changes. In the past before any changes that were made, and there have been very few it was determined that there was a problem by the membership and not one or two individuals who had an axe to grind. The matter was addressed at the monthly meetings and over time was held up for possible solutions. To take matters into one's own hands such as the leadership is attempting to do is NOT the proper procedure for making changes in said documents.
The President and the EVP combined are the only proponents to the current suggested and soon to be railroaded changes are themselves in violation of the directives of the Constitution and By-Laws.
Changes must be brought before the membership *before* the language is written and offered as a change. You can't write the answer to something that never had a question. And you can't force a change in the Constitution and By-Laws without first hearing the problem and then hearing suggested solutions from the membership. If the membership sees no grounds or reasoning behind the perceived problem then there's no need for any action.
This whole thing smells like a trumped up problem that in some people's thinking is a way to circumvent any attempts by retired members to run for office in this Local. Ask yourself if you have had a problem with this. Is this so terrible a situation that the Constitution and By-Laws of the Local need changing or can the problem be handled with a simple election? If a retiree runs for an office and you don't think you want a retiree in that office . . . just don't vote for him. Is that too simple? No new changes to the Constitution and By-Laws can be made without a vote of the membership. Make sure you know what you're voting for and what the rationale is behind the vote to make those changes.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 03-02-14 At the Jan. union meeting we were told that there would be copies of the changes to the CBL at the Feb. meeting. During the Feb meeting we were told that the changes had already been sent to the IAFF for them to look at. Later we were told by Blank that the changes would be handled accoring to the CBL. Well how in the heck can that be when the changes have to be discussed by the members in attendance at a scheduled meeting, then put on the union boards in the stations, then brought up at the next meeting for further discussion and or approval, then voted on by the WHOLE membership, and this goes on as many times as necessary until they are approved by the membership. THEN they get sent to the IAFF for the stamp of approval. It kind of sounds like a few steps were skipped, according to the current 2001 copy of the CBL that is hanging on my union board. But, if you cant trust what your President and EVP tell you then I guess all really is lost.
Received via Email 03-05-14 Dont look now, but Capt Nuggent is in tele-staff working for Comp hours again (CHE). Hey toad boy Blank, when will we see that provision in the contract?
Received via Email 03-06-14 those numbnuts got a hair up their ass when Jon Pearl went outside the union ,"chain of command" when he made up an informational memo. they asked him to resign! Now the top 2 are doing their own thing with OUR constitution and bylaws. I believe they should both resign now! FTM
Received via Email 03-08-14 Ok here are the FACTS from concerning FLSA Law and somebody needs to do something about it now. Anyone that is covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) can not just decide that they want to earn comp hours in place os money UNLESS it is a part of the CBA. Nor can the employer require that an employee that is covered in a CBA take comp hours. You see there are more things involved when working overtime hours then most care to know. FLSA hours and earnings are all lies when comp hours are thrown in. You can bet your ass that this city knows this and so does HR. Calling Chris Guella are you seeing this? Put a stop to this nonsense or get it covered now. I can just imagine how many suck ups are standing in line for a chance to look good in the eyes of King idiot Jimmie Large. He cant keep his higher level staff officers in line and they know it. How many will be willing to work the big race later this month to make it look like the fire dept did its best in keeping costs down? As soon as this becomes legal I will be signing up for all of my R-days to earn 36 hours of comp time.
Received via Email 03-10-14 Is this any different that what's going on at Lealman? A few years back they were in such a bad financial situation that the chief asked everyone if it was okay to remove holiday pay from the contract. Now the chief has reinstalled it without opening up the contract and as it turns out you only need to work 4 hours to get 12 on the books so multiple people will swap in and out during the holiday and everyone is banking. The dept. is getting screwed so Blank and Hay are looking into this like they are going to save the dept. from union people. Two assholes who should let their chief drown in a situation that the chief made for himself.
Received via Email 03-10-14 Who needs facts? My President has old farts on speed dial.
Received via Email 03-15-14 Past from the past. Still scary..
Received via Email 01-01-14
2014 contract, a 2% general wage increase.
Wow, tell me again who thought this was such a good idea?
Received via Email 03-16-14 TOO BAD !!!
Received via Email 03-16-14 SO SAD
Received via Email 03-16-14 It was voted in . . . now you live with it.
This is about what it would be if you *didn't* belong to a union.
Only difference would be that you wouldn't have gotten that 2% you voted for.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. You got another R day in 2015. Awesome. You wouldn't have gotten that either. Pay your bills with that when you retire.
The majority of the members swallowed, twice, and this is what you got.
There should be no whining or crying about it.
The membeship did it to themselves and patted the two fools on the back for showing them how.
They even re-elected them. And guess what? They still don't get it.
Too late now to shut the barn door.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Local is remiss when it comes to explaining the "reasons" for belonging to a union. When most new members join it's because they are told it's the thing to do. It'll be fun. And there's free beer once a month. Just like the volunteers. And then they're turned loose in the ranks to be peer pressured by the loudmouths who never lift a finger to support the union. They never worked under a contract either but they're experts on giving opinions about it. It's not a social club. We don't meet in a tree hut. You're a big boy and girl now and you need to start acting like one.
What would happen if the members of this Local started acting like they gave a damn about their carreers and even more importantly themselves? What would happen if the members, most of whom have been told all their lives that someone else is responsible for their actions and someone else is responsible for their future that they have been lied to? That in the real world each of them is responsible for themself. How old do you have to be before you realize that things are not like they told you they would be? And they say "All I have is a high school education and I'm making 50 grand a year and livin' la vida loca". "This is part of the job". Trouble is that can all change in a heartbeat. And not usually for the better. Take away the contract and that disappears.
Now I know I'm preaching to the choir. And I know this means nothing to the "I want it, give it to me" crowd who think they're *way* smarter than the boss. Yet they pat themselves on the back for going 5 years with a 2% increase in pay. Yeah, y'all are a bunch of geniuses alright. The ones who got what you did with a whole lot more are the Captains and DC's. And they didn't lift a finger to get it. Dumb and Dumber didn't have a hand in that. And the loudmouths who support them still wonder how that happened. If anyone was paying attention they now know why those who are Captains and DC's are in that position. Just one more step on the intelligence evolutionary ladder.
But I digress. The whole point was that the Local make a more positive effort to educate those that have not been on long enough to be influenced by the bitchers as to what the union means and why they need to belong. Take control of the Local and teach the new members about unionism and why it's necessary. The hatred today by the Republican party for unions is growing. If they had their way they'd blame the unions for the weather. And in these times there are those in this country who, just like some in your ranks, will believe the person that shouts the loudest. The I.A.F.F. has never been in the category that they blame. But it spreads like stink on **** over everyone who is a union member. When the union you belong to goes down you will pay some very large dues.
There are those who say unionism is a thing of the past. That's because they never understood how a union is supposed to work. The union got each member where they are today on this department. The city didn't give you a damn thing. We fought for every benefit you now think has always been there. You take for granted your pay and benefits as if *you* deserve them just for showing up. Has anyone ever explained to you how you got all those things? Has anyone ever explained the conditions prior to the union to you? And when will you realize you're not the center of the universe as we know it?
Dick Tully
Received via Email 03-17-14 I see another 1970 in the department's future. That's when the union members vote to save themselves and hand all new hires a bag of shit topped with un-ending stories about how much better the pension used to be.
It's already started. Just need to puree that 401 plan until it is smooth enough to spread into a shit sandwich.
Received via Email 03-22-14 I see another 1955 in the departments future. Thats when the members were so throughly feedup with the Union that Local 747 ceased to exist for 8+ years until in the early 60's a handful of common sense prevailed and put a spark back in the group.
Received via Email 03-23-14 I never heard the 1955 story before. Does anyone know if it really happened? What year did we get unionized in the first place?
Those old guys like to complain about how the union is run now, but if that's true it sounds like they couldn't even keep the office open when they were in charge. No wonder they rolled over on all the new hires in the early 70s. Sounds like they resented each other as much as future firefighters.
Received via Email 03-23-14 I see clueless leaders fooling and preaching lies to the not worn in yet firefighters. Promise them the world and give them 2%. Stupidity reins until these cheese dicks are gone. God help the new spfr.
Received via Email 03-23-14 It's true. The Local was barely held together by only a handful of men who would not give up. In the fifties the SPFD was made up of mostly second world war veterans. They were used to the chain of command and understood the semi-military manner in which the department was run. They were fat, dumb and happy just to have a job after the depression and the war. They were on a one on, one off schedule and were at the fire station almost every day in one way or another.
I don't remember exactly when the Local was started but the date would be on the original charter. In 1963 the Local, as I remember it, was led by John Stevener who was the President at that time. The membership consisted of probably less than ten men. At $80 a week for be being on duty every other day it was a fair wage. Not great but fair. As time went on wages got better in the private sector but stalled at the public employee level.
Around that time there was a report that fire fighters needed at least 48 hours to remove any remnants of carbon monoxide from their bodies and that being on duty every other day was very harmful to their health. You must remember we had no breathing apparatus like you do today. And with the Heart/Lung Bill being in effect it was seen that the city was going to be on the hook for a lot of problems in the future if they didn't make some changes. In 1963 it was determined that the fire service would change from a one on, one off system to a one on, two off system. This meant that they needed to hire enough manpower for a complete third shift. That was the beginning of the 56 hour work week.
The city was bouncing between Mayoral forms of leadership and City Manager forms of leadership. Neither of which was sympathetic to the employees. One and two dollar pay raises per pay period were the norm and when you divide 144 hours into $2.00 you can see the problem. (For those who don't have a calculator, that's 1.3888 cents per hour.)
This went on for several years during which things got worse and not just in the paycheck. There were many things which were contributory toward the resurrection of the union and there was a progression that needed to be followed. First of all, Florida is a "right to work' state. That means first and foremost that unions are allowed but the employees don't have to join. The best way for an employer to keep the union out of his business is to pay an honest wage and provide the best possible working conditions. The city did neither.
Consequently the men (no women were involved in what happens next), under the leadership of Al Wilson, created what was then known as The Guild. The Guild was something we all belonged to and supported and we thought was the right way to go to get what we wanted. Shortly after the inception of the Guild the state of Florida created the Public Employee Relations Commission. This body was to provide guidelines for collective bargaining in Florida by public employees. It was determined the unions would be permitted to represent public employees. We all joined Local 747 and the Guild was abandoned. We now had representation and a place to air our grievances. In addition the playing field was supposedly leveled for collective bargaining. The PBA, the firefighters, and the blue collar workers were now all represented by unions. This all happened in the late sixties
For those interested in what effect collective bargaining had on pensions at that time please see my past posts on the subject. If you're still beating that dead horse please keep it to yourself. As far as resenting each other; yes, we had our problems but we did our best to make it better for not only ourselves but for those coming after us. You can thank us when you see us.
Dick Tully
TEAM: We find it absurd that a retired fire fighter can be found to know much of anything about anything. A two man Constitution and By Laws Committee (formed and promoted by Mike Blank and Steve Hay) has come to the very same conclusion. They have made the determination and recommendation that retirees should not be allowed to run or serve as principle officers of the St. Petersburg Association of Fire Fighters. If those same recommendations were to be adopted by the FPF and the IAFF, we would currently be looking to replace FPF President Jim Tolley, IAFF President Harold Schaitberger and most of both organizations Executive Boards. With age comes wisdom, political prowess and institutional knowledge that simply can't be replaced by guys who believe their best shot at improving pay and benefits is by endearing themselves to the fire chief. Now that's absurd.
Thanks, Dick Tully for constantly providing insight into what we've managed to overcome working against an always adversarial city - only to find that we're now sleeping with the enemy.
Received via Email 03-23-14 To the first poster 3/23, its so sad that you dont even know the history of your own union and then you want to throw more barbs. If you do the math or have your momma do it for you, you will realize that its the same ones that your accusing of not being able to keep it together that were the ones that put most of your daily enjoyments in place. Most of all what the old timers did and didnt do will outshine what is going on today even if hidden under a blanket. They may have lost it but they soon got it back and vowed to never lose it again. Maybe thats why they are so passionate about what they speak.
Received via Email 03-24-14 Thank you Mr. Tully. I learn something new from your every post. I havent learned squat from the current elected officers concerning Union importance as much as I have in this one reading. I believe we are truely on a sinking ship.
Received via Email 03-24-14 From my point of view, the best person(s) for Principle offices on our Local should be resent retirees. Look at the situation. A great paycheck, and the time to do it. Not maybe every second and third day.
This current attempted to corrupt our CBL's is the newest version of the good ole boys club. Ask yourself why would Blank & Hay want this? To keep their part time Union jobs safe all the while stirring the pot of misinformation, and propaganda of the way they want things, not you and I and many members of this Local would like to see.
Any day of the week there is not a person experienced,and dedicated enough to fill Bill Mott's job. The lone wolf of our executive leaders. He is left out of meetings, kangaroo committees s made up of yes men to cram a POS change to out CBL's.
We should not just stand in the stations and be pissed off about it. Demand accountability and insist they follow time tested rules, the way things have been done. Get the OK of the members before you think you know what we want! Be at the next Union meeting, call the Pres and EX VP tell them to stop this middle school leadership administration.
Your suppose to work for us, remember?!
Received via Email 03-24-14 Hell yeah we're on a sinking ship...but don't worry I heard hay has a new we can just jump on his!!!!!....ohh btw I will be running for either pres. or vp spot. I promise I don't know shit about negotiations nor do I care to educate myself on the matter. That shouldn't stop me from getting elected right?
Received via Email 04-02-14 I say nominate every recent retiree over hay the clueless plumber for any union office. He is as (angry), uninformed as the newest new guy. ( sorry new guys and girls, at least you can learn and accept he doesn't!) What a joke. When ever he is on,"pool time tour of station, he manages to find the Yellow tee shirt to try and look fraternal. The only thing close is the F in it. So FTM and you oh ignorant so and so...
Received via Email 04-03-14 3/24 #2, I wholeheartedly agree. The apathy in our Union is at an all time high. With experience also comes knowledge, our retirees have plenty of that. Members need to show up and voice their opinion or at least ask questions so there can be a rebuttal. We used to put a lot of pressure on the new members to attend and get involved. We also had a camaraderie at many of our union functions, and events. Hay stepped up and ran for office. We had a 2 horse race, he and the incumbent. Instead of name calling and attacking his character and everyone hiding behind these posts Go to the meetings, get educated and run for office. As a person he has been there for other members in need. If anyone feels they can do a better job, please run for office, but above all, please get involved. We got a whole lot done when everyone participated. Mitch Incorvaia
Received via Email 04-16-14 I love the new MOU that we just got in the stations explaining the union stance on each point. Even tho it is signed by the Blank one, I can tell it was written by Hitler Hay. Each point sez, Fuck you it is what it is. If you dont like it dont swap. I especially like the part where if you an EMT but you swap with a dive team member they can force your swapper to perform on the team and not pay him because you arent qualified. Thats a typical Fuck you if I ever saw it.
Received via Email 04-16-14 Was the E board included in this decision? I only ask because I know better. I know the answer is NO. If we're not going to have an effective union then why pay dues for one? Blank almost lost his election. Now is the time to send they guy who's really running the show, down the road come this fall. We all spend time bitching about how Large makes promotions just like Calahan did. There's nothing you can do about that but there's something we can do about how our union is run. Don't just sit in here and pop off. When Hay comes around looking for your vote tell him you don't like how he does business and thank him for the loss of 2 years pay raise.
Received via Email 04-16-14 I like the direction that Blank and Hay are taking the union said the new B shift vp. Another one that only looked out for himself.
Received via Email 04-16-14 Can't make you dive if not certified, Let's not get silly now!!!
Received via Email 04-16-14 04-16-14 Can't make you dive if not certified, Let's not get silly now!!!
No, look at it the other way around.
Received via Email 04-20-14 Happy Easter. One of the greatest holidays of the year and this great city does not even acknowledge it.
Received via Email 04-20-14 Happy Easter back at you. I agree. On this holy day I think the least that a government agency should do is pay respect to the Son of God's sacrifice for us, and the subsequent, miraculous triumph over death. Then they could admit that it was the filthy jews that tried to kill him in the first place. But no, that's not the kind of honesty we get from our government these days.
Received via Email 04-20-14 but hey you get MLK day paid for right
Received via Email 04-20-14 Jesus was technically killed by the Romans but if you choose to believe that the Jews killed Jesus, then you must also accept that HE was killed by Jews, many of whom became Christians. Jesus was killed by his own people who are our people. For me, it makes no difference who killed Jesus. It was HIS plan for us and I don't question it.
Received via Email 04-20-14 How did the Easter discussion make it to the contract page?
Received via Email 04-21-14 Jesus was a Jew who was killed by Jews that couldn't be trusted.
Received via Email 04-21-14 Cause some crybaby was asking why we did not holiday pay for it.
We need your support!!!!
June 5, 2014
Brad Westphal is having his workers compensation case presented before the Supreme Court in Tallahassee.
There is a bus leaving and coming back on the same day, transporting firefighters and police to Tallahassee. We need to be there in overwhelming numbers, in order to show our support and solidarity in the chambers and on the steps of the capital.
Please contact Ray Landes (SPFR, Ret) for information and to get on the list. Remember to leave your contact info and a T shirt size.
The outcome of this potentially landmark case affects every one of us; remember we could all be in Brad’s situation tomorrow.
Please let me know as soon as possible so that we can get the bus etc... They are also planning a news conference with Mr. Shaitberger right after the proceedings that they would love to have us attend in force.
Received via Email 04-21-14 happy weed day (420) : ) easter never tasted better.. You gonna eat that pizza?
Received via Email 04-21-14 Wow 3 important annoucements from last weeks Union meeting, Lealman was awarded a new 5 year fire contract for the Teirra Verde area. What? I thought Chief Large has been telling everyone that St Pete has a strong Law Suit win and it would be a gimmie as soon as the County came crawling on its needs begging for SPFR to take it. I guess he was wrong again. Then we hears about a new MOU for swap time thats in the contract but it really isnt because the city inserted a clause that allows them to review and make changes as they see necessary. Again WTF? What kind of contract language is that? What speed dial did the Blank one use to get the nod on this? But it gets better, another MOU was signed by the idiot that extends bereavement leave to SAME SEX domestic partners but still leaves out the heterosexual couples. The reason according to the Clueless one is that since same sex unions are not recognized in the state of Florida it was important to see that t
hey can get something more than those that just chose to live together in sin. OMG!!! I hope that speed dial button breaks soon before we see an MOU that puts Chief Large as the Ruler of our Union.
Received via Email 04-30-14 FYI. Just in case you were still wondering..... Its only 87 more weeks before we see that extra R day that starts January 2016. OMG!!!! so soon? I hope gas, food and my insurance dont go up too much more before my next possible raise in OCTOBER 2016. Thats another 39 weeks on top of the 87 or a total of 126 MORE WEEKS (2 YEARS 4.5 MONTHS) before we have the possibility of getting another pay raise.
Received via Email 05-13-14 Mayor Kriseman is quoted in todays TampaBay Times as saying that all city employees will be looking at a pay raise for 2015: depending on their Union Contracts. The county has shown a property value increase of 5% for St. Petersburg. But hey we are still paying to have our work week reduced in Jan.. 2016. Thanks again to the Blank one and the Hay seed. I hear that President Blank and EVP Hay are both in the DROP. Does this mean that they now bring no dog to the hunt?
Received via Email 05-14-14 Hey bud......I wouldn't worry about what Kriseman's doing. Hay told me the other day that he and Blank had a meeting with him and he isn't pissed about them (Blank & Hay) personally turning their backs (Blank and Hay, all alone by themselves) on him while he was running for Mayor (when he really needed his friends at the FD the most) because they (Blank and Hay) were super terrific supporters of his when he was on council and when he was a state representative. I talked to Kriseman and he said he can't remember their names ever coming up in a converstion back in the day
Received via Email 05-14-14 Any truth to the rumor that there was a secret Nepgotiations session with the city yesterday for the capts and DC's? I hear that of the 4 representing the Union Blank, Hay, Mott, and Girk, only Blank and Mott showed up. WTF? I thought Steve Hay is going around telling everyone that someone thats retired shouldn;t hold a position because they have no skin in the game. Well, I for one would rather have someone on the team that at least gives the process the respect it deserves by showing up to an assignment than one who doesn't.
Received via Email 05-14-14 There is some truth. The union is required to have the first session prior to May 15. It was clear before the session who could attend and who could not. After efforts were made to reschedule there was no date prior to the 15th that all parties from the union and the city were available. Therefore, since this was a ground rules meeting that takes place every time before negotiations begin it was determined to get the formalities out of the way. I heard this from the horses mouth on both sides of the negotiating table. I imagine Billy will continue his efforts like he always has until he no longer serves this union in this role. Don't be blinded by the visually obvious. Looking at the "players" on both sides I imagine things should go just fine. Last year they accepted a contract less than the city originally offered and could not get it back when they went back to the table and tried. One thing for sure is they won't be waiting 2 more years for a GWI
like the majority of us.
Received via Email 05-15-14 Hoping , praying that the rumor spineless steve-o has said he ain't running for re-election is true!? We may still be screwed in the money and time to that mysterious r day... But hay seed gone? PARTY!
Received via Email 05-15-14 Full steam ahead!!! S.N.A.F.U.!!!
Received via Email 06-11-14 Boy how the time flies. We are now only 81 weeks away from our reduced week, and only 130 weeks from our next chance of a pay raise. Tick......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Received via Email 06-13-14 Beginning firefighter $13.87, that is a $1.13 per hour less than the lowest paid general city employee if this goes thru. THANKS A LOT BLANK AND HAY!
Received via Email 06-30-14 I hear that Fire Admin had to step up and supply people to put on the engine that took part in the Pride Parade. Way to go.... Lets continue to prove to this mayor that he is of no use to us. We have the idiotic duo and their invisible friends to get us everything we don't need.
Received via Email 07-27-14 Its strange but I haven't heard a single person talking about this issue. I bring it up and all I get is, "what can we do about it?" When I try to tell them, I then get, "well we cant make them do it". So in a nutshell, we are on a sinking ship and all we want to do is wait for someone else to plug the holes. I guess I will see us all in the food stamp line soon.
Received via Email 08-11-14 Does anyone know how much longer I have to go until I get my shorter work week out of the Lay a way rack?
Received via Email 08-11-14 Wow, you stoked my interest so I just figured it out. There are still 17 weeks left in this year and then add the 52 weeks for next year,= 69 weeks (483 days). and that means that we are ever so close to having the extra r days and unlimited sick days like those in the supervisors unit. Lets all give a big Yee Haw salute.
Received via Email 08-13-14 Yeah BUTT, its still another 38 weeks after that, that we will have a chance at another pay raise. Tick...................................Tock.
TEAM: Given the fact that some have not had a raise in five years, Bill Foster would laugh his ass off to hear that Kriseman is telling FF's that they're not making enough money. So much for not giving the man an opportunity to be screened. So much for backing a man who never, ever backed us.
Received via Email 08-19-14 Look at that. ONE full week has passed so we are now that much closer to getting our stuff out of the Lay-A-Way rack. Oh boy I hope it still fits.
Received via Email 08-20-14 There's nothing wrong with laying away things that you can't pay for in full today. But, here's the FACT. The city could have afforded it but, the current union president and his side kick dumber didn't think so. Mayor Foster didn't care about firefighters like he wanted you to think he did. That was all political maneuvering and you didn't get it. He's gone now and it's too LATE. That's correct. TOO LATE! You will forever be that many more years behind in your pension benefits that you'll never make up. Good luck with your not having health insurance to take with you after retirement too. You voted that out on a prior contract, remember? Maybe you won't need it. Or better yet, instead of putting more into your deferred comp over the remainder of your career you can lay away a health insurance plan now for your future retirement. This is all thanks to the guys you are paying in the union office running this dog and pony show into the ground.
Your lay away items will be outdated in comparison to other departments with the county by the time you can get them out of lay away. You'd better ask around the next time you get a voting ballot cause the smart ones that tried to tell you so won't be staying around for another thirty years with you.
It is too bad for those that voted for this piece of crap contract will forever pay for it for the rest of your career and in retirement. You're in this profession because you're obviously not a mathematician. Now get back to your target slavery or whatever it's called. Does that BS make you feel smart? Hey Richie how was that punishment. You're a piece of work.
Received via Email 08-22-14 Yes I did not vote in favor of the new Supervisor Unit contract. It is because I was pissed off as a Lt. about the inequalities of the Work schedule, pay increases and the bullshit that goes with rank that separated the Supervisors from the Rank and File. And now as a Capt. I am even more so PISSED about the protections and freedoms to use my earned time off that I have lost in this new contract. I know many of you will give me a thumbs down because I still have better pay, but pay means nothing without Job protection and security. I thought that was what My President was supposed to be fighting for.
Received via Email 08-23-14 I just read the post from the member of the Supervisor unit and can only say Wow!!!! at first glance it looks like you don't like your cake with or without frosting, bread with/without butter, or your glass half empty or half full. But after letting what you wrote spin around in my pea brain for a little while I finally caught on to what you said. Money can buy happiness but we all know that's just short term. Without protection, you never have true freedom or happiness. Thank you for opening my eyes a little wider to what the idea of a Union is supposed to be about. I keep hearing the phrase Wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment. They are always spoken in the same breath. Now I know why.
Received via Email 08-26-14 I keep hearing that EVP Hay is telling members of the Supervisors unit that the union couldn't ask for more than the 2% GWI because the city would have been forced into a Me Too agreement for the rest of us. I called Billy Mott and without telling him why, I asked him the skinny. He directed me to the current contract in my station. Look what I discovered. I now see why they want Bill out of the office.
21.1 Pay Plans
Effective retroactively to the first pay period start date for fiscal year 2014, pay for the classifications of Firefighter, Firefighter Paramedic, and Fire Lieutenant shall be as shown in Appendix A of this Article. The pay plan shows a two percent (2%) general wage increases (GWI) in fiscal year 2014 for unit members who are at the maximum steps of their respective labor grades.
Unit members who are not at their maximum steps and are eligible for step increases shall not receive the GWI. The parties agree that any GWIs offered by the City in fiscal years 2015 and 2016 shall be applied to a reduction in the average work week consistent with applicable provisions of Article 22 of this Agreement.
Exclusive to fiscal year 2014, if another bargaining unit representing City employees receives a more favorable GWI rate, the City will provide that higher rate to the eligible members of this Unit who are the maximum of their respective pay grades.
Exclusive to 2014 means that there is NO Me Too clause for 2015 or 2016, because ANY GWI bargained for 2015 or 2016 would go entirely towards the purchase of the additional R day. (In other words we bought our extra days off) It is fully understood that the possibility of ANY GWI was traded to purchase the required personnel to staff the department so we could have more R days. Further, look at the pay appendix. It shows ZERO pay increases for FY 2015 and 2016. It might be a different argument if there was a 0% next to each year but there isn't.
Just another Bull Shit answer by the Twin Liars and they are again in danger of being exposed.
I think experience is better than bullshit every time.
Received via Email 08-27-14 Unfortunately the consensus among most of the new people is that our contract is awesome, Billys bad, and every things fine. It doesn't matter what you tell them. All you get back is a blank(ha!) stare. So fuck them. Let their future slip away even further than it already has.
Received via Email 08-27-14 Chief Large recently put out his latest copy of the Chiefs Rag. In it he boasts of hiring over 1/3rd of the department during his 7 years of manning the bilge pumps. Unfortunately these are the new people that have no idea what a Union is about, What protections are or mean, nor do they care. Out of the 100 or so many of them are on the fast track I deserve it mentality that puts them in the front seat of our apparatus and many times the authors of I'll show them write ups, and even I hope I can catch them at something attitudes. In every organization you need to have a good cop bad cop, a ying and a yang and a little salt to go with the pepper. But not in the mush brains that seem to think that we can all hold hands and sing Kumbye ya. and if nothing else make the Chief look good. Next time your in the presence of your idols ask either one of them a real question and see if which one jumps with the first blurt of pure hogwash.
Dear Friends,
On Monday, the City of St. Petersburg will observe Labor Day, a day in which we pay respect to the people who have built our country: the American worker.
It was organized American workers who fought for fair pay, safer working conditions, fair working hours, the right of a secure, sufficient retirement, and much more. These organized workers built our American middle class, and offered the chance at a better life for those who were willing to work.
It is the work and the struggle of these Americans we honor on this day. I hope you will join me in remembering the selfless service of these great laborers of the past, and imagine all we can accomplish when we work together for the future of our nation and our city.
Please remember that City Office will be closed on Monday, September 1 in observance of Labor Day. Thank you, and have a safe and enjoyable weekend in the Sunshine City.
Rick Kriseman, Mayor
Received via Email 09-02-14 Thank goodness, I see that gas came down 2 cents per gallon today. If this trend continues I will be able to trade my next pay increase in October 2016 for extra ice cream on sundays.
Received via Email 09-04-14 Oh boy, gas prices are falling. I hope they are still low when I get my extra time off. Not that I will be able to go anywhere on my 3 year old 2% pay raise but at least its worth knowing that there is hope in October 2016 that I might see another one.
Received via Email 09-08-14 Oh wow, just because gas prices have come down 2 cents, have you been in a grocery store lately? Bacon costs more than chuck roast, Hamburger and chicken prices are insane. I cant find the plus in the extra days off are going to bring me and my children.
Received via Email 09-14-14 OMG, I just returned from shopping with my wife. I haven't paid much attention to food prices lately but when did a can of peaches go up to $2.00 a can? A can of Campbell's soup is $1.75. Milk $4.08 a gallon. Can someone tell me again the rational behind giving up our next 2 years of pay raises? I get all the time off I want now and I still maintain maximum account balances. If I don't feel that I will be a fun part of the crew today I click out. I'm not ashamed and I'm not breaking any rules, if I don't feel that I can provide 100% to my crew then I stay away. We are all better off.
Received via Email 09-17-14 Hey guys, it looks like President Blank is fixing to sell us Lealman guys down the river with the new contract. After doubting what the St. Pete guys have been bitiching about for the past year I now see where they are coming from. We need to BOLO and get this straightened out before its to late.
Received via Email 09-19-14 During last nights union meeting The M T Blank one showed concerns as to how the Lealman Chief is going around to their stations trying to sway the members on the new contract proposals. Division is what he called it. Boy he sure was pissed. Hey wait a minute, he sure dont act that way when the St. Pete Chiefs go around doing the same things to us. And it doesnt stop at the contract, they meddle in every aspect of Internal Union Business including discipline and elections. Go figure. Blank and Hay are so 2 faced forked tounge devils its mind boggling. Last night they really showed their asses to the crowd and as usual Hay was the first one to run from the meeting upon adjournment.
Received via Email 09-19-14 Hey look at this e(M)p(T)y Blank. God this is so true.
Received via Email 09-20-14 Pauley, Mott, Pearl, Neuberger. This ship has been sinking because of the two idiots at the helm. The bilge pumps are overwhelmed and they aren't passing out any life jackets. It's time to get back control of this UNION. Get on board with the guys and gals that have tried to tell you so when the two idiots got voted in as large's suck ups and SOLD us all down the river. If there's ever a time to fix things, IT IS NOW! How do you like the No Raises for two more years. Think about that when you're rushing to your part time gig. That's just one thing that means you'll be in the rears two more years of your career and in your complete retirement years. Simple Math my friends! Smokey the Bear once said, Only you can prevent forest fires. Well, the forest is burning down if you haven't noticed. If you want this to continue then those two new idiots at #11 can give you that. Just in case you haven't heard this one, North county locals have organized into one New Local already. Something that could have happened years ago here. And they are all in and getting stronger.
Received via Email 09-26-14 How does EVP Steve Hay be allowed to get away with admitting in a Union meeting that he used Pool Time hours to work on the Lealman contract? Now he is going to use 4 more of our donated Union Pool hours tomorrow to talk with a guy from So. Pas that's fixin to be terminated, and another 4 hours of our Union Pool time on Tuesday next week to Represent him during his hearing? How does he get away with such disregard of the Contract? Does the city really just turn their back? That's a nice thing when its not their hours he's using. The biggest question that should be asked is why isn't President Blank handling a Termination hearing? The EVP should only handle up to step 2 greviance. Is it that President Blank or EVP Hay just don't know better? Or is it that they just don't give a shit about peoples careers?
TEAM: Lately Blank and Hay have been producing a lot of memos 'clarifying' what's really going on with the Local. Wanna bet you never see them produce a memo about this little faux pas?
Received via Email 09-26-14 Here's even a better question to ALL. Why isn't the membership doing something about this abuse of the Local's bylaws and breach of the very contract that these two idiots signed off on? Why, why, why? Where are you dues paying members? I forgot, you're working overtime and that second job just to make ends meet. Only two more years until you get some time off and thoughts of a raise. VOTE FOR PAULEY, PEARL, MOTT, BARFIELD, NEUBERGER. It is time you realize that you're not being represented as you should be. It will never change until you get smart about it. Everyone can make a mistake once. It's about learning from your mistakes that matters. I would bet that there are some that voted for blank/hay are over it but, won't tell all. And that's OK if they get the people in there that are most experienced and educated with union leadership. Don't vote for those that are looking to go up in the FD ranks. That's like taking the first offer the salesman gives you on that new car. The mistake of putting these guys in office is obvious, so lets learn something from that. If you were walking down a dark alley at night who would you rather have next to you? Pauley or DeShyiver? I'm not talking about medical assistance now. And as for blank, come on dude. It's time to step aside and end the comedy show. You can tell good jokes but, This is not a joke or laughing matter. I wonder if hay will use your donated pool time somehow to defend large. Hee hee. Why not, what the hell. He running the local now anyways through blank and hay. Stop this stupidity. Get to the meetings and fix your problems.
Received via Email 09-26-14 SPAFF Rank & File Agreement Article 10 Leave For Union Business
10.2 of the union contract states, "when using pool time for the purpose of conduction Union business for either of the two (2) Department bargaining units represented by Local 747, The Union agrees not to use the time-off slot nor the pool time for the purpose of representing members employed by other fire agencies in labor disputes or conducting labor negotiations with other fire agencies."
Blank and Hay need to get to know what they agreed to and signed off on with the City of St. Petersburg for the representation of its Dues Paying Membership. YOU ARE BREAKING YOUR OWN LEGAL CONTRACT THAT YOU LEGALLY SIGNED. Hey Large are you reading this because eventually the mayor and HR will.
Received via Email 10-07-14 Ok. Now the membership should demand at the October meeting for Blank to resign the position of Executive President since he can not seem to follow the rules of the Local. Yes my brothers and sisters you can do that. We now have a real leader about to get sworn in. Now follow the procedure properly at the meeting and remember that timing is everything. All of you who voted Rick in should be at this months meeting. Find a way and show him proud. Just don't be dumb and click out. There might be mutts there stabbing you in the back. Get a swap for 12 hours. It would be well worth it to back your guy. Union Meetings every third Thursday of the month. "October 16" Executive Board starts at 6pm and the General Membership meeting starts at 7:30pm. Be there or be square.
Received via Email 10-21-14 So President Blank is out in Lealman negotiating their next contract. For some unknown reason he is telling the Brothers that a general wage increase means more to their pensions and long term finances than a bonus. Wait a minute, that's not what he sold to us when he had Steve Hays hand stuck up his ass.
Received via Email 10-22-14 Blank is a fuck tard. His Chief didnt want us to have pay raises so he didnt go for it. In Lealman he has to pretend he has a brain so he goes with what the firefighters want.
Received via Email 10-23-14 Bland will follow the money. He just took a big hit at SPF&R and needs to make some people happy so that he can maintain his lifestyle. He does get paid by the Local, right? It's amazing just how damn ignorant and sheeplike firefighters are. Now he goes to Lealman and pulls the wool over their eyes. And they take no notice of the mess he put SPF&R in for the last three or so years. Maybe, like the rest of us here, they'll need the next three or four years to figure his ass out. FTM
Received via Email 10-23-14 Vote No confidence for Blank. Impeach Impeach the jolly fat man.
Received via Email 11-02-14 I got a notice in the mail today that the Captains, DC's, and Admin. people are getting another 2% pay raise. The memo was quick to point out that they were the only one's getting it. I don't mind them getting the pay raise. In fact, I'm for it. What I'm sorry about is that no one here or I would guess in the on-duty ranks gives a fat rat's ass that this is the second raise that the rank and file didn't get. While some were busy responding to "Blackies" bullshit there was apparently no one who thought the loss of another 2% in pay was worth mentioning.
I know there's nothing that can be done and I'm very happy that the scum who perpetrated this loss of income on the rest of us are now going to be out of office. But it's at the sacrifice of nearly 8% overall that they put the meat to the rank and file and the rank and file, as usual, are silent about it. It's not just the present that worries most of us but who will take over when the one's who just got elected wave goodbye and leave. What mental cripple will take over and lead the membership of this Local down the garden path with their lies and accusations? It would be the most important thing this Local could do to educate and groom someone, or several someone's, to the ins and outs of collective bargaining. I think you've all seen what waiting for the Chief to get you produced. And if anything could have been worse coming from the ranks . . . . it was. So while you banter with Blackie and keep getting time off before you deserve it I would think someone would realize that those things won't pay your bills in the future and your family will suffer. If there's no interest then so be it. We will never have another Newton like Winnie to lead this Local. The rank and file saw to that. And believe me the Mayor isn't going to be your savior in the bargaining process if you send a moron to the table to plead your case. Whining is not an option.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 11-02-14 Brother Tully, I cant tell you how many times the educated few told the membership time and time again what a trade of lifetime income meant vs a few more days off. I know I am guilty of never broaching the subject of the "old timers" since I don't have the historical knowledge of your plan. Some of the believers are now feeling the lightness in their wallets and have resorted to working their rdays. Yes they are working on the days that they gave up a raise for. The kool-aide has reached a potentcy level that has never been allowed by the rank and file members before. We have a few mwmbers that thought that they would be ok if they stayed the additional 2 years when the drop was extended from 5 to 7 years, but even they are beginning to admit it just aint worth it. They are leaving before the extra 2 years are over and still haven't seen the extra days off. Now they have everyday off and those of us left on the rudderless ship are holding on to our asses with both hands. We have been convinced that discipline resulting in time off, no pay raises, and just udder bullshit is easier than working toward something so here we all sit. I am truly sorry to realize that my Brothers from before my time and birth have to incur the consequences of my generations stupidity.
Received via Email 11-03-14 Blackie know what Dick bitchin about. Them old pension bitches forced every motherfucker that came on the fucking job after them to have a shitty pension compared to theirs. Then they did nothing to improve the motherfucker. 40 motherfucking years later their old pension chickens have come to roost.
This concludes Blackie's history lesson for the day.
Adios motherfuckers,
Blackie McBlackerson over and out
Received via Email 11-27-14 HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL
Received via Email 12-04-14 How much longer for my extra pre-paid R-Day???
TEAM: A new contract year has just begun. You'll be paying 8.8% over the next two years for the privilege of actually getting to utilized the Kelly day that the captains and DC's paid nothing for and received full benefit of immediately. You must wait another 12 months and 3 weeks.
Received Via Email 12-05-14 Look Out he wants your benefits cut.
Received Via Email 12-05-14 Im not waiting that long for mine. Like I told those that would listen, you get all the rdays you want when you retire. 7 years in the drop, screw that Im closer everyday to that light at the end of the tunnel.
Received Via Email 12-06-14 That some funny motherfucking shit when you say pre-paid R day. Funny fucking shit. That cracker fuck make Blackie laugh.
Pre-paid R day. Funny shit.
Keep up the funny shit, cracker.
Blackie McBlackerson
Received Via Email 12-7-14 Our second Rday should start Jan1 2016 with the current pick we are doing. Lets see how they spin it to say no we meant Feb 1 with the new picks.