Received via Email: 03-25-13 Come on Blank. We all know you READ Us vs Them. Show some guts, if you have any of your own. Tell us why you won't interview the candidates. Tell us why we should all just drop to our knees and take it like a man? Your creditability has close to 0%. Here is your chance. No one to look you in the eyes while you say yours, theirs or whoever's views.
I tried to think that you would have at least attempted to do the right thing for our brother/sister hood. I was wrong. I voted for Newton, but gave you a chance. Your wasting our time and tearing our union apart. Your in the drop, so fuck us all?
Show some Presidential Behavior here lay it out. Here is your LAST chance. On this lil Page say it out loud . Don't worry I am sure The Big Chief won't fire you for your freedom of speech. Can you think on your own? Are you a puppet? Its gotten to the point were I am embarrassed of were we are as a union.
Do something for all of us, or I guarantee you will be run out of office,soon.
Oh yeah tell Hay he is clueless, and there is no way he could shut this web page down. Go and unplug some shit clogs Hay. Its your turn MTB.
Received via Email: 03-27-13 I say we run them out.....i stand behind that 1000% We have no future with BLANK HAY and SWEET !!! also FU LARGE your an Embarassement... is it me but " I THOUGHT" i smelt some spirits on the old mans breath at the station!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email: 03-29-13 No more union representation thats worth a damn. No more raises or benefits for next 10 years and no input allowed for political candidates. Can someone tell me what we are paying union dues for. Screw that, I say we do a mass exodus from the union until things change back to the good it used to be when Newton was Pres.
Received via Email: 03-30-13 Now THAT'S a capital IDEA. Look at it. You're not getting anything THIS way. Why not try it with just minimal effort and just give up. There could be some advantages to running with no leadership. Oh, that's right, that's what's being done NOW. But at least without being a member of the Union you can save the money that was wasted on dues. And if the dues stop coming in there won't be enough to pay 2 grand a month to a damn idiot president.
Caught red handed checking out guns in a gun store. On "lunch break". Total bullshit. They were there ABUSING the pool time that everyone cries the blues about having to give, albeit voluntarily. Is THAT what you signed up for when you gave away 8 hours or so of your time? Hell no. But that, with a lot of other failures, is what your getting. While you medics, that love to grieve over the number of runs you make every shift, are working your asses off your president is checking out guns. God forbid he'd EVER have a gun in his hand. He'd blow his own head off.
But that's not the point. This gun store blather is probably just the tip of the iceberg. And it's probably not fair to paint this abuse as the only time the pool time abuse has occurred. It's also a given the not every single solitary hour of pool time use is legitimate. There's no way it can be. But . . . and it's a damn big but . . . the use of pool time for a totally irrelevant activity to the defined use of pool time is a definite slap in the face of those who donate every year.
Here's a thought. Offer a by-law change at the next meeting that would make anyone who uses pool time submit a written hour by hour description of what they did while on pool time and submit it to the Sec./Tres. within 48 hours. Then you could have a record of how much time is actually being used and what it's used FOR.
Or . . . you could just stop donating pool time and eliminate it. In the past, and I know you don't like ANYTHING that is from the past, we worked hard to GET pool time because the membership suspected that what is happening would be what would happen. And look at the bright side. You get more time off for yourself and Frick and Frack can't play on your valuable time. And ask yourself, what have I lost by eliminating pool time? NOT A DAMN THING. Stop and think for a minute. What have I gained in the two years that Blank has been skating on my time? NOT A DAMN THING. So what changes? You get to keep your time to do with as you please, THAT'S what.
Dick Tully
Received via Email: 05-22-13 Ok, been almost 2 months without a single post here. There is gotta be something else going on fellers
Received via Email: 05-23-13 Here is something. Trying to bid for Highpoint. We will do it with adding no additional manpower just like we did with South Pasadena. We do more with less so we can continue to brown out units and so Large can take is old ass to hooters and tell the little ladies how big a stud he is.
I know. It's a bitch, ain't it?
Received via Email: 05-23-13 Yea and a dozen brothers from Pinelas Park will get laid off. The fu****g chiefs and city hall assholes are really playing into the countys hands.
Received via Email: 06-01-13 Hey whats the story with A Jones going to #3 bag and baggage. Rumor has it he is going there to straighten out the renegade Medics there. Maybe just a rumor, unknown if there is any truth to it.
If it is true then it just confirms the fact that A shift does do things a little weird.
TEAM: Better question: Why are they moving a Union Officer from his station?
When questioning their strategy for not holding a screening process for Mayor, S.P.A.F.F. President Michael Blank & EVP Steve Hay opined on their well thought out strategy:
"An incumbent Mayor has never lost an election in St. Petersburg."
Poll Shows Bill Foster in Deep Trouble, Trails Kathleen Ford
& Rick Kriseman Heads-up
Posted on May 31, 2013 at 12:29 pm
A second term for St. Petersburg mayor Bill Foster has never been in as much jeopardy as it is currently, according to the latest survey from St. Pete Polls commissioned by this blog.
While Foster is essentially tied with Kathleen Ford and well ahead of Rick Kriseman in a ballot test of all of the announced candidates, both Ford and Kriseman would handily beat the incumbent in a run-off.
With Anthony Cates and Paul Congemi in the mix, Ford and Foster both pull 29% of the vote, while Kriseman draws 18%. Nineteen percent of voters say they are undecided.
Yet, when voters are asked who they would vote for if the race were between just Ford and Foster, Ford receives 48% of support, while Foster pulls just 37%.
In a heads-up match between Foster and Kriseman, the mayor trails the challenger 43% to 37%.
Ford would beat Kriseman 45% to 29% in a run-off.
Handicapping Foster is an upside-down favorability rating of 39% favorable/46% favorable. Ford is buoyed by a 45%/31% favorable/unfavorable rating. Kriseman is still largely unknown with 48% of voters unsure, 33% favorable and 19% unfavorable.
In addition to these city-wide numbers, St. Petersburg black community was also polled. The results are eye-opening; for Bill Foster, they are devastating.
Among black voters, Ford is at 38%, Foster is at 21%, while Kriseman is just at 9%, just ahead of Anthony Cates at 5%. Twenty-six percent of black voters said they were undecided.
Here is perhaps the most shocking number for Foster, who prides himself on his connection to the black community and in 2009 said he wanted to be the city's first black mayor. In a match-up against just Ford, Foster trails 53% to 27%.
Forty-nine percent of black voters have an unfavorable opinion of Foster.
The poll was conducted by an automated phone call polling system. The results were then weighted to account for proportional differences between the respondents' demographics and the demographics of the registered voter population in St. Petersburg. The demographics used were: party, race and age.
The voters polled were chosen at random within the registered voter population inside of the City of St. Petersburg. There were two different samples used for this poll. The first sample includes a proportional sample of all city voters. The second sample includes only Black, non-Hispanic city voters.
The scientific results shown in the summaries below have their sample size and margin of error shown at the top of each sample section. All Margin of Errors are at a 95% confidence level.
How is it that across the board, CHEATING is reviled but Blank and Hay are allowed to utilize a strategy whose centerpiece is to cheat on behalf of L747? -Ed
Received via Email 06-02-13 Cheating is exactly what they've been doing. Someone on this message board knows exactly what Blank and Hay have been up to and I hope he tells everyone what has been going on, especially when it comes to endorsing that two face Bill Foster. We all need to work for whoever wins the primary election whether it's Kriseman of Ford. Foster is a big time bullshitter like Blank and Hay. It's time for all these liars to go.
Received via Email 06-04-13 Long past time to go. The bottom line on 6/2 #1's post. The question was put out to the other mayoral candidate. Did you have a candidate screening? Hay said he did , the candidate, said NO HE DID NOT,and has invited any member to call him directly to show that a lie is a lie. Believe me he wants our support and sees the lack of real time leadership this ole former strong local use to possess.
Received via Email 06-14-13 How much longer is the B shift going to have to put up with the Paramedic that somehow manages to find herself sitting at HQ earning a high risk pension instead of working the streets like the rest of us? Just wondering.
Received via Email 06-15-13 The same way the 2 Lts in prevention, 2 Lts in training are. Stop worrying about everyone else. Where she works does not affect you at all you piss ant. Now go hold fosters jock.
Received via Email 06-15-13 So your saying that those 4 Lts cant do their jobs either? BTW Foster is looking to get rid of everyone that cant do their jobs after 12 weeks.
Received via Email 06-15-13 Not saying cant do their job, saying if they wanted to stay in those HQ positions they could and still collect the same high risk pension so once again stop worrying about everyone else you piss ant.
Received via Email 06-15-13 There is only one difference, 1 of your friends dont belong in HQ, the others are assigned. I'm just watching my little piss ant hill while you dont seem to mind watching Disney news. Piss ant
Received via Email 06-15-13 It affects me in no way. Does it affect you? How does it hurt you that she is there? Take a Hq spot if that is what you want. It sucks I have been there. Just do your job and move on you piss ant
Received via Email 06-16-13 So June 14 was the day the county announced who got the High point bid. Well you guessed it, they got it.
Received via Email 06-16-13 No. No anouncement on the highpoint contract yet. Wont be until at least tuesday.
Received via Email 06-16-13 Who Who Who got the bid, Really, WHO CARES
Received via Email 06-16-13 Somehow I feel as if this union is a hundred year old oak tree that's been hit by lightning. It's now rotting from the inside and it's only a matter of time before it splits and falls to the ground. Am I the only one who thinks this way?
Received via Email 06-16-13 dont worry the other two bimbo medics on the b shift dont do shizit either!!!
Received via Email 06-16-13 How much is Little Mike Stupid making every month in union pay? Do you really believe he earns it? He uses more pool time than any other president before him and accomplishes less. Yet we pay him big bucks to do it. He spits in your face every time he's off on pool time for some frivolous bullshit. He's got an ego as big as that worthless mayor. Oh, and let's not forget our illustrious advisor and mentor Mike Moore. I guarantee you he's up to more than meets the eye. We pay Frick 24 grand a year. No wonder he can afford to get married. And we pay Frack another 16 grand a year. And what have we gotten in return? No, really. What the hell can you point to that either of these two fools have gotten for the members? That's right, not a damn thing. And that's 80 grand you'll never see again and it's going up. Do you have any idea what could have been done with 80 grand? A helluva lot more than these two produced. it doesn't matter if you like them or not. The question is what have you gotten for 80,000.00 over the past two years. Anything? Anything at all? That's right. There's nothing to show for it except a giant abuse of pool time and a fat pay check rewarding the accomplishment of nothing. We're not only generous but monumentally fucking stupid to boot.
Received via Email 06-16-13 6-16 #4 said, "Somehow I feel as if this union is a hundred year old oak tree that's been hit by lightning. It's now rotting from the inside and it's only a matter of time before it splits and falls to the ground. Am I the only one who thinks this way?"
I like your analogy and're feeling just the same way I'm feeling about our union. I've always maintained that there's no free lunch - that there are no 'good' shortcuts and you should really listen to the guy who always says, "I told you so..." before he goes and says it.
From Aesop's Fables --
The Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."
The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
I'm not sinking yet because I don't mix with liars and cheats. How 'bout you?
When the call comes, I'm prepared to Do The Right Thing. How 'bout you?
Jon Pearl - C Shift VP
Received via Email 06-18-13 We are judged by the way we do things. Our reputations as Union Members, Civil servants are being questioned by the way barely elected officials run our local. When you say one thing and do another, you harm all of us. You lose credibility and in turn we are judged by many outsiders and citizens that we must believe exactly what "they" said. I have been a Union member in good standing for 29 years and 2 months. I am disappointed in the direction our Union has gone. The time for accountability is long overdue.
Like Brother Pearl wrote I'm prepared to do the right thing too.
Fraternally with hope,
John Barfield
Received via Email 06-21-13 Thursday night, facts were presented. Evidence showed that the leaders were not quit telling the truth. Many listened, a few grumpy ones just wanted to go home. The XVP yelled and was visibly angry.. All the while Pres MTB sat there with a smile insisting all was AOK on the good ship sucachief. Watching the words fly between C-VP P. & XVP H it was pretty obvious HAY was caught in a lie, or rationalizing his version of the truth. A lunch time meeting is not a screening. They did promise to never do it that way again. Hummmm we'll see about that. Another mentioned it was about following past protocol's, to which the ole sit down story was again expressed. The fact that the Mayor is running for a second term is moot here, the point is the leaders did it their way, some wonder if they were influenced by certain...Chiefs. So now it seems there is a screening committee forming for city council! Amazing. Put in your 2 cents and be a part of it. EMAIL Lt Sweet and see where u fall on the list of wanna be's. You can never be wrong if your telling the truth. Oh yes, FTM...
Received via Email 06-21-13 Just a thought, but I seem to remember in my leadership classes, College American Governemnt, and yes Fire Ofc 1 & 2, that an most important trait of a leader is to be in control of one's emotions, even when confronted with things he or she may not agree with.
*NOTE TO HAY, you're a miserable failure in leadership at the Union & firehouse. Resign as soon as possible. Give up like you did when you couldn't finish your statement at the union meeting before you were accidentally elected.
Received via Email 07-27-13 Where is the NUFF said person, havent heard from them in a while
Received via Email 07-29-13 I think the Nuff said person pulled a Blank on us and sold out, since the last Chiefs Rag was full of that same phrase.
Received via Email 07-29-13 Think your right. Nuff said. LOL
Received via Email 08-01-13 Just out since last week, Station 11 going to take over Terra Verde for free. Quint at #11, and a rescue truck will stay at 11, but ALS engine to Terra Verde to take over. Kinda like what they are doing to 13s crew but not as drastic. Then quint at #9 with a rescue truck, but engine 9 to pasadena once we take them over in the near future. Then finally Station 10 to cut their crew in half like Station 13, but instead of taking over 36 and 37 as #13 is doing, they (#10)will be taking over station 18 and 19. Oh, yeah and an ALS quint at #6 with the current rescue 6 going to station 16. SPFR is cutting our bare bones staff to really bare bones soon - and doubling the work. No problem, every station will now run like station 3 and no one will miss a beat. Oh, but no raises or extra R days. Get ready boys and girls you think the heat is on now, wait till all the future takeovers begin to happen. Oh yeah, and you guys and gals at Station 13 quit your bitchin, you can easily handle three station territories with your current crews. Our new motto is cut in half and double the load. If you don't like it, go work for Walmart, they have a great 401k, and it will probably be better than the 401k you get in the near future anyway.
Received via Email 08-01-13 1st 8/1 Now thats some funny sh-- !!!
Received via Email 08-03-13 Everyday more trucks OOS for 24 hour periods. Why dont we just get rid of some of them. Oh, looks like we are. By Oct E1 and T13 will both be in the history books never again to rise. Nice move you brilliant chiefs. How bought using your brains for more public safety instead of getting more coffee downtown or making it a priority to decide where lunch will be each day. Speaking of little children running the place. SHEEEEESH. Not only immature but really really STUPID
Received via Email 08-03-13 Yeah whats with that. Just giving up on apparatus. Boy when the DCs positions were up for grabs they sure did fight to keep that, but 2 necessary front line apparatus E1 and T13 gone, just like that. Tell me they care downtown. NOT
Received via Email 08-04-13 Supposedly they're putting all the old senior guys on the busiest apparatus to run em off the job. At least the ones they want to get rid of. Bo choice with seniority, just means they get to screw with you more.
Received via Email 08-04-13 Gonna take alot more than that.....some senior people still love the job.
Received via Email 08-04-13 being a senior firefighter does not, make one old... why at one of the last high rise drills, I left them young un's waiting for air in the stairwell..
Received via Email 08-04-13 That can't be right. The senior guys are the only ones who don't care what Jimmy thinks and will tell him like it is. The rest of the bums trying to get promoted tell him only what he wants to hear.
Received via Email 08-04-13 being a senior firefighter does not, make one old... why at one of the last high rise drills, I left them young un's waiting for air in the stairwell..
Received via Email 08-04-13 Most love the job, just tired of the all the chiefs crap
Received via Email 08-04-13 Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring and Citizenship. These are the traits listed on the Character page of this great website. Webmaster, you did a great job putting them there. And most of our members try to uphold these values. Unfortunately most of our division chiefs and the current Mayor do the opposite of each part of these mentioned. Read em and see. It is very sad we have such faulty character in our leadership. This department could be a great place. Vote ABB and lets clean up the trash.
WEBMASTER: Before his death, Sir Thomas More spoke to Henry VIII on the subject of character by saying, "When a man takes an oath, he's holding his own self in his own water. And if he opens his fingers then--he needn't hope to find himself again..."
Received via Email 08-20-13 Its been said once and it will be said again, until Large and his buddy Bill helps us get another R day like he gave the captains and DCs, whenever we need a day off, (an R day) ya better get used to the click outs. Oh yeah and your intimidating letters mean diddly squat to all of us. Try being a real leader, a fair leader and we may respect you, until then, ain't going to happen pal.
Received via Email 08-21-13 I think the letters from the chief are hilarious! So're just letting me know that you're keeping track of my sick leave? Have at it sport! I'm not in violation of any city or department policy. Until that happens, save the ink, I don't give a crap!
Received via Email 08-22-13 Hey chief, real nice giving out letters to all the hard working firefighters who had real legitimate injuries with doctor notes. At least you could have filtered out the ones that were like (bedridden) with all the forms properly filled out. You are one lazy administrative leader that you didn't even separate the possible abusers and the real ones that suffered badly. Nice one you lazy piece of crap. Why don't you quit sitting around all day drinking our coffee over here and start doing your friggin job. Please Kriseman or Ford get elected and clean up this place.
Received via Email 08-23-13 1st 8/21. "have at it sport" that is hilarious. I think we should add that as a new nickname. The invisible and Sport. Both fit him well.
Received via Email 08-23-13 Here is what is really sad. The latest negotiations are proving we are getting nowhere and no worthwhile benefits for all your hard work. Back when President Newton was president the tide was finally changing and the political backing we had in city hall was larger than ever, which meant change was finally going to happen and big benefits and full support was very very close if not already there. THEN BOOM, many uninformed members voted in Blank and then later Hay and what has it got US. No raises, No benefits, more unfair discipline by management ever in our history, Trucks out of service constantly and now cutting crews and increasing their territories as in the Station 13/36 debacle. So what is the answer? Well, not much you can do now, Your pensions are the next to be slashed and you better be sure its coming. The only hope to redeem our members from sure and certain DOOM is to vote for RICK PAULEY as Union President. Unfortunately Brother Newton has retired and RICK is the only one that can actually now successfully move this local forward. A vote for Rick is a vote for your future. Help restore us back to better pay and benefits, increase staffing with no trucks out of service, Fair discipline by management instead of dictatorship tyranny type practices, favor again in the political arena with City Hall where our leaders will have our backs. But most of all, do it to redeem yourself from the real doom and gloom that will come over the next 2 years if Blank remains in office. VOTE RICK PAULEY UNION PRESIDENT
I am not Chief Large or Michael Blank and I approve this message.
Received via Email 08-23-13 QUOTE: Back when President Newton was president the tide was finally changing and the political backing we had in city hall was larger than ever, which meant change was finally going to happen and big benefits and full support was very very close if not already there. THEN BOOM, many uninformed members voted in Blank and then later Hay and what has it got US. No raises, No benefits, more unfair discipline by management ever in our history, Trucks out of service constantly and now cutting crews and increasing their territories as in the Station 13/36 debacle. So what is the answer?
I don't think anyones come up with a better answer than you have brother. Chris Guella used to fight across the table with Winnie and Rick as if they were too greedy. The invisible man used to make his way around to the stations telling everyone that things would be better without Winnie as president. Have you noticed that since Winnie is gone so are the visits. Then you had all the ass kissers who want to be promoted who convinced the not so bright members that there's a better way. The membership is at fault for not knowing what's going on in their union because they listened to everyone with an agenda who was trying to protect Large who was trying to protect his job but they're all too stupid to believe that anyone would actually lie to them. I blame Blank and Hay less than I blame the membership. When two guys show up promising you the deal of the century, maybe what sounds too good to be true is.
Received via Email 08-30-13 Could someone fill me in on how much money this Local raised this year for Muscular Dystrophy? You know, the Fill The Boot drive that we always perform sometime during the year to receive donations to be presented on Labor Day. The city will, as usual, try hard to discourage anything that doesn't fill the coffers at city hall but didn't we, as a Local, do anything this year for Muscular Dystrophy? There's a whole new format for this year showing the hard work and dedication of fire fighters all over the nation who work for children and adults with MD. I'm sure we did our part and we just haven't heard about it since we don't want to brag. Somebody tell me the dollar figure that we'll be presenting this year. I'll bet it's big. And yes, I am posting this under all the categories.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 09-01-13 To 8/21. funny thing is whenever anyone is sick more than a shift a doctors note has to be provided. And believe me, the DCs keep up on that. Just try to not turn in a note and see what happens. Ok, with that being said, Don't you think a competent intelligent leader would have went about the whole, (you are a scum bag cause you called in sick to much this year) letter written by Large quite differently. Lets give chief large some fire department basic leadership pointers so next time he wont look so stupid in front of the entire organization. Ok are you ready Jimmy. Here is your lesson. The title is possible sick leave abuse.
1. Gather all those who used more than the average - you did that- good job
2. Get a list of all the names.- you did that- good job
3. Since everyone has to turn in notes more than 1 shift off, Have the DCs go over the so called bad list and see who had legitimate illnesses or injuries with Doctor notes. -you did that- NOT
4. The ones without any notes that look suspicious as of close to an R day everytime or over the average and not a note all year: Those you could say you were above the average and we know these could be legitimate illnesses or injuries but they do look suspicious. Please remember to use your time in good faith. And in fact if you were sick or hurt and being close to an R day or vacation was a coincidence, we hope you have a healthier year coming up and please disregard this as a warning.
Ok that may not be perfect but you see the point. Point is, Large you are an idiot when it comes to working with personnel and dealing with sensitive issues. To give people that kind of letter to firefighters who were really sick and injured, (Back, knee, shoulder, arm surgeries, not to mention heart attacks, bed ridden sicknesses and other disabling problems) last year, shows you are an uncaring and very incompetent leader.
So what to do. How bout next time talking to some of your staff and letting them approve some of your work first. I know I know, it is supposed to work the other way. But with you "Sport" Its just not going to work out for you that way. Look, if you couldn't handle the OPS chief position way back, how do you think you can handle the Fire Chiefs job. YOU CANT. So let the boys under you do their job and for goodness sake listen to some of their advice. It is unbearably embarrassing watching you flop around like a fish out of water.
Moral of the story. You can kiss ass to the top, but their comes a time you have to really do your job. And "Sport" you just aint cutting it.
Received via Email 09-01-13 And another piece of advice. Whoever Large wants to run our union, you better be picking the other guy or else you are setting yourself and your family for many years of less benefits, less pay, and less protection when Management decides to come at you for an unjust reason. Remember to Vote, Vote Rick Pauley (the guy Chief Large does NOT want in office and is terrified of.) Happy Labor Day. All of you out in the street deserve some recognition for all you do every shift.
Received via Email 09-02-13 If the DC's checked the list, who would pimp themselves and captains out? They are way more abusing then us low lives.
Received via Email 09-03-13 Good question 9/2/#1. Monday DC called out, and the Capt to act dc, called out.. Can you say holiday sandwich? FTM
Received via Email 09-03-13 Yeah the other day Adamides called out and the next shift was his R day. (Last Wednesday and Sunday) Get ready to get a nasty gram from Large, Deannie my boy. How will you ever face him at the officer meeting this week.
Received via Email 09-04-13 officers starting to call in sick for the officers meeting. Can you blame them, REALLY,
Received via Email 09-04-13 The Supervisory unit doesnt have the same rules as the Rank and File. When one of theirs goes out on long term sick, FMLA, or Workmans Comp, they dont tie up a slot like we do. Just another way that your chief perfers to take care of those that have sold their souls.
Received via Email 09-06-13 The Supervisory Unit certainly has no respect for Large or any of his idle threats. When was the last Demotion of ANY kind? Exactly. Large cant expose the truth because then the Mayor wuld know how worthless he really is. Hey Invisible one, I hope the rainy day birds of blues shit all over you.
Received via Email 09-08-13 Some of the officers we have could use a demotion. We all know them...the ones who make you feel like you're on your own at a fire. The ones who couldn't find their ass with a map.
Received via Email 09-09-13 Maybe we could get Chief Jimmy busted back to an EMT that he so proudly accepts $32.00 a pay period for. He and his favorite Light Duty Paramedic Julie Singleton could staff the Rescue truck with the most sick time use ever.
Received via Email 09-09-13 She should be the permanent LD100.
Received via Email 09-09-13 does LD100 get HQ assignment pay too? Does she hold a PM spot for the companies? Where the hell is our Union, and why arn't they looking into this mess? Oh wait, Pauley has not been elected yet..
Received via Email 09-19-13 When we try to take something away from one of our bargaining unit members, we are treading on dangerous ground.
Received via Email 09-19-13 It appears this mishap is already being addressed. This is what happens when a retard like Johnson is allowed to speak and share his infinite wisdom on video tape. At this juncture is does not appear there have been any illegal actions of misrepresentation by the bargaining unit however it is being looked into. Once the Captains are informed the City's offer eliminates the entry level DC step and increased HQ assignment pay and the bargaining team walked away from it, I am sure they will be looking to get this fixed. They will each earn an additional $500-$1000 in acting pay each year depending on the number of times they each act and all future Captains promoted to DC will have a base pay of nearly $4000 higher than it is today. Considering 5 of the DC's are in the drop this will be a great benefit sooner than later. All future EMS captains will also enjoy an additional $2600 per year in HQ pay so all you paramedic captains pay attention. In addition to the 2% offer already offered this appears to be a nice little benefit for at least 14 members of the bargaining unit. Why accept the 2% straight forward offer you are getting without even showing up at the table when the MAJORITY of members benefit from the City's offer. There will be a nice video and timeline for all to see how this transpired unless of course it is determined the actions of misrepresentation turn out to be illegal. Stay tuned.........
Received via Email 09-19-13 This is why a Captain needs to be the representative of the supervisors union and not a DC (Majority). Walking away from benefits that serve EVERY single captain and currently 1 DC makes no sense. Not to mention every future captain promoted to DC and the captain assigned to EMS. Walking away from this offer is self serving, disgraceful, and possibly illegal. Acting DC pay is based solely on entry level DC pay in which the city is offering to eliminate the entry level step. So for all you captains just hold on. You should get the 2% GWI plus a little more ($500 to $1000 each year) while your serving in the acting role (which seems to be quite often) and for the 5 of you fortunate enough to get promoted in the next few years to replace the 5 DC's in the drop a tremendous increase in starting salary (not to mention the benefit for every captain who ever serves in this organization from this point forward). Just hold on and vote it down if necessary and it will be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience and embarrassment. It should not happen again.
Received via Email 09-22-13 Everyone knew full well that Richie Johnson is a cross dressing double agent c********r since his early days and he isnt about to change his fem pad now. You guys let it happen and this is what happens when you put your faith in a President that cant lead or make decisions, so he looks to someone else with the same qualities that he knows wont be able to show him up and will make a great scapegoat at the same time.
TEAM: You'll thank us later. The stars are free.
Received via Email 09-27-13 Is it my imagination or has Blank and Hay been a whole lot quieter lately? Its like 2 children hiding under a blanket cause they know they are about to get spanked.
Received via Email 09-27-13 They say you can't serve two masters. The membership has to come before Foster and right now Foster has a boot in their ass.
Received via Email 10-05-13 I heard a community leader talking the other day and he said Kriseman is poised to appoint Goliath Davis as the next police chief, should he win the election. Speaks volumes as to why Go Davis is supporting Kriseman.
Received via Email 10-05-13 Davis is no different than most of our members who voted Anybody But Winnie. He's voting Anybody But Bill and so am I.
Received via Email 10-05-13 10/5 #1 Sounds like your a certain chief! That is BS GO wants nothing to do with PD. He is a community activist with a cush job at USF. WHY would he try to come back to a PIA 90K a year job?
Your shit stirring will not work, go Kriseman!!
Received via Email 10-05-13 Smart people know what Go Davis is all about. He's all about Go Davis. He has a few followers and nothing more. Kriseman is doing his own work and has been ahead in the polls and money. Unless they find the fire chief under his desk, Kriseman's doing allright.
Received via Email 10-05-13 Rumor has it that Katie Brew is leaving her job at HQ and will be returning to Parks and Rec. I guess this will open up her position. I wonder of there will be a job announcement or will Julie (Light Duty since 2010) Singleton just somehow find herself appointed? Thats a real good position for someone earning a high risk pension and using her S/L so often that donations are sought. I dont know how you folks continue to put up with it. Chief Large states over and over again that he only wants to be sure that he has firefighters that are fit and capible of doing their jobs. How has Julie been able to slip by him for so long? Hey Chief Jimmy, ya wanna put out a special current events update to refute this one? While your at it stand in front of a mirror and take a look at yourself, dont forget to keep your eyes open.
Received via Email 10-06-13 That's the number 1 reason that Large likes the younger guys so much. They are so busy being jammed up by JATC that they don't have time to pay attention to the snake that's about to bite them.
Received via Email 10-06-13 Large cant keep his eyes open, he is to FAT.
Received via Email 10-06-13 smart people know your a shit stirring idiot,
Received via Email 10-06-13 3rd 10/06 And dumb people think your their hero. Think on that one brainless.
Received via Email 10-06-13 LMAO your too funny Chief
Received via Email 10-10-13 Hey 10/5 #1. Yesterday, Wednesday October 9, at the Tiger Bay Club, Rep Kriseman stated when asked if Go Davis was going to be appointed chief if he wins, answered with a resounding NO! You better find more reliable sources dickhead!
Received via Email 10-19-13 Has anyone killed a childs pet this week? Write an I'm sorry note and the Chief will go easy on ya.
Received via Email 10-21-13 I hear this is how they do it in Bradenton. No ijuries, no deaths.
Received via Email 10-26-13 10/19 his weight killed the kitty or was it the straight stream fire stream that killed the cat? The a/lt that fell on top of the hydro removed feline should pay the vet bill & replace the child's pet. Hell his wife is a Doctor and makes TONS of $$$
Received via Email 10-27-13 Morons.
Received via Email 10-27-13 Wasn't a pet. Stray cat. Learn the story before bashing you assholes.
Received via Email 10-27-13 Once again the simple-minded idiots have spoken on this page. I made a bad descision to try to chase the cat down the tree to a lower level. We were not trying to hit the cat with a hose stream and knock it out of the tree but rather hit above it and get it to move to where we could get to it. I did not land on the cat but did try to catch it...unsuccessfully. I did take the cat to a vet and would have gladly paid the vet bill. Sadly ferrell cat didn't make it. It was nobody's pet. it was in the tree for 3 days. Like I said many times...bad descision, bad plan, bad ending.
I have felt terrible ever since and have no problem taking heat for what happened.
As for how much money I have, or how much money my "wife makes", that is none of your business. If you want to get into med school and residency and be in practice for 20-years go ahead. If you want to payback all of the loans and the responsibility that come with that... go ahead. If you want to put yourself through college and earn a degree like I did, go ahead. I make no excuses for what happened to the cat that day but I will be damned if I am going to be sorry for the achievements both myself and my wife have acquired through hard work and no assistance from anyone else. So haters keep on talking, maybe someday you can hold your head high too. Either way, if you would like to hear the story about the cat in the tree, feel free to call me at #10B. I'm not afraid to tell the story. Glad to see you are too afraid to sign your name. Wish I was brave enough to talk crap and not sign my name. Your Union Brother, Kevin Dooley 10B.
Received via Email 10-27-13 Maybe they already heard the real cat story going around the stations and don't care what the truth is. Kinda like voting on this last contract. Facts don't matter.
Received via Email 10-28-13 Good on ya, Kevin. And you don't have to justify yourself to anyone. And you damn sure don't have to justify your family to these morons.
Received via Email 10-29-13 I like Kevin Dooley. I don't like stray cats. I like retirement. I don't like nameless backstabbing.
That's all I have for now. You kids play nice while I'm gone.
Dave Fraser
One last thing. Alan Rosetti and I accidentally killed a cat once. Go ask him about it.
Received via Email 10-30-13 You ain't shit on this job until you kill a cat or two.
Received via Email 10-30-13 You got to break a few cats to make an omelette.
Received via Email 10-30-13 As ALF would say...HA!
Received via Email 10-30-13 Speaking of cat. The Chinese restaurants in town are pretty good especially that new textured chicken. Meow.
Received via Email 11-03-13 Hi Flavo-Fraser. Miss you already. B.Elliott
Received via Email 11-03-13 Some Kitty Fried Rice would be good for dinner tonight.
Received via Email 11-15-13 only 7 days until Jack o Lantern A hole pumpkin head leaves. It will go down in St Pete Fire History as one of the best days ever. Dont let the door hit you in the ass little stevie boy.
Received via Email 11-15-13 All this talk of cats. Please don't offend the p*****s at HQ.
Received via Email 12-15-13 Wow, just read memo congratulating Jarvin for his medic promotion. It is a shame HQ could not even spell his name correctly. Just another reason why HQ does not give a shit. Congrats Jarvin Vinson not Vincent as HQ would have it.
Received via Email 12-16-13 I just thought that they had gone a nd promoted another less experianced junior guy again ahead of the one that EARNED it. Congratulations to Jarvin VINSON...
Received via Email 12-16-13 I cant believe that it has been 3 long years since the Union Officers have provided us with Shift Calendars and those tremedous gatherings during the Holidays. Great food and drinks and of course Brotherhood. I really missed the good old days
Received via Email 12-16-13 hey 12/16 and everyone else. Holiday get together? Anyone not doing anything Friday, meet at FERG's @ 11:00 AM and take the place over for some brother & sister hood? I'll be there. hope you all will.
Received via Email 12-18-13 I'm letting Patty K represent me at the gathering at FERG'S on Friday morning.
I hope she can make it. Sorry I can't be there but I support the act and the intent.
Too bad the Local isn't doing anything for the holidays. What a sad ass organization.
Thanks JB for your concern.
Received via Email 12-18-13 Tks for your continued support Mr T.
Received via Email 01-01-14 Thanks for your continued support Mrs T.
Received via Email 01-02-14 Again . . . too easy ! ! !
Received via Email 01-02-14 The level in intellect on this site amazes me. Chimps can wear a uniform and type. FTM
Received via Email 01-03-14 Chimps and Chumps. Let that one settle in. Nuff said
Received via Email 01-06-14 Again... too easy !!! Nuff said
Received via Email 01-12-14 Whats with all the Nuff.
Received via Email 01-14-14 Nuff said.
Received via Email 01-17-14 I keep hearing Blank and Hay doing their collective best to defend lil Jimmy. Where were their concerns for us when Jimmy and the Loser Foster were shutting down our trucks and working us with short staffing? Hey, I was wondering how things are going with the times guy and his latest requests? I mean where does one start when looking to expose an ass? How will he ever find it with so many mouths and lips covering it?
Received via Email 01-18-14 I'm still waiting to see the plaque on Large's door that says THE BUCK STOPS HERE. It must really suck not to be able to blame a bunch of people for your not being able to nut up when the TBT came knocking so you immediately dump on your FF's. It's simply a dream working for you Jim. Now you know why you're known as the INVISIBLE MAN.
Received via Email 01-18-14 Holy shit, the last thing I would want from the 2 bumbling idiots is for them to do their collective best. If I were Large I would run the other way. We all know that the collective best wont get any results until 2016.
Received via Email 01-20-14 Maybe the new Mayor will have mercy on us since Blank and Hay and Foster screwed us and he will amend our contract so we can get our R day earlier. Or I know of a better idea, take it from the Captains and DCs and give it to the rank and file. Now thats what Im talking about !!!!!
Received via Email 01-20-14 Pipe dream...don't count on it.
Received via Email 01-20-14 Blank and Hay went out of their own (seen this before) representing the entire local and backed Foster without asking the E Board or the membership. I'm going out on a limb here and say that before this union gets anything out of this mayor, Blank and Hay are going to have to be long gone before Kriseman even talks to us again. Good for us. By repeating the same mistakes over and over we tell council and the new mayor that we don't deserve their attention. That's the definition of stupid.
Received via Email 01-20-14 Lucky for us, Mayor K knows Blank & hay do NOT speak for the membership. He will support us not one or two wanna be's.
Received via Email 01-21-14 It is up to each one of us to make sure that Mayor Kriseman knows us by sight and by name. We can not allow Dumb and Dolt pretend to speak for any of us.
Received via Email 01-25-14 I recently ran into the New Mayor, introduced myself, and the smile that came to his face was a genuine, not politician one. His concern for our safety and job security is evident. He welcomes our input. There is a true open door policy at his office. If you see him, be proud of our profession, the fork tongued devils at the local office are short termed but our careers are forever, we need to secure our legacy.
Webmaster: I'm glad you got to meet Mayor Kriseman. He's a good man who will treat you like family if you only give him half a chance. If you find yourself in mixed company with him, he will proudly introduce you to others as one of his Fire Fighters and follow up by making it known that if it weren't for the crews at stations 6 & 9, his home, along with one of his service dogs would have been lost to an electrical fire.
If our current union leadership had a basic understanding of friendship - a basic understanding of politics - a basic understanding that short-cuts don't work, or how about this one: they must always put the members before everything else as if being a union representative meant something -- especially the fact that it's a life of service to their Brothers and Sisters & if all this were so, Mayor Kriseman's dealings with this Local might not be viewed as one of a cautionary tale at this moment in time.
The question going forward is this: How many of you men and women are at all impressed by Michael Blank and Steven Hay's business dealings on your behalf? I ask this because I"ve heard some of you make comments in the past concerning how you think we might appear to the public or Council. That's all good but it's a bit misguided if you're trying to somehow rationalize that when we receive pushback from a city negotiator or the Mayor or any member of Council when we're negotiating for better benefits that it's because we are automatically somehow unworthy or less-than because we are always asking for something or maybe even asking for too-much, in your mind. Folks, that's the way it works and the politicians understand it but as of late we don't seem to. So we've taken to 'easy' solutions like riding on PD's coattails and buying into their "sure thing" brand of politics. This is utter craziness. Their wants and needs have always been different from ours. And believing in the notion that teaming up with them was going to buy us some political cabbage resulting in a moral, ethical or financial victory by backing a man we've never, ever backed politically was derisory at best.
If it doesn't feel right, then it probably isn't. That's called a gut feeling and right about now most of us should have a gut ache for very good reasons.
Received via Email 01-26-14 HOME RUN, UPPER DECK Mr. Webmaster. We need to stop believing that fighting for what's worthwhile is wrong. Listening to any fire chief, especially Jimmy Large is wrong.
Received via Email 01-31-14 No matter how you try to spin it, Whinein Dinan still insists that he was told by someone who overheard a secret conversation between 2 others that were talking about a conversation they overheard in the locker room after an all nighter at the bar, that Kriseman puts the MF on us. Eric, get your story from some more reliable folks.
Received via Email 02-01-14 Eric Dinan is a trouble maker and is trying to put down our new Mayor. Dinan get a life and leave it alone. You are a backstabbing liar anyway. You fit right in at the good ole boy HQ. But soon it is all changing, little buddy.
Received via Email 02-07-14 Could Dinan be the new Pumpkin Head ? Hmmmmm just maybe.
Received via Email 02-08-14 New bobble head.
Received via Email 02-08-14 Dinan does fit two of the ole jack o lantern traits. Backstabber and Pumpkin looking head !!
Received via Email 02-08-14 Dinan acts like hes your buddy, but believe me he is looking out for one person and one person only. Himself.
Received via Email 03-05-14 Dinan finally helps get rid of Green. Nice going ERIC. Your a backstabbing LIAR.
Received via Email 03-07-14 Wait a minute. I am no fan of Dinan, but Green made his own bed..sorry about the pun there...He went time after time in the city vehicle.bad press we need not. Sorry you hate Dinan, but Green is lucky to be able to resign.
Received via Email 03-07-14 Give me a break, Crumity fiddles around once and gets DCs vehicle stolen, fiddles around second time and a firework blows half his face off. But Green has to be fired immediately, now thats just funny
Received via Email 03-07-14 Agree, Green did this to himself. No one else to blame.
Received via Email 03-08-14 This is all Bull Shit plain and simple. Whatever happened to taking a fellow Union Brother aside and MAN to MAN, face to face, telling him he needs to take some corrective issues? Wouldnt that be called a letter of caution and counseling? Its really ashame when the main point here is that Fire Administration heard about and THEY continued to let it happen just so they could build a case. Then they claim that it would be an ambarassement to the department if it ever was to come into the open. Again I say Bull Shit. If it happens to get into the press now, its as much the Fault of Chief Large and his I'm out to get you mentality as it is anyone individual. This is surely going to happen again as it happens to often right under Jimbos nose in the Palace.
Received via Email 03-11-14 The show of force during Capt Greens retirement party was sickening. All of those that were involved in the tarring and feathering of the rock showed up to let him know that they were stil here and he wasn. Well James stood tall just like he always has and told them all that he was there for the whole shift. Happy Trails to James Green, you will soon discover that Jimbos world is soon forgotten.
Received via Email 03-11-14 Green was a man who cared about the firefighters, not like the ones who set him up. The good ole boy cracker club is here to stay and it stinks to high heaven. I have never seen such racist A holes as I have on this department.
Received via Email 03-12-14 karma.. wouldn't it be funny if James green landed one of the new Chief jobs in the area? Even with his screw ups. He would be a better leader than largest, & gap tooth combined..
Received via Email 03-12-14 Green was by far a better Captain than Winan Dinan. You can take that one to the bank.
Received via Email 03-12-14 Look at what is happening in the PD ranks and you wont be surprised to find out that this city is still full of Racists.
Received via Email 03-15-14 Yes we are a bunch of racists. Dropping down to 13 and 16 to promote someone. We are such racists. Go f*** yourself 3/12 #3
Received via Email 03-15-14 You can't blame me for that. It's that damn infernal Affirmative Action. I have quotas. I have guidelines from higher up that tell me what to do. It's not my fault. You just don't understand. Wait 'till next year. It's the way it's always been done since 1970. It's a precedent. I can't change it.
Li'l Jimmy
Received via Email 03-17-14 Hey Large where again did that over $900,000 we are supposed to use to staff station 14 go again. Hmmmm, it is sure not being used what it is supposed to be for. Anybody misusing funds like that would be gone but not you, You just fire people because there DC vehicle is at an apartment complex. YOU ARE PATHETIC. Get your priorities straight LOSER.
Received via Email 03-18-14 Don't worry anytime large see an A.A. With more than 5 yrs he runs over and ask if there going to take the promotion exam. Must be nice to know YOU will get promoted because u a A.A..... And that's the only reason.
Received via Email 03-18-14 Translation??? AA= Degree? Sentence??? Don't worry. Any time Large see's a member with an AA with more than five years, he runs over and asks if they're going to take the promotional exam.
Received via Email 03-18-14 AA? I thought it was JW.
Received via Email 03-19-14 AA. JW. It's all the same
Received via Email 04-04-14 All this Dinan talk. He is a little biatch. Simple as that.
Received via Email 04-08-14 3/7 #2, that's ok. While the inbred cronies at HQ try and cover things up, rumor has it that particular DC was hit in the face with a 2x4 pulled out of a burn barrel from a pissed off guy linked to the cough medicine incident. They should have matched that mark like the shoe prints on his ex wifes face. KARMA!!!!
Received via Email 04-08-14 Why don't they track the GPS on the take home cars and monitor like they did Hard Rock? I'm sure there are some A/Capt, and LR cars running around the county haphazardly to say the least.
Received via Email 04-08-14 That's a great idea 4/8/14 #2. It's nice to know someone has finally figured out what we've known for a long time. That was the same thing others have already tried and been able to catch many officers in the prosess. You've prolly blown the whole thing for us now and the take home fire cars will be searched for GPS bugs. It did give us a large amont of information before we will have to stop. Even though if the GPS bugs aren't found and destsroyed we coul keep going for a long time. You said something about the A shift Capt. Funny you should single him out. His trips to Welmart and the Dollar Store are very funny. The L/R car you give as an example isn't as much interest as the Capt. Thnks for your interst and don't worry. You have nit given anything away. In fact were working on a new foolproof sytem that will be completely undetectable but more able to know transpit location and video.
Received via Email 04-14-14 My old lady talked me into buying some of them motherfucking halogen lightbulbs for our kitchen. I thought that fucking kitchen was the brightest, whitest fucking thing I ever saw--- until I saw the motherfucking promotional list. Motherfucker.
Up all your white asses,
Blackie McBlackerson.
Received via Email 04-15-14 How far would you like us to drop Blackie? I guess if they just show up to the right place for the test, you're right we should promote THEM.
Received via Email 04-15-14 Almost anything black in the top 15 would have almost guaranteed getting promoted. Jeesus, Blackie, you have to at least come in above retarded to get promoted. Not far above it but enough to get seen. Picking the ones to get promoted happens in the dark. I admit that could be a drawback for some but you know what they say about the cream rising to the top. Apparently it glows when it gets there. Better luck next time, Blackie. And all you other people who agree with him keep trying. And next time at least show up to take the test. And remember that just taking the test doesn't mean you'll get promoted. You may have gotten ON the job in that manner but it doesn't mean you go anywhere now that you're here. You have to earn it. It's called paying your dues. Congratulations to all those promoted.
And just a word to those who took the test but were passed over; don't give up. It's hard to put your heart into something when you're constantly told by Blackie and others on the job that you're wasting your time and Uncle Tom and the Ku Klux Klan are making the new appointments. Stop listening to the nay sayers that continually harp on how bad things are. Make up your mind that YOU are going to be the next Lieutenant promoted. And take the time to talk to the recently promoted men and women. Take some time with them and see if what you are doing is close to what they did to get appointed. If you walk around acting like the fictitious Blackie McBlackerson then that's the image you project to everyone. Including those who make the decisions about who gets promoted and who doesn't. Be book smart but more importantly be image smart. If this is more than you think you can man up to then perhaps you should be content with your level on the pecking order.
Received via Email 04-15-14 To 4/a
Received via Email 04-15-14 Hey 4/15/14 #2, you really don't know the history of this department in regards promotional tests at SPFR. That little diatribe was good and all but you don't know what you're talking about. The promotional process should be done by an independent organization. Some departments use a group of staff officers from other departments to let them assess the potential officers. That keeps ass kissers from doing what they do. Also the written test should be made up and administered by an independent agency. That way nobody gets any "special tutoring."
Congrats to those who were promoted. I truly believe these people are going to be great assets for the department.
But if you think that shit is fair, just ask Springer!
Bruce Elliott Smith, 34 yrs 1 month and still talkin' shit!
Received via Email 04-15-14 Oh yeah,real FIREFIGHTERS stand behind their words and actions.
Be a f-ing Man sign your real name. Don't hide behind the keyboard! B.E.S. 6-C
Re: Brother Elliot's Post - #4 on 4-15-14
Received via Email 04-16-14 More than happy to, Bruce. My name is Dick Tully. And I approve of my first post.
Here's the thing, Bruce. What things you find unmanageable in *your* mind can and are absolutely manageable in other's minds. In layman's terms this amounts to "this is how we do it here." Now there are solutions to this problem that over 34 years you've had a chance to contemplate and obviously you've determined that there are ways that you've heard of that in your mind are better. No problem with that. Bottom line is that this department has been determining promotions for longer than your 34 years by doing basically what they do. They apparently haven't been informed of these other methods of which you speak.
If they have, they have chosen to ignore them and find the current method to be quite satisfactory. I'm not saying that it's perfect or it's the only way that should be considered. I'm just saying that it's the way things are done at this time. Period. Over thirty five years it should have become obvious to you. And if you or Brother Springer wanted to be promoted you should have figured it out. No disrespect. Others have done it and you should have too.
I don't believe I've ever heard your name mentioned during the 51 years I've been associated with the SPF&R. And this method of promotions, right or wrong, has been there all that time. Hundreds of men have come and gone over that time and all of them worked and were promoted under that process and many of them found it to be unpopular and unfair. My point is that it's still here. And do you know why? Because not once did anyone ask for any changes. Oh, they bitched to the high heavens. Just like you. But not once did anyone follow up on their concerns. And you know what Bruce? You won't either. Now that you're getting long in the tooth and slow in the step it's almost time to go the way of all the others.
The answer to this problem lies right in front of you but like all the others who follow the jerk who hollers the loudest at the station they turn a blind eye to the solution. And I wonder if you see it either. It's there. And there's some on the job who know what I'm talking about. But at the present time you have no representation anywhere. From top to bottom you are helpless. But Bruce, there will come a day when things will change and if those who truly believe that this means promotions are wrong and unjustified they will show you the way to solve this problem.
Oh, and Bruce, I am an "f-ing" man and I don't hide from the likes of you or anyone else. And believe me, I DO understand the promotional process and it's history. And I think you have some viable solutions to the problem. But you're preaching to choir, Bruce.
Dick Tully, 51 years and still calling out whiners.
We need your support!!!!
June 5, 2014
Brad Westphal is having his workers compensation case presented before the Supreme Court in Tallahassee.
There is a bus leaving and coming back on the same day, transporting firefighters and police to Tallahassee. We need to be there in overwhelming numbers, in order to show our support and solidarity in the chambers and on the steps of the capital.
Please contact Ray Landes (SPFR, Ret) for information and to get on the list. Remember to leave your contact info and a T shirt size.
The outcome of this potentially landmark case affects every one of us; remember we could all be in Brad’s situation tomorrow.
Received via Email 04-17-14 Don'tchoo worry 'bout this cracker buzzard motherfucker, Bruce. These old motherfuckers get grumpy when they don't get no raises in their ancient pensions. Serves those motherfuckers right for fucking up your motherfucking pension back in the 70's. I liked the 70's. That J.J. Walker was DY-NO-MITE! Funny motherfucker!
FIght the motherfucking power!
Blackie McBlackerson
Received via Email 04-18-14 I think Blackie needs a widdle hug, he sounds so upset. Your type always seems to be an angry sort. Never happy and never satisfied. Typical
Received via Email 04-18-14 TOO EASY, BLACKIE, TOO EASY ! ! !
Received via Email 04-18-14 Jeeesus, Blackie. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Sounds like you could learn a few NEW curse words.
Received via Email 04-18-14 Im convinced that Blackie McBlackerson is a white man and you guys are falling right into his bullshit.
Received via Email 04-19-14 Do you think 4/18#4? Dumbass
Received via Email 04-19-14 It's a shame that Brad Wesphal has won every round but the city keeps dragging him back to court and screwing him over. I'd personally like to thank Bill Foster for bending him and others on this dept. over. I'd also like to thank Blank and Hay for backing this asshole for Mayor because they are in way over their heads.
Received via Email 04-22-14 Dick Tully never heard of Bruce Smith? No surprise there. It's not much of an insult when someone that no longer matters says they've never heard of you. I doubt there is a single member still on the department that ever worked with dick. I mean Dick.
Received via Email 04-22-14 What does it mean when someone says they have been "associated" with the fire department for 51 years? Just because you worked somewhere over 30 years ago for a couple of decades, that makes you continuously "associated?" If you think a pension check is the same thing as a paycheck, maybe you should stop by the station in the morning and clean some bathrooms.
Maybe you still chase fire engines, but it's not the same thing as being on them. If someone was born 51 years ago in Mound Park Hospital, that doesn't mean that he is still "associated" with Bayfront Medical Center.
Received via Email 04-23-14 Maybe a dues paying member for 51 years, I'd count that as being associated with us!!!!!!!!
TEAM: And unlike some of working members, you can no-doubt find the union hall.
Don't Just Read This... Do Something About It!
Ray Landis informs us that not a single member of Local 747 has signed up to witness the hearing of Brad Wesphal's Florida Supreme Court case in Tallahassee. The timing is bad for L-747's leadership in that the date of the hearing coincides with our FPF Convention. What does this mean for the rest of the membership? The time for talking is over. It's time to take action. Brad's attorneys are investing $1,800 in an effort to get members to the hearing because they know that a room filled with Fire Fighters is important to Brad's chances of winning this case for all of us. On the 5th of June when the bus is scheduled to leave at 0330 the C-Shift is the offgoing shift. Are the no A-Shifters who will work for a few hours for a C-Shifter who wishes to go? Are there no B-Shifters (Brad's shift) that are willing to invest a day to watch a Brother's back?
Received via Email 04-28-14 June 5 is an A Shift.
Received via Email 04-29-14 John Barfield will work for someone.. 8/A
Received via Email 05-21-14 If anyone has read this last Sunday's "local section" of the St. Pete Times/tribune, there is a pretty interesting article about Workers Comp and the City Council concerned of the rising cost and 45% increase last year alone. If you don't think this and Brad's upcoming case has anything to do with your future, think long and hard. Not too long... because we need to rally for him on June 5th. Please pass the word.
Received via Email 05-27-14 HEY 4/22 #2, I believe he's cleaned his fair share of bathrooms. The problem with this dept. is disrespectful a$$****s like you. His dues have been long paid. Lets see what your miserable a$$ has to say if and when you retire. By the way this brotherhood is going you'd be lucky we still have a retirement in the future. The bathroom is still dirty so get back in there and do your job. Oh never mind, it's you stinking the joint up. See you at the next meeting,.. mutt wannabe!!
Received via Email 05-29-14 5-27 #1: You're right about Dick, he's cleaned enough bathrooms.
Also, I pay taxes in this town so go scrub my firehouse toilets, bitch.
Received via Email 05-30-14 I hear that the captains and DC's are asking for 3 & 3. Since Kriseman has already been around to some of the stations and said that we weren't paid enough, I'll bet they get it. That's another 6% going into their pension and DROP! Wouldn't it have been great if Blank and Hay hadn't screwed over the one guy who never fucked us over like Foster did repeatedly. The things we could have done with a contract and a new mayor THIS YEAR!!!! BLANK AND HAY SHOULD BE RECALLED for the harm they've done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 06-04-14 5/29 #1. We all pay taxes, but you still have an issue with cleaning toilets, part of your job..duh!
Received via Email 06-06-14 Does anyone know how Brad Westphal's case went?
Received via Email 06-20-14 Must be nice to be on 40hr and never have to use vacation time. No one is there today but Telestaff says they should be. Noticed the same thing the other day when there was a day baseball game. Must be a perk but hey I get another rday in about a year and a half.
Received via Email 06-21-14 Oh come on now. You know they were just on an extended lunch break and they all worked past 5 to make up for it.
Received via Email 09-04-14 I see that IAFF members from around the country somehow managed to collect $28 MILLION dollars for those less fortunate suffering from 1 of the many forms of Muscular Dystrophy. Can anyone tell me how much was collected by Local 747?
Received via Email 09-04-14 9/04 post #1, you ask how much was collected by 747? Take the amount that you collected during the past 8 months and add that to the same amount collected by the other 350 members of Local 747. There in lies your answer.
Received via Email 09-05-14 Lets see if I have this straight. I don't remember seeing any information about collection dates for MDA therefore I personally didn't collect anything. Are you telling me??????
Received via Email 09-08-14 Wasn't Chuck Moore handling something with MDA??
Received via Email 09-08-14 No, Chuckie the stooge only used that as an excuse to go on an all expense paid mini vacation on the expense account of the MDA and his Union Brothers and Sisters everywhere. At least he wont have to go again since he has already been there. Now maybe he can do it. I guess he will use the MDA collections to try to do what those that have used the United Way.
Received via Email 09-17-14 Chuckie the Stooge, now thats funny, dont foget his tramp stamp or forget he is the end result of his daddy.
Received via Email 09-19-14 So lets see, "Chuckles" drops the ball on MDA, makes our Union and Dept. as a whole look like the apathetic, uncaring, self centered people that we truly are not! Any half wit that votes for him, " spent my career at #2 doing nothing but nap.. angry Artie, or Geek Squad... screw you I got mine Deschryver, needs to go to Moore (less) and get a tramp stamp saying insert here. Because in the end you will inevitably be F****d. No lube needed. If your lucky they might spit on i!t
Received via Email 09-19-14 How is it that none of the 3 candidates mentioned in the above post attended the union meeting Thursday night? Was there heart and soul really into this endeavor or is it possible they really were just pawns of the Blank one and his "Dutch Rudder" Steve Hay.
Received via Email 09-19-14 So let me understand. You hardly show up for a meeting, no partisapation in events, no political campaigning, and you want to lead the Local? Just because the President needs a strong hold to keep the city in charge of the lube container because you spouse carries your balls in her purse..Well I know where my vote is not going!!!
Received via Email 09-19-14 The 2nd post on 9-19-14 brings up interesting point the 3 candidates to haven't incurred the expense of sending out a letter were not at last nights Union meeting, BUT ALL 3 of the ones that did, were. Now tell me again who wants to work for me?
Received via Email 09-23-14 The way I see it, it appears that we have individuals that are interested in taking on the responsibility of Office so they can help, serve, and protect the Brothers and Sisters of this local. They have shown this by making sure they are present at meetings on a regular basis, they stay informed, and they are consistently in the mix when something is going on or needs to be done. Then they go to a great out of pocket expense to put their desires on paper, print and mail the letters out to the membership. On the other hand we have those that have no experiances to draw on, rely on a letter of intention to run for an office, and dont show up to meetings or put forth an effort that proves they are interested. Do I need to say more?
Received via Email 10-02-14 Hey, What DC totaled the new DCs vehicle ?
Received via Email 10-03-14 That would be 2 dick Johnson. He has a lot on his mind. I wonder how much time off he will get for this one?
Received via Email 10-03-14 One day my wife was driving to the firehouse to visit me and while taking the exit off of the interstate she said a red fire vehicle (suburban type) quickly came up behind her on the single lane exit right on her bumper and scared the Hell out of her. Not giving her time to react and with no place to go being a single lane exit she said he was on the siren crazy, on top of her vehicle and went around her off of the paved exit like a crazy driver. It turns out after I did some investigating myself I had figured out the call and the DC that responded to it. Was the same Dick. He is an unsafe person, can do no wrong, (well that's already be proven otherwise), and this department needs to address this once and for all. We have a crap load of higher ups that think they are above it all and in reality they get to follow different rules. Cover up. But, lets hammer the guys and gals in blue. Can't wait til the mayor drops the gavel. It will be a great dept again on day. Crap flows downhill not up hill.
Received via Email 10-03-14 2nd 10/3, that doesnt surprise me one bit. Everyone knows DC Johnson is a wannabe 1970s CHIPs character. (for you younger folks that was a hit TV show called CHIPs, google it ! It had on occasions some real aggressive California Highway Patrolman.) Well, that is Dick Johnsons dream, and since he will never be able to be one, He volunteers as a COP on his day off and then he drives like a lunatic chasing a felony case everytime he hits the highway in the DCs Vehicle. And now you know why he hammers everyone except himself. Its because he cant give real tickets so the closest he gets to that is giving you folks a RED ticket. Now you all truly know the true DICK, just a wannabe bad cop. GO FIGURE !! If you dont believe any of this ask him about the Southside Riots back in the late ninetys(civil disturbance for all you political correct people) Those were his favorite 2 days on the Job, just ask him, He loves that the Sheriff came in and Kicked some Ass !! Wannabe bad cop written all over King Richard Dick Johnson. He must have been bullied as a kid. Kinda have to feel sorry for the little chubby guy.
Received via Email 10-04-14 3rd 10/13 that is hilarious, I am laughing my ass off right now at that. That just seems so true to me. Ha ha hahahaha
Received via Email 10-05-14 Hey maybe Dick Johnson will come to work next A shift. All the R days and his Sick day every 3 weeks just isnt quite enough. Pathetic employee
Received via Email 10-06-14 Just wait and watch how quickly dick goes running to the union for protection once large finally realizes he should be taking action against dick for his carelessness, reckless driving and inconsideration for other drivers on the road. What happened to guilty until proven innocent jimmy? No worries though. Soon this will all come to an end and all of the real issues will be fixed when the hammer comes down. For the People.
Received via Email 10-06-14 The verdict is in: The Firefighters have spoken. They want the Blank regime GONE. Did you get that Michael Blank. They want you out of there. If not they would have voted for your clowns, and they DID NOT. So don't leave mad, just leave !!
Received via Email 10-07-14 How will dick and our new EVP get a long? Hmmmmmm. I already know that answer. Glad you're back in the saddle Rick.
Received via Email 10-08-14 Who cares about Dick hes just a lowly DC - like Large is just a lowly Chief. Exec. VP Pauley has more power than both those clowns.
Received via Email 10-09-14 10/6 #2, Yes they have. Sorry BoBo the clown, your show has just been cancelled. It will take years to gain back the ground we've lost. A lot of work to do, but at least on a positive note!
Received via Email 11-27-14 HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL
Received Via Email 12-06-14 The lame-duck Congress plots to undermine retiree pensions
Received Via Email 12-08-14 I clearly remember that our past union president saying that this was coming. Will you stand by and allow MTB let this happen is the question?