Received via Email: 10-01-13  I'll always sign my name when I post here. No, not any of the 5 members at the Patriot Day's Breakfast had any hidden agenda. We were invited as guest of former St. Petersburg Council member, and Florida State Representative Rick Kriseman. Not a single one of us went there with any thing in mind except honoring our Brother & Sister Firefighters, Police & EMS that gave the ultimate sacrifice on September 11. As we stood side by side with Military, active and retired, Fire & Police, the very last thing on my mind was Politics. Anyone that suggest otherwise is not a Patriot at all. I was humbled as I shared our table with a 95 y/o WW II Veteran. The event made me cherish life just that much more as a father and Civil Servant. I ask this of each of you. Do not draw conclusions from a statement that points to the false fact that we were there for political reasons. We were there as Americans.


John F. Barfield

Received via Email: 10-01-13  Well said JB. You were there to honor those that put their lives on the line for each one of us. Not a single one was there as politician, but to honor and thank those that have given so much. BTW, does anyone know what table Chief Large sat at?

Received via Email: 10-01-13  We are being duped on a grand scale unlike anything we have ever seen before. If this pack of lies passes, it wont be until Jan. 2016 that we will all finally learn the truth about what has happened. Here is the real kicker, Michael Blank is in the DROP and has already been telling folks that he wont be around for all of it. Chief Jimmy and Mayor Froster with any luck will be run out of town well before that. In other words, they will be gone and we will be stuck holding the bag of goo.

Received via Email: 10-01-13  I truely feel bad that Patty will again have to endure the bullshit of yet another move. I hope that she makes life for those that despise her a living hell. It will be nice not to have to put up with Chief Bag o Shit's visits on a daily basis anymore tho. I am sure he will check the staffing board everyday to find out when he can safely visit. Bite them in the ass Patty. You cant kick them in the balls though because they dont have any.

Received via Email: 10-01-13

TAMPA — After some lean and hungry years, workers at City Hall like the idea of looking forward to a raise again.

So this week two unions for city employees embraced proposed labor contracts that would provide across-the-board pay increases of 2 percent in the coming year, 2.5 percent in 2015 and 3.5 percent in 2016.
Blank and Hay should be the Us Vs Them Snake Oil Salesmen Of The Year.

Received via Email: 10-01-13  I just heard this and thought that it had to be shared. During the 9/11 memorial breakfast the Chief Large is so happily patting himself on the back about and at the same time bashing 5 of our brothers and sister over, I hear the Billy Mott presented a Union Challange Coin to the 95 year old World War II combat veteran to show him how much the Firefighters appreciated his service to our country and our way of life. Meanwhile Jimmy was sitting at who's table? Besides his superman belt buckle I wonder what else he was polishing? Yes Jimmy, some of SPFR's finest represented the profession they love, and paid their respects to those that deserved it most, but it was in no way thanks to you.

Received via Email: 10-01-13  Haaaaaaaaaa. Watching a Tom Hanks movie on AMC and who so I see in a Rick Kriseman commercial at 11:30pm???  This shit is great. You couldn't write a script like this. Go Rick Go Rick Go Rick.

Received via Email: 10-01-13  Patty should file a harassment suit but she is to good for that, She will just make your life miserable Mr.Coffee. Better start hanging out at Station 10 cause the big house is no longer a place you can just railroad your dumb ideas into. Go Patty.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  With Don Barker leaving, I just realized something. He was the last person that Jimbo had any connection to with his good old days. Yes Jimmy, you are that f'in old. I guess this will mean he can start telling all of his old storie again, but now he can tell them HIS way since there is no one left to refute them. Dont you think 40 years of your misery is long enough to subject us to? Leave while you still have a little hair left.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  The MFS would like to welcome senior ff.knuckey to our station, we are honored to have you here.... maybe you can share your wisdom with some of these newbies about this fire department and how full of shit hq staff truly are.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  Ok 10/1 who'd ya see in the commercial!???

Received via Email: 10-02-13  Jimmy Large is seriously worried about Pauley and this contract. He has Fosters wang so far down his throat that he looks like his personal fool. can write a memo a day and it won't change a thing. We don't negotiate with you. Never have never will.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  Jimmy's secretary must be on vacation. Now you no wut a edukation from ekerd collage is worth in the real world.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  In my 20+ years on this department I have never witnessed a chief officer issue a dept wide memo regarding union negotiations. I am continually baffled by this chief. This is a subject he should never interject his comments on or try to persuade voting.  Regardless of him telling us multiple times to vote out conscience, you get the impression he wants you to vote for this contract. Stop for a minute and ask yourself, why would the chief of this department be so hell bent on us voting in this contract?  Makes you wonder.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  You can bet with the ballots going out tomorrow, Large wanted to stick his nose right where it doesn't belong at the very last minute. He's scared that Blank and Foster might not get back in so he tells us about the scare tactics that are all around while using a few of his own. Stick to what you do well, Jimmy and that's giving interviews about fire axes and donuts.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  Jimbo's Memo:
As I mentioned last week there is a tremendous amount of speculation and rumor circulating. I wanted to share some insight into some of the latest.

This involves the current contract up for vote. I was told that since the contract does not say the city will hire the eighteen then there are no guarantees, that in fact the City will declare financial hardship and force overtime to cover R Days. First, vote you’re conscious, it’s your contract. My concern is that you do it with real information and not speculation and propaganda. Every discussion to date regarding the shorter work week involves the hiring of eighteen new firefighters before January of 2016. There are unknown factors that certainly exist. One is a mayoral election. The flood insurance issue is another. Should the bottom fall out of the economy, the City use up its reserves, and ultimately declares and proves financial hardship then any contract would likely be voided whether it involves raises or shorter work week. There certainly would not be overtime to back fill. The reality is we just went through the worst economic times of my 39 plus years and did not declare financial hardship, why would we think it will happen because of or during this contract. If that is a legitimate fear then it should have been there for every multiyear contract ever signed or any proposed in the future. Bottom line, it is an illogical scare tactic. 

As stated previously it is your contract. I have no vested interest either way. The reality is do you want a three year contract with a shorter work week in 2016 and a 2% GWI in year one or you do not and want to go back to the negotiating table. At this time anything else is speculation. Thank you and be safe!

Why don't I believe him? First he says that his concern is that you do it with real information and not speculation and propaganda. You mean like the kind of propaganda Blank and Hay have been spewing? The only thing missing from their act is the snake oil bottle. He just can't swallow the fact that we're putting the stink eye on this contract because it's all right in front of our face. "Every discussion to date regarding the shorter work week involves the hiring of eighteen new firefighters before January of 2016". Judge Judy would say "if it's not in the contract, it doesn't exist. Have a nice day". Remember when the city signed the MOU for the drop extension and then said they'd take it back from the captains and DC's and keep it from us all togeither? We had a signed contract and the city still fucked us. We had to spend $10K in court to beat the lying bastards. The only reason Large is popping off about this subject is because he's scared that he's about to be in the shit again and won't get his bonus.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  As is mentioned in the above post Chief Large is obviously running scared. I must also add a few of my factual memories to this story, and since you choose to go by your failing memory, I will rely on printed facts. First off it is Chief Large that speaks of speculation and rumor, yup you got that correct. Unfortunately it is your boys that are uttering the falsehoods. The mention of the financial hardship was spewed forth out of your #2 liar Hay at Tuesdays Contract let me tell it my way meeting. As for the Flood insurance issue, that comes from your fellow administrative bean counters in the Mayors office. This issue was never brought up at the table by either side. You then mention that EVERY discussion to date involved the hiring of 18 firefighters. If you will ask your 2 bookends that were at most of the bargaining sessions you will hear from them that the FD stood firm on 21 firefighters for the entire time Now you say that somewhere an agreement has been reached to hire 18 firefighters. I took pause to reread your threat about how things may change with the Mayoral Election. What you don't think we already know we are screwed if Foster keeps his seat? We aint scared, what's to give up? A single 2% GWI over the last 3 years and the next 3 years? You must think we are a bunch of chicken necked hookers for you to think we can be screwed for this pittance. Chief Large also says that during the worst 39 years of his career the worst have been during his Leadership and the city did not declare financial hardship. I guess if you want to go by his memory then its probably a true statement. However if you were to ask him about the "Financial Urgency" (this is the proper term in the Florida Statute) that Mayor Baker declared back in 2009. Have him find the memo dated April 20th, 2009 from the Labor Relations Manager Rose McCormick that was sent to him, Chiefs Wimberly, Ward, and Jolley. Then ask him to look up the letter that was sent on May 7th, 2009 to Florida Governor Charlie Crist by our 11th District U.S. Representative Kathy Castor that created a terrific uproar. Eventually after many meetings between President Newton and ALL of the City Council members this non existent threat went away. Hey Chief is it coming back to you yet? You finish by stating you have no vested interest either way yet you keep putting your nose in our business like its the Mayors ass.
I will finish with this;
Local 747 spent many dollars fighting for the implementation of a MOU times 2 that was bargained for in good faith and SIGNED. Chief Large and Mayor Foster refused to honor this agreement.

Members of Local 747 have endured the short staffing levels that have resulted in FRONT LINE firefighting units sitting OUT OF SERVICE on a regular basis. This was done by Chief Large with the approval of Mayor Foster.

Local 747 fought hard for the City to request funding through the SAFER Grant to help with staffing concerns. Chief Large and his Administration presented many hours of testimony to Mayor Foster and the City Council telling them that we had no such problem. Mayor Foster stated out right that he would be the "bad guy" by refusing to apply for the Grant if it was pushed.

As a City Council member Bill Foster stood proudly in front of the new Heavy 4 when it was delivered and pretended that it was something special. To this day Heavy 4 has never been staffed.

Chief Large and Mayor Foster froze hiring and promotions resulting in further staffing problems.

Chief Large pushed Local 747 into impasse while he alone stood firm on his demands that all firefighters couldn't be trusted and needed to subject themselves to Random Drug testing and Mandatory Annual Physicals. Just this past month the requirement for the Supervisory unit to have Random Drug tests was withdrawn for their contract with the HR director mumbling that this unit is not who they were seeking in the first place because they are of such higher honor and trust worthy

Local 747 negotiates its contracts with a representative appointed by the Mayor, which is the Labor Relations Department, NOT JIM LARGE.

Labor Relations is tasked with interpreting the Language that is or is not in our WRITTEN agreement, NOT CHIEF LARGE. There are no verbal agreements in a printed agreement because they don't stay in the book even with big staples.

Since Mayor Foster is the custodian of our agreement why hasn't he come forth with a piece of paper with this simple agreement on it? Has he reneged on this agreement too?

Chief Large and Mayor Foster have shown us time and time again that they cant be trusted with facts or hand shakes and this latest attempt to paint anyone of us as being untruthful is definitely calling a duck a duck. So keep quacking your total BS Chief and take head to your own words, "I have no vested interested interest in this either way" and shut the F up.

Thanks to Chief Large and Mayor Foster, I have begun to use this old adage as my new Motto. Trust but Verify. Even this is going to be tough when you look back on what Chief Large and Mayor Foster have done to us in the last few years under this Leadership.

Received via Email: 10-02-13  To the idiotic illogical whore mongers, I as well as many others like me do not use our hard earned dollars to buy additional days off. With that said, if I don't do it willingly why should I be forced to do it? I'm a greedy Bastard that is planning to have a decent retirement life. I want pensionable wages to follow me for the rest of my life and to carry over to my beloved wife if that should be the way it happens. I plan to be enjoying my retirement, 24/7/365 annual days off, with the money that I am investing now for that sole purpose. Please don't throw me under the bus because you are so shortsighted.

Your union president and vice president can't properly guide this union into the future as long as they continue to keep their head's stuck in the sand.  There's a big world out there and it starts right outside our door.  It's time for a little education...

In their rush to bring a contract offer back to a vote to save Blank's bid for president and Foster's for mayor, Blank and Hay forgot to rewrite and then offer a most important staffing article - instead allowing Chris Guella to draft yet another contract proposal for Local 747 to swallow.  What an embarrassment!  When challenged on the fact that while out pimping the offer to the troops in the fire stations, neither the president nor vice president made any mention of the fact that the hiring of additional personnel isn't addressed in the TA's articles - we were told that the members are pretty smart and that with the information provided to them, they could either vote it up or vote it down. 

Smart, yes!  But smart is how they showed up.  Ignorant of all the facts is how you left them when you walked away, Steve Hay and Mike Blank.  It's called a lie by omission and you two are really bad at it.

And now that members have had a chance to actually read what is and isn't in the T/A'd contract articles that Bill Mott had to extract from HR, Blank and Hay are using the excuse that they simply can't force the City to place a provision in our contract that calls for the hiring of new members because of the existing Management Rights article.  The fact of the matter is, they never even asked.  New language could have been introduced into the contract that would have not only accomplished our goals but also respected management's rights.

As odd as it may sound, nearly every city has a Management Rights clause included in their Collective Bargaining Agreements.  The city of Tampa has a Management Rights article in their FD's Collective Bargaining Agreement but it didn't stop them from fully enumerating (in one little sentence), exactly how many people they were going to hire and over what period of time.  Why didn't Blank and Hay know this? 


8.4  The City will continue to explore voluntary compliance with NFPA 1710.  Said review shall in no way be considered endorsement or agreement with NFPA 1710 by the City  Both the City and the Union recognize the importance and complexity, as well as the impact that NFPA 1710 would have on public safety issues.  For FY05, FY06, and FY07 the City shall add seven new positions each year.

Received via Email: 10-03-13  We are DOOMED! 2 mores years of blank stares at the negotiating table!

Received via Email: 10-03-13  You think it has been bad. Just you wait and see.  Large is now in full control of you and your time off for the next 2 years.

Received via Email: 10-03-13  Weak fools.

Received via Email: 10-03-13  Unfortunately this shitty contract will get voted in by the narrow margin. So blank will do nothing for next two years. So you weak minded fu**ers have own and reduced this sorry ass local to lower than whale shit

Received via Email: 10-03-13  The SADDEST PART of the "election" was that only 77% returned their ballot. There was a total of 79 Brothers & Sisters that didn't take a minute to care about the future of their co workers,its a damn shame. We are the laughing stock of the IAFF.

Received via Email: 10-03-13  I would like to personally thank every lazy POS who forgot or decided not to send in their ballot.  4 votes could have kept us from having to deal with Elmer Fudd for two more years while we watch our union circle the drain. Thanks, assholes!

Received via Email: 10-03-13  Chief Large running Local 747. He has campaigned, and has written current event memos to sway votes. Chief Large, Good Job ASSHOLE, now why dont you try and be a chief instead of a union delegate. Oh yeah, you will never be a chief just a big Suck Ass until January when Kriseman wins the election and FIRES your sorry ass.

Received via Email: 10-03-13  Today the successful story of the disentigration of Local 747 continues. Come tomorrow you will find the Douglas's, Zifels, and Mr Haney watching your union. God I hope I can keep my nose clean and my mouth shut for my last 13 months. I feel so sorry for the rest of you.

Received via Email: 10-04-13
Another great representation of our fire dept...WTF??

Received via Email: 10-04-13  Must be leadership of department. I like we leave him on duty and allowed to go into the fine citizens homes. I am sure that is not awkward. Its not like he does not stick out like a blister.

Received via Email: 10-04-13  I don't mean to be and arrogant jerk about the outcome of the election.  And I don't want to say I told you so a few weeks ago.  BUT, I TOLD YOU SO.  I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN.  SO FAR I'M ONE FOR THREE.  AND YES, I AM AN ARROGANT JERK.  OR WHAT IS IT SOMEONE SAID ABOUT ATTENTION WHORES?  YEP, I'M APPARENTLY ONE OF THEM TOO.  But the most important thing I am is RIGHT about the members of this Local.  You did it to yourselves again and now it's time to pay up.  It's pretty obvious that the members are satisfied and happy with the representation they're getting.  Your contract, if you ever get one, will reflect that fact.  I predicted that the membership would vote in the current President again and they did.

Now you have two more things that I predict you will do.  One, like I said before, is to ratify the crap contract that the reelected President will offer you.  And two, you will sit on your ass like the good little weaklings you are and do nothing to help candidate Kriesman and Foster will get reelected just like Mike.  In fact that should be the motto of the SPF&R from now on.  "JUST LIKE MIKE".  Get some T shirts made up.  I'll bet the Chief will let you wear them on duty.

So far I'm one for three.  Not very impressive since it was almost a given that the reelection of the current President would happen.  Sheep are sheep.  It should be interesting to see what the future brings.

Dick Tully

Received via Email: 10-04-13  I thought it was dog the bounty hunter at first. I am guessing he may be working along side the Vail's and other f up's  that don't realize how good they have it.

Received via Email: 10-04-13  I thought we had a hair policy. Guess number 12 has their own set of rules.

Received via Email: 10-04-13  Give em Heck Dick. Sorry but your wasting your time talking to these people. Well, at least the majority that voted for Blank. They don't know how to reason and Chief Large has them all in his mind control grip. Not to mention their all STUPID. If I were you Dick I would go out and talk to some cows, pigs, or goats on the farm, they would be more apt to listen to you then these new breed of idiots lead by none other than brainless Chief Large (and his kiss ass division chiefs he has licking his boots everyday). The department is cut almost in half. Those with intelligence and those without. And we all know which half are the idiots. 

Received via Email: 10-05-13  10-04-13  #4
I think you're right.  I would like to see if my other two predictions come home to roost and then I think, if they prove to be true, it's time to quit caring about this Local and most of it's members.  The very people that need protecting aren't willing to help themselves and appear to have a desire to see just how far they can spin this Local into the toilet.  Based on the last two years of history I'd say it's time to give up the Local Charter and go back to being at the mercy of the Chief.  And you're already halfway there.

Face it.  Most of the members never thought they'd be making as much as they do for as little as they do in a million years.  And on a high school education.  And having never been in the working community, other than to flip fries at Mickey's, they don't have anything to compare unionism to.  They don't understand it and they don't want to find out.  Beating this dead horse of a membership will probably never produce the intended results.  They have a mind set that any attempt to make changes will somehow result in bad things happening to them.  Winnie carried them and they had no reason to think for themselves.  He produced and that was all that mattered.  As usual, someone else taking care of those who wouldn't take care of themselves.  But in cooking *that* goose, for whatever reason, they thought that a change would be SSDD and they had nothing to lose.  They soon found that they had made a grave mistake but there was no way to alter that without looking ignorant and emb

So to save face they prop up a straw man and some weak underlings and shove them into running the Local expecting things to be like they were but with other people.  People who would be willing to tell them lies about what was going on and would "try" to get them benefits without losing the ones they already had.  People who would soften the results of poor bargaining tactics an would lie to them to keep them "informed".  People who would reason with the city rather than demand.  People who would "try" to win benefits but if they failed it was fine.  At least they "tried". 

Along comes an alternative.  One who will fight and has the skills and knowledge and support of many of the old timers in the Local.  He talks of standing up to the city and working to get a contract that improves rather than accepts losses.  He talks of making the Local strong and supporting a mayoral candidate who could make positive changes for the membership rather than that SSDD that they, the membership, wanted so badly.  He talks of overcoming the flaws of the current incumbent and of working for each and every member to make their lives better.  And what did the membership do?  They determined that SSDD was fine.  They didn't want any improvements over exactly what they had.  And if losing some benefits was necessary it was fine with them.  They just don't want their job put in jeapordy.  They'll swallow every insult and continue to be intimidated by every memo the Chief sends out in order to go along to get along.

So expecting to find a light at the end of the tunnel, as some of us admittedly did, we only found a group of boot licking psycophants groveling to do the Chief's bidding and being cowed into submission.  It's time to take a hard look at what has become of that which some of us worked so hard for.  We don't recognize it.  We can't understand it.  And it's like the saying goes; "it's not your daddy's fire department any more".  No it's not.  And just because there's no smoke on the horizon doesn't mean that this is a great fire department.  The term firefighter used to mean something.  But in St. Petersburg it's just a term for someone who shows up with water and tosses it on whatever's burning.  The rest of the time they're no different than the average joe blow working at Mickeys.

Dick Tully 

Received via Email: 10-05-13  To the Honorable Dick Tulley, I have been reading your post and thinking to myself if you missed anything. Nope I cant think of any. I guess you nailed this one firmly on the head. Its a shame that we have voted ourselves into certain non-existance. Instead of resist, struggle, or even fight for what is our right, we line up to swallow our table spoon of cod liver oil. So we we have shit coming in and more shit going out. Even a lonely toilet that takes your shit daily still gets a hug once in a while. We arent even rated as high as a toilet anymore. We may as well take the lids off of ours since we will never be able to close them again.

Received via Email: 10-05-13

Have you noticed the latest form of threat coming from those under the powers of Mayor Foster? It seems that Silly Billy has taken notice to all of the suspensions, newspaper articles, and arrests that have been surfacing lately and he has called in Jimmy to let him know of his displeasures. On top of this he is not at all happy with the nay-sayers and malcontents that refuse to swallow what is being pumped to the troops. Mayor Foster has made it perfectly clear to Jimbo, that this election and contract are to pass at all costs. So Jimmy is pulling out all stops in his last chance to save his job. With the help of the Mayors minions, Chief Large has put together the largest group of swallowers ever amassed.  No one on the wannabe list has been missed, and they are swarming and descending on us like a bunch of ants on a crumb. The new speech is one of recon-silly-ation and make this work out. In order to do this we are just being asked to follow the new Motto, "Just lie for the other guy".  That's right, forget your morals and up bringing. Do that and you can throw out any hope of ever bringing this floundering ship back to a seaworthy craft again. You need to realize that your beliefs and gut instincts are of no use anymore. The sooner you get over it the better.


Received via Email: 10-06-13  Good news is NO more Brownouts. Bad news is, the same day we got rid of Engine 1 and Truck 13. Wait just a minute, those were the two vehicles being browned out mostly anyway. Now they are permanently gone and Large is making it look like he is a hero by not browning out anymore. Everyone sees through your smoke and mirrors Large. Are you really that ignorant to think all of us are that stupid to not see the truth. You may fool the city council and Silly Billy but the firefighters and citizens see right through you.

Received via Email: 10-06-13  Here's a new one the two dim wits at local 747 are trying to force out Brother Jon Pearl! Since he was working for Kriseman, and just happened to be in a commercial the dumb & dumber one says he should resign as he is doing things damaging to our local! WTF?? What do you call lies you spread on a daily basis?(candidate screenings,etc.) How about your secret lil whispers at stations? Hay slamming JP and others running that know would have kept u accountable? Oh and the check out the answers for yourself if you want the real numbers you advised us all at the contract explanation.. The new low you have brought this local to is sad and disgraceful.
I guess you owe your re election to So Pas & Lealman. They weren't clued in enough to see your evil ways. Don't worry soon enough you all will be a part of SPFR and reap the beni's of stupidity. 

Received via Email: 10-07-13  I guess I told you so. Jim Kuntzelman has just proven the phrase, Just Lie for the Other Guy. With his vast 7 years of amassed knowledge, he has proclaimed Dumb and Dumber as the first Negotiators that have ever sucked their way into a contract. I am glad to report that he is truely a wise man. Woulda thunk it, while everyone else was out to protect only themselves, the Blank one and the Hay seed gave it all away so that they could feel the Mayors warm feeling in their gullets yet another day. I know its hard for a newbie to understand but you had better wake up soon. Look around you, its not just the hard work from this job that is wearing everyone down, but all of the hours they, like yourself work at the other jobs. Lets get it good here and you wouldn't need to pretend that your career is the sole culprit as much as it is your greed and "I've got mine" attitude.

Received via Email: 10-07-13  So what is R Smith getting? I am thinking of driving drunk (48hrs)to go get a hummer in a hummer (? Hrs). I need Christmas and New Years off, so just trying to plan my time off.  Thanks

Received via Email: 10-08-13  If you keepit under 30 days of suspension it doent count against you when you retire. However even if your fired and then get your job back a year later, you just stay around forever and still go out with a 100% pension while subjecting yourself to daily duties at HQ.

Received via Email: 10-08-13  Just as a clarification, I put in to go to the MFS. I'm tired of moving. I take my share of responsibility in this with dropping my county EMT certification. I acknowledge that time marches on and things change (ALS engines). What I will never accept is a department that continually short staffs its vehicles and refuses to ask for more people. For all you younger employees out there....this city and certain administrative types don't give a damn about you. It's all about feathering their own nests and just completely giving up their integrity, which I suspect was in short supply anyway. Anyhow, although I didn't want to leave ten, I wanted to live out of my car less. I also like being busy. If some people don't like my big mouth or hearing the truth, don't ask me. I'm here for 6 more years...dig it! And thank you to the MFS for taking an old fart in.

Received via Email: 10-08-13  Crap. Forgot to sign my name. That was pknuck concerning the MFS move. Oh, and one more thing. I'll sit at whomevers table I want to. I like Rick Kriseman. I was invited to sit there. If you don' t like it you can kiss my fat ass.

Received via Email: 10-08-13  If we go with the Unions latest track record Rons looking at 10 shifts. Oh the pain. Good luck Ron.

Received via Email: 10-08-13  Charlie Crist will endorse Rick Kriseman in St. Petersburg mayor's race
I'm guessing Large forgot to put a call in to Crist to tell him that Kriseman's a dick too.

Received via Email: 10-08-13 missed this one. Wengay Newton makes councilman #6 to endorse Kriseman. Foster's the real dick.

Received via Email: 10-08-13  Congratulations go out to our one and only true Union Brother Jon Pearl. I dont know how you keep getting it done, but you are Da Man. Somehow single handedly you have lined up 6 of the Mayors own council against him and now you have pulled in the endorsement of Charlie Crist. I now understand why Chief Large and MTB are pulling out all the stops to run you out of the picture. I wonder what you could do if you faced NO restrictions?

Received via Email: 10-09-13  Today Tom Lewis gets it, again. Hay is going to brake our bank on this one.

Received via Email: 10-09-13  For Jon Pearl to be scaring a certain few he's either got pictures of he's got facts. Either way your fucked.

Received via Email: 10-09-13  According to past President of the United States, he wasn't having sexual relations with that prositute. Stay classy SPFR, stay classy. 

Received via Email: 10-09-13  Just as a clarification, Patty is a lying jerk. We kicked her and her best buddy Curtis out of 10 for being lazy and good for nothing. Good riddance! - D. Pepe

Received via Email: 10-09-13  Pepe,  you couldn't carry Patty's jock strap.

Received via Email: 10-09-13  Pepe, props for signing your name.  Too bad you're a liar.

Received via Email: 10-09-13  Hahaha!  F***in Pepe. Gayfer. Hugs, pknuck

Received via Email: 10-10-13  P Knuck your ass not that big. jRiz

Received via Email: 10-10-13  Hahahaha! Thanks you sexy beeotch. Pknuck

Received via Email: 10-12-13  What is this Station 10 hour? Come on Wally get your people inline.

Received via Email: 10-12-13  Piss off 10/12  #1. 

Received via Email: 10-12-13  10/12 2  Its all about you !!  ha ha ha ha

Received via Email: 10-12-13  At least we signed our names. Good natured fun gutless. PKNUCK

Received via Email: 10-13-13  From what I keep hearing is that when the new work week takes affect, the way the admo=in is going to handle the staffing is this simple, All current 2 company stations will go to a single ALS quint. No more stand alone rescue boxes and the Real Ladder trucks will sit unstaffed just like all of our specialty units, until needed. I hear that admin has already determined that they will staff these ALS quints with 4 in their attempt to fool us. Of course the ISO will never be told of this, and we will just continue with the staffing and equipment deception that has become so common within the walls of SPFR. Dishonesty, what a concept.
TEAM:  Dishonesty and half truths were employed to ensure that this contract offer is going to be ratified.  How many of you saw that coming?  "None so blind as those that will not see.”

Received via Email: 10-14-13  I saw it coming.  And I predicted it would happen.  If it does, I'm two for three.  Now all I have to do is get foster reelected and I'm a winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Dick Tully

Received via Email: 10-14-13  Does anyone know how many inspector openings there are downtown?

Received via Email: 10-15-13  OK who was there & can confirm or denies this? While counting the ballots, there was one that had Blank's name X'ed, then a line through it, then Pauley's name checked. Blanked pitched such a fit and demanded the vote. And he was awarded it? Also, multiple members that sent their votes in and they never appeared? If I am not wrong, if a ballot is not marked properly isn't it considered null & void? Why then did Blank get awarded the vote? This kind of foolery needs to invalidate the vote, call for another election done face to face in the stations or at the Union Office!!!!
Mr. Tully was the rules the same in your administration? I am going to find my union contract and see if we can get the job done lawfully.

Received via Email: 10-15-13  Also it is understood that mouth of south Barfield did not vote. So he might of received 10 votes instead of 9.

Received via Email: 10-15-13  I seen the list. Barfield voted. How about you?

Received via Email: 10-15-13  10/15 # 2 I am amazed you took the time to read a memo. I at least took my mouth and made the words, true that they are, and attempted to make a difference.  BTW do not think that will stop me either.
Oh yeah, still not signing your name lil fella? Scared?

Received via Email: 10-15-13  In response I'd have to say that I would think the answer to this is in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Local.  I don't have a copy so have no way to check.  It's reasonable that since Blank's name had a line through it that it would indicate a "non vote" situation.  In other words scratching out the name of a candidate without checking the voting box provided would mean you didn't want that candidate and didn't want to vote for him. 

However . . . since the person voted "yes" for Pauley it would muddy the water considerably.  Since the person can only vote for one candidate and "checked" both candidates then the vote would be invalid. 

Again, it appears that the person voted over a period of time and initially voted for Blank and then something changed his or her mind and they crossed out Blank's name and voted for Pauley.  The problem comes due to the fact that they didn't remove or cross out the checkmark for Blank.  But with Blank's name crossed out it would be reasonable to assume that the vote was intended for Pauley and not for Blank. 

If this is a legitimate excuse via the Constitution and By-Laws then Pauley should be awarded the vote.  Or, if possible, the person who is in charge of counting the ballots could be required to make a decision on the circumstances.  If not then the ballot should be considered invalid and not counted.  Probably the safest and fairest move would be to deem the ballot invalid for both candidates.

Dick Tully

Received via Email: 10-15-13  Mr. Webmaster, could you post the results of all the elections here?  Thank you very much.
Webmaster:  If you're requesting information on the most recent Presidential election, the numbers are as follows:

Blank-   139
Pauley- 136

If you're looking for the numbers for the latest contract-offer, they have yet to be pulled.

Received via Email: 10-15-13  In reasoning out the election it came to me that there is something to be learned by looking closely at the election results.  It's obvious that the Local is split, almost perfectly between those who voted, down the middle when it comes to the member's choice in the office of President.
Having noticed this it seemed that there was a very subtle message here.  And that message is that in order to make almost everyone happy it would be advantageous if candidate Blank, who won the election but not by a landslide, would appoint candidate Pauley as Bargaining Agent and head negotiator for the rank and file.  He did it for the two bugle and up membership.  Why not rank and file?

That way the city wouldn't continue to walk all over the fire union at the bargaining table and Blank would still be able to go around spinning yarns made of cotton candy and unicorns.  Both factions would have something to be proud of and possibly some overall good could come of it.
After all, Blank is in the drop and won't be around much longer and it would give Pauley some face time at the table and a period of time to familiarize himself with his adversary.  Once Blank is gone Pauley would be the obvious entity to take over the Local since he'd have the most experience in the daily workings of the Local and would be skilled at the table.

Those who make up the lackeys now serving under Blank could look for a cushy ride somewhere else between now and then. Perhaps Mike Moore is in need of a chauffer.  There's off duty work out there if  you just look for it.  And then there's the 79 members who are just too busy or lazy to bother with all that voting rigamarole.  Or they just didn't have the mental capacity to make a decision.  Whichever.  But Blank should not be crowing about winning because there's 79 people out there who are watching and trying very hard to understand how unionism works.  Consequently those 79 could have a large impact on future activities of this Local.  making nice at this point would be a big plus for Blank and it might just result in something positive for a change.

Received via Email: 10-15-13  Let's all remember to show up on election day with Mike Blank and Steve Hay and hold a sign for Bill Foster. You go Bill!

Received via Email: 10-15-13  10/13  #5 If the truck is so important on the bridge it should be put in the run cards. The crews shouldnt have to call everytime. Thats just stupid.

Received via Email: 10-15-13  10/7 #8...It all sounds well and good, under reasonable leadership...that truly cares....but that won't happen. Kinda like our U.S. Government. PKnuck

Received via Email: 10-15-13  Foster is well loved here, too.,,

Received via Email: 10-16-13  More proof as to why you should be holding a Kriseman sign and not worry so much about what the "union" thinks.

Received via Email: 10-16-13  its not what the Union thinks, its what those 2 ass-backwards turds tried to say we did. Voting for Kriseman and NO on the contract.Winning combo if I ever heard one.

Received via Email: 10-17-13  The only ones winning here are Blank and Hay. Bringing back a shitty contract that we had to overpay for isn't anything to brag about but they can because 1. We voted Blank back in because he's so great and 2. we're almost assured of voting in this contract because everyone says it's the deal of a lifetime. It just goes to show you that there are a lot of employable idiots (more and more with a college education) on this job.

Received via Email: 10-17-13  Same idiots that want the rday are the ones putting in to work every chance they get.  Oxymoron I believe they call it.

Received via Email: 10-17-13  Moronic I believe they call it!

Received via Email: 10-17-13  Reading the Union Memo's just delivered reminds me of being scolded by my 3rd grade teacher. Come and and wave a sign for YOUR UNION. really? since when is it our/my union? You never asked any of us who we'd like to support as mayor. What are we idiots? You never screened all of the candidates, what are they not worthy of fair democratic process?  What are they Stupid? No the fact is you may think a large number of us are incapable of seeing through your shit  but guess what you can be smelled miles away. Its really shameful how you have lied to the newer members. Denied facts, and all the while pissed on us and said it was rain. I am almost to the point of feeling sorry for you numb nuts. History will eventually show what incompetent ass klowns you are. 

Received via Email: 10-17-13  Plz. post the names of people who didn't find time to vote for President.  That way, people who bitch about the Union Prez., could be told to stfu.  Just a thought????

Received via Email: 10-19-13  Just like Blank and Foster, his rich buddy can't deliver on promises. And Blank like to claim he know this guy.  Wow, big woop.

Received via Email: 10-20-13  Look at telestaff for today, Sunday the 20th and look at Tim Hills entries. He is set to retire tonight at midnight just like it says. But then someone in the department is trying to make it look like they care and show him off on Administrative leave from 00:00 to 08:00. It looks like they are giving him 8 hours off for free. But wait dont buy into this sham yet, Midnight tonight is the end of the pay period, therefore If Tim leaves at midnight his book is closed for good.He isnt using any type of leave to be off, his career is done. Yes its that simple to expose the little things they try to take credit for. Of course I'm either a nay sayer or Mal content I really dont know which maybe I'm both. Anyways I am sure that those that have been spinning the contract as a raise thing will argue the point. I guess this is BS and I will probably post it on that page too.

Received via Email: 10-20-13  Has anyone wondered just why so many of our members have suddenly taken to fighting, drinking and other things? Is Jimmys empire so bad that we have taken to these things to make life a little easier to handle? Also we currently have Tim Hill, Tom Salvato, and Roz Maxwell all saying the Hell with it and leaving well before their drop periods are over. I think Jimbo and his crew are finally getting what they want which is to get rid of anyone with the knowledge of how SPFR once brought you in as a rough piece of clay and then over the years help to mould you into a fine piece of work and when you were cast into that fire you were a true firefighter. Now all they want to do is bring in the new batch of silly putty so they can leave their impressions on them.

Received via Email: 10-20-13  Is there an easy way to list how many people have been manditoried while in their r day cycle during the past couple of years? They're supposed to be using a published list and go in order. What ever happened to that?

Received via Email: 10-21-13  They go in order of R Day.  If you're in your R Day cycle, it's your turn to work. Save a buck for the mayor!

Received via Email: 10-21-13  10/20#3. the union dropped the ball on that too.

Received via Email: 10-21-13  What's one dropped ball amongst friends?  So here's another. Notice that the AFL CIO isn't falling for this PD FD bullshit.

Received via Email: 10-21-13  Awesome we finally got our 48 hour work week coming in 2 years. And when we get mandatory overtime we will end up only working a 60 hour plus work week. You guys are geniuses voting that in. Ha Ha Ha. The city got you again. YOU HAVE BEEN SCREWED. Enjoy it !!!!

Received via Email: 10-21-13  You just put your r-days in the lay a way bin. The problem is that in 2016 the city wont be able to find the money youve been giving them for the next 2 years.
TEAM:  We're positive that that can't happen because we're quite sure that we've got a safety net built into the new contract just for that instance.  We'll take a look and get right back with on on this.

Received via Email: 10-21-13  At the threat of the Chief, in order to save my job I must write a letter of apology. Here goes, Dear Chief, I am sorry that I took it for granted that my choice to go out and find some strange would result in the way it did. I have been trying to put the moves on some of the girls the other chiefs are always sniffing around but I havent been to good at that. I tried hanging out with the herb crowd and even the drunkards but I keep getting shut out there too. I cant smoke or use tobacco products unless I'm a Captain hiding out at the drill grounds on light duty. I guess I was at the end of my rope and I reverted back to the ways of so many of our so called idols. Just for your info, I will be in attendance at this years Awards Banquet since I have heard that you really fill out the look of a fool when you have been drinking and you surround yourself with so many of your goodie good do bois. I hope to see you there since I will have nothing but time on my hands to keep an eye on you all so I can learn how to get it done without getting discovered. Is Marco Island really where your peeps go to stay under the radar?

Received via Email: 10-21-13  Do you know what makes a 6'4" blond haired dork in shorts look even dorkier? When they stand on the side of Tyrone Blvd Friday afternoon holding a Foster sign and waving like a total idiot.

Received via Email: 10-21-13  Next time you see him ask him to list all the great things Foster has done for us.

Received via Email: 10-21-13  There is an old saying, I think it was first made by a firefighter. You cant fix stupid.

Received via Email: 10-22-13  I see Josh Payne is working his R day today. Hey Josh your overworked take the day off. Oh my Ron Kidwell is doing swap time with a SCAB. Way to go Ron, I see you have finally gotten over your total hate for SCABs. No wait, I get it, your just using him.

Received via Email: 10-22-13  Keep Rowing Slaves !!!

Received via Email: 10-24-13  798

Received via Email: 10-24-13  Sneaky Silly Billy

Received via Email: 10-24-13  Ok, can anyone tell me why if 6 out of 8 of the current seated city council members arent supporting Froster for re-election our president is?
TEAM:  Uhhhh because both collectively and singularly they can spot a poser from a mile away? Common sense, character & values are woefully in short supply around here while we're full-up on lazy, deceitful leaders in our Local.

Received via Email: 10-24-13  Ron never hated scabs, why he loves jeff wayne

Received via Email: 10-25-13  797

Received via Email: 10-25-13  796

Received via Email: 10-26-13  795

Received via Email: 10-26-13  Here's a great article that just hit the SP Times for any of you weak minded who are still listening to asshole Large and asshole Foster tell you that Kriseman's never done anything. Up yours Jimmy.

Received via Email: 10-27-13 I'll bet that The Invisible Man and The Great Pumpkin Head are having serious mangina problems right now with their boi not doing well in the polls.

Received via Email: 10-27-13  794

Received via Email: 10-28-13  793

Received via Email: 10-29-13  792

Received via Email: 10-29-13  This Is an Old Irish Pledge of Family:
I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine. I shall not slander you, nor you me. I shall honor you above all others, and when we quarrel we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our grievances!
I wish more firefighters lived by this and truly became a brotherhood that stood by each other even if you don't always agree with each other.
Fighting in public, commenting, about personal matters, and  petty things. Make you look weak of character and small minded. Why would any City feel the need to negotiate when they see your weakness! It doesn't matter who was president of the union. They need to fear your strength in UNION.
TEAM:  A great pledge.  Hopefully, one day there will be no need for a web site of this vein.

Received via Email: 10-29-13 If anyone hasn't read Ron Smith's "apology" letter, just look for it on any memo clip board. I can't believe what he had to write to get 24 hours knocked off of his sentence. As I recall, he had the option of writing an apology. I wonder if Executive Vice President Steve Hay talked to him about what to possiby write before throwing everything plus the kitchen sink in his letter?

Received via Email: 10-30-13  I just can't wait for all the new faces that Prez Blank is appointing to shit to come around to the stations. You guys are going to be thrilled with the results before long. A total transformation of the local is taking place and it's all for the better. Just ask, they'll tell you it's all better.

Received via Email: 10-30-13  791

Received via Email: 10-31-13  790

Received via Email: 10-31-13  Bullshit :
St. Petersburg's firefighters union, Local 747, has frequently battled with Foster. The group now backs Foster's bid to keep his job, but it had nothing to do with securing perks, said president Michael Blank.
The executive committee considered the history of city elections and the pending contract negotiations, Blank said. Did they J. Pearl??? (No they did not. It was their choice only and they lied to the membership about it. No screenings. Welcome to the new Soviet Union)
"An incumbent has never lost," Blank said. "It wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. We decided to join forces to make it a public-safety campaign."----Clueless. You clueless followers that refused to see the facts put us here. FTM

Received via Email: 10-31-13  The best part of that article is in the comments section. Nuff said.

Received via Email: 11-01-13  789

Received via Email: 11-02-13  788

Received via Email: 11-03-13  EIGHTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWELVE HOURS. Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy. I'm gonna be rich.

Received via Email: 11-04-13  787

Received via Email: 11-04-13  EIGHTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT HOURS. Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy. I'm gonna be rich.

Received via Email: 11-04-13  Point made...we get it. You just look ridiculous now.

Received via Email: 11-04-13  No more ridiculous than the actual offer.

Received via Email: 11-04-13  Can anyone tell us why President Blank and evp Hay are off tonight for 12 hours? While your at it why is Hay off again on Friday evening as well? I seem to remember the constant accusations that were often thrown about the abuse back when Sir Newton was at the wheel.

Received via Email: 11-04-13  I think they're out pulling up Kriseman signs.

Received via Email: 11-05-13  You said what I was thinking.

Received via Email: 11-05-13  786

Received via Email: 11-05-13  “There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don't teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one's character, one's mind, one's heart or one's soul.”
― José N. Harris

Received via Email: 11-05-13  I have discovered that saying that an Incumbent has NEVER lost is just like saying a Virgin has NEVER had sex. Until it happens, then one is a winner and the other is a LOSER!!!!!!!!

Received via Email: 11-06-13  I saw Pearl standing on the stage with Kriseman. Brass balls my brother. Brass balls.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Holy Bat shit!!!!! To put all of your eggs in one basket on the belief that they would be safe because "an incumbent has never lost" is just about the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Oh wait, it came from the brain of what has to be the stupidest person. I hope MTB and his band of LOSERS get used to soggy cereal because there will be plenty of crying at breakfast this morning and many mornings to come.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  No way, Really? I hear there is a list going around with people signing up to help Silly Willy and the rest of his ilk move their shit out of city hall and Fire HQ. How does one get on this list? I will gladly work on my upcoming Rday for this once in a lifetime worthwhile event.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  It appears that the Hay seed is looking to buy property in Tennessee. Is it something we said? I guess he knows his days are numbered without Foster and Large around. To bad he is stopping in Tenn and not going far far away.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Brother Tully, you can rejoice just a little bit. St.Petersburg and some of its firefighters have made the right choice and elected a new mayor. All this time we have been lied to and it appears that the truth has finally won out. I wonder if Blank and Hay were asked if they had it to do over would they do things differently? I doubt it because their Chief still wouldn't allow it. A fool and a liar is nothing more than a foolish liar. Now how fast can we get that POS sign down in front of Our Union Hall? It is most obvious that Chief Large and his swallowers once again made a bad decision to think that Blank could get enough support to make this happen.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Hey Mike, Mike, Mike, ya know what time it is? In case you don't know, its only 58 days until we get Kriseman into his new Office and then we can get you started on a new career as well. I hope your new bride will understand that its nothing personable, we just don't like you.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  I cant wait to see what P Knuck has to say about this.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  To all the non believers........Suck One!

Received via Email: 11-06-13  785

Received via Email: 11-06-13  If there is a way ,perhaps we can convince the new Mayor to re open our "contract" and fix the BS before it hits the fan!

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Jon Pearl for President!

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Re: #5 on 11-6-13

I'm not rejoicing a little bit.  I'm rejoicing a LOT.  One of the members said I would be two out of three and I couldn't be happier.  And I commend the members and especially Brother Jon Pearl and Brother John Barfield for all the support they gave Mr. Kriseman.  I'm very sure it was harder than ordinary because of the two fools who shot their mouths off without thinking and endorsed the incumbent mayor.  But let's not talk about stuff that's coming to an end soon.  All three of them and the chief will be floating off, tits up, into the sunset very soon.  Although I can't wait to see what happens between now and the day Mr. Kriseman takes over officially.  Please don't sign or agree to any MOU's between now and then and don't let Dumb and Dumber anywhere near the bargaining table.

Remember, it's not gonna happen over night and there's a period of adjustment to be maintained.  Mr. Kriseman can't just start firing people all willy nilly without proper justification.  I was very disappointed when the members jumped at the opportunity to sign this contract.  Especially since it was only another month until the election and then about 45 days until the new mayor took over.  That would have been advantageous to getting a much better contract than that one they ratified.  You had nothing to lose if the current mayor got reelected and everything to gain if he didn't.  In your eagerness to sign away your benefits and swallow the city's directives you ruined a chance to get all the things the Capt.'s and DC's got for free.  I may be mistaken but I don't think there's a reopener in the contract.  If not, you're screwed for three years at the least.  Even Mr. Kriseman can't change that.  You've been without a contract for three years or more and couldn't wait another couple months to possibly get one that was favorable to you. 

I sincerely hope that very soon the membership wakes up to the fact that Dumb and Dumber are not the people who should be running this Local.  And I hope to see a time when the cooler heads prevail at the bargaining table and this Local has the leadership it deserves.  I couldn't be happier for you all and sincerely wish you better days ahead.

Dick Tully

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Today the 70 or so of us who voted that POS contract down and told you to wait until after the election are screaming "I Told You So!"

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Jon Pearl for Fire Chief.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  The only thing that Jon Pearl wants is for everyone to ride right, shoot straight and tell the truth!

Jon Pearl

Received via Email: 11-06-13  Props to Brother Jon Pearl. He set an example of a solid Union member, that gives a damn about his fellow brothers & sisters. I am proud to have stood with him during this mayoral election. I am not ashamed I asked WHY. I will not stop asking why either. I believe in Brotherhood & fraternity. I have high hopes this local will one day again shine, and be a leader in our profession amongst other locals.

Received via Email: 11-06-13  I don't know who's going to get Knight's job, but I damn sure know that he's going to be a white boy.  Mark my words.  Large don't like the brothers hanging around his building unless they're cleaning something.

Blackie McBlackerson
Senior Black Guy

Received via Email: 11-07-13  What?  No room in the Crackerbox?

Received via Email: 11-07-13  Hey MTB, wanna tells us again the part about how an incumbent has never lost an election? Or maybe you can show us the trig solution that proved that Kriseman and Ford running in the Primary were supposed to cancel each other out? Has anyone ever figured out what that was supposed to mean? While we are talking about math calculations, will we see our pay raise today? How about the retro money? Here's something profound, I overheard a couple of my station crew talking about how they have just heard that going 3 years without a pay raise and then giving up the next 2 years will affect their pension. Would someone throw some cold water on the peeps. Yes, you fucked yourselves over and over, and over by jumping on that offer. Your pension is your life blood and many folks end up going back to work after retirement because they do foolish things with their money. You had better start lining up for some after work jobs now. Maybe Steve Knight will hire. Then again I think someone with a Ph D. behind his name will have little use for folks that cant add or comprehend.

Received via Email: 11-07-13  Its obvious that seeing that straight facts is a little too much for one of the swallowers but I dont care so here it is again. EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINETY TWO HOURS. Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy. I'm gonna be rich.

That old argument?  Didn't you get a couple of handouts on the last list?  I guess we should just promote every minority as soon as they get six years on the job.  I'm sure you would still find something to complain about though.

Received via Email: 11-07-13  Yeah, A 2% pay raise over 5 years…They really threw that checkbook open!!!  Thanks Mike, you're the best! 
Received via Email: 11-07-13  Hey, over there.  Sit down and shut up.  Just keep it to yourself.  It says right here in the handbook for politically correctness that a "brother" has to be in at least one, more if possible, managerial positions in the fire service and the po-lice department.  It doesn't say anything about being qualified or stuff like that.  It only says it has to be a "brother".  Of course that's a quote from your imaginary book of Politically Correct Stuff For Black People. 

There are several qualified "brother"'s who would be able to meet the test on the fire department.  But in today's world of professionalism and leadership would it be possible to *not* have to refer to them as "brothers" when we speak.  That's fine off the job.  You can refer to each other any way you prefer but if one would want true equality on the job then the "brother" term is unnecessary.  It's true that we're all brothers on the job but probably not "brothers". 

And as for the term "crackerbox", do you think we don't know what you're trying to say without the thinly veiled racist slur that you use.  How about we all start going around using that little term *you're* not too fond of?  Huh?  Not so funny now is it.  It's up to us "white boys" to toe the line but you can post whatever slur you want with impunity and think it's funny.  The worst kind of racist.  The "white boys" have made the change.  When will you?

And when your panties get all knotted up just remember; *you* were the one who cast the first stone.  And when you do that you have to expect a reaction, right . . . . "brother"?


Received via Email: 11-07-13  784

Received via Email: 11-07-13  As one infamous "brother" said " can't we all just get along"

Received via Email: 11-08-13  Is it too late for me to say THE E BOARD SHOULD HAVE BEEN CONSULTED BEFORE NOT SCREENING?.
TEAM:  No, it's never too late.  The question to ask is, "would you trust them to navigate the political waters for you, again?"

Received via Email: 11-08-13  783

Received via Email: 11-08-13  No. the e board is crippled as long as MB & SH run the show their way! Like they listen to anyone else besides each other & large..

Received via Email: 11-08-13  Funny you would mention the E board. The B shift VP is up for election and I'm not sure Rick Neuberger is well enough to get a letter out to the B shift. Mark Sweet has been pushing for the other guy to win. You might as well take in the flag and turn off the lights is Neuberger isn't elected B shift VP.

Received via Email: 11-08-13  You know............there are still guys on this job who can spot a fake and know right from wrong. How can you teach your children right from wrong when you can't see it right in front of your face? Blank and Hay are a total failure but nobody's gonna tell YOU how to vote. Tell me again how much the extra R day is WORTH if I can't spend it after I retire?
TEAM:  None of what's going on adds up but we think you're on to something.  1) We're using the Lay-Away plan to pay for a single year (2016) of a supposed multi-year benefit that continues on indefinitely, yet the city has never, ever mentioned how they are going to find the funding to continue to provide it for all the years thereafter.  2) There is no contractual obligation to hire more firefighters, period!  Even when funds were made available to the city, Blank and Hay's best buddy Bill Foster shitcanned that:  Please, please, please don't let your lying eyes decieve you.

Received via Email: 11-08-13  Neuberger has other stuff to worry about than this fucked up local. Get well Rick.

Received via Email: 11-09-13  782

Received via Email: 11-09-13  To the B shifters who have seen the Jason Francis letter, was it difficult to figure who not what he is backing? For a smart guy he sure didn't talk about his union participation or what he's going to do for the B shift. He only talked about who he believes in and who he's going to follow. I couldn't believe it when I read it. If the B shift elects him to office instead of Neuberger don't be surprised at how little he does for you and how much he does to you.

Received via Email: 11-09-13  we need a good swallower laugh, please transcribe it here!

Received via Email: 11-09-13  Yeah, okay so he's a smart guy. Smart guy, dumb guy, don't matter what kind of guy. He's already telling you that he supports Blank and Hay and that he thinks this union is heading in the right direction. I think he's a fucking moron. I hope he's reading this because we haven't make a smart move in 2 years. How smart was it to tell the world that you're another follower of a failed regime? Nuff said.

Received via Email: 11-09-13  Change is good. Teehee

Received via Email: 11-09-13  Hey why not, the new A shift VP hasnt been seen in the union office or any of the many events since winning the election. Hell, he didnt even show up to be sworn in. The only thing Blank and Hay want are Yes Master Do-boys and not forward thinkers. As a matter of fact while Blank was running errands for his girl friends friend, and Hay was out sucking of M. Moore, the Secretary Treasurer Billy Mott was running the office quite well and as usual another event that benefits the Local and its members was completed within complete satisfaction.

Received via Email: 11-10-13  Mike Moore is a total puss. Ya you heard me. And little boy C. Moore is no better. Both are worthless pieces of shit. You have both been a big brown stain on St Pete Fire and Rescue. This place would have been a lot better place if it hadn't been for you two turds. Nuff said.

Received via Email: 11-10-13  781

Received via Email: 11-10-13  you mean that no current 747 official was at the golf tournament organized by past EVP Pauley? The real President of our local?   

Received via Email: 11-10-13 781 more days I'm going to be able to work both of my R Days at straight time. If City Hall ever asked how stupid FF's can be, they've finally stopped asking with this contract. What we can't get out of them per hour to make a better paycheck we'll gladly work more and more hours to get.

Received via Email: 11-10-13  The Union memo from our esteemed leadership post election is embarrassing. It mentions that the council members backed won. BUT the mayoral didn't turn out like "we" wanted. You mean YOU wanted. As each day passes more & more members are coming out saying they support Mayor elect Kriseman. That said, why not show some cooperation & try to work with our new Mayor?
Do you think that maybe you could on the memo have put, our candidate lost, but we as Local 747 look forward to work with Mayor Kriseman?? What the hell is wrong with you guys? Ya f'ed up with the Foster lie admit it and try to improve our relationship with the new Mayor.
Luckily Mayor Kriseman has worked with us before and can see we are not blank & hay. Work with the Mayor or resign!

Received via Email: 11-10-13  To 11/8 No.4, 11/9 No.4 and 11/9 No.6  It's more than just supporting Blank and Hay with the the things we see, it's supporting Blank and Hay with the things we're not supposed to see. How many times now have they been caught in lies? I'm betting if you gave me a few minutes I could add them all up with all my fingers and thumbs and somebody would else would come up with something I missed. I don't think Jason Francis put much thought into putting his letter together because he obviously doesn't see anything wrong with what Blank and Hay are doing. That's a huge red flag that none of the 3 shifts needs right now. Why do I need a union to represent me if its leadership is made up of blind followers?

Received via Email: 11-11-13  780

Received via Email: 11-11-13  i still cant find a Francis memo pls share the humor!!

Received via Email: 11-11-13  Heck, if Neuberger really wanted to win he would get Jon Pearl on his team. We all know Jon is worth at least a 12% lead. Well all of us except Foster, Large, Blank, and Hay. Well maybe they do now.

Received via Email: 11-12-13   779

Received via Email: 11-12-13  What makes you think He isn't in His corner

Received via Email: 11-13-13  778

Received via Email: 11-13-13  Our condonlences to the family of Eugene Litten. I know many of you are saying Who? Well back in 1962 when the Men of that era Re-Chartered Local 747, a group of real men with vision signed their names to a piece of paper stating that they were willing to put everything on the line and again wanted to be represented by the IAFF. I dont know why they shut down from the original charter from the mid 1940's but they got enough folks together and decided that they needed to be a union again and so it was done. Anyway, Brother Litten has his name printed on that certificate of Affiliation and it hangs proudly on the wall in the Union Office. Of the 20 or so names on the list, there are only a couple left that are still with us. These are the MEN that WE owe so much too and it saddens me that so few know the history of this Local that has their names written all over it.
TEAM:  Thank you.

Received via Email: 11-14-13  6 weeks without the Mayors approval, at least another week before it goes before council. Can anyone tell me again why it was so important to have this vote rammed down our throats? It was so important to get this done and over with. For What? I have said this before about Bill Foster, He is a Liar and he has no honor. He proved it to us everyday before we voted on the contract and he continues to show us what he thinks about us now. Blank and Hay have no soul, and no brain matter with which to make up an original thought. This is appearant in the latest memo that recaps their failures. Instaed of recognizing the newly elected Mayor Rick Kriseman, they chose to continue to ride the losing horse. Has anyone told them that the election is over? Do they think there might be a do over, or a recount? Its time for 747 to get in on the ground floor and let the new Mayor know that we will be looking forward to present our wants and needs to a fair player.

Received via Email: 11-14-13  777

Received via Email: 11-14-13  Are you mad as hell over the shenanigans of blank & hay? Are you wanting them to be held accountable for the misinformation they fed the new guys and wanna be Lt.s? next Thursday 11/21 the 3rd Thursday of November unless they cancel it, show up at the Union hall and let them know! Don't be shouted down by angry hey-man, slam your fist and say we aren't gonna take it anymore! So you made an error of judgement and voted for the clown, and pos contract. Getting the real Union back is first priority. Consider helping those two numbnutts to resign. Make it happen be a part of the real union..

Received via Email: 11-14-13  "An incumbent has never lost," Blank said. "It wouldn't be the smartest thing to do.
Just think of that quote  when ever you think Blank has a brain cell.

Received via Email: 11-14-13  Check out this App for android and Iphone. its from the FPF has all info any firefighter concerned about their profession needs to know

Received via Email: 11-15-13  776

Received via Email: 11-15-13  Hopefully our Fire Chief has a plan B exit strategy. He made it quite clear who he was backing.
I hear Karma knocking.... he can cry from afar how he needs his job. Really?!.. Tell that to the guys who actually work for a living. And don't forget to put a couple bucks in the coffee kitty!!

Received via Email: 11-15-13  11/09, Jason Francis is the biggest cry baby we could have on this job. Elect a man. Tell him to go back to his play pen.

Received via Email: 11-15-13  Large Your Fired.

Received via Email: 11-16-13  When are ballots due for B shift VP? Does not say anywhere in package.  WTF

Received via Email: 11-16-13  What does it matter when they are due?  Mark your vote and mail it back immediately. WTF? You will defiantly have it back in time if you do that. Asshat.  This is the kind of thinking that got Blank voted back in. Fucking lazy!

Received via Email: 11-16-13  Really?!?1

Received via Email: 11-16-13  Hey shitbrick. I am out of town. My kid told me I received something in mail from union. I had him open it.   I will not be back till next Friday. That's why I am asking, dickhead.  That is problem with this fucking department. Too many fucking idiots. Including yourself 11/16 #2

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Look on the bottom of the ballot, the due date is usually printed accross the bottom. It was on mine.

Received via Email: 11-17-13  775

Received via Email: 11-17-13  11/16 the biggest F'in idiots are at Union HQ the Pres and VP, and of course you!

Received via Email: 11-17-13  How's about telling him to mark who you want, put a stamp on it and mail it?  If he's opening mail, I'm sure he can use a pen and lick an envelope.

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Stupid actions by power hungry wanna be's shame our profession, and openly break Department rules. If any of you have seen the FB SPFR site you know exactly what we are talking about. A certain I'm the best, kindest person in the world, and should be a LT did a royal F up Saturday. The rules plainly state that no pictures taken on duty are to be published on social media, as they are the property if SPFR if taken on duty, be it on an emergency call or around the station. Well world's greatest acting LT thought he'd bully a probie Firefighter. This new recruit made a mistake and left the irons on the engine during a call. Mr. i have never made a mistake, takes it upon himself to discipline  and belittle this man by having him carry the tools around the entire shift.  What an idiot you are NBger. I wonder what the real Officer at the station would have done? Hummm lets see sat him down and gone over steps taken at a fire scene? Talked about the importance of being prepared for whatever situation we as firefighters are called upon to do? Does anyone think the Captain would have shamed the new recruit by mocking him? No he would have done the correct, respectful thing. Bottom line, you are an idiot loser, never get promoted asshole.

Received via Email: 11-17-13  I hope the new guy already has a call into Gary Cornwell. Jimmy Large, it's time for you to be a man and take care of this before we do.

Received via Email: 11-17-13  If you're voting for Francis, wait a few months then send it in.

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Have you ever met one of those guys that dont get it? Rob Neuberger is one of those guys who better come in number 1 on a list or he'll continue to DON'T GET IT. Maybe if we tie a bone around his neck he'll get some attention. What a total fuck up. Oh and he's a giant blank and hay follower so what's that tell you?

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Mayors Action Hotline: or 893-7111

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Rob Neuberger is the attention whore that other kids wouldn't play with. He should get 10 shifts off for this stunt. I'd fire him.

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Hazing, humiliation, creating a hostile work environment come to mind. Maybe a call to Mark Puente of the St. Pete Times is in order here.

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Night and day from his uncle!

Received via Email: 11-17-13  Rick Neuberger might not be Mr. Cool and all that but he's never tried to be anything but a firefighter working for the firefighters on his shift. If that's wrong then vote for the other guy.

Received via Email: 11-18-13  Yup, HAZING is alive and well at SPFR. This is nothing new, Stations 3A and 6B used to be the worst, but that officer is on the C shift now.

Received via Email: 11-18-13  You fucking idiots still not answer the question. When are the ballots due?


Received via Email: 11-18-13  When are the ballots due? Ok, voting school 101. Every mailout ballot from the Union has a 15 day turn around. On the bottom of the ballot is the due date. The due date for this election is plainly printed as being due on November 30th. As pointed out above, if you can leave your kid alone while you go on vacation then he must be able to read, make a mark and mail. i dont know, maybe this is your first ever ballot and you dont know these simple procedures. Oh yeah, this is something that Newton came up with and we need to get rid of everything he ever did for us.

Received via Email: 11-18-13  If your so clueless call the union ofc! Not everyone here is a B shiter.

Received via Email: 11-18-13  Nothing wrong with having the probie learn a valuable lesson by carrying his tool with him remaineedd of his tour, that way he LEARNS that those tools are his lifeline and losing them can be a fatal mistake on the fireground. Only a pansy ass would think this is bullying or uncalled for. In a proactive fire department, one that has pride in their work, their performance, this would be a valuable lesson for him and everyone around him, not viewed as "picking on me".....hey rookie, dont get your panties in a wad, LEARN from this, and protect your tools, they may save your life or one of your brothers lives one day in a fire. My god, what a bunch of candy asses on this department. "he's picking on me" hoo muther F&#%RS, grow a set of balls, its doesnt seem like this dept has a set among the entire department to be honest.

Received via Email: 11-18-13  Hell, I don't know what's got everyone's panties in a knot.  It's plain as day what the problem is.  The LOI is showing on the submissions here.  We all have a high school edumacation over 12 years of school, more for some of us, but it seems that the level of intelligence only reaches grade 7.  You may have a "high school" edumacation but the level of what you learned over 12 years is equal to a 7th grade level of intelligence.  You attended off and on for 12 years but only advanced mentally to a 7th grade level.  It's easy to see that filling out or signing a simple form was missed by most who infrequently showed up for class.

And what a bunch of whiney babies we are.  A probie "left the irons on the engine" for whatever reason.  What that has to do with photos being taken is a mystery.  Someone who has a personal vendetta against NBger didn't waste any time getting his waahhh waahhhh on.  If the probie has a problem then he can take it to the union to file a grievance.  It's his choice as to what he does about a perceived action.  This was hardly bullying.  It was more a lesson in learning.  But in this day of politically correctness where everyone gets to cry foul at the least little thing it's commonplace for those with thin skin and easily hurt feelings to get offended.  Even when it's not them that is the involved party.  This protector of the imagined wronged needs to STFU.  If I were you I'd call Mark.  I'm sure TBT would be able to blow this into something that will make the fire service look like shit again.  You asshole.

Received via Email: 11-18-13  There is no due date on my ballot.

Received via Email: 11-18-13  Holy Fuck! Does it really matter?  Send it in immediately.  How fucking hard is that?

Received via Email: 11-18-13  So what date is it due? The problem is the communication of the local. Always misinformation or no information.  We pay them and they need to be held accountable but hey he got us an extra rday in 700+ days. 

Received via Email: 11-19-13  you can call it bullyinghazing or whatever you don't teach a human like you teach a dog having them carry something around will not reinforced that he needs to be taken on a fire but that they need to take it everywhere to the bathroom to the grocery store to headquarters for CME`s. you testosterone filled idiots just don't get it.

Received via Email: 11-19-13  770

Received via Email: 11-20-13  769

Received via Email: 11-20-13  Was it just me? When I was hired and then soon after went to Paramedic School on the cities dime, I was told that if I didn't stay for a certain length of time then I would have to repay the city for my schooling. Now I see that our Chief Knight has received his PhD and is already on his way to happy land. I'm surely not complaining of his exit, good riddance I say, just wondering.

Received via Email: 11-20-13  RE: 11-20-13 #2 _______ I would have thought that just having him gone would be enough to make you get a woody.  Now you want even more.  You're a very small man.
RE: 11-19-13 #1 _______ Since you can't seem to understand the reason behind testosterone.  It's what makes the rest of us men.  Be patient.  Yours will show up in a few years.  Meanwhile, let me ask you this;  would it have been better to have written up the new recruit or possibly noted the small mis-step on the monthly revue?  That way there would be a permanent record of the flaw.  Is that what you want?  Is that what you'd rather see done to the probie?  You should have gone in the military instead of the fire service.  You would have learned a lot.  And then again, probably not.

Received via Email: 11-20-13  11-19-13....we dont get it? how often do you go to fires? Tools are a lifeline, plain and simple, lose then, you may die or others may, you dont lose them, period. If your thats much of a cupcake, you shouldnt be in this profession. There is no room for cupcakes in this job in my opinion. It may be harsh to make the probie take his tools to the crapper, and maybe even a bit of extreme but it will teach him a very serious lesson. I will bet you right here right now, he never misplaces his tools again in his hopefully long and healthy career.

Received via Email: 11-20-13  You know it still bothers me that Large was trying to make a point to embarrass Kriseman's friends in front of the dept. I wonder what Kriseman would think to see this? Maybe he wouldn't read any thing into it but then again maybe he would.
On 9/11, we attended a very nice Patriot Day Breakfast at the Coliseum. There were over 700 people
in attendance. It was great recognition for those who serve in Fire, Police, and Armed Forces. We
had Lt. Nyhart, Lt. Williams, FF/PM Cunningham, FF/PM Hughes, and FF/EMT Spafford
representing SPFR at various “hero” tables. The bagpipe was played by our own Tony Falls, who
did a great performance. Other members were present as guests of Mayoral Candidate Kriseman. I
saw retired FF Billy Mott, FF/EMT’s Barfield, Knuckey, Pearl, and Dorsey. We were well

Received via Email: 11-20-13  I guess I don't get it and I'm a puss but I'll tell you what, if Rob the Slob ever tells me I'm going to do something that's going to cause me great embarrassment, I'm going to do it to the fullest and then he better watch out.

Received via Email: 11-20-13  11-20- #5 What goes around comes around and I've got pictures.

Received via Email: 11-20-13  The only people RN can try to intimidate are probies. The rest of us have caught his act before.  If he tried that with anyone else we would tell him to go fuck himself. 
TEAM:  ROTFLMAO.  No really!

Received via Email: 11-21-13   768

Received via Email: 11-21-13  11'20 #5. he already has.

Received via Email: 11-21-13  to 11-20-#3. Reading the words I have figured out the author is no one other than the Great RNger herself! Its like being in the same room with that lil fella just reading the BS. How many fires have YOU been in Mr.Knowitall? FINO FINO FINO with a degree.. LMFAO

Received via Email: 11-21-13  The word is, our boy has been relieved of his acting duties as he's been labled a liability. I think the St. Pete Times sniffing around here only helped.

Received via Email: 11-21-13  I agree with the team.  You gutless fucks wouldn't do shit.  Between having never become a man in the first place you'd have a really hard time manning up to someone with integrity.  You've sucked off two losers for three years and didn't have the balls to say a word to them  But when it comes to bad mouthing someone you don't like you're all badass and chest thumpy.  No one's buying what you're selling panty boy.  You're balls haven't shown up yet so give it a rest. 

Received via Email: 11-22-13  767

Received via Email: 11-22-13  Amazing..Curious. Why someone might ask. The first Union meeting after the election, not a single word was spoken by 2 out of the 3 leaders about the election outcome. Not a moment was anything mentioned about sending a congratulations we are looking forward to work with you letter sent? Why is that? Thank god for past pres. Newton being appointed to Mayor Kriseman's transition team, our profession will be well represented by him. Kudo's to Pearl, Mott, Barfield, Knuckey, & Dorsey for not falling over from the negative press created from taking their stand. The only chance we have is to work with the Mayor in an open, transparent way.

Received via Email: 11-22-13  to 11/21/13 #3....HUNDREDS of fires to be honest, 63 first due working fires my last year on the job if you want actual numbers.....but then again I dont work for St petersburg Fire- Rescue, the land of cupcakes (not all, just a few). Yes, I am an outsider reading your site, the theatrics are comical, entertaining yet beyond sad a city fire department has this kind of representation in a public forumn. I can see why the city has you local by the balls.  I have been going to fires for nearly 30 years, I recently retired a few years ago, so I know a thing or three about metropolitian city firefighting. I dont expect you to understand what it is like, since you are more concerned with "knowing" exactly who wrote the above statements (you were incorrect BTW) and bashing a fellow firefighter without even knowing that your comments were 100% incorrect. You're worried this probie got his feelings hurt and embarrased  because he made a mistake leaving the irons on the wagon, and was instructed by his officer to get more aquainted with them for remainder of his tour, so he doesn't make that same mistake in a fire jepordizing his and fellow firefighters lives....yes, that is what happens when you misplace your tools, accountabilty is 100% important in this job. I know SPFR doesn't go to as many fires as we do elsewhere, and thats ok, times have changed in some areas more than others, but fires still DO happen and you have to be prepared 100% of the time. You must be a real treat to work with cupcake 11/21/13

Received via Email: 11-22-13  I'm one of the office specialist's at HQ. You all know and love me but I've got to tell you that right now, I'm feeling more than a bit frustrated and I'm not feeling the love. I was told by the chief to go out and buy Chief Steven Knight a real nice present to be given to him at a big party before he leaves and that many of you in the stations would be more than willing to contribute. Well, I've been out in the stations for the last three days and all I can say is I want my money. I just knew that this wasn't going to work in my favor but I was trying to be a team player and now I feel like I've been played for a fool and again I reiterate, all I want is my money.
PS: To those of you at a certain northside station who told me that I had to leave because soliciting is not allowed, I just want you to know that I heard you all when you muttered under your breath "don't let the door hit you in the ass". And I know it was one of you who threw the egg at me from behind the station.

Received via Email: 11-22-13  I'm glad to hear you DC DINO'S are stilk alive. Now u may enjoy our vent site but your "Metropolitian" fires are surround and drown. Tks cupcake, but rules for working well outweigh sleeping with ur irons. Go showel some snow..

Received via Email: 11-22-13  I respect the fact that there are others not employed by SPF&R that read this site.  I'm also embarrassed that there are those who continually show their ass and their ignorance when it comes to working in the real world.  I agree with the writer on 11-22-13 #3 who posted an excellent view of what it looks like to those who work at other departments who read this site.  Now if, since this person is not employed by SPF&R but has been in the fire service for over 30 years and retired, maybe he could post where he worked without giving his name if that's a problem.  I think he has nothing to worry about when it comes to retaliation in any form and I'd be interested in his rank and location. 

Received via Email: 11-22-13  It looks like you have only one solution to the gift for Chief Knight and that's to take it back.  If you explain the juvenile thinking of the junior high school mentality that makes up this fire department I'm sure they'll understand and rebate your purchase price.  And the next time Gimme Jimmy hasn't the time to get off his ass and buy his own protégé a going away gift and asks you to do it for him say no.  Just say NO.  It works for women everywhere.  No means No.  It's a sad day in any place of business when the person retiring is apparently hated by every last person they ever worked with.  It's really difficult to make an enemy of every co-worker who ever worked with you or under you.  It's also hard to believe that you, whoever you are, went to every SPF&R station over a three day period and not one person would donate to the gift.  This has got to be a first for this department and not one that has been well thought out.  This Chief will go on to far bigger and better things than working at SPF&R and will laugh all the way to the bank while the members of the department will get their false sense of "gotcha" that goes with acting like a bunch of eighth graders.  But then that's the mentality of this department, isn't it?  When people get treated like men, and they don't like it, they pout and whine and hope someone will agree with them when they complain like they do at home.  Mom always kisses the problem and makes it better.  And when a supervisor at work treats them like men and they don't like it they expect someone to come kiss it and make it better.  And when they find they aren't getting any sympathy they make up their little minds to get back at the person in any way they can.  But that opportunity never arises since they're mentally locked in at their level in life and will not progress upward to ever be a success, let alone find revenge.  And then one day an opportunity knocks and the chance they've been waiting for presents itself.  This person who has treated them like the whiner they are is retiring.  The person who has been the recipient of hatred and venom is being given a gift, mind you, in honor of his service and dedication.  And here's this person asking for a donation to help pay for the gift.  What an opportunity to show the disdain felt for him.  Don't donate one red cent.  That'll sting, I'll bet.  He'll know for sure how much you hate him by not donating to his retirement gift.  Those scars will last him a lifetime.  Your little act of defiance will make you feel good and bring that kiss that you couldn't get from anyone else.  That and the fact that you showed everyone how tough and mature you are by refusing to donate to a gift.  The career of the retiree that you would disgrace will always be unattainable to the vast majority of people on the SPF&R.  There can only be a few who will advance in any group.  It's the nature of those who can't or won't advanceto try to make themselves look good by saying disparaging things about those who have ambition.  Ambition is that thing that helps make a person a success.  You either have it or you don't have it.  As an adult it's important that a person recognize his levels.  Most at SPF&R have not done so.  Consequently the job is one of adversarial co-existence between those who advance and those who show up and complain.  To the complainers the advancers are never good enough or smart enough to have attained that step up above the complainers.  The complainers have not been adults long enough to realize that not everyone is going to advance above that bottom rung.  And recognizing and accepting are the two things most complainers never accomplish.  It's not new or improved.  It's been that way forever.  The true mark of an adult is that of understanding and acceptance.  In the long run most people eventually get it.  At SPF&R it's going to take a lot longer

Received via Email: 11-23-13  766

Received via Email: 11-23-13  to 11/22 #4 Even Stevie Wonder could have seen that one coming.  If you come back by the stations, I've got something steamy good for him.

Received via Email: 11-23-13  11/22, #7.
Unless you are the retiree in question, or a close, close friend of the now defunct asschief your wearing blinders. You were on it 100% when you said every person that ever worked with him felt the sting. That person was an ego maniac, who even when a probie often talked backed, and warned senior members at that time he'd be their boss and watch out. More that you know had to deal with  and sometimes fight the "guy" outside our Admin. He often insulted officers at their meetings, yelled at a member at their grievance hearing.. You get the picture? Plus he ranks right up in the top for the alcoholic award winners. Remember there was a time when he was too impaired to drive over the bridge? A certain DC drove him and tucked his lame ass into bed at the big house. So yeah if all the rank and file, or victims of that snake can do to show how they feel is to NOT give a cent to his gift, so be it. You shouldn't generalize all of the almost 300 firefighters into a junior high mentality.  With all of his extra letters after his name, and the degrees I am sure he will go on to better $$'s. I hope he has the forethought to set his children up for life, college so there is never another one like him, related or not at our F & R.
Nuff said..FTM   

Received via Email: 11-23-13  Calling a bunch of Bullshit that anyone would have thrown an egg. Also plz. Tell us what sta. and shifts you went to.  Not A shift

Received via Email: 11-23-13  Heres one for ya 11/22/#7…apparently you didn't work with Knight. Not only did he crap on his co-workers(brothers and sisters), but he treated the "customers" like dirt as well. This lack of monetary support at the end of his self indulged career is not because he "succeeded", its because he's an ass bag. Not everyone wants to become a chief. If you do, more power to ya. But you don't shit on everyone else.  There are plenty of retirees who have left this job with the respect they deserve. Some don't. Its their choice. 

Received via Email: 11-23-13  11-23 #3 Yeah...........................surely not the A shift. Have you been to 11A lately? You can't tell them anything because they already know it all and with the additon of Blank there they are now complete. Complete fucking assholes

Received via Email: 11-23-13  Wow, you SPFR losers should have been in Palm Harbor tonight to see how a REAL FIRE CHIEF gets honored by his friends and co workers and then how HE gives them the credit for his success 

Received via Email: 11-24-13  Hey Palm Harbor the loser left SPFR. We are the winners now. Maybe lil steve can be your guy. You luv him so much it shows in your slaming of SPFR. GOOD LUCK lil fire district.

Received via Email: 11-24-13  Yeah..............Good luck little fire district with your 4.0 multiplier and 25 years and out with 100%. Good luck!  Some of you folks need to wake up. Little St. Petersburg is about to be eclipsed by nearly every dept. around us for pay and pension in a very short time. Enjoy that second R day and work them both for me.

Received via Email: 11-24-13  I'm getting ready to go to bed now. When I get up tomorrow I'm goning to clean my car and then go to the gym. After lunch I'm going to call the union hall and see if anyone has done anything about my retro check. I pay my dues and I'm entitled to some answers.

Received via Email: 11-24-13  If Winnie or Rick were still in office, you wouldn't have your check right now because the same prick is still the mayor but at least there would have been a memo telling you what's going on. Blank and Hay don't produce a memo unless it's to help them. Stop making nice to these fuckers. They don't do shit unless there's something in it for them. Dumbasses get exactly what they deserve.

Received via Email: 11-25-13  11/24 #3 I hope you're just kidding because waking up and paying your dues every day is pretty balsy.

Received via Email: 11-25-13  765

Received via Email: 11-26-13  764

Received via Email: 11-27-13  Blank and Hay are calling stations seeking monetary donations so the Local can give the outgoing Mayor a gift of appreciation. WTF? They still cant get over the fact that the guy proved that he was a loser, has no honor and is not to be trusted. Oh, now I get it, "Birds of a feather flock together".

TEAM:  Are you people stuck on stupid? How much proof do you need to identify Bill Foster as your enemy and why on GOD's green earth would you give this man anything?  If Blank and Hay love this PRICK so much, let them spend their own money on their love affair with this loser!

What should we give St. Petersburg Mayor Bill Foster for all that he's done for us?

Here's a sample of what he's done to us, not for us:

Reduced minimum staffing levels

Cut FD budget repeatedly and to a greater degree than that of the PD budget

Cut FD OT budget resulting in daily apparatus brownouts yet strengthened PD OT budget

Refused to apply for SAFER grant money to keep and/or hire 17 additional Fire Fighters for a minimum of two years.  Instead, the firefighters of Local 747 just paid $1.6 Million for the privelege of buying those firefighters for a single year - 2016!  Brilliant!

Allowed Fire Fighters to be laid off (first time in history) in spite of huge reserve fund balances

At impasse hearing he demanded that Employee Assistance Protection be stripped out of contract for drug testing

At impasse hearing he demanded that Fire Fighters Step Plan be frozen

Refused to pay catastrophically injured Fire Fighter Brad Westphal the $24,000 he is owed in back pay and is taking him back to court again

Authorized the city negotiators to violate the collective bargaining agreement by reneging on 2 year DROP extension that PD has enjoyed for years, causing us to spend and additional $10,000.00 in attorneys fees to get back what we already owned

Refuses to settle with a prematurely retired fire captain who was wrongfully forced to retire due to the above contract violations that he demanded

Received via Email: 11-27-13  763

Received via Email: 11-27-13  ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They are really doing that? This is grounds for their removal from office,yes you Blank & Hay! You have better not use one cent of my Union Dues for that enemy foster. GO away with him, heck you two can walk off holding hands and sucking up to stevie gaptooth maybe he'll hire you 2 as his fluff boys..FTM & FU!

Received via Email: 11-27-13  Are we seeing a patter here? Blank does whatever the hell he wants, when he wants and we keep paying for it one way or another. Blank and Hay both make more than me with their union officers paycheck. Let them spend their own money.

Received via Email: 11-27-13  Trying to figure out who set up an MDA boot drive on a holiday weekend with a day or two notice? Brilliant, simply brilliant. I am sure this will be a hell of a turnout.

Received via Email: 11-27-13  Mr. Webmaster is right. What Foster could have gotten us for free from the government we (that's us folks) are now paying for.
Please name one thing that Blank and Hay have done for us that hasn't backfired on us. If you really want to buy Foster a present, buy him a bus ticket if you don't want to insult the new mayor and council.

Received via Email: 11-27-13  Warning shot, if you forget to show up at the Rob Neuberger MDA boot drive you will have to carry your fire boot around with you until Christmas. Second warning shot is to announce the stupidity of anyone that thinks Mayor Silly Willie Loser Foster deserves a gift of any kind. Of course a bus ticket to Loserville is acceptable. Blank and Hay can drive him since they can find it in their sleep.

Received via Email: 11-27-13   wonder if Blank and Hay will try to buy sumthin special for ole whats him name? You know the gap toothed wonder. Maybe they can get a second ticket on that moving truck to loserville.

Received via Email: 11-28-13  Buy Foster a boot so he can kick his own ass with it. OR, give him his own special gear they issued him back when he was sucking up to #4 and blowing smoke up our asses.

Received via Email: 11-28-13  762

Received via Email: 11-28-13  So what was it Blank asked Hay at the Union meeting, and he shouted."Don't mention that now!" I am thinking his blind dimwitted I wanna buy froster a bye bye gift. Do NOT use any of our hard earned Union Dues to give anything to Public enemy #1. Your days are numbered, you should resign before we have you (2) removed. If there is a way it will be done, By the book unlike anything they have done ....

Received via Email: 11-28-13  Dont you remember? we cant give Foster a boot. He is the one that took our boots away from us because we were using them to collect money for a good cause. Just another of the 40 ways Foster found to tell people in need F.YOU.

Received via Email: 11-29-13  761

Received via Email: 11-29-13  If, just If Blank & Hay do offer a kiss to the out going mayor in our name, Local 747.i wanna Know. I'll be out front with my signs, and fist raised in affront to blankhay's eye turned BS. FTM. 







Received via Email: 11-30-13  Now thats funny. Wish it were true.

Received via Email: 11-30-13  FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY

Received via Email: 11-30-13  760

Received via Email: 12-01-13  I have just learned that there was a 3 day MDA boot drive held this weekend. WTF? Who was in charge of getting this info out to the stations? I have also learned that out of the entire 300+ employees of SPFR and members of Local 747, Rob Neuberger WAS THE ONLY ONE to stand on Friday and Saturday. Again I ask, Who was responsible for this information? Rob, I offer you my apology for not being there with you and at the same time I SALUTE you for standing for those that cant and doing a good deed. I dont know what is happening around here with the no show of support but its got to be embarassing for this local to do so little for others and even more so for the ONE individual that cared enough to go it alone. Hats off to you Rob Neuberger.

Received via Email: 12-01-13  Why is Neuberger using Union Pool time to do MDA drive? Dont our President know that the contract allows for Community service time to be used when doing a chartiy function? I mean it is in the contract. Maybe he gave all of that away too.
TEAM:  That's a good question and it raises another.  How much can one man bring in on a given day and is it worth our while to spend pool time when asking for donations when a well planned effort could have put many more on the street for free.  After all, Mike Blank is the champion of the pool time issue.  It was one of the planks in his platform.  He's probably used less pool time than any of his predecessors and it shows in his lackluster attention to detail.  Have you read one of our contract's lately?  Why don't you ask him (you know... when he get's a chance to get by the office) if he'll call the chief and ask him if he'll consider flipping that pool time to community service time?  Blank will probably agree with you that it's a great idea.  But you'll never hear from him again.  He's always got an answer for you and it's usually one that you'll be impressed with.

Received via Email: 12-01-13  Although its nice for him to stand alone, it would have been nicer had this been planned ahead and not on a holiday weekend. Who thought this up?

Received via Email: 12-01-13  Okay.............I've got a legitimate question and I'd like an answer because I know it's going to be asked by someone else also. Why aren't our dear leaders Blank and Hay out doing this also? When Winnie was running the show the corners were manned with block captains with coolers, boots and signs. Back at the union hall, he and all the office secretaries and even retirees would come to count money. What the hell are we thinking? We keep coming up with half baked ideas and I'm sure the results are going to be half baked too.

Received via Email: 12-01-13  Hey or Hay... which ever u prefer.. But I hear that HAY has free " cock" rings he gives out to people who's ball shoot up inside them when they ejaculate... LMFAO.. Hay no wonder u never got promoted to Captain... Ur such a "F-up" seriously... BTW this statement is a fact!!!!

Received via Email: 12-01-13  You are so missing the true picture here. ANYTHING that was ever done sucessfully by Winnie will never ever be done or seen again. The vote against Winnie included everything he ever did, thought off, or accomplished. Only idiots try to reinvent the wheel time and time again. Have you ever noticed that a chair still looks like a chair? A table is still the same as its been forever, a knife, fork, spoon, plate, and drink cup are still the same. Now go out and tell one of the 2 brainless wonders that they were invented by Winnie and lets see how fast they start over.

Received via Email: 12-02-13  Wait just a cotton pickin minute. I want to say something nice about Rob Neuberger.

Received via Email: 12-02-13  No shit. I couldn't come up with anything good to say either.

Received via Email: 12-02-13  You're never going to get this club to show support for any outside organization again.  The majority of the members don't give a damn about anything but themselves and wouldn't show up if they had a month's prior notice.  The rest of the members would have attended the MDA Boot Drive as in the past if only they had known about it more than one day in advance.  The fact is that it's up to the leadership to tell the rest of the membership the particulars of the activity.  The slackers will have plenty of notice to find other things they have to do and the same handful of workers who always carry the load will show up to work.  Blank and Hay . . . it's not necessary to find the denigrating descriptive terms to shower on you.  All one needs to do is pay attention to what you do and who supports you.  Get out and take your lackeys with you. 

Thank you Rob for a valiant attempt to make the club look as good as it was when it was a Local.

Dick Tully

Received via Email: 12-02-13  Dick, there are just too many miles between you and the Local for you to know all. Don't let this one hit wonder fool you. He is not to be trusted and even the chiefs will tell you that.

Received via Email: 12-02-13  758

Received via Email: 12-02-13  Forget how gallant neuberger's dedication to have a BOOT DRIVE is so super... Look at the facts. Last Union Meeting, the FIRST TIME it was mentioned the Local's only real officer, Sec tresure William Mott, said it was the first time he had head anything about it! Yes that's right. Either NEUBIE thought it up himself, or blank & blanker decided it was a good idea if successful they would have taken credit for it. Like the another post, in the past, we had multiple teams of people that had know weeks ahead, signed up for and looked forward to doing this great event! Blame falls where it should BLANK & HAY. While we are on the subject of moronic behavior, What we have here is 2 of the 3 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS of our local exclude, go out of their way to keep Bro Mott out of the loop. By back stabbing and playing dirty pool, they keep  qualified members from having a shot at office by whispering dirty down low lies. They lie at the table they lie in the stations. I am SO OVER people like Hay all he could do was slam Newton & Pearl on his tour of the stations before the election. You sir are a disgrace to our fraternity that once was strong. Go back to doing something you are good at. Unclogging toilets. Yes you are a POS take that and smoke it ya FINO. If Blank in his amazing wisdom uses his power of writing a check without approval ( if its under $500.00 ) and buys a Fire helmet with our logo  presents it to Froster? As a show of appreciation to the guy that shut down fire trucks endangering your families life's, and our safety, the truth will once again shine. They care not for you but how someone looks at them ,and says, "that'll do Pig, That'll do." 

Received via Email: 12-02-13  I'm sure you do, Rob.

Received via Email: 12-02-13  How did the vote go for B shift V.P.?

Received via Email: 12-03-13  Wait a helmet for Foster for all he has done for us. You have got to be kidding me!!
TEAM:  No problemo.  No one's looking - surely not Kriseman or any of the incoming Council members (who, by the way, all support Rick Kriseman).  There's more... just you wait and see.

Received via Email: 12-03-13  757

Received via Email: 12-03-13  Did they really buy that douchebag a helmet?

Received via Email: 12-04-13  Oh wait! Is it possible that more than one of us thinks that thinks by not ackowleging the new mayor with a simple phone call or buying this douche a helmet is time well spent? My friends, this is what Blank and Hay do when you are not looking. This is their schtick. Say one thing and do another.

Received via Email: 12-04-13  756

Received via Email: 12-04-13  B & H behavior is treason to those of us that believe in a union. Rewarding foster with a symbol of pride is so wrong.  He never supported us. He worked b & h like hand puppets. Trouble is b and h still believe it!

Received via Email: 12-04-13  Blank and Hay are puppets but now they don't have a puppetmaster to go to. Are YOU guys going to keep voting Blank and Hay into office or are you going to do something different the next time?

Received via Email: 12-04-13  Did He ever turn in his gear that was issued when He claimed He liked us? Hell use that helmet and let the two Puppetts sign it !!

Received via Email: 12-05-13  I wonder if he turned in the same air mask that Knight turned in? Before leaving, he turned all his gear in to Shop and he turned in a Scott mask instead of the current MSA mask. He should have been written up but you know that Jimmie's boys are protected, even for a fuckup like this. Foster and Knight...............two guys who played fireman and both are down the road.

Received via Email: 12-05-13  Who cares !! Foster is Gone !! and that in itself my friend is Great News. Only better news than that, this year, is that Knight is Gone !!  2013 has turned out to be a pretty awesome year !!
TEAM:  "2013 has turned out to be a pretty awesome year !!"  Yes it has.  But lets not let our guard down, now.  Members need to become informed and involved in their union.  There is way too much going on behind the scenes that will come back to bite us if members don't ask question concerning our financial and political future.  There is only so much that can be done from behind the bully pulpit of this web site.

Received via Email: 12-06-13  754

Received via Email: 12-05-13  753

Received via Email: 12-08-13  752

Received via Email: 12-08-13  Hey, how about our 'leaders' wanting to buy Fester a fire helmet? It had better come out of their shitty 2% and not my dues. PKNUCK
TEAM:  "...Fester"  Loving it.  Our own uncle Fester.

Received via Email: 12-08-13  Uncle Fester was funny and harmless.

Received via Email: 12-08-13  He was. However ours was not. Its unfathomable to me how we could have backed someone who did NOTHING for us. What worse is the people who were deceived into thinking he and the contract were the way to go.
TEAM:  Ask some of the new guys on the job how they voted on this last contract.  If they tell you that they voted to accept it - ask why.  The overwhelming answer you'll hear is that Steve Hay gave a great presentation on what a super contract offer was about to be laid at our feet.  The next thing they'll tell you about is the monetary value that the additional R-Day represents followed by the increase in hourly rate caused by a reduction in workweek. 

1. A Kelly Day is time off.  Other than some intrinsic value, a Kelly Day is time off and has no monetary value.  Hay perpetuated this myth.
2. A reduction in workweek will necessarily yield a bump in hourly rate but it yields no GWI so how do you spend it?  One Holiday at a time?

With each passing day this Local is getting younger.  That being said -- with age comes experience and wisdom; neither or which can be rushed.  This Local is going to feel the sting from a lack of wisdom and experience for a long time to come.  With the general mindset that now exists amongst the younger members that they somehow scored a 'win', it's going to take a few more years of wins on par with this last contract offer before the majority of members look around at other Locals who are also having wins, but wins of a more tangible rather than feel-good nature to realize they're being duped.

Poor or misguided leadership is one thing.  Poor or misguided leadership that preys upon the ignorance and naïveté of younger, less well informed members is quite another matter.

Received via Email: 12-09-13  751

Received via Email: 12-10-13  750

Received via Email: 12-10-13  What do you think our Chief and past Mayor do with this offer?

Received via Email: 12-10-13  Hey Jimbo, you and your followers can quit reminding folks that they can opt out of their pool time donations. Ya see if you knew the contract as well as you do everything else, (oops that explains everything), then you would already know the deadline was 12 days ago. I guess Mark Sweet really let you down this year.

Received via Email: 12-11-13  Tell me why would Sweet or ANY or CURRENT MEMBER talk about opt-out or even opt-out? Keep it up and you won't have a local or an International!!!!!

Received via Email: 12-11-13  I sure would like to know the name of the guy who's trying to get out of paying for pool time so that I can shake his hand. When Winnie was in office all the heros that didn't support him didn't want to pay pool time were constantly bitching so this guy must not be a Blank supporter cuz Winnie don't work here anymore. Just like when the scabs got out and said they wouldn't get back in until Winnie was gone. Most of those pussies are still out and one of them does the mail run on light duty. He tries to be a funny guy and insert himself in the conversation but I walk away from him. I'll bet there's a record of it with the union or the city. I'll find out and report back to you because I want to know so that I can shake his hand.
TEAM:  Good luck with that.

Received via Email: 12-11-13  749

Received via Email: 12-12-13  748- just can't wait!!

Received via Email: 12-13-13  747... ironic..... thanks blank and hay..

Received via Email: 12-14-13  746

Received via Email: 12-14-13  This weeks winners and losers.................................
Winner: Doug Lewis
Loser: Jimbo Large:

Received via Email: 12-15-13  745

Received via Email: 12-15-13  Wow VP STEVE's comments after the article, are so strong, and supportive! I do now believe he is in love with A Kap. Just go and check out his first comment. Too bad you didn't have that passion for the truth for the entire union.

Received via Email: 12-15-13  I see that Hay had something to say in the comments about the swap time. Why not set the record straight for all your members so that everyone can read it in the paper instead of hiding and then speaking after the horse is out of the barn?

Received via Email: 12-15-13  Did you catch Hay making the claim that the whole story was an attempt to embarrass Foster? Note to Hay.............asshole, the election was last month and your boy lost by a huge number of votes LAST MONTH. The article just came out yesterday and again your boy lost by a huge number of votes LAST MONTH. It's easy to see why you want to buy him a fire helmet. The calendar in your pocket says 2012 and you and Foster still think you've got a chance. Assholes

Received via Email: 12-15-13  I'm so glad that Large got one last shot at Winnie before he retires as the great chief he sees himself as. Winnie has done more for the firefighters in this entire county than Large will ever open his eyes to see but that's the way Jimbo works. Keep spreading lies that support his regime and keep shitting on any hope that the firefighters will ever rise up and take what they've lost.

Received via Email: 12-16-13  744

Received via Email: 12-16-13  Wait a minute hay said that? Why I remember at a past union meeting he said he didn't like foster either! WTH? now he wants to polish his personal helmet? When will the light turn on?

Received via Email: 12-16-13  So lets see, on one hand you have Firefighters that make sure they have their shifts covered by getting someone to cover them. On the other hand you have a Fire Chief and Mayor that choose to take trucks out of service.

Received via Email: 12-16-13  "It's easy to see why you want to buy him a fire helmet. The calendar in your pocket says 2012 and you and Foster still think you've got a chance. Assholes" Everyone ought to agree (except you guys with the hidden agenda) these comments are dead on.

Received via Email: 12-16-13  I'll bet that when the next story hits about how many folks we have sitting in HQ earning a Hi Risk pension, while doing no risk work, then Chief Large will really start shaking.

Received via Email: 12-17-13  743

Received via Email: 12-17-13  Holiday get together? Anyone not doing anything Friday, meet at FERG's @ 11:00 AM and take the place over for some brother & sister hood? I'll be there. hope you all will.

Received via Email: 12-17-13  We may just lose some swap time benefits because the mayor to be is already getting hit over the head with newspaper articles about us.  Too bad Large was'n't smart enough to go around to the stations and stop at sticking Winnie in the ass but he also had to run around sucking off Foster and talking shit about Kriseman.

Received via Email: 12-17-13  Foster is a LAME DUCK. He can't wait to get out of ole St. Pete. hell he took a job with an Attorney's group, in Vero beach! GOOD BYE LOSER!!

Received via Email: 12-17-13  Looks like some of you shift swapping crackers are going to get your come uppance.

Merry Christmas you self centered motherfuckers,
Blackie McBlackerson

Received via Email: 12-18-13  Now if thats not calling the kettle white.....

Whitie McWhiterson

Received via Email: 12-18-13  Congrats to MB who has been off for a while and rumor has it he just put in his papers. If the rumors are true have a great Retirement.

Received via Email: 12-18-13  Mike Blanks retiring? WOOHOO

Received via Email: 12-18-13  Large is such a pussy. Now I see why Blank used to spend so much time in your office. Misery loves company:

Received via Email: 12-18-13  Hey hey Shanaynay..........we're thinking about giving our good friend Bill Foster a going away party at Ferg's on Friday @ 11:00 AM. Come one, come all. We're going to get the party started right, by inviting Mark Ferguson to show outgoing mayor Bill Foster what a real IAFF fire helmet looks like from a man who earned it. We're anticipating a very small turnout and an even shorter overall event time once Bill figures out, he aint getting one. Soooooo if you've got 5 minutes to spare (that's about how much time he had for us over his time in council) come on by. The real party starts when his ass hits the door! FTM & FF

Received via Email: 12-18-13  F the Friday gathering the original announcement (unofficial 747 gathering) was for real firefighters NOT for talking heads giving undeserving people our prized symbol of bravery. Change of venue in order, HOOTERS! 4th Street.

Received via Email: 12-18-13  If you've got a helmet for Fester, I've got something to put in it and you ain't gonna like it.

Received via Email: 12-18-13  Tell me how weak you think this is. Large sent out a memo today talking about changes in policy but didn't share the changes with the members but DID SEND THEM TO THE SP TIMES. Larges memo said: A draft of proposed changes to the Exchange of Duty Time Policy has been forwarded to the Tampa Bay Times. That information may or may not be reprinted. This memorandum is to notify all fire personnel that our current policy will remain in effect until you are notified otherwise.

This is what he leaked to the Times for the public to vote on before he would even share it with us:
ST. PETERSBURG — Fire Chief Jim Large is tightening a department policy that has allowed firefighters to receive salaries and benefits for work they did not perform.

Large released on Wednesday a draft copy of the policy, which outlines rules firefighters must follow when they cover for each other.

The policy would explicitly ban shift trades for cash and swaps made to allow a firefighter to work a second job. It also limits the number of hours a firefighter can use or owe from 480 to 240.

I guess Large owes me nothing but I've noticed that many of the chiefs at HQ had the opportunity to swap time for cash to go to school back in the day so he at least ought to be man enough to stand up for those of us who cannot go to school now because there is no more educationsl leave offered by the dept.

Received via Email: 12-19-13  When did the TBT and or public opinion start dictating policy at the fire dept?  Our current swap policy violates no laws nor does it cost the taxpayers of this city anything.  Why the hell should we change a decades long practice that is used by most FD's countrywide just because some reporter doesn't like it?  Grow some balls admin...

Received via Email: 12-19-13  Large is a chicken shit forgot where he came from fat fuck but besides that Chief Bassett has allowed educational leave back in the mix.  We know we have guys using cash swaps even though they were banned.  We always screw things up like asking why the doughnut guy always brings glazed or the pizza guy always brings pepperoni.  Swaps are still in play they way it was intended to be used. 

Received via Email: 12-19-13  Well, I guess there's always the hope that with a new Mayor that we can bargain to get those hours back up to something better.
TEAM:  Tell us you're kidding, right?  Here's the rub and we've talked about this before.  You can't get on an airplane and expect to get to your destination, when during the flight you discover the fact that one of your three engines has died and your pilot is seen putting on a parachute.  Why the parachute?  While the plane could easily make it to its destination on just two engines, the pilot didn't take on any more fuel at the last stop and finds that the tanks are now nearly empty.  It's a recipe for disaster.

Back in July when Large made the first change in policy, Blank and Hay were warned that we needed to get the attorneys involved because of the change in working conditions.  We were ignored!  We might also add - this is right about the time that Blank and Hay first discovered the Management Rights Article in the Collective Bargaining Agreement because they started using it as an excuse not to defend every attack against us that the City was trying to make.  You can conjecture all you want as to why they didn't attempt to take the change to arbitration -- the bottom line is this... our position wasn't properly articulated to the attorneys or defended by the attorneys.

The question is, can we bargain to get the number of hours back up?  Sure, but why would you want to bargain now?  In bargaining there is an expectation of giving something up in return for getting something.  Earlier this summer when this story broke, Blank and Hay should have been proactive and taken the City to arbitration or at the very least allowed the City to come to us with hat in hand requesting to 'impact bargain' for changes.  Neither took place.  Fast forward to today and Large is looking to make another change to our working conditions and what?  Blank and Hay have been warned again that this needs to go to our labor attorneys, but is it all for naught?

When the City makes unilateral changes that affect our working conditions, those changes must be dealt with and swiftly.  For Blank and Hay to constantly proclaim that the City somehow has super powers because a Management Rights Article exists is akin to claiming that the Federal Gov't has rights - while making no mention of the fact that State's rights also exist.  We said all that to say this; if at any time we as a Labor organization fail to act on an issue of such importance as an incursion into our rights, it can be viewed as our tacit approval of said same.  When Large so often told us that Winnie Newton fought too much with the City, we all should have answered by saying "The City brought the fight to us - we didn't bring the fight to the City!"  And for those of you who make the claim that fighting makes us look greedy to the public and Council... how do you feel about how we look to them this week?  Fight or no fight, we are always going to look greedy to someone who didn't get the job we got or someone who's wife got tapped by a FF or someone who thinks the City pays for our meals or someone who doesn't have a pension or who doesn't like unions.  You should get used to it or get used to having nothing.

We have to fight to keep what benefits we've attained, but truthfully, as of today we're not sure that we're in the best possible position to defend our position because we've allowed the City to trespass on this very same issue in the past, without ever saying a word.  It's exactly the position we find ourselves in because we keep electing union leadership that doesn't lead; it follows - isn't proactive; it's reactive.

Received via Email: 12-19-13  Which MB retired?

Received via Email: 12-19-13  Heres a fun thought. How far do you think the union will get with Kriseman when they've made no attempt to make nice with him? Guess maybe he CAN b of use to us huh ya fu++ mooks!

Received via Email: 12-19-13 keep repeating what Large told the troops about Winnie. I wish that every time you did that you'd say that Winnie wasn't fighting just for the sake of fighting. He was DEFENDING our membership and our contract. We need to stop saying he fought too much. He just never stopped defending and he was and is damn good at it as everyone else in the county has come to find out.
TEAM:  We couldn't have said it better ourselves.  You are correct.  No one spends time fighting just to fight and we don't think there was ever an occasion where Winnie invited the City to show up to negotiate and they didn't bother to come.  They always showed up because they too, were defending a position but we don't recall anyone ever saying that they fight too much.  Good call.  Oh... and your comments on Winnie's negotiating prowess extends to Pasco County.

Received via Email: 12-19-13  how many MBs are there ?

Received via Email: 12-20-13  We lost swap time because of a greedy few. I don't swap much so it doesn't involve me. Large was right doing what he did and he has the right to do it. If Large loses his job over this, it would be tragic for us. He likes me and I'm planning on being promoted.  I really don't want to start over with a new chief who may or may not come to visit at the MFS everyday.


Fully Enganged Lt. Wannabe (minimally engaged union member)

Received via Email: 12-20-13  "I don't swap much so it doesn't involve me." Hmmmmm.......Sounds like something Hay would say.

Received via Email: 12-20-13  Rumor has it the Lt MB from station 13 retired yesterday.

Received via Email: 12-20-13  Don't upset RN!  He might post something about you online!

Received via Email: 12-20-13  RN is a sissymary. RN is a sissymary. RN is a sissymary. You can tell him that I said so.

Received via Email: 12-20-13  Hey chief's a bitch not having your chief prick and statistician, Knight around anymore, huh? Firefighters posting shit in the comments section of the Times know more about what's going on here than you do. I like the way our guy Tyler posts. And Hay, keep your meat hooks off of him and his comments. At least he can put a sentence together without slamming two of them together like a sandwich.
"310 firefighters working 52 hours per week, or 2704 hours per year, times 2 years is 1,680,000 hours. If they swapped 58,000 of those hours that is less than 3.5% of the time. I don't see how this is a big deal. Especially when less than a tenth of those hours are disputed. All this over 0.35%."

Received via Email: 12-22-13  Damn...........and both Largo and Seminole were looking for a new chief. They say timing is everything.

Received via Email: 12-22-13 come Blank and Hay aren't comeing to Jimbos rescue in the comments section? Even Dick who thinks Large is a dick has something to say. What's the matter, has the cat got Santa and the Plumber's tongue? I wonder if you're going to buy Jimbo an IAFF helmet on his way out the door, too?  Come on Steve, put together one of your gangbuster defense's and explain away Large's troubles in the paper. Oh...........better idea......better idea.  Why not take your battle up with Rick Kriseman?!?!?  Hmmmm?  Doh! That's right, you've been ignoring him like the plague in the hopes that he'll forget about the fact that you lied your asses off to deny him the opportunity to be backed by his friends at Local 747. Want to know what I think? The chickens are comeing home to roost and all you fuckers who were fucking over firefighters for for personal gain are about to get body slammed in a big way and I'm just going to sit back and laugh my ass off. FTM

Received via Email: 12-22-13  Well you better look again!  Hay posted on the Times website. He's a proven union leader. What a total douche bag/tool bag.

Received via Email: 12-22-13  Wow!  Hay steps right up with a script and all. Way to get waaay out in front of a story. I just wish we could get you to use anybody's script when you have to defend a member in trouble. To hear you tell it, they're all in trouble and deserve the punishment but you'll try your best to save the day. Great going Steve. You're my hero even if you work harder for the chief than you do the members who elected you. It seems like just yesterday when you were blaming the chief and only the chief for no movement on the contract. Man, I'm glad your story never changes.

'Times comments below:
"Steve Hay EVP Local 747
Fact-310 firefighters worked 1,676,408 man hours over two years. Puentes stated 58,000 man hours were swapped, this equates to 3.5% of those man hours. Then only 5,009 man hours are in question, that equates to one third of one percent. The first article that was printed was full of false statements and conjecture. I take it the article was a bust so you followed with three more articles that were no better to try and save face. You were given documents that contradict your articles and they were never posted. Chief Large does a great job and he is well respected in his field. It is a disgrace how you have portrayed him and what you have said about him, and this is coming from a union official.
I googled "Mark Puentes investigated", I recommend everyone read this article and pay close attention to Mr. Steeles statements in this article."

Received via Email: 12-23-13  "Large does a great job" Whoever posted that is a disgrace.  Large has been a self serving chief for years. He cares only about himself. He has made very poor wishy  decisions for years.  Finally, now everyone seeing the true Jim.  Wishy washy weak leader. Time to go jim.  And you to little puppet boy.
TEAM:  In the last 12-22 posting, we took the liberty of inserting a break between paragraph's as well as adding some red text along with some quotation marks to help you dilineate between the poster's comments and those lifted from the comments section of the newspaper.

Received via Email: 12-23-13   Umm, our new mayor isn't off to a good start now is he.

Received via Email: 12-24-13  Ok 12/23 #2. Or should I say Hay. I saythe new mayors off to a great start. I dare you to find anyone of froster's staff that didn't have a skeleton or two hangin around. Mostly himself. You lost, foster lost. Keep taking your future with the local is tick tick ticking down...

Received via Email: 12-24-13  736. Who's counting? FTM still

Received via Email: 12-25-13  735

Received via Email: 12-25-13  wow, that big raise and back pay will almost fill my gas tank twice!

Received via Email: 12-26-13  734

Received via Email: 12-26-13  735 lmfao

Received via Email: 12-27-13  So close you can almost taste it. A bad taste.

Received via Email: 12-27-13  733 but who really cares?

Received via Email: 12-28-13   First Elston,
Now Scott,
When is it Jimmy's time?

Received via Email: 12-29-13  Tish never supported the Firefighters. Good Riddance.

Received via Email: 12-29-13  And you could say the same thing about Large, Blank, Hay, Foster to name a few.

Received via Email: 12-29-13  Wow 12 people called in sick today on the B shift including Staff Officers. Hey Large, you have officially lost control of your department. And it is a Holiday week. AMAZING
Maybe you better send some more of those dont use sick time (letters) Fella

Received via Email: 12-29-13  12 B shifters out on Sick today resulting in 24 12 hour slots needing to be filled. 1 paramedic being mover to the c shift tonight leaves another 12 hour slot to be filled. I was quite surprised to see how many of the slots were filled by volunteers (20) vs the Mandatory (4). I guess that big pay raise and "BONE US" pay didnt quite fill the hole from the past 2 years and folks have realized that the dim witts bulb is no longer burning at the end of the tunnel.

Received via Email: 12-29-13  Ihave to work ot since I have not received a fair wage increase in years. Pretty pathetic but hey I get another rday in 2 years. You ass wipes.  Blank go f*** yourself.

Received via Email: 12-29-13  Say what you want about Tish, but she was the only Fire Chief we ever had that knew not to overstay her welcome.

Received via Email: 12-29-13  The latest story/editorial in Sundays TBT. 12/29/13, This writter says,"You need to replace the police chief and if you can find him maybe the fire chief, too, if he hasn't swapped a work shift with the entire cast of Backdraft."
Now thats funny, I dont care who you are.

Received via Email: 12-29-13  Did anyone catch this story? In here is a great remark made by the outgoing Mayor Foster. ""You think you know the city until you're the one sitting at the top," Foster sad. "That's a very lonely place. He'll drink from a fire hydrant for a while."

I guess he knows who really supported whom during this last election. Belly up to the Hydrant Mayor Kriseman, there is always room for a friend. You probably wont find many of St Petes self proclaimed Finest there but St. Petes Bravest will be there en mass.

Received via Email: 12-29-13  I have never been ashamed to take a drink from one of our city hydrants. Mayor Kriseman will be welcomed at mine anytime.

Received via Email: 12-30-13  We fully support Mayor Kriseman because he never turned his back on us and appreciated us when we assisted with his tragic house fire. But Foster, acted like he was our friend and then once elected not only turned his back but made it very hard financially on us and our families when the city had plenty of reserves to help us out. Foster you will Not be missed. Mayor Kriseman, we have your back and will continue to give our best for the citizens and you. Nuff said
TEAM:  You may be onto something.

Documentation that depicts the start of your Union's winning trend is located HERE...

"An organization succeeds, not because it is long established, but because
there are people in it who live it, sleep it, dream it, and build future plans for it."
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