Received via Email 01-02-14 I had the honor to attend the swearing in of our new council members, and Mayor Kriseman. It was a huge gathering of many people from all walks of St. Petersburg. Former Mayors,past President of Local 747 Winnie Newton,(a member of the Mayor's transition team) on, and off duty members of the Fire Rescue department. The funny thing, no where in sight was Blank, or Hay!! Go figure. Furthering the cause of possible friction between our local and them. This is an obvious insult to the Mayor, and the council members we backed. What the hell are you two nit wits thinking? But wait! Mayor Kriseman looked our way, and gave a big smile, and thumbs up. The only real executive officer of our Union, William Mott was there. Thank You Bill.
If there is anyway to rid our local of these two anti firefighters, impeach, recall whatever. Let it be done NOW! I am ashamed of you two guys. Unless you had a family emergency there is no valid excuse for you not to have been there.
Received via Email 01-02-14 Blank and Hay are against our new Mayor. Union vote, impeach them immediately !!!!!!
Received via Email 01-02-14 Members of our Local contributed $3,000 of our money towards the election campaigns of each of the 4 council members and the loser Mayor Foster. Now I am being told that the leaders of the Local chose not to pay them the honors they deserve during the sewaring in ceremonies by not attending. I understand that all of the old Mayors suckups surely found their way into the crowd. I guess they realized how important it is to get back in line to find a place so they can once again latch themselves onto the hind tit that they have enjoyed feasting on for the past 4 years. Its a real shame that the Blank one and the Hay seed didnt get the memo.
Received via Email 01-03-14 Looks like Ch Large called in sick, must have new Mayor blues. Hey Large you are getting a memo for using too much sick time near a holiday. Ha Ha Ha Happy New Year to all the troops. Figured I would send a new year wish since Large sure aint going to do it.
Received via Email 01-03-14 Some of you are going to act surprised that Blank and Hay didn't show up but what did you expect? They both said that this would be a great part time gig once they got the contract out of the way and guess what??? the contract is out of sight and out of mind. At to it the fact that they screwed over Kriseman in a big way, did you really really really expect them to show their faces?
Received via Email 01-03-14 Hay and Blank are now in the money. they do not have to do anything but collect the big money WE pay them every year. Contract work is DONE
Received via Email 01-04-14 In the first post on 01/03 "Looks like Ch Large called in sick, must have new Mayor blues". Yeah, you know how it is when you change your diet so abruptly. After 4 years of Foster-Ade, now just regular Hydrant water is quite a shock to someone that is delicate as Jimbo. I forecast a serious increase in S/L usage for the poor man. Maybe he can fire himself and get all of his sick leave hours paid. Oh the pain. Enjoy it while you can Jimmy, the rumors are out and it aint lookin to good for ya. Even with Blank and Hays attempts to shun out Mayor Kriseman this Local and its members played an very important role in his election to city council during both of his terms. He still has many memories and he will fulfil his promises. He just might not include the assinine-trinity of Large, Blank, and Hay. Oh yeah, does it amaze anyone else at how fast Large tried to fit in by attending the swearing in ceremony, but Blank and Hay didn't?
Received via Email 01-05-14 Blank and Hay, you two will go down in history as two of the best con men and worst union leaders that Local 747 has ever seen.
Received via Email 01-05-14 Do you really think so? There are way too many lazy and stupid people on this job that have no idea what they're up to. They're so tied up in being Large's piss boy that they have little time to think about anything UNION. When you have bad membership, that's one thing. When you have bad membership being led by bad leadership, it takes several years for stupid lazy people to realize how much they've lost and forever to get any of it back again. I'm loving it!
Received via Email 01-05-14 For all of us who have been on more than 25 years We all know the real Large. Non productive, Wishy Washy, only advancing by his master ability to con his superiors how great he is when in reality he is nothing more than a great salesman of himself. He has been like this his entire career and none of the new people know it or see it. Believe me folks it is true. Ask any retiree about James Large and they will tell you the truth. I am not talking about asking some but ANY retiree, You played a good game for many years Jimmy and fooled a lot of people and received a lot of money for it. But guess what PAL, your time is up and it is time for you to retire or be fired. Pick one fella cause thats your choices. 2014 the year of the firefighter.
Received via Email 01-06-14 3rd 1/5 Great Post, All true
Received via Email 01-06-14 Police Chief Harmon retired today and on his way out he acknowledged how much things have changed during his 31 years as a Police Officer. What a statement. When do you think we will hear something like that come out of Jimmys pie hole? I mean hes been here since hand crank engines. I think his greatest accomplishment is that he was on the job when the trucks started getting air conditioning. Oh yeah, lets not forget his great one page photo spread in the Hot Shots girlie calendar.
Received via Email 01-06-14 I worked with Large from the time he was a blue shirt until the last few years. He was known to be interested in promotions from early on, and even confidently predicted that he would eventually be a DC.
He was a good guy to work with as an officer, and most people liked him as a DC. He used to be insecure that people wouldn't take him seriously for being too young. Now he's worried about being seen as too old. I guess he never felt just right.
His biggest downfall is the same problem a lot of people have when they move upward and turn getting promoted into a habit--- they find themselves in a job that they never really planned on getting, or are capable of performing competently.
Large is smart enough, but his weakness is that he wants to be loved by everyone. A lieutenant or a captain can get away with that, but it's tougher for a DC and inappropriate for anyone higher to expect the people that they might discipline or fire to remain in love with them. Just like a few chiefs in the past, Large failed to recognize when he stopped being effective years ago.
Perhaps our new mayor will see when it's time for St. Pete's currently employed longest serving firefighter to retire. Again.
Received via Email 01-07-14 Chief Jimmys acomplishments will be playing checkers with others to playing suduko by himself.
Received via Email 01-08-14 Got a question. Its been a week with the new mayor in office and Large is still Chief. Whats UP?
Received via Email 01-08-14 At shift change this morning, the B shift told us that Puente is digging into HQ bidness again. I'd be shocked to learn that he's got it out for Jimbo and he's got a bigger audience than his suckboys at the MFS. JL is the biggest loser.
Received via Email 01-08-14 From post #1 01/08, "Got a question. Its been a week with the new mayor in office and Large is still Chief. Whats UP?" In the words of Radar, "wait for it", the anticipation is killing them too
Received via Email 01-09-14 Can't wait to see what's gotten that pseudo-scribe's shorts twisted this time. Probably found out there's sleeping on this job. Or maybe some people work a second job. Who do you think you are taking a job away from someone who doesn't want to work? That's disgraceful. Why, you ask, doesn't this champion of the loud and stupid in this city find something worthwhile to rail about? For instance the manning or the oos vehicles or the bungling idiots that gave away 8% in pay raises over three years to get an R day at the end of those three years. Yeah, that's the kind of things he should be "reporting" on. (long pause here) Ok, maybe that last one isn't exactly news since it was voted in by the majority of the members of the union. But the other two are good.
Received via Email 01-10-14 "Why, you ask, doesn't this champion of the loud and stupid in this city find something worthwhile to rail about? For instance the manning or the oos vehicles or the bungling idiots that gave away 8% in pay raises over three years to get an R day at the end of those three years." Now now..........the little kiddo that Kidwell sold his cabinet business to says that we were never offered 8%. Those number are all bullshit.
Received via Email 01-10-14 We should be hearing something from the OUTGOING Fire Chief very soon.
Where have I heard this shit before? Oh yeah, Bill Foster and Jimbo Large. Let me see,,, Fosters gone so that only leaves Jimbo.
Received via Email 01-11-14 Leadership: One of the most important factors in public safety is “leadership,” including the strategies, tenor, and goals set by top leaders in both police and fire. Leadership also dictates policy and policing philosophy. In city government, there is no role more important than those individuals who lead the police and fire departments. Therefore, it is imperative that the city has the right people in place to properly lead these two crucial organizations. Both police and fire need new direction and leadership. This should be a priority, for the Mayor-Elect, addressed within the first three to four months of his administration.
So Jimmy, Jimmer, Jimbo, Jimborini, Jimjimini, tell us all again like when Kriseman was running for mayor how big a loser he is?
Received via Email 01-11-14 Maybe if Large has Hay come in and defend him he will get to keep his job. Doh! That won't work cuz Hay is denser than a block of wood and he did Kriseman real dirty. Sorry, Jim...............I was just trying to help (me).
Received via Email 01-12-14 Like you set us up so many times before Jimmy. Now you are being set up to be canned. And rightfully so. You are no more a leader for the FD as a clown running a fortune 500 company. Yeah, your that bad. Bassett, Bruni that kind of leader would be a better choice. One who has been in the trenches and cares about the men more than just talk. Not that those two are the greatest, but they are a HELL of a lot better than your wishy washy leadership style.
Received via Email 01-12-14 Did you notice the COPS spokesman is a LAWYER? When is the last time he rode a shift in a green & white? Just like the 904 boys No cars should be going out of this county, neverless the city
Received via Email 01-12-14 I hope sooner than later some of us figure out that Blank and Hay are a liability as far as this new mayor is concerned. These guys are on Kriseman's bad side and as long as they are a thorn in his side this union isn't going to get jack.
Received via Email 01-12-14 Steve Hay is on Vacation, double dick Johnson is on r day, and Crumity and Blank called out sick. Is there an ass suckin pity party going on at Larges house that I wasnt invited to?
Received via Email 01-12-14 Its hard to believe that a group of 50 people could form such a dead on opinion of whats oing on in this city. I hope the positive report about the Firefighters achieving the ISO 2 rating, the accredidation, and the JATC program earns us some good points.
Received via Email 01-12-14 The fire department on the street is incredible, its the leadership downtown who have never supported us and always fought against us. Promotions have been much by favoritism instead of who is best for the job. Did you forget Hay, these lame brains skipped you 5 times for captain when you were clearly the best officer for the position. Now you have embraced the ones that screwed you. Unbelievable !! Come back to the force Steve, Come back, Dont let the Dark side bring you down with them. Sorry Blank your just plain dumb. We should have a street firefighter committee who advised the the Chief, it would work much better that way.
TEAM: For all the younger members who are reading this, the last statement above is not a new idea. We used to have what were known as Fire Fighter Meetings with management. Because the meetings were set up in such a way as to allow members to speak their mind's, it soon became apparent that management was tired of being called-out. They very much disliked being held accountable (something that they demand of us, though) and showed their disdain - after promising to make changes that we requested -- ultimately resulting in ab-so-lutely no movement on their part - by disbanding the meetings.
Received via Email 01-12-14 After reading the paper this morning, I was shocked to find out that I'm not the only one who's noticed that HQ is a motherfucking white ass Cracker Barrel.
Thanks my brothas and sistas.
Blackie McBlackerson
Received via Email 01-12-14 7th 1/12 Now thats telling it like it is Blackie, Speaking of Cracker Barrel how bouts some fried chicken. Whitie McWhiterson
Received via Email 01-13-14 Whitey, you are a racist motherfucker.
Received via Email 01-13-14 Too Easy ! ! !
Received via Email 01-13-14 Bill Ward was shitcanned so Large could make room to promote Knight to EMS chief.
Jim Wimberly was shitcanned so Large could make room to promote Knight to Ops chief (didn't happen).
Jimmy Large is about to be shitcanned to Kriseman can make room for someone with good breeding, not inbreeding.
I don't remember any of you guys who got promoted by the Great White Hope ever bitching about Ward or Wimberly so long as your boys took care of you. Now that your boy is in real trouble, who are all you suck asses going to turn to? It's a great day in St. Petersburg
Received via Email 01-14-14 "The mayor also would be wise to follow the report's suggestion that he replace fire Chief Jim Large. The Tampa Bay Times reported last month that for decades firefighters had the remarkable flexibility to swap shifts with co-workers with no oversight by supervisors by either trading hours or paying cash. The lack of regulation appears to be unique in Florida, and Large should have tightened the policy years ago rather than acting only after the newspaper revealed the indefensible lack of oversight."
"The police and fire unions are politically aggressive, and it is curious that three City Council members were suddenly singing the praises last week of a fire department that needs a new chief and fights every attempt to reduce emergency medical service costs."
Received via Email 01-16-14 time for a big change..Lets do what Seminole did and hire a woman Chief! Can you say Chief Palenius?
Received via Email 01-17-14 I stll want a LIKE button!!!
Received via Email 01-17-14 Wow!!! 2 big news bombs out of HQ today. The first from Big Jimmy about the latest requests from the news reporter. It seems that someone in the ranks may feel that there has been a whole lot of favoratism going on in the good ole boy club. It seems that Jimmy keeps who he wants and gives the others walking papers. Hey Chief always remember this, if they somehow always have a reason to never be available to come to your house for a party, they probably really really dont like you to begin with. You work within your own den of serpants that you have surrounded yourself with and now some are finding that the only way up is to make room for themselves. Have you ever watched a bunch of live crabs being dumped into boiling water? The ones in the water are pulling the others back down in their attempt to get out. The second big news is Granata announces he is leaving before his drop is over. Boy this reporter is really getting some results with this request.
Or is it that in order to foul up the recommedations of the Mayors transition team to replace folks as they retire with more civilians, Large is duping out all those positions a little early so he can replace them with folks that will keep the position tied up for another 10+ years? Either way Chief Large is still trying to show everyone that he is LARGE AND IN CHARGE all the way to the end. Your really stinking up the place with your bullshit and your deadwood choices Jimmy.
Received via Email 01-17-14 Word on the street sez that the upcoming city employee recognition cermony is going to be so highly attended that there may be a problem with finding a place to park and stand. I keep hearing the words honesty and intigrity of the Mayor as to why so many are chosing to attend and shake the hand of our new Mayor. Oh my, what are we becoming? Now if we can just get #1 Asshole Large out of the picture we will be all set.
Received via Email 01-17-14 You mean to tell me that folks stayed away on purpose? Just because of the guy that didnt know your name or what you did was going to pretend that he liked you, was no reason now to be able to come down while on duty. I mean they let you strip your neighborhood of your truck and crew to go stand and watch you.
Received via Email 01-17-14 Breaking news flash....Its just been anounced that 5 of our long term Light Duty folks will be coming back to shift work by March. Boy, how much a little news story lights a BIG fire.
Received via Email 01-18-14 Amazing how Steve Lawrence is already chosen for the deputy fire marshal position. Those positions have always been put out and others in the department were able to apply and compete. But the good ole boy system is alive and well. Another drinking buddy of Domante and Large is just put in the position the day Joel Granata leaves. And Large cant figure out why the transition team wants new leadership. WAKE UP LARGE, your favoritism of the good ole boy system is just sickening. I am sure this recent idiotic move will just be another great reason for the transition team to get rid of you. To be honest. There is already a well qualified deputy fire marshal named Terry Barber, and the Joel Granata position is not even necessary. Large you continue to amaze us with your foolishness.
Received via Email 01-18-14 Here's the deal on Steve Lawrence. The chief surrounds himself with people he can trust not to speak out against him but will report back to the chief everything you say against him. What does Lawrence get in return for for being one way? He'll get promoted down the road and you'll get the administration that you've always dreamed of.
Received via Email 01-18-14 If Large had not blown Puente off he might not be in as deep a shit bucket as he's in. Now this guy is pissed and he's made it his sole job to dig up everything on everybody. Now we have Hay telling a reporter he's going to have him arrested. Did Hay pass this by the rest of the membership or the E board before he hurt our chances of every getting a fair shake by the newspaper again? And if Blank called him over to give him a statement was the E board aware of what was in it and was it inteded to defend the union or the chief again? Sounds like little Stevie is in way over his head when he spends far more time defending a fire chief who believes in browning out trucks, 2 man trucks and laying people off. I don't recall much ever coming out of little Steve's pie hole when all that was going on.
Received via Email 01-18-14 I don't trust anyone from the TBT when it comes to reporting the news in an unbiased manner. I don't have much use for reporters who make their bones on the back of those who can't get equal space in which to defend themselves and tell their side without the slanted take of the TBT. After a lifetime of living and working in St. Petersburg I'm no novice about the tactics of the St. Pete. Times that now masquerades as the TBT. New name, nothing's changed.
That being said I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Mr. Puente for the lack of professionalism and total disregard for decorum shown to you by the leadership of this Local. At one time in the not so distant past this Local was a place of honor and integrity operated by knowledgeable leadership who knew the processes of tact and honesty. At the present time we are burdened with two elected officials who know nothing of either of those things.
I am honestly offering my apology to you for the treatment you received at the hands of the President and Executive Vice President of this Local. In the past the officers of this Local have always made every effort to maintain a working relationship with the press. Destroying that relationship is NOT the intent nor the desire at this time by the vast majority of members of this Local. In these days and times it's very hard to determine the exact direction of this body but please be assured it isn't in the way one would surmise after being treated so shabbily. Again, please accept my apology and the apology of most all of the members for the way you were treated. That's NOT who we are.
Dick Tully
Past President, Local 747, I.A.F.F.
Received via Email 01-18-14 Thank you Dick for being smart enough to figure out that cutting the nose off of one's face is never a smart move. Blank was bad his first year in office but not that Hay is with him they do what they want when they want and there are no rules in place to stop them.
Received via Email 01-18-14 To the St. Pete Fire crew that blew past us today on Ulmerton and turned north at 49th St. That was not the safest right turn that you pulled off today. Turning right in front of 3 lanes of traffic is tricky at best and it appears from my veiw point it was done with very little thought. I might be wrong but I feel it needs to be pointed out. BTW, your siren sucks.
Received via Email 01-18-14 08-21-13 anyone want waterfront property!?!?!?!? vail should be next!!
Little blast from the past. Hey, did that property ever go on the market?
Received via Email 01-20-14 So Alan Rosetti is still going around swinging for his beloved Fire Chief. This time he is telling all of the new folks (the older folks know better) about how the entire TBT attacks have been done at the request of Winnie Newton. He is telling us about how bad it will be and how he might be back out on his ass in the front seat of a fire truck. Oh poop poor man. Its hard for me to believe that without Newton we, including the DC's wouldnt have gotten rid off the Social Security offset, 3 year average, or the COLA at age 60. Nor would we have the 7 year DROP. The Supervisory unit wouldnt have the 7 day work cycle nor the R day cycle we all hope to someday get to. Yeah Rosie I can understand your concerns. Somehow a retired firefighter is going to get something taken away from you. Werent you on the Pension Board for the past 20 years? How is it that none of these things got done because of you? You havent done alot for us in the past and now your biggest fear is that Large is the only one that continue to keep the liars train running and protect your $95,000 annual salary plus bennies. The DC positions have been in the crosshairs forever and now your trying to pull the ole red herring out of the trash can and beat someone that has stood up to this city and its Fire Administration. I have a great idea. Why dont you talk to your fellow supervisory unit members and disband the unit and go back to letting your Fire Chief bargain for you like in the past? I am sure you and your years of experiance will land you a great job elsewhere. God I hope your little fairy tale world never falls down around you ears. Private vehicle, private bunk room, and private shower and shitter is too much to let go aint it? Yeah I can understand why your sucking up so much shit.
Received via Email 01-20-14 Rosetti and his wife both work for the city, not for the union. That's all you need to know to know why he says what he says. He has always blamed Winnie for wanting to get rid of the DC's when it was Large that proposed it to the mayor for budget reductions. If you ask a union president about options, he's never going to tell you to reduce the number of firefighters. Are any of you shocked by this? Unlike Blank and Hay who have never had a pro union thought, Winnie eats, sleeps and breaths union. FTM
Received via Email 01-20-14 Did anyone hear anything from Rosetti or anyone else back when the FIREFIGHTER positions were cut from HQ? Remember when there was a FIREFIGHTER in training? How about the 2 FIREFIGHTERS that were in Prevention? Somehow the Officers kept their cushions but not so for the FIREFIGHTERS. Remember not to long ago when there was a thought to hire 2 civilians for the same amonut of money as the Lietunant position the Feinberg fell into. Its appearant that Rosetti cant field a good defense of why he should be able to keep his position so its easier to blame it on someone else.
Received via Email 01-20-14 Winnie Newton for Fire Chief. Winnie has the real story on all these guys. President Newton, just remember. "They smile in your face" hahahahaha
your ole buddy.
Received via Email 01-23-14 Pauley for executioner!
Received via Email 01-26-14 oh you rebel you
Received via Email 01-26-14 1/25/14. Now now neuby calm down. Your 6 months is almost half way over.
Received via Email 01-26-14 Today's St Pete Times quote, "The St. Petersburg Association of Firefighters, called Local 747, supports Large." NOT ALL TRUE. Only Blank, Hay, the want to be promoted, and the ones that really don't have a clue. Get it right for once St. Pete Times. Blanket statements make you look stupid and you can't fix stupid.
TEAM: We're sure the 'Times so foolishly knows what they know only after reading SPAFF's prepared written statement and then being thrown off the property by EVP Testosterone. Did you happen to notice that neither Blank nor Hay are even relevent enough to have their name printed in the paper? Note to Blank and Hay... stick to what you know (which ain't much) because you're making us all look like fools.
Received via Email 01-29-14 Over the years HQ always like the feeling of power to tell the troops, "We are making some big moves and you will find out about it when we are ready to implement OUR plan" Well guess what HQ, it is your turn now, When it is decided how to deal with the good ole boy system and your silly games of ego abusive power - The BIG moves will be decided and you will know about it once the plan is ready to be implemented. So good to see justice about to be served. The slaves wont have to be rowing anymore because freedom to do our job and what is best for our citizens is about to happen.
Received via Email 01-31-14 No matter what the HQ assholes have threatened over the years, they can never get everyone on board with their plan. Thats why the SPFR slave ship has done nothing but go around in circles. Maybe someone can come up with a new cadence that will get some worthwhle results. My way Hay, Blank stare Mike, and the invisible man had best get on their toes.
Received via Email 02-02-14 Not a newbie. Just Nuebie.
Received via Email 02-02-14 NEUBIE-burger? LoL
Received via Email 02-02-14 TOO EASY ! ! !
Received via Email 02-02-14 I just watched a great Tampa FD video compilation on FB a little while ago. The video was posted by a member of TFD of all things! Meanwhile this dept. can't get good press in the papers because Large hides from them. We can't post to FB anymore so WE hide what we do from our friends. Mike Blank is hiding from the newspapers and Hay is running them off of the property. If this dept. or this union were a business they'd have folded up their lemonaide stand a long time ago. We're dying from a lack of leadership. Nothing but fools running the place but it's all okay because someone will always show up at your station to bullshit you into believing a lie.
I'm just glad that Blank and Hay have a lot of political clout on the county comission and with the new mayor. We should be good to go!
Received via Email 02-04-14 Eleven of my fellow B Shifters found out that they dont need to wait 23 more months for the reduced work week. Way to go. I wonder if those A shifters are tired of us yet?
February 5, 2014
Emergency Medical Services Financial Sustainability (Pinellas)
View the meetings of the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
Work Session
Pinellas County, FL - Board of County Commissioners Meeting Video Archive
8 cities have already indicated their willingness or endorsement; the city managers will take the county’s offer back to their elected bodies. This list is from the video at 120:00 into the full video.
City Manager in Tarpon Springs
City Manager in Dunedin
City Manager in Oldsmar
City Manager in Clearwater
City Manager Seminole
City Manager in St Pete Beach
City Manager on Treasure Island
Letter from the fire chief of East Lake STD he would recommend this to his board.
The county is still awaiting responses from others.
Please see the full report; but page18 list all of the dept with Funding Changes; No Impact or Increased Funding or Decreased Funding.
Decreased Funding
Pinellas Park
Develop a strategy
I attended this meeting today. It is important that you move quickly to meet with your elected officials and decision-makers to include but not limited to your Fire Chief, City Manager, and your Board of Commissioners or city council members.
After you review the video and the full report if you are one of the city's that are facing decreased funding please move quickly to inform your members and your elected officials/decision makers of the facts and your position on this report.
I remain available to meet with any of your elected officials with you. I've already talked to a few of you on this issue, together we can get ahead of this. We can make some sort of impact do not hesitate to make these calls.
I have already forwarded this information to our IAFF Field Service Rep. Walt Dix.
Will Newton
2nd District Vice-President- Florida Professional Firefighters
727-432-6522 cell
727-322-9090 fax
Received via Email 02-05-14 Oh yeah. Well if Blank and Hay had been there they would have put out a memo too.
Received via Email 02-05-14 Unless it involves standing up for Jimmy Large, they don't have too much to say about protecting US and when was the last time you saw them go anywhere where softball or karate wasn't involved. Nuff said. PS they've already shot their wad for the month. They've already visited all the council members to whine about how poor Jimmy is being treated by the Times. What a waste of union dollars.
Received via Email 02-05-14 Never thought I'd say it. I will be soon become a non-member of this very poorly run organization. I look after myself as all of you should do. Because these two idiots obviously are not doing and don't have the first idea of how to even think about looking out for all of its membership. 32 years in L747. Sorry for making this decision.
Received via Email 02-05-14 Kudos to PFF VP Newton. Even if the 2 ,"in charge" wont do anything I am betting Pauley, Pearl and a few selected speakers will be up for it. Fight the power!
I'm sure Blank and Hay were key in helping Kriseman with his response to the county.
Received via Email 02-05-14 I'm sure Blank and Hay have never heard Rick Kriseman's voice except on TV.
Received via Email 02-05-14 That story with Krisemans comments in the TBT has to be a lie. Why you ask? Because my birdie that actually believes everything that the twin Liars tell him was told by the Blank one that Kriseman was going to hold strong on the Lawsuit and tell the county where to get off. This story actually sounds like Mr K. is trying to work out a deal. Someone must be mistaken...AGAIN. Oh what would Dinan do?
Received via Email 02-06-14 So this morning I see a picture under the headlines that the Firefighter's back Alex Sink. While I personally do support her, I am wondering. Did I miss the chance to volunteer for the candidate screening committee again? Or was the photo op boys doing their thing; again. Thanks for keeping us a part of politics.FTM
Received via Email 02-06-14 Alex Sink is a carpetbagger. If you liked Bill Young and believed in what he stood for, then Alex Sink is the last person you want to replace him.
We deserve to have at least one true Pinellas resident in Washington. There is no way I would support a plan to let Kathy Castor of Tampa and Alex Sink of Hillsborough decide the fate of Pinellas County.
Received via Email 02-06-14 2/6 #2 So you'd prefer a radical teabagger, Lobbyist in the pocket of Big business a hole (Jolley) that wants to do away with Roe v Wade? Wants to try and de-fund the affordable healthcare act? So what Sink didn't live in Pinellas. She is a true Floridian. Was hired by A Republican Gov yep your fav Lil jebby Bush as Florida CFO. Is it she's a strong women that offends you? Or your hate of anything Obama. Your ignorance is showing.. FTM
Received via Email 02-06-14 Young was a scandalous adulterous man that left his first wife and children, never recognizing them directly. Yeah he helped a lot of people/veterans, but bottom line he was a dirty politician of the worse type.
As for Kathy Castor she'd be great in ANY office she chose to seek.
Received via Email 02-06-14 I don't care if the politician who hangs with us flies a rainbow flag (3 of them on our council do now) and wears a strapon penis pump. Alex Sink was the FF choice for Governor the last time around and look who won. The guy who gave us prop 1 and then took 3% from the FRS people and put it in the general fund not the pension fund. What a raging asshole. You can ask Winnie Newton when your not muther fukin' him, but Cathy Castor helped us get the SAFER Grant that your boys Large and Foster said in the newspaper they didn't want. Some of you need to grow up and quit throwing rocks at the people who are pro labor and kissing the ass of guys like Large and Foster who pay you lip service and never deliver except to their own families. FF's never learn.
Received via Email 02-06-14 Someone should tell the mental midget that Sink was elected CFO not hired by Jeb Bush. Also lobbyist's are hired by all types of groups to get their point across, not just big business. My problem is when Social Security is underfunded and Medicare is underfunded instead of fixing these we create Obamacare that makes it that much worse. The working people and their children and grandchildren will pay dearly for this, if it doesn't collapse first
Received via Email 02-07-14 What dim bulb in Tally denied federal medicare/medicaid funding for our state? You idiot its people that cant see beyond the letter on their voter ID that is the problem here.
Received via Email 02-07-14 OK then so Sink was elected. Bush sure as hell liked her. So quick to insult aren't you wet tea sac'er. The affordable health care act will not ruin The Country. It will be worked on, tuned up made to be flexible unlike you.
Received via Email 02-08-14 Can somebody tell me why we have an at our station with no classes and not on the list and about a hand full of yrs on the job.
Received via Email 02-08-14 Cause no one else wants to do it and everyone complains when they get moved out of their station.
Received via Email 02-08-14 Time means nothing. We have a union president with a bunch of years on the job and he isn't capable of velcroing his own shoes for himself but he still ACTS like the union pres. when Lt. Hay lets him.
Received via Email 02-09-14 Believe me... There r people that want to act. And r better qualified...... But it's about the who ur boys with especially on B shift.
Received via Email 02-09-14 Union Offical Stevie Hay working OT and not mandatory (telestaff is great isnt it !), guess the Union VP pay and his regular LT salary isn't quite enough. WOW. Nothing surprises me anymore. No wonder nothing ever gets done in the Union Office.
Received via Email 02-09-14 The sad part is that guy with a handful of years can probably do a better job than some of the Lt.'s we have now.
Received via Email 02-09-14 When Billy Mott retires from 747 we will truly be a sinking ship.
Received via Email 02-09-14 He may be gone sooner than you think if Blank and Hay get their way. They're trying to change the constitution and bylaws to keep retirees from holding office. That's Billy.
Received via Email 02-09-14 I guess we missed President Blank working a 24 hour personnal swap during the week. Like said above, I guess we dont need any of them working for us. How about the 40 hours Lt. coming out to work PM overtome? It must be nice to know that your making $8.00 bucks more an hour plus $4.00 more for the overtime than the other Lt. working the same shift on the other vehicle in the same station. I also see that Chief Bassett is filing in for the DC during the day hours. Also some of the Long term Light Duty folks are coming back to shift work. Ho Rah. I guess between the Times reporters and the Mayors transistion team reports Large is finally having to do something. I wonder if this new set of job duties is cutting into his BS time at the master Large station?
Received via Email 02-09-14 We are already a sinking ship, you mean when Billy Mott retires our ship will be SUNK
Received via Email 02-10-14 Yes Sunk. Also, they can propose changes to the charter as in who can hold office active or retired. Then the international has to approve it. FYI that suggestion has NEVER passed. Just an effort by the 747 loser's club to try a tea bag take over. Watch your asses!
Received via Email 02-10-14 2-9-14 #5 Let's not kid ourselves here. Billy Mott is probably not their main focus. Their main focus is keeping Winnie Newton from every returning. Ask yourselves why a fire chief and union pres. and vice pres. put so much effort into keeping one little short black man out of THE HOUSE THAT NEWTON BUILT. (we fix - no problem)
Received via Email 02-10-14 This request is from Judy Nofs, widow of Lt. Dave Nofs who passed away the first of January.
Come for a Celebration of Life of Dave Nofs, S/V Fia and Cruisers Reunion.
Wednesday, February 19th 2014 from 3:00 to 7:00 P.M.
Location: SaraDance Studio
5000 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34232
>From I-75 exit 210, Fruitville Rd., turn west and travel about one mile, just past Honore Ave. The studio is on the south side of the street and has plenty of parking available.
If possible please bring something to share and your favorite "Dave Moments". Please RSVP if you will be coming to:
If you think of anyone I may have inadvertently forgotten please invite them.
Thank you,
Received via Email 02-10-14 WHY WOULD Winnie want to return? He can do more good for Brothers & Sisters State wide with the FPF in his position there.. I believe we will see Winnie Newton on city council replacing Wengay. Go Newton!!
Now wouldn't that make the loser twins pissed! LMAO.
Received via Email 02-13-14 Winnie was doing nothing different from other DVP's. He worked quite well as a union president and DVP until Large got to telling people what great things fire chiefs can do for union members that union presidents can't do. What bullshit. I'm still waiting to see what Large has ever done for anyone other than Large.
Received via Email 02-16-14 I dont remember seeing any pictures of Winnie having dinner with a HQ secretary while out of town at a convention.
Received via Email 02-17-14 You guys all take pot shots and Blank and Hay while your sitting behind your computer but you lick their ass when they come into the stations and make up shit without you ever saying anything. You act like idiots, vote like idiots, must be idiots.
Received via Email 02-18-14 TOO TRUE
Received via Email 02-21-14 Not all are hiding. When I want to know something I ask it. I called on Pres Blank & VP Hay during the election shenanigans. Asked to the point questions that I knew were not being totally shared with the membership, truthfully that is.
So maybe a few are either scared to expose their name here fearing retribution from a some of the followers? Perhaps some are just hacks. Who knows. Bottom line here is we all are entitled to the truth.
Fraternally, JFBarfield
2/17 #1. I noticed you did not sign YOUR name?
Received via Email 02-24-14 You call that FIT? More like they had a fit.
Received via Email 02-24-14 FIT what, or who? LMAO
Received via Email 03-02-14 I saw this headline in an email that I got today: Putin playing chess, and Obama’s playing marbles. It reminded me of something that Jon Pearl says all the time: Blank and Hay keep bringing a checkers board to negotiations and the city keeps breaking out the chess pieces. Brilliant.
Received via Email 03-03-14 Oh boy..........this is going to be fun. First thing I read this morning, "When Obama threatens Putin, ‘everybody’s eyes roll’." This reminds me of Hay trying to protect his muscle girl for losing a ladder off of her engine. Knock yourlelf out, Steve. We got plenty of money in the bank.
Received via Email 03-04-14 OK so word has it that some of the A shift capt.'s have been getting pissed because James Greene has been the acting DC more than he should and we all just figured out why. Large found out from Drunk George and his suck boy Lt. at sta 9 that they spotted the DC car at an odd address in their territory. Large started tracking Greene every shift to see where he was going. Isn't great when the chief suspects your doing something like Crumity is famous for and just keeps letting you have the keys to the car to commit the crime? Remember when his DC car was stolen when he went visiting a sick girlfriend to bring her cough medicine? Isn't it great that Large hides an on duty drunk in a cushy back seat on a ladder truck so he can't drink and drive? I also found out that Greene was asked to leave or be fired today because they had a hugemotherfuckingmountain of evicence against him. Word has it that when Blank and Hay were contacted by Greene thaty they wanted to make a public records request to find out the truth but Large said that it might not be such a great idea because it could cause Greene some embarrassment if word got out. How conveinient. One of Greene's guys said that Large actually said this to Greene too because he was only trying to help him because he has always liked him. Guess what? ? ? They all fell for this shit. Blank and Hay not being too bright listened to Large and told Green that he had a mountain of evidence and that it would probably be best if he talk to the union attorney. Now this is the best part..... Blank and Hay tell the attorney that Large has a mountain of evidence on him and the attorney tells Greene that there's probably no point in fighting and he might want to just retire. Fucking brilliant. Large feeds Greene, Blank, Hay and our attorney a total snowjob with no evidence at all and this is how they protect a union member. Just how many cocksuckers does it take to suck off Large if he fires a capt.? Just two........ Large has to make a new Lt. and a new Captain! ! !
Received via Email 03-04-14 Dont forget the promotions coming when Zamp leaves and there is still an open Ass Chief job in EMS. Large should be going to bed every night with a just cum look on his face.
Received via Email 03-05-14 Unfortunately for all of us, the lack of action by our 2 idiots is the new normal. They are so brain washed that Jimbo is so right and everyone else is so wrong. I just dont know how they choose to pursue one thing and totally give up on another. BTW, "Hays Muscle Girl" is getting 31.2 hours off without pay for her ladder incident. I guess being non observant, not checking your vehicle coming on duty, after a call, and going off duty still out weigh the "I was on a call" defense.
Received via Email 03-05-14 My hat's off to Steve Hay for putting up a really strong defense. "It's a reserve engine that's really tall and she's really short."
Received via Email 03-05-14 I say inventtory your vechile after you finish a call on scene delay going back in service,Let the officer decide if it can wait!!!
Received via Email 03-05-14 Large is dirty, he learned how to be dirty from Calahan. Why would anyone trust him?
Received via Email 03-05-14 Think about this, Hagan fooling around with someones wife on duty at the fire station, he did not get in trouble. Many others messing around on duty and never got in trouble including our ole retired boy Stevie Knight, again no trouble. When DC Lane got in trouble it was because the story hit the papers and the FD had no choice. But not Green. No. Large initiated the investigation because they have been out to get Green for some time. Ok, yeah Green did something wrong and should be punished, but forced to retire or be fired. INSANE. The good ole boy system is alive and well and Large wants less and less minorities in the ranks, especially the higher ranks. No news media forced Large and his henchmen to do this unthinkable deed to Green, but they did it anyway. Large you have now opened the door for everyone to go to Puentes to tell about your dirty dealings. Oh and by the way Large, YOUR A LOSER.
Received via Email 03-05-14 If you ever wondered why retired St. Pete chiefs have a tough time finding local work around here it's because they can't be trusted.
Received via Email 03-13-14 Now on a serious note.....who fucks who... Hay to blank or visa versa??.... My guess is that both of them are on all fours ass to ass with a double headed dildo smacking those ass cheeks clap, clap, clap!!!! I bet, that hay has turned to blank and said " dude this is awesome.. Why haven't we done this before" and blank probably replied... Man I get fucked like this all the time at the bathhouse!! So sad.... Yet so true!!!
Received via Email 03-16-14 OMG!!!! Even shutting my eyes real tight I cant get the visual image of that described above out of my mind. Clap Clap Clap, Oh thats funny.
Received via Email 03-16-14 It would be even funnier if you could envision them counting the thousands you pay each month for them to be able to do it. Your dues provide the slap and tickle time they enjoy. Just sayin'.
Received via Email 03-19-14 Yeah....sorry I don't pay thousands a month.....same dues just like u!!!!!!!
Received via Email 03-20-14 Pssst....your dues pay their salaries.
Received via Email 03-20-14 TOO STUPID
Received via Email 03-21-14 In case you missed it, Pass the Buck Jimmie did all he could to avoid the true answer to the simple question of "Chief, how many take home cars"? Uh, Uh, well lets see, I've provided you with this before but since I dont give a shit I dont know the answer. I think its 10 or 11 or 12 or something. But hey I have 300 fire fighters and only 100 of them live in the city. Oh yeah, if I talk about Chief Bruni who lives in Seminole, and Chief ?? who lives in Largo, and of course I live here, then maybe you wont find out that some of my cars ctually leave the COUNTY. But its important that you know that ALL of those folks that drive one are on 24/7/365 call. What a crock, and what a lying POS you are Chief Jimmie. In reality ALL 300+ of us are subject to being on call 24/7/365. Where is my car? If you can justify the 40 hour LR taking her vehicle into Palm Harbor, Training Lts etc. EVERY DAY then I dont see why I cant take one to Largo where I live. Just continue to throw the rest of us under the bus Jimbo, its what you do so well. Why would I expect anything different?
Received via Email 03-22-14 Yeah we all know our dues pay there salaries....3-20 #1 &2...... Ur the fuckin retard u probably have 20 yrs on and still a broke bitch!!!
Received via Email 03-23-14 I have finally been able to watch Thursdays City Council meeting. During the quarterly fire update a question was raised about what it would take to get SPFR to an ISO rating of 1. Chief Jimmie in a sort of chuckle explained 3 ladder trucks and staffing. Somehow his math brain said it takes 5 men for each truck x 3 shifts or 45 persons. and that would require $75,000 per position and a million for each truck. So for a little over $6 million on the front end and then $3 mil in recurring costs it could be done. Later Chief was asked straight out if he had enough men to run his department, to which he couldnt get the shit out of his mouth so he just mumbled something that sounded like yes he had enough. Now in case your wondering what the reaction of our Union Leaders was..... OMG!!! they werent even in the building. They did however manage to make to it HQ to the ever important 4 hour retirement party for DC Zamp. This is sad because in the front row in the city council chambers sat Chief Robert Polk. I only mention this because I saw him at Zamps gathering as well and somehow he made it to the CC meeting. I guess priorities are different for those who really care.
TEAM: When they install a keg at City Hall, we'll finally have a real union presence there.
Received via Email 03-24-14 How does someone in the midst of a displinary 10 shift suspension with no pay get multiple assignments to work overtime at the Grand Prix?
How does another that just served displinary time off without pay for driving record get multiple assignements as an engine driver at the Grand Prix?
Received via Email 03-24-14 I called the St. Pete Times. They'll ask about the overtime.
Received via Email 03-24-14 The Times. The Times aint no stinkin problem. Puente is gone. Nobody's looking now says Large.
Received via Email 03-24-14 chief Polk is about ready to remove Large and take over the reigns. Oh, its coming.
Received via Email 03-24-14 Well dont go looking for that overtime assignment now. It seems that our ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR a year Chief Large, had to make the call to one of our NINETY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR a year district chiefs to find out how this simple oversight happened. I wonder if anyone tried to blame it on Zamp since he is gone now? Or I guess they could try to lay the blame on James Green. Of course we all know, its just another straightout f88kup that our Administration does and constantly gets away with on a regular basis. I guess that threat of calling the Times was taken seriously.
Received via Email 03-24-14 Now thats funny. Chief Polk was obviously in attendance to see how hard he would have to work to get the top spot in SPFR. I dont see Polk even working up a sweat over this one. Lets see, Polk is a second generation fire fighter born and brought up in the ways of SPFR that rose to the rank of Division chief before moving up to Fire Chief elsewhere. On the other hand you have Chief Large who has worked his way to the top like a termite through a wooden log, Destroying a beautifully scuptled work of art.
Received via Email 03-26-14 Why would Chief Polk come here and listen to all you whiney bitches? Man up, do your job and stop bitching about every little thing.
Received via Email 03-27-14 "Man up, do your job and stop bitching about every little thing."
3/26 Man up and quick kissing Jim Larges Ass, its pathetic at this point.
Received via Email 04-01-14 Way to go Winnie. You got those guys a nice pay raise package. You're still a piece of shit here. Just ask Hay or Blank or Large. They still grind it into your back daily.
Received via Email 04-01-14 Hey now, we all now how bad Large needs his job. He cries about how hard he has it, his expenses, and how he couldn't afford to leave. Gee does he ever stop to look at everyone else? Of course not he has the narcissistic parakeet in the mirror syndrome. Funny how a guy can be talked into going home sick just by saying he looks bad. He could give 2 shits about the good and welfare of those out there busting their asses everyday, or those who deserve to get promoted. His last day can't come soon enough!
Received via Email 04-01-14 Everybody here at SPFR running their butts off except for whiny Large who sleeps nice and snuggley every night. Pathetic.
Received via Email 04-02-14 I called one of my Largo buddies last night to ask about how their EMS meeting went and he told me that the room was filled with FF's. We had an EMS meeting a couple of weeks back and not a single member of our union went but I heard from Hay that Zamp's party was great .
Received via Email 04-04-14 So lil' red is at it again. Backstabber, liar, 2 faced most of all BITCH Boy !!! Come on dude be a man or try to act like one..everyone knows your fake we just like to play along. Ohh btw if your looking for a daddy he will be yours... Down low brothers are his favorite. I feel sorry for all the new people who don't know any better.
Received via Email 04-04-14 Lmao.... I did hear he pissed off some c- shifters....lmao!!!
Received via Email 04-07-14 4-14 #1 . Looks like it didn't pay off cause he didn't get the promotion.
Received via Email 04-07-14 We're talking about sz @ hq !!!
Received via Email 04-12-14
"I can't think of anyone right now who's blasting the mayor," said Rick Smith, chief of staff for the union that represents about 1,200 blue- and white-collar city workers.
Blank and Hay..........isn't this where you make all kinds of excuses for backing that asshole Bill Foster?
Presi-joke and Vice Presi-joke.
Received via Email 04-14-14 So the latest promotion are ...well... it shouldnt be a shock to you all. I do have to say even if ur #1 it dosent matter, cause when ur officer MF'S u behind ur back to the crew and talk down about u to the 4 bugels u might as well call it a day. sorry dude, eventhough u know ur stuff inside out and backwards... that just dosent matter anymore, keep your head up, us blue shirts stand behind you and trust you in any situation!!
Received via Email 04-15-14 That's f#%ked up that his officer would do that. Pure bullshit.
Received via Email 04-16-14
Dick Alert!
Received via Email 04-16-14 Rumor has it, that yesterday as soon as Chief Jimmy heard that La Salla was on his way out of a job, he got to worrying so bad he went home sick at noon. He is so worried he stayed home today too. I guess Administrators CAN be fired. Dont worry Jimbo, I am certain all of your new kool ade drinkers will speak up for you. That is if they can empty their mouths long enough. Lets face it Jimmy, your a MUTT and an ugly one at that.
Received via Email 04-16-14 For you folks that feel your were passed over just because you were higher on the list, listen up. There will be a daily circle jerk session held at HQ in Chief Larges office. Nows the time to show him what ya got in ya.
Received via Email 04-16-14 Why the fuck would a person in the drop get promoted?????? ........really!!!!!
Received via Email 04-16-14 Because you can spend 20 percent of your entire career in the drop plan. What if you were not in the drop plan and got promoted then retired 5 years later. There is no correlation between the two so let's make some logical and valid points regarding promotions so we don't diminish the validity of the points we are attempting to make. Brother.
Received via Email 04-17-14 Go fuck yourself...... Nugent
Received via Email 04-17-14 Actually there is a correlation. If ur in the drop u have to leave when ur time comes.
Received via Email 04-17-14 I'd rather work for someone in the drop that has experience than some ass kisser with six years on the job.
Received via Email 04-17-14 4/17 #1 are you Nugent or telling Nugent to go fuck himself? Signed. Confused
Received via Email 04-18-14 I heard that at last nights union meeting Jon Pearl told the membership that he called Clearwater's trustees to get the $1800 bucks back that they've owed us for a couple of years now. Apparently Blank and Hay have refused to do much of anything about this debt and have been ignoring Pearl. Haven't Blank and Hay figured it it yet? Pearl is like a pit bull on your ass and he don't ever back down. It's bad enough when Blank and Hay spend all of our money like it's water but they think we've got so much money left over in the bank that we can just start giving it away. Thank you C shift VP Pearl for always haveing the C shift's back. A fellow C shifter.
Received via Email 04-20-14 if Blank and Hay want to forget about what Clearwater owes us then THEY NEED TO PAY IT OUT OF THEIR POCKETS. Do that and I'll bet they'll try a little harder next time to actually protect us.
We need your support!!!!
June 5, 2014
Brad Westphal is having his workers compensation case presented before the Supreme Court in Tallahassee.
There is a bus leaving and coming back on the same day, transporting firefighters and police to Tallahassee. We need to be there in overwhelming numbers, in order to show our support and solidarity in the chambers and on the steps of the capital.
Please contact Ray Landes (SPFR, Ret) for information and to get on the list. Remember to leave your contact info and a T shirt size.
The outcome of this potentially landmark case affects every one of us; remember we could all be in Brad’s situation tomorrow.
Please let me know as soon as possible so that we can get the bus etc... They are also planning a news conference with Mr. Shaitberger right after the proceedings that they would love to have us attend in force.
Received via Email 04-21-14 Blank has absolutely no powers written or implied that gives him the authority to forgive a debt. If he sez differently then I want in the next line up for my $5,000.00. He and Hay can only get away with what we allow them to.
Received via Email 04-22-14 Everybody needs to look around and ask themselves where all the Eddy Lyons and Tom Kitchen's of the world went. Jimmy Large loves a good kiss ass and we're sure producing them.
Received via Email 04-28-14 While you're looking around, keep an eye out for the Dennis Daiglers and George Lewises.
Received via Email 04-28-14 June 5 is an A shift. Wish I could go for Brad.
Received via Email 04-28-14 What's your name,? I will work for you.
TEAM: That's what we're talkinabout!
Received via Email 05-01-14 Seen that Dave Nolesheim sent out his retirement letter today. Dave was one of the all time greats I remember him back at OLE # 5. One heck of a firefigher who fought fires downtown when they were an every shift occurrence, A true Union leader who gave his all for others. A great guy who cared about his fellow firefighter. There is not to many like Dave on the department. A guy who would never back door you or leave you out hanging. Sadly that is all to frequent in todays fire service. Good luck in retirement Dave.
Received via Email 05-02-14 5/1 Yep I agree, Dave was always very helpful to me and I have under 5 years on the job. He took the time to show me anything I was interested in or things that he thought would be useful for me as a new firefighter. Not to many senior guys like Dave.
Received via Email 05-02-14 Glad to see a young brother in here. If you learned anything at all from Dave, it's that we don't negotiate with the fire chief.
Received via Email 05-02-14 Good Luck Dave, Happy Retirement !!
Received via Email 05-03-14 Dave was a firefighter plain and simple, (not a kiss ass - I wanna move up the ladder and I dont care who I screw- kind of guy.) He was part of the backbone of this department, not the spineless self servers. Have a great retirement Dave, you deserve it and you earned it.
Received via Email 05-04-14 So . . . How many members from Local 747 actually went to Tallahassee in support of Brad Westphal's Supreme Court case?
TEAM: It hasn't happened yet. Ray Landis would probably know if the trip is still on. They have the same attorney.
Received via Email 05-06-14 Sorry, didn't read the date. Would the webmaster please post same message on June 6, 2014. Thanks
WEBMASTER: A fifty-one person bus is scheduled to go to Tallahassee on the appointed date. My guess is, that if half that number haven't yet committed to going - it ain't happening.
Received via Email 05-13-14 Last Ive heard is that there was not enough people interested in showing Brad Westphal who? our support at his hearing. I heard they didnt even get enough names to fill a smart Car or in this case a Not so smart car.
Received via Email 06-10-14 Four more members will be leaving us this month. That makes 5 that have decided to leave. Leave WELL before they enjoyed the extra 2 years of DROP. 18 months before they see the reduced work week. I'm beginning to see a trend here. When we gave away our future we made this a place less worth working for.
TEAM: Just think... only 2 1/4 more years till we get a shot at another pay raise.
Received via Email 06-10-14 Please someone that was there confirm or deny this for me. At the recent state union gathering in Naples certain elected officials decided it wasn't worth their time to be there? No A shift VP, no B shift VP.. Whats this? B shift VP former Newberger fighting for his life was there? Talk about unselfish acts for his Brother & Sister Union Members. If the B shift does not vote Rick back in, well you all are a bunch of clueless *uk sticks. Nuff said....(again)
Received via Email 06-11-14 To 6-10 #2, yes I have heard that since the 2 hand picked and groomed shift VP's didnt care to go to represent our Local MTB figured that the rest of us would be in good hands if something were to come up. Such good hands that the EVP Hay had to come home 1 day early to handle a grievence.
Received via Email 06-11-14 Can anyone tell me why the A and B shift VP's didnt go to the convention? I mean thats where we send our elected officers to learn the many things they are expected to use to represent us and to defend us. Coincidently there are classes on how to handle grievences offered at these events. I guess we wont be able to expect them to come to our defense any time soon.
Received via Email 06-16-14 You voted them in. Let's not hear any whining.
Received via Email 06-16-14 I understand that that less than 50% of the B Shift took part in voting in the B Shift VP elections. As it turns out, Rick Neuberger lost his bid for VP, again.
I worked with Rick on Saturday at Fire Ops 101 where we hosted nearly 90 politicians. It was hot and humid and we often heard the politicians say, "I don't know how you guys do it in this heat. I could never be a fire fighter!" Rick showed up early after receiving IV fluid therapy. Like everyone else (you know...people who don't have Cancer from working more than 30 years on the job) Brother Neuberger joyfully worked his ass off in the sun for his brothers and sisters at Local 747. If you know Rick, he's happiest when he's working for the members. After we rotated all the politicians and news media through the four different evolutions, we fed and watered them all. Rick and I were two of the last to sit down to eat. He was taking his time picking with his food and drink. This has become the new normal for him since he's been undergoing treatment. He was flushed and looked beat from the sun. I told him that he probably should have stayed home in the air conditioning on his day off but that's like telling a Doberman not to bite an intruder. Ain't gonna happen.
We finished our lunch and headed outside to help Billy Mott, Rick Pauley, Chad Schumm and Winnie Newton empty the trash and clean and load tables, chairs, tents and coolers into the union trailer.
I don't hang around with many fire fighters...mostly the one's named above. When we do get together, we're never drinking or acting the fool. We're always either working for the union or furthering our union education and that's the truth.
With that said... a wise man once said that telling the truth may not get you many friends but it will always get you the right ones.
Jon Pearl - C-Shift Vice President
Received via Email 06-16-14 Thank you brother Rick and those who were there representing. We still have some members to be proud of.
Received via Email 06-16-14 In case you aint figured it out yet, we dont care about experiance, senority, dedication, or common sense. What we want is someone that can be molded by President Large to run the Union in his way of total destruction. I am quite surprised that only 50% returned their ballots I was certain everyone had made the promised of Loyalty to the Chief.
Received via Email 06-16-14 I didnt see President Mike Blank, EVP.Steve Hay, A Shift VP. John Mellny, or B Shift VP. Chris Spaffords names in this story. Are they to good and dont need to spend time with our Mayor and Vice mayor? But I still see Past 747 President Winnie Newton, Past 747 EVP. Rick Pauley, S/T. Billy Mott, Station 10 steward Chad Scumm, C shift VP Jon Pearl, and Station 12 Steward Rick Neuberger. Im at a loss here. Who is working for who?
Received via Email 06-17-14 Piss poor communication. Was anyone asked to help out? I only knew that the event happened because I saw it on the news. No, I don't go to the meetings because of the two idiots I did not vote for are sitting up front. I voted for R Neuberger and sorry to hear he did not win. Spafford better step his game up.
Received via Email 06-17-14 You didnt hear about it because your President, EVP, and their team of followers have joined with a few other worried Local Presidents in this county that dont want anything to happen that would resemble Unity of the Locals. Just like the Fire Chiefs not wanting to see anything that would be construed as a Countywide leadership.
TEAM: We'll tell you a little secret. The train's already rolling. There's a brand new Local in the county. Its name is Pinellas County Professional Fire Fighters.
Received via Email 06-18-14 The train is rolling and we're sitting at the station.
Received via Email 06-18-14 Does anyone know who to contact to buy one of the new PCPFF t shirts?
Received via Email 06-21-14 I'd like to thank everyone that helped to promote us at Fire Ops this year and especially Brother Pearl for always taking the time to explain how things really are. If you don't like what he's got to say it's because he's talking about YOU. FTM
Received via Email 06-24-14 I was at Dave Nolsheim's and Bob Connell's Retirement Open House this past Friday at Station 12. It was obvious that they were very happy seeing those that took the time to come out of their busy day to wish them well. That includes all the off duty and already retired members too! For those on duty that was an assignment to go o.o.s. and always has been. I noticed some on duty A-shifters didn't attend and I guess some chose not to. Bob and Dave never let it bother them for a moment as they cherished those that were there. Very Professional guys. Good luck and Happy Retirement!
Received via Email 06-28-14 How is it that the news media can see what we are capable of doing but we cant?
TEAM: You're speaking of Macho?
Received via Email 06-30-14 FYI only, George Lewis has died in Prison. He was 52 and has been incarcerated since the 1984 murder.
Received via Email 06-30-14 Feel free to share this with anyone..
You are aware of my feelings towards driver classification, the current certification is really only a scratch on the surface to a competent driver. There are many factors that figure in on this and I have no problem listing them for you.
It's been over 30 years since several of us petitioned the union to negotiate "some form" of driver's compensation that is still the bar today, nothing much has changed, it's still not pensionable, or classified.
The city , with it's limited manpower makes the most of the certification process when it's to their advantage, as an example, how many officers out there have been told by their district chiefs that person "X" will be there to drive your engine/truck even though they have absolutely no experience on it but it doesn't matter because they are "certified". Therefore they are magically capable of going from their everyday vehicle, a 2800 pound Honda to 40k pound engine, to a 86K pound quint at whim and with no prior experience. This is the real reason the city has fought driver classification, because it's "inconvenient" in the land of minimal staffing when someone who can see all do all and drive all is the drone of choice, even though they have little or no experience.
At one point, when I was in training I lined up an attorney, who volunteered to do this for free, this guy was an aggressive civil liability attorney whom I knew from the car races. He said he would allow me to interview him an it could be passed out as one of the training CDs. After shit hit the fan over that one, I was informed that I would have to go through city legal, that the city would have to provide a rebuttal and etc..etc..etc. I advised the city that this really wasn't the forum for that but rather what a driver could look forward to from the opposing attorney...the idea never came to fruition for obvious reasons. Apparently too much useful information would have been given out to those that could use it.
We have actually screwed ourselves on this, years ago I put together a training scheme based on maintenance,,(hey fleet doesn't do it, they aren't even NFPA certified to even touch our trucks..another loose end, that the driver will be held responsible for) and it led to a revolt by a bunch of drivers at station 11, who decided that if they had to actually be involved in the maintenance of their vehicles they would all drop their driver certs. The important thing to note is that by doing a job, outside your job description, leads to another classification, but you have to justify that with the city, this is EXACTLY what the paramedics did around 1980, I know , because I was there. Once these guys , basically screwed themselves, that was it for me, I no longer pushed driver classification because, one, I was a lieutenant, and it didn't effect me, and two, if these guys wouldn't even help themselves well..basically tough shit, I hope they like their pension..minus a few percents.
The city has a history of driver mistakes and accidents, mostly documented by "incident forms" and not by official "accident forms", so it's hard to track. when E13 went out of control and hit the light poles on Gandy (3 people injured, one pensioned off BTW) the FHP really did not do anyone any favors by not doing a full on investigation, if they did, they would've found out t (and this is my opinion) that the driver left the jake brake on in the rain, even if he didn't he would have still been the person at the wheel and the cause of the accident. Since no damage was done to anyone except city property, FHP did not do a full invest. A year or so after that E11 dropped it's hose on the interstate and the FHP actually cited the driver, the Ops chief went to the judge with the individual and the judge tossed the citation..but here' s the problem with all of that. So far we have extended ourselves way into the realm where an individual would be cited and ticketed by FHP (or worse yet) DOT who has the authority to impound the vehicle. we've managed to escape the actual punishment because, basically, most judges like firemen and we have a good line of bullshit, but that only gives our drivers false confidence and places them even farther out on the plank over the shark infested waters.
Here's what you could look forward to....
Points on your license
Possible civil suit (this is grey since city will be sued for sure, but if they decide you were acting above, out of, or maybe having a bad day , the city does not have to represent you if they find a reason not to..howz that vehicle insurance now?) The city is only liable for 100k so the attorneys will definitely look elsewhere if they can find a hole, they will go after YOU. Think about it if the fuel tank had caught fire in the recent incident, 100k is NOT going to cut it for four people that just burned to death.
Criminal prosecution if negligence is involved ( hose load falling off, really did you check the load before you left the scene..driver?) and BTW did you do the DOT "walk around check" this morning?
Loss of income and possibly job.
There are others but these are the most popular and you're doing this this for what 75 cents an hour and no pension? with only a week of training?
Are you THAT stupid?
Rob Edwards
Received via Email 07-01-14 Oh its all about the staffing. Its all about constantly reminding the city that we need more people, which hasn't been done for years.
I have heard OUR OWN PEOPLE say "we don't get fires anymore." I say bullshit. And if its not fires, we're still running countless other calls. Don't downgrade your own profession. IT ALL STARTS AT THE TOP. PKnuck.
Received via Email 07-01-14 I've got an idea. Let's take all the long standing drivers and put them on the road so that we can make every medic a driver. Rob, I understand exactly what you're talking about. We need a driver engineer classification and the policy needs to be written into the contract so that it can't change from week to week when Large gets sand in his snatch.
Received via Email 07-01-14 What killed George Lewis?
I suspect Karma.
Received via Email 07-02-14 Rob if it makes sense it won't happen! Why would the city make it a true "pensionable" classification? Why would they do anything that makes sense in our favor? Because it's cheaper, and like a bunch of narrow minded asses we only look at the big $.075 not the liability it may bring to us personally. Let's see what happens when the crap truly hits the fan and somebody is slapped with a personal liability lawsuit. They can explain that to their families as they lose their assets. Same for specialty teams. Not as much a financial liability but putting yourself at constant risk,. just greed for a couple more cents added to your paycheck. Funny how all the other cities have that included in the pensions as well. We can train all day long and then run our butts off all night long. Problem is when we did try and force the cities hand by signing a petition there were a few spineless cry babies who were worried about the upcoming Lt's test and how they looked.
It all starts with Unity. Unfortunately our Headquarters staff and the City have done a wonderful job in dividing us. Remember the early 90's when we boycotted the County EMT program? Gee we stuck together and we won. Same thing when the city said they didn't have the money to give us a raise. It started with one member who sent a memo to the city that he wanted to stop his United way contribution since the city couldn't afford raises he also could no longer afford his United Way contribution. Well a couple more firefighters joined in and suddenly the city was willing to negotiate a raise. I was that member who initially sent in that "paper" memo. Problem is we don't have the Union leadership or the membership willing to fight. It's status quo, and I got mine. Well fellas, eventually you will get yours and not in a good way! United we stand, divided we fall. Stay safe and stay together.
Received via Email 07-02-14 Paramedics have nothing to do with who is driving. It's about the fact that the engines are now ALS and the chiefs don't want a driver, officer, medic and new guy on the truck so they send all the medics to driving school and put the regular drivers on the road. If you're a driver and your paycheck is taking a hit because your now sitting out to let a probie ride your engine, I would call Blank and see if he'll nut up and address the issue with administration.
Received via Email 07-02-14 You folks are so fooled. What we need to realize is the ONLY thing that will make this problem go away is adequate staffing of our vehicles. 4 asses in 4 seats opens up so many possibilities. I know, lets give up the possibility of 8% general wage increase so we can help ourselves with added personnel, reducing our risks and making it safer for us all. Oh wait a minute we already gave up the money so we could keep the seats even more emptier. Hey there is always another contract coming.
TEAM: We're being fooled, alright. Blank and Hay sold everyone a bill of goods. They churched-up the sale of the reduced workweek, never telling the new kids just how much further behind other departments already at the 48 hour mark they were going to be 3 years down the road. The 8% that you cite is actually 8.8%. When we were in the final throes of negotiations, some of us kept asking what 1% of payroll was going to end up being. Blank and Hay would say nothing. You have to know this number to accurately know what you're paying for a new benefit. In negotiations, Chris Guella offered a 2% GWI for the first year, 0% for year 2 and 0% again for year 3 for those at max but nothing at all for a GWI for the entire three year span for those who were in the steps. What did the new guys hear from Blank and Hay? "Don't worry about getting a pay raise. The guys at max are only getting a single year raise. Those of you in the steps will get your steps for all three years!" How did we arrive at the 8.8% expenditure? Guella kept saying that the city would only offer us a single year at 2% with 0% for reopeners for years 2 and 3. Fuck! That's not a reopener. That's a 3 year contract with nothing to show for your efforts for the last two years. We might as well have taken a single year contract and sent that fuckstick of a Mayor packing. Guella kept pressing the point that 2% 'might' be achievable in the last two years of the contract. He said it so much that folks started to believe that we were getting a 2% pay raise in year one and giving up just 4% over the last two years. Folks... that's now how you add it up. That's bait and switch.
Billy Mott emailed Chris Guella, asking what 1% of payroll was going to end up being after the 2% raise. Guella sternly replied to Mott's email by telling him that he'd already given that number to Blank and Hay on two occasions and that he wasn't going to supply it again as he's not our accountant!. Billy made a public records request and got the actual numbers from the city. When you tell a firefighter that they're getting $$$ in benefits, they say "Wow!" He or she doesn't really know what that means to the 300 of us that are going to split it up but if you tell them they're getting a 2% raise - they can figure it out to the penny in less than a minute with their smart phone. We knew how much money the city was planning on spending to buy us the additional firefighters (Christ - it's not like they didn't tell us a dozen, dozen times) but until you know what 1% of payroll is - it's just a number. Billy did the math (the same math that Blank and Hay did but wouldn't repeat) and found that we were buying the shiny thing for 8.8% over two years, not 4% over two. The naysayers will respond, "But they never offered us 4.4% for each of the last two years of the contract." Yeah... no shit. But you're privileged, non the less, to pay far more for the exact same benefit that the DC's and Captains gave up a one time pay raise for at the beginning of their last contract. Go watch the videos.
Received via Email 07-03-14 I always loved getting emails from Bill Foster like this.
"On behalf of the dedicated employees of the City of St. Petersburg, we wish you and your family a safe, happy, 4th of July weekend. We hope that whatever you choose to do in the Sunshine City this weekend, you will take time to remember the origins and sacrifice of this uniquely American holiday."
--Mayor Rick Kriseman
Received via Email 07-22-14 Now that the mayor has the new police chief all squared away he can start looking for new fire department leadership. Like
Received via Email 07-23-14 Wheres the LIKE button for 7/22???
Received via Email 07-27-14 Received via Email 07-25-14 Where would be be now with proper union leadership?
I hope Blank and Hay noticed that the only line Kriseman left open was the one for pay raises. When he comes around the the fire stations telling us that we aren't making enough money we're not listening to what he's really telling us. He's saying we screwed up and to vote them out.!.!.!
Received via Email 08-09-14 you cant fix stupid
Received via Email 08-11-14 So I hear that one of our recent new hires choose NOT to join the Union. His reasons were based on financial. I can understand that to a degree. But guess what? My buddies from his last Department tell me he wasn't a member when he worked with them either. I now understand the Financial part, he aint gonna pay his fair share.
Received via Email 08-11-14 What a pity. If you cant get them to join up when they are new what makes you think they will later? Im sure his group that he was hired with have continued to be his buddies while they are paying his way.
Received via Email 08-11-14 Yeah, I hear that President Blank spent a whole hour telling the new hires all about the important parts of being a Union Member. That must have really cut into his story telling and fuzzy warm feel good stuff. I wonder why he didn't take advantage of whats specified in our union contract and use the full 4 hours? Just in case he missed it I went tot he cities web page and copied it from the posted copy of our contract.
9.4 Solicitation on City property of any and all kinds by the Union,including the solicitation
of grievances,solicitation of membership, and/or the collection of Union monies, shall not be
engaged in during working hours. There are two (2) exceptions to this prohibition: (1) when the
Union,with the advance approval of the Fire Chief or his designee, requests donations for
individuals facing emergency needs; and (2) when the Union meets with new hires during their
orientation program. The Union shall have four (4) hours to meet exclusively with new hires
during the first week of orientation'
Received via Email 08-12-14 Well......who is it?
Received via Email 08-14-14 Blank either had a lunch date to entertain Jimmy with his jokes, or it's been so hot lately, he needed to get in the "Union pool" to cool off. We know he aint representing.
As for the nameless scab with the his established precedence,.. he needs to be treated as such. Guys need to brother up, we are on a rudderless sinking ship!!!!!
Received via Email 08-15-14 If we do not know who scab is then how can we ?
Received via Email 08-16-14 I don't know his last name but I hear they call him Poppy or something like that. I don't know if they are saying that he is older than some or if its a nick name.
Received via Email 08-17-14 No name means this should be on bullshit page. A friend of a friend of a friend told me.
Received via Email 08-17-14 Cool your heels there Brahm or Tokotch or whatever your name is. Your scab is showing.
Received via Email 08-18-14 I know, lets call President Blank. He is the one that was told that he didn't want to join his little club. Wait a minute, this guy might be the smartest one of the bunch.
Received via Email 08-19-14 No need to call the twin Liars, the name you are looking for is Papaj.
Received via Email 08-19-14 Just a moment to send a Thank you for the many years of a job well done to Paul Driskell. This will be the end of the Driskell family and SPFR. I worked with his Father Rex at Station 9 just before he retired in the early 80's. I hope Paul finds that there is much greatness to being retired.
Received via Email 08-20-14 Wow, Paul Driskell is retiring. I cant remember how many times Paul was able to work a miracale for me and my station. He has always been someone you could depend on when everything looked bleak. I am sure Ed Dietz will be able to step into his shoes but he wont be able to replace him. Thank You Paul.
Received via Email 08-22-14 There is something in Billy Motts character that has remained constant throughout his 12 years as the Secretary Treasurer of this local. When he accepts the responsibility of a job he honors his commitment. I remember when he announced that he was going to seek the position in 2012 and the question rose about his being in the drop and his career ending in January 2014 before his term was over in October. He told everyone that he would fulfill his term if re elected. He has done that. It is apparent that even in the difficult times that he faces daily from those that think that a retiree has no place in or organization or That he has no skin in the game, Billy has continued to do his job and represent this local even to the point of just last month representing this Local as Chairperson at the IAFF Business Convention because the President and EVP decided that it was not in their interest to attend. The next time you are at the union office step into his room and look at the event badges that he has, the certificates of attendance and yes the memorabilia he has acquired during his years in time as our Secretary Treasurer. I know that Billy hasn't given up on us yet and with his nomination for another term I see no reason for us to quit supporting him. There are many names that are familiar to us that have represented the FPF and IAFF for 20,30,and 40 or more years. They are all consider the rocks of our foundation and I believe the same is true about the name, character, and commitment of Billy Mott.
TEAM: Good on ya!
Received via Email 08-23-14 To the post of 8-22. Courage, Honor, and Integrity. That is what I have always know about Billy Mott.
Heart/Lung Bill Presentation
Mike Clelland, Esquire
Retired Firefighter, IAFF Local 3163
Don’t Miss this Important Event
Know Your Rights Under the Law
Important Literature Will Be Provided
After Presentation Mr. Clelland Will Stay Until All Questions Are Answered
September 12th 2014

10:00 – 13:00
- LOCATION: Largo Public Library, 120 Central Park Drive Largo, FL 33771 Jenkins Room A
- Cost:

To reserve your seat, PLEASE RSVP by email.
Will Newton
Florida Professional Firefighters
2nd District Vice-President - Representing Pinellas & Pasco Counties
Received via Email 08-23-14 I kew Bill Mott before he ever went to work for St Pete FD. He and I were volunteers together at Highpoint. Even as a young man his integrity was above reproach and I am proud to have worked with him.
Received via Email 08-25-14 Gill Hammond / DC35C (retired) Be safe.
Thanks Chief Hammond for your honest words..
Received via Email 08-25-14 Hi Gill. Hay and Blank have started a smear campaign against Bill. First they put together a "huge" constitution and bylaws comittee of 2 people and rewrote the bylaws to keep retirees from holding office. I asked to be on the comittee and was told that all the slots (2) were filled. Funny thing is, one of the people on the comittee is Chuck Moore who is now running agains Bill. Guys like Hay and Blank and Moore are all about controlling the union not working for the members. Because they can't control Bill Mott and because he does a good job working for the members they've decided that they have to travel around from station to station to spred lies about him. Bill's job isn't just about paying the bills it's about keeping a union president and vice president and entire union out of hot water. We all rely on the most experienced secretary treasurer in the area to pay attention when Blank "Never be the bad guy, always say YES" and Hay "It's so easy a CAVEMAN like me can do it" are more worried about being liked than doing what's right for the members. FTM
Received via Email 08-25-14 Take back your local. Vote the experience back in!!!!!
Received via Email 08-28-14 8/20/14, well said. Courage, Honor and Integrity, words long forgotten of what we stand for. Defend these words, and our Union, stop this private undermining self serving club. Reelect Billy Mott. We can't afford not to.
Received via Email 08-31-14 So Executive Vice President Steve Hay says in his memo that he is proud that "new blood" is interested in Running the Union. Steve is still in the mindset of letting the Chief run the union as he likes and we can get back to just being a good ole boy club again. That said you don't need folks with experience in Labor laws, negotiating skills, or how to protect our benefits. That's right, Stevie figures now that he is in the drop he has his. STEVE, wake up!!!! Your way of thinking could lead to you and the rest of us losing everything that you plan on having during your retirement years. Oh yeah, your independently wealthy, I guess we are Screwed.
Received via Email 09-01-14 Happy Labor Day to all you fire horses out there.
Received via Email 09-02-14 Be careful & qear your BSE's, The"new blood" is tainted..
Received via Email 09-02-14 Fuck steve hay the only reason he's leaving is because local 747 just paid for 4 years of college for his kid and daddy didn't have to do anything except agree with the mayor and chief large"head".
Received via Email 09-02-14 The new blood is more interested in making a name for themselves instead of giving you the proper instructions on doing it correctly. You see they only know the book and therefore they can never be faulted. Common Sense be damned.
Received via Email 09-03-14 I dont know if you can say that Hays salary paid for all of his kids college tuition but your on the right track. It was always whats in it for me? Compared with how can I help you?
Received via Email 09-04-14 Richie Johnson is fighting a write up because he doent know how to use telestaff correctly. Anyone that has been written up for a similar charge needs to pay full attention to the outcome. If a District Chief don't know how it works then I guess it shouldn't be anything different for me.
Received via Email 09-04-14 My kid is having troubles with the testing requirements to get into the fire academy. Can I get the city taxpayers to assign Light Duty personnel to spend time with her at the drill grounds? She is really a nice girl and can use all the help and phone calls as possible.
Received via Email 09-05-14 Same reason a guy on light duty can be a fill in for the 40 hr LR gig and get a take home car ..he'll I would stay on light duty if I was burning city gas what a system.
Received via Email 09-05-14 One has to admit, there aint much at HQ that fits Light Duty more than the made up 40 LR position.
Received via Email 09-13-14 Brothers, & Sisters of Local 747. I, today, received Sec/Tres William Mott's letter to us in consideration of his re election to his current post. I have known Billy for my entire career, never once have I found fault in almost anything he has done. He was a great driver and fellow firefighter. When he first ran for Sec Tres, the local needed a change. Billy was and is again the strong driving force behind everything financial, ethical, and morally right. In the field running for this position, he is the only one qualified to run his part of the Union for us.
A recent "investigation" into some of the dealings of the local, found that Bill Mott was 100% honest and fit for the job he now holds. Some tried to dirty him with words, even an idea to stop non working I.E. retired members from holding office (by changing the CBL of our local)! The bottom line: we need the continued experience of William Mott. A man that knows the job. This isn't a time for on the job training.
Stand with his past history. Re elected Bill Mott.
John Barfield.
Received via Email 09-13-14 Got Billy's letter to. Who has this much experience and he goes thru what??? a half a million buck a year without a penny missing? Blank and Hay should be ashamed of themselves for all the backstabbing they've done. VOTE BILLY!!!
Received via Email 09-13-14 As with the 2 previous posts, I too have received and read the letter from Brother Mott, our long serving and current Secretary Treasurer. It is truly mind boggling the things he has mentioned in his letter showing the many responsibilities that he has to this union. He only touch on the big ones. How about making sure you can come by and get coolers and chairs or the grill on a whim? Or getting a t shirt or sticker? I know these things are trivial but I for one have called upon him many times to save my ass because I waited until the last minute to get something that I needed. I know that he has stayed longer into the evening and he has even come to the office on a weekend so someone wouldn't be cold during our cooler months and they needed a sweat shirt. Also, who purchases the items needed so the union has a presence in the SPFR Block party, the annual retiree picnic, the MDA boot drives, the daily drinks and refreshments at the union office and the food for the monthly meetings? I think you all know the answer but if not, YES its Billy Mott. BTW, all that includes the required shopping and delivery, usually by himself.
While I'm here I have received the letter from Brother John Pearl my C Shift Vice President as well and it looks like he too has gone way above and beyond anything that I ever hear of from the VP's on the other shifts. So far I can say that without a doubt, we should realize that we are blessed to have these 2 dedicated members working for us.
I anxiously await to hear from those that have been provoked into running against them.
Received via Email 09-16-14 Have you ever seen so many cockroaches scramble before an election? The ballots are out and all of you guys that are running because Blank and Hay asked you to need to go look in the mirror to see what a real failure looks like.
Received via Email 09-17-14 Keep Billy Mott, Vote Pauley, and Barfield. These are true Union brothers. You know the track records and interests of the others. Do the right thing now!
Received via Email 09-17-14 I over heard someone at my station saying that they were going to pull the return address label off of their ballot. They cited anominity as their reason. I calle dthe union office and spoke with Billy Mott. PLEASE do not do this. Your ballot will be deemed INVALID and will not be counted. Call the union office if you need further information. I have participated in ballot counting many times and I can assure everyone, that after your ballot arrives your name is checked off to see who returned a ballot only. Then the small envelope marked ballot is removed from the one with your name on it. Then those envelopes are removed from the room and then and only then are the small envelopes containing your marked ballot are your ballots opened and removed. There is no way that anyone knows which envelope belongs to whom.
TEAM: You're dealing with a caveman - why educate him? Let him do what he needs to do and at the end of the day, we can all sit around and laugh and say, "if you'd ever taken more than a passing interest in your union, you'd already know that it is impossible to trace any vote coming through Local 747's doors." The hell with 'em. Let 'em stay dumb.
Received via Email 09-18-14 When are ballots due? I have been out of town and will not be back till the 23rd.
TEAM: The ballots are marked October 1. A memo with a corrected due date of October 3rd has just been issued. If you have a good address on file with Billy Mott and your ballot is sitting in your mailbox, you should have time to return it via US Mail.
Received via Email 09-19-14 OMG... It was so refreshing at tonights union meeting. The old salts showed up in mass and the twin idiots knew they would like be able to buffalo them like Steve Hay is so used to while belittling the new recruts at the fire academy. I'm not saying that the older folks ran the show but they came real close to running Steve Hay out of town. Just think, only 1 more month and his screwed up sorry ass wont be in the chair no more. GO PAULEY, Mott, and Pearl.
Received via Email 09-19-14 Okay Brothers and Sisters, last night was Steve Hays last full Union Meeting as the EVP. He will get one more chance to sit next to his main squeeze MTB for a short time next month until the new officers are sworn in and then out he goes. Now is our chance to get this thing heading in the right direction again. Your vote for Pauley will put someone with EXPERIANCE back in that seat. Rick has a PROVEN record of working for each of us and giving a shit about the outcome. I know I cannot say these things if the other candidate gets into the seat. Also at the other end of the table sits our Secretary Treasurer of 12 years Billy Mott, who has fulfilled his duties above and beyond what is required of his position. I think it is amazing how many attempts the current President and EVP have made to dirty his name and character in the last few months. Billy is not the follower of stupid and dirty so he doesnt fit into the mold that they have been trying to form for their beloved Chief Large. I think we all realize that the elections of Chuck Moore and Dave DeSchryver would accomplish just that. So the bottom line is, We have a chance to make it good again by returning the hardest working team we have ever had into their rightful and earned places at the head table of Local 747. BTW, anyone thinking of shit canning Jon Pearl as the most learned and experianced Senior Shift Vice President for someone who can barely remember where the union office is needs to think about that decision too. My ballot was marked on Tuesday right after I opened it and I know I did the right thing by voting for the team that I know will do everthing possible to represent me, defend me, and protect me and my family. Vote MOTT PAULEY PEARL. B Shifts need to vote to return Rick Neuberger to the fold, Rick has been and continues to be a hard worker for us, even with the medical situation he has been gong through he still shows up and helps out where possible.
A shifters, its up to you to put John Barfield in as well. John has showen his tenacity for protecting what right many times in the past and I'm sure he wont let us down when the time comes again and again.
Received via Email 09-19-14 I need some help. I wasnt at last nights union meeting so I'm working on hearsay. I'm told that last night Steve Hay went on a rant about how S/T Mott doesnt follow the made up self imposed rules that he and Blank try to impose on him. Then he started bitchin about how Brother Mott was told that they couldn't give him any help with preparing the ballots until a later date because they were both swamped with other pressing issues, so he did it without their help. But heres what I need to know. Did Steve Hay during his spew tell those in attendance how much time he spent during the weekend and at the office while on Union Pool hours working on the Lealman contract? I hear he immediatley try to cover it by saying he was there working on union business. Well yes of course he was, he just cant do outside department union business on pool hours that come from the members of St. Petersburg. How is it that someone that wont follow made up rules gets continuosly blasted and smeared in front of those willing to listen, but Steve Hay has no problem admiting to a violation of our contract with the city? Check this out. read from the middle of the 6th line through line 8. I think he definately stepped in his mess kit on this one.
Article 10 of our current contract.
10.2 Time off for Union business will be without loss of pay by use of Union pool time provided that sufficient manpower is available to properly staff the Department during the absence of the Union official(s) as determined by the Fire Chief or his designee. One (1) time-off slot shall be provided by the department for use by the Union President, when using pool time for the purpose of conducting Union business for either of the two (2) Department bargaining units represented by Local 747. The Union agrees not to use the time-off slot nor the pool time for the purpose of representing members employed by other fire agencies in labor disputes nor conducting labor negotiations with other fire agencies.
Like I said I am working on hearsay, so can someone else that was there confirm what I am hearing? What I have posted from the contract is not hearsay but a written agreement between Local 747 and the city. I guess Steve is so comfortable with the unwritten double/triple standards imposed on him by Chief Large and his loyal followers that he figures it works the same way every place else too.
Received via Email 09-19-14 Yes I was there and yes he did say that complete with the retraction. It was close to the end of his bitch session about how Mott did the work without them because they were so overloaded with other things to do. If I remember correctly he was talking about how he spent Sunday at home and Monday at the Union Office on Pool time working through the numbers for the Lealman contract, then he said I guess I shouldn't say it like that and changed it to doing Union Business. So I would say that yes he does know he was doing wrong or he would not have to say what he did. So the next question is, How do we as St. Pete members get the 8 hours that Tele-staff shows he was off on Union Pool Hours bask?
Received via Email 09-19-14 Look at this story from todays Tampa Bay Times. We are dead last in the list of comparable cities. Just think were WE will be in 2016 after 2 more years of no pay raises. Thank goodness we will have more time off to work our part time jobs. Can I get a S, can I get a T, can I get a U, can, I can get a P,I,D? whats it spell?
Received via Email 09-19-14 If you don't vote then don't bitch gonna find out who returns and I will call you out!! Tired of you cry babys who bitch and can't find the time to vote!
Received via Email 09-19-14 Very interesting post about the use of pool hours. Is it really true?
Received via Email 09-22-14 Hows about a few of us give Mr. Hay-way and ask him point blank if he did it? One Lie is as good as any other in his mind.
Received via Email 09-22-14 9/19 #4, Get pool hours back?? Looks like he falsified the Union Pool "time off". I think there is some kind of detrimental discipline for falsification of records. Talk about abuse. Maybe we should check with Chief Johnson he should be an expert on telestaff by now. We should also initiate a mandatory log of Union Pool hours, who uses them, the reason and time used. Watch the real bullshit start.
Received via Email 09-23-14 I see a new memo is out from President Blank. In it there is reference made that the letter of explination that was put out last week by S/T Billy Mott may have lead some to think that an outline that shows when the ballots have been sent out for the past umpteen years somehow caused a few to think that a new ballot would be sent out. Lets see, last week Steve and Blank were fuming over it and at the Union Meeting the members in attendance stood up to the past practice and had no issue. So I wonder where this new story out of the mouths of the 2 biggest liars comes from? I am dumbfounded over their dumbness.
TEAM: Blank and Hay are two of the biggest liars on the job. They will stop at nothing to spread the 'good word' in an effort to hang onto the last vestiges of their failed leadership example. The latest memo from Blank about possible confusion is all bullshit. It will all come to a stop the moment the elections are over and there is no longer a need to keep confusing the membership with memos about possibly being confused.
Received via Email 09-24-14 A Hillsborough District Commanders vehicle was recently procured while left unattended and ended up being involved in an accident. Hey I wonder if he will call our own DC5-A for advice.
Received via Email 09-26-14 
Received via Email 09-27-14 How is it that no matter who is writing the stories about Chief Large and his antics, they always manage to dig something up?
Received via Email 09-27-14 The next memo from the idiot bunch should be, There seems to be some confusion as to what the President and EVP really do. I'm willing to bet they can get that on half a sheet of paper to.
Received via Email 09-27-14 Just like I said last January
After reading the paper this morning, I was shocked to find out that I'm not the only one who's noticed that HQ is a motherfucking white ass Cracker Barrel.
Thanks my brothas and sistas.
Blackie McBlackerson
TEAM: ;>)
Received via Email 09-27-14 941club
Received via Email 09-27-14 What is so special about being recently promoted to Lieutenant that qualifies someone to become a divison Cheif. If he was still a FF, he wouldn't be considered. It's really sad that the Chief was forced to jump the people he did just to satisfy the Black Coalition when getting Henderson. I guess getting something you didn't deserve isn't enough. Have to say I'm proud of the Chief, you got it right!
Received via Email 09-27-14 You cracker motherfuckers are missing the motherfucking point. This cracker ass fire chief that was a district chief in his 20's now thinks it's all about experience when it comes to motherfucking promotions.
Blackie McBlackerson has left the room.
Received via Email 09-28-14 It looks like the grumpy one that cant find his own way to get promoted off the list is now commenting here as well as on the On-line Times stories. There are many others that have had to go to the Chief and DEMAND that they be given a fair chance. I know of a couple that it worked for.
Received via Email 09-28-14 Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Blackie.
Received via Email 09-28-14 It won't take Womack long to get his educations. Kathy is doing his schoolwork just like she did for Jimbo.
Received via Email 09-28-14 What so special about a Captain that does not have a 4 year degree. Womack didn't work for that position either. Your missing the point. The position of EMS Chief requires a 4 year degree. Not only does Chris have a degree but a masters degree and his fire officer 1 and 2. How are you gonna diminish Chris's accomplishment. He took the exam which made him eligible to be promoted. It's ok to make up rules up for individuals who are not a elgible for a position but use those same rules to keep someone else from gaining that position. How much sense does that make.
Received via Email 09-28-14 When Jimmy Large and his buddies are involved, qualifications, education and a true love for EMS have nothing to due with the process. Now if Chris had a Superman belt buckle, he'd have a chance.
Received via Email 09-28-14 Right choo are there Mr. 9/28 number 4. We all know why Chris didn't see his rightful motherfucking promotion. It's because it didn't happen in the real motherfucking world, it happened in Motherfucking Cracker Land.
Look around that Cracker Barrel you bitches call "headquarters." It's whiter than a motherfucking hockey team. Unless a brother wants to stay on shift work forever or clean the toilets in White World Headquarters, he ain't welcome by them motherfuckers.
This has been Blackie McBlackerson, telling it like it motherfucking is.
Received via Email 09-28-14 LR Henderson was passing out answers to the current LT list,I know if I wanted any part city legal should be informed.
Received via Email 09-29-14 The superman belt buckle is way over the top!
Received via Email 09-29-14 That is a fucking lie and you should be ashamed of yourself for even putting some bullshit out there like that. This is what you fucks do every time. Every time some one goes against the good old boy system and their bullshit, you throw out false information to dirty up their name. Fuck you and fuck st petersburg fire and rescue. Your same fucks that tried to dirty up Thorton's name when he went against the very same bullshit.
Received via Email 09-29-14 In the comments section of the Times someone named Tyler posted this: The job opening was available only to captains and above. Henderson didn't even apply, he sent a letter of intent to large stating that he would apply if the position was opened to lts.
I'm not going to sign up on the Times website using FB so I'll say what I want to say here.
I've got a copy of Christopher's letter. It reads: Please accept this letter and resume as indication of interest in the Rescue Division Chief position that is currently vacant.
The reason that SPFR is the way it is is because Large is really a weak leader and has convinced everyone who wants to get promoted that they have to sign a deal with the devil. This is really bullshit because if people stopped putting up with that, they'd eventually get promoted anyways all by themselves. Because everyone wants to get promoted yesterday, they are always looking for a shortcut and licking Jimmy's taint is about as good as a shortcut comes. Now tell me I'm a liar.
Received via Email 09-29-14 Congrats to Oliver,Adras,Smith
Received via Email 09-29-14 If the SPFR was a respectable fire department, only promotional exam results would get you promoted, not by any person choosing who gets promoted. My deptartment, hyou take a test, you score, your placed ona promotional lits by your results, highest score gets promoted first, and so forth, the list expires after two years...start the process over agian. if you're to dumb to study the first time and not get a good score, you have two years to study and test again and score higher. This department sounds like one effed up disgrace of a FD honestly. But, it makes for good reading, shows what southern brotherhood is really like, and its not something to be proud of.
Received via Email 09-29-14 9/29 #2...what's the saying about biting the hand that feeds? You don't like it here, leave. Nobody holding gun to my head to stay, pretty sure nobody is holding one to don't like it here, but don't want to leave, then do something to make a god damn difference! Stop bad mouthing the department as a whole. There are a lot of Brothers and Sisters that work their asses off, that don't get caught up in A. good ole boy shit or the B. crackers holdin a brotha down ignorance that goes on. Try being like some of those people and have pride in what you do, and in what the department really stands for. But in saying the shit in which you spew out on this page puts you in one of those 2 categories I listed. Stop bitching and start making a difference!
Received via Email 09-29-14 Has anyone ever questioned Lt. Lawrence suddenly becoming The Arson investigator and PIO for another position that was never posted? Is everyone that freaking blind to those random promotions and appointments that require posting to the rest of the Department? As you dig the smell only gets nastier. Talk about ethics, morals, and integrity! Time for Headquarters to get an enema.
Received via Email 09-29-14 Forget education and seniority. Lets just promote those who have been arrested for domestic violence, DUI's, Assault... or just had time off when they should have been fired, let's dig those monsters out also. Seems that's a hot topic with the media today. Hmmm something called accountability. Not just a tag on your helmet.
Received via Email 09-29-14 Is that what happened with the Feinberg Whitman switch too?
Received via Email 09-29-14 9/29 #2...what's the saying about biting the hand that feeds? Really? I have a unique set of skills that the city pays to rent. Nobody's feeding me but me. Jimmy Large is the biggest queer in the big queer house and if I just went away, he would get away with even more bullshit than his is now. Besides.......................I like diming him out to the Tampa Bay Times.
Received via Email 09-29-14 Well I see the unofficial list is out for the new hopeful Lieutenants. #1 on the list was once told by the crazy man in Training that he wouldn't be sitting in the front seat. #2 on the list has sought outside direction to assure he can not be passed over because of his military service. #3 on the list, If you can say something good....#4 The EMS system will miss him, #5 I cant go on, I'm laughing to hard to continue. Best of luck to those that will someday be working for these Idols. I'm sure you will see Chief Large in your presence on a regular basis.
Received via Email 09-29-14 The story in the Tampa Tribune is quite enlightening. If Tampa is hiring big numbers of employees at $10,000 a year more than SPFR, OMG we are sunk. It is being proven weekly that we haven't been doing so good at getting the top of the crop. Maybe Jimbo can go over to Tampa and see how they do it. Then he will come back here and remove step 2-4, 6, 9 and 12 and call it is idea, and like the rest it will fail.
The city has budgeted to “over-hire” police officers and firefighters so the new employees can be trained and ready to take over for their predecessors as the retirees leave.
After Sept. 30, TPD will hire about 30 new officers, McElroy said. The police department plans to hire another 30 officers in February and another 30 in May. The department also is offering 15 academy scholarships, with preference given to minority applicants and Spanish speakers, McElroy said.
Received via Email 09-30-14 Jimbo will never look across to Tampa because had can't see beyond his nose or his mirror. Now is the perfect time for Kriseman to make a move with a full on internal investigation. Lets start with personnel files of those that have been promoted, then look at some of the previous candidates and the score manipulations. How about the tobacco chewers? They dragged Christine thru the mud, but they'll promote and coddle the ones that clearly violate the non tobacco affidavit they signed prior to hiring, and again as HR recirculated it. Gee there might be a Capt. and LT. position soon to be filled if they followed that one. It's too close to the genetic waste pool. Fellas we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg. The Crystal palace is so corrupt with nepotism, corruption, and unethical practices that goes so far back it will create a black hole that will suck in the city and a good majority of the county once opened. This is why Chief Large and in charge has a death grip on our Union. Why would he want legitimate qualified individuals representing our work conditions, labor rights, and quality of life? Keep asking yourself that come election time. How about that last raise? What happens to a member of the general membership who uses the "R" day sandwich. HQ and their minions are immune from such wrath. Put on your super hero belt buckles and lets all play in fantasy land. I believe that little accessory is being out of uniform and totally unprofessional. The proverbial pendulum appears to be swinging the other way. Keep dropping those dime bombs. Maybe the garbage will eventually be taken to the dump and we can begin negotiating our futures again.
Received via Email 10-02-14 Blackie laugh at the cracker motherfucker who thinks promotions should be based on test scores only on a test written by cracker motherfuckers designed to keep the brothers down. Nice try cracker. You make Blackie laugh. Heh heh heh. That how Blackie laugh, little series of "heh's". Heh heh heh. You funny cracker. Blackie laugh again.
Later Crackers,
Blackie McBlackerson has left the chat room
Received via Email 10-02-14 I'm thinkin Blackie is as lilly white as they come. Ain't no brother gonna talk like dat.
Received via Email 10-02-14 Nothing has changed over the years, I used to work in HQ quite a while ago and I am now long retired, but I remember when Lt Bickley was in training and had a bachelors degree and Masters degree and the spaz chief then GL had no degree at all and would mock that he went to school. Bickley was first on the Capt list many times and spent years working hard to get there. He had the experience, education, and never got in trouble and could do the job flawlessly, But No he was not in the Large Callahan Lanning Group so he never got promoted and was treated like Crap over and over. He was not only passed over for Capt but they put ole Fat Feinberg in the Deputy Fire Marshal spot when Bickley had much more credentials and worked at the Trop and was the Command guy for many years prior. But again the good ole boy system ruled. and ruled him out. Later Granata was put in the deputy fire marshal spot,there so that Fat daddy Feinberg could have an easy place to go because Feinberg failed so miserably in marshal position, thanks to Larges Idiocy. And that time Bickley wasnt even considered, and now I am reading here that Lawerence is now in there, no one else was even allowed to apply ?? So whats the big deal, nothing has changed since I left the job and it probably never will. I am just glad I am retired and dont have to continue to see the BS still going on that has been going on for years. And yes the Mayor should question Large about his years of unfair unethical practices as someone wrote above. But for many it is way to late. I stopped by and seen Bickley a few months ago because I havent seen him in years and his reward for all those years of hard work is they HQ has him riding on the busiest ALS engine in the city. What a great place to work !!! He (Bickley) still loves the job, and I try and talk him into retiring but I think he will probably finish his 35 years there because he is a lot tougher than any of those little ego maniacs at HQ think he is. I used to work with his ole man on the B shift and so I know what the kid went through on the job and the way they treated little Bickley just made me sick. And some may wonder why little bickleys kid Ryan went to Lealman, Mmmmm, bet he didnt want no part of the A holes that treated his family so crappy. But dont get me wrong there are many others on the department that have the same story as Bickley. This is just a little example of many who have been treated unfairly for a job well done.
Received via Email 10-02-14 Someday Lt. Bickley and the rest that have put in their well deserved time and yes deserve a little more fair treatment might just learn that its not getting any better and maybe their own personal happiness is worth a way bunch more than trying to hang around to prove something. I learned it and I have ZERO regrets.
Received via Email 10-04-14 Guess there's a District Chief virus going around..........hope the Fire Chief generates a memo voicing his concern.
Received via Email 10-04-14 Why even put out a list,put who passed and I'll promote who the hell I want too!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 10-04-14 Posted earlier, "Guess there's a District Chief virus going around". Maybe they are ashamed of themselves. One is on a retaliation kick trying to write up as many people as he can before he removes himself from our presence, and the other is trying to get over his road rage and other hate for man kind.
Received via Email 10-04-14 10/4 #2. We have been saying that for years. Given, there has been some really good decent promotions with some upstanding guys deserving it. But there are quite a few good ole buddies added into the mix that cause HQ to screw some really good hard working people. And that my friend is where it is WRONG and the Fire Chief needs to think about the families he has financially crippled with his unfair tactics not to mention the moral problem it causes to an individual who has worked so hard and has done so much to only be CRAPPED on over and over. My opinion is Its Time for a change. HQ must start caring about the people (the medics and firefighters) more than themselves, and thankfully guys like Bobby Bassett, Tim White, and a handful of others are making a positive change, but the rest of those idiots at HQ and in upper management are not making life any easier for anyone but themselves.
Received via Email 10-04-14 3rd 10/4 want to hear something really sad. I overheard a certain DC say he enjoys putting the old senior officers at really busy stations because it helps them retire faster. He said it joking, but the few that heard it did not think it was funny. Now what the heck is that supposed to mean.
Received via Email 10-04-14 5th 10/14 - I have seen them treat guys like bickley and a few others really crappy because of political views. some others are retired now. They know that camp supported Mayor Kriseman and Newton back when he was president. Those people(guys like Lt Bickley) were a target and to this day are being put in very busy stations to purposely run them off the job,(for their past loyalty) Sad but true. They support the new Mayor we have today and they (the most senior guys on the job - only some of them) are put on very busy ALS units.(what proves this point, is some of them are not even EMTs or Medics and they are on an ALS units but some of the medic LTs on the job are on slow BLS or very slow ALS units. Some are even new Lts. (now thats funny) These guys on the busy ones have spent years in the trenches so its not like they cant handle it. But heck some of the new guys would love to have more experience than listening to the radio of the busy units running day and night. Do you know the real funny thing, the old guys can handle it pretty easy. Do you know why downtown idiots? because they have been doing it their whole career and it is easy for them. I retired and was treated this way but I did my whole 35 years anyway !! So you better come up with a new plan to run these guys off, cause that way just aint gonna work. But my personal opinion is this, "Real nice Large" !!!! You have been allowing this for years !! What dont you get off your fat ass downtown and quit drinking all the downtown coffee and do something about these issues. Or maybe this could be your next news article investigation.
Received via Email 10-04-14 Gawd! I love the shit that shows up on this site ! ! !
TEAM: And so do we. It's now 9 years old; nearing 900,000 hits (so let's try to hit a Million during the 10th anniversary year) and voted the "No. 1 Internal Security Threat to St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue."
Received via Email 10-04-14 Could not be more true. This is the sneaky side of HQ. They always come up with some answer to justify their actions. But everyone knows the truth. Each year HQ just looks dumber and dumber and loses more respect from the troops. Guys like Chief Bassett seem like they care, I guess we will have to see over time. They are the departments only hope now. Im no longer on the job either. but I hear the guys like you and you are doing a good job Chief Bobby B. but it will take quite some time to fix all the past wrongs. You may not be able to fix some of them, but from here on out things can be better for the troops so they can do their job better for the public. Isn't that what it is all about anyway? Or is it still about guys like Large getting their ego stroked and doing what it best for themselves both financially and politically.
Received via Email 10-05-14 The stuff on this site is more true than the half truth info that Large sends out. Now that is messed up !!!
Received via Email 10-05-14 So another NEW GUY has left because we run too many calls,Guess he really just wanted a paycheck and not a job!
Received via Email 10-05-14 Its not that we run to many calls, It is the fact the medics on the street get hammered day in and day off without much relief. Oh yeah an ALS engine, like thats a big break. At the same time our DCs and captains are enjoying their extra R day every 3 weeks not to mention all their sick days added with those. What a pathetic place for treating hard workers decent. Reward the ones that dont run many calls and hammer the ones doing all the work. I dont blame any new person for leaving. Just wish I would left long ago. but because we dont have a state pension I am stuck in this work prison.
Received via Email 10-06-14 Well, the ballots have been counted and the winners are in.
EVP: Rick Pauley
Sec/Treasurer: Billy Mott
A-shit trustee: Art Meyer
B-shift trustee: Rick Neuberger
C-shift VP: Jon Pearl
Only 69% of the total ballots sent out were returned. Imagine that. SSDD. There is hope once again for this organization. Blank couldn't take the suspense and had to leave. Probably had to go to #6 and ask the hay seed, what do I do now?
So now if you didn't get your ballot returned in time or just didn't take the time to make a couple of check marks, put it in an envelope, and spend the change in your pocket on a single stamp, THEN DON'T COMPLAIN. Cause, the list of those that didn't vote is readily available at the union office for ALL to see. Thanks goes out to those that did take the time to vote on your future and doing it correctly by following the instructions provided.
Received via Email 10-06-14 Congratulations go out to the 5 winners in the election of officers at the union office. Todays count tally shows Rick Pauley is back as the Executive Vice President, Billy Mott remains as our Secretary Treasurer, and like wise for John Pearl as the C shifts Vice President. Art Meyer is the A shift Trustee and Rick Neuberger is the B shift Trustee. I want to personally thank each one of you for taking on the duties of the Local and all the BS that goes with it.
Received via Email 10-06-14 I wonder if Chief Jimmy has realized what just happened? Let me spell it out. Jimmy you have just lost your strangle hold on OUR Union. Your Yes Boi wont get much done for you now. Of course he and Hay have been going behind everyones back for so long now he will still try it, but I can tell you now, our eyes are wide open and we aint gonna take your fucked up bullshit no more. Death to the King and his crown. Lets get this Local running upright again and respected in the eyes of our Brothers and Sisters throughout the land.
Received via Email 10-06-14 Congratulations to the winners of todays elections. Let me see if I can get this straight, we not only kept Billy Mott in office but in doing so he continues to be the longest serving elected officer in the history of Local 747, and NOW he is the FIRST RETIRED member to be elected to office. Way to go to the members that respect and know a good thing when they see it. i know I can speak out and say its about time for us to realize that a retiree has knowledge and experiances that shouldnt just be tossed out like what happens in the Chief Large world.
Received via Email 10-06-14 Chief Large reminds me of an old joke, where the man yells out, the Chief is a mother fucker", when questioned who called the Chief a Mother Fucker?, the reply comes back and says no I asked who called the Mother Fucker a Chief. God that fits Jimmy all to well.
Received via Email 10-07-14 so, if Blank resigns does that make RP our new president??
Received via Email 10-07-14 The Blank and Hay rolling rumor mill show is now officially shut down. To all of you that voted for my friend Billy Mott, I'd like to thank you. Blank and Hay and Chuck Moore's dad Michael almost pulled it off. They worked really hard to paint Billy in a bad light and the members almost took the bait. Billy's not a thief as some have promoted and he's not a child molester as another has promoted. In fact the last firefighter who Blank and Hay asked to run against Bill is now in prison on child molestation charges! How fucking ironic is that??? Thank you all for seeing through the smoke and mirrors and retaining a good man in office who General President Schaitberger knows, both on sight and by name. Billy's no thief. He's retired with not another motherfucking thing to do other than work for you and me and YES.......unlike what Steve Hay has been saying about him........he's got plenty of skin in the game. His pension is on the line just like yours and mine and the politicians who mind that store don't worry for a minute where Billy stands on the subject. The next time you see Billy, please say THANK YOU to him for all the things he's done for you over the years that you might never know about. The Honor Guard just said THANK YOU to him. Their stuff was all broken and tired looking so Billy took $750 out of his own pocket and quietly bought them new lightweight chrome axes and pike poles, that they can go to Emmittsburg and not be embarrased with carrying old shit.
Received via Email 10-07-14 Thank you Billy Mott. I voted for you even though you didn't blow your own horn about helping out the honor guard before the elections. I'm sure it would have been broadcast far and wide if it had been blank look or hay seed or dooshriver or moore is less.
Received via Email 10-07-14 The heck with Morgan and Morgan. More like, Pauley, Mott, and Pearl: FOR THE PEOPLE. congrats guys !!
Received via Email 10-07-14 Well, Jimmy dumbo Large, all your years of trying to destroy OUR union has finally come to an end. You bad mouthed our new Mayor before he was elected and lied about our upstanding staff that used to be in office. WELL guess what Fella, they are all in office now and your little Tyrant Regime is about to end. Daily write ups without justification:DONE Lies about the union to new firefighters:DONE Unfair Promotions:DONE Constant hammering of the Senior Firefighers, Medics, and Officers:DONE Sitting on your fat ass and collecting tons of money while doing nothing:DONE
Like the song from Thin Lizzy "The boys are back in town"
Received via Email 10-07-14 In one day, our department went from a crappy place to work to the best work place in the state. We are very proud to have back in office VP Pauley, Sec. Tres. Billy Mott and C shift VP Jon Pearl. Congrats guys. It is truly a great day at SPFR.
Received via Email 10-07-14 How about we vote some color in that little white ass union house? Where that Winnie at? Bring back Winnie. That motherfucker had it going on. Blackie give that man a Big Blackie Thumbs Fucking Up!
Bring Back Winnie,
Blackie McBlackerson.... out.
Received via Email 10-07-14 I'm with that thought but, one has to run for a position in order to get on the ballot for the members to have another choice. Besides that, Winnie is already running a local in North County.
Received via Email 10-07-14 All a member has to do is show up to a meeting and make a motion that Winnie act as our business manager. The IAFF says he can't approach us be we can approach him. He teaches throughout the US and Canada for the IAFF and he's the FPF 2nd District VP. He's president of the 2nd largest Local in the county and he's already negotiating contracts for GP, SPB, TI, MB, SE, PP, LA, IR, DU, TS and Pasco County.
Received via Email 10-07-14 To the 3rd poster on 10/7, you write, "Thank you Billy Mott. I voted for you even though you didn't blow your own horn about helping out the". I have known Brother Mott for a very long portion of his career and I will tell you this. I can add many different groups and organizations to finish that sentence. I have seen Billy buy hundreds of dollars of food and give it to charities. I have seen him purchase bag loads of school supplies and give them to the Mt Vernon school right there in station 6 back yard. I know that like his Mother and Father he has done his turn at manning a kettle stand for the Salvation Army, and I know that he makes regular donations to the IAFF Disaster Relief fund. I also know that it is not uncommon for him to pull more than just a couple of dollars out of his pocket for someone that truly needs help. I know Billy Mott and his family and I will attest to this as fact. Billy Mott was raised by a great set of parents and his grand parents and I have seen and I know what many of you don't because he doesn't toot on his own horn. There are others on this job like him and they are content in the knowledge that they were able to help where they can and its not because they are looking for a song of praise. That's what I know about the MAN I call Billy Mott.
Received via Email 10-07-14 I have been told that the union needs help cooking and serving the hot dogs at this weekends SPFR Block party. You know, that's where we break our backs to make Chief Larges fire department look good. Well never mind that part, this weekend we will have the opportunity to show that we are again on the right track and we can show the public and our elected city officals that we are quick to regain control of our lost ship and are once again steering a new course. Get out there and show the world what we are capable of.
Received via Email 10-08-14 I think Blackie McBlackerson is a White Dude acting like a Black dude.
Whitie McWhiterson
- I do agree with the bringing back Winnie part. You finally said something smart Blackie !!
Received via Email 10-08-14 Someone call DeSchriver and ask him if he'll be there to help.
Received via Email 10-08-14 To 10-08 #1:
Fuck you you cracker motherfucker!
Peace out you cracker fucks.
Blackie McBlackerson
Keeping it real
Received via Email 10-09-14 Think about this. What African American gentleman or woman would call themselves Blackie. NONE, Proves it is a White dude pretending like they are a black dude. It all makes sense now. Pot stirrer just trying to be funny. Real Funny !!!
Received via Email 10-10-14 I used to work with Blackie at #8. He's black all right. He's so black that when he went to night school they marked him absent. So black that when he goes outside the street lights turn on. I'm talking black. Blackie McBlackerson is so black that he once got a window tint ticket while riding a motorcycle. He's so black that when your phone battery dies your screen shows his profile picture. And speaking of cell phones, when you get near Blackie you get free nights and weekends. Blackie is a great guy. We all liked working with him. And he is so black that he can go to a funeral naked. Good guy, Blackie. You racist cracker motherfuckers should lighten up on his black ass.
Received via Email 10-10-14 I too had the great pleasure of working with Firefighter Blackerson. A tremendous fellow, I must say. Sure, he's a black lad and I'm a white fellow; but that doesn't mean I can't respect him, you know, in spite of the black thing. He certainly was a dark one though. As a matter of fact as I recall my friend Blackie was so black that when he'd go outside he'd set off the photocells. Oh Blackie. Dear sweet Blackie. A fine man. We all admired his ability to hide in the station by standing in front of the chalkboard. Quite the fellow he was. Wonderful firefighter. Took him to my place in Blairsville once and the fireflies followed him around... during the day. Oh Blackie, how we miss you and your Blackersonian ways. FIne man, Blackie.
Received via Email 10-11-14 Back when he first came on the job they sent Blackerson to my station for awhile. The DC (I won't mention his name) gave me that heads up that rednecks gave each other back in the day--- you know the one. Don't cut Blackie too much slack. Hold him accountable. Fire him if you need to. But I didn't think that way back then even if all my bosses were rednecks with confederate flag stickers on their bumpers. Me and Blackie got along really well. When he got off probation I tried to get him at my station permanently but he ended up going to #8. He was a great fit for this job because he took it seriously, and because he was a real man. The guy wouldn't take any shit from anyone, especially the rednecks. He was really black, too. He was so black that the only mosquitos that could bite him were the ones carrying little flashlights. I mean, that Blackie McBlackerson was so black he could leave fingerprints or charcoal. And a great guy, too. And black. He's so black that his shadow said "Why bother" and quit following him. I wish you well Blackie McBlackerson, wherever you are.
Received via Email 10-11-14 No way this "Blackie" is a black dude. No fucking way. It's got to be a black chick.
Received via Email 10-11-14 From the above comments and the constant blacker than black jokes, it is proof positive that our dear friend blackie is a White dude. Now dat ain't funny cause homey say quit da jokes Whitie.
Received via Email 10-12-14 I used to work with Firefighter Blackerson and I can tell you those statements are not jokes. That guy was black. He was so black that NASA used to pay Blackie so they could point their deep space telescopes at him for calibration.
Received via Email 10-13-14 Michael Blank was popping off the other day about giving Blackie a black eye a few years back. I didn't believe him.
Received via Email 10-13-14 Blackie is so black that a black eye would be the lightest colored part of his body.
Received via Email 10-14-14 I have an old probie picture of Blackie McBlackerson when he was young and lean. The negative looks just like Mike Shinn.
Received via Email 10-14-14 Please stop with the bad, black jokes. They are not funny and lowers your lame humor attempt to less than dim.
Please stop with the bad, black jokes. They are not funny and lowers your lame humor attempt to less than dim.
Received via Email 10-14-14 For 10/14 #2
Two things you cracker motherfucker: These ain't jokes you fuck, I'm so black my piss looks like coffee. I can't help it. You on the other hand, dumbass, wrote the same sentence twice you stupid studdering fuck. Fuck off. Leave Blackie be.
Blackie McBlackerson
Telling it likes it is
TEAM: Disclosure... we may have inadvertently posted the message you're referencing, twice.
Received via Email 10-15-14 All you white bitches is a bunch of studdering fucks. But you can't help it. Blackie sympathetic.
Blackie McBlackerson
Caught in a mellow mood
Received via Email 10-16-14 Actually, it makes your entire department and site look even more silly than it already is....the web master should know better to continue to allow these kind of stupid posts to appear. You wonder why your union is weak, your department is a joke, well, just read this site, its disgraceful from top to bottom.
Received via Email 10-16-14 What up 10-16 #1? Looky here everyone! Looky what the Klan dragged in. Another cracker motherfucker who thinks black people is all a big fucking joke. You racist fuck, you think it's funny that headquarters don't have no black brothers or sisters working there? It's all a big fucking joke to you hillbilly cracker fucks. I bet you loves to drive by that Cracker Barrel and laugh your racist laugh. Fuck all of you. It's just too bad if Blackie is too black for you white trash fucks. Too fucking bad for your cracker ass.
Blackie McBlackerson
Keeping it real