It can't get any better than this.  You get your own webpage to comment on those inefficiencies that are troubling you.
Okay - that was our attempt at Political Correctness.  Fill us in on the BULLSHIT that's really pissing you off!  Mind your manners.

Received via Email 8.27.07   Brothers and Sisters, (and the anti to the aforementioned), lend me your ears. We, Local 747, have just completed a journey. We will agree that the journey was long and fruitless. We will agree that we are embarking on a new journey, one of uncertainty (tax reform for the challenged). Are we, as an organization, going to set sail on the same course that brought us to these shores or are we going to search for new lands? The question is poised due to the events being discussed in this arena. I have heard the arguments for the incumbent and challenger. Some arguments valid, some weak. We have to examine the realities; the City is against the Fire Department because it is a hole in which money is poured in and nothng is gotten in return. They are not going to be willing to move our salaries forward to where they should be while citing tax reform. We have a Chief whose days are numbered and his position on issues measured. If he steps out of line,this Mayor will take the opportunity to place a minority in the "Department Head" position. We have a president whose negotiating positions have been blurred by the Internatonal's ambition for the "assault on the city leaders and their ideals", yet, they haven't been seen at any meetings, with the city or the Body. So, where is the support? We have members afraid to "change horses mid-race" and afraid to let the city know we are devided. Guess what, the city views this site. The word's out, they know we are divided and that we like to attack each other. I have written all of that to say this. We, the membership, are given the responsibility of finding a suitable and capable person for the position of president. This is a tough job for some and easy for others. Remember, your vote is for the future and livelyhood of us all. This election is not about the lesser of two evils, previous victories or ambitions for higher rank. It is about what is right and wrong, empowering the Body and interpreting what has already been negotiating for and enacted. I leave you with my admiration for the firefighters of this department who see their jobs as more than a job. Who desire to fight the fight for what is right, not just for today but for the future generations. I love you all and God bless .

Received via Email 8.27.07   Dick,
From one Dick to another I knew this would bring you out of hiding.

Received via Email 8.27.07  I accept brother Dick's offer, and second his nomination to become our next union president.
Barbara Feldon

Received via Email 8.27.07  Dick you are wrong in saying that this election is NOT about the lesser of two evils..... every election is. Who is the better canidate? who knows....but I know this, it's time for a changing of the guards at the ole Union Hall wether we like it or not. Winnie has done a great job for awhile but has pissed in all of our mess kits in one way or another and It's time for a change. Ray will do a great job of smoozing our leaders so lets try it for a change. If it doesn't work then you don't have to watch any more re-runs of my show.

Maxwell Smart
(got to go.  My shoe is ringing and I always have a hard time remembering just who's ass I left it up)

Received via Email 8.28.07  *YOU WROTE:
Ray will do a great job of smoozing our leaders so lets try it for a change.

When will he do a great job for us, the membership?? Smoozing couldn't be a better description. He will smooze his way right into the mayor's bed chambers, and forget the other's backs he stepped over to get there. Remember his love, and support of the city, as he attempted to shame all of us into giving to the corrupt, United Way. All those donations have packed his resume as a true,"city asset". Ray, we luv you as a firefighter, and your a pretty decent officer. Leave the politics to someone that, yes the city respects, not loath's. Anyone of you that sat through those meetings in crowded, meeting halls, could see the look in their eyes when the Newton crew entered the room.  Yes he is rocking the boat, not being a cabin boy. Keep on the tract of independence that the current local's leadership has taken us. We have strength, we do not want to be transformed into a group of  expendable employees. Forget the civil servants, if we bow under the Fuehrer's ideal's we will become just that. Stop the immature infighting, and band together. We do not need Lt. Ray. We need a rank and file leader that actually has been on the spray side of their so called yellow rain. Fight the Power!
Re-elect Winnie Newton.

Received via Email 8.28.07  For fear of being a "Winnie Hater" I would cautiously offer this possibility for the future.  Voting for Winnie could possibly bring only more of the same.  The same three years of so-called negotiating only to see 3.5% for two of the three years in the pay scale.  Continually being a year or more behind in spending power.  Going to the bargaining table with the same 21 items that recentlyt got us an embarrassing ass whipping before the Council.  These are some of the highlights.  However being a president of this Local doesn't just encompass collective bargaining.  It's also all the other day to day incidents and problems that have to be handled.  The current administration has done some monumental things while in office.  And for some reason these items never get touted on this site that much. I'm sure that if a list were made comparing the successes and failures of the current administration that the successes would far outweight the failures.  It's not a secret that Winnie has done a super job at leading the Union during his terms in office.

But the one place he has not known the same level of success is at the bargaining table.  His tactics and determination are legendary when it comes to stonewalling.  And this is the problem.  Most of us are tired of hearing the same rhetoric month after month relating to collective bargaining and the status of our contract.   Winnie is not totally to blame for this.  The city obviously uses his determination to win against him.  Consequently in most cases there is little or no movement in a perpetual contest of who blinks first.  And we've seen the outcome of that.

Here's an idea.  Not that I think it's original but maybe it's time to consider.  Term limits on the office of president.  Oh get a grip and listen for just a minute.  I know it's hard enough to even get anyone to run for office let alone limit the time they can hold it.  But something's got to be done.  It appears that in the minds of many that no one but Winnie is capable to do the job.  Others think it's time for a change since Winnie has had four years to prove his tactics at the bargaining table and has not done so IN SOME AREAS.  With term limits there wouldn't be any problem at this time about changing the leadership and with it changing the posture at the bargaining table.  And now you're asking where do we get the next president from.  If the process was working correctly it would be automatic that the executive vice president would become president.  He normally would be being groomed for four years to take over the job by the current president.  This would allow for a continuation of leadership without someone with no prior experience being thrown into the job because no one else wanted it.  It's just a thought and the guts and feathers would have to be worked out.  In most organizations people work their way up through the ranks to become the leaders.  In our organization no one wants to learn by doing.  Most of the time no one even wants to be station steward let alone be on the executive board.  That's sad and needs to be addressed. 

This is the first time in four years that the office of president is being challenged.  Choose your side wisely because a lot will depend on the person sitting in the "talk" chair at the negotiations.  Will it be more of the same or will there be a new direction with new ideas?  We hear the same people on this site over and over yelling about now being the time and don't take no for an answer.  But it's easy to see where that kind of thinking has gotten us.  I'm not advocating or supporting either person for the office of president.  I like both of them.  There's a lot of serious problems coming up soon for all of us as a union.  How we meet them and address a solution is critical.  Will it be more of the same or will it be a new direction?


Received via Email 8.28.07  You are and have been for awhile " Expendable Employees" Just hang out at HQ for a day or two and you will know this well, they will protect themselves at all cost to move up the ladder and leave you on the ground walking in circles. Why not try a different method of talking to them at City Hall cause it seems that the way things are going are not working. The walk in the room with a fight in mind approach works a few times then it get's old quick. Oh shit got to go it's the Bat Phone.

Received via Email 8.28.07  Everyone except the union office staff, please pick up a mirror.  Now look into it.  There, that was easy.  You're now looking at the person that is most responsible and in charge of your future.  Now pick up the phone and call the union hall and tell them that you're available to help them work towards making your future better.

TEAM:  Attention:  It has been suggested that we place a pre-electon poll on the Polls page.  We have already considered that but are not ready to implement it yet.  One side has already done some canvassing for votes and has mailed political literature to the stations.  To be fair, we are waiting for the other party to get their political literature into the stations before we poll. 

Received via Email 8.29.07  This was just too good to pass up.

"Going to the bargaining table with the same 21 items that recentlyt got us an embarrassing ass whipping before the Council."
-And what of it?  Those same items are the same pain in the ass that they have been on a daily basis.  It's not about the number of items, it's about saying NO to us.

"However being a president of this Local doesn't just encompass collective bargaining."
-Boy you got that right.  Winnie is the dam that's holding back the tide.  Allow Ray to rule the roost and you'll have a Ray/Prince love fest going on.  I predict you'll be able to count the days to impeachment.

"His tactics and determination are legendary when it comes to stonewalling."
-Are we really this pathetic?  Stonewalling is something the CITY does when they don't want to give up any more benefits.  There's nothing more that we can or want to give up to play catch up to others who already have more and are paying less.  What a stupid remark on your part.  We're willing to pay extra for a COLA and that's about it, so don't say that we're stonewalling. 

"But the one place he has not known the same level of success is at the bargaining table."
-And that's our fault?  Putting a weak knee'd wanna be chief in office would be a better solution for SOME.  Not us, though.

"And this is the problem.  Most of us are tired of hearing the same rhetoric month after month relating to collective bargaining and the status of our contract."
-Oh.....you're tired.  I just got a personalized spiral bound copy of MINE.  I KNOW the status of our contract.  If you're tired of the same old shit, stop paying dues and talk bad about the other 99% of us who don't like talking about it either, but relize that this city doesn't give a shit and doesn't give a contract away for nothing.

"Others think it's time for a change since Winnie has had four years to prove his tactics at the bargaining table and has not done so IN SOME AREAS."
-"I" don't think that.  Those that do are weak knee's pussies, maybe. You don't GET by giving away anything.  Once you give something up, you can forget about getting it back.  This isn't bargaining in the traditional give and take sense.  This is bargaining by comparing what others around you of a similar size, ALREADY HAVE.  THAT'S EXACTLY THE POINT YOU'RE MISSING.  We don't want to give up anything more to pay catch up.  If it's more important to bring in a contract on time every year, then you know who to vote for.

"The city obviously uses his determination to win against him."
-For many years, we never knew what the city's next move was going to be, because they always knew what our president's next was going to be. October 1 would roll around and we would always cave.  Now, we always know where the city stands because Winnie isn't all over the frickin map.  When has it ever been a bad thing to be determined?  Nature has a solution for the weak.  Don't need them.  We ought to have the same plan. 

"Term limits on the office of president."
-They're great if your president sucks and they suck if your president's great!

To sum up your idea of a union leader -- be weak.  It's addorable and in the end it will get us more because they'll feel sorry for us.

I'll bet you got beat up a lot on the way home from school.  (And that was after you negotiated with the bullies to let you give them your spare change.  After all -- it was only SPARE change.  You didn't really need it and they told you they needed it more.)

Received via Email 8.29.07  Does VCF currently work for St. Pete or is he retired?

Received via Email 8.29.07  Is Winnie a Democrat?  Is Ray a Republican?  Are either of them muslims?  Boxers or briefs?

Received via Email 8.29.07  One thing that you're all missing when you speak of Ray running for office is the fact that as a pension board member, most of us don't know when or if he's doing a good job for us.  The word on the street is that some pension board meeting minutes are about the make the rounds and they won't be too flattering to Ray.  Someone already asked whether or not it would be a conflict of interest to elect a person to president of this organization who presently holds a position on the pension board.  He may already be in a position to cause more harm to us than any of us really knows.

Received via Email 8.29.07  There goes Dick using up everyones pixels again.
Welcome back Dick.

Received via Email 8.29.07  If you think electing a union president who will bow down and kiss Baker's stink hole is going to get us anything, you're sorely mistaken. 

Received via Email 8.29.07  I thought that was Dick.  Boy, he talkes alot without really saying anything.  It's great to see a retired guy taking such an active interest in replacing a sitting union president who stands the best chance of getting him a pay raise, reduced workweek, time and a half for all hours worked in excess of his regular schedule and a COLA.  Shit!  Wait a minute.  Winnie can't get him any of that except a bigger raise.  What the hell was Winnie thinking?  If he gets us a boat load of benefits and we have to trade off some of our pay raise - that'll screw Dick!  What was Winnie thinking, I mean what was Winnie thinking?

Winnie was thinking about us.  Dick was thinking of himself. 
Nice job Dick.  We'll keep it our little secret.

Received via Email 8.29.07  How could being on the pension board be a conflict of interest?  If anything it would be to our advantage to have someone in both positions.

Received via Email 8.29.07  I'm sorry brother but I haven't been the one using up the pixels.  I appreciate the "welcome back" but I'm afraid I can't take credit for the verbage.  However while I'm here......I would like to congratulate whoever wrote that long, and well thought out missive.  That's a piece of work that should have gotten a ribbon and didn't.  Mr or Mrs Webmaster was apparently in such a hurry to post it they forgot the ribbon.  That's ok.  I think we recognize the worthy ones without being told.  It's a really nice gesture though.  Anyway in reading all the stuff and only knowing Winnie on a personal basis it's very hard to understand the animosity that seethes from the pens of many on this site over this Ray fellow.  Where are the supporters for him?  Not knowing him I can't be having an opinion but it would appear to an old retiree that he should have tested the water before jumping in.  If Winnie has the support he appears to have then he (Ray) should never have run.  I was followed in office by a Lt..  He tore down many of the gains we had worked for four years to win at the table.  But he had his own agenda and only lasted one term and was gone.  I know there's some mistrust of officers wanting to hold high offices in the Local.  In my day it was not popular for an officer to be president.  The suspicion was that they would throw the blue shirts to the wolves to secure gains for Lietenants and Captains.  And that's what happened.  That being said, several others who were officers in the department were president of the Local.  I distanced myself from the union after my defeat and kept a constant case of the black ass for the union until after I retired.  Consequently I lack any knowlege of how presidents who were Lt.'s fared while in office.  I've heard scuttlebut about a recent one but I never had any meaningful dealings with him.  As far as I'm concerned it's a matter for the on duty guys of today.  You know who is in your corner and who isn't.  I'll only say that it helps to have valid information in order to make a good decision and always, ALWAYS remember that there will always be more blue shirts retire from this job that white.  Provide for the blue shirt and the white one will take care of itself. 

And would the author of that post I mentioned please sign his name.  Nice work brother.  The only way it would have been better would have been if I had said it (grin)

Fraternally, and sorry for destroying more pixels
Dick Tully
TEAM:  We didn't forget the ribbon.  It reminded us that we have a dissenting opinion.

Received via Email 8.29.07  How could being on the pension board be a conflict of interest?  If anything it would be to our advantage to have someone in both positions. Yes, it would but only if they haven't already made up their minds to give up.

Received via Email 8.30.07  Here's a little snippet from a pension board meeting that ought to interest all of you.  If you don't believe any of it, give Rob Dobbins a call.  This is just one of the examples of how much damage misguided pension board trustees can inflict on you.  The union members supposedly representing us on this board present a problem to say the least.  Hell, let's give one of them control of the union, too!

During questioning from the Board, Mr. Dobbins stated, at this point, he wanted to be retired because he felt he had done all he could to be reinstated and he has started forward with plans to move out of the area and has made changes in his life that he isn't able and doesn't want to stop. Mr. Dobbins stated he went to several other physicians to try to override Dr. Trujillo's decision.  Mr. Dobbins said none of them were willing to override Dr. Trujillo's decision because it follows the standard the department utilizes.  Mr. Dobbins further responded that his personal physician is Tom Robinson, M.D. and his endocrinologist is Joel Mabalot, M.D. and that his diabetes is under control as much as it could be and it had gotten better since he went on an insulin pump.

Ms. Kovilaritch pointed out that there is no physician report from a specialist in the field and the procedures call for that.  Mr. dobbins responded that neither Dr. Robinson nor Dr. Mabalot wanted to be a part of this hearing.  Mr. Dobbins said Dr. Robinson and Dr. Mabalot refused to override Dr. Trujillo and said Dr. Trujillo should fill out the forms.

(paragraph withheld for the sake of time)

Discussion then involved the disability procedures which require a personal physician report to be completed by a specialist in the field.  Ms. Kovilaritch suggested that the Board not approve an application unless it is supported by a personal physician report completed by a specialist recognized in the field.  She further stated that it is up to the Board to determine, based on this physician's report, and other surrounding circumstances, whether or not Dr. Trujillo qualifies as a specialist and if the Board needs staff to provide any clarification or information in that regard.  After discussion, the Board determined that since Mr. Dobbins is a diabetic and was diagnosed with diabetes over 12 years ago and given the fact that Dr. Trujillo, as the department physician was given the authority to make a fit for duty determination, the Board will accept Dr. Trujillo as a specialist in the field and the Board appointed physician.

A motion was made by Mr. Swenson and seconded by Mr. Cunningham

"Approving Jorge Trujillo, M.D. as the Board appointed physician."

Roll Call vote:

Swenson - Yes
Cunningham - Yes
Connors - No
Landis - Yes
Rosetti - Yes

The motion passed on a 4-1 vote.

My friends, you will never get rid of this prick of a doctor as long as Rosetti and Landis are protecting your pension.  The trouble is, now that they've made Dr. Death the official physician for the pension board (based on his supposedly being a specialist in one field), half of the department is subject to draining the pension fund early.  Apparently there just aren't enough specialists around that don't already pose a threat to us.  We (that's all of us) now have this dick guarding our pension fund, too.  Good going guys.  Next time he has his finger up my ass, I'm going to shout your names.

Received via Email 8.30.07  To VCF whomever you are. In response to your last posting, I offer some of my own thoughts.
Received via Email 8.28.07   (For fear of being a "Winnie Hater")
*Why would you fear it? If these are your thoughts then I hope to see your name on the ballot for the position. You still have a few days to get in your letter of intent.
(Voting for Winnie could possibly bring only more of the same.) 
*You scoff at removing the S/S offset and an 11% increase over 3 years?
(Continually being a year or more behind in spending power.)
*I hate to say it but we are a lot further behind than a year. Drive across the Gandy or Howard Franklin bridges and ask yourself how can we continue to get paid $8,000 less a year? It would take better than 20% in one year to fix that.
(Going to the bargaining table with the same 21 items that recently got us an embarrassing ass whipping before the Council.)
*Yup we are still trying our best to get rid of the ideas that someone thought was okay back in the 70's but refuses to see that the times have changed and therefore so are the needs of those of us that are still here. Don't forget, we have been told for 30+ years that we would never get rid of the aforementioned S/S offset. Somehow Winnie did.
(However being a president of this Local doesn't just encompass collective bargaining.)
*The primary function of any union is for the protection and advancement of Hours, Wages,and Terms and conditions of employment. These get done either at the bargaining table or through MOU's. Open your personal copy of that worthless contract you just received and look in the back at some of the MOU's that have been signed.  
(It's also all the other day to day incidents and problems that have to be handled.)
*The current member running against the seated president of this local refers to this as "fluff" and "worrying about the rest of the world." 
(I'm sure that if a list were made comparing the successes and failures of the current administration - that the successes would far outweigh the failures.  It's not a secret that Winnie has done a super job at leading the Union during his terms in office.)
*So? Where's your justification for the bitching?
(Most of us are tired of hearing the same rhetoric month after month relating to collective bargaining and the status of our contract.)
*Maybe that's because it hasn't changed much in the past 35 years.
(Here's an idea.  Not that I think it's original but maybe it's time to consider.  Term limits on the office of president.)
*Term limits are good for one thing, Lame duck asshole's in their last term.     
(And now you're asking where do we get the next president from.  If the process was working correctly it would be automatic that the executive vice president would become president.  He normally would be being groomed for four years to take over the job by the current president.)
*Great idea but for some reason this is illegal. Every member has the right to run for any office. The only exceptions are everyone must be a member in good standing, and in the case of the president position he must have 2 years as a member.
(Most of the time no one even wants to be station steward let alone be on the executive board.)
*That's because no one wants to take the daily beatings that is so routine on sites like this.  
(Choose your side wisely because a lot will depend on the person sitting in the "talk" chair at the negotiations.  Will it be more of the same or will there be a new direction with new ideas?)
*The current lone presidential challenger has already stated his ideas are to give in and give up.
(Will it be more of the same or will it be a new direction?)
*There is nothing wrong with the direction we are heading. The problems lies with the idiots that think 35 years of antiquated thinking can be fixed in a short period of time.

Those are my thoughts and I'm not going to cheapen them by signing a fake set of FINO initials. So just sign me as FTM. 

Received via Email 8.30.07  Hey FTM (8/30 #2), don't take this wrong but your tiresome buttwad harangue against those that take shots at Winnie would mean more if you didn't commit the same offenses against Ray.  You can baby kiss Winnie's hindquarters all day long if you want, but  don't misrepresent your man love as something that it isn't.  Feel free to gently caress someone else's nuts if that's what gets you off  but at least grow a pair of your own, dipshit.

Received via Email 8.30.07  8-30 #1, Gawd.  What's a boy to do?  I mean... when you can't trust a red headed kid with idiopathic-sociopathic tendencies that drive him to want to be captain and then later chief in the massa's big house at any cost.  By now I'd think he'd be looking to kiss the Blarney stone rather than that of the chief's ring.  I'll take the union's secret handshake, down here in the field house any day over that shit!

Received via Email 8.30.07  Isn't "FTM" just another set of FINO initials?

Received via Email 8.30.07  Received via Email 8.30.07  Isn't "FTM" just another set of FINO initials? Negative, FT(M) refers to the "Mutts", who are the FINO's or Firefighters In Name Only.

Received via Email 8.30.07 I know for a fact that if you vote for anyone other than Winnie - lightning bolts will shoot out of your ass!

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to your Ass (We're always watching)

Received via Email 8.30.07  Get back to the basics here. One will support the troops and one will support administration.  You tie the names to the above statement and then vote for who you want to represent us.  Simple as that!!!!

Received via Email 8.30.07 
(1) "it's time for a changing of the guards at the ole Union Hall wether we like it or not. Winnie has done a great job for awhile but has pissed in all of our mess kits in one way or another"

<<<Just how great is it?>>>

You want a suggestion for a poll?  Ask us how many of us really beileve the quote above.  Either you walk like men or you take it in the ass.  Trouble is, too many of you don't every remember 'just' getting a pay raise and hearing guys say, "We were close this time.  We'll kick their asses the next time!"  When we went to impasse, Winnie made sure that all of the bullshit associated with the prior plan being that's hung around our neck's on a daily basis was exposed!  "Mr. Mayor.  Why does it cost so much more to employ a firefighter in St. Petersburg vs. that of Tampa?  That would have never made it in the public record had we not fought.

(2) "don't take this wrong but your tiresome buttwad harangue against those that take shots at Winnie would mean more if you didn't commit the same offenses against Ray."

I'll take it like I read it.  You shot your mouth off.  Now start making allegations against Winnie that are based in fact!  Look at the facts from the pension board hearing a little up the page.  You may find differences with Winnie's style.  You may say that the city and FD administration doesn't like him because he's a fighter (boohoo).  But you're never going to find the cash box empty (as in the past) or a vice president that's kept so far in the dark that if for some reason the president of the Local couldn't fulfill his obligations (like he got tired of our stupid shit) that he couldn't pick up the pieces and continue the fight.  You may not like the word "fight", but the MUTTS set the terms.

Received via Email 8.30.07  Do we have to use the term "MUTTS" all the time?  Why can't we call the "poor little lambs that have lost their way?" 

I like lamb.  It taste's like manatee.

Received via Email 8.30.07  If you think fighting everybody everywhere all the time is good management, then you probably have enjoyed never having a contract on time and being behind in pay.  Good for you, Punchy.

Received via Email 8.30.07  "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to your Ass"
Too good. Wish I'd thought of that.

TEAM:  We were sent a file that contains a pair of Pension Board meeting dates.  The excerpted Pension Board meeting notes that were posted on this page on the previous day are contained in this file.  You can review the contents of this file on our SkyDrive.

Received via Email 8.30.07  If some of these "sorry ass, never should have been promoted Lt's", would stop writing people up for petty BS, then maybe we wouldn't have to fight so many battles. How many white shirts can you count that have no business being in a management position? Takes up a few hands, doesn't it?

Received via Email 8.31.07  The only one we saw fighting and lying was city admin at the impasse hearing. If you saw otherwise, you must have been somewhere else that day. We are behind in pay only because this city does not make public safety safety a priority as does the rest of the country. If you think Winnie caused all of the pay, pension, and benefit problems we have, you really do have your head up your ass. Dont forget, if you want to have admin committing unfair labor acts as before, put a union president in that don't care about the troops as much as they do admin.

Received via Email 8.31.07  Lets bring back RF, he kissed the city's ass and got shit done too.

Received via Email 8.31.07  Im not a winnie fan, but when the 6,5,4 was offered from the city, i dont remember hearing a big rush of FF's demanding a settlement from the union. As a membership we felt like we do the same work as others, then we should be paid like others. We all as a majority continued the fight with the union to the end. We all know where we stand, and its not before the welfare line. That sacrfice was a well learned lesson, as a membership lets not let this happen twice. Im as puzzeld as the rest on who could be the next union V.P., I just hope that their priority is FF's and not prestege, money or promotability because alot of families depend on it. God bless and be proud to be a Firefighter, somebody out there appreciates you.

Received via Email 9.01.07  TO: 8/30/07- #1 After reading the entire minutes of both pension meetings word for word the only thing I can see that we can hold against Ray Landes is the fact that he voted to make "Dr. Death" the specialist physician. And as much as I'd like to make it worse than that I can't. If you read the minutes you can see that Landes and Rosetti have little choice in the matter. It becomes a matter of if not Trujillo then who? As much as I think Rob got screwed I can't find justification to blame the pension board. They clearly did the only thing they could do based on the findings. "Given the fact that Dr. Trujillo, as the department physician, was given the authority to make a fit for duty decision, the Board will accept Dr. Trujillo as a specialist in the field and the Board appointed physician." The key to this matter is the fact that the DEPARTMENT has made this doctor a specialist based on the fact that he's the DEPARTMENT physician. There was no one else to qualify. The pension board had it's hands tied because the DEPARTMENT made the choice of who the physician would be and what guidelines he would follow. The DEPARTMENT threw NFPA Standard 1582 at the doctor and told him to enforce it. Again this has nothing to do with the pension board. Do you think that voting NO on making the good doctor the "specialist" would have made a difference? Not one bit. Landes vote and Rosetti's vote were both a given. In fact it helped enable Rob's outcome. Until the DEPARTMENT makes a change in their attitude toward the enforcement to the letter of NFPA 1582 or changes are made at the national level it's business as usual. But taking one vote made at a pension board meeting and blowing out of proportion to bad mouth a brother who's legitimately running for office in the Local is pretty low but something that is expected of the one percent that blather on this site. The other 99 percent are never heard from. If you're going to slam Ray then do it with facts NOT TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT. It was easy to post just the part that supported your way of thinking and that's the problem. There will not be many who will take the time to read the minutes of both meetings and your post will no doubt be accepted as intended. And that's too bad. VCF

Received via Email 9.01.07  If white shirts can not head this local, then why be in the local? Maybe all white shirts should be in their own local. Winnie as el presidente can you make this happen?

Received via Email 9.01.07  Dick, the anchor that's around our neck is your pension.  You make more in retirement than you EVER did while on the job.  Say thank you and then move your politicking to another site.

Received via Email 9.01.07  To 9-1 #1 You said: "After reading the entire minutes of both pension meetings word for word the only thing I can see that we can hold against Ray Landes is the fact that he voted to make "Dr. Death" the specialist physician.  And as much.."

And the attorney responded: "Thank you very much, Mr. VCF. That's quite good. You answered my question. Again, I simply asked you if you thought that there could possibly be a conflict of interest with a Doctor who gives physicals to all current firefighters and also has the sole responsibility as the defacto "specialist" for the St. Petersburg Fire Fighters Pension Board to sway the pension trustees voting outcomes. Again, thank you."

Received via Email 9.01.07  The city never offered us 6, 5, & 4. What they did was offer it as a possibility if we accepted that 3% non-pensionable bonus turd. Translated as, "Sign this pile of shit and maybe or maybe not we'll give you 6,5,4, but we're not promising anything." I'm tired of hearing people say, "The city offered 6,5,4 but Winnie turned them down." I don't know about you, but I never saw anything from the city in writing that offered us a 6,5,4 raise.
TEAM:  We read the email that you're replying to but quickly published it without making comment, ourselves.  Look at the red text for the meeting of January 12, 2006 and you'll see just how the offer came down.  It was a carrot that they were dangling and never a firm offer that stood on it's own. 
Note - at the top of that page, there's a link to a 'Times article dated October 6th, 2005. You'll note that the best that the city had offered to date - prior to the January 12, 2006 meeting, is contained there in the sixth paragraph.  It doesn't equal the cops 15% either.

Received via Email 9.01.07  To 9/1 #2.  Personally, I've never thought that there was any problem with a white shirt that wanted to run this local, provided they weren't using the union as a springboard to advance your own cause.  In other words, do your time in the trenches before you decide that you want to run the construction company.  Some of us have been doing the work of many for a long time and we don't necessarily feel that 'we're' ready for the job.  What right has anyone who's never given a second glance to the operation other than to pay dues to think that we're all so foolish as to follow this pied piper?

Received via Email 9.01.07  TO: 9/1/07 - #4
I have to give up. "Uncle". "I quit". Whatever it takes for you to quit taking one sentence out of a whole post and twisting it for me. That tunnel vision you have is what's going to keep you in the mushroom line for a long time. You win my man. Your ignorance and desire to see yourself making waves with very little factual matter on this site has worn me down. I can't waste my time with it any more. You're a worthy adversary when around those who agree with what you have to say. They applaud and encourage you when in fact they are not intelligent enough to think for themselves. So have at it my deft opponent. Get to work on making something from this post that you think will make you look intelligent to your boys. I can't stop you. And I'm through. Fraternally,

Received via Email 9.01.07  My mistake, it was 4%. I wish everyone in the department would read those minutes so we never have to hear how the city gave us that dandy of 456 offer. Like everything else this city does, it was a smoke screen to try and get us to sign a Total Bullshit offer.

Received via Email 9.01.07  9/01/07...#3 You know what? I think you're right. Is it getting heavy? If I was gonna thank anyone it sure wouldn't be you. But then you shouldn't be worried about what I have for a pension. I think if I were you I'd be finding a good accountant that could invest my funds in that 401K that you're gonna be suckin' on. Myself and all the others on the prior pension are ROFLOAO. Bye now and go away kid, ya bother me.

Fraternally, I suppose
Dick Tully

Received via Email 9.01.07  At least I'll be able to take that 401K to my new job.

Received via Email 9.02.07  Dick gets two grand a month from the city and talks to us like he's Thurston Howell the third.

Received via Email 9.02.07  I guess you are not going to post that ______ is a ______?
TEAM:  Nah.  A little too much of a pointed attack on the person rather than his words.

Received via Email 9.03.07  This page started with some intelligent postings and eventually returned to the crap that makes the other side laugh. I just wish you people would sign your names so, if we ran together in the streets, I'd know who to watch out for.

Received via Email 9.04.07  Where is 'your' name?

Received via Email 9.04.07  Hey asshole 9/3, I notice you didn't sign your name either. But I will man up. I am not afraid to sign my name like you, you twisted cowardly piece of shit.
Jack Nicholson
Actor, Denture Wearer

Received via Email 9.04.07  That's exactly why people don't sign.

Received via Email 9.05.07  I don't mind signing a name at all. Why you stupid douche bags can't man up and do the same is beyond me.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith

Received via Email 9.06.07  Funny.

Received via Email 9.09.07  Persistence pays off when digging for skeletons. What goes around comes around when you call Firefighters lazy! Ding Dong Bryan Gone!!

Received via Email 9.09.07  You know something, we all have skeletons who is next?

Received via Email 9.10.07  We might all have a few skeletons in our closets, but Bryan had fu**ing Godzilla in his. Rot in hell, you child fu**ing piece of shit.

Received via Email 9.11.07  Brother and Sister FF's, I never would have thought that "Partial Minutes and Serious Distortions" of my pension hearing would be used to fuel our unions presidential campaign. I would like to make my thoughts known. Here they are, brief and to the point. I fully agree with the post dated "9-01-07 by VCF". Kudos to whoever you are for taking the time to read the "Entire Minutes". Everyone should before they post their thoughts relating to it.

Being a brother FF who was placed in the position as an NFPA 1582 test case, was difficult to say the least. The decision of the pension board to vote on my pension allowing Dr. Trujillo to fulfill the position of a "specialist" was voted on and taken because my own diabetes specialist would not sign me back to full duty and did not want any part of filling out any paperwork concerning my retirement either, citing he did not want to get involved in this because it was a law suit waiting to happen. He stood firm on the fact that this was the S.P.F.R department Dr's job and not his. Therefore, the pension board agreed to view Dr. Trujillo as the "specialist" in my case. It was also made clear at my meeting any future decisions to allow Dr. Trujillo to be viewed as a "specialist" would be determined on a case by case basis.

As for Ray Landes and Al Rosetti's involvement in my pension hearing goes...they were both well prepared with the facts of my case and very knowledgeable of the NFPA standards. Their concern for the well-fare of myself and my family was continuously UNWAVERING and remains appreciated to this day.

My friends everyone should be glad that we have them both on the pension board. I give Ray alot of credit for putting up with this BS attempt to make him look bad, he is a good man and a person that deserves better. Ray would make an Excellent Union President and he already has my vote.

Hey 8-30 #1 my phone hasn't been ringing off the hook these past 11 day's maybe you should have included my number 706-745-1960. 

I miss you all and think of you often, God Bless... Rob,Cindy,Drew,Brett and Sean

Received via Email 9.11.07  Winnie had his chance to do something good for the members, lets have a change and give Ray a chance to show what he can do. Seeing that Ray is on the pension board, maybe he will work on getting a cola for the people under the new pension. Winnie wouldn't even try for a cola or even talk to us about it.

Received via Email 9.11.07  No Way Ray!

Received via Email 9.11.07  Good to hear from Brother Rob. So based on his ACTUAL experience, a guy who has been there and done that: Vote For RAY.

Received via Email 9.11.07  Good to year from you Rob.  I read the minutes to the meeting at the fire station and we were all asking the same question.  While Ray managed to find you a doctor to get you out the door, he also helped to throw the rest of us in a hole.  I'm not taking anything away from him for helping you out (that's his position on the pension board) but we don't think he did the rest of us and favors.

Received via Email 9.11.07  Received via Email 9.11.07  Winnie had his chance to do something good for the members, lets have a change and give Ray a chance to show what he can do. Seeing that Ray is on the pension board, maybe he will work on getting a cola for the people under the new pension. Winnie wouldn't even try for a cola or even talk to us about it.

Do you work for the same department as the rest of us?  Have you been to a single negotiations meeting?  Lazy people might read what you wrote and believe it  but the rest of us that are dragging your dead weight around know better.  Dumkopf!

Received via Email 9.11.07  It looks like the Rays have it.

Received via Email 9.11.07  "So based on his ACTUAL experience, a guy who has been there and done that: Vote For RAY."
I like this one. Based on his ACTUAL single non-union experience he has hurt US! This isn't even about Winnie. This is about what your telling me Ray has done for US! Just read what the minutes say. And while I'm at it, how come I had to read the minutes on this website? Somebody please tell me what I read in the minutes were a lie. And another thing, if we're all so proud of these minutes, how come their not printed and sent out anymore like in the past? How come with this great change in pension that's a benefit to us all, that Ray didn't show up to a meeting and tell us all about it? I don't make every union meeting, but Billy Mott does a pretty good job of printing up the minutes of our meetings. I went back through some of the old minutes on the union board and I don't remember every reading that something great just came our way. Is it just me or did someone steal the words off the page?

Received via Email 9.11.07  I miss Rob a lot. But not in a brotherly way. I miss Rob in a deeply profound and disturbingly gay way. I miss the things we used to do together in my private room, and then we would pretend that it was all professional. Oh, how we kidded ourselves.

Rob, it's not too late too come back. Come back Rob. Please. Come back!

Love Always,
Dr. Jorge Trujillo
MOTTO: I put the "Whore" In Jorge
TEAM:  We suspect that we're all going to get to know the good doctor, better.

Received via Email 9.11.07  Support the troops or side with administration. Who should you vote for ??? Dont cut off your nose in spite of your face. There is only one candidate that will truly side with the troops and not administration. You know who it is, so be wise in your vote.

Received via Email 9.11.07  9-11 #5 First off Ray did not find me a Doctor to get me out the door, our great leaders did that for me. They put me in a position where I was stuck in the middle and had nowhere to turn. Could I have gotten a lawyer and spent a crap load of money and kept my job maybe, maybe not. I fail to see where Ray and Al have thrown you guys in a hole, but I have been gone for almost two years so maybe things have changed. Make me understand. If you have read the complete minutes then you would know that the board also included in the vote that Dr. Trujillo's involvement in any future hearings would be on a case by case basis. Heres some question's for you, How many people have been pensioned off since december of 2005 ? and How many were pensioned off prior to then ? and what part if any did Dr. Trujillo have in their situations? I would be interested in those figures. Dr. Trujillo is not running your pension board and it's just my guess that he want's nothing to do with it at all. I will end this with these thought's  If I had to go through my situation 10 more times I would want Ray and Al there for every one of them and also please try to get all of the facts before conveying your thought's. Call me anytime you want to know anything about "my stiuation" my number is still the same. I would be glad to tell you just how things went.

God bless everyone, stay safe. Rob

Received via Email 9.11.07  Why does the good Dr not like Firefighters? His brother was so good to us.

Received via Email 9.11.07  On a more pleasant note. I stop by the Largo Winghouse today and it was nice to see fellow firefighters come together and get along. On this the 6th anniversary of 911. Why can't we all just get along!

Stay Safe,

Scott retired S.P.F.D

Received via Email 9.11.07  Good God! Man! You have Lt's making 60 year old Firghters walking to CME's in 93 degree heat. And your worried about who is throwing who under the bus? Wait a minute we have a 60 year old EMT fighting fire and saving lives? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?????? I guess it has something to do with the pension or lack of !!!!!!!!!! Hey where was his D/C or LR to allow this to happen?????????

Received via Email 9.11.07  Rob, you said "If you have read the complete minutes then you would know that the board also included in the vote that Dr. Trujillo's involvement in any future hearings would be on a case by case basis."  I read and reread the document that's on this page.  I don't see anything about this guy being used on a case by case basis.  Maybe you can find it and print it up for us.

"Discussion then involved the disability procedures which require a personal physician report to be completed by a specialist in the field.  Ms. Kovilaritch suggested that the Board not approve an application unless it is supported by a personal physician report completed by a specialist recognized in the field.  She further stated that it is up to the Board to determine, based on this physician's report, and if the Board needs staff to provide any clarification or information in that regard.  After discussion, the Board determined that Mr. Dobbins is a diabetic and was diagnosed with diabetes over 12 years ago and given the fact that Dr. Trujillo, as the department physician, was given the authority to make a fit for duty determination ,, the Board will accept Dr. Trujillo as a specialist in the field and the Board appointed physician.

All I can tell you is this guy has been a problem for at least another 10 brothers and sisters this year.  He's not going away and in helping you out, they've made him more powerful.  Even if you don't believe this to be the case, reread the minutes and you'll find that this guy doesn't have to agree with the decisions of the department and can gig you every time you come around for another physical.  He's a known menace and continues to get more powerful.  You also said that you didn't think that he wanted anything to do with the pension board.  He's had 2 years to say he wasn't interested.  Maybe the mail is running slow. 

Received via Email 9.11.07  JUST SAY NO TO RAY. He hasn't enough time at Union Meetings to qualify him for our president. Try out being a Steward fist pal...GO NEWTON

Received via Email 9.11.07  Hi Rob.  I hope you and the family are doing well.  You said that you that if you had to go through your ordeal 10 more times that you'd want Ray and Al with you agian.  I'm guessing your talking about on the pension board?  Didn't the union stand up for you when they were asked?  If they were, why are you now supporting Ray instead of Winnie.  Now that you've chimed in, everyone's beating around the bush.

Received via Email 9.11.07  Hey Dumkopf, I tried to talk to winnie about a cola and he said now is not the time. When is the time, when he gets ready to retire. He only looks out for himself and f_ck everyone else. It is the day for Ray!!!!

Received via Email 9.11.07  The ballots are out. Lets make tomorrow RAY DAY! Okay? YEAH!

Received via Email 9.11.07  Go ahead, waste your vote for Ray Bush. Put on your dress now girls, and start the banjo music.

Received via Email 9.12.07  Dumkopf....lolIt's RAY DAY!

Received via Email 9.12.07  To 9-11 #2 "Seeing that Ray is on the pension board, maybe he will work on getting a cola for the people under the new pension. Winnie wouldn't even try for a cola or even talk to us about it."

Well maybe Winnie wouldn't talk to YOU about it, but he talked to Karen Richardson about it during the last meeting.  I guess that makes you full of shit because you were easily outed!  Which twisted family claims you?

Received via Email 9.12.07  Lets make tomorrow RAY DAY! Okay?
Just like the last, Rayday, this Ray can't cut it either! LMAO! Go Winnie!

Received via Email 9.12.07  Factoid update. One of the three points this local went to impasse over was the pension, (AKA) COLA. If you don't remember that, it's because YOU don't give a shit about learning the truth. It is obviously clear that you choose the easy way out and sit in your highchair and get continually spoon fed the creamed crapola of the day. To RB: you state that "if you wanted to spend a crap load of money trying to save your job..." Why didn't ya? Its obvious that you were willing to take "whatever" just to get out of here. Lets leave the "nobody helped me" shit for the admin kool-aide drinkers.

Received via Email 9.12.07  Even though not everyone is agreeing on who to vote for, it's nice to see that many people at least give a shit about voting. Keep it up.

Received via Email 9.12.07  Again, Local 747 shows the ignorance that prevents progression from happening. A Brother firefighter gives an example of the support and intelligence of the members of OUR pension board and we act as though we don't believe him. This is a real shame and, again, the world is watching and laughing.

Received via Email 9.12.07  Hey Ray, If you were so interested in becoming the locals Pres, why didnt you mail your fact sheet earlier? I got mine Wednesday, the day after I mailed my 747 ballot with Newton's name X'ed..To little too late..

Received via Email 9.12.07  And Ray said:  Politics:  Yes I feel that politics are extremely important to our cause.  But not the way we have been doing it in the recent past.  Sometimes you need to align yourself with a winner, regardless of their political party.  STOP THE PRESSES.  Dude!  We've played both sides of that game.  We did just as you said with that asshole Dave Fisher and again with our current asshole, Dick the "Dick" Baker.  Is this the best you've got?  Listen........ I've got to go leave a big pile of poo somewhere.  When I get back, I'm going to break down all of your day late talking points, one at a time!


Immune to the over simplification of some union neophytes. 
(That would be YOU!)

Received via Email 9.12.07  Look again sweet heart. "Regardless of political party"? The local backed members of both parties last election cycle. What I think you were trying to say is that we should back those that best blow sunshine up your ass and enjoy the oral stimulations provided by those that think like you.  Now up off your knees B'otch.

Received via Email 9.12.07  I guess Rob left for vacation.


Received via Email 9.12.07  Align with a winner even if it goes against our beliefs? No way buck O. That sounds like an administration ploy. Go Winnie!


Received via Email 9.13.07  Here's an example of smoke and mirrors:

"Again, Local 747 shows the ignorance that prevents progression from happening. A Brother firefighter gives an example of the support and intelligence of the members of OUR pension board and we act as though we don't believe him. This is a real shame and, again, the world is watching and laughing."

Boy what a crock of shit that was.  This is better and it's totally the truth.  Also there's no smoke or mirrors involved:

"Again, a member of the pension board shows the ignorance that prevents progression from happening.  A Brother firefighter gives an example of the support and intelligence of the members of OUR Union and we act as though we don't believe him.  This is a real shame and, again, the world is watching and laughing."

Yeah.......the world is watching and laughing at the thought that it must be the truth because YOU said it.  All the rest of our words are just so much shit.  Christ take me home.  I've died and met the Oracle at Delphi.

Received via Email 9.13.07  When Ray wins, are you Winnie suck asses going to drop out of the union?

Received via Email 9.13.07  resp. to 9-12 factiod update, first off my initials are RD and if you gave a shit about learning the truth you would have asked me before spouting off at the mouth. Fact is after about six months into my ordeal I was finally allowed to go and have a sit down with the UNION lawyer. After about 45 minutes of spilling out all of the facts and laying them on the table, I even went over what the early retirement offer from the city would be with him. This was his responce: "Yes we could take it to court we might win and we might loose, my advise to you would be to take the retirement and countiue forward with your plans to move to the mountains". Keep in mind this was our UNION lawyer telling me this. Also keep in mind that you said, Lets leave the "nobody helped me" shit for the admin kool-aide drinkers, I didn't. I had alot of help from alot of people along the way, to many to mention. I fought to keep my job for a year with chief's, doctors, firefighters, lawyers and anyone else willing to talk about the whole ball of crap that was thrown at me. So don't you assume that you would have done it different, until you are thrust into a position like I was you will never know. I will not be responding to anymore crap on this site, it's a waist of my time. However, if you have the balls to sign your name to your usless blabbering. I might.I am happy up here, my wife and kid's are too. Did I make the right decision to leave ? you bet I did.

Best to all. RD
TEAM:  Hi Rob.  Don't go away with a sour taste in your mouth.  We hope you'll continue to make time in the future to read the website.  If no one has ever told you this, this website is here because you.  It's no slight coincidence that this site was erected as you were leaving.  As you know, there are many who post on here and for the most part, on an anonymous basis.  Some will ask for facts while other will make "statements" directed at you.  You know how it works.  You did what you had to do with the hand you were dealt and that's that.  Glad we got to speak to you on the phone a couple of weeks back.  It's nice hearing from old friends.  Enjoy your upcoming pumpkin season with the family and remember the good times.

Received via Email 9.13.07  There have been a lot of words written on this page, both for and against.  Look to the bottom line. That's where the job of this Local always makes it's mark.....in those who actually do the work.  I've yet to see SOMEBODY putting out yard signs.  I've yet to see SOMEBODY walking neighborhoods.  I've yet to see SOMEBODY sign up to take advantage of the free labor classes that are available to all at ANY FPF Convention and I don't recall seeing SOMEBODY on the bus to Tallahassee this past summer to stand with Firefighters from around the state of Florida to speak to the current tax issue.  Everybody vote for a change if you think that our president's been asleep at the wheel.

Received via Email 9.13.07  To 9/13/07 = #3  Hello Brother Rob, It's a sad lesson but now you know why 99% of the department doesn't post on this site. The 1% that do emabarrass the majority so badly that no one wants to discuss anything of value. It's a waste of your time to try to explain or reason with any of these mental cripples. Most of them got turned down for jobs at McDonalds for lack of skills so they got a government job where they had to hire them. I think you learned a lesson trying to talk civil to the idiots. They don't give a shit about you or your situation. They just want to shoot their mouth off spewing trash they know nothing about. When I read your first post I knew you were going to get the venom treatment by the very people with whom you worked and played. No surprise here. The second post from you had me cringing a little because there's nothing they like more than a response they can jump on. They're so damn stupid and ignorant that they can't see the facts and want to blame you and Ray for something the upper echelon of the department did to them. You didn't hire the doctor nor did Ray. You didn't tell the doctor to implement NFPA 1582 as stringently as possible nor did Ray. Nor that there won't be any changes made in NFPA 1582 unless it's at the government level. Yet they, the moronic ones with the Devo hats on, are continually bitching about being thrown under the bus by you and Ray. They make it sound like they've all had problems with "Dr. Death" and he's denying them their pension or their ability to earn a living. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Point here is that you tried to be the voice of reason in a room full of malcontents and professional losers. I noticed that your signature went from one of respect and well wishes to less than enthusiasm for the recipients. You've shown all of us what it means to deal with the one percenters on here. I'm embarrassed for you but I totally understand. I hope your retirement is everything you wanted it to be and that you never, ever feel like you made the wrong decision. There are those of us who are proud to have you for a friend and brother. Make no mistake about it. 


Received via Email 9.13.07  Winnie's "Labor Lawyer" is a Real Estate attorney with a degree in Ambulance Chasing. A real labor attorney would be the one representing us at all functions requiring a suit. And it's not because real Labor Lawyers are any more expensive than other ones. Rumor has it that this "Labor Lawyer" is a personal friend of Winnies. Hadn't read the PERC law until Winnie got him a copy. There's a feeling that nothing is being done until after the elections. Yawn. Same 'ol, same 'ol. I guess I wouldn't spend my time or money on things that could suddenly go south either. Ray will let us know what needs to be done when he's in control.

Received via Email 9.13.07  Rob is my Hero!

Received via Email 9.13.07  That would only about 6 people dropping out the union if all winnie suck asses dropped out.

Received via Email 9.13.07  Vote for Ray. Vote Ray. Make it Ray day. Ray is the man. Go ray. Yeah Ray.

Received via Email 9.13.07  "Most of them got turned down for jobs at McDonalds for lack of skills so they got a government job where they had to hire them."

And to think. If Dick hadn't worked here he might have been a great "toe tapp'in" senator or congressman!

Because I say it --- it is the truth!

Dick Tully/VCF

Received via Email 9.13.07  I have just finished reading my letter and seem quite confused. First Ray claims the union is trying too hard to get changes in too many items, "Chip away little by little" he says. Well it sure seems that he has quite a list of things that he is going to change when he gets in office. I guess trying too hard only applies to our working conditions as an employee. But the rest of his letter leads one to believe that as long as the good ole boy club gets back to the old way then the world will once again spin true. Then Mr. Ray mentions in his letter under Fiscal responsibility that he is not saying there have been any misappropriation of funds. I would hope not. After all, HE has been an elected officer as one of the three Trustee's for the Local for awhile now. Guess He can't do much complaining there. Then he clearly states that he is not for any kind of future growth for this local. He only sees 10-12 members at meetings.  I know I have been to plenty of meetings where the room appears full and it holds 27 chairs and some folks sit in the front room and stand in the kitchen. I guess is 2+2 skills are a little short.  Lets hope his math skills aren't required as a pension board member. Have you ever thought that maybe a bigger building will allow MORE membership participation? I was at the meeting where he was opposed to the local buying additional property since HE had plenty of properties he couldn't seem to unload. As he discussed his situation, it was apparent that his properties had necessary parking for our requirements. HOWEVER he then seems quite concerned that this local needs to be re-opened to the members by opening the doors wider. Hey Ray, where are they going to sit, and on what 3 days will they be welcomed? You don't seem to want anything bigger than a shoe box for an office or anything with more than 4 parking spaces. As for your claim about rumors, innuendo, and outright lies about you and your plans, are these the same plans that you are leaving lying around the stations? You know we are an uneducated bunch and maybe those of us that have to read them for ourselves don't quite read the words the way only you can spin them. Try again.

TEAM:  We just set up the polls page.  Knock your socks off!  Let us know if it works okay.  We haven't tried it and once you vote, it can't be touched or it resets the vote count!

Received via Email 9.14.07  Ray bragged about his superior education and his positions on various state wide pension organizations. He also boasted about his 15 years of experience on OUR pension board. What a blow hard. Winnie is the man. In his letter he reminded us that he got the union to buy a new printer. If Winnie gets a new stapler for the office, he will be unstoppable!Winnie will do a fine job of pissing off the city's negotiators, like he always has! Isn't that what we want? Someone to give those a-holes a bunch of shit for how they treat us? Why the hell would we send over a genuinely nice guy with better credentials that they might actually like and treat with respect? That's not how we do business. Go Winnie! Keep shooting us all in the foot! Maybe the noise will scare those shitheads over at city hall! Hurt us Winnie! Please! Keep hurting us! We love you and need the discipline!

Received via Email 9.14.07  "Chip away little by little"  I've heard that before.  I think it was in a letter to Andy Houston a few years back.  "No matter how much they ask for at any one time, just let them chip away little by little at our stockpile of hidden cash.  Meanwhile we'll piss it all away on dog parks!"

Received via Email 9.14.07  Winnie suck asses?? Pleeaassseee. Anyone that has supported Winnie Newton's way of management, they are the farthest thing from a ass sucker, (as you put it..) Think back... how many write ups, grievances has he turned around, either getting them thrown out, or reduced? From my view I am sure he is batting 99.9%. Can you see RL telling the chief, or his bud's they are wrong? Or if you continue on this un warranted discrimination we will file charges? WN has. He is the strongest leader, and the city knows that. Why else would ray come out of the shadows, and all of the sudden be a viable candidate for Pres? Maybe if RL can be more active, and know the facts better than the ones he spewed to us from his propaganda sheet..So, VOTE, re elect WN, its the best bet for you, and us..

Received via Email 9.14.07  To 9-14 #1 Maybe if all of us in the union were half the man Winnie is, we'd have the respect ot the politicians that he help to put into office.  We go out of our way with minimal manpower to help out the staff of this local, over a minimal period of time.  If the politicians of this town thought this tiger had teeth, then we'd be a force to recon with.  As to your remarks about the Winnie vs. nice guy shit... plan of showing up at more than the "0" meetings you've attended in your long time sucking off of the rest of us.  Nice guy, bad guy, don't matter.  We are the problem asshole.  You've got a rub with Winnie because you're one of the loudmouth's that he can't trust to run back to the FINO's with every tidbit.  The F**k with you.  You wouldn't vote me in either because I don't have time for a suckbuddy!

Received via Email 9.14.07  Dick, for a guy who doesn't pay dues to either the local or the international I just want to say that if the opportunity arises that I am forced to give up a 6% pay raise for a COLA, I'm going to enjoy pissing right down your throat!  The biggest reason that we have the trouble we have in negotiating off of square 1 is because this city continues to fund your pension with money from our pension fund.  This is not your fault but stop pretending like you're a part of anything that resembles your old fire departmemt or your old union.  Neither is here for you any longer by our choice.  Do the words retirement scab, tick, leech or bloodsucker come to mind when you look in the mirror?  I'd think you'd have figured a while back that you're not the local president any longer and you're not fighting with the city on anyone's behalf.  The McDonalds crack, that's great.  Not so very childish coming from you though.  You'd do better sticking with the facts about local life as you remember them from you youth.  I relish the fact that you depend on us for everything that's in your check book..  Come one COLA.

Received via Email 9.14.07  All I can say is that I hope this election, no matter the outcome, doesn't come back to bite us all in the ass. The only way we'll know if it did is when we get our next 3.5% payraise and a knife in the back before council. Unfortunately there's no fresh air on the horizon for this group and the stale air isn't changing. But that's really not what's important. What's important is that there will be a lesson to be learned because of this election no matter who wins. Those who so adamantly want to continue in the "business as usual" method will probably not recognize or learn from the lesson. Only time will tell if the pro Winnie crowd is right or whether or not there was value in a change. This years collective bargaining is currently going on and when that process is finished the actual gain(s) realized will undoubtedly point to who was right. Remember to support the candidate of your choice and time will determine the wisdom of our ways.
TEAM:  We got it on the right page for you.  We received it 18 times.  We're guessing that it was being sent, but didn't appear that way on your end!

Received via Email 9.14.07  Thank you 9/14 #3 or as you probably like to be called: Winnie's biggest suckass. So Ray's letter of personal accomplishments was a propaganda sheet? Well then I guess that makes Winnie's letter a completed shopping list of office supplies. Ray has the best credentials. Being an officer is not a hindrance, it is an asset. Vote Ray. It's the right thing to do.

Received via Email 9.14.07  Vote Winnie! He is obstinate, loves to fight and never delivers on time! That attitude has always served us well in bars--- why should the union be any different?!

Received via Email 9.14.07   Dont be so shocked at the Winnie Suck Ass remark,

Mr. Winnie Suck Ass While I Caress His Boys guy.

Received via Email 9.14.07  "Those who so adamantly want to continue in the "business as usual" method will probably not recognize or learn from the lesson."  Yeah, so let's go back to the "old" business as usual that was in place before Winnie gave the office some credibility.  It's always good to have a union president who's a do-boy for your chief.  "Yessa Massa.  I beez commin!"  "I beez steppin and fetchin it fo ya Massa!"

Received via Email 9.14.07  9/14/07 Number 5 "Dick, for a guy who doesn't pay dues to either the local or the international I just want to say that if the opportunity arises that I am forced to give up a 6% pay raise for a COLA, I'm going to enjoy pissing right down your throat!"

Asshole, for a guy who doesn't have a clue I just want to say that when the city turns that gravy train pension you have now into a 401K, I'm gonna enjoy watching you lose your ass. Oh, and by the way...the day YOU see a 6% pay offer from the city it'll be a cold day in hell.

"The biggest reason that we have the trouble we have in negotiating off of square 1 is because this city continues to fund your pension with money from our pension fund."

Well hell junior, that's the way it should be. Apparently one of the things you don't realize is that unless they created a second pension fund it's the same one I contributed into for twenty years so that you could bitch about it.

"Do the words retirement scab, tick, leech or bloodsucker come to mind when you look in the mirror?"

Actually no but they do quite adequately describe your way of acting. 

"I relish the fact that you depend on us for everything that's in your check book."

Again dumb ass, my pension is a state law. Your's however is at the whim of the city. How long do you think it's gonna be before they get sick of you and your continual bullshit? When they do they'll still be funding my pension and you'll be playing the stock market. Good luck numb nuts.

As I see it I have the pension and you have the asshole. Of course that drop plan and that 3% multiplier never come into the discussion. You sir, are nothing but a whiny momma's boy that never held a job with responsibility and you still wear your pants hanging off your ass and your ball cap on crooked. Grow up son and get the facts before you shoot your mouth off. You're lucky to have a job where your loud mouth and half-assed attitude isn't enough to get you fired. So run along and tell all your jerk off buddies how you slammed it up the ass of the old guy again. You should be very proud. I actually enjoyed responding to the bait. Did you think I didn't know it?

Most assuredly this post isn't inteded to be fraternal,
Dick Tully
Laughing all the way to the bank.

Received via Email 9.14.07  "Ray has the best credentials. Being an officer is not a hindrance, it is an asset...." psssst pal. you got some ray chowder dripping off your nose....Oh yeah being an officer that wants to be an administrator, i.e. Captain is a huge hindrance.. It is a civil service version of the all powerful corporate suit!

Winnie has values, experience, and is a real firefighter.. He doesn't sleep with the enemy...Sorry if I hurt your lil Ray feelings 9/14 #7. Go and change your dress Betty..

Received via Email 9.15.07  So Ray is the enemy because he would like to make captain? That makes no sense at all. We represent captains. We also represent DCs. Why dont you explain to them why they should not have the right to an office in the union hall just because they have more motivation to advance than you do. Sorry, but your constant suckling of Winnies nutsack has made you dizzy to the point of not making sense. Now go make me a sandwich, bitch.

Received via Email 9.15.07  Ok honey, It’s a recent happening that our union took on representing those management types. Hell I remember they didn’t even really want us to! BUT look back at who was the driving the ship then...Hummm Ring a bell lil gal? The "managers" always get their contracts dealt with outside our loop. Their lil 3.5, or whatever dwarfs us, (they make more $$..lol) So go on and keep believing that any officer that wants to be more than a LT, rank and file sure has us in mind as he/she eyes that hug pat rate. I advance everyday I get to the station, and don't even think about compromising my beliefs! Oh yeah, you have mentioned WN's nutsack so much; you must be a rump ranger! FTM.. GO WN!

Received via Email 9.16.07  To 9-15 #1  "So Ray is the enemy because he would like to make captain? That makes no sense at all. We represent captains. We also represent DCs."  You're right. It makes no sense if taken out of context. Each person running for office should be treated as an individual case on a case by case basis. The right man for the right job at the right time. Ray is widely seen as one who is looking for another spot in the limelight. If he's not trusted by many, who's fault is that? He needs to get his hands dirty educating himself on how to keep us ahead instead of educating himself to keep himself ahead. As to that "motivation" thing. Motivation is a great thing so long as one of your motive is not to try and serve two masters.  Trying to make captain is a great distraction and opens one to temptation.  We don't need it.

Received via Email 9.16.07  Can anyone tell me why this Tully guy doesn't pay dues? If he aint a member why do we put up with his shit? Please straighten me out.

Received via Email 9.16.07  9/15 #2 said something about dwarfs. I like that, but I wish he would refer to them as little people. Very hot little people. Very hot little people with dirty special needs. Ummmm. Me likey!

Received via Email 9.17.07  Oh shit, here we go again with the midget bullshit. Would you please get a life asshole? I am curious, you piece of shit, do you make amateur porn films when you are with your little people? Huh? Is that what you are in to you freaking pervert? And if you do, do you sell these films? Are they DVD or VHS? Can I watch? Would that bother you? Can I hold her down for you? I just want to help. Is that so wrong? Aw, come on. Don't cut me off, I was just

Received via Email 9.17.07  I just love it when Billy Mott chooses not to take a beating laying down.

September 14th, 2007


I feel that I must also post "My side of this story as you choose to mention my failings in your ballot issue. You will recognize your statements and mine are in Italics.

"Just a little tidbit about the office being open 5 days a week. I called the office on Thurs 9/6, three times because I was told to call when I need my labels and it would take about a day. Well nobody answered the phone on Thurs."

Ray, Between Winnie and I the office was open most of the day well past 9pm. We are known to go out for lunch so we may have been out of the office when you called. You state there was no answer, the phone system we have in the office gives you the choice of leaving a message and it also gives you our cell phone numbers. These numbers are also found on the list of Officers and Officials found on every Union Board. Obviously you chose NOT to leave a message or call our cell phones.

then I dropped by on Fri morning leaving duty and again it was locked. Finally I got a hold of Billy at 2:45 on Fri afternoon to request the labels. He was on the way out closing the office early. He promised me the labels on Mon. morning, and I said ok.

Very rarely will you ever find anyone at the office right after a shift change. You finally got hold of me at 2:45 only to be told that I was closing the office early. Check your shift calendar (which this office provides) and you will see that Friday Sept. 7th, 2007 was an A-shift day. I was there on my own Vacation time and I guess I am able to come and go as I please on my Vacation days. Yes we did talk about labels and you stated Monday or Tuesday would be fine. Well guess what? If Friday was my Duty/Vacation day then it is a reasonable assumption that Monday would be a repeat of Friday. But..I was there for over an hour Monday and I did attempt to run off a set of labels for you. However the computer and printer did not want to communicate with each other and I was unsuccessful. (FYI, I am not obligated to run labels for anyone until I receive blank labels from those making such request.)

Well, I called the office on Mon morning and Paulie was there but no Billy. So I dropped by and when we got a hold of Billy he had not done them. I had to come back on Tues. am, the day after the ballots went out. Now people are wondering why I didn’t make an effort to get the letter out on time. (?)

Ray, As already mentioned Monday was an A-shift day, but once again you could have saved yourself a trip if you would have used my cell phone. One other fact of importance, You delivered you letter of intent to run for this office on Monday August 6th, 2007. This gave you 30 days to request mailing labels. I do not feel that I deserve any blame for your short sightedness when dealing with your not being able to get out a letter on time. You certainly found time to visit stations and leave information sheets during this same time period.

What I was saying to you about the office being open is exactly this. If you say that you are open and people depend on you, then you need to be there! If you can’t, then you need to make adjustments.

I make adjustments for the members of this local almost daily. This includes Saturday’s, Sunday’s, and Holiday’s. Be it for insurance claim forms (Aflac and PFIA), the pick up and return of chairs, tables, and other borrowed items. I have even stopped by the office on my way in on a duty day for someone that just remembered that they were going out of town and needed some trading shirts. This is a proven fact.

Lastly, in a nutshell almost all of your delays were avoidable with a simple phone call and or message. This you choose not to do.

William Mott
Secretary Treasurer
IAFF, Local 747

Received via Email 9.17.07  Me and a few of my friends think that Billy is just trying to start some shit here and we want to do something about it!

Ray... you just tell us what you need, love and it's yours.  We're here to help you promote your career and your vision for a new union.


Adolf Hitler
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Josef Stalin
Pol Pot
Dr. Josef Mengele
Saddam Hussein
Adolf Eichmann
Charles Manson
Idi Amin
Genghis Khan
Jeffrey Dahmer
Benito Mussolini
Ayatollah Khomeini
Ted Bundy
John Wayne Gacy
Ivan the Terrible
Fidel Castro
Jim Jones
Vlad the Impaler
Timothy McVeigh
Slobodan Milosevic
Marquis de Sade
Mommar Khadafy
Jack the Ripper
TEAM:  Why aren't all of you creative types helping around the Union Hall?  What a waste of talent.

Received via Email 9.17.07  How come Billy get's to write in blue? and how does he do it?
TEAM:  Dunno?

Received via Email 9.17.07  If the current board of union officers didnt want to look like they were trying to sabotage the efforts of non-incumbents, they should have allowed someone other than Winnie to get their "fact" sheets out BEFORE the ballots. Its also not smart to take an adversarial tone with the competition in here. It just helps to confirm what many already suspect, that the executive board will do whatever they have to do to get Winnie elected again. There is nothing wrong with union strong arming, that is what unions do. But spare us the high and mighty attitude.

Thank you. Thank you very much.
Dr. Elvis Presley

Received via Email 9.17.07  Hey shit for brains, how about putting me on your stupid fu**ing list you asshole *****ucker? You don't think I make the fu**ing cut? Why not **nt face?

Received via Email 9.17.07  How come the next president's name, and the first gentleman are next to that long list of republicans?
Just Curious,
FDR. Modern day savior of democracy

Received via Email 9.17.07  Yeah, Billy.  Why were you trying to sabotage Ray's efforts to get labels out?

Some suggestions to protect us all from this ever happening in the future:
1. Read Ray's mind.
2. Shadow Ray.
3. Spend more of your vacation time in the union hall, waiting for unappreciative conspiracy theorists to drop by.
4. Buy labels for everyone (in anticipation of their running).  Even if it's just their nose that runs.
5. Be more in tune with your feminine side.  Always think ahead (like a chick).
6. Be more in tune with your feminine side.  Always ask one of the guys to take out the trash.
7. Have all union hall telephone traffic routed to your personal phone.  Why miss anything, ever?
8. Give everyone in the union a key.  We're all very trustworthy (except for the drunks).  They'll drink the fridge dry and pump the neighbor's cat.
9. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays don't mean anything to the JW's so they shouldn't mean a thing to you either.
10. Give us all a copy of the frigging shift calendar and while you're at it, would a personalized copy of our contract be too much to ask?

Received via Email 9.17.07  HEY, WN isn't married, maybe Ray could divorce his wife and become Winnie's bitch? I hear WN luvs them blonds...Plus he'd look pretty cute on the back of WN's motorcycle!

Received via Email 9.17.07  "If the current board of union officers didnt want to look like they were trying to sabotage the efforts of non-incumbents, they should have allowed someone other than Winnie to get their "fact" sheets out BEFORE the ballots."
Uhhhhhhhhhhh dude, the president don't do lables.  Like any good lawyer, you never ask a question that you don't know the answer to.  Ray isn't looking too good in the battle of union knowledge because he's never taken the time to learn.  I suppose that's Winnie's fault too!  Ray's a nice guy, but the MUTT squad has thrown him out there to be the new messiah.  When it's all over, they'll be looking for the next nice guy.

Received via Email 9.18.07  BAD FORM bringing someone’s wife into this senseless banter!

Received via Email 9.19.07  The bottom line regarding the next union president is this: Winnie has proven he is strong with grieveances, but not so good at contracts. I like him as much as anyone but he has never come to understand that you cannot gain ground in dozens of areas all at once. He proved that at our little impasse begging session in front of council where he should have known he would get nothing but a pay raise from those bastards. Instead, he chose to beat his head against the wall for all 20 of his bullet points, the same mistake he had been making all along while dealing with the city's negotiators.

He means well, but that is not how it is done. Ask any of the former presidents, whether you like them or not. You can't get everything all at once. Period. 

We don't know for certain that Ray can do any better, but it is quite likely he would not do any worse. He is well versed in our rules and our benefit package, and has a tendency to gain the respect of the people above him, which is exactly the kind of people he will be dealing with at city hall. You don't have to like him. But you should consider him as a reasonable alternative to the current union admistration which seems to be unable to deliver a contract in a timely fashion. 

I like both guys, and I understand why each camp has it's supporters and detractors. But I highly recommend a change in bargaining styles, which Ray is clearly more capable of delivering. No offense, James Bracey. 

To be honest, a perfect union would probably send Ray to negotiate the contract and Winnie to fight grievances. But since we don't get to have it both ways, we need to choose what is more importance right now: Your future contract, or your defense for your future mistakes. I choose contract, and hope many of you do the same.


Received via Email 9.19.07  A well reasoned response and great logic, but it's based on flawed data.

Winnie's the best we've ever had to present our case to the city.  The trouble is, we've failed Winnie and ourselves by believing that spending 1 hour every four years on a politician's campaign, earns us their respect and their backing.

I'm so glad we got the SS offset removed by negotiating with the chief.  The city would have told Winnie to F**K OFF!

Albert Einstein
P.S. Try my bagels.

Received via Email 9.19.07  LFD, That was the most sensible post on this board in a long time.

Received via Email 9.19.07  LFD lealman fire dept? How close are you too RL? It’s pretty obvious. Yes WN is a strong rep when it comes to fighting battles, Ray, is in my opinion, too close to ADMIN. and City hall to be strong enough to win that area. As for asking for 20 bullet points, hell yes, we can't stand back and act like all we want is 4-5 % with nothing for our future. The city has stalled again, not because of WM's methods, but in the lame hope that RL wins, and they can see their ever so suckable, "Ricky Feinberg" reborn in a fit body...Just say NO to the past. That is what you will get if RL is elected. Stick with a winner. Vote Newton!

Received via Email 9.19.07  LFD lealman fire dept? How close are you too RL? It’s pretty obvious. Yes WN is a strong rep when it comes to fighting battles, ray, is in my opinion,too close to ADMIN, and City hall to be strong enough to win that area. As for asking for 20 bullet points, hell yes, we can't stand back and act like all we want is 4-5 % with nothing for our future. The city has stalled again, not because of WM's methods, but in the lame hope that RL wins, and they can see their ever so suckable, "Ricky Feinberg" reborn in a fit body...Just say NO to the past. That is what you will get if RL is elected. Stick with a winner. Vote Newton!

Received via Email 9.19.07   LFD isn't Lealman Fire Department

Received via Email 9.19.07  Largo Fire Department?

Received via Email 9.19.07  LFD are my initials. You know, the first letters from each of my names. Like you I prefer not to identify myself. I am a member of the SPFR and have been since it was the SPFD. What's the BFD? TTFN.

Received via Email 9.19.07  Why can't we send Winnie to greivances and Ray to the negotiation table? That makes sense.

Received via Email 9.20.07  Received via Email 4-19-07  (Straight Dope) He's not the first person to drop but he 'was' the most threatened.  Unlike others in the past who have had to deal with district chief's being little dick's with their 'little' vendetta games, he had to face bigger vendetta games.  None of the previous medics who dropped out of the program were told that they were going to move back in time to their former seniority.  None of them were told that if a mass layoff occurs, that they would be included in the layoff's because being a medic for 15 or 20 years didn't count.  I mean, who dreams this shit up? 

I don't know that he'd tell you that he was anybody's hero, but he might agree that he's become the latest poster boy for the Union safety net.  I hope management's reading this.  The "piece of shit sissy that can't do their job" stuff isn't taking place so there aren't too many who are sympathetic to your silly games.  Pay your medics whatever it takes to keep them happy and support them when the tell you HOW they need support.  Talking to talking heads in HQ is NOT considered support.  Doing something to limit the damage after your medics have told you that they need support, IS support!  If you guys were all working as management for some insurance company somewhere, you'd all be getting bonus checks for shitting on the labor pool.  That's nothing to brag about, I suspect.


Received via Email 9.20.07  More Ray, More Pay! More Winnie, something negative that rhymes with Winnie!
Maya Angelou
Poet, Denture wearer, Shit stirrer

Received via Email 9.22.07  Well, DM has announced his 11/1 retirement. Let the ass sucking commence. It's amazing the change in some people on the list. One day they're one of the boys, the next they're management's newest nipple sucker. You know who you are, don't think people don't notice. What a shame.
TEAM:  Hmmmm... "LNSD" or Latent Nipple Sucking Disease.

Received via Email 9.22.07  WOW another 2 spots open! I would wager good $$ that Lt. SK's gag relex takes a big vacation! Open wide you red headed drunken fool!

Received via Email 9.22.07  You mean he actually 'had' a gag reflex? Could have fooled me.

Received via Email 9.23.07  well yeah thats how he gets wht he wants from his DCs.

Received via Email 9.24.07  SK wins the race for two bugals...pay back to his daddy, DA will be the next DC...Jim's best friend, and Ray squeeks by Newton for the win.

Received via Email 9.24.07  Where was the Assistant Chief on 9/11 when all of us on duty met in front of our stations to pay tribute to the fallen? He was seen at HQ, not in uniform, just prior to the scheduled event. It was emphasized that participation was OPTIONAL, but the assistant chief should have paid his respects. What could have been more important that morning? I know that he has religious differences, but I can not give my respect to a man who does not respect all of us on-duty firefighters. He should have been there to pay a tribute to the many that lost their life that day and support all the families still grieving. Now that's Bullshit

Received via Email 9.25.07  Since we are backing Bennett. Why don't we take off that he betrayed us on the contract page, Einstein?
TEAM:  Did he change his vote?

Received via Email 9.25.07  What is the Assistant Chief, an atheist? A Mormon? An Allah loving Islamic freak? Just exactly what religion do you have to be to have "religious differences" over the murder of thousands of innocent people? Can someone answer this? No one was asking him to join another religion. No one was asking him to stop worsiping according to the religion he so chooses. All that was expected was some respect for those who died. Their personal religions were insignificant and never a consideration. Just the act of showing up would have been enough. No one asked for blood letting or killing of a first born. Let's hope that whatever religion it may be that it doesn't rub off on anyone else. DAMN !!! Remember that respect is a two way street. I hope he doesn't want any.

Received via Email 9.25.07  Maybe he was on the street corner handing out some pamplets on FD time.

Received via Email 9.25.07  the reason he did not show up is because he is a coward. JWs will not even fight for their own country. Why do you think Hitler hated them more than the jews? At least the Jews would fight. No one should ever respect anyone who would not fight for their country, and, for them to be in a position like that is a disgrace.

Received via Email 9.25.07  Then why are we backing him? That is my point. He can not be trusted.

Received via Email 9.25.07  Assistant Chief JW had issues when he was new on the job about raising the flag, but he got over it. Hopefully he will learn about respect and memorialization before he becomes chief.

Received via Email 9.25.07  You guys do all that talking in here but you would never say any of this to his face. Talk,talk, talk,talk,talk. When you do see him tell him how you feel. Your the coward. You know how he feels about the situation but he doesn't know how you feel. Be a man and say it to his face. Not just to him but also to the people who you guys talk about behind their back in HERE but smile in their face. you show your cowardice everytime you come in here and speak of people that you dont personally know. One more thing. Those people are dead. All the memorial services in the world are not going to bring those people back. People die everyday, some of our own fellow firefighters have been killed. I dont see us on the ramp everyday in memory of those men and woman. Because someone dont come on a ramp on 9-11 to bow their head makes them a coward. He dont have to be in public to show his gratitude to the people of 9-11. You dont know whether he said a prayer in his office for those people. I say all of that to say this. SAY IT TO HIS FACE. YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT HE DID THAT DAY. Call the man a coward because he didnt do something YOU thought he should do. Whos really the coward. You cant even tell him that to his face.

Received via Email 9.25.07  Look, you went and pissed off his mom with your JW cracks. Apologise at once or she'll post more of her stuff on here. 

Sheesh.  Just what we need.  Someone's mom up our ass!

Received via Email 9.25.07  Received via Email 9.25.07 Then why are we backing him? That is my point. He can not be trusted.

Ray says we need to learn that "sometimes you just got to back a winner."  Jamie Bennett's going to win so I guess we're following Ray's example.

Received via Email 9.26.07  I agree that respect can be a private thing. I think the 9/11 "go out on the ramp with our trucks and look sullen for the public" is a little self serving. It feels too much like "hey look at us" to me. You want to build a proper memorial and place a tribute there every year, great. But telling the guys to walk to their ramp and turn on the red lights seems uninspiring in my opinion.

I don't mean any disrespect, just the opposite. I just think that if you are going to do it, do it right. Let's use some of that ridiculous art budget to build a memorial instead of the giant phallus at #6 or that channel marker at #2. A proper memorial can be considered art. I would rather our city show respect for our fallen than the contempt for the "artistically unenlightened" that most of our artwork budget is wasted on. If modern interpretative art is wasted on us thick and slow firefighters, quit putting it in our front yards. Send it to some museum where we don't have to look at it every day.

The bronze statue of the children in front of #4 paying respect to our fallen is not just attractive, it is appropriate. I don't understand Picasso, but I get that. And you don't need a degree in art to understand the firetruck mural built into the brick of #3. But the neon arrows at #13? What kind of an acid trip did that help the artist relive? All art may not be for the masses, but publicly sponsored art certainly should be. Let's take some of that art budget and build a tribute we can all take pride in.

I am still proud to be a firefighter, and I have the utmost respect for the sacrifice of the heroes lost on 9/11. But let's build a fitting tribute instead of littering firehouse lawns with art-junk that would probably be laughed out of legitimate museums. And let's do it before the next time we are asked to stand on our truck ramps in our short sleeves, trying to look like we work in a city that really cares.

Dave Fraser

Received via Email 9.26.07  I guess Ray was also right in his statement to not worry about the rest of the world. It was evident in his lack of support on the St. Pete Beach picket line last night. Go Ray!!!

Received via Email 9.26.07  Hey Dave, those arrows on #13 are for the firefighters. They point toward Bon Secour or Maria Manor whichever it is called.

Received via Email 9.26.07  TOUCHE DAVE , I COULDN'T AGREE MORE.


Received via Email 9.26.07  Dave Fraser the VOICE OF REASON!!!!!!!!

Received via Email 9.27.07  It sounds to me like Dave has struck a deal with the JW's so they don't come knoking on his door after reading that article. The ACLU would be proud. To change the subject into art work is a cartoon in its self. Do you work for the Times ? And for the record if I looked "sullen" while paying tribute to the fallen it was heart felt. And your damm right it was in part for the public so they "NEVER FORGET" and there is no better place to pay tribute to Fallen FireFifgters than your Local Fire Station. Come on, its just not right for the AC to act like that. If your ok with it thats fine, you got your "Liberal Points" for the mounth. It's a matter of respect for me. To be a public official requires you be out in public for all types of events, we all do it. Most of us know how to be respectful yet not participate in the activities that we have been assigned if we so choose. We do not have the oppertunity to jump in a dept. vehicle and just leave, well the LR's do, but most of us can't. I'm not saying the AC is a bad man, just disrespectful to Americans.

Received via Email 9.27.07 @ 10:50 am  The only things you said that offend me are the suggestion that I am a liberal, or would do anything to "make the ACLU proud." In regards to JW, I have no idea what he was doing during the tribute so I'm not comfortable commenting on his actions or mindset since I have no idea of what either one was or is. 

As for the department's tribute on 9/11, I guess it's better than nothing but I still think we could do better. I was only suggesting that the money we waste on $50,000 lawn ornaments might be better spent on a tribute to our fallen brothers and sisters. That would be something people would see every day. Driving by us for a few minutes once a year, in my opinion, just does not have much impact. You and I probably would agree on this more than you think. I would be happy to discuss it with you some time at the station, but you forgot to sign your name. I am glad to see that you cared enough to write something down, and can't say that I disagree with anything you wrote.

Incidentally, I still frequently have those folks knocking on my door on Saturday.

Dave Fraser

Received via Email 9.27.07 @11:29 am  How is someone not going on a ramp and feeling sad in the public disrespectful? You sound crazy. If that is the case then we need to go on the ramp almost every shift and do the whole sad look thing. What the firefighters that have died over the year aint worth doing that for. Oh I get it only the people who died on 9-11 lives are worth doing that for. What about the soldiers who have died over the years. What they are not worth going onto the ramp with the sad look. This isnt about JW going onto the ramp to look sad. Its about your beef with him. You can fix this real easy by not coming in here crying like a bitch but by taking your complaint to him. We cant do anything for you in here. Go to him like a man and tell him how you feel. Its more disrespectful to speak about someone with them not being able to defending themselves or with out them knowing the person who said it. If we are going to pay tribute to firefighters then we need to do it everyday instead of on 9-11. Personally I think we pay that tribute everyday by getting on that truck everyday knowing that it could be our last. 9-27 IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT ANYONE. SAY IT TO THEIR FACE. SAY IT TO JW'S FACE HE IS AT HQ OR CALL HIS OFFICE. JW'S PHONE # IS AT EVERY STATION . SAY IT TO FRASIERS. YOU KNOW THE STATION AND THE #. YOU WONT BECAUSE YOU ARE A COWARD. SORRY FRASIER FOR USING YOUR NAME.

Received via Email 9.27.07 @ 12:22  Look, the whole thing was a PR stunt to possibly get a photo or two in the paper or on TV. I don't know who's idea it was but if we can't send a representative of the department to any other fire related on-the-job deaths what makes you think we give a shit about 262 of them. Dave Fraser is absolutely right. I have to think that the person who came up with this idea probably had his heart in the right place and saw a chance to kill two birds with one stone. Publicity and publicity. One has to think that we get so much BAD press that an opportunity to get some good press should be taken advantage of. However, as usual, we just came up tacky. To get back to the original reason for these posts, in my opinion it wouldn't have hurt or changed the beliefs of anyone to participate in what already was less than a token swing at compassion for those who died on 9-11. No matter how embarassing or inconvenient it was to stand on the ramp and look foolish it should have been done by ALL on duty members. That includes chiefs. Those bugles don't make one special and neither does one's religion. We each have our own beliefs about things and they're many and diversified. The one thing we all have in common is the job. I don't think asking for a few minutes of your time to honor 3,000 innocent people who were murdered is over the top. How many JW's do you suppose were killed that day in those buildings? Should we paste a sign on the front of the station that we honor all those killed exept for the JW's? Next time chief get off your ass and participate. You're no better than the rest of us.

Received via Email 9.27.07  Hey we made someone mad. They are using capitals in their statements.

Received via Email 9.28.07  No longer is it Bullshit. Winnie Newton re elected , in a landslide victory. The membership has spoken! Now, RAY, if you truly care about the local, stay involved, show fair actions and support and next time, who knows??

Received via Email 9.28.07  If I remember correctly it was also Zamp that gave Prince his nicname.

Received via Email 9.28.07  Lets see if Ray make the next meeting!

Received via Email 9.28.07  I'm starting to have second thoughts about stuffing the ballot box for Winnie.

The Late Great Jimmy Hoffa
Peek a boo!

Received via Email 9.28.07  I agree with Fraser. I have not given much thought to how I feel about standing on the apron for 9/11 until reading comments on this site today 9/29. I obviously know what we are out there for and believe that 9/11/2001 should always be remembered, and NEVER be forgotten. What a great tribute it would be indeed, to take that money and construct a monument in honor of those men and women who died that day, and each year formally remember them with a public memorial service, with honor gaurd, city officials, and even a couple units present. How many of the people driving by actually know why we stand there when we do other than the fact it is 9/11. I bet half of them even forget. I too am for a monument.

-Jeremy Clark1B

Received via Email 10.02.07  Has anyone else noticed that Causal Friday in the Suppression office starts on Monday? When is the last time you saw JOW in a FD uniform Shirt with an American Flag on it? Chief JL wears his everywhere he goes.

Received via Email 10.03.07  Edwards was the jabba guy I think, but who came up with piks and derf snikwah?

Received via Email 10.04.07  Piks and derf snikwah came from 6C while viewing a Cubs game. One of the favorite things the late Harry Carey (cubs announcer) liked to do was to spell the names backwards of the opposing team members. Derf = Fred and Piks = Skip, Snikwah = Hawkins. I believe the actual author was either Dennis Daigler or Gino Centenni.

Received via Email 10.04.07  Sept. 11 will always be Sept. 11, those men were murdered and thats why that has a impression on us even today. You voluntered to become a firefighter, a soldier, a police officer, you have prepared to make a sacrifice to help someone, not take a bullet to the face, no one new 9-27-07 @12:22 what was going to happen that day, obviously you werent a real firefighter that day.

Received via Email 10.04.07  I love casual Friday.  When Lanning goes to lunch, I go into his private bathroom and I casually 'go' all over the the place with the seat down!  I say, spread the word.  Everyone needs to use his toilet.

Received via Email 10.05.07  I was a firefighter on 9/27/07, but I dont recall what happened that day. What happened that day? Guess I'm not a REAL firefighter.

Received via Email 10.06.07  That was the day the music died because he drove his chevy to levy but the levy was dry.

Jim Croce
Bad Bad Leroy Brown meanest man in the whole damn town

Received via Email 10.06.07  Jim Croce did not sing that song you jerk !
Don Mclane
Distant cousin to Bob

Received via Email 10.06.07  Our friend Jim Croce is correct. He has captured Time In a Bottle and become an Operator. He doesn't need to hang himself on a Lovers Cross to show that He's Got A Name. He reviews These Dreams quicker than Rapid Roy. Too bad he's gone. It's One Less Set Of Footsteps without him. Now all we have are Photographs and Memories. Yep. You Dont Mess Around With Jim.

Harry Chapin
Another Dead Guy

Received via Email 10.06.07  I heard that Hagan got screwed by his DC and Lt. They shipped him bag and baggage to #4. I guess being a union stewart at a station doesn't mean sh** when a useless piece of sh** Lt is backed by a DC that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. All the Lt wants to do is fish behind the station and then gripes about having to go on a call. His new nickname should be Stupid Rekindle Stu and not just Stupid Stu.

Received via Email 10.07.07  Did the post say that I sung that song. I merely repeated it you jerkoff. All it said that was the day the music died.

Jim Croce
Bad Bad Leroy Brown

Received via Email 10.07.07  Hey Croce don't get your rotten panties in a bunch. Settle down you flipping zombie.

Received via Email 10.07.07  I always liked Jim Croce, but I had no idea what a testy son of a bitch he had become since he died.  Fu** him.

Buddy Holly
The First Really Cool Rocker to Croak

Received via Email 10.08.07  Last 10/6, Wah Wah Wah. Do your job and quit whining.

Received via Email 10.08.07  I heard that either Tom Hagan left or it was going to be Stupid Stu leaving the Island.  It took about .000000014 of a second and they asked Tom if he could save the rest of St. Petersburg by leaving Stupid Stu behind to protect the island.  It only looks like Tom got screwed.  He's really saving mainland St. Petersburg by not inflicting Stu on them.

Asst. Chief Prince
(Professor of Deceit)
(Master of the Original Thought)
"I can twist any story around and make you believe that you are wrong, when all along, I am."

Received via Email 10.09.07  Stupid Stu needs to retire, he just can't handle this job anymore.

Received via Email 10.11.07  The REAL "Stupid Stu" and the REAL "Baby Huey" both retired long ago. Just thought you'd like to know that. 

The REAL Dick Tully,
Dick Tully
Master of Historical Truth
Pointer Outer of Bullshit

Received via Email 10.11.07  He couldn't handle the job before. He couldn't do the job as a firefighter so they promoted him. Remember he is an outstanding fire officer, when you see him at a fire he is always outside standing. I hear the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Stupid Stu senior and Stupid Stu Jr.

Received via Email 10.11.07  His name isn't Stu, and he at least deserves to know the identity of the backstabbers who like to come in here and pelt him from the safety of their keyboards. The man is going through quite a bit right now. If you have any brotherhood in you, you would take that into consideration before you come in here sniping.

Received via Email 10.11.07  Hey assholes. So what Lt R made a mistake. He has more shit in his life than any of you could imagine.The guy is in the drop. He is battling Cancer. So, mark his bad actions to the stress of his disease, and the weight administration, and his anal retentive captain puts on him...Think before you shit out of your pie hole...FTM

Received via Email 10.11.07  He should of retired a few years ago and enjoy his retirement with his wife. He shouldn't wait till its to late and not have quality time to spend with his family.

Received via Email 10.11.07  Lt R is a stand up guy. Those bashing him do not really know him. And the person that moved out doesnt have a great reputation of being in the brother hood. Brothers dont screw around with other brothers wive's. Oh that was forgotten. NOT. Lay off off of Lt R and focus on the real problem. YOU

Received via Email 10.12.07  Well said 10-11 #6, It seems that somewhere along the line it became the norm to bash each other, I call it the If I make someone look bad I look better syndrom and with that the brotherhood took a downhill slide. A small portion of our people need to look at themselves in the mirror in the morning a make a change. Over the years I have worked with Lt R and while he may not be a real go-getter he is a good man and deserves to be treated better than this. Ikd

Received via Email 10.12.07  To 10.11 #5: Fu** you, asshole. You are way out of line telling someone else what they should do with the rest of their uncertain life. A real man does everything he can to leave his family in the best possible condition. Maybe a pussy like you would prefer to go home early and cry into his pillow, but that's not how real men act. Remember that tonight when your boyfriend has you biting your pillow, you faggot.

Received via Email 10.12.07  To 10/11 #5, Just for clarification: Which wife fu**er are you talking about? The wife fu**er who went to #4, or the wife fu**er that went to #7. Either way, both of those mother fu**ers are wife fu**ers, so fu** them both. 

Did that post win any awards for the overuse of the work fu**?

Received via Email 10.12.07  The real problem is people who hide at slow stations and hang on by a thread years after they should have called it a career.

Received via Email 10.14.07  "Which wife fu**er are you talking about? The wife fu**er who went to #4, or the wife fu**er that went to #7. Either way, both of those mother fu**ers are wife fu**ers, so fu** them both."

Received via Email 10.14.07  While I don't condone their acts, are we to believe there were only two guilty people involved here?  Both of them men?  I'm guessing that the firefighters wives are in line for sainthood right about now. 

Received via Email 10.14.07  My wife is a mom so I guess I am a wife fu**er and a mother fu**er.

Gaylord Focker

Received via Email 10.14.07  "Received via Email 10.12.07 The real problem is people who hide at slow stations and hang on by a thread years after they should have called it a career. "
NO the real problem is the young c-suckers that bad mouth senior firefighters out of their assignments in the busy stations, and those seasoned veterans end up at 12, 11, 2.. So go and F yourself buckshot.. (call up RN or SM and see what they think.)

Received via Email 10.14.07  well said 10/14 #1 the real ? should be how many others are out there right now on this fine c shift day?

oops! forgetting what shift it is could be really bad. today is B shift. almost got caught

Received via Email 10.15.07  10/14 #3 get you f---in facts straight. munsell requested #12.

Received via Email 10.15.07  I am impressed with the general intelligece of this site. Anyone that can drop " F " bombs more than four times in a paragraph surely has the potential to excell in any walk of life. Heres a hint, wait till the etoh wears off and then spell it, then read it, then read it again, then maybe read it one more time, Then after all of those steps have been completed if it makes sence to you then delete it. Believe me you will be doing us all a favor. IkD

Received via Email 10.16.07  Thanks for the advice 10/15 #2. But, here is some advice for you. Before you comment on something, consider all possible explinations. For instance, consider that 2 seperate posts were put under the same post date. That's right, 10/14 makes no sense, but I bet if you ask the webmaster they will admit that those are indeed two seperate posts. Oh yea, I almost forgot-fu**, fu**, fu**, fu**, and last but not least fu**. No ETOH here, just high on life.
TEAM:  Doh!  You're right.  We left a date out.  It's there now -- in navy!

Received via Email 10.16.07  Yeah SM did, after having to put up with BS from so called firefighters like you! Pretty sure RN didn't and the average age at 3/b is what about 25-33? Except Sam of course, so go ahead play with yourself more, the brain cell is almost gone!

Received via Email 10.16.07  Hey proof read your posts. Sense is spelled like I spelled it not sence.
TEAM:  Now that makes more cents, scents you spelled it write! 

Received via Email 10.16.07  For some unknown reason, I'm generally NOT impressed with the "intellegece" of this site.

Received via Email 10.16.07  for the same unknown reason, i am not impressed with someone who keeps coming back to a site that they are not impressed with. i sure hope that all words were spelled right, so that all of the english teachers who visit this site will not be as offended as they have been in recent history. please forgive my lack of concern with lack of capitalization. so, in the profound words of someone on the open wounds page, suck a ball.

Received via Email 10.16.07  At the very least, take care of yourself.  Capitalize the word "I" when describing yourself (unless you're in the Mayor's presence).  Oh... and the word (E)nglish should be treated with similar respect.


Karen Richardson
Fourth grade spelling bee champion.
The Mayor's "chief" drool cup drainer!

Received via Email 10.17.07  English should be treated with respect unless you are referring to the one man one tool, inglis.

Received via Email 10.17.07  How we use our native language, as well as how we exhibit regard for punctuation, spelling and grammar in our written word is a direct reflection of how much respect we have for civilization at large. And that is why I think that so many of you are just a bunch of swill drinking hunchbacked hillbilly primates.

Thank you.
Letitia Baldrige
Born better than you and continuing the practice.

Received via Email 10.21.07  Did any of you catch the line of Bullshit that the Commie Rag printed in Sundays paper? They are doing their best to make the 3 council candidates that have a difference of opinion of the Mayor are somehow evil doers. I say screw the Times.
TEAM:  This one? http://www.sptimes.com/2007/10/21/Southpinellas/View_of_mayor_divides.shtml

Received via Email 10.23.07  I don't think I've ever heard of a mayor publicly endorsing those he wants to be elected. As an individual maybe but not when wearing the hat of the mayor. Who's this Baker think he is anyway. He's history a short time from now. Is he setting up to groom the next "Baker" mayor? He has plenty of time to browbeat the rest of the council into submission. When the next race for mayor comes up you're bound to see him endorse the one he's been fawning over and he'll try to make the rest of the council back him up. You're also going to see his protoge getting special treatment when it comes to things he or she wants in their district. This just greases the rails to make it look like this person holds clout and is an obvious leader. In actuality they're just a spineless piece of crap that can't make a decision without outside help. Baker will pick the weakest member possible and make him look like the only choice for the office. The council will back him and the public will follow like sheep. "Clip & Save" in the Times will aid those with less than average mentality and the beat goes on. 

I'm gonna say it again. The most important race you will see in the next eight years of your career on SPF&R is the one for mayor. Granted it's also important to get as many seats on the council as possible but the mayor race is absolutely life altering. If you allow the current mayor to get his endorsement elected you will merely perpetuate history. Look at how Baker got in. He was the mayors choice when he got elected. They use the same brain and just change the face. You can't let this happen again. It wouldn't hurt to get busy grooming our own mayoral candidate. Start now to make him squeaky clean and electable and let it be known that he's going to run from the council. I'd wait until he gets elected but it's never too soon to begin. I realize this is only my opinion and it's from the outside looking in but it's offered as a wake up call and not a demand or the only method. Keep working hard for our candidates and if you can't work, donate. MONEY is what these politicians run on and you need to keep them fueled. 

Fraternally and pixel free,
Dick Tully

Received via Email 10.24.07  How many of our people can even vote in St. Pete? Seems like everyone lives everywhere else.

Received via Email 10.24.07  The majority of our dept. lives outside of the city, but, that is a story for another day. The reason for my post is to 'blast' the notion that this fire dept. has a bunch of stand-up individuals who openly object to injustices of brothers and sisters. I have viewed comments about the, suppository impropriety of one of our members by some of our members. What is the result? Has anyone approached the situation and it's participants for an answer and resolution? No?!?! Why the hell not?!?! What are you waiting for?!?! As for my curiosity, I am relegated to viewing this website for answers because of my condition yet I require answers. Would someone, please, update me on the face-to-face communications and the results.
TEAM:  Which post?  Which impropriety?  Which member?

Received via Email 10.24.07  What the fu** is this fu**er fu**ing talking about, and what is up with his obsession with suppositories?

Received via Email 10.24.07  People should not let people "Drink and Write" IkD

Received via Email 10.25.07  It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. A person who lies is thereby responding to the truth, and he is to that extent respectful of it. When an honest man speaks, he says only what he believes to be true; and for the liar, it is correspondingly indispensable that he considers his statements to be false. For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and of the liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose.
TEAM:  Nice catch: "On Bullshit"

Received via Email 10.26.07  Is it just me or is our department being taken over by metrosexual men in their 20's that don't know a socket wrench from pair of channel locks? A lot of them are nice guys, but the kind of pretty boys we would have laughed off the job 20 years ago.

Big Dick
Dying Breed

Received via Email 10.27.07  Amen to that Big Dick!

Received via Email 10.27.07  It's just you !!
An Even Bigger Dick,

Received via Email 11.01.07  Let me ask you something. If you were a candidate up for election and you told your friends that you were being endorsed by the firefighter’s union, could you feel good about that? I mean can a candidate be sure that the union that says they endorse him and will work for him will also not embarrass him? When he tells his friends that the firefighters have a website that will explain the problems they have and that they can go to that website for that information can he do so without concern that he will be seen as aligning himself with professionals …..or with something a lot less than professional?

I’m as guilty as anyone else for perpetuating the atmosphere that prevails on most of the response pages of this site. But I will do my best to clean up my act. I want those who come here either by accident or on purpose to know that this site is where you can find the facts about things like collective bargaining, political activities, the law, impasse items, and the like.

What I want them to see and understand is not who we hate or the things that should be left at the stations. I don’t want it to be boring but the site should not portray us as a bunch of fools because of a few who can only express themselves through trash mouthing. I know it’s fun and I know I’ve read some funny stuff on here but it may be time to kinda clean up our act. If you have something to say try to do it without using a handful of foul language. Keep the scuttlebutt in the stations. This is not the place to air our personal laundry.

We’re trying to make strides in our methods of political activities this year. I know that if I was a candidate who had been endorsed by this Local and I came to this site to have a better understanding of the firefighter’s position I would have second thoughts about just who it was that endorsed me. Because even though the webmaster has done a monumental job of posting pertinent and factual information to be read there are also four pages of opportunity for us to look like we do nothing but fight amongst ourselves. Let’s clean it up.

I’ll do my part and I hope you’ll do yours. One vision, one goal. Political activities that involve every person on the job. We need to be the one’s leading the way to a fair and just answer to our problems. Keep the faith and fight the mutts.


Dick Tully

Received via Email 11.01.07  Good bye Dick. We will miss you. Fu** the rest of you dumb sons of bitches.
Happy Tyme and his band

Received via Email 11.01.07  W is doing just fine. Besides, what were the choices? John Kerry would have had us all converted to the Muslim faith by now with a mosque on every corner paid for with your tripled taxes. Then he would have made it illegal to believe in God while he wiped his ass with the American flag after shitting in a christian church. I'll take W any day. Look what you dim-ocrats have in the ready room for us next: the woman who stood by her perjuring rapist and impeached husband. 

You lefties have NO room to bitch about Bush.

Received via Email 11.01.07  11-1.#2.
Good lord. Not only do, "lefties" have the right, to bash the worst ever president in the history of the American Republic, but it is their duty to speak the mind! Kerry would have had this place a lot safer, a real Vietnam Veteran, and war hero. So what there should be more Mosque, just look around and count all those Churches on every block! Remember, God loves all the Children. I bet there would not have been as many dead American military men, and women. Your views are yours, feel free to spew them. But your ideas are frankly out of date. I luv Muslims, and Jews, and a few Christians, the Buddhist are cool too..One more historical fact Clinton ran circles around Dumb Ass Dubya's mission accompished lies! (Oh yeah the fat intern wanted it.)So go ahead and be as bigoted as you are, and by the way ya better hurry back to your double wide, there’s a Dale Earnhart memorial special on! Get R Done! FTMLuv George McGovern, (still better than Nixon)

Received via Email 11.02.07  11-1.#2.  Good lord. Not only do, "lefties" have the right, to bash the worst ever president in the history of the American Republic, but it is their duty to speak the mind! Kerry would have had this place a lot safer, a real Vietnam Veteran, and war hero. So what there should be more Mosque, just look around and count all those Churches on every block! Remember, God loves all the Children. I bet there would not have been as many dead American military men, and women. Your views are yours, feel free to spew them. But your ideas are frankly out of date. I luv Muslims, and Jews, and a few Christians, the Buddhist are cool too..One more historical fact Clinton ran circles around Dumb Ass Dubya's mission accompished lies! (Oh yeah the fat intern wanted it.)So go ahead and be as bigoted as you are, and by the way ya better hurry back to your double wide, there’s a Dale Earnhart memorial special on! Get R Done!
Luv George McGovern, (still better than Nixon)

Received via Email 11.02.07  The WORST president in recent history was probably Jimmy Carter. Another democrat of course.

LoL, no room to bitch? All the right wingers have done is bitch about Clinton, and how they were soundly defeated twice SO go and stick your head back in that hole ya loser!

Received via Email 11.02.07  Here we go again. I'm a Dem, I'm a Rep, blah blah blah. Do we really have to read this crap for the next year? Give it a rest, your not going to change anyone's mind. Have your little sword fight in person and get it over with.

Received via Email 11.02.07  Its funny, one man came on here and said how childish, stupid and ignorant the firefighters of my city lool to and outsider. As a city resident who heard about this site as mentioned above, I am embarrased some of you are recieveing my tax dollars. I hope you never get a good contract with the way some of you act. Its a shame everyone will be affected by a few, because some of you deserve the skies the limit and then there are you others.....God help our city with firefighters like a few of you protecting us.

Resident of St. Pete
76th Ave N.
TEAM:  If your biggest worries revolve around the writings of a few individuals on an Internet blog site, then all other events in your life must pale by comparison.  Your time would better be served by concerning yourself with the quality of the services rendered by your Fire Fighters and Fire Fighter Paramedics when your child destroys the family car and needs to be extricated from it or when your spouse is clutching their chest from dying heart muscle.  Oh yeah... I'd also be concerned with the odd child molester on city council. 
Hmmm... if only they blogged more.  Then you could more accurately judge their character, I guess.

Received via Email 11.03.07  Whats wrong with Dale? Are you jealous that he made alot of money and had a good looking wife? Jealous?

Received via Email 11.04.07  Its funny that you the WEB MASTER attack the citizen for coming in here and reading this mess that you have placed on this web site. Would you support a candidate that comes in here and spew hateful, racial and ignorant things? You should be able to take the criticism since you are the one that put this crap on here for the world to see. They are citizens. How did you think they were going to respond. Things are only going to get worst because this web site is going to get passed on to the next person, and the next person and the next. This site hurts us more than it helps us. If you cant see that then wait until more and more citizens see this crap. They will respond in a way that will not help our cause.
Webmaster:  What's funny is that both posts started with "It's funny..."  Now go get your own website and you can post 'only' what passes (in your personal opinion) as acceptable for public consumption.

Received via Email 11.04.07  That resident is proof that the world is watching.
TEAM:  Profound!  What should everyone do, now?

Received via Email 11.04.07  It's funny how some 'residents' will come out of the woodwork to make comments such as "I hope you never get a good contract with the way some of you act."  Cool your jets pal.  Whatever they get or don't get, you play no part in it. 

"Its a shame everyone will be affected by a few"  I'm sure the sentiment runs both ways.  I'm sure they're tired of going on the same dumb ass citizens, time after time when they don't really need to be bothering the fire department.  I'll bet the firefighters have a few opinions about you too.

Say, aren't you the one who lives across the alley behind me who's constantly burning stuff in your backyard, bringing the fire dept. out?  I have no doubts that you've got an opinion on their next pay contract.

Resident of St. Pete
77th Ave N.

Received via Email 11.04.07  To 11-4 #1  Where did the webmaster attack anyone?  You better read the red text again.  I WOULD have attacked the dimbulb resident for even sticking his/her nose in here.  Hey resident, why don't you call the mayor and tell him that there's a website out there that you don't like and tell him that he's a big part of it.  I'm sure he'll ask, WHICH ONE?  On a good day the residents of this town have nothing to do with us getting a contract.  Grow a pair!

Received via Email 11.04.07  "Things are only going to get worst because this web site is going to get passed on to the next person, and the next person and the next." 
Oh brother!  What a puss.  Someone should have told your parents this very same story.  "It's only going to get worse if we keep passing the "puss" gene from generation to generation!" 

Received via Email 11.04.07  I wonder what website the RESIDENT post's all their work related crap to?  I'm sure it's all hunky dory there.

Received via Email 11.04.07  We will see in the long run. 

Received via Email 11.04.07  If you guys believe that was really a "RESIDENT" and not one of our guys pissing on your leg, then you will probably believe this: I am the president of the united states and I order all of you to bl*w me. What a bunch of morons. Worse, you act like sheep. Worse yet, you act like democrats. Grow up.
TEAM:  So what you're saying is, not to expect the other neighbor from 75th Avenue N to show up?

Received via Email 11.04.07  Received via Email 11.04.07  **We will see in the long run.
Yeah right.  Like this web site ever did anything to affect anybody but us.  If ever anyone should pay attention to this site, it should be the mayor.  If he were paying attention, he'd quit being a punk.  Now that hasn't happened yet has it?  Hey RESIDENT!  When are you going to jump in here and tell us your paying our wages?  News for ya.... you don't.  The good mayor owes us some back pay and bennies, though.

Received via Email 11.05.07  Received via Email 11.02.07 The WORST president in recent history was probably Jimmy Carter. Another democrat of course.
HUMMM, How many Thousands of American Military died for a lost cause when Carter was Pres.?? And don't say we're safer now. Pathetic! He was a fiscal mess yes. He was logically an Einstein compared to dumber than a 5th grader Dubya. ( a republican )

Received via Email 11.06.07  Carter killed plenty of soldiers in his botched mission to rescue the hostages in Iran. Remember? The hostages that Carter couldn't free for 444 days but Reagan got released in his FIRST day in office? You're a typical democrat. Always rewriting history.

Received via Email 11.06.07  Hi Y’all,

I read the posts on this site every day ‘cause I love it when y’all use that gutter talk. Makes me hot. You big manly men who swear and use nasty words just put a tightness in my nether regions. I’ve wanted to write and tell you here for some time but never had the courage. Y’all came late one nite to a house just down the street that was on fire. I saw all y’all in action and could hardly stand up. My nethers took a real beatin’ THAT night. Watchin’ y’all runnin’ around and lookin’ all manly and stuff. When that big ol’ boy with the hose went to work I thought I’d pass out. I still get the sweats just thinkin about it. Mmmmm.

Be that as it may I’d like to take y’all to task on an itty bitty matter that has come to my attention. Most of the time I just peruse the talk here and don’t pay all that much attention to it. But lo and behold the other day I look and see that my neighbor two doors down has apparently found what the children call the stones to write and complain about the language and stuff on this place. I know it’s him ‘cause every time I pass his place when I walk “Milk Bone“, my pet toy poodle, he comes to the door neked and whistles at me. I’ve talked with him on occasion when he was dressed and he’s made known his opinion of people who work for the city. He don’t like none of them.

Don’t pay him no mind. He’s crazy as a bed bug. He just like to shoot his mouth off about things. He wrote a letter to the paper saying that I dressed too provocatively (that’s “slutty” if you’re from the south) when I walk my dog. What does he know about how short a skirt should be? And I’d be y’all would agree that my legs look really good when I wear my high heels. But he made a big deal over my makeup and said I looked like a clown on acid. I don’t care and you shouldn’t either. Don’t listen to a thing he says and keep on talkin’ like real men on here. Anyway it’s just one old fool’s opinion on how I look and how you talk. Keep the trash talk comin’ an I’ll be warm all winter.

Washin’ out my panties after all that,

Dr. James Silverstine, P.A.
President, Coalition for Cross Dressers, Local 6901
807 76th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, Florida 

Received via Email 11.06.07  NO, Im not your Fing neighbor behind you, Im the one behind your wife doing her while your playing fireman

Received via Email 11.06.07  Jimmy Carter did not lose many soldiers because he did absolutely nothing as president. He didn't lift a finger (except to kill some soldiers) when Iran held Americans hostage. He was not the worst president of the century, though. At least he didn't get impeached like Clinton. Bush may not have delivered Bin Laden (yet) but he tried. Clinton kept setting him free (3 times). Thanks for nothing, democrats.

Received via Email 11.06.07  You lazy firemen! I live near a firehouse and all I ever see you guys do is wash your 40 thousand dollar trucks and grill steaks. Who needs you guys..... awww. Who am I kidding. I have 15 years on the job and I work on the south side. I bet I had you guys fished in there for a second though.
So long, suckers.
Not Gullible Gal

Received via Email 11.06.07  11/05/07 #2, when carter was president the mortgage rate was 15%, the wacko muslims took over Iran and held our people hostage for at least the better part of a year. As a matter of fact it was him wussing out in iran that allowed the the extremist muslims (or midstream liberals, take your pick) to start the little rampage that we are now engaged in. You are also right, in one sense, I hate to see Americans killed and injured, for this reason I would've nuked their assess off the planet. The libs would've pee'd their pants but by now it would all be over and forgotten.

Received via Email 11.06.07  "Resident 11/02/07" (if you even exist) It was in your back yard where engine 7 pulled not 1, but 2 people out of a burning house, it was also on 62 avenue, again, (your back yard,) where, after being injured in the above stated rescue, I was hit by a vehicle while at an accident scene and between the two pretty much screwed my back up for life.  Just to let you know, the people I work with are the best in the world. We may have our feuds, but if you ever had to put your life in the hands of MY fire department, you could not be in a better place.  Even if they knew you were the jerk that made those statements, they would still do their best to save your life.  About the "I'm ashamed that you are receiving my tax dallars" statement -- well since our operating budget (forget about pay and benefits) hasn't changed much since 2002, we really aren't receiving that much of your tax dollars, so you can lighten up on that worry.

Lt. Rob Edwards (formerly of the BIG 6)
TEAM:  St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue... 
"Cutting edge - fully funded." 
"First at being last!" 
"We ain't got no Paramedic crisis!"
"Dewy, Cheetum and How.  Your best friends after an accident!"

Received via Email 11.07.07  Can anyone substantiate the rumor that one of our own was out on the 66th St/ Tyrone corner Monday evening waving a Montenari sign and telling others that the union was backing the wrong guys?

Received via Email 11.07.07  I am curious Lt Edwards. Did those 2 people that you pulled from the fire, did they ask whether you were a REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT.

Received via Email 11.07.07  You can tell if the person you just dragged out of a fire is a democrat when he sues you for his smoke inhalation.

Received via Email 11.07.07  Why would you ask Rob a dumbshit question like that?

Received via Email 11.07.07  I heard that the "snake" Davis was wearing someone else's shirt.  No doubt trying to suck his way into a job with the losing camp.  If the guy with the wrong sign was itching his crotch a lot, it was him.  My X wife gave him the crabs.

Received via Email 11.08.07  Received via Email 11.06.07 Carter killed plenty of soldiers in his botched mission to rescue the hostages in Iran. Remember? The hostages that Carter couldn't free for 444 days but Reagan got released in his FIRST day in office? You're a typical democrat. Always rewriting history

*United States military attempted a rescue operation on April 24, 1980. The failure of Operation Eagle Claw resulted in the deaths of five United States Air Force Airmen and three U.S. Marines.

Hummm 5 deathes in one botched operation,Since Iraq war began (3/19/03): 3857.( American Soldiers only) Who's re writing history now? Typical right wing extremist.FTM, & FU!

Received via Email 11.08.07  1/07/07 #2 I won't take all the credit for pulling 2 people from the fire. It was a team effort: myself, Hadley, Kolcun, Haverty (it's amazing what you can do with 4 people).  The female was unconscious so she may have been a liberal :)

Received via Email 11.08.07  11/8 #1: Glad you're so proud that peanut farmer turned president Jimmy Carter killed 5 heroic soldiers while accomplishing absolutely nothing. We know you lefties hate America and the military, but losing 5 brave men trying to save American hostages is nothing to brag about. It's not a contest. The war in Iraq was supported by most of your democrat heroes in the senate. Even your queen Hillary thought it was the way to go. Of course being a democrat she is trying to rewrite that bit of history, but that's what haters of the truth do.

The reason Iraq is going the way it is going is because you lefty sheep are led by men and women that can't ever go the distance. They vote to go to war, then they cripple the troops. Johnson did it in Vietnam (the war that Nixon ended). Truman did it in Korea. Since you like to keep score, Johnson and Kennedy's Vietnam war killed 58,000 Americans and commie lover Truman killed 30,000 in Korea. Of course you lefties, who think the White House should be moved to Hollywood, enjoyed those wars because they gave us fun movies like M*A*S*H and Good Morning Vietnam. But those of us that love our country are still offended that democrats don't take American lives more seriously.

If you want to blame Bush for trying to keep America safe, go ahead. Those of us that actually love this country and have respect for the military have grown to expect that attitude from you detractors. But don't pretend you are offended by the fight for freedom's death toll. History tells us something completely different about the left's true disrespect for American lives.

If you need further lessons in American history, just post some more of your nonsense in here. I'll be happy to try to lead you to the truth.

God Save America from the Left,
President Dwight David Eisenhower
(Republican war hero, everything the left hates)

Received via Email 11.08.07  Talk about rewriting history... more military died in Carter's last year as president than in ANY year since Bush Jr. moved into the White House. And you thought the only thing Carter could kill was the economy.

Received via Email 11.08.07  I heard that the highly paid Lt. - head of prevention was possibly the guy. But another rumor monger wonders where was the State 2nd District VP during all this time? Doesn't the FPF consider themselves to be Political in Nature? I checked their website under mission statment and thats what it says. http://www.fpfp.org/?zone=/unionactive/view_page.cfm&page=Mission20Statement Maybe someone needs to find out where we as FPF members and his own Brothers and Sisters stand in his little administrative world.

Received via Email 11.09.07  Woops, I meant 8 deaths...Didn't want to piss off the nit pickers!

Received via Email 11.09.07  As long as we are blaming presidents for military deaths on their watch, Jimmy Carter murdered exactly 2,392 brave innocent military personnel in his LAST YEAR (1980) alone.

The Patron Saint of Liberal Idiots, Bill Clinton, murdered 4,302 military men and women over the FIRST 4 years of his reign of terror. And this is while he was chopping up the armed forces the way only an American hater can. I think during the second term he concentrated on rape and perjury.

Say what you want about George W., but the military seems to be a safer place when he is in charge. I know you libs hate TRUE numbers and REAL history, but statistics don't lie, democrats do.

Received via Email 11.09.07  Dearest sore losers Repuk's ie Bush Jr.'s C*ck suckers. You are so blind. I luv Hollywood they make great movies, and that funny donut coffee shop. The people there are bound for greatness. Hell I am sure it will make a great new Western Whitehouse! Oh wait a minute, you said you don't like that place? Isn't that were ole demitia Reagan had his best run? Well blow me down! You righties are so humerous, I havent heard so much hate langage using worlds statements like you liberal commies since watching re runs of All In The Family! Face it, your a dinosaur, go find a tar pit to die in. Oh yes girlie man, republician Arnold is from Hollywood too. Boy are you a sad bunch of old men. Your only bright light is to watch the Bill O'Reily lie hour! !

Received via Email 11.09.07  Received via Email 11.07.07 I am curious Lt Edwards. Did those 2 people that you pulled from the fire, did they ask whether you were a REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT.  
I am curious too.  Were you stading with Lt. Edwards when he took time off of work to promote our candidates at the polls?  I don't care which he is.  He's in the drop and he was working for you and me.  There aint anything in it for him except a last pay raise so show a little class..

Received via Email 11.09.07  11-09 #4 The point I was trying to make is that people don't give a shit what political party you are apart so why are we in here debating a issue that seperates us. You talk as if Lt Edwards is the only firefighter that has pulled someone from a fire As if he is a God. He put his pants on the same way I do. We do the same kind of work. If you get his D**K out of your mouth long enough to realize that we work for the same organization then you would have understood what I was trying to say. If your going to suck a d**k at least suck a Captain or Chief d**k. And yes I was out on the corners and the polls working for you and me.

Received via Email 11.09.07  It is refreshing to see someone admit that they only suck the di**s of captains and above. Very brave.

Received via Email 11.10.07  I'm curious. To the Libs and Cons, are you better off with a Dem president and Rep Congress or vice versa? Maybe a combination of the two? Post responses and I'll help to point out the Middle-class mistake.

Received via Email 11.10.07  <11.07.07  Can anyone substantiate the rumor that one of our own was out on the 66th St/ Tyrone corner Monday evening waving a Montenari sign and telling others that the union was backing the wrong guys?>  I heard that he had Polson on one side and Montenari on the other.  Whenever any of US were around, he showed the Polson side.  What a deeeeek!

Received via Email 11.10.07  Yo!  How bout that Tim O'Donnell?  He does a second stint in EMS as their captain and is rewarded with his own two company station when he exits because he did the right thing.  I'm always glad to see Wimberly in action.  Makes you think that maybe YOU TOO might want to be a JW also!  He's all about doing the right thing (for him).

Received via Email 11.10.07  America needs a republican in charge MOST of the time. It is good to let a democrat sneak in about every 16 to 20 years to remind us why they should never be in charge, and to keep abortion legal so that we have less poor people to support.

God Bless America,
Mr. Truth

Received via Email 11.10.07  Mr.Truth,
You need a calculator, 16 to 20 years? Humm Nixon, 6.5, Ford 1.75,Carter 4, Regan 8, BushSr.4 Clinton 8 Dubya 8, Clinton 8...You need to take your shoes off..or hire another rightie to flick your digit..
God Bless The Democrats and a women's right to choice!

Received via Email 11.11.07  11.10 #4: Read ALL the words in BOTH of my sentences, lefty. I was suggesting what America NEEDS, not what America has had. Don't feel bad though. It's typical liberal behaviour to only read what you want and make up your own truth. We honest folks have learned to expect it from you.
Thanks for trying.
Mr. Truth

Received via Email 11.11.07  Dear Mr. Liberal Womans Right to Choose dumbass: The Nixon/Ford regime would have been a total of 8 years. Your stupid ass lefty math adds up to 8.25. I know that it was probably just a careless error from a stupid liberal like the Bay of Pigs or Bosnia or Vietnam or Korea but it pretty much proves that youre a dumbass. Now go get back in line for some government cheese and free prescriptions. You keep taking, we will keep giving whether we like it or not.
Mr. O. Vurr Taxed

Received via Email 11.11.07  You know what they call the Clinton years? Sex between two Bush's

Received via Email 11.12.07  Could the democrats have picked a better time to try to put a woman in the white house? They have had all this time but they wait until we are at war with middle easterners that would sooner cut a womans tongue out than listen to her speak of politics. Like I said before, at least the dems make being a republican less embarrassing.


Received via Email 11.12.07  DO YOU PROMISE THEY WILL DO THAT !

Received via Email 11.13.07   Sad little right wing extremist pigs..We feel your pain....Now go fix me a sandwich you bitch!

Received via Email 11.13.07  Typical lefty, looking for a free sandwich handout.

Received via Email 11.13.07  I'd rather be a "right wing extremist pig" than a left wing, terrorist loving, baby killing, America hater, ACLU card carrying goose stepping MORON. You're the kind of person that could make me believe in evolution 
TEAM:  We could have used both of you in Largo, tonight.  Too bad we missed your help!

Received via Email 11.13.07 this site is losing its spunk.
TEAM:  We'd be glad to publish your pictures from Largo's COLA workshop.  You know... just to "spunk" it up a bit!

Received via Email 11.15.07  The grapevine reports that one of our inspectors quit this week.  As the story goes, He wasn't getting along with RF (RF=Rat Fink) too well.  Apparently he didn't want to be one of his loyal do-boys.  That's no stretch,k when you consider that none of the rest of our civilian inspectors like working with him.  I'm sure the shit's going to hit the fan when the exit interview that he gave to Human Retardation division hit's the old website.  Hey chief Large.....why don't you yank on your boy's leash.  I mean.......shit, he aint the chief......you are.  At least you could let Jolley earn a few legit bucks while he's in the drop.  Let him yank on his leash for a bit.

Holy crap......next we're going to hear that we've only got enough medics around to staff each rescue with just 1 medic.  It's like we don't have any good reason to be here anymore.  EXCEPT TO ATTEND UNION MEETINGS AND PLANT OUR BOOT UP THIS BACKWARD DEPARTMENT'S ASS!  God........where did all the SMART people with an education get hired?


Received via Email 11.15.07  If ever there was a case to prove that the bigshots downtown are throwing this department to the wolves, this is just a single example.  Here's another.  We can't get the county to pay us to run our ems system dollar for dollar (it's the law) and the mayor won't stand up for us and force the county's hand in court.  Our fire chief is collecting two pay checks and he don't want to mess that up, so he plays the part of the mayor's handy shitboy.  We're just about down to our last medic and our glorious choice for a chief of ems won't even leave the office.  What a puss.  Yeah that's right, your a puss.  If the HQ staff had half our balls and a mayor that had 1/4 of our balls, this place wouldn't be ready to hit the skids.  Slowly but surely they're selling this place down the river.  They've turned into department politicians who make 90-100K+.  They don't don't care about what you and I care about because their time here is short.  Their doing what they've always done.  They' butter their own bread and hide in the shadows.  There you go fellas.  This is what they've allowed us to become. 
"Im in the drop... I don't get involved".
"12 hours pool time... can I give less"? 
"I've got property up north... I'm just waiting till the house if finished then out of here". 
"Yeah, I knew you were going to pinch me to carry a sign... I'm just over it  We shouldn't be involved in politics".
"Hey, they can kiss my ass.  I've got the kids that day... and besides, I've got to wait for a furniture truck".
"I didn't get my choice for union president... I'm waving whatever political sign I want to".

Received via Email 11.16.07  You're the kind of person that could make me believe in evolution.
*Facts baby the world is older than 2000 years! Hey look out your your evolving into a HQ dink..
FTM, and join the ACLU!

Received via Email 11.16.07  Remember one thing, the street firefighters and medics make the department tick. Without them, the place would not be here. Eliminate a chief and the place still keeps ticking. In fact it would tick even better if some of the chiefs just stay home for a while. Remember that next time you feel your the underdog. You are the department, NOT the Chiefs !!!!! They just play dress up and like to have their ego strokes, the real firefighter and medics want to be on the street to do patient care and put the wet stuff on the red stuff, Nuff said.

Received via Email 11.17.07  There's that "nuff said" thing again. How gay.

Received via Email 11.17.07  11.16 #1, isn't it bad enough you libs hate America? Why do you have to come in here and spout off your God hating bullshit too? You guys put WAY too much emphasis in your godless science. Evolution makes sense to you now, but what will it be in 50 years? Why are you guys crying about global warming now when 30 years ago you were absolutely certain that the world was freezing its way towards another ice age.
Back away from theory just once and try to actually have a little faith in something. You might become a better person. You have to believe in something bigger than yourself.

Received via Email 11.17.07  I believe in cave men. Isn't that show a hoot! Hey ya better run, Oral Roberts is coming on!

Received via Email 11.18.07  First it was politics and now it's leaning toward religion. This place scares the crap out of me.

Received via Email 11.18.07  The nuff said guy is in here trolling for dudes.

Received via Email 11.18.07  I think that nuff said guy is the one that you see pictures of at playgrounds with a red circle and slash through him.

Received via Email 11.18.07  Dave Nolsheim sent out a FF Near Miss memo a couple of days ago.  He directed us to a website where I read the following:  "Our fire company was dispatched to a report of smoke in a [fast food] restaurant at [time and date deleted]. We responded with a six person truck company on an automatic aid call to one of our neighboring fire departments."

I've just got to wave the bullshit flag.  Everyone know that you man truck companies with 2-3 people. 

SPFR & NASA - "Better, Faster, Cheaper." 

Received via Email 11.19.07  you said oral

Received via Email 11.19.07  Uhhhhh, errrr........in order of relevance, "Cheaper, Faster, Better."  There - that's mo betta!

Received via Email 11.19.07  I am pretty sure that the "Likes Kevin's Dick" and the "Nuff said" guy are one in the same. If he wants to bl*w me, that's cool.


Received via Email 11.19.07  "We responded with a six person truck company..."  And then the guy from St. Pete said, "We respond with .9 Medics on every truck that rolls out before 2000 hrs.  After 2000 hrs., we're back up over 1.7 Medics per truck! 

Here's another joke for ya... Did you hear the one about the FF who lives in Hillsborough County and works here, who asked to go to Medic school at HCC?  Ahhhhhhhhh... That's not the joke.  The joke is in the answer that superstar Billy Ward gave him.  "No.  We're afraid you'll leave here and go to HCFR when you're done with school!"  Yeah right.  If he wasn't thinking about it before, he sure is now that you've stepped on his d*ck!  Dumbass EMS Chief!

Received via Email 11.21.07  That's why he is chief. A minority. Tha'ts the only way the cuban got promoted.

Received via Email 11.21.07  Mexican, No?  Whatever.....he don't matter anyways.  Whether he's here or not, it doesn't really matter.  He's working on retiring and relocating and making this place a distant memory.  Concern yourselves with US.  Something that THEY haven never been and can never buy into.  We've got work ahead of us.  We've got a mayor to place in office in a little less than 2 years.

TEAM:  Same to you and yours, Capt. Scottie!

Received via Email 11.22.07  11-21 #1 Why dont you say it to his face. Matter of fact why dont you say that to every minority that has gained an officers position by hard work. Let me guess this comes from a white man?

Received via Email 11.22.07  Why don't you just rat me out, to him.  You're such a whiney little girl.  If you were here for more than 2 years, you'd know what you were talking about. But since not --- not!  Now jump back on your soapbox and get the rest of your audience of 1 whipped up!

Received via Email 11.22.07 11-22 #2, Who are you and why didn't you sign your name to such a racist statement ? Let me guess this comes from a white man..... I guess we are to assume that you are a black man. Fact is that we as a department not only for promotions but also for hireing purposes have often relied on the old quotas to fill the bill, along with the how much ass you can kiss while your crawling your way to the top while forgeting about just who your friends are method. I have nothing against any minorty gaining success in moving up the ladder if they work for it long and hard but there are those who have gained position simply because of who they are and not by what their acomplishments are. If you sit back and think about it for a short while you will have a sizeable list in no time. As for your say it to his face method of solving problems, if you have 6 months or more on the job you should know by now that not many have the balls to say anything to anyones face, that's why we have this web site so that we can take talking behind our brother and sisters back's to a higher level.

John Henry (just another white man)
TEAM:  Like Kathy Griffin says:  "My parents brought me up right. I ONLY talk behind people's back's."

Received via Email 11.22.07  I figured it out.  11-22 #2 is the EMS Chief.  Hey chief...... why don't you start a them vs. us website and you can go on the attack.  You can make a 100K and feel like you're actually contributing to something.  Not that you will be.

Received via Email 11.23.07  11-22 #3 and #4 WHIP THESE NUTTS IN YOUR MOUTH.

Received via Email 11.24.07  White, black. Hispanic, It doesn't matter we have an equal number of F-ups on our dept. Being an ass hole, kiss ass, back stabber has no ethnic requirement.. As for promotions? Unless you have been asleep for the past 150 years you know there are certain preferences given. Remember the one for one policy? Promote one Black for White? That caused some issues. How about getting one up on another applicant because you did 4 years or so in the military? Oh yeah your a women, point here, there..LOL my ass! It will never matter how qualified you are to get the job, well ok maybe a little. Then when you get promoted OMG look out! If your a son of a chief, damn you can f your buddy w/out a reach around and get those bugles! So, I guess it isn't that bad being a blue shirt. So FTM!!

Received via Email 11.24.07  To 11-23-07 I forgot to include one thing in my 11-22 #4 post and it's that this site also provides a path for people like you to come in here and relieve your sexual frustrations, I for one have never bought into this site being used for real men to act gay and gay men to spew their thoughts regularly, it's embarassing to read. To pre answer your retaliation I keep comming back to this site to keep up with what's going on in my old job and to learn what the city is going to throw at you guy's and girl's next, which can be done if you read between the lines. I also have found at times I can get my spelling errors corected by someone with a higher education than me and I for one am thankfull for that. There are plenty of web sites for you to go to and act out your fantacys, go there and stop wasting valueable time.

A happily married father of six

Received via Email 11.25.07  I have a confession to make. I can't stand the chinese guys on the job sucking up to make rank. They make me number won mad.

Received via Email 11.25.07  Being a blue shirt is great because you get to stay who you are. Look at what some of the past promotions did to people. Turned them from a great person to a person looking for greatness that they already had. Sad part is, in their search for what they already had, they lost who they were and became something nobody likes. And the kicker is, the more greatness they seek, the more they lose of who they are. Look at the top, most are a bunch of people who have lost who they were and have forgotten where they come from, all for a few bugles that will disappear the day they leave the job. But the blue shirts are down to earth people, common sense and not looking for glory, although doing the work that deserves it everyday. Not all officers are this way, but many are. If your a blue shirt, know your are the core. The officers with many bugles are just the frilly fancy trim around a well oiled machine. The trim is not needed but the core is.

GO Blue.
Not from the Nuff said guy. But that phrase could fit in here.

Received via Email 11.25.07  Who is that hot latino guy that works downtown? Oh my good golly he SO has it going on!

Received via Email 11.26.07  Maybe I am reading it wrong, but I think the father of six is trolling for dudes.

Received via Email 11.26.07   Hands off, he's mine!