It can't get any better than this.  You get your own webpage to comment on those inefficiencies that are troubling you.
Okay - that was our attempt at Political Correctness.  Fill us in on the BULLSHIT that's really pissing you off!  Mind your manners.

Received via Email 10.26.08   If you saw and heard a DC get a page and go responding and he did not leave, YOU have a duty to report him to the fire chief! Just ask yourself what would that DC do if he saw YOU do the same thing? And remember that all radio trafic and pages are recorded.

Received via Email 10.26.08  Maybe Dick was waiting for a rescue truck to come to transport him.

Received via Email 10.26.08  If you know Dick Johnson, you know that he would have dimed YOU out if it had been YOU.  He's a major boy scout who's always affraid that the boogy man is watching from behind the bushes.  Believe me.  If he can dime his brother out, he'd dime you out. 

Received via Email 10.31.08  What if DJ, whose niece is now on the job and lives with him goes off?! Will she be a pipe line to female officership? Is she a double minority? Women, and *ohnson? FTM, and God help the spf&r!

Received via Email 11.01.08  She, like a few of the other FM's will only get away with what we let them. It is so sickening to see the fly's that swarm around every new FM we hire.

Received via Email 11.02.08  Well the flys are the ones that will try to get in her pants pretending to be nice to her and help her on the job.  You know those kind.

Received via Email 11.04.08  I heard that Capt. LeCroy got us the new cyanide meters through homeland security grant money and when members started using them at fires, they found high leveles of cyanide to be present.  Wimberly found out and ordered the use of the meters be discontinued.  LeCroy apparently questioned this practice and got his ass reamed!  LeCroy was also in the process of securing more of the same meters for each truck and was told that there would be no more meters purchased.  Can anyone confirm that this is the way things went down?

Received via Email 11.04.08  Can't confirm or deny any of that but does it really surprise you?

Received via Email 11.04.08  Wimberly needs to go.  He meddles in our business as if he were the mayor's queer boyfriend.  I've never met anyone in the fire service that is as f*cked up as him.  How did we ever come to this?  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  There are no fire chiefs in charge at SPFR anymore.  They're all fire administrators and business education classes trump lifesaving classes.  We're f*cked with these two assholes in charge.

Received via Email 11.05.08  Callahan doesn't look so bad after. Remember careful what you wish for . Wimberly being a Chief is as BAD as Obama being Prez.

Received via Email 11.05.08  wiberly is going to be chief.  They will promote him and Luke williams to chief of pd.  so the mayor can do a double team.

Received via Email 11.07.08  I heard that Wimberly was offered a position in Obama's  Not So White House.  Something to do with being a puffer, whatever that is.

Received via Email 11.08.08  I am suprised that the Mayor has not taken notice of J.O. Wimberly yet. He had better keep a close eye on him. He is growing more diabolical and untrustworthy every hour. It wont be long before he will obtain HAL like tendencies and not realize he has reached the end of the Mayors leash, he will soon turn on his Master. The Mayor building his doomsday machine now in hopes that his NWO won't implode until after the new Mayor is elected and seated. That way it will make it look like the new leader can't lead. It wont be long boys and girls. We are seeing the end of what we know and love. God Bless the Union for getting me this drop plan, I hope a few more of you can access it before it turns out to be too late. FTM, FTNWO, FJOW, and FMRB

Received via Email 11.08.08  It is just a matter of time before Wimberly drugs up the mayor and stuffs him in the trunk of his city car.  He will then drive the mayor all the way to California where in a drug induced state the mayor will be forced to legally marry Wimberly.  Dressed in a teddy and t-back, Wimberly will consummate the marriage followed by a stinging bite to the neck where Wimberly's specially designed front teeth inject a deadly venom into the mayors external jugular vein.  Before the mayor's painful seizure-like wringing of agony ends, Wimberly will begin eating the mayor's flesh.
Due to the towering size of this large man, consuming the mayor will take several days where Wimberly will begin by only eating the flesh of the mayor's front half, leaving the back half intact so that Wimberly can still utilize the mayor for marital duties.  Eventually the mayor is reduced to only bones after which Wimberly returns from his emergency leave well fed and happier than he has been for years.  With renewed energy, Wimberly will seek out new ways to make firefighters lives more miserable.

Moral of the story: He may be a lousy assistant chief, but at least he didn't take you to California.

Thank you for your patronage.

Stephen King

Received via Email 11.09.08  Is that a true story about Wimberly taking the mayor to California?  I didn't hear about that.
TEAM:  You read it here, first, didn't you?

Received via Email 11.11.08   I can understand Wimberly  kidnapping the mayor, killing him and then raping his dead corpse.  Most of us saw that coming.  But cannibalism?  I don't buy it.

Received via Email 11.11.08  I think the reason that we keep seeing the mayor here in town after Wimberly "allegedly" has eaten him is because the mayor has been replaced with some sort of a stand in or maybe a clone.  There is no doubt that the technology is available for such a thing to happen, and I would not put it past Wimberly to do it.  I mean after what he did to Bobby Martin, anything is possible.

Received via Email 11.12.08  As a black firefighter I can tell you that Wimberly eating the mayor is not a black thing.  It must be his religion.

Received via Email 11.12.08  I am a Jehovahs Witness just like Chief Wimberly. I have been asking around the Kingdom Hall and nobody knows anything about cannibalism in our religious history.  We have a few things that a lot of people don't completely understand, but I think that is true of all the great religions.  I will look into this some more over the weekend because I will be attending the annual "marry your sister for the night" retreat coming up and I will be working with some of the big muckity mucks at the Goat F*ck.  If we are supposed to be eating each other, these guys will know.


Received via Email 11.12.08  Just for clarity........  we're talking about Paul Wimberly of the Houston FD, right?
TEAM:  Yes.  You are correct.

Received via Email 11.13.08  I rule all of you!   ALL OF YOU!!!

Harry Marconi
(The Mayor's Clone)

Received via Email 11.14.08  This is head scientology.  All that is a lie.  He went to California to become a scientologist.  We didnt want him and ordered the JW idiots to come take him away.  Dont talk to us.  We have lots of lawyers.  Dont speak the truth or we will sue.

Received via Email 11.14.08  If Wimberly went to California, he was probably met at the boarder and turned away by Arnold. Can you imagine the great battle that would cause? Terminator Vs Dominator..

Received via Email 11.22.08  We should all sleep well at night knowing that this man is prepared to lend his decision making skills to assholes like large and wimberly at a moments notice.  http://blogs.tampabay.com/breakingnews/2008/11/st-petersburg-c.html  FTM

Received via Email 11.22.08  What?  A drunk city attorney gets a DUI?  Who does he think he is.... A firefighter?

Received via Email 11.22.08  So a firefighter with a DUI looks at time off without pay and three years suspension of driving emergency vehicles and of course, seat pay.   A city attorney gets a DUI and goes right back to work punishment free.   Another great day in St. Petersburg.

Received via Email 11.22.08  Hey, come on now, of course a firefighter is going to be held to a higher standard than an attorney. Firefighters save lives and Attorneys just lie and destroy lives.  There is a difference !!   We have a few ex or current attorneys in city admin positions that enjoy lying about us to the public. 

Received via Email 11.22.08  Guess we now know my Bud-tal-ion one had no problems. Lets face this guy knows way too much for the City to try anything. Funny thing besides what was brought up in the above posts, anyone remember the number of TV and radio celebs. in the bay area that were given a second chance? They were out on their asses if they screwed up after that.

Received via Email 11.22.08  The story says DUI... Under the influence of what? This picture makes him look like a stoner straight from the 70's. I just compared it to a group photo of some of my DCs and friends and it was dead on. I could be wrong, ludes make you look similar..Damn all of a sudden I got the munchies. I think I'll go make some brownies.

Received via Email 11.23.08   Is this the same photo that proudly hangs in the corridor at HQ?

Received via Email 11.25.08  Well, i am sure you all of the ones who got DUIs know that now you can challenge your punishment with the city and FD and win and most llikely get your time and money back because of the double standard.  So all of you out there that want to stick it to the city and to the admin do it.  Unless you are suck ups or are scared.

Received via Email 11.26..08  The punishment for firefighters who get DUI's is in part handed down by the state.  The THREE year driving suspension has nothing to do with our department.  If you don't like it, call the governor.

Received via Email 11.27.08  I hope all of you that made posts have never ever had as little as one beer an hour and drove a car. Because that all it takes.  Oh by the way if and average person dinks till mid-night he/she is legaly drunk till 1pm (1300 hrs ) the following day.  Most establishments close at 2am. HMMmmmmm !

Received via Email 11.27.08  Well if you had read the statement I said that if you were punished by the city or FD for receiving a DUI you can challenge their punishment now because of Gary.  Just call your attorney and tell them.  If you were given time off or reassigned or lost money or anything like that.  I am sure the city will be more than willing to settle.

Received via Email 11.29.08  The point being made here is that The Great Sinless one J.O. Wimberly feels it necessary to impose his own form of injustice on you. He feels he is being cheated if he doesn't get your virgin ass before the justice system. I wonder if he is confused with a different religion that promises 72 virgins. It isn't the state that defines the time off.

Received via Email 11.29.08  Please remind me not to dink, I dont know what it is, but it sure sounds bad.

Received via Email 11.30.08  Ok, so your rescue crew is out on a call, 1 of your 3 man engine crew has already exchanged duty with the on coming shift leaving you and your 1 other member in the station. Its time for off going roll call. What do you do? If you are Captain head in his ass (HIHA), you still make your 1 crew member go out and toe the line in the engine room for instruction. Way to go... Captain head in his ass needs to spend more time looking at the up keep of his station. At least the broken sprinkler head can be called ole faithful. For more that 4 months now it faithfully spews hundreds of gallons of precious water 30 feet into the air and floods the street, creating driving hazards for the public. You can see this happening twice a day but you need to get there in the daylight hours because the parking lot lights are burned out too and it is harder to see this at light. The water outside the station is similar to the water that floods the floor inside the engine room as well from the leaking ice maker. I realize how hard it is to miss this Capt. HIHA since the enging drives through it and personnel walk through it every time you enter the trick bays or go into the kitchen area. Hey I just figured something out. You cant blame Capt. HIHA at all. This all boils down to the quality of leadership that is displayed by the Head of all the f*ckups, yup Chief J.O. Wimberly step up to the plate you slacker. What a POS. Get your ass out of the tower and take a look around you. The things I just mentioned are not indigenous to the 1 station.

Received via Email 12.02.08  My God!  A leaky ice machine?  How do those poor guys survive down there?  Back when real men worked there it wouldn't have been a problem, but with the current crew--- well, I understand the crying, let's leave it at that.

Received via Email 12.02.08  who is Capt HIHA ?

Received via Email 12.02.08  yes a leaky ice machine, unlike in your day we are encouraged not to fix anything in fear we might make it worse and cost more to fix in the long run. Plus Mr. I dont see the problem, have you ever heard of a safety issue? People have been known to slip and fall on wet surfaces.  BTW Capt HIHA is a true person, but right now he could be one of several that fits the mold. Maybe we have more than one reading this and wondering why someone is picking on them. So stay tuned More exploits on Capt HIHA to follow.
TEAM:  If you have a safety concern, you should make it known to your shift vice president.  There's no reason to get injured on a slimey walkway.

Received via Email 12.03.08  They are talkin bout Sta. 6 12/2 #1.

Received via Email 12.03.08  What a pansy.  This queen is afraid that he might slip and go boom in a small trail of leaked water on the floor.  I bet you are a real powerhouse at a fire when the big water gets flowing.

Received via Email 12.03.08   Or because of a slimey Captain

Received via Email 12.03.08  What?  Big 6 has a leaky ice machine?  Has anyone called OSHA?  The Times?  Channel 8?  OMG!!!!!  AAAUUGH!!!!  A LEAKY ICE MACHINE AT THE PANTY WAIST STATION!!!!  AAAAUUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!

Thanks.  I needed that.

Captain Marvel Jones

Received via Email 12.03.08  I know your lying when your talking about anything at number 6 leaking.  The captain is an anal retentive micromanager who if he thought someone in power might notice the leak, would cap off the water supply so that he could get promoted quicker.  Cap off the leak?  Yes.  To fix it would cost money and everyone knows he won't spend a dollar because he knows to spend a dollar means he won't get promoted.  Vulcan logic.  Vulcan ishole.

Received via Email 12.04.08  Isn't it amazing the Administrative mentality that is brought forth in these posts? A member actually has a safety concern and right away the FINO's rear up their little pea brains and start attacking the messenger. It is the Station Officers duty and responibility to make sure that their station is maintained and safe for employees as well as VISTORS, you know them, they include your wives, kids, family and friends. So as everyone but you administrative suck ups can see, we dont play the games you old timers used to get away with.

Received via Email 12.04.08   That's true about the new guys not playing games anymore.  Unless whining is a game.

Received via Email 12.06.08  When does safety really matter, it is more like the testing division. Take that safety right out of the title, because the only ones who really care about safety is each one of us in the field. Downtown could give a hoot. All they want to do is look good in the next city photo with  a city admin. official, now that is important !

Received via Email 12.09.08  Hello what do you expect.  When you have people like that in training who couldnt hack it at publix or in the army and now the only way to make themselves look good is by putting other people down.

Received via Email 12.10.08  Check out memo from cornhole I mean cornwell. Public Safety is held to a higher standard than the city attorney so that is why we get hammered for DUI's and no one else does.

Received via Email 12.11.08  Who's next? In case you arent aware Roz Major has finally been terminated. Her career with the city and SPFR is finally over as she now has her termination papers in hand. She was told to tell everyone she has retired. Yeah right. 2009 is coming upon us quickly and many more of us should be watching our fronts and backs. We will be attacked from every angle and by some of your own bestest friends as they try their damnedest to secure one of the many officer slots that will open in the next 18 months. Go Chief Large, lets show the world what you and your evil sidekick can accomplish. I am somewhat happy that SPFR somehow managed to have at least 100 m.o.l. years of success.

Received via Email 12.12.08  what charges did they trump up on her.  Just curious.  Maybe she wasnt putting out for the staff.

Received via Email 12.13.08  Roz was terminated?  What's that about?

Received via Email 12.14.08  I thought BM was too hurt to work.  I saw him at a Tampa restaurant at a Christmas party for Army officers from Macdill. He was in uniform.  Whats the deal?  Who do we tell?

Received via Email 12.14.08  What kind of uniform? His disability was for firefighter. Lucky for all of us our disability says that if we are unable to perform all of the duties of a firefighter we are considered disabled. Dont bitch that is a benefit that was long fought for.

Received via Email 12.15.08  Didn't someone on disability become the chief of another dept. I heard that another was a smoke jumper in Montana.

Received via Email 12.16.08  I saw BM also in a military uniform in publix.  I think it was captain rank.  He was with some other army guys.

Received via Email 12.18.08  No BM was in his old High School Marching Band Uniform..

Received via Email 12.20.08  How it is that you guys can sit here and continue to talk about someone who doesn't work here anymore is beyond me.  We've got bigger fish to fry like frying the two dipshits at the top of this fire dept.  Quit wasting time and when you see SK in the hall, trip him.

Received via Email 12.20.08  i guess another person who does not like see someone succeed.  And yes When I saw him he was in a military uniform.

Received via Email 12.22.08  Westphal sure looked good in his great rescue pose today, but how did Brad manage to get 30 years on the job? Is he getting credits for all the ass kissing he has done throughout his career

Received via Email 12.23.08  What a dumbass and how stupid was the Dc who sent us out there to rescue a pig.  I would have shot it.  This is why we dont need DCs like him.  He was probably wearing a longsleave shirt to look important.  What are the Jimmies doing to the dept.  Hey.  I cant go to the bathroom.  Can you send a unit out to help me?

Received via Email 12.23.08  Merry Christmas to all and to all a slow night. Sorry, HQ personnel may not get the meaning of that phrase.

Received via Email 12.23.08  My kids guppy got sick today, can anyone tell me how the Chiefs "show off 'n tell me how great I am" party went today? I hear all of the biggest 'opt out' Captains and Chiefs were there wearing bibs and knee pads.

Received via Email 12.26.08   I guess no-one else went either.

Received via Email 12.26.08  Chief Lanning has posted a memo with some training classes that will be taught in Clearwater. Remember this, the Florida Professional Firefighters (FPF) and the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) have adopted policies to BOYCOTT the City of Clearwater. This includes ALL events. The purpose is to show the clout of UNIONIZED Firefighters. Dont be fooled into thinking otherwise. I wonder why Mike Moore, as the 2nd DVP for the FPF did not bring this to the Chief's attention. On second thought I wonder how many of the classes he and his PTEC boys are in line to be teaching? FTM, dont sign up for anything that is happening in the City of Clearwater.

Received via Email 01.18.08  I want to apologize to the Greenway Family for the lack of space SPFR has provided to keep the members informed. In case you have not heard, Former Fire Chief Z.C. Greenway was taken to St. Pete General Hospital Saturday morning. He was found slumped in the doorway of his room by his caretakers in Cardiac Arrest. When Rescue arrived CPR was in progress, They were able to get a return of spontaineous resperations and a pulse and he was then taken to the hospital. His condition has not changed and he remains in the CCU.

TEAM:  Unfortunately, we've learned that retired SPFD fire chief Zelmar Greenway has answered his last alarm.

Received via Email 01.24.08  Can anyone fill us in on the services for Chief Greenway. I was not able to attend. I hear there was a decent turnout.

Received via Email 01.28.08  Hell Yeah!  Where were the cops thinking?  http://www.baynews9.com/VideoPlayer/?Family_Reacts_127

Received via Email 02.06.08  So once again, Chief Please like me Large is going around to the stations telling everyone about the upcoming equipment relocations, and then he has to put a wait a minute story in the current events asking for us to not jump to conclusions and wait until it the Mayor finally tells him what he should do. What kind of leadership do we have anyway? But he does paint a rosey outlook. What a Dick. JDL and JOW combined couldnt put an original proactive thought together if they had to.

Received via Email 02.08.08  Well here comes another round of idiocy out of fire HQ. While they constantly claim there is just no money to see that we get true overtime pay for our extra work hours, it seems that there is more than enough to strongly consider turning 3 of the current 40 hour HQ Lt. positions into Captains. They seem to forget that Captians make more money that Lt's.  If the jobs are now being done with Lt's (and that has always been questionalbe) what is the necessity of increaseing the financial burden on the citizens of St. Petersburg. We already know there is not enough money availible to provide adaquete staffing and equipment to the residents on the north end of the city without removing them from other sections of the city, but somehow now there is enough for these unnecessary promotions. It appears that this is but another way of our city thumbing their noses at the cash strapped citizens and doing what they want. This is such a blatant F U to our citizens.

Received via Email 02.09.08  Hello 2.8.09 #1
Hmmmm, I can't swear to it genius but doesn't that open 3 positions for Lieutenant?  I'll bet you won't like those promotions either.  Not that anybody gives a shit but why not look at the good side instead of always finding something to whine about? 

Received via Email 02.09.08  Please clarify, are these promotions totally new positions or upgrades to existing ones? New is good for making new Lt positions as well where upgrades are bad. First we will get stuck with some more new losers that will hold up the slot for their remaining 20 years until they retire and secondly it also means that we lose 3 Lt. positions in the deal. Maybe that aint so bad after all, after the Mayor gets done telling Jimbo how to run the department and the TV residents running St. Pete out of their town on rails we will have to get rid of 2 Lts and 1 Capt. anyways. I love rumors and hate FINO's and Mutts.

Received via Email 02.10.08  One of the training Lt. positions turns into a Captain eliminating a Lt. position. Hendricksons Lt. Position turns to Capt. eliminating a Lt Position.  Not sure where the other one is but there won't be 3 open Lt positions 2/9/09.  Only one for sure.

Received via Email 02.10.08  How f*cked up is it that they offer to promote (more pay, better benefits, better pension) those who work downtown but those who do the heavy lifting are relegated to fighting for every frickin thing through the union?  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Management takes care of management and there's nothing a fire chief is ever going to do for the masses that the union won't do first.

Received via Email 02.11.08  More upgrades?   When will they learn that we started getting top heavy about 40 upgrades ago.  Do we really need
three officers in training?  And now maybe a Chief telling a Captain what to tell the Lieutenant?  Come on.  SIX Chiefs at headquarters telling SIX DC's what to do?  What exactly do the TWELVE station Captains do that the senior Lt. couldn't do?  And the way we use our truck companies... why do they need an officer any more than a rescue truck does?  SIX LR's?  Anyone ever asked an acting LR what they do there all day?  Don't ask a real LR, it will be a whole different story.

So lose THREE DC's, THREE LR's, TWELVE truck officer and the Hurricane Chief.  Downgrade ALL the Captains to Lt, get rid of the EMS Captain's position, ONE deputy fire marshall (why do we have two again?) and start running training with a lieutenant and maybe a firefighter.  PTEC does the real teaching, anyway.  Take all of those dollars saved on the 40 hour guys and buy more men and women wearing blue shirts.  The 52 hour positions that got down graded can become more blue shirts.  Then maybe we will have enough people to run the stations for awhile. 

Rocket science it ain't. 

Do all of these things and watch the world not come to an end at headquarters.  It used to be about the guys at the stations.  How did we let it get like this?
TEAM:  Holy shit, dude.  You ain't never gonna get promoted with 'that' attitude!  And, "yes" it's still about the guys at the stations.  Just ask any one of them (at the stations).

Received via Email 02.11.08  http://blogs.tampabay.com/breakingnews/2009/02/blaze-consumes.html  "Later, they discovered Cole in the northeast corner of the yard. A dog named Jingles was found under debris and was treated for injuries, McElligott said."  North county must employ a vet.  God knows they'd be written up if they'd try to take the dog to the vet for the owner.

Received via Email 02.12.08  02.10.08 #1 other Capt PIO Pevention.

Received via Email 02.13.08  2/11 #1 view is right on the money.  If it costs us blue shirts to have more white shirts, lets cut back on white shirts. I never thought about it much before and I have been here for over 10 years.  Why do we need so many chiefs?  So that the captains we don't need have a promotion to dream of?  Lots of departments don't have captains so why do we need them?  Get rid of half the DCs and the LRs is a good idea.  Give us more blue shirts. Headquarters could run on about half it's current staff.  Is there anyway to find out how much HQ man hours are dedicated to drinking coffee in firestations or eating lunches for 3 hours?  The incident command system is supposed to simplify the chain of command so lets test it with less officers.

Received via Email 02.13.08  Maybe I'm in the minority here but I think that upgrading those positions may be beneficial to some of the firefighters that work here.  When these positions open they will afford some of our members the opportunity for more pay and a chance at upward mobility. Why would we ever be mad at a chance for our brothers and sisters to make more money?  It's not my position to decide if these upgrades are needed but if they happen be happy. I realize that many of the people on our job don't care to be promoted and feel much more comfy complaining and poking fun at the people that want more out of their career.  The problem is that all management positions need filled and if we are to ever have the "perfect chief" as so many people complain about, that person must first work their way up through the ranks.  Unfortunately as soon as that person becomes promoted they get bashed and run down by people who only want to complain about things, never offering a legitimate solution to any problem.  I honestly wonder what the young firefighters here are supposed to do.  Should they just sit around and complain, or should they risk having their name run through the ringer and try to move into a positon that can help.  I will take this test with the mindset of making the department I work for better! I will never "forget where I came from" but I also realize my decisions will never please everyone. My solution for improvement is to get behind those trying to make a difference. Of course by behind them I mean support, not with a knife in your hand ready to deposit it in someones back!

Received via Email 02.13.08  All I know is that I would hate to be the last 2 Lt's left in HQ. Talk about becoming whipping boys. Hey boy do this hey boy do that. might as well get used to it. I wonder how long it will take before you wont derserve to work in HQ unless you have the rank of Capt or higher? I hope someone understands the term top heavy. Lets hope City Hall aint paying attention to this

Received via Email 02.13.08  To 2-13 #2  All I know is this:  everyone at HQ is getting HQ assignment pay, right down to the blue shirts working there. Everyone at HQ is working on a 14 day work cycle and banking O/T with each pay check.  My job is considered high risk and I win the booby prize.  I don't begrudge anyone at HQ anything but what you have to understand by cheerleading for more captains in the glory palace you create of the same type people who will fight to protect THEIR pay and benefits package and piss all over any proposal that YOU can come up with for YOU. 

The mayor and our fire administration both suck.  Both of them hear our pleas and totally ignore us to save a buck.  When they come around I leave the room.  I have nothing in common with these elitists.

Don't tell me you love me.  Show me the money.

Received via Email 02.15.08   I hope none of you had to experiance the tirade that we were subjected to by our District Chief after our staff infection. You would have thought that his next raise was affected by the outcome of this. I cannot remember the last time I had to sit and listen to the cussing and threats that came out of this idiots mouth. He spoke of lack of leadership was the reason, yup your right Chief, YOURS. You like to come by and hang out and swap stories with the same company leaders and their crew, but I find it strange that I've never heard you mention once that you were displeased with any of us or the work we do around the station. I guess if we were ever to tell you about how displeased we are with your historical past you would stand in amazement. With your regular "visits" to friends I'm surprised you dont require shots. I dont mean the ones you have had to duck either. Your DC vehicle has been stolen, you place the crews at the MFS in ackward positions daily by making them lie for you about your whereabouts, you have been arrested for battery, received injuries from "freak" accidents. I could continue but right now I'm shaking my head in disbelief with what I have just written. What I should be telling everyone is that DC Crumity has shown his true colors and has definitely unearned the respect of your crew at this station.  Sometime next week Chiefs Large and Wimberly will be presenting you with your newly earned headdress made with the feathers that circle the assholes of 10,000 dodo's and will bestow upon you the title of FINO-MUTT.
TEAM:  Oopsy

Received via Email 02.15.08  The problem with this fire department being so top heavy is that even our members have bought into the idea that 300 guys need 12 chiefs.  That's every 25 firefighters with their very own chief and a bunch of lieutenants and captains in between.  No matter how complicated headquarters wants you to think this job is, the basic description of what our department is responsible for is this:

Get on the truck when the bell rings.

And that's it.  But we have slowly allowed ourselves to turn many of our firefighter jobs into little executive positions.

If we got rid of 3 DC's and 3 LR's how many more blue shirts would that savings buy us?  Downgrade all the captains and there's a few more blue shirts for you.  The training division?  Do you see anything going on there that the lieutenants couldn't handle on their own?  Lose the chief, go buy two more blue shirts.  Prevention really needs two deputy chiefs?  For what?  Two phone calls at once?  Another downgrade, another blue shirt.  A captain in EMS?  What's the point of that guy?  To give the EMS chief more time to play games on his computer?  Downgrade.  Another blue shirt and a half. 

You know they are out of touch when during this recession they want to upgrade three of their own.  Three more captains?  I can almost go along with Henrikson's job being upgraded since he is the one really running the fire department.  But upgrading a deputy fire marshall?  How about just sending one of those guys back to the stations?   Same goes for training.  A chief telling a captain to tell the lieutenant to go get coffee.  How exactly does that keep the pumper staffed?

You never hear about mandatory overtime for positions at headquarters.  When those guys call in sick they all just move up one notch and pay themselves some incentive cash.  If they can get by for the day without any of those jobs, they can probably get by forever without it.

Just these changes would buy us enough working men and women to run another firehouse.  And that's just the beginning.  Until you guys get really tired of mandatory overtime and start pushing back a little, that big fat building we call HQ is going to continue to sit on your overworked backs.

This fire department is not short handed.  It is simply in need of redistribution of it's employees.  I say we have too many people that are afraid to ride our trucks.  Get the dead weight off the job, and send those positions back to the stations where they belong.  When someone's house is on fire, they never call 911 asking for guys wearing ties to bring their desks over right away. They want firefighters pulling hose off of fire trucks.  Let's get back to the basics.

Received via Email 02.16.08  You must be talking about Mr. Hypocracy!..  9 got gigged and 3 got gigged.  Two captains on opposite ends of the spectrum.  How amusing it is to find that some of the biggest bitching is about shit not being clean (you know, like at your house) and there sits station 8.  Mold and mildew infects HQ and it gets remedied like right now because THEIR breathing it into their lungs but all you hear about station 8 is - you're getting a new station next year.  In the mean time quit being pussies.  If 1 person comes down with long term illness from that shit, I hope we sue them.  Now go clean something, slaves.

Received via Email 02.16.08  Any chief that goes to a fire station and actually wipes things with his finger is a f*cking queer.  No two ways about it, that's the queerest f*cking thing a man can do.  Anyone who cares that much about cleanliness should be on his knees sucking the c*cks of the real men that work in the station.  After shooting their loads on the faggoty ass chief, they should fist him in the ass and kick the faggot out to the curb like the bitch that he is.
TEAM:  Okay - that's one for the 'Disagree' column.

Received via Email 02.16.08  My station captain never beat his wife or girlfriend but he told Crumity that he did all the time.  He also told JW that he'd been shot up in the war and would only accept a koolaid transfusion.  We passed with flying colors.  Guess you've got to know how to play the game.
TEAM:  That's some funny (and probably true) shit.

Received via Email 02.17.08  To 2/15 #1, If I was subjected to the verbal abuse and the cussing and threats from Crumity or any other Chief or Officer I would be doing exactly what they would do to you...write you up. City Rules: sec 5-23, sec. E, paragragh 3: Any verbally threatening, provoking, harassing, intimidating behavior, or verbal abusse occurring from or in the workplace or through electronic communications which results in physical harm OR the fear of harm. This includes VERBAL intimidation or threats (direct or indirect) and swearing or shouting with the provocation or fear. Such behavior will be judged from the perspective of the victim given a reasonale person standard. Also if Chief Wimberly or Chief Large witnessed this they also would be in violation of city rules for allowing it to happen. If it were me I would be going straight to Human Resources and filing a complaint against ALL involved. If we allow this to continue it WILL only get worse, we do not need to be subjected to this kind of garbage from our superiors(?)!!

Received via Email 02.17.08  Hmmmmm... aren't we being sued for stupid shit this guy's said in the past.  Do the words HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT, INTIMIDATION, THREATS, HARRASMENT mean anything?  I talked to one of the jakes over there yesterday and he said that the wife beater even threatened to mix the crew up.  The fire chief needs to get ahold of his boy and his white glove and put him back on the porch before there's another lawsuit.  The Firefighters Bill of Rights says that I don't have to put up with that shit and if I were any one of you I would have walked out and looked up the chief's cell phone number.  Jimmy Large WILL answer his cell phone!!!  F*cking throwback to the 60's!!!

Received via Email 02.17.08  So we have a Chief that wants to call down the Thunder? Be careful what you ask for Cheese Dick because Hell usually comes with it. What an ooaf. He seems to be fighting mighty hard to get top position for the biggest asshole chief right after Moore leaves. Maybe they will have a lights out match before he leaves to take the title from the old man.

Received via Email 02.17.08  My GOD!  Will you never learn? 

"Dirt is the enemy." - Tom Kimler, circa 1982

Received via Email 02.19.08  It must be obvious to everyone except Fire Admin that DC Crumity must be having a difficult time in controlling his charges. As a DC he is responseible for 2 captains and they both failed...

Received via Email 02.19.08  When we cut 3 DC's, maybe he should be the first.

Received via Email 02.20.08  Well, I did it and I'm not proud of myself. I promised myself years ago that I would not visit this site nor provide to the drabble. Due to the ranting and raving going on about some of the recent posts to this site I had to see for myself.
You silly boys and girls from the MFS should be quite ashamed of yourselves for enlightening the world to your perceived horribleness against your beloved District Chief.

While I am sure he is pleased to know that he has some friends, he has probably figured out that this is not the type of help he needs.
I have read all of the posts going back to before the staff inspections started and I must confess while some of them were not the nicest, I do not find the threats, racial comments, or the attempts to make everyone believe that HR is now involved like that, which you folks are spreading. Yes, these words are used but only in ways to point out that this is the way this Department has done things in the past. They were not directed to anyone. Now that you have decided to write your memo it very well may have attracted the attention it never deserved.

I particularly find it odd that you are giving credence to parts that only suggested certain persons yet you folks have now chosen to put an individual's name to it and then claim that this same person did not do it.

So to those of you that are making all of the phone calls and spreading the misinformation, I applaud you for bringing this issue to light. I really had no idea we had Chiefs quite like this one.

In closing, let me say this, I feel that I have been made a fool of by believing what I heard and visiting this site of all places to confirm. I also have learned that I hope that you fine upstanding children never decide to do me any favors in the future.

Sign me,
Better off without.

Received via Email 02.20.08  What memo did I miss?

Received via Email 02.20.08  Were these the same suck ups that are trying to become the next Lts, or the ones that are trying their best not to be reassigned with the vehicle reconfigurations? Not that it really matters now. Today's doom and gloom memo from HQ pretty much sunk all of those ideas. Thanks to all those that particapated in the latest round of show me the suckers.

Received via Email 02.20.08  What doom and gloom memo from HQ?

Received via Email 02.21.08  Memo No. 1 wasn't really a memo, it was supposedly a fax that was sent around to some stations with all the A shift MFS sucking up to their chiefy by signing their names to it.

Memo No. 2 IS a real memo and it IS doom and gloom fromt the chief about budget cuts and the fact that there's STILL $50,000,000.00 sitting in the bank to fix up the pier but nothing for you and me.

Nice heh?

Received via Email 02.21.08  Is that true?  The MFS A shift blue shirts signed a petition of love for the DC?  That's pathetic if it's true.  Please tell me it's true.  Those guys are pansies.

Received via Email 02.21.08  I am writing my doctoral thesis on what panty waists the "A" shift guys are at the MFS.  This should go a long way in helping me with my research.  Thank you for the petition, fellas.  You guys are weak, but you are predictable and that's why we all love watching you. 

Received via Email 02.22.08  Memo #3 is a thank you for all of your hard work towards making the staff inspections such a success.  It goes on with appreciative words regarding what assets each and everyone of us are to this department.  The entire mood is of gratitude and sincerity.

It's available in Fantasyland.

Received via Email 02.22.08  Hey i'm a FF/EMT from clearwater and I would appreciate it if you guys would keep our names off this site.  We have our own problems and we don't need to be affiliated with this site.  It's embarassing to see our names on this site and have to explain the sophmoric writings to friends in departments around the country.  Thanks but no thanks guys!  By the way, doctoral thesis guy....really?  I bet you had to look up the correct spelling of half your words and your sentance structure is still shit.

Someone who is actually educated  
TEAM:  We are honored to merely breath the same air as one such as you.  We always concede to the genteel ruminations of the erudite.

Received via Email 02.22.08  Sunday morning while going off duty, the A shift and C shift at station 9 were rounded-up by the station captain for a little chat.  He was noticeably upset about an email that was sent to this website as well as the resulting memo generated by the A shift MFS crew.  He was personally embarrassed to think that someone at his station might have sent an email that disparaged another, who, as he describes, “has been more than helpful to both him and his crew at No. 9.”  I asked him 'which' email he was referring to as there was more than one.  He was only aware of one but couldn't remember the particulars without reading it again.  I pointed out the fact that the initial email 'appeared' to be from an A shift member at station 9 but that his 'facts' as they pertained to the discussion that ensued after the inspection were more than a bit off.  To quote: "I cannot remember the last time I had to sit and listen to the cussing and threats that came out of this idiots mouth."  The follow-up emails made no claims by their author’s to have been present during the inspection, rather using the initial email as a springboard for some pointed ad hominem attacks.

To backup a bit, the C shift morning following the inspection the captain called us at the station to let us know that he'd be coming in to discuss the particulars.  Before lunch he arrived to tell us that after the inspection the crew and HQ staff sat down in the dining room to go over the results.  He relayed to us that Chief Crumity was both upset and disappointed that the areas that were found to be deficient with our station and apparatus were easily correctable and caused by a lack of attention to detail.  At no time did the captain relay to us or infer in any way that Chief Crumity threw a fit or was dropping F-bombs.  These particulars were born-out by the A shift crew members - themselves.  Apparently the ‘story’ being of a sensational nature has grown a pair of legs and has made it around the stations a couple of times, now.

The point that I’m trying to make is that the A shift captain and crew were more than pissed this morning at the thought that one of their own might have stepped over the line in a most egregious manner.  As many of you are aware, meetings were recently convened to discuss Truck 9’s possible move across town to station 13.  Neil Crumity fought hard to ensure that our crew stayed together and that the west end was not left without a Truck Co., its extrication or RIT equipment.  Thank you, Chief Crumity.

The individual making the assertions seemed to know as much or more about Chief Crumity and the movements of the MFS crew than he did about an inspection and ensuing meeting that took place – with his ‘supposed’ station 9 crew.

Some of the remarks in the initial email that I’ve spoken about leave us all with the impression that this person was sitting right at the table with the rest of the players on the day of the inspection.  The truth is, it’s been debunked as not being a factual recollection of the events of the day.  Not being a real quick study, myself, some who are smarter than me have suggested that this ‘perfect storm’ scenario may well have been concocted to cast some bad light on station 9, her crew and her captain by another with an ulterior motive.  I don’t think the poster is going to come forward and leave his name any time soon, so we may never know if he was in fact in attendance that day.

I’ll just leave it at that.


Jon Pearl – 9C

Received via Email 02.23.08  Hey Clearwater, yes you do have problems so do not worry about this site and go lay a line in for burnt popcorn.

Received via Email 02.23.08  Okay, he didn't swear.  But is it true that he hit the station captains repeatedly with a pistol?

Received via Email 02.23.08  That Clearwater guy seems like a genius.  Not quite smart enough to quit that laughing stock of a fire department up there, but pretty damn smart.  Nice to have a brain in here that only misspelled 5 words in 4 lines.  True genius.  Nice work, Braniac.

Received via Email 02.25.08  What candidate are the 2 jimmies telling us to vote for.  That way they can keep their jobs.

Received via Email 02.25.08  They would be Winnie and Rick.  Once the there's a single, consolidated union in this county it will be "come to Jesus" time.

Received via Email 02.25.08  Hey Clearwater guy.  I looked all over this web site and I barely find anything about Clearwater on it with the exception of the stoopid shit that your chief has pulled against his own firefighters.  I'm not sure if you're trying to start some stuff here but we have never pulled a black pumkin head out of a magicians hat.   Doh!

Received via Email 02.26.08  "Okay, he didn't swear.  But is it true that he hit the station captains repeatedly with a pistol?"  I heard it was a feather boa.

Received via Email 02.26.08  To all of you at Headquarters right now reading this:  Get back to work!

Received via Email 02.27.08  They would be Winnie and Rick:
That would be like a Gandi, and Hitler ticket! (Just ask KFord about the, "2 Rick's)

Received via Email 02.28.08  Work must mean reading the watch tower.  Sucking off head jimmie, telling carrot top to fill in the gap on his teeth and the DCs figuring out who to screw over or lie about next.  Then there is training.

Received via Email 02.28.08  I am hearing that there seems to be a problem with our current secretary treasurer. I hear that he refuses to provide retirees that have decided not to remain a member of the local or the international with union stickers. So what is the problem? Why would these people want such a thing on their cars anyway? If you don't pay, you cant play. This is true with anyone that decides not to pay some type of dues. I think retiree dues are like less than $20.00 a month. I guess if you want a sticker you should continue to pay for this privilege. Of course we all know that someone will feel sorry for these bottom feeders and will get one for them anyway. When will we ever understand, that there is no free ride?
TEAM:  There's always Ebay.  But then - you'd have to pay.  Eh!

Received via Email 03.02.08  Wait until the new bunch of "I'm in the drop, I've paid dues for over 30 years and dont see a need to pay dues anymore" SCABS start wanting new IAFF stickers. Who will cry for them? Probably the same ones who are going out of their way to see that they get a nice retirement ax in a presentation box, just like the one they would have gotten from the union if they would have stayed in for their last 6 months. Oops did I let that slip out...Editor, if you catch it please dont post that last part.
TEAM:  You must have hit the SEND button before you typed all after the word "Editor."  Don't despair.  Nobody reads this site anyhow.  Did we mention that since the famous memo the hit counter is showing a 30% increase in readership?

Received via Email 03.02.08  In case you were not aware, you can belong to the IAFF when you retire. You don't have to stay with Local 747. Unfortunately, many union members don't or couldn't trust, or were let down by their union when they needed them the most. Makes you wonder why you pay so much for so little. Yes, we all can't quit - administration and the City would love that. Should you have questions and YOU'RE not a priority on 1st Ave North, call the big-boys at the international. They even call you back. For your convenience: IAFF HEADQUARTERS OFFICE, 1750 New York Ave. NW., Washington DC 20006 (202) 737-8484 (Office) (202) 737-8418 (Fax).

Received via Email 03.02.08  I can see a line forming now, waiting to get out of L747 and joining the IAFF so they can get a sticker.  That's about all you'll get from them.  Oh...... and if you take this brain surgeon's opinion and DO make that call, they'll ask you what your name is, what Local your from and then not answer a damned question for you.

PS: They'll also call your former Local to let them know that your stirring shit. 

Received via Email 03.03.08  This horseshit reminds me of all the excuses I've heard for being a pool time scab.  "I'll never use it so I'm not going to give it".  Or "I'm doing it on principal".   And then their candy ass gets in trouble and they need representation.  The only difference is the story.   "I'm in the DROP and the union can't do anything for me any more".  Good.  I hope you've all got $5K to $10K sitting in the bank because that's what it's going to cost to defend your "I'm never gonna get into trouble" dumb ass.  Think I'm kidding?  Ask some of the fools who are NOW asking if they can donate pool time and get their name off the pool time scab list.  They're in trouble NOW!  Quit giving and drop out all together.  You won't eat at my table but I'll bet the chief will have a place for you under his.

Received via Email 03.04.08  To post 3.02 #2. i guess that YOU are not aware that you can only be a member of the IAFF through a LOCAL. You cannot just call them and get put on a rooster. It dont happen and it wont happen, go had a try you own advice. Good luck shithead

Received via Email 03.04.08  You can be a retired member of the IAFF but that won't do much for you other than buy you a monthly magazine.  Wave that in someone's face from HR and tell them you're with the union.  They'll have a good laugh!

Received via Email 03.04.08  Unfortunately the Union wasn't there and let me down. I know I'm not alone. Tried to get some information utilizing our lawyer but he doesn't call back either. Made that call to  the international (thanks for the info). Looking forward to being retired from St. Pete. The deal is, talk with any other local and they can assist you in making the switch. Most of us feel we have to be part of the 747 because administration would love not to have to deal with us. With all the bad financial decisions like buying the adjoining property next to the Union hall and don't forget the sign shop, these decisions and others have made us feel a lack of trust and bullied by our own brothers. The reality is we would love to have more trust in our Union. Consequently, few come to the meetings or get involved. Maybe after we retire we will be a part of a IAFF local and actually want to get involved. Until things change down at the Union office all you will get from us is our monthly dues.  Wish it wasn't so.

Received via Email 03.04.08  This to all who have something to say against the UNIon. If your not happy with the UNIon then start coming to the meetings and make a change. Oh, thats right, that would require you to get up off your dead ass and do something. Tis easier to bitch about something than it is to try to make a change. The meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month and start at 7:30 sharp. I thought I would throw that in since you probably have never been to a meeting. I forgot, this months meeting will be held on the 4th Thursday (the 26th) because our officials will be in D.C.

Get involved. You might be surprised at what you can learn. Winnie encourages people to learn as much as possible about the Union.

Received via Email 03.08.08  U SAID:
With all the bad financial decisions like buying the adjoining property next to the Union hall and don't forget the sign shop, these decisions and others have made us feel a lack of trust and bullied by our own brothers.

My god Brother or Sister, what hole is your head stuck in? The property next door is an investment, at the very least. You MUST be a new boy, FINO. I am sure you can't remember when the past pres of 747, Fick Reinburg kept our finances in a paper ledger. And when asked about where the $$ was, shouted, (many times) "its my union, if you want to know more press charges"! If there was ever a reason to quit a Union he was it! BUT, being the team player I am, I held out for redemption. After a few good intentioned members trying at Pres, we voted in Newton. He has gone to bat/battle for all of us. He single handedly has made city hall recognize us and Fear 747. So, stop your crying, bitchin, and carry your sore ass to a union meeting. Just maybe it isn't too late to save your soul. Or are you a HQ ass-kiss? FTM...

Received via Email 03.17.08
To: Ann Landers

From: Confused

Dear Ann.  Over the past few days I've gotten an awful lot of emails from the Local 747 email list warning me of a danger of job loss.  What can I do about the number of email alerts that I'm receiving.

Ann:  Find a non-union job where nobody gives a shit about you.  All attempts at helping you keep your job should stop.

Received via Email 03.30.09 

Grand Prick Memo:

FROM:   Michael F. Domante, Captain

Food and Equipment Logistics
"In years past there have been food vouchers provided to city employees working the race in order to allow employees to purchase food and drinks from on site vendors. These vouchers will not be available on Friday April 3 and we are not certain if they will be provided for the April 4-5 race days."

"Therefore, all personnel working the race are encouraged to bring sufficient food and drink provisions for the day. The public is not allowed to bring coolers into the race circuit; however, SPFR personnel are granted an exemption. Please exercise discretion in this regard so as not to attract undue attention."

I GUESS THIS SAYS IT ALL.... "Michael F. Domante, Captain"   


Received via Email 03.31.09  If that was really Capt Domante you shlould know by now that they dont care about you.  As long as jimiie and witness jimmie have their coupons.  They could care less about the rest of you.  Unless you are a DC that is screwing your men over.  Which means all of the a shift and b shift.  Why dont we picket the race?

Received via Email 03.31.09  You guys can beat on Captain doughboy on this site all you want but it won't matter.  After the MFS poured their guts out for Crumity with that "we're all on board" memo, doughboy was heard to say that he doesn't read Us Vs. Them and would't justify it by going there.  He's going to be the next chief.  Just ask him.

Received via Email 03.31.09  I looked at all those stars by peoples names. Who the hell is going to get the mandatory assignments to come in each day at 5 am to cover for those assigned to go watch cars turning corners? Also who else is going to be there at that time of day to see you sneak in a friggin cooler? I say we dont bring anything at all, our city has no problem supplying water and poweraide at concerts an such. If you fall out you get out of the bullshit early.

Received via Email 04.08.09  I want to know why Firefighters that are still on orientation, not even in the companies yet, got overtime for the races, when Myself and at least 3 other people that signed up were told they were cutting back the number of firefighters in the pits for Sunday, when in fact they filled those slots with orientation firefighters.  WHAT THE F***
TEAM:  Uhhhh... they're cheaper?

Received via Email 04.08.09  because you would have bitched that you had to work the pits.

Received via Email 04.14.09  Woops!  http://www.cityrating.com/citycrime.asp?city=St.+Petersburg&state=FL

Received via Email 04.17.09  The city wants us to open up our contract and the fire chief makes an example out of all of us by volunteering to give back 2.5 percent before even being asked? What kind of bullshit is that?  Chief, don't you think you're fixing all our fate's by doing that? The only reason I even ask is because a certain capatain, whose initials are Bobby Bassett is going around telling everyone that HE doesn't have a problem giving back HIS pay raise because YOU did it. Neither one of you strokes should say or do anything that WE the UNION haven't even voted on yet.  Mental giants you're not!

Received via Email 04.19.09  I vote we rid the local of management, period, plain and simple. There are not ANY we can 100% trust to stay true to the values of the Union worker. FTM!
TEAM:  Speaking of Union: http://thinkprogress.org/2009/04/17/maersk-union/

Received via Email 04.19.09  Don't any one of you be fooled.  Large has taken up a cause that doesn't mean shit to him or his job either way.  It's no sweat off his balls if we lose No. 2 or if guys hit the street. If it weren't for the union, he wouldn't know what to say at the county commission meeting and our own beloved city council would still be in the dark too. We've been bent over repeatedly by the past 2 mayors (16 years) and are about to be asked to balance the city's books on our backs again. Someone tell my why I should want to give up a pay raise supposedly to help out a bunch of new guys that can't even shown up for their own funeral? It's not like we've been keeping this shit quiet or anything and I'm supposed to care? This little management/labor lovefest is about to come to a close anyhow. We're getting close to starting up physicals again and wimberly (small dick= small w) being the fire department's head prick, will again be making a big play for private information that he has no f***ing right to. You can smile at them but learn to love them like they love you and me which aint much.

Received via Email 04.24.09  Speaking of the physicals, are we going to have to sign anything or did they actually learn something from Lt. Martins experience?

Received via Email 04.25.09  You're shitting, right? What can the new company ask you that the old didn't? I suspect that if they try to force ANYTHING on you, you just walk out the door and that's that. Whuddar they gonna do to you? The judge spanked the city, the department and Wimberly for violating our rights at humans.  Pigs!

When it's all said and done, the city will be lucky if there aren't at least 10 private civil suits against them all at one time.  Phuc them and phuc the physicals.

Wanna save some budget money...? Shitcan your bullshit physicals.  They're nothing more than a means of interrogation.

Received via Email 04.29.09  When the new company that does the physicals cups your balls, will they still laugh like the old company did?  Man I hated that shit.

Received via Email 04.29.09  That is an excellent question about ball cupping by the new company that intends to do our physicals.  Even though it's like super faggy that the city will pay total strangers to cup our balls, I for one am glad they do it.

I am a democrat so I really dig the whole man on man- cup my balls stuff.  Let's face it, the more liberal the more gay.  It's that simple.  Besides, if they don't cup our balls, who will? If not at their clinic, where can we go to get our balls cupped? 

What will they cup you ask?  Why, our balls of course--- pay attention!

I will be at the first meeting at the union hall to find out more about all this rough dude action man on man swinger ball cupping
business.  Those ball cuppers better be ready for my ball grilling questions.  I will get back to you guys when I get to the bottom of these ball cupping hot buttons.  Be at the meeting because it's going to be a red hot all dude ball cupping kind of day.  Bring your balls.
TEAM:  And they said we're not a full service union.  Tsk, tsk.

Received via Email 04.29.09  What is with all the democrat fags in here lately?

Received via Email 04.29.09  We were having more fun when we were talking about the PUNISHER!

Received via Email 04.29.09  I've been to other websites, but this one has the most ball cupping going on for my money.

Received via Email 04.29.09  Since Wimberly's the big driving force behind this charade we're calling physicals (code for information gathering by the city's No. 1 BOY) I would think he'd hold my balls so that he can report back to the city, first HAND!  HAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEE.  I crack me up.  Oh BALL BOYEEEEE!!!!!!

Received via Email 04.29.09  Who is the punisher?

Received via Email 04.29.09  Wimberly can't cup your balls, at least not officially.  You would have to meet him off duty away from fire department property if you wanted him to cup your balls because he is a company man and he believes (correctly) that all ball cupping should be off company time.  I disagree with him and this stringent ball cupping policy of his, but I respect it because as ball cuppers go he is the best. 
He is rough but a gentle controlled kind of rough.  When he cups your balls in your car or limousine you squirm a little but it's a good kind of squirm all the same.  Thats why I nicknamed him "The Punisher."   Its a good kind of punishment believe me.

Your Main Man,
Barack Hussein
TEAM:  There'll be something extra in the cup for you.

Received via Email 05.01.09   4/29 #8) Really authored by the dumb scrub from texasss, he is in his favorite JEdgar Hoover dress, and wanted to pretned he was a tall in shape African American! Go W!

Received via Email 05.05.09  There is a research group in Washington DC that gathered 200 republican men and 200 democrat men to see which party better represented gay people.  They started about two weeks ago and even with the help of crow bars they have yet to be able to stop the democrats from blowing each other.

Received via Email 05.06.09  NAMBLA = DNC

Received via Email 05.12.09  W|m|e|r| is the punisher.  You have to read between the lines. When he gets done with the only task he's capable of (ball cupping at physicals) he's moving on to a deputy mayor's job.

Received via Email 05.12.09  Are we going to discuss ball cupping some more?  That's always fun.

Received via Email 05.13.09  How about we discuss how we get rid of the 2 Jimmies and his buddies permanently from SPFD

Received via Email 05.13.09  Is two Jimmies in charge of you yes? Is Jimmies like Mr. Obama play basketball yes?

Received via Email 05.15.09  Is Mr.Obama married to man, yes? Obama wife former basketball playing black man Patrick Ewing, yes?  Obama hog up funky round ball man to self. Is President freaky freak, yes? Is president man like bump weinies with basketball wife man yes? Obama is have many sex time with man wife. Freaky freak. Big he smile Obama. He is play ball hard way.

Received via Email 05.16.09  In Russia president never marry another man unless is arranged by momma and papa. Is Obama have marriage arranged by Papa? Is Obama know who is Papa yes?

Received via Email 05.16.09  Yes, Obama knows who his father is, even though the guy abandoned him early on.  What Obama is NOT sure of is where the f*k he was born.  Probably somewhere Muslim.  You don't get a middle name like "Hussein" in Hawaii.

Received via Email 05.16.09  Is easy get fake birth certificate in Hawaii yes? In Russia fake papers simple is get from Mafia. Is nice system. Too bad they kill Yakov cousin for pooping on lawn but is nice guys otherwise.

Received via Email 05.16.09  MZ = mustache.  Mustache= russian. = DC = screw your men to make self look good.  Now people know MZ is backstabber.  Would make good politician.  Polotician = Liar and deceit. Liar and deceit = chief.  Keep lieing = current mayor.

Received via Email 05.19.09  Most of the DCs wear a moustache.  Does that make them lying gay russians?

Received via Email 05.20.09  maybe they are not gay or russian.

Received via Email 05.20.09  The six DC's,  hopefully we will only have three of those ball cuppers in a few months, are not russians. I don't know if they are all gay, probably just the one.  And it doesn't matter to me if they are liars or not. The last thing I am looking for right now is a nasty little pistol whipping.

Received via Email 05.22.09  Is DC man boss of you?  In old country all boss wear the moustache on the face to hide bad teeth. Is DC hide teeth or make tickle tickle on chief's man part with moustache? 

Received via Email 05.26.09  TO ANY YOUNG bullies out there trying to make a name for  themselves by giving wedgies and stealing lunch money, have I got a gig for you!

Apparently, all you have to do is stop by any firehouse in Pennsylvania and you can atomic wedgie your ass off, while picking up more travel cash by shaking down those sissy ass firefighters for their chow money.  What a bunch of pathetic queens.

Received via Email 07.19.09  Well, it looks like the brothers and sisters of spfr got bested by lealman fire AGAIN. Seems there was a direct challenge made by Lealman to SPFR for a hot dog eating contest this past weekend at Publix. This challenge was deemed as having no social or redeeming values of any kind by our very own J.O. Wimberly and was therefore he offered no support for this excellant PR opportunity. I wonder how this event is any different than when we send an engine crew to a neigborhood yard sale or to a church social? I hope somebody figures this soul out soon or we wont have one of our own left.

Received via Email 07.19.09  JO's job isn't to make your stay here any better but  to be the biggest dick a boy can be. He's not one of us and he can't be expected to know who we are or what we're about. As far as the PR opportunity that you mentioned, we've made mention on more than one occasion that writing up more people in a single year than any chief in history is not a PR opportunity, but he doesn't care. Dude...... he's different from 99% of the people that you're ever going to mee and not in a good way. He should be stocking shelves at Winn Dixie.

Received via Email 07.20.09  Has Wimberly ever had a friend on the job?  Seriously. Any of you guys with years on ever remember this guy going to visit another firefighters house or go out with their family?  If not then he probably has no business leading these people if he never respected any of us enough to get to know us or our families.

Received via Email 07.20.09  First Jo is a JW.  They hate other non JWs.  They are told not to associate with them or they will go to hell.  As for stocking shelves.  he should me mopping floors or working as a shoe shine man.  he is just like Jl, SK, GL and MZ.  they all should be done away with.  like drive a van off a cliff.

Received via Email 07.23.09  Well, look what happened to FDNY.  I guess the entrance exam to be a firefighter for FDNY was too hard for minorities that a judge ruled that they have to dumb down the test so that the minorities can pass.  isnt that what we did with out Lts exam so that everyone passes it.

Received via Email 07.25.09  The greatest gift of all $75 plus 1.75/hr increase.....who ever said putting lube on it first makes it feel better......there full of sh**.

Received via Email 07.25.09  They dumbed down the requirements in the 70's for fire fighters in St. Petersburg.  There was an ad that ran on TV that said "You be the man, the policeman, the fireman".  And they removed several of the requirements that all firefighters before then had to pass.  Not sure but I think the test was written in ebonics.  It was only after they removed the one that said you couldn't be a convicted felon that the system finally worked.  Just kidding.  Just kidding.  Don't get your shorts in a wad...All kidding aside they did lower the standards.  That's a fact.  The rest is just bullshit. 

Received via Email 07.25.09  Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?

Received via Email 08.12.09  And they are still down, and your on the job.

Received via Email 08.13.09  Hey Guys.. it is 20 days before the primary election in St. Pete.. the fire union has taken a position to support Kathleen Ford.. I think this is a huge mistake and let me ask you for your help.  It is apparent to me that the fire union is short-sighted in their selection of this candidate based on her promise for more firefighters on the street.. sure that is great, but what about those of us who are retired, or about to retire..  I know Bill Foster personally as some of you do.. if we can get a guy like him in the mayor's office who has a proven track record to help the firefighters, then  we who have retired, will have someone we can talk to.. only the mayor can give us a raise.. think about it.. lets get behind this guy and get as many firefighters as we can to help..  everything we do today impacts us now, and our future benefits. send out emails to all the firefighters you know and lets make a difference..   thanks, Pete

p.s.  I am going to be out there campaigning like I use to when I was a union member.. puttting up signs and standing on street corners with signs.. if any of you want to join me, give me a call at 727-249-XXXX...
TEAM: This email was sent to us via the Contact page.  No explanation - just the email.  We're guessing that this has created a burr under someone's saddle.  It's a great acknowlegment, though.  That for as much time as we've spent trying to get everyone included in the COLA, etc., that this is the way we get repaid by people who don't even pay retiree dues.  To have a dollar for every time we were told "Stop!  You can't bargain for retirees!"  So much for going the extra mile.

Received via Email 08.13.09  How is it that the union is short sighted in our selection? You guys that retired are retired. I don't remember a single retired member showing up at a union meeting and persuading anyone to vote for THEIR candidate. I don't recall anyone who's retired asking to be on the screening comittee either. Go ahead and keep entertaining the Foster camp. You're lible to get a Foster sign shoved up your scab ass!

Received via Email 08.13.09  I talked to Winnie the other day about what he thought Kathleen Ford might do for us in spite of this crappy economy and I was amazed that they'd already had conversations about how unfair it is to have members in the supplimental plan with no COLA and then some with a COLA and then again another group with no opportunity for health insurance when they retire.  I wonder if Pete thought it through well enough to ask Kathleen Ford what she thought about the retirees like Winnie did?  If the best he's got is that he personally knows Foster, well we've got people on this job who've never left Kathleen's side even when we were so stupid to back the other guy.  Does that count for something too?  You're kidding yourself if you think Foster isn't a slippery opportunist.  Pete and his band of retirees think they're gaining access to the next mayor by going behind our backs.  If Foster does manage to get into office, do you care to wager what your chances of getting a COLA passed are when you're working against the union?  Foster could make the suggestion to give the retirees whatever it is that they want but at what cost to those of us who are still paying into our pension?  Whatever you do behind our backs just remember that council has to first approve it.  I wonder who they'll ask?

I'll take my chances backing Kathleen Ford who will work for all of us in the supplemental plan.

Received via Email 08.13.09  Is this "Pete" the same retiree who didnt even pay into FLAME when he was on the job? I can see why his group never made it very far. They believed everything was going to be handed to them and it seems that they are still hoping for hand outs now. In case anyone is wondering, the Mayors from the past 30+ years dont give out pension increases to people that dont pay into their system because of the hugh underfunded liability. This unfunded liability started under the watch of these very same people and continued to grow. While it is true that they could do nothing to stop the city from implementing the Supplemental pension there was something that could have been done, with a little more Political Action.

Received via Email 08.13.09  Beware of false prophets.

Received via Email 08.14.09  This is very typical of a few small minds who live in isolation from the mainstream. They don't know what everyone else has going on so they make fools of themselves standing in the wrong line while everyone else points and laughs. How much political power have 10 guys on their own email list got? And of the 10 how many are even going to show up? Dreamers.

Received via Email 08.14.09  Lets not start another pissing match with the retiree's. One person is for another candidate,big deal.How many retired members live in the city? Not very many.The only problem I have is that we should not have split the public safety group.I don't have enough information to say anyone is at fault,but it would have been better to have the cops back the same person.Now one group will have a loser and that may be a bummer.

Received via Email 08.14.09  Since I started a little controversy I felt I needed to comment.  First of all, for those who read this section, it is important that you understand that I sent out an email directed to ALL the firefighters I had on my list and apparently it was forward to additional email addresses, and that is how it ended up on this page.  There is no committee of active or retired firefighters who are conspiring against the decision of the PAC associated with the fire union in St. Petersburg.  What I wrote, and mearly suggested, is my own opinion and does not represent the opinions of any other person this email has touched. I do take exception to the suggestion that because some of us have retired we are "small-minded" and isolated from the mainstream; actually to the contrary.  Unlike most of the firefighers on the department, I do live in the city, so I have more at stake then just the pay raises of the firefighters and the COLA for the rest of us.  Also, if you think we do not take an interest in the fire union I suggest you take a look in your achives of the some of the picket walks on city hall and you will find a few of our pictures there; and I say that in light of statemens made that the fire union does not represent the retirees but only the active firefighters.  With regards to the candadates which is what these emails are about, I did not support Kathleen Ford before and don't feel she is anymore qualified to run this city now than before.  I have known Kathleen for many years and appreciate her civic contributions; she is a fine person and has a wonderful family.  I do feel that Bill Foster is the better candidate because of his years of experience and he will be better able to handle the issues of our/my city as we go into the future, not just those of the fire department.  Please consider all of the issues and for those who can vote, vote for your choice of candidate.  I would like to hear from the person who was suggesting that we had a committee of ten (and we do not as I stated before), how many people did you have on the PAC that is telling the 300 plus members of the fire union who to vote for; also please advise which retirees were invited to sit in on the committee in the selecion process because I would like to find out why they didn't show up.  I do miss everyone and especially these spirited debates (especially whomever offered to shove a Foster sign up my ass, that was very intellecutal..bet you gave that alot thought).

Received via Email 08.14.09  Hey  I just forwarded an e-mail I recived I'm a retiree and a Very Active Member of the Union and I live in the city unlike alot of the active non retired  members.  And I will vote for who I feel is the best person for the job . I am my own person I do not listen to Glen Beck or Al Sharpton . So please do not sterio type me . If you want to know who Im voting for just ask me. Scott

Received via Email 08.14.09  Pete, it's too bad you didn't, couldn't or wouldn't show this much gumption when you were here. We could have used you.

Received via Email 08.15.09  What's amazing to me is the fact that we still have a small percentage of people on the job who don't participate in FLAME. I think the number is better now than it's ever been but there are still some holdouts. It makes me feel proud when I can spend a dollar a month to push any politician that's worthy, over the top.  And it's all done with a dollar.

Wow, just how do we do it?

Received via Email 08.15.09  Hey Scott.  I don't think anyone is concerned with who anyone on the job or off the job votes for.  That's a private matter and always will be.  But we have a problem when we as a union choose a candidate to support who's promising to support all of our efforts, only to find that others are meeting with current city HR employees and past city council people resulting in the sending of mixed messages.  The union's decision to back a particular candidate is based on several factors and as hard as it might be to believe, some of them address the multiple factions that now exist in the supplemental plan.  The IAFF doesn't believe in a city created monster of a cast system that divides members within the same pension plan and neither does L747. 

For several years now some of the most ardent supporters of a pension plan revision for supplemental plan retirees are retirees who have attempted to work a parallel path to effect change.  To date, Mike Reilly has been the only retired member to ask for and realize a single, non-recurring pay raise for all retired members in the supplemental plan.  He did it at the podium and only after embarrassing an anti-labor mayor into doing so.  It worked once, but to date has not worked a second time.  A more permanent solution is in order if it can be worked out.  It will require planning with the backing of a politically active labor force and a Mayor that respects the work we do.

Received via Email 08.15.09  "Hey Guys.. it is 20 days before the primary election in St. Pete.. the fire union has taken a position to support Kathleen Ford.. I think this is a huge mistake and let me ask you for your help."


"There is no committee of active or retired firefighters who are conspiring against the decision of the PAC associated with the fire union in St. Petersburg."

That about clears it up for me.  Glad you're 100% onboard with us Pete!

Received via Email 08.18.09  hey ss its pretty hard to pass the state when u cant look over someones shoulder!!!!

Received via Email 08.18.09  Thank you Mr. webmaster for posting the Clearwater firefighter's arbitration file right out front where everyone can see what an asshole fire administration is capable of.
TEAM: Fire Chiefs should work more towards being members of the fire service and less towards being an extension of their city's Human Relations division.  They make becoming a prick look way too easy.  FTM

Received via Email 08.19.09  They're dropping like flies:  http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/madeira-beach-fire-chief-ousted/1028978

Received via Email 08.21.09  Is there any truth that we have a current t-shirt selling, wanna be shoe pimp, neighborhood association president in our presence that won't put a Ford sign in his yard, for fear of providing leadership to those in his very own neighborhood? As he put it, "I dont want to influence anyone".

Received via Email 08.21.09   Perhaps this is the best forum to ask this question, but what is the union's official position on the consolidation of fire and EMS services with the county?  For it, or against it??  Pete

Received via Email 08.21.09  "Pete" who?  I suggest that you call 323-1786 and talk to our Union President.  For all we know, you could be working against us and if that's the case, there's nothing here for you.

Joe Shit the Ragman.

Received via Email 08.21.09  I didn't realize that the consolidation issue was such a secret.. I won't bother the union president with that question because it became apparent to me after rereading our statements that since Kathleen Ford publicly stated she was FOR consolidation of fire and ems services with the county on the candidate forum on Wednesday evening, that the union must also be FOR consolidation of fire and ems services since she is the union candidate.  I know that it must appear that I am against the union; I am very much for the fire union.  I have just always been in favor of our city maintaining local control of essential services such as fire, ems, and police.  I admit, there are some things I don't undertstand.  

Received via Email 08.21.09  I think she would only agree to consolidation if St. Pete remained the one in charge of the entire operation and not the County, but I could be wrong.

Received via Email 08.22.09  If the county consolidated, wouldn't the separate unions consolidate as well? And if they did would we not end up with somewhere between 1200 to 1500 members?  I thought there was strength in numbers, and that the term "union" meant "the action or fact of joining or being joined, especially politically."

Given that when it comes to negotiating bigger is better, it seems reasonable that the best thing that could happen to our bargaining group would be consolidation.  For YEARS local 747 has tried to bring surrounding fire departments into our membership, and has spent countless hours and dollars negotiating multiple contracts.  Would it not make more sense for ONE union to negotiate ONE contract?  As the largest fire union in Pinellas, I suspect that union would still be called "Local 747."  I just don't see the down side.

Received via Email 08.22.09  Except Pinellas County is a mini PERC and does not have to recognise any Union / Sorry //

Received via Email 08.22.09  GO CONSOLIDATION! YEAH! FU**IN'-A!

Received via Email 08.22.09  Is it just me or is this chief fu**ed up?  We're talking about dumping 10 people into the soup lines and we're talking about promoting captains and chiefs? It's really bullshit that this chief can pull all kinds of money out of his ass for stuff that matters to him but can't keep his end of the bargain with the guys we hired in the past year.  How chickenshit is that? Since you've got about $400,000 stashed in an EMS slush fund (it was reported to the county) why don't we use some of that money to keep these guys on? Greedy bastard, you're going to hell.
PS JW is a city plant. He's the city's biggest spy and he's a dog! I hope you're reading this you prick.

Received via Email 08.23.09  Hey Pete ____________ . I'll bet you that if you asked what the union's official opinion of consolidation is they'd tell you that there are waay too many fire chiefs in this county that don't give a shit about firefighters and if we get the chance to return the favor in a heartbeat, we will.

Received via Email 08.23.09  Let me suggest one thing to you about consolidation.. yes, you will get that immediate satisfaction of having several of the fire chiefs eleminated, but since the entire issue to the county is about money, the next thing is you will start to see fire stations close (recent issue was in Seminole) and then the elemination of firefighters.  Think about this... right now you are sending two firefighter/paramedics to about 80% of your emergency calls.. the county could come in to St. Pete and scrap the EMS program and place Sunstar ambulances in your fire stations.. you vote for this consolidation and you better get use to a Sunstar crew (who are also paid by the county and under county control) sleeping next to you in the bunk room and sharing chow with you.  Essentialy the county can do what the fire chiefs were talking of doing with the transport issue.  Unfortunately in order for them to do this, they would layoff all of the firefighter/paramedics.  The
county can respond to EMS calls with just a paramedic and EMT, and transport, and thereby reducing the payroll by a very large amount(Sunstar has no viable union-are you going to let them join yours?) The county fire adminstration can, and will, do this throughout the entire county and the "super-union" you are talking about here has just been reduced by a third to almost half; this was just done in another community in Florida.. if your mayor and/or city council folds on this issue then there is nothing you can do as a union, or a resident, to do anything about it.  Pete

Received via Email 08.23.09  I heard the chief was going to ask the new mayor for a 5th ladder and 8 more men.  That gives us 2.6 men per truck minus r-days, vac. s/l, and who said SPFR isnt progressive.
TEAM: And here's where we jump into a verse of "We are the champions."

Received via Email 08.23.09  Hey wait a minute. Am I senseing a dislike towards someone here?

Received via Email 08.23.09  This is just another ploy by the Mayor at Union Busting. What better way to lead on your kool-ade drinkers then to make them promises based on "look what I can do for you that the union can;t." That is good for another 30 or so new sippers hoping to get the reward, even tho there aren't but a couple pieces of cake to go around. Thus continues the "Whats in it for me?"

Received via Email 08.24.09  quick question, is anybody running for the Union President or just Winnie? I heard some rumblings? They need to have a letter in to the hall early next month, right?

Received via Email 08.24.09  I heard some rumblings too. I sat down on the toilet and within 5 minutes fulshed my troubles away. they all looked like JW the city spy.

Received via Email 08.24.09  The county isn't looking to take over the fire service.  For them to do that they'd have to accept some risk and for the very same reason they don't actually employ boots on the ground to run an EMS service, they will only go so far as to help to facilitate the takeover of smaller departments by larger ones.  In two sentences I settled all your problems.  Oh, and there is much you don't know about Kathleen's opponent.

Received via Email 08.24.09  If working for the county is such a bad idea, why do all the little police departments, including SPPD, keep losing men to PCSO?

Ever meet a St. Pete cop that USED to be a county Sheriff?  I haven't.

Received via Email 08.24.09  Does anyone EVER compare the county's little fire dept. at the St. Pete/Clearwater Airport with anyone anywhere? I dare say they're the worst paid dept. in the county.
TEAM:  That got us to thinking, "Gee, just how much do those guys make out there?"  If any of you remember Joe Grabowski from a time when he worked here, take a look at his pay.  Wow!  He's been gone forever and he's not even at the top of their shitty pay scale yet.  http://tinyurl.com/kvqmhv
Gawd it's good to be a Paid Professional Union Fire Fighter!  But we've still got work to do.  FTM

Received via Email 08.25.09  Holy shit! Their top paid guys (if they've made it to top pay yet) are light years behind us and the gap to Lt. is huge. If it were anywhere else you'd be glad to be a Lt. but their pay sucks so bad compared to any firefighter in Pinellas County. Can you imagine the shakeup that would occur if we unionized those cavemen? I wonder if the firefighters have to mow the lawn or load luggage when they aren't saving lives?
TEAM:  Since they aren't unionized, they ought to be picking cotton, too!

Received via Email 08.25.09  You obviously missed the Hire Date column. Grabowski's been there for 15 years and he's not topped out yet? As I recall, he left here because he liked airplanes. I like doinking chicks but I don't want to work in a hair salon. WTF? The 3 Lt's will be there 30 years this fall and look what they're making! Pinellas County sucks! I'm just glad we've always had good fire chiefs working for better pay and bennies for us. (Tongue in cheek)

Received via Email 08.25.09  I think the crash guys have to shovel the horse shit and mix the shit from the outhouse behind the station with kerosene and burn it. Just trying to help. FTM,

Received via Email 08.28.09  All hail, Chief Knight the (re)incarnation of ?.?

Received via Email 08.30.09  does that mean he is out of the union?  he can be fired if the new mayor and chief want him gone?

Received via Email 08.30.09  Quality control in the city at it's best!

Received via Email 08.30.09  The,"new" Chief Knight, isn't half the man his leasure suit wearing dad was. At least  JK Sr., didn't hit ya in the backside without a chance to say what the hell!? You all think GL was bad? Just wait. I foresee many current, "senior drivers" heading for the back seat. Remember it takes a calculator to figure what pressure goes in what hose! Just try and say R.O.T., to one of those new JK drivers.. All Hail The Clark method! FTM, the new Training one too...

Received via Email 08.30.09  If you are looking for a retired chief, the number in the area is large. (no pun intended)  Also more FF friendly than Knight.

Received via Email 08.30.09  Chief Large remarked at a recent meeting between the union and the city referencing the new night drills, that they do it or get fired stories that were the results of a recent Staff meeting were a misunderstanding. I guess his version is remembered differently than those that arent dedicated drinkers of the ale. Me thinks someone is lying just a little bit here. Anyway, when all was said and done, Fire admin had to actually say that short of direct insubordination, no one will lose their job because of an inability to accomplish the entire drill. Yes you may be subjected to additional training but if they are willing to give you an additional 100+ hours of training then so be it. The important thing is that straight out of our own FD administraive pie holes the truth was spoken in front of the Union, the HR director and 2 of the HR hearing officers.  So be it.

Received via Email 09.01.09  chief large can swing from the gallows for all I care

Received via Email 09.03.09  Another promotion and the chief didn't make Dumbmonty? What the hell, I want my money back.

Received via Email 09.03.09  Okay, I'm taking bets as to which new chief is going to bail out of the union (first).

Received via Email 09.03.09  F all that crap.. He lays off firefighters, and promotes Lts, chiefs, what the hell?
Lets all pray Kathleen Ford reviews all Divisions chiefs, and fires their ass!

Received via Email 09.04.09  Response to 09.03.09  #3
Do you ever think before you speak?  It's hard to believe that the union has made the progress it has with members like you who are too stupid to breathe the same air as the others.  Think, moron.  Promotions are what make slots to fill with firefighters.  Did you read the memo?  Or do you just throw out what you don't want to understand?  I say let's all pray that Kathleen Ford is smart enough not to be influenced by idiots like you.  The rest of us are pretty sure that's the case already.  Please think before you just write a pile of drivel just to see your post in print.  Think about what you're saying and try to formulate your thoughts before you let your fingers overload your pea brain.

Received via Email 09.04.09  She will.  She knows what a lieing loser and back stabber large is.  Even with his Leadership classes.  hey Large.  Could you get a real degree from a real college or just have it given to you?

Received via Email 09.04.09  After standing at the podium Thursday night and telling the world that ALL avenues have been explored for finding funds to keep the 5 new guys, we now hear that the idea of upgrading the 3 Captain positions is back on the front burner again. And they still want me and you to give up $1,000.00 of my money to be able to fulfil the promise that 'they' made to the men when they were hired. LOL LMAO FTM. Did anybody hear if Chief Wimberly went in the DROP this week?

Received via Email 09.04.09  09/04 #1. The new Lt's could have been filled by the TV lt's. What's your issues?? Can't you understand? You must be the next one on the promotional list..FTM

Received via Email 09.05.09  Come on get with the program.  The wannabe LTs. need the extra money to pay off certain people for the test questions they were given and also they need more beer money and hotel money so they can cheat on their wives.  I mean you have to be a cheating drunk to be any kind of officer with us.  Look at SK the new chief.    Hey SK did you give your knee pads to someone below you?  Because if a real mayor gets elected you will be fired and looking for a new job.

Received via Email 09.08.09  Tampa is hiring 36 people.  If Large the back stabber had a bone in his body he would call the Chief of Tampa FD and tell him to hire them.  But, He wont because he is so far up Baker's ass and Large has come out in public that he is supporting Bill Foster.  Yes  Chief Large has said he wants Bill Foster.

Received via Email 09.08.09  08.09 #1.... is that a lie or are you just wrong?   The chief has been in contact with Tampa for months just in case this worst case scenario played out. I guess you can make stuff up if you want, but you'd look a lot smarter if you would just check your facts.

Received via Email 09.09.09  How do you know the Chief has been in contact with him for months?  Did he tell you that or do you have first hand knowledge?  If you do then you must be a knee pad boy or admin.

Received via Email 09.09.09  I see The Punisher has sent out a memo today warning everyone that is highlighted in yellow that they have yet to sign the paperwork releasing LifeScan of any and all liability if they injure or kill you. I prefer to look at it as a list of non highlighted individuals who are too cheap or too scared or who have sheep in their bloodlines.      Baaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaa      Baaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa

Received via Email 09.09.09  I know the chief has been in contact with Tampa because I asked him.  He talks to you if you talk to him.  You might prefer the adversarial method where you hate everybody and show contempt for authority and fight everything even if it shouldn't be fought for, but sometimes you get more done by complaining less and asking politely.  Ask a lawyer if he does better with a judge that likes him, or a judge that hates him.  There is a lot to be said for just getting along.

What is the point of doing all the politics if the people you need to deal with cringe when they see you coming down the hall?

Come to think of it, this may very well demonstrate the biggest difference between a Winnie approach and a Wimmers approach.

Received via Email 09.09.09  If you're talking about the fire chief cringing when Winnie comes down the hall, I doubt that really occurs but as you say, you can ask him.  Beyond that, SPAFF doesn't negotiate with the fire chief.

Come to think of it, I'd rather the chief cringe when my union president comes down the hall, rather than me cringing every time the chief comes down the hall.

And yes, I too personally heard Jim Large say he called Tampa's chief and I don't believe he'd have anything to gain by lying.

Received via Email 09.09.09  The strangest thing happened today. I was able to sit down with President Newton and we talked about many things and finally got down to the Million dollar question, the upcoming presidential election. It boggles my mind that he had answers to each question that was presented. Now I never expected the challenger to know where the pens and pencils are kept or what store they go to to buy supplies, but if you can't even begin to remember the answers to how it used to be done back in the 70's and 80's then I'm afraid I will have to go with the man in the know. Newton is my choice to continue representing me, and doing the best for my family.

Received via Email 09.09.09  The punisher is just reeling from the revelation during the officers meeting that 44 of us chose not to bow down to the messiah and sign the release for the phyiscal. I wish I was in the room when the number was read. P.S. If you are from stations 9 or 4 I'm sure he is plotting something special for your accomplishing the most refusals.
TEAM:  44? Is that all? We'd bet good money on the fact that your primary care physician would love to give you a physical and take what information he gathers, to the grave with him.

Received via Email 09.09.09  No, not no. 4? Gee, can anyone imagine why? They took one of our Lt's, a guy who never messed with anybody and they tried to make a test case out of him.

Pardon my French, but F**k the chief and F**k the assistant chief. They could have waited to see the outcome of the arbitration but noooooooooooo. They wanted to make an example of him. Well, all's well that ends well. They ended up making an example of themselves.

Received via Email 09.10.09  I've personally seen Winnie and the chief work together and I didn't get the impression that he cringed when Winnie came around. They always seem to have a good time together so I'm not so sure that he hates to see Winne coming because he's all about the business. Sometimes you have to be about the business. I think if you asked the chief he'd probably tell you that he respects the fact that Winnie works hard for all of us and he's not a door mat which is different from running into someone who embarasses you every time you meet.

Received via Email 09.10.09  The chiefs are all barking at the moon. Wimberly tries to traumatize the captains and DC's with his verbal vomit and he's so dumb as to believe some of them wouldn't take their case to the union. Now that you're in the drop I hear your mom calling you.

Received via Email 09.10.09  The Punisher! I love it!

Received via Email 09.10.09  What happened to PRINCE? Maybe we can combine them.  Prince the Punisher.

Received via Email 09.12.09  TEAM:  Great post but we've been asked by one of the other TEAM members to hold it for a while.

Received via Email 09.15.09  Now you've got the Punisher, the chief is the Invisible Man and the 941 gang that he's surrounding himself with are the Boys from Brazil.
TEAM: Since you mentioned it...

Received via Email 09.15.09  Anyone know if this town has a dog catcher? I'm thinking the new mayor might have something for our top dog. Just sayin.

Received via Email 09.15.09  Boys from Brazil, that is good. You fear what you do not know. Again step up and change something instead of hiding in the background, bitching about others trying to improve themselves.

941 member and proud of it.

Received via Email 09.15.09  I don't know which 941 member you are but outside of Rizzo, I wouldn't give a shiz for nunya!  He's the only one in the group that doesn't treat everyone else like they're beneath him.

Received via Email 09.18.09  Not to add fuel to the fire, but I know of a certain cpt. moving to the 941. I don't know what station he's out of #6, but I'll find out and let you guys know.

Received via Email 09.26.09  hey Zamp are you going to write up the rescue crew for running over that guy because "they should have known he was laying in front of them"  You tried that with another person and he handed your sorry ass to you.

Received via Email 09.26.09  If those guys get written up they should sue the officer that writes them civilly for mental duress.  After what these guys have been through it's amazing to me that anyone would even discuss discipline.  It's like writing up a captain for a bird that flies into a station window.  

Call me if you need a lawyer.

Received via Email 09.26.09  Dont worry they will be written up because.  And be told if they do not challenege it they will get promoted or not moved or something stupid.  But, if you do challenge it be prepared for them to give you hell.  IF it is Zamp you can go after his money that is in the DROP.  That is viable.

Received via Email 09.26.09  We don't know that anybody is guilty of anything drug related. They all need to invoke their rights and if they choose to say nothing at all, that should suffice. This is a criminal investigation. Cops can lie to you to gain your trust and it is perfectly lawful. Remember, THEY ONLY WANT TO HELP YOU.  As usual, even if the cops clear the entire crew the Punisher will try to punish the non believers.

Received via Email 09.26.09  Anyone that writes you up outside of a specific rule or policy violation, risks the possibility of doing you some sort of damage.  Whether it is to your reputation or perhaps to your emotional stability, it might take a while to show up.  The supervisors that do so are wide open to civil lawsuits, and are not necessarily protected by the city. 

In other words, if Zamp writes these guys up, even if Large overturns it, Zamp could still be sued.

I don't think it's been done yet, but it would be fun to watch a blue shirt sue a supervisor for professional and personal damage caused by being written up arbitrarily.  I will happily help pay for the lawyers if Springer and  Bucky get written up.  I would sue the city for the deep pockets, and then sue the officer for the satisfaction.

Received via Email 09.26.09  The doper at nine should come forward and confess, then claim he has a problem and request EAP.  Even if he is a distributor and not a user, that move should protect him this time.  If he or she does NOT do this, he is responsible for damaging the reputation of the department, and the rest of us. 

Received via Email 09.27.09  dopers at 9 too?

Received via Email 09.30.09  Once again our progressive department fires off a shotgun effect to solve an unproblem. When will we ever be over such absurdities? Man gets drunk, drunk man falls down in front of vehicle, vehicle runs over drunk man, SPPD declares it an ACCIDENT. Only in the eyes of SPFR administration is it deemed a problem that needs to be addressed. I wonder if ALL workers assigned to HQ will be forced to totally walk around their vehicles each time they use their rides to make 100% certain that there is no one lying underneath? It now strikes me funnier than ever how the MFS boys spent time and money putting up all of those FAKE cameras in the parking lot. Maybe a real one would have prevented this instead.

Received via Email 10.02.09  Wowwww...now this is a hoot! Lealman votes to end fire contract with Kenneth City: http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/lealman-votes-to-end-fire-contract-with-kenneth-city/1040179#comments

Received via Email 10.02.09  It looks like we could be dicks and provide service for half what Lealman's charging and never have to respond there. I'll guarantee you that the mayors looking at doing it right now cuz it's the closest thing to a dirty land grab he can make before he leaves. Yeah........ go St. Pete! We're the best (at pissing on our neighbors).

Received via Email 10.02.09  Hey Wimberly Private Eye. Howz YOUR investigation going at station 8? I figure by now you would have had half the crew ratting each other out whether they were guilty or not.

Received via Email 10.07.09  My question is.  Has every member in the dept been drug tested?  They should have been.  Even the union would agree.  The only people who would disagree obviously have something to worry about.

Received via Email 10.07.09  I hear JO is taking off an entire week so he can grow a beard and go deep deep undercover. It is rumored that he will be concentrating entirely to the immediate 50 foot radius around the station with a pad of paper and a camera.

Received via Email 10.08.09  So Dianne Burkheimer's not allowed in any St. Petersburg fire station. Hellooooooooo. She worked downtown at HQ for long enough to bury half this department, do you really think that closing the barn door after the horse has left will do anything for you guilty people in management? What a joke. I'm sure some bright boy has already sent her attorneys a copy of that memo.

Received via Email 10.08.09  Firefighters stood to lose grant to ACORN  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/oct/07/firefighters-lose-large-grant-to-acorn/

Received via Email 10.08.09  To the 1st post on 10.07. Whats your f'nin problem. Why would you want to subject anyone to a drug test? What are you hoping to find? If every test came back clean, the bottom line is you still have a substance found in a fire station. Currently thats all they have now. There is no indecation then or even now that anyone is showing any signs of being under the influnce or that of impaired judgement. Therefore even the City realizes that they have no basis to ask for anyone to submit to a test. Why cant you see that and except it for what it is? R U J.O. Wimberly in disquise? As he is the only one the feels that someone must be punished for this Black eye as he puts it on national television. No one knows how or where the package came from and unless someone steps forward there will never be an answer to this mystery. Lets just have faith in our brothers and sisters and accept their word that it is not of their doing and move on. You are lucky to have the protections offered by this city and those that have been negotiated by your union leaders. Thats the way it is and thats the way I want it to remain. FTM's and PTB. I hope you understand what this means. If not you do not belong amongst us.

Received via Email 10.08.09  I was thinking the same thing. Look at me look at me. I'm not guilty. Look at me!  PS I doubt serioulsy that JO sent that one in. He didn't sent 3 follow up memos to correct his mistakes like he usually does. FTM

Received via Email 10.09.09  Here's a video for all you wannabe firemen in the south. Here's how we fight fire in DC. http://www.wusa9.com/news/columnist/blogs/2009/10/firefighters-catch-fire-during-dc-fire.html

Received via Email 10.09.09  Those guys in DC are something.  When they aren't sliding down each other's poles at the station they are getting engulfed by flames putting out fires in shoeboxes.  What a bunch of clowns.  And fags.  Faggoty clowns.

Received via Email 10.11.09  Dianne Burkheimer is not allowed at any St. Petersburg fire station because she has litigation against the City??? I think the memo should be available HERE. Thank you administration for making everyone aware of the impending court case against this administration just in case someone has been living in a cave for the past three years or so. That barn door is open for all those horses to stampeeeeed. Make sure you have union representation if you get questioned by administration or the city. You might want a good witness (Winnie) when the city tries to turn on you to. Looks like we are off to the races and I know who is my favorite. 

Received via Email 10.11.09  I'll take a blood test, a piss test and a polygraph when the invisible man, the punisher and the pumpkinhead all take one. Till then, I'm innocent and ain't taking shit.  FTM

Received via Email 10.13.09  so why not make it ok to have random drug tests of all fire and police?  amd on duty to make sure they cannot call in sick or make up an excuse.  Is there something people are hiding.  L:ike coming to work drunk or high?  You know who you people are.  Anyone who refuses that must have something to hide.  People are usually offended by the truth.

Received via Email 10.13.09  Allrightynow. One of the two probies that we just 'lent' to another city department got a phone call asking him to return his uniforms to HQ. Has this place turned into a bag of shit or what? If I were any of these guys I run the f**k away from this place as fast as I could.

Received via Email 10.15.09  Dianne is about to own this dept. and more than a few chiefs.  Good for her.

Received via Email 10.16.09  Seems that Chief Large is in some sort of denial. Hey Jimbo, thanks to you and your croonies SPFR is not responsible for Tierra Verde or Fort Desoto anymore. Whats with E-11 doing a Pub-ed at the boat ramps? Do you not know the number to the Lealman King? Who covers the St. Petersburg taxpayers in #11's district while you have that unit in some one else's district? Does the President of the TV Home owners Association know what your up too? WTF? I cant wait to hear this answer.

Received via Email 10.20.09  If E-11 was invovled in something so special that they had to go out of their own district to do it, what is the PR value if it didnt even rate a mention in the Russian Times? Has Jimbo adopted the same "we dont need publicity" as Budtallion one had? Is this way we have Citizens and elected officials that dont understand what we do or why? I can only say this BULLSHIT!!!

Received via Email 10.20.09  It's just jimmie showing off to an empty room again.

Received via Email 10.22.09  Awesome! Of the five probies we laid off we are getting the worst one back! I heard the ones that made it to Lealman won't return. What a great deal!

Received via Email 10.22.09  Can you blame the probies would you come back to a place who could give a rats ass about you.

Received via Email 10.26.09  Y would the probies want to come back to SPFR, when they get to fight more multi alarm fires in the big city of Lealman? Lealman had 100% of their fire dept on scene, while SPFR only had 75%. Whats up wit dat? We coulda sent more.

Received via Email 10.26.09  We get a group of great probies and we shit on them.  Oh but we still have overtime slots daily. This department SUCKS !!!!  And so does our City ADMIN.  We need a change and we need it bad.

Received via Email 10.27.09  Yeah, right.  We need to start by getting rid of the union. They fight us too much.

The chief.

Received via Email 10.27.09  you sent enough / t-4 suceeded in pushing the fire all the way throught the attic.

Received via Email 10.28.09  So the let gos got a letter requesting their uniforms back. I wonder if that transparent wanna be Mayor has ever been asked to turn in his bunker gear and helmet?

Received via Email 10.28.09

Go see your latest fire officer of the year on firehouse.com  Read those impressive stats. A masters Degree in Public Administration, and almost a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction. Yup a true officer. all of his education has been towards being in charge. Its a shame that these were not Leadership degrees, just being in charge. He would have had to rise through the ranks as a firefighter like his daddy did in order to be a leader. Boy, when he completes his PhD will we have to call him Dr.Chief, or will Chief still be acceptable? Maybe if we are really lucky he will take all his in charge bullshit and go elsewhere. I mean why would a Doctor choose to work for a measly $100K, unless he cant get a job offer from anywhere else?

Received via Email 10.29.09  If only the invisible man and Mr. Pumpkin head had been more a part of this union when they were coming up, they wouldn't have to go all the way to firehouse.com to gloat about a non leader's promotion. Instead they chose to promote themselves and not all of us together. Sad. Hey, I loved the recent vote by the Pinellas BOCC which was a landslide vote against us. Mr. Pumkin head went out on a limb with the Invisible man and got bitch slapped by the county again.  If you non union non believers want to do this right, kiss the ring and call Winnie.  We've obviously got the contacts and besides, you two dipshits are getting a little too embarrassing.

Received via Email 10.29.09   I think I threw up in my mouth clicking on that Firehouse.com link.  Thanks Asshole.

Received via Email 10.31.09  Suckasses come in all shapes and sizes. No wait! One size does fit all. Big and tubular describes Mr Pumpkinhead. Shows up for a pay check. Pretends to be Jimmy's best buddy (cuz he needs one) and leaves the county with that same paycheck at the end of the week. Mr. St. Petersburg to be sure.

At the end of the week I can claim I've never seen him, never heard him and never missed him. Life is good.

Happy Halloween Mr. Jack-O-Latern. FTM

Received via Email 11.09.09  So I hear the Mike Moore, Mike Wimmers, and Rick Feinberg are all sittin around the dinner tables and laughing about the Unions defeat at the polls. Why would they be laughing? were they secrectly working against you and I? I cant believe that in their tenures as leaders of this same union that they had better times. Who was in charge when Mayor Fischer gave us a zero % pay raise? Who was in charge when Baker was elected the first time? Who was in charge and was never successful in getting rid of the awful wrongs we suffered in our pensions? Yeah you guessed it, each and every one of the above emntioned have suffered their losses as well. Of course we already know they were idiots then and have only rotted with their age.

Received via Email 11.10.09  I hope that any paramedic that's been on this job for quite some time that is now being targeted, start documenting your interactions with those who are creating a hardship for you. Take your time and write down EVERYTHING while sitting in front of these assholes. Personally, I didn't start working here because i knew I was going to face a daily tribunal. And the three of you guys who went to Lealman, you're still in our union so you're still with us. Stay at Lealman. Jimmy Large is in deep shit and he doesn't know which way to turn so he's surrounded himself with people who will crack heads. This is a long standing philosophy of Jimmy Large and Budtallion One. They both want to be loved by everyone but be able to crush those that disagree with their piss poor performance as chiefs.

Received via Email 11.11.09  Here Here, the three medics that are at Lealman are still our brothers in local 747  but they are lucky because they don't have to put up with the a-- holes we work for on a daily basis.  Good for you guys, the best of luck to you all.

Received via Email 11.11.09   Lealman Rocks and St Pete Sucks.  Accept it MFS, thats just the way it is !!!!
TEAM: Sounds like a message from our Away Team.

Received via Email 11.14.09  Or a Team that wants to be away.

Received via Email 11.14.09  That's funny. What's not funny is the fact that we're even cheering for the other team. That should tell you something. Go Lealman, Go!

Received via Email 11.16.09  Cheering for the other team doesn't make you wrong.  It merely makes you a disloyal traitor f*ck.

Received via Email 11.16.09  LOYALTY IS A TWO WAY STREET! If chiefs are not loyal to the firefighters why should the firefighters be loyal to them?

TEAM:  Well, it took 4.5 years but we finally crashed a page.  We couldn't gain access to the corrupt saved page file so we quickly grabbed what was on the published Bullshit page from the web and copied and pasted it above.  No bold text or hypertext links above today's date but it's all intact.

Yay to mustard.  Dig it!

Received via Email 11.18.09  When this department layed off those 5 firefighters, they failed us all. We had plenty of money to keep them not to mention that everyday since, we have many overtime slots trying to fill their spots.  DISGUSTING. How can any one be Loyal when loyalty is not shown back. Rumor has it that Lealman hired our guys after their process was already closed. That is going above and beyond trying to look out for a brother firefighter.  Do you think SPFR would have done that. NOT.
When firefighters are supported, believe - They know it !! 
SPFR can be that kind of department but it will take many changes, starting from the top.  Will it happen soon ?  Not likely. 

Received via Email 11.19.09  TEAM: Naaaaaah, ain't gonna bite on that one.

Received via Email 11.19.09  Hey stupid a**. Lealman is the reason they lost their jobs in the first place. Their chief is a dick. What did he have to gain by bidding on a station nowhere near their district. He sucks just like the rest of his cronies including the three that are not coming back

Received via Email 11.19.09  He gained another station, stupid and we lost a station. Now who is smarter Chief Graham or Chief Large?

Received via Email 11.19.09  Its all a matter of how you look at it. Is it right for the chief of a little department to underbid when he KNOWS that it will cost a larger department jobs?  And what did he really gain?  More guys and more territory, but so what?  Lealman's days are numbered, just like all the other miniature fire departments.

Received via Email 11.19.09  Lealman  took the OPPORTUNITY to jump on a deal that was thrown their way because St. Pete was poking the citizens who lived in the COUNTY in the eye with a hot poker. The COUNTY set the deal in motion because COUNTY tax payers had had enough of St. Pete's arrogance. There's no difference between Lealman taking advantage of an OPPORTUNITY that was sitting right in front of them and St. Pete wanting to take the OPPORTUNITY to grab Kenneth City.
In the end, the Union didn't fire any of the 5 guys off of this job, the CITY OF ST. PETE and the FIRE CHIEF who said he'd done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to keep them are responsible. I don't know about you all but I can't find 10 guys.......... no 8 guys.......... no wait, 4 guys............ wait, 2 guys that agree that we did anything wrong.
PS Yes, Lealman's chief is a dick and he's got some cronies too. I called him on the phone tonight and he said the same about us.

Received via Email 11.22.09  Chief LARGE - you care about you- and you suck.

Received via Email 11.22.09  So Chief Large sucks because he cares about himself, but you are a hero because you care about YOURself? 

I'm having trouble spotting the difference.

Received via Email 11.23.09  I think that the majority of our members would have been willing to pitch in and keep the new guys by giving up holiday pay.  But then MOST of the guys on this department have more than a dozen or so years on the job.  It's the new guys that are the brother f*ckers.  These guys blame the city when they were just too cheap to help. The future of this job isn't uncertain because of the city or headquarters.  The problem will be the brother f*ckers.   Brotherhood is almost dead.  The new guys are "Brothers In Name Only: BINO.

Received via Email 11.23.09  Ha. Now that's a pretty good way to scapegoat an entire group. The chief's still the problem.  YES MR. MAYOR WE CAN GET IT DONE WITH 15 GUYS ON 15 TRUCKS. Asshole.

Received via Email 11.23.09  By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) -- A group of black Connecticut firefighters hopes to block promotions for white firefighters who won a discrimination case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The black New Haven firefighters argue in papers filed Monday that they still have a right to challenge the validity of the promotional exam.

The white firefighters sued New Haven after the city threw out results of some 2003 promotion exams when too few minorities did well. The Supreme Court ruled in June in their favor.

The attorney for the white firefighters filed papers in U.S. District Court Friday asking for promotions. Attorneys for New Haven filed similar papers.

But the attorneys for seven black firefighters say there still has been no finding that the promotional tests were valid.  Is this better.  Just when we thought everything was ok.  This happens.  pathetic and a move backwards for society.

Received via Email 11.24.09  2 million in reserves by Dick Baker. This city sucks more and more each day. More layoffs may be on the way.
TEAM: You mean 2 million more...

Received via Email 11.26.09  I cant wait till the new mayor gets in office and the 2 jimmies and his henchman admin people and DCs like zamp start coming after us since we supported Ford.  I already have my attorney on notice for anything they try to pull.  The word around HQ is that the 2 Jimmies will be given free reign to do what they want by Foster.  Some friend he is.  How did he win anyway with Ford leading by that much.  Was there voter fraud?  I did hear from others in sanitation and MSC that Go Davis was going around telling black employees to vote for Foster.

Received via Email 11.26.09  Our great friends in Blue are already feel the sting of Foster, in that his feel good promises are already becoming not true. Go is still here and the chase policy is not going to be revisited. Damn they are all shot up and they did support Foster. Our 2 Jimmies both need to go and soon. All you need to do is start asking Large how he feels and he will be gone for awhile to go see his physician (A.K.A.) shrink. The Punisher however will need to believe that the tower is falling and that might take care of him.

Received via Email 12.02.09  Well just llike here it looks like the atlanta election was bought through money and fear of good change.  And other things.

Received via Email 12.02.09  2 out of the 3 medics that went to Lealman aren't coming back and Jimmy Large speaks out.  Boy what a difference a couple of weeks makes.  Before, Large was talking up the fact that all the guys he didn't fight to keep were all good guys who were eventually going to be brought back onboard.  Now, the first 1 that gets a letter to return didn't return Jimmy's calls and has snubbed him and the second one wrote a long letter to HR telling them he's not returning because the city sucks. Of course Large said he wrote too much. Doh! He wrote too much? I guess if he'd had something good to say it probably wouldn't have been enough. Let's see what number 3 is going to do.

"The new guys always sucked." "Bobby Martin's case was'nt a victory." "No married man is bopping my secretary." I think I'm seeing a pattern develop here.

Received via Email 12.02.09  Chief Large is so concerned about you and me that he wants us all to have an EKG when we go through our mask fit test. I'm never goning to allow any medic on this job to ever give me an EKG let alone some stoog from some company. If the chief is so concerned with our health then why doesn't he ask the new mayor for more firefighters on the trucks?

Received via Email 12.03.09  See the CONTRACT section for an answer to "Bobby Martin's case wasn't a victory". You make your own decision on who was victorious.

Received via Email 12.07.09  Chief Large has control of his budget to place people where he sees fit. Fire Suppression units are not what he cares about. The more people he has in his stations = more people that can see and ask him hard to truthfully answer questions when hes hangin out at the fire stations. Remember, only Chief Large has the final say about how his budget is spread.

Received via Email 12.08.09  Large tells the world that he wants us to have a physical because it's good for us. I believe a new chief and assistant chief from outside our inbred department are good for us too. Someone tell me what taking an EKG has to do with putting on a mask? If I'm not getting a physical, you don't need my EKG. Sounds like another day with the arbitrator.

Received via Email 12.08.09  If Large is sooo concerned for us why doesn't he want more than 2 on a ladder truck and 3 on an engine? We are the laughing stock of the Tampabay area and most probably the state. Him wanting an EKG is just another way of circumventing the arbitrators ruling!

Received via Email 12.09.09  Hey, is it true what I'm hearing about the last officers meeting that Mr. Pumpkinhead has been pressuring the chief to address some flagrant violoations of the rules? Apparently someone said HI STEVE to his highness on their day off and he said MY NAME IS CHIEF KNIGHT!  How about this, on MY DAYS OFF, if I happen to bump into you somewhere and I CHOOSE to address you at all, take what you can get pal. I don't need to talk to you and I suggest that none of us do, either. In this life you either command respect or you demand it and it doesn't take long for people to figure out which angle your working. Dooosh!

Received via Email 12.09.09 
"Apparently" ... does this mean it's fact or fiction? 
"Someone" ... who is THIS nameless entity?
You know, it's hard to believe that grown men and women are so gullible that they believe and make conscious determinations about people based on these two words.  Based on the often voiced opinion of some on this site it doesn't surprise me that Steve is the basis for this pipe dream.  There are those who would work on a daily basis to demean and belittle those who are in charge.  It's always been that way and it won't stop soon.  And if the verbal abuse is warranted based on facts then it is always acceptable within reason.  And laying factual blame at the feet of those in charge is an expected result.  But to try to instigate and instill inuendo as being fact in people is a poor and uneducated means to an end.  I'm not sticking up for anyone.  I'm merely pointing out that you should not take as fact words like "apparently" and "someone" when posted here.  If the poster wants to name names as to who it was who spoke to Steve on his day off and was rebuked with a reminder then do so.  Don't keep us in the dark as to who this person of interest was who was humiliated and embarrassed by Steve Knight's response.  This smacks of nothing more than an opportunity for the poster to thump his chest and pump himself up in readiness for the voicing of his personal response to Steve should he ever meet him on the outside.  He hasn't even been there yet and he's already determined his response to a ficticious event.  Just another opportunity to attempt to sway the thinking of those who read this.  Be sure that this is no more than pot stirring and probably never happened in the first place.  And if it did isn't there just the faintest of possibility that what Steve said was in jest?  I mean if it really happened at all.
TEAM: Points well taken.  Everyone viewing this site or for that matter the blogs at TBO.com have to accept that the truth often lies somewhere in between the twenty-none shades of gray.  As to anonymity - without it the majority will not post for fear of reprisal.  It goes with the territory and that's fine because it protects you too!

Received via Email 12.09.09  I was at officers meeting as a blue shirt acting and the ems chief said nothing about the above. Stop stirring the pot.

Received via Email 12.09.09  Have you seen the new holiday greetings card/memo sent out by the training division? Its got to be the funniest and most truthful one sent out yet. Chief Bruni standing in front of a bunch of wannabe's. Its a real shame that this represnts the best that our department has to offer. I guess J.L. has promised so much to so many, it's going to take a whole load of make believes to disappoint the others.

Received via Email 12.10.09  I don't know who the blue shirt is that claims that I'm stirring the pot but you were there for 1 shift not all 3 and you and your friend who are taking up for the EMS CHIEF are absolutely wrong.  Don't shoot the messenger, shoot the self absorbed one. The story is true and has been confirmed by 3 B shift officers. I may be a shit stirer but I only stir the shit they give me to stir. You could write a book about the bullshit that this administration comes up with on a daily basis so don't give me any shit about THEIR story. Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve

Received via Email 12.11.09  I'm not so sure I wouldn't tell the story in the very same way. There are a lot of spies around here and I wouldn't risk diming SOMEONE out with all the exact who, what, when, where and why's of my story either.  APPARENTLY the story is true and it's APPARENT to me that I don't really need to know who the SOMEONE was that was telling the story any more than I need to know who the blue shirt was who didn't hear it during HIS officers meeting. It's APPARENT to me that they are both telling the truth about their story.

Received via Email 12.11.09  Well, I guess the secret squirrel and the little bird can't be used anymore because they can't be relied upon for the real "goods" if you know what I mean. If becomes a NECESSITY that you call an officer by his title even on your day off, then you might want to read the following to understand where ideas like this get their start.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."     WILLIAM PITT

Received via Email 12.11.09  Hi Steve Wannabe,

Glad to see you are standing up for your thinking.  All you have to do now is name the three B shift officers who were also there when this alledged insult took place.  The three of them were never mentioned in the first post but somehow you managed to inject them into the scene and now they're involved.  You lie ... they swear to it.  How convenient.  I never said I was taking up for the EMS Chief.  What I said was "I'm merely pointing out that you should not take as fact words like "apparently" and "someone" when posted here."  That's not shooting the messenger or the "self absorbed one".  Since most of the posts here are tainted with bullshit on occasion (some more than others) it would seem that a "diming out" someone as one poster put it would not be taken all that seriously.  On top of that, this particular situation is nothing that would be punishable for anyone.  All it really is is an attempt to belittle and throw shit at the EMS Chief from the safety of anonymity. 
Again, I'm not supporting any one individual here.  But if it was insidious enough to cause three (count 'em) three B Shift officers to speak out about it (apparently under the cover of darkness) then it must be something for which they wouldn't mind being recognized.  One other thing needs to be clarified here; Were both the EMS Chief and the blue shirt off duty at the time or was one or the other one duty?  Oh, that's right. We don't give a shit about the truth.  We only deal in inuendos here.  As for the guy who lives in the fantasy world and thinks "there are a lot of spies around here" ... you are in the right place.  Those rose colored glasses are doing their job. How does it feel to work in a place where you think everyone is a spy and any slip of the tongue or thinking for yourself would be a firing offence?  Please tell us what station you work at so that we can avoid going there.  You can do it anonymously, don't worry.  Boooooo !!!

Received via Email 12.11.09  OK, the bottom line. The story is true, it happened a few years ago, when Sk was but a newly crowned training LT. The off duty guy was coming to work, had a question about the driver eng program, and called him, "Steve". They chatted. After that SK went to the ofc, to conference with the Ofc, and told him he felt he was disrespected, he's a Lt, and he should be addressed as such! This sad ending of this story, is that the LT acted like the plumber he is, and sided with SK. Sad but true, he has been in charge since he got his first test bought bugle..With that said, FTM!
**FYI thinking of all that has happened in the fast climbed ladder of SK's life, can ya blame anyone from not signing their name?

Received via Email 12.13.09
Hello 12.11.09 - #4

OK,I give up.  But I have to give credit to you for trying to solve this particular instance.  However the issue is NOT the EMS Chief nor the goings on between him and someone else.  The issue is whether or not it is acceptable to take as fact things that are written about others with the words "apparently", "someone", and other words of vague description included in the post.  We kind of got off the subject.  My whole point was intended that we should all be careful when accepting as fact a statement that has absolutely no basis other than the allegation that "someone" did this or did that.  The fact that the EMS Chief was being slammed by a person who wouldn't or couldn't give us all the facts in the matter was irrelevant.  It could have been anyone at any time under any circumstances. 

The discussion I intended to instigate was whether or not postings with accusations, situations,inuendos,and almost always baseless assumptions is in the best interest of those who read these posts.  Bottom line, based on the respsonses, is that there is a great deal of distrust and in a sense fear of some sort of retaliation to those identified in the posts.  Now there's a great way to spend your career.  And I say that because it permeates the job as well as this site.  At least that's the impression a person gets from reading the posts.  That's very sad.  And it's also what makes a person take away the idea that fact is more often discarded in favor of bullshit.  It can't be as bad as some folks make it, can it?  There aren't "spies" of every stripe and color lurking in the stations just waiting to pimp on the men and women they work with, are there?  Remember that slander and defamation of character are only unlawful if the words are a lie.  Telling the truth does not require the vagueness and smoke and mirrors of inuendo.  If it's true then stand up for it.  And it greatly adds to the credibility of the post if the poster is involved and not just passing on what he or she heard through the scuttlebutt in the station. 

That being said I relent to the rest of us who are perfectly happy slinging unfounded bullshit around on this site.  I relent to those who are satisfied with half truths.  I relent to those who post here who just want to see what happens when they tell lies.  I relent to those who will perpetuate the practices of the weak minded and continually give others the opportunity to believe what they believe no matter if it's the truth or not.  I relent to all who would be posters and readers and live on a day to day feeding of business as usual.  Just as an aside I think it should be noted that in one post it's the EMS Chief who wants to be called "Chief Knight" and in the post that's intended to bring fact to the subject Chief Knight is a lieutenant and demanded he be "addressed as such".  Hardly the stuff of truth.  Hows that for bullshit?  No offense to anyone and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Received via Email 12.13.09  Thus is true.  What did he have to do to get promoted this fast?  Did he have to make a deal with the devil?  Was it the daddy syndrome influence or was he given the answers so that they would pass.  How about this, every LT that have been promoted since 2000 be reequired to take the Lts test again.  I wonder how many would really pass the test.  Or was he given the test questions like last time and how he got his buddies promoted.  Even HR knows there were allegations that people were given the answers.  When brought to their attention nothing was done  So that being said.  How may LTs are out there that would not have passed?

Received via Email 12.13.09  I've got a quick solution for all of you guys that want to keep batting that ball around the park. Don't address any of them as anything, while at work or while you're off.  Personally, I don't like Steve whatshisname enough to be calling him at all so it's no skin off my back if he's insecure. I don't even look his way. FTM

Received via Email 12.14.09  Works for me. I don't buy into their bullshit headgames.

Received via Email 12.14.09  If a chief calls a lieutenant by the lieutenants first name, that's a violation of the same rule.  The same should probably go for medics and firefighters, but I think the rule states "officers."   Either way, two can play at that game.  These chief officers need to give the same respect that they intend to force out of those in the lower ranks.

Received via Email 12.16.09  Can anybody out there explain to me how Large thinks that he can sneak those Capt. upgrades in with out the public going crazy. In a time when we are laying off street level firefighters how do you justify more administration ??????? Soon there will be nobody to administer to !!! How has the Times not gotten wind of this ???

Received via Email 12.16.09  Bottom line.  Respect is earned. Period. Some have not yet earned that respect.

Received via Email 12.16.09  Instead of the "Times" how about Channel 10's Mike Deeson? He is the one that did the piece on the screw ups with the rescue trucks that cost the taxpayers a huge amount of money, because of the incompentancy of this administration.

Received via Email 12.16.09 Here's a classic example of management mutts taking care of management mutts.  http://www.firehouse.com/topics/careers/dc-deputy-fire-chief-kept-books-burned-firefighter-not

Received via Email 12.17.09  Just as an aside, I have to say that you brothers and sisters work under a whole different set of circumstances than those of us who have retired.  And frankly I don't know how you stay on top of all the garbage that gets handed to you apparently on a daily basis.  Manning, pension, negotiations, etc., etc.  If you don't think your union reps are doing one helluva job keeping the ship on an even keel you're sadly mistaken.  I admire and respect every one of you for being willing to do the job under the current circumstances.  I gotta say we thought we had it bad when we were on the job and we did but it doesn't hold a candle to the crap you members get handed all the time.  You're doing a great job with damn little support and we're very proud of you.  Never give up.


Received via Email 12.17.09  Hey, with the current announcements of promotions to the 941 club, Will the city save money on fuel and take home cars? I mean Little Jerry and Larry, and Steve can know all carpool together. Can you imange that conversation during the morning commute, Hey Chief Knight did you hear about...Yes Captain Girk I heard that...Hey Chief Bassett did you....Yes Chief Knight...Good Grief. Well at least the potential vehicle savings are there. Lets see if they step up to the plate.

Received via Email 12.17.09  Congrats to Chief Bassett, and Capt Girk. They both deserve it and will do a great job

Received via Email 12.17.09  To bad, they got their bugles but didnt get any more respect. What a pity.

Received via Email 12.18.09  looks like it pays for your daddy to have worked for this department.

Received via Email 12.18.09  are you kidding me Girk?  He is a Sweet in sheeps clothing.  Basset.  well we will see

Received via Email 12.18.09  most people respect them already.

Received via Email 12.19.09  Slowly but surely this department is sinking into the abyss. Over the years they shit on the great employees and promote the assholes. Welcome to the wonderful world of SPFR. One day it will bite them in the ass.  Hopefully we don't lose any lives when that happens.
TEAM:  You're wrong.  Just ask any of 'them'.

Received via Email 12.21.09  Merry Christmas to all.

Received via Email 12.22.09  Should I be surprised? Once again the Administration of this Department has shown its absolute lack of who cares. This afternoon the most Senior Fire Department Captain, Kelly Palenius found out through a Department wide memo that she was being booted out of Fire Station #3 and being replaced by the newly promoted Captain Livingston. Better yet, the Admin has'nt even figured out where she is going to end up. Way to go Chief... I am sure you and your sidekicks have secured your places kneeling next to Mayor Baker's chair this holiday season lighting his pipe, fetching his slippers, and wiping his ass. God it must feel good to be you.

Received via Email 12.22.09  What would surprise me the most would be if Fire Admin even knows where Capt Palenius is. They probably think she is still somewhere but surely not there. The punisher is so far out of touch with reality that its frightening. Sorry Kelly but your just a number, no name or memory, just a number. FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM FTM, there I got that off my chest.

Received via Email 12.22.09  We're laying off people, making promotions faster than we can count and we've got too many captains. What part of this makes sense?

Received via Email 12.23.09  Kelly isn't a mindless drone that buys their bullshit so she'll be pushed around until she retires. That's what all of us can expect in the next few years. Anywhere else senior people are looked up to and revered. Jimmy Large takes care of Jimmy first and then his cronies figuring they'll keep up appearences for him. The trouble with all the cronies lining up to blow the chief in Jimmy's House Of Cards is the wind that it produces.

Received via Email 12.23.09  I and many others worked for Kelly many years including Stevie wonderboy Knight, and all know she can fight fires a hundred times better than dope on the rope livingston.  All knows except chief large and wimberly.  Because they never were firefighters. Way to treat a senior employee, douche bags.

Received via Email 12.23.09  In case you missed it in the papers and on the news channels, SPFR did a tremendous job this past Monday evening at a 2 story apartment building and while not able to save the residents belongings they did the best they could with what they had and there were no injuries. All this was happening while the punisher was in the ass of a fire Lt., pointing out all of the flaws that he saw, IE kinked hose line, choice of were to start the fire attack etc. When the Fire Lt. mentioned fire tactics and certain chiefs noodle spine got bowed up and he retaliated with "we can discuss fire tatics anytime in my office". What a F***in putz the punisher is. Well I am going to go ahead and say this to the crews that were there. Job well done and Thank-you.
TEAM:  We concur.  Doing more with less isn't an easy chore.

Received via Email 12.23.09  Capt Palenius SCREWED!!!!!! Imagine that what ever happened to brotherhood and sisterhood? I Would follow here into the gates of hell to fight a fire. Todd not so much. Sorry station 3. Oh by the way will he give his tech rescue suv back???????

Received via Email 12.23.09  Question: Who was the training Lt. that walked out of a house burn and left his probie crew inside? When questioned why was he outside and his probie crew inside he stated that it was too hot for him.

Received via Email 12.23.09  At the 2hr. 24min mark, "We don't need no more stinkin' firefighters." http://stpete.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=1164

Received via Email 12.24.09  Chief James D. Large, Mayor Rick Baker, and Mayor-elect Bill Foster ; refuse to apply for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants. 

The city will have to lay off five firefighters on Oct. 1.


The five who lost their jobs were the last to be hired. All started Feb. 23. The chief said he was unsure what they planned to do until they can return. The starting salary for a St. Petersburg firefighter is $36,589. Large said he did everything he could to avoid the layoffs, and the union mostly agrees. Yet union president Winthrop Newton still gently chided the city for not finding some way to keep them. He said St. Petersburg was just wasting the money it had already spent to train those firefighters. "To let them go for a month or two and slowly bring them back just isn't good business sense," Newton said. "You risk losing them to other agencies." Large said that's not likely. Budget cuts are slamming fire deptments across the stat, he said. 
And Now he is making Promotions.

Unnecessary Promotions will cost Citizens.

Well here comes another round of idiocy out of St.Petersburg Fire & Rescue HQ.

While they constantly claim there is just no money to see that firefighters get true overtime pay for the extra work hours, it seems that there is more than enough for turning 3 of the current 40 hour HQ Lieutenants positions into Captains.

They seem to forget that Captains make more money that Lieutenants .

If the jobs are now being done with Lieutenants (and this is questionable) what is the necessity of increasing the financial burden on the citizens of St. Petersburg.?

We already know there is not enough money available to provide adequate staffing and equipment to the residents on the north end of the city without removing them from Downtown (other sections of the city), but somehow now there is enough for these unnecessary promotions.

It appears that this is but another way of our city and St.Petersburg Fire & Rescue thumbing their noses at the cash strapped citizens and doing what they want.

This is such a blatant F U to our citizens.

Received via Email 12.24.09  I am amazed at the cycle of stupidity this administration repeats. Remember the old saying, like a broken record? Well brother's and sister's, vinyl is back, or should I say never left. I am ashamed to have these "People" in charge of such a great bunch of firefighters. Yes we do have our fair share of FINO's, but on the whole we do a great job with limited staffing. Promote, lay off, and replace superior experienced Capt's with new not adequate ones.. What's the direction we are heading? If only I did not have as many years here, this leadership would have prompted me to take my skills elsewhere. Speaking of the fire mentioned in the above post, so many Admin's showed up it was sick. Prince, Jimmie, and of course Lil Steve. They walked around with their non-tested chest puffed out looking for recognition. On the whole most of the members gave the respect due their rank and that is it. Like I said FINO's did their best suction routine. Then Prince, in a speech to the troops after the fire was was out, spoke on how lucky we were to have BCE's so we can put out a fire as such! WTF? This paramedic needs Fire Ops 101 before he can school us on the real world out there. OK that is enough from me. God Bless all of you out there that put it on the line for the right reason every shift. Merry Christmas and may this upcoming new year find us some recovery from our master's. FTM!

Received via Email 12.24.09  J.D. "We're at full strength but we're going to have a tough year next year." Is he the mayor's hand puppet or what? He speaks as if he's setting the budget, not spending it. 

Leslie "And you just told us your ladder trucks are now staffed by more than two people. I don't want the public to think that we're here or you as the chief are running a fire department sending two folks out on a ladder trucks that's ill equipped." Well that solves it. We have enough people "on duty."

Received via Email 12.24.09  Lets move to another subject, we know they dont really care about the citizens and or the new firefighters. The layed off firefighters saw what losers they are and went on to a far superior department.  Now lets get over the fact no ones cares, we lost Terra Verde and we still ride two on a ladder truck even though Large says we have 3 on the trucks at the last council meeting.  GET OVER IT and try to not think about it, and have a very Merry Christmas.  Yeah, a Merry Christmas, something else the city isn't allowed to say. 

Received via Email 12.24.09   I see that there have been even more suck asses promoted. I certainly looks like we still have 1 too many Captains in the ranks. Maybe its some of that new math that was discussed on the other pages. It looks like someone in Fire Admin is seeking out that 110%. We are sinking faster then the housing market did last year. There is no hope and no end in sight. More DC promotions, more Captain promotions, more Lt's ="s that many fewer grunts on the trucks. Its a good thing City Council asked J.L the staffing questions a couple days ago. His answers were just little slight white lies then. Today his nose would have grow a good 6 inches if asked the same question today. On a goodnote, station six will finally be getting a great Captain in Kelly Palenius, and getting rid of a FINO.

Received via Email 12.24.09  Ray a captain. Watch your backs when he is acting DC. Can not be trusted just ask anyone of his crew members. Good luck B shift you can have him back.

Received via Email 12.28.09  Gosh why is working when Zamp is the DC a pain in the ass.

Received via Email 12.29.09  Dinan and Zamp spent countless hours at station 6 planning their takeover for the past couple of years on the A shift, and WA LA, like magic. they are back together again at the Big House only this time on the B shift. 

Received via Email 12.30.09  Thank God that idiot Lanning is gone.  When does that idiot Zamp leave I forgot.

Received via Email 12.31.09  Countdown to sunshine and lolipops! It's just a matter of a couple of hours till 2010 and the start of TeleStaff Nation. I can't wait till The Invisible Man and the Punisher use computers to track how many times we wipe your ass and how much toilet paper we use. Hile Punisher! Hile The Invisible Man! Hile Hitler!
TEAM: Where do you all find such inspiration?

Received via Email 01.01.10  Where is picasso?  Can he superimpose opf of the idiots like zamp crumity large or wimberlys face on the above pic.  That would be great.

Received via Email 01.01.10  There's something very scary and insidious about that photo.  When I look at it I can't seem to put a definition on my emotions.  I suppose it could be seen as a parody of Large and his minions.  It certainly is appropriate for that assumption.  That's really creepy.  Of course the most obvious comparison would be Foster and the department heads in St. Petersburg who are like little children with the whole future ahead of them and just waiting to be molded and formed in the ways of the leader.  It's a new day on a new horizon and the skulls full of mush are currying favor and will sacrifice any and all of us to retain their position.  That brave new world we had hoped for is still in the offing.  Today, like yesterday the belief that the best is yet to come is still just a belief.

TEAM: Pulling a history book down from the wall, we found an excellent quote that seems to be emblematic of the HQ mindset: "A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both."

TEAM:  Naaah... we can't print that.  He cries too much.

Received via Email 01.04.10  :((....  you mean we have people who cry on the dept when they dont get what they want?

Received via Email 01.08.10  Isn't funny how SK always puts MPA CFO and EFO after his name.  He must feel very insecure to always have to title himself.  J Bruni has a Masters and he puts nothing after his name.  Bruni has always had much more class whereas SK again proves he is trying to get the respect he does not have.  Funny isn't it.

Received via Email 01.09.10   Answer: Lt. Large

Received via Email 01.09.10  I dont think Large could do the job of todays Lt.. He wouldn't know how to respond to a call, make a decision, or even do a fire report. 


Received via Email 01.10.10  Back in the day education was the result of common sense and experience. Since neither one are taught in schools nowadays our new leaders have been forced to buying their education and having their secretaries type their term papers for them. Some have even taken the easy way out by attending the many forms of "Knight school". (M)oney (P)urchases (A)dvancement,
(C)ash (F)or (O)fficiership, and (E)very (F)ools (O)btuse.

Received via Email 01.10.10  Well said 1-10 #2

Received via Email 01.10.10  I see we've got a Hertz rent a car business operating out of HQ these days.  Someone puleeeeeze clue me as to how it is that someone who's assigned to HQ on a 40 hour week can steal staff cars on a nightly basis not to mention run through the offices giving them access to sensitive personal information (like my f**king physicals that you pricks shouldn't have a copy of) right under the nose of the Invisible Man and the Punisher. It can't possibly be because the Invisible Man is so tied up between the hours of 0900 and 1200 each day sampling the culinary delights of the MFS's day old leftovers that he can't keep track of business right under his nose. It can't be because the Punisher is spending all of his time being a general pain in the ass to every union member on the job or trying to pick the pockets of the divers, boat operators, Hazmat and tech rescue guys to notice someone stealing from his sacred marble castle. Shit, the next think you know there's going to be a story in the papers about one of our DC's banging some chick on the chief's own desk for several months without anybody noticing. Doh! http://www.sptimes.com/2002/07/17/news_pf/TampaBay/Affair_of_fire_offici.shtml  It also can't be because there's no one in charge of making a person in charge of sticking a tape in the video recorder because we know that would surely catch the theif (as if someone ever thought to take a look). If these guys spent a little less time trying to bend over every firefighter on this job they'd have a bit more time to be less of an embarrasement in this county. Oh, and that's exactly why I posted it here!

Received via Email 01.10.10  Nothing beats experience and unfortunately many if not most of our chief officers are lacking experience on the fireground.  Oh yeah they show up once in a while, but to effectively run a fireground operation would be a joke.  They don't even know the correct number to properly staff a ladder truck.  They think 2 or 3 people is enough.  They are quite amusing.  But when the big one comes in and we lose lives, they will be blaming each other. Hope their attorneys are ready because they are going to need them on that day. 

Received via Email 01.11.10  Well after todays hearing, it was once again proven by our Administrators that the safety of our citizens and our brothers and sister is driven by the budget. Thats right, your safety is only important when the checkbook is bulgin. It was also proven that they will spend countless hours doing their best to show everyone is to blame for shortcomings at an emergency scene except staffing. Even the great retirees that we all thought so much of just a couple months ago had no problem coming back to put it to us one more time.

Received via Email 01.12.10  I was at the Johnson arbitration yesterday and I was disgusted with the way they turned on Tony Collechia when they couldn't get Richie to squirm in his seat. The city's giant brain attorney repeatedly asked why it was that Tony couldn't get dressed in his bunker gear when enroute to the fire. Never once did ST. PETERSBURG FIRE AND RESCUE FIRE CHIEF JAMES D. LARGE EVER STOP HER IN MID SENTENCE AND SAY "I'M SORRY COUNSELOR BUT YOU ARE WRONG FOR SCAPEGOATING ONE OF MY SENIOR FIREFIGHTERS. TONY DID RIGHT. HE FOLLOWED POLICY AND KEPT HIS SEAT BELT ON. HE IS NOT TO BLAME"  Nope, not Jimmy. He proved to all of us, just what he's made of and how far he'd go to win. He never was a firefighter and never will be.

Received via Email 01.12.10  #1 1-12-10 post should be on the straight dope page instead of here because it is 100% correct.

Received via Email 01.12.10  Tony has integrity. Comparing Large to him has got to be embarrasing for Tony!

Received via Email 01.12.10  Chief, I think you owe Tony an appology. You won't mean it of course but you might get some mileage out of some of the suck up's that might be listening. After all, isn't that what really matters to you?

Received via Email 01.13.10  Yeah and Capt Livingston even tried to throw Tony under the bus saying he should have been in his gear and thas the policy. I just wish our CHIEF WOULD HAVE STOOD UP AND TOLD THE CITY ATTY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and Tony did a good job!!!! Watch your back boys and girls.

Received via Email 01.13.10  Livingston is a big p*#*y. I personally overheard other officers say he's been overwelmed in the few shifts he's been back out. F'n Pri*k. F U "GQ"!

Received via Email 01.13.10  Big 3 is going to eat Todd alive baby.

Received via Email 01.14.10  I heard that Chalmers came back out of retirement to shit on Richie.  Good going Gerry.  You were always a queer!

Received via Email 01.14.10  Dont worry tod the other back stabber Sweet will help you out.

Received via Email 01.14.10  No one ever liked Chalmers and no one likes him now.  Always thought he was better than everyone else when in fact he was the most incompetent.  Richie is by far a better DC than Chalmers ever was.  We are all behind you Richie, of course except for the Large kiss assers who care about themselves more than public safety. 

Received via Email 01.15.10  I heard that they were talking about the Capt. upgrades again, WTF!!!!
How can they think that they will get away with that!!! Those positions are being taken care of just fine by Lt.s.
More boots off the streets and under desks, or at least the money for them.
Dont forget that there is not only a cost for the difference in pay but also the work cycle cost and HQ pay etc...
If your not doing something about this you are just as responsible as the Chief and mayor for taking money away from the brothers and sisters that make a difference every day and moving it into the hands of the FINOs.
Its time to take this department back. Get off your *** and make a call or write a letter, anything. We need to take the first step and start to refocus the priorities in this city back to where they should be.
I challenge each of you to do one thing TODAY to get this department back!!!!!
Take 5 minutes out of our busy day, it will pay off in your next contract, pension improvements, staffing, etc...

Received via Email 01.16.10  Wow after the upgrades two of the divison chiefs will have a span of control of 1.  That makes a lot of sense.  Less work and waste more money.  But hey, we can lay off people and thats ok.  What a place.

Received via Email 01.17.10  ok, You understand, Right????   So Do Something About IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Received via Email 01.18.10   OMG!!! An army of 1, dont let that cat out of the bag, someone will think they are being overworked. Its all just a ploy to bolster the Division Chiefs ego. I mean its better when you can force you idiotitic ideas on a Captain and a Lt. instead of just 2 lowly Lts. And while thats going on the Captain can shit on the Lt. too. Boy this is going to be fun.

Received via Email 01.18.10   Hey, is Lealman hiring?
TEAM: 727-526-5650

Received via Email 01.19.10  WTF / IDIOT / Lealman is also the enemy / They F**ked Seminole over the Bay Pines Contract and now they F**ked SPFR onver Tiera Verde / They are trying to survive and will loose eventially/ they are the HIGHEST costing fire service in PINELLAS County.\

Received via Email 01.19.10  Speaking of Capt. Livingston, has anybody seen a lot of him lately? Everytime I look in the time off account I see his name with L/T next to it. I thought J.O. put an end to all L and E time usage. And dont tell me he's out with the Haiti disaster either, if he was he would be getting FEMA $$$ and this would pay for Back filling of his slot.

Received via Email 01.19.10  The next time one of you gets some manditory overtime shoved up your ass, ask Todd what was so important that he was off. When the chief takes a day off, someone has to move into his spot and it causes a rippe. That ripple always means the same thing. Some firefighter is going to get manditory overtime shoved up his ass. We don't work a 24/48 schedule anymore and the union's going to have to address it. I'm tired of getting shit shoved up my ass and I'm tired of it happening during my R day cycle. And they wonder why we call them all MUTTS.  FTM!

Received via Email 01.19.10  Remember HQ has different rules than the street workers.  Todd isnt a proven street worker yet and may never be.
Even the worst among us start out with the best of intentions, don't they?