Received via Email 11.27.07 You think blue shirts are that big a deal? Get rid of one of them. Any one. Makes no difference. Nobody will notice. But get rid of the chief and watch the scrambling. The backbiting. The resumes flying. The national search (before they go across the hall and give it to #2). The crying. The bitching. The insecurity. The newspaper coverage. NOW tell me how important being a blue shirt is.
Received via Email 11.27.07 11/25 #2. Well stated. That is why when I have to attend a promtional event, (because I am on duty, or it is one of the good guys) I always shake their hand and say, "Don't forget where you came from!"
Sometimes it works a lot it does not.. So sad.
Received via Email 11.27.07 YIKES !!! I wish I was color blind.........
TEAM: There... better?
Received via Email 11.27.07 Ya know what's really BS? When you have to call the DC's office and yo uget this answer, Act/DC5 Nite, may I screw you!
Received via Email 11.27.07 Dude I hate Nite aka Night just as much as you, but I got to T.Witt your ass. Don't write bs without at least proff reading it at least once, you tard
Received via Email 11.27.07 Many will recall that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claimed that an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed onto a buffalo range just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and the federal government.
However, you may NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day, Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., Hillary Rodham, John F. Kerry, William Jefferson Clinton, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Charles E. Schumer, and Barbara Boxer were born.
See what happens when martians hump buffalo?
Received via Email 11.27.07 Doesnt he spell it like a Knight in shinning armor, I know who cares
Received via Email 11.28.07 Received via Email 11.27.07 Dude I hate Nite aka Night just as much as you, but I got to T.Witt your ass. Don't write bs without at least proff ->(proof)<- reading it at least once, you tard->(retard)<-
Who needs spell check? Just getting the information out there you challenged slow learner you!
Received via Email 11.28.07 Received via Email 11.27.07 Many will recall that on July 8, 1947....nice play on old joke. lol.. We all know back then that Chaney was corn holein' Obama back then when he was the older,more knowing cousin..While Lil Bush was snorting cocaine off the ass of J.Edgar Hoover...Someone is always F'in someone else! so FTM!
Received via Email 11.29.07 July 8, 1947, you got anything more recent ?
Received via Email 11.29.07 Janurary 20, 2008, End of an Error..
Received via Email 11.29.07 Hmmmmmmm....Poker playing at the Open House at the union hall, eh? I think I'll send some of the boys over and have a look. Of course a small donation to the "go-go fund" may stop that. Come by and see me for a little chat. Always on the side of the working man,
Received via Email 11.30.07 Correction to the post of 11.29 # 2 The end of an error occured today in Fire Prevention. King Ricky is looking for a new job. Way to go, to whomever had the big ball sack to get this accomplished.
Received via Email 12.01.07 I hear tell that RF went straight to the Mayors office like was his customary thing to do, but the Mayor refused to see him and the he told one of his do-boys to let RF know that he was of no use to him anymore. This is due to RF's lack of coming through on all of his past promises to control the union, control the union members, to control the last 3 union election of presidents and lastly in the cities general election. Damn, I guess our Mayor really is pissed.
Received via Email 12.01.07 I see SPFR is still up to their usual tricks. What kind of chickenshit leaders does it take to wait for the last minute in the day, on the last day of the week to tell someone, Oh by the way.... What a croc...But on the otherhand LOL...this is almost as good as the day Piks Snikwah removed himself for our existence. There truly is a Santa Clause.
Received via Email 12.02.07 You "heard tell" wrong. Actually the Mayor DID see him and they hatched another plan that is going to be even more covert but satisfying for the powers in the palace. The city doesn't toss out it's cloven hoof minions. It converts them. You'll soon see RF with a brand new outlook and future to be gained at the expense of ALL the members of SPF&R. It's true his value at the present time is less than pig shit but that's temporary. In order to remove any attention whatsoever to the new plan the old plan must be firmly put to sleep. Nothing will happen in the present. But the future is wide open and the Mayor will attempt one last gasp at creating havoc in the ranks of the department. A subtle and remorseful RF will come crawling with his tail between his legs and after the proper amount of time he will show his true allegiance. And it may well happen after the current mayor is long gone. These things don't hatch over night. Time is on the side of the oppressor. And watch for additional recruits to show up in support. RF isn't taking this lying down (although the mayor continually asks him to do so). RF has learned a lot about what makes a good "do boy" and his mistakes have been analyzed. However those who do not learn from their mistakes are bound to be propped up and given another chance.
Received via Email 12.02.07 well maybe there is a god if Rf finally got his butt kicked out. Is this a reality? What's up next for him, disability due to his obesity?
Received via Email 12.02.07 Funny, how 12.01 #1 feels. Everyone I have talked to in the past 2 days has said something like this, GOOD RIDINANCE, He will probably call in sick like the last time. Or the other common statement is "so what, he's gonna retire in January anyway's". Then again, the true RF asslickers lay all of the blame on Chief Jolley. I guess blinders really do work. Any way you spin the story tho, remember this, RF is now under the watchful eye of MM and you wont hear anything bad ever come from his pie hole about RF's work ethic or how he handles the troops. Which leads me to this, if the people in EMS get fed up with the RF Bullshit as quickly and routinely as the people in prevention did and as often as the elected officers of the union did when RF was in charge there, WE may need to start hiring a few dozen Paramedics real soon, cause I think we may have a problem.
Received via Email 12.02.07 Of COURSE there is a God you flipping lefty America hating atheist.
Received via Email 12.03.07 12.01.07 #1 When Berkheimer left prevention, RF made him take his uniform off and leave it before he went home on his last day. Once a Dick always a Dick.
Received via Email 12.03.07 Why is everyone such an RF hater ? I thought he was a friendly ole chap !!
Received via Email 12.03.07 Yeah, even Scabbies has a reason. "Chap"
Received via Email 12.03.07 Rf did do something for the good of the dept., afterall. Hey let's have a party!
Received via Email 12.05.07 Why is everyone in here hammering RF when they should be under fire marshall Bill's desk doing what they do best?
Received via Email 12.05.07 Hey 12/2-4 there ain't no god. God wouldnt make a hating asshole like you! Buddha bless you...
Received via Email 12.05.07 RF has done more good for this fire department than all of you whiners put together. There is more to this job than waiting for the bell, sleeping and bitching online.
Received via Email 12.05.07 Hey 12-5 #3 Question for you is. Which Division Chief are you? It's so hard to tell you guy's apart when you are trying like hell to justify why you are here doing whatever it is that you do.
Example: Bitching online! Go to the STRAIGHT DOPE page, they are comparing pecker sizes there and I am sure you will have a bunch of fun with that topic.
Received via Email 12.05.07 "There is more to this job than waiting for the bell, sleeping and bitching online."
Yeah, you assholes. Don't you know, there's driving the company car using the company gas - 24/7! There's jumping on the time clock whenever the feeling moves you. There's making TWO TIMES what you're worth in pay. Oh yeah - we were sending all of our medics to Hillsborough we're sending anyone who wants to work for us as an inspector there too.
Yeah, there's more to the job. It's all in a days work here in St. Petersburg.
Received via Email 12.05.07 To 12-5 #3. You said RF's done more for the DEPARTMENT.. yada yada yada. So what? I just work here. When I leave, what my UNION got me is going to carry me through my retirement years.
Received via Email 12.06.07 RF is a boil on the ass of all well meaning firefighters. He got what he deserves, Now the lil AH is gonna take em all to court over his....demotion? Well there goes that 6 figures a year you have been f'in us out of. Go ahead, you'll make a great investigative report on TV when your lame story hits the TV...
Received via Email 12.06.07 RF has done more good for this fire department than all of you whiners put together. - don't you mean RF's done more TO the department? He threatened the chief with quitting. If he's such a big cheese, why don't he take his high school educated ass down the road and prove to us all that he's not the fluke we think he is? BECAUSE HE'LL MELT DOWN THE NEXT DEPARTMENT TOO!
Received via Email 12.07.07 Poor lil ricky.
Received via Email 12.07.07 Oooooh man. That's one house of cards that came a tumbling down!
Received via Email 12.07.07 How come RF is going to be an LR. Surely not because his fat ass is to big to jump on a fire truck and fight some fire with the real men and ladies. Surely Not.
Received via Email 12.08.07 N.F.P.A. Look into it. Turk 182
Received via Email 12.10.07 Well now. If a certain former union president was on his toes when he was in office, he would have made any job that earns "seat time" a classification - then he wouldn't be in this fix, now would he? If it was so easy to do and he was doing such a great job over Winnie, then he would have made it happen. He didn't get demoted. He's still a Lt. In fact he's not ever going to have to pull hose. The chief is looking out for his sorry ass by letting him do the LR gig. Yeah, he's going to lose money. No he's not going to take Jolley's place, but everyone else learns that if they want to get promoted to the next level that they can't massacre all of their teammates in the process. That's why we don't call it RFFD! Ya get it?
Received via Email 12.10.07 Don't remove Feinberg, fire Jolley. He's the problem. That division was running fine before the reconstruction of the echelon.
Received via Email 12.10.07 2nd 12/10, are you friggin crazy. Jolley is the only reason that division is still intact. If was left up to RF it would be a regime with robots and unlimited money for himself. "Dont remove Feinberg" What do you want, the entire division to quit ! You my little fein are a moroon.
Received via Email 12.10.07 That's the truth. Jolley has set up his own little fire department in the prevention division, complete with rules and regulations that don't apply to the rest of us peons in suppression. Say what you want about Feinberg but I can list more things he has done for this department than Bill Jolley ever will. Unless carrying Callahan's water for years counts.
Received via Email 12.10.07 As much as Jolley is retentive, Feinberg makes him look like A Liberal! So go ahead and squeeze into that LR 10 truck lard ass! Hey maybe you could be a chief at Graham Park! You look like 9 out of 10 of them!
Received via Email 12.11.07 maybe with RF gone we will have a PIO thats worth a shit!!
Received via Email 12.11.07 hopefully his son will not follow in his footsteps and be a man not a lier and a coward like his dad
Received via Email 12.12.07 Sign your name asshole and I'll be glad to come over and punch you in the mouth until you learn not to say shit about my dad and learn some manners.
Received via Email 12.12.07 What is wrong with you assholes? It's one thing to take little shots at each other for laughs, but this bullshit has gotten WAY too personal and cruel. Going after a co-worker that is also the father of another co-worker the way you have is completely classless. It's way past offensive and childish. Anyone that would write slander like what has been in here lately has no business on a job like ours. If you had any stones at all, which is doubtful, you would apologize to this entire family.
This is the kind of shit you would expect from middle school girls. What has happened to this fire department? We used to have men working here. I was on this job when we were afraid women would screw things up. The women have all done great. It's you half men that somehow bluffed your way on to the job that are ruining things. Grow up. Just grow a pair, then grow the f**k up whoever you are.
Received via Email 12.12.07 Yep the apple doesn't fall far from the tree there does it Bud: I have some time so let's break it down... Sign your name asshole (now thats manners at it's best) and I'll be glad to come over and punch you in the mouth (you must be a good bar fighter) until you learn not to say shit (I will give you this one, we all need to learn not to say shit about anyone but it will never happen) about my dad. (about your dad, well quite honestly this is a classic example of the old saying "shit in your mess kit, now you have to eat out of it). This brings me to a question....does he really need you to defend him? I think not. Take this advice or leave it "don't give a shit about what people say on this site it really is for nothing else but bitching, whining, complaining, and if you want anything out of it you need to learn how to seriously read between the lines. Let your dad fight his battles he's been in them befor and come out smelling like a rose. The Fire Dept. has a way of changing real quick sometimes, ride the wave and land on the beach and watch all the A-holes wash out to sea, then your a chief.
William Wallace (defender of all)
Received via Email 12.12.07 I've got a question for all of you. I've been around the stations a bit in the past couple of weeks and haven't personally heard any of this, so I want to know if you all think this is for real or if it's just one of the shit stirring few from the old crew. Today, a little bird told me that EVERYONE was bitching about the fact that the Union is holding it's annual Open House on the very same day as the Firefighter and Fire Officer of the Year award. EVERYONE? I can tell you that the open house always runs just ahead of the FD's Christmas party, so I don't think there's a real conspiracy. The REAL question should be WHO GIVES A SHIT? What has this city done for any of us in the past several years? They throw token awards at us like we're beggars in a soup line waiting for a handout. The guys getting these awards should be proud to be selected by their peers and that is all. Why reward the assholes downtown by showing up for anything other than a union sponsored event? If they've got an award for you, let them come out to the fire station where you work and drop it off. If you're at the MFS and you're told that your going to go....... sit in the bathroom of city hall until it's over. To show up for one of these things is not for us. To even worry that the union's open house occurs on the same day is a real reach and more likely someone's attempt at making you question your union. Come Monday night, (after negotiations) the one or two of you who are SUPPOSED to be worried about this SUPPOSED union conspiracy to mess up your lives will wish you never showed up to act as a city backdrop in the first place. Mayor "ASSHOLE" is going to shove it up our asses again, while the fire chief sits quietly waiting for a report from his do boys.
Received via Email 12.13.07 Dear 12/12 post #1, you clame to be me but you are not. I'm not going to go over their and punch you that is foolish. But what I can tell you is that I feel good that people want to be like me. As for my father, I support him just as almost everyone else would support their father. To 12/12 post #3 now that you no that post #1 is not myself, you are correct, I am not defending him but I still will support him. Go ahead, bitch, complain do whatever it is you guys want to do. It doesn't bother me because its like what the top of the page says it's Bullshit.
Truthfully yours,
The real Buddy Feinberg
p.s. if any of you want to talk like men give me a call, you no where to reach me
Received via Email 12.13.07 Hey so who won FF and Officer of the year anyway ?
Received via Email 12.14.07 Ya have to respect a man who suports his father right or wrong. Good for you Buddy!
Received via Email 12.14.07 Who ever did the United Way this year?
Received via Email 12.14.07 This is exactly why this site should be for members only where you have to sign on and then submit your crap, but the only problem with that is only a select few would do it because most everyone is a shit stirrer.
TEAM: Bingo!
Received via Email 12.15.07 Tim Hill for FF of the year~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 12.15.07 No, the sight should be private because we are all morons.
Received via Email 12.15.07 12-15 #2 speak for yourself, you may be the only moron, the rest of us are just stupid. Hey get with grammar guy he should be able to help you figure out if your a moron or just plain stupid.
Received via Email 12.16.07 Dick Tully for retired fire fighter of the year.
Received via Email 12.16.07 The JW is not your friend...
Received via Email 12.16.07 I am too stupid to know if I am a moron.
Received via Email 12.16.07 Then I guess your either the exception to the rule, or your a sturon. Which ever you are your in good company.
Received via Email 12.17.07 I wasn't talking about RF...............S.K.
Received via Email 12.17.07 So we aren't geniuses. Well, you guys aren't. Me, I was recruited by Jerry Knight as I was stepping out of my senior year at Harvard.
How about you guys?
Received via Email 12.18.07 There should be an award handed out to the next person who says something intelligent, ready GO !
Received via Email 12.18.07 "Tis not the heat of the meat that causes the rise in my Levis but instead tis the angle of the dangle that makes me want to dance."
Einstien, 1944
Saying intelligent shit since puberty !!
Received via Email 12.22.07 Tom Dorsey for FF of the Year!!!!
Received via Email 12.25.07 HIP HIP HORAY FOR TOMMY HE'S A GOOD EGG ! SK AND RF COULD LEARN FROM SUCH A MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 12.27.07 I overheard two eggsuckers talking about how Large has finally lost ALL control and all respect for himself. RF got booted out of his cushy gig, or did he??? They told JG that he didn't have to worry about traveling from his house in Hillsborough county all the time to make late night PIO runs because he really only needed to appear on TV a couple of times a month at the most. If that's the truth, chief why do we need to support ANOTHER take home car and watch the OT meter spin??? How lucky for all of us that RF goes to the LR gig and gets to remain PIO AND keep his take home vehicle and suck all of the life out of this department in OT hours! Who the hells running this prison?
What other LR gets those priveleges? Lets see how much OT he volunteers to work during his R day cycle.
We're sliding right back into the old ways. Does anyone know if Jimmy drinks? I need to get my camera ready to straighten this place out. MM's kissing my ass right now and you and I know why.
Received via Email 12.27.07 Tommy is one cool dude!!! He was style long before America knew what it was all about!
Received via Email 12.27.07 Just look at the shit that's going on down at Baywalk. It's all the same ball of shit. Political appointments are killing us. INBREEDING IS KILLING US! Jehovah help us if the JW gets into office one day. Yeah....... that's right......... I called it office!
Received via Email 12.27.07 I guess Large still needs someone to lean on.
Who's left?
Prince - His radical ideas that will eventually throw this dept. into chaos. - No reasoning with him
EMS Chief - Once the house is built, what's there to talk about. - He can't be Superman. There's no phonebooth in his office.
Training Chief - Every tried talking to a sprayed roach? - if you like talking to yourself, talk to that one.
Fire Marshal Bill - He's in the DROP, so don't bother him. - if you like hearing 'we never did it like that when I was coming up' he's your man.
RF - Quick huddle. Listen Rick, Winnie's up Prince's ass again with union shit and we need so bailing out. - Sure boss. I'm mixing the Koolaid now.
We're F***ed
Received via Email 12.28.07 We can't get shit fixed in the stations, but we're going to put another vehicle on the road for him to drive all over town at overtime rate? I can't tell you how many times I've seen his company car sitting in front of this store or that after hours. Respect is a two way street. I don't care how many Christmas parties you throw, I'm not buying into this departments line of shit. The medics get ingnored in the companies while JW works on dismantling the entire system with single medic ALS bicycles, engines and ladder trucks. Mayor asshole is sucking the life out of this department, one tax dollar at a time and the bullshit fixes that you guys come up with make no sense at all. At the very least, you all should kiss us. You look us square in the face when we bring issues up and tell us THAT'S NICE, BUT MY WAY IS A BETTER WAY! No, it's not a better way at all. Tell the truth and tell us it's the best we've got to work with with the mayor that we're stuck with and the poorly inbred management team and I'll believe you and might even respect you for it. I hope this RF thing haunts you for a long time chief. We fixed that problem in our union. I can't believe your doing this after what you told Granata. What's the next memo going to say? After a long conversaion with the guy who drove half of the prevention division off, I've decided to reward him for his poor management and people skills by utilizing my own bad management skills.
Received via Email 12.31.07 BUDtallion 1 must have made a phone call to Jimmy to get him to back off of the boy. One never knows what goes on behind closed doors. Just wait. Another shit storm is brewing. It's been in an email and a few know about it. Just more boys being boys.
Received via Email 01.03.08 I hear tell that there's a big police investigation out at station 9. Seems that our little B shift muslim princess cleaned out her locker before leaving the job but left money and jewelry behind and someone stole them. Serve's her right. She's the real infidel. There's only one true religion.
Now to my story. I was reading my stack of Watchtower's while doing some light cleaning in the DC's room at the MFS some time ago. Anyway, the bell rang and I left them behind. I couldn't find them when I went back for them a shift later. I didn't say anything about my loss because I was embarrassed for people to think I wasn't putting my heart and soul into cleaning. Now that I see what's going on at no. 9, I'm thinking that we need to haul the DC's in and see who's got my copies of the Watchtower.
What do you firehouse attorneys think?
Sunny Day
Received via Email 01.04.08 Hey wait a sec...... I left a bunch of money and jewelry at my last station before I transferred back downtown. It was about a million and a half dollars worth of gold, diamonds and a few bearer bonds. SOMEBODY CALL THE COPS!
TEAM: What? No open title to that '63 split window coupe', you always told us you owned but we never ever, saw? Hmmmm?
Received via Email 01.04.08 Lots of things disappear from Station 9 lately. Has anybody seen MTB? One day he disappeared along with the contents of his lockers and nobody knew a thing. Just Poof they was gone! I thought he liked it there. Even his Officers say they didnt know why he left.
Received via Email 01.07.08 This stuff is really too good. You couldn't pay somebody to make up shit like this. I'm sure she didn't get paid, either - she's just making this shit up!
Received via Email 01.08.08 Not everything at #9 stays lost. Chad made it back.
Received via Email 01.08.08 The umbilical that is attached to woodward would only stretch so far.
Received via Email 01.08.08 That, and station 13 was running out of fire trucks.............
Received via Email 01.09.08 whos crashing them now at 13
TEAM: If they're gonna crash another one, they're gonna crash a new one. It's in!
Received via Email 01.09.08 I am sure back stabbing Zamp already has the red tickect written up and ready to sign whether they are guilty are not. As two-faced as he is, he should be in admin., not operations. Maybe even a politician.
Received via Email 01.09.08 Why dont you let Zamp know how you feel.
Received via Email 01.10.08 Sounds like he/she just did .
Received via Email 01.10.08 Why don't you tell him for me, TWitt? While you're at it, if you can dig your nose out of SK's ass for a moment, tell him too!
Received via Email 01.10.08 no he didnt. he is telling everyone in here how he feels. he is nothing but preaching to the choir. go to the person that can defend himself face to face like a man instead of coming in here preaching to his boys.
Received via Email 01.10.08 Hey everybody the " why don't you tell that to his face guy is back " yeah !
Received via Email 01.11.08 Since when did the "why don't you tell that to his face guy" get to start making the rules anyway? Gosh if we did do it his way there wouldn't be anyone on this site. Hey "Face Guy" why don't you take up needle point? I hear it calms people like you down.
Received via Email 01.11.08 hey guys its not rocket sicence your fire fighters be proud of it quit being a dramma queen you sound like a bunch of pantie waste you look act like a bunch of queers you have a great career quit your bitchen
TEAM: Must be a jealous Engrish teacher.
TEAM: Nah... we're not going to print that!
Received via Email 01.12.08 Hey when are all the shift officers getting a take home car? Or is that only for the one who still runs the department? Funny how that has never occured before, even if someone else was taking the new position, the officer going on shift never kept his take home car (not even during transition). But hey, this is the era where Favortism of Largeism reigns supreme. Get used to it, because it is here to stay!!!!
Received via Email 01.12.08 This is all a joke, right ! RF does not have a take home car and on shift work. Tell me this is not true.
Received via Email 01.13.08 How is it a bad thing when somebody negotiates a better deal for their own working conditions? So he gets a take home car. Maybe if you spent more time working on your career and less time whining, you could cut yourself a few perks. Get over it.
Received via Email 01.14.08 Yeah Right ! 1/13 #1 Do you really think that the "CRAP" you spew is true?
Received via Email 01.14.08 "Negotiate?" Is that what it's called when you threaten to suit or better yet, quit? Negotiating would be an honorable thing. Have another drink of that Koolaide.
Received via Email 01.14.08 If your a chief and you screw up you get promoted to Vice-Mayor, if your a Lt. you get a car. It's all the same. I am a FF could I get a take home Dihatsu?
Received via Email 01.14.08 The chiefs hate it when RF out-chiefs the chiefs. That's what makes him my hero.
Received via Email 01.14.08 Hey with all the Largeism, Ole JKC does not look so bad after all. Hey you guys wanted it, well live with it, Prince and Pretty Boy. Oh Boy were in Heaven Now.
Received via Email 01.14.08 If you were giving a take home car would you turn it down?
Received via Email 01.14.08 Chief But Rick is King. Even Stevie Wonder can see that !
Received via Email 01.15.08 You guys are such sheep. That's why it upsets you to see someone put together a better deal for himself.
Received via Email 01.15.08 If I earned a car I wouldn't turn it down.
Received via Email 01.15.08 Large and Feinberg. Hey they appear to be acting more like a couple, rather than co workers. Maybe they'll both be in the parade down central together this year. Co workers that tight may have a little more going on than just working. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!!
Received via Email 01.15.08 "Earned a car." "Given a car." You guys have been sipping the Koolaide for too long. Maybe if we piss our pants and throw a fit, we can get a COLA out of the city. It seems like a logical choice now.
Received via Email 01.16.08 Bingham must have given Rick those pictures before he left.
Received via Email 01.16.08 "Earned a car" What a moroon. The car is a part of the specific job. If you want to earn a car go work for Tupperware. Some people in this department really amaze me.
Received via Email 01.16.08 1/14/08#5 Large on his worst day, doesn't suck as much as old JKC on his best, put the herb down a little earlier in the day. He might still suck, just not as much.1/16/08#1 I wondered what happened to those pictures
Received via Email 01.16.08 Big Mike may have some pictures but I know someone who really has some pictures of a certain bachelor's party!
Received via Email 01.17.08 Pictures of a fat ass getting bl*wn? uggg. who'd wanna see a guy going down of him!
Received via Email 01.17.08 Do Tell !!
Received via Email 01.17.08 Before the insidious bs removes itself from the "Straight Dope" page and finds a new home here I'll just post this reminder...VCF
This page should go dead silent for one week before someone with a skull full of mush from either city hall or headquarters will realize what you're saying. This isn't something that belongs on this website and it's not the responsibility of the web master to censor things that are totally inappropriate. This kind of titilating yet disgusting stuff needs to kept inside your head and not on your lips. Even if it was all true and I'm not saying it's not, this isn't the place to point it out.
This kind of irresponsible one upman-ship doesn't belong on this site. It's only a matter of time until someone checks. Then it's gonna come down on all of you. This kind of juvenile activity is best left in the memory of those involved. Remember. We are trying very hard to look like professionals in this new year. We're moving ahead and have made some great progress. Why toss it in the crapper by looking like a bunch of sophmoric college nerd trying to outdo each other about what they know? Not the image we're looking for here. Clean up your act and shut up about stuff that shines a light on us in a negative way. Because in the end if we don't the "shotgun discipline" will find each of us one way or the other. Been there, done that, read the book.
Received via Email 01.19.08 VCF, this is a room where real men hammer each other the way real men do. You probably are looking for something a little less manly. Have you checked out
Received via Email 01.20.08 RE: 1/19/08 ---- #1
Received via Email 01.16.08 Big Mike may have some pictures but I know someone who really has some pictures of a certain bachelor's party!
Received via Email 01.17.08 Pictures of a fat ass getting bl*wn? uggg. who'd wanna see a guy going down of him!
Received via Email 01.17.08 Do Tell !!
"VCF, this is a room where real men hammer each other the way real men do."
Yes, yes, yes I can see where only the "real men" hang out on this page. Talking about bl*w jobs and hammering each other is about as manly as can be. If showing each other your asses turns you on that's your business but keep it to yourself and stop showing your ass to the public. Nobody cares about who has photos of who getting what. Keep that allegedly worthwhile information to yourself. Your sexual preferences are no concern to anyone but you. Keep it that way. Search out 1/17/08-#2. It looks like he may be interested in the same things you are. Hopefully those who visit this site won't take you or your sexual preferences as the benchmark.
Received via Email 01.21.08 Dick thinks he is a Very Cool Firefighter (VCF)
Next puzzle, please.
Received via Email 01.23.08 I heard that one of the new people that we just hired, missed being voted in at the last union meeting because she had laundry to do. I suspect her daddy will set her straight! Why do we continue to vote people in, who don't even show their face?
Received via Email 01.23.08 so we can collect their money.
Received via Email 01.23.08 yup an you miss her dues / the hell with her / take her $$$$
Received via Email 01.24.08 Give the girl a break. There are a shit load of people on the job that have spent years here without stepping foot in the union hall. Try not to let it twist your panties, bitch.
Received via Email 01.26.08 The apple doesn't rot far from the tree.
Received via Email 01.26.08 I don't think we should vote anyone in to this organization without seeing their face first. It's not about the money. It's about respect. There are some who are at the union hall helping nearly every time I walk in there and they don't get a paycheck. Everyone was told 2 weeks prior that there was a meeting while going through their first days on probation.
Received via Email 01.27.08 Anyone seen the department's online job satisfaction survey? It looks like a middle school kids project. Good going HQ. Now we know how much your concerned.
Received via Email 01.30.08 A Middle School project? Shit, maybe they are reading this pathetic site and realizing what immature FIREFIGHTERS we have on this job. For once, can we try and pull together like a family SHOULD do when things get tough, instead of bashing a new hire whom probably had a lot more than laundry to do!!!!!!! Or better yet, how about you self -absorbed assholes get some BALLS?!! Stop assuming, ask that person what is up if you are so interested in their personal life. TWITT I know it is so hard for you, you have no life besides bashing people to make your little life look good, but in all reality IT DOESN'T!!!!!! Running your mouth, when you only have a little over 3 years on the job??? Come on man, you act like you know all, you are such a hypocrite, you still are a probie, just like myself. Try being a MEDIC....... you need the practice. At least I have learned since I have been on this job, questions are better answered when you go to the source.....
Received via Email 02.02.08 Every one of us needs to fill out one of these surveys. Its a great way to vent, and even a better waste of the Cities budget dollars from ink and paper.
Received via Email 02.06.08 No driving for 10 years? Wow, you must have been a real ball of fire in your early days.
Received via Email 02.06.08 With three years on I couldn't agree with you more!!!, 2-05-08 #2!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's learn what it means to be a FIREFIGHTER/emt or FP. MAYBE EVEN WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BACK ONE ANOTHER UP.
Received via Email 02.12.08 Hey 2/5 #2. You sound like the voice of someone who has sat on their ass and one day you woke up and found others around you who have taken some innitiative in the same position or above that of yourself. If your suggestion goes through, you would then have officers who were never Drivers~ I'm pretty sure you would then bitch about that as well.
As opposed to you sitting on your ass, bitching about what you can not control, raise up and take care of some business that you can control. Why don't you get away from the news paper and cup of coffee and go out on the ramp with some of those new guys and teach them something that you know.
I know that you will take offense to this post, but please read it again and think about it. You can not control the game right now. You can however produce better workers/drivers/emt's/firefighters. That is, if you truely wish.
Have you ever considered that they might be soaking up some of your time as a driver because they may be a little better? There are many good "young" drivers. There are also some "veteran" drivers that are substandard.
Take a hard look in the mirror. What are you? Someone who is going to bitch about things or someone who is going to help your coworkers? If you still are unsure, ask your officer at your station. I'm sure that they will tell you....or are they too young as well?
Sorry if I offended you. I didn't want to piss you off, just open your eyes.
Be safe (and happy)!!
Received via Email 02.12.08 OK....I'll bite. Does anyone else notice that there's an "F" where a "T" should be on this site? And if I'm the first to find it does it mean I win a T shirt or something?
Received via Email 02.13.08 WOW! 2/12 #2 is right on top of things! Here's another one for you: Tuck Off, shif for brains.
Received via Email 02.14.08 Rob Edwards is my HERO we need more Rob's and Scott's
Received via Email 02.15.08 Hey 2/13/08 ---#1 and only....Still can't find it can you,dumb ass?
Received via Email 02.15.08 I'm glad the results from the Captains assessment is over. I am even more so happy to hear that it involved a hurricane scenario. I hear some of the true whiners showed their colors on this one.
Received via Email 02.19.08 Did you find it yet, dumb ass?
Received via Email 02.20.08 What a family friendly little room we have here. Why is this man calling his brother a dumb ass? Using such language he must be a real douche bag.
TEAM: Yeah... the nerve of him. Thanks for pointing that out, "whacker boy."
Received via Email 02.21.08 With all of the things that are said on these pages, somehow dumb ass doesn't seem all that uncalled for. I think "whacker boy" is a bit extreme though.
Received via Email 03.13.08 Well, it has happened yet again. Rumor mill has it that one more seasoned medic will be dropping his patch very soon. I can only guess the reasons for this decision. I am quite certain it must be something more than boredom. I guess EMS is beginning to stand for Every-other Mandatoried Shift../././././. Wait, important news alert././././. this just in ././././. another young medic will be leaving us for where? You guessed it, Hillsborough has won the bid on another. I can't see us having much of an EMS division in the near future. BW had better start looking out for his job as EMS chief.
Received via Email 03.18.08 Who gives a SHIT, if you don't like your job then QUIT !
Received via Email 03.19.08 Bite me, whacker boy !!!
Received via Email 03.19.08 3/18 #1.... smart, real smart. So if you aren't happy... just quit. What a slacker you must be. Why not just get rid of the union since all they do is try to take care of things that "don't make us happy." I think you are a queer.
Morton Downey Jr.
Dead talk show host
Received via Email 03.19.08 are you calling me out, or asking mr out I am kind confused here. Are you some kind of queer expert or something ? I am happy for you because now when you quit or get fired (or asked to leave if your an officer of rank) then you can get a job picking out queers somewhere good luck with your future........Morton Downey Jr. now that's some funny stuff.
TEAM: No. However, it is true that the city is trying to get the Union to ratify a contract that includes language that will significantly shift the burden of growing insurance costs from the city to the retiree. All present and future retirees would be affected.
Prior plan retirees enjoy an escalator clause that can be utilized to offset some of these additional costs. Supplemental plan employees have no escalator and no COLA and without either, the projected additional insurance costs will cut into our buying power significantly. The city's plan is to use January 2009 as a start date to begin shifting the burden. Additionally, all new hires after that date will not be offered health insurance in retirement.
We know there's going to be a few on this job that always go against the flow. Vote to ratify this contract and you can tell everyone else that voted against it that you were the one that couldn't live without the city's bullshit 2.5% pay raise. To illustrate the importance of the 'pay' proposal, some came to the explanation meeting this morning Monday (3-24) and upon hearing what the pay raise percentage would be, found no further need to stay. What did they miss? They missed Brother Billy Mott's explanation concerning the city's proposed solution to increasing insurance costs. The firehouse attorneys can probably fill them in. Call 323-1786 for definitive answers to your pension questions.
Received via Email 03.28.08 ya go.......
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'd like to hold.....uh, shake your gland......uh,hand 3-26-08-#1. As funny as your post is, and it's pretty pathetic funny, I think you need to check your pants for brown stains in the front. You're WAY too knowledgeable about what the gay stereotypes are. But you and I both know you're just a closet gay. Out gays don't even talk about that sort of stuff. We just know it without saying it. Now if you really want to know what gay is all about buy a copy of my CD, "Sweatin' To The Oldies". I do a FAAA-BULOUS routine to "Shake Your Booty". I assume that with all those hash marks in the front of your shorts that you're a cute top. Have I got a bottom for you. Oh, not me or course. You have to be A-list to do my little bum. Have to go now lover. You have a nice day and keep playin' them skin flutes in the closet.
Received via Email 03.31.08 Grow some balls, picket the Gran Prix, picket the mayors home, embarass the city with a heart stopping bill board, and yeah yeah yeah I don't wanna hear that it's tough time for us to do that because of the public perception, this fu-cking city has the money. We can also start a round of the Blue flu, unless most of the young panzies will go with it. Time to get some attention, it's our fault that we let things get the way they are now. Time to really play hard ball, enough of the bleeding hearts, well I have a family to think of. Fu-k that you have to take care of number one before you can take care of anyone else, so buck up.
Received via Email 03.31.08 The Web Master wants the same gun rights as Australia....Tee Hee HEE
TEAM: We're actually way ahead of them.
Received via Email 04.02.08 I heard that theres been no AC at station 9 for 2 weeks now. If the AC went out at HQ you can bet that shit would be getting fixed and pronto.
TEAM: Yeah - so what's the problem. Plantation life not to your liking?
Received via Email 04.06.08 Hey 4.02.08 #1 if you just heard that the A/C isn't working at station 9 then I assume that you don't work at #9. So why are you complaining about it. Hell it's April anyway, get back with us when it's July or August and it's really hot out. In the mean time why don't you drive an ice truck over there and give those guy's a helping hand. While you're at it.........
I heard that the coke kitty at number 3 has taken a beating for the last 10 years too has anyone got an update on that one.
I also heard that the racoons are badder than ever at number 2.
I even heard that number 3 is still using steel air bottles ( now that sucks )
I hear that there is no more room to build in number 11 territory so there are folks putting up tents in the engine room and even the dorm. Keep the triple whopper away.
I heard that number 13 is so busy that the people who work there don't even have time to call in sick.
I heard that number 8 is slipping into Lake Maggorie and that the city is going to use race proceeds to build a new one on a hovercraft so they can move it around the city as needed.
Hey have you heard this one the Devil Rays need a new stadium, let's put it on the hovercraft with number 8 then if it rains it can be moved to a sunny location for the game.
I am not that old but can still remember stations not having A/C as well as the trucks not having it either. Question here is do you still have a job ? the answer is yes now STFUP.
Received via Email 04.07.08 Well, if you MUST know, I was there to pick up some ice. I didn't think about it at the time, but the ice machine is broken too.
Received via Email 04.08.08 cooler.
Received via Email 04.09.08 4-6-08 sounds like a typical HQ administrative response.
Received via Email 04.09.08 Reply to 4-6-08 "I am not that old but can still remember stations not having A/C " Your full of crap. Over the last 40 years, all the stations have had AC. And by the way, years ago we didnt have cars or trucks, so why dont you start walking your ass to work ! Sounds like you are the real cry baby, because instead of fixing a problem, you just want to excuse it away and let someone else handle the work ! No go back to sucking your thumb and having someone else bring you a bottle !!!
Received via Email 04.10.08 I'm having trouble remembering when all of the stations had working air conditioners.
Received via Email 04.10.08 Seems like there's always something to gripe about on this job. Whether or not the air conditioning is working is almost humerous. If the air conditioning WAS working you'd be bitching about how COLD it is. Or whether it's not cold enough. Seems someone can always find something negative on the job. I for one DO remember when there were no air conditioners in any of the stations. If you were lucky there was a giant 4'X4' attic fan on wheels that "cooled" the dormitory at night. All it did was circulate farts, the smell of old feet, and hot air around and around the dormitory. On top of that it was LOUD. So be careful what you bitch about. Since the air conditioners are already broken they may decide to not fix them and bring back the fans. Of course that won't be necessary since they're taking the beds out anyway. There's something to bitch about.
Received via Email 04.10.08 via Email 04.10.08 I think before we build a new stadium our firefighters need a contract. And not some sorry ass offer currently on the table. And whats up with taking away the insurance from our retirees and not offering new hires insurance when they put given the city 20 to 30 years of there life! I belive Dick Baker and his cronies are on drugs. And why arn't Prince and Pretty Boy backing their men???????????? And demanding more for the troops? Oh ya thats right............ they got theirs, so screw everyone else !!!
Received via Email 04.10.08 Its a shame we know that the Mayor and the mutts read this site and yet still nothing is done. Lets face it they have no respect for the troops. Prince shows us daily that he cares nothing about his fellow brother firefighters.
Received via Email 04.11.08 If you are old enough to remember no air conditioners, than you are one of the guys that voted to gut the pension of the new hires and save yourself. Thanks. I hope you sweated your ass off.
Received via Email 04.12.08 Ah yes, another smelly fish bait just laying there waiting to be pounced on. Sorry but no takers today. But here's a thought. Maybe in ten years or so the new hires can bitch and whine about how you let them take the beds out. Instead of sweating my ass off I'll be laughing my ass off.
Received via Email 04.14.08 I am starting a group for battered firefighters, we will meet at Hooters on Tyrone Tuesdays at 11am if there is anyone close to the chief that can work on him to let on duty crews circulate through please do so. In fact, invite them all from HQ. Bring a covered dish.
E. Drosty
Received via Email 04.14.08 4/14 #1 Glad you find screwing us over so amusing. Thanks again, scab.
Received via Email 04.14.08 "Prince shows us daily that he cares nothing about his fellow brother firefighters."
Really? What was your first clue? For shits and giggles, does he put his pants on the same way you do? If so, then pull the pedestal out from under these men that have nothing more in common with you than that!
And to your "Brother" comment.......... brother my ass! The dude simply works here. If he were pressed, he couldn't tell you the last time he attended a union meeting. I can tell you the last time he attended a meeting and I've missed a few.
Let's quit giving these guys so much credit. I don't recall any of them graduating sigma cumae laude from Stanford or M.I.T...... Sheesh.
TEAM: Stop! You're killing us!
Received via Email 04.14.08 First we had the drunk. Now we've got the mayor's do-boy. What next? Reading from the watchtower during rollcall? I guess we're never going to catch a break.
Received via Email 04.15.08 Why stop your forgetting about the 3 chiefs prior . Big Red I'll just let the prisoners re furb the trucks Mr. City Mgr It will save the city alot of money then you can give me a big year end bouns , Siesta Boy I'll premote anybody wheather they have a clue or not. And Greenway theirs the right , the wrong way and then theirs the Greenway.
Received via Email 04.15.08 Not unless you go outside, And I don't mean someone who left for a few years and wants to come back !!! P.S. and if you do permote from within I vote for Joe Bruni
Received via Email 04.19.08 The only we'll ever catch a break is if the citizens decide to make the Fire Cheif an elected postiton. Plain and simple thats the only way to make so the chief is not the Mayor's bitch.
Received via Email 04.19.08 What you have right now with 100 and 200 are Baker witnesses. Who would have ever thought the Sad Man would have been the pick of the litter.
Received via Email 04.20.08 Isn't funny how Chief Large and Chief Wimberly will say negative things about City Administration in front of the troops and at the recent round of officer meetings to try and win the unions approval. Some of the stories have been almost convincing, especially how the city screwed us by making us use the $65,000 plus it cost the FD for the Grand prix - and making us take the hit from our own budget. Who knows, maybe they are finally starting to see the reality of the issues, that taking care of the workers who make this city run, and those that provide life safety should be a priority. Kudos for Chief Large and Chief Wimberly; a small kudos, but one all the same.
Received via Email 04.20.08 Funny haha or funny odd? It's pretty clear to me that they're in a war they can't win and they're trying to come out of this with no tarnish on their armor. Fat chance! Go back to the posts on this website from a year ago and look at the comments. The honeymoon wasn't over yet and Large and Wimberly hadn't had a chance to develop their game plan. Fast forward a year later and one giant failed attempt to get us to swallow a bag of shit contract and now another and all of a sudden we're the bad guys. Take a look at all the touchy feely articles that Large and company have been spinning out of HQ on the only website they've got available to them, THE FIRE CONNECTION. It 's sickening to feel like I'm the subject of an ethics class that one of these smootchers is taking. I'm not a science experiment and me and my union aren't wrong on this. In 20 years this part time flash in the pan mayor won't remember your names. We will.
Keep playing with us boys. You've not yet felt the full effects ot the hurricaine known as the UNION!
PS: Glad you're still paying retirees dues.
Received via Email 04.20.08 2nd 4/20, good post. Like the movie Tombstone. "... you called down the thunder, well now you've got it!" Hang on to your a-- boys, the UNION is a coming and coming strong. United we will get what is fair and equitable, that which is so deserved by our hard working men and women who can jump out of bed at any time AM and fight any emergency, accident, fire, or other disaster - over and over again, while the rest of the city sleeps in peace - and would shutter at a glimpse of the scenes that are routine and normal to us. We are not just tough, we are UNION.
Received via Email 04.22.08 AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 04.22.08 oh yea thats going to scare the city. give me a break. We need to take drastic steps and not give in to the citys crap.
Received via Email 04.23.08 I heard we sent our Sec/treas to the hospital last night during the night drill. Is this bullshit or truth?
Received via Email 04.23.08 Union tough baby, lets all stick together.
Received via Email 04.23.08 I think the current training div is the worst in 30 years.
Received via Email 04.23.08 What's bullshit is guys and gals have to stay on till they're 60 or so years old. My God ,Freddie Guy was 70 when he left. 25 and out! 50 plus is to0 old to be fighting fire or riding rescue. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via Email 04.24.08 In Freddie Guy's defence (not that he need's it) he could do more at 70 than a major portion of the newer people on the job could ever think about doing and never bitched about it. God Bless ya Freddie the fd needs more like you.
Received via Email 04.25.08 Only the names change.
Received via Email 04.25.08 Hallaleuha, I wish more people would not complete these night drills. Now I can whore myself out to PTEC and work more hours at less than I would if our own city had a training budget that would allow for the training of our own. Keeping dropping boys and girls, I can use the $$$.
Whore to the end.
Received via Email 04.26.08 Dude, what a crock. Why dont you tell the whole story. First off though I must say, I can't blame anyone for trying to secure a second pension, only the selective and questionable way they go about it. Listen to this, PTEC is a part of the School System. The School system is in the Florida Retirement System (FRS) employees are in the FRS. People in the FRS dont pay anything for this pension. You are vested after 10 years in FRS...Getting the picture yet? A certain amount of hours are required to be considered a pensionable employee (thus the continous bullshit drills). Is the picture clearer now. That is also why so many of the secrect click get brought into the fold, and they don't bitch about the $25.00 per hour pay. They realize that the free pension makes the difference.
Received via Email 04.27.08 You missed the whole point Freddy was my hero as well ! The point is we should not have to work 35 plus years an well in to our senior years just to secure a decent pension.
TEAM: And to think... he's your hero and he retired a lowly Fire Fighter. Hmmmm....
Received via Email 04.27.08 Remember, the heroes are the firefighters or emts or paramedics on the street, not the Div Chief downtown that is sucking the tax payers dry by their plush pay that they surely don't deserve. They could not so much as fight a fire or run a true emergency as they could figure out what there job really is. They certainly aren't leaders! Our DCs and company officers play that role. So what the heck is a DIV Chief good for? Well, that's a question we would all like to know the answer to.
Received via Email 04.27.08 That's my point ! There are no Heroes at 400 9th St South. There all out in the companies wearing Blue shirts.
Received via Email 04.29.08 How bout the one Division Chief who runs around at a fire scene like a terrified cat, you know, the one who yells and screams at people at a scene because of his own incompetence. Can anyone guess who this one is? You dont have to guess, everyone knows who we are talking about here. Oh yeah, he preaches how to be safe, yet he enters a smoke filled structure with basically no gear or SCBA. But God forbid, you do anything wrong or else the red pen and the axe will fly. This chief gets the Moron of the decade award! He's no Hero but he is a Zero!!!
Received via Email 05.05.08 poor lil cubby
Received via Email 05.06.08 if cubby ran around at a fire scene he would have a heart attack
Received via Email 05.11.08 Hey GL got fire instructor of the year in the whole state of Florida, that has to count for something. I think the little guy is the best. He is such a pleasant little soul. He is such a common sense, head level, calming personality type. The type you want running your fire scene. Cubby for Fire Chief. Everybody, quit picking on the little guy.
Received via Email 05.13.08 Lets did see did Todd or Rob write the above statement ????
Received via Email 05.13.08 Yeah, sure......Rob wrote that. And Todd? Have you ever talked to him? He's so self absorbed, he should have his own lips sewn to his own ass.
Received via Email 05.13.08 Here's a question for all you guys. Several months ago, several of us stood on the capital steps in Talahasse and warned the governor that budget cuts would harm our ability to protect the state during firestorms. Did we come into some money? And who were these brave souls that signed up to kiss the city's ass again? If you guys want to get paid to be on a specialty team, fight for the pay raise then you can volunteer for every friggin bullshit project that comes along. We're never going to be as good as we can be, as long as some of you ass kissers are sucking someone's c**k!
Please, can I camp out under the stars next to my fire engine? I need the money too badly to say "NO" until you can pay me properly.
Received via Email 05.13.08 Come on now, dont be so harsh. You know the Chief Large will write a real nice note about them in the next current events memo. And then the Mayor and the rest of Council will forget that THEY declared IMPASSE and will start telling the world about how we are the best in the southeast. And then as soon as they shut their mouths they will forget what was just said and they will find themselves wondering when will those damn firefighters get over the fact that we are trying to fist them and just relax. Hey I just went to the store to get gas, the attendant said it would cost $50.00 to fill my tank, I said, "I'm one of the best firefighters in the Southeast, and he said that will be $50.00.
Received via Email 05.15.08 To suggest that we should ignore calls for assistance from other firefighters for political reasons is disgusting to me. Just who are the FINO's here?
Received via Email 05.16.08 5/15/ #1 that has been the smartest thing said in here in a long time. Editor he/ she should get a ribbon
TEAM: He can have two. They're cheap!
Received via Email 05.16.08 Well you really show the Gov that the budget cuts hindered us by sending 5 engines and 20 men to fight the brush fires in Broward County. Way to Go! You could at least made it a media blitz and stated in he past we could of sent 10 engines and 40 men but do to the cuts this is all we could send. But no... you'll never learn to play hard ball just like the Rays.
Received via Email 05.16.08 hey dipshit, we sent the same amount a couple a years ago when it was burning, with no cuts being talked about. I am sure you used the free disney passes though.
Received via Email 05.17.08 Why do we send our frontline trucks? Arent the pieces of shit reserve trucks worthy of a photo op?
Received via Email 05.17.08 "He's so self absorbed, he should have his own lips sewn to his own ass." Funny as shit. Funny but true.
Received via Email 05.18.08 I don't recall firefighters asking for help... just fire departments asking for mutual aid. If guys want to go over on their own and help out so be it. But volunteering to go with our front line equipment while putting our own citizens at risk just makes the mayor look good and makes the guys that volunteered look kind of suck upish. I don't blame younger guys for going but anyone with more than 5 years on is a different story. I say don't give this city any volunteer effort for anything until we have a contract.
Received via Email 05.18.08 to the first 5/17 post. We don't stock the reserves. And 2nd 5/16 post, it was Brevard County.
Received via Email 05.18.08 It was Brevard County and they needed a truck with all the equipment on it. If our Dept. kept the reserves stocked they would of taken a reserve.
Received via Email 05.19.08 If we don't stock our reserve equipment, then how the f**k are we supposed to backfill our frontline equipment when management starts feeling so helpful they forget we have a city to protect?
Received via Email 05.25.08 I don't get this whole don't volunteer for anything routine. As a firefighter living and working in this city it makes me wonder how this helps us or how it helps our families who live is the city. The last thing I want is some guy treating one of my relatives with his pissed off, I got mandatory overtime and am riding rescue, attitude. I would rather piss off the guys who preach this don't volunteer routine than to stick my family with the piss poor attitudes of those who would rather do nothing but piss and moan.
It is funny but isn't the BROTHERHOOD about being there for one another and their families. So when we choose not to volunteer and leaving units at minimum staffing, which is an everyday thing anyway, how is that BROTHERHOOD helping the family of one of our own that burns in the fire, the fire that didn't have enough firefighters because guys were looked down upon for volunteering. Thanks for the support guys.
New Guy Under 5 years. 1 "B"
TEAM: "The last thing I want is some guy treating one of my relatives with his pissed off, I got mandatory overtime.." Call the Mayor and ask him to pay the people who work here, appropriately.
"I would rather piss off the guys who preach this don't volunteer routine than to stick my family with the piss poor attitudes of those who would rather do nothing but piss and moan." If you don't have your sights set on being the chief of the department, there are some great educational opportunities coming up at the FPF Convention in Tampa in a couple of weeks. Once you learn to put 'organizied labor' first, all other things will fall into order. No doubt, you've already responded to one of President Newton's email inquiries, where he asks for members to attend.
"It is funny but isn't the BROTHERHOOD about being there for one another and their families." Sure. And the quicker you learn - the quicker you'll understand that you've been on the outside, looking in! There are world-class educational opportunities heading your way and it's all free of charge.
"So when we choose not to volunteer and leaving units at minimum staffing, which is an everyday thing anyway, how is that BROTHERHOOD helping the family of one of our own that burns in the fire, the fire that didn't have enough firefighters because guys were looked down upon for volunteering." Guilt is a funny thing. What is most troubling to us, is that you've chosen to take the extra burden of properly staffing this department's apparatus on your own shoulders, even if it's at straight-time. To our way of thinking, if the NFPA claims that a properly staffed 'engine has four aboard and a properly staffed 'truck' has four or sometimes five onboard, then this city and this department's management has made a conscious decision to play games with your life and that of the public. They ought to place units out of service each shift and properly man what's left with a full compliment of Fire Fighters per the NFPA. With every piece of apparatus that is taken out of service to properly staff frontline apparatus, a daily report outlining those moves needs to be tendered to Council and the Mayor! What's fair is fail, right? They keep demanding that we comply with the NFPA 'physicals' standard which can be punitively used again us but they throw the NPFA manual out the window for anything and everything else where you and I demand compliance.
Yup, there's some great opportunities awaiting you that will allow you to get your "BROTHERHOOD" freak on - not as an employee of St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue, but as a member of St. Petersburg Association of Fire Fighters, Local 747.
Received via Email 05.25.08 wow somebody hit a nerve with the no volunteering thing
TEAM: It should be hitting about about 270 nerves. No?
Received via Email 05.26.08 Hey webmaster. Why did you tell the new guy all that here. You could have told him that during a union meeting!
Received via Email 05.26.08 What the "New Guy Under 5 years" fails to recognize is the fact that he doesn't understand that he's had too much of the Kool Aide being served up by the fire chief on a daily basis. I mean, where else can you get such a customized presentation from the mayor, via his right hand do-boy, the fire chief? I'm glad he doesn't stop my my station on a daily basis and promote the company line. There are a couple of district chiefs that could stay home too, for that matter. Oh and while we're on the subject, Jim Wimberly is destroying this fire dept., one day at a time. He is not your friend and you'll do well to avoid his line of full-on, full-time bullshit. He's a FINO.
Received via Email 05.26.08 JOW needs to go. Big Bird can you amdit you made a huge mistake?
Received via Email 05.27.08 I don't know why you guys spend so much time picking on JOW. He's quite and ethical person and I doubt seriously that he'd lie to any one of us or knowingly misdirect us. I've been to his website and the truth is all there:
Received via Email 05.27.08 "You could have told him that during a union meeting!" Free food and drinks don't seem to do the trick, so that won't work. You'd think folks would show up, just so they don't have to get their info from the chief.
Received via Email 05.30.08 5/25 #2/You are an asshole. I dont care for Obama, but god please find some accurate info before you make yourself look like a bigger asshole..
Luv, Walter Mondale, (still alive)
Received via Email 05.30.08 Good Lord! Why don't you engine slugs wake up and see the light? You don't do anything. On a busy day at a busy station you may run 5 calls! I would venture to say two of those are medical calls too. You make a decent salary for the amount of work you do, be grateful you aren't replaced by sprinklers and enjoy reading the paper and taking naps while you get paid. Oh, and you may also want to think a medic for justifying our means without them our whole little scam here may have already have been exploited.
roger rabbit
Received via Email 05.30.08 Wow that's the butchist picture I've seen of Dave in 25 years! ( notice how clean that gear was! ) Keep it up lil Bush!
Received via Email 05.31.08 By the way, I want to thank John Barfield for loaning me his bunker gear for that picture.
Received via Email 06.01.08 Next time borrow his haircut.
Received via Email 06.01.08 Anything I can do to help that firefighter part of back to the news!
Received via Email 06.01.08 Ah the Mullet is sill alive and well thanks to JB and Sunstar.
Received via Email 06.04.08 I've got a question for some of you HQ insiders. Why does JW think that our EMT's don't deserve the $26 per paycheck that they get? Many other departments pay their EMT's a % of their pay to maintain their patch. Is this the new south? Because they have to maintain it, does that mean we should f**k them out of additional pay? The union did a records request and found that EMT's are riding in place of our Paramedic partners 58 percent of the time. I'm guessing in wimberly's mind, the bottom line is saving money for the city so that he can prove his worth as a chief. "Worth-less"
Wimberly, if you're reading this - you're an asshole and the majority agree with me when I say - you're an asshole!
PS sorry about the rant, Mr. Webmaster. I hope they don't try to shut your site down.
TEAM: Eh! Websites are like fire chiefs. There always another one waiting in the wings with a different name pin!
Received via Email 06.04.08 The webmaster rules
TEAM: or has no rules...
Received via Email 06.05.08 To 6-4 #1 You don't have to be a HQ insider to know what's going on with wimberly (no capital letter in his name as a sign of disrespect). He's never wrong and you're never right. If you want to know anything at all about EMS or anything else for that matter, just ask him. He'll tell you anything you want to know. Just know that he's one of the biggest liars on the job. He's a hollier than thou prick and a big time bullshit artist. When Paramedics don't have a permanent partner and this fire dept. management doesn't have a clue as to how to attract new medics, why would you want to take money away from EMT's who are filling a gap? They're making money off of us. Most departments pay their EMT's a percentage (%) of their salary for holding a patch. EMT pay in St. Petersburg has not only remained the same for 15 years, but as a percentage of your wage it goes down each year. When you first got hired, your EMT patch was worth about 2%. Today, it's worth less than 1% of your salary. Wimberly is working to remove EMT pay from all of us. He is my enemy and any of you who call him your friend are assholes who drink the Kool Aide. Yellow Kool Aide.
Received via Email 06.06.08 Wimberly is a bigger fool than most will ever know. He believes that because he's an educated man, some assumptions must apply. Number 1 would be, because he says-it, it must be so. Additionally, he has a title and because he has a title, he's that much less aproachable. That makes him dangerous.
His education means nothing to me. His track record is indicative of a man with few scuples and little wisdom. Beyond that, he's simply a stupid person with an education. I've met plenty and 5 minutes talking to one like him and you can tell that they're stupid and their education means nothing. You can tell that besides being stupid, they're often aflicted with being ignorant. Ignorant can be fixed. Stupid is forever. Wisdom comes with age, but when you're hamstrung with a closed mind, it renders you ignorant, thus you can never obtain any wisdom.
Received via Email 06.06.08 I would agree that it does suck to get money subtracted from pay. But lets face it, we got hired to do a job. Yes we all know that EMS is a big part of what we do. With out it, you can go back to making $15,000 a year. This whole 2% thing to keep your patch is so old school, and that's what's wrong w/ our dept. We need to get away from that and move on to 2008 not 1978.
Received via Email 06.07.08 "I would agree that it does suck to get money subtracted from pay. But lets face it, we got hired to do a job."
Huh? Just tell me which way the slave ship is going and I'll be okay once I can get off!
Received via Email 06.07.08 Dear Mr. "I don't belive in old school." You too have been BullSh____! by the best. Do Not, I repeat Do not give up even 1- percent. It effects not only your career but your retirement.
Received via Email 06.08.08 Wimberly is a good human being. He really is. But the powers that be have raised him to a position that he is unprepared for. I basically like the guy, but I never really saw him as an adult or a leader. There is something kind of Peter Pan about him. Why someone who has probably never uttered the "F" word would expect to be taken seriously by 300 men and women as crude as we are is a wonder to me. I could see him as an administrator of a large church organization, but a fire department? We conduct our business at places like the Daquiri Deck. He will probably never achieve the respect from below that you or I would desire in his position, but I don't think he cares about that. He is mostly interested in respect from city hall. It's sad, but that's what the sin of over ambition has done to the man. He's become a glutton for power at the expense of the men and women he forgot about as he rose above them. It happens, but I would not have predicted it would happen to him.
Received via Email 06.08.08 Wimberly might be a bag of chips and more, but he's no fire chief! Promoting Large was part of a package deal. For him to get promoted, he had to bring some baggage with him. The little boy that always officiated at every city function, looked just like the very thing we needed. Just ask the mayor. Wimberly's biggest trouble comes with his lack of reality. Ask him a hard hitting question. If he can't come up with something good, he'll look down his sleeve at the little gold rings and give you whatever come off the top of his head. Why? Because he can. He's got more gold rings than you and if he can't come up with an intelligent response, he'll come up with something that's now carved in stone and you'll like it! Why? Because he's got more gold rings than you! There's no give and take with this guy, so there's never a reason to talk with him for any reason whatsoever on any level. He's dead above the shoulders.
I said all that to say all this. Politicians should keep their heads out of our business and fire chiefs should keep politicians heads our of their mouths. This mayor will be a bad bad memory in a couple of years, but his legacy will live on in the poor political appointments that he leaves behind. It wouldn't be so bad if Wimberly just SUCKED at being the no. 2 guy, but he goes out of his way to prove to the city administration that he's got CEO potential. He keeps throwing me and my family under the bus and while it's taken some time, we're all figuring out who the enemy is.
Received via Email 06.09.08 Glad someone sees the big pic. EMT's are hired to do a job ( a small job) and to get paid more to ride the rescue once a month is ridiculous. How bout you guys stop bitching about $26 and get back on the recliner. Or maybe you can drop the patch and really show them.....then you can take your fire certificate and your high school diploma and see what else is out there. Good luck boys
TEAM: Thanks Chief. But the fact of the matter remains (and is diametrically opposed to you propaganda) that EMT's now take the place of a Paramedic partner 58% of the time. Seems like this "all inclusive - all Paramedic system" is falling apart at the seems. Now if you also remove 'seat' pay from the EMT -- boy, you'll really have something to take to the mayor. Maybe while Wimberly's in the mood to take shit away, we can just sign-up to come in on our days off and volunteer to ride rescue for free. We know there's always another more 'progressive' means of balancing the books on the Fire Fighters backs that hasn't been tried yet!
Received via Email 06.09.08 Not the Chief....yet. but as previously stated: if it's so bad here take your certificate on down the road and find a better place. But, what would you do with all that free time you create by not complaining about how bad it is here. Eh, I'm sure you can find something else to complain about. Keep up the good work on the site J.Pearl (oops is that still a secret "TEAM"?) wonder if that will even find it's way on the post.
Received via Email 06.09.08 "Not the Chief....yet." Maybe not, but you've got the chief's co** in your mouth NOW! You sure like giving your opinion about things around here. Why don't you ask the chief or Wimberly or little Stevie Knight to put up a website for you so that you can criticize all the EMT's (namelessly) on a daily basis? Whoever's website this is, be glad the webmaster hasn't used it to infect everyone's brain with your Kool-Aid drinking ideas about sucking your way to the top. Now get back on the chief's ass, you scab.
Received via Email 06.09.08 I guess I'm one of the EMT's that you're talking about. I seem to remember that the union (us, obviously not you) did a survey and used it at impasse (I'm sure you weren't there) and we were one of the very few departments that didn't pay their EMT's fairly. What some of you need to understnad is this city makes money at everything they do. Why is it that they don't try harder to hire more medics? EMT's a re cheaper to put in the seat than medics. During the 2 days of the manditory medic meetings, we were all told what WE are doing wrong, but I don't remember hearing anything about what management is doing wrong. What about screwing the county by charging for 2 medics but only riding 1? I'm not sure that it's a provision of the contract, but if there's going to be another one, you can bet that since Sunstar is only riding 1 medic for whatever they get for their contract, the county's sure to demand it of us. Then you can pop off all day long and tell me to get back to my recliner because I'll be your permanent partner. Oh and before I forget, it's not so bad here because you disagree with what the web master says about this place. It's bad because our Union makes comparisons and those of you who bitch and tell EMT's like me to find work elswhwere, don't look beyond your own nose to find out that it could be as good some other places if you'd only help. It's bad here because Jim Wimberly and Jim Large don't fight for us. Jim Wimberly fights against us and if you haven't noticed, it's because you're looking for other excuses. The problems on this department won't be fixed in the halls of HQ but the Union Hall. FTM, PTB&S, EGH
Received via Email 06.09.08 SSDD. Listen to the bubbas in the ivory tower and blame yourself first! If it weren't for this union, EMTs wouldn't get any extra pay. It's just a matter of fact that it was done improperly. Come to think of it, those of you in the irory tower who have become potted plants while enjoying your high risk benefits package also get HQ pay. I wonder what Wimberly thinks about that? I guess all the EMTs should tell everyone at HQ that if Wimberlys looking to save some more money, there's always HQ assignment pay! If you don't like it, take your certificate on down the road and find a better place. Oh and another thing. I guess J. Pearls doing okay. They haven't fired him yet! If this 'is' his website, I'm sure he wouldn't tell a POS like you. So STFU POS and go find a management teat to suck on.
Received via Email 06.10.08 There's more shit going on down in the marble palace than any of you will ever know. Attacking each other on this site only serves one purpose and it's not for our own good. This union grows stronger every day not because of the shit that comes out of their heads but because of the shit we put to a quick stop. Once all of you understand that there are those that are in it for self promotion, you'll just ignore their antics. You all know who they are. They are the ones who constantly tear down our progress so that they can point out how great we had it back in the day. They show up at union meetings in two's, three's and fours. Safety in numbers I suppose, but it doesn't go unnoticed.
Received via Email 06.10.08 I'm the webmaster and I'm also a headquarters mole.
That's about $17,000 a month plus an 11% 401a contribution. If I were Jimmy Large, I'd throw every one of of you under the bus, too.
Received via Email 06.10.08 Ok, the city does not pay medics; the county does that. So why does the city care about how much it costs to hire a medic? think before you speak. Also, you can come ride with me any day, the bags have to get carried in some how and I have a clipboard to carry ;) so keep spouting off about a meeting you weren't important enough to attend and just relax and keep trying to fix your wireless at the station.
Received via Email 06.10.08 So is it any wonder your chief feels like he has something to lose? He's doing the best he can but they have a lot to hang over him with that big check.
Received via Email 06.10.08 Give him time......he will !!!
Received via Email 06.11.08 Ok, the city does not pay medics; the county does that. So why does the city care about how much it costs to hire a medic? think before you speak. Also, you can come ride with me any day, the bags have to get carried in some how and I have a clipboard to carry ;) so keep spouting off about a meeting you weren't important enough to attend and just relax and keep trying to fix your wireless at the station.
Received via Email 06.11.08 My guess is, Large wouldn't shit unless the mayor told him to. Looks like another bought and paid for do-boy!
Received via Email 06.11.08 "Ok, the city does not pay medics; the county does that. So why does the city care about how much it costs to hire a medic? think before you speak."
Are you new around here? And as far as being important, you're obviously important enough to carry little stevie knights water (mixed with kool aide). I wonder... does the hugh unfunded liabiltiy that's tacked onto each newly hired paramedic, make any difference to the city? Pretty simple, huh?
Received via Email 06.11.08 I keep hearing and seeing something about "kool aide". I hope you realize that the kool aide is coming from different sources, the city and the union president. Keep saying it and remain sounding stupid.
On a lighter note, the people that like to cancel time-off at the last minute, stop! You're killing us! When someone needs a day off and the book is full tend to make other arrangements. If swaps are the other arrangements, last minute calls to cancel them are a must and these folks may have plans that are arranged aound the swap. I can't believe I have to type this but the problem persist. I know that the reality is that it's our time to do as we please but consider the ramifications of your actions.
This was a public service announcement.
Received via Email 06.14.08 The best thing to do is check out the wish list and if the guy at the top is a douche bag, cancel your time at 0730 and come to work at 0800. It's a rush.
Received via Email 06.15.08 "On Friday morning while attending the FPF Convention in Tampa, your Union president was contacted by the city and asked if SPAFF would return to the bargaining table to talk." Great ! another stall tactic by the City to prolong the agony of no pay raise. Get real, is this thing ever going to end or is the goal(of the city) to drag this out until 2010 when the new mayor takes over. Now this is some real BS.
TEAM: Well... we're on the right page for it!
Received via Email 06.15.08 I like to cancel my time off 3 hours at a time. It makes them crazy at #2.
Received via Email 06.15.08 "I keep hearing and seeing something about "kool aide". I hope you realize that the kool aide is coming from different sources, the city and the union president. Keep saying it and remain sounding stupid."
Received via Email 06.15.08 There's a difference. I'll explain it to you because I've always wanted to be a special ed. teacher. Kool aid, as it's called can be made up of a lot of different stuff. Management's Kool aid is designed to advance management's cause and attempt to put an end to labor's bitching. The Union Kool aid is designed to advance your cause and mine. If you've got a gripe with union Kool aid, put your money where your mouth is and show up with 4 or 5 or your good friends to a union meeting and tell the rest of us how we're doing it wrong. If you've really got big balls, you can go even further and go it all on your own. I'm sure the mayor will be waiting with bated breath to hear the terms and conditions for your personal contract.
Received via Email 06.15.08 Speaking of B.S. what was todays outcome.???
Received via Email 06.17.08 4th 6-15-08. Smoke and Mirrors, would you expect anything different?
Received via Email 06.20.08 Going alone is starting to sound good. We still get the same deal as union paying members if we aren't in the union. The only thing contributing to the union is doing is funding the official's trips to new orleans and Atlanta.
TEAM: You know what they say... "No guts, no glory!" Where should we send the paperwork?
Received via Email 06.22.08 Re: 6/20/08 .......... Yeah, if you can't walk the walk then don't talk the talk. It's only a phone call away and you can let your fingers do the walking if you don't have the number on speed dial. It's actually easier to exit than to enter. When you joined no one held a gun to your head. And no one's doing so now. I won't call you any names like "scab" and "mutt" and such no matter how appropriate it may be to do so. You're a brother firefighter and you will get my respect as such. As a UNION brother I don't particularly care for the fact that you no longer want to be involved. However that's your choice and quite honestly I can't do anything about it except voice my disappointment. Call Bill Mott at your earliest convenience and have your payroll deducted dues cancelled. The rest of us will continue to fight the good fight without you and yes, whatever we win we will be happy to share with you. We hold no animosity toward you and the rest of us will work diligently to assure your future in this profession even though you don't want to be part of us. Good luck to you my brother firefighter and God speed.
Dick Tully
Old Fart and Retiree
Received via Email 06.22.08 Sounds like a boot sucking 'FINO'. Fart like a SCAB, then walk, SCAB. And it's not just the union, SCAB, it's my FAMILY and my UNION BROTHERS AND SISTERS FAMILIES that you are TAKING-STEALING from, SCAB! So if you're a SCAB of your word, sign the papers. It's not peer pressure. It's my Family/Brotherhood against someone who is against us. There was a time when I could not take care of myself and my BROTHERS and SISTERS were there for me and my family. I remember that. You should think before you fart.
B. Elliott Smith, x-cripple
TEAM: Your story is no exception, Bruce. What you've expressed is a very telling story and has been repeated by many a Brother or Sister over the years. This Union of Fire Fighters works for those who support it's principles. The secret handshake is no secret at all, to those who extend their hand to help - rather than take. But then again, why are we telling you that? It's never been a secret to you, Bruce! FTM PTB&S EGH
Received via Email 06.22.08 Amen Brother Smith.
Received via Email 06.22.08 There are fools in every organization. They're the one's who always seem to have the inside scoop. Their scoop is usually a scoop of shit, though. They are always at odds with any new proposal that's not theirs. What a surprise. It sounds like putting a suggestion in the training suggestion box only to hear, "sorry, that doesn't sound like an original idea." A year later you're doing it and they can't recall your name. We've always had 12 angry men to suffer though. The only thing that changes is their names. Some of the best times I've had, I've had doing union work so I'm going to take a long shot and guess that you're not someone I've seen off the clock lately. As far as taking trips to New Orleans and Atlanta, more power to us. We're the envy of the west coast. We spend our money on educating 1 part time union president and we pit him against an entire city full of suits with 4 and 6 year degrees and some of you bitch when he's not in the fire station. Frankly, I don't give a shit if he ever shows up for work again. I always know where to find him. FO FINO!
Received via Email 06.23.08 Well let me enlighten you. At GTE, (now Verizon) once elected union Prez., that person comes out of the work force and goes on to a 40 work week at the union hall. That's his job and its accepted by both the work force and Mgt.
Received via Email 06.23.08 Until the Fire Dept as a whole from SP100 on down to the new hire probie, Fight's city hall as a single unit we're screwed! Pure and simple. How can up expect to acheive any thing at all. As long as your Commander in Chief is aganist you! JUST REMENBER IF HES NOT WITH YOU HE AGAINST YOU !!
TEAM: Hees knot bin a round for a while.
Received via Email 06.23.08 Ya, great job union boys and supporters for that matter. Really showing those "suits". Man, they really cowered at that negotiation table. Yaaaa! go union! Waste our money on your field trips because other cities are envious of us. Hey morons....see if they will help contribute to your pension. But you're right about them not showing up for work. It's probably better if they stay at the union office and spend our money on pizza and bread sticks. At least they aren't in anyone's way there. Especially not the cities, they have definately shown that.
TEAM: Well... if you haven't figured it out yet, you soon will. Make your next anti-union post to your own website. I understand that "" is available.
Received via Email 06.25.08 I watched that video and am now more afraid of Obama than ever. I am also afraid of muslims, democrats, Ted Kennedy's driving, Clinton's integrity, and of somebody looking close at my underwear at the station and seeing trace elements of small poop stains.
TEAM: Looking for trace elements - maybe. "Sniffing" is out of the question though. That'd be Q U E E R !
Received via Email 06.26.08 At least we have this:
Received via Email 06.28.08 I miss Grammer Guy, I heard he's been parking car's at the Vinoy.... any truth there
Received via Email 06.29.08 To 6.28 #1: For your information, "grammar" is spelled with an "A" in each syllable, and you forgot to end your sentence with a period. Also, Grammar Guy is a pussy.
Your Friends,
Spelling Guy and Punctuation Guy
Received via Email 07.01.08 Great. I just read that editorial. St. Pete is a model city for balancing their budget on the backs of their public servants. Nice work, mayor and council.
Received via Email 07.03.08 Spelling guy and punctuation guy, welcome to the site you have your work cut out correcting all of our third grade mistakes. Please keep in mind that the point isn't spelling, the point is the point itself, try to be nicer than Grammar Guy was to us....he really is smart and deserves more credit but his "if I make someone look bad I look smart" attitude sucks. You're right he's a pussy, correct me if I am wrong though should'nt pussy be capitalized and one more thing did I spell capitalized right?
Received via Email 07.03.08 To 6-30 "plus more for most firefighters and police officers." It means that the chief's buddy (the mayor) is a lying asshole. Same guy, different lie! Speaking of pussy's - I know that guy had to have his lunch money taken from him every day on the way to school (even in college). DORK!
Received via Email 07.04.08 To 7/ 3 #2: Pussy would only require capitalization should it be used as a proper noun or if it begins a sentence such as this one. I used the word as a common noun, a generic, if you will. "You are a pussy" is different than "His middle name is Pussy." See how that works? You can be named Mark, or you can be a mark. It's all quite simple. Yes, you did spell "capitalize" correctly. That is a tricky little word that many have trouble with. Kudos to you.
Now, regarding Grammar Guy, leave that tight ass alone. He is both a pussy and a bitch, but he is MY pussy AND bitch. You don't belittle him, I do. Me, and ONLY me! Remember the gimp in Pulp Fiction? It's that sort of thing. Capiche?
Again, thanks for your respect and your attention to details. Bravo.
Correctly Yours,
Spelling Guy
Received via Email 07.09.08 Does anyone know if Spelling Guy is gay? My DC has been hinting around that he is looking for someone new and I thought they might be a cute couple.
TEAM: Now that's the spirit!
Received via Email 07.14.08 C'mon web master! where is my last post. don't tell me you are too scared to have anyone other than the slugs at 11A, 8A&C post here. Really?! So you don't like my anti union posts, can you really say the union does not abuse pool time? Open your eyes pal! Think about it, Why do you need to be off on saturday after a vote has been submitted? Can't the C shift officcer pick up the ballots?
TEAM: We'll post most anything that's reasonable. There's more stupid shit that never makes it to this site, than you'll ever know. Was this yours? "What a bucnh of freakin whiners you all are. I dont like peas, I dont like carrots, I dont like spinch. You sould like a buch of whiny ass brats in pre school. Grow up and move out of here. God Bless and Good ridence."
This is as good place as any to mount an attack against someone for the use of pool time (if you've got your facts straight). An even better place would be to attend Thursday's Unon meeting and call the question. While there, you can tell us what day the ballots were removed from their Post Office mail box.
Received via Email 07.16.08 who are the slugs at 8c ,
retired 11c slug
Received via Email 07.16.08 There are those who simply pay dues. There are those who help. And then there are the MUTTS who work against us because the world needs to revolve around them. If you're so damned worried about your precious pool time account and where Winnie was on Saturday, you might have stopped to ask where he was rather than pulling some innuendo out of your ass. He didn't take Saturday off to remove the ballots from the mailbox. Many people know where he is and if YOU'RE really worried about where he is, you'll find out for yourself.
1. I don't have to worry about a SS Offset hitting my retirement check anymore.
2. I don't have to worry about not having a COLA anymore.
3. I have never worried about the HOURS THAT I DONATED TO THE POOL TIME ACCOUNT because I knew the hours were going to make the first two a reality.
4. For guys like YOU who have never donated a lick of pool time to the union, why would I worry about what YOU think about where MY pool time goes?
F.O. and eat a bag of shit, scabby!
Union Firefighter
Received via Email 07.16.08 To the 7.14 poster, I am with the webmaster on this one. You really need to get caught up on your facts. First of all, no the C-shift officer can pick up the votes. Why, well if you are so tuned into who is off on pool time then you should check a little further to see who is off on other types of leave as well, O.M.G. it appears that the C shift officer is off on sick leave.
And yes Mr webmaster, please let us see what this highly educated individual had to say in his other missing post.
TEAM: It's up above, between the red text lines...
Received via Email 07.16.08 I understand RF is going to take credit for the next lotto winner too. He already knew the numbers but was just waiting to use them.
Received via Email 07.16.08 Yup thats the RF we all know, so well.
Received via Email 07.16.08 This pool time thing is such a serious manner. I recently foundout that the most vocal idiot at my station did not even take the time to return a vote. Now that shows stupidity to the max.
Received via Email 07.16.08 Does anyone know who the 1 reject vote came from in the Supervisory unit? Did the other 18 get the wrong message, or did the 1 not show up for the meeting?
Received via Email 07.17.08 White
Received via Email 07.17.08 Attention dumbasses (you know who you are) If you are a cheap scab natured bastard, you STILL do not have to give pool time. Just opt out and stop whining you f@#%ing mutt. 5 hours is LESS than they ever asked for before. Anybody who is crying about this probably never gave any time in the first place. Shut the f&*@ up you one way piece(s) of shit.
Received via Email 07.17.08 Who cares who the supervisor that voted "no" is? He's entitled to his opinion. What's your plan if you find out who he is... bad mouth him online but not sign your post? That is about as pansy as it gets you limp wristed c@ck sucking boy watching self fisting anus filling rectum wrecking panty waist.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
Received via Email 07.18.08 To 7.18 post. I am sorry to see that you need to work for food. I am sorry that while you were a paid member of the SPFR things were not accomplished. I am NOT sorry for what I now have and YOU dont. I am not gloating about the differences. However, I do know this, 25 years ago I started planning for my retirement based on what I knew I would collect when I retired. Yes, things have improved for me, but I did not lower my goals. I will not leave here a rich man, but I hope that when I do leave, I will except what I have as what was made possible by the work of my union leadership, and ME.
Maybe we can get the web master to change the submit button for the blog to Being unprepard Sucks
Received via Email 07.19.08 Hi Mike,
Agree with "who cares"
That's why it's called "voting".
Hope you feel better with vent.
Got rid of that bile, eh?
A little heavy on the descriptive terms.
Understand frustration.
You have a nice day too.
Received via Email 07.26.08 Geez, you guys are really up to your necks in the union bullshit aren't you? Yaaaaa! we got a COLA, sure it is not funded by the city at all but if that 175 money goes away I'm sure the city will honor the verbage and kick in that extra dough.....this is me holding my breath. And for those of you who think that money can't go away just think of all the budget cuts and ask the new guys coming on if they plan on having things we have taken for granted all these years like health insurance.
Received via Email 07.28.08 Which DC is gay? It's not for me.... it's for a friend.
Spelling Guy
Received via Email 07.30.08 double dick
Received via Email 08.02.08 who is that?
Received via Email 08.02.08 Is double dick a name with first and last name meaning dick. hmmmmmmm wonder who that is.
Received via Email 08.04.08 Hey hows your johnson hanging? hey wait that is only half of the equation. Darn, I am such a richard.
Received via Email 08.06.08 The UNION wants to make it to where it is not the same people donating their v/t, time after time. I personally have donated well over 100 hundred hours in the last 12 months so our officials can negotiate for US. You people who don't donate time to the UNION are probably the same cheap p***ks that don't donate to Brother or Sister FF's in need. How many have donated for the probie who is off for god knows how long with major injuries as a result of a motorcycle crash? Oh wait, you probably don't know about that because you are to busy bitching and complaining about the use of pool time. If you put forth as much effort to the UNION as you do posting on this site we would have a much stronger UNION. If you want to know when the pool time is being used than show up at the next meeting and ask for yourself. It's a shame that with as many members as our UNION has that we can't get enough to take 2 hours out of their schedule to have a quarrum. FTM.
TEAM: We've yet to hear bitching from anyone who regularly gives vacation time to the Union to use for pool time but with the recent contract change, we've sure heard plenty about the five hours being pulled from our paychecks on an annual basis. Take a look at the records at the Union hall to see who donates "0" and you can attach the words 'cries first - cries always' to their names.
This city employs an entire HR staff to work against YOU.
This city employs a Mayor who is hostile to YOU.
This city employs the latest tactics used by other League of Cities, League of Counties and ICMA entities.
This city regularly sends their HR staff to labor classes in far-off places to fortify their position.
This city employs attorneys - who, at the direction of forces hostile to YOUR progress - regularly work against YOU.
With this knowledge in hand and with the inclusion of a documented record of success in both the political arena and at the bargaining table, we think that a ''THANK YOU might be appropriate to all of us who've been pushing, pulling and dragging all of you who don't actively participate in moving this Union of Fire Fighters in a forward direction!
If having five hours removed from your vacation time account is such a big deal, then more of you should have voted 'NO' to contract ratification.
Received via Email 08.07.08 Here, Here! I've given regularly and I know that there are those that don't. I haven't had a red ticket in years and haven't needed defending but there are those that do. There are some on this job that give an hour a payday to the Uninted Way and that's okay. Why wouldn't you want to make sure that the president or vp can always get off duty to defend one of us. Look at the list of people that the city employs to f**k us and Large has put Winnie back on the manditory overtime list. I hope the day comes when Winnie has a meeting with a County Commisioner to discuss labors part in transport and finds out that he's manditoried the next day. We need more than everyones time, we need support and we need people to be outspokien against the few who constantly think the world turns around them! FTM
Received via Email 08.07.08 Let me try to put the language of the webmaster in terms he was too professional to use. You who are willing to take, take, take, and then bitch, bitch, bitch are nothing more than parasites. You suck the life out of the union with your constant whining and complaining and contribute nothing to the good and welfare of not only the union but the fire service in general. You think that putting that uniform on gives you some sort of special status in the eyes of the public but you act the fool in the stations. You want the prestige of being a firefighter and/or a paramedic but don't want to contribute anything to the position. You never have a positive thing to say about anything and if the truth were known you usually get written off as a clown and rabble rouser in the station. You're not alone. There have been blood suckers like you since the beginniing of time. Always letting someone else do the job and you taking credit for it. Because we're a brotherhood it's easy for you to blend in and get away with vocalizing your constant dislikes from the fringes. If you're so right and everyone else is so wrong then have the balls to step up and say so. Yes, we're ashamed of you but we also realize that there will always be that small group of parasites that will attempt to suck the life out of the rest of us and we tolerate you. The officers you put down will still be officers tomorrow and the day after that. The union that you don't want to empower or encourage will still function without you. The other members in the station will continue to carry your sorry asses both in the station and at the scenes. And they'll do it with a smile on their face because they know what it takes to be a contributing member of society and work in the greatest profession of service to mankind today. So go ahead and be a whiner and non-contributor. It's alright. You know why? Because in the end you will give five hours of v/t whether you like it or not. That's right. The contract you voted for to get that COLA you whined about is the same contract that will lift five hours of time from your v/t account. And there's nothing you can do about it. It would appear that you're contributing to the betterment of the Local a lot more than you ever thought you would. The sad part is that it seems to be the only way to get you to man up and show some spine. So relax and at least know that the donation you make today may be the same one that covers your ass tomorrow.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 08.07.08 Dick well said. Only problem is there is a whimp clause forced by Chief Large that allows those that wish to wimp out and not give their 5 hours a year. So the rest of us will have to keep giving a little more for their sorry asses. Everything you said was good and right Dick. Except they dont have to give the 5 hours if they dont want to. And our beloved chief is the one who is causing all this BS, by trying to interfere with Union business. But hey, they tried to sway the last vote at an officers meeting. Good thing we didn't do that one. What a bunch of losers!!
Received via Email 08.08.08 This gives the term MEN-o-pause a whole new meaning
Received via Email 08.08.08 I'm sorry, I apparently misunderstood what I read. I mistakenly thought that the contract now read that each an every member will contribute 5 hours of v/t to the pool time account. That's my bad. I apologize for posting wrong information. And I appreciate you brining it to my attention. And I know I'll take a beating for not getting my facts straight and destroying the pension plan again but I actually got my information on this site from another poster who's an on duty firefighter so I guess I'm not the only one mistaken. No matter what the case I still stick by the rest of my post and thanks for the kind words.
Dick Tully
TEAM: On a given date in October, 2008, a total of five hours will be deducted from each member's vacation time account to be converted to pool time for the year in arrears. This same process will repeat itself again in January 2009 and each successive January, thereafter.
Received via Email 08.09.08 I see nobody mentioned anything about the injured probie. Does anyone know how he is doing? Any idea how much time was collected for him? Will he have enough time for a couple of checks at least?
Received via Email 08.09.08 In the latest edition of the Chief's Current Events, he shows a concern that in his opinion the older guys are not passing along the knowledge to that has always been around to slow down any momentum the Union has ever been able to get rolling, is getting ready to retire and they haven't secured enough replacements yet.
Could you imagine what this department would look like if it were run in a more labor-management friendly way?
Think about it, a lot of your upper positions are held by folks that do or used to hold an office or were active in the union. Now that they have had the carrot dangled in front of them for so many years, they only know how to use the knowledge they gained as a union brother to pass along just the right amount of information to be a hindrance but not harmful to them.
Many promises of promotions or cushy station assignments have come from this willingness to help CONTROL the Union.
Now by coincidence a new memo appears that states how the dates have been reset for the upcoming Promotional process. Does anyone really buy the concern over someone not getting to enjoy Aunt Martha's Apple pie for a reason to delay until after the start of a new year? The hell if I do. This is just another way of keeping the current Yes boys now at or near the top of the list there long enough to get handed the promotions from the retirements of the top suck-asses.
If I were any of you new kids that were looking forward to participating in the new process I would start asking some real hard questions.
Do you ever wonder why these memos seem to get posted on Fridays after 5 pm? This is so the send button can be stroked ever so professionally and then they can be safely out of Dodge when the memos get opened.
You should also be worried about the rest of the content of the memo as well. Now that the FINOS have sat against the Union for the past couple of years at the bargaining table they now are attempting to make policy changes to any item that the union was looking to make improvements on. I would keep my eyes on our Brothers and Sisters that sit on any of the boards that will be responsible for approving these changes. Ironically some of the same YES boys sit on these boards too. COINCIDENCE? I'm sure.
Received via Email 08.09.08 BOLO alert, Chief JO is checking up on all sickies while out passing out with his Watch Towers. I guess his new slogan is; if ya cant convert 'em, convict 'em.
Received via Email 08.11.08 Hey dipshit even though not having a list is bullshit, the current list will expire on the date given. They are not holding it until March. So read the memo before you start slinging shit all over the place. What a better morale booster than to have no list for six or more months. What does new SOP's matter, we have current officers that do not have a clue on our current SOP's for instance T1.T4,T11 or T9 STAGING ON EVERY CALL THEN ASKING FOR AN ASSIGNMENT.
Received via Email 08.11.08 wheres the gestapo for the JWs when you need them
Received via Email 08.11.08 Here's some valuable information for you young guys. It was passed down to me decades ago, and it is as important now as it was then: Pump at 150, bake at 350.
Glad To Help,
Senior Guy
Received via Email 08.12.08 You have to understand, Lil Cubby is running the promotional show not JO as it appears. GL has been running in every direction for the past year, like a sprayed cockroach and now he is not prepared for the promotional process. In fact this should have been planned and implemented months ago with the new list coming out next month. But hey why not be six months late. Think if you were six months late on a project, heck GL will send the goon squad after you if you are a day late. But thats the luxury of being a DIV Chief. And with JO and JL doing whatever lil cubby wants that adds more misery to the process. Look deep and you will see who is really running the department. Ever feel like you are running in circles and about to jump out of your skin in frustration. Thats because the sprayed cockroach has rubbed some of his posion on you. See you all on the next LT list sometime in 2009.
Received via Email 08.13.08 I'll say it again boy I thought my dept was messed up!!
Received via Email 08.15.08 Im glad I work for a real department and not St.Pete.
Received via Email 08.15.08 Thats why you are hear reading this because you work for a real department you f*** stick 8/15 #1. Go back to your real department and go blow each other and leaves us the hell alone.
Received via Email 08.15.08 yes, I misspelled hear on purpose so spelling guy would have something to do.
Received via Email 08.16.08 I agree with 8.15.08 - #2
I work for a fire department in another city and I can't believe these retards are even on a fire department. I hope that anyone who visits this site doesn't think that these few retards that post here represent the entire group. I'm an officer in my department and as such I'm required to set an example. The men who work with me are truly a "family" type crew and we do much together on our off time as we do when at work. We seldom have disagreements and when we do we talk them out like gentlemen. And we would not be caught dead airing the few problems we have on the internet for all to see. These post teenage agitators who seem to think they represent the entire department from St. Petersburg are only a handful and I'm sure do not speak for everyone.
It should be understood by those who read this that a "real" department is considered one that can operate without the petty conivings of a few miscreants. In our department we don't have the time for the small and insignificant things that apparently constitute major concern in St. Petersburg. We have progressed passed the petty chalenges that still plague those who work there. Truth be told we can't believe we ever wallowed in self pity and juvenile meanderings that seem to be commonplace in St. Petersburg.
I feel that in essence I'm no doubt stating the obvious to those of us who work for professional fire departments throughout the state of Florida. Many of us have been observing and kind of waiting for a change in attitude or at least an educational upswing in the postings and thinking of your department, St. Petersburg. We who have progressed past your methods of berating your leadership, all but slandering your public officials, posting hatred and demeaning remarks about each other and all other means of showing your ass in public are somewhat and honestly ashamed that you profess to be in the same class as us. Actually we have progress far and away from the sewer tactics and trash mouthing in which you people wallow. That's exactly why I will say it again; I'm glad I work for a real department and not St. Pete.
TEAM: Summation:
1. You are of the opinion that the outspoken individuals who post on this site are "retards."
2. Your "hope" doesn't really matter here.
3. You're "required" to set an example. On the Internet, you can be a self pretentious dick, though!
4. You are all family and seldom disagree.
5. You have no need (beyond this post) to challenge in anonymity on the Internet.
6. You believe you're only reading a handful of members comments.
7. You work for a "real" FD as opposed to those of us who work for SPF&R.
8. You'd be way too busy to be distracted by an anti-labor Mayor and his minions.
9. You have "progressed passed" [sic] the petty challenges that still plague those who work... etc., etc., etc...
Well, your obtuse, smarmy, narcissistic soapbox had ended. We don't employ an 'entirely' robotic work force that marches in lockstep with a management team bent on subverting it's Union. You obviously don't have the time for these trivialities - so much so, that you've 'progressed'; no -- evolved beyond the daily minutia that still keeps us in our chains. And knowing all of this about you - you still find time to provide support to us in the form of a motivational speech. It's apparent that you've found Nirvana working for the Stepford Fire Department.
Say, you wouldn't happen to have a Union sticker on your car, would you? We're going to be needing that back.
1. Sic is a Latin word meaning "thus", "so", "as such", or "just as that". In writing, it is placed within square brackets and usually italicized—[sic]—to indicate that an incorrect or unusual spelling, phrase, punctuation, and/or other preceding quoted material has been reproduced verbatim from the quoted original and is not a transcription error.
Received via Email 08.17.08 Is that queer who posted 8/16 #1 from San Francisco or something? Is it one of those departments where they blow each other at night until the first queer dozes off? Is it the fire department where everyone gets along because they all have one thing in common: a love of dick? Was he being fisted while he was posting? Is this the guy who had to be taken by ambulance to an emergency room from work and have his stomach pumped of about a quart of semen? Isn't he the same guy that got caught playing "glory hole" in the dormitory? I'm not sure, but I think he is the same guy that voted for George Michael to be the station mascot. What a fag. If he is an officer, I think I have a pretty good idea where he puts his bugle at night. And I bet his crew fights over who gets to put it there. And then take it out. And then put it back in. And then take it out. Faster. Faster! I bet he is reading this right now and stroking one off. Fucking faggot. Thanks for posting you cocksucking pole smoker. Fu**ing queer.
Received via Email 08.17.08 I would like to apologize for 8/16 #1. I know him because he was my officers last year until I had to quit that department. I left because when he was my LT., he was constantly sexually harrassing me. I didn't mind all the blow jobs, that was fine. I mean, we were all queer on that department. I loved the head, What I hated was that he always wanted me to hold him afterwards. Sorry, but that shit's too faggoty for even me. I got a job on a department with real men. Guess where.
TEAM: Oooooh too bad. He must have missed the part where we quipped, "Well, your obtuse, smarmy, narcissistic soapbox had ended."
We won't post his latest foray into 'gloating' about being of greater intelligence than the likes of you, but he did say that he expected his original post to be met with some, shall we say, resistance! We're guessing that the two posts above, met his expectations! Upon reading his second post to the web site, we can now see that he was compelled to post because we are all imperfect in his eyes. He'll make a fine neurotic with OCD, somewhere, some day.
Received via Email 08.17.08 How about we all stop complaining and just start doing. Nobody is ever going to see things the same way. If you were happy with the contract then be happy about it and stop cussin out the people for voting against it. If you didn't like it, then get your ass more involved in the union, and run for president if you think you can do a better job. How can we call ourselves a progressive department if all we do is complain and whine. You want something changed, do something about it. I think we can all agree that we work for a city who is unappreciative of our hard work and could really care less how low our morale is. Until we all agree, that in order to change shit we don't like, we need to actually work to change it, then everything will stay status quo. Happy or not with the union or administration, we are all firefighters and BROTHERS working side by side, and we need to work hard, TOGETHER, to fix things.
Received via Email 08.17.08 Anyone with higher education that takes a job only requiring a high school diploma is probably compensating for a very small penis, suffers from Napoleon syndrome, and can only feel good about himself when he is surrounded by people that he considers inferior. His co-workers probably tolerate him, but talk about what a queer they think he is behind his back.
He doesn't have a union sticker because he doesn't want his neighbors to know what he does for a living. Deep down he is disappointed in himself for not making it in the profession for which he trained because he knows his family is more ashamed of him than he is of himself. He has tasted cock, but the fear of his "inferiors" finding out about his alternative lifestyle disturbs him to the point that he fears wetting his bed at the fire station. All he can think about is throating more cock, and this secret desire causes self loathing do the point of suicidal tendencies. If only he had the balls.
TEAM: As screwed up as this place is, we are more than capable of rising to the occasion to meet the common foe. Just a side note. We did receive another email from "Lt. It's all about me." He attacked your webmaster for not having the 'stones' to continue to make his words the centerpiece of this website. Listen - you'll find a far better response to your desire to be in 'print' over at
Received via Email 08.18.08 The moment you found out he didn't have a Union sticker on his car, should have been a dead givaway that he's a management putz. I have the utmost respect for those who get their hands dirty on this job. All other please step aside. You people at headquarters are here to serve us!!
Received via Email 08.18.08 Headquarters staff is supposed to support and serve the troops, not use their bugles to treat the firefighters on the street like they are a grade school kid. Those officers that treat the FF and FF/PM like that, must have been bullied as a kid and this is their payback. Be careful, because the Firefighters are smarter than you think and you will lose that battle - little high and mighty ones!
Received via Email 08.22.08 Well, I see that Wimberly and Large have already talked one of their lacky's into bailing out of the union because of pool time. What a fool believes, he sees!
Received via Email 08.22.08 I'm not going to say that JW and JL don't have any influence amongst the weak minded (Large holds court at the MFS every morning) but Fletcher has been absent from every union function except what comes out of his paycheck automatically. I'm glad to know that he just donated his first 5 hours to the pool time account EVER and that not a penny of it will benefit him as a SCAB. As a tribute to his arrogance, I'm going to donate some additional time to the union becase my union works for me and not for SCABS, TICKS, BLOODSUCKERS, FINO'S OR FU**ING MUTTS! JL and JW....... you wanted a divided department, now you've got it. Everyone that jumps out of the union becomes a BLOOKSUCKING SCAB and they can sign up to be on you team. Fu**sticks!
TEAM: Oopsy!
Received via Email 08.23.08 Fletcher didn't bale out of the union he only asked to opt out of the hours that are donated to the union, which is a part of the current contract. It might not be accepted by all but it is a stipulation of the contract that we all voted for.
Team: We missed that. We were focused on removing ther letters c and k from some words.
Received via Email 08.24.08 SCAB - self centered always bitching. If your not with us, you are against us, PERIOD.
Received via Email 08.25.08 Who is "us"? Really, who the fu** are you? No names here, no views are accepted other than pro union ones. Maybe the problem lies within your own little camp there. And by the way there is about to be a lot of people opt out of the thievery of our 5 hrs. I have personally only donated 5 hrs to this union and I feel cheated. Look at our contract, we were not screwed by the city; we were screwed by our union. I am proud to be a MUTT and I can't wait until the next election!
TEAM: If you feel robbed by giving five hours in you entire pitiful existense here, then we won't miss what we never had. Sign the papers. Be bold - be bad!
Received via Email 08.25.08 I don't know if this guy's more angry to be giving a measly 5 hours a year while the rest of us have been giving more or the fact that his name is going on a list of leeches that leeches off of the rest of us. I wouldn't want to be you asshole. No wait a minute, I could never be you. I fight the mutts and you're a boot licker. When I see you I'll wave at ya as a reminder that I'm not speaking to any of you leeches.
Received via Email 08.26.08 If thievery is the word your going to use for the pool time hours being contractually given to the union then I guess every benefit you accept from the same contract must make 'you' a thief as well. If you keep spreading the words 'thief' around in your circle of fiends then it wont be long before the HR dept will have their hands full investigating you and yours. A thief can pick out a thief amongst them faster than anyone else. Are you admitting that you are highly qualified? Well I guess its time to go on shift again and contribute my daily 2 full minutes plus the .42 hundreths of a minute to the union.
Received via Email 08.26.08 More whining from the members who didn't bother to go to the meetings and didn't bother to cast an informed ballot for their future. It's time to shut the hell up about and be part of the future of the Local. You have to make sacrifices every day in life. Why donating 5 hours is such a trigger for so much anger in some is quite hard to understand. It's part of doing business. The business of the Local. The Local that is responsible for EVERY dollar and benefit you now enjoy on this job. We didn't get it by any other means. Grow up. Grow a pair. And quit whining about something that is virtually meaningless compared to some of the other things needing attention in the fire service in this city. Those that can't see the value of pool time and the necessity of each and every member being equally supportive probably don't contribute in any other areas either. So look at it as being a small showing of your support of those who DO all the work so that you can sit on your ass. There are things in life that you do because it's necessary. That's the only justification. And granted some of the things are not always to your liking. But you do them just the same. This is one of those things. This is the payback that you provide for just SOME of the work that's done in your name. Everything you have and enjoy on this job was EARNED for you through collective bargaining. NONE of it was given to you by the city. Repeat this over and over to yourself; "NONE of what I have was given to me by the city." Without the dedication and sacrifice of other members of the Local you would still be groveling in this "right to work" state for minimum wage. Five hours is a small price to pay for the working conditions you are provided on this job. You owe a lot more. But the Local isn't asking for a lot. It's only asking for a small indication from you that you have the brains and the balls to appreciate what's being done for you now and in the future.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 08.26.08 Mr. Tully, I do have a problem with the union taking 5 hours from me. I don't have total confidence that the time will be used appropriate. I view my vacation hours as money I have earned. If the time is used for union buisness, I would be more than greatful do donate even more. I know from my time on the job that you have not worked under this current union leadership. They have done nothing but raise doubt for quiet a few members that some of the time they have taken off has been abused. I'm sure that most members will feel proud to have this union fight this city, but the unions use of time has left doubt in many of the members eyes. I hope for everyone, they prove the holdouts wrong.
Received via Email 08.27.08 #3 8/26 you hit the nail on the head. The problem is not the time, it is how they use it. No one should be home sleeping on pool time.
Received via Email 08.27.08 8-26 #3 I guess you were with Rick and Winnie the other night when they were burning up the pool time driving all over hell till midnight. They were throwing up political signs but I guess you knew that because you were there to help. Or how about yesterday when they were standing in the heat and humidity all day at polling spots handing out palm cards? A request for help went out on the Local's website and only a handful showed yesterday, but I guess you knew that because you were there to help. Our opponent asked where all the firefighters were this time? In the middle of the day Rick had to leave to attend a disciplinary hearing at Lealman. They had to abandon an important polling place but I guess you knew that because you took up the slack.
Our bank accounts are full of money. Nobody's stealing from you. Our pool time account is full. Nobody's stealing from you. Between Rick, Winnie and Billy, Winnie's got the most vacation time on the books. He's got a whopping 100 hours. None of them's taken a day away from the union hall lately for some down time, so who's stealing vacation time from them? The people that keep stealing "their" vacation time are you and me. We keep using their vacation time and all their R Day time too but I don't see anyone standing up for them.
There's a very small list of people that keep regurgitating the same old line. "We're not sure if they're using our pool time wisely". Right. You're not sure and neither is the other guy who put the doubt in your head. So the two of you idiots set their jacking each other off and rather than showing up for a union meeting or asking what you can do to aid the union, you choose to always be outsiders. Some of you will never fall in line because you're smarter than the system. Good for you. I wonder how many of you realize that many of the union leaders around the state are at 'full release'? They don't ever show up at the station because they're working for the brothers and sisters full time. Not here. You guys want to know that your union president was out sweating his ass off all day long in the heat that that he'll be back by 2000 to ride rescue on top of it all. How fu**ed up is that?
This knuckle head at the MFS that just pulled out of the pool time fund is pathetic. He and a few of his buddies who are always proving that they're smarter than the system, all sat around and worked each other up into a frenzy. Everyone is going to fill out the paper and they're going to drop out. Fletcher lead the way. Even after Winnie explained to him how pool time works and that it's available to anyone to benefit all of us, he still pussed out and turned in his paperwork. He certainly couldn't return to the MFS with his tail between his legs. He's a great leader. What he did was to return to the MFS triumphantly. All of his buddies who are smarter than the system told him what a great job he did and that he stood up for all of them. It looks like he saved face after they all found themselves sitting in a circle beating their chest's. What's wrong with this picture? Even after he was educated on the benefits of giving and using pool time, he chose ignorance over education. What happened to all of his buddies who are smarter than the system? Why haven't they turned in their paperwork yet?
Why is it that it's always the B shift with a chip on their shoulder? I'll tell you. Many are still pissed that Winnie didn't just give in to Callahan and Moore's plan. They were adamant about swapping shifts, even after Feinberg and the city agreed that we shoud 'impact bargain' for the upheaval that it was going to cause. But noooooooooo! We all know better and are willing just give shit away because we know that that's the way the city usually does things. They just give shit away and don't ask us to bargain for it. What bullshit. So now we've come to this point in time where for the first time since the shift swap took a shit with the union won against Callahan and his buddy, the B shift has a little power. Because Large and Wimberly kept telling the city that they didn't think that the membership - OUR MEMBERSHIP would agree to allowing 5 hours to be deducted without a pullout clause, we're now stuck with something that the B shift can use as a GOTCHA! It's not so much about the hours. It's about paybacks because those of you who do the most bitching are really good at doing one thing and that's BITCHING. You have never done anything for anyone else in this union and you continue to throw straw men in your own path. Wimberly and Large have no use for a powerful union and Wimberly especially, hates this union. He's so full of himself. His main mission is to prepare for the day when the next mayor makes him the fire chief. He constantly undercuts us as if we were spending 'his' money. Politics being what it is, I hope he has an alternate plan because if we're successfull, he's going to be in his current position until he's relieved.
What's really sad is the fact that the union is always there for each of us, no matter how badly we fu** up. Wimberly and Large will always come after you no matter how badly we fu** up. There are some of you who've yet to figure out that you're being played by them and you've turned into Benedict Arnold's. If the truth be known, some of you with the biggest chip's haven't even earned the right to question. As long as someone from the union is guarding the wall, you can sleep well at night as a turncoat.
Received via Email 08.27.08 To 8/26/'08 ... #3
I understand and must say that the you bring up a completely valid point as to why some are reluctant to have the five hours of v/t taken from their account. I believe this is the first time anyone has come on here and posted their own legitimate reason for not wanting to give. Somewhere in a past posting I made mention of the fact that "pool time" was one of the biggest thorns in the side of the membership and those eligible for using "pool time". The use of "pool time" is perceived in many different ways. And it's easily perceived as being abused just because of its many uses. The original intent was to provide a pool of time for the bargaining team and members of the executive board to use for the purpose of doing union business on days when the member or members were scheduled to be on duty and were needed somewhere else. Since it's inception there have obviously been some different interpretations as to who can use it and when. I can't speak to that. What I can speak to is that the perception that the time from the pool is being used for activities other than union business is one that has been there since it was implemented. It's extremely difficult for a member or a group of members to challenge the use of the "pool time". Doing so would seem to implicate that there was an abuse or mishandling of the time and no one wants to bring those kinds of charges before the membership. So the situation just sits in the background and fumes and gets increasingly blown out of shape. Quiet suspicion is a cancer that eats away at confidence and the result is the doubt which you bring up in your post. It's true that I haven't worked under the current leadership and that's also a valid point. However at one time I WAS the leadership and the perception of my and others use of pool time came under the same suspicion and concern. Any time you have to give something of value away it's human nature to want to see it used in a thoughtful, legitimate manner. Just the hint of abuse or mismanagement brings on feelings of being taken advantage of. It's the nature of the beast. I have no solutions to this concern of yours and others. This is something you have to work out for the current situation that will be valid and workable for all concerned. Until that time I would hope that all the members of the Local can see the intent and purpose for the mandatory giving of 5 hours and I thank you for your post and hope a solution is forthcoming and agreeable to all parties.
Dick Tully
Received via Email 08.27.08 It all adds up, now. The first guy to drop out of the pool time account is the same guy who's always curious as to how people swapping with Winnie are being paid. There's a line in the union budget for that purpose. Someone so curious might want to ask how many times it's been tapped in the past. You'd be pleasantly surprised to find that it's not very often. What a douche'.
Received via Email 08.27.08 I'm going to ask again; would someone clarify the pool time clause in the contract. The more I read the more I get the impression that there's a get out clause in there too. If that's the case then use it. If you don't like the fact that you can no longer get away with doing nothing and still get all the benefits, then get out. Simple. Line forms behind Fletcher. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Received via Email 08.27.08 8.26 #3, So you dont like them sleeping on pool time...I have a new idea. No matter where they are on pool time I say that we require them to return to duty after every meeting. Like when they are in Washington DC. We get their asses back on a plane after the 5 oclock meeting, after flight time we should have them back in the station by 11, then we can let them sleep at the station until around 1 am and then they can get up and go back to the airport and fly back for the start of the 8am meetings. Yeah that will really show them we care. I guess we had better send another concerned member with them to make sure they dont pull a couple zzz's on the plane. Yeah this is definetly the ticket. We pay for 12 plane flights intead of three, 12 cabs fares, 12 parking fees at the airport, and we have their sorry asses back in the stations an extra 2 hours a shift. That will also open up the time slots a little bit more.
Received via Email 08.27.08 Further proof that those who have been getting a free ride forever will continue to. "I'd give pool time voluntarily but I'm damn sure not going to let you take it from me!" The same mental defects that have been in trouble before and been defended by the union, now tell the rest of us to eat a bag of shit. I won't talk to any of them. Hey, f**k you pool time scabs. Useless then, useless now and useless in the future.
Received via Email 08.27.08 The whole B shift is made up of a bunch of thankless professional victims. It shouldn't be any problem ingnoring them.
Received via Email 08.28.08 Okay, smart guys. Listen to the words you're typing. "Get out of the union" and "don't let the door hit you in the ass". Are you stupid?! If the members are pissed enough to drop out completely, management will be in the lead even more than now. That plays into their hands. Instead of bitching on this site, someone needs to moderate this mess before words and actions cannot be taken back. This is an all-call for leadership, no matter if it comes from the elected. I challenge all of this local's membership to research unionism, not the definition but the theory and practices. In so doing, avoid union websites and get a look at how sociologist's feel on the movement.
Received via Email 08.28.08 Today was yet another Negotiations session and I know you will find this hard to believe, but only 1 person from the B shift was able to appear. Thank you Tommy Dorsey for carrying your entire shift. BTW, TD if you get a lot of calls about what happened, tell them to hang up and tell them to go back and resume jerking themselves off a little longer.
TEAM: So you're saying that there were more chiefs at the table then there were Fire Fighters in the audience? C'mon...
Received via Email 08.28.08 Oh, I see, just because a B shifter pulled out of the pool time first you want to mother f-ck all of the B shifters. You all are a bunch of F-cksticks. I happened to be in the room when Fletcher returned from the union hall after getting his paper signed. Unlike what was described above by people who pretended they were there, fletcher wasn't mother f-cking anyone in the union. He went got his paper signed and that was it. It is his right to do so as a union member, no he did not drop out, and he has never questioned how swaps are paid by the union. He heard a rumor and went to the source to clarify it. Fletch could give 2 shits how its paid for but a couple guys were getting fired up and he so he went to the source to get the truth and to stop the rumor mill. You all should follow suite before f-cking a guy. F-cksticks!!! I am glad I am a B shifter and work with guys like Fletch. B shift, pullin A and pushin C.
Received via Email 08.29.08 I know you were in the room when he returned, but were you in the room when he was pissing all over the donation of pool time? The way you paint it, he overheard a story that was floated out there and didn't repeat it. He simply went to the source. Factually incorrect, my friend. He WAS promoting the story, just like many of you on the B shift that either have no clue how union business is conducted or you pretent you don't. You all can't shoot yourselves in the foot. There's not that many field promotions to be made!
Received via Email 08.29.08 "B shift, pullin A and pushin C." So you'd be the pivot men?
Received via Email 08.29.08 Some of you 'members' who are bitching about giving 5 hours to the union to fight for your rights are like a bunch of old women who just got on the board of your home owners association. You've never had any leverage before and now find yourselves in the position to throw some of your estrogen around. You listen to the assholes on this job that have an axe to grind and you buy right into their compelling stories of how bad the union treats everyone. Oh...... too bad, so sad! Did anyone of you ever stop to think that some of you get treated EXACTLY the way you should be treated? You cry foul when management starts cramping your gig, so you call on the union to rescue you. In return, when the union asks you for a little of your time or the sweat off your brow, you come up with every excuse imaginable to get out of work and then you get pissed when everyone figures out what a piece of shit you are. Now we know how your neighbors feel.
Careful what you ask for. Some of the names that I've heard flying around that might run for the president's position are scary. They've never done a thing for the union (you and me) and are natural born ass kissers. In my neighborhood, we don't like ass kissers. They only do one thing really well.
Received via Email 08.30.08 Back when I was starting my career on this Dept. I was fortunate enough to work with a well respected Firefighter. this Firefighter sat me down and gave me all of the important information that I would need to make it through my years. In his own words he advised me to join and support the union. He mentioned how things happen good and bad and how the union works for everyone all of the time. I wish this gentleman was still around as he could certainly straighten some of these people out. If you wonder to whom I am speaking, go to HQ. and while your climbing the stairs cast your gaze upon the photos on the wall, you will see the late Butch Debuty proudly displayed.
TEAM: Your story is not unique. Butch did this for many coming on. The tradition of enumerating these truths is not dead. What seems to be dead is the space between many's ears. We follow a tried and proven format that's been in existence since 1918, yet many get distracted with personal agendas or an inability to control their emotions. For these transgressions, we all pay a price.
Received via Email 08.30.08 There will always be those with a personal agenda or an axe to grind. My suggestion is to identify THEIR problem and let them know that you won't be sucked in to their personal politics and simply move on. I'm hearing some rumblings that a bunch of B shifters at station 6 are getting ready to drop out of the pool time kitty. What a shock. If you've ever worked O/T there, it's obvious that they feed off of one anothers song of wow. Good luck to you. If your not working with me then you must be working agains me. To 8/29 #3, you hit the nail on the head. I do what I do for my union and while I'd like more help, I know that 10 minutes after we're supposed to meet somewhere to help the union, that no one else is coming, I move on and do what I have to do. If I have to stay longer to get the job done then so be it. I appreciate the few that I work with.
TEAM: Wow. You hit the nail on the head, too. You understand what many never will. It's not about this FD. It's about this union. The people running this FD have never been around when it counted. The people running this union have always been around. We are the whole of the body.
Received via Email 09.02.08 Butch was a true firemen a true friend to all. He knew his stuff and was eager to share and he would watch your back. Several of the higher ups, down to the blue shirts that knew all, say the same thing. Scott ( retired ) and proud to have know Butch.
Received via Email 09.08.08 Wow. It's been quiet around here over the weekend. When HQ isn't up and running they don't have as great an opportunity to infest the minds of the weak amongst us. Good going Large and Wimberly. In the end you'll still look like a couple of manipulating fags.
Received via Email 09.12.08 Tommy notch man!
TEAM: True statement. Wrong page.
Received via Email 09.12.08 Well, I have just finished checking out the pay and work load stats in the new Firehouse mag today. I am saddened to see that our department was not listed in this years comparisons. I guess Admin was either embarassed about where we would have stacked up in the pay or was it they dont want the proof published that we work as many calls as we do? Either way it keeps us down when we try to compare ourselves with the other big boys on the block at the negotiating table.
Way to go SPFR "We got ours" Fire Admin.
Received via Email 09.14.08 Dude. You're thinking like a firefighter or paramedic. Stop it. The future is in taking business classes and running this place. Stop thinking like one of the slaves and set yourself up for big business. You need whatever wimberly wants you to have.
Received via Email 09.19.08 "The future is in taking business classes and running this place." Truer words were never spoken. This place is fu**ed up. Everyone wants to be a manager and no one wants to be a life saver.
Received via Email 09.22.08 The real life savers are leaving the dept or retiring. These new people are more concerned about how their nails or hair looks or needs a place to hide their drinking problems or use their position to pick up girls they otherwise couldnt get.
Received via Email 09.22.08 Once again Chief J.O. shows us what the ASS in front of his title really menas. Did you catch the new policies he spewed out of his ass today? I thought I was reading the script from the old Cool Hand Luke movie, if you do this you spend a day in the box, if I dont like you doing that, you spend a day in the box blah,blah,blah. We can not let Chief Large go out of town anymore. J.O. get the f*** out of this city and take the rest of your bullshit artists with you.
We do not love you.
Received via Email 09.22.08 Who does this describe?
1. Offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power
2. Not allowing contradiction or refusal
3. Putting an end to all debate or action
1. You guys pretty much know what that one means
Received via Email 09.22.08 well that could mean alot of people from firefighter on up to the mayor
Received via Email 09.24.08 JO has but one agenda. He wants to be in charge of EVERYTHING. He dont care if its running smoothly or even functional as long as he is the one in charge.
Received via Email 09.24.08 so whom would you trust. A JW or a Scientologist. Just remember there are alot of secret JWs in the stations be careful who is listening. Remember the 9-11 hijackers acted like the people they hated so not to have attention brought on them.
Received via Email 09.25.08 Anyone read the new sick leave policy? Who put that abortion together?
Received via Email 09.25.08 Gee. I am thinking workers comp. Do boys and admin.
Received via Email 09.27.08 I heard JO was screwing everything up at the awards ceremony the other day even to the point of jabbing a certain medic that was passed over to pick his sorry ass up for Lt. "You made paramedic of the year that year and I got something else." This is what JO stated while giving a 25 year medic his service award. I heard that he even stated that we are a part of "Florida Task Force 2." Wrong. Is this really the future of our Dept? God help us.
Received via Email 09.27.08 A Little bird told me that wimberly dissapointed a few of our senior men and their families by showing his ass at the awards ceremony the other day. Isn't this the part of the job that Large was so impressed with? Didn't he go over to Hillsborough or Tampa when he first got 'appointed' to see how it was supposed to be done ? He thought that we should be doing something similar. Shit... we can't get it right on a monthly basis! Why would wimberly throw handsome Harold under the bus? This is a guy who's never messed with anybody and has 5 times the character of wimberly whose only claim to fame is shouting through a bull horn. His second big event of the day was to shortchange Rob Edwards by dismissing half of Rob's accomplishments throughout the years. If it's an awards ceremony for accomplishing 25 or 30 years on the job, who's going to tell our story if we don't have managers who will stand and speak for us? Rob apparenly doesn't want to talk about it, but get this. He's one of the few that actually was looking forward to his 30th ceremony. Gee, do you think he now knows what the rest of us know? That these guys that have made it to the top of this department can't be trusted because they've never been firefighters in their whold career and are nothing more than managers that can't be trusted. None of us should ever put ourselves in the position of being embarrassed by those who can't shine our boots.
Received via Email 09.28.08 I think JOW would look good shining shoes. Just like the good ole days.
Received via Email 09.28.08 What if they gave a ceremony and nobody came? That was my feelings 3 years ago and is further strengthened by Friday's actions. We need more people to not attend and also to send back their little show of gratitude plaque to the mayor's office. On a side note tho', the plaques cut up into sprinkler/door wedges really nice.
Received via Email 09.28.08 Fire Admin has been laughing in our faces for years. It didn't just start with J.O. but I will admit he has stepped it up a couple of levels. They laugh at us everyday. Physicals, mandatory OT, station assignments, multiple moves in 1 shift etc. This goes all the way down the ranks. Your bestest Capt one day, Asshole acting DC the next. My sta. capt switches sides so often he don't even bother to take off his cape anymore. I would like to hear that the person that provided all of this info could somehow file a complaint with the city about the treatment during this event. Maybe if enough people got on the wagon, we could see some changes. I am sure Council and higher ups were in the audience.
Received via Email 09.29.08 Received the e-mail concerning the sexual harassment/retaliation suit against the city. To get more accurate details go to Google and pull up the article. Then click on attachment and read the entire 7 page filing. This may answer some of the misconceptions found in the article. Know three things (1) the news-paper doesn't always get everything accurate (2) You can't file in the court system without the right to suit letter from the EEOC. The EEOC doesn't investigate but merely oversees a small percentage of the evidence from both parties. After reviewing, should the EEOC find the plaintiff is credible, no further investigation is warranted and a right to suit letter is awarded. The EEOC encourages and educates plaintiff's concerning the 90 day window in which to file in the Federal Court System. Obviously, this was done. (3) Remember, don't believe everything you read in the news-paper. Going to the source is the most reliable as most of us have learned in the past. (4) Kudos to her as this is only the tip of the ice-burg. Weak women rarely change history and I believe change in this department is way overdue.
Received via Email 09.29.08 A one word post in the most appropriate column. WIMBERLY.... nuff said
Received via Email 09.29.08 Why dont we all rise up against the admin. District Chiefs included. If the paper got ahold of the background on some of them or the lawsuits they almost inflicted upon the city. People would think twice. Remember you can have mental health days that fall on the same day as mandatory overtime. And there is nothing the city can do about it of the Chiefs.
TEAM: District Chiefs are in the union. You're talking about gigging 'exempt' employees, no? With heavy involvelment in local politics, all things are possible.
Received via Email 09.30.08 092908 can you provide us with a link?
Received via Email 09.30.08 I think someone not too smart allowed this. No we cannot get corrupt DCs gone because they will hide behind the Union. Great.
Received via Email 10.01.08 BULLSHIT LOCATED @ 400 9TH ST S.
Received via Email 10.01.08 thats where all the chiefs and SK are located
Received via Email 10.01.08 Did cubbie ever explain why he was at a mayors wanna-be house in downtown at night in a city car and in uniform till 9 pm?
TEAM: He usually checks with us first, before he makes a move. We're still waiting for his explanation!
Received via Email 10.02.08 Talk about BS! That damn lil bird was singing the last 2 A shifts. It seems a certain (brand new) MS cry baby medic wanted that slot there. Guess what other ofc's, said -- no way. So now he gets the A train to south station 8. Makes it known he is pissed off, not happy. Amazing, he calls out sick his first shift there! Holy Mother of.....Goes to show ya, a mind is a terrible thing. Oh wait he is from the romper room. Good luck suckers!
Received via Email 10.02.08 If the above mentioned in 10/02 closed his pie hole a little more and acted like a man instead of a kid, he probably could have easily picked his choice of stations. But... you if your lips keep moving... so will you my friend. Calling in sick really makes your case. Great Job Rookie !
Received via Email 10.02.08 He learned that trick from BM station 3 is still looking for him!!
Received via Email 10.02.08 Hey whats wrong with Gator 8, some people may not have wanted to, but have moved their happily and never complained. And they are still doing fine. Learn some character little nue. And hey, enjoy your new home, it could be worse, you could be working for Golds Gym, Ballys, or Lifestyles - wouldn't that suck? No more cheesburgers.
Received via Email 10.03.08 Gosh what is with you and BM Do you want to have sex with him or something. I thought we put him and the others aside awhile ago to focus on more important things. IS the new guy jealous or someone else. Can we get our minds together to get rid of admin and the idiot officers we haveat the stations. If it takes a coup or whatever. Maybe thats what needs to happen. I will tell you this. When I knew BM he had dirt on a lot of people admin and elected people. You all were stupid for not using it or asking him. people knew.
Received via Email 10.04.08 10/3. It appears you hade more of a crush on BM. He had nothing on admin, and he sucked the nips dry of politico types.He often would boast about i have the mayor cuming for lunch, or Jeb Bush is my friend hes cumin too! All this clout got him nada. Except a bad rep, and had people looking at us and saying are all F/F'ers's like him? Well he ran and left the fire service because he just plan couldnt do it.
The fact you wanna coup? you have watched more 24 episodes than ya should have. Bottom line here work with the union. and we will will be victorious. FTM
Received via Email 10.04.08 Ok enough of him. Back to real stuff. How are we gonna get a contract worth while.
TEAM: Interrogative: "How are we gonna get a contract worth while?" Answer: Politics.
Received via Email 10.05.08 Shouldnt there be a reach around claus in there somewhere Mr. Interrogator?
Received via Email 10.06.08 What does Santa have to do with this? 10/5 #1
Received via Email 10.06.08 Clause. Did you graduate college? Or should I say A ged with the southsiders.
Received via Email 10.07.08 I like Santa Claus (play on words oh small minded one) better than your clause you spell checking pc nerd. Oh yeah I did graduate, only a 4 yr degree, and I didn't buy it from Eckerd College.
Received via Email 10.08.08 If wimberly were on fire, I would't piss on him to put him out!
Received via Email 10.09.08 Me too. I would go to the gas station and get more fuel.
Received via Email 10.09.08 Did you graduate college? Or should I say A ged with the southsiders.
Lets look into this Fino's comments. Is he saying the A shift on the southside is old? Does he or she have a basic spelling issue? Knowing a lot of those, "aged" lol southsiders, I'd put them up against the 1-5 aka 20 year cry babies anyday. Hell, even the drop guys carry your lame backside.
Received via Email 10.10.08 So now people are getting time off for not telling their doctor how to write a note? I know they have special exceptions for the insiders, but outsiders are going to get screwed.
Received via Email 10.10.08 Prince has got people modifying the Dr.'s prescription note. I hope he's got big balls. He's going to need them in federal prison.
Received via Email 10.10.08 Vernon Hampton is this weeks new hero. When will these assholes in management relize that they no longer work for the fire department but HR? wimberly your new title should be chief jackoff!
Received via Email 10.10.08 Prince is not going anywhere. He is black and a JW. He will pull the race card when he doesnt get his way or if he is in truoble. Who do you think the next chief is going to be. I mean look at donnie williams. investigated by the dea and still an open invest and they keep promoting him. Gee I wonder why.
Received via Email 10.11.08 All I know is it doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to tell me that the overly intrusive physicals, the continual use of FMLA forms like a club over our heads, the sharing of information with Workers Comp as well as the recent receipt by one of our members of some Cigna Health insurance correspondence on city of St. Pete letterhead is proof enough that we need to work together to not only promote --- but get elected --- the next generation of council members and Mayor who will break this chain of tyranny. We're the only labor organization in the city that is REQUIRED to take and pass an annual physical exam. As if the exam weren't bad enough, everything you say and write and every medication that you take are all items that can and will be used against you.
I can safely say that I think the days of the fire chief walking the halls and telling us all that the FREE physicals that the city GIVES each one of us - are a benefit.
The emporer still has no clothes! FTM
Received via Email 10.13.08 Stand up wherever you are, go to the nearest window and yell as loud as you can, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore.'
Received via Email 10.14.08 Maybe Prince is retaliating against the members because his brother couldnt make it and was fired.
Received via Email 10.17.08 Appears that Prince wont even stand up for brothers of his own religion. He is so far up the anal tract of Mayor B. he has once again proven he would rather sell out his own. Once again this proves his desire to be known as #1 ASSHOLE....
Received via Email 10.17.08 His brother was a moron and needed to be fired just like JW
Received via Email 10.20.08 I hope they don't start firing ALL morons. We won't have enough people left in suppression.
Received via Email 10.20.08 You mean fire headquaters don't you....not suppression.
Received via Email 10.20.08 This just in.... How many firefighters does it take to effectively set up and operate a St. Pete ladder truck? Hmmm let's see, one operator in bucket, one on the turntable, one to operate the pump. Whoa back up, that makes 3. But don't let that deter the Slave Masters running SPFR we have JATC and other stuff, so we will staff with 2 and worry about the little stuff later. So any ways back to the original question, it takes one in the bucket, one on the turntable, and a SUNSTAR medic to operate the pump. And we are worried that they are going to take our EMS jobs...Now I guess that since they hire so many Firefighters to work on their off duty days, they have no limits.
Received via Email 10.21.08 I'd laugh along with you if we lived in New York, Chicago, or LA. But St. Pete. HAA HAA HAA WHOO WHOO HAR HAR DEE HAR right back at you. We will never use a ladder truck here like they do. Grow up first 10-21 and get a clue. HAR DEE HAR HAR !!
Received via Email 10.22.08 Heeheeeheee.
What's funny is the thought that working on a ladder truck actually means something hee har ho hoho ho hardeeharharharhhar
Received via Email 10.23.08 A neighbor or mine works for Seminole and he said that THERE WAS an off duty guy working the pump panel of one of our truck's during the junk yard fire that they had. I don't think the point is that it was being used (big surprise) but that we didn't have enough people after 2000 hrs. to do it! Pretty pitiful.
Received via Email 10.23.08 I met a guy a while back, I think it was at a retirement breakfast, that used to ride a ladder truck. He said he went to a fire once. So I guess it IS possible.
Received via Email 10.23.08 I knew that guy. He never "rode" the ladder truck. To ride a truck it has to go somewhere. He rode the couch. The only thing he ever drove was the TV remote.
Received via Email 10.24.08 Here we go again, someone points out a serious staffing shortage, which required the need to rely on an outsider (an onduty sunstar employee no less) to help us do our job. What I don't understand, is how is it that instead of staying on track with the problem at hand we revert back to our years of administrative brain washing and go straight to dissin our brothers and sisters? What is it going to take before we realize that we are our own worst enemies?
Editor, could you please do a simple survey? Just ask something simple like, do I really know the truth?
TEAM: Elaborate a bit, if you would...
Received via Email 10.25.08 The only thing this admin will do about this issue is try to discipline those on the ladder truck for allowing an outsider to make it happen.
Received via Email 10.25.08 Was the "outsider" an off duty spfr. workin for Sunstar? If it was its too bad he has to work for food for SS, but the bottom line is doing our job, and if I was off, and saw the need to assist at a fire scene, ours, or theres, I'll take the chance of a write up. We are all civil servants anyway..And it still sucks.FTM
Received via Email 10.25.08 Since we go down to 2 on a ladder truck we might as well let the DCs stay at home and run the calls from their radios. In reality, the latter idea is better than what we are currently doing with our truck companies.
Received via Email 10.25.08 You mean, let the DC's run the calls from the girlfriend's house or some that eat at Applebees and get paged and respond from the restaurant and don't leave? Who could that be? Big Dick Johnson? You didn't see me but I noticed and heard you.
Received via Email 10.26.08 If you saw and heard a DC get a page and go responding and he did not leave, YOU have a duty to report him to the fire chief! Just ask yourself what would that DC do if he saw YOU do the same thing? And remember that all radio trafic and pages are recorded.
Received via Email 10.26.08 Maybe Dick was waiting for a rescue truck to come to transport him.