Updated! See additonal info from the 12-11-05 post, here!
It has come to the TEAM'S attention via a telephone conversation, that there may be one in our midst here in Pinellas County, who is not 'worthy' and deserves some close watching. An individual with the initials "SM" - one who has held the rank of District Chief in our county in the past, is on our 'Watch List' tonight! He's looking for a job and you REALLY don't want him working with you! Not surprisingly, he was seemingly forced out of his most recent position because of the constant rift that he maintained between a fair minded Fire Chief and Organized Labor.
He's currently on the prowl. Since he's been forced out (excuse us... since restructuring rendered him jobless) of his position, he's been spotted in Clearwater looking for a DC's job, and likewise it's been reported that he's making his presence known in St. Pete Beach. "But there's no DC's job opening there," you say! But there 'is' a Firefighter position currently open and we don't want to see this ball buster show up in the ranks of any IAFF Affiliate - even as a Firefighter! Brothers and Sisters in St. Pete Beach - watch your backs!
It's reported that in the city that he just left, he was the architect of a very harsh Random Drug Testing Policy. His policy cost the IAFF Local Affiliate in that town six months of negotiating and thousands of Dollars in an effort to better shape the policy into something that was workable for the rank and file and management!
It's reported that in the city that he just departed from, that he's known for harsh discipline... often drawing far reaching conclusions and piling on the time-off.
He's probably best known throughout the county for two of his most anal-retentive initiatives... an SOP dealing with grocery shopping while on the clock and an apparatus backing SOP. In the latter SOP, any time you find yourself backing-up the rig, all but the driver must exit (he stays on with his headset off) - don their orange vest's - don their helmet's - position themselves both for and aft of the apparatus.
He's known for embarking on the fast track (FINO) and is willing to step on anyone that lies in his path to the top!
The evidence shows that not even a Fire Chief can allow an individual of this makeup to continue to run amok in his organization -- so shy should you?
Is there further evidence to be had of this individual's intent? Yes! There is more information coming your way, along certain 'other' backchannels.