"STRAIGHT DOPE" is just that!  It's factual information that you need to know, by sources whose aim, is to hold back the ever increasing tide of BULLSHIT that's inundating us; that's threatening to takeover as the sole source of (mis)information in each of our career's!

Documentation that depicts the start of your Union's winning trend is located HERE...

Previous page...
TEAM:  We saw the cartoon on the board.  Thanks!

Received via Email 4-12-07  http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m28/rvera/sparta.gif

Madness? This is not madness! THIS IS ST. PETERSBURG!

Received via Email 4-12-07  I don't know how many of you saw the following email that was sent out.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Today the UNION and the City, signed an MOU to allow the following to take place: 

Seniority for the classification of Firefighter when a Firefighter/Paramedic voluntarily takes a demotion to the classification of Firefighter, shall include the combined total years of service in the department in both classifications.

AGREED TO by the duly authorized representatives of both parties this 12th day of April, 2007.

Karen B. Richardson Winthrop M. Newton, President
Labor Relations & Compensation Mgr.      St. Petersburg Association of Firefighters Local 747, IAFF

Winnie probably worked this out on the back of a Dairy Queen napkin in 5 minutes and then spent the rest of the week pissing away pool time.  Personally, I don't care how many hours he spends in a fire house.  Every day he shows up at the station that's a day he's not doing shit for you and me!

I'm sure that if we had just a little more time, one of the mutts would have gotten this for us anyway.  If we had just a little more time! 

Received via Email 4-13-07  I am glad we got that settled about seniority but the point is this. The medic might of got the job because he is a medic. A more qualified firefighter/emt might of been skipped so we could hire this medic. So now a medic gets on and drops the patch and we could be stuck with a bigger shit bird and he has more firefighter seniority. This scenario does not reflect our current medic Gomi. Just a scenario in general.

Received via Email 4-13-07  One day I'm going to spin out and lose it!

Received via Email 4-13-07  It looks like we've got a long list of firefighters who chose not to be paraded around in front of city hall like so many captured British sailors.  You are now on the mayor's shit list.  Ha ha ha ha... like for sure dudes.  We're all on it! 

Received via Email 4-13-07  Two thank you's to hand out.  Thank you Winnie for handling the seniority issue and thank you 4/13 #1 for not calling me a shit bird....I think.
PS. I was hired as a FF/EMT....Gomie

Received via Email 4-13-07  Tomorrow might be the day!

Received via Email 4-14-07  To 4-13 #3 From the day you get hired here, you're on some kind of list.  I guess now I know what you call it!

Received via Email 4-14-07  Gomie, that posting was not meant for you.

Received via Email 4-14-07  Gomester, now that you have some free time, how about cleaning up this place?
The Very Reverend Al Sharpton

Received via Email 4-14-07  You want to be on a list?  How about the go make me something to eat list? Got it, honey?

Received via Email 4-14-07  Hey Gomo.  The only reason the MM was giving you any shit about getting out of the program, was because you werent' good enough.  You didn't go to his alma mater... SPJC!

Received via Email 4-14-07  Gomie, your not the only one joining the ranks of the "tired of the bullshit" there are many other medics getting ready to bale out and become emts, some just aint got the balls to do it yet, but it wont be long and they will get tired of getting kicked in those same balls that are not quite big enough yet to drop the patch. They are getting kicked by not only the county medical directors office but our very own beloved city and fire dept admin..

Thanks to our UNION for the MOU setting those HQ power hungry fools back into their pathetic cages.   
RECON - Gunny Highway.

Received via Email 4-14-07  Forgive me if I'm wrong, but Gomie's got a REAL education.  Homie's got s Fumble Through U diploma!

Remember...we're the 'education' department.  It counts towards EVERYTHING, until you piss one of the mutts off.  Then it count for NOTHING!

Spread the love.  FTM!

Received via Email 4-15-07  Gomie you may have dropped your patch, but MM and MD dropped their shorts - for each other!

Received via Email 4-15-07  Gomie, we need more like you, to stand up to the Mutts!   Next time you see mm just say, Gomie dont play dat! 

Received via Email 4-15-07  It appears that MM was wrong yet again on his interpretation of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. I now can see why this Department was always so successful in keeping us on the short leash. We had past leadership that didn't understand the contracts that they were in charge of and that they went to the bargaining table over. I haven't heard of Winnie threatening anyone at the table or offering to step outside, but things are getting done..In OUR favor for a change. Is anyone keeping score on the MM/RF vs Union wins vs losses? Shift rotation, R-days, repicking R-days, loss of seniority. I'm sure I'm leaving something out. Don't forget they like to blow their own horns by bragging how "I put language in the there", its just to bad they didn't understand it.

Received via Email 4-16-07  I know that many have designed their own t-shirts but I heard that the department's going to a new one too.  It's supposed to say St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue - S.N.A.F.U.  Nobody knew what the S.N.A.F.U. meant.  Me either.

Received via Email 4-16-07  Situation Normal All Fu**ed Up........What are you, 12?
TEAM:  We saw that one coming.  Like you - we don't believe anyone's that dumb (and we're talking about a whole room full of people).  We believe you were set up, Bro'/Sis.  We're ROTFLOAO!

Received via Email 4-17-07  The polite version would be (S)ituation (N)ormal (A)ll (F)ouled (U)p. But I'm sure you can figure out the correct verbage. I think a single word would sum it up better. After the SPFR finish up with Clueless

Received via Email 4-17-07  Hey Gomie, I'll call you a shit bird. There, you know you like it.
Signed, A Shitbird

Received via Email 4-17-07  I am very proud of Gommie! He was unhappy in his situation and had the guts to change it. If only more people would have the balls to change what they don't like and not just sit around complaining waiting for someone to change it for them. Anyone who is unhappy being a paramedic join the Gomolak drop program.
TEAM:  "Gomolak drop program."  Too funny!

Received via Email 4-17-07  Gomie, you are the man, maybe some other brave medics will follow your lead and ride on the dream machines. 
Your pal,
Scooby Doo

Received via Email 4-19-07  Let me preface this by saying I like Gomolak.  However, Gomolak is not the first person to ever drop his patch.  I truely am happy that he is "in a better place" for himself, but when did he reach hero status for this move.  Everyone else that has ever done it has been a "piece of shit sissy that can't do their job" to paraphrase all of the comments that I have heard over the years.  If everyone is going to keep honking Gommies bo-bo, can he at least have his own page on this site?  

Received via Email 4-19-07  He's not the first person to drop but he 'was' the most threatened.  Unlike others in the past who have had to deal with district chief's being little dick's with their 'little' vendetta games, he had to face bigger vendetta games.  None of the previous medics who dropped out of the program were told that they were going to move back in time to their former seniority.  None of them were told that if a mass layoff occurs, that they would be included in the layoff's because being a medic for 15 or 20 years didn't count.  I mean, who dreams this shit up? 

I don't know that he'd tell you that he was anybody's hero, but he might agree that he's become the latest poster boy for the Union safety net.  I hope management's reading this.  The "piece of shit sissy that can't do their job" stuff isn't taking place so there aren't too many who are sympathetic to your silly games.  Pay your medics whatever it takes to keep them happy and support them when the tell you HOW they need support.  Talking to talking heads in HQ is NOT considered support.  Doing something to limit the damage after your medics have told you that they need support, IS support!  If you guys were all working as management for some insurance company somewhere, you'd all be getting bonus checks for shitting on the labor pool.  That's nothing to brag about, I suspect.

Received via Email 4-19-07  First of all let me assure everyone that dropping my patch was never meant to be a political statement or stairway to hero status.  The decision that I made was difficult and was in the best interest of me and my family.  I never thought this would turn out to be such a big deal nor did I want it to.  The main reason for it was to have the opportunities that everyone on the job should have.  Some medics don't want their engine shifts and don't like going into fires, I am not one of them.  I want to do all aspects of the job not just be limited to one.  Being a firefighter on our department affords the best chance for this. Being a medic does not. 

I have no idea why other people have dropped their patches in the past.  I will also never question them on why they did.  I do suppose that other than doing it for 30 years that some people went through a string of bad calls or had something set them off.  We should support them regardless.

There is no place on earth, including SPFR were everyone will like you.  People who don't will say what they want.  You can't change this.  The only thing you can change is your situation and that is what I did.  For every action there is a reaction and I am not naive enough to think that my career will be peachy from here on out. 

I have received so many calls of support lately from my brothers and sisters and I thank you all.  Our union is in no way perfect but support from it's members means a lot.  Please remember that!

Finally, I'm not quite sure what a bo-bo is but it sounds like honking it would really hurt.  Can we please leave that topic and my career out of further discussions.

Thanks, Gomie      

Received via Email 4-19-07  Okay, Gomie had it tough but I heard that a certain division chief made a voodoo doll a while back that looked like Ken Liebich and at the end of every day he would "pleasure himself" with it.   I don't think this was a hostile thing though.  I just think he had some kind of a crush on Ken.
Hope This Helps,
The Bald Guy that used to say "CO-LA Nut" in the 7-UP commercials

Hey, one certain medic dropped from the program years ago to ride the engine, he kept his patch on the side, and now look,  WahLa ! He is now the EMS Captain.  Cool A !

Received via Email 4-20-07  We can go on and on about the many that have dropped from the program and or their patch, but never has one become a hero. Hmmm  wonder why?  Because the great majority of our current employees are sick and tired of how city admin and fire HQ has treated the labor pool, and a move like that now shows guts and glory, and a bit of pay back for all of us!!  Sad but true!  Things have sure changed in recent years.  Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to our Fire HQ to work on educating City Admin on improving our pay, pension, and benefits, but don't hold your breath!! It may not be in the best interest of their high salaries and drop plan gold mine!

Received via Email 4-20-07  Gomie reached hero status because many of us suspect that he may be a super-hero.  Look close at him.  I think he may be Superman, except that Superman probably bitches less.  Well maybe Superman does bitch but they don't let him bitch none in them movies.  I don't know much about stuff like that. I do know that that kid in that Shining movie had "the shine". I tolds him that. But that's different. That don't got no nuthin to do with this. It just don't make no nevermind.

The Late Great Scatman Crothers
PS Sorry if my bull legs scared you.

Received via Email 4-20-07  With no real hopes for a decent contract in sight, I SO enjoy acting like a 30 year guy everyday.  We used to have a little bit of a financial advantage over some others a few years back.  Living here, that's all gone now.  It's become a job just wanting to keep my job.  What is wrong with this effed up city?
TEAM:  Just look around you.  The evidence is written all over the pages of this website.  It's all about special interests and you're nothing special!

Received via Email 4-21-07  Carlos Mencia says I'm Special!
He said I'm a D.  Look, you'll see...

Capt. D-------

TEAM:  Hey... we're celebrating our 200,000th page view tonight.  A Tampabay RoadRunner user from Seminole Florida with the I.P. address of 70.125.83.XX, turned the magic number this evening, at 10:02 pm.  The user spent 13 minutes on the site and viewed 12 pages in total.

Remember... it's been said that HQ laughs at this site.  We're guessing they're laughing at our words!

4-23-07 We just received word here in the CIC bunker that Randy from Gandy was promoted to Leftennant.  Congratulations, Randy!

Received via Email 4-23-07  If Randy got promoted maybe there is hope for this administration.  Congrats and good luck Rando.

Received via Email 4-24-07  Congrats to Randy, a lieutenant for the firefighters, not for power or his own agenda,  Way to go Rando.

Received via Email 4-24-07  If Randy got promoted, does that mean he goes to A shift?  And Gap Tooth can become Capt EMS?

Received via Email 4-24-07  Randy could suck a golf ball through monroe counties finest! Go figure!

Received via Email 4-25-07  IF Red Twin Jr makes EMS Capt, It would be the right time for anyone that can, to drop their patch! I am sure he'd gig you over which arm you took a BP on..Wait oh yeah how the hell would he know how to do that? He never dropped the clip board when he was a,"Paramedic"..FTM!

Received via Email 4-26-07  What do you mean - we all know he was never really a "paramedic" just a angry frustrated pumpkin head using his so called power to harass all the sunstar people.  Well, if and when he makes captain, all "under his ego" will be like those ole sunstar emts from years back, harrassed and belittled.  But hey, HQ promotes that behavior, just look at RF,MM,MD,and the rest of the good ole boy a-- holes !!! 

Received via Email 4-26-07  Now paramedics should drop their patch just to make a statement?  No thanks. Thats about as dramatic a change in work and pay as a Lt dropping a bugle.  I dont see anybody offering to do that to make a statement.

Licka Mai Balz
Mai Rute, Sukmaikawkastan

Received via Email 4-26-07  4-26-07 #2 you are dead on.  These f**ks want the paramedics to take a stand against the establishment but I dont see any of the LT's taking a stand.  I dont see any of the guys on the promotional list standing up and saying they dont want to take the promotion.  They want the paramedics to take a hit so that these selfish EMT/SLICK SLEEVES could have their pay day so they can justify why they need the raise.  If you are going to ask a medic then you need to ask a LT to make the same sacrifice. f**k the conservatives and the liberals

Received via Email 4-27-07  Hey dipshit, I do not think dropping the patch was a money statement it was a statement on how the medics are treated.

Received via Email 4-28-07  I don't hear many or any LT.'s crying to ride backwards. For the most part they like their jobs. If you medics don't like your job then leave...no one is forcing you to be here! I beleive that all medics volunteered to be a paramedic, either while on the job or to get hired. So quit your crying.

Received via Email 4-28-07  4-27-07 DIP THESE NUTS IN YOUR MOUTH.

Received via Email 4-28-07  "I don't hear many or any LT.'s crying to ride backwards."  And I don't remember the chief saying that EVERYONE'S having a hard time finding Lieutenants!  Point being, we've needed to take better care of our medics for quite some time... even if it means paying them more than a Lt.  When we in the fire service are treated better than the guy cutting the lawn in the park by this city, we'll finally have arrived.  Judging from the way our Police Officers CONTINUE to be mistreated by their dept. and this city, nothing's ever going to change here.  We've got a politically seated fire chief and he's been neutered by this pr--k of a mayor!

Received via Email 4-28-07  Hit a sore spot you whiny little bi**h. Drop your patch and quit. Go to sunstar you little whiny bit**.

Received via Email 4-28-07  It seems pretty likely that eventually one of two things will happen.  Either paramedic pay will eventually shoot way above officer pay to a level commensurate to their responsibility and work output.  Or we will lose the paramedics completely and go back to pay so poor that we will all feel like volunteers.  I say give the medics what ever they want since they are the reason our pay is liveable  at  all.

Received via Email 4-29-07  "Either paramedic pay will eventually shoot way above officer pay to a level commensurate to their responsibility and work output."

All true but the above can only take place in a city where the fire chief and his followers have some balls (they exist in this county, you know) and city council is no longer deaf, dumb and blind.  When these parties finally get their thumb out of their asses, we'll be so far behind the curve that no amount of money will be able to change the perception that this is a horrible city to work for - or many will have already dropped their patch or walked. 

If -- and I say "If" all of the above finds it's way into our lives, then respecting the decisions of individual medics by their officers and DC's needs to become a reality.  How many times has it happened when a medic chose to get out of the program that their DC moved that medic's ass all over hell and back as an act of retaliation?  Talk about being a puss!  Keeping the medic in the station with their partner sure would go a long way towards making them feel like their appreciated, too.  There are officers out there that don't have the nads to call their DC and inform them that one of their medics has been out on the road for the past 7 shifts.  "The DC knows where his people are.  I'm not going to call him and piss him off!"  Great!  And you wonder why these people want back on an engine.  You're the same glory hounds who are now scared as hell that you might be going back to wearing blue shirt's.  I guess if you can't perform as a good officer, you should look the part.

Received via Email 4-29-07  Hey, how many of the current DCs were ever a medic.  Lets see !!!  How bout a big zero. Medics should get more than those magnet movers.  They dont even have a clue what a medic's job is because they have never worked in that capacity, yet they will try and punish you if you even hint at dropping your patch.  Talk about some ignorant pu**ies!  Come ride on the rescue trucks for a couple of shifts and then lets hear your story.  Oh yeah some of you were emt's in the past and rode the trucks.  Thats like a FF saying he rode on a ladder truck, when he has never driven one or operated it at a major fire,  Even if big red never goes out on a call, the analogy is similar.  So just move your magnets and screw the one's who are allowing you to keep your high paying job.    Typical

Received via Email 4-29-07  Tampa only promotes paramedics. What kind of shit is that?

Received via Email 4-30-07  you all make me sick. your a big bunch of pussies who need to suck it up and do your job.  all i here is the same little bunch of crying, backstabing, ignorant f**k nuts who need to make better use of thier time, and stay off this web site

Received via Email 5-1-07  4/30 #1, how full of shit can you possibly be?  You think this website is a waste of time for others but yet here you are.  The  worst part of your whiny little entry is that you think workers should suck it up and not complain about working conditions. Well  Dickless, complaining is how change begins.  You probably would have been a union buster in the early days, maybe you are now.  You are a self righteous dinosaur who whines like a bitch.  Or a woman that used to be a man.  Or a fag.  You whine like all of those things.  Furthermore, your spelling, your syntax, and your use of the shift button all suck.
Very Truly Yours,
Jimmy Hoffa
In a 55 gallon drum, under a parking lot somewhere up north

Received via Email 5-1-07  Hey!  How come the chief hasn't come out with one of his lengthy memo's yet, informing us that we're only 99 years old, yet?  I guess it gives them another whole year to round up the 25% of us who didn't get our picture taken for the yearbook that we don't want.  Stack 'em in a pile with your lame ass mugs.  1907 --- 1908 --- what's a single digit between friends, anyhow?

Received via Email 5-1-07  Don't tell me you love me.  Show me the money!

Received via Email 5-2-07  4/30, I'll first correct your embarrasing entry "all I hear is the same little bunch of crying, backstabbing..."  After you go back to school little boy, try and write something intelligent!  When you grow up a little, come back and converse with the real firefighters because obviously, you are one in name only.  Our job is not to kiss the chief's ass but to save and protect lives!  Get your priorities straight then come back and spout your opinion.

Received via Email 5-2-07  This place is what happens to you when you don't investigate where you're going to be employed for 30 years.

Joe Shit the Rag Man

Received via Email 5-4-07  "informing us that we're only 99 years old, yet?"  Is this the truth?  Is someone (mutty mutt type) keeping a lid on this?  Boy, are we eating the big shit sandwich.  Pray for me.  I work for SPF&R!

Received via Email 5-4-07  Once we drew applicants.  Now we draw flies.  Whew!  Gotta go... it's beginning to stink around here!

Received via Email 5-5-07  Its been starting to stink for a while now, the div chiefs have just tried to keep the stench down by drowning it out with (they are on our side during contract negotiations).  Reality has hit and everyone now sees the truth, epecially since they aren't trying to help morale, they just keep piling on the crap. The real stench is coming through, and guess what? They could give a rats ass about this department, just their ego, power trip, and little stash of cash.  We'll keep running calls all night and fighting the fires, you chiefs just keep counting your cash and the days you have left.  We are counting them too, and cant wait for you to leave.  Don't leave mad, just leave!!

Received via Email 5-10-07  The latest memo from the wee little chief - JW has us not responding to brush fires in north Florida with our own apparatus!  Sending a few guys up north to stand outside a few structures while the forest burns around them is now a greater liability then sending out 3 man engine's and 2 man trucks on a daily basis?  Either way, this NFPA thing is a double edged sword.  What's working in the city's behalf now will work in OUR behalf later on.  The only REAL standard this department follows is the money standard!  Word travels fast and we're going to look like even BIGGER FOOLS to the rest of the state. 

Three big jokes.  The city of St. Petersburg, it's PD and it's FD!

Received via Email 5-11-07  The ballots were counted, Friday May 4th, 2007 for “The two year Contract Ratification” for the St. Petersburg Supervisory Unit.
19 ballots mailed out; 19 (100%) were returned.

Received via Email 5-11-07  I guess with JW's vast experience he received his red card. It looks like he has been deployed with E1 and all the other ketchup dicks.

Received via Email 5-11-07
New:  http://www.clearwaterfire.com/images/Truck%2045-1.JPG
Old:  http://www.clearwaterfire.com/images/Truck%2046.JPG
Quetion:  Am I the only one asking the question?  When is old, old enough for us?

Received via Email 5-15-07  When FMD can't piece it back together.  If you get by the master station, take a look at what E1 is running.  P5 with little on it, because we sent a front line apparatus with all our equipment on it to the wildfires. Talk about bull shit.

Received via Email 5-15-07  We did it again. We showed the rest of the county how good we really aren't. This cutting edge dept. has sent a SPFD brush truck to North Florida staffed with members from another dept. Boy are we good or what? The largest dept. in the county and we can't even put our own guys on it that wanted to go and were very experienced in brush fire fighting. If we can't staff our own trucks then we shouldn't be sending them. If we need to have this "red card" in order to help fight the fires then why do we even have these trucks. Get rid of them or give us the training we need to do our jobs.

Received via Email 5-17-07  Congrats to Rick Chipelo - Paramedic of the Year for Pinellas County.

Received via Email 5-17-07  Hey, at least you didn't have to work manatory OT.  Think of it as a blessing, less bullshit for us to do.

Received via Email 5-20-07  Right On! Brother!

Received via Email 5-23-07  Right on Brother?  What are you, Flip Wilson?

Received via Email 5-24-07  Do the name Ruby Begonia ring a bell?  Groovy !!!

Received via Email 5-24-07  Dynooomite!

Received via Email 5-26-07  I talked with John Pearl tonight at the hospital about his son Christopher's progress.  Like many of you, I've worked with Dora when she was on the A shift as well as John currently.  I can remember Christopher from the days when he used to play with toys on the kitchen floor of the union hall during union meetings.  John told me that a freind of his put a website together for him and other friends of his have already held two blood drives for him at  http://goopster.net/ 
Keep them in your prayers.  He's not out of the woods yet s by a long shot!

Received via Email 5-26-07  OPEN LETTER TO JON PEARL:
Jon, I went to the Goopster website and really enjoyed the pictures and content.  It's great to see that someone is keeping Chris'  progress online.  As far as the collection, is this something that you are endorsing? 

I am sure that the bracelets will sell like hotcakes if you are behind them, but is there a more direct way to help?   SPFR is over  300 brothers and sisters to you and Dora that want to help, but most of us are not sure how.  Just tell us what you want and you  have it.  Time off? We will start the pool tomorrow.  Bracelet sales?  You give the word and we will all be buying them tomorrow.   Just let us know what you want, and you have it.

To anyone reading this, there is a need for blood, and I highly recommend that if you have not done so yet, PLEASE stop in at ANY  local blood bank and mention Chris' name before you donate, and he will get credit for it.  It's a great way to help and it only  takes a few minutes.

To Jon and Dora, whatever you want, we are all here for you with love, with blood, and whatever else you might need.  Just let us  know.

Your Brother,
David Fraser

Received via Email 5-27-07  Now that is what true brotherhood is all about.

Received via Email 5-27-07  Hi Dave, et. al...
Dora and and I are doing fine.  Christopher's made great strides in the past few days.  As you know, he's off the vent and has been extubated.  He's dealing with a 20% liver infarct and two plural spaces that just keep filling with fluid.  He sat up on the edge of the bed today and the nurse commented on the large amount of fluid that drained from his chest tube.  He's making progress, but with insults to the liver, kidneys, lungs, etc... maybe we're hoping for too much too soon.

As to our needs... we have none other than your prayers.  We know firsthand the power of prayer as we've witnessed it firsthand at St. Joseph's.

As to the website... it's a labor of love, thought up by one of Christopher's buddies who just returned from the Bahamas with him.  Dora and I talked amongst ourselves and questioned whether the information on the site would cause potential problems with a criminal investigation.  Our attorney is of the opinion that it won't hurt and if a defense attorney is really interested, he can obtain the real medical records and carry them into the courtroom in a wheel barrow.  Dora and I view all that Christopher's friends are doing as cathartic for them.  That being the case, we've chosen not to interfere.  As one of his friends put it, "Mr. and Mrs. Pearl, we hope you don't mind us staying here in the hospital. You really don't need to tell us anything about Christopher's condition.  We just want to be close by him and talk with one another."

While some of the information on the site it factual, some of it is not.  Christopher 'does' have his own medical insurance as well as PIP and of course there's the automobile insurance held by the individual (POS) who mistook my son for the guy he really wanted to run down in the street.

Not unlike everyone else on the job, you may or may not be aware of the number of cards, letters, gift cards that have made it into our hands via the US Mail or through Rick Pauley's hands.  Rick has visited and calls me nearly every day, so our UNION is constantly in touch with us and working to tidy up the loose ends for us while simultaneously juggling cats.  Not to be left out, many of you (and you know who you are) have come to visit us, also.  Fire Dept. management has called to speak with me on several occasions and Bill Jolley has both visited and called me several times.  Bill has the password to call and check on Christopher's status and the nurses have even commented that my "boss" has called numerous times to check on him.  Chris White was by on Friday morning but he was a bit early and we were a bit late.  We missed each other.

We're doing all right, Dave.  Thanks for your concern and your calls.  I'll be back to duty shortly.

Received via Email 5-27-07 
Jon,& Dora,
I was shocked to hear of Chris's accident. It hits the heart, being a parent. I too, like Dave, remember back at station 9, when Chris was running around the day room hiding behind chairs, having a blast playing with the crew members. Just ask, and we will do WHATEVER we can for you, and the family. I am just back from vacation, and can be reached, you know the number. Your family is in my families prayers.
John Barfield

Received via Email 5-28-07  Thanks for your kind words, John.  Christopher's a pretty good kid and we'd like to keep him around a while longer.

Jon Pearl

Received via Email 5-29-07  Jon and Dora,
I am sorry to hear of Chris's accident. This is just to say you and your family are in all of of thoughts during you time of need. I am sorry I have not been able to come by the hospital but work and family have been a bit much. I know that you have had a lot of support from your St.Pete fire family but just so you know your other brothers here at Lealman are thinking of you and Dora during this time.

Ron Neuberger

Received via Email 5-30-07  Thanks for your kind thoughts, Ron.

Jon Pearl

Received via Email 6-03-07  Barfield! your never around! you heartless bastard!, oh! oh! now I see your back from the KEYS. Oh! Barfield, how's the family, hope their doing well.
Go! Bush!

Received via Email 6-04-07  Hey 6-03-07 #1 I can sum up your entry in one sentence or two. #1 you're an IDIOT. #2 Inappropriate, because John Barfield was offering up some kind word's for a brother and sister in their time of need and you saw it as an opportunity to slam him. Not funny at all, save it for some other time.

Received via Email 6-04-07  Since when do we care about when, where, and who we bash. 6/4/07 #1 go Fu** yourself.

Received via Email 6-05-07  Hey 6/4 I am around a lot more than you think...I have pretty thick skin from years of baseless insults, and slams. But to make a statement like that when I return from a family vacation, and show support for another Brother,and sister firefighter's injured son? You need to go and F yourself..The families fine..as if you really wanted to know? FTM
John Barfield

Received via Email 6-05-07  You wrote:
Received via Email 6-04-07  Since when do we care about when, where, and who we bash. 6/4/07 #1 go Fu** yourself. Some of us have respect, and can use something called constructive criticism..

Received via Email 6-06-07  Hair cut, get one.

Received via Email 6-06-07  Hey "d" i had to. wanna take tose gloves off and talk!?!

Received via Email 6-06-07  hair done, fantastic sam's $11.95!  Your turn, lipo suction, get it!

Received via Email 6-08-07  Fantastic Sam's...There's a shocker.

Received via Email 6-08-07  For those of you who are concerned about "traffic calming devices" and their effects on response times. http://www.secondscount.org/

Received via Email 6-10-07  An argument about hair salons........ I told you these new guys were panty waists.

Received via Email 6-10-07  secondscount.org is a bunch of horseshit.  So what if an emergency vehicle gets slowed down a few seconds? It's probably less  than the difference between being in the engine room or in the shower when the bell rings.  Big deal.  If it slows neighborhood  traffic and makes the streets safer otherwise it's worth it.  It's like saying burglar bars slow us down when we need to get in a  burning building.  Sure it's true, but  you have to concentrate on the greater risk. If you live in a bad neighborhood who are you  more likely to see:  a burglar or a firefighter?   If people were speeding down a road where my kids crossed and played, I would  sure as hell be looking in to getting traffic calming devices.  If you disagree with me go to hell you dumb son of a bitch.
Thank you for listening and may God bless,
Pope John Paul XIVMXI
TEAM:  Speed bumps suck.  If you want the neighborhood kids to slow down, we have a plan that you can implement in your own neighborhood after midnight.

Received via Email 6-10-07  can I show off my boob job also.   And what with KP   is she taking after TW

Received via Email 6-10-07  I hate those stupid f***ing speed humps. Whoever designed those c***suckers can hump my sweaty stinking pinky white ass. And  those stupid sons of bitches that insist on putting those f***ing things in their f***ing neighborhoods deserve to have us show up ten minutes late to their worthless life and f***ing death emergencies. Those motherf***ers. Those c***suckers.
S*** p*** c*** c*** f***.
Father Patrick OBrien

Received via Email 6-10-07  No just her n**s, wearing thru those worn out t shirts.

Received via Email 6-11-07  Every young jedi has to have her master.

Received via Email 6-12-07  Hey 6/10, #3. What's your weight? Since when can you decide how someone may have gained weight? Did you know that the two you mentioned, one had a devastating role over car crash that cost her months in a hospital bed, on steroids? She has a history of being able to pull any guy on this job out of a fire and has competed in Police and Fire Olympics, both locally., and internationally! So shut the F--- up, unless you have nothing to criticize. As for the other lady, she had a child. Yeah that's not a perfect excuse, but its a lot better than your BS!

Received via Email 6-12-07  Speaking of speed humps. I hope with the budget cuts, they do away with..............yes you guessed it, the Training Div.  That bipolar, spitting rainman GL. Just a little advice for the new hires.  Watch your back when your around DA.  Friend one min. someone you will hate a life time.

Received via Email 6-13-07  they arent doing away with the training division it will be the one next to it

Received via Email 6-14-07  Wishful thinking but I have a hard time believing they would give up that gravy train.

Received via Email 6-14-07  DA is a good man.  Don't let your jealousy run your life.

Received via Email 6-18-07  Is DA adamides or anderson?

Received via Email 6-18-07  I agree.  DA is a good man, firefighter and supervisor.  As long as you know that he won't let your B.S. slide you'll be OK.  If he sees something wrong, he'll call you on it, as any good supervisor should.  If you follow policies and rules of the department and do the job you're supposed to do you'll never have a problem with him.  Aren't you supposed to be doing that anyway?

Received via Email 6-18-07  Info- June 18, E-13 A was involved in a single vehicle accident. The crew is beat up but OK, the truck is toast. We/They are very fortunate, just trying to get the word out.- Rob

(BTW 6-12-07, if you guys are talking about Darren, I would trust that guy with my life, in fact I would trust almost all you guys to do right by me).
TEAM:  Thanks for the info, Brother Rob.  We got a call here in the Command Information Center from a non-FD friend who was on scene before the PD got there (which could have been an hour).  He said that the engine was heading eastbound in the westbound lane 'ditch' of Gandy Blvd., across from Derby Lane.  He said that it appeared to be twisted and laying against a power pole.  Glad to hear the Brothers and Sisters are okay!  Maybe when this department implements all of the recommendations (T-13, R-13, E-13) of the company that prints the round decals that we love to display on our trucks, E-13 will see less road exposure in the years to come.

As to Darren... great guy.  He deserves the only field promotion ever made on this job!

Received via Email 6-19-07  well maybe they can do that when they are properly funded and staffed.  Or maybe when they get rid of a DC position and get demoted they can be the LT on one of those vehicles

Received via Email 6-19-07  A Speedy recovery to the brothers of E13 from up north.

Received via Email 6-19-07  S.C. warehouse fire kills 9 firefighters

By BRUCE SMITH Associated Press Writer
© 2007 The Associated Press

Video Report CHARLESTON, S.C. — Fire swept through a furniture warehouse, collapsing the building's roof and claiming the lives of nine firefighters in a disaster the mayor described Tuesday as "difficult to fathom or quantify."

"Nine brave, heroic, courageous firefighters of the city of Charleston have perished fighting fire in a most courageous and fearless manner, carrying out their duties," Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley said at a morning news conference. "To all of their loved ones, our heart goes out to them."

Two employees in the building were rescued from the blaze, which broke out at about 7 p.m. Monday in the Sofa Super Store and warehouse, Riley said.

Overnight, firefighters, police officers and other rescue workers saluted as the bodies were carried from the warehouse.

"To lose nine is just a tragedy of immense proportions," Riley said. "To lose nine is just unbelievable."

Riley said the county coroner planned to disclose the names of the dead. The cause of the fire was under investigation, but Riley said arson was not suspected.

He said the blaze apparently started in a storage area. He was unsure whether there were sprinklers in the building.

Witnesses said the store's roof collapsed, throwing debris over about two-dozen rescue workers. Onlookers were hit with flying ash.

"It was like a 30-foot tornado of flames," said Mark Hilton, who was struck in his eye.

Daniel Shahid, a salesman at a nearby car dealership, said firefighters came in asking for towels.

"The next thing you know, we were carrying hoses, directing traffic, everybody from the dealership," he said.

Shahid said he saw firefighters rescue four people from the building.

"They were struggling. They were covered in black soot. They looked scared out of their minds," Shahid said.

He later told CNN the roof collapsed too quickly for anyone to escape.

"It came from nowhere," he said. "It was a standing structure and five seconds later it was on the ground."

Riley called the firefighters heroes.

"This is a profession that we must never take for granted," the mayor said. "There's a fire raging and they go toward it."

Received via Email 6-19-07  My bad, DA the blue shirt.  I agree Capt. Adamides is a great guy!!!

Received via Email 6-19-07  Darren is a great guy and a firefighters firefighter, as for a field promotion... TEAM you are right.  He is doing a great job helping to train new as well as old ff's and should be commended for all he has done in the past and all he is doing for the future. Keep up the great work, Darren.

Received via Email 6-19-07  My heart goes out to the families of the firefighters killed in S.C..  Keep in mind, we have plenty of furniture stores in our area just like this one.  Be Safe!
TEAM:  Not to mention three man engine's and two man truck's.

Received via Email 6-19-07  Three Cheers for Mike Wimmers, former Pres of Local 747. Mike's editorial in the St.Petersburg Times, June 19,2007. He put the words were they belonged. The Time's article was biased, made the fire, and police unions look like the main issue for taxpayer's debts for our pensions. He pointed out the cities failure to properly fund the pensions. Read it! Thanks Brother Mike!
John Barfield
Op-Ed here...

Received via Email 6-20-07  That's true, JB.  As always, it goes against my instincts for me to agree with John Barfield, but here I go again.  Mike Wimmers did a great job of taking advantage of a very important public forum: The editorial page.  People that care about matters such as these tend to read that page.  Opinions do count, and they can count even more when they get published. It did our cause a world of good when Mike took the time and effort to get a letter published for all to see.  I have spent my entire career looking up to this guy  (figuratively speaking, of course).
Dave Fraser

Received via Email 6-21-07  How come our union did not do the editorial? We just sit back and watch, cross our fingers and hope everyone is drinking the kool aid.

Received via Email 6-21-07   The union DID do that editorial.  Mike Wimmers is in OUR union.  He is a former president.  A union is a GROUP of people, one of  which is YOU.   Given this information, why didn't YOU write that editorial?

Received via Email 6-21-07  So what Mike Wimmers is saying is the city of St. Pete is not treating us quit as fairly as they could.  I knew something was funny when they told me that some days would be rainy ones.  Trouble is, I'm just tired of the rain on my back having a yellow tint and being somewhat odiferous!
TEAM:  Proof posititive that all that glitters is not gold (err something like that).

Received via Email 6-23-07  This just in. Fire Dept. is losing a pub ed girl, an inspector and 2 supply people. The mayor says he has no plans of getting rid of engine 1.

Received via Email 6-24-07  Anyone got that number for Truck Masters Driving school?  Oh wait, there's about 150 people below me on the seniority list.  Never mind.


c/o IAFF General Secretary-Treasurer's Office

1750 New York Avenue, Suite 300

Washington, DC 20006

Received via Email 7-03-07  Hey Mr. Webmaster.  Why don't you start a page called "Who's looking out for you?"  We apparently need it, judging from the notes on the hi rise fire, yesterday.  Not a month after we lose 9 Brothers in a single story fire up north, we enter a 30 story building that's on fire that hasn't had a working fire pump in it since 2005 and we're the one's who documented it!  Who's more stupid, here?  Are we willing to do anything for a pay check (that's short) and a pension (that's also short) and give this lame department's lame management a pass?  I hope the Union's making the appropriate calls to the IAFF, NIOSH and OSHA!

Thank God the C-Shift was on.  If it was the A-shift, they would have walked up the stairs and lost the whole damned building.
TEAM:  Judging from all that we've read here, you'd be the only contributor and no one else would read it.  Got any station recipes you want to share?  Now 'thats' news!

Received via Email 7-04-07  Hey 7/3 #1. Are we suppose to wait till the fire burns up the whole building. An apartment fire that was contained due to the units on scene. We did what we get paid to do. So be it if the pay is down we have a job and we did it.
MFS C shift along with the other units on scene.

Received via Email 7-04-07  If they were notified to correct the fire pump, then someone should notify the state attorney that codes were ignored by the enforcing agency and not complying endangered residents and firefighters.
TEAM:  Great idea and you can do it anonymously.  Tell us what you find when you call.

Received via Email 7-04-07  7/4 #1 You take the prize.  Lemme guess - you're planning on taking the Lt's test?
No.  You don't wait until the building burns up, - asshole.  Through proper planning, you limit your exposure to the absurd.  Don't you find it absurd that this friggin fire department's prevention division can't seem to limit your exposure to this absurdity after 2 full years?  The "apartment fire was contained due to the units on the scene" means what?  How bout this genius - it means we got really lucky inspite of others being asleep at the wheel.  And last but not least - "so be it if the pay is down we have a job and we did it."  Oh Lordy Jesus - thank your for the job.  The fact of the matter is, I got my own job on my own merits not part of a gov't handout program.  You must be one of the civilians that slipped in through the cracks and got a gov't handout job.  You be thankful that you're here and at less pay than others in smaller towns!!!  I worked hard for my job and I'm not going to kiss the ass of this city because they pay me to do what you assume everyone else is willing to do for nothing.

Received via Email 7-04-07  7/4 #3 Go f**k yourself. If it is that bad quit. Take your sorry ass somewhere that will pay you what your worth. Go back and play the nintendo you fu**ing idiot. Better yet act like you have an SCBA problem while the house is burning so you do not have to go in.

Received via Email 7-05-07  7-4 #4 Boy you really told him off.  Not!  I'll bet you think this is like every other job you've ever had.  If you don't like working for McDonald's, you go elsewhere.  If you don't like working here, you fight.  I guess you'll be fighting but to get out of someone's undies, huh?

Received via Email 7-05-07  Received via Email 7-04-07  7/4 #3 Go f**k yourself. If it is that bad quit.
Yeah yeah yeah.  Call me this and call me that.  It still doesn't change the fact that you're an easy mark for management.  A real up and comer.  Say...... why don't you take a run down with one of the inspectors and while your driving there you can tell him what a heroic stop you made with a hand pump.  Oh, and see if you can't get the fire pump fixed while you're there.  Then you can say you did something for someone other than yourself and your ego.

Received via Email 7-05-07  You mean if you have a issue with your SCBA, your done for the fire? Damn, guess my guys are doing it wrong then, they go get another pack and get back to work....hope they dont read this site.

Received via Email 7-05-07  This site continues to amaze me. When someone brings forth a blatant f**ded up issue that this city totally ignores, we should be very concerned for ourselves and our follow brothers and sisters and raise holy hell until something gets done about it. But wait.  We don't know how to do something like that.  We just go with what we know best and that is to belittle each other. What is the matter with us?  We just cant see the forest for the trees.

Received via Email 7-05-07  7/5 #4.........your so right, with a major issue as this, if you dont organize and get it taken care of, our next multible LODD may just be in St Pete.

Received via Email 7-05-07  The latest memo from J.O.W. to Karen Richardson caused a bit of a heated discussion at the big house yesterday.  My hat's off to Winnie Newton for standing up to J.O.W. and running him off.  Staff officers don't belong in a fire station.  When they arrive, they're either looking for information or they're there to start shit.  I may be waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of line here, but I'm of the belief that if he says it, then it must be the truth.  As I remember it, he left the station walking but he wasn't walking on water.  Chief Large - get a hold of your boy before we all end up embarrasing this department's management before the city with your hired hand's own words.

Gawd help us if J.O.W. ever becomes the chief.  Everyone needs to keep an eye on the tower.  http://www.watchthetower.com/

Received via Email 7-11-07  I really like saying, 'go f*k yourself'. Wait, watch this one, 'Go F**k Yourself'. No, no, here, this one's better, 'Go.........F**k Yourself........Not!!!
I love you crazy fu**in' Americans,
P.S. Can I get another arm from the MFS guys?

Received via Email 7-11-07  Sweet website

Received via Email 7-12-07  JW has made the mistake of moving above his level of competence. It's not his fault, he just got carried away. You can't exactly say "no" when they give away promotions like that.  He is an honest guy, and he wasn't bad in middle management but there is no way he has the capability of overseeing 300 firefighters. 

He means well, but can he really relate to us as a whole?  The next time someone gets jammed up for starting a fight because his divorce is getting to him, is JW really going to have a clue how this guy feels?  Can he be fair?  I doubt it.  Let's hope Chief Large stays healthy and employed for a VERY long time.  What's waiting in the wings to take over is very scary.

Praying for us all,
The Very Reverend Ernest Angsley

Received via Email 7-12-07  Yesh, I know you guysh mish me, you wouldn't be havin theesh problems when I wash there.
JK-Monroe County

Received via Email 7-12-07  Hey 7/5. #6. For those that do not know the story, what happened at the MFS,with JO, and Winnie? We wanna know! ?!

Received via Email 7-13-07  They are just stirring the pot and going on hear say.

Received via Email 7-13-07  well that's why he asked to get the most up to date rumors>!

Received via Email 7-13-07  Stirring the pot - YES!  Hear say - No!  This one's easy.  Simply ask one of the parties involved.  One of them left the station in a hissy.  Either of them will give you an answer.  One of them will give you the cleaned up version of the story. 

Was it:
a) the union president who BELONGS at the MFS
b) the chief who DOESN'T belong in ANY station

Received via Email 7-13-07  "The next time someone gets jammed up for starting a fight because his divorce is getting to him, is JW really going to have a clue how this guy feels?" 

Hah!  You hit the nail on the head, bruddah man.  Touble is, you don't even need to have that much strife in your life for him to side against you.  He's a member of a different tribe, where you and I are the non believers who are going to hell.  Why bother helping the heathens in the FD?  You know, there's only room for 144 more believers.  Or was that 144 total? Hmmmmmm....  He better work harder at being the mayor's do-boy. 

Received via Email 7-14-07  And some people believe there should be no seperation of church (whuch ever one) and state/Government.. It seems that the JW's are as bad as th HRC's. The dude with the Big Hat in Rome say's they are the only true religion now? Hell, I'm gonna go get nekkid and dance in the light of the full moon....

Received via Email 7-14-07  One might say that JW is a JW Cult Classic!

Received via Email 7-20-07  Goliath grouper is still runnings things . Both Police and fire so more than likly JOW the JW will go all the way.

Received via Email 7-22-07  After reading "Tribute to fallen leads to rebuke" on the home page it brought to mind an incident that happened to myself and brother Carl Bowman.  This was in the late 70's so you guys who hate to read or hear anything about the old days skip over this.  In the days when we used to wear ties to fires after 5:00 o'clock P.M., each firefighter was issued two clip-on black ties.  Those days came to a close in the late 70's and each of us was responsible for turning in the dress blue uniforms we had been issued along with ties and caps and etc.  When Eddie Meyer came to the station in the service truck to pick up the uniforms the district chief was also there.  The chief was responsible to make sure we returned every item in good shape and on time.  Unfortunately over the sixteen or so years I had been on the job one of my ties went south.  Don't know where or when.  Same thing happened to Carl.  We were the only two men on the B shift at 11, and possibly the only two on the entire department to not turn in both ties.  We each got 8 hours off without pay as punishment for not having a sixteen year old tie.  The ironic part of the story is that Eddie took all the other ties that WERE turned in out to the dumpster behind the station, cut them in half and threw them away.  Just another example of the cutting edge SPF&R in the old days.  Far ahead of those nice folks in Pasco and twice as stupid.

Fraternally and ready for the response,
Dick Tully

Received via Email 7-23-07  The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

Received via Email 7-24-07 
The 1.8 mil house fire on Tierra Verde was due to....crappy hydrants?! Seems like Edwards and Munsell flow tested them 3 different days and got 650gpm out of them, with a maximum of 1000gpm on the day the county showed up (hhmmm that's odd) So don't go blaming other houses and acting like a bunch of spoiled kids, no one could've put that one out and second due was over 10 minutes out.
TEAM:  "...and second due was over 10 minutes out."  Not to mention the fact that most of these large homes are multi-story; crowded side by side; on the water and many are on dead-end roads.  Say... that reminds me.  When's that new "TRUCK 2" due in town?  Note: Truck 11 is part of that 10 minute-plus "first due" coverage.  That's 10 minutes travel, plus on scene set-up time before tossing big water!  Maybe the residents out there can seek the divine guidance of the Penny for Pinellas GODS to come up with some more GPM's and something that resembles a real first-due assignment.

The fire in Bayfront Towers was not, repeat was not put out by the sprinkler system as our PIO stated.  The building only has sprinklers in the hallways and it's doubtful that the fire pump even worked (good call E1).  It was put out by a 2-1/2 hooked up to the FDC. Once again our admin sells us short.  No wonder we can't buy a raise.  Not only does Ops. do all of preventions pub-eds, but they have to cover their asses when the codes aren't enforced as well.  The bullshit flag has been thrown.
A. Brunacini
TEAM: C'mon now, Alan.  You're never going to go ANYWHERE telling yarns like this.  We're sure if you check again, it's just a real quiet (environmentally friendly) fire pump.

Received via Email 7-24-07   Here is to the Honor Guard for telling the Dept. to f**k off when they were asked to go to the Chiefs convention last week.  That came only a week (or two) after the Department told the Honor Guard that they did not have enough money to send them to DC.  It's funny how shit comes right back around. 

Received via Email 7-27-07  Those of you in the Honor Guard...prepare to travel.  And not to functions where there's food.

Received via Email 7-27-07  No shit?  The honor guard told them to pack sand?  Thats great!

Received via Email 7-27-07  Can I join the honor guard?  I would like to tell them to pack sand too.

Received via Email 8-08-07  Here is one. Zamp, who we were cheering for a few months ago, now wants us to lose unscheduled vacation time. Unscheduled vacation time is where a slot opens during the day and you want it. Well Zamp is trying to eliminate it along with the Dick Johnson. These dipshits surely have forgotten where they have come from.

Received via Email 8-08-07  Warning:  Occassional contact with magnetic name tags for the purpose of unscheduled vaction time has been deemed dangerous to your health by the FDA.

Received via Email 8-08-07  #1 8/8 - I'm shocked!  These guys do whatever is good for them and not what's good for you and you're supposed to dummy up and not notice.  What really pisses me off is that we we don't even get a reach around or a kiss.  Gawd I love this website.  Zamp - Dick, you're both dick's!

Received via Email 8-08-07  So what.  I can get vacation time whenever I want.  (cough-cough!)  What chief, that slot isn't available?  You know I'm really not feeling well now, I guess I'll have to go home.

Received via Email 8-08-07  Can you imagine either one of these guys suggesting this when they were blue shirt's?  The fact that they're the only one's proposing it says something about them.  I guess we ought to shitcan everything that a chief has no use for.  First thing on the list that goes - the spine!  FTM - both of them!

Received via Email 8-09-07  All this started when the little girl at the master station decided to call #2 to get the rest of the shift off.  Fine and dandy, but she never told anybody, so at 5 o'clock she took off and engine 1 had to be placed out of service. She needs to go, she keeps screwing everything up for us.

Received via Email 8-09-07  8-08-07 #1  What you say is true but that's not the whole story. If the staffing is set, and at minumum staffing a slot comes open during the shift, the DC's have to mandatory to cover the slot. You might be happy that you got it off but what about the guy that gets the mandatory call at home?

Received via Email 8-09-07  Sounds like they're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.  Boy.... a little education goes a long way.  NOT!

Received via Email 8-09-07  Hey, we get ten slots. If a slot comes open and I need it I am going to take it. Sorry I have been mandatoried plenty of times for the same thing. Do not answer the phone when you get home.

Received via Email 8-09-07  The answer is so simple. Get rid of 3 D/C's, 3 L/R's, the Capt of Rescue and the training firefighter in training.  The paramedic and all the firefighters in prevention - SP 201 (even though he basicly does SP 200's job). The red head (let SP 600 do that job now that he's not allowed at shop and supply anymore) and put the guys and gals back in the stations !!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait that makes sense! P.S. hope RB and GD read this site.
TEAM:  We hope the mayor reads this site!  FTMayor

Received via Email 8-09-07  They know where they came from.  They just don't care!  Its easy when you have no soul!

Received via Email 8-10-07  SOS......different hour !

Received via Email 8-11-07  It's easy to make those reconmendations when you know your job might be on the cutting block.  Zamp is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Received via Email 8-11-07  Maybe Joey needs to visit Zamp and crew to set them straight.

Received via Email 8-12-07  Why can't we just deal with the individual. If the person at the master station caused the problem that initiated this move to do away with unscheduled vacation, deal with that!!  But no, lets just shot gun everyone, and change the way it has worked for the past 30 years.  D/Cs just do your job and quit whining, your making over about 80 grand a year, to basically, move magnets !!!!

Received via Email 8-12-07  How about holding her down in her rack and pummeling her with bars of soap wrapped up in towels?  It's fun and it really works!   And if it doesn't work for her like it did for Private Pyle, let's get rid of her and get two hot midget chicks to replace her!  Okay? Now get on it!!

Received via Email 8-13-07  She's almost midget height to begin with.  Good luck MS, I think it's a bad idea.  Writing on the wall say this is going to end badly.

Received via Email 8-13-07  Why do all of the problems department wide seem to originate at the good ole big house? 
Curious George.

Received via Email 8-14-07   8/12 #2...You're an idiot!
TEAM:  And you haven't seen all the one's that the TEAM deleted!

Received via Email 8-14-07  If I was an outsider looking in I would be embarresed for us all at some of the comments made on these pages.

B.Clinton/future first man

Received via Email 8-14-07  8-14-07#2 I've been thinking that for some time now

Received via Email 8-14-07  Inside or outside, I'm EMBARRASSED by some more obvious things.  You can't spell and Hillary can't read between the lines.  WE DON'T NEED HER!

Received via Email 8-14-07  What should embarrass you is your spelling.

Received via Email 8-14-07  Sorry about the spelling most of my high school years were spent at Clearwater Beach chaseing girl's (my down fall)....Is downfall 1 or 2 word's ? please correct it for me.... The thing that pisses me off is when someone makes a good valid point and the only thing certain people can do is attack the spelling and look right past the real meaning of whats being said. I wish I could only be half as smart as our grammer protectors. Hey here is a thought if all of the word's were spelled incorrectly then we wouldn't be able to understand any of the useless crap that you are spinning. Thanks for all you do for us grammer guy. I think I may love you

TEAM:  We're not going to spell check it for you.  Words are like Bondo around here.  We just slap 'em up on the page.  We let the fire chief's that visit, perform that function.  It gives them something of value to offer.

Received via Email 8-15-07  I wouldn' expect you to correct grammer TEAM, you have your hands full as it is. Thanks to the "GRAMMER GUY" you will never have to do that. I think that we should take up a collection and give it to "GRAMMER GUY", he is a hard working individual and should be compensated wether he's a CHIEF or not......he is very smart. Thanks for you time.

Received via Email 8-15-07  To 8/15 #1:  Thank you so much for the accolades.  But in the future please spell my name correctly, bitch.


Received via Email 8-15-07  Hell. I think this page needs an automatic kitty liter spreader, to dry up the cry baby assholes tears...

Received via Email 8-15-07  Aint no cry baby and aint no bitch, oh and my opologies to "GRAMMAR" Guy for mistspelling his name he sure deserves better spellars than I.
Mr. TEAM guy is it possible to get spell-check on these pages so that "GRAMMER" Guy can have a rest he's getting a bit testy
TEAM:  Sure.  Spell Check OnAint no cry baby and aint no bitch, oh and my opologies to "GRAMMAR" Guy for mistspelling his name he sure deserves better spellars than I.
Mr. TEAM guy is it possible to get spell-check on these pages so that "GRAMMER" Guy can have a rest he's getting a bit testy
Spell Check Off.  Wow... that takes up a bit of real-estate.  I'll leave the grammatical errors to the grammar guy, though.

Received via Email 8-16-07  Relax Mr. Poor Speller.  You don't need spell check as long as I am willing to be here for your bitch ass cry baby needs.   Now go back and double check apology, misspelling, and speller.  Get cracking, dumbass.  Also, special thanks to the team for your assistance.  Illiteracy is such a sad state.

Mr. Grammar

Received via Email 8-16-07  Do you think my bad spelling and grammar will hurt me in my Quest to be a chief ?

Received via Email 8-16-07  I vote for Grammar Guy for our next union president.  The city will probably still screw us, but the memos will all be spelled  correctly.

Received via Email 8-16-07  Curious George's Post from 8-13 asks  "Why do all of the problems department wide seem to originate at the good ole big house?"   I would inject that it probably coincides with the fact that this is also where the biggest concentration of Admin. Kool aide drinkers live. 

Received via Email 8-16-07  f--- the big house its such a small part of the dept do you realize how STUPID YOU LOK TO THE REST OF THE WORLD your fu---g firefighters not yuppies who gives a shit . the wet stuff goes on the red stuff my god your common labor it not rocket science  you could go work at publix and make more money

Received via Email 8-19-07  What?  Learn to write.

Received via Email 8-19-07  you guys always dis budtallion one but from reading what you write you guys sound more like burnouts than or drunks than the one you make fun of.
TEAM:  Reread what you wrote, when you're sober!

Received via Email 8-20-07  Dear Mr. TEAM-GUY, You should combine STRAIGHT DOPE with OPEN WOUNDS and put it all into BULLSHIT, because it all reads the same. Just call the one heading BULLSHIT & BITCH

Received via Email 8-20-07  Here's a helpful hint to all the idiot savants who feel the need to vomit their thoughts on these pages.  Type what you are going to say in Microsoft Word or whatever word processing program your ten year old computer has.  In the unlikely event you make any grammatical errors, the program will catch these and recommend changes.  When you have cleared your mind, cut and paste your bits of wisdom in the space provided on this page and amaze us with your clever word craft. 

Received via Email 8-20-07  8-19 #2,  Hiccup, I guess I don't really know what I wrote in my comments, but who cares as long as we are all having fun and getting drunk - you know, the good ole boy club.  Bring back JKC.

Received via Email 8-23-07  i may not be the best at grammer or spelling ! but i am not blind to you f--- ups get a life . i pitty the general public ! if you guys are the ones coming to save them. with all your pitty han-ups !!!!!!!!!!!! why can't we all just get along !

Received via Email 8-23-07  If you think the good ole boy system is gone with G.Q. and Prince think again!

Received via Email 8-24-07  Whos Prince ??

Received via Email 8-24-07  Who is Prince?  (hint) Go to HQ and look in the corner offices for the guy that looks the MOST like Prince.  He doesn't always wear a rasberry beret or ride his bike through purple rain, but when he shows his ass, he does expect a KISS.  When you kiss it, he party's like its 1999.

Received via Email 8-26-07  That's not true about him partying like it's 1999 when you kiss his ass.  When you kiss his ass he just turns around and says: "Well,  now what?

Received via Email 8-26-07  8/26....your speaking from experience aren't ya?

Received via Email 8-26-07  Yes I am speaking from experience.  I saw your mama do it.

Former TV star

Received via Email 8-27-07  I never get tired of your mama jokes.
J.J. Walker

Received via Email 8-27-07  What a waste of mindspace.....(*)

Received via Email 8-27-07  ..........hwhwugggqugdggdgjeiidbbdduuuduuevfvfvjakhjbjbsjbjbshehheiooslln ggedgd duiuid gdgskk jflfoofoflknm,mmvoduiuiufofon jffhfdoorijjrn. There let "GRAMMER GUY" figure that one out!

Received via Email 8-30-07  Hey Mr. Mayor.  If no one's mentioned it to you, THIS CITY SUCKS!!!

Received via Email 9-01-07 Hey Mr. Fireman. So do you!!! Get over it. I'm still running things around here. Mr. Mayor Big Bird to you

Received via Email 9-02-07  My Dear Firefighters,
Please do not get the wrong idea. It's not that I don't like you or respect you. It's not even that I don't like firefighters because I do. I truly do. 
It's just that I think I am better than you, that's all. Hope this clears things up.

Your Master,
Mayor Big Bird
MOTTO: Suck my hind tit for years to come!

Received via Email 9-02-07  Another thing I would like to say to you my sweet firefighters. If I didnt love you, would I have had those cameras installed in your showers?

Hells bells boys, I am loving you RIGHT NOW!

Big Bird

Received via Email 9-03-07  I think it's sad that the mayor can stiff us on pay, but jerk off to us when we shower. It's not fair.

Received via Email 9-03-07  uh-huh-huh-huh....you said stiff

Something you won't see in this town: http://firechief.com/apparatus/tampa-shop050907/


I might be your chief.

Received via Email 9-05-07  Did one of the drunk sons cause that wreck on 4th st north? Just curious.

Received via Email 9-05-07  You MIGHT be our chief? You MUST be our chief. Who else would come in here with pictures of Tampa's fire trucks and expect us to jerk off?

Received via Email 9-07-07  Glad that jerk is gone from council. Good riddance.

Received via Email 9-08-07  Glad he killed himself saves us taxpayer money. But, I mean look at Baker. He is as just corrupt and bad as Bryan. Maybe he should hang out in the garage. Too bad we didnt know about this at the last negotiations. We could have used it against him.

Received via Email 9-09-07  oh look in the paper. Our great Chief Knight said he knew about it but couldnt prove it. Why didnt he go to the police and express his concerns. I guess like father like son. Cowards

Received via Email 9-09-07  hey J.P. I wish you would close this site down. Thanks
TEAM:  Who would that serve?  Looking at the I.P. address' from the previous day's posting's, we'd say that you got 'your' money's worth out of this site.  Half of the comments that were posted can be attributed to the same I.P. address. 

There are plenty of web sites out ther that'll blow roses up your ass.  This one's a "public portal."  It's driven by it's users.  Apparently we're fresh out of roses.

Received via Email 9-09-07  I didn't know Jason Priestly was the moderator of this site. Wow !!!

Received via Email 9-10-07  Ooooh! Roses blown up my butt?! I am in! Where are these wonderful websites of which you speak?
TEAM:  From the mind of Mencia...

Received via Email 9-10-07  Judas Priest!

Received via Email 9-11-07  Ok, it is now time to put up or shut up. Our evil nemisis Jamie Bennett lead in his district by a landslide. If we are really serious about making sure this person doesnot get reelected then we will definitly have an up hill battle before us. Dont forget this is the person that was the chair during the night of our impasse hearing and made his bullshit decision based on the Mayors wishes that we not get anything more. He was also a yes vote to change the pension plans of those that had already left the job. If this is the guy that we want to keep in office then just go ahead right now and call it quits. Dont forget to call the union office and let them know that they need not depend on you for any help. IF HOWEVER you want to make sure that these idiots get the message that we dont appreciate getting screwed over by the administration then start making your phone calls now. Let your Union Officials know that you CAN BE relied on for everything that it takes to push this guy out of office. Every day during the month of October will be a work day. We're talkin phone calls, neighborhood canvassing, sign building, sign placements and some good old blood sweat and tears. Lets make our battle cry heard loud and clear right now. Bottom line is this, become a quitter now or a fighter for you future. No body can fault those that give their all.

Received via Email 9-12-07  9-11 has a point. Do we want the same folks on council that dont know what their jobs really are? I know lets ask the Mayor who we should back.

Received via Email 9-12-07  Just got my HOO Ray for Ray letter. He sez to always back a winner. Nough said, I'll vote for Newton. Thanks Ray for keeping me straight.


Received via Email 9-13-07  I completely disagree with the philosophy of "back a winner". We tried that with Baker...we backed a winner, and then got a wiener in our back-side.

Received via Email 9-13-07  hey, bennett is great

Received via Email 9-13-07  Ron Bennett yes Terry Bennett yes Retired Chief Wm Bennett yes! Jamie Bennett no way in hell !

Received via Email 9-13-07  Okay then, don't back the winner. Just don't support the loser. It's an insult to the winner who is now in a fine position to shit in your mess kit every day.

Received via Email 9-13-07  I for one was pissed w/ Bennett when he turned under to the rest of council, especially that racist Williams. Remember he tried to get Williams to change his motion to above 3.5%? Yeah he didn't, or wasn't able to change that one, but he has, ( and I am not a supporter of him, but consider him the lesser of 2..) he has always been there for the firefighters. He has been behind dirty ole station 8 to get money from the last budget shit, and multiple years from penny for pinellas! He has made more trips to St.8 than Williams, as a matter of fact Williams has NEVER been to st.8, just ask their Captain. So, don't shit where we eat. Let him know we are not happy with the 3.5, but remember he still likes us..

Go figure. FTM, and save our asses!

Received via Email 9-13-07  Hail to DB and BM on their hearing. I am sure there are a few that are stewing.

Received via Email 9-17-07  Hey I could care less about BM, but DB's ever changing Boobs over the years kept me all hot and bothered! Luv those ta ta's!

Received via Email 9-17-07  mmmmmm ta tas i need a ticket on south west

Received via Email 9-17-07  Yeah, I concur. What I liked most about DB was she was no midget.

Received via Email 9-17-07  Its funny I would like to know who said BM wouldnt get one red penny. From what I heard he got alot of pennys. It was probbaly his ex and SZ.

Received via Email 9-17-07  for shame

Received via Email 9-17-07  you are right it is a shame that a trusted officer would be having sex with a married woman. Just another star employee for st pete.

Received via Email 9-17-07  Heck, firefighters never mess around with another firefighters wife. That just doesn't ever happen here in St Pete.

Received via Email 9-17-07  I WOULD HOPE NOT

TEAM:  C'mon... you know we can't print that.  Interesting as it may be - we can't print that.

Received via Email 9-24-07  Ok, so lets say Newton pulss out yet another win. What do we say? Can we all get together and formulate a list of the things we dont like him Doing? I keep hearing the same ole, He's asking for too much but other than that I think we just plain out dont like him. I say we demand a meeting with the winner and lay down the ground rules once and for all. Lets not let him forget he dont just work for us, we are his boss. That goes for whomever wins. Either way we will be the leaders and we will all lose in the end when we find out that we dont know jack shit as far as how to defend ourselves against the city admin.

Received via Email 9-24-07  Hey Mr. Webmaster. I thought you threw the bums from DC off the list. The nitwit above must work somewhere else cuz he don't know shit about MY union. And what did he say, anyway? He talks in circles. He's for Winnie or Ray if they do or don't do something but if he/he wins then we'll make him/them do some more stuff but we're screwed in any case cuz we don't know jack shit.

Jack Shit's couzin, Joe Shit.

Received via Email 9-24-07  9-24-07 That's why the union has trustees and an executive board. Not that it made much difference in the past, but at least you can find out how much money we have in the budget these days.

Received via Email 9-26-07  Hey I talk in circles because of my deep Administrative understandings. I guess you picked up on that.

Received via Email 9-28-07  Is it true that Winnie won?

Received via Email 9-29-07  A landslide! Congrats Winnie!!

Received via Email 9-29-07  Visit the union website once in a while and you'll find out.

Received via Email 9-29-07  Received via Email 9-28-07 Is it true that Winnie won? Yes, it is true Winnie was re-elected...AGAIN. 203 Believers/Supporters cast a vote of Confidence for Newton....... 85 Administrative backed votes were cast for Landes.  With 5 years under his belt and now another 2 year term, where will this place Winnie on the leadership pole? How many of our past Presidents were in charge of the Big Wheel longer? This is not a barb at any other person just a question.

Received via Email 9-30-07  None of them were in the position longer. They just accomplished more while they were there.

Received via Email 9-30-07  All I can remember is some of the names, I start with Harry Wienman, Chris Davis, Wimmers, Mike Moore, Feinberg, Pete Grasso, Newton, I have no idea how long any of them served. Maybe some of them can help us out!!

Received via Email 10-01-07  Yeah they accomplished giving up more shit to the city.

Received via Email 10-01-07  I thought the first time Winnie won because no one else wanted the job. He was the only one who would take the job. The second time he won because no one ran against him. He was again the only one who would take the job. This time he actually ran and won. This is number three. This is the only time he ran and actually won the position. Just wanted to clear that up.

Received via Email 10-01-07  (Received via Email 9-30-07 None of them were in the position longer. They just accomplished more while they were there.)  GAWD, I'M JUST GLAD THE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG DECIDED TO MAN UP AND DO AWAY WITH THE SOCIAL SECURITY OFFSET SO THAT WINNIE NEWTON WOULDN'T LOOK LIKE A HERO BY DOING AWAY WITH IT AT THE BARGAINING TABLE!  WHAT A STROKE OF GENIUS. 



Received via Email 10-01-07  TuRn YoUr CaPs LoCk OfF!!!

Received via Email 10-02-07  The caps means he is ANGRY Or JUsT a MoROn>

Received via Email 10-02-07  Happy Retirement to FF/Craig Palmisano.
TEAM:  Yeah... great times!

Received via Email 10-02-07  "Received via Email 10-01-07 I thought the first time Winnie won because no one else wanted the job. He was the only one who would take the job. The second time he won because no one ran against him. He was again the only one who would take the job. This time he actually ran and won. This is number three. This is the only time he ran and actually won the position. Just wanted to clear that up." I Guess you forgot, Feinberg ran for the president seat 2 years ago. But you do bring up a sad thing, noone ever wants to run because they know to many people will label them as bad or that they will talk down to me. What a bunch of crap.

Received via Email 10-03-07  Congrats Craig, best of luck in your new found freedom. We will miss all the good times and your hilarious stories. You were (and still are) a well respected senior man. Keep in touch.

Received via Email 10-04-07  They forget the Feinberg run because the same group that pushed back into the race 2 years ago, don't want anyone to remember the defeat. You will also see the Ray Landes run fall off the screen in the very near future.

Received via Email 10-05-07  For those of you who haven't heard, Winnie Newton went bag and baggage to 9A on October 1.  I talked to him the other day and asked how the transition went.  His only comment was, "I didn't know what I was missing.  What was I thinking?"

The grass "is" greener on the other side of the hill.

Received via Email 10-06-07  He does not come to work so why does it matter what station he is at? Pool time at work

Received via Email 10-06-07  What goes around comes around for city council. "Ethics committee for St. Petersburg Council" - complaint filed over pay raises. See the full story at www.tampabaysun.com/ page 3 of the Oct. 4, 2007 issue. Funny this was not in the Times!

Received via Email 10-07-07  There is no station better than an other. It is all about the company you keep. There are nice people and there are a-- holes, simple as that.

Received via Email 10-07-07  Good for Winnie.  Not so many backstabbers at #9.  At least he won't be taking in the ass from the white shirts there.

Received via Email 10-07-07  Some stations are better than others. Like for instance anywhere on the C or B shift is better than anywhere on the A shift. Its a documented fact. Pay up, asshole.

Jimmy The Greek
Obsessive Compulsive Gambler

Received via Email 10-08-07  Exactly !! The A shift actually gets excited about work where the other shifts just like to sit on their ass and do nothing all day. Great Point ! Glad you spoke up.

Received via Email 10-08-07  Yes, leave it to the A shift to get excited about cleaning toilets and mopping floors, and then coming in here and bragging about how excited they get. Nice work, Hazel.
Now go fix me a bite to eat, sweetie. And get EXCITED about it!

Received via Email 10-09-07  2nd 10/8 typical lazy slacker. Get off your duff and do something slug.

Received via Email 10-10-07  Received via Email 10-06-07 He does not come to work so why does it matter what station he is at? Pool time at work--
Sounds like a p o'ed young Fein----! Still can't get over his daddy was beaten...

Received via Email 10-10-07  The A shift folks are MOSTLY pretty cool guys, but some how or another almost all of the geeks, dorks, and dweebs end up on the A shift. Oh, and also the Nazis. The B and C shifts are where the really cool guys are. I can't speak much for the females--- although for my money, and this is on all 3 shifts, most of them seem like lesbians. They won't let me look at their you-know-whats so I can't tell for sure.

I love you all, even the rug munchers
Thanks,Dr. Trujillo
Ruining Lives for over 10 years
TEAM:  Most noteworthy is his departing from service with his present employer on November 1.  To that, we all say...

"don't let the door his you in the ass."

Received via Email 10-13-07  MUNSELL DID DO SOMETHING!!  He was the only guy that I know of that had the bizzalls to man up, take the financial hit and take the physical issues to the union.  Winnie (along with Munce) got it straightened out.  Which speaking of financial hits, how many of you guys out there have sent any checks to the politicians that the union has endorsed?  The union is only good for about $500 per candidate.  Make sure you mark on the check where it came from, or better yet, give it to Winnie and have him deliver it. OR, you could just sit around whimpering about how we always get screwed and the union never does anything for us.  Quit your whining and get off your wallet.

Rob Edwards

Received via Email 10-17-07  I am suprised. None of you have anything offfensive to say about LT's comment. I'm proud of you guys.

Received via Email 10-17-07  Here's something for the Straight Dope page.  Take a look at what Rush Limbaugh's got up for auction on Ebay!  Guess what state senators signed.  You'd just know that there'd have to be at least one dumb-ass from Florida on the list....... Bill Nelson.
TEAM:  The bidding's up over $60K right now.  Before Rush mentioned the subject on his show, few actually knew what Hillary's take was on the "phoney soldier" issue.  Rush exposed her as one of the very first signers.  Rush owns the Democrats that can't read, right about now.

Received via Email 10-17-07  Just when you think the Republican party might be losing it's grip, the democrats don't just step on their own dicks.... they dance on their dicks while wearing golf spikes. The dems never quite seem to figure out that as long as they continue to hate America, nobody will take them seriously. The Republicans can fu** up a lot worse than they have and still not have to worry about losing ground to the left as long as their front runners are dumbasses like Hillary or Barack.

Received via Email 10-17-07  I see the IAFF's choice for Presidential frontfrunner "Dodd" singed the letter, too.  What a dumb ass.  Just goes to show you - he didn't take the time to study what he was signing and IAFF didn't study who they were endorsing.  "Hillary signed, so I need to, too!"  Glad we hooked onto another rising star.  The trouble is - this star's probably going to become a burned out asteroid, spinning out of control on the backside of the galaxy, somewhere.  Good work, lefty-lovers.

Received via Email 10-17-07 
This website makes us happier at work because: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=071017125814.w6whem5y&show_article=1

Received via Email 10-17-07  You're so right, brother-man.  They DID stomp on their genitalia.  I went to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement website http://www.mc-lef.org/Directors.asp and I don't see a single senator's name on the board of directors.  But I DO see the infamous anti-military RUSH LIMBAUGH'S name there.  Must have been a slip-up!

Rush is Right - Semper Fidelis!

Received via Email 10-17-07  Hahahahahahahahahahahaha  ROTFLMAO!  I just noticed that one of the email addresses over on the RESOURCES page has changed.

John Bryan - mr.longfingers@pedofiles.org

When did that happen?
TEAM:  About five minutes after he admitted to the world, (confirming what we already knew, [that he truly was a DICK]) by removing himself from the party.

Received via Email 10-17-07  Rush is right high, on as many Drugs he can get Doctor shopping in South Florida. I hear he suck's Mel Martinez's Wee wee! 1/20/09, end of an error!

Received via Email 10-18-07  Rush didn't do anything any different than a lot of people who suffer from chronic pain.  If they could have proved that Rush was selling a single pill, they'd have thrown him under the jail.  Besides.  He's probably making chief's pay! 

PS  Bidding on the letter that proves the senate is out to get a private citizen: Over $100,000.00 currently!


Ditto Head

Received via Email 10-18-07  Rush states today, democrats losing at every front. There noodles are becoming soup !

Received via Email 10-19-07  The bidding ended today at 1 pm.  Rush brought in $2,100,100.00 for the children of dead Marines and he's going to match that amount out of his own pocket.  He's called on all the senators who signed the letter against him, to do the same.  Sure!  Yeah! Right! Uh huh! Consider it done!

Received via Email 10-19-07  The Historically ridiculous Limbaugh Document sold today for over 2 million dollars proving that democrats are stupid and republicans are smart. Case closed.

Received via Email 10-21-07  You guys talk about how great the republicans are. How come they have never done anything for the firefighters. How come they are anti labor. Its funny, the very thing you should be against is the very thing you are for. You all wonder why we cant get ahead. Voting for the very same people that are against us. When you guys end up with shitty contracts or legislation that doesn't help firefighters with the equipment we need to keep us safe. None of you should come in here and crying about anything. 2,100,100.00 to dead marine familys that is great. If a firefighter was to die do you think that Rush will donate money to a dead firefighters family. Can't say he will. The last time he donated that much money was to 9-11 families. Over 700 firefighter have lost there lives since 9-11. Where are the donations for those families. On average an Marines or an Army soldier family will recieve anywhere from 200,000 to 300,000 if he should die in combat(have a cousin in Iraq, those were the numbers he gave me). Within the fire department if I should die in the line of duty. My family will recieve 50,000 maybe. Who do you think needs that donation more a Marines family or a firefighters family?
TEAM:  Here's some interesting reading:

The PSOB Program provides death benefits in the form of a one-time financial payment to the eligible survivors of public safety officers whose deaths are the direct and proximate result of a traumatic injury sustained in the line of duty or certain eligible heart attacks or strokes. As of October 1, 2007, the benefit amount is $303,064. Since October 15, 1988, the benefit has been adjusted each year on October 1 to reflect the percentage of change in the Consumer Price Index. For each death and disability claim, the award amount is solely determined by the actual date of the officer's death or disability.  Source and full list of benefits: "Bureau of Justice Assistance"

Received via Email 10-22-07  Ah it wasn't Lawton Childs who signed that Bill it was Jeb Bush . How soon we forget.

Received via Email 10-22-07  Excuse me sir but it was "Walkin' Lawton" - a democrat, who vetoed the firefighters pension bill even while he and his geek buddy algore (1 word) were shaking hands with us in Volusia for doing such a fine job. It was Jeb who later signed it into law. BTW, algore (1 word) was wondering where all of the Tenn. firefighters were - he was informed that they were back in Tenn. because the backwards prior governor algore (1 word), had not signed on to the Southeast Mutual Aid Pact.

That's a fact. It's actual.


one who was there.

R. Edwards.

Received via Email 10-22-07  How sweet. Another America hating-give me something for nothing democrat in here distorting the truth. Your death benefit is pretty decent already, but if instead of bitching and moaning about how the government isn't doing enough for you while you are waiting for "the big one" to strike you dead, why don't YOU take care of YOUR family NOW and buy some life insurance. Get your wallet out from under your lazy ass and take some responsibility for yourself, you whiny do nothing Hillary loving piece of shit.

Received via Email 10-22-07  What our friend and fine American Rob Edwards is trying to say is that Democrats are bad, Republicans are good, and "algore" is one word. I believe the word has something to do with rigimortis, which explains how our former vice president and America Hater got his name... as in "stiff" or "dead" or "useless" or "cold" or "America hater." Thank you, Rob. All of us right thinking Americans salute you.
God Bless America,
Samuel Adams

Received via Email 10-23-07  You don't have to be a Republican to be embarrassed about Al Gore, but it helps.

Received via Email 10-23-07  You like the repuk's are all so blinded..All ya have to do is see that katherine Harris fu**ed all them repub's and gave the election to dumb ass W Bush. I know some of you learning disabled firefighter's still has that faded W sticker on your rear window, next to your gun rack.. Wake up, throw away your sheet, stop burning crosses, and admit..Al _ Gore was right! AS Inconvenient as it is for you all losers to grasp.....

Lovingly yours,
George Wallace rotten from the grave

Received via Email 10-24-07  10-23-07 ref: "W" got more votes that Clinton ever did. As I recall, the best Bill could do was 48 or 49 percent. He was one of the few (if not the only) president ever elected (twice) by a minority of the vote. Stop Global Whining- algore

Received via Email 10-24-07  Just curious... what was Al Gore right about? His phony unproven global warming claims? His support of a disbarred and impeached president guilty of perjury and possibly rape? Or was it his inability to count votes? He's good at being wrong, but I can't think of anything he has ever been RIGHT about.
TEAM:  If you ever fell in love, then you'd know that the movie LOVE STORY was about he and Tipper.  And if it weren't for him, you'd not have the Internet to attack him.  He invented it.  Ask him.

Received via Email 10-24-07  Al Gore is enormously out of touch with America, yet he is probably the best choice for the democrats to nominate. Of course, being democrats they won't do it because as a hater of America--- Al Gore is not even running. The dems could have taken over everything when they took over the house but they chose, as they always do, to screw everything up and are actually making some of the worst republicans in history look like geniuses. Thank you Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Thank you for allowing your hate for those of us that love our country to expose you for what you really are: liberal morons.

Thanks for listening,
Bob Dole
Nicest guy you ever did meet
TEAM:  That leads us to thinking about truthfulness... Youtube

Received via Email 10-24-07  "As the Republicans lick there wounds"...A continued story of political inadequacy..Championed by the Commander in Charge of E-D, Bobbie Dole. W may have gotten more votes, but Clinton had a safe, balanced budget. safe country. and he got a willing blow job! Go Bill Go!..(OK get ready for the crying of the repubs!)
Luv to the weiners,
J.Edgar Hover
Dancing in a dress in hell with Dick Nixon

Received via Email 10-24-07  Al Gore trying to steal the election is proof of the genius of the electoral college.
Thank you,
founding fathers.

Received via Email 10-25-07  The Electoral College:Government proof that you are just too stupid to pick a leader..

Received via Email 10-25-07  Truth speaks louder than your BS..
Bush:Total 50,456,002 47.87%
Gore:Total 50,999,897 48.38%
Popular vote says it all..Bush didnt steal it, Katherine Harris Gave it to him..Talk about a traitor,she should be locked up!
Can we move on now? Oh yeah, Fox network is reallt the comedy channel!
TEAM:  Glad you brought that up:  "Fox News currently leads the cable news market in the United States, earning higher points ratings than its chief competitors CNN and MSNBC combined by average viewership."  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News

Received via Email 10-25-07  Clinton had a balanced budget? Which of the two years that he did that are you bragging about? Clinton walked into the one of the best economies of the century and STILL manged to trash it. He handed Bush a country in decline (not to mention that he let Osama Bin Laden loose 3 times). If you want to thank anyone for the prosperity of th 90's, thank Bill Gates.

Received via Email 10-25-07  Bush won the electoral college vote. Go read the constitution you America hater. There is nothing in there about citizens voting for the president. And stop hating the truth and relying on your addiction to government handouts.

Received via Email 10-25-07  Here is a little tip for you. If you leave the firehouse in a vehicle that is covered with IAFF logos and bumper stickers that say shit like "I work where the devil dances," and then go home to a house where your lamps are made out of fire extinguishers and you have a "Backdraft" movie poster in your living room, then you are probably a little ate up with yourself and your job. It really is just a job. That doesn't mean you can't love it, but your life should have more to it than what you do for a living. Like I said before-- Most firefighters are volunteers. They save lives AND have a life of their own. You might want to think about getting your own life before you retire some day and realize what you left behind is all you ever had. If you don't believe me, go ask your buddy "Kips" next time you go swallow his sword.

P.S. If you think I am in solitary, dumbass, how could I be taking it in the ass? Don't use big words until you look up what they mean.

Received via Email 10-25-07  Only someone who hates America would have a problem with the electoral college. Thats why you only hear democrats complain about it. Just like in the old days when it was the slave traders that objected to it. Haters hate fairness.

Received via Email 10-25-07  Excuse me, but we're a republic, not a democracy. If only the majority counted you would only have to campaign in Fl, NY,CA, and MI. The other 46 states would not have a say in the election. That's why the electoral college was invented, to balance the responsibilities between large urban areas and those who live in rural areas. As an example, what if the other 46 states decided not to allow transport of goods between the 4 aforementioned sates? or what if they chose to seceed? And I said Clinton vs Bush, not algore, and while your at it don't forget the 10s of thousands of votes in CA that were absentee and never counted. (because the state was already won) so they were never counted in the overall total because they wouldn't have made any difference in the electoral college. I like the way the dems sent daley down here to help count votes, a guy who's family was involved in one of the most corrupt voting scandals in the US. It's like sending ted kennedy to follow up on a wine tasting competition.."count votes early, and count them often!" that's our motto.

Received via Email 10-25-07  TEAM: Glad you brought that up: "Fox News currently leads the cable news market in the United States, earning higher points ratings than its chief competitors CNN and MSNBC combined by average viewership." Well TEAM, there goes another reason Americans can't actually vote in who they really want,(electoral college) they are too stupid, so they watch FOX! Special people for a special channel...( If it wasnt for the simpsons, Fox would have folded years ago!)
TEAM:  Okay.  Now that I think about it; you're right.

Received via Email 10-25-07  At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: "Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" "A republic if you can keep it" responded Franklin.

Just think -- algore (one word) might have been President if we had ingored all that is important to us as a nation.

Received via Email 10-25-07  I no longer care what democrats think. These are the morons that want to remove the ten commandments from public places but want public foot washing available to muslims. No doubt that the DNC is the party of hate.

Received via Email 10-25-07  Congratulation to Rich Ganci for being promoted to Lieutennant.  There was one other that got promoted to Captain today.  He got a black Darth Vader helmet, though.  Damn, but I can't recall his name.  Huh!

Received via Email 10-25-07  The state of Florida screwed up the last election, lets hope for the sake of the country, they can get it right this time around.

Received via Email 10-25-07  "So what we have learned here is that if America were a body, the constitution would be the heart, the electoral college would be the brain, Republicans would be the soul, and Democrats would be the anus." I am not sure which founding father said that, but he must have been really smart.

Received via Email 10-25-07  News flash, its 2007 Forget how Al Gore, and Bill Clinton made the last 4 republican Administrations look sad..Its a new day come to the center of the world and make things change! Al Gore would have you over Mr. Happy..*If we were a true democratic republic then we would all have the chance to vote, and actually have it counted! I luv America more than you ever will ya hater..Your distaste for America is evident in your cries for more government control Exactly what the damn electoral college is..Wake up and smell the shit your spewing. Oh yeah which father of a current President let Saddam, and Osama get away twice? Desert storm, shield, its a bush thang... Peace from the left to you!

Received via Email 10-25-07  Ahhhhhh....... all you medics watch your asses.  You new EMS captain ain't gonna do shit for you cuz he's all about himself.  I wonder if he's gonna have the titty bar tab sent to HQ now instead of the big house?  Somewhere there's a bag missing it's douche'.

Received via Email 10-25-07  Received via Email 10-25-07 Only someone who hates America would have a problem with the electoral college. Thats why you only hear democrats complain about it. Just like in the old days when it was the slave traders that objected to it. Haters hate fairness.<*SLAVE TRADERS? You are in need of professional mental health care my friend. Are you a farm animal with wool? I am pretty sure if your righties said follow me over to this fun lil slaughter house, you'd be first in line! 

Received via Email 10-25-07  This just in. Announced today, Captain Knight and Lt. Ganci. Maybe the big house can revert back to a SPFR property and get away from the romper room attitude of late.

It's not that all you dems are ignorant or anything.  It's just that all your facts are wrong.

Received via Email 10-26-07  One of the reasons for the creation of the electoral college was because the large number of slaves in the southern states would have given the south an unfair advantage in federal elections. This is where the three fifths thing for counting slaves came from. I don't know if this is an argument for or against the electoral college, but it does prove that the lefty that has been spouting off in here doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. But that is typical of his party. It's not his fault. Sheep just follow, they don't learn. And they can't help it if they are sheep. Poor sad lefties.

Received via Email 10-26-07  Sorry that your pissed off about the electoral college thing, I was kind of pissed that Lee didn't listen to Longstreet and, if he did, you would be paying taxes to Richmond right now. But, I got over it, so should you.Try this, next time pay attention in civics class, unless the comm-lib NEA union left that part out about how people are elected.

Received via Email 10-26-07  I think that "Grammar Guy" may be 10-26 #2.......just cause he sounds so smart, I wish now that I wouldn't have slept through Civics class

Received via Email 10-27-07  The dept is really going to hell now that the Knight (is he drunk one or drunk two) got his 2 bars. Glad I'm going to be retired soon so I won't have to put up with his two faced sh*t. Medics hold on to your ass because it will be a rough ride.

Received via Email 10-28-07  "Somewhere there's a bag missing it's douche'."  ROTFLMAO.  Truer words have never been spoken.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall at his house.  "Honey the guys just love me.  Believe me....... if they didn't, I wouldn't have gotten this promotion."

Received via Email 10-29-07  Holy Crap.. If there was ever any question that JL was out of touch with the companies, he has made it crystal clear that he too, is as blind as JC was drunk! To promote a known back stabbing, step over their crew to get promoted, God help us all! What the hell ya thinking JL? The "end of days" for SPFR has begun or should I say continued in a faster, knife in the back way. One big thing Stevie, even though your Daddy was a politician, at least he listened to us. You will never be half the man he was! FTM

Received via Email 10-29-07  Does St Petersburg not do promotional exams and promote according to rank? I never heard of promoting just one guy here and there and whomever you wish to promote?
TEAM:  But we get to wear shorts.


Received via Email 10-30-07  AT LEAST JC PASSED OVER SK .

Received via Email 10-30-07  Congratulations to Capt. Knight and Lt.Ganci. Too bad this web site has turned in to an us vs us format, i'm sure bitching about the problems will really do a lot to promote growth. And for those telling the medics to "hold on" I hope you are medics yourself. If not why don't you turn the computer off and go get some groceries. 


Received via Email 10-30-07  T.Witt is a twitt. You probably weren't even a gleem in your dads eye when most of us were on the job working when the Fire dept was a real fire dept. The best part of you probably ran down your dads leg. All the "New Breed" FF's like to do is whine. Get a clue!!

Received via Email 10-30-07  Slurp, Slurp. Don't forget to mind the stepchildren, twitt.

Received via Email 10-30-07  What a dumbass.  Not just for your stupid remarks, but for actually penning you name to them.  It's better to be stupid anonomysly.  Then you'll be the only one who knows you're stupid.

Received via Email 10-30-07  Come on. What a suck up. SK would stab you in the back and make up things if it would get him further. Do not trust him. Even Leadership St.Pete didnt trust him.

Received via Email 10-30-07  T-Witt
There you go again. Opening yourself for a multitude of slams..You of course support lil Steve. You witnessed his back stabbing toward almost everyone else and that makes you as guilty as he is.. Well you did get your special driving rotation Hon. So who's gonna stroke your ego now that he has left? So go ahead check the mirror. Your gel is losing its hold..-24/7

Received via Email 10-31-07  Man it sucks that stevie wants to be apart of the promotion party. I feel bad for the rest of the guys because how do you say "no". He may have their balls one day and they know it. Isnt there anyone that has a picture of Stevie banging an alley cat on R-3 or something. Hey T. Witt dont worry, that gap between your front teeth is getting bigger, not as big as stevies, keep up the c-sucking and it will be there in no time.

Received via Email 10-31-07  You guys come in here and do all that talking. SK is still a Captain. All your bitching and complaining didn't change a thing. Most likely in the future he will be a Chief and all your bitching and complaining will not change that. You all will bitch and complain about the city and guess what the city will do what it wants to do. All your bitching and complaining will change nothing because its nothing but bitching and complaining because nobody can stand a bitch and complainer because a bitch and complainer has never changed anything. Guess what you guys are?
TEAM:  Uhhhh... your daddy?

Received via Email 10-31-07  10/31 #2 needs a thesaurus. I was always taught never to use the same word more than twice in a sentence. Where's grammer bitch when we need him?

Received via Email 10-31-07  Twitt what can I say: SHUT THE HELL UP.....there now I feel better! Congrats to Rich Ganci you worked long and hard to get where you are, I wish you luck. I know when the shit hits the fan you will give it your best and I know that you will always stand up for what you believe in.  SK.....what can I say: To the man voted most likely to piss everyone off, well you're doing a great job! keep it up.........IkD

Received via Email 10-31-07  Wow!  It's hard to believe that our 100th anniversary is almost over.  All I can say is this...... if I hadn't gotten the free t-shirt today, I would have surely forgotten all about it.  I can't wait till the 200th.  We'll probably have someone in office other than the present fu**stick mayor and maybe some money in the budget to spend on a year long anniversary, like it really took place.

Received via Email 11-01-07  I’m sure by now that all of us have read the Washington Post story about the members of I.A.F.F. Local 2068. There were two paragraphs that say it all for the success of this Local’s political activities.

#1 “The International Association of Fire Fighters Local 2068 brings big money to the table: more than $100,000 in the past four years, nearly all of it going to Chairman Gerald E. Connolly (D) and the incumbent supervisors seeking reelection Tuesday, according to the nonpartisan Virginia Public Access Project.”

#2 “But Local 2068 brings more than cash to politics. It offers boots on the ground to candidates it has endorsed, for planting and removing signs, for phone banks, even for moving furniture from one campaign headquarters to another. It also affords elected officials the opportunity to associate themselves with immensely popular, almost iconic figures in the post-9/11 world: first responders.” 

These two paragraphs describe what this Local has been trying to do for fifty years and has been unsuccessful in all cases. Why? Mainly because we don’t put out the effort that those people put out. We do the same things but we fail and they succeed. Why is that? From my perspective it’s called total involvement. It’s apparent that the members of Local 2068, who work in a non-collective bargaining state, realize that it takes every one of them thinking and working for the same goal. Every one of them. And they are very, very successful.

We, on the other hand, have too many members who have what they consider more important things to do and leave the political activities up to a relatively small group who carry the ball. We will not be successful at political activities until we all think the same and do the same in some fashion. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… a candidate runs on MONEY and must know that he NEEDS the firefighter union to win. I’ve also asked many times for someone, anyone to show me any successes this Local has realized when it comes to political activities. To date no one has done so. Let’s not make this another year to add to that record.

Fraternally and I’m trying very hard to see the light,

Dick Tully

Received via Email 11-02-07  Aww, did i hurt some feelings with the grocery comment? Sorry old timers I apologize for that. Allow me to make ammends; remember the gas plant days and the flying squad days....oh,oh remember when the badges poked you in the chest? Those were the good 'ol days,when men were men and the women were too. Maybe, just maybe if we keep talking about it things will go back to the way they were. Or, you can just sob in your pillow at night and remember the days when you actually mattered. Love- T.Witt

Received via Email 11-04-07  Its a shame that the the new breed is so negitive against the past. When I first came on it was an honor to learn from a oldtimer. He would take you under his wing and show you you ropes . Its a pitty that the twitts of the dept don't see that for whats its worth. Just remember what goes a round comes a round. There were SK'S in the past as well. And there be more long after he retires. Be proud that your a St Pete Fire Fighter the public knows there is always a few bad apples in every basket.

Received via Email 11-04-07  There is no way that t-witt wrote the first 11-02 post because he is to young to know all of that stuff about the old day's, so stop signing his name to your posts and go make him a sandwich.

Received via Email 11-04-07  Thats true. T Witt is good people. Now go clean his toilet and make him something nice to eat, bitch.

Received via Email 11-05-07   T Witt spends all his free time downstairs now on his laptop, thinking of bright things to post here..No more knight to day fun for this lil gal!

Received via Email 11-06-07  Twitt bad mouthed the old timer, but maybe he sat down and listened to a couple of real firefighters about the good old days. Do you know what T Witt's middle name is. "NealNBob"

Received via Email 11-06-07  yeah, the old guys on this site are site are really taking younger guys under their wing. Good job old timers!

Received via Email 11-06-07  One thing T Witt and the other newbys wont have for many years to come. EXPERIENCE. That only comes with time on the job. So go suck the bottle and wait. Your time is coming though, it will only take about 20 years or so.

Received via Email 11-07-07  I heard T Witt left the party with out paying his 79.00 dollar bar bill. Is this true? if so what an ass hole.

Received via Email 11-07-07  FYI. To all those wondering what to do with your valuable 100th Anniversary Helmet a.k.a. T-shirt, try this. After 5 days on ebay under fire helmet I got zero response. So yesterday, I posted it under adult diapers and it has skyrocketed. Seems everyone is looking for some thing special to call their own. Its a good thing I scrounged those other 4 shirts out of the trash can at my station, I can see me being in the red by Thanksgiving.

Received via Email 11-07-07  Maybe twitt needs to spend time at home too, thinking of bright things to post cause the crap he's spewing..... is just that, Crap ! would someone please make me a blueberry pancake ? Ikd

Received via Email 11-08-07  11-07 #3 Why dont you tell him. You know the station number. You all have something to say in here but you wouldn't dare say it to his face. A firefighter with EXPERIENCE would say it to his face instead of coming in here and bitching. I Dont even know t witt that well but to come in here and see you guys coming down on him on a web page when you can call the station or stop buy is something that a bitch would do.

Received via Email 11-09-07  If you knew him better you would be on here saying the same thing. He has 3+ years on the job and acts like he has 20 years on. He's still a probie in my eyes. If he doesn't like the truth maybe he needs to go work for Sunstar.

Received via Email 11-09-07  11-09 #1 Tell him yourself. Knowing him has nothing to do with picking up the phone or going by the station to tell him what you think of him. You guys supposed to be big TOUGH firefighters. You are supposed to be REAL firefighters. Only time you get tough is when your at home on your computer punching a key board. Coming in here complaining about someone dosen't help, especially when everyone else think like you. Since you all feel that way, why dont you all go by his station and tell him how you feel. It's safety in numbers.

Received via Email 11-09-07  Obviously none of you ever met the renouned Lou Beam. He, bless his heart, knew everything about everything. Makes this person T Witt look like a rank amateur. VCF

Received via Email 11-09-07  Oh wait a minute here. If you go back and read all of the post's since this site began, you would find that a large number of them are slamming someone or something. So one can only assume that if you are defending him (twitt) then you are defending all of us who have been slammed and the ones that are to be slammed in the future. So you and "grammer guy" are going to save us all from looking stupid and saying the wrong things, good luck with your quest - it's admirable. As for me being a "bitch," I will tell you this -- I have been called worse and have never been afraid of guy's like you who hide behind a keyboard at home too! Now go and look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what else is there that I can do to change the world cause this whole thing about making the web site a kinder place to visit isn't working. Ikd

Received via Email 11-10-07  11-09-07 #4 - Great comments.

Received via Email 11-10-07  For one, who is lkd. I don't even know what lkd stand for. You talk as if you are leaving your name on here as if I know who you are. You still haven't said it to his face. I am not trying to change or save anyone from anything but you all have so much to say. Take your complaint to him. Why waist your time in here talking about someone who you can call or go by and talk to.

Received via Email 11-10-07  Did anyone hear the reason why Val Pak's offer to buy us leather helmet's fell through?  Just curious.  I mean, we don't pay for shit anyways.  Penny for Pinellas picks us the tab for everything while the city of St. Pete is out building more dog parks for your dog to become diseased in.  Some of us complain about this website being an embarrasment.  Yeah right.  Like throwing barbs at one another matters one whit.  What's embarrasing is the way we sign up to volunteer for everything that comes down the road at regular time, get manditoried during our R-day cycles and watch this weak administration and it's weak choice for and EMS chief pretend that we don't have a problem with medic retention.  I guess when your making $100K a year and nearing retirement, you just keep clutching the handrail and hoping you wake up from this nightmare.  You won't.  We're on the Titanic.

Received via Email 11-10-07  lkd probably stands for "Likes Kevin's Di**". Now, if we find out who Kevin is I think we will have our man.

Received via Email 11-11-07  To 11-10-07 #4 Here's a little lesson for you, if I liked Kevins di***, (witch I don't by the way).My initials would be Lkd, see heres an "L" and heres an "I". I am sorry to tell you that you will have to waste more time trying to come up with something to go with Ikd and when you do come up with something then sign your initials to it so I can have some fun comming up with something to go with your initials then together we can prove that we can be a big waste of peoples time cluttering up this site talking about stupid crap that really doesn't need to be addressed when there are more important matters to be concerned with. My apology's to "grammer guy" if I steped over any boundries while conducting this lesson.
To 11-10-07 #2, If we all went by to talk face to face with him it would only acomplish wasting fuel, have you looked at gas prices lately, do your part to help conserve and play like the rest of us do from the comfort of our homes. Ikd

Received via Email 11-11-07  Traditional helmets look cool, but personally, I’m glad we got T-shirts instead of helmets. As a medic, I get to wear my T-shirt a lot more (everyday) than I do my helmet. Come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time I wore my helmet… *sigh*, so sad. :(

Received via Email 11-11-07  I'm glad you're happy wearing your t-shirts.  I can't imagine where you'd be wearing one, though (if you're not wearing your helmet).  There are many departments in this area that don't require their medics to dress in a uniform shirt because they want their medics to be comfortable.  Pinellas County is constantly trying to screw this city out of EMS funds and we're coming closer to looking like Sunstar on a daily basis.  I guess it keeps the mayor happy.  Hey Wimberly!  Just quit pussy footing around and tell us that your goal is 1 medic per truck or all ALS engines.  Whether you say it or not, we're looking more like Sunstar every day. 

This department is looking more and more like a village that's accounted for all of it's idiots. 

Received via Email 11-11-07  I saw your reply but in all honesty I got lost in the misspellings and grammatical errors. After a few lines it was all blah blah blah to me. Any way, I just want you to know that I don't really care who you are or that you love the taste of Kevin's d**k. I would just prefer that you and Kevin stay out of my fire station because of our unwritten "no queer dudes" policy.
Grammar Guy

Received via Email 11-11-07  Hey Mr. Likes Kevin's Di**: come up for air!

Received via Email 11-12-07  I think its nice that fruits like Kevin and his bitch can feel comfortable in here. Now lets get drunk and start gay bashing. WHOOOO HOOOOOO!

Received via Email 11-12-07  The 100th anniversary "anything" is usually a big deal.  Why not here?  It was recently explained to me by one of our captains that our department may be "retarded" because our family tree has few branches on it.  I tend to agree.  We know only what we know, and either choose to ignore or disregard what others in outside agencies do for their people or their organization as being a bit "over the top."  What's normal elsewhere is deemed over the top, and what's normal here, ends up being very dysfunctional.

Received via Email 11-12-07  I just what to know why it is that some of you guys who work at HQ can't give me a hamburger WITHOUT CHEESE when I come through the drive thru at your off duty job.

Received via Email 11-13-07  I am just so excited to have a guy in here that thinks it's cool to like Kevin's d**k! Life is good!

Time to go antiquing!

Received via Email 11-16-07  Well, King Rick has gotten his way again. Seems that one more of our civilian fire inspectors was viewed as a potential threat to the king and his minions so it was necessary to get rid of him. It seems that if you are too productive and ask more than one sensible question a day you are viewed as expendable. You cant spend time thinking up answers to reasonable questions, and be a shithead at the same time. Well I hope that CL enjoys his new life away from SPFR and that he finds a decent employer elsewhere.

Received via Email 11-16-07  Well CL was leaving anyway. He put in his two weeks so it is not like he is out in the cold.

Received via Email 11-16-07  I think you got it mixed up - What you meant was Chief Feinberg who gives orders to Lt Large.

Received via a Knot Hole in the Boys Bathroom Door 11-16-07  I'm really queer for you guys and wanna know if you'll exchange phone numbers with me?

Bendover Pennsylvania
TEAM:  Hey... we hear that there's nothing but steers and queers in Bendover PA.  Which are you?  You're not going to come in here and talk about anything that comes to your mind.  Come back around Christmas when we're feeling more charitable towards you guys who are so gay for our every word.  Now get steppin' - we hear your momma calling from all the way down here in paradise.

Received via Email 11-17-07  Well, I see one of us has totally missed the point once again. Its not that CL was leaving anyway, the truth behind it all is that Chief Feinberg is once again the reason behind, why our inspectors leave at the continuous rate. When will someone else take notice of this? He had no better of a record when he was the Union President. He went through elected officers on a regular basis there too.

Received via Email 11-18-07  The Mayor just said in the Sunday paper that HE WAS NOT laying off any more people.  I guess we've got our own plans for making nice to the Mayor.  Watch and see.  We just had a councilman kill himself.  What's next - someone showing up in a gay porno mag?  Rotten city.

Received via Email 11-19-07   is CL the one who burned down the house in west st pete when he was a LT? Just curious

Received via Email 11-23-07  Unless you have a good 20 plus years on the job. You were not here to see how or why people got promoted up through the ranks ( white or black ), Your going strickly on hearsay or rumors. Yes some people earned it and others didn't both black and white and guess what thats the way of the world. It does not matter it if is the fire service, post office, GTE or Publix. Get use to it.

Received via Email 11-23-07  Who is CL?

Received via Email 11-23-07  ok Chief GL

Received via Email 11-28-07  When I came on this job there were only like 3 black guys on the entire department, and no women. Which just goes to show you that I have been here way too fu**ing long. So long, suckers!

Received via Email 11-28-07  Post deleted!

Received via Email 11-28-07  That one too!

Received via Email 11-28-07  I can't imagine this fire department without black people. The only problem with them, except for Falana, is that when they get in the shower with you they make you feel like a girl, relatively speaking.

Received via Email 12-03-07  last 11/28, so what you are saying is that Falana makes you feel like a real man. Weird !!!

Received via Email 12-03-07  Yes, Falana makes me feel like a man. If you don't believe me just take a shower with him. I tell you, if you feel bad about yourself being shortchanged, as do I, your shower experience will give you a whole new perspective. Just don't laugh out loud. It scares him off.

Received via Email 12-07-07  Falana is hot, but not in a gay way. He is hot in a man checking out another man and admiring him when he is naked and thinking to himself "oh yes" way. Don't make it something that it isn't.
TEAM:  Well at the very least - you picked the right -- err... well, the correct page.

Received via Email 12-08-07  Expert's say one in three men are gay, I am thinking it's the "A" shift.

Received via Email 12-08-07  12-8 dont you mean the B shift. The whiners.

Received via Email 12-13-07  "We don't have much of a choice," Bennett said. The city "is working with the time frame the Rays gave us."
Now we know who is running the city! It is NOT the Mayor or the city council its the Devil Rays!!!!

Received via Email 12-13-07  According to this guy, anyone can be a fire chief: 


Received via Email 12-13-07  Hello all.  Today, 12/13. I stopped by the Union Office for the annual Holiday Open House. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of members there shortly after 12 noon. There was plenty of food, and great service. Some retired members helped cook too. It was nice to see many of the past members. Of course Chief Tom Kitchen was there. It was just like yesterday, he was happy, and made a point of speaking to everyone there, even the ones he did not know. Old timers, Ron Lepold from 6C was there, Lt Jan R., and many others that left before I came on in 84. Plenty of good conversation, laughs, and not ONE bit of BS, name calling or stepping on anyone. The way I remember Union events, (and the Fire Rescue) used to be. If you get a chance go there on Friday and learn from the former firefighters and get to know the newer ones better. In a perfect world, to be able to have the attitudes change, and return to brother/sisterhood on the job would be an awesome happening. I'll do my part, how about the rest of you?

Happy Holidays, & Peace to all.
John Barfield

Received via Email 12-13-07  Thank you 12-13 #2 That YouTube link is perfect. That comedian must be a firefighter. For decades I have been trying to figure out why we need DC's at most of our fires. This video clip says it all.

Received via Email 12-14-07  Merry Christmas John I'm aloud to say it. Scott (retired)

Received via Email 12-14-07  Not just any firefighter. You could plainly see this guy had a least 3 years of JATC and I think I caught a hint of attitude that should prove that he holds a certificate of accredidation.

Received via Email 12-14-07  Come to think of it, I have never seen an SUV or a chief in an SUV put out a fire. We do that. Why do we need them? Oh, yeah, to make us feel like we are pawns for their pleasure. Great video. We should give it to the Training Division.

Received via Email 12-14-07  Why do you Moroons keep fighting each other (medics and firefighters). If you want to prove your worth you better be united. This is the contract page, not the Bullshit page. Now start working together you bumble heads. No wonder the city wont give us a friggin raise.
TEAM:  We thought it was because the Mayor is a PRICK!

Received via Email 12-15-07  actually 12/14 #4, this is the Staright Dope page, the contract page is right next door!

Received via Email 12-15-07  Boy oh boy...... you picked the right page.  The mayor is a PRICK!

Received via Email 12-17-07  Hey Scott, you got me Merry Christmas to you too!
Wasn't meaning to be politically correct that time!

Received via Email 12-17-07  So is PRICK one of those formally verboten words that we can now start using?
TEAM:  Sure, but somebody already beat you to it on another page this morning.  Oh... and if you forget to CAPITALIZE it, we provide the service, free of charge.

Received via Email 12-19-07  I think there's a Jewish word "petzula". I'm not sure of the spelling since I'm not Jewish. Maybe someone can help me out. I learned this from a Jewish firefighter many years ago. I was told this was a Jewish term for "little prick". So in order to clarify my intent here I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to the mayor who is obviously a big PRICK with a "petzula" that he thinks with. We all know that the farther up the hierarchy ladder you go the smaller your dick gets and what we have here is a DICK mayor who's a PRICK with a "petzula". Somebody send him a 4X4 compress to hold his nuts. By the way whatever happened to that appointment that was going to materialize from Big Charlie? Guess that didn't happen, eh? Too Bad. That would have just helped get the DICK who's a PRICK out of our business sooner. Obviously that was a case of one lying PRICK giving another lying PRICK the "petzula" in tha ASS. It's too bad we still have to deal with the biggest PRICK this city has ever seen in the office of mayor. But don't lose hope. His days are numbered and we need more than ever to work to kill his protege's chances of becoming the NEW big PRICK at city hall. Be diligent people and pay attention to EVERY little thing that's going on downtown. There will be things that have nothing to do with the fire service that will require your attention if we're to be successful at stopping the continuation of this current PRICK of a mayor's attitude. Learn all you can from the team and do all you can FOR the team. We must capitalize on the success at the voting booth and make plans to do it again when the next seats on council come up for election. I know it's a time of year when Christmas takes our mind off the PRICKS at city hall. And that's a good thing. It's a time when we are trying to provide happiness and a positive attitude. And that's a good thing. And during this time keep in the back of your mind those in city hall that have screwed us this past year and wish them a rotten holiday season. Because that's a good thing too.
TEAM:  This gives new meaning to the words "prick your finger."

Received via Email 12-21-07  I visited Santa's workshop and ran into the Mayor (strong language)
guess he really is anti-union!

Received via Email 12-22-07  I'm thinking about getting into a cult.  Any idea where I should turn?

Received via Email 12-22-07  12-22 #1 Go JW

Received via Email 12-23-07  Introduction to Scientology

The word Scientology literally means "the study of truth." It comes from the Latin word "scio" meaning "knowing in the fullest sense of the word" and the Greek word "logos" meaning "study of." 

Scientology is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life. The religion comprises a body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these: 

Man is an immortal, spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime. His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized — and those capabilities can be realized. He is able to not only solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but also achieve new, higher states of awareness and ability. 

In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith. That which is true for you is what you have observed to be true. An individual discovers for himself that Scientology works by personally applying its principles and observing or experiencing results. 

Through Scientology, people all over the world are achieving the long-sought goal of true spiritual release and freedom.

Received via Email 12-24-07  I hear the JW's have a FD job application box by the poor box.

TEAM:  Merry CHRISTmas, Scotty.

Received via Email 12-24-07  You may not be too far from the truth.  We used to try to find some balance in hiring based on the percentages of race in the population.  Now we're into religion.  If I were to take a WAG, somewhere behind Catholics and Protestants - the population here in St. Pete is about 25% JW's.  If not, someone's stacking the deck with Kool-Aid drinkers.

Received via Email 12-25-07
Joke:  What's a JW say when you ask them about holidays?  Answer:  We don't believe in holidays.

Joke:  What's a JW say about spending holiday time?  Answer:  Sorry, I've got an important call I've got to take.

Received via Email 12-25-07  Scientology was created by L .Ron Hubbard  who told friends that he was going to get into religion because thats where the money was.  They sue anyone who tries to explore their finances, they guard their Clearwater headquarters with automatic weapons, and they have a weird little machine that nobody can explain that measures your soul's potential.  Now try to tell me its not a cult.
Merry Christmas, you scientology bastards.


Received via Email 12-25-07  HOW DID JONH TROVOLITA FIND THIS SITE ????

Received via Email 12-25-07  12/23 #1. Thank you John Travolta, Now go F OFF!

Received via Email 12-25-07  When will this dept follow the guidelines that Sheriff Coates has put in place regarding adultery? Or would half the dept be layed off?