Received as Email 12-25-07 When will this dept follow the guidelines that Sheriff Coates has put in place regarding adultery? Or would half the dept be layed off?
Received as Email 12-28-07 DAMM THAT STINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received as Email 12-28-07 To Heather Brady,and her family. I was so sad to hear of the passing of your sister, Shawn Billings. I have known Shawn as a parent from our children's school. Having spent time with Shawn waiting for school to let out, she finally asked me where I worked. Right then, I knew she was Heather's sister! Shawn was such an out going, truly honest lady. She mirrored Heather's values, and morals. Her devotion to her children was amazing. She worked for All Children's Hospital, and was almost always there before, and after school for her kids. Many times, Heather was there with Shawn to pick up her child, Cody. The happy look on his face when he saw the two of them made me smile. I consider Shawn a great friend, and human. I will miss her so much. To Heather, and her family, you will be in my heart, and prayers. Your loses have weighed heavy on you, and your family. Know we care and love you, and please call if there is anything we can do for you.
All our love,
John Barfield & Family
Received as Email 12-30-07 to the other post (12-25). I guess SW would have been given time off along with all of the DCs. How can one lead when they cant be trusted at the home?
Received as Email 12-31-07 dont you mean SZ
Received as Email 12-31-07 SW ? what gives. Haven't heard this one yet. Whats the story?
Received as Email 01-01-08 I'm glad some of us don't qualify to go on the infamous bus trip every year. Before coming home you have to get checked out by a Dr.
Received as Email 01-01-08 Bus trips are just excuses for the closet homos to get nekkid in front of their co workers...They really are not enjoying that BJ!
Received as Email 01-01-08 Bing you are no free to whore around the country
Received as Email 01-02-08 That is strange how your girlfriend also makes an appt for her doctor at the same time the bus trip returns.
Received as Email 01-02-08
When will we REALLY “Get it”?
That’s the question that went through the minds of myself and a few of the others that sat in on the Swearing in Ceremonies today for the new City Council members. Yes, these were the same ones that (many people including myself) spent more than a customary thought and defiantly more than a $1.00 contribution into the PAC fund to get into a position so that they can help us to protect our livelihoods and the futures of our families. What does it take to show a little respect to these people that we are now expecting the world of? Today was the perfect opportunity to show not only our new friends in Council that we are still behind them, but it was also the Day to show the other leeches that we do mean business and we are willing to show our support stronger now than ever. Did we seize upon this opportunity? HELL NO! If you call a showing of less than 25 members good, then I guess I already know why you were not there. This lackadaisical attitude continues to confound me. Every day we wonder out loud to ourselves “When are they going to wake up and support us?” I say to you all, take a look - “they” have already seen what we are all about, and today’s lack of participation showed them once again we aint worth the worry.
We might as well pick the excuse now. Pick one:
1. The Union didn’t do this
2. The Union didn’t do that.
3. The Union didn’t call me.
4. The Union didn’t come get me.
Pick your favorite and then remember this: U N I make up the biggest part of the UNION.
I suppose its to late to say go F**K yourself. We have already F**Ked ourselves.
Received as Email 01-02-08 let me guess SZ and scott SZ hmmmm
Received as Email 01-03-08 Bing you are free to slut arount the dept. oops, I meant Michigan
Received as Email 01-03-08 It's been MY experience that the age old saw that "nobody can f-ck firefighter's better than they f-ck themselves" is still alive and well. It has been the one truth that has perpetuated itself as long as there have been fire departments. It's unfortunate that the axiom is still true today. I wasn't there at the swearing in ceremony so I only have the post of 1/2/08-#3 to go on. The sender has finally figured it out and is totally accurate in his or her assessment of the situation. It's typical of so many members of this Local to be salivating over who did what to whom and how to slander officers that they have no time for the most important activities and opportunities offered to them. I think it's time that the rest of the membership that's NOT part of the asshole brigade point out where there could be changes made. Yesterday's council meeting was a very large opportunity to show our candidates who we are. Had you been there you'd seen how much credibility Herb Polson thinks we have. You'd have seen Bennet thumb his nose at us. AND THESE ARE TWO OF THE CANDIDATES WE SUPPORTED. It was a given that Polson would ignore us AND STILL TAKE OUR ENDORSEMENT because he was elected long before the actual vote. Bennet is iffy but I'll take odds that he's in the mayor's pocket and his clique.
I was and still am proud of the work done by the Local in the elections. You accomplished something that has been desired by presidents over the past many years and that is being able to support candidates that were truly ours. That was monumental. The hard work and time spent accomplishing that will be for nothing if we can't follow up. Why is it that at such a crucial time we can't focus on our future? Why is it that it's not important enough to spend a few hours on one day to be where we're needed most? Why is it that the same few members will have to carry the rest again this year? Three damn hours of your time. It's not like it's every day. It was one lousy damn morning. I'm not going to even venture a guess as to what was more important to each of us who didn't show up. But whatever it was I certainly hope it will pay your bills feed your family. The next time there's a need I hope you'll find time to be part of the solution.
Happy New Year,
Dick Tully
Received as Email 01-03-08 Hold the phone.... is Brother Dick telling us what pieces of shit we are for not attending a meeting that he says he was not at either? WTF?! Brother Dick, we are still working while you sit around waiting for a raise that we will be negotiating for you! Why dont you just stay quiet for awhile and when we decide what it is that you need to do, we'll let you know. I can't wait until I can retire and tell the guys who still have some life left in them what they are doing wrong.
Received as Email 01-03-08 Like you said Tully, you were not there.
Received as Email 01-03-08 Heres a ? did the union get the word out well before the event, just guessing I bet they did. Did they convey the importance of being there, bet they did that too. Did Dick go, NO, but back when he was an active duty firefighter or fireman as it was way back then did he fight for the rank's as well as the guy's that had already left the job....I bet he as well as others did.
So instead of lashing out at others use your energy to fight for your existance as well as the people who have paved the path that you walk on. FACT whoever you are you will someday leave this job it's your choice to leave it better or worse than when you came.
Received as Email 01-03-08 Is it that the truth Bro Tully speaks, so offends you that the need to insult him drives you? Or is it that you're just too damn ignorant to admit that he is right? Look in the mirror. If you can't say with convition that we still have work to do and not insult all future, and past Members, then please take the $1.00 drive over the skyway and enjoy the view from the top you POS..FTM and FT-cry babies.
^5 To Pres. Newton and Former Pres.Tully
Received as Email 01-04-08 How is Brother Dickwad right for skipping a meeting that he thinks everyone but him should have attended? Retiring doesn't buy you the right to talk the talk without walking the walk.
Received as Email 01-04-08 Brother Tully at least has a little better of a reason for not being in attendance than most of us(active) members do. He lives in NORTH GEORGIA....How about you?
Received as Email 01-04-08 1/3/08 #3 & 1/4/08 #1
Received as Email 01-04-08 Two members of the asshole brigade have spoken. Apparently they're upset over the fact that I didn't attend the swearing in ceremony. Let's see. It's a sixteen hour round trip for me to attend. It's a 20 MINUTE DRIVE FOR THEM TO ATTEND. AND NEITHER OF THEM SHOWED UP. How do I know that? Because the first thing out of their mouths would have been "I WAS THERE". But it wasn't. Nice to see the hypocrites are still mis-reading my posts. By the way gentlemen I was talking the talk and walking the walk when you were just a gleam in your daddy's eye so get over it.
Would someone who is attending the Newton barbeque please convey my sincerest congratulations to Councilman Newton on his win. Thanks, I appreciate it. I won't be able to attend.
Dick Tully
Received as Email 01-04-08 If i recall wasn't the two underdogs there for crap offer from the city gave to us other day. They took the time for us, and this was our payback. We deserve what we get.
Received as Email 01-04-08 I have a sunpass so I only need to pay $.75
Received as Email 01-04-08 I think it does buy you the right to 'not show up' if you live some 600 plus miles away and have put in your time on the job - not to mention extra time being a past union pres. If everyone was polled as to why they weren't there, I think I would have to value brother Dick's excuse more than any others, like "I had to work my other job" (call in sick - you do it at your real job) or "I had to watch my kid's" (bring them - that makes a statement too). Hell the list goes on and on and on just like the wasted time on this site bitching and complaining every time someone comes up with an idea that makes sense.
Received as Email 01-04-08 Okey dokey, Brother Dick feels his 20 years on the job bought him the right to tell us what we should do to improve HIS pension. In other words anyone with 20 years on doesn't have to do shit. Thanks to the old pension guys, that's about half of the department now.
Remember, Dick isn't just a former union president, he comes from the same group of guys that saved their own pensions while shoving the "supplemental plan" up the asses of all the new guys back in 1971. Here we are 27 years later STILL trying to right those wrongs. Thanks for the advice, Dick. While we struggle to improve the pension you old guys let the city f**k us with, we will try to remember our new battle cry: "Do it for Dick!"
Received as Email 01-04-08 ATTENTION: 01-04-08...#8
Thank you for your recent post. Even though it doesn't relate to anything previously posted by me it's nice to know you still have the tunnel vision and the ability to hate everyone who has it better than you. You aren't any different than several others on the department who have to beat on the old timers rather than do anything constructive for themselves. Let's see. What was that subject you were crowing on? Ah, yes. The pension that's so wonderful that you wish it was yours.
Still beatin' that old drum are ya? Did you see the word "pension" in my post somewhere? You have a hard time reading don't you? Were you one of those Head Start kids that got pushed through school on the "social outcast" plan? If I were you I'd quit trying to "right those wrongs" and start looking for some money to fund your 401K. It's coming you know. Once that happens you won't have to worry about your pension any more. You won't have one. Even more importantly you won't have to be comparing yours to mine to attract attention to yourself. Better advice coming from you would be not to "Do it for Dick" but instead "Do it for Yourself". Because when the city pulls that rug out from under you, and you know they will, I'll still be getting MY pension. Now ain't that a hoot.
Put your time and effort into something that will benefit YOU. And quit bothering yourself over what the old timers are doing. You're wasting what little mental capacity you have on irrelevant stuff you can't change. And most of us are really tired of hearing about it. And inform yourself about what the future holds for you by reading (if you can) the post by the webmaster about the fact that the city is withdrawing funds from their investments.
Some local governments pull out of state investment pool
(St. Petersburg pulls $50,000,000.00 out)
Update: per 'Times article of 11-30-07: NEW TOTAL - $104,000,000.00)
Take a guess at why they're doing that. Could it be because they don't see a need to fund pensions too far into the future? If I were you I'd start volunteering for every hour of overtime I could get. You're gonna need the money.
Still Retired,
Dick Tully
TEAM: Dick said it best: "If I were you I'd quit trying to "right those wrongs" and start looking for some money to fund your 401K."
January 04, 2008
Tampa explores axing pensions
TAMPA -- Following the trend in the private sector, Mayor Pam Iorio is considering ending the city of Tampa’s pension plan for new employees.
That’s one of the strategies outlined in a proposal she unveiled late last year to save the city money during these tight budget times when property tax revenues are declining. The pension plan, which guarantees retirees a lifetime income based on their salaries and years of service, would be replaced with one where the city contributes to an investment fund that employees can tap into when they retire.
The city's annual payment into its pension fund has climbed from $1.5-million in 2003 to nearly $16-million in 2007.
“We’re looking at options to see if there’s something that would be less of a burden to the city,” said Jim Stefan, Tampa’s budget director. Current employees would retain all their pension benefits.
- Janet Zink, Times staff writer
Every day we need the help of every single member of this Local! There should never be a day that passes where every single one of us doesn't call the Union Hall to find out what we can do to further our own cause. With each call, the greater the responsibility you undertake; the more knowledgeable you become; the more you are depended upon by others and the less dependant others find you.
Received as Email 01-05-08 Dick, when the city forces us to screw over the new hires the way they forced you to do the same, at least I will have the stones to admit it. And I sure as hell won't be emailing instructions from out of state about how to run the union. The future hires wont care about my advice any more than we care about yours. And thanks for the 401K advice. I have been saving money most of my life for my future. If you had done the same you might not need to be in here trying to get us to get the city to add a couple percent to your 2500 bucks a month.
Received as Email 01-06-08 HELLO AGAIN 01/05/08...#1
I'm fascinated with your perception of how you will protect and preserve for the new hires. You intend to use the excuse that the city FORCED you to "SCREW OVER THE NEW HIRES (and here's the good part) THE WAY THEY FORCED YOU TO DO THE SAME". Your post is refreshing in that it shows the hypocricy of the current work force. I think you speak for the entire department when you admit that WE, the current membership, CAN'T do anything to stop the city any more than you could. It's nice to see that you're finally willing to admit it. I won't hold you up to ridicule and I won't call you names when you are forced into a situation you have no control over. And I know you'll all feel just as remorseful as we did when you see the new hires coming on the job with NO pension. Now you know how it feels. And if you don't mind my saying so you have it coming. And what will you say to the new hires when they ask you what you did to save the pension for them?
The 401K advice is probably a moot concept in your case since your pension, just like mine, will continue and only the new hires will be affected by it. And as far as trying to run the union from out of state...again, do you ever READ my posts? I have merely stated what has happened in the past so that you don't make the same mistakes. I have merely tried to encourage and point out to you that belonging to the union is more than paying dues. I have merely tried to help keep your group from going to sleep after one or two successes. I don't profess to know more than all of you nor do I say my way is the only way. What I HAVE been doing is trying to keep a positive attitude and encourage the membership to involve themselves on an individual basis to build on our of late accomplishments and not let them be for nothing. Winnie will need help keeping all the fires burning and it's up to each member to help. And please leave what you believe to be my personal income per month out of your posts. You have no idea what my income is per month. But even being retired I'll bet it's more than yours. Ooops, there's that negativity creeping in here again. Believe me the couple of percent that you're talking about isn't going to affect me one bit. So be safe out there brother and keep on saving for your future and try to figure out how to come back to those in the future who call you a sell out. Because you know they will.
Dick Tully (did you notice that I'm willing to sign MY name?)
Received as Email 01-06-08 Actually the full article states that it will NOT affect fire nor police.
TEAM: We went back and looked and couldn't find any greater length article.
Received as Email 01-06-08 Why is Dick so secretive about his pension income? Isnt it 50% of top firefighter for life? Not a great send off, but that escalator sure makes it attractive. I don't know if it was worth screwing everyone from 1971 on, but still not bad.
Received as Email 01-07-08 Actualy it was on the bay news nine web site.
Received as Email 01-07-08 To answer your questions; YES, it is !!! and YES, it is !!!
And you'll never have it.
Received as Email 01-07-08 A Kansas farm wife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called - and that on the few occasions, when it did ring, her dog always moaned right before the phone rang.
The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady. He climbed a telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber's house.
The phone didn't ring right away, but then the dog moaned and the telephone began to ring.
Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found:
1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground wire with a steel chain and collar.
2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose.
3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the number was called.
4. After a couple of jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate.
5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring. Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pissing and moaning.
Thought you'd like to know 01/06/08...#3.
Received as Email 01-07-08 I sincerely apologize for posting what could be wrong information in relation to who will be looking at 401K's in the near future. If, and I use the term loosely, the city of St. Petersburg decides to follow in the footsteps of Tampa then there is no need to worry for one minute about the pensions of the police and fire departments. In Tampa the removal of a pension plan for new hires to the GENERAL EMPLOYEE category is the one taking the hit. Fire and Popo are golden. Nothing to worry about. Not gonna happen here. Want proof? Here ya go:
"The change would apply only to new general employees, and not police officers or firefighters, said city human resources director Kimberly Crum."
Obviously I'm wrong in my assessment of the intentions of the city of St. Petersburg and it's top echelon. They only have our best interests at heart after all. Historically the city of St. Petersburg has been the red headed step sister to Tampa and survived by invoking the "me too" clause whenever Tampa progressed. That being the case it's easy to assume that this plan will be no different. I sincerely apologize for posting what is now proven to be eroneous information that will never be considered by the city to be imposed on us. I was wrong to think that anything like that might happen. Now that I have my facts straight I humbly ask for your forgiveness. I was only trying to point out what COULD happen. Obviously it won't. Nothing to worry about here.
Retired and somewhat retarded,
Dick Tully
Received as Email 01-08-08 1-7 #3 That's some funny stuff and so true.
Received as Email 01-11-08 Okay, I went for it. I finally joined that cult like I was telling you all about. I looked at the Scientology thing but it's really expensive. I looked into joining the Salvation Army so that I could fill my pockets with money (I get paid), but they only come out at Christmas and they're really not a cult. So, I became a JW. I found out from one of our more polished individuals on the job that's in the cult that you have to do a lot of door to door to keep in the good graces with the elders, BUT (now this is great) if we kept it on the down low we could invite some good looking gals from the kinkdom hall into station 3 after hours - and party, party, party! I found out that these gals are so hemmed in by their being members of the cult, that they're just waiting to bust a move on a brotha who might look like he's willing to stray a little! Sad thing though. My partner in crime turned out to be married and he got busted. Yup! He got busted by his wife and her momma. They showed up at the station one night and my partner got popped!. Now his picture is posted in the entrance to the kinkdom hall, where he's PERSONA NON GRATA, "Public Enemy Number 1". I just can't believe he wasn't more carefull. I mean, this guy knows everything about everything. I've seen him join into conversations plenty of times and completely take them over with his carefull observations on how this or that problem could be fixed if they just joined the cult with us. I guess he wasn't TOO smart though, cuz he got popped and is permanently snubbed by the kinkdom hall. Funny thing though. While his holiness was playing house at the station, his wife was doing the same thing at home. But NOT WITH HIM!
TEAM: Obsession?
Received as Email 01-11-08 Thats foul that you are putting those guys out there like that here on this site. It shouldnt have mattered who they are affiliated religously. Hope they find out who you are and BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU.
TEAM: Yeah, we're with you. We hope they take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution; join the Army; take up arms and vote unanimously to kill the offender! Note: Disregard all that doesn't apply!
Received as Email 01-11-08 2nd 1/11, Wow! lets see, putting a few words on a site or beating the shit out of someone. Hmmmm, now that is JW love at work. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Received as Email 01-13-08 You call that a few words. If someone decided put your buisness out there because of what you believe in then it wouldn,t be a few words to you. The reason it was placed in here was to embarass that individual not to help him.
Received as Email 01-14-08 Why?
Received as Email 01-14-08 Me thinks the point is - some of THEM are a bit too preachy. Roger Lane was a bit too preachy and he was banging chicks in HQ and station 10. The twerpy one at 3 that knows EVERYTHING is a bit too preachy. By the time time Prince has us all working on Sunday's like it's any other day, I'll hopefully be retired from this department with it's imbred management.
Received as Email 01-14-08 Next you'll being handing out the watch tower with smoke detectors.
Received as Email 01-14-08 There is a difference between Lane and those guys. Lane was caught by the administration. No one came to a web site such as this and spread this crap. You cant compare his situation with theirs. You act like nothing like this has ever happened in the department. I know of a firefighter fu**ing prostitutes in station old station 1 or a certain Lt getting his freak on in the parking lot of station 9 or a certain firefighter fu**ing in station 12. Who cares if they are preachy. It is not for you to judge any of them.
You guys are such sheep. That's why it upsets you to see someone put together a better deal for himself.
Received as Email 01-14-08 which person at 3 is it?
Received as Email 01-15-08 This page should go dead silent for one week before someone with a skull full of mush from either city hall or headquarters will realize what you're saying. This isn't something that belongs on this website and it's not the responsibility of the web master to censor things that are totally inappropriate. This kind of titilating yet disgusting stuff needs to kept inside your head and not on your lips. Even if it was all true and I'm not saying it's not, this isn't the place to point it out.
This kind of irresponsible one upman-ship doesn't belong on this site. It's only a matter of time until someone checks. Then it's gonna come down on all of you. This kind of juvenile activity is best left in the memory of those involved. Remember. We are trying very hard to look like professionals in this new year. We're moving ahead and have made some great progress. Why toss it in the crapper by looking like a bunch of sophmoric college nerd trying to outdo each other about what they know? Not the image we're looking for here. Clean up your act and shut up about stuff that shines a light on us in a negative way. Because in the end if we don't the "shotgun discipline" will find each of us one way or the other. Been there, done that, read the book.
TEAM: Yeah. What you said!
Received as Email 01-15-08 VCF- this web site has been around for 2-plus years now. Can you be more specific as to which irresponsible one upman-ship or ship's you are refering to? There are many to choose from.
X- I miss Dave Fraser
Received as Email 01-16-08 VCF sounds a lot like our friend D. Tully.
Received as Email 01-16-08 Nah, VCF is MUCH smarter than him.
Received as Email 01-16-08 Gossip is all we have on this website. I guess we could talk about the contract but we haven't had one of those things in years.
Received as Email 01-16-08 01/16/08 #3 we haven't had a good one longer than that.
Received as Email 01-17-08 They read it all the time. Who are you kidding? Yourself!
Received as Email 01-23-08 Roger lane thought he was god & untouchable and he probably still does think that..he always acted wholesome but little did we know.
Received as Email 01-23-08 Roger Lane....hah! you got ant more recent stories. He's been gone years now and the man screwed up and took his punishment for it. Let it go.
Received as Email 01-23-08 Guilani SUCKS!!
Received as Email 01-24-08 Can't we just skip to the chase and choose Romney over Clinton right now?
Received as Email 01-24-08 Lane didnt get punishment for anything. He's working on the eastcoast so how do ya figure?
TEAM: He's probably got a COLA!
Received as Email 01-25-08 He was punished by the embarrasment of looking like a dumb shit, Team is probably right, he now has better pay, shorter work week, a kelly day every three weeks and a cola.
I bet he slams the beers back now too.Look at past history and you will find the ones that screw up and get fired (or asked to leave) almost always end up in a better place. Go figure.
Received as Email 01-26-08 When Romney beats Hillary, I want to watch her chubby little legs shake as she performs her walk of shame.
Received as Email 01-26-08 Romney can't even beat Cinton...Mormon heathen
Received as Email 01-27-08 I wonder if Hillary makes President if she would have an affair with Monica. Not that Hillary could be gay or anything like that ! I mean heck, she is married to Bill.
Received as Email 01-27-08 I have a thousand bucks that says Hillary will not be elected to the presidency. Anybody want some of this?
Received as Email 01-27-08 Congrats to retiree Gary McDow. An all time great medic. Have a great retirement Gary.
Received as Email 01-27-08 K.B. begs to differ with 1/27 #3
Received as Email 01-28-08 Gary McDow has been one of the nicest and best guys on the department throughout his career. 4th 1/27, We know why KB differs and he has a right to be upset, and that probably hurt a lot of people, but beside that one incident Gary has been a great guy and flawless. Not many others can say that througout there career. We have had and still have had a lot of a--holes. Gary has never been one of them, and I am sure KB hasn't been one either.
Received as Email 01-28-08 Are you guys and gals ready for the last laugh on Mr. Lane? Not only is all of the past posts true about his greater paying job and such, but the kicker is this. He retired from SPFR. now ready for this.....He now collects his pension from the city as well..... Tell me again, Who lost on this?
Received as Email 01-30-08 American LaFrance takes a big shit!
Received as Email 01-31-08 "besides one incident?...too bad that that incident included fu**ing somebody elses wife. someone that he worked with every shift. sometimes you are defined by one incident. could he be forgiven? that was up to kb. could he be trusted? NEVER AGAIN!
Received as Email 02-01-08 I went to the negotiations session today and I've got to congratulate our union officers for not strangling Karen Richardson and getting thrown in jail. I don't know how you all do it. Judging from the way John Pearl left the meeting, he looked like he was about to.
Personally, the only thing I missed was being kissed.
TEAM: Hahahahaha
Received as Email 02-02-08 The best part of the whole deal was when Karen explained how the city didn't have the money to spend on a COLA. Winnie explained that if we took the excess state 175 money and combined it with our 1% contribution along with the city's portion, we'd have enough money to fund it together. Karen opted instead to come up with a "Trust Share Plan" where you take the state's chapter 175 money and throw it into a pile each year and those people who retire in that year, all take their share. Winnie asked Karen what the percentage was that the city was going to contribute. She said "Well, none." It seems the more you press for answers (on the record), the more you see how little this city thinks of us.
Received as Email 02-02-08 I'm guessing they did not offer 10-10 & 10?
Received as Email 02-02-08 I'm also proud of the team and their ability to maintain when faced with idiotic and unfounded proposals from the city. Karen Richardson is just a mouth and the mouth says what it's told to say. The team knows that. We were always taught that it wasn't an adversarial confrontation. The person across the table is just a spokesperson. Not the originator nor the endorser of what comes out of the mouth. It helps if the water carrier has an ingrown ability to give the impression that he or she believes what they propose. The team is doing the exact thing they're trained to do and they do it well. Don't think it doesn't burn ol' Karen's butt when they don't react to her offerings. She's a puppet. And she can put all the lipstick she wants on that pig of a proposal but it's still a pig. It's just a smokescreen to prolong the negotiations so that they can get their ducks in a row after their big win with Charlie. If you read the articles from the different newspapers around the state you can see that Charlie isn't finished sticking it to the people of Florida and especially to public employees. He has more plans in store for those who gave him the power. So sit back and watch the Punch and Judy show performed by the City Hall Players League and remember that the strings go to the top. Do anything and everything you can to prevent the perpetuation of that mentality and you'll see the change.
Dick Tully
Received as Email 02-02-08 To the last of 1 31 08. Sort of what SZ did with someones wife. HMM is that why people do not trust him either?
Received as Email 02-02-08 Oh no, we got 10-10&10 all right. We learned 10 new ways to be told NO, 10 new ways to say, "we dont care about you or the Departments problems", and we learned 10 new ways to improve ourselves through our own Dollars. See it wasnt a total waste of 3 hours.
Received as Email 02-05-08 I was just doing some searching on the city's website and noticed that we aren't listed under Public Safety. Maybe that's why we aren't shit to the city. Anyhow, I found the fire dept.'s website at At the top of the page it says "This site is best viewed with IE7, Firefox, or Opera." It should read "Best viewed while drunk!" It's the ugliest web site I think I've ever seen.
Received as Email 02-06-08 The other day I overheard someone talking about approaching the Uhuru's and asking them to help us negotiate. They obviously have the attention of the City. At first I thought that this was an insane idea...but now I'm not so sure. I would even consider paying for the service. Think about it. What's the worst that can happen 2%,0%, & 0%.
Received as Email 02-07-08 Heck, at this point it might be wise to bring in the Jackson/Sharpton duo !
Received as Email 02-10-08 Yes, Jackson and Sharpton would love to help the 270 rednecks that only have a handful of black officers on their department. Thats a cause they can sink their teeth into.
Received as Email 02-11-08 Nice job Scott H. I like the fact that someone has finally taken the petty bitching out of the picture and went straight to the point aginst someone who can make a difference like the chief (but most likely never will).
My hat is off to you for having the balls to do it. Have you ever thought of running for Mayor? You have my vote.
Someone who cares alot........
Received as Email 02-12-08 Its a shame that many of us now working for this department came from smaller departments thinking that St Pete would be the cats meow. Well, it is sad that most of us that came from those departments now wish we would have stayed there. The cats meow has slowly turned into the cats litter box. Back in the D. Tully days and up until a few years back, this was a great place to work and a place where people were appreciated for a job well done. Now it is all about a few Division Chiefs top salary, their egos, their pride, and their lack of intellegence. A word of advice for any new applicants, new hires, or current workers that know what we are talking about here. Plan your future carefully, leave this place as soon as can. Wait of course until you are hired somewhere else that cares, but get the heck out of here. Trust me, in a few years from now you will look back and know it was the best decision you ever made. Get out of this self serving city and be happy elsewhere. Many have already done so, and many more are ready to follow.
Received as Email 02-13-08 2/12#1- Those are some great words, only one problem. While you are telling everyone to look into leaving, and no one to apply here... who do you think will fill their shoes? Somebody will! Probabally some turd that couldnt get on with another department. When that happens, don't come to this site bitching about how the probies suck.
Why do you think that things are so shitty here. You stated "up until a few years back, this was a great place to work and a place where people were appreciated for a job well done"....Why do you think that it is so shitty here right now? I don't believe that we are being mistreatedby the department admin. By the city? HELL YES!!! Do you think that it is all their blame? Or can the negotiating team of Newton and Newton be partially ( or mostly) to blame? Times were not this bad until he started negotiating for us. The whole bullshit idea of going for everything every contract sucks! I feel that we deserve much more...don't get me wrong. However, when you start at 10,10 & 10, and you are down to 2,0 and 0, WHAT THE F**K? Perhaps it is time for someone else to step up and take over (or more inportantly, for Winnie to step down). Maybe we are winning the stupid ass greivences...but we are losing the war. At times, you must swallow some pride and realize that your grand idea is not working. I hope that Winnie comes to that realization soon. Because the real people that are losing are YOU, ME AND OUR FAMILIES.
Received as Email 02-13-08 2-12-08. It is sad that our department has turned to that, but because of a few Div chiefs as mentioned, this place is in a downward swirl of a toliet bowl without much hope of recovery anytime soon. For those stuck here, keep the faith and pray everyday that the few self serving Div chiefs will leave soon. Its our only hope !!
Received as Email 02-13-08 2/13 #1, you'd be the first one to bitch if Winnie weren't pitching for the whole enchalada. If you don't ask for it, you can't get it. If you ask for it and they don't give you ANYTHING - don't offer you ANYTHING, is that because of what I keep hearing from some of you weaklings, (weak mind) that it's because they don't like Winnie? Dude, it's their job to screw us. take a look at the new web page on this site. We fight fire for a living and they fight US. It's obvious their psychology is working..............on you!
We've never stood so proud. Now back under the porch Kool aid drinker.
Received as Email 02-13-08 2-13 #1, You have earned the title of Chief, you should be proud and sign you name to your post's
Received as Email 02-14-08 If things were so good before Winnie, then why is it he is trying to get us all those things we have missed out on? If things was so good, why dont we already have them?
Received as Email 02-14-08 2/13 #3 Winnie is doing a great job. Face it, the City of St Petersburg web site list under public safety - Police only. Get real, we are the public safety department. Unless we never have emergencys, including sick folk, auto accidents, fires, storms, or any other disaster or public problem then we can list police only. The problem lies in this. If the city doesnt recognize us as public safety personnel, you might as well forget about anyone having a chance in sucessful negotiating strategies for us. Just accept they (city admin) dont value fire rescue. Thankfully, the citizens do, and they are our only hope for improvements. So get off Winnie's case, and start getting the word to the neighborhood associations that are city admin does not value fire rescue. Then, we may be valued.
Received as Email 02-14-08 Good point, 2-14 #2.... Winnie is good at TRYING. But what about DOING? Ask ANY of the old presidents. You pick your most important goal or two, and work on those. Save your wish list to help pick out future priorities. If you need me to answer more of your dumbass questions, I will be out back pretending that I might see a raise someday.
The Answer Man
Received as Email 02-14-08 2-13 #1 Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... as usual. The minority is heard but the majority rules. Rig the next election or quit bitching. The majority spoke volumes!
TEAM: We'd like to give a big shout out to the folks at IP Address (SPJC.EDU) for spinning the page counter around several times in a single session. If there's something you're looking for in particular that you can't find, please ask.
Received as Email 02-14-08 A good President not great President will seek advice from past Presdents . I not so sure that has happen here of late !
Received as Email 02-15-08 02/14 #6 - Since you are not sure it has happened yet, and obviously you are thinking about it since you wrote that statement, why don't you pick up the phone and ask Winnie yourself and bring the answer back to all of us? This way your statement will not look like you are trying to start a new thread of negativity.
Received as Email 02-15-08 Looks like we all already voted strong for winnie, the losers need to just whine on someone elses shoulder. Better yet except that the majority thinks winnie is doing an excellent job and get behind the rest of us and help. It is because of the whiners that we are dragging behind. Show up at a meeting or help with some union work instead of complaining all day long !!!!
Received as Email 02-15-08 RE: 2/14/08--#6 What you say may be true. But I don't think anyone is asking recently. Assistance or guidance has been offered in the past and been soundly rejected. That being said it should be noted that those who recognize what is probably the greatest reason we don't succeed are biding their time. At the present there isn't a man, woman or child on the planet that can penetrate the wall of hate the mayor and council have built around the fire service. I have to give the current mayor credit for being able to purposely undermine the bargaining process with the fire fighters and poison the minds of the skulls full of mush we call councilmen knowing full well that there was a possibility of them having to make a determination on the contract down the road. His ability to singlehandedly destroy the collective bargaining process with the firefighter Local in the city of ST. Petersburg and spit in the face of the PERC is monumental. You can't call a jerk like that anything but insidiously gifted.
I haven't agreed in the past with some of Winnie's tactics at the table and it's true that his manner may not be what we're used to and in the long run we'll see if he succeeds. But at this time I truly don't believe there's anyone who could do better. Winnie is tilting at windmills and he knows it. There's nothing to be gained by going to the table and trying to negotiate a contract until the current mayor has been unseated. His poison has had far too long to fester in the current crop of clowns he sends to the bargaining table to be overcome with common sense. And of course you saw what the council members of Barnum and Bailey did when we took our chances with them. The mayor's removal is the only answer to our problem. Once that happens the antidote to hatred and intollerance can be administered to the afflicted at city hall. At this time we can only build on our recent political successes and work hard to educate them as well as ourselves as to what needs to happen in the near future. We may want to get some new priorities in line and work to hone our political skills for the next election. We MUST make our influence known when the next mayor's race comes up. The last mayor to be elected was a mail room clerk in an accounting office and parlayed that position into one of being qualified to oversee a city of 250,000 people. Surely we can find someone far more qualified than THAT to do the job.
Received as Email 02-15-08 Exceptional Past Presidents will always seek out the current seated Official and offer their hand, support, and advice. I can assure you that there has been none of that of late.
Received as Email 02-17-08 Not a scenario at all. Why not try to take a test instead of bashing those that do.
Received as Email 02-17-08
When a firefighter leaves the "job" and retires to a better life, many are jealous, some are pleased and yet others, who may have already retired, wonder.
We wonder if he knows what they are leaving behind, because we already know. We know, for example, that after a lifetime of camaraderie that few experience, it will remain as a longing for those past times.
We know in a firefighters life there is a fellowship which lasts long after the uniforms are hung up in the back of the closet.
We know even if he throws them away, they will be on him with every step and breath that remains in his life.
We also know how the very bearing of the man speaks of what he was and in his heart still is.
These are the burdens of the job. You will see what others do not see or choose to ignore and always will look at the rest of the fire service world with a respect for what they do; only grown in a lifetime of knowing. Never think for one moment you are escaping from that life. You are only escaping the "job" and merely being allowed to leave "active" duty.
So what I wish for you is that whenever you ease into retirement, in your heart you never forget for one moment that "Blessed are the firefighters for they shall be called children of God," and you are still a member of the greatest fraternity the world has ever known.
Civilian Friends vs. Firefighter Friends:
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Get upset if you're too busy to talk to them for a week.
FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Are glad to see you after years, and will happily carry on the same conversation you were having the last time you met.
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Have cried with you.
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Are for a while.
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have shared a few experiences...
FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Have shared a lifetime of experiences no citizen could ever dream of...
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "You better drink the rest of that before you spill it!!" Then carry you home safely and put you to bed...
Courtesy of FDNY member.
Received as Email 02-17-08 2-13 and a few others> You talk of someone stepping up to take the president's job, like it something you do after filling out an application. If it were that simple, Winnie wouldn't still be there. As far as bullshit grievances...... maybe they don't mean anything to you, but they do to a lot of us, especially when you see how easy they are to hand out and the fact that Wimberly has never seen a grievance handed out that he didn't love. I'm in the union hall several times a month. I don't walk into HQ, EVER, but I do walk into the union hall because it's mine. I care nothing for this city and it cares nothing for me. As to HQ and the personnel there....... they are there to support me. If that bldg. fell tomorrow, I'd still be responding to calls as if nothing else in the world mattered. As to past presidents being used as a resource - horse shit. Past presidents all had their own way of doing it and were all strong enough and smart enough not to have to keep going back to the well to confuse matters. Everyone has their own way of doing things and this nonsens about whether or not the CITY likes a president or not is more horse shit. Our number one problem is this prick of a mayor. Get him out of office as well as the few in council that don't care about firefighters and we'll get a shot at making our case. To say a strong president cant get things done because the CITY DOESN'T LIKE HIM is crap. I'd rather have a fighter than a puss working for me. I've seen the results of having someone claim to be connected and YES they were connected. But odly enough we never were! Quit doubting US. When things don't go our way, don't come in with your runny nose and tell us that WE need to change ANYTHING. We're not the problem and neither is Winnie. If you don't think your worth all that he's fighting for, post your name below:
I'm a pu--y and my name is ________________________. I'm only willing to take a pay raise (and a shit one at that) because I'm not strong enough or worthy enough to stand and fight for benefits as simple as time and a half rate for overtime or even a 7 day work cycle like the guys in HQ that I idolize. Straight pay is okay with me because I'm just so lucky to have this great job.
TEAM: Wow... a Brother by another Mother, obviously!
Received as Email 02-18-08 I think we can rule out that "Grammar Guy" isn't the author of 2-17 #3. Dude insert some more paragraphs so we can come up for pu--y hurt's
Received as Email 02-18-08 02/17 #3 - I believe that was direct and to the point. I like it!
Received as Email 02-18-08 Well you hit the nail on the head with that 7 day work cycle thing. Have any of you seen the "How to read your paycheck" thingy that's out in the stations? The guys working a 7 day work cycle are making a killing for putting in the same hours as you and me. Are they better than us or what's the deal? We can keep talking about taking care of one issue at a time until the cows come home if you want. The longer we wait to take care of these issues, the more people go into the DROP and say "Gee, I wish we could have gotten that changed before I went into the DROP!"
A cheap city is a cheap city. Lets quit blaming ourselves for once. I'm sure the blame game is in the city's game book somewhere but you don't see "them" talking about taking the blame for anything! Oh, one more thing... the rest of the county's Union leaders don't call on Winnie for advice because we're losing to this city all the time. It's because we're not swallowing every piece of bad contract language they try and force on us at every turn. This most recent contract proposal is a great example. The aren't 'offering' anything for the measly 2.5% raise. They're 'taking' away your rights with bad language.
TEAM: Bravo. In our last round of "negotiations," Karen Richardson told us that much of the language that she's trying to insert into our contract, through her proposals, were simply an effort to "... bring all of the contracts into alignment!" This is merely code speak for "insert more City Rules & Regulations" while watering down your contract's strength. While we may not win every battle at the table, we don't walk away taking quick gains, either - only to find that we've dumped bad contract language on future Fire Fighters.
Received as Email 02-19-08
I'm only living for the end of the week
Pickylids and a hog-nosed snake
Received as Email 02-20-08 All this back and forth about what Winnie's doing or not doing for us. Look what I found on the home page of this web site:
If it is any consolation the PBA is no better [than the FOP]. They have not seemed to wake up to the fact that police unions here are powerless because the City does not negotiate. They know the unions are powerless and they exploit that. The city could care less about the unions. That being said the unions should spend every waking moment being a thorn in the side of the city. Don't play nice with them, cause they will just FU in the long run. Now before you union reps start crying about how the rest of us need to step up, may I point out the fire union. You don't get more participation and cohesiveness than the local fire union, but even with that they get F-ed by the city every time they bend over. What they do a good job at is mobilizing votes. Just ask Ed Montanari.
-From a recent discussion at
I'm guessing the presidents of the FOP and the PBA are also useless assholes that need to step down, too!
Mr. Spock
"It's all about the logic, baby."
Received as Email 02-21-08 All you have done Mr.Spock is tell us what we should already have known, question is just what are we going to do about it all ?
Are you saying that we have not already been a thorn in the city's side, can you make suggestions of how we can be better at being a thorn in the city's side ?
Winnie has stood his ground this long with all kind's of critics at his door everyday so I am just guessing here that he doesn't need protection. Point is how can we step things up to help us, retired guys, and the future retires as well as those who may or may not stick around this job to see what retirement may or may not have in store for them.
I think I agree with you in that we need to stop bitching about a president that was voted into office fairly and start doing more for us as a whole.
Captain Kirk
"Give me warp speed Scotty"
Ps kudo's to the Mayor Baker test guy, thats funny stuff
Received as Email 02-23-08 You want to know what to do next? Isn't it obvious? Convince Winnie that we can't fix 20 things at once. Pick the two or three most important issues, work on those, and hope that at least one of them gets fixed. Sure, it's fun to be a thorn in the city's side, but it's even nicer to get a contract with one or two decent negotiated improvements.
TEAM: That thing about being a thorn in the city's side, was written by a cop. We don't need to do anything special to be a pain in someone's ass who won't even acknowledge that serious problems exist in both of St. Petersburg's public safety agencies. As to the number of items being brought forward that need to be fixed - there's a rhyme and reason to everything that we do. You find fault with this method of negotiating because of one of two reasons:
1. You've never been professionally trained by the IAFF to negotiate against our enemies
2. You've never taken the time to ask the 'right' people if our negotiating methods could be considered a) capricious or b) calculated
You claim that we need to focus on two or three most important issues. Name them and we'll compare notes. We suspect that your notes will quickly match those of your Union's leadership. If you don't understand what we're asking for, it's because you're either too lazy to show up to negotiations or you're too thick to understand what you're hearing when you do attend. Which is it? We've NEVER told the city that negotiations are an ALL OR NOTHING proposition. Sure, there are deal breakers, but the sheer number of Union proposals has never been a question.
Meaning no disrespect to you, we suggest that you look for a deeper meaning to why it is that we go about things the way that we do. Beyond that, the mere fact that you place so much emphasis on this line of reasoning, robs this Union of any credit that's due it. We aren't stuck in a stalemate because we're innept, but because we're as good as those we fight.
Have you noticed that an Executive Session is being scheduled before we even have word of the next bargaining session? Do you wonder why that is? For the very same reasons you are questioning your Union's management of contract negotiations, Council and the Mayor are doing the very same thing with Karen and company. I'm sure they want to know why none of the Unions are budging on a single city contract proposal and wondering if Karen is up to the challenge.
Let's stop robbing ourselves of the credit we're due. Not every great labor advancement is contained in our contract. We dare say that there are more M.O.U.'s in the back pages of our current contract than at any other time in our Union's history.
Received as Email 02-24-08 That's a lot of red ink just to say you don't think we should budge on any of our 20 favorite issues. You missed the point, entirely. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't remember over the last 25 years ever getting more than one or two improvements in any one contract. You're right. So go back and re-read to reveal what the subject was really about. Back in those days the union fought fewer battles at once, but nearly always got a contract on time. It's easy bringing in a contract that sucks. Pay only and on time? Sure... just watch the clock and tell everyone, "Next time, we're going to kick their ass!" Yeah -- next time.
Do you really believe that we have a shot at fixing 20 things at once? Again, you've entirely missed the point. Bargaining is an art. It didn't work in front of council before, why should it work now? I think you are getting a little too excited about having Winnie's brother on the council. I might be wrong, but I really don't see getting 10 times as many improvements as we ever have before. Again, you've entirely missed the point, thus you keep carrying the water for the wrong team.
My suggestion? Concentrate on pay and maybe get the same COLA the cops have. We just made a phone call to Winnie and he's agreed to those conditions so long as you're in the audience to witness our change in direction. What a relief! Let the rest of the laundry list ride for awhile. Next contract go for the gold and reduce the work week again. But back away from solving every problem at once. There is no precedent for such optimism. Again, you've totally missed the point because of your miopic view of things.
See you back on earth. See you at the impasse hearing.
Mr. Reality Check
Received as Email 02-24-08 If we want to be a thorn in the city's side so they hate us, why do we put so much effort into electing officials that are supposed to like us?
I'm new at this so please help me understand... do we want them to like and respect us or hate and screw us?
TEAM: You're obvously new to reading and reading comprehension.
Received as Email 02-24-08 Okay, I missed the point. You keep saying I missed the point so I must have. What is the point? I am just saying that you can't improve 20 things at once. It's never been done that I know of. The point, please? You say if I look deep I will see it. I tried and I don't see it. I admit it... you are smarter than I am. You win. Now in nice simple words that even a dumb guy like me can understand I beg you oh wise one... what is the point of standing on 20 issues when the city only hands out one or two at a time? Please type slow so I can comprehend it.
Received as Email 02-24-08 02/23 #1 - YES YOU HAVE MISSED THE POINT!!! The Union has gone through the old contract word for word, listened to suggestions, grievances, etc. and taken all to heart and come up with things that they/we feel needs to be changed/fixed. NO ONE goes before the City and expects to have everything approved. Trust me it would not matter whether we went before them with 40 issues or 3 issues, even though you think it would. Every issue taken before them is not money-related, some just verbage that needs to be changed. Maybe you should read up on negotiating and things, such as it may help you understand a little better. Do you attend the Union meetings? Bargining sessions? Maybe you are just upset because Winnie won or something and that is why you continue asking this question that has already been answered in an effort to get others riled up as well (which is obviously not working by the way). Winnie won, he won fairly, and he is doing a great job, even if you do not think so. He is more than competent, knowledgable and knows what he is doing so let him do it and support him, the Union and the rest of its members in the process!
Received as Email 02-24-08 Went to the service for Gladys on Sat. It was very nice and quite the turn out of family, friends and several retired and active firefighters. May she rest in peace.
Scott (retired)
Received as Email 02-24-08 It doesnt matter if it is one point or a hundred points, this city administration has made it a point not to negotiate or work with us at all. Why, because they do not value public safety as much as they do the good ole dollar. It is all about greed not need. Quit blaming the union and put the blame where it belongs, on city admin. PERIOD.
Received as Email 02-24-08 To several 2-24's. Yes, you missed the point but you've also missed the fact that your union is doing exactly what you want it to do. You want a few solid proposals to be taken seriously by the city. Where you miss the point is in the delivery. The union KNOWS that it's not going to get the city to fold on 20 items at one time, but you have to beat the drum on all of them none the less. How stupid would we look if we went before council (and they decided to listen to us for a change) and they wanted a laundry list of grievances only to hear 18 new gripes? Winnie would be looking pretty stupid trying to make the point (on the record) that while we really have a rub with a lot of what's on our list, we only chose to bring a couple to negotiations every time. The first thing they'd say is, Karen never told us that you wanted any of these items? We can't leave any stone unturned. We have to make our case in every area where they cheat us on time or money and we need to be consistent. They need to keep hearing the same story consistently so they know we're not just bullshiting with a new flavor of the day each time we document publicly at impasse. Again, the union's doing just what you asked it to do. You just don't know shit about what it takes to get it so maybe instead of bitching about it here, call Winnie at the office and tell him of your displeasure. I'm sure he'll change tactics just for one thick headed person that can't see the forest for the trees.
My hat's off to Winnie, Rick and Bill. If it were only for the money we pay you all you would have left a long time ago!
Received as Email 02-24-08 If he's thick headed because he thinks being multiple years behind on a contract for the first time in our history is a bad thing, he's not the only one. Get off the two dozen bullet points and improve the most important issues. I won't even claim to know which issues are the most important. Just pick your favs and get a contract.
Received as Email 02-25-08 Multiple years? Dude, we're 6 months behind, not 6 years. "I won't even claim to know which issues are the most important." But you'll tap your foot, eye the calendar and piss and moan when we don't come in on time. Who's time???........the city's or our own? Why not click on "AT IMPASSE" at the top or the bottom of this page.Somebody took the time to put it there, the least you could do is read about what the city's keeping from you that ought to be yours. You won't look so stupid to us or feel so useless when you look in the mirror. Or how about this, get off your computer and go voluteer at the union hall. You might be surprised what information they'll share with you if you act like you're one of us for a change! Or better yet, quit paying dues and notify the city that you're not represented by a union any longer and you'd like your pay raise on time for a change.
Just because you pay dues doesn't mean you aren't one of the few scabs we've got on the job. Quit bitching and lend a hand lazy ass!
Received as Email 02-25-08 You think its hard to get a contract now ! Just wait till the likes of Hilary or Obama get in office say Good Bye to what little were able to get now. Heaven help us then. Sorry if I offend any non belivers. NOT !
Received as Email 02-26-08 Personally, I like to listen to MM (MFS)(FPF DVP), RK (MFS), MB (#3), MS (#3), DA (MFS), MW (MFS) CW (#10). Every time I hear their opinion on the direction that this union is moving in, I know we're doing okay because they have yet to be right about a single f***ing issue! Keep up the good work boys, one day the sky might fall.
Received as Email 02-26-08 2/26, how'd you hear a word they were saying? It all still soundslike a bunch of whining butt munchers!
Received as Email 02-26-08
Article 21 - PayRestructure Pay Plan
Not enough information. Restructure the WHOLE pay plan or justthe parts we don’t like. Can’t speak to this. Extremely vague.
The step spread between steps for all Pay Grades will be 5%
Originally there was a 5% gap maintained between classifications that worked. Now the demand is that it applies between pay grades. Based on the number of pay grades in use and the possible addition of the four (4) found below it would seem there isn’t enough 5%’s to make that possible.
Add 2 - Firefighter Pay Grades - Based on Certifications and Assignment
In the past it’s been historical that the number of pay grades between entry level and top firefighter pay be reduced. Thus making it to top pay quicker. What is the reasoning behind adding pay grades and extending the time instead?
Add 3 - Driver Engineer Pay Grades - Based on Certifications and Assignment
Why complicate this demand? Pay grades aren’t needed. If you drive you get paid. Done. The amount is based on a percentage of your current pay grade. If you go from DE-1 to DE-2 is there that much difference in what you do in your performance as driver? If there is you need to stay out of that seat and ride in the back. If you certified to be a driver you didn’t see any special skills required. You either qualified or you didn’t. Is another pay grade going to make you a better driver? I sure as hell hope not. If it takes numerous steps in pay to make you the best driver you can be I don’t want to ride with you.
Add 3 - Fire Lieutenant Pay Grades - Based on Certifications and Assignment
That’s funny. I thought we already had those. And now you want to add three more? For what? To postpone making top pay as far out of reach as possible? What kind of a gain is that?
Add 2 - Longevity Steps added to all Pay Grades
Longevity steps too? And I suppose these have to be added in and agreed to with a 5% span between them. There’s not enough 5%’s to go around.
Acting in Higher Classification
Hmmmmm. Acting pay has been in contention since the union was formed. We’ve never gotten it and yet there’s always been someone who would do the job even without additional compensation. Usually one of the members who would “work for free” just to be a firefighter. This is a throw away.
Certification and Assignment Pay
Don’t have a clue what this accomplishes. Another throw away.
All compensation shall be pension able
I can’t think of any reason why the city would deny this demand. If you earned the compensation doing the work you were assigned to do then it should be able to be calculated. This would have to be done individually for each employee. Someone has to keep track of who gets what. Conversely why would you expect to be able to use work or time compensation that was not fire department related as additional compensation toward your pension?
Article 22 - Work Week and Overtime
Employees working a 24 hour shift beginning and ending time
Delineating start and end times for employees is not unreasonable.
Add Rescue Lieutenant's shift beginning and ending time Same as the last one.
Eliminate language that allows for changes to the work schedule Who’s work schedule?
Overtime pay for all hours worked in excess of the Normal duty schedule
This is not unreasonable and is in line with the Fair Labor Standards Act that governs private enterprise. Working hours in excess of you normally scheduled number of hours should be considered for overtime pay. Simple.
Limit mandatory training hours to 40 hours per employee per fiscal year
If this isn’t a throw away it should be. Has this been a problem? Nobody is being trained in excess of any one else. And training is part of the job. This sounds like the “I don’t want to train in the heat” crowd getting stroked. We live in Florida. It’s hot. Get over it. We’ve trained in the heat since the start of time.
Annual leave, Union business leave and any other authorized & pre-scheduled leave shall be considered as time worked for the computation of overtime.
This is just so far out there I can’t believe it’s not a throw away. Just for the hell of it would someone please explain the rationale behind this? If I read this right we want time we’re not on the job to count toward the computation of overtime.
Scheduled annual leave cannot be canceled except when an emergency is declared and those on annual leave and outside of- Pinellas County will not be recalled. City will reimburse out-of-pocket costs for canceled annual leave
Again, is this a problem? Are there so many call backs that people are losing money because they have to return to work while they’re on vacation? How many call backs have there been in the past ten years? How many people had to use their own money to return to work because of an emergency? I wouldn’t look for the city to roll on this one any time soon.
Article - 26 Pension
Increase members contributions from 7% --- to --- 8% of base pay
A good faith attempt on the part of the union to realize what others in the city already enjoy.
2% COLA beginning at age 60 (see GRS studies)
No argument here. There’s absolutely no reason why the city can’t agree to this demand. Most of the members on the old pension that everyone hates get somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 to 2.5 percent increase when new contracts take effect. This would bring the new pension members into line. There’s no argument against this position.
Change the definition of Compensation from base pay to base pay plus the total of pay codes. (see GRS studies)
Have never seen the GRS studies so have no basis for opinion.
Received as Email 02-26-08 How about somebody lists all 20 of Winnie's magic bullet points in here and then we can all decide if the bottom 18 are worth stalling progress.
TEAM: Gee... funny you should ask. Also, as someone previously mentioned it in one of the posts above. The items in contention are listed in the top and bottom (AT IMPASSE) navigation bars on all of the pages on this website. It's been there for eleven months.
Received as Email 02-26-08 Fools. Look at the Times article on the front page of this wesbsite. If you think Winnie's holding up our contract then you'll also believe he's running Clearwater's Local too. Maybe if more of you were available to help when the union calls, rather than saying shit like, "I'm getting the carpet laid. Can't come." "Shoulda called me earlier, the wife's a bitch and I've got the kids." "Sorry, I'll be on the boat that day." "Can't help on that day, I'll be hunting all month." "Holding signs for politicians...... who trust's those bastards?" "Yeah, I'll run that errand if you'll put gas in my tank and buy me lunch!"
You might think the last one is bullshit but it's not. It is the GODS honest truth! One of you out there in lala land set me straight. Isn't the UNION putting gas in your tank now? If any of you are questioning anything that's going on in this Local it's because you're guilty of not showing up for meetings, talking to your station steward, talking to your shift VP or calling 323-1786! How conveivnient to come on here and bitch about how negotiations are going when you could dispell half of the mistruths that YOU spread, with a single phone call.
Received as Email 02-27-08 Third 2/26, what an idiot!!!! Not one of your comments are valid. Now go back to your whinning hole!
Received as Email 02-27-08 I can't believe it. I just can't believe it. This 2-26 #3 administrative, League of Cities poster admits throughout this rant that although they have no idea of the facts behind each article, that certainly doesn't stop them from misstating the facts as they see it. Sooo, Since I attend meetings and go to the negotiations sessions I will try to help this FINO out.
I put my understandings in [brackets] We threw your comments out in Navy. -Ed.
P. S. you won't hear this from the jealous anti-union folks.
Received as Email 02-26-08
Article 21 - Pay Restructure Pay Plan
Not enough information. Restructure the WHOLE pay plan or just the parts we don't like. Can't speak to this. Extremely vague.
[Not enough info, try coming to a session, The union and the city have both placed new structures on the table. The city wants to extend the years to top pay and shrink the current % between steps down to a consistent 3%. End result it takes longer to get to the top for the same top pay. Guess what the Union's proposal is against that.]
The step spread between steps for all Pay Grades will be 5%[So, What's wrong with this? Currently the steps roller-coaster from mid 2's to as high as 7%. Does more years of job experience entitle you to a higher raise? You don't seem to think so about Certifications.]
Originally there was a 5% gap maintained between classifications that worked. Now the demand is that it applies between pay grades. Based on the number of pay grades in use and the possible addition of the four (4) found below it would seem there isn't enough 5%’s to make that possible. [Why is it that you firmly believe this when many departments throughout this state and Nation think differently? Why, are you so opposed to being paid a fair wage? If it was achieved would you refuse to take the money or would you curse the union for making you take it? Would you vote down a contract with this pay plan in it?]
Add 2 - Firefighter Pay Grades - Based on Certifications and Assignment
In the past it’s been historical that the number of pay grades between entry level and top firefighter pay be reduced. Thus making it to top pay quicker. What is the reasoning behind adding pay grades and extending the time instead?
[FYI, The years to top pay have fluctuated more than once in the past 35 years, Again is was the Cities original plan to extend the years and reduce the % between steps. The union agrees to the extension only with the increase between the steps at the consistent 5% increases. Does any of this make sense to you yet?]
Add 3 - Driver Engineer Pay Grades - Based on Certifications and Assignment
Why complicate this demand? Pay grades aren't needed. If you drive you get paid. Done. The amount is based on a percentage of your current pay grade. If you go from DE-1 to DE-2 is there that much difference in what you do in your performance as driver? If there is you need to stay out of that seat and ride in the back. If you certified to be a driver you didn't see any special skills required. You either qualified or you didn't. Is another pay grade going to make you a better driver? I sure as hell hope not. If it takes numerous steps in pay to make you the best driver you can be I don't want to ride with you.
[What lying sum bitch told you this? The union is not asking for higher % based on years of knowledge.One straight % added to the year of the pay plan. A driver in the 4th step would get the same 5% over a non driver as a would a driver with 25 years on the job get over a non driver.It's not just another pay grade, its the consistent responsibility that a regular driver would have over the current patch work system currently being used. Again many, many departments agree with this concept. This department currently pays many of us $26.00 each pay day to maintain an EMT patch, then pays you an additional seat pay. Many of our people haven't been on a rescue call in many years but somehow the department believes that knowledge is worth something. Is it sinking in yet?]
Add 3 - Fire Lieutenant Pay Grades - Based on Certifications and Assignment
That’s funny. I thought we already had those. And now you want to add three more? For what? To postpone making top pay as far out of reach as possible? What kind of a gain is that?
[What are you reading? Out of reach of who? Each Lt classification still tops out in the same amount of years. Each time you gain a little more knowledge you move to the next level of pay. Instead of dying on the vine after you top out, isn't it a nice idea that if your willing to work for it you could go higher? Do you ever watch sports or movies? Have you ever wondered why the more talented performers get more money? This is the same concept.]
Add 2 - Longevity Steps added to all Pay Grades
Longevity steps too? And I suppose these have to be added in and agreed to with a 5% span between them. There’s not enough 5%’S to go around.
[Yes, longevity, yes 5%, but only after 5 years and then at 5 year intervals. Why do constantly see a ceiling on everything?]
Acting in Higher Classification
Hmmmmm. Acting pay has been in contention since the union was formed. We've never gotten it and yet there’s always been someone who would do the job even without additional compensation. Usually one of the members who would “work for free” just to be a firefighter. This is a throw away.
[So are you saying you are willing to throw away something we already have? This sounds like a step backward. The city hasn't even brought that up yet.]
Certification and Assignment Pay
Don't have a clue what this accomplishes. Another throw away.
[Again you don't have a clue, what can I say? Without admitting it, this city wants to hire nothing but paramedics, if this were to happen there would be more medics than what the county provides for, so that they wont get paid unless they are in the seat (unassigned). The Union wants an unassigned (no truck to call his own) certified paramedic to get something similar to what the EMT's get, plus a seat pay. Once you receive a promotion to a full time medic you would then move up into a new pay grade called Assigned. I know that even you have to be coming around by now. Throw away, who says?]
All compensation shall be pension able
I can't think of any reason why the city would deny this demand. If you earned the compensation doing the work you were assigned to do then it should be able to be calculated. This would have to be done individually for each employee. Someone has to keep track of who gets what. Conversely why would you expect to be able to use work or time compensation that was not fire department related as additional compensation toward your pension?
[You cant think of any reason? Because it will cost more money. Yes as you mention the union has proposed increasing our contribution to help with this cost. So why isn't the city jumping all over this one? If its just because you think the union is asking for too many things, see how many they would drop to get this.]
Employees working a 24 hour shift beginning and ending time
Delineating start and end times for employees is not unreasonable.
Add Rescue Lieutenant's shift beginning and ending time Same as the last one.
Eliminate language that allows for changes to the work schedule Who’s work schedule?
Overtime pay for all hours worked in excess of the Normal duty schedule
This is not unreasonable and is in line with the Fair Labor Standards Act that governs private enterprise. Working hours in excess of you normally scheduled number of hours should be considered for overtime pay. Simple.
[I guess your not to knowledgeable about FLSA either. We do not work for private enterprise. This city understands that much better than you do. What they don't understand thou is that it is a minimum guideline. As with everything with a minimum guideline, they can be made better. Do you know there is such a thing as MINIMUM Wage? It is a minimum guideline, many companies including the City of St. Petersburg pay higher. we currently have employees that enjoy a seven day work cycle that allows them to earn overtime more often than the rest of us in the 14 day cycle. Why cant the City make us all the same?]
Limit mandatory training hours to 40 hours per employee per fiscal year
If this isn't a throw away it should be. Has this been a problem? Nobody is being trained in excess of any one else. And training is part of the job. This sounds like the “I don't want to train in the heat” crowd getting stroked. We live in Florida. It’s hot. Get over it. We've trained in the heat since the start of time.
[There you go again. I don't no where your half assed information come from. This came about because of the times when Administration thinks it needs more car seat installers, or whatever. They feel they can pull you off your current 24/48 schedule and have you report to a 40 hr class or assignment whenever they want. This causes head aches only for those effected. I can tell from your rants that you don't believe in higher learning so you wont have any idea what I am talking about here. But anyway, the city wants to be able to do it, so the Union says to keep it at a minimum. (40 hours a year)]
Annual leave, Union business leave and any other authorized & pre-scheduled leave shall be considered as time worked for the computation of overtime.
This is just so far out there I can't believe it’s not a throw away. Just for the hell of it would someone please explain the rationale behind this? If I read this right we want time we're not on the job to count toward the computation of overtime.
[Are you currently enrolled in the Cities Mentoring a child program? This is a big thing of the Mayor, he will graciously give you a couple of hours off duty to do it.Have you ever had to report to Jury duty? Yes the city will give you the time off, but guess what, these are not considered as hours worked, so you lose overtime pay if you are in the right cycle. This is but a few examples of many but I hope it helps you to understand.]
Scheduled annual leave cannot be canceled except when an emergency is declared and those on annual leave and outside of- Pinellas County will not be recalled. City will reimburse out-of-pocket costs for canceled annual leave
Again, is this a problem? Are there so many call backs that people are losing money because they have to return to work while they're on vacation? How many call backs have there been in the past ten years? How many people had to use their own money to return to work because of an emergency? I wouldn't look for the city to roll on this one any time soon.
[You are absolutely right, as long as this City can continue to get the job done on a shoestring they will continue to ask you to give up more.]
Article - 26 Pension
Increase members contributions from 7% --- to --- 8% of base pay
A good faith attempt on the part of the union to realize what others in the city already enjoy.
[So why has the City not rolled on this one?]
2% COLA beginning at age 60 (see GRS studies)
No argument here. There’s absolutely no reason why the city can't agree to this demand. Most of the members on the old pension that everyone hates get somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 to 2.5 percent increase when new contracts take effect. This would bring the new pension members into line. There’s no argument against this position.
[Again you say there is no reason. Then why are we still looking for it to happen? Also you are wrong again koolade drinker, Members in the old pension will always receive their 50-52-54-56-58 or 60% of top paid firefighter for the rest of their lives. They do not receive a percent of what we get. A current employee leaving the job today with a 60% non COLA pension will be surpassed in less than 5 years by one of the old guys that left 20+ years ago because of his guaranteed adjustments.]
Change the definition of Compensation from base pay to base pay plus the total of pay codes. (see GRS studies)
Have never seen the GRS studies so have no basis for opinion.
[I hate to keep bringing this up, but a couple visits to a union meeting or a negotiation session would have made this so much easier for you. The GRS studies were done by the city at the unions request. GRS was the company that was the keepers of the pension dollars until last year, they figured out what it would cost to implement each of the proposals. With the current under funded plan we have the city has all of the excuses why they cant afford to make changes. How about that. They cause the problem and then they use that as an excuse too. Do you now see why we have to continue to fight for everything?]
[I am most assured that we will not see at any meetings any time soon to further educate yourself on these matters, so II certainly hope that you will print this out and ask one of your anti union followers to refute these facts.]
PS. To the editor I hope all of these factual points doesn't crash your site
TEAM: No. But we've got to tell you, since Hotmail has been taken over by Windoze Live, it's a bitch grabbing lengthy dispatches like these. The way we view them and the way they copy to the page, are totally different. The paragraphs disappear and we end up with one big one, so we have to copy and paste each paragraph individually. Going to the message board concept where everyone gets to drop the "F" bomb might not be too far in the future.
Oh, and thanks for the content. We'll go back up in a minute and read it all. But to tell you the truth, we couldn't have begun to reply with your depth of knowledge. Glancing through the info before pasting, brought some of the information back to the front of our cerebellum.
TEAM: Update. We just opened up a new covert email account with another provider. A large multi-paragraph submission was shot through the text box below and we were successful in copying and pasting all the paragraphs to this page (then undoing) and we found that we didn't miss a space. Hotmail's out and ************ is in! Post the big ones!
Received as Email 02-28-08 I have to say that the recent dialog on this page is some of the most interesting and informative information I have read to date. Let us all keep up the higher standard that has been represented here.
Received as Email 02-28-08 Damn, thats the most intellegance posted in one day, I can recall in a long time. Can anyone varify if it is correct?
TEAM: Sure. Go to the Union meeting tonight!
Received as Email 02-28-08 The old pension guys get the exact same raise we do. Why is that so hard to understand? If we get 6% ( we can dream, can't we?), they get 6% of what they make. It's so simple, even a caveman can do it.
Received as Email 02-28-08 It was nice seeing everyone that wasn't watching American Idol at the union meeting last night.
Received as Email 03-06-08 My mis-informed friend. Old retirees only get about 1/2 of what the active duty guys get, so 6% is really 3%
AND THE NEWER GROUP OF RETIREES GET NOTHING! Please read and try to understand the above post again.
Received as Email 03-06-08 The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday (March 5) approved by a vote of 401 - 1 a resolution condemning Palestinian rocket fire from Iran-backed Hamas terrorists. Ane who was the lone holdout? Ron Paul.
Received as Email 03-11-08 While you're wondering what's coming's what the council is thinking.
Received as Email 03-10-08 Why don't any of those old pension guys understand simple math? If WE get 3% added to what WE make, YOU guys in the old plan get 3% added to what YOU make. It's that simple. You make less NOW, but your COLA will eventually overtake our pension. You guys win. Boo hoo. We get it, why can't you?
Received as Email 03-11-08 Its time to start the Draft Kathleen Ford For Mayor? The dick of gran pricks is almost gone. We don't want any of the current council boys or baker's do boys in..GO KATHLEEN RUN!
Received as Email 03-12-08 They didnt want her last time. We chose Baker. Beware of Polsen. Ask him why he was kicked out of the Navy intel dept.
TEAM: A tactical error to be sure, but we backed a "Winner!" We're probably not going to get around to talking to Polson any time soon. what's the skinny on him?
Received as Email 03-12-08 I don't know if I'd be so anxious on that idea of Kathleen for mayor. I'm not for it or against it. I'm just saying we should be careful. If I remember right there were some rather unflattering posts on here in her direction. There's nothing that says it has to be a sitting council member. Anyone with the money can run. Not enough money? Call Mr. Baker. I'm sure he has some left over from his lame duck campaign he would lend you. Proceed but proceed with caution.
TEAM: We did a search for "Kathleen Ford" from the search box on the Home page and found the following pages to contain her name:
Other than this page which also contains her name, (but hasn't been spidered yet by Freefind [the search engine co.]) we might have missed something - but we can't find a single instance where someone spoke out against her on this website.
Received as Email 03-12-08 The skinny on Polson. Well. They got rid of him and he did not mention in his campaign that he was in the Naval Reserves. Makes you think why he did not want to divulge that info. Something he is hiding? Do some research. There is alot more about him but I doubt the union wants to blackmail people. This is the 21st century. Its all about politics.
Received as Email 03-12-08 Also he had alot of dealings with Mexican officials. Was he passing info to them? After all he was the Mayor's main man to Mexico. And he hates Police and Firefighters. Do not trust him. I mean after all. Do you all know that GO GO and Curran are an Item?
TEAM: We're pretty sure he just tolerates the PD and FD. The feeling's mutual. Do a search on this site. You'll find the Curran/Go thinging banging around here somewhere.
Received as Email 03-13-08 Great story. I noticed that the initiative isn't being driven by some mayor or fire chief. Score another one for organized labor!
Received as Email 03-17-08 NEWTON FOR MAYOR
Received as Email 03-18-08 Well I see that the supreme court finally figured out that all of the rights listed pertain to individuals and not just a "collective" group. Since I know it's going to come up, I thought that I'd share some stats:
I'm Rob Edwards and I approve this message
TEAM: "A majority of the Supreme Court today seemed to clearly indicate that the Second Amendment provides an individual right to possess a firearm and several justices appeared skeptical about whether the District of Columbia's handgun ban could be considered a reasonable restriction on that right." -- Washington Post (3-18-08)
It would appear that we're getting closer to passing Florida HB 503 & SB 1130 into law. The bills have been modified to allow only Florida Concealed Weapons Permit holders (a compromise) to lock their handguns in vehicles parked on properties that would otherwise prohibit the act. The Senate Justice committee met today (3-18-08) and voted 7 yeas to 1 nay (with amendment) to pass SB 1130 on to the full Senate.
Our lawmakers can't figure out which end is up when it comes to dealing with taxes or home owners insurance, but year after year they've demonstrated an ability to lead the nation in the protection of personal freedoms.
Received as Email 03-18-08 NEWTON FOR MAYOR
Received as Email 03-18-08 Hey team I need some clarification here, is today (3-28-08) for real, if it is then I lost 10 day's somewhere, is Carter still president ? I will just go polish my gun till you get back with me.
Team: Your gun should be shiny by now.
Received as Email 03-19-08 yeah smart move. llok what happened last time we backed a mayor. hmmmmm dont learn from our mistakes,
Received as Email 03-19-08 I don't know how many members read the email that comes to you under "", but you better take the time to do so. Two posts today are "must read" for those who would understand the process of collective bargaining. One post outlines the history and makeup of the Public Emplyees
Relations Commission. The other post could herald the beginning of the end for the unbiased findings of fact from the Public Employees Relations Commission or PERC.
The latest offering from Florida's sainted governor Charley Christ......uh, Crist, is to appoint Jason Gonzalez as his general counsel. That's his perogative and quite above examination. Gonzalez is , or was, general councel for the Republican party of Florida. Then Charlie boy, in an apparent moment of non-lucidity does something more. He appoints Mr. Gonzalez Esq.'s wife with a position as CHAIRMAN on the Public Employees Relations Commission or PERC. And what are Mrs. Gonzalez' credentials, you ask? Why this woman was in charge of eight, count 'em, eight people where she worked; Dermatology Advanced Care. What must her resume have said that took her from dermatologist to CHAIRMAN of the PERC? In the past the postition has, for the last 33 years, been an attorney. But Charlie boy apparently has no consideration or respect for tradition or what effect his actions will have on others. So now the body that governs collective bargaing in the state of Florida is being run by a dermatologist.
One of Charlie boy's mouthpieces said the following: "Governor Crist prioritizes integrity, honesty, and character when making appointments. Sara is no exception, and the governor is confident that she will serve the people well." My question is, when will that start to happen. I have no doubt that Mrs. Gonzalez is a wonderfull woman and honesty, integrity and character may very well be her strong suits. It's irrelevant. What is relevant is that she has no experience in matters that the body to which she has been named CHAIRMAN must handle on a daily basis. And this isn't a position that governs bingo at the church or being the manager at a fast food establishment. This postition takes in every public employee organization in the STATE OF FLORIDA. How long will it take to bring her up to speed and what changes can we expect from someone who has the power but not the knowledge to be in this office? And you know it'll only be a matter of time before those changes could begin.
Take some time out of your busy, busy schedule and read the posts. It'll educate you for what's coming in the future. Charlie boy is going to run roughshod over a lot more folks before he's done. His first endeavor to screw us all went extremely well and we're going to live with it for a long time. What an insult to public employees all over the state of Florida. Putting a dermatologist in charge of a body that has been the only hope of public employees for decades is truly a personal slap in the face by this man. And I don't mean to belittle dermatologists. It could be any profession. And I certainly don't have anything against Mrs. Gonzalez. It doesn't matter who it is. The point is that this position is so very important. And to perform in this position it requires education and experience IN THE FIELD. It's quite obvious that we've just been dropped one or two rungs lower on the "PILF" ladder by Charlie boy. And it's a sad day for public employees.
Received as Email 03-19-08 Agree. Win. Newton for Mayor !!
Received as Email 03-19-08 VCF well said but remember in the future you should keep your post to a few word's or less so that the guy that calls everyone queer can understand it.
Received as Email 03-22-08 This just in:
"The wife of a top aide to Gov. Charlie Crist abruptly resigned her new state job on Friday, just days after the hiring was first reported by The Miami Herald."
"In her letter, Gonzalez wrote: ``I had looked forward to public service and working on the commission. However, given the recent response to my appointment, I feel it is best for the commission that someone else serves as chair.''"
Years ago, Charlie the Tuna was StarKist's memorable cartoon representative who was constantly trying to learn good taste. But the answer was always, "Sorry, Charlie. StarKist wants tuna that tastes good, not tuna with good taste."
Sorry, Governor. Florida needs a chief executive who does more than sound and look good. We need one who does good."
All quotes taken from the newsletters. We dodged a bullet on this one and were extremely fortunate to have our good friend Charlie Kossuth taking care of business in Tallahassee. I kept it as short as I could brother.
Received as Email 03-23-08 This VCF dude sems to be well spoken and knowlegable.
Received as Email 03-23-08 Of course VCF is knowledgeable, he used to be our union president. I dont know if he was queer or not.
Received as Email 03-25-08 Only you would know and care if he was queer Morty, when will you realize your a minority and not everyone is gay.
Received as Email 03-26-08 3/25 #1 is queer as a three dollar bill. You know, Charles Nelson Reilly gay. Lip gloss wearing gay. Don't let him sit behind you at the theater gay. Keep him away from the kids gay. First boy to sit on the priest's lap gay. Who's that lurking around the playground?" gay. Sequined underwear gay. Cried at the end of Brokeback Mountain gay. Owns multiple copies of autographed Clay Aiken CD's gay. Keep one eye open when he works second half swap at your station gay. Wash your hands after shaking his hand gay. Dresses pretty at the mall gay. Has an eyebrow stylist on his speed dial gay. Got hugged by his uncle too long and too many times gay. Fabio posters on his ceiling gay. Custom license plate has an FD reference gay. Can't make noise when he farts gay. Same room mate for a few too many years gay. Endlessly claims that he's not gay, gay.
Glad I could help,
TEAM: Just not as gay as the flag on the mayor's front lawn...
Received as Email 03-26-08 you seem to know an awfull lot about being gay 3-26 #1
Received as Email 03-27-08 Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'd like to hold.....uh, shake your gland......uh,hand 3-26-08-#1. As funny as your post is, and it's pretty pathetic funny, I think you need to check your pants for brown stains in the front. You're WAY too knowledgeable about what the gay stereotypes are. But you and I both know you're just a closet gay. Out gays don't even talk about that sort of stuff. We just know it without saying it. Now if you really want to know what gay is all about buy a copy of my CD, "Sweatin' To The Oldies". I do a FAAA-BULOUS routine to "Shake Your Booty". I assume that with all those hash marks in the front of your shorts that you're a cute top. Have I got a bottom for you. Oh, not me or course. You have to be A-list to do my little bum. Have to go now lover. You have a nice day and keep playin' them skin flutes in the closet.
Richard Simmons
Received as Email 03-27-08 Why isn't this gay bullshit on the bullshit page. Stop wasting our time.
Received as Email 03-27-08 Because thats what the the Dept's becoming a bunch of little girls and panty waste metro sexual so called men. Its a crying shame!
Received as Email 03-29-08 Hmmm gay I love being gay with cartman
Received as Email 03-29-08 Who wants to kiss 2/27 #2 on the mouth? Line up behind ME!
Rip Taylor
Received as Email 03-30-08 I think that banning firearms at work makes perfect sense. Just check out his vid..
I'm Rob Edwards and I approve this message.
TEAM: Management must luv you. We encourage, "Don't ask - don't tell." You know... until something better (like a new law) comes along.
Received as Email 04-01-08 Here's an interesting article. How long will it take for this to be part of the SOP here?
TEAM: We're not sure, but in Pinellas County the more complex the better. Throw a few twists and turns into any equation and you open the door to be "Q-A-R'd" by Sunstar's "Q-E-E-R-S." If you simply the process too much, then "Fatty the Medical Director" isn't as likely to be in our bidnezz! FTM!
Received as Email 04-02-08 That turd on the home page tells the whole truth about Klintoon and her legacy. Great video.
TEAM: We agree with you (if you're talking about her being a ballbusting bitch).
Received as Email 04-04-08 Pasco firefighters reach deal with county
Pasco County officials struck a deal with the local firefighters union Wednesday, signaling a breakthrough in more than two years of troubled negotiations.
"Hopefully it gets ratified by the (union) rank and file next week," said Barbara DeSimone, the county's personnel director.
The changes give firefighters 86 more hours of overtime and a shorter work cycle from 28 days to 14 days. They also provide a 2.5 percent salary increase as an incentive for firefighters to ride on ambulances, settle differences over insurance benefits, and doubles their clothing allowance.
The concessions will cost the county about $608,000 a year, DeSimone said. Last October, Pasco firefighters won another $1.1-million raise after a state agency ruled the county improperly excluded them from pay increases in 2006.
Posted by tampabaycom at 11:42:07 AM on April 4, 2008 in Pasco
Received as Email 04-04-08 Well it's assholes and elbows at HQ, boyz. So many people have called in sick or committed to shift swaps, the concentration camp can't keep track of it prisoners. My HQ 'secret squirrel' told me that the warden was so pissed at the sheer numbers of inmates that they had to manditory, (over and above those for the race) that they're considering not allowing any shift swaps next year. Just remember, in a city that doesn't give a single shit about you time off is ALWAYS available with a single phone call.
Is it any wonder that one of the DC's took vacation time today?
Received as Email 04-04-08 My hat's off to any of you who get forced to work at stright pay during your R Day cycle but that's how much concern the city and chief Large and Wimberly have for you. The Grand Prix is important to the mayor and those with money. I doubt that there's a firefighter on this job that gives a good G-damn about it. This City is in total denial for the problems that exist and Large and Wimberly hide in shame blaming the union and Winnie for the present conditions. The next time one of those two bastards tells you that you're asking for too much, ask them how much of that "too much", they already enjoy as management. They hold your head under water to gain favor with the mayor and the other lower than low scum bags who run this rotten f--king anti-labor city. Up yours assholes! Any place else and you would have been fired along time ago for not having an original idea that you didn't steal from someone else.
Received as Email 04-04-08 PS. Come and get me suckers. I'm one of a couple dozen that called in sick.
Received as Email 04-05-08 hey, I called in sick from the race. I've got my remote all warmed up and wanted to know what channel it's on on the TV. I wanted to see if wimberly was in the pits in his bunker gear. Vrooom Vroooom. FTM
Received as Email 04-05-08 I think it's hilarious to see all the squirming by a few at the top as they move towards race day. They throw little questions out there like, "Are you getting ready to work the Grand Prix this year?" or get this one, "Maybe you'll get to see Danica Patrick up close." Gee, it all sound so enticing. Where do I sign up?
The Firefighters aren't buying into the slave mentality and either didn't sign-on for the show or just called in sick. Now the DC's are taking things personally because there's mass resistance to being forced to help make this greedy-assed city, look good. Things sure would look different if they put themselves in OUR shoes, though. As Winnie says, "It's all a matter of perspective." Here's a group of guys that have never done a thing to move the Brotherhood, pay or benefits, forward because they were too busy moving themselves forward. Come race day they want your attention and your respect and have a difficult time understanding how you could turn your back on this city.
Maybe if some of them had paid more attention to holding a political sign or two for the Union instead of holding the chief or the mayor's johnson, they'd get it!
TEAM: Awesome...
Received as Email 04-05-08 This just in. From the front page of the Times came this little gem.
"Tony Kanaan had a qualifying speed of 103,627 miles per hour Saturday at the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg."
Hell, who wants to see Danika Patrick when you can see this guy break the sound barrier in an open wheel race car. See what you guys missed by calling in sick? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? NOT !!! The mayor's a prick. Fight the mutts.
TEAM: "Fight the mutts." Ahhhhh... that's what that means."
Received as Email 04-10-08 I'm more concerned about overtime than some dikey race car driver's big hairy bush.
Received as Email 04-10-08 Oooooooohhh....Overtime !!! Let's beat that dead horse some more. Get a life. Not everything is meant seriously. And yes, that's what that means.
Received as Email 04-11-08 wow you must be ugly. she doesnt have a hairy bush if you looked at her swimsuit photos. Or are you just jealous you ended up with a troll wife.
Received as Email 04-11-08 What is your logic that concludes that I am ugly because Danika Patrick has a big hairy bush? I mean, it's true I am homely as hell, but how did you know? Show me the way magic man.
Also, I suspect it smells like a cross between race fuel and mahi mahi.
Received as Email 04-11-08 I checked out Danika Patrick's swimsuit spread (heh heh, I said spread) and she is pretty hot. However she could easily have a big old hairy patch all dreadlocked up underneath them britches. All corn rowed and tied down all pretty like. Between her hip bones she could very well look like the lead singer from Counting Crowes. Let's not be so fast to condemn those that suspect she has the big thick hair pie of a 50 year old muslim virgin. She could, and probably does have the equivalent of a horse mane down in her moisty stinky zone. I'm not saying that I know any of this for a fact. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Okay, I don't. But she could. So there. It doesn't make me ugly even though I am a little. She certainly has a right to have a private triangle that resembles a shaggy sheep dog. I just don't care. It does make you look close for mystery hairs between the teeth of the other drivers.
TEAM: And they say there are no creative thinkers left amongst us simple serfs.
Received as Email 04-12-08 What the hell do you need to bring a gun to work for anyhow.....anybody...just because you can that's just stupid. Your life really in danger at work....please.
Team: You need to think outside the box a bit on this one. It's not the fact that anyone needs a firearm at work. It's more to the point that those who lawfully carry a weapon regularly on their person or in their vehicle, find that their ability to protect themselves while in transit both to and from their place of work to be compromised by rules that are put in place by employers, 'ostensibly' to protect their employees.
Received as Email 04-12-08 Wimberly's all in a tizzy about being accused of sticking his nose in union business. He is. Maybe if he started acting like a fire chief instead of a deputy mayor, his stay with us would be a little easier on him, cuz it's not bothering us. We're loving it. Great to see his true colors!
Received as Email 04-13-08 Wimberly will never act like a chief because he dose not know how to be one (that whole leader thing). He's out for himself and only himself. I know everbody knows that. Just a reminder.
Received as Email 04-13-08 I've got a solution for all of these guys who think they can manage a fire department like they manage a local Walmart. Winnie needs to get together with all of the other Locals and then go to each of the county commissioners and start negotiations to move towards a referendum vote. The county wanted it in the past and I'm sure they still want it, but they knew they couldn't do it without getting the nod from organized labor. The money the county will spend on a decent contract, they can save by shitcanning these backstabbing mother f**ers. Half of these fire chiefs that go to school to learn how to run a Walmart will be out on the street looking for a job from Walmart! We f*cked up royaly when we worked with the fire chiefs in this county to help them preserve their jobs. If you want to know how stupid we've been in the past, just look at the most recent contract offer. When the city was trying to woo MLB to town, they asked us not to picket the dome while MLB was in town. We f*cked up. When the county wanted to consolidate at the departments into one unified departement, we got in bed with this group of Walmart FD chiefs and they've been nothing but a tool for the man every since. Boy did we f*ck up there.
If Wimberly and Large can't keep their opinion's (the mayor's opinion) to themselves about how we run this union, then it's game on. The way I look at this situation if you're sitting on the other side of the negotions table from us, it's not you job to chime in and help the city to screw us every time you see an opportunity. It's one thing to be asked by the mayor....... it's another to throw your weight around like you think your going to be the next saviour of St. Petersburg. FTM KTF PTB&S EGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Received as Email 04-13-08 I said this on the BS page but I guess no one read it. Why aren't Prince and Pretty Boy backing their troops. Oh yeah that's right, they got there's - screws everyone else! It should be the F.D. all the way down from the Chief, against the city. As long as the FD is divided 'labor' and 'Mgt', they ( THE CITY ) got right where they want us. LIFE IS GOOD! BUT THE CITY OF ST PETE ADMINASTRATION SUCKS!!!!
Received as Email 04-13-08 Joe Waller for Mayor ......
Received as Email 04-14-08 How about the union put in the contract that the Fire Chief become an elected official and not appointed. My gosh wouldnt that be a thought.
Received as Email 04-14-08 Looks like we missed a chance to fill another seat at council. Was there any attempt made to put a friend in contention? Or are we going to depend on the council to appoint someone who thinks just like they do again. Unless I missed something it could be business as usual again when the new person is picked for the District 6 seat. If Williams was a friend his leaving would be the mayor's chance to pay us back for our success in the elections.
Following the resignation of District 6 Council Member Earnest Williams, City Council will soon appoint a resident of the district to fill the vacant seat. Applications will be accepted beginning today through April 16 at 5 p.m. For complete information for interested candidates, a map of District 6 and a description of the replacement process, visit"
Don't waste opportunities. Have someone looking for things that can be picketed (Grand Prix) and activities that put us out there. Did we agree to not picket the Grand Prix? If not then why wasn't there informational picketing? What a great missed opportunity. National coverage and all. We bitched and whined like little girls about having to WORK overtime but no one was smart enough to see the chance to embarrass the city and put pressure on the power at city hall. Once the contract is ratified we'll have plenty to time to work on personal endeavors. We talk shit all the time but nobody is willing to back it up. If we spent the time working to do things that would make a difference instead of cheap shotting each other and making inane comments we might just get ahead.
Quit the infighting. The chiefs are the chiefs and that's the bottom line. You can't change it. I seem to remember that someone once questioned the attitude of the members when they were given permission to put some kind of stickers on their helmets. It was right after Large was appointed chief. Everyone fell on their knees and said thank you and word on the street was that this new chief was the best thing that ever happened to the fire service. That same person said then that we'd live to regret that thinking. If the chiefs are all playing in the mayors bed there's not a damn thing any of us can do to stop it. The only person who can stop it is a mayor who doesn't want them there. There has to be a separation between the mayor and the employees. ALL employees. Period. Until that happens nothing is going to change. So get over it and get to work on things that matter.
TEAM: As to your Williams question: Williams was no friend of ours. During our impasse hearing last year, he stabbed us right in the neck and signaled his intentions to do it again to both PD and FD by messing with the ch. 185 & 175 monies if he were elected to a house seat. As to not picketing the race: maybe we'll have to reevaluate our position after the ratification vote for this contract.
The city's poorly drafted language will reach back and touch every present retiree as well as those of us not yet retired.
Regarding the possibility of placing a 'friend' in office... with the limited number of friends already in office, overtly rallying for one individual over another might well signal our intentions, resulting in the very opposite result. The Union 'has' however met with all known individuals who are considering the job. If nothing else, you you can find out where 'they' stand before you tell them where 'we' stand.
As to your comments on the mayor... he's never been an ally of ours and would rather allow public safety to languish without his ever having to address the concerns of labor. He views us as tools of the machine and nothing more. The man behind the curtain needs to share a little oil with the tin-man.
Received as Email 04-14-08 On the home page: It's been said that "an army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep."
Man - that's the best shit I've ever read. Where did that cme from?
TEAM: Thanks. It's an old Arab proberb. Here's another: "Better a thousand enemies outside the house than one inside."
Received as Email 04-14-08 TOUCHE' Webmaster that last sentence says it all. Problem is, there's more than one inside.
Received as Email 04-16-08 I see that the FPF was instrumental in killing a proposed tax cap like that that was thrown out of Colorado after a few years use. What a victory for US! I'm just glad all of those fire chiefs at the FPF are looking out for me and you!
Received as Email 04-16-08 For those who are scoring at home...
Florida Governor Charlie Crist today signed important National Rifle Association (NRA)-backed legislation into law that will protect the existing rights of law-abiding gun owners. House Bill 503 preserves the self-defense rights of law-abiding men and women as they travel in their cars to and from their daily activities.
"Customers and workers should not have to choose between protecting themselves or following the political policies of an anti-gun business," said NRA Past President Marion P. Hammer. "The right to protect oneself must be maintained no matter where you park your car."
This legislation protects the rights of gun owners to possess a firearm in any private motor vehicle in a parking lot, and prevents businesses from searching private vehicles of customers or employees.
"This is a great day for the people of the state of Florida," concluded Hammer. "Their right to keep and bear arms for self-defense and other lawful purposes has been restored."
I'm Rob Edwards and I approve this message
Received as Email 04-17-08 Hey....... how many fire chiefs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Received as Email 04-17-08 I'm not sure how many but I'm sure they would screw it up!!!
Received as Email 04-17-08 None- shit rolls down hill, and a firefighter will do it for them.
TEAM: Thanks. The Apr 16, 2008 1:22 PM response is one of our Fire Fighters. The Apr 18, 2008 10:48 AM would appear to be another Fire Fighter (Clearwater?) response.
Received as Email 04-18-08 well if we didnt have to do dumb things at the Home depot and run calls well, maybe.....
Received as Email 04-20-08 I don't know about the rest of you folks but I see the Mayor and the largest bag of shit sucker this Department has to date, have come up with a new way to show the disrespect they have for the firefighters of this city. Shit bag #1 went to the mayor and said, "For my next good deed, to show my appreciation for your keeping my sorry ass on the job, how about this... we give the guys at station10 a new stove and in return they will think they are showing their pride by having them spend their own time painting the city's property. Better yet, lets get some shitty looking color to put on the building, that way Mr. Mayor every time you look at the building you will get the last laugh by knowing that you have dumped on them repeatedly and they are so stupid that they don't even know it."
My hats are off to each of you, Mr. Mayor, Shit Bag #1, and to those that bought into the story about "how much someone likes you." We don't need raises, we need transplants. Maybe the wizard can come by. Heck, he was able to give the scarecrow a brain. Oh by the way, I guess shit bag #1 showed what he thinks about the handicapped citizens of this city as well. Seems that with all the property #10 sits on, there was no better place to dump all of those beautiful rocks then right in the one and only handicapped parking spot. Who gets to pay that fine? What am I thinking" Who cares in the long run. It comes out of our pockets. Now, you want to know why I think all of this is true? Its because there was not the first mention of this "pride" in the newspaper. I guess the Times can see through the Mayor's shit better than some of our own people can.
TEAM: As with all great men, (Bill Klinton, for instance) time will tell the story of their greatness. What's really cool about 'time' is that the persons you've depicted in your story are still alive and kicking, so they've got a few more years to polish their eventual rise to sainthood!
Received as Email 04-22-08 I liked the ones by someone named Jon .
TEAM: Yeah... he always sez "There's a thin line between hero and zero."
Received as Email 04-22-08 To my St. Pete Brothers and Sisters, attached is a link to a newspaper article that explains how our city is playing poker with our lives. Please give it a read. If you happen to be around the main library in Clearwater on Wednesday, oh lets say around 1730 or so, please stop by and help educate the citizens throwing down chips and playing with peoples lives. As always, thank you all for your continued support.
Gerard Devivo Local 1158 B-shift VP
TEAM: Hi Gerard and thanks for pointing out the obvious. Just like here in St. Petersburg, as long as council, the mayor and the citizenry see police cars, fire engines, rescue trucks and ambulances (they're all the same, aren't they?) running around, then everything's a-okay!
Not unlike yourselves, we've also taken our shots here in St. Pete and some of it has come from within the organization. We've seen postings on here that declare, "We're gonna become just like Clearwater!" When we read those words a couple of different scenarios play out in our heads.
1. Dealing with the pricks in city hall here in St. Petersburg is really no different than the pricks you're dealing with in Clearwater...
2. Fight if we have to, but fight like Local 1158. With ten ULP victories under your belt, you guys are what legends are made of...
With all that said, has it made much of a difference in your city management's way of dealing with you? Nope, but at least you didn't take it lying down like some egg sucking dogs. You've taken it standing up - and so are we! We're not going to lay down with the dogs and the ticks, either and if we don't get what we're entitled to, it's not for a lack of trying or for a lack of being right, either. We're on the road to getting our political house in order and changing the inbred face of our own city council.
Thanks for stopping-by, Gerard. You guys are never far from our thoughts. -Ed
Received as Email 04-28-08 Tomorrow, April 29th, will be Hank Marshall's last shift. He will be retiring effective COB on 4/30/08.
Wow! Did anybody see this coming?
TEAM: Great Brother.
Received as Email 04-28-08 This is an excerpt from a TIMES editorial dated 4/28/'08 and titled "Less Ego, More Work On Council".
I thought at first it was about the body of boneheads in St. Petersburg but soon recognized it was aimed at Tampa. As usual the Op Ed writers for the Pink Sheet wouldn't dare say anything derogatory about the St. Petersburg City Council. I should have known ahead of time it was stoning some other city's leaders. Ironically enough the writer of the editorial has the ability to point out quite fearlessly and flawlessly the warts and pimples on the Tampa Council never recognizing that the St. Petersburg Council suffers greatly under the same maladies. Here's the quote:
"The city of Tampa is light years ahead of Hillsborough County government by almost every measure - certainly in the quality of its elected officials. The seven members of the council are, for the most part, competent, open and well-intentioned. But as a group, they are all left feet, rudderless, out of touch in this down economy with the priorities of average people and frustrated by the wrong things: stature, ego, clout. The most vocal members also act like local government is beneath them. The council has enormous range even under a strong mayor to shape the look and feel of Tampa, expand the economy and meet constituents' neighborhood needs. What it needs is not more power but the right political instincts, leadership, vision and a better sense of timing."
It should be noted that even though the original subject isn't acknowledged in THIS text the crux of the description could apply to ANY subject. Just remove the word "Tampa" and think "St. Petersburg".
Received as Email 04-29-08 WOW Good for Hank A Real Class Act. Good Luck Hank. Stay Safe , Scott
Received as Email 04-29-08 Hank and Bob were both great guys. They never joined the A-- hole club that many are a member of. They are what the Div Chiefs, can only dream about becoming one day (people that are respected and people with Character). Way to go guys, good luck in the future!
Received as Email 04-29-08 Firefighter Mark Bruce will be retiring effective May 11th. His last shift will be 5/9/08.
Received as Email 04-30-08 Otto Graham is retired effective COB 4/30/08
Received as Email 04-30-08 Wow, it appears their is a mass exodus for retirement and folks leaving. Congratulations to all retiring and or leaving. There is greener grass and life outside of this self serving city, that's for sure. Do you think someone (Div Chiefs) may get a clue with everyone leaving? NOT! There heads are still buried in the sand. They will just reason these great folks away, thinking it was their time to go. This department has great people on the line, but the few in charge who think they know "all that" are about as ignorant as the squirrels climbing up the walls outside of Fire HQ. Lets rephrase - the squirrels are much smarter - they prepare for the future by gathering nuts while the Div Chiefs don't gather nuts they just drive the rest of us nuts by their total lack of intelligence, common sense, and care about their fellow firefighters! They care about one thing baby, - their pay, their pension, their drop money and of course their EGO - PERIOD!
Received as Email 04-30-08 Good luck retirees. Especially Otto. His services will be missed, wait, what am I saying? He hasn't fulfilled the job requirements for a long time and will be easily replaced. Hank and Bobby are a different story all together.
TEAM: Sweet! And don't forget to have a eulogy ready for Dick Baker when he leaves office.
Received as Email 05-01-08 The DC's don't have thier head in the sand it's up their ASS!!
TEAM: We're sure they'll enjoy reading the words of an adoring fan.
Received as Email 05-07-08 That's why they were promoted in the first place . Who in their right mind would want any part in being assoc. with they boys downtown. They earn zero respect from the troops all the way to city hall.
Received as Email 05-07-08 The only way to get promoted to DC is if you are a minority or wear kneepads and are a yes man. I do not know of any DCs who are respected.
TEAM: Eeeeeks! Hold on there, captain. Your day is coming.
Received as Email 05-07-08 Show up at the retirees breakfest 5-7 #2 and you can meet a few D/C's that were respected in their day, at least you can meet some old timers that can tell you some stories about the way it used to be way back when. Most of them have passed on and have to be turning over in their graves about the state of the FD these days. You are right though in the fact that you have to kiss someone at least once in the place of their choice to be promoted to a chief....I miss the old days
Received as Email 05-08-08 Hell no, I don't miss the old days. First off, there was 10 times the station bullshit that there is now. You want to spend all day saturday scrubbing the bottom of a pumper (don't forget the wheel wells and tire treads) and then another hour cleaning grease off yourself? Go find a time machine and join the SPFD of the 70's.
There were a few great officers, but back then a guy like Domante would have been considered easy going. The red tickets were flying and those self important assholes really got off on being the boss. Most of those dicks kept you moving constantly until the "work day" was over. Who told you that ass kissing didn't exist back then? Sucking up was as important then as it is now, probably even more so. Not to mention that paramedic pay was about a 4% raise. The only thing I miss is that back then the cops got to act like cops, and they always gave firefighters a break.
I will take the SPFR of the 21st century over the "good old days" that your old timer buddies aren't remembering completely. I guarantee if we went back to our old ways about three fourths of everybody under 35 or so would be outta here. The newer guys are less tolerant of bullshit and probably smarter than we were.
Be careful what you wish for.
Your Pal,
30+ year guy with a better memory
Received as Email 05-08-08 5-8 #1 It sounds to me like your enjoying being lasy, good for you. When you joined the FD did you think that you were going to sit on your ass all day and do nothing ? In my 5-7 post I was talking about respect that alot of officers got because they deserved it.
As far as your statement about 3/4 of the guys under 35 would be gone if we had to work all day like when you were a young whiner. Well that's actually one of the best ideas I have heard for a long time you should implement that plan, then we can start all over with people who actually want to be here and arn't afraid of a little work
All those new guy's are not smarter than we were, they have just taken bitching to a higher level. As far as your statement about the cops back then acting like cops and giving firefighters a break, one can only assume that your talking about the weaving you did at 3am on your way home from the pub. The last time I checked it's illegal to drink and drive and most everyone who has half a brain would take a cab or arrange for a ride home, bottom line is there should be no reason for any cop to give a ff a break if he doesn't break the law.
I for one am glad that we have people like you still on the job with your finger on the pulse of the past, present and future but, I think you should have kept the job you had at J.C. Penneys shoe dept. back then but you most likely would have bitched about that too. I have to go and pick up my great grandkids from school now you have a nice day.....
Your Pal too
30 + year guy with half a memory, but still better than yours
Received as Email 05-08-08 "Yawn"... C'mon guys. You can do better than that...
Received as Email 05-08-08 5-8 #2: You f***ing prick. The first respondant told the facts and you're such a pussy that you have to take shots. Well, f**k you. You probably haven't ever worked a real job and never will. No matter what goes on around the companies, the facts are the facts. Get over yourself. This isn't about you, prick.
Not your pal,
Member that understands reality, you prick.
Received as Email 05-08-08 Sorry but I will stand by my theory that these are the good old days. If you have a hard on to scrub floors and wheel wells all day, nobody is stopping you. But I came on this job to put out fires and help people any way that they needed to be helped. I don't recall learning about toilet brushes in the academy.
If you measure your manhood by how clean you can keep your station, more power to you. Maybe I am lazy. Or maybe I just don't like scrubbing things that are already clean just because some tool with a bugle gets his nut telling other men what to do.
Station work is bitch work. It might have to get done, but you pretending that you are a better firefighter because you like to clean windows sounds kind of feminine to me, Pretty Boy. Now go get the buffer and show us all what a real man you are.
Still your pal,
30+ and remembering just fine
P.S. I admire the new guys, at least in some ways. They aren't willing to eat the shit that we did when we only had a few years on.
I think that says more about manhood than your fantasy of having the cleanest station on earth.
Received as Email 05-08-08 Cops did more than look the other way on DUI, they let us speed, race, drive reckless, beat our girlfriends, fight in bars and my favorite, smuggle contraband. Those were the days.
Received as Email 05-08-08 You guys are great
Received as Email 05-09-08 5/8/08--#5 I would like for you to tell me just who the hell you think is going to clean the station. Who's going to mop the floors, clean the windows, maintain the vehicles, do the dishes, cook your food, sweep the engine room, and all the other things that go to making the station liveable. Since you don't want to do THESE things and no longer have to wash tires, clean fenders, hang hose, mow grass, clean the trucks, go inspecting, drill in the "too hot" summer months, you may as well stay at home and they'll call you on the phone if they need you. Then on top of not wanting to lift a finger to keep the place clean you want more pay, more vacation, a better pension, and a whole list of other things. The union is fighting hard to improve your lot in life and you can't even be bothered to sweep the floor in the station. It's true, you didn't learn to use a toilet brush in the academy. Actually you should have learned it from your parents. Along with all the other things you think are beneath your ilk. Get over it kid. You're just a punk that's had everything handed to him all his life and now that you're in the real world you can't figure out why you're a failure. Get a job at a dump or something. Sounds like that's where you would be most comfortable.
Received as Email 05-09-08 I don't want this to be about me, I want this to be about everyone, taking pride in the way the equipment looks as well as their respective stations look as well also how we look to the public is a reflection of the job we do, let me say this if you came on this job only to fight fire then you are my hero because I came on to do the same but I realized quickly that fires were far and few between so if I had to clean equipment (toilets included) I did it with pride while you bitched about it. Take a look at the pay a janitor makes over at Tyrone Square Mall as opposed to the pay you make as a janitor at SPFR, include all the overtime you get as a janitor at SPFR, now add up all of the time you have spent to date cleaning toilets and sitting on your butt in a recliner at SPFR, go ahead and add all of the multiples of fires you have put out just by pulling up on scene.
Now look at the difference between you and the mall janitor in pay and tell me that this still isn't the best job you could ever get with as little as a high school education.
Now you go and get a buffer and show us what kind of man you are because I don't work there no more so I don't have to.
Still your pal too
30 + and forgeting more than you will ever know
P.S. I am not going to rewrite your ps, but will respond to it though. It sounds like you incountered some really bad dudes in your earlier years on the job, and since Dear Abby to Dr Phil
have not responded to your letters, I will try to help you.....reach out and confront those guys that were mean to you and tell them that they were not nice to you and that you didn't like the fact that you were not asked to play games with them, maybe just maybe this will help you forget what your past was and start realizing what your future is.
And for goodness sake stop stroking the new guys and kissing their asses, It makes you look bad and makes them feel to good about themselves, let them learn to earn respect like you are still trying to do.
Received as Email 05-09-08 One good thing about the old days; less queers.
Received as Email 05-09-08 Some things haven't changed in 30 + years, look at Jim Large, he still can't make a decision. And he still waffles in the decisons he does make, he'll make a promise one day and in a short time later - poof - promise gone, then poof again - promise keep. Well maybe. Oh heck, do I have good character or not. Well, doesn't matter as long as no one is to upset. Oh, your upset, well maybe we'll change it back - of course unless your one of my buds and don't want it that way, but heck maybe I better not because one of the Div Chiefs might throw a temper tantrum. Oh well, back to the point, some things never change. The only thing that is changing is the fact, that because of our current leadership, we are raising a new breed of firefighter, literally a department full of "dont have a clue" " dont want a clue" type of people. Fortunately, there is still some hope in the majority of great firefighters that keep the department running and going strong on a day to day basis. Hopefully, our leadership will follow and become part of the common sense, reality team. It may take a good cleaning out though before we get to that point.
Received as Email 05-09-08 And I thought things were bad at my Dept
TEAM: You lie! Our dept. claims that no one else reads this board! You lie!