"STRAIGHT DOPE" is just that!  It's factual information that you need to know, by sources whose aim, is to hold back the ever increasing tide of BULLSHIT that's inundating us; that's threatening to takeover as the sole source of (mis)information in each of our career's!

Documentation that depicts the start of your Union's winning trend is located HERE...

Previous page...
Received via Email 5.10.08  Multiple Line Textbox 2 Okay, I take it all back.  Cleaning is cool and guys that "take pride" in their ability to work a feather duster are the coolest! It's just that it's been my personal experience  that my wife and I can clean the house pretty well once or twice a week in an hour or two.  Why you panty waists--- er, I mean cool guys think it takes 6 to 15 men all day every day to clean one building is beyond me.  But you Hazels go on enjoying yourselves, Don't let an old timer like me stop you.

Your pal,
The guy who's spent 30+ years watching station life improve.

Received via Email 5.10.08  Chief Large is not a problem.  He's probably the best chief we have ever had. The problem is in the throne at city hall.

Received via Email 5.10.08  Jeepers.  You sure hit a nerve when you went after the pride one feels from being a really good maid.  Those bitches went all muenstral on your ass.

Received via Email 5.10.08  Wow. I guess our little department isnt the bottom of the heap.  Thank goodness our leadership is not that crappy.

Received via Email 5.14.08  I checked into your theory.  As it turns out your little fire department IS still crappy and at the bottom of the heap.  Keep trying.

Received via Email 5.15.08  "But fire Chief Bill Van Helden said there would be no problem filling the spots. The city, he said, has a pool of more than 60 applicants who have passed the tests. And with Cape Coral likely the only department in the area looking to hire, the city can pick the "cream of the crop," according to Muerth."

Funny....... we're always looking and we don't have 60 people knocking on OUR door.  "Cream..."  yeah, I've got some cream for the mayor.

Received via Email 5.15.08  Dear Mr. Open Your Mind,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act (H.R. 980). I appreciate hearing from you and would like to respond to your concerns.

On October 1, 2007, Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) introduced the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act (S. 2123), of which I am a cosponsor. This bill would allow public safety employees the opportunity to bargain with their employer regarding certain aspects of their working conditions. A similar measure (H.R. 980) was passed by the House of Representatives by a vote of 314 to 97 on July 20, 2007.

We enjoy a strong, proud public safety workforce in Florida. This bill includes provisions similar to those already working in Florida and do not conflict with existing Florida state laws and efforts. S. 2123 will allow for better communication between public safety employees and their supervisors, so that they can share innovative ideas about what can best improve work performance and effectiveness in the field. It does this while protecting against disruptive bargaining techniques to ensure our public safety forces are not interrupted during times of need.

S. 2123 has been referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. I can assure you I will keep your thoughtful comments in mind should this bill be brought to the Senate floor.

Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. If you have any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. In addition, for more information about issues and activities important to Florida, please sign up for my weekly newsletter at http://martinez.senate.gov.


Mel Martinez
United States Senator

Think about it... get it done...That is all.

Received via Email 5.15.08  Why does this page go from 12/25/07 to 5/10/08 and there's nothing posted in between?  I think four months went south or something.  It must be the water we're drinking.  Screw the mayor.
TEAM:  Sorry 'bout that... old reference.  It's fixed.

Received via Email 5.20.08  I heard that the FOP declared impasse today!  Must be something "they" did wrong.  The city's always right!
TEAM:  Remember:  Always blame yourself first.

Received via Email 5.21.08  Counting the days till big bird leaves office.  What a great day that will be.

Received via Email 5.22.08  Good to see Wimberly at negotiations today.  Good to see him with his mouth shut.  He didn't look so good when Winnie started to tell Rose that some of the problems with negotiating fairly, are caused by FD management's spreading rumors that are untrue.  Good going Winnie!

Received via Email 5.22.08  I would like to thanks our Union Executive staff for their combined efforts during this years MDA boot drive. I am sure it is impossible to come close to recognizing their total committment in the success of this function. I would also like to say thank you for the members that gave up their time to lend the hands and feet it takes to get it done.

If any of you missed it today, the food that was back at the union office was first rate and it was nice to have a great fraternal gathering. The time we enjoyed together was first rate and was much more enjoyable than what we get at the meat markets we usally go to afterward.
Again, thanks to all.

Received via Email 5.26.08  Nolsheim Rules !

Received via Email 5.29.08  A quick trip on the wayback machine...why do they call it Bush's war?

I'm Rob Edwards and I approve this message

Received via Email 5.30.08  Who cares if it Bush's war, Clintons war, Bush Sr's war, or Regan's war. Botton line it sucks, we should not be there. If we should be anywhere I would say Afganistan, not Iraq. What a waste of lifes, No mission accomplished there. Who's the asshole now?

I'm a dead Kennedy, and I approved this message from hell..

Received via Email 5.31.08  Thats what happens when you suck a Bush,s dick to long.  Start blaming one specific group than ALL the asshole's who made the decision to go to war.

Received via Email 6.01.08  You simple minded dumb F@#$#@. War is Hell. And there's gonna be war. Do you want it over there. Or here ????

Received via Email 6.02.08  I stand in the sun for three hours begging for money and you dare bitch about where I go to eat afterward?  Are you kidding me?

Received via Email 6.02.08  Don't worry about the war coming over here.  When president Obama Hussein invites attack by dropping our overseas guard and opens our borders, the attacks here will be on major cities and ports.  As long as they don't go nuclear on MacDill or the airport, we should be okay.  It's going to be okay because the lefties can't kill ALL of us no matter how hard they try!

Received via Email 6.02.08  Here is another guy who has sucked BUSHs d**k to long.  He taking his words from a guy that said there were  WMDs in IRAQ to our soldiers will be  greeted as liberators in IRAQ.  The guy who has gotten it wrong in every way posble.  The same guy who landed on an aircraft carrier with an banner that read mission accomplished while soldiers were still being blown up in baghda.  The same guy who said he gave up golfing in honor of the men and woman who have sacrificed there lives for the this bullshit war only to continue golfing.  How do u know war is hell.  The only way u ever came close to combat was fighting your wife for the last piece of bacon.  U have no clue what these young are dealing with.

Received via Email 6.03.08  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHVEDq6RVXc

Received via Email 6.03.08  Why does it bother you uneducated liberal America haters that Bush has kept the fight overseas?  Do you really want to see more of our buildings and people attacked right here on our shores?  Did you really enjoy 9/11 that much?  Get a clue, lefties.  9/11 was a bad thing, all of your democrat heroes voted us into the same war that you are blaming Bush for, and if things were going better they would all be reminding you that it was their idea, as opposed to Obama, who believes we should drop our guard and invite the Taliban to blow up a few more of our buildings while he chain smokes Pall Malls. Go ahead and elect your elitist nicotine addict.  We impeached the last moron you guys snuck in the white house, we can impeach another.
Sound good, America hater?

Received via Email 6.04.08  Didnt 9-11 happen on the Republican watch?  Wasn,t BUSH the president.  Why dont he take responsibilty for that?  Nevermind do what all right wingers do.  Blame someone else for their fu**up.  In the last 8yrs everything the republicans have touched has turn to shit.  Name 1 good thing that has happened in the last 8yrs years.  Name 1 bill that was passed by a republican congress and by your president that has helped ordinary americans get by.  Are u better of than u were 8yrs ago?  Gas, food, economy, military,world status,moral high ground, everything has been damaged all by a fu**ing bunch of arrogant republicans that can care less about you. 

Received via Email 6.04.08  If you haven't heard yet, a new web site was launched  this past Monday. I encourage you all to please take the time to give it a visit. I would also encourage everyone to forward it to all your friends and family, especially the ones that live in Clearwater. If you have the time, it would be very appreciated if you could add this link to your website. The constant mis-management of tax payers hard earned money needs to get out to the public. Thank you all for your continued support and unity.See you all next week in Tampa.


Gerard DeVivo
L1158 B-shift VP

Received via Email 6.04.08  Be GLAD that it happened on Bush' watch and not Al Gore (had he been successful in stealing the election)--- Al would have had all of us learning to speak the Taliban's native languages by now. 

Bush has done a fine job of keeping terrorists off our dirt.  Maybe you think it's okay to send soldiers to war and continue to party at home, but that's not what history tells us.  War is sacrifice for everyone.  Ever hear of these historical events: The Civil War? Revolutionary War?  World Wars I and II?  They required sacrifice from everyone, but you libs are more interested in pretending that our problems don't exist while brave soldiers die for your freedom.  While heroic young men fight, you worry about things like gay marriage and global warming. 

Only a liberal could consider a nicotine addicted first term senator who spent 20 years listening to a preacher that hates all things white or American over a war hero with over 30 years of dedication to improving this country as a centrist.  Go ahead and put your muslim in the white house.  We can always straighten things out later.  We always do.

And say what you want about Bush, I don't recall him getting impeached.

Received via Email 6.04.08 "Some St. Petersburg employees benefit from double-dipping"  http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/article605292.ece

Received via Email 6.04.08   What did you sacrifice?  Why would you be glad that it happened on anybodys watch.  Right wingers all sound the same.  We would be speaking taliban language if Gore was the prez huh.  What kind of stupid shit is that.  Let me get this right the taliban was going to send their navy and air force to invade the United States.  Hey dip shit, the taliban didnt have a navy or air force much less an army.  Talking about problems that dont exist.  Lets talk about that. Your president refuse to say that Iraq was a shitty deal for the american people.  Your president refuse to say we are in a recession.  No child left behind bill tanking.  Dependence on foreign oil.  Wait a minute wasnt your leader a big oil man.  Guess who making record number profits.

Only a right winger would pick a guy that has no fu**ing clue what is going.  Spent 30 yrs years in the senate and hasnt done shit.  Washington is more fu**ed up than it has ever been.  What has he done there?  30 yrs and nothing accomplished.  Sound just like your president. 

Thats all you have on BO.  That he trying to stop smoking.  Wow. BO spent 20 yrs in a racist christian church but he is a muslim.  You make no fu**ing sense.  Which is it.  Republican smear tactics.  Cant win shit on the issues.  All you can do is scare people into picking your candidate.  Only the blue collar hard working republicans would vote against their interest.  Has things gotten better or worse with your republican leadership?  Just so you know im an independent so I really dont give a shit about neither party.     

You can say what you want about Clinton 9-11 didnt happen on his watch.  I would rather be impeached than let thousands of people die if I just did my job. also americans were better off than then they are now.  

Received via Email 6.04.08  http://www.nysun.com/opinion/beyond-obamas-beauty/71278/

How to fix Social Security? Raise taxes. How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes. Prescription drugs? Raise taxes. Free college? Raise taxes. Socialize medicine? Raise taxes. His solution to everything is to have government take it over. Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.

Received via Email 6.04.08  6.04.08 #6: You have just described the Communist form of Marxism that we saw in the former U.S.S.R. What are they up to these days?

Received via Email 6.04.08   Clinton is the cause of 911 you dumb shit. You must have no morals if you think being impeached is ok. Lying is wrong weather or not people died.

Received via Email 6.04.08  One question?  Wasnt Bush left with a 232 billions dollar surplus when he became president.  The budget was blanced before clinton left office.  Where is it now?  Hmmmm.  Here is the answer to how a republican fix things.  How to fix social security?  Fu** it leave that problem for the future generations to deal with.  How to fix medicare?  Fu**em let the poor bastards figure it out themselves.  Prescrition drugs?  Fu** it let the old bastards figure it out.  We dont need to negotiate for these old fu**s.  A republican solution is to let the insurance companys fu** the people.  What have your republican congress or president done for the people period?  Big brother on steroids is what we have now?  9 trillion in debt.  232 billion surplus to 9 trillion in the red.  Now thats Big Brother on steroids.  Guess who we owe that debt to.  China.
TEAM:  We don't mind you spouting-off.  Just place stars at the end of your "F" bombs, so that we don't have to do all the editing.  Cool...

Received via Email 6.04.08  You can sure tell when Jb gets a hair up his ass.

Received via Email 6.04.08  By the way left wingers are the di** suckers! Bush suporters like BUSH !

TEAM:  Great video compilation of the Kriseman fire.  More links on the Resources page...

Received via Email 6.05.08  I'd like to take a moment to point out a real ballsy move by the Big 6,  They showed up with 3 guys with the fire through the roof and the ceiling falling in & the only place left in the house that might have held anyone living was one of the bedrooms, they broke in through the window and searched it until the heat, fire and falling debris drove them back out. Dinan was the officer, along with Billy Mott (the union secretary treasurer) on the panel and Mungavin.

I'm Rob Edwards and I approve this message.

Received via Email 6.05.08  Ain't it just like a liberal to smear the republicans but then claim to be an independent?  Geez these morons are predictable.  I don't care who gets elected, just so it's not a democrat--- even Ron Paul or Ralph Nader put Hillary or Obama to shame.  Those dem idiots have been playing Spy Vs. Spy self destruction for the last year.  McCain has worked better with democrats than any living republican, but that's not what democrats want-- they are socialists these days.
How can anyone be a democrat and not be embarrassed?

Received via Email 6.05.08  While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose
hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a
conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama
and his bid to be our President.

The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'.'
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.

The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you
come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.'

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued
to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't
belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and
you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there.'

Received via Email 6.05.08  People dying or lying about getting head.  Let me get this right.  lf you had the choice of your family dying or lying about getting head you would let your your family die. WOW.  Which one do i pick.  232 billion surplus(by the way is gone) or lying about getting head.  Which is more important.  Aint it just like right winger to overlook the fact republican party has smeared itself.  Party of hypocrit.  right wingers always look over facts.  bush was in office 9 months before 9-11 but clinton should take responsibilty.   Thats like you crashing an engine and blaming the shift that had it last.  Its your job to make sure the vehicle is safe for your crew.    Just like it was bush job to make sure we were safe.  He is the president.  His job is to be able to look ahead for threats.  He did not do that.

Received via Email 6.06.08  What He Said.

Received via Email 6.06.08  Again, Bush has gone pro-active to avoid further attacks from the guy that Clinton let go 3 fu**ing times.  Now I predict you will say that we shouldn't be placing blame.  Isn't that how your lefty playbook works? You point fingers, then when we point fingers you say that finger pointing is against the rules?  Go ahead. Say it.   We all know you will.

Received via Email 6.06.08  Don't you libs ever get tired of the same old lines?  The choices aren't between a guy who lied about a blow job or killing your children.  There was never a choice.  But regarding the blow job, I do have a problem with the man in the white house who was supposed to swear to uphold the constitution-- committing perjury.  That's why we impeached him.  That's why he got disbarred.  The lawsuits he settled quietly were for rape and indecent exposure, but I know you guys like to forget about those details.
Regarding our family safety,  I am sorry men are dying overseas but I know they are doing so proudly to defend your right to defend perjuring rapists.  Along with your love for gay marriage and baby killing, I am sure that deep down somewhere you take some pride in the fact that there are actually men and women brave enough to allow you to do stay home and badmouth American ideals.  Bully for you.

Received via Email 6.06.08  All I want to know is have things gotten better since bush and the republican congress has been in office.  Give me 1 specific thing he has done to improve lives of americans.  Speaking of gay.  LARRY CRAIG of idaho, republican senator arrested for soliciting sex in an airport bathroo.  MARK FOLEY of floroid, solicit sex from a male congressional page.  republicans are bunch of in the closet homosexuals.  They will tel everone else how live but they will not hold themselves to that standard.  You were lied to about reasons for going to war.  Is that not an impeachable offense.  You were tld that IRAQ had something to do with 9-11.  NIE report and a whole bunch of other commissions found that to be false.  Is that not impeachable.    Everytime someone goes against republican ideas its unpatriotic.  Its unpatriotic to go along with something knowing its fu**ed.    You  talk as if this country perfect.  That there isnt any defects.  That everyone should just go with it.  If you ask me, sonds like a bunch nazis. 

Received via Email 6.06.08  If I was lied to it wasn't just a Bush.  I remember a couple of Clintons, a Pelosi, a Kennedy, a Kerry, a Gore and several other baby killing America hating leftys on board with that whole weapons of mass destruction stuff.  Not to mention half of Europe.  As far as things being better or worse, let's look at the facts.  The economy started it's downturn during Clinton's last two quarters (isn't that the definition of "recession"?), but lefty America likes to forget those little details.   Clinton also had three separate opportunities to kill or extradite Osama Bin Laden but chose not to.  Remember Osama (sounds like Obama)? He went on to bomb us with our own planes.  I don't know if it's completely fair to blame 9/11 on Clinton, but I know he has done nothing to keep it from happening again like Bush has. 
Bush has had about the same effect on the economy that Clinton and all the other presidents have had: Very little.  The economy rises and falls based on criteria way outside of Washington.  But in spite of rising costs, Bush has lowered our taxes. That's something presidents CAN do.  Like how Clinton kept raising them.  Bush has reduced the marriage penalty. He's pushed hard to eliminate the death tax (a big lefty favorite).  He has reduced capital gain and dividend taxes. He has improved tax incentives for saving money for your childrens education, and has created tax breaks for adoptive parents.  I know you like to whine about Bush,  but I bet anything you have not returned the extra tax money he has allowed you to keep.

But my favorite thing that he has done for America is he has embarrassed us a whole lot less by never being charged with perjury, rape, exposing of genitals, sexual harassment,  and he didn't get impeached.

Need more?  Let me know. There is plenty more.

Received via Email 6.07.08  Sounds like Headquarters LIE LIE LIE !!!!
TEAM:  Who, what...?

Received via Email 6.07.08  Why is it that no one has mention the word CULT I know you all want too !
TEAM:  Who, what...?

Received via Email 6.07.08  Hang on there liberal idiot,  I thought your party embraced the gay lifestyle.  Ain't you the gay lovers that are trying to arrange for them to get married?  Why would you mock gay republicans?  This is why the democrat party is always seen as the party with buckshot in their own feet.  You guys live for hypocrisy.

Received via Email 6.07.08  He lowered taxes but we are 9 trillion dollars in debt.  That makes no sense to me.  We are in debt but the people are not willing to raise taxes to get out of debt.  No one has been asked to sacrifice anything by the republican party.    Those taxes that clinton raised got us out of debt.  He lowered taxes, reduced capital gain and dividends taxes, tax incentive and created tax breaks for adoptive parents.  Good.  Why are middle class people still struggling to get by.  Why are seniors still having to struggle to get by.  How are the middle class people saving money for their childrens education when money has to pay for mortgage,water, electricity, gas and healthcare.  All those things you named are to help the rich.  Tell that to a single mom struggling to get by.  She dont give a shit about that stuff because she cannot afford it.  Of course I didnt send that money is owed to me because of all the fu**ing up your president has done.  I am just like every other american struggling to get by.  I have a mortgage,light, water and healthcare to pay for because your president has sold the american people short.  

Received via Email 6.07.08  Have you forgotten about Carter and 18% to 22% mortgages and run away inflation? Back then we had to wait in line for hours just to buy $5.00 worth of gas and before you say that at least $5.00 would fill your tank (it wouldn't)firefighters were only making about $8,000.  How about us being held hostage by Iran under the Democratic Party? It took a Republican President to free them. And if you want to talk about Clinton, why didn't he do anything when we were BOMBED 4 TIMES? He tucked tail and ran just like his predecessor Carter and made the USA a laughing stock of the world!


Received via Email 6.08.08  Well of course those times don't mean shit to you.  People like you refuse to learn from history. That's why democrats continue year after year to make the same mistakes over and over and over.  Thank you for proving my point.  Oh, and you accidentally hit your CAPS LOCK when you started pounding that last bit of nonsense into your computer.  Glad to help.

Received via Email 6.08.08  It's official: The liberal idiot in here has no clue what he or she is talking about.  Clinton NEVER reduced the national debt.  Clinton briefly balanced the budget, but that means pretty much nothing.  He raised taxes and enjoyed a huge dot com economy windfall, and then STILL managed to raise the national debt every year he was in office. 

Balancing a budget while adding to debt just means you have jockeyed the numbers to where your income roughly matches your costs.  Of course, being a democrat this was done exclusive of debt.  You don't have to believe me, go look it up.  And then get a clue about economics before you come back here with more Clinton fantasies.  No wonder you are struggling to pay your bills.  Did you REALLY believe Clinton wiped out the national debt?  Hating God and America just makes you look like a democrat. But hating the truth makes you look like a moron.

Received via Email 6.08.08  Well since the Dems have taken over congress we now have quality bills such as this one, I can't wait until we get one of these assclowns in the white house.

Received via Email 6.08.08  How are we the laughing stock?  Because Hillary couldn't quit until months after she should have?  Because her husband kept shooting himself in the foot? Because Obama continues to trip over skeletons in his closet?  Because Gina Gershon slept with Bill Clinton (okay, that's a cool deal for him), Because Howard Dean is still screaming? Because the democrats control Washington but haven't accomplished a thing?  Because Nancy Pelosi loves the chinese more than Americans?  What laughing stock are you talking about? You liberals love the slur but hate the specifics.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Hang on there conservative ball licker.  conservatives try to pass laws against the gay community but are sleeping with them at the same time.  At least they have the balls to live that life style while your conservative buddys live their lives as closet punk.  While you are pointing your finger at someone, 5 more are pointing back at you.  YOU F**KERS ARE HYPOCRISY.   

Received via Email 6.09.08  Is this dumbass in here really blaming Bush for $4 a gallon gas?  What a tard!  Maybe if you liberals would allow us to drill for oil off of our coasts we could actually do something to become self sufficient.  How about Alaska?  The Gulf of Mexico?  No, that would make too much sense.  Before Pelosi and her democrats took over congress gas prices had increased just pennies during the Bush presidency, but about a buck and a half since.  Stupid fu**ing democrats.  Republicans want to find oil here to keep us from paying the big prices over there while the democrats want to talk about solar powered toasters and wind powered washing machines.  What a bunch of fags. And now they have allowed China and Cuba to drill 50 miles off of Key West.  Nice work, lefties.  No wonder democrats are known as America haters.

Received via Email 6.09.08  To the liberal moron in here, did you really believe the entire national debt had occurred since Clinton left office?  For real?  I don't follow this stuff that close but even I knew that Clinton piled more debt on to our debt.  I really want to know because if all left wingers are that stupid it would explain alot.  Maybe we should set up separate (but equal) schools for democrats the same way we do for other "special" people.  Just trying to help.  If you are really that stupid we can help you.  You just have to recognize that you are really stupid.  Please.  For the good of the country that you obviously hate. We can help you Mr. Slow Brain.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Hmmm....My daddy always told me that there was two things that were a waste of time to discuss;  Politics and Religion.  I've always believed that and you folks have proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt.  What a great pissing contest you have going on here.  It's nice to see that there are political historians on the fire department but enough's enough.  No amount of print on the subject will change anyone's mind about these things.  I'm amazed that the posters have such amazing recall that they remember all these so-called facts.  I just wish they would put as much interest in helping the team as they do becoming politically astute.  I think the purpose of the site has become blurry and needs to be restored a bit.  However I also am willing to recognize that if it weren't for this banter on politics there wouldn't be much else to talk about on here.  We've temporarily lost our focus and need to get back to what will directly have an influence on our future.  For instance the haircut on Dave Fraser or how clean his bunker gear looks.  You know... the important stuff. 


Received via Email 6.09.08  I don't see hypocrisy in gay republicans voting against gay marriage.  It means that they understand that being queer is a personal thing and doesn't require major changes in the laws of society.  I have no problem with that.  To put it in terms that even a liberal like yourself can understand, let's say that you love being bent over your couch while your great dane nails you in the ass.  That is your business.  We don't care about it. Believe me, none of us care about you fu**ing your dog.  We just don't want to change society to the point where you get to put on a bridal dress and legally marry your pooch. We would rather not have to explain that to our children.  Suck all the di** you want lefty. Nobody cares.  Just don't try to change everybody's laws so that you can feel less like a queer. Now do you understand, co**sucker?

Received via Email 6.09.08  What's wrong with gays staying in the closet?  It's worked just fine for your liberal ass all these years.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Hey liberal, who is typing this shit for you?  Your mom or your special ed teacher?

Received via Email 6.09.08  So now this guy is defending faggots?  How did we get to this? 

Received via Email 6.09.08   Hey conservative douche bag.  Look it up. There were a 292 billion dollar surplus when Clinton left office.  You come on this site everyday but you are to lazy to google a known fact.  Left wingers are stupid because they research the facts.  WOW. You people amaze me.  Point me to a site that dispute the natioal dept at the end o clintons term.  Yeah we already tried that seperate but equal shit and it didn't work.  I bet you would like to return to those times.  When black people couldn't vote.  We had seperate water fountains and you could say some of the most racist things without fear of loosing you jobs.  Let me get this right.  Bush recieved most of his contributions from oil executives and now they are making record profits.  I guess they were giving him money cause they like his smile.  Most of our dept is owed to the chinese.  Thanks to Bush.  I guess bush love the chinese too.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Im sorry guys my numbers were wrong.  It was a 559 billion dollar surplus.  Go wkepedia.  You know, the free encyclopedia. I guess a liberal owns wikepedia and they all that up.   Lets just agree to disagre.  You have your ideals and I hav to.  Yours arent right or wrong.  My ideals are not right or wrong.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Democrats are the guys that shit in their pants and blame the people around them for the bad smell in the room.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Jeepers lefty, you really need to review your facts. 

FACT #1:  You said: Those taxes that clinton raised got us out of debt.  I know you said it because I just cut and pasted it. 

FACT #2: Clinton inherited a (national) debt of about 4 trillion, and jacked it up to nearly 6 trillion.  And this was during a time when Bill Gates and all the the dot comers were making everyone rich.  The economy was going well in spite of Clinton.  Clinton's only real expense was dry cleaning Monica's dresses and he couldn't even do that right.

Admittedly, Bush has watched the debt get worse because it's been expensive fighting a war that Clinton could have prevented just by killing Osama (or is it Obama... I get those guys mixed up) when he could have (three different opportunities).  But we forgive you leftys for fucking up the country.  Hell, we are used to it by now. 

Incidentally, the surplus you are talking about is the difference between the nations income and payments for that year.  It has nothing to do with the national debt that you somehow thought Clinton paid off.  He could have put that money towards the debt, but I think he spent alot of it on pussy and legal defense.
So lets review: You said (quote) Those taxes that clinton raised got us out of debt.   We now know you were dead wrong about that.  Go look it up Mr. Wikipedia.
We can agree to disagree on theory, but only a liberal would try to disagree with factual certainty.  Facts are facts until liberals get ahold of them.  Let's see what you can do with these.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Somebody tell this liberal moron that a budget surplus has nothing to do with the national debt?  It's like when we find money in the city coffers but we still have unfunded liability in the pension.  Do you really find it that hard to understand this stuff?
TEAM:  So what you're saying, is the city's not going to try to pay down their $70 Million debt to our pension with the $100 Million they've got in the bank?  That doesn't hardly seem fair.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Regarding the political banter that seems to be irritating VCF,  American politics is more important to some of us right now than worrying about you old timers getting your next escalator raise or whatever the hell you dinosaurs called it.  Thanks for chiming in gramps.

Received via Email 6.09.08  Hey VCF if you want a nice quiet room where nobody says anything, try the CONTRACT page.  Nobody has said shit there in 3 weeks.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLJxmJZXgNI  Some of Hillary and Obama's voting clan.

Received via Email 6.09.08  I can't believe that guy called someone else a douche bag but thought that the national debt got paid off by Clinton.  What a hoser.

Received via Email 6.10.08  It starts out kind of slow, but... 
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq8aopATYyw&feature=related 
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMfUajhL24I&feature=related

Received via Email 6.10.08  The upside of watching Hillary spinning down the drain was how ridiculous Bill kept making himself look trying to save his stump legged old lady.  It sure would be nice to see the Clinton's just sort of disappear from public life but I suppose that's just wishful thinking.

Received via Email 6.10.08  Amazingly enough nobody has said shit in here for three weeks either.  You posers are wasting everyone's time with this drivel.  You expect us to all be impressed with your knowledge and mental capabilities by posting garbage from "youtube.com".  It doesn't get any more lame than that.  It seems even with the fact that you're brain dead you can continue to berate me for having a pension.  (Actually I'm not on the "old" pension, dooooode)  Does that really have anything to do with this?  I think you've beaten that horse long enough.  No one cares any more about that than they care about what you can copy from Wikepedia.  I can appreciate the fact that this board is uncommonly quiet and that's to be expected due to the current conditions.  And I guess you having taken it upon yourself to entertain us with worthless political baloney is enough to satisfy your sophmoric mentality.  So until there's something of value to be disseminated on these pages the rest of us will continue to tolerate your pathetic and untimely rant.  I can only hope that some helpful brother or sister will give you the flick to the forehead that will wake you up and help you realize your futility.


Received via Email 6.11.08  Mr. Editor, Will you please re-name this page Barfield. I know it sounds alot like Bullshit but I think everyone will get the idea. the reason for the requested change is that the liberal talk is right up his alley and, well, I just think it would be a nice gesture. Keep drinking the Kool Aid John. Soon, we too will have a socialist democracy that requires all of our money and not part.

Received via Email 6.11.08  How does the chiefs pay matter?  It's like complaining about the mayors pay. It has nothing to do with ours.

Received via Email 6.11.08  Actually, I like the political argument.  Not only is it what makes America great, it is what made America happen in the first place.  These guys can argue all they want as far as I am concerned.  Besides, why would a retiree have a problem with a little extra writing?  What else do you have to do with your time, old timer?

Received via Email 6.12.08  Chief's pay.  He's never been one of us and he's now more beholding to one many than all of us.

This is a pretty good video.  Our union hall is featured in it towards the end.    http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/myfox/MyFox/pages/sidebar_video.jsp?contentId=6739089&version=1&locale=EN-US

Received via Email 6.15.08  "How does the chiefs pay matter?  It's like complaining about the mayors pay. It has nothing to do with ours."  I don't think the numbers matter so much as how quickly those numbers rose.  In the case of the mayor - way faster than yours and mine.

Received via Email 6.16.08  Received via Email 6.04.08  You can sure tell when Jb gets a hair up his ass.
Hello unknown poster. First off, I haven't had a lot of time to check out the site lately. For the record, I don't throw around the "F" bomb like you. So unless your 100% it was me, which it wasn't keep your slams to yourself ya puke.
John Barfield

Received via Email 6.16.08  America can't be scared by the likes of dirty uncle O'Reily, druggie Limbaugh, the racist Fox Network, or any of the other fear mongers out there. Like it or not, Obama will be the next Chief Executive. Americans will not elect another alzheimers patient to the white house. So take your fear and hatred of minorities, put them in yor cowboy hate & go to texas with the 23% approval rated village idiot.

Received via Email 6.16.08  Just because a white person doesn't want a socialist in the White House does not make them a racist. The issues are what this race is about. This country is not fearful of a black person or a woman taking office as long as the country is directed in the right direction.

Received via Email 6.16.08  And as he goes back to Texas, be sure to thank him for defending our nation from the same terrorists that Obama will be tucking into the Lincoln bedroom by this time next year.

Received via Email 6.17.08  6-16 #3. You, thank Bush for his grand Mission Accomplished? tucking in the lincoln bedroom? Oh please find some new material. I bet you believe Nixion was a good pres too. Yes you are a bigot. You fear change, you fear women, and minorities..Now jump in your big ole truck or gas sucking suv you blinder wearing right winger.

Received via Email 6.17.08  I am your typical small penis white guy.  I don't want to get into the political discussion or anything like that.  I just like to talk about my penis.

Received via Email 6.17.08  If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it must be a duck. Barrack Osama - I mean Obama.

Received via Email 6.17.08  Obama tucking terrorist in, in the Lincoln bedroom.  Is that all you have.  I guess its just like the comment that If Gore was in office durring 9-11 that we all would be speaking taliban.  Where do you guys get this shit from.  Wasnt Bush the president 9 months before 9-11.  Didnt he have 180 days or more to figure out what was going on.  Do you really believe that information was not passed on to the Bush administration.  I know what you are going to say "we havent had an attack since".  We wasnt not supposed to have an attack after something like that.  It shouldnt have happened in the 1st place. If I took a test and failed and then was given the answers after the test so I can take the test again I wouldnt fail.  What make you people think any president whether Republican or democrat would want their country attacked by terrorist.  That anyone of the 2 partys would want that on their head.  Is that all you have.  Place fear into the people so that they would vote for your guy.  What makes you think you are so safe.  If we cant protect us from ourselves, what makes you think that you are protected from terrorist.  What can stop someone from going to a college campus and shooting people.  Nothing because it has happened a few times already.  What can stop a man from going to a mall and just shooting everyone in there.  Nothing because it has happened a few times already.  You think because they set off bombs that, that is the only they can get you.  Do you know how easy it is to get guns.  You people are dillusional if you think you are protected.  No one is protected.

Received via Email 6.17.08  It's not so much who we are losing, but who we are getting if the Dems get back in the White House.  Remember Clinton's last day in there when his staff vandalized their offices and removed the letter W from all the typewriters?  And that was while Bill and Hill were loading up precious government owned propertys into their UHaul.  The trash is back.  Obama will bring back higher taxes, embarrassing liberal policies--- not to mention terrorist attacks at home, surrendering in Iraq and ashtrays in the oval office.
Hopefully he can at least keep his dick in his pants and avoid perjury.  We'll see.

Received via Email 6.17.08  Conna Lisa Rise , Colin Powell or Bill Cosby in a heart beat. There all great americans. And yes I would vote for any one of them.  But  Obama !!!
Are you on drugs. Please tell me you can't be serious !

Received via Email 6.18.08  Does anyone know who 6/17 #4 is?  I don't need his name but please get him to school somewhere so he can work on his writing skills.  There's nothing wrong with being retarded, but illiterate is a completely different story.  You can always tell the America haters; they resent the english language.

Received via Email 6.18.08  Could have just been  a few beers. Why are you always so quick to judge someones writing skills. Who really cares your working with out a contract your pension sucks and JOW is your asst chief.

Received via Email 6.18.08  the trash is back? I bet you were first on line to get the new I-4 flad tatto on your ass you  bastard. Now go and clean that government funded double wide. Thank God for Sen. Obama! God luv ya.

Received via Email 6.22.08  4th 6/18  you meant Muhammed luy ya.

Received via Email 6.23.08  What do you/we really know about Obama ? At least with McCain business as usual which is fu@k up!
But a lease we know what were getting. If your gonna vote for change  be sure of  the change your getting is the right change! If we really want change all of us both Dem and Rep shold not vote at all and show Wash D.C were fed up with only a two party system!!!

Received via Email 6.24.08  http://blogs.tampabay.com/baybuzz/2008/06/baker-proposes.html

Received via Email 6.24.08  Maybe you could change the categories here, maybe "local politics" , "national politics",then maybe "open wounds" and the rest, you could even have the "Barfield" category like the one guy suggested. That way things would be a little more organized and the arguments wouldn't be split over all over the pages. Just a thought.
I'm Rob Edwards, and I approve this message.

Received via Email 6.25.08   Not good!  http://www.npga.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=529

Received via Email 6.25.08  Rob Edwards is my Hero! Go Rob Go! P.S. Not in a Gay way.

Received via Email 6.25.08  Rob Edwards, the only common sense left at fire headquarters.

Received via Email 6.26.08  There's some good reading here:  http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/letters/article642087.ece

Received via Email 6.30.08  Everyone should read this.  There's a story within the story and I hope you all can find it.  It matter more than the story:
TEAM:  It's hard to believe but it's been twenty years, Brothers and Sisters:  http://www.hackensackchronicle.com/NC/0/321.html

Received via Email 7.03.08  It's been a couple of days now since the "Bring your gun to work" bill became law.  Just wondering if anyone has been shot or killed by firefighters bringing their guns to work?
TEAM:  That's the great thing about the Concealed Weapons Permit.  No one ever knows you're packing.

TEAM:  Thanks, Scottie.  There's a great Independence Day posting at http://PatriotPost.US/. It will surely make you smile.  While you're at it, sign up for their Founders Quote Daily.

Received via Email 7.03.08  I read it and it made me glad I don't work in Boston.  Also, there is more than just a story hidden within the story:  Look close and you will also see a butterfly, a wishbone, a telescope, and a pirate sword!

Received via Email 7.04.08  I know I no longer live in the city of St. Pete.  And most of you wonder why I even bother paying attention to what's going on down there.  Well the same city cretins that are approving this underhanded scenario are the ones that have control over our pensions and benefits.  They're going to take away their contribution to the retiree health insurance but they have millions to contribute to a PRIVATE company.  They're notorious for crying poor mouth at every turn but are quite experienced at spending taxpayers money in secret. And this isn't the first time.  Remember the two o'clock in the morning pay raises they voted for themselves and that slime ball mayor?  Not exactly an "out in the open" type activity.  When the people who are responsible for the day to day operations of a very large city are so afraid of the public response to their actions that they have to meet in secret and vote on issues cloaked in other issues then there needs to be an investigation as to the honesty and integrity of each and every one of those dirt bags.  It's quite amazing to me that ALL of the members of council went for this.  Not so much the spending but the manner in which they were going to do it.  And the whole stinking mess has been kept secret for NINE MONTHS.  During this time not one of them had the spine to go against the wishes of the mayor.  You have to wonder what he has on each of them to get them to consistently do his bidding.  And this is the same scumbag that wants to be governor.  It's important that the people effected by his actions at this level never forget them when they have the opportunity to blow the whistle on him when he tries to reach for the next opportunity.   (By the way.........Jamie Bennet is the one being groomed to be the next mayor of St. Petersburg.  Isn't it convenient that he "missed the council vote".  How opportunistic for HIM.  And the mayor is in Japan when the ca-ca hit the fan.  Again timing is everything.  They're like small children who do things and then run and hide.)  I warned against him in previous posts.  You need to do everything you can to keep him from getting elected to mayor.

St. Petersburg, Pinellas offer millions to Jabil

By Cristina Silva and Will Van Sant, Times staff writers
In print: Thursday, July 3, 2008

ST. PETERSBURG - Under a shroud of secrecy, the city and county have approved millions of dollars in tax incentives to persuade Jabil Circuit, one of the Tampa Bay area's largest high-tech employers, to stay put.

The biggest chunk of the $34.4-million incentive package would be paid by the state. The city would contribute $12.7-million and the county about $1.7-million through grants, tax refunds and new road and utility improvements benefiting Jabil.

Secret negotiations to keep the company and its 1,900 jobs here began in October after Jabil announced it was looking to relocate, possibly out of state.

Even as government officials faced their own budget crises, they worked quickly to pull together enough cash to dangle in front of the global electronics manufacturer.

In return, Jabil must hire 858 new workers at an average annual salary of $42,685 a year, or 115 percent of the area's average wage. Jabil must also build a new $49-million campus, generating about $300,000 annually in new tax revenue to the city.

The county and city estimate the deal would produce an annual economic impact in Pinellas of $68-million.

Jabil, headquartered at Gateway Business Park, is also considering relocating to Michigan or California. Company officials acknowledged on Wednesday that they had talked to local and state officials and were looking to relocate, but they did not want to comment further.

Jabil unveiled plans to build a 2-million-square-foot headquarters on 94 acres in St. Petersburg two years ago, but never followed through.

Government officials took extraordinary steps to keep the incentive deal from public view.

In two separate meetings, the County Commission approved the deal without mentioning which company would benefit. County Administrator Fred Marquis confirmed it was Jabil.

The city, however, took the secrecy further by quietly adding the incentive package to its council agenda just hours before a June 19 meeting. The council approved the incentives without any discussion or mention of what they were voting on.

It was buried with dozens of routine matters that were voted on as a group, making it nearly impossible for the public to know that the city was committing millions in public dollars to a private company.

"When I voted on it I didn't even know who it was. I thought it was Raytheon at first," said council member Karl Nurse. "The thing that made me comfortable about the idea was the wages that the company was paying were way, way above average."

The City Council's actions violated the spirit though not the letter of Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law, said Adria Harper, director of Florida's First Amendment Foundation.

"The whole point of the Sunshine Law is to give citizens a window into the government process," Harper said.

"So if we don't know that there is going to be a meeting about a critical issue, then we have a problem."

City Council Chairman Jamie Bennett, who missed the council vote, said Mayor Rick Baker told him about the deal months ago but told him not to tell anyone.

Secrecy is sometimes required to get things done, Bennett said. While most government records and meetings are public, state law allows cities to shield economic development deals.

"I can't say that it is right or wrong, but it happens a lot," he said. "I understand the concern, but if you were to let Jabil slip through your hands, is that the right thing to do?"

Baker, in Japan for a goodwill trip, could not be reached.

The County Commission on Tuesday approved a tax refund for a Jabil expansion that totals $4.7-million. Of that, Pinellas would be responsible for nearly a half a million dollars with the rest from the city and the state. The city's $12.7-million commitment comes from a combination of state, federal and local dollars, with $11-million of it earmarked for transportation improvements.

State officials have 90 days to approve the incentives.

Cristina Silva can be reached at csilva@sptimes.com.

[Last modified: Jul 03, 2008 09:52 AM]



Dick Tully
Retired, Concerned, and Still In Their Face
TEAM:  This has not gone unnoticed.  It's the current topic du jour...

Received via Email 7.04.08 This has been on the home page of this web site for a while-  "We've been told by one who was in attendance (and later by yet again, another) that Jim Wimberly 'intimated' or 'hinted' at the notion that the long and drawn-out contract negotiations we've endured over these many months could be solved by ratifying the city's contract offer.  He made it known that the city's 2.5% GWI offer was the city's best and final and that the insurance increases would probably be instituted regardless of whether or not we ratified the city's punitive contract offer to us."  What an asshole.  We could have solved what?  If we'd have listened to Wimberly's pansy ass, we would have had a shitty contract WITHOUT the COLA.  As it is, we've got a shitty contract WITH a COLA.  Mind your own f***ing bidnezz, wannabe chief.

Received via Email 7.04.08  Since it's July 4th I thought that I'd add this bit of info.
"straight dope" seemed like the proper place for it.
I'm Rob Edwards and I approve this message.

Received via Email 7.05.08  If innocent, why settle? Another $100,000 plus wasted by the Village Idiots in Clearwater. http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/article661309.ece

Received via Email 7.06.08  Thank you Rob for that extreme history lesson. These people knew the consquences and did what was right. We on the other hand know what is right, but cant do it for the fear it will make someone else look better than another.

Received via Email 7.06.08  To 7/3/08 #1 I haven't heard of anyone getting shot at work but I do love loading the trunk up full with a couple a thousand rounds of ammo and guns so that I can head to the range on the way home from work!  Hooray for the Fl. legislature!

Received via Email 7.07.08  http://www.wfla.com/ "St. Petersburg Firefighters Contract Deal" in the video box.  Rod Challenger says we're getting a 2.5% COLA in retirement.  Rod Challenger for Mayor!

Received via Email 7.09.08  I hear another Sunstar employee is in trouble details at 11pm channel 10 news

Received via Email 7.10.08  "A paramedic did what?"  http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=84465&catid=8  Don't forget to leave a comment!

Received via Email 7.10.08  Too bad we aren't competing against Sunstar for the transport contract right now.  None of our guys have raped or killed anyone in years.

Received via Email 7.10.08  Comments:"Two rotten apples spoil the bunch. There are at least 300-400 medical personel that work for Sunstar, myself included. Yes, the actions of these two individuals were unprofessional and innappropriate but in NO WAY should the news media, especially Channel 10 drag the reputations of everyone else through the mud!! I was appalled that this reporter could report such a story in such a calous manner. I wonder if her mother, brother, sister or husband was laying on the kitchen floor dying from a heart attack, would she question the medical team that showed up at her house? The answer is ....NO!!! She would probably be crying and screaming that they werent working fast enough!! I have been in the medical profession for almost 20 years and have been a part of a team that has saved countless lives from little newborns to grandmothers and grandfathers. VERY RARELY do I ever get a thanks for a job well done. But, due to the actions of other individuals, my name and reputation are being questione"

Seeing several of these comments below the article leads me to believe that there's a lot of 'peeps' flying under the radar.
TEAM:  We got the same impression.  We can't see anywhere in the article where Channel 10's throwing the entire group under the bus.  The County got what it wanted -- an ambulance company that takes the heat, while the County points it's finger.

Received via Email 7.10.08  In the old days most every sunstar employee would have been a criminal because being a queer used to be against the law.

Received via Email 7.11.08  If you work for scumstar and you are a member of the IAFF, you are all breaking the law of the International. Cut and dry no two ways about it. Take a minute to reread your copy of the IAFF's constitution and by laws.

Received via Email 7.12.08  IAFF Local 1158 President John Lee squared off against city manager Bill Horne on a radio talk show on 7/11. You can listen at the following link:  http://www.tmtalks.com/

Received via Email 7.18.08  Note to Billy Mott:

I ever so much enjoyed the Moon Pie that I got at the union meeting last night.  I also enjoyed the free soda and BBQ wings.  I had a good time, in spite of the tummy ache I got by over-indulging.  I mostly enjoyed seeing my friends.

Please research the addition of banana Moon Pies.  They rock (like you).

Oh... and Wengay Newton........... I won't repeat what he said (he's a public official) but he rocks too!  I've never seen so many politicians walk through any one door as they do our union hall, now a days.

As always,


Received via Email 7.18.08  R U telling me, Drinks, food, moon pies, and special guest appearances.....and still no quorum? Whats up wit dat?

Received via Email 7.18.08  I'll admit, I screwed up, I hosed up and didn't go to the union meeting Thursday. I apologize sincerely for that.
And BTW, it looks like there's someone with a clue in the ACLU after all...
I'm Rob Edwards and I approve this message.
Team:  You're just going to shoot yourself with those damned guns!  Now come in for dinner, son.

Received via Email 7.24.08  Do I recall 6 bugle (wagon wheel) fire chief Jamie Geer being on the list of upcoming celebs to talk on this show?  It looks like he's no longer in the lineup.  http://www.tmtalks.com/  What a puss!  This guy's a disgrace to the fire service.

Received via Email 8.04.08  I've got a question for all of you.  How come Station 11 doesn't have a station steward?  Isn't there anybody down there that's got the balls to stand up for his station?

Received via Email 8.06.08  Holy batman, I have just returned from a little overtime on the B shift and let me tell you... The spineless ingrates are secretly bowing up against the Union and amassing the troops. It seems that since they are not happy with the way the other 2/3rd's of their Brothers and Sisters voted for the contract, that they feel they will vow to remove themselves from the parts of the contract that they dont like while attempting to keep the best. Is this the same shift that was against the rest of us over the shift rotation that fire admin tried to impose a few years ago? I am really surprised at the names of the ring leaders as well. I should use names but I won't but let me ask a few questions. How is the union going to defend the next B shift paramedic that becomes complaisant and doesn't do a proper truck check and gets written up? How about the next B shift dive team member that makes a racially charged statement about a drowning victim? Or what about the next time 10 of you have your ass's on the block for not doing a thorough drug check and sign off in the drug logs? If I am hearing correctly there is also a shit storm brewing right now about what some members of the dive team did or did not do. I hear that this could result in an entire shift receiving severe punishment for dereliction of duty. I think if you look that up you will find it to be a firing offense. I hope hours are available for them. I am hearing that the union uses too many hours. Yeah I didn't like them using so many hours either, but it's all of these write up's that require more time and money than many of us realize. Hours spent in conferences with the attorney's, many hours getting the facts from as many people as possible, and many hours spent with HR. I guess some of you dont know about all of that.
    I asked today when the last time a high ranking B shift official attended any Union sponsored events and the answer was they did not know. I do know, and it will surprise you all to hear that it has been many months since the current B shift has had a quality turnout as far as their representation. So it was really mind boggling when I heard some of these same names as those leading this charge as well. This past June the State Association held its annual Convention 20 miles away in Tampa and not one B shift person wished to be a part of the learning opportunities offered. All that was required was a phone call to the president to have their name added to the list.
    I am offended and extremely confused at the way this sitution has blossomed. I remember a few months back some of these same people were running around collecting signatures to get out of their roles in the speciality teams. These same folks were so upset with the way the City was taking advantage of them and they were fed up then too. But in the end they chose to see it the way of the City and with a little sweet talk by their superiors realized that they would be hurting only the citizens of the city, no one else. Well in this new case they are in a feeding frenzy again and this time they are choosing to defeat the unions ability to function and defend its members. Yes, I will admit that many of these same individuals have in the past given pool time hours, some more than others. What they can't grasp is that while appreciated the 8 hours they give every 5 years does not last forever. There are many members the have given 50 hours and more annually. I thank each and every one of you but now we successfully voted in a 3 to 1 ratio on a way for every member to give a minute 5 hours annually. What is unfair with that?
    So, today as I was viewing my checking account balance and printing out my pay stub on Oracle, I sat and wondered, How much of this pay check would not have been possible but through the efforts of my Union Officers using my pool time hours.
    To put it another way at my rate of pay, my 5 hours is worth a little over $125.00 dollars and my retro was over $1,300.00. I can only view this as a great trade off. Can I sign that contract again?
Lets not forget that all 120 of my banked holiday hours just went up $90.00 as well. Damn did I just say that just the increase in my banked holiday hours was just about an even trade for my 5 hours?
Let's also not forget the $156.00 increase in my EMT pay, damn there it is again, this also is worth more than what my 5 hours cost me.
9 more members are now able to receive an additional $1,600.00 to be a part of the 3 speciality teams.
Up to 24 swat medics will now receive the same amount for the newly created Swat medic premium.
How about the dozen or so medics that will receive the newly bargained $1,900.00 in Patch pay?
Or another $65.00 less out of my pocket for my choice for a really good quaility pair of shoes, that looks like about half the worth of my 5 hours.
OMG...lets definitly not forget the immediate use of sick leave hours instead of the use of my Vacation time. If this is truely the main bitch, that the union is taking your vacation hours, then you are more screwed up than I thought. Most of the idiots I have refered to here tonight I know for fact call out sick more than one shift a year. I know this because I work my share of the OT on your shift, so I know this is a more than equitible trade off.
    Is there a B shifter out there somewhere that would like to attempt to refute any of these facts, or to deny that the Collective Bargaining Agreement was approved by a margin of 3 to 1?

Sign me as "Informed and Educated". 
TEAM:  See our comments on the Bullshit page.  Our comments were being set to that page as the email above was being received.

Received via Email 8.07.08  Its not all the B shift.  Only a few that are stirring the rest of them up. The ones stirring the rest up have always been a pain in everybodys ass. They appear all brotherhood and team and then soon as you buy them a drink, they pour it over your head and cuss you out.  Same bunch, just a different issue being raised.  They will be back soon crying to the union to bail them out of something stupid they did as in the past. And the union will always be there for them. So hey, just take take take and never give you sorry sacks of sh--! 

Received via Email 8.07.08  WHAAAAA!!!!!! No offense to the Sisters, but it appears that someone needs to double up on the Midol and change their pads. Hint switch over to the ultra heavy.

Received via Email 8.07.08  If you're talking about bitching for the sake of bitching, you're talking about a pocket of ignorance at 11B.  It's like an old lady's sewing circle.  No matter what the subject, they just keep on rocking in their chairs and agreeing with each other as if they've got one brain.  This is the same group that won't step up to the plate to pick, choose, select, promote or throw into a puddle, a guy to work on their behalf as station steward.  This is the same group that couldn't find the time to show up to any of the explanation meeting to get the real scoop.  The major shit stirrer's name rhymes with Smellvato!


Received via Email 8.07.08  I would rather have seen you sign your name.  That's a great post and is damn hard to refute a little if even at all.  It deserves an author.  I guess I'm not the only one that can fill a page with words but I bow to your ability to do so and IN doing so educating those who will not learn.  I worked my entire career on the "B" shift and in the early years we were the shift that did most of the work in the union.  The "C" shift was kinda mediocre and the "A" shift bitched about everything.  Times change, eh?  If I was to guess at the identity of the poster I'd put my money on Bill Mott.  But whoever it is please don't be shy about posting your name to well written, accurate and factual missives like this one.  Thank you for taking the time to post.

Dick Tully

Received via Email 8.07.08  Thats right call them out maybe hey will have to defend themselves

Received via Email 8.07.08   How about this.  Lets get all the admin and the so called phony soldiers in training and all the spies and send them to the new russian front with Georgia and lets see how they do or if they make it there for more than 5 minutes.

Received via Email 8.08.08  Thanks  General Patton "last 8/07" on your  comment you P.O.S

Received via Email 8.09.08  well if it wasnt for people like Patton your dumb ass would be speaking german.  Maybe your jealous or offended because you are a admin puke head.

Received via Email 8.09.08  08.08.08 knows they would never make it without their do-boys to stand behind. Bend over b-otch

Received via Email 8.11.08  I know Maybe S.L. could be the waterboy since he couldnt make it in the first gulf as a soldier.  I remember his comment.  In the rear with the gear.
TEAM:  We printed this email in the hopes that the author will shed more light on his service career.

Received via Email 8.12.08  Before we start hammering a guy for his service commitment, lets see how many at least served you f*** stick 8/11 #1. If you did not serve you should not even be running your mouth you a**hole.  If you did then post your name if you are so tough. A general in the salvation army does not count. Yes I served, that is why I am running my mouth. That is a problem here.  We hire these whiny bitches right off mommas tit that never had to do a hard days work and then listen to them bitch about riding rescue or training in the heat. Go back to guitar hero and brag you are a fireman.

Received via Email 8.12.08  Oh you mean private wedgie !

Received via Email 8.12.08  well it looks like the uhooorooos will be rioting in the street tonight that the state attorne has cleared the st pete cop.

Received via Email 8.12.08  Posted by ( 91stormvet ) on August 12, 2008 at 4:13 p.m. ( Suggest removal )
Straight outta S St Pete, crazy mother named Javon Cube
From the gang called UhooRoos With Attitudes
When I'm called off, I got a sawed off
Squeeze the trigger, and bodies are hauled off
You too, boy, if ya mess with me
The police are gonna hafta come and get me
Off yo azz, that's how I'm goin out
For the white piggies that's showin out
Uhorros start to mumble, they wanna rumble
Mix em and cook em in a pot like gumbo
Goin off on a State Attorney like that
with a gat that's pointed at yo azz
So give it up smooth
Ain't no tellin when I'm down for a jack move
Here's a murder rap to keep yo dancin
with a crime record like Charles Manson
AK-47 is the tool
Don't make me act the GRADU8IN fool
Me you can go toe to toe, no maybe
I'm knockin McCabes out tha box, daily
yo weekly, monthly and yearly
until them dumb whities see clearly
that I'm down with the capital S. St Pete
Boy you can't edukate me
So when I'm in your neighborhood, you better duck
Coz Javon Cube is crazy as SHEEHAN
As I leave, believe I'm stompin
but when I come back, boy, I'm comin straight otta Sharpton's........!
Updated Version as to not offend!
Sleep Well Tonight S St Pete!
TEAM:  Job security.

Received via Email 8.13.08  Why is that crap on our website ?

Received via Email 8.13.08  Some people who have not served will always have something to say.  I served and I (as are most) am better for it.  Some people will never get it.  We (vets) don't need to prove anything about what we did or what we've seen.  Just knowing we've been there is good enough for me.  Stay proud brothers. 

Received via Email 8.14.08 Re: 8-12-08...#4

WHAT THE F*** IS THIS FOOL TALKING ABOUT.  And as has been previously asked, WHY IS THAT CRAP ON OUR WEBSITE?  Is this some more of that OoooHooooRooooo garbage that is supposed to stir up the faithful?  Or is it some wannabe junior high school rapper?  Oh, that's right, most rappers didn't finish junior high school.  Take that drivel somewhere else where they think it's cool and relevant.  But not on our website.  Stupid is as stupid does and you're a perfect example.

Received via Email 8.14.08  Here it is straight out of the officers meetings. JO is really pushing the officers to opt out of the pool time donation. Why would anyone be so worried about the union having hours available to them? They are WORRIED...that's right worried about the possibilities that union members will have to be educated. Not one firefighter worries about the days our Fire Administrators are gone on City sponsored jaunts, fire chiefs association meetings, or the many various training schedules that they attend. Why, could be that we are all so happy they aren't here that we don't care where they go, and wish they were gone more often. I am somewhat surprised with some of the names that I have heard supporting the side of J.O and even more so to hear that my officer was one of the loudest. Also a question to Steve Hay, while you were half heartedly trying to sit on the fence why did you not tell everyone in the meeting that you were the maker of the motion a couple years ago that got this whole thing sponsored? You remember, don't you? It was your motion that all union members give one hour a month. How is it that the 5 hours a year is now too many compared to your idea of 12? Eric Dinan, Walt Eanes, Bob Bassett, to name just a few. So you all feel that the union officers are all gone too often. Maybe its because they are still trying to slay the evil devil that has grown out of control during the past years. I am sure you can't see what you don't want to. I hope you all don't injure each other during your stampede to the front of the line to be first to remove yourselves from the cause. I hope my contribution will keep me safe from the idiots that you are so trying to keep empowered.

Received via Email 8.14.08  "Steve Hay, while you were half heartedly trying to sit on the fence why did you not tell everyone in the meeting that you were the maker of the motion a couple years ago that got this whole thing sponsored?"

Wimberly and Large were both dues paying MUTTS.  Neither one of them ever allowed their shadow to darken the doorway of the union hall in all their years on the job.  Wimberly and Large are the one's behind the drive to STEAL pay from the EMT's, not to mention back pay from the Paramedics.  Make no mistake about it........... the city could give a shit less about these issues.  The mayor looks the other way and they conduct bidnezz the old fashion way.............. by slipping and sliding around the union. 

I've just got to point out Steve Hay's hypocracy.  He took his wife with him to the state convention on the union dime a couple of hears ago.  The offer is made to anyone who is either a delegate or an alternate to the state convention.  I'm trying to remember just what it was that made Steve bring his wife with him.........hmmmmmmm............. oh yeah........... it was FREE!  Good going Steve Hay.  You've now got big enough lips to suck the ass off of Large AND Wimberly at the same time.

"Eric Dinan, Walt Eanes, Bob Bassett, to name just a few."  There are about 20 names that you could throw into a hat and then throw onto a table.  If you then ask a group of union brothers to identify this group of names, they'll come up with the name MUTTS.

It's funny how all this shit comes up right after a contract vote.  What's really funny is how hard JO and JL are sweating not looking like the dopes in management in Clearwater. 

I love it.  These guys all started out as HS graduates that got a job on the FD and the FD got them a degree.  Now they're so friggin smart they can't whoop the asses off of a bunch of HS grad firefighters.

MUTTS Suck and you 2 are Mutts!

Received via Email 8.14.08  To the only 8-6 post, you are so full of yourself arn't you. What bothers me the most is you call the "B" shift the shit stirrers but it sounds to me like your the shit stirrer. What bothers me even more is tha fact that someone that concideres himself " Informed and Educated " would start off such a line of bullshit with "Holy batman" how childish for such an educated person.
As for Dick Tully singing his praises....that just showes how far you are DICK from actually having your finger on the pulse of your old so far removed from job. Get a life little men and it might be wise to read what you print before you hit the Mayor Sucks button.

Received via Email 8.15.08 To 8-14 #3, I agree.  As a former dues paying member, I believe that the union uses entirely too much pool time in an effort to get a solid education in labor, like that of our Human Releations Division.


The Fire Chief

Received via Email 8.15.08  I wonder... since JW is such a deceitful person who operates under a cloak of religiosity, does his religion also teach folks of other countries to be really good at being, say..... a KGB agent?  Just asking.

Received via Email 8.15.08 Oh yeah, and another thing............ JO and JL have been reading this board and they told all the weak minds at the officers meeting not to pay any attention to this web site.  PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!
TEAM:  Well it's working.  There were between five and six IP addy's at a time parked on this site during each hour after dinner.

Few of the recent comments are worthy of response so I'll add food for thought:

Received via Email 8.15.08  According to the Local's Constitution and By-laws - the union president shall not have other employment while serving in this capacity; union pool-time shall be used for conducting business(implied: during business hours); the meeting chair shall enact any motions that are seconded, discussed, and voted upon at the general membership meetings; the meeting chair, according to "Robert's Rules of Order", shall not engage in any debate and discussion from his position; trustees shall review the finances of the local; stewards shall attend all general membership meetings and report to the members in their respective stations; it is the responsibility of the membership to select qualified members for principle positions. (the wording is not verbatim in an effort to condense)

As the membership of this local is debating and posturing, all parties should consider a few other points - the contract was ratified by a 2/3 margin and is, thereby binding; when considering a contract for ratification, the menbership is to be informed, thoroughly, of the changes and implementation dates; if the membership is dissatisfied with any and all parts of the contract, the vote should be to decline; 

As there are concerns and ill-feelings about the affairs of the local, members are obligated to follow certain rules and accept the actions of the majority. The members should expect a certain amount of concern and committment from the local's principle officers.

Thank you for your time and patience.

Received via Email 8.15.08 To the second and third poster on 8.14, dont give JO and JL too much credit with this one. Many of the names being referred to in your posts were, have been, and will continue to be a POS long before they came here, in thier home environments, and will be in their retired lives. Does the name Skip Hawkins ring a bell?

Received via Email 8.15.08  "JO is really pushing the officers to opt out of the pool time donation."  Is this the Peter Principal in action?  Why do these asshole do nothing do boys always rise to the top of an organization?  This administration is starting to look like Clearwater's.

Received via Email 8.15.08  To 8/14 #2.  Thanks for relaying that information.  I also heard that Wimberly was whipping all the officers into a frenzy about the 5 hours pool time and some of the suck-ups were chearing like they were at a revival meeting.  Once he had them all lubed up he dropped the bomb on them about changing the sick leave policy! HAAAAAAAAhAAAAAAAAAahaaaaaaaaaHAAAA.!  The first thing out of their mouth's was "Well, does the union know about this?"  YOU ALL ARE IN THE UNION!  MAKE THE PHONE CALL YOU PUSSIES!  IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS TO CALL THE UNION WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WANT TO WORK FOR YOUR PUSSY ASS AS MY OFFICER???  None of you guys ever ate lunch at school because someone was always beating you up for your lunch money.  Gutless pussies!  FTM!
TEAM:  We're not sure of your position, though.  Can you elaborate for us?

Received via Email 8.15.08  How come GL at the officers meeting on our shift brought in a chief from a local small department to teach our officers tactics.  What a joke. GL always believes his little buddies from the smaller departments know more than our seasoned officers and DCs.  What a smack in the face. But hey, thats lil GLs style.  Can anyone say, 2009?  Thats the year our little friend finally leaves. What a great year 2009 and 2010 will be. Some of our most beloved fire admin and city admin people will be leaving the city for good!   

Received via Email 8.16.08  One DC comes in at 7:30 each day to take care of his respective shifts staffing. They feel they can do the job better than the other equally qualified offgoing DC. Now listen to the bitching because a few members are unable to report for work in a ready manner. That is the main reason they have their unique schedule. What everyone needs to realize is that if we weren't starting each day at the bare bones minimum staffing levels we would not have such serious shortages at 7:30 AM each day. I guess this is another point where the do boys will blame it on the union, and if the union would quit pushing, then the city would just go ahead and increase our staffing by the 8 or 10 bodies each shift so desperatly needs. I know they hate Winnie so much and that even if it were to happen our friends like Fiendburg and Wont get no Moore, they would just tell us that the city was going to give it to us anyways. Aint that the way it has all come about in the past 5 years?

Received via Email 8.16.08  AS bad as it is, hell, I think I'd take Skippy back! At least ya knew when he was after you.

Received via Email 8.18.08  Here is some straight dope.  Thanks to all the staff working on this website.  If it wasn't for you allowing us this chance to vent, morale at the stations would be like the moral in the DCs office every morning (with King Prince at the helm) MISERALBLE.  The station and street environment is great thanks to the real men and women running this organization. Great Job !! 
TEAM:  Give yourself a hand...

Received via Email 8.20.08  Skippy was missed understood ! I do miss all the cool cartoons about him !

Received via Email 8.20.08  Refresh my memorey why do we still have 2 D/C's and 2 Lr'S and a capt of rescue . If the city really wants to cut the budget they should start at 400 9th South. Is our Mayor and council members really that stupid that they don't see all the waste.

Received via Email 8.20.08  Is there or is it JP ? whatever the case 8-18 #1 you are right

Received via Email 8.21.08  The DCs are not the problem, it is the environment down at HQ that clogs the system like mud in a smooth running machine.

Received via Email 8.21.08  Nice truck!

Received via Email 8.22.08  Whos the new guy in HQ ? 

Received via Email 8.23.08  why you want to date him?

Received via Email 8.23.08  1st 8/23, is that what you think of first, for a simple question - gay thoughts. Worried about ya pal !

Received via Email 8.27.08  The JW is not your friend.  http://watchthetower.com/

Received via Email 8.28.08  thats why the nazis wanted to eradicate them.  Too bad they didnt succeed

Received via Email 8.28.08  Attention, Dan Chappell is compiling an extensive list on everyone. Seems he is very interested in how often we use vacation time, and especially swap time. Lets provide him with all the help he needs by calling him ASAP to provide him with this important information. I really think he is trying to find new swappers. Maybe he aint got no friends to swap with so he's looking to steal yours.

Received via Email 8.29.08  I saw a story the other day about a fire chief that stood up for his people.  Anyone catch that?

Received via Email 8.29.08  You must have been in the FICTION section at the library!

Received via Email 8.29.08  Dan Chappell fancies himself a super sleuth.  He's going over all of the swap time records of Winnie's.  Be careful anti-union f**k.  Someone might call the question during a union meeting and throw your ass out

Received via Email 8.29.08  To 8/28 #1 Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  That's too good.  They missed a few of them along with the gypsies.  Even the other JW's on the job think this boy's different.

Received via Email 9.01.08  http://www.maroonspoon.com/wx/gustav.html

Received via Email 9.01.08  "Along with five years of retroactive raises, the contract determination by the Joint Labor-Management Committee gave firefighters money for education, set aside a request for random drug testing on firefighters and eliminated a controversial clause requiring firefighters to present a doctor's note confirming each time they or family members are ill."
I don't know why these union guys fight so hard.  They're only hurting themselves.
Don't they know that they were going to get their pay raise anyways?
Don't they know that they were going to get the education money anyways?
Don't they know that they were going to get out of random drug testing anyways?
Don't they know that they were going to get out of bringing in a doctor's note anyways?

If you want better protection, pay & benefits, the fire chief's the way to go and he'll do it without collecting dues or pool time.  The fire chief can make all thing happen and we should all be kissing his ass.

Received via Email 9.02.08  The only way to get a Fire Chief is like the S.O.  Elect one.  As long as we do it the current way and the Chief is in the Mayor's Back pocket. Didn't we learn from Chief Chuck H.  Go Davis's Little puppet. Well Baker has a Large Puppet .

Received via Email 9.02.08  Cool site:  http://media.myfoxtampabay.com/myfoxhurricane/
TEAM:  Yes!  We posted it up under the navigation bar on the home page, this week.

Received via Email 9.03.08  As I was leaving the Interstate today at 38th ave I could have sworn that the guy collecting money was a firefighter.
TEAM:  How many bugles?

Received via Email 9.03.08  To 9-1-08  So what you're saying is when Large and Wimberly are moving their mouth's...

Received via Email 9.03.08  Hey everyone.  I'm keeping a list of the people who are getting out of payroll deducted pool time and promising to give 24 hours instead.  Here's the list of people who have donated the 24, so far:


So much for waiting for well intended union members to live up to their end of the deal.  FTM

Received via Email 9.08.08  I talked to president Newton for some time yesterday about a question with my sick leave accrual.  He wasn't at the station because he is taking some vacation time.  He was at the union hall (on a Sunday), preparing for the next week of dealing with city hall (they're getting ready to set the tax rate) and the county (they're trying to figure out how we fit into transport).  Some on this job should be ashamed of yourselves for being so easily sucked into stories about abuse of pool time.  If I were union president and I were running my ass off working for YOU every day, I doubt you'd ever see my happy ass showing up at my station at 2000, only to find out that I've been shipped to another station and "Oh yeah, you're riding rescue, too.  Hope you don't have any union business tomorrow"!

Received via Email 9.09.08  Here's something to chew on asshole's: Remember when we had a FIRE DEPARTMENT. You know, a Department were we would handle all types of crazy stuff from D.W.I's to domestic violence in-house.
Our Union didn't really have a lot to do because we had a chief that was one of US! Sure our Union Prez always got promoted but you could f*ck a guys wife on you r-day or cuss a D.C. out while you sittin' jail or get the rescue to your drunk ass to your car, it was all good. NOT ANYMORE! Our Union really is there to fight for YOU. You can NOT count the present or future CITY FIRE ADMIN to care about you. When you are in trouble, there will NOT be a chief that will give you the help and advice you need. They seem to not care about there fellow firefighters. Who's going to fight for you? Large: $17,000 a f*cking month. Wimberly: Chief Wannabe. Jolly: I got mine. Cubbie: He's just f*cked up in the head. And all the other assholes: Adamedes? er whatever his name, Domonte, The Fatman, Knight, TODD. You see what I'm sayin'? We need a Union that has the tools it needs to work for us. One of those tools is pool time. Wake up.

Received via Email 9.09.08  9/9 awesome post. You hit the nail on the head on every point.  But you know what ?  It is not really a suprise, we all already knew this. But thanks for reiterating it. 

Received via Email 9.09.08  As for Cubbie.  Why dont you ask him what he was doing till almost 9 pm last night at a certain wanna be mayors house in the old NE of downtown in his uniform and city vehicle? I think that person owns a funeral home and is friends with Dick Baker.  Hmmm  Maybe beware.

Received via Email 9.11.08  Lets take a moment and sat a prayer for all who died on 9-11 and for all who have died protecting our freedoms that some of us take for granted.

Received via Email 9.11.08  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE-TjH2_WFs
The Pro Union person for us.

Received via Email 9.11.08  You all thouht that you'd have a bed of roses when Calahan finally left.  Now you've got the thorns.  Fire HQ is an extension of city hall and none of them should be allowed to mix with firefighters.

Received via Email 9.12.08  For those of you that didn't check out that youtube clip above, its just a bunch of socialist/Obama nonsense.  Obama is pretending to be pro-union but we all know he intends to raise taxes, which runs companies overseas, breaks unions and costs American jobs.  How can someone so well educated be so stupid?   Besides, McCains running mate is much hotter.

Received via Email 9.12.08  It's pretty obvious that the public in their zeal to save a couple hundred bucks on their taxes has ignorantly shot itself in the foot in ways they now are regretting.  And who do they take it out on?  The most obvious members of the community who serve in the most dangerous positions.  The firefighters and the police officers.  That is, until you take away THEIR protection.  In Atlanta the masses were howling about the financial problems of their city government.  So the mayor made some adjustments and one of them was to close a neighborhood fire station and disperse the members.  THE PUBLIC THAT HAD BEEN PROTECTED BY THAT STATION RAISED SO MUCH HELL THE MAYOR HAD TO RE-OPEN THE STATION AND MAN IT AGAIN.  Apparently all those BAD things about budget cuts to others are fine until THEY were the one's that have to endure them.  This business of taking back the current benefits of public emloyees will trickle down to even the smallest of cities eventually.  Right now it's St. Petersburg.  The public is screaming for a halt to the funding of public employee benefits and pensions.  What took the union 50 years to accomplish is being asked to be taken away in one year.  WHY?  Because we're the most obvious.  They see us every day.  And unless it's their emergency they think we're an wasteful bunch of money grubbers who don't deserve what we have fought so hard to get.

Go here and read this:   http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/columns/article803025.ece
Now do you believe me when I say that the public ISN'T on our side when we ask for their support?  Oh, sure, there are those who DO support us but the vast majority despise what you have.  They're on their little fixed pension from Timbuktu that isn't cutting it for them to live like they thought they would in Florida, the land of free shit and sunshine.  So now that they've screwed themselves over a lousy $250 a year reduction in taxes they think the public employees should suffer for to fix it for THEM.  This is only one example of why I've preached that the public is NOT on our side when we go to them for help.  They want you to perform your skills when they need you but when times are tough you should do it for minimum wage.  After all, you're JUST a public "SERVANT".  All the more reason why the union needs to have members who are focused in their thinking.  We are our own resources.  NO one else is coming to help us.  We have to think and act alike when it comes to our well being.  We can't let petty crap divert us from the common good.  Depend on each other.  Keep an open mind.  There are far more important things to worry about.  We are under attack and if you don't believe it read the article again.

Dick Tully

Received via Email 9.19.08  Excuse my ignorance, but can someone post a link to where I can read about the particulars of the most recent tentative contract? I missed the explanation days (out of town) and I couldn't find it on the union's website. I'm pretty literate, so I should be able to read it and understand what we are voting for or against. Thanks, in advance, for your help.
TEAM:  Your station steward or Shift VP should have all the particulars on paper.  If not, you can always drop by the union hall and read the articles or give a call to 323-1786 and mention the fact that you were out of town and someone there can fill you in. 

Received via Email 9.21.08  Surprised the tentative contract info isn't on the union website. Is it a secret? Screw it, flip a coin.

Received via Email 9.19.08  As a part of the (N)ew (W)orld (O)rder I have recently had my eyes opened to the goings on in the palace. I am in firm agreement that our current leaders have become so lost in themselves, that they couldn't find there way back to reality with two flashlights, a map and a Tom Tom. It will be a great pleasure to one day soon step up to the plate and begin the gradual takeover of this place. I have heard of the old Hawkinsville Fire Dept and I will make this promise now. You kids aint seen nothing yet.

Received via Email 9.19.08  To those that have been out of town. Go by your station, and if your station steward is worth a shit he will have the info posted that you are looking for. Call and ask.

Received via Email 9.25.08  I am sure the dept let you know that today was the National first responder appreciation day.  United States Senate resolution.  But I am sure JOW wouldnt tell you that because he is a JW.  I hope one day we get invaded because I will push his loser ass in front to get him out of the way first.  People like him would surrender our Country.  Just remember that about those kind of religious freaks.

Received via Email 9.28.08  Hey, 9.03.08, hows that list coming?
TEAM:  Guessing it's too big to print, all in one place.  Tee hee...

Received via Email 9.28.08  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlHbz5G4UTM&feature=related  This sure explains a lot, to me.  Have you ever had an argument with this knucklehead.  There's no winning........ even when you're right!

Received via Email 9.30.08   Maybe if chief J.O. had drink now and again, he might not be so ridged. Can we put Sk on that right away?

Received via Email 10.01.08  Baker, Mayor of the year. Did I read that right. I would be appt to belive  Dog Catcher of the year. And then only on a Good Day.

Received via Email 10.01.08  (From a memo) Lt. Eddie Lyons called to report the good news that his wife, Lt. Lori Lyons, came through kidney transplant surgery successfully.  She will be out of initial recovery by 3:00 p.m., and her doctor said she's doing extremely well.  We'll keep the Lyons in our thoughts and prayers.

Received via Email 10.01.08  http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/letters/article832107.ece  Whoever's looking.  We''ve got two more for you.

Received via Email 10.04.08  Hey when I got home tonight who was the chick on my recorder saying she represented the local firefighters Union and was trashing John McCain and praising the Muslim Dude and his Health Care Plan. I consider that harassment . And I believe it falsely represents our Local 747 or at least its educated and informed members.

Received via Email 10.05.08  Did they mention this about Barrack Insane Obama?  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122212856075765367.html

Received via Email 10.05.08  Face it Mr neocon. Obama is going to win. It doesn't matter how many, Joe 6 pack's, or wanna be hockey Mom MILF's you hang with. The educated members of 747 know this.

Received via Email 10.05.08  It sucks to be you if thats who you want. You're right he might win and if he does we all lose! Face that.

Received via Email 10.06.08  Obama is a socialist who is far left of Hillary.  If you can't afford the government you've got now, wait until all the Obama giveaways begin.

Received via Email 10.06.08  You poor brainwashed Obama puppets. I guess you can't help yourselves as weakminded as you appear to be. What's wrong with you?  Obama has done everything he can possibly do without actually shouting or shooting to show you he's a manipulitive, psuedo-intellectual, radical muslim with no regard for the well being of this country or you.  How blind can you be? Oh well, I shouldn't be all that suprised. I've learned to never underestimate the power of stupidity.

Received via Email 10.06.08  Brainwashed, informed is more like it. You poor lil bastard. You think we are better off now than 8 years ago? What lengths will you go, to rationalize your racist views? Face it your scared of the black man, (even if he's only half black) To claim he is a Muslim, you are really showing your un-intellect you poor misguided extremist right-winger. Like a great man once said, "I feel your pain". Our country will again, achieve greatness, when he is elected in a month. Then if you’re brave you can come and join the victory party. Unless of course your strapping a vest-bomb to your sorry ass to blow up a women's clinic.
The Obama give aways? Much deserved to the middle class. Let that ultra rich pay more taxes, what do you own EXXON stock too? Trickle down economics don't work pal. Look in the mirror 10/6/08. 1 & 2 the power of stupidity is staring back at.

Received via Email 10.07.08  Informed isn't a word YOU can use if contemplating a vote for Obama. You see but do not comprehend. You hear but don't listen. Did you even look at the link 10.05.08(1)presented. It's just one testament showing Obama & his ilk are just using a different tact to get into power. There's many more such illustrations of his sordid, radical & undermining affiliations. Look at the money he & his wife have collected under various humanitarian guises only to use it for creating org's which in turn created brainwashed little cults whose ambitions, after Obama teachings, had nothing to do with the org's literal namesake.

It was just a little over 8yrs ago that our economy started heading into the crapper. Yes, it was the end of the Clinton fiasco where you need to look for the beginnings of our downturn. It was he & his lib followers that started the home loan scam & lets not forget that simpleton peanut farmer with his bailout of the oil companies.

Don't bother raising that rascist flag with me, you're wasting my time. I do notice though that it's always the rascist libs that feel the need to bring that crap out whenever they can't bolster their argument with fact instead of calling names & shouting(reference Al Sharpton & the Right Rev Jackson). Not that it really matters but I'd vote for Powell or Condi before that two-faced, lying chunk of shit you portend to be your saviour.

A great Man? He was the bain of Ark. They couldn't wait to get rid of him. He was/is the biggest whoremonger of all. Hell, he even had the Ark state PD pimping for him. His legacy there was a school system falling near last in the country ratings. The only thing he did right was to leave alone the plans made before him. Ask him who he sold our nuclear weapon secrets to? And that thunder thighed old bag he's made some kind of mutually beneficial marriage contract with? Gimme a break.

Much deserved breaks to the middle class? For your hero, the middle class doesn't start till you hit $250k. What about the rest of us peons who don't steal that much? You don't hear the great Obama offering anything but scraps & wasteful, substandard healthcare & other giveaways(read welfare) to those of us not in the $250k mark. If you think Mac is going to raise taxes, wait until your hero gets his hands in things.

Yes, I was smart enough to buy oil stock before it went crazy. Weren't you? Unfortunately the gains have diminished greatly since we had to bail out your lib buddies ridiculous housing giveaway. Albeit, I did like the idea of "some" loosening of the housing loan structure but not to the extent that your lib buddies modified & added to it without anyone really seeing it. As a lib you know how sneaking things in works.

Lastly, yes we are on the mend now that our long-term lib illness of tax n spend/free giveaways has come full circle & been diagnosed. We will be greater once again after we finish stomping a mudhole in those radical "mooslem" ass's.

I'd rather sit here outright owning very little than to say I owe what I do have to the government.

Received via Email 10.07.08  intellect you poor misguided extremist right-winger. Like a great man once said, "I feel your pain". Our country will again, achieve greatness, when he is elected in a month. Then if you're brave you can come and join the victory party. Unless of course your strapping a vest-bomb to your sorry ass to blow up a women's clinic.
The Obama give aways? Much deserved to the middle class. Let that ultra rich pay more taxes, what do you own EXXON stock too? Trickle down economics don't work pal. Look in the mirror 10/6/08. 1 & 2 the power of stupidity is staring back at.


Received via Email 10.07.08  Good Lord.... I can understand retarded adults, felons, and of course queers being openly supportive of Obama... but firefighters?  Have you no shame?  And trying to turn it into a a racial issue? Are you saying that if Obama loses, it's because America is racist?  How about the possibility that if Obama loses it is because America is smart?  Maybe it's because America hate's redistribution of wealth (you know... socialism).  Maybe it's because it takes our fire department six years to allow a new guy to be eligible to take a promotional exam, but Obama thinks he can rule the free world after about 30 months of being a senator.  Maybe it's because he is such an elitist he makes John Kerry look like a barbecue buddy.  Maybe it's because HIS party caused our economic crisis starting back when Clinton was still battling impeachment.  Maybe you should reconsider your heroes.... Obama is a terrorist loving, inexperienced race bater.  If he wasn't black he would just be that empty suit from Illinois whose name nobody can remember.  I forgive you for being taken in by this twit, but I sure hope you can learn how to back a real man (and a real woman) by election day.  NOBAMA!

McCain/Palin 08'   Any other choice is for queers!

Received via Email 10.07.08  Do you think I can get Obama and Wimberly to shine my shoes for me?

Received via Email 10.08.08  I can understand why racist, kkk memebers, inbreds and in the closet gay firefighters are supportive of MCcain.  You dont have to worry about any of those possibilities of Obama loosing this election and people blaming racist because its not going to happen.  Let it go.  Its funny how you guys dont talk about MCcains ties to John Keating who is a convicted felon or Gordon Libby.  Who both are convicted felons.  One for cheating hard working americans in the savings and loan scandal and the other for lying in the Watergate scandal.  Not to mention he actively sought the endorsement from Pastor Hagee who has said nothing different from Reverend Wright. You guys can bring up Reverend right all you want.  MCcain is still going to loose.  Have at it.  There is nothing you can do about it.  If you like, I love it.  Obama is an elitist.  WOW.  Obama owns 1 home.  (You can talk about resko but then you need to defend MCain investing 350,000 dollars with John Keating which is a convicted felon)  MCcain 7 homes.  Obama and his wife owns 1 car.  MCcain 13.  I dont know about you but im voting for the man that owns 1 home because he going to do all he can to protect that 1 home because that is all he has.  MCcain can loose 4 homes, MCcain and his family will still have somewhere to live.  Matter of fact Obama and his wife had just finished paying off their student loans in Febuary. You just make sh-- up ass you go along.  You are the same dumb f---s that voted Bush to his 2nd term and you want us take advice from you. If Obama was white he would be beating the Sh-- out of MCcain.  I know it kind of f----d up to get you ass whooped by a black man with name BARACK OBAMA. 

Let me get this right.  Your going to blame Clinton for this mess.  Surplus was 250 billion dollars.  Now we have a 5 trillion dollar debt.   Unemployment was 4.7 percent and now it is 6.2.  Gas 1.30 now 3.85  Everybody played apart in this mess.  Thats right blame the Democrats even though they werent in charge th 1st six years.  I blame both partys.  More so toward the Republicans because they were in charge.  You either have to be one of the dumbest firefighters on this job or retarded to not see how fucked up this country has become under Republican leadership.  I guess dumb or retarded firefighters love the abuse.  Look who we backed as a mayor.  Rick the dick Baker.  Who is a Republican.

The only thing real about Palin is the answers she gave to Katie Couric.  Which showed she is just as ignorant and dumb as a YOU.

Yeah they would shine your shoes.  After they take their xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  Racist piece of sh--.  I want you to spew that sh-- at one of your african-american firefighters.  I dont think they would tell their officers.  I think they would wait till you take off that uniform and beat your ass.  Yes I took that comment personal 

Received via Email 10.09.08   Openly supportive of Obama... but firefighters?
Yes, he is the candidate of choice by the IAFF, or do you even consider their point of view? The 250K talking points you threw from FOX web site. You clueless person, it was anyone that makes fewer than $250,000 would not pay any more taxes. God can you learn to read, and comprehend now? If your a hater, drop out of our union, open your mind, you pig.

Received via Email 10.09.08  I'm white, and I'd kick that shoe shine commenter's ass. Can't we all just get along?
Not with the the McSame/Failin team we can't.

Received via Email 10.09.08  Its Barack Hussein Obama.  Get the name straight if your going to blab so much !!

Received via Email 10.09.08  Can you say Bradley effect!

Received via Email 10.09.08  That'll be," President Barack Hussein Obama" to you loser.
I'd rather be a hussein any day of the week than a Bush.

Received via Email 10.10.08  10-08-08 Wow, you sure can pull some crap outa your ass.
The only thing I can agree on in your entire diatribe is that they all had a hand in the various screwups. I can't think of one politician that hasn't left a trail of shit a mile wide behind themselves.  And your guy is no better. In fact he's probably one of the worst because his trail leads back to demolition of government facilities, brainwashing kids & just as much mismangement of money as the rest.

You think BHO doesn't own things? Please. He's just been sneakier about his & her ownings. They've hid their wealths in organizations that today continue to subvert & brainwash; Probably under the watchful hand of his buddy Ayres(sp?).

Billy boy was smooth but you'll never hear BHO sneaking up on you.

$250B surplus? Creative economic reporting my friend. He left a few things out of that report.

Just now paid off their student loans? Why did it take them so long, they're millionaires & have been so for many years. Can we say making themselves look good on paper for a run at a big gov position?

And Katie, Miss lower than whale shit ratings herself. If she did anything, she proved the point that everyone's been making all along. That is, it takes a lot longer than a few weeks of crash courses in "Presidency 101" to know what the president knows. If a governor/past senator with longer time in office can't get it all down in that time, how can you expect a 30 month do-nothing senator with less ties to WDC to get it now? Afterall, she's just going to be vice pres, he's looking at the big brass ring & he's just not ready. The only one in this race with any viable experience & presidential knowledge in WDC it's Mac.

The deficit, what major war was Clinton running? How long did that duck shoot last? Where was it?
Did he do anything other than immasculate our military? It's easy to show a surplus when you're not throwing money into necessary military R&D or replacement equipment.

Gas, how long did you expect to get away with not paying almost as much as the rest of the world?
Can you even begin to understand why we're paying more? Greedy speculators are the major problem there. Oil shouldn't even be on the trading block where the public has access to it. The general public can't go to a used car auction without screwing up the trading because they're too stoopit to bid correctly. They walk out with a car that cost them 2 or 3 times as much than had they just left the trading to a professional & threw him a couple hundered on top.

Throw in the fear of Iraq lowering its output(which we dont use anyway) & viola, instant public fear of shortage & investor greed.

Consider also that although we're still the biggest user on the block, we have terrific competition from China & a few other emerging countries who rely just as heavily on oil as we do...& now, they have the money to pay for it. They're well funded mostly due to our importing of their rubber dogshit because our manufacturing has gone bye-bye thanks mostly to our tree hugging crowd's lobbyists. You think Mr Bleeding heart liberal BHO is going to give less or more creedence to the tree huggers?  Save the marked for extinction insect, fuck those stoopit humans.

10-9-08(1) You should learn comprehension. BHO's taxing of the lower middle class will not be direct. He never does anything wrong directly. He is smart & lets someone else do it for him thru series of events. His taxation of us poor slubs will come thru higher taxation of the wealthier.

Who do you think really pays all the taxes in this country? Do you not understand that corp taxes get passed on to the customers? The corps never pay it. It is always the end user that pays the brunt of any tax or penalty imposed on business. Look at the bailouts of all these investment businesses. Who is paying for their mistakes? Their penalties (what little there are)? You & I are paying & thru the ass I might add. Did any of those ceo's & cfo's take any money out of their pockets? Not dime one.

Look, I'm not going to make anymore posts on this. I hope the better guy wins no matter who it really is. I've got just as much dirt on your guy as you might have on mine. I'm not into the party line thing nor am I a true rep or dem. I'm for me & folks like me who need a break from the lying, stealing corrupt sob's running rampant thru virtually every facet of local to fed gov.

If BHO wins great. But he better not screw the pooch like his lib predecessors.

Received via Email 10.10.08  Actually they are not called african americans.  Unless you are from Africa, then you are American.  That is a term the demos gave them so they could get free stuff and have a label.  ANd as for Obama if you have been paying attention, there is already voter fraud.  They caught a woman trying to vote 12 times for him.  The only way he will win is if he steals the election and he knows this.  Just now acorn turned in voter registrations for more people than there are in a county in Indiana.  And I think the FBI raided another place out west for the same thing.  Hmm what does that tell you.

Received via Email 10.10.08  Can any of you lefty experts explain how Clinton managed to increase the national debt if his economy was so brilliant?  Balancing the budget was easy after he chopped the balls off the military and had no real emergencies to speak of.  That and Silicone Valley was making everybody rich in the market.  But somehow..... Mr. Impeachment managed to raise up that national debt. 

He also convinced Fannie Mae and the lenders of America to give loans to poor, jobless, and stupid people. And sadly not ALL the stupid people were democrats( Some were libertarians). And we all know where that led America.

I know that we should just let the disgrace of the Clinton years fade into history, but since so many lefties think that Obama is running against Bush, I thought I would mention it.

Received via Email 10.12.08  Last 10/9  "I'd rather be a hussein any day of the week than a Bush." What a moroon statement. You need to get a clue loser.

Received via Email 10.12.08  The only way he will win is if he steals the election:
Funny this statement coming from a party member that,"stole the 2000 election". Ya frigin hypocrite!
Actually they are not called african americans. While we're at it. So no more ,"Irish American" fireman parades? Italian Americans? Whose the bigot now?

Received via Email 10.12.08  10/9 Hussein is dead & Bush laughs all the way to the bank & then to his ranches...Who would I rather be? Let me think....Hmmmmm... You putz!

10/10/08(3)  And...you'll notice the majority of those millions of foreclosures belong to illegal aliens who snuck over the fence or drifted in on a stick. I can't think of too many rep's or indie's that are petitioning openly for open borders & more illegals.

Sadly I did see where Bush was not openly or actively adverse to open borders & more illegals. I think he really didn't want to support the open border cause but needed to keep Mexico as an ally just in case we needed their oil & trade routes. Speculation & second guessing on my part. I truly hope he was not for the open border cause in his heart.

I can certainly see why someone would support an open border & importation of more illegals.  It's to replace all the baby boomers who will be retiring & draining SS. Illegals mostly contribute even though they won't be able to collect, at least not as a retirement.  I do also see where the illegals put a drain on SS & other social programs at hospitals & local/regional give-away orgs.

In my mind, the notion of importing illegals as a means to offset the baby-boomer drain on SS is a "wash" compared to the costs in health & human services they cause.

I can see why the dem's like to see open borders & illegals. Illegals are a large group of gov teat suckers who vote for anything that puts more give-away programs in their hands. The dem's traditionally love to have that large "captured" voter base. It used to be the poor & uneducated black people who the dems went after in this fashion. Now, it seems, black people have taken a back seat to the illegals as far as the dem's appeal. The dems are finally figuring out that black folk have brains too!

Don't take this as a rascist thing. It's a factual observation & nothing more. Even the media is counting black vs white & hispanic(etc) votes. If you do take it personal, get over yourself.

It's a long, strange scam we live isn't it?

Received via Email 10.12.08  Just looked up some old income tax returns. In 1998 and 1999 under good ole Billy Boy when everything was just hunky dory I paid 28% and just remember what our wages were back then. But then again when you tuck tail and run from the terrorists you can say everything is wonderful(WE WERE ATTACKED 4 TIMES UNDER BILLY BOY!). Under Bush in 2006 and 2007 I paid 15% not counting the tax rebates and we haven't been attacked since. So go ahead and vote for obama and see what it gets you.

Received via Email 10.13.08  I just hope that whoever said they want to be a Hussein.... is not a firefighter.
TEAM:  There are a lot of people watching this thread, from several states.

Received via Email 10.13.08  10/13, maybe he means a (Barack) H. Obama!? You took that one like a trout!

Received via Email 10.13.08 10.12.08 I agree, Billy boy would have tried to negotiate his way out with gifts & trinkets. I feel BHO would do the same with all kinds of concessions.

I prefer action something more along the lines of "We didn't ask for any of your shit...Let's see how you like some of ours. C'mere! Smack! Take that with you when you leave!".

Received via Email 10.13.08  They both suck what's the alternative?

Received via Email 10.14.08  Obama will kill the middle class and steal from the people that support this country by paying most of the taxes already.
Socialism sucks. How anybody in their right mind can fall for this Obama turd is beyond me.  The only thing that gives me hope is that in spite of the voter fraud, Obama's lies, the illegal campaign contributions that helped Obama almost triple McCains war chest, Obama still could lose.  With his resources a credible candidate should be way ahead right now.  But with all the rumors about Obama (terrorist buddies, drug abuse history, socialist, gay love affair, muslim, etc.) he can barely stay a few points ahead.  If he wins he probably won't get a second term,  and that's if something worse doesn't happen to him.  We survived the first Jimmy Carter, I guess we will survive this one too.
Let's all hope for the Bradley Effect on November 4.

Spinning In My Grave,
Abraham Lincoln
TEAM: We took the liberty to find reference to the Bradley Effect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_effect

Received via Email 10.14.08  To 10-12 #2  you are wrong.  The term is a race term given to people to get things.  If you were an irish american do you get extra points on an exam or promotion.  The answer is NO.  Do youresearch on labels.  We are all AMERICANS.  There should be no race questions on any appilication.  It should be the best qualified.  Not who is a certain color.  Why dont you ask the FDNY applicants that are white and are getting passed over by African Americans because they have to meet a quota.  Same thing here.  There is that "Token"  So the city can check off that box to the Govt and say we comply.  Who cares if there were the best applicant.

Received via Email 10.15.08  So, the Chief has decided that it is in the best interest of the city to make sure none of the on duty personnel will get their pay checks tomorrow (Thursday). Great, now when your officer gets the chicken shit phone call from the DC telling them that you now have some of that bullshit, forced non mandatory overtime with less than 4 minutes before getting off duty on Friday morning, how will you get your check deposited? I wonder what the DC's will do when they hear that excuse for not being able to work. I like it...Unless of course you work in the palace or the big sucking black hole on the other side of the parking lot. Lets make it fair chief, just tell Zoe, that NO ONE in uniform or on duty will be able to get the money they have earned until Friday. If he is really interested in saving fuel how about looking into engines driving all over the city to install $4.00 smoke alarms and $.75 batteries. Or lets halt the Pub ed's held off site. I find it strange he did not feel their was a need to save fuel last weekend for the annual block party. I saw plenty of on duty equipment and other administrative vehicles there. When will the inspectors be told they can no longer take their cars off the lot? I guess that wont happen due to the short sightedness when the complex was built without adequate parking spaces for the workers personnel cars.
The memo says there will be no more special trips by the service truck. For awhile the service truck delayed the payday Thursday mail run until the afternoon. What happened with that? Remember when the shop had a refueling tank in the service truck and topped off your tank while on the mail run?
Actually I think I have it figured out. The real reason for the concern for fuel savings is due to the new EMS transport system we are going to get hammered with. The county says save $14 million but run the same amount of calls. We all know the the typical Firefighter will somehow try to do more with less so why should this be different. There aint going to be enough money so we will give up the afternoon mail run every other Thursday. Whoo-Hooh
TEAM:  You my friend, need a reality check.  I read and reread your post and I must take a stand.  I cannot allow this diatribe to continue.  When was the last time you saw a 75 cent battery?  Check yourself Mr....

Received via Email 10.15.08  Get direct deposit dumb a**.

Received via Email 10.15.08  Why don't we start telling the chief that we too need to save fuel. The next time that we are told to go to fill in at another station need to tell the DC that we need a ride, we are conserving our fuel just like the dept.

Received via Email 10.15.08   In response to 10.15.08:
Get direct deposit you dinosaur! Your probably that guy who holds up the line writing checks at the check out line. So, while your at the bank setting up direct deposit, sign up for a debit card. Idiot.

Received via Email 10.16.08  That is exactly right, do not use your car on duty!  They can't make you do it. Somebody got hurt on duty once and when they pushed it, they were told that they did not really have to use their own car to change stations. Ever notice how you are allowed to get dropped off at the station by your wife or gay lover?  You don't have to have a car there.
TEAM:  ...Or a gay lover for that matter!  It's not a requirement, even though a chief officer might have 'opened you up' to the notion.

Received via Email 10.16.08  All of your points about direct deposit are well and good, but what about the few who dont? Once again we show our lack of knowledge and instead turn to the administrative brain bashing that we all are constantly standing in line for. They have made a change to our working conditions. Period. How hard would it have been to delay this until the next pay period, when everyone would have had an advance notice? As it stands now, the crew that was affected today, just learned about it TODAY. What if someone had to make an important transaction today or first thing tomorrow morning. To bad so sad, you just got screwed. Or how about that same person that gets the dreaded mandatory AM overtime call tomorrow on their way out to the bank? See what I mean. Fire Admin. could give less than a care about you or your family.
TEAM: Omnipotence doesn't do "advanced notice."

Received via Email 10.16.08   You slaves be happy that the slavemasters (Large and the JW) are letting you work here at all.  FTM

Received via Email 10.16.08  Congratulations, You just named the two biggest assholes in the history of SPFR.

Received via Email 10.16.08  Well now, So Obama gad a lil weed, was 8 years old when that nasty domestic terroist did bad things, lol. Acorn, hummmm voter registers, paid per card they turn in, sort of like those guys on the street askin for $$. Federal law says the cards must be turned in, even if its an obvious fake. THEN the invest starts. Obama had not a thing to do with it. Muslim? Please.
credible candidate McCain? pissed off shot down pow. Audulter, alcoholic. Palin? makes Brittney Spears look like an Einstein, "Don't ya know". McCain=Bush's 90% yes man.
Bush, coke head, draft dodger, DUI, worst pres in history! All of 26% approval rating!?
Seems like Obama will be a ray of sunlight. DEAL WITH IT! IAFF SUPPORTS OBAMA-BIDEN!

Received via Email 10.17.08  Wimberly is like Large's rabid lap dog.  During today's bargaining session dealing with all this friggin overtime that we keep getting jammed with, wimberly kept pissing on our parade.  He might as well have told us that paying time and a half overtime for all hour worked in excess of our regular hours, was coming out of HIS pocket.  I suspect that if we all chose not to talk to him here at work, he'd have no no one to talk to in his life.  Why do we talk to this controlling moron?  I don't and you shouldn't either.

Received via Email 10.17.08  whats wrong with doing coke and duis  Ask an ex chief and some of our firefighters that still smoke pot and come to work drunk.  And our officers that participate in those activities

Received via Email 10.17.08  What if they gave overtime and nobody came?
TEAM:  They do it in many cities.  They take units or stations out of service.  The trouble with this act is that it exposes the root cause of manditory overtime... an understaffed fire department.

Received via Email 10.17.08  It will not work here because you have too many people living beyond their capability and the new guys who are brain washed or the Lt. wannabes and will do anything the idiot Dc's want them to do.  IF you are on A shift do you know that one of your DCs were charged with attempted murder?  Think about that and the people giveing you orders.

Received via Email 10.19.08  Refuse all overtime.  If they don't give you reasonable notice to hell with them.  They are telling us that our family and personal plans on our days off don't matter because they don't know how to schedule properly.   They put trucks out of service so that officers can get together at headquarters and talk about how hard their jobs are.... why can't they put a vehicle out of service because nobody is willing to work extra hours?  I still have not found mandatory overtime in our rules and regs, unless there is a hurricane coming, why are we still doing mandatory this way?

Received via Email 10.19.08   It's time that we ask ourselves "What would Joe the Plumber do?"  I think that is so important.

Received via Email 10.19.08  With the cost of gas, insurance and taxes, not to mention physicals, manditory overtime and your MEMO OF THE WEEK spelling out what will happen to you if you don't do this or you don't do that, I have to wonder who's going to go postal first.  Wimberly and Large are OWNED by the city.  I just can't imagine moving up through the ranks in any dept. just so you can become a robot for city hall.  Clearwater's chief WAS the big embarrasment of the county.  We're quickly moving into the number 1 spot with a pair.  All of you who are looking towards promotion as a good thing, the minute you get your first promotion you're doomed to be someone's do-boy.  Say goodbye to all the friends you've known.   FTM

Received via Email 10.19.08  What does the UNION say about manatory OT? At one time supposedly the city stated that there was no such thing as manatory overtime unless the mayor declared a city emergency (this was when we were asking for time and half for manatory OT). If this is true then we should all refuse to be manatoried!

Received via Email 10.19.08  always question authority, especially when they've sold their souls to the devil.  Make every day a bitch for these assholes.

Received via Email 10.20.08  Reality is, we have become their bitch.  Now get to work you Beotchin slaves.  And quit whinning about a few overtime shifts you have to work each week - oops did I say overtime, I forget, slaves work for straight time.  Only the masters get a 7 day work cycle.  Now get to work !!
TEAM:  It really puts it into perspective, doesn't it?  And it is all a matter of perspective.  Everyone in management who is on a seven day work cycle automatically get overtime for working the exact same work week as the rest of us.  Yet they fight us at every turn as if we're less deserving than them.  It's as if we've got nothing better to do on our days off, than to backfill fire stations because they choose not to properly staff.

Received via Email 10.20.08   Is it any wonder why it's so easy for a captain or dc to pack manditory overtime in your ass during your r-day cycle when they are on a 7 day work cycle.  They get overtime every paycheck.  FTM

Received via Email 10.20.08  I say we boycott overtime until we get a 7 day work cycle.  You wont see me working any OT unless it is an emergency.  It amazes me that the Div Chiefs just dont understand why we have so much sick leave being used.  What a bunch of moroons.

Received via Email 10.21.08  Whose going to be the first one to tell their DC NO I will not work manatory O/T?

Received via Email 10.21.08  Well anyone that can afford a good attorney can say that and there is nothing the DCs can do and they know it.  All it takes is it going to court.  But, I bet you that it wont make it and the write up will be thrown out and nothing done.  Maybe they may field promote him to keep it out of the public eye.

Received via Email 10.21.08  Lots of guys have said no to the DC's.  You mean you haven't, pussy?

Received via Email 10.21.08  Some say this department cares about our families and children.  We all know that we have to work our shifts and holidays and thats a given.  But to make us work mandatory overtime because it is cheaper for the city, is a crime against our families and children.  It is not fair to them because of this greed.  The city can care less about us, and even less about our families.  AND THATS THE TRUTH
TEAM:  Over $900,000.00 'budgeted' for overtime --forced and otherwise-- shows a gutless lack of leadership.  We have no more fire chiefs on the job, only fire administrators who worship at the League of Cities alter.

Received via Email 10.21.08  Hey, JOW seems to be a family man and man of faith.  I wonder how he would like being mandatoried often and on weekends.  The JWs wouldnt go for that.  But hey, its ok to do it to all of us.

Received via Email 10.21.08  You're shitting me, right?  Man of faith!  JOW is a liar of the worst degree and is going to hell for boning firefighters.  He's a robot for city hall and in his twisted mind, it's all moral and legal.  That guy's never been one of us and never will be for more than obvious reasons.  He fights against our union more than anyone in either the city or fire admin.  He's about as fu**ed up an individual as you will ever meet.  Have you ever had a disagreement with him?  You can't win even with facts.  He's a lot like Lanning.  Lanning wanted leather firefighting boots as an option but he said they couldn't have laces.  Huh?  Not for any good reason but just because he doesn't like them.  Guess what?  We've got a guy on the job who's now wearing them with a Dr.'s prescription.  Hoodathunk?  There's one group of people who aren't impressed with a college degree from Eckerd.  Maybe if Eckerd grows a medical school they can start buying off our doctors!  So far that ain't working.  We need a new mayor with a broom that sweeps clean.
Wimberly and Large are both sellout pud whackers.  FTM

Received via Email 10.22.08  Once we all understand that we gave up all of our rights to choose what is right for our families when we signed on to this honorable profession we will be better off. While I agree that the profession is by itself very honorable, at sometime during the 100 year history of SPFR it has become appearant that salvery is not dead in the City of St. Petersburg Florida. According to Chief Wimberly our overtime problem is mostly the cause of our own, falling ill to the many virus' we are exposed to daily. How dare you to come down with the sniffles after going to see sick people all day. What a crock of administrative shit. $900,000.00 a year in overtime budget proves just one thing. You dont have enough people.... the only reason to need that much budgeted is in case of unforseen emergancy. Shortness of people is not a surprise, any one with a good pencil and a piece of paper is capable of figuring how many people it takes to staff the department each day. You already know how many are allowed by contract to be off each day for vacations and r-days, so using that as an excuse wont work for me. Putting people into a paramedic class for the better part of a year was Admin idea, more for Haz Mat class, TRT, Dive traning, once again Admins idea. Allowing educational leave, yup admin. Off site officer training, diversity training, smoke reading, Weekend events, concerts, boat races, political events, nope not my idea. Now we have the world series, more overtime for the unperpared administrators of SPFR. I guess this is why Fire Admin has come to the realization that they need 3 new captains in headquarters to help with the burdensome paperwork it takes to run a Department of this size. Nope not more for the companies, just for the overworked 40 hour 7 day work cycle high risk pension earning headquarters employees. I am sure all of us will be happy for them. Maybe admin can get a 4th Capt position and they can form a dedicated daycare center for those of us with the bullshit child and elderly family care issues. Maybe JO could take this position and then he would be able to brain wash our loved ones as to why his way is the way to glory. OMG....lets hope someone with open eyes and sensibility will step into the watch tower soon and put an end to this train ride that is obviously on the wrong track headed in the wrong direction.   
TEAM:  Your Brothers and Sisters salute you! (Note: We added the emphasis to some of the passages above.)

Received via Email 10.22.08   On the issue of "Mandatory Overtime"; No one has the balls to say "No" to the chief when they get the dreaded phone call. You may plead by saying "...but Chief I can't work because I have (fill in the blank)", but you are not going to, with respect, flat out say "No". Look, I'm not that person either; I'll eat the shit sandwich served just like everyone else. However, should the day come where snow is forecasted in hell and someone tells the DC "No" (without a sob story), there will be much admiration for that individual. A statue may be erected in the town square honoring him.

Received via Email 10.22.08  "there will be much admiration for that individual. A statue may be erected in the town square honoring him."
It's happening every day around here.  We don't hear all of the stories at once but they're out there.  Bobby Martin ought to immediately come to mind.  Bobby chose not to put up with the excessive collection of data that's gleaned from the paperwork that WE fill out to get a free physical.  It all goes to Workers Comp.  And for those of you who think it's great to get a free physical, you need to wake up.  Any time the city offers you anything for free, there are always strings attached.  Why do you think that we're fighting so hard to keep this shit out of the hands of Lealman's chief?  Bobby got 10 shifts off for standing up for what we all believe in.  Wimberly and Large wonder why some people walk out of the room when they walk in.  It should come as no mystery.  I'm employed by the FD and those guys are employed by the city.  We're all firefighters because not everyone is courageous enough to do what we do.  With all they're picking and prying into our personal business, they diminish us to nothing more than their typical office worker whose biggest threat of the day is spilling hot coffee or getting a paper cut.  We have a dangerous job that not everyone can do.  We stand up for ourselves when we can and in other instances we live to fight again another day.  We're sleeping with the enemy and they head this dept.  What everyone shoud know and tell all the new kids on a daily basis, is that more than half of these goobersmootchers who are sucking around to be the next DC, can't be trusted.  They've never done a thing for us, only for themselves and the higher you go in this organization, the more benefits of your own, you'll protect.

We just had Officer of the Year and Firefighter of the Year elections and that's a great thing.  Hopefully with the building of a new union hall we can start to hold some of our own awards ceremonies in a new facility where we can showcase brothers and sister who fight the good fight for all of us on a daily basis.  There are some on this job who merely work here and there are some who can be called Brother or Sister.  I personally don't have much time or use for those who are negative 100% of the time or constantly shit on the UNION.  Look around you.  The union is US.  It's 'we' the people.  If anyone asked where I work, I tell them that I'm with Local 747.
TEAM: A triumvirate of good posts.  Keep up the good work

Received via Email 10.22.08  How many guys got put in for these awards?  There should be at least 20 for each award every year.

Received via Email 10.23.08  What a refreshing group of posts.  I was about to say something about the almost constant picking at each other but then I thought about it for a minute and realized that a bunch of future mutts are living and working amongst us right now.  Even when they're in the companies and we bang on them, it's never us vs. us.  It's always us vs. them.  It just takes a while to believe that some of these guys used to do sleep-over's at the station with us. 

Received via Email 10.29.08  Note To Employees:

As of November 5, 2008, when President Obama officially becomes president-elect, our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new, inspiring issues of change and fairness:

1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that will be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are under-achieving a 'fair shake'.

2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally amongst you. This will help those who are 'too busy for overtime' to reap the rewards from those who have more spare time and can work extra hours.

3. All top management will now be referred to as 'the government.' We will not participate in this 'pooling' experience because the law doesn't apply to us.

4. The 'government' will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging its workers to continue to work hard 'for the good of all'.

5. The employees will be thrilled with these new policies because it's 'good to spread the wealth around'. Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more 'patriotic'.

6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don't feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free food stamps, and he'll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our Democrat Congress, you might even get a free flat screen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn't all Americans be entitled to nice looking hair?)!!! If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies, you may want to rethink your vote on November 4th.

Received via Email 10.30.08  hey 10-29-08.
You are the last of the sad, sore loser, bigots, fox luving a ho's. get on with your life, and embrace YOUR union's choice, and restore America!

Received via Email 10.30.08  Here is a novel idea... How about we let the mail truck continue to deliver the important shit like paychecks so we aren't screwing the guys, and we take the truck away from James "Whats for Lunch" Bracey.  How many runs to Home Depot does he need in a day.  How about Paul, Ed, or Craig drop James off where the work needs to be done and pick him up when he is done.  They can then take him to another Station where work needs to get done.  2 birds, 1 stone.  Carpooling and a smaller expense account @ Home Depot.  Deliver the damn checks Chief!!!!

Received via Email 10.31.08  Did someone say "Restore America?"  To what?  Colonial English rule?  Forget it.  F*ck Obama and his socialist bullshit.  He came of age in an elitist ivy league environment... like all liberal professors he thinks he knows what is best for everyone else better than they know for themselves.  He has never admitted to being wrong, even when it is pointed out in such a way that a four year old would understand.  He's dangerous.  How can any good American support a socialist with terrorist names?  I never thought I would live to see a democrat that would make me miss Bill Clinton... the father of the current economic crash.  F*ck the dems!  Less government, less taxes, more independence.  Besides, I hope to become one of Palin's interns.

No thanks, no way Comrade Obama.

McCain/Palin 08'

Received via Email 10.31.08   This explains it all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCipmnYCKB0

Received via Email 10.31.08
Twas The Night Before Elections

'Twas the night before elections
And all through the town
Tempers were flaring
Emotions all up and down!

I, in my bathrobe
With a dog in my lap
Had cut off the TV
Tired of political crap.

When all of a sudden
There arose such a noise
I peered out of my window
Saw Obama and his boys

They had come for my wallet
They wanted my pay
To give to the others
Who had not worked a day!

He snatched up my money
And quick as a wink
Jumped back on his bandwagon
As I gagged from the stink

He then rallied his henchmen
Who were pulling his cart
I could tell they were out
To tear my country apart!

'On Fannie, on Freddie,
On Biden and Ayers!
On Acorn, On Pelosi'
He screamed at the pairs!

They took off for his cause
And as he flew out of sight
I heard him laugh at the nation
Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

So I leave you to think
On this one final note-

Received via Email 10.31.08  Man, you McSame, Falin lover, you have some serious Anger issues, and don't blame them on Obama. Hate the 8 years of shit GWB just finished cooking for folks like you.Hate him for over 2000 innocent Americans killed for Oil. Hate him for violating your privacy.  Wake up, and blow the smoke out of your eyes. History lession, if you wanna be a McCarthy, just say so! I bet you even cross dress like another of your hero's JEHoover did. F McSame, and fix that child poppin out alaskin Ho! Hockey Crack Ho, more appropriate.

Received via Email 11.01.08  What you have to understand is that Bush is not running this time.  You see, a president can only spend two terms in the White House.  None of us on the Right side can understand why you America haters on the left don't get that.  Weird.

We are also puzzled why you leftys are so in love with terrorists.  That is truly hard to figure out.  Why do you care about wiretapping terrorists?  Why do you want to give terrorists assistance with their plans against Americans?  I know how disappointed you must be that Bush has kept the terrorists fighting us overseas instead of here in our streets, obviously you would really enjoy watching more of our buildings destroyed by the bad guys.  Which part did you like the best when the WTC got hit... the people jumping out of the building or watching it crashing to the streets?   Or maybe you just enjoyed the whole thing.  I'm sure you got your nut.

Good luck with your socialist, you America hater.  When he lets our guard down and brings our troops home prematurely, maybe you will get some more must see television showing the terrorists that you love killing the Americans you hate. 
God Bless America.

Received via Email 11.01.08  The past few days have been a real eye opener for me, re; this political campaign. I regret to say that the whole thing has boiled down to bitterness, uncertainty, and worse yet racial discrimination. Yeah I said it. I have sat by and listened to the rants of those that cant understand why someone wants more of "them" to receive something that they wont get. I am hopeful that neither I or my family will ever see the BS that is being bantered here in our stations.
Now for those that believe they know everything, what makes you believe that you know what is better for America than EVERY AMERICAN LABOR organization sees and has embraced? I will not except the old and tired excuse of they are Democrats. The leaders of these organizations have much more knowledge, experience, and wisdom than that.

Received via Email 11.01.08  Change your clocks: http://www.nationalatlas.gov/articles/boundaries/a_savingtime.html

Received via Email 11.02.08  11/01. If you forget the past, it will happen again. McCain is a carbon copy in thought word, deed, and policies as GWB. Stop trying to turn the subject by saying dems can't forget the past 8 years. Why do ya think they are remembering them?! I do not want my kids living in a world sculptured for the rich, the wacko bible beaters(haters). I love America, that’s why I support the Democratic ticket. Yes I am a republican. If that is what socialism is I embrace it. Good luck you anti American Dreamer.

Received via Email 11.02.08  I believe in labor unions, but I don't agree with them all the time.  I believe that when unions support a candidate, they are interested in what's best for the union, and not for the country.  That is fine because a union leadership should think of what is best for the organization.  But I prefer to think of what is best for the country and right now that answer is not socialism.

Obama will raise taxes, strain corporations, and increase unemployment.  I don't care about his color and only the people in his own party are the ones that keep bringing that up.  If he was a republican and supported conservative social and economic values, I would probably vote for him.  But he's not. So I won't.

Supporting McCain is not an insult to your union, but supporting Obama is an insult to your own intelligence.  Do the RIGHT thing and Vote for McCain.

Received via Email 11.02.08  Taxes will not go up for anyone making under 250K. Corporations will be held accountable for their actions. Those that ship and outsource to China, Mexico, and other countries will have more dues to pay. He is ready for the next 8 years, McCain will vapor lock with in a year if elected. Then we will be in a world of shit with Caribo Barbie the crystal meth quenn. The the right thing for your kids, the country, and YOUR union. Vote Obama/Biden.

Received via Email 11.02.08  Hey a liberal wants to save the whales, the turtles, the manatees and all, which is alright.  In fact a liberal democrat would never kill a thing, except for a baby in the womb. Think about it.

Received via Email 11.02.08  whats wrong with being rich?  Usually they are the most educated and wanted something better for themselves.  By the way.  Isnt obama rich?  ANd all those hollywood types.  Whats going to happen when they have to start paying 58% taxes.  HMM

Received via Email 11.02.08  What kool aid have you been drinking? If you think that the average firefighters taxes won't go up under Obama you are just kidding yourself. Already they are saying $120,000 and NOT $250,000 and this is even before he is fraudulently elected. That $250,000 was when he was battling Hillary with his lies.

Received via Email 11.02.08  ok let the crazy inbred cousin of yours *uck your daughter get her preg., don't even consider God gave that Doctor the skills to prevent BS like that. Now go pray for that miracle on Election Day, because that is what it'll take for McSame to win. Have a nice life grandpa.( or will u give it up to the state? )

Received via Email 11.03.08  I agree who do you want making decisions.  people in track row housing?  The southside, trailerparks?  Or people with an education and that knows how things are run and done.

Received via Email 11.03.08  The $$$ your talking about mean nothing.  Poop people don't employ anybody.  Rich people employ everyone.  Take more money out of the pockets of those that do the employing and one of two things will happen.  Prices will go up or unemployment will go up.

Received via Email 11.03.08  120,000? thats great I sure don't make that either! Go Obama!