"STRAIGHT DOPE" is just that! It's factual information that you need to know, by sources whose aim - is to hold back the ever increasing tide of BULLSHIT that's inundating us - that's threatening to takeover as the sole source of (mis)information in each of our career's!
Documentation that depicts the start of your Union's winning trend is located HERE...
Received via email 8-11-05 I think our fire administration is running scared and our union president is
the reason for it.
Received via email 8-12-05 "I agree."
Received via email 8-13-05 A vote of no confidence of our current administration should be taken from the top down to the DC's. At least this would show them honestly where there standby us. A total realignment at this time is a must.
Received via email 8-13-05 It's time for a walk out.
Received via email 8-13-05 The Chief should (____________) and remember where he started in the Fire
Department. Editor's note: This being the Straight Dope page, the TEAM has decided to stick to, 'just that'. A portion of the above email was redacted for purposes of retaining credibility with our web presence. This should not be construed as an indictment against the sender of the email - as 'for the most part' - the TEAM talked it over and we agreed with his assessment!
Received via email 8-14-05 Whoever is the genious behind this site, needs to have a field promotion to Fire Chief. I have a feeling that things would get better quick after that! I've worked at HQ for a bit of time and the only qualification you need to have are:
1- come in late
2- shoot the shit
3- drink coffee
4- go to lunch
5- shoot the shit some more
6- leave early
7- come back the next day and repeat steps 1-6 until your D.R.O.P. is done, then select the account that you want your 8000.00 pension check to go to.
Sounds easy doent it? But they will tell you it's hard. I dont know how it could be, all of us from the newest probie to the most seasoned vetran could do a better job. Taking our fire dept. back would be the best thing that could ever happen to the citizens of St. Pete as well as those that protect them. TEAM note: We like this sender's commentary so much, we pulled his words from the Contact Us pile and reprinted them here!
Received via email 8-14-05 This is a great web site and I can only hope that it
will be utilized as a venue to "vent" and exchange info that can benefit all
UNION members. Everyone keep up the great job and the valuable input.
Received via email 8-17-05 I gotta tell ya, I have been on the job a while and that was a first for me. That
meeting at the library opened my eyes quite a bit. From what our President told
us after the "bookends and company " left, I believe we are on the right track.
We need every one possible at this next one 'cause they are runnin' scared.
Received via email 8-19-05 I have been a firefighter on this job for over 20 yrs. I have never seen the US vs THEM more prevelant than in the past few years. I think the THEMS forgot that they were once one of us! It is a shame to see this happen. I guess the THEMS aren't used to US fighting back in greivance form. Our union president is a strong willed individual who is not interested in being promoted. Like him or not, we are in his best interest at all costs. TEAM note: We like this sender's commentary so much, we pulled his words from the Contact Us pile and reprinted them here!
Received via email 8-20-05 It's amazing that the people at the top of the F.D. heirarchy, who were some world class f---up's and malcontents as blue shirts, are now becoming the moral majority for us. Something everyone should also be aware, if you're not already, is that there is a new and upcoming group of newly inducted suck-butts, still with the "I'm so much better than you" attitude. This is the best I've seen the union stick together in a long time. Let's keep rocking the boat and let 'them' know that we're not the sheep that they think we are.
TEAM note: Wow! This email was pulled from the Contact Us pile!
Received via email 8-21-05 It has become difficult for everyone to work for a chief and administration where the "who" becomes much more important than the "what" along with the fact that he confuses loyality to the organization with loyality to "HIM."
Received via email 8-22-05 I heard that one of the bookends has been sniffing around the stations looking for information about this website. Respectfully - it aint about the website, it's about the common voice we all have. And for goodness sakes... what are you doing anywhere near a fire station?
Remember the EMS survey of a few years ago? You guys collected up all the raw data and then distilled it down to just so much bullshit - that when you guys were done, we could never in a million years get a grasp on the sum of our own words. That's because you guys controlled all the information -- ours and yours. Again, I say, it's not this forum that should be scaring you, it's the fact that a small handful of you are trying to outsmart the other 300 of us.
Maybe because of the very existence of this website, Marshall McLuhan, author of "Understanding Media" may well have been off the mark with his famous quote: "The Medium is the Message."
You guys may have 'hit' the mark. It's apparently not what we say that's worrying you - it's the very existence of the "medium." Yeah right!
Another face in the crowd who didn't get their degree from the "College of Just Write the Check!"
Received via email 8-22-05 Someone please tell me it is not true. I just heard my annual physical results are on a computer. What about all this privacy about needing authorization for anyone to see these results? Who put these in the computer????? Who has access??? Why is anyone at HQ even looking at the results??? I am fit for duty. I have a relative who is well versed in health care and this apparently is against government regulations.
TEAM note: This was discussed at both the last negotiations meeting and at last Thursday's Union Meeting. Apparently the City feels the same way as you and the TEAM when it comes to the storage and handling of our personal information.
Received via email 8-25-05 Cudo's to the members who remember one of our own who recently passed away. They spoke of him highly on WSJT.
Received via email 9-08-05 A big hand to all that helped make this year's boot drive a success. Over $18,000.00 was raised for Jerry's Kids.
Received via email 9-08-05 Welcome back Team members from the Zone. I hear you did such a great job that this department has decided they don't need to send anymore help. I'm glad our 300+ Brothers and Sisters from the FDNY and the 600+ from Illinois didn't see it that way. They are also bringing their own fire (engines, ladders, command, and support) vehicles, equipment and gear.
(Editor's Note: Your argument is not with the Fire Chief, but with the Governor of the State of Florida. Mother Florida sent the team and Mother Florida called her back. It's her coin! The other teams that you speak of are 'FEMA' USAR types and operate at the discretion of the U.S. Government. FLTF-3 is a Florida Regional team. With that said, you'll be proud to note that FLTF-3 has accomplished some things that no other team has ever accomplished in the history of USAR teams:
1) - FLTF-3 is now the first and only Regional USAR team to have 'confirmed' lives saved (saves), after crossing state lines.
2) - FLTF-3 is now the first USAR team of 'any' type to have 'confirmed' lives saved (saves) after crossing state lines. FLTF-3 has five saves and seven extractions to it's credit. As to the equipment thing - yes... there's a bit of an inequity there! We suck hind t_t! As to any argument with our governor - the team has none. The team members are exceedingly proud of our Governor for placing his full trust in FLTF-3, even in the face of government red tape that ultimately cost's lives. From this day forward, FLTF-3 may very well be the team to pattern others after!
Received via email 9-16-05 I want to take a minute to pass along my thanks to the Union president for finally getting rid of the Social Security Offset. All of my career all I've heard was how the offset was illegal, and how someday we would find a way to prevail. Well, as I said before Thank-you President Newton for prevailing for me. I don't know about the rest of you but the paper I get occasionaly from the S/S administration office sez that I will be looking at approx. a $1800.00 monthly check when I get a little wiser. At the time I will be needing it most I can now look forward to keeping the $900.00 from my Pension check that our fine city intended to keep. I'm sorry that others were not so lucky to have the leadership back then that we enjoy now.
Received via email 9-21-05 Was just curious, I heard that Callahan is retaliating against the dept by doing wholesale moves. Is this true? And if so, I hope HR is ready for a bunch of complaints.
Received via email 10-10-05 Complain of moves if you must, but we saw where that got a certain person at 13A (BM). Remember, permanent is only a phone call away.
Received via email 10-11-05 Ahh very true. You are correct. But, what I was referring to was moving good LT's for complainers.
Received via email 10-21-05 Funny thing when you confront the BUD king about certain moves, he has no idea what is taking place in his ****ing department. Freerain management at it's best. Right buddy! Have a Bud on me.
Received via email 10-28-05 How do we get RID of bud king and his buddies? You know. SK, WJ, JL, GL.
Received via email 10-29-05 Hold them under a magnifying glass, watching for conduct unbecoming, its easy, on or off duty. Very binding.
Received via email 11-01-05 Jeopardy Question - The ONLY person on this job, portraying himself as a Firefighter - standing on a street corner with a Rick Baker sign...? - Who is Jimmy Large! Fact!
Received via email 11-02-05 Jeopardy question #2---The real reason Jimmy Large is holding that Rick Baker
sign-- Who is the next Deputy Mayor of St. Pete!!!!!! True Fact!! Who's side of the table will he be on then?????
Received via email 11-02-05 Holy Sh-T! He really did that? Where, when? I wanna see that turd in action!
Received via email 11-02-05 ref 11/02. I'd rather see lil jimmy a dep.mayor. We all know they don't do shit!( just get paid big$$) And he'd be away from us!
Received via email 11-08-05 Imagine that... anyone watching Baynews 9 last night saw Dick Baker's party on TV. And guess who's rubbing elbows? Large and hopefully never in charge!!
Received via email 11-20-05 lmao Large Dick Baker, hell of a get together.
Received via email 12-11-05 This just in, DFD restructuring has begun. Chief Mey-- given a choice to resign or fire Chief Mag--us. Chief Mey-- fires Mag--us. Chief Snel---- was told to pick a retirement date. Fire Marshal --ris -en-ivin-o next on chopping block. Please inquire it's the truth. Next SPFD administration.
Editor's Note: This email is from an unknown source, with an added spelling correction. It is tied to the JOBLESS MUTT/FINO WATCH page.
Received via email 12-11-05 (From the Contact page) I HEARD SM GOT HIRED AT ST PETE BEACH.......
Received via email 12-13-05 Poor St. Pete beach, damn hope they hired him as a firefighter. Even Suncoast Fire District Chief didn't want him. You actually get better info from the retired chiefs breakfast club.
Received via email 12-14-05 E-mail 12-11-05 SM hired as District Chief in Clearwater...SPB did not want him...poss next Clw Opps Chief (to Union Bust!) when current one quits to return to Tenn in a few months. DFD Fire Marshal not on chopping block....wait and see what happens early nexy year.
Received via email 12-14-05 S. Magnus as DC gets hired in clearwater--what a mistake!
Received via email 12-15-05 Come to the retired DFD Breakfast club and here for your self about the DFD Fire Marshal, his ship has a hugh hole in it, and it cannot be plugged anymore.
Received via email 12-15-05 Lt. Ch--- Th---s forced to retire on disability from DFD.
Received via email 12-16-05 Let's be Politically correct! SM is not a DC at CFD, he is an AC(Assistant Chief), CFD has eliminated the position of DC in order to remove them from the Union, which might make him AC/DC?? Unfortunately, the few newly hired FF's at CFD that came from DFD are afraid for their jobs because SM came from DFD and SM supposedly was axed because of their Exit Interviews.
TEAM: Sweet! Clearwater FD's Chief officer surrounding himself with more like himself. More FINO's (Firefigther In Name Only) and MUTTS. He and the City Manager are personally taking what was once a premium Fire Dept. and killing it, just like SPPD's Police Chief is doing to our Police Department. FTM FTF!
Received via email 12-16-05 Yeah, the new hire's for CFD, from DFD, might as well wear a bullseye on their shirts, because SM is gonna be gunnin for them. What a step in the complete opposite direction for CFD. SM called CFD terrible, below the bar, even mediocre while at DFD. Pretty ironic now, it was the only place he could get a job. Watch your backs and the backs of your brothers/sisters, and especially the new hire's, because SM is as dirty as they come and will take every opportunity to discipline, suspend, or fire anyone he can.
Received via email 12-16-05 My heart goes out to the brothers and sisters of the St Petersburg Fire Department. I have three friends from the past on the job there, and they tell me the things you all have to put up with. From my outside observations, did you guys and gals join the military or the fire department? Best of luck to you all, and keep fighting these jerks, take a 'no confidence"
vote on this chief in name only and try to rid this drunk as I have read. Keep your heads low and stay safe. \ Washington Dc Fire Dept.
Sgt Roth
TEAM: Thanks for the accolades, Brother Roth. The chasm keeps growing, but our morale has never been better!
Received via email 12-17-05 Cut and paste these articles to all brothers, sisters and news affiliations all over the country, and sooner or later somebody will notice wtf is going on in the shitty little City of St Petersburg. It's been working for me.
Received via email 12-19-05 My Fellow FF's!! Take a good look at what has and is happening in CFD and just now starting to crown in SPFD. It's coming soon to a theater near you. In a statement to HIS City Council by CM, BH of Clw., after a contract settlement hearing earlier this year, he "THANKED" the City Council and said, "Every city in the state of Florida is watching US to see how this turns out! Thank you for your patience and support!", along with a bunch of other bullshit. SPFD and CFD are the tip of the iceberg. The ICMA wants us quashed! Keep taking the fight to them, lest we forget what the "Domino Effect" means. By the way, BH continues to get above 5% -7% raises annually. Think about what RB will want, and get, the next time, while you're offered pennies!!
Received via email 12-21-05 Magnus fired from CFD Dec. 23, 2005 woooohooo!!!!
Received via email 12-21-05 Is that last message true, about sc--- mag--- being fired?
Received via email 12-30-05 Unfortunately, the 12-21-05 posting isn't true, SM is still coming to Clearwater. I confirmed it with HR today.
Received via email 12-30-05 Just a few thoughts…
I’d like to say Thank You to whoever is maintaining this website. Your ceaseless attention and up to date posting is greatly appreciated. Thanks for making this a class act site.
I never realized how much animosity there is on the police department until I started visiting the LEOAffairs site. I thought the police had ratified a contract and were satisfied. It would appear they’re not the happy campers I thought they were. Not only do they tell it like they see it… they put pictures with the posts. I love the site. Keep it up.
It’s almost the beginning of another year and although the holidays are a nice time to slow down and relax it will soon be time to take off that santa hat and put that union hat back on. The first of ‘06 will bring several opportunities to realize some goals that should have been set in ‘05. Most importantly we are going to arbitration. This will take money and manpower. Please be prepared to be involved in whatever way you can. This is the time to begin educating the council. Now that they’re making more money, they will naturally have a desire to do a better job and to have a more personal interest in the employees. But in case that doesn’t happen it’s up to us to educate them ourselves. And why, you ask, is that so important? Because without binding arbitration to impose the findings of the special master it will be up to the concern and conscience of the council to heed his/her findings.
Now, you ask yourself, why is it necessary to spend money and waste time with arbitration when it would be a whole lot easier to just go to the council to begin with?
Two reasons.
One, and this is how they justify their position to the public, they are more apt to believe the findings of an outside entity who has no affiliation with either side. And two, and this is the actual intent, they already know and have probably made up their minds what they intend to do should we have to appear before them to settle this issue.
The council is granted this power by law. Few laws have the enormous amount of moronic stupidity written into them as the laws that govern collective bargaining in Florida. In effect the very humps who’ve been screwing us for two years are the same humps that will have the final determination in the outcome of the impasse process.
Yes, for all the time wasted and all the money spent and all the pissing in the wind that’s been done it could have been settled right from the beginning had the council wanted to do so. This is the same council that thinks the mayor is doing a great job. He’s merely doing what they give him their blessings to do. He spins his actions to them and they swallow every drop. Not one of them having the moral fiber to question his motives or actions.
I’m sorry to take up space here when those on the job could probably put it to better use bitching about drunks at headquarters but I just wanted to take a minute to snap you out of the holiday “warm and fuzzies” and bring you back to reality. It’s time to get back to paying attention and making plans. Be together in ’06 and never give them an inch. Make ’06 an “in your face” year at functions all over the city and never miss a chance to question authority.
And lastly, I was told through an email that this site was only visited by a few disgruntled union members and that I shouldn’t post here because it’s a waste of time. I will be happy to stop posting but I would hope that this website becomes the voice of the fire service in St. Petersburg. Those that don’t visit here are missing a large opportunity to put this site to good use.
Fraternally and Happy New Year to all of you,
Dick Tully
TEAM Note: Thank you for the accolades!
You've not taken-up any space that would be considered 'meretricious', so apologies are not necessary. And as to your being told that this website is a waste of time and "only visited by a few disgruntled Union members..." you're one of the few who's figured out what lies behind the dancing monkey on the home page of this website. We've not updated that listing recently, but there are more folks visiting this website in many more cities and states than just a few disgruntled Union employees. Judging from the latest super majority 'no' vote by our membership as it pertained to the city's last contract offer, "a few disgruntled Union members" would be an understatement!
Received via email 12-30-05 To Brother Tully,
Thank you for the very informative post! Those of us here that remember you, are more than grateful for your "eye on the bay". AS for whoever mailed you with the "waste of time," well, I would speculate that person to be of the MUTT bread. In stations all over the city, I have heard members talking about this site. Comments from BOLD, to the point, to I wonder if the drink twins say that one!! While posting is great, the fact that some members that agree with what we read here, are timid due to the fact that they fear retribution, should they be found out. It was not too long ago, city types wanted the names of people that posted their views to LEO AFFAIRS. I can understand that... Who wants a target on the backside?
While all of this has been going on for years.....Rumors are abundant. Usually, I would not mention an unsubstantiated one, but a lil' bird told a few of us that the head mutt, aka DB, found out about the alcoholics here, bus trips, parties, fights, etc, and told the #1 FD guy to cease, or else.. While this would be a good move, I just don't know. Maybe the web master can shed light?
As the new year comes to us, like Past President Tully states, prepare to fight the fight that leads us to victory. Make plans to move at the drop of a hat. Have your contact numbers updated at the Union office. Lets make 2006 the Year of the Union Firefighter.
Keep The Faith and FTM!!!
Received via email 01-04-06 Can anyone prove or dispel the rumor that the new retard, S...n F...n, got fired?
Received via email 01-04-06 Why would we even care about that piece of sh**?
Received via email 01-04-06 As for him being a retard? Well remember what they say, don't hate the player, hate the game... And we all know who is running this bound for hell train, now don't we.... FTM
Received via email 01-04-06 The man that works for Sunstar? Not even a week on the job, and gets a group 2, man I hope so. I cannot believe that our management is attempting to get medics from Sunstar, and pay for there fire school. Bad Mistake! If they think F---n was bad, wait till we get these
Received via email 01-04-06 And all this has been created by our department that beats the hell out of medics; so in turn, no good firemedic wants to work in St. Pete. It's a vicious cycle that will continue to go on until the line in the sand (supression/ems) gets eliminated.
Received via email 01-05-06 AMEN TO THAT!!!!
Received via email 01-10-06 Let the Celebration begin Bud King has resigned. who hoo, about fricken time!
Received via email 01-10-06 Be VERY, VERY weary of what may come next in St. Pete! IF ANYONE who seeks to take the place of JC comes from north of the Mason/Dixon line, we (yes you and us), as in Pinellas County FD's are F....d!! Seventy five percent of CFD's "NEW" Admin. is from Fairfax County VA, ten percent is from Franklin TN, and the rest are Knee-pad wearin', C... suckin' M'Fer's. The writing is on the wall and "WE" all have to hang tough!!!
Editor: WOW!
Received via email 01-11-06 The most recent memo about the Fire Chief's position states that the city will promote from within our Department. While some are claiming "Let the Celebration begin", be careful. We are entering a new era and are sure to see some changes. While some changes may be welcome, others may not be. There are things that Chief Callahan has done that SOME people do not agree with. Not EVERYONE will agree with EVERY decision that is made, regardless of who is making the decisions. We do not all agree with all of the decisions of the chief, our officer, or our union president for that matter....and that is OK!!! I don't agree with everything that everyone does. I encourage everyone to see the good that Chief Callahan has done for US and remember that. Remember...everyone has a boss. Some will respond and call me a MUTT, but I am not. I am just trying to have a objective point of view and I recommend that WE all do the same.
Editor: You won't hear any objections from me. One never knows if the "...out of the frying pan and into the fire" scenario may play out. Hiring from outside provides for a fresh start, but all too-often allows for too many undetermined variables that you'll ultimately have to live with. If higher education in a candidate is considered a 'must' by this mayor, then you can figure that you're pool of candidates is pretty small.
Received via email 01-11-06 Yes Callahan did a few positive things for the department. Although his history of promoting the case of cronyism has more than worn a blister on a whole bunch of members here. It has made us look like saps in the eyes of the county. Imagine where a certain DC would be if JC hadn't promoted him as a non EMS'er to Captain of EMS! (I think he may still have been a LT if he wasn't lifted on high by his saloon partner..) The favor he did for Lil Jerry, bring him on board, and giving him the key to the executive washroom.. If there is anyone from within that's worthy, and there may be ONE - let us hope and pray to whoever you do that they make JW our boss. He may be tough, but I can say he would never bad mouth you drunk at a local pub to a former Union President. So the new dawn is on the horizon. Keep the faith. Let this powerful Union continue it's forward motion, and keep the hold we are gaining at OUR Fire Rescue Department.
KTF, and well fill in your thought here ______!!
Received via email 01-12-06 OK… form a straight line behind the man with the flamethrower. Now as your name is called please walk calmly to the line on the floor and extend your right hand as far out in front of you and directly in front of the nozzle as possible. You may want to pull your clothing back just in case there is a malfunction. Brace yourself and on the count of three the person operating the flamethrower will produce a short blast of fire from the business end of his equipment. This burst of fire will only last for one second but during that time there will be sufficient flame to sear the meat from your bones. The pain and agony you as a member of the SPF&RD will feel will be a testament to your concern for the general public and to show them the possible results of their uneducated or possibly just plain stupid use of flammables.
This demonstration is being conducted to indicate to the people of St. Petersburg just how much dedication that you, as an upstanding member of the SPF&RD, have to providing them with fire protection. It’s also an indication of your intelligence. People with an ordinary amount of intelligence are wondering why the hell you would do such a moronic thing. But in our blind endeavor to be politically correct in the eyes of all it is your responsibility to show your concern for the safety of each and every one of them.
Before today all members of the SPPD have been tasered in an attempt to show their concern and compassion for the people they serve. Almost to the man they were willing to scream in agony for the common good. Now it’s your turn. There will be members of the SPF&RD on hand to attend to your burns and notify your next of kin. Please suck it up and show the people of St. Petersburg that you are on their side and are willing to lead the way in fire safety. Screaming and/or pleading for a quick death will be considered a firing offense. Please try to keep any fluids or runny flesh from piling up and obscuring the line on the floor. And your city thanks you.
Mr. Hanky
How De Hoooooooooooo
Received via email 01-12-06 Can someone translate the last entry. I would like to have some of the drugs
that he or she is on. It makes as much sense as some of the training we do.
Editor: I think it's a solidarity with our Police Brethren thing (current LEO Affairs discussion). They're all having to take a taser round before having one issued to them. I think the writer is sympathetic to some of those officers who think it's stupid to have to be shot with one before being allowed to use one. Kinda like us getting burned before actually being able to fight fire!
Received via email 01-12-06 Mr. Hanky, You smell so nice and flowery!
Received via email 01-13-06 Anything is better than the good ole boy (spoils) system we have now. Sure there will always be resistance to change... get over it! It's life you dumb f---s.
Received via email 01-18-06 Be careful not to get overjoyed about your upcoming Admin change. We in Clearwater wanted one as well but what we got is far worse. Someone from the outside has no ties to the department and couldn't care less about you or your families. We are in a constant fight every day, some big some little. Many lawsuits and charges have been brought against our Chief and City Manager. On the 25th and 26th of this month PERC will be here to hear 2 of the Unfair Labor Practices we filed against our chief. I welcome all of you to join us in Clearwater for the hearing as we take the next step in slapping our Chief's little pee pee in the dirt. Take care and look out for one another. Proud Union Member, Local 1158
Editor: I hear you Bro'! We're all with you guys up in Clearwater and we'll be anxiously watching how your LIAR (who purports to be your Fire Chief) squirms as he's told to tell the truth. Give us a time and a place and I'll throw it up on the index page. You may have a few more red shirts in your audience! We'd love to watch a good fight between the Pedigrees and the MUTTS!
Received via email 01-18-06 We appreciate your support! The ULP hearings will be at Clearwater City Hall on January 25th & 26th starting at 9am. Thanks again for the support and remember we're fighting for all Union Brothers and Sisters, not just for us in Clearwater.
Proud Local 1158 member.
Editor: Understood! None of us does this alone! Everyone should make an effort to come up and support your cause. When we elevate one of us - we elevate all of us against the scabs, the mutts, the ticks,the blood suckers and the FINO's (you know... Firefighters In Name Only).
Received via email 01-19-06 JDL up Mayor's butt holding reelection signs, building a house N of 38AV, and now the next Chief. Who is suprised? If it happens remember his key weakneess, he can't stand for anyone not to like him. So if all our members turn a cold shoulder to him, not disrespect the title, but don't show fake joy he made Chief, he will be truly tormented. The only reason this guy has "friends" is because of those bugles on his collar. If he was still a blue shirt would any of you want to hang with him? Would you want to go into a fire with him? He has used the only skill he has to get to the top... puckering up his lips and attaching them to the ass of the Chief and Mayor. He is the best I have ever seen at that! Lastly, If all else fails, question his health. Is that a new mole I see? You sure are getting grey. You're looking a bit pale. You feeling ok? He will always be at the Doc.
Received via email 01-20-06 There is plenty shit in his mess kit, just waiting to scare the shit out of him, if he should become Chief.
Received via email 01-21-06 "he can't stand for anyone not to like him." - No doubt. When this website first hit the scene, he was in my fire station (different shift) proclaiming that the website was calling him out! That is was personally calling him a MUTT! He wanted everyone to see the website so he drug all of them over to the computer. Hell - half the time I can't remember the site address but he sure knew it.
My guess is, if you're that worried about it, you've probably been looking over your back your whole career.
TEAM Note: We're getting ready to fix the long address problem with a registered domain name. That should make it easier to find when you're away from your home computer!
Received via email 01-21-06 Now there's a guy who was born to be a chief. Never made it to FF though!
Received via email 01-21-06 Word has it (little bird, again), that one of the members of the 'supervisory unit' (okay... he's a captain) has been moaning and groaning that we're filing with PERC before bringing the city's great 3% offer before the membership for a ratification vote. Tell you what, Mr. deep pockets - I think any one of you ought to be able to take your 3% now, but you've got to keep your big yap shut when the rest of your group gets their due. Let's play a little game. You guys get to throw out some initials and I'll respond when I see the correct set.
Vote early - vote often. It's fun!
Editor- Okay, you've twisted my arm...
Received via email 01-21-06 I was pleased to see that on the front page of this website that Dick Tully won an award for straight shooting. Dick is on the old pension plan and gets just half of what we're looking to get - whatever we get. How is it that Dick get's it so right, yet 24% of us just don't 'get it'? He sits in anticipation, another state away and manages to manage his time better than some of us who are getting antsy and want this thing over and done with right now.
Brothers and sister, the only way to leadership is to lead - and to do that we need to be stewards of our own destiny. If this city's crooked politicians need to be led, then we need to lead and we need to do that by example. What we accomplish in our UNION - EVERYDAY, we've never done before and you might well imagine that the goof-ball's from the city are trying to figure out just how serious we are.
Everyone... give 'us' a break and let this thing work. The only one's who will ever give us a break, are US!
Received via email 01-23-06 "DA"
Received via email 01-24-06 People will always talk about you, especially when they envy you and the life you live. Let them... you affected their lives.. You know all this activity must be tearing the guts out of the chosen few. The bar tabs are maxed out by now..4 days and counting...You know their egos are bouncing right out of their miserable pathetic little lives. The career they have is in danger. They don't know what will hapen next! Who the hell will buy the beer now? Bail them out? Lie to their wifes? lolol, Come on, your enjoying this aren't ya....FTM
Received via email 01-24-06 Just an update, the ULP hearings in Clearwater have been postponed after a request by the City. This is the 2nd extension the morons running this city have been granted. Thanks to those of you who were planning to come and I'll send updates as I get them. Keep up the fight and good luck.
Proud Local 1158 member
TEAM: Makes their case look a little shaky, eh?
Received via email 01-24-06 I'll second that "DA" comment! That story has legs of it's own. Hey BROTHER - if you're going to go out on a binge and start negotiations on your own by working around our union president by whining to the mutts - do so at your own risk. Don't go looking to ask for less than the rank and file and and screw us up like the cops have been screwed by their supervisors union. Some of you guys can pull more vacuum than carrot top! Selfish p****!
Editor: Me - you - dark alley - no way! Mr. President, I think we have a new Sgt. At-Arms.
Received via email 01-27-06 "...but I can say he would never bad mouth you drunk at a local pub to a former Union President."
You might be right there. I talked with the "former Union President" and that of course was none other than the great one... M*** W******. As he relayed the story to me -- our boy was half in the bag when he started off the conversation with... "Hi M***. We need a good guy like you in the President's office again. This Union's going to hell in a handbasket and you're just the guy for the job!" To which M*** W****** replied, "You know what? If it's true that this Union's going to hell in a handbasket, it's not because of of it's current Union President. It's because of you!"
A very telling story...
Received via email 01-27-06 DA is one of the new breed of MUTT! He started out on that path early and he's never deviated from it! Brothers and sisters - there are a few on this job that you should be very wary of holding a conversation in front of. FINO for sure!
Received via email 01-29-06 Well, we made it through Friday. He is GONE! Did you see the lack of members emptying their pockets to get him a going away gift? The DC's couldn't even go to stations fearing what they might hear from the line. Their was was a non descript memo, saying call your DC if you wanna donate..Yeah right, just like ole JC did for us to the Mayor's office. That oh so brave birdie told us BigJ didn't want a going away gathering either, hummm I wonder why. So now we sit and wait. The 3 finalist, Large, Wimberly, and Jolley. Well one out of three isn't bad. JW remembers where he came from, JL hasn't had an airpack on in 15+years I bet. Did any of you see Jolley or Large at the maze drill, the highrise, any MCA? JL is a politico, he'd made a deputy mayor, hell he can't be as bad as Chief GO-DAVIS..The words said if he, JL doesn't F--- up the interview the job is his. Hey Mr Baker, you reading this?>?> Large is educated, but NOT a firefighting Chief. He would do better being your butler than leading the rank and file. Jim W is a down to earth leader that recalls where he was in the beginning. He will be fair, there will never be a Good Ole Boys Club again, if you chose him.. Do yourself, and the citizens of St Pete a favor, and promote JW. He is the obvious choice. Remember, the moral will not get better with the 4% with a Large attached to it...
Edtor: "JL is a politico, he'd made a deputy mayor..." Huh? Help me with this. Corrections???
Received via email 01-29-06 I don't understand this one, so I'm asking for help from the wiser ones. Effective 5pm yesterday, Friday Jan. 27th 2006, we have no chief. There was also no one appointed as Interim Chief for the open period until the BIG announcement. Now we all know that it is down to the final 3 J.O.W., J.D.L., and W.E.J., so why can't there be a fill in? Why no Chief?
Received via email 01-30-06 Mr. Editor, JL is so managerial.....his name has been thrown around as a next possible deputy mayor..An insider/friend mentioned these facts..
Received via email 01-30-06 Response to why no chief... We've gone this long without one, so what's the diff?
Received via email 01-30-06 Way to go. With our approval JW will never get the job.
Received via email 01-30-06 To 1/29: What does it it matter who an interim is? Somebody would just bitch and complain about the interim. Let the 3 interview and we should be done with it by the end of this week.
Received via email 01-30-06 What does it matter? How about if we did business this way with the rest of the department....When a Lt is off, there is no A/LT, when a Capt is off, there is no A/Capt. That would be as crazy as not having an interim Chief. This is the way that we do business and have always done business.
Received via email 02-02-06 I keep having these feelings of impeding doom..We have a really BAD chance to have a BAD, nasty Chief from within. While JL is all about himself, and looking good, the other, Jolley-Gee, well to put it bluntly does not give a shit about the rank and file. Think about it. Look back. Who went around HQ a few years ago, touting how he was gonna fix,"us" by taking away our earned ability to use our sick leave? This man, has all but told people that Union was subverting the fiber of our membership. I understand from veteran members that this fellow used to be the most unhappy blue shirt-medic, Lt, Capt, DC, etc. How often has anyone seen him smile, except of course when he signs an employee action form, hammering a blue shirt that dares grieve the suits? How many of you that attended the negotiations over the year saw him almost fall asleep, and when it was over, he only spoke to the chosen few?! God help our Organization. The best we can hope is that Baker see's beyond the Kiss-ups, yes men.
Mayor, Chief Wimberly is the only hope for a happy, good moral prosperous Department....Just read above..
*Have you called the Mayor's Action Line yet about it? I have..FTP-FTM!
Received via email 02-02-06 Here is a common sense answer for your solution Bin Baker promote Chief Wimberly.
TEAM: I don't recall seeing JW standing with the Mayor in front of the TV cameras today at the Bed Bath and Beyond roof collapse. I DID see JL there though... Does this help?
Received via email 02-04-06 Can anyone explain to me what the hell Baker was doing at the BB&B collapse, besides getting in the way. If your reading Mr. Mayor, stay behind the yellow tape, like the rest of the non-fire/police officials. I don't remember you at any of our training classes. Your presence does nothing for us or the citizens.
Received via email 02-05-06 Or if you are going to show up why don't you bring a fair contract offer with you!!!
Received via email 02-05-06 Really JL should stay behind the yellow line also. When was the last time you saw JL at a training class or at any of the stations to say hi and find out how everyone is doing!!!! I don't even think he even knows what a fire is, unless he can see it in the mirror that he is always looking in. I wonder if he can see his hair is thinning and all his wrinkles and age spots, or is he in denial that he is in the down slope of the century mark.
Received via email 02-07-06 Now the department will be going to shit with the promotion of JL to headcheese. That stinks like real headcheese. He will probably take away shorts and tee shirts. Anybody have some old picks of him that can be leaked to the media?
Received via email 02-07-06 I agree. Baker stay the hell out of public safety. You have no knowledge period. The only training you have is a degree in real estate, 'hint' downtown St. Pete. What an a--hole.
Received via email 02-08-06 The secret (we all knew) is out. If you stay so close to the king, carry his signs, you'll become crown prince..So much for the will, and desires of the membership. He ALWAYS knew he was gonna lift up JL. Why did he pretend to have a true process? The rather HUGE RED Flag is flying, and the Comrades are in charge. Lets see what JL does. Will he slam us into submission, and strip us of our wills to be individuals? Whats next, marine type hair cuts? Look out female employees you may all soon sport G-I Jane cuts too. Don't bother exchanging your shorts, they may soon be on the chopping block too. I will, as a rule abiding member, give him a chance, (what other option do we have?) BUT rest assurred that we as a strong group proved it during the battle for a contract, can and should show - or not show our agreement to his administration. Don't throw out the red tee-shirts. SO Chief L., keep our opportunities as members of this fine organization open, to have the chance to have a voice, and not turn the clock back 20 years...FTP...
Received via email 02-08-06 Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought if you were at a working emergency scene you were supposed to be wearing ALL of your bunker gear.
Ricky: "Hi Jimbo". "How's it going?"
JL: "Fine your highness".
Ricky: "Take off your helmet when I talk to you Jimbo." "When you're in my presence show some respect."
JL: "But your highness I have to set an example for the other men." "I can't discipline them for infractions when I break the rules myself."
Ricky: "Once you're in my "Circle of Circumcised Cerebellums" you won't be required to obey the rules my son."
JL: “Yes, your highness.” “May I say that I can’t wait for that day.”
Ricky: “Buck up Jimbo.” “You’re soon to be inducted into a very elite group.” “Meet me later and we’ll talk about your rise to sainthood.” “By the way, is that a mole on your neck?” “Ah, not to worry, it’s just a … Oh, my god.” “Have you had that checked?”
Received via email 02-10-06 A memo(read at roll call) written from the Mayor to the Council Chair "Foster"
mentioned that the Mayor recommended Chief Wimberly to be an Assistant Chief. As we all know there are two assistant chiefs, Ops and the Fire Marshal(Prev.) It is possible he (Chief Wimberly) could be either one of them if Chief Large follows the recommendation of the Mayor, mmmmm wonder if the new chief will do what the mayor wants? I haven't heard of anyone being pissed off, maybe the person who supposedly sent out the memo to all (who receive e mail) that shouldn't have been sent, or maybe the other current assistant chief is pissed off because he has been, to say the least, not in a Jolley kind of mood since the memo. But what do I know, I am just a peon like the rest of you. KTF, FTM
Received via email 02-10-06 Everyone quit yer pissin'. You could be working for GM! I read that somewhere you know. Let's go fishing!
Received via email 02-11-06 Quit yer pissin'? What the heck... Pretty obvious that the writter has little to no spine. This person would rather you didn't voice your concerns, just accept the hand we've been dealt..Well WAKE UP CALL!!! If we had not been "pissin" we would all be here lovin that 3% hand job they offered. If you chose to sit back, take it in the whatever then go fishin' well, hell go for it! The backbones need to stay intact. Anyone that feels the need to piss it off, let them have their say. You closed your statement with familiar FTM KTF, etc, well I suggest you do just that! If the MUTTS/SUITS ever think we have become complacent, just wait until the next round of negotiations begin! We'll be right back were we started...with nothin to gain for another 1-2 years! Oh yeah just an observation comparing us GM, ugg you could have done better that that! VIVA 747! FTM - FTP
TEAM Note: We are of the opinion that you've been punked! We believe the email that you're referring to, was jokingly decrying the sentiment of a recent article in the Fire Connection, entitled, "A Little Fishing Story" by JW. Quote from the article: "For example, unlike thousands of General Motors employees, we still have a job."
Apply all of your critisizms towards the author of "A Little Fishing Story" and you'll no-doubt have directed your angst in the proper direction!
Received via email 02-12-06 My apoligies to the writer of 2/10. I missed the last fire connection, there was no Toliet paper in the stall! Thanks for the heads up editor!
Editor: Your response was the same as many. But you had to read it! Many fell asleep before finishing and that was a shame. Here it is in it's entirety -- "A Little Fishing Story"
Received via email 02-12-06 Very well said editor!! I guess it is easy to lose sight of the big picture.
Received via email 02-12-06 How about councilwoman Flowers giving congradulations to Chief Wimberly on his promotion? I heard that this happened at Chief Large's promotion ceremony in front of the whole viewing audience. I guess she got the memo also. HA HA HA
Received via email 02-12-06 Anyone hear a story about the direct line of questioning given to those interviewed? One question specifically asked about eliminating two DC positions. Hum, I wonder if that's going to happen or maybe do less at the blue shirt level? Hang on folks. This mayor is unfamiliar with OUR business and hasn't shown he cares. He just wants to save a buck for other pet projects. I'm sure the Union Admin. could enlighten him.
Received via email 02-12-06 Hang on... I would say so. JW was recently at the Master station asking what we could do to attract more medics. He got an answer, but it wasn't the one he wanted to hear. "Offer them more pay!" His response, "I don't think that's the problem." IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR THE ANSWER, THEN DON'T ASK THE FRIGGIN' QUESTION!!! He quickly moved on to bigger and better after he found that the entire 3rd floor disagreed with his assessment. "Let's talk about safety in numbers." Huh? Yup... the golden egg - ALS Engines! He was shot down there, too. How can a city save money when they're carting their medics around in Engines that require more fuel and suffer from more expensive maintenance? Simple. Attrition, attrition, attrition.
Now - Engine- 3 personnel, Rescue- 2 personnel
Later - Engine- 3 personnel, Rescue- shitcanned
Loss - 1 Medic and 1 Firefighter EMT
You medics that are reading this need to nix this bullshit notion right now. Next time you're sitting at the side of the pool and you've just dragged a little one out and you're emotionally caught up in the moment - don't go looking to your EMT partner or your Lt. for that magic drug dosage calculation when the parents are coming unglued. Wait till one of the MUTT sunstar medics shows up and confirm your thoughts with him. Then wait to be QAR'ed!
Politicians can break a ball bearing in a life raft, adrift at sea. We've now got a 'politician Chief' who's beholding to the 'chief Politician'.
TEAM Note: Wowzer! On a Sunday night, no less!
Received via email 02-13-06 Don't worry about the "magic drug dose" if you're like most engines you'll probably be at a pub ed and they'll have to send a cover company. BTW, when your riding medic/emt on a box,which seems to be most of the time, do you still wait for the sunsatar medic to resolve your dosage issues?
Received via email 02-13-06 Well, actually it does happen from time to time. I've seen it. Much of the time you can expect a pair of Medics on a Rescue. Put ALS Engines in service and you'll narrow the field down to just one medic (that's the case now at 2, 12 & 13) and you'll have a system that's as good as what's currently in operation in the private sector - running 24/7 on the public's dime!
Wake-up Mr. and Mrs. America! The economy is thriving - tax dollars are rolling in and we've got a Mayor who's trying to make it to Tallahassee off of the Firefighters backs...
Received via email 02-14-06 SO QUITE THE LITTLE SHAKE UP DOWN TOWN AT H.Q.
Received via email 02-26-06 Well, Chief Large has put out the "Official" memo regarding the Retro checks. Without having one in front of me to direct quote I will do my best from memory. It starts out with [don't call anyone because we don't know. Don't ask for your hours worked, because we don't know, Don't ask when it will be ready, because we don't know.] I guess it's not a surprise, since no one in our city knew anything about the Oracle system in the first place. I'm sure when the system was being sold to the city the answer of we don't know must have been an acceptable answer to all questions asked by those that were going to be using it.
Editor: As a devout Rosie O'Donnel follower, I know that guns kill people and that computer programs kill paychecks. I have no complaints. I know that computers run the world and EVERYONE knows that you can't complain to a computer!
Received via email 03-15-06 ***This just in. Dept memo #06-07, directly from Chief Large. After discussion with President Newton - 2" IAFF union stickers will be allowed on your Fire Helmets. Strict rules will be adhered to by all as to where they will be placed and only two colors will be allowed, Red on Firefighters and Gold on Officers helmets. Buy your stickers from the union office to make sure you are in compliance. Lets all make sure that we don't screw up and lose this generous show of unity. Way to go Chief Large.
Received via email 03-17-06 Surely not a Callahan throw back such as DC M**** is going to place the decals on our helmets. Oh hell no!!
Received via email 03-20-06 Can I get an AMEN?? WOoHoo the word is out! Chief 'L' did the right thing for the firefighters! He has promoted the correct one to Captain. CONGRADS to Lt Bassett - now Captain. PLUS word has it Capt 'OD' is moving onto the EMS Slot! There is a GOD! YES, both of the TWINS are probably somewhere on Central Avenue drowning their sorrows! Sorry fellas but what goes around.... Get it? I hear there is a HUGE plan for a victorious Pass Over Party!
Shalom! hehehehe
Received via email 03-22-06 I haven't heard anything about the other promotion. Good or bad. What are the thoughts about Joel junior getting promoted?
Received via email 03-22-06 Congrads Capt. B. Bassett, **** off and die - twins!!
Received via email 03-22-06 To 3/22 post. The other promotion is important, but look who we promoted in the past,i.e. (the bud twins), anyone is better then those losers.
Received via email 04-12-06 Hey Brothers and sisters, I have created another site for St Petersburg Fire Fighters, not to take away from this site, but in addition to this one. If you dont mind, please check it out. Here is the link http://stpetersburgfd.proboards105.com/index.cgi
Received via email 04-17-06 Hey 4/12 you want our emails, names, and a promise not to speak of the nasty acts, and crimes of those certain people? Heck, you must be a mutt.. "Hey Chief, I have a bunch of names for you, look what _____ said about you!!!!!!!" You might think of letting guests in to read the post only, and then make a choice if you're legit or not... Just a thought..FTM! I'll stick with UsvsThem... Its free, and SAFE! Thanks Editor, oh God of the web!
Received via email 04-18-06 "4-17" I too, question the need for it. It's like having 10 Cannon camera forums! I see the effort and applaud the fact that someone would want to start up a message board that doesn't promote an ongoing pissing match, but only if it fills a void!
If I want to know what's in the pockets of your bunker gear via a message board, I can go to Firehouse.com and find out there!
The mere fact that someone thinks that they need to start another site for us all may not indicate that there's a problem with 'this' website, but rather a need by another source to control or dictate terms (my paranoia???). Other than the removal of certain 'harsh' words from postings on this site, I've seen no evidence of anyone dictating terms to me and I'm free to post what I want. The owner of the UsVsThem website certainly seems to hold some bias as was evidenced by their promotion of the purchase of additional property next to our union hall, but I'm a big boy and it was out there for all to read. One poster on this site even spoke out against that obvious bias but wasn't thwarted in his efforts to speak 'his' mind.
I'm of the belief that what appears on this site is what's most prevalent in the minds of the Brothers and Sisters at the moment they're posting it. I can't recall reading ANYWHERE on this site that there are rules of decorum, yet it would appear that 99% of the posting appear to get printed! Looks like we're a bit more trustworthy than some would have you think.
I'm good with what one of "US" has already provided - an unencumbered voice.
TEAM: It's just that... a TEAM effort, and no one reads what you 'don't' post.
Thanks for noticing that we don't get into your business. We have demonstrated by allowing others to view the emails that are sent to us (as they arrive), that they are sent in the 'blind'. We have no way of knowing who you are, but as Human nature would have it, we do follow certain writing styles or traits and can readily match them up with a particular author, that again, "we can't identify!"
As always, KTF
Received via email 04-18-06 You don't have to use your real name or email address. Be creative and get a disposable yahoo email account. I signed up to the other site and nobody knows who I am. Granted, it takes a little more thought than just viewing and spewing, but with a few more minutes of your time you will be as anonymous as the next guy. Plus, it's better to have more than just one outlet for your information, which I'm sure the editor of this site will agree.
Editor: Yeah... it makes no difference to me. If you want to see what you're posting immediately, then you'll have to try the other form factor, as this site requires that all emails be manually posted. Email addresses are a dime a dozen. You can get as many as you want without filling in a single line of information that has any relevance to your real identity.
Received via email 04-19-06 I never meant for my site to cause problems, each person has the right to their opinion. I am not a mutt, chief officer, or even a line officer, just a firefighter who enjoys time on the Internet. AS stated, I love this site,but wanted to offer a different forum to the members. I will be honest with you, I found a Rant on FDNY, it a great site, great conversations, and I thought to myself, we could use something as such, that's all. I know we are not them, but it is a great site and thought it would be worth a try. A few have joined, few posted, but hey, its your choice. As for offering guests to view, that's not an option. I as well have no idea who you are, your emails are hidden if you choose to have it hidden, as is your name etc etc. This job is all about comradery, brotherhood and team work, that's all I was trying to have with my site. If you're not interested, so be it. If you are, we welcome you. http://stpetersburgfd.proboards105.com/index.cgi
Editor: Don't take it to heart, Bro'. Just know that if you're going to be in the business of throwing text onto a page, you'll surely not please everyone.
Received via email 04-24-06 This just in......Tonight the Charter Review Commission held what was supposed to be the possible "DEATH BLOW" towards the 5 district County wide fire service consolidation. Well, KUDOS go out to our own Councilman Bryant, he gets the "BIG BRASS BALLS" Award for making a motion to put an end to this ridiculous waste of time. Motion carried by a 5-4 vote. Boy they say our pals from the County are not exactly happy. Someone even pointed out how over $175,000 has already been spent and it would be a waste of taxpayer dollars to just give up now. Well, I guess tough she-it is the answer he needs to hear loud and clear from all of us. So, once again we need to give Councilman Bryant a big thumbs up the next time we see him and let him know we appreciate his efforts.
Received via email 05-01-06 Its a shame we have to win a prize in order to update living conditions in any firehouse, but...drop by www.maxwellhouse.com and vote in the "Spruce up your Firehouse" contest. Look for #8 under the "Tampa" link and see if we can help them win the contest.
Received via email 05-02-06 Yeah, you would think the city would care enough to give us decent living conditions. I bet that cheap low bid furniture we all have will never be found in the City Hall Administrators offices. To bad the public sees us as heros, but our own city administrators sees us as chumps. Go figure !
Received via email 05-02-06 Does anyone have any logical reasons as to why consolidating this county's fire departments is a BAD thing? I can see if you are one of the 20+ fire chiefs that will get the ax, but how is enlarging a bargaining unit a bad deal? I thought that joining small groups of workers together for a common cause was what unionization was all about.
Editor: I'll not comment on the consolidation issue so that other may thrown their two cents in. But I'll bet you twenty bucks that you're not the only one questioning our current "strength in numbers issue." You may be on to something. I'm sure someone will comment on that very fact in the near future. Hopefully in this forum!
Received via email 05-04-06 Yeah, lets see, twenty some departments X about 3 - 6 Division Chiefs for each dept. = about 60 to 100 or so Division Chiefs. County Department = about 70 stations - so lets say 1 chief, 1 ops, 1 training, 1 prev, 1 ems, 1 emergency management and about 3 assistants for each - south, central, and north county, would equal about a total of 24 Division Chiefs. Minus the current 60 to 100 that are at a salary of about 70,000 to 140,00. Lets take 90 as an average. Now use that money to improve the total county firefighters as one union receiving the best benefits. The county would save a ton of money and our benefits could all improve and on top of it all, and we would finally have a balance of (not having to many chiefs). Yeah, 5/5/06 I think you are on to something !!!
Received via email 05-04-06 It's not the greatest example of consolidation, but when St. Pete absorbed Gandy the world continued to spin. Granted, they did not have the benefit considerations most fire departments in Pinellas enjoy, but these details can always be worked out. If you read the study you will see that pensions and other benefits are supposed to be respected during the merger. At this point, if they were to put it to a vote, I would happily support the concept. I suspect it would have to happen in stages and in more than one district. If it started with St. Pete taking on the five or six small departments surrounding it, I suspect life as we know it would continue somehow. If you work for a fire department that consists of only one fire station, it's hard to imagine that you would not be better off on a department with three or four hundred more employees. If I am wrong, I will have no problem admitting it. I just have not heard any really good arguments to the contrary (at least not from guys in blue shirts). I can see where being the chief of Gulfport or some other one houser might be a bad position to be in during consolidation, but I doubt anyone will be out a job. As a taxpayer I just don't see the upside of paying for two dozen fire chiefs.
Received via email 05-04-06 So is losing jobs a pro union stance? I read a preliminary report and stations would close. Would we loose people or absorb them somewhere else?
Received via email 05-04-06 Only one big misunderstanding here. There would not be a St. Petersburg Fire Dept. to absorp anyone. WE would all be absorped into the Pinellas County Fire Dept. (Division 1??) No-one would be safe. The County thinks it could get by with as many as 20 fewer stations. So would they go by senority? I don't have that answer. Even a small dept has 9 (3x3) personnel per station. 9x20=180 people out on their asses, THAT is the worry of labor. Also not all Depts have District Chiefs so there would not be 100 of them, most just have a Lt with the title of Shift commander.
Received via email 05-05-06 The county consolidation will never happen unless we as union membes want it to, and for now we can't trust the county. If we wanted it to be a county department, it will be our choice not the chiefs. The chiefs may get it to a referrendum which they don't want anyway now, but the members could stop the vote by influencing the citizens, posting signs and etc. The chiefs at this time do not want this, because it will eliminate their job. If union members wanted it and we all got together from each local within the county, we could get the consolidation voted in (by posting signs, talking to public, etc.) The problem is we can't trust the county. Would they first take care of the citizens by not closing stations - but only eliminating unecessary chiefs positions, and second would they care enough for the firefighters to deal with one massive local that looks out for the concerns and care of the citizens and us the firefighters? For now, I would say no. But believe me, our locals united are much stronger than any group of Chiefs.
Go winnie, when you're ready, we'll vote you in as county union president, just like we did here. KTF, FTM
Received via email 05-05-06 The biggest reason I have heard against consolidation is this: Pinellas County firmly states that they WILL NOT negotiate with ANY bargaining unit. Fact or fiction?
Received via email 05-05-06 The biggest reason to be against consolidation by the county, is because NO-ONE in this County Administration knows what Fire Fighters and Paramedics do..... All they see is a business that appears to be costing a lot of money. Like most business, they are looking for ways to down size and in this case get more votes from their bosses so they can KEEP their very lucrative high paying positions. They would be extremly happy with a top level of Fire management of 5-10, and then nothing higher with Lts. and maybe a few Capt's. thrown into the mix as Shift commanders. That in itself would realize mucho dinero in savings. But would it be the wisest choice. With pay you get knowledge, their is always someone willing to pay more than you for that knowledge. Big business doesn't always train their own, it's easier to STEAL them from someone else.
Editor: And think about all of the present-day county goons running around with gold badges that would now be your bosses. I had a conversation with one of them during a Hi-Rise drill a couple of years back. He was "observing." Why? Because he's not a Paid Professional Fire Fighter and he's not in the high risk pension group! "I'm not getting paid to injure myself!"
They 'watch'. They don't 'do'.
If you work for SPF&R, you've earned your badge. You didn't get it in a Cracker Jack box.
And for you Medics, there's several of the same gold badge wearing ilk running around the county with a red 'QAR' pen in their hands. How'd ya like to have Craig Haire as your REAL boss. His claim to fame? He worked for Florida/Atlas/C&R/ASS Ambulance companies!
Think any one of these civilian dinks took an oath of office?
If you're not 'sworn' your not 'born'!
Yeah... as a tax payer, you might save 10 bux a year but as a county employee working for a county that's shown nothing but contempt and hostility towards the largest FD in the county, would you really like working there?
Received via email 05-07-06 AMEN EDITOR!!!!!!!!!!!! NUF SAID !!!!!!!!!!!!
Received via email 05-07-06 How many departments in Dade county stayed out of the county consolidation down there years ago? I believe it was at least 3 or 4 including Miami. They all seemed to survive. It's been done before. I don't think St. Petersburg needs to be much bigger, but grouping together all of these one house fire clubs is still a good idea. With closest unit dispatch, thats what we are doing now anyway, but with tax wasting redundance. When Lealman has really large fires, who puts them out? Lealman helps, but its the bigger surrounding cities that show up and git er' done. Same with pretty much all the beach departments. It does not make sense to have 5 firehouses along Gulf Blvd that all have their own chief, their own administration, and their own contracts. It's hard for those guys to get ahead when they have a bargaining group that you can count on one hand. The bigger the union, the better. I say bring it on, and vote it in.
TEAM: Again, saving 10 bux a year in taxes would be a wonderful windfall. We'll take everyone to dinner. Also... we tried the bigger bargaining unit, didn't we? Treasure Island and Madeira Beach headed south for the good life. I think they've yet to find Nirvana, though. But keep that thought process brewing. We might yet see a revivification of the bigger stick theory!
Received via email 05-07-06 In reply to the editors note of 5-05-06...Exactly....As soon as we all realize there wont be an "us" (SPFR) anymore, the sooner we will all realize it ain't gonna be all that good.
Received via email 05-08-06 It aint going to happen! St. Pete will never be county so don't ever worry about it. Our budget is over 35 million of what only 8 million is county EMS money. We dont need 'em and we dont wont 'em. St. Pete will always be St. Pete.
Received via email 05-08-06 I doubt St. Pete would end up becoming a part of county consolidation. I suspect Clearwater and Largo could stay out of it, too. Dade county had four cities stay out of their consolidation. But in the spirit of brotherhood and unionization, I still think it would be in the best interest of the many little one station fire clubs to band together. Using Treasure Island and Mad Beach as examples is not fair. They did not leave our fire department, they left our bargaining group. If they had become a part of our department, as did Gandy, they would be much better off. I doubt they would be looking to go back to their one station and 401K.
Go to Dade county and find someone who was in a one house fire club before they went county, and ask if he or she is better off. In public service, bigger is better. St. Pete would probably stay out of the consolidation, our city and the county have always bumped heads. But would the smaller departments in this county benefit? Absolutely they would. If we look past ourselves and consider our brothers and sisters working for less money, less training, and less everything else, I think the choice is obvious. Unless you are one of the two dozen or so unnecessary fire chiefs in this county, I don't see the problem. Go read the report, it's really not that objectionable.
TEAM Note: One major sticking point to joining-up with the county, is their choice of retirement systems. Pinellas County particpates in the Florida Retirement System. If you're currently a member of the FRS, you can leave that FRS participating employer and start with another employer who also participates in the FRS and all is well. If you're in a local law plan like we are, you can't xfer monies to FRS our of your present retirement system. You can buy back at 3% per year, only to realize a net of 2%. That's not a net 'gain', but rather a loss on your investment. The option to start over is always available to you.
Received via email 05-08-06 Fire club....lol
Received via email 05-08-06 Maybe the county taking over is just what SPF&R needs! Can you imagine all the dead baggage we could get rid of? No more white shirts outnumbering blues at fire scenes,no more overweight HQ assignments making bigger $$'s and not accountable for line firefighting duties! If your a member you should be able to pull a line..Let's go Pinellas County Fire Rescue! FTM!
Received via email 05-10-06 Editor, again I suggest that you read the report. It clearly addresses how current pension systems would have to be respected during a merger. When SPFD changed pensions in 1970, the old pension remained intact, as it still does. Also, I don't really see it as joining the county as much as I see it as joining each other. I have always felt like a fire department employee more than a city employee. I hardly even know anyone that works for the city outside of our FD except for some cop buddies. How about you, editor? Any friends at city hall? I hardly ever even think about them unless we are negotiating.
Major Domo: I don't have any friends. It's 'so' lonely at the top!
Received via email 05-10-06 Congrata to Lt. Jackson. You were a true pioneer in the Dept. Too bad you are leaving because now you will be replaced with idiots who are the pawns of the DC's. That is the only way they can lead, is through other people because they cannot do it themselves. So blue shirts watch out. Even if you are right to the white shirts you are wrong. Can you imagine our HQ founding our country?
Received via email 05-10-06 To the second post on 5/10...TAKE YOUR MEDICINE! Go ahead and call me a mutt, fino or whatever else you wish, but good lord man, get a grip. If you have it so bad with the officers at your station-put in a memo. Not all people promoted are that bad. Some of us even like our officers. As to your response on Lt. Jackson, you are correct. Congratulations and Good Luck.
Don't forget...............Take the medicine, your levels are off again.
Received via email 05-10-06 Congrats to Lt Jackson. You were the most inspirational LT I ever had. You never threw anyone under the bus like most white shirts do, and you always did what was best for the crew, and not for yourself, again like most whiteshirts. Goodluck and I know Chief L at PPFD will treat you better then you were ever treated here. You'll be missed by all who worked with you.
Received via email 05-11-06 Lt. Jackson.. The closest example to what a "real" Lt. is. This man went out of the way to protect us "blueshirts". When you were mistreated, or not a member of the click, you made it right. He has the honor of being one of the few Officers to EVER clean up the Master Station when he was there. He remade the way you had seat time, acted and moved. Then he saw his out, since his co officers didn't have the guts to back his ideas.. Too bad we never promoted him, he could have done us all well, ever you MUTTS.. Good Luck Mike!
Received via email 05-11-06 Congrats to the good Rev. Micheal Jackson.
Received via email 05-12-06 And yet another member of our Fine (we have no retention problems here) Department has chosen to leave us. J. Oliver has deceided to take his 8 years of experiance elsewhere. He and the family will be going to Va. Its pretty bad when someone is willing to give it all up, when he is not even 100% certain he will have a job. Hey City, are you reading these posts? We are losing souls under your watch. When will the bleeding stop? All we hear is "no contract talks," and now budget cuts again. Is someone in this city forgetting to collect taxes on all this new construction? Everywhere you look you see new developement. Downtown, west end, north end, south end. Cranes are in the air, property values are up. Houses that have been protected for many years under the Save our homes tax, are being sold and put back on the tax rolls at the new much higher values, (old tax value $48K - new tax value $225K). This is happening all over. So how do we justify the "we gots no money" cry? Fix it or lose more experianced people. Is it worth it?